- Preoperative clear fluid fasting for children undergoing general anaesthesia
- Impaired glucose tolerance and impared fasting glucose in patients with essential hypertension
- The impact of diurnal fasting during Ramadan on patients with chronic heart failure
- Does Ramadan fasting has any effects on hemoglobin, glucose and renal function in patients with chronic heart failure?
- Assessment of fasting and Varying Meal Fat Content on the Bioavailability of Oral Testosterone Undecanoate (LPCN 1021) in Hypogonadal Men
- Does fasting in Ramadan affect right ventricular diastolic function in hypertensive patients? A Moroccan prospective observational study
- The Association between Habitual Midday Napping and Impaired fasting Glucose in Adolescents
- 10 Benefits To Supercharge Your Health With Intermittent Fasting
- 10 fasting and Health Care
- 10 Therapy for obesity—today and tomorrow
- 1000 calorie energy restriction through diet or exercise?—Effects on metabolic profiles of obesity
- 1096-P: Determining the Optimal fasting Glucose Target for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Results of the FPG Goal Trial
- 11. The Impact of Dietary Fatty Acids on fasting vs. Postprandial Glucose Homeostasis (87-OR)
- 12 Changes in approach to the measurement of body composition
- 13. Aging affected plasma prolactin and corticosterone levels as well as the immune response of submaxillary lymph nodes: Effects of calorie restriction
- 137. Acute calorie restriction as a modulator of anxiety-like behavior
- 13C-labelled palmitate and metabolomics/lipidomics analyses reveal the fate of free fatty acids in fasting mice
- 14 calorie Restriction
- 14 calorie Restriction, Mitochondria, and Longevity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- 1404-P: fasting Hyperglycemia during Pregnancy: Outcomes According to Delay of Care—An Observational Study Including 471 Women
- 1409-P: Using fasting Venous Plasma Glucose (FVPG) to Stratify Risk in Women with Gestational Diabetes (GDM)
- 141. Autophagy induction contributes to the neuroprotective effect of intermittent fasting in experimental spinal cord injury
- 1423-P: Diagnostic Performance of fasting Glucose, Insulin, and HOMA-IR in the First and Second Trimesters in Predicting Gestational Diabetes
- 1431-P: Intuitive Eating in Pregnancy Is Associated with BMI, fasting Glucose, and A1c at One-Year Postpartum in Women with GDM: A Cohort Study
- 143-LB: calorie restriction in Combination with GABA Ameliorates Type 2 Diabetes
- 15 Christian and Muslim climate activists fasting and praying for the planet
- 1510-P: A1C-Modified Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Prediction Equation for Diabetes Can Be Replaced in Africans by fasting Glucose
- 1603-P: fasting Metabolomic Profiles Are Altered by Three Days of Standardized Diet and Restricted Physical Activity
- 1639-P: Effect of Educational Status on fasting Glucose and HbA1c Concentrations Independent of Income and Population Differences in Indian Populations
- 168. calorie restriction abrogates the influence of glucoregulatory dysfunction on brain volume in aged rhesus monkeys
- 171 Do you need to check systematically the INR during the RAMADAN’s fasting period?
- 173-OR: Effects of Mild Acute Hypertriglyceridemia on fasting and Post-Load Glucose Homeostasis
- 177 cardiovascular risk factors, classified in 10 categories, to be considered in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases: an update of the original 1982 article …
- 1819-P: Growth Hormone Receptor (GHR) in AgRP Neurons Modulates Energy Balance and Metabolic Adaptation to fasting via Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1)
- 1839-P: GLP-1 Receptor Antagonism Using Exendin-9, 39 in the fasting State Modulates a-Cell Function in Humans with Type 2 Diabetes
- 1841-P: fasting Test Distinguished Organic from Functional Hypoglycemia
- 188TiP Metformin+/-cyclic fasting mimicking diet in combination with platinum-pemetrexed chemotherapy for advanced LKB1 inactive lung adenocarcinoma: The …
- 19. Inter-individual variability of calorie restriction responses in humans
- 1918-P: Carbohydrate and Fat Oxidation fasting and in Response to a Hyperinsulinemic Clamp is Similar in Obese Youth Regardless of PCOS Status
- 1942-P: Intermittent fasting in Mice Improves Exercise Endurance through Enhancement of Mitochondrial Activating Genes in the Muscle
- 2 Routine testing and prophylaxis
- 2 The growth of children with chronic paediatric disease
- 2 years of calorie restriction and cardiometabolic risk (CALERIE): exploratory outcomes of a multicentre, phase 2, randomised controlled trial
- 20. Ramadan: The Impact Of fasting On Hydration Status Towards Elite Football Players On Consecutive Training Session
- 20/(fasting C-peptide× fasting plasma glucose) is a simple and effective index of insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a preliminary …
- 208 Implementation of Continuous Enteral Feeding and Shortened fasting Periods in the Perioperative Burn Patient
- 221 Effect of fasting on Metabolism in Transgenic Mice with Respiratory Chain Complex III Deficiency
- 2261261. calorie restriction promotes mammalian cell survival by inducing the SIRT1 deacetylase
- 23. Scientific View on Fasting
- 231 apelin-13 effects on peripheral vagal afferent mechanosensitivity with feeding and fasting
- 24‐hour changes in ACTH, corticosterone, growth hormone, and leptin levels in young male rats subjected to calorie restriction
- 24-hour changes in circulating prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and testosterone in young male rats subjected to calorie restriction
- 24‐hour profiles of melatonin, cortisol, insulin, C‐peptide and GIP following a meal and subsequent fasting
- 24-Hour rhythms of splenic mitogenic responses, lymphocyte subset populations and interferon γ release after calorie restriction or social isolation of rats
- 24-Hour Water-Only fasting Acutely Reduces Trimethylamine N-Oxide: the FEELGOOD Trial
- 256: Ramadan fasting and high sensitive CRP in patients with stable coronary artery disease: a pilot study
- 259. A Study on the Treatment of Psychosomatic Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology: On fasting Therapy and Autogenic Training
- 25-hydroxy Vitamin D serum level in pregnant women with 8-12 gestational weeks in Semnan city and its association with fasting Blood Sugar and Body Mass Index
- 25-year old patient with angina pectoris during religious fasting
- 260 Diabetes and level of fasting blood sugar has no relationship to the development of subsequent penile prosthesis infection in Korean men
- 296: Universal screening for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) with a fasting plasma glucose measurement under strict preanalytical conditions at the first prenatal …
- 2D DIGE proteomic analysis reveals fasting‐induced protein remodeling through organ‐specific transcription factor (s) in mice
- 2-Deoxy-D-glucose feeding in rats mimics physiologic effects of calorie restriction
- 317-LB: Optimal Weight Loss Effect of Short-Term Low Carbohydrate Diet with calorie restriction on Overweight/Obese Subjects in South China—A Multicenter …
- 325: Sleep duration and fasting blood glucose in Gestational diabetics
- 36 h fasting of young men influences adipose tissue DNA methylation of LEP and ADIPOQ in a birth weight-dependent manner
- 3921 cases of retired worker medical fasting glucose test results analysis
- 3D imaging of the mitochondrial redox state of rat hearts under normal and fasting conditions
- 410: Only the fasting glucose value predicts neonatal body composition in a multi-center cohort undergoing testing for gestational diabetes
- 424: Performance of the fasting glucose value alone for diagnosing gestational diabetes and predicting neonatal adiposity
- 431: Predictors Of Free Fatty Acid Level In Critically Ill Patients And The Impact Of calorie Restriction
- 5 Periodic Fasting
- 5 Primary Hyperlipidemias
- 5. fasting and postprandial plasma insulin and glucose levels in young healthy persons on a high-carbohydrate diet and on high-fat diets of different …
- 5.3 Postnatal Testing for persistence of abnormal glucose metabolism after Gestational Diabetes: fasting Plasma Glucose or Oral Glucose Tolerance Test?
- 5′ tRNA halves are present as abundant complexes in serum, concentrated in blood cells, and modulated by aging and calorie restriction
- 5-aminolevulinic acid, a precursor of heme, reduces both fasting and postprandial glucose levels in mildly hyperglycemic subjects
- 5PSQ-042 Modification on fasting lipid and renal parameters in patients switching from tenofovir disoproxil to tenofovir alafenamide
- 60. Effect of calorie restriction and exercise on blood pressure in overweight children: results from a randomly allocated trial
- 6-h advances alter circadian activity patterns, fasting glucose, and insulin levels in C57BL6/J mice
- 70-LB: Fat Mass and Obesity-Associated rs9939609 Gene Variant Is Related to fasting Glucose in Children with Mental Health Conditions
- 751-P: Effect of Morning (Fasting) vs. Afternoon High-Intensity Interval Exercise on Blood Glucose in Type 1 Diabetes
- 8 Early environmental and later
- 81 Relationship between unscheduled DNA synthesis and calorie energy intake restriction: A comparative study in autoimmune (NZW× BXSB) F1 mice
- 82Comparison the effect on fasting blood sugar between atorvastatin, rousuvastatin and pitavastatin in Korean population
- 848: The Influence of fasting Time on Hypotension During Sedation with Propofol in Children
- 862 A Link Between Stress Hormones, Enteric Nerve Activity and fasting in Mice
- 907 fasting Alters Cell Cycle Status in Both Rapidly and Slowly Cycling Intestinal Stem Cells
- 91 Nil by mouth means what? Putting evidence into practice, a prospective pre-operative fasting audit
- 945-P: The Characteristics of Patients with Intermittent Large Positive Spikes in the Morning fasting Glucose (FG),“Hyper-Spikers”
- A “Hibernation” Hypothesis for the Mechanism Underlying the Effects of calorie restriction on Aging
- A 2-year comparison study of Crl: CD BR and Hsd: Sprague–Dawley SD rats
- A biochemical study of glycogen storage disease in Egyptian children: The value of assessing fasting tolerance
- A Biomechanical Analysis on Human Balance during Gait for Normal and fasting Subjects
- A Blessed Burgh, Fasting, and Filthy Lucre: Middle English Bits from Merton College, MS 249
- A Body Shape Index (ABSI) Is Independently Associated with High fasting Glucose and Other Metabolic Syndrome Components in Caucasians
- A brief look at the role of fasting in mental health and its correspondence with advances in psychology
- A calorie-restriction diet supplemented with fish oil and high-protein powder is associated with reduced severity of metabolic syndrome in obese women
- A camera-phone based study reveals erratic eating pattern and disrupted daily eating-fasting cycle among adults in India
- A case control study of fasting insulin levels in normal pregnancy and pre-eclampsia patients
- A case of ischemic colitis presenting as bloody diarrhea after glycerin enema in a patient on modified fasting therapy
- A case report for the effects of the modified fasting therapy (Gamrosu) on obese patients with hypertension
- A case report of successful acne treatment following Ramadan fasting
- A case report on enhanced lipid metabolism by soluble dietary fiber supplementation during the gamrosu modified fasting therapy period
- A circadian output center controlling feeding: fasting rhythms in Drosophila
- A clinical study on the changes in levels of leptin versus glucagon in impaired fasting glucose and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients
- A Close Correlation of fasting Insulin Levels to Blood Pressure
- A cluster-randomized controlled trial to study the effectiveness of a protocol-based lifestyle program to prevent type 2 diabetes in people with impaired fasting …
- A cohort study on association between the first trimester phthalates exposure and fasting blood glucose level in the third trimester
- A cohort study on the association between fasting plasma glucose level over 5. 3 mmol/L and risks of abnormal glucose metabolism and cardiovascular diseases in …
- A cohort study on the association between fasting plasma glucose level over 5.3 mmol/L and risks of abnormal glucose metabolism and cardiovascular diseases in the …
- A Combination of fasting Serum Gastrin Concentration, Pepsinogen 1/2 Ratio and Helicobacter pylori IgG Antibody Serotype Accurately Predicts Gastric Mucosal …
- A Comment on “Obesity Surgery and Ramadan: a Prospective Analysis of Nutritional Intake, Hunger and Satiety and Adaptive Behaviours During Fasting”
- A common rs7903146 variant of the transcription factor 7-like 2 gene is associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus and fasting glucose in a Taiwanese …
- A common target for calorie restriction and photodynamic therapy: EPR mapping ROS signaling network at organismic level
- A common variant in the MTNR1b gene is associated with increased risk of impaired fasting glucose (IFG) in youth with obesity
- A comparative analysis on pulse pressure and risk factors in impaired fasting glucose among Xinjiang Uygur, Kazakh and Han populations
- A Comparative Approach to Metabolic Aspects of Aging: Conserved Mechanisms and Effects of calorie restriction and Environment
- A comparative study between plasma fasting glucose, body weight and hemoglobin% in chronic arsenic poisoning
- A comparative study of fasting method and nitrogen-free diet method for determining endougenous amino acid excretion in yellow-feathered chickens.
- A comparative study of fasting, postprandial blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin for diagnosing diabetes mellitus in staff members of MMIMSR, Mullana …
- A comparative study of serum bile acid levels (TBA, CG) in liver disease-difference between fasting and UDCA oral loading (author’s transl)
- A Comparative Study of Serum fasting Lipid Profile in Hypertensive and Normotensive Women in 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy
- A Comparative Study of the fasting Blood Sugar between Homeless and Aged People of Nursing Home in Daegu City, Korea-Comparision of National Health …
- A comparative study of thiamine with metformin on fasting blood glucose of diabetic albino rats
- A Comparative Study On Effect Of Religious fasting Over Health Of Women In Society (Urban And Rural)
- A comparative study on the fasting and post prandial lipid levels as a cardiovascular risk factor in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- A Comparative Study on the fasting and Postprandial Dyslipidaemia in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- A comparative study on the fasting and the postprandial dyslipidaemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus
- A Comparative Study: Elevated HbA1c and fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) Levels In Clinically Suspected Cases of Type 2 DM.
- A comparison among the tissue-specific effects of aging and calorie restriction on TFAM amount and TFAM-binding activity to mtDNA in rat
- A comparison of blood pressure reduction after propofol lnduction in elderly between overnight fasting and 2-hour fasting of clear liquids: prospective single …
- A comparison of fasting plasma glucose and glucose challenge test for screening of gestational diabetes mellitus
- A comparison of food cravings and macronutrient intake following a very low-calorie diet versus moderate calorie restriction.
- A comparison of native and non-urate total antioxidant capacity of fasting plasma and saliva among middle-aged and older subjects
- A Comparison of Plasma Lipid Levels and fasting Blood Sugar in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis and in Healthy Individuals
- A comparison of the effects of Ramadan fasting and regular aerobic exercise on 70-Kda heat shock protein (Hsp70), lipid profiles and resistance insulin in non-active …
- A Complementary Care Study Combining Flaxseed Oil, Caffeine, Fasting, and Exercise in Women Diagnosed with Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Findings from a Case …
- A comprehensive evaluation of fasting serum gastrin-17 as a predictor of diseased stomach in Chinese population
- A concerted decline in insulin secretion and action occurs across the spectrum of fasting and postchallenge glucose concentrations
- A critical role of fatty acid binding protein 4 and 5 (FABP4/5) in the systemic response to fasting
- A cross sectional study of fasting serum magnesium levels in the patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and Its relation to diabetic complications
- A crossectional study of fasting serum magnesium levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in relation to its complications
- A Cross-Sectional Prospective Study of Glycated Hemo-globin (Hba1c) and fasting Blood Glucose (Fbg) Level In Both Dia-betic and Non-Diabetic Patients in …
- A cross-sectional study of the relationship between serum liver enzymes level and the incidence of impaired fasting glucose in males and females
- A cross-sectional study on the prevalence and its related factors of impaired fasting glucose in the staffs of enterprises and government institutions in Neijiang
- A data integration multi-omics approach to study calorie restriction-induced changes in insulin sensitivity
- A decrease in fasting FGF19 levels is associated with the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obese adolescents
- A developmental perspective on eating disorders and eating problems
- A diet mimicking fasting promotes regeneration and reduces autoimmunity and multiple sclerosis symptoms
- A Dietary Approach to Chronic Renal Failure
- A dietary supplement containing cinnamon, chromium and carnosine decreases fasting plasma glucose and increases lean mass in overweight or obese pre …
- A distinct metabolic signature predicts development of fasting plasma glucose
- A DPP-4 Inhibitor, Anagliptin, Attenuates Both fasting and Postprandial Hypertriglyceridemia
- A dynamic system for the simulation of fasting luminal pH-gradients using hydrogen carbonate buffers for dissolution testing of ionisable compounds
- A fasting Insulin–Raising Allele at IGF1 Locus Is Associated with Circulating Levels of IGF-1 and Insulin Sensitivity
- A fasting-responsive signaling pathway that extends life span in C. elegans
- A feasibility randomised controlled trial of short-term fasting prior to CAPOX chemotherapy for stage 2/3 colorectal cancer: SWiFT protocol
- A feasting from a fasting (Video)
- A Feminist Study of Anita Desai’s Novels: where Shall we Go This Summer? and Fasting, Feasting
- A functional gene encoding carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 and its transcriptional and kinetic regulation during fasting in large yellow croaker
- A genetic risk score for fasting plasma glucose is independently associated with arterial stiffness: a Mendelian randomization study
- A genome-wide approach accounting for body mass index identifies genetic variants influencing fasting glycemic traits and insulin resistance
- A genome-wide approach accounting for body mass index identifies genetic variants influencing fasting glycemic traits and insulin resistance
- A genome-wide association study identifies a LEPR gene as a novel predisposing factor for childhood fasting plasma glucose.
- A guide to political fasting
- A guide to reproduction: social issues and human concerns
- A Hepatocyte FOXN3-α Cell Glucagon Axis Regulates fasting Glucose
- A Hermit’s Cookbook: Monks, Food and fasting in the Middle Ages
- A higher-carbohydrate, lower-fat diet reduces fasting glucose concentration and improves β-cell function in individuals with impaired fasting glucose
- A historical perspective of research on the biology of aging from Nathan W. Shock
- A history of modern research into fasting, starvation, and inanition
- A Hypothesis: The Role of Magnesium and Possibly Copper Deficiency in the Pathogenesis of the Adult or Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) as it Occurs …
- A linear dose-response relationship between fasting plasma glucose and colorectal cancer risk: Systematic review and meta-analysis
- A literature review of food culture and eating behaviours among Mauritian Muslims during the fasting month of Ramadan: The need for nutrition education.
- A long non-coding RNA, lncLGR, regulates hepatic glucokinase expression and glycogen storage during fasting
- A longitudinal hormonal profile of the genetically obese mouse
- A low frequency variant within the GWAS locus of MTNR1B affects fasting glucose concentrations: Genetic risk is modulated by obesity
- A low-frequency inactivating AKT2 variant enriched in the Finnish population is associated with fasting insulin levels and type 2 diabetes risk
- A Low-Frequency Inactivating Variant Enriched in the Finnish Population Is Associated With fasting Insulin Levels and Type 2 Diabetes Risk.
- A mass budget for transgenic” Supermice” engineered with extra rat growth hormone genes: evidence for energetic limitation
- A mathematical model of the liver circadian clock linking feeding and fasting cycles to clock function
- A meal replacement regimen improves blood glucose levels in prediabetic healthy individuals with impaired fasting glucose
- A Mendelian randomization study of metabolite profiles, fasting glucose, and type 2 diabetes
- A Minimal Increase in fasting Blood Glucose Is Associated with Worse Survival in Hemodialysis Patients without Pre-Existing Diabetes Mellitus
- A minor haemoglobin fraction and the level of fasting blood glucose
- A mixed methods exploration of the psychological effects of short term fasting in healthy individuals
- A Mobile Diabetes educational system for fasting type-2 diabetics in Saudi Arabia
- A modeling study of the effect of fasting on bilirubin kinetics in Gilbert’s syndrome
- A monocarboxylate transporter required for hepatocyte secretion of ketone bodies during fasting
- A Mother’s Involvement in Preserving Patriarchal Power in Anita Desai’s Fasting, Feasting
- A multiple approach to the treatment of obesity using total fasting or a very-low-calorie diet.
- A narrative review on fasting of pregnant women in the holy month of Ramadan
- A natural polymorphism in rDNA replication origins links origin activation with calorie restriction and lifespan
- A New Activator of Hepatocyte CaMKII in fasting and Type 2 Diabetes
- A new approach to avoid unnecessary fluid-fasting in healthy children
- A new facilitated solid phase extraction method for bioavailability evaluation of lisinopril in fasting healthy male volunteers
- A new method to evaluate fasting plasma glucose by salivary glucose measurement
- A new model for fetal programming: maternal Ramadan-type fasting programs nephrogenesis
- A newly identified rare variant (chr11: 47227430) with possible functional activity is associated with fasting insulin at the chromosome 11p11. 2-NR1H3 locus in the …
- A nonrandomized controlled clinical pilot trial on 8 wk of intermittent fasting (24 h/wk)
- A non-traditional model of the metabolic syndrome: the adaptive significance of insulin resistance in fasting-adapted seals
- A Novel 14-Day Dietary Deprivation Regimen Preserves Protein Metabolism During fasting and Accelerates Muscle Recovery after Refeeding Through Constantly …
- A novel fasting blood test for insulin resistance and prediabetes
- A novel nutrient blend mimics calorie restriction transcriptomics differentially in multiple tissues of mice
- A novel nutrient blend mimics calorie restriction transcriptomics in multiple tissues of mice and increases vitality and lifespan in C. elegans
- A novel potent and selective pparalpha agonist, k-877, ameriolates both fasting and postprandial hypertriglyceridemia
- A novel self-micro-emulsifying delivery system (SMEDS) formulation significantly improves the fasting absorption of EPA and DHA from a single dose of an …
- A novel Transcript is Up‐Regulated by fasting in the Hypothalamus and Enhances Insulin Signalling
- A periodic diet that mimics fasting promotes multi-system regeneration, enhanced cognitive performance, and healthspan
- A pharmacologic regimen producing sustained, fasting achlorhydria in duodenal ulcer patients
- A phosphorylation-deficient mutant of retinoid X receptor α at Thr 167 alters fasting response and energy metabolism in mice
- A pilot study to develop gamrosu, a modified fasting therapy beverage: case series
- A Pilot Study to Develop Gamrosu, a Modified fasting Therapy Beverage: Case Series
- A pilot study to investigate the immune-modulatory effects of fasting in steroid-naive mild asthmatics
- A pilot, short-term dietary manipulation of branched chain amino acids has modest influence on fasting levels of branched chain amino acids
- A population study of fasting time and serum Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) level
- A postsynaptic AMPK→ p21-activated kinase pathway drives fasting-induced synaptic plasticity in AgRP neurons
- A profile of carbohydrate metabolites in the fasting northern elephant seal
- A prospective assessment of dietary patterns in Muslim subjects with type 2 diabetes who undertake fasting during Ramadan
- A prospective audit of preprocedural fasting practices on a transplant ward: when fasting becomes starving
- A prospective cohort study investigating the use of a surgical planning tool to improve patient fasting times in orthopaedic trauma
- A prospective cohort study on reducing perioperative fasting in traumatic patients following Enhanced Recovery After Surgery protocol
- A prospective cohort study on risk of acute pancreatitis related to serum triglycerides, cholesterol and fasting glucose
- A prospective observational study of the disease profile of Muslim patients attending the outpatient department of internal medicine during Ramadan fasting …
- A prospective study comparing the effects of ramadan fasting on metabolic parameters in healthy muslims from three different nationalities in Dubai
- A prospective study of impaired fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes in China: the Kailuan study
- A prospective study of low fasting glucose with cardiovascular disease events and all-cause mortality: The Women’s Health Initiative
- A prospective study of the physiological and neurobehavioral effects of Ramadan fasting in preteen and teenage boys
- A prospective study on glucagon responses to oral glucose and mixed meal and 7‐year change in fasting glucose
- A prospective survey on knowledge, attitude and current practices of pre-operative fasting amongst anaesthesiologists: A nationwide survey
- A prospective, cross-sectional survey of pre-operative fasting of pediatric surgical patients in a university hospital
- A protein-stat mechanism for regulation of growth and maintenance of the lean body mass
- A qualitative study exploring cardiologists’ decision-making about pre-procedure fasting in interventional cardiology procedures.
- A qualitative study into the impact of fasting within a large tertiary hospital in Australia–the patients’ perspective
- A Qualitative Study of Ramadan: A Month of Fasting, Family, and Faith
- A randomised controlled study of preoperative oral carbohydrate loading versus fasting in patients undergoing colorectal surgery
- A randomised controlled trial comparing the use of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplements versus very low calorie dietary restriction in obese Malaysian …
- A Randomised Controlled Trial on the Effectiveness and Adherence of Modified Alternate-day calorie restriction in Improving Activity of Non-Alcoholic Fatty …
- A randomized controlled study of preoperative oral carbohydrate loading versus fasting in patients undergoing elective craniotomy
- A randomized intervention trial of 24-wk dairy consumption on waist circumference, blood pressure, and fasting blood sugar and lipids in Japanese men with …
- A randomized phase II clinical trial of a fasting-mimic diet prior to chemotherapy to evaluate the impact on toxicity and efficacy.
- A randomized pilot study comparing zero‐calorie alternate‐day fasting to daily caloric restriction in adults with obesity
- A randomized trial of counseling for fat restriction versus calorie restriction in the treatment of obesity.
- A randomized, rater-blinded, crossover study of the effects of oxymorphone extended release, fed versus fasting, on cognitive performance as tested with CANTAB in …
- A rare cause of severe metabolic acidosis: Presurgical fasting
- A reason for intermittent fasting to suppress the awakening of dormant breast tumors
- A recent cephalosporin: cefadroxil. Clinical study and comparative blood levels after administration during fasting and after a meal
- A Research Agenda for Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- A research of elderly hip fracture patients: the association between preoperative fasting and postoperative delirium
- A Review in fasting and Gastrointestinal Diseases
- A review of Ramadan fasting and diabetes mellitus: Controversies regarding the effects of Ramadan fasting on diabetic patients
- A review of the effect of dietary composition on fasting substrate oxidation in healthy and overweight subjects
- A Review of the Effects of Ramadan fasting and regular physical activity on metabolic Syndrome indices
- A Review Study on Impact of Ramadan fasting on BMI and Biochemical Parameters
- A rightward shift of the distribution of fasting and post‐load glucose in northern Sweden between 1990 and 2009 and its predictors. Data from the Northern Sweden …
- A Role for FoxO1 in the Anti-Aging Effect of calorie Restriction
- A role for neuronal cAMP responsive-element binding (CREB)-1 in brain responses to calorie restriction
- A role for somatostatin in the impaired insulin secretory response to glucose by islets from aging rats
- A role for ΔFosB in calorie restriction-induced metabolic changes
- ‘A Safer Ramadan’: developing an integrated approach to support safer fasting and feasting for people with type 2 diabetes
- A Salutary effect of calorie restriction on the fasting glucose levels after porcine islet transplantation into the diabetic monkeys
- A scoring algorithm including fasting plasma glucose measurement and a risk estimation model is an accurate strategy for detecting GDM
- A screening strategy for the discovery of drugs that reduce C/EBPβ-LIP translation with potential calorie restriction mimetic properties
- A self-assessment predictive model for type 2 diabetes or impaired fasting glycaemia derived from a population-based survey
- A semi-parametric mixed models for longitudinally measured fasting blood sugar level of adult diabetic patients
- A short period of fasting before surgery conserves basal metabolism and suppresses catabolism according to indirect calorimetry performed under general anesthesia
- A Short-Term fasting in Neonates Induces Breathing Instability and Epigenetic Modification in the Carotid Body
- A signature of renal stress resistance induced by short-term dietary restriction, fasting, and protein restriction
- A signature of renal stress resistance induced by short-term dietary restriction, fasting, and protein restriction
- A simple and effective model to study insulin resistance in obesity and diabetes and the processes and mechanisms of in vitro aging using lymphocyte culture
- A Simple risk score for identifying individuals with impaired fasting glucose in the Southern Chinese population
- A simple way to identify insulin resistance in non-diabetic acute coronary syndrome patients with impaired fasting glucose
- A Single Bout of fasting (24 h) Reduces Basal Cytokine Expression and Minimally Impacts the Sterile Inflammatory Response in the White Adipose Tissue of Normal …
- A single fasting plasma 5-HIAA value correlates with 24-hour urinary 5-HIAA values and other biomarkers in midgut neuroendocrine tumors (NETs)
- A single night of partial sleep loss impairs fasting insulin sensitivity but does not affect cephalic phase insulin release in young men
- A sound mind through fasting?
- A Spiritual/Secular Partnership Approach to Vegetarian fasting Program: Buddhist Sutra Adaptation on” Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance.”
- A step towards developing the expertise to control hunger and satiety: Regulatory role of satiomem—A membrane proteoglycan
- A Stereological Study of Intermittent fasting Diet on Adult Male Mouse Hypothalamus
- A strategy for identifying biomarkers of aging: further evaluation of hematology and blood chemistry data from a calorie restriction study in rhesus monkeys
- A Strategy for Space Biology and Medical Science: For the 1980s and 1990s
- A study of blood glucose level in the newborn. The effects of 6-hour fasting period.
- A study of fasting and postprandial lipid abnormalities in type 2 diabetes mellitus
- A Study of fasting in Tree Sparrows (Spizella arborea) and Dark-Eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis): Ecological Implications
- A study of fasting plasma glucose, serum uric acid, lipid profile and thyroid hormones in adolescents in the age group of 15-20 years with special reference to …
- A Study of fasting Serum Magnesium Level in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Correlation with its Complications
- A Study of HbA1c, fasting and 2 hour plasma glucose levels in current smokers presenting at a tertiary care hospital in North India
- A Study of Mahatma Gandhi’s Fasting
- A Study of Nontraditional Biochemical Markers and Their Relation to the Level of fasting Glycemia in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- A study of pseudocholinesterase induction in experimental obesity.
- A study of the behavioural variables influencing consumer acceptability of fish and fish products
- A study of the Impact of fasting in Ramadan on Self-esteem
- A study of the relationship between pulmonary function tests and both fasting plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin levels among asymptomatic cigarette …
- A Study on fasting Serum Gastrin level in Normal Subjects and Various Gastric Diseases by Radioimmunoassay
- A study on ghrelin and LH secretion after short fasting and on ghrelin levels at perioestrual period in dairy cattle
- A study on relationship between fasting plasma glucose, copper and ceruloplasmin levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus
- A study on the effect of vidangadi compound on lipid profile and fasting blood sugar
- A study on the needs for educating and managing fasting diabetes through mobile health in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- A Study Showing Association between Hscrp and fasting Plasma Glucose in Overweight and Obese Patients in a Tertiary Care Centre in Gujarat, India
- A Study to Establish the Validity of Non-fasting Lipid Profile against fasting Lipid Profile for Making Treatment Decision in Diabetes Mellitus
- A survey of patients with type 2 diabetes and fasting outcomes during Ramadan 2016 in London: the East London Diabetes in Ramadan Survey
- A suspicious case of coagulation disorder caused by vitamin K deficiency associated with fasting and antibiotics
- A Systematic Review of the Effect of Chromium on fasting Blood Glucose Levels in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
- A systematic review of the effects of experimental fasting on cognition
- A systematic review of the literature on intermittent fasting for weight management
- A systematic review on efficacy and safety of the current hypoglycemic agents in patients with diabetes during Ramadan fasting
- A systems analysis—thermodynamic view of cellular and organismic aging
- A Teenager with a Hepatic Filling Defect
- A test in context: lipid profile, fasting versus nonfasting
- A test of alternative models for increased tissue nitrogen isotope ratios during fasting in hibernating arctic ground squirrels
- A transcriptomic signature of the hypothalamic response to fasting and BDNF deficiency in Prader-Willi syndrome
- A transgenic dwarf rat model as a tool for the study of calorie restriction and aging
- A transgenic dwarf rat strain as a tool for the study of immunosenescence in aging rats and the effect of calorie restriction
- A transgenic mini rat strain as a tool for studying aging and calorie restriction
- A two way factorial study of the effects of calorie restriction and exercise on blood pressure (Poster)
- A two-step screening algorithm including fasting plasma glucose measurement and a risk estimation model is an accurate strategy for detecting gestational …
- A U-shaped relationship between fasting plasma glucose and severity of sleep apnoea
- A variant in the heart-specific fatty acid transport protein 6 is associated with lower fasting and postprandial TAG, blood pressure and left ventricular hypertrophy
- A video demonstration of the Li’s anastomosis—the key part of the “non-tube no fasting” fast track program for resectable esophageal carcinoma
- A web-based study of the relationship of duration of insulin pump infusion set use and fasting blood glucose level in adults with type 1 diabetes
- A week of Danjiki (Buddhist fasting ritual) on cardiometabolic health: a case report
- A13158 Intermittent fasting promotes fat oxidation and suppresses of blood glucose and body weight
- A1c Fit Test: Cross-sectional analysis correlating hemoglobin A1c and fasting lipid panel with the results of the US Air Force Physical Fitness Test
- A67 CLINICAL AND CELLULAR ASPECTS OF LYMPHANGIOLEIOMYOMATOSIS: fasting Decreases The Size Of Abdomino-Pelvic Lymphangioleiomyomas
- AB0244 Retrospective study on effects of ramadhan month fasting on rheumatoid arthritis patients
- AB173. Heterozygous carriers of classical homocystinuria tend to have higher fasting serum homocysteine concentrations than non-carriers in a folate deficiency area …
- Abbreviated preoperative fasting favours postoperative oral intake at lower hospital admission costs for cancer patients.
- Abdominal fat deposition and sudden death syndrome in broilers: the effects of restricted intake, early life caloric (fat) restriction, and calorie: protein ratio
- ABM clinical protocol# 25: recommendations for preprocedural fasting for the breastfed infant:“NPO” guidelines
- Abnormal fasting glucose increases risk of unrecognized myocardial infarctions in an elderly cohort
- Abnormal Stress Induced Changes in Arterial Stiffness in Middle Aged Men and Women With Impaired fasting Glucose at Risk of Their First Episode of Symptomatic …
- Abnormal Stress‐Related Measures of Arterial Stiffness in Middle‐Aged and Elderly Men and Women With Impaired fasting Glucose at Risk for a First Episode of …
- Absolute change in fasting plasma glucose over 12 months is associated with 2-year and 5-year major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with drug-eluting …
- Absolute change in fasting plasma glucose over 12 months with 2-year and 5-year mace development in des implanted patients
- Absorption of thiamine and nicotinic acid in the rat intestine during fasting and immobilization stress
- Abstract A110: Protective effect of intermittent calorie restriction on mammary tumor development despite high‐fat feeding
- Abstract A75: calorie restriction and rapamycin, but not exercise, inhibit mammary tumor growth in a mouse model of postmenopausal obesity
- Abstract A94: effects of different modes of calorie restriction on mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and IGF-I signaling pathways in mammary fat pads and tumors
- Abstract B022: Metabolic and immunologic effects of the fasting mimicking diet in cancer patients
- Abstract B10: fasting blood glucose and bone mineral density in Latina breast cancer survivors
- Abstract B102: A comparison of metformin treatment and moderate calorie restriction on mammary tumor development in obese mice
- Abstract B3: Exercise and calorie restriction differentially regulate energy balance-related cell signaling pathways in a model of post-menopausal obesity
- Abstract B4: calorie restriction prevents the development of pancreatic cancer in Kras; Pdx-1Cre mice
- Abstract B54: The anticancer effects of calorie restriction on MC38 colon tumors are associated with decreased macrophage infiltration
- Abstract B63: Combination of intermittent calorie restriction and eicosapentaenoic acid for inhibition of mammary tumors
- Abstract B68: calorie restriction normalizes global microRNA expression by preventing the loss of Dicer expression during mammary tumorigenesis
- Abstract B76: Evidence of a causal association between fasting insulin concentrations and endometrial cancer: A Mendelian randomization analysis
- Abstract LB-78: Effects of rapamycin and fasting-cycles therapy on differential stress resistance and sensitization in breast cancer mouse models
- Abstract MP018: Performance of 1, 5-anhydroglucitol Compared to the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test and fasting Glucose for Identification of Diabetes in the …
- Abstract MP51: Lifetime Risk For Cardiovascular Disease Stratified By fasting Glucose Level
- Abstract of Papers Presented at 1982 annual Meeting; fasting Regulation on the Incorporation of Acetate into Adipose Tissue of Rats
- Abstract P010: Dried Capillary Whole Blood Spot-Based Hemoglobin A1c, fasting Glucose, and Diabetes Prevalence in a Nationally Representative Population of …
- Abstract P027: fasting Glucose And Risk Of Heart Failure
- Abstract P045: Trajectory of fasting Blood Glucose From Childhood to Adulthood and the Risk of Hypertension: The Bogalusa Heart Study
- Abstract P048: Prediabetes Range fasting Glucose and Hemoglobin A1C Levels and Their Associations with Subclinical Atherosclerosis: Observations from the …
- Abstract P050: Glycated Hemoglobin Versus fasting Glucose in Defining Metabolic Syndrome and Prediction of Coronary Heart Disease
- Abstract P054: Rare Variants in and Near IRS1 are Associated with fasting Insulin in CHARGE-S Cohorts
- Abstract P058: Men with Impaired Glucose Tolerance Have Lower Self-rated Health Than Men with Impaired fasting Glucose, an Association Mediated by Physical …
- Abstract P063: The Association Between Physical Activity and fasting and 2-Hour Glucose in US Adults: NHANES 2013-2014
- Abstract P102: Epigenome-wide Association Study of Measures of fasting Glucose, fasting Insulin, and Hba1c in Non-diabetic Individuals of European, African, and …
- Abstract P104: Genetic Factors Influence Glycated Hemoglobin, fasting Glucose, and fasting Insulin Levels in the Population Architecture Using Genomics and …
- Abstract P106: Elevated fasting Glucose and Proteinuria in Offspring Born to Gestational Hypertensive African Green Monkeys
- Abstract P152: Do Self-reported Race, Socioeconomic Status And Genetic Ancestry Influence fasting Glucose? Preliminary Results From the Ongoing Bach …
- Abstract P153: Low Diabetes Diagnosis and Treatment among Individuals with fasting Blood Glucose Diagnostic of Diabetes is Associated with Income and Health …
- Abstract P2072: Integrative Network Analysis Of Microbiome-Immune Axis In Metabolic Syndrome Patients During A fasting Intervention
- Abstract P2-11-07: Duration of fasting before taking lapatinib is associated with skin toxicity in neoadjuvant treatment of HER2 positive breast cancer: A cohort study …
- Abstract P230: Measures of Glycaemia (fasting and 2 hr Glucose, Glycosylated Haemoglobin) in Relation to Incident Vascular Disease in Non-diabetic Adults
- Abstract P236: Impact of Acculturation and Health Literacy on Prevalent fasting Glycemia Among Latinos: Results From the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) …
- Abstract P269: fasting HDL-C Partially Explains the Association of Postprandial Triglycerides and Coronary Artery Disease Detected by Computed Tomography …
- Abstract P3-09-01: Intermittent fasting in breast cancer risk and survivorship: Insight from the women’s healthy eating and living study
- Abstract P336: diabetes and impaired fasting glucose are associated with pulse wave velocity in older adults: the ARIC study
- Abstract P366: Promoter Methylation of the Monoamine Oxidase a Gene is Associated With fasting Plasma Glucose: A Monozygotic Twin Study
- Abstract P372: The Effect of Periodic fasting on Patients With Hypertension and Metabolic Syndrome
- Abstract P399: fasting Insulin Levels and Incidence of Hypertension, Stroke and Coronary Heart Disease: A Meta-analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies
- Abstract P4-07-01: calorie restriction normalizes global microRNA expression by preventing the loss of dicer expression during mammary tumorigenesis
- Abstract P4-07-14: The effects of calorie restriction on microRNA expression profiles and DMBA-induced mammary tumorigenesis in a model of luminal A breast …
- Abstract P410: Alternate Day fasting with a High Fat Diet: Impact on Body Weight, Body Composition, and Coronary Heart Disease Risk Profile in Obese Adults
- Abstract P4-16-12: CARE: A pilot study of the effects of short-term fasting on tolerance to (neo) adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients
- Abstract PR07: calorie restriction normalizes global microRNA expression by preventing the loss of Dicer expression during mammary tumorigenesis
- Abstract SY11-04: Factors associated with changes in body weight and the protective effect of chronic versus intermittent calorie restriction on mammary tumorigenesis
- Abstract T P99: Elevated fasting Glucose as a Potential Predictor for Asymptomatic Cerebral Stenosis: A Cross-Sectional Study in Chinese Adults
- Abstract TP184: Impact on Ischemic Stroke Subtypes of fasting and Non-fasting Triglycerides
- Abstract W P139: Normal fasting Blood Sugar Level and K-Modified Barthel Index at 6 Months after Stroke: A Prospective Multicenter Study
- Abstract WP167: Low fasting Blood Glucose and Risks of Vascular and Mortality Outcomes in General Population: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Abstract# 4820: Differential expression of tumor-related genes in the most recommended obesity reversal strategies (calorie restriction and exercise)
- Acalypha fruticosa, Hypoglycaemic activity, fasting blood glucose, Metformin, Acute toxicity.
- Accelerated fasting in leprechaunism.
- Accommodative function in rhesus monkeys: effects of aging and calorie restriction
- Accuracy of Capillary Blood Glucose Test When fasting in Diabetes Patients or General Population: Performance Evaluation of G300 Based on ISO 15197: 2013 …
- Accuracy of Capillary Cholesterol Test When fasting in Dyslipidemic Patients or General Population: Comparison with Venous Cholesterol Test
- Accuracy of Comparison of The Screening Tests for Gestational Diabetes with a fasting Blood Glucose, Two-Hour Tolerance Test, Tst Challenges In Pregnant Women …
- Accuracy of fasting plasma glucose and hemoglobin A1c testing for the early detection of diabetes: A pilot study
- Accuracy of hemoglobin A1c imputation using fasting plasma glucose in diabetes research using electronic health records data
- Accuracy of non-fasting lipid profile for the assessment of lipoprotein coronary risk
- Accurate Identification of Excessive Methane Gas Producers by a Single fasting Measurement of Exhaled Methane: A Large-scale Database Analysis ACG Category …
- Accurate Identification of Excessive Methane Gas Producers Is Possible by a Single fasting Measurement of Methane: Analysis of a Large National Database …
- Accurate screening for insulin resistance in PCOS women using fasting insulin concentrations
- Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition aggravates fasting-induced triglyceride accumulation in the mouse liver
- Achieving ecstasy. fasting techniques as new religious experiences
- Achieving fasting plasma glucose target without nocturnal hypoglycaemia: a pooled analysis of studies in type 2 diabetes comparing insulin degludec vs …
- Achieving freedom through giving up dieting: a phenomenological study
- Acid Fasting: Modulation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Metabolism at Acidic pH
- Acid maltase deficiency: a case study and review of the pathophysiological changes and proposed therapeutic measures.
- ACTH administration stimulates both cortisol and aldosterone secretion in fasting northern elephant seals (LB776)
- Activated protein C plasma levels in the fasting and postprandial states among patients with previous unprovoked venous thromboembolism
- Activation of kappa opioid receptor regulates the hypothermic response to calorie restriction and limits body weight loss
- Activation of systemic, but not local, renin–angiotensin system is associated with upregulation of TNF-α during prolonged fasting in northern elephant seal pups
- Activation of the renin-angiotensin system could cause hypertension during fasting in the Muslims month of Ramadhan.
- Active smoking and hematocrit and fasting circulating erythropoietin concentrations in the general population
- Activities of muscle energy supplying enzymes after 5 days complete fasting in young men.
- Activity assay of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) pericarp extract for decreasing fasting blood cholesterol level and lipid peroxidation in type-2 diabetic mice
- Activity measures in rhesus monkeys on long-term calorie restriction
- Actual preoperative fasting time in Brazilian hospitals: the BIGFAST multicenter study
- Acute but Not Chronic calorie restriction Defends against Stress-Related Anxiety and Despair in a GHS-R1a-Dependent Manner
- Acute calorie restriction modifies cognition and anxiety-like behavior in mice by regulating IL-1β priming and activation within the brain
- Acute Effect of Tobacco Snuff Consumption on Plasma Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin and fasting Blood Sugar Level in Rats
- Acute Effect of Yoga Training and Aerobic Exercise on fasting Blood Sugar and Aggression in Obesity Men
- Acute effects of a sit-stand workstation on blood glucose regulation in working women with impaired fasting glucose
- Acute effects of exercise and calorie restriction on triglyceride metabolism in women
- Acute Effects of Late Evening Whey and Casein Ingestion on fasting Blood Glucose, Blood Lipid Profile, Resting Metabolic Rate, and Hunger in Overweight and …
- Acute fasting and fiber number in rat soleus muscle
- Acute fasting decreases the expression of GLUT1 and glucose utilisation involved in mouse oocyte maturation and cumulus cell expansion
- Acute fasting does not induce cognitive impairment in mice
- Acute fasting increases somatodendritic dopamine release in the ventral tegmental area
- Acute fasting induces expression of acylglycerophosphate acyltransferase (AGPAT) enzymes in murine liver, heart, and brain
- Acute fasting inhibits central caspase-1 activity reducing anxiety-like behavior and increasing novel object and object location recognition
- Acute fasting regulates retrograde synaptic enhancement through a 4E-BP-dependent mechanism
- Acute fasting-induced repression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis is reversed by RF-9 administration in the adult male macaque
- Acute fructose intake suppresses fasting-induced hepatic gluconeogenesis through the AKT-FoxO1 pathway
- Acute heart failure presentations and outcomes during the fasting month of Ramadan: an observational report from seven middle eastern countries
- Acute stress response modified by modest inhibition of growth hormone axis: a potential machinery of the anti-aging effect of calorie restriction
- Acylcarnitine kinetics in a fasting-and obesity-induced insulin resistant mouse model
- Acyl-CoA thioesterase 1 (ACOT1) regulates PPARα to couple fatty acid flux with oxidative capacity during fasting
- Adaptability of large carnivores to changing anthropogenic food sources: diet change of spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) during Christian fasting period in northern …
- Adaptation of glucose metabolism to fasting in young children with infectious diseases: a perspective
- Adaptation of glycolytic enzymes: glucose use and insulin release in rat pancreatic islets during fasting and refeeding
- Adaptation of muscle glucose transport with caloric restriction in adult, middle-aged, and old rats
- Adaptation to fasting in Crucian Carp (Carassius auratus): Gut Microbiota and Its Correlative Relationship with Immune Function
- Adaptation to intermittent fasting as a factor modifying the radiation resistance of mice
- Adaptations of intestinal nutrient transport to chronic caloric restriction in mice
- Adaptive regulation of sugar and amino acid transport by vertebrate intestine
- Adaptive stress response in segmental progeria resembles long-lived dwarfism and calorie restriction in mice
- Add Chewing Gum to 6-Hour fasting Guidelines
- Addition of a gastrointestinal microbiome modulator to metformin improves metformin tolerance and fasting glucose levels
- Addition of strawberries to the usual diet decreases resting chemiluminescence of fasting blood in healthy subjects—possible health-promoting effect of these fruits …
- Addition of strawberries to the usual diet increases postprandial but not fasting non-urate plasma antioxidant activity in healthy subjects
- Additive antidepressant-like effects of fasting with imipramine via modulation of 5-HT2 receptors in the mice
- Additive antidepressant‐like effects of fasting with β‐estradiol in mice
- Additive effects of evogliptin in combination with pioglitazone on fasting glucose control through direct and indirect hepatic effects in diabetic mice
- Additive effects of inducers and fasting on acetaminophen hepatotoxicity
- Adenylate deaminase activity in the rat. Effect of 24 hours of fasting
- Adipocyte aminopeptidases in obesity and fasting
- Adipocyte glucocorticoid receptor deficiency attenuates aging-and HFD-induced obesity and impairs the feeding-fasting transition
- Adipocytokines and the regulation of lipid metabolism in Ames dwarf and growth hormone transgenic mice subjected to calorie restriction
- Adipogenic signaling in rat white adipose tissue: modulation by aging and calorie restriction
- Adiponectin and insulin in gray seals during suckling and fasting: Relationship with nutritional state and body mass during nursing in mothers and pups
- ADIPOR2 variant is associated with higher fasting glucose level in non-diabetic Chinese Han population
- Adipose tissue CLK2 promotes energy expenditure during high-fat diet intermittent fasting
- Adipose tissue INSR splicing in humans associates with fasting insulin level and is regulated by weight loss
- Adipose tissue remodeling following eight-week calorie restriction or intermittent fasting in females who are overweight and obese
- Adipose tissue signatures related to weight changes in response to calorie restriction and subsequent weight maintenance using lipidome and gene profiling network …
- Adipose transcriptome analysis provides novel insights into molecular regulation of prolonged fasting in northern elephant seal pups
- Adipose triglyceride lipase expression and fasting regulation are differently affected by cold exposure in adipose tissues of lean and obese Zucker rats
- Adipose Triglyceride Lipase, Not Hormone-Sensitive Lipase, Is the Primary Lipolytic Enzyme in fasting Elephant Seals (Mirounga angustirostris)
- Adiposity and estrogen receptor‐positive, postmenopausal breast cancer risk: quantification of the mediating effects of fasting insulin and free estradiol
- Adiposity and fat metabolism during combined fasting and lactation in elephant seals
- Adiposity and fat metabolism in lactating and fasting northern elephant seals
- Adjustment of preoperative fasting guidelines for adult patients undergoing elective surgery
- Adjustments of protein metabolism in fasting Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus
- Adjustments related to fasting during Ramadan
- Administration of unfractionated heparin with prolonged fasting could reduce physiological 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in the heart
- Admission glucose, fasting glucose, HbA1c levels and the SYNTAX score in non-diabetic patients undergoing coronary angiography
- Adrenergic mechanisms in the metabolic adaptation to fasting and feeding: effects of phlorizin on diet-induced changes in sympathoadrenal activity in the rat
- Adult attachment, bulimia nervosa and relationship satisfaction
- Adult calorie restriction reduces weight gain and mammary tumor incidence in obesity prone MMTV-TFG α mice
- Adult-onset calorie restriction and fasting delay spontaneous tumorigenesis in p53-deficient mice
- Adult-onset calorie restriction attenuates kainic acid excitotoxicity in the rat hippocampal slice
- Adult-onset calorie restriction delays the accumulation of mitochondrial enzyme abnormalities in aging rat kidney tubular epithelial cells
- Advanced Development of Hysteresis Measurement Characteristics for Early Detection of Fatigue Damages on fasting Systems in Concrete
- Advances in calorie restriction in the last 10 years: implications for human longevity.
- Adverse health effects associated with Islamic fasting-A literature review
- Aerobic 3-month physical activity program in breast cancer survivors: effects on sleep behavior, anthropometric indices of adiposity and fasting glucose metabolism.
- Aerobic exercise and sleep
- African Folktales in America: XVIII. Birds’ fasting (Singing) Contest
- Age and sex characteristics of postprandial and fasting glycaemia in hypertensive patients with obesity
- Age and time trends in eating frequency and duration of nightly fasting of German children and adolescents
- Age at onset of obesity in relation to baseline and performance characteristics of partially fasting obese adults
- Age changes in hepatic metabolic characteristics and their modulation by dietary manipulation
- Age characteristics of lipid peroxide oxidation induction in the rat liver during fasting
- Age, calorie restriction, and age of calorie restriction onset reduce maturation of natural killer cells in C57Bl/6 mice
- Age, the Number of Medicines Taken and Co morbidities are Associated with Changes of fasting Blood Glucose Levels in Elderly Diabetics Taking Propranolol …
- Age-and calorie restriction-related changes in rat brain mitochondrial DNA and TFAM binding
- Age-and calorie-independent life span extension from dietary restriction by bacterial deprivation in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Age-and gender-specific reference intervals for fasting blood glucose and lipid levels in school children measured with Abbott Architect c8000 chemistry analyzer
- Age-and sex-related changes in fasting plasma glucose and lipoprotein in cynomolgus monkeys
- Age-and sex-specific reference values for fasting serum insulin levels and insulin resistance/sensitivity indices in healthy Iranian adults: Tehran Lipid and Glucose …
- Age-dependence of the lateral mobility of lipids in hepatocyte plasma membrane of male rats and the effect of life-long dietary restriction
- Age-dependence pattern of the magnitude of fasting glycemia, insulinemia and HOMA-IR resemblance between first degree relatives: Family study of patients with …
- Age-dependent modulation of fasting and long-term dietary restriction on acetylcholinesterase in non-neuronal tissues of mice
- Ageing and fasting glucose values–the role of cardiovascular events
- AGE-RAGE Interaction Does Not Explain the Clinical Improvements after Therapeutic fasting in Osteoarthritis
- Age‐related alterations of the growth hormone/insulin‐like‐growth‐factor I axis
- Age-related cardiovascular disease and the beneficial effects of calorie restriction
- Age-related changes
- Age‐related changes in postprandial plasma glucose, insulin, and free fatty acid concentrations in nondiabetic individuals
- Age-related changes in the intrinsic rate of apoptosis in livers of diet-restricted and ad libitum-fed B6C3F1 mice.
- Age-related decline in striatal volume in rhesus monkeys: assessment of long-term calorie restriction
- Age-related distributions of nine fasting plasma free fatty acids in a population of Chinese adults
- Age-related effects of fasting on ketone body production during lipolysis in rats
- Age-Related Formation of Ectopic Synapses in the Mouse Retina Is Suppressed by calorie restriction Through Mitochondrial Functions
- Age-related up-regulation of NF-kappaB and modulation by calorie restriction
- Age-specific improvements in impaired fasting glucose and vitamin D status using a lifestyle intervention programme in overweight and obese Saudi subjects
- Aging and calorie restriction modulate yeast redox state, oxidized protein removal, and the ubiquitin–proteasome system
- Aging and calorie restriction oppositely affect mitochondrial biogenesis through TFAM binding at both origins of mitochondrial DNA replication in rat liver
- Aging and calorie restriction regulate the expression of miR-125a-5p and its target genes Stat3, Casp2 and Stard13
- Aging and Cardiovascular Disease: Lessons from calorie Restriction
- Aging and human longevity
- Aging and intermittent fasting impact on transcriptional regulation and physiological responses of adult drosophila neuronal and muscle tissues
- Aging and intestinal polyamine metabolism in the rat
- Aging and lifelong calorie restriction result in adaptations of skeletal muscle apoptosis repressor, apoptosis-inducing factor, X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis, caspase-3 …
- Aging and nutrition: A multifaceted problem
- Aging and restriction of Dietary Calories Increases Insulin Receptor mRNA, and Aging Increases Glucocorticoid Receptor MRNA in the Liver of Female C3B10RF1 …
- Aging and the effect of calorie restriction in rhesus monkeys
- Aging and the hypothalamus: research perspectives
- Aging as a consequence of fuel utilization
- Aging effect on myeloperoxidase in rat kidney and its modulation by calorie restriction
- Aging gracefully with thymus extract, DHEA, yoga and calorie restriction
- Aging impairs the hepatic subcellular distribution of ChREBP in response to fasting/feeding in rats: Implications on hepatic steatosis
- Aging in male primates: reproductive decline, effects of calorie restriction and future research potential
- Aging in the food-restricted rat: body temperature, receptor function, and morphologic changes in the brain
- Aging research: Challenge of the twenty-first century
- Aging, adiposity, and calorie restriction
- Aging, calorie restriction and ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis in the livers of Emory mice
- AgingDB: A database for oxidative stress and calorie restriction in the study of aging
- Agreement of diagnosing diabetes using fasting glucose and HbA1c levels
- Agricultural development and nutrition
- AGRP neurons modulate fasting-induced anxiolytic effects
- AgRP/NPY Neuron Excitability Is Modulated by Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 1 During Fasting
- AgRP-Expressing Adrenal Chromaffin Cells Are Involved in the Sympathetic Response to Fasting
- Aina Nøding, Claus Fasting: Dikter, journalist, opplysningspioner (Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, 2018). 440 pp.
- Air pollution and fasting blood glucose: A longitudinal study in China
- Akash Tatva chikitsa through fasting
- Akkermansia Muciniphila and Gut Microbiota Richness are Associated with Improved Metabolic Status after calorie Restriction
- Akt2 is essential for the full effect of calorie restriction on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle
- Alan Goldhamer, dc: Water Fasting—The Clinical Effectiveness of Rebooting Your Body
- Alaska native diet and nutrition: an ethnohistorical view
- Alaska Pollack Protein Decreases Brain 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol Levels in fasting Chicks
- Alcohol consumption is positively associated with fasting serum ghrelin in non-dependent adults: Results from the population-based LIFE-Adult-Study
- Alcohol induced fasting Hypoglycemia の 1 例
- ALDH2 polymorphism is associated with fasting blood glucose through alcohol consumption in Japanese men
- Aldose Reductase Polymorphisms, fasting Blood Glucose, and Age-Related Cortical Cataract
- Alendronate improves fasting plasma glucose and insulin sensitivity, and decreases insulin resistance in prediabetic osteopenic postmenopausal women: A …
- Alienation and isolation of the characters in Anita Desai’s novels Fire on the Mountain, The Village By The Sea, fasting Feasting and in the collection of short stories …
- Alienation, Maladjustment and the Search for Self-Identity in Anita Desai’s Bye-Bye Blackbird, Baumgartner’s Bombay and Fasting, Feasting and Jhumpa …
- Alkaline ribonuclease in rat liver: Effect of hypophysectomy and fasting
- All manners of food: eating and taste in England and France from the Middle Ages to the present
- All-cause mortality risk in Australian women with impaired fasting glucose and diabetes
- ALOXE3 is a hepatic fasting-responsive lipoxygenase that enhances insulin sensitivity via hepatic PPARγ
- Alpha Mangostin and Xanthone Activity on fasting Blood Glucose, Insulin and Langerhans Islet of Langerhans in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Mice
- Alpha-2 adrenoceptors in lipolysis: α2 antagonists and lipid-mobilizing strategies
- Alpha-adrenergic responses in rabbit white fat cells: the influence of obesity and food restriction.
- Alteration in expression of atrogenes and IGF-1 induced by fasting in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus juveniles
- Alteration in fasting glucose after prolonged treatment with a thiazide diuretic
- Alteration of Blood Lipoprotein Cholesterols and Relations to Age, Gender and fasting Plasma Glucose in 1310 Healthy Adults [J]
- Alteration of Cellular Adhesion Molecules during Aging and Their Modulation by calorie Restriction
- Alteration of de novo glucose production contributes to fasting hypoglycaemia in Fyn deficient mice
- Alteration of fasting heat production during fescue toxicosis in Holstein steers
- Alteration of Mitochondrial Bioenergetics and Apoptotic Signaling with Aging in Mice Kidney: The Effects of calorie restriction and Dietary Fat
- Alteration of soluble adhesion molecules during aging and their modulation by calorie restriction
- Alterations in anthropometric parameters, proteinous compounds and electrolytes during Ramadan fasting in overweight subjects
- Alterations in brain cholecystokinin receptors after fasting
- Alterations in gene expression during fasting-induced atresia of early secondary ovarian follicles of coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch
- Alterations in hepatic glucose and energy metabolism as a result of calorie and carbohydrate restriction
- Alterations in Lipid Profiles in Liver and Kidney of Rats Subjected to fasting or Protein-starvation
- Alterations in male sexual behaviour, attractiveness and testosterone levels induced by an adult-onset calorie restriction regimen
- Alterations in monodeiodination of iodothyronines in the fasting rat: effects of reduced nonprotein sulfhydryl groups and hypothyroidism
- Alterations in plasma growth hormone and plasma cortisol levels following fasting stress in normal rabbits
- Alterations in rat adipose tissue transcriptome and proteome in response to prolonged fasting
- Alterations in T3 and T4 receptor binding in fasting and diabetes mellitus
- Alterations Induced by a Prolonged Fasting: Opposite Effects on the β‐Adrenergic Receptor‐Coupled Adenylate‐Cyclase System and on Lipolysis in Fat Cells from …
- Alterations of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Creatinine During Ramadan Fasting: A Prospective, Controlled Clinical Trial
- Alterations of cultured myotubes and fasting plasma metabolite profiles related to mitochondrial dysfunction in Type 2 diabetes subjects
- Alterations of neocortico‐limbic association fibers and correlation with diet in prediabetes diagnosed by impaired fasting glucose
- Alterations of plasma levels of lysophosphatidic acid in response to fasting of rats
- Alterations of ultrastructural and fission/fusion markers in hepatocyte mitochondria from mice following calorie restriction with different dietary fats
- Altered fasting glycemia in cardiac patients during in-hospital rehabilitation: impact on short and long-term follow-up
- Altered fasting human plasma metabolite profile associated with short-term blackberry feeding
- Altered lipid metabolism in rodents subjected to calorie restriction
- Altered MicroRNA Expression is Associated with the Protective Effect of Preoperative Dietary restriction or fasting After Renal Ischemia Reperfusion Injury: 354
- Altered mitochondrial functioning induced by preoperative fasting may underlie protection against renal ischemia/reperfusion injury
- Altered skeletal muscle fatty acid handling in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance as compared to impaired fasting glucose
- Alternate day calorie restriction improves clinical findings and reduces markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in overweight adults with moderate asthma
- Alternate day calorie restriction improves systemic inflammation in a mouse model of sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture
- Alternate day fasting (ADF) with a high fat background diet produces similar weight loss and cardio-protection when compared to ADF with a low fat background diet
- Alternate day fasting (ADF) with a high-fat diet produces similar weight loss and cardio-protection as ADF with a low-fat diet
- Alternate day fasting and endurance exercise combine to reduce body weight and favorably alter plasma lipids in obese humans
- Alternate Day fasting Combined with a High Protein/low Carbohydrate Diet: Effect on Body Weight and Metabolic Disease Risk Factors in Obese Adults (P21-018-19)
- Alternate day fasting combined with a low carbohydrate diet for weight loss, weight maintenance, and metabolic disease risk reduction
- Alternate Day fasting Combined with Exercise for Weight Loss and Cardio-Protection in Obese Adults
- Alternate day fasting combined with exercise: An effective treatment for weight loss and cardio-protection in obese humans
- Alternate day fasting decreases preference for a calorically dense diet by increasing chow intake and altering meal pattern parameters
- Alternate day fasting for weight loss in normal weight and overweight subjects: a randomized controlled trial
- Alternate day fasting improves physiological and molecular markers of aging in healthy, non-obese humans
- Alternate day fasting increases LDL particle size independently of dietary fat content in obese humans
- Alternate day fasting is effective for weight loss and weight maintenance in obese adults (641.3)
- Alternate day fasting is no better for weight loss than conventional diets, study finds
- Alternate Day fasting Versus calorie restriction for Weight Loss and Cardio-Protection
- Alternate Day fasting Versus calorie restriction for Weight Maintenance
- Alternate day fasting when combined with endurance exercise reduces leptin but not adiponectin and resistin
- Alternate Day fasting With a High Fat and Low Fat Diet: Is Brachial Artery Flow Mediated Dilation Mediated by Adipokine Physiology?
- Alternate day fasting with a high fat diet: Impact on body weight, body composition, and coronary heart disease risk profile in obese adults
- Alternate Day fasting with a High Fat Versus Low Fat Diet for Weight Loss and Cardio-Protection
- Alternate day fasting with or without exercise: Effects on endothelial function and adipokines in obese humans
- Alternate Day Fasting: Effects on Body Weight and Chronic Disease Risk in Humans and Animals
- Alternate-day fasting and daily calorie restriction similarly affect visceral adiposity and circulating inflammatory cytokine concentrations
- Alternate‐day fasting diet improves fructose‐induced insulin resistance in mice
- Alternate-Day fasting Gets a Safe Bill of Health
- Alternate-day fasting protects the livers of mice against high-fat diet–induced inflammation associated with the suppression of Toll-like receptor 4/nuclear factor κB …
- Alternateday fasting versus daily calorie restriction for weight loss and cardio-protection (120.6)
- Alternate-day feeding leads to improved glucose regulation on fasting days without significant weight loss in genetically obese mice
- Alternation of Adhesion Molecules during Aging and Modulation by calorie Restriction
- Alternation of Adhesion Molecules during Aging and Modulation by calorie Restriction
- Alternative tests versus measurement of fasting plasma glucose and oral glucose tolerance test for diagnosis of pediatric type 2 pre-diabetes: a systematic review …
- AM editerranean diet improves H b A 1c but not fasting blood glucose compared to alternative dietary strategies: a network meta‐analysis
- AMG 151 (ARRY‐403), a novel glucokinase activator, decreases fasting and postprandial glycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Amino acid and fatty acid metabolomic profile during fasting and hyperinsulinemia in girls with polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Amino-tRNA-synthetase activity of rabbit muscles in fasting and aging
- Ammonium blocks chronological lifespan extension of extreme calorie restriction in amino acid-starved yeast cells associated to Tpk1-and Tor1-dependent necrotic …
- Ammonium is toxic for amino acid-starved yeast cells under extreme calorie restriction, inducing cell death through the regulation of PKA, TOR and Sch9 activities
- Among metabolic factors, significance of fasting and postprandial increases in acyl and desacyl ghrelin and the acyl/desacyl ratio in obstructive sleep apnea …
- AMPK activation of muscle autophagy prevents fasting-induced hypoglycemia and myopathy during aging
- AMPK signaling to acetyl-CoA carboxylase is required for fasting-and cold-induced appetite but not thermogenesis
- Amylin/leptin synergy is absent in extreme obesity and not restored by calorie restriction‐induced weight loss in rats
- An adipocentric perspective of resveratrol as a calorie restriction mimetic
- An Adult with Atopic Dermatitisand RepeatedShert-term Fasting
- An analysis of depot lipid of ocean-caught juvenile coho salmon and comparisons with a laboratory fasting study
- An analysis of Lenten fasting practices in two congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa, South Eastern Diocese, Umngeni Circuit.
- An Analysis of Regularity in fasting Blood Sugar Variations and Influence Factors After Kidney Transplantation
- An Analysis of the Weight Watchers and Atkins Diets: The Effects of calorie restriction and Nutrition Levels
- An anthropological view of western women’s prodigious fasting
- An anti-Donatist sermon on fasting: Augustine’s De utilitate ieiunii. A new critical edition with philological introduction
- An antisense inhibitor of apolipoprotein C-III lowers fasting plasma apolipoprotein C-III and triglyceride concentrations in healthy volunteers
- An antisense inhibitor of apolipoprotein C-III substantially decreases fasting apolipoprotein C-III and triglyceride levels in LPL deficiency
- An approach to estimate bidirectional mediation effects with application to body mass index and fasting glucose
- An association study of rs780094 in glucokinase regulatory protein (GCKR) gene with fasting plasma glucose concentration, insulin sensitivity and type 2 diabetes in …
- An audit of preoperative fasting compliance at a major tertiary referral hospital in Singapore
- An audit of preoperative fasting times for surgical patients at a district general hospital
- An ecological momentary assessment of the effect of fasting during Ramadan on disordered eating behaviors
- An End to Ageing?: Remedies for Life Extension
- An evaluation of the effects of Ramadan fasting on anthropometric, metabolic and endocrine parameters
- An Examination of The Health Benefits of Fasting
- An exome-wide sequencing study of the GOLDN cohort reveals novel associations of coding variants and fasting plasma lipids
- An exploratory study examining lipid-lowering medications in reducing fasting serum lipids in schizophrenia patients treated with atypical antipsychotics
- An F-Strain Mycoplasma gallisepticum Inoculation at Twelve Weeks of Age Does Not Modify the Effects of fasting During Lay on the Blood Characteristics of …
- An in vitro model demonstrating the glucose effect and the influence of fasting on porphyrin metabolism
- An international multidisciplinary consensus statement on fasting before procedural sedation in adults and children
- An Interpretation of the Silence Theme in fasting Feasting from the Perspective of Postcolonial Feminism
- An introduction to fasting, starvation, and food limitation
- An inverse relationship between plasma glutathione concentration and fasting glycemia in patients with coronary artery disease and concomitant type 2 …
- An Invert U-Shaped Curve: Relationship Between fasting Plasma Glucose and Serum Uric Acid Concentration in a Large Health Check-Up Population in …
- An investigation of the protein metabolism in healthy subjects and weight-losing cancer patients
- An observational study of trigeminal neuralgia patients taking carbamazepine during the fasting month of Ramadan.
- An Observational Study on Correlation of fasting and Postprandial Glycemic Status to various HbA1C Quintiles in Type II Diabetics.
- An Open Label Two Way Two Period Randomised Single Dose Comparitive Oral Bioavailability study of Zafirlukast in Healthy Volunteers Under fasting Conditions
- An open-label, randomized, crossover bioequivalence study of mesalamine 400 mg tablets in Indian healthy volunteers under fasting conditions
- An unusual case of perforation of the alimentary canal following Bigu: A Taoist fasting technique
- An unusual presentation of post gastric bypass hypoglycemia with both postprandial and fasting hypoglycemia
- Anabolic effects of leucine-rich whey protein, carbohydrate, and soy protein with and without β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) during fasting-induced catabolism: a …
- Anabolism, catabolism and proteomic analysis in the slow‐twitch muscle of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) submitted to prolonged fasting followed by refeeding
- Anaemia in patients with solid tumours and the role of erythrocyte deformability
- Anaesthesia Induction in Non-fasting Patients-the Example of Pregnant Women and Children
- Anaesthetic efficacy of Aqui-S, Benzoak, and MS-222 on lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) fries. Impact from temperature, salinity, and fasting
- Analysing the Expression of Eight Clock Genes in Five Tissues From fasting and Fed Sows.
- Analysis of dynamic characteristics of cylindrical fasting shell
- Analysis of fasting blood glucose and glucose tolerance in 1157 subjects
- Analysis of fasting glycemia variability in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus undergoing different types of basal insulin therapy: glargine vs. NPH
- Analysis of fasting lipid profile in healthy adults in Nanping, Fujian
- Analysis of fasting serum lipids levels of 1 266 adults in Bohai New Area
- Analysis of influential factors on the increase of fasting blood glucose among health screening population
- Analysis of low frequency protein truncating stop-Codon variants and fasting concentration of growth hormone
- Analysis of Proteins in Aged Rat Kidney: The Effect of calorie Restriction
- Analysis of RNA-seq data in fasting of C57BL/6J and C3H/HeJ strains of mice.
- Analysis of the Lipid Profile, fasting Glucose Levels, and Their Familial Dependence in Warsaw Adolescents Analiza profilu lipidowego i stężeń glukozy na …
- Analysis of the results of fasting test in hypoglycemias study
- Analysis of the synergistic effects of fasting plasma glucose and hypertension on cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy
- Analysis of variation in pre-meal exercise effect on fasting interstitial glucose level
- Analysis of Variation in Pre-Procedural fasting Duration for Common Inpatient Gastrointestinal Procedures: 543
- Analysis on Relationship between Blood Pressure and fasting Glucose, Health-related Behavior among Middle Aged Residents in Guangzhou [J]
- Analysis on the changing trend of fasting plasma glucose and its impact on prognosis after renal transplantation
- Analysis on the high blood pressure and its risk factors in impaired fasting glucose population
- Analysis on the relationship between serum alanine aminotransferase and impaired fasting glucose
- Analyzing the role of body composition, body fat distribution and diet on fasting plasma apelin concentrations in healthy young adults
- Androgen receptor messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in the rat liver: changes in mRNA levels during maturation, aging, and calorie restriction
- Angiopoietin-like 4 (Angptl4) A glucocorticoid-dependent gatekeeper of fatty acid flux during fasting
- Angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4, fasting-induced adipose factor) is a direct glucocorticoid receptor target and participates in glucocorticoid-regulated triglyceride …
- Angiopoietin-like 4 directs uptake of dietary fat away from adipose during fasting
- Angiotensin II blockade: how its molecular targets may signal to mitochondria and slow aging. Coincidences with calorie restriction and mTOR inhibition
- ANGPTL4 variants E40K and T266M are associated with lower fasting triglyceride levels and predicts cardiovascular disease risk in Type 2 diabetic Tunisian …
- Animal models of diabetes
- Animal models of human type I diabetes
- Animal Models of Ionizing Radiation Damage
- Animal models of non‐insulin‐dependent diabetes
- Annual fasting plasma glucose variation increases risk of cancer incidence and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes: the Taichung Diabetes Study
- Annual fasting; the early calories restriction for cancer prevention
- Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Volume 15, 1995: Focus on Nutrition
- Anolis lizards of the Caribbean: ecology, evolution, and plate tectonics
- Anorexia mirabilis: The practice of fasting by Saint Catherine of Siena in the late Middle Ages
- Anorexia nervosa and bulimia: Biological, psychological, and sociocultural aspects
- Anorexia nervosa: Let me be
- Anorexia nervosa:“Thirty something”
- Antenatal oral glucose tolerance test in women with gestational diabetes mellitus: fasting plasma glucose is the best predictor of both large for-gestational-age …
- Anthropological issues in biological gerontology
- Anthropometric and Biochemical Effects of Ramadan fasting on Overweight and Obese Male Adults in Rafah City-Gaza
- Anthropometric correlates of morning plasma cortisol level and hormonal and biochemical response to fasting in obese premenopausal women
- Anthropometric Index and Diet Pattern of fasting Men in Khvormuj
- Anthropometric indices of adiposity and fasting glucose metabolism in breast cancer survivors: effects of aerobic physical activity
- Anthropometric measures and fasting insulin levels in children before and after cure of Cushing syndrome
- Anthropometric status, fasting blood sugar, nutrient intake and energy balance of traders in a market population in Nsukka, Nigeria
- Anti-aging Effects of Nutritional Modification: The State of the Science on calorie Restriction
- Anti-aging traditional Chinese medicine: potential mechanisms involving AMPK pathway and calorie restriction based on” medicine-food homology” theory
- Antiaging, longevity and calorie restriction
- Antiamylase Potential of Telfairia occidentalis Leaves from Cameroon and Effect of Their Dietary Supplementation on fasting Blood Glucose in Wistar Rats
- Antidepressant medication use and trajectories of fasting plasma glucose, glycated haemoglobin, β-cell function and insulin sensitivity: a 9-year longitudinal study of …
- Anti-diabetic activity of fused PPARγ-SIRT1 ligands with limited body-weight gain by mimicking calorie restriction and decreasing SGK1 expression
- Antihypoxic effectiveness of alimentary fasting
- Anti-inflammatory Action of calorie restriction for Life-Prolongation: A Possible Mechanism
- Anti-inflammatory Action of calorie restriction Underlies the Retardation of Aging and Age-Related Diseases
- Anti-inflammatory action of dietary fish oil and calorie restriction
- Anti-inflammatory action of β-hydroxybutyrate via modulation of PGC-1α and FoxO1, mimicking calorie restriction
- Anti-inflammatory action of β-hydroxybutyrate via modulation of PGC-1α and FoxO1, mimicking calorie restriction
- Antiobese and hypolipidemic effects of platycodin saponins in diet-induced obese rats: evidences for lipase inhibition and calorie intake restriction
- Antioxidant potency of various mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana, L) pericarp extract fractions on HbA1c and fasting blood glucose level in diabetic mice
- Antioxidant supplement inhibits skeletal muscle constitutive autophagy rather than fasting-induced autophagy in mice
- Anti-oxidative cellular protection effect of fasting-induced autophagy as a mechanism for hormesis
- Anti-senescence Effects of Rats’ Calorie-restriction Serum on Cultured Hippocampal Neurons
- Anxiety disorders predict fasting to control weight: A longitudinal large cohort study of adolescents
- Anxiety-like behaviour in adult rats perinatally exposed to maternal calorie restriction
- ApoE from A to Z: atherosclerosis to alzheimer’s
- Apolipoprotein A5 genetic polymorphisms and fasting serum lipidogram in elderly subjects with MetS
- Apolipoprotein B and non-HDL cholesterol are more powerful predictors for incident type 2 diabetes than fasting glucose or glycated hemoglobin in subjects with …
- Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism modifies fasting total cholesterol concentrations in response to replacement of dietary saturated with monounsaturated …
- Apolipoprotein M: a novel adipokine decreasing with obesity and upregulated by calorie restriction
- Apparently “low” serum asymmetric dimethylarginine is associated with fasting glucose and tends toward association with type-2 diabetes
- Appendicular muscle mass and fasting triglycerides predict serum liver aminotransferases in young female collegiate athletes
- Appetite and eating behavior in children
- Appetite and gut peptide responses to exercise and calorie restriction. The effect of modest energy deficits
- Appetite regulating factors in dourado, Salminus brasiliensis: cDNA cloning and effects of fasting and feeding on gene expression
- Appetite regulating peptides in red-bellied piranha, Pygocentrus nattereri: cloning, tissue distribution and effect of fasting on mRNA expression levels
- Applicability of a combination of hemoglobin A1c and fasting plasma glucose in population‐based prediabetes screening
- Application of Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in the Early Diagnosis of Diabetes in Patients with Hyperlipoidemia and Normal fasting Plasma Glucose
- Application of reduced fasting time of fast recovery surgery for patients with laparoscopic cholecystectomy [J]
- Application of washed rumen technique for rapid determination of fasting heat production in steers
- Applying a new decision threshold to an old test: does the measurement of plasma metanephrines in patients fasting and supine improve diagnostic sensitivity?
- Applying mobile application development life cycle in the development of fasting tracker android application
- Apprehending and applauding the therapeutic importance of fasting in Ayurveda
- Apprehending Concept, Canons and Types of fasting in Buddhism
- Approach of evolutionary theories of ageing, stress, senescence-like phenotypes, calorie restriction and hormesis from the view point of far-from-equilibrium …
- Approaches for quantifying energy intake and% calorie restriction during calorie restriction interventions in humans: the multicenter CALERIE study
- APRW-71 Response of Domestic Chickens to fasting and Non-Fast Moulting Programs in a Humid Tropical Environment
- Are Carbohydrate Drinks More Effective Than Preoperative Fasting: A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials
- Are Higher fasting Blood Concentrations Associated with Higher Risk for Developing Myocardial Infarction in Individuals Without Diabetes?
- Are low levels of serum bicarbonate associated with risk of progressing to impaired fasting glucose/diabetes? A single-centre prospective cohort study in …
- Are patients well informed about the fasting requirements for laboratory blood testing?
- Are serum nitric oxide metabolites associated with fasting insulin among Iranian adults?(Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study)
- Are There Any Substantial Differences in the Anthropometric and Metabolic Profile Between Patients with Impaired fasting Glycemia and Impaired Glucose …
- Are visual and auditory reaction times influenced by Ramadan fasting? Neuro performance study on healthy individuals
- Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency is a cause of long-fasting hypoglycemia
- Arsenic and fasting blood glucose in the context of other drinking water chemicals: a cross-sectional study in Bangladesh
- Artemisinin mimics calorie restriction to extend yeast lifespan via a dual-phase mode: a conclusion drawn from global transcriptome profiling
- Artemisinin mimics calorie restriction to initiate antioxidative responses and compromise telomere shortening
- Artemisinin mimics calorie restriction to trigger mitochondrial biogenesis and compromise telomere shortening in mice
- Arthritis: Your Natural Guide to Healing With Diet, Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, Exercise, and Other Natural Methods
- ARTICLE Trans-ethnic Meta-Analysis and Functional Annotation Illuminates the Genetic Architecture of fasting Glucose and Insulin
- Artificial nutrition and preoperative fasting
- Ascorbic acid and cancer: animal and cell culture data
- Ascorbic acid in egg injection minimizes the effects of fasting between hatching and housing of broiler chicks
- ASIPP Guidelines for Sedation and fasting Status of Patients Undergoing Interventional Pain Management Procedures
- Aspects of glucose metabolism in uraemia
- Aspects of iron metabolism-factors affecting iron absorption
- Aspiration Pneumonia in a Pediatric Patient under General Anesthesia despite Adequate Preoperative Fasting
- Asprosin, a fasting-induced glucogenic protein hormone
- Assesement of the Effects of Ethiopian orthodox Christians fasting on Biochemical Risk Factors and Anthropometric Measurements
- Assess the relationship between insulin fasting levels and healthy obesity in adults in the province of Babylon, Iraq
- Assessing Glycaemic Control in Primary Care Setting: A Randomized Control Trial between fasting and 2 Hours Postprandial Blood Glucose Monitoring in Type 2 …
- Assessing the awareness and care of people with diabetes related to Ramadan fasting; a-cross sectional study from Pakistan
- Assessing the Effect of fasting on the Influential Factors of the Coronary Artery Diseases: Evidences from Clinical Network in Bahar City
- Assessing The Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetic Patients By Comparing Glycosylated Hemoglobin Levels (Hba1c) With fasting And Postprandial Glucose
- Assessing the Impact of Ramadan fasting on Pulmonary Function: Evidences from Healthy Young Adults
- Assessment of abdominal organ motion using cine magnetic resonance imaging in different gastric motilities: a comparison between fasting and postprandial states
- Assessment of auditory function in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta): effects of age and calorie restriction
- Assessment of BMI, Duration of Diabetes, fasting lipids, S. Creatinine, and Microalbuminuria in Glycemic Control: A 10 year’s follow-up study
- Assessment of Chemical Composition of Spirulina Platensis and its Effect on fasting Blood Glucose and Lipid Profile in Diabetic Rats
- Assessment of Contribution of fasting and Post Meal Plasma Glucose to Increased Glycated Hemoglobin in Diabetes Mellitus-A Comparative Study
- Assessment of diabetic polyneuropathy in inpatient care: fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, electroneuromyography and diabetes risk factors
- Assessment of factors related to carbohydrate intolerance III: fasting HOMA (LB300)
- Assessment of fasting blood glucose as monitoring of long term diabetese compared to HbA1c
- Assessment of fasting Blood Plasma Glucose Level in Menopausal Women in Rural Area of Vom and Environs
- Assessment of fasting Glucagon Levels in Subjects with Diabetes and Healthy Controls Using ELISA and RIA
- Assessment of fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) and Hemoglobin Ale (HbAlc) Monitoring in Type 2 Diabetic Patients at Trang Hospital
- Assessment of glucose metabolism in polycystic ovary syndrome: HbA1c or fasting glucose compared with the oral glucose tolerance test as a screening method
- Assessment of Impaired fasting Glucose in Obese and Overweight Insulin-Resistant Children by Continuous Glucose Monitoring
- Assessment of Microbial Load of fasting Foods available in Street Side, Mid-Level Restaurants and High-Level Restaurants during Navratri
- Assessment of nonrespiratory stomach motion in healthy volunteers in fasting and postprandial states
- Assessment of Plasma Levels of fasting Blood Glucose, Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol, and HbA1c in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Assessment of pre-operative fasting and its subsequent implications in elderly patients undergoing surgery
- Assessment of preoperative fasting time in elective general surgery
- Assessment of reproducibility and biological variability of fasting and postprandial plasma metabolite concentrations using 1H NMR spectroscopy
- Assessment of reproducibility and biological variability of fasting and postprandial plasma metabolite concentrations using H NMR spectroscopy
- Assessment of simple indices based on a single fasting blood sample as a tool to estimate beta‐cell function after total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation–a …
- Assessment of the Effects of Periodic fasting on Inflammation and Food Reward
- Assessment of the Metabolic Effects of Isocaloric 2: 1 Intermittent fasting in Mice
- Assessment of the optimal cutoff value of fasting plasma glucose to establish diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus in Chinese women
- Assessment of three fasting plasma glucose targets for insulin glargine-based therapy in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus in China: study protocol for a …
- Assimilation of endogenous nicotinamide riboside is essential for calorie restriction-mediated life span extension in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Associated Health Problems
- Association analysis between genes’ variants for regulating mitochondrial dynamics and fasting blood glucose level
- Association and Interaction Analysis of Lipid Accumulation Product with Impaired fasting Glucose Risk: A Cross-Sectional Survey
- Association between advanced glycation end products and impaired fasting glucose: results from the SALIA study
- Association Between ApoE Polymorphism in Obesity Markers in Healthy Adults Who Follow the Greek Orthodox fasting Rules
- Association between apolipoprotein C3 gene promoter polymorphisms and fasting triglyceride level: A meta-analysis
- Association between cardiac autonomic function, oxidative stress and inflammatory response in impaired fasting glucose subjects: cross-sectional study
- Association between cardiac autonomic function, oxidative stress and inflammatory response in impaired fasting glucose subjects: cross-sectional study. PLoS One 7 …
- Association between carotid intima‐media thickness and fasting blood glucose level: A population‐based cross‐sectional study among low‐income adults in rural …
- Association between Changes in Anthropometric Indices and in fasting Insulin Levels among Healthy Korean Adolescents: The JS High School Study
- Association between diabetes patients’ knowledge and their fasting blood glucose control in aruralarea
- Association between empirically derived dietary patterns with blood lipids, fasting blood glucose and blood pressure in adults-the India migration study
- Association between exposure to arsenic, nickel, cadmium, selenium, and zinc and fasting blood glucose levels
- Association between fasting & Postprandial Triglyceride Levels & Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Type 2 Diabetes Patients
- Association between fasting blood glucose and carotid intima-media thickness of polycystic ovary syndrome patients with normal glucose tolerance
- Association between fasting Blood Glucose Levels and Arterial Stiffness in Healthy Korean Men and Women
- Association between fasting glucose and all-cause mortality according to sex and age: a prospective cohort study
- Association between fasting Glucose Concentration, Lipid Profile and 25 (OH) D Status in Children Aged 9–11
- Association between fasting insulin and high-sensitivity C reactive protein in Korean adults
- Association Between fasting Insulin and High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Among Adults: NHANES 2005-2010
- Association between fasting plasma glucose and highly sensitive C-reactive protein in a Sudanese population
- Association between fasting plasma triglycerides, all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in Czech population. Results from the HAPIEE study
- Association between fasting serum glucose levels and incidence of colorectal cancer in Korean men: the Korean Cancer Prevention Study-II
- Association between fasting serum glucose levels and incidence of colorectal cancer: the Korean cancer prevention study-II
- Association between fasting Triglyceride levels and the Prevalence of Asymptomatic Intracranial Arterial Stenosis in a Chinese Community-based Study
- Association between fasting triglycerides and presence of fasting chylomicrons in patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia
- Association between HbA1c and carotid atherosclerosis among elderly Koreans with normal fasting glucose
- Association between Hemoglobin A1c and fasting Glucose Levels and the Prevalence of Hypertension in Nondiabetic Adults
- Association between higher fasting serum glucose levels and the pattern of lower regional gray matter volumes in cognitively normal adults
- Association between high-fasting insulin levels and metabolic syndrome in non-diabetic middle-aged and elderly populations: a community-based study in …
- Association between HOMA-IR, fasting insulin and fasting glucose with coronary heart disease mortality in nondiabetic men: a 20-year observational study
- Association between impaired fasting glucose and cognitive impairment in community elderly residents
- Association between Impaired fasting Glucose and Frequency of Fruit Intake in over Thirty Year Olds: Fifth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey …
- Association Between Impaired fasting Glucose, Insulin Resistance, and Lung Health from Young Adulthood to Middle Age: The CARDIA Lung Study
- Association between impaired fasting glycaemia in pediatric obesity and type 2 diabetes in young adulthood
- Association Between Impaired fasting Glycemia, Cognition and Reduced Functional Capacity of Elderly People
- Association between islamic fasting and quality of life, physical disability, disease activity and depression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
- Association between low concentration of serum sex hormone binding globulin and insulin resistance is independent of adiposity, but may be attributable to fasting …
- Association between major non-communicable diseases risk factors and fasting blood glucose in Iran: comparison of two techniques, with and without …
- Association Between Mean fasting Plasma Glucose Level and Survival in Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme
- Association between neighborhood greenspace and fasting plasma glucose from a large cohort study in Taiwan
- Association between phthalate exposure and glycosylated hemoglobin, fasting glucose, and type 2 diabetes mellitus: A case-control study in China
- Association between prostate cancer risk, fasting blood glucose and glycemic control: a large Finnish cohort study
- Association between pulse wave velocity and impaired fasting glucose
- Association between Ramadan fasting and cerebrovascular diseases
- Association between rs4730153 Gene SNP and fasting Glucose, Triglyceride, HDL and Body Mass Index Levels Iin Overweight Brazilian Adults
- Association between serum 25‑hydroxyvitamin D, hemoglobin A1c and fasting blood glucose levels in adults with diabetes mellitus
- Association between Serum Leptin and Anthropometric Profile, fasting Serum Insulin and Glucose Level in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Association between serum levels of vitamin D with body fat mass, fasting glucose and lipid profile in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta
- Association between serum uric acid and fasting plasma glucose in middle and elderly Chinese
- Association between sleep duration and impaired fasting glucose in korean adults: results from the korean national health and nutrition examination survey …
- Association between the level of fasting blood glucose over 35-year-old and carotid intima-media thickness in Han, Uygur and Kazak population from Xinjiang Uygur …
- Association between the preoperative fasting and postprandial C-peptide AUC with resolution of type 2 diabetes 6 months following bariatric surgery
- Association between the pre-operative over-fasting and intra operative vomiting in pediatric anesthetic practice
- Association between the rs4753426 polymorphism in MTNR1B with fasting plasma glucose level and pancreatic β-cell function in gestational diabetes mellitus
- Association between vitamin D, fasting blood glucose, HbA1c and fasting lipid profile in euglycemic individuals
- Association of 48 type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci with fasting plasma glucose and lipid levels in Chinese Hans
- Association of African genetic ancestry with fasting glucose and HbA1c levels in non-diabetic individuals: the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) …
- Association of Albuminuria With Intraglomerular Hydrostatic Pressure and Insulin Resistance in Subjects With Impaired fasting Glucose and/or Impaired Glucose …
- Association of alcohol drinking patterns with presence of impaired fasting glucose and diabetes mellitus among South Korean adults
- Association of amylin in the development of impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance
- Association of apolipoprotein AV concentration with apolipoprotein A5 gene-1131T> C polymorphism and fasting triglyceride levels
- Association of biomarkers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction with fasting and postload glucose metabolism: A population-based prospective cohort study …
- Association of Blood Homocysteine levels with Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Impaired fasting Glucose
- Association of Blood Pressure with fasting Blood Glucose Levels in Northeast China: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Association of branched and aromatic amino acids levels with metabolic syndrome and impaired fasting glucose in hypertensive patients
- Association of Branched and Aromatic Amino Acids Levels with Metabolic Syndrome and Impaired fasting Glucose in Hypertensive Patients
- Association of CAPN10 SNP-19 (rs3842570) Polymorphism on fasting Plasma Glucose, Blood Pressure and Body Mass Index of Javanese Type-2 Diabetes Patients
- Association of characteristics of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus with discordant values of fasting glucose and HbA1c: 空腹血糖与糖化血红蛋白值之间的不一致现象 …
- Association of Circulating fasting TNF-A with Hyperglycemia is Stronger than with Body Mass Index in Newly Diagnosed Bangladeshi Type 2 Diabetic Subjects
- Association of circulating leukocyte count with diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose/impaired glucose tolerance regression after simvastatin treatment
- Association of coffee consumption and CYP1A2 polymorphism with risk of impaired fasting glucose in hypertensive patients
- Association of C-reactive protein levels with fasting and postload glucose levels according to glucose tolerance status
- Association of cultured myotubes and fasting plasma metabolite profiles with mitochondrial dysfunction in type 2 diabetes subjects
- Association of elevated fasting glucose with lower patency and increased major adverse limb events among patients with diabetes undergoing infrapopliteal balloon …
- Association of endothelial proliferation with the magnitude of weight loss during calorie restriction
- Association of faecal elastase 1 with non-fasting triglycerides in type 2 diabetes
- Association of fasting blood glucose and glycated haemoglobin with some markers of oxidative stress in Ile-Ife, Nigeria
- Association of fasting Blood Glucose Level with Hypertension & Obesity: A Cross Sectional Study among Urban Population in Varanasi
- Association of fasting glucagon-like peptide-1 with oxidative stress and subclinical atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes
- Association of fasting glucose and glycated hemoglobin with the long-term risk of incident metabolic syndrome: Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES)
- Association of fasting Glucose Level with Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio Compared to Leukocyte Count and Serum C-Reactive Protein
- Association of fasting glucose levels with incident atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: An 8‐year follow‐up study in a Chinese population: 中国人群空腹血糖水平与 …
- Association of fasting glucose with subclinical cerebrovascular disease in older adults without Type 2 diabetes
- Association of fasting insulin and C peptide with diabetic retinopathy in Latinos with type 2 diabetes
- Association of fasting plasma glucose and serum lipids in Type 2 diabetics
- Association of fasting plasma glucose with the prevalence and severity of angiographic coronary artery disease in population with no history of diabetes
- Association of fasting serum bilirubin levels with clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention: a prospective study
- Association of fasting serum glucose level and type 2 diabetes with hepatocellular carcinoma in men with chronic hepatitis B infection: A large cohort study
- Association of fasting serum insulin and cancer mortality in a healthy population–28-year follow-up of the French TELECOM Study
- Association of fasting serum insulin and fasting serum glucose levels with cognitive impairment in Chinese nonagenarians/centenarians
- Association of fasting triglyceride concentration and postprandial triglyceride response with the carotid intima-media thickness in the middle aged: The Netherlands …
- Association of fasting Triglycerides to High-Density Lipoprotein Ratio with Risk for Metabolic Disorders in Children
- Association of fasting with heavy metals and minerals
- Association of First-Trimester fasting Plasma Glucose with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes
- Association of genetic variants with isolated fasting hyperglycaemia and isolated postprandial hyperglycaemia in a Han Chinese population
- Association of glucokinase regulatory protein polymorphism with type 2 diabetes and fasting plasma glucose: a meta-analysis
- Association of HDL/TG ratio as an insulin resistance marker with various levels of fasting blood glucose
- Association of HDL-C and apolipoprotein AI with the risk of type 2 diabetes in subjects with impaired fasting glucose
- Association of hearing impairment with insulin resistance, β–cell dysfunction and impaired fasting glucose before onset of diabetes
- Association of Impaired fasting Glucose with Hypertension
- Association of impaired fasting glucose, diabetes and dietary patterns with mortality: a 10-year follow-up cohort in Eastern China
- Association of impaired fasting glucose, diabetes and their management with the presentation and outcome of peripheral artery disease: a cohort study
- Association of interleukin-6 and myeloperoxidase with insulin resistance in impaired fasting glucose subjects
- Association of KCNJ1 variation with change in fasting glucose and new onset diabetes during HCTZ treatment
- Association of Levels of fasting Glucose and Insulin With Rare Variants at the Chromosome 11p11.2-MADD Locus: Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in …
- Association of lipid markers and impaired fasting glucose: A case-control study
- Association of Lipid Profile with fasting and Post Prandial Glucose Level in type 2 Diabetic Patients
- Association of liver enzymes levels with fasting plasma glucose levels in Southern China: a cross-sectional study
- Association of Low fasting Glucose and HbA1c With Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality: The MESA Study
- Association of LRP5, TCF7L2, and GCG variants and type 2 diabetes mellitus as well as fasting plasma glucose and lipid metabolism indexes
- Association of macronutrients and energy intake with hypertension.
- Association of morning fasting blood glucose variability with insulin antibodies and clinical factors in type 1 diabetes
- Association of nesfatin-1 levels with fasting and postload glucose levels in patients with hypothyroidism
- Association of periodontitis with insulin resistance, β-cell function, and impaired fasting glucose before onset of diabetes
- Association of Postbreakfast Triglyceride and Visit-to-Visit Annual Variation of fasting plasma glucose with progression of diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 2 …
- Association of postoperative outcome with fasting plasma glucose and risk factors in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
- Association of postprandial and fasting plasma glucose with HbA1c across the spectrum of glycaemic impairment in type 2 diabetes
- Association of postprandial blood sugar with hypercoagulability in comparison to fasting blood sugars in diabetic and healthy patients: A cross-sectional study
- Association of prediabetes by fasting glucose and/or haemoglobin A1c levels with subclinical atherosclerosis and impaired renal function: observations from the …
- Association of prediabetes, defined by fasting glucose, HbA1c only, or combined criteria, with the risk of cardiovascular disease in Koreans: 韩国人糖尿病前期 (单纯 …
- Association of preprocedural fasting with outcomes of emergency department sedation in children
- Association of pulse pressure with fasting and 2-h plasma glucose in subjects with different degrees of glucose tolerance
- Association of Ramadan daytime fasting with ocular surface inflammation and dry eye
- Association of risk factors of type 2 diabetes mellitus and fasting blood glucose levels among residents of rural area of Delhi: a cross sectional study
- Association of roadway proximity with fasting plasma glucose and metabolic risk factors for cardiovascular disease in a cross-sectional study of cardiac catheterization …
- Association of serum copper level with fasting serum glucose in south Indian women with gestational diabetes mellitus
- Association of serum metabolites with impaired fasting glucose/diabetes and traditional risk factors for metabolic disease in Chinese adults
- Association of serum phospholipid monounsaturated fatty acid compositions and delta-9-desaturase activity with the early alteration of fasting glycemic status
- Association of serum uric acid with 2-hour postload glucose in Chinese with impaired fasting plasma glucose and/or HbA1c
- Association of sleep duration with impaired fasting glucose
- Association of the CD36 gene with impaired glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose, type-2 diabetes, and lipid metabolism in essential hypertensive …
- Association of the IGF1 gene with fasting insulin levels
- Association of the oral microbiome with the progression of impaired fasting glucose in a Chinese elderly population
- Association of the rs10830963 polymorphism in MTNR1B with fasting glucose, serum adipokine levels and components of metabolic syndrome in adult obese …
- Association of TNF-α with fasting Glucose, Insulin and Insulin Resistance in Complete Glycemic Spectrum.
- Association of Unrecognized Myocardial Infarctions With Impaired fasting Glucose in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
- Association of vitamin D intake with fasting blood glucose and HbA1C in the patients with type 2 diabetes.
- Association of waist circumference gain and incident prediabetes defined by fasting glucose: a seven-year longitudinal study in Beijing, China
- Association of β‐cell function and insulin sensitivity with fasting and 2‐h plasma glucose in a large Chinese population
- Association with fasting Blood Insulin Concentration and Cardiovascular Risk Factor Disease in Prediabetic Adults.
- Associations between alcohol consumption and fasting blood glucose in young adults
- Associations between central nervous system serotonin, fasting glucose, and hostility in African American females
- Associations between dietary patterns and impaired fasting glucose in Chinese men: a cross-sectional study
- Associations between hOGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism and increased body mass index and fasting glucose level in the Japanese general population
- Associations between ketone bodies and fasting plasma glucose in individuals with post-pancreatitis prediabetes
- Associations between long-term exposure to air pollution, glycosylated hemoglobin, fasting blood glucose and diabetes mellitus in northern France
- Associations between metabolomic‐identified changes of biomarkers and arterial stiffness in subjects progressing to impaired fasting glucose
- Associations between obstructive sleep apnea, sleep duration, and abnormal fasting glucose
- Associations between obstructive sleep apnea, sleep duration, and abnormal fasting glucose. The multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis
- Associations between retinal arteriolar and venular calibre with the prevalence of impaired fasting glucose and diabetes mellitus: A cross-sectional study
- Associations between self‐reported sleep duration and sleeping disorder with concentrations of fasting and 2‐h glucose, insulin, and glycosylated hemoglobin among …
- Associations between vitamin D status and measures of glycaemia in participants with normoglycaemia, impaired fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes
- Associations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D with fasting glucose, fasting insulin, dementia and depression in European elderly: the SENECA study
- Associations of a metabolic syndrome severity score with coronary heart disease and diabetes in fasting vs. non-fasting individuals
- Associations of alternative markers of glycemia with hemoglobin A1c and fasting glucose
- Associations of apolipoprotein A, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and fasting plasma insulin in obese children with and without family history of …
- Associations of fasting Blood Glucose with Influencing Factors in Northeast China: A Quantile Regression Analysis
- Associations of green tea and rock tea consumption with risk of impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance in Chinese men and women
- Associations of HbA1c and fasting plasma glucose with incident diabetes: Implications for pre-diabetes thresholds in a Japanese population
- Asymmetric dimethylarginine and Ramadan fasting
- At the crossroad of lifespan, calorie restriction, chromatin and disease: meeting on sirtuins
- Atherogenic dyslipidemia increases the risk of incident diabetes in statin-treated patients with impaired fasting glucose or obesity
- Atrial conduction time and atrial mechanical function in patients with impaired fasting glucose
- Attachment and affect motivated eating behavior in an obese population: Maintenance versus relapse
- Attempted Suicide by Breaking Pre-Electroconvulsive Therapy Fasting
- Attenuation of bleomycin-induced Hprt mutant frequency in female and male rats by calorie restriction
- Attitude of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus toward fasting Ramadan in Basrah, Iraq
- Attitude, complications, ability of fasting and glycemic control in fasting Ramadan by children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus
- Attitudes and habits of patients with type 1 diabetes during fasting Ramadan
- Attitudinal determinants of turkish diabetic patients and physicians about Ramadan fasting
- Attribution of lifestyle risk factors in subjects with and without impaired fasting glucose
- Atypical hematological response to combined calorie restriction and chronic hypoxia in Biosphere 2 crew: a possible link to latent features of hibernation capacity
- Audit on preoperative fasting of elective surgical patients in an African academic medical center
- Augmented plasma adiponectin after prolonged fasting during ramadan in men
- Australia’s Adolescents: A health psychology perspective
- Autophagy and intermittent fasting: the connection for cancer therapy?
- Autophagy and leucine promote chronological longevity and respiration proficiency during calorie restriction in yeast
- Autophagy in the heart and liver during normal aging and calorie restriction
- Autophagy mediates hepatic GRK2 degradation to facilitate glucagon‐induced metabolic adaptation to fasting
- Autophagy-associated shrinkage of the hepatopancreas in fasting male Macrobrachium rosenbergii is rescued by Neuropeptide F
- Autophagy-lysosomal pathway in response to fasting/refeeding in C2C12 myotubes
- Autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb.) berry reduces fasting and postprandial glucose levels in mice
- AV Everitt, SIS Rattan, DG Le Couteur, R. de Cabo (eds): calorie restriction, aging and longevity
- Average weight and temperature rhythms of fasting chickens from hatching to death
- Avian postnatal development
- Balancing Blood Sugar: Fasting, Feeling, and Time Work During the Egyptian Ramadan
- Bariatric surgery reduces fasting total fatty acids and increases n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in morbidly obese individuals
- Barley Based Bread may Suppress the Appetite in Individuals who Practice Islamic Fasting
- Basal gastric secretion, mucosal blood flow and associated fasting blood hormones in the rat
- Basal Insulin Titration: Looking Beyond the fasting Glucose
- Basal Insulin Use in the Non–Critical Care Setting: Is fasting Hypoglycemia Inevitable or Preventable?
- Basal rate tests (24‐hour fasts) performed in type‐1 diabetic subjects with either absolute fasting or snacks containing negligible carbohydrate amounts result in …
- Baseline fasting blood sugar predicts long-term outcome of catheter ablation in atrial fibrillation
- Baseline levels, and changes over time in body mass index and fasting insulin, and their relationship to change in metabolic trait clustering
- Bayesian meta-analysis of the effect of fasting, transport and lairage times on four attributes of pork meat quality
- Beak color dynamically signals changes in fasting status and parasite loads in king penguins
- Becoming a Being of Pure Consciousness: fasting and New Age Spirituality
- Bedside ultrasound assessment of gastric content in children noncompliant with preoperative fasting guidelines: Is it time to include this in our practice?
- Behavioral and Neurological Disorders. Nutrition in Health Promotion Series, Number 24.
- Behavioural and histopathological assessment of the effects of periodic fasting on pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures in rats
- Beliefs and practices of fasting in Ramadan among pregnant women
- Beliefs of people with diabetes about skin prick during Ramadan fasting
- Bembya Mitruev, About Kalmyk Buddhism and fasting Days
- Beneficial effect of a moderately energy-restricted diet on fibrinolytic factors in non-obese men
- Beneficial Effects of fasting on White Adipose Tissue Inflammation and Metabolic Syndrome in Obese Subjects: Review
- Beneficial effects of fasting regimens on periodontal tissues in experimental periodontitis mice model
- Beneficial Effects of Ramadan fasting on Health
- Beneficial effects of short-term calorie restriction against cisplatin-induced acute renal injury in aged rats
- Beneficial effects of the oral administration of vanadyl sulphate on glucose metabolism in senescent rats
- Beneficial effects of weight loss associated with moderate calorie/carbohydrate restriction, and increased proportional intake of protein and unsaturated fat on serum …
- Beneficial effects on fasting insulin and postprandial responses through 7-day intake of New Zealand blackcurrant powder
- Beneficial impact of sleep extension on fasting insulin sensitivity in adults with habitual sleep restriction
- Benefit of a low-fat over high-fat diet on vascular health during alternate day fasting
- Benefits of fasting Abbreviation with Carbohydrates and Omega-3 Infusion During CABG: a Double-Blind Controlled Randomized Trial
- Best Practices for Educating Religiously fasting Learners
- Beta cell function in type 1 diabetes determined from clinical and fasting biochemical variables
- Beta cell function in type 1 diabetes determined from clinical and fasting biochemical variables
- Beverage intake during alternate-day fasting: Relationship to energy intake and body weight
- Beyond fasting plasma glucose: the association between coronary heart disease risk and postprandial glucose, postprandial insulin and insulin resistance in healthy …
- Beyond the rodent model: calorie restriction in rhesus monkeys
- Biblical Massage and Holy Spirit Touch–with guidelines for–Biblical Meditation and Fasting
- Bibliometric analysis of the literature on Ramadan fasting and diabetes in the past three decades (1989-2018)
- Bidirectional Vitamin Transport and the Mechanism of calorie Restriction
- Bilateral chylothorax after transsternal total thymectomy: resolution with short period of fasting and total parenteral nutrition
- Bile acids associate with glucose metabolism, but do not predict conversion from impaired fasting glucose to diabetes
- Bile acids extend longevity beyond calorie restriction.
- Bile salt measurements in Gilbert’s syndrome
- Biliary Cholesterol Saturation and Weight Reduction–Effects of fasting and Low calorie Diet
- Biliary lipid and bile acid composition in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus arguments for increased intestinal bacterial bile acid degradation
- Bilirubin dependence on UGT1A1 polymorphisms, hemoglobin, fasting time and body mass index
- Bilisshiissaannuua/To Go Without Water: The Importance of fasting Among the Apsaalooke
- Bimodal distribution of fasting plasma glucose in the Uyghur and Han populations of Xinjiang, China
- Binding of Hepatic Nuclear Proteins From Obese and Lean Zucker Rats to the Upstream Region of Malic Enzyme Gene.
- Binge drinking and total alcohol consumption from 16 to 43 years of age are associated with elevated fasting plasma glucose in women: results from the …
- Bioavailability of valproic acid under fasting/nonfasting regimens.
- Biochemical alterations in 7, 12-dimethylbenz [a] anthracene-induced mammary tumors from rats subjected to caloric restriction
- Biochemical Basis for the Benefits of Fasting
- Biochemical, physiological and body composition changes in patients with type 2 diabetes during Ramadan fasting
- Biocompatible silver nanoparticles synthesized using Rumex hymenosepalus extract decreases fasting glucose levels in diabetic rats
- Bioenergetics and permeability transition pore opening in heart subsarcolemmal and interfibrillar mitochondria: effects of aging and lifelong calorie restriction
- Bioenergetics in the aging Fischer 344 rat: effects of exercise and food restriction
- Bioenergetics of aging and calorie restriction
- Bioequivalence between two extended release tablets of oxycodone hydrochloride in healthy subjects under fasting and fed conditions
- Bioequivalence Between Two Fixed Dose Combinations of Dutasteride and Tamsulosin in Male Subjects Under fasting and Fed Conditions
- Bioequivalence between two Prolonged Release Tablets of Desvenlafaxine Succinate in Healthy Subjects under fasting and Fed Conditions
- Bioequivalence evaluation of cefdinir in healthy fasting subjects
- Bioequivalence of a new generic formulation of erlotinib hydrochloride 150 mg tablets versus tarceva in healthy volunteers under fasting conditions
- Bioequivalence of generic alendronate sodium tablets (70 mg) to Fosamax® tablets (70 mg) in fasting, healthy volunteers: a randomized, open-label, three …
- Bioequivalence of Two Formulations of Gliclazide in a Randomized Crossover Study in Healthy Caucasian Subjects Under fasting Conditions
- Bioequivalence of two formulations of pregabalin 150-mg capsules under fasting conditions in healthy male subjects
- Bioequivalence of two lansoprazole delayed release capsules 30 mg in healthy male volunteers under fasting, fed and fasting-applesauce conditions: a partial …
- Bioequivalence of Two Oral Formulations of Modafinil Tablets in Healthy Male Subjects under Fed and fasting Conditions
- Bioequivalence of two tacrolimus 1-mg formulations under fasting conditions in healthy subjects: A randomized, two-period crossover trial.
- Bioequivalence studies of lenalidomide capsule under fasting and fed conditions in Indian volunteers: Application of an advanced UPLC-MS/MS method
- Bioequivalence Study of 2 Formulations of Rivaroxaban, a Narrow‐Therapeutic‐Index Drug, in Healthy Chinese Subjects Under fasting and Fed Conditions
- Bioequivalence study of abacavir 300 mg tablets in healthy Thai male volunteers under fasting conditions
- Bioequivalence study of abacavir/lamivudine (600/300-mg) tablets in healthy Thai volunteers under fasting conditions
- Bioequivalence Study of Darunavir Ethanolate and Darunavir Propylene Glycolate Tablets 800 mg in Healthy Volunteers under fasting Conditions
- Bioequivalence study of dofetilide in healthy human volunteers under fasting and fed conditions
- Bioequivalence Study of Dolutegravir, Emtricitabine and Tenofovir Alafenamide Tablets 50mg/200mg/25mg in Healthy Volunteers under fasting Conditions
- Bioequivalence study of duloxetine hydrochloride 60 mg ec capsules in the fasting and fed states in healthy Thai male volunteers
- Bioequivalence Study of Olanzapine 5 mg Orally Disintegrating Tablet Formulations in Healthy Thai Volunteers under fasting Conditions
- Bioequivalence Study of Tadalafil Tablets in Healthy Chinese Volunteers under fasting Conditions
- Bioequivalence study of tramadol+ paracetamol (37.5+ 325 mg) in healthy human volunteers in fasting condition
- Bioequivalence study of two formulations of candesartan cilexetil tablet in healthy subjects under fasting conditions
- Bioequivalence study of two formulations of flupirtine maleate capsules in healthy male chinese volunteers under fasting and fed conditions
- Bioequivalence study of two formulations of ibandronic acid 150-mg film-coated tablets in healthy volunteers under fasting conditions: a randomized, open …
- Bioequivalence study of two oral formulations of clarithomycin following a single dose administration to healthy male subjects under fasting conditions
- Biologic Behavior and optimal cut-off point estimation for Serum fasting Insulin: A report from the Maracaibo City Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence Study
- Biological age and its estimation. I. Studies of some physiological parameters in albino rats and their validity as biological age tests
- Biological approaches to mechanistically understand the healthy life span extension achieved by calorie restriction and modulation of hormones
- Biological availability of digoxin and beta-methyl-digoxin administered in the fasting state or after meals
- Biological effects of calorie restriction: implications for modification of human aging
- Biological parameters during fasting
- Biological significance of protein modifications in aging and calorie restriction
- Biological theories of aging
- Biology of pancreatic cancer.
- Biomarkers for type 2 diabetes and impaired fasting glucose using a nontargeted metabolomics approach
- Biometric development and performance of broilers submitted to different periods of post-hatching fasting.
- Biosphere 2—Lessons Learned for Future Celss Research
- Biosynthesis of DHEAS by the human adrenal cortex and its age‐related decline
- Birth weight predicted baseline muscular efficiency, but not response of energy expenditure to calorie restriction: An empirical test of the predictive adaptive response …
- Birthweight and fasting glucose and insulin levels: results from the Aboriginal Birth Cohort Study
- Birthweight and fasting glucose and insulin levels: results from the Aboriginal Birth Cohort Study
- Bitter gourd reduces elevated fasting plasma glucose levels in an intervention study among prediabetics in Tanzania
- Bladder cancer
- BLEEDING AND STARVING: fasting and delayed refeeding after upper gastrointestinal bleeding
- Blinded continuous glucose monitoring during Yom Kippur fasting in patients with type 1 diabetes on continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy
- Blocking Dopamine D2 Receptors by Haloperidol Curtails the Beneficial Impact of calorie restriction on the Metabolic Phenotype of High‐Fat Diet Induced Obese …
- Blood and Urinary Glycosylated Proteins in Diabetes Mellitus
- Blood cell transcriptomic-based early biomarkers of adverse programming effects of gestational calorie restriction and their reversibility by leptin …
- Blood changes in lambs during the stress of fasting [Diet composition]
- Blood chemistry homeostasis during prolonged fasting in the northern elephant seal
- Blood Glucose Fasting–Harmonization of Variables Affecting Pre Analytical Phase
- Blood glucose fluctuation during Ramadan fasting in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: findings of continuous glucose monitoring
- Blood glucose is associated with chronic kidney disease in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance, but not in those with impaired fasting glucose 只有在 …
- Blood glucose response to two intensities of physical exercise in young women during fasting
- Blood homocysteine and fasting insulin levels are reduced and erythrocyte sedimentation rates increased with a glycophospholipid-vitamin formulation: a …
- Blood lead is associated with impaired fasting glucose in middle-aged population: the 2008-2011 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
- Blood parathyroid hormone during fasting
- Blood pressure and fasting glucose changes in male migrants waiting for an asylum decision in Italy. A pilot study
- Blood pressure and fasting lipid changes after 24 weeks’ treatment with vildagliptin: a pooled analysis in> 2,000 previously drug-naïve patients with type 2 …
- Blood pressure is reduced by short-time calorie restriction in overweight hypertensive women with a constant intake of sodium and potassium
- Blood viscosity in the fasting surgical patient
- Blubber mobilization of PBDEs in northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) during the post-weaning fasting duration-comparison with PCBs
- Blubber Proteome Response to fasting in Adult Female Elephant Seals
- Blubber transcriptome response to acute stress axis activation involves transient changes in adipogenesis and lipolysis in a fasting-adapted marine mammal
- BMI and all-cause mortality in normoglycemia, impaired fasting glucose, newly diagnosed diabetes, and prevalent diabetes: a cohort study
- Bmi, fasting Blood-glucose and Total-cholesterol Levels in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder with or Without Epilepsy and Valproic Acid …
- BMI, HOMA-IR, and fasting blood glucose are significant predictors of peripheral nerve dysfunction in adult overweight and obese nondiabetic nepalese individuals: a …
- Body & brain: Periodic near‐fasting yields benefits: Curtailing calories on a schedule reduces body fat, study finds
- Body Build and Nutritional Balance
- Body Composition Changes Following Lenten fasting: A Study in Ethiopia
- Body composition changes with calorie restriction: results from the CALERIE trial (371.6)
- Body composition during fasting and non-fasting conditions measured with bioelectrical impedance analysis
- Body composition is altered in pre-diabetic patients with impaired fasting glucose tolerance: Results from the NHANES survey
- Body composition, energy expenditure, and plasma metabolites in long-term fasting geese
- Body growth, mitochondrial enzymatic capacities and aspects of the antioxidant system and redox balance under calorie restriction in young turbot (Scophthalmus …
- Body image among African American women: A comparison of two cultural contexts
- Body image and the dynamics of eating in three adolescent girls in three Joyce Carol Oates novels: Angel of light, American appetites, and Wonderland
- Body image and the regulation of weight
- Body Image and the Regulation of Weight
- Body image, dieting, and smoking: parental influences on their adolescent daughters
- Body Mass and Internal Organ Size Response to fasting and Refeeding Treatments in Asiatic Toads (Bufo gargarizans)
- Body mass index and impaired fasting blood glucose as predictive factor of efficacy in cetuximab-based colorectal cancer treatment.
- Body mass index and impaired fasting blood glucose as predictive factor of time to progression (TTP) in cetuximab-based colorectal cancer treatment
- Body size and fat distribution as predictors of coronary heart disease among middle-aged and older US men
- Body temperature and metabolism in the red-backed mousebird (Colius castanotus) during fasting and torpor
- Body Weight Response of Broiler Chicken Subjected to Post-hatched Fasting
- Body weight, skeletal muscle morphology, and enzyme activities in relation to fasting serum insulin concentration and glucose tolerance in 48-year-old men
- Bone microstructure and metabolism changes under the combined intervention of ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting: an in vivo study of rats
- Bone mineral density in diabetes and impaired fasting glucose
- Bone Turnover Markers in Men and Women with Impaired fasting Glucose and Diabetes
- Book Review: The Spirit of Food: 34 Writers on Feasting and fasting toward God
- Both fasting and glucose-stimulated proinsulin levels predict hyperglycemia and incident type 2 diabetes: a population-based study of 9,396 Finnish men
- Both fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) and A1c Drop in Less than One Month after Starting Lysulin Supplementation
- Bowel Preparation With Polyethylene Glycol 3350 or fasting Only Before Peroral Single-balloon Enteroscopy: A Randomized European Multicenter Trial.
- Brain activation declined during finger tapping in the later period of Ramadan fasting
- Brain aging and calorie restriction in rhesus macaques
- Brain Death in a Murder Victim: A Medicolegal Dilemma
- Brain electrophysiology in adult rats fed copper deficient diets
- Brain regions involved in ingestive behavior and related psychological constructs in people undergoing calorie restriction
- Brain response to calorie restriction
- Breakfast intake is associated with nutritional status, Mediterranean diet adherence, serum iron and fasting glucose: the CYFamilies study
- Breakfast may not be the most important meal of the day: The Benefits of Intermittent fasting on Health, Exercise, and Muscle Growth
- Breaking Mitochondrial fasting for Cancer Treatment: Old Wine in New Bottles
- Breaking the fast: Meal patterns and beliefs about healthy eating style are associated with adherence to intermittent fasting diets
- Breaking the midnight fast: An observational cross-sectional audit of preoperative fasting policies and practices at a Tertiary Care Hospital
- Breast cancer and dietary and plasma concentrations of carotenoids and vitamin A
- Breeding and feeding strategies in deer mice and house mice when females are challenged to work for their food
- Brief calorie restriction increases Akt2 phosphorylation in insulin-stimulated rat skeletal muscle
- BRIEF COMMUNICATION: Optimizing a fasting protocol to assess live weight of sheep
- Brief dietary restriction increases skeletal muscle glucose transport in old Fischer 344 rats
- Brief fasting, stress, and cognition in children
- Brief Report Greater impairment of postprandial triacylglycerol than glucose response in metabolic syndrome subjects with fasting hyperglycaemia
- Brief report: Ramadan as a model of intermittent fasting: Effects on body composition, metabolic parameters, gut hormones and appetite in adults with and without type …
- Brown fat detected by FDG PET/CT is protective against elevated fasting blood glucose in obese patients
- Bud to blossom: an intuitive, auto-phenomenological inquiry into maturation and transformation through vision fasting
- Budgeting of Energy
- Build Students’ Character Through fasting At Muslim School In Indonesia
- Burden of disease attributable to high fasting plasma glucose in 1990 and 2013 in China
- By no extraordinary means: the choice to forgo life-sustaining food and water
- C. elegans exposed to calorie restriction and resveratrol concurrently have statistically similar lifespans to the control
- C679X loss-of-function PCSK9 variant is associated with lower fasting glucose in black South African adolescents: Birth to Twenty Plus Cohort
- C679X loss-of-function PCSK9 variant lowers fasting glucose levels in a black South African population: a longitudinal study
- Calcemic response to parathyroid hormone in renal failure: Role of calcitriol and the effect of parathyroidectomy
- Calcium channel blocker use is associated with lower fasting serum glucose among adults with diabetes from the REGARDS study
- Calcium signaling through CaMKII regulates hepatic glucose production in fasting and obesity
- CALERIE II: the effect of 25% calorie restriction over two years on cognitive function (629.7)
- cally significant increases occurred in all these values. Changes in triglyceride concentrations were not as consistent as the changes in cholesterol …
- Caloric intake, body weight, and cancer: a review
- Caloric restriction affects liver microsomal monooxygenases differentially in aging male rats
- Caloric restriction alters arterial blood pressure and baroreflex responsiveness of the spontaneously hypertensive rat
- Caloric restriction and aging as viewed from Biosphere 2.
- Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting alter hepatic lipid droplet proteome and diacylglycerol species and prevent diabetes in NZO mice
- Caloric restriction in experimental carcinogenesis
- Caloric restriction increases the expression of heat shock protein in the gut.
- Caloric restriction modulates aging rate and sensitivity to oxygen free radical damage in rats
- calorie and fat restriction during chemotherapy improves survival in obese mice with syngeneic acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- calorie and protein restriction in mammals: a review and comparison on respect to aging
- calorie for calorie, dietary fat restriction results in more body fat loss than carbohydrate restriction in people with obesity
- calorie intake during mammary development influences cancer risk: lasting inhibition of C3H/HeOu mammary tumorigenesis by peripubertal calorie restriction
- calorie or carbohydrate restriction? The ketogenic diet as another option for supportive cancer treatment
- calorie restriction & longevity
- calorie restriction (CR) and CR mimetics for the prevention and treatment of age-related eye disorders
- calorie restriction (CR) enhances T cell mediated immune response in overweight men and women
- calorie restriction (CR) Protects against oxidative stress-induced muscle atrophy by preserving mitochondrial function and muscle integrity even in the …
- calorie restriction (CR) reduces age-dependent decline of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) activity in rat tissues
- calorie restriction â an approach towards obesity management
- calorie restriction à Lamarck
- calorie restriction accelerates the catabolism of lean body mass during 2 wk of bed rest
- calorie restriction activates new adult born olfactory‐bulb neurones in a ghrelin‐dependent manner but acyl‐ghrelin does not enhance sub‐ventricular zone …
- calorie restriction activates the biosynthesis of cardiolipin and its distribution between menbranes
- calorie restriction affects brain glutathione metabolism in normal and long-living mice
- calorie restriction affects intestinal cells
- calorie restriction aggravated cortical and trabecular bone architecture in ovariectomy-induced estrogen-deficient rats
- calorie restriction alleviates the age‐related decrease in neural progenitor cell division in the aging brain
- calorie restriction alters mitochondrial protein acetylation
- calorie restriction alters physical performance but not cognition in two models of altered neuroendocrine signaling
- calorie restriction ameliorates neurodegenerative phenotypes in forebrain-specific presenilin-1 and presenilin-2 double knockout mice
- calorie restriction and age‐related oxidative stress
- calorie restriction and aging
- calorie restriction and aging in nonhuman primates
- calorie restriction and aging in rhesus monkeys
- calorie restriction and aging: a life‐history analysis
- calorie restriction and aging: review of the literature and implications for studies in humans
- calorie restriction and aging: the ultimate “cleansing diet”
- calorie restriction and antibody response to mumtv in c3h/bi mice. Abstr.
- calorie restriction and autophagy
- calorie restriction and bone health in young, overweight individuals
- calorie restriction and cancer prevention: a mechanistic perspective
- calorie restriction and Cancer Prevention: Established and Emerging Mechanisms
- calorie restriction and cancer prevention: metabolic and molecular mechanisms
- calorie restriction and Cancer: An Update
- calorie restriction and cardiometabolic health
- calorie restriction and cellular proliferation in various tissues of the female Swiss Webster mouse
- calorie restriction and corticosterone elevation during lactation can each modulate adult male fear and anxiety-like behaviour
- calorie restriction and diet composition modulate spontaneous intestinal tumorigenesis in ApcMin mice through different mechanisms
- calorie restriction and dietary restriction mimetics: a strategy for improving healthy aging and longevity
- calorie restriction and dwarf mice in gerontological research
- calorie restriction and endurance exercise share potent anti-inflammatory function in adipose tissues in ameliorating diet-induced obesity and insulin …
- calorie restriction and glucose regulation
- calorie restriction and Health-Related Quality of Life
- calorie restriction and Insulin Sensitivity in Obesity
- calorie restriction and iopanoic acid effects on thyroid hormone metabolism
- calorie restriction and iopanoic acid effects on thyroid hormone metabolism15
- calorie restriction and its impact on gut microbial composition and global metabolism
- calorie restriction and its impact upon the behavioural, physiological, molecular, and metabolic indicators of illness
- calorie restriction and ketogenic diet diminish neuronal excitability in rat dentate gyrus in vivo
- calorie restriction and late-onset calorie restriction extend lifespan but do not alter protein storage in female grasshoppers
- calorie restriction and longevity: fast and loose?
- calorie restriction and matched weight loss from exercise: independent and additive effects on glucoregulation and the incretin system in overweight women and men
- calorie restriction and methionine restriction in control of endogenous hydrogen sulfide production by the transsulfuration pathway
- calorie restriction and mitochondrial function
- calorie restriction and NAD⁺/sirtuin counteract the hallmarks of aging.
- calorie restriction and not glucagon‐like peptide‐1 explains the acute improvement in glucose control after gastric bypass in Type 2 diabetes
- calorie restriction and Obesity
- calorie restriction and obesity under the regulation of SIRT1
- calorie restriction and prevention of age‐associated chronic disease
- calorie restriction and rapamycin administration induce stem cell self-renewal and consequent development and production in the mammary gland
- calorie restriction and rapamycin inhibit MMTV-Wnt-1 mammary tumor growth in a mouse model of postmenopausal obesity
- calorie restriction and rapamycin, but not exercise, inhibit MMTV-Wnt-1 mammary tumor growth in a mouse model of postmenopausal obesity
- calorie restriction and resveratrol in cardiovascular health and disease
- calorie restriction and resveratrol supplementation prevent age-related DNA and RNA oxidative damage in a non-human primate
- calorie restriction and reversal of type 2 diabetes
- calorie restriction and Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass have opposing effects on circulating FGF 21 in morbidly obese subjects
- calorie restriction and SIR2 genes—towards a mechanism
- calorie restriction and SIRT3 trigger global reprogramming of the mitochondrial protein acetylome
- calorie restriction and sirtuins revisited
- calorie restriction and Skeletal Mass in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) Evidence for an Effect Mediated Through Changes in Body Size
- calorie restriction and spontaneous hepatic tumors in C3H/He mice.
- calorie restriction and stroke
- calorie restriction and susceptibility to intact pathogens
- calorie restriction and the exercise of chromatin
- calorie restriction and the nutrient sensing signaling pathways
- calorie restriction and β3-adrenergic receptor agonists ameliorate leptin resistance in insulin receptor substrate-2 deficient mice
- calorie restriction as a means to control skeletal muscle stiffness in aged rats
- calorie restriction as a new approach for resetting carotid body chemoreflex control in heart failure (873.11)
- calorie restriction as a potent anti-aging intervention: modulation of oxidative stress
- calorie restriction as a probe for understanding neuroendocrine involvement in the aging processes
- calorie restriction as an anti-invasive therapy for malignant brain cancer in the VM mouse
- calorie restriction as an intervention in ageing
- calorie restriction at increasing levels leads to augmented concentrations of corticosterone and decreasing concentrations of testosterone in rats
- calorie restriction attenuates age-related alterations in the plasma membrane antioxidant system in rat liver
- calorie restriction attenuates Alzheimer’s disease type brain amyloidosis in Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)
- calorie restriction attenuates astrogliosis but not amyloid plaque load in aged rhesus macaques: a preliminary quantitative imaging study
- calorie restriction attenuates cardiac remodeling and diastolic dysfunction in a rat model of metabolic syndrome
- calorie restriction attenuates cerebral ischemic injury via increasing SIRT1 synthesis in the rat
- calorie restriction attenuates hypertrophy-induced redox imbalance and mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channel repression
- calorie restriction attenuates inflammatory responses to myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury
- calorie restriction attenuates lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced microglial activation in discrete regions of the hypothalamus and the subfornical organ
- calorie restriction attenuates LPS-induced sickness behavior and shifts hypothalamic signaling pathways to an anti-inflammatory bias
- calorie restriction attenuates monocrotaline-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension in rats
- calorie restriction attenuates terminal differentiation of immune cells
- calorie restriction Attenuates the Age-Associated Decrease in α Subunit of F1 ATP Synthase Activity in the Mouse Skeletal Muscles
- calorie restriction breaks an epigenetic barrier to longevity
- calorie restriction can increase thymocyte apoptosis through Bcl-2 and Fas pathway.
- calorie restriction Can Reverse Several of the Aging and HFD-Induced Changes in Lung Epithelial Stem Cells
- calorie restriction can reverse, as well as prevent, aging cardiomyopathy
- calorie restriction causes healthy life span extension in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina
- calorie restriction combined with resveratrol induces autophagy and protects 26-month-old rat hearts from doxorubicin-induced toxicity
- calorie restriction counteracts the impairment of adipocyte insulin-stimulated lipogenesis in aging rats, but not that induced by dexamethasone treatment
- calorie restriction Curbs Proinflammation That Accompanies Arterial Aging, Preserving a Youthful Phenotype
- calorie restriction decreases chronic mitochondrial oxidative stress and enhances life span in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- calorie restriction decreases endogenous H2O2 generation per O2 consumed and increases viability in S. cerevisiae
- calorie restriction decreases microalbuminuria associated with aging in barrier-raised Fischer 344 rats
- calorie restriction decreases murine and human pancreatic tumor cell growth, nuclear factor-κB activation, and inflammation-related gene expression in an …
- calorie restriction decreases platelet‐derived growth factor (PDGF)‐A and thrombin receptor mRNA expression in autoimmune murine lupus nephritis
- calorie restriction decreases proinflammatory cytokines and polymeric Ig receptor expression in the submandibular glands of autoimmune prone (NZB× NZW) F1 mice
- calorie restriction decreases spontaneous mammary tumorigenesis and upregulates ER-β in MMTV-neu transgenic mice.
- calorie restriction delays age-dependent loss in androgen responsiveness of the rat liver.
- calorie restriction delays lipid oxidative damage in Drosophila melanogaster
- calorie restriction delays spontaneous tumorigenesis in p53-knockout transgenic mice
- calorie restriction delays the age-related thickening of the liver sinusoidal endothelium
- calorie restriction delays the crescentic glomerulonephritis of SCG/Kj mice
- calorie restriction delays the progression of lesions to pancreatic cancer in the LSL-KrasG12D; Pdx-1/Cre mouse model of pancreatic cancer
- calorie restriction diet, physical activity, intragastric balloon and biliopancreatic diversion as the effective quartet in obesity management-case report
- calorie restriction does not elicit a robust extension of replicative lifespan in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- calorie restriction does not increase short-term or long-term protein synthesis
- calorie restriction does not influence oocyte quality in oocytes from POLG mitochondrial mutator mice
- calorie restriction does not restore brain mitochondrial function in P301L tau mice, but it does decrease mitochondrial F0F1-ATPase activity
- calorie restriction dose-dependently abates lipopolysaccharide-induced fever, sickness behavior, and circulating interleukin-6 while increasing corticosterone
- calorie restriction Down-Regulates Expression of the Iron Regulatory Hormone Hepcidin in Normal and d-Galactose–Induced Aging Mouse Brain
- calorie restriction Effect of Heat-Processed Onion Extract (ONI) Using In Vitro and In Vivo Animal Models
- calorie restriction Effect on Circadian Clock Gene Expression
- calorie restriction effects on circadian rhythms in gene expression are sex dependent
- calorie restriction effects on insulin and nitric oxide signaling: implications for mitochondrial biogenesis, morphology and function
- calorie restriction effects on insulin signaling and glucose uptake in multiple insulin-stimulated rat skeletal muscles in vivo
- calorie restriction effects on silencing and recombination at the yeast rDNA
- calorie restriction enhances adult mouse lung stem cells function and reverses several ageing‐induced changes
- calorie restriction enhances cell adaptation to hypoxia through Sirt1-dependent mitochondrial autophagy in mouse aged kidney
- calorie restriction enhances cell adaptation to hypoxia through Sirt1-dependent mitochondrial autophagy in mouse aged kidney (研究論文の紹介)
- calorie restriction enhances insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and Akt phosphorylation in both fast-twitch and slow-twitch skeletal muscle of 24-month-old rats
- calorie restriction enhances longevity without reducing lifetime fecundity in female lubber grasshoppers (Romalea microptera)
- calorie restriction enhances longevity without reducing lifetime fecundity or glucose titers in female lubber grasshoppers
- calorie restriction enhances T-Cell–mediated immune response in adult overweight men and women
- calorie restriction enhances the expression of key metabolic enzymes associated with protein renewal during aging
- calorie restriction extends life span—but which calories?
- calorie restriction extends Saccharomyces cerevisiae lifespan by increasing respiration
- calorie restriction extends the chronological lifespan of Saccharomyces cerevisiae independently of the Sirtuins
- calorie restriction extends yeast life span by lowering the level of NADH
- calorie restriction Facilitates Aging-Related Muscle Loss in the Aged Mice
- calorie restriction falters in the long run
- calorie restriction FOR CANCER PREVENTION
- calorie restriction for human aging: is there a potential benefit for cancer?
- calorie restriction for optimal cardiovascular aging: the weight of evidence
- calorie restriction for treatment of gestational diabetes
- calorie restriction from a young age preserves the functions of pancreatic β cells in aging rats
- calorie restriction governs intestinal epithelial regeneration through cell-autonomous regulation of mTORC1 in reserve stem cells
- calorie restriction hysteretically primes aging Saccharomyces cerevisiae toward more effective oxidative metabolism
- calorie restriction improves brain health in aging rhesus macaques
- calorie restriction improves cardiovascular risk factors via reduction of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species in type II diabetic rats
- calorie restriction improves cognitive decline via up-regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor
- calorie restriction Improves Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophic Response In Aged Rats Following Functional Overload
- calorie restriction improves whole-body glucose disposal and insulin resistance in association with the increased adipocyte-specific GLUT4 expression in Otsuka …
- calorie restriction in Adulthood Reduces Hepatic Disorders Induced by Transient Postnatal Overfeeding in Mice
- calorie restriction in an obesogenic environment: reality or fiction?
- calorie restriction in biosphere 2: alterations in physiologic, hematologic, hormonal, and biochemical parameters in humans restricted for a 2-year period
- calorie restriction in combination with prebiotic supplementation in obese women with depression: effects on metabolic and clinical response
- calorie restriction in humans inhibits the PI 3 K/AKT pathway and induces a younger transcription profile
- calorie restriction in humans: an update
- calorie restriction in Humans: Impact on Human Health
- calorie restriction in mammals and simple model organisms
- calorie restriction in mice does not affect LDL reverse cholesterol transport in vivo
- calorie restriction in mice overexpressing UCP3: evidence that prior mitochondrial uncoupling alters response
- calorie restriction in mice: effects on body composition, daily activity, metabolic rate, mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species production and membrane …
- calorie restriction in mice: effects on body composition, daily activity, metabolic rate, mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production, and membrane fatty acid …
- calorie restriction in Monkeys
- calorie restriction in nonhuman and human primates
- calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: assessing effects on brain and behavioral aging
- calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: effects on diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk.
- calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: Impact on aging, disease, and frailty
- calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: implications for age-related disease risk
- calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: mechanisms of reduced morbidity and mortality.
- calorie restriction in obesity: prevention of kidney disease in rodents
- calorie restriction in overweight males ameliorates obesity-related metabolic alterations and cellular adaptations through anti-aging effects, possibly including AMPK …
- calorie restriction in overweight older adults: Do benefits exceed potential risks?
- calorie restriction in overweight seniors: response of older adults to a dieting study: the CROSSROADS randomized controlled clinical trial
- calorie restriction in primates: will it work and how will we know?
- calorie restriction in rhesus monkeys
- calorie restriction in rodents: caveats to consider
- calorie restriction in the elderly people
- calorie restriction in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina
- calorie restriction In The Preeclamptic-like BPH/5 Mouse Reduces Adipose Tissue Gene Expression of Preeclampsia-Related Inflammatory Genes
- calorie restriction in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis enhances hypoxia tolerance in association with the increased mRNA levels of glycolytic enzymes
- calorie restriction increases cell surface GLUT-4 in insulin-stimulated skeletal muscle
- calorie restriction increases cerebral mitochindrial respiratory capacity in a N’O POT. PONTO’-mediated mechanism: impact on neuronal survival
- calorie restriction Increases Cerebral Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity in a NO center dot-Mediated Mechanism: Impact on Neuronal Survival
- calorie restriction increases cerebral mitochondrial respiratory capacity in a NO•-mediated mechanism: impact on neuronal survival
- calorie restriction increases cigarette use in adult smokers
- calorie restriction increases Fas/Fas‐ligand expression and apoptosis in murine splenic lymphocytes
- calorie restriction increases fatty acid synthesis and whole body fat oxidation rates
- calorie restriction Increases In Vivo Glucose Uptake and Insulin Signaling in Rat Skeletal Muscle
- calorie restriction increases insulin-stimulated glucose transport in skeletal muscle from IRS-1 knockout mice.
- calorie restriction increases insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate-1 in rat skeletal muscle.
- calorie restriction increases life span: a molecular mechanism
- calorie restriction increases light-dependent photoreceptor cell loss in the neural retina of Fischer 344 rats
- calorie restriction increases lipopolysaccharide-induced neuropeptide Y immunolabeling and reduces microglial cell area in the arcuate hypothalamic nucleus
- calorie restriction increases muscle insulin action but not IRS-1-, IRS-2-, or phosphotyrosine-PI 3-kinase
- calorie restriction increases muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in healthy humans
- calorie restriction increases P-glycoprotein and decreases intestinal absorption of digoxin in mice
- calorie restriction increases primordial follicle reserve in mature female chemotherapy-treated rats
- calorie restriction increases serum parathyroid hormone and decreases serum calcitonin levels in patients with maturity onset diabetes mellitus
- calorie restriction increases telomerase activity, enhances autophagy, and improves diastolic dysfunction in diabetic rat hearts
- calorie restriction increases the ratio of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic to regulatory subunits in rat skeletal muscle
- calorie restriction Induces a p53-independent Delay of Spontaneous Carcinogenesis
- calorie restriction induces a p53-independent delay of spontaneous carcinogenesis in p53-deficient and wild-type mice
- calorie restriction induces mitochondrial biogenesis and bioenergetic efficiency
- calorie restriction induces reversible lymphopenia and lymphoid organ atrophy due to cell redistribution
- calorie restriction influences cell cycle protein expression and DNA synthesis during liver regeneration
- calorie restriction influences key metabolic enzyme activities and markers of oxidative damage in distinct mouse liver mitochondrial sub-populations
- calorie restriction inhibits ovarian follicle development and follicle loss through activating SIRT1 signaling in mice
- calorie restriction inhibits relapse behaviour and preference for alcohol within a two-bottle free choice paradigm in the alcohol preferring (iP) rat
- calorie restriction inhibits sympathetic nerve activity via anti-oxidant effect in the rostral ventrolateral medulla of obesity-induced hypertensive rats
- calorie restriction inhibits the age-related dysregulation of the cytokines TNF-α and IL-6 in C3B10RF1 mice
- calorie restriction initiated at a young age activates the Akt/PKCζ/λ-Glut4 pathway in rat white adipose tissue in an insulin-independent manner
- calorie restriction initiated at middle age improved glucose tolerance without affecting age-related impairments of insulin signaling in rat skeletal muscle
- calorie restriction intervention induces enterotype-associated BMI loss in nonobese individuals
- calorie restriction is a major determinant of the short‐term metabolic effects of gastric bypass surgery in obese type 2 diabetic patients
- calorie restriction is more effective for obesity treatment than dietary fat restriction,
- calorie restriction is the most reasonable anti-ageing intervention: a meta-analysis of survival curves
- calorie restriction leads to greater Akt2 activity and glucose uptake by insulin-stimulated skeletal muscle from old rats
- calorie restriction limits the generation but not the progression of mitochondrial abnormalities in aging skeletal muscle
- calorie restriction lowers body temperature in rhesus monkeys, consistent with a postulated anti-aging mechanism in rodents
- calorie restriction may affect people differently than animals
- calorie restriction may be neuroprotective in AD and PD
- calorie restriction may not elevate the threshold of PTZ-induced seizures.
- calorie restriction may prevent primary aging in the heart
- calorie restriction mimetics and aging
- calorie restriction Mimetics From Functional Foods: Impact on Promoting a Healthy Life Span
- calorie restriction mimetics: an emerging research field
- calorie restriction mimetics: can you have your cake and eat it, too?
- calorie restriction mimetics: examples and mode of action
- calorie restriction mimetics: progress and potential
- calorie restriction mimetics: upstream-type compounds for modulating glucose metabolism
- calorie restriction mimicking by isoliquiritigenin attenuates experimental diabetic neuropathy via induction of mitochondrial biogenesis and autophagy
- calorie restriction mimicking effects of roflumilast prevents diabetic nephropathy
- calorie restriction minimizes activation of insulin signaling in response to glucose: potential involvement of the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor 1 axis
- calorie restriction minimizes activation of insulin signaling in response to glucose: potential involvement of the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor 1 axis
- calorie restriction modifies the delayed-type hypersensitivity response to the hapten trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid and to hapten-modified syngeneic spleen cells
- calorie restriction modifies ubiquinone and COQ transcript levels in mouse tissues
- calorie restriction modulates age-dependent changes in the retinas of Brown Norway rats
- calorie restriction modulates age-dependent changes in the retinas of brown norway rats [In Process Citation]
- calorie restriction modulates chemically induced in vivo somatic mutation frequency
- calorie restriction modulates hippocampal NMDA receptors in diet-induced obese rats
- calorie restriction modulates inactivity-induced changes in the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein and pentraxin-3
- calorie restriction modulates lymphocyte subset phenotype and increases apoptosis in MRLlpr mice
- calorie restriction modulates redox-sensitive AP-1 during the aging process
- calorie restriction modulates renal expression of sterol regulatory element binding proteins, lipid accumulation, and age-related renal disease
- calorie restriction Modulates Reproductive Development and Energy Balance in Pre-Pubertal Male Rats
- calorie restriction modulates Th-1 and Th-2 cytokine-induced immunoglobulin secretion in young and old C57BL/6 cultured submandibular glands
- calorie restriction of a high-carbohydrate diet elevates the threshold of PTZ-induced seizures to values equal to those seen with a ketogenic diet
- calorie restriction off the menu for the time being?…
- calorie restriction on Biomarkers of Longevity, Metabolic Adaptation, and Oxidative Stress in Overweight Individuals
- calorie restriction on drinking days: An examination of drinking consequences among college students
- calorie restriction on insulin resistance and expression of SIRT1 and SIRT4 in rats
- calorie restriction or exercise: effects on coronary heart disease risk factors. A randomized, controlled trial
- calorie restriction prevents diet-induced insulin resistance independently of PGC-1-driven mitochondrial biogenesis in white adipose tissue
- calorie restriction prevents hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy in the spontaneously hypertensive rat
- calorie restriction prevents metabolic aging caused by abnormal SIRT1 function in adipose tissues
- calorie restriction prevents the development of insulin resistance and impaired insulin signaling in skeletal muscle of ovariectomized rats
- calorie restriction prevents the development of insulin resistance and impaired lipid metabolism in gestational diabetes offspring
- calorie restriction prevents the occlusive coronary vascular disease of autoimmune (NZW x BXSB) F1 mice
- calorie restriction promotes cardiolipin biosynthesis and distribution between mitochondrial membranes
- calorie restriction promotes genome stability in mismatch repair defected cells during aging (LB118)
- calorie restriction promotes mammalian cell survival by inducing the SIRT1 deacetylase
- calorie restriction promotes mitochondrial biogenesis by inducing the expression of eNOS
- calorie restriction protects against age-related myocardial fibrosclerosis in the rat.
- calorie restriction protects against age-related rat aorta sclerosis
- calorie restriction protects against apoptosis, mitochondrial oxidative stress and increased calcium signaling through inhibition of TRPV1 channel in the hippocampus …
- calorie restriction protects against experimental abdominal aortic aneurysms in mice
- calorie restriction protects neural stem cells from age-related deficits in the subventricular zone
- calorie restriction protects ovarian structure and function in adult female rats treated with chemotherapeutic reagent
- calorie restriction reduced blood pressure in obesity hypertensives by improvement of autonomic nerve activity and insulin sensitivity
- calorie restriction reduces liver steatosis in liver specific Pten deleted mouse model
- calorie restriction reduces low grade inflammation and ameliorate outcome of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
- calorie restriction reduces MMP-2 activity and retards age-associated aortic restructuring in rats
- calorie restriction reduces oxidative stress by SIRT3-mediated SOD2 activation
- calorie restriction reduces PI3K/Akt signaling and tumorigenic potential in HER2-overexpressing breast cancer
- calorie restriction reduces pinealectomy‐induced insulin resistance by improving GLUT4 gene expression and its translocation to the plasma membrane
- calorie restriction reduces psychological stress reactivity and its association with brain volume and microstructure in aged rhesus monkeys
- calorie restriction reduces rDNA recombination independently of rDNA silencing
- calorie restriction reduces superoxide production of aging mouse hypothalamus
- calorie restriction reduces the incidence of myeloid leukemia induced by a single whole-body radiation in C3H/He mice
- calorie restriction reduces the incidence of radiation-induced myeloid leukaemia.
- calorie restriction reduces the incidence of radiation-induced myeloid leukemia and spontaneous tumor
- calorie restriction reduces the influence of glucoregulatory dysfunction on regional brain volume in aged rhesus monkeys
- calorie restriction reduces ulcerative dermatitis and infection-related mortality in p53-deficient and wild-type mice
- calorie restriction regime enhances physical performance of trained athletes
- calorie restriction regulates circadian clock gene expression through BMAL1 dependent and independent mechanisms
- calorie restriction remodels mitochondrial membranes by modulating the biosynthesis of cardiolipin
- calorie restriction reprograms diurnal rhythms in protein translation to regulate metabolism
- calorie restriction reverses age‐related alteration of cavernous neurovascular structure in the rat
- calorie restriction slows age-related microbiota changes in an Alzheimer’s disease model in female mice
- calorie restriction Supplemented with Fish Oil Ameliorates Abnormal Metabolic Status in Middle-Aged Obese Women: An Open-Label, Parallel-Arm, Controlled Trial
- calorie restriction Supplemented with Fish Oil Ameliorates Abnormal Metabolic Status in Middle-Aged Obese Women: An Open-Label, Parallel-Arm, Controlled Trial
- calorie restriction suppresses age-dependent hippocampal transcriptional signatures
- calorie restriction suppresses subgenomic mink cytopathic focus-forming murine leukemia virus transcription and frequency of genomic expression while impairing …
- calorie restriction test
- calorie restriction the Fountain of Youth
- calorie restriction to retard aging and increase longevity
- calorie restriction transcriptional signatures associated with pathology reduction throughout brain aging
- calorie restriction Un-SIR-tainty.
- calorie restriction upregulated sirtuin 1 by attenuating its ubiquitin degradation in cancer cells
- calorie restriction up-regulates iron and copper transport genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- calorie restriction up-regulates the plasma membrane redox system in brain cells and suppresses oxidative stress during aging
- calorie restriction versus exercise: which produces the best health outcomes?
- calorie restriction with a high-fat diet effectively attenuated inflammatory response and oxidative stress-related markers in obese tissues of the high diet fed rats
- calorie restriction with regular chow, but not a high-fat diet, delays onset of spontaneous osteoarthritis in the Hartley guinea pig model
- calorie Restriction, ad Libitum Feeding, and Cancer
- calorie restriction, aging and longevity
- calorie restriction, aging, and cancer prevention: mechanisms of action and applicability to humans
- calorie restriction, but not ketogenic diet, improves cognition in mouse models of Alzheimer’s pathology
- calorie restriction, endothelial function and blood pressure homeostasis.
- calorie restriction, exercise and body fat: Effects on cancer and markers of longevity
- calorie Restriction, Exercise, and Colon Cancer Prevention: A Mechanistic Perspective
- calorie Restriction, Glucose and Cancer
- calorie restriction, longevity and cognitive function
- calorie Restriction, Mitochondrial Biogenesis, and Mitochondrial Protein Turnover Review of the Literature
- calorie restriction, oxidative stress and longevity
- calorie restriction, post-reproductive life span, and programmed aging: a plea for rigor
- calorie restriction, SIRT1 and metabolism: understanding longevity
- calorie Restriction, Stem Cells, and Rejuvenation Approach
- calorie restriction, stress and the ubiquitin-dependent pathway in mouse livers
- calorie restriction: A new therapeutic intervention for age-related dry eye disease in rats
- calorie restriction: a potent mechanistic solution to the oxygen paradox
- calorie restriction: decelerating mTOR-driven aging from cells to organisms (including humans)
- calorie restriction: effect on growth of human tumors heterotransplanted in nude mice
- calorie restriction: is AMPK a key sensor and effector?
- calorie restriction: progress during mid-2005-mid-2006
- calorie restriction: what recent results suggest for the future of ageing research
- calorie restriction-induced changes in the secretome of human adipocytes, comparision with resveratrol-induced secretome effects
- calorie restriction-induced changes in the secretome of human adipocytes, comparison with resveratrol-induced secretome effects
- calorie restriction-induced increase in skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity is not prevented by overexpression of the p55α subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase
- calorie restriction‐induced maternal longevity is transmitted to their daughters in a rotifer
- calorie restriction-induced SIRT6 activation delays aging by suppressing NF-κB signaling
- calorie restriction-induced weight loss and exercise have differential effects on skeletal muscle mitochondria despite similar effects on insulin sensitivity
- calorie restriction-like effects of 30 days of resveratrol supplementation on energy metabolism and metabolic profile in obese humans
- calorie restriction-mediated replicative lifespan extension in yeast is non-cell autonomous
- calorie restriction-mediated restoration of hypothalamic signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) phosphorylation is not effective for lowering the body …
- calorie restriction—the SIR2 connection
- calorie shifting diet versus calorie restriction diet: a comparative clinical trial study
- calorie source versus calorie restriction in the onset of nephritis in NZB/NZW mice
- calorie Source, calorie Restriction, Immunity and Aging of (NZB/NZW)F1 Mice
- Calorie-restriction and longevity. End of a dream, at least for primates?
- Calorie-restriction reverses leptin resistance in middle-aged rats
- Calorie-Restriction-Induced Insulin Sensitivity Is Mediated by Adipose mTORC2 and Not Required for lifespan Extension
- Calories and carcinogenesis: lessons learned from 30 years of calorie restriction research
- cAMP/PKA agonist restores the fasting-induced down-regulation of nNOS expression in the paraventricular nucleus
- Can a diet that mimics fasting turn back the clock?
- Can A1C Replace Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in the Evaluation of Patients with Impaired fasting Glucose
- Can alginate-based preloads increase weight loss beyond calorie restriction? A pilot study in obese individuals
- Can calorie restriction prolong life?
- Can fasting glucose levels or post-breakfast glucose fluctuations predict the occurrence of nocturnal asymptomatic hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetic patients …
- Can fasting in the holy month of Ramadan affect on the levels of luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and prolactin?
- Can fasting plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin levels predict oral complications following invasive dental procedures in patients with type 2 diabetes …
- Can fasting plasma glucose on the oral glucose tolerance test predict the success of diet therapy in gestational diabetes mellitus?
- Can HbA1c combined with fasting plasma glucose help to assess priority for GCK-MODY vs HNF1A-MODY genetic testing?
- Can HbA1c replace OGTT for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus among Chinese patients with impaired fasting glucose?
- Can non-fasting and fasting lipid profile be mutually exclusive? An Indian perspective
- Can Obesity Alone Increase fasting Serum Insulin, fasting Serum C-Peptide and Insulin Resistance?
- Can patients with chronic liver diseases withstand Ramadan fasting?
- Can Ramadan fasting cause relapse and aggravation of spontaneous intracranial hypotension?
- Can Red Blood Cell Indices Act as Surrogate Markers for Discordance between Hemoglobin A1c and fasting Blood Glucose?
- Can short-term fasting protect against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity?
- Can sodium excretion from single fasting morning urine really be used for estimation of dietary sodium intake?
- Can UPR integrate fasting and stem cell regeneration?
- Can we prepare our bodies over the year to cope with Ramadan fasting more easily? Imam Reza’s health and dietary recommendations for different months of the …
- Can we safely avoid fasting before abortions with low-dose procedural sedation? A retrospective cohort chart review of anesthesia-related complications in 47,748 …
- Can we stratify the risk for insulin need in women diagnosed early with gestational diabetes by fasting blood glucose?
- canadian cardiovascular Nurses’ Knowledge, Practice and Advocacy role in Promoting evidence-Based Pre-Procedural fasting Guidelines.
- Canadian Diabetes and Ramadan fasting Position Statement
- Canadian Pediatric Anesthesia Society statement on clear fluid fasting for elective pediatric anesthesia
- Cancer and Nutrition: a ten-point plan to reduce your risk of getting cancer
- Cancer prevention by adult‐onset calorie restriction after infant exposure to ionizing radiation in B6C3F1 male mice
- Canine pancreatic exocrine secretion and levels of pancreatic polypeptide related to fasting duodenal motility.
- Capilar glucose identification in children with prolongued fasting scheduled for elective surgery at the Hospital Materno Infantil (Mother and Child Hospital)
- Capillary blood content of young women with different attitudes to alcohol in the dynamics of mental work on fasting
- Capsaicin-containing chili improved postprandial hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and fasting lipid disorders in women with gestational diabetes mellitus and …
- Capsule Commentary on Castro et al., Statin Use, Diabetes Incidence and Overall Mortality in Normoglycemic and Impaired fasting Glucose Patients
- Carbohydrate intake interacts with SNP276G> T polymorphism in the adiponectin gene to affect fasting blood glucose, HbA1C, and HDL cholesterol in Korean …
- Carbohydrate Metabolism and Fasting
- Carbohydrate-rich breakfast attenuates glycaemic, insulinaemic and ghrelin response to ad libitum lunch relative to morning fasting in lean adults
- Cardiac autonomic nervous dysfunction detected by both heart rate variability and heart rate turbulence in prediabetic patients with isolated impaired fasting …
- Cardiac Autophagy in Response to fasting is Impaired in Mice with Metabolic Syndrome
- Cardiac complications of regular dialysis therapy
- Cardiac dysfunction in diabetes mellitus and in calorie restriction: Role of the phosphocreatine shuttle.
- Cardiac δ-aminolevulinic acid synthetase activity: Effects of fasting, cobaltous chloride and hemin
- Cardiologist decision-making about pre-procedural fasting.
- Cardiometabolic Risk Factors by fasting Blood Glucose Tertiles in a Rural Community of Asian Indian Origin
- Cardiometabolic risk profiles and carotid atherosclerosis in individuals with prediabetes identified by fasting glucose, postchallenge glucose, and hemoglobin A1c …
- Cardiometabolic risk profiles in patients with impaired fasting glucose and/or hemoglobin A1c 5.7% to 6.4%: evidence for a gradient according to diagnostic …
- Cardioprotective effect of fasting on ischemia reperfused rat heart after diazepam administration
- Cardiopulmonary fitness, adiponectin, chemerin associated fasting insulin level in colorectal cancer patients
- Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Relation to fasting Glucose and Insulin Action in Obese Females
- Cardiorespiratory, enzymatic and hormonal responses during and after walking while fasting
- Cardiovascular ageing
- Cardiovascular and Blood Glucose Adaptation during Ramadan fasting among Different Weight Status Subjects
- Cardiovascular disease risk factors in a Nigerian population with impaired fasting blood glucose level and diabetes mellitus
- Cardiovascular disease, obesity, MetS, T2DM and aging, and benefits of calorie restriction and calorie restriction mimetics
- Cardiovascular Mitochondria and Redox Control in Health and Disease: Discordant signaling and autophagy response to fasting in hearts of obese mice …
- Cardiovascular response to short-term fasting in menstrual phases in young women: an observational study
- Carnitine acetyltransferase (Crat) in hunger-sensing AgRP neurons permits adaptation to calorie restriction
- Carnitine metabolism in Macaca arctoides: the effects of dietary change and fasting on serum triglycerides, unesterified carnitine, esterified (acyl) carnitine, and β …
- Carnitine metabolism in normal-weight and obese human subjects during fasting
- Carotid body denervation prevents fasting
- Carotid body denervation prevents fasting hyperglycemia during chronic intermittent hypoxia
- Carotid intima media thickness in nondiabetic hypertensive nigerians: role of fasting and postprandial blood glucose
- Case report: intermittent fasting and probiotic yogurt consumption are associated with reduction of serum alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase and increased urinary …
- Castration-induced testosterone deficiency increases fasting glucose associated with hepatic and extra-hepatic insulin resistance in adult male rats
- CAT-2003 is a Novel Small Molecule That Activates Lipoprotein Lipase and Reduces fasting and Postprandial Triglycerides
- Catecholamine levels in a Ramadan fasting model in rats: a case control study
- Catecholamine-fuel interrelationships during exercise in fasting men
- Catholic fasting Literature in a Context of Body Hatred: A Feminist Critique
- Causes of fasting-evoked en route hypoglycemia in diabetes (FEEHD): a case series study
- CD36 is indispensable for nutrient homeostasis and endurance exercise capacity during prolonged fasting
- CD36 is indispensable for thermogenesis under conditions of fasting and cold stress
- CD36 modulates fasting and preabsorptive hormone and bile acid levels
- Cd36 Plays a Crucial Role in Exercise Endurance During Prolonged fasting in Mice
- CD36 Protein Influences Myocardial Ca2+ Homeostasis and Phospholipid Metabolism CONDUCTION ANOMALIES IN CD36-DEFICIENT MICE DURING FASTING
- Cdkn2a/p16Ink4a regulates fasting-induced hepatic gluconeogenesis through the PKA-CREB-PGC1α pathway
- cDNA expression arrays reveal incomplete reversal of age-related changes in gene expression by calorie restriction
- cDNA structure and the effect of fasting on myostatin expression in walking catfish (Clarias macrocephalus, Günther 1864)
- Cell culture studies of a patient with congenital lipoatrophic diabetes—Normal insulin binding with alterations in intracellular glucose metabolism and insulin action
- Cell fasting: Cellular response and application of serum starvation
- Cell-mediated cytotoxicity is protected in moderately iron-deficient C57BL/6 mice
- Cellular adaptation contributes to calorie restriction-induced preservation of skeletal muscle in aged rhesus monkeys
- Cellular mechanisms of cardioprotection by calorie restriction: state of the science and future perspectives
- Central leptin action on euglycemia restoration in type 1 diabetes: Restraining responses normally induced by fasting?
- Central pulse pressure and its hemodynamic determinants in middle-aged adults with impaired fasting glucose and diabetes: the Asklepios study
- Central Role of Cognitive Control Networks in Weight Loss During Voluntary calorie Restriction
- Challenges Faced by Woodwind Players in Malaysia While fasting During Ramadan
- Challenges Faced by Woodwind Players in Malaysia While fasting During Ramadan: A Case Study.
- Challenging Case in Clinical Practice: Long-Term Relief from Chronic Posttraumatic Headache After Water-Only fasting and an Exclusively Plant-Foods Diet
- Change and correlated factors of fasting level of the plasma endotoxin in subjects with different glucose tolerances and body mass indices
- Change in Cardiovascular Health and Incident Type 2 Diabetes and Impaired fasting Glucose: The Whitehall II Study
- Change in fasting plasma glucose and incident type 2 diabetes mellitus: results from a prospective cohort study
- Change in self-efficacy, eating behaviors and food cravings during two years of calorie restriction in humans without obesity
- Changes during fasting in the activity of a specific lysosomal proteinase, fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase converting enzyme
- Changes in activities and mRNA expression of lipoprotein lipase and fatty acid synthetase in large yellow croaker, Larimichthys crocea (Richardson), during fasting
- Changes in blood properties of fasting and feeding harp seal pups, Phoca groenlandica, after weaning
- Changes in blood-gas, biochemical and oxidative parameters in the horse associated with transport and fasting
- Changes in body temperature during growth and in response to fasting in growing modern meat type chickens
- Changes in body weight after 24 weeks of vildagliptin therapy as a function of fasting glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Changes in bone density and bone quality caused by single fasting for 96 hours in rats
- Changes in bone density and bone quality caused by single fasting for 96 hours in rats
- Changes in bone density in calcium supplemented adolescent female athletes experiencing menstrual dysfunction
- Changes in brain tissue and behavior patterns induced by single short-term fasting in Mice
- Changes in circulating fuels, pancreatic hormones and liver glycogen concentration in fasting or suckling newborn pigs.
- Changes in digestive enzyme activities of red porgy Pagrus pagrus during a fasting–refeeding experiment
- Changes in Estrogen Receptor ERá and ERâ Expression in Chicken (Gallus domesticus) Adrenal Gland during Short-fasting and Refeeding
- Changes in estrogen receptor ERα and ERβ expression in chicken (Gallus domesticus) adrenal gland during short-fasting and refeeding
- Changes in expression of appetite-regulating hormones in the cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus) during short-term fasting and torpor
- Changes in expression of appetite-regulating hormones in the cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus) during short-term fasting and winter torpor
- Changes in fasting and prandial gut and adiposity hormones following vertical sleeve gastrectomy or Roux-en-Y-gastric bypass: an 18-month prospective study
- Changes in fasting blood glucose and skeletal muscle SIRT3 enzyme in GK rats after undergoing gastric bypass operation
- Changes in fasting glucose levels following longer-term treatment with simvastatin monotherapy and combined ezetimibe+ simvastatin
- Changes in fasting lipids during puberty
- Changes in fasting metabolism of cattle as a consequence of selection for growth rate: energy metabolism
- Changes in fasting plasma glucose levels with ribavirin and pegylated interferon treatment in normal and impaired glucose tolerant patients with chronic …
- Changes in fasting plasma glucose, HbA1c and triglycerides are related to changes in body composition in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Changes in fasting serum cortisol levels in adolescents with type 1 diabetes and elevated depressive symptoms
- Changes in gene expression during aging of mammals
- Changes in gene expression in PBMCs profiles of PPARα target genes in obese and non-obese individuals during fasting
- Changes in glycaemic parameters with Ramadan fasting in patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes on insulin: A flash glucose monitoring (FGM) study
- Changes in Hormone Levels and Circadian Rhythms during Fasting
- Changes in human body composition during calorie restriction with two levels of protein
- Changes in human gut microbiota composition are linked to the energy metabolic switch during 10 d of Buchinger fasting
- Changes in Human Gut Microbiota Composition Are Linked to the Energy Metabolic Switch During Ten Days of Fasting
- Changes in hunger and fullness in relation to gut peptides before and after 8 weeks of alternate day fasting
- Changes in hunger and fullness in relation to gut peptides before and after 8 weeks of alternate day fasting
- Changes in IL-15 expression and death-receptor apoptotic signaling in rat gastrocnemius muscle with aging and life-long calorie restriction
- Changes in leptin signaling by SOCS3 modulate fasting-induced hyperphagia and weight regain in mice
- Changes in lipid distribution during aging and its modulation by calorie restriction
- Changes in Lipid Profle and fasting Blood Glucose in Protease Inhibitor Exposed HIV/AIDS Patients
- Changes in liver lobule glycogen zonation during prolonged fasting of rats previously fed a 30% casein diet and adapted to a controlled feeding schedule
- Changes in neuroinflammation, body temperature, and neuropeptide Y expression following exposure to calorie restriction in mice.
- Changes in non-fasting concentrations of blood lipids after a daily Chinese breakfast in overweight subjects without fasting hypertriglyceridemia
- Changes in pediatric plasma acylcarnitines upon fasting for refined interpretation of metabolic stress
- Changes in portal blood flow and liver functions in cirrhotics during Ramadan fasting in the summer; a pilot study
- Changes in stable isotope compositions during fasting in phocid seals
- Changes in states of anxiety and psychosomatic reactions in competition periods during the ramadan fasting
- Changes in the activity and adenosine triphosphatases of liver and myocardium in fasting rats
- Changes in the effect of the autonomic nervous system on the aging heart
- Changes in the pattern of fasting jejunal motor activity during mental stress.
- Changes in the plasma fuel levels and body temperature during the breeding fasting in the male emperor penguin, Aptenodytes forsteri
- Changes in the responsiveness of hypothalamic PK2 and PKR1 gene expression to fasting in developing male rats
- Changes of aging parameters among rats on diets differing in fat quantity and quality
- Changes of Body Mass and Energy Balance during fasting and Dietary Restriction
- Changes of cell morphology and enzymatic activity in the chicken hypothalamus after fasting
- Changes of fasting serum Ghrelin and relative factors in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Changes of Myocardial Uptake of N-13 Ammonia by Fasting
- Changes of Plasma Levels of Adipocytokines During 120 Hours of fasting After Endoscopic Treatment
- Changes of sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) activity in rats subjected to double stress (dry heat and fasting)
- Changes-induced in liver and muscle glycogen and glycogen enzymes by 24-hour fasting in the rat
- Changing body habitus among healthy older men: The NAS Boston VA study of weight stability in healthy male volunteers aged 40–80 years
- Changing guidelines for preoperative fasting
- Changing paradigms in preoperative fasting: results of a joint effort in pediatric surgery
- Chapter 4: Modelling gas exchanges to partition heat production between fasting, thermic effect of feeding and physical activity in farm animals
- Characterisation and expression of myogenesis regulatory factors during in vitro myoblast development and in vivo fasting in the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)
- Characteristics and outcomes of fasting orders among medical inpatients
- Characteristics and Outcomes of fasting Orders Among Medical Inpatients.
- Characteristics and Risk Factors for High fasting Blood Glucose among Managers and Government Officials in the Philippines
- Characteristics of activated neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus when mice become hypothermic during fasting and cold exposure
- Characteristics of different risk factors and fasting plasma glucose for identifying GDM when using IADPSG criteria: a cross-sectional study
- Characteristics of fasting users among internal medicine patients in Germany
- Characteristics of insulin secretory capacity and insulin sensitivity in impaired fasting glucose and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in Japanese
- Characteristics of Insulin Secretory Capacity and Insulin Sensitivity in Impaired fasting Glucose and Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes in Japanese
- Characterization and expression of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) during fasting and reproductive cycle
- Characterization of Bglu3, a mouse fasting glucose locus, and identification of Apcs as an underlying candidate gene
- Characterization of Fasting-Induced p21 Expression and Protection of Intestinal Stem Cells
- Characterization of liver lysosomal enzyme activity in hepatocytes, Kupffer and endothelial cells during aging: effect of dietary restriction
- Characterization of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) and its receptor in chickens: Tissue expression, functional analysis, and fasting-induced up-regulation of …
- Characterization of one strain of acid-fasting Propionibacterium isolated from the breast abscess samples
- Characterization of Schizothorax prenanti cgnrhII gene: fasting affects cgnrhII expression
- Characterization, tissue distribution and regulation by fasting of the agouti family of peptides in the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
- Characterization, tissue distribution and regulation by fasting of the agouti family of peptides in the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
- Characterization, tissue distribution of apela and periprandial, fasting and refeeding changes of apela mRNA in Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii
- Charting the transcriptional regulatory changes in mouse liver during fasting
- Chemical pathology: interpretative pocket book
- Chemotherapy Through a Combination of fasting and Chronopharmacology
- Chewing gum and preoperative fasting–A systematic review
- Chewing gum for 1 h does not change gastric volume in healthy fasting subjects. A prospective observational study
- Chewing gum in the preoperative fasting period: an analysis of de-identified incidents reported to webAIRS
- Chi vuol godere la festa, digiunila vigilia: On the Relationship between fasting and Feasting
- Chicken FTO gene: tissue-specific expression, brain distribution, breed difference and effect of fasting
- Child Health and Human Development: An Evaluation and Assessment of the State of the Science. Nutrition.
- Childhood obesity
- Childhood obesity treatment; Effects on BMI SDS, body composition, and fasting plasma lipid concentrations
- Childhood Obesity. ERIC Digest.
- Childhood Obesity. Special Reference Briefs.
- Childhood risk factors predict cardiovascular disease, impaired fasting glucose plus type 2 diabetes mellitus, and high blood pressure 26 years later at a mean age of …
- Cholecystokinin in white sea bream: molecular cloning, regional expression, and immunohistochemical localization in the gut after feeding and fasting
- Cholesterol regulates DAF-16 nuclear localization and fasting-induced longevity in C. elegans
- Cholesterol, Lipoproteins, and Atherosclerosis
- Cholestyramine treatment reduces postprandial but not fasting serum bile acid levels in humans
- Christian and Muslim climate activists fasting and praying for the planet: Emotional translation of “dark green” activism and green-faith identities
- Christian fasting in postmodern society: considering the criteria.”
- Christian Fasting: Biblical and Evangelical Perspectives
- Christian Orthodox fasting in practice: A comparative evaluation between Greek Orthodox general population fasters and Athonian monks
- Chromatin recruitment of activated AMPK drives fasting response genes co-controlled by GR and PPARα
- Chromosome X-wide association study identifies Loci for fasting insulin and height and evidence for incomplete dosage compensation
- Chronic administration of bombesin-nonapeptide increases fasting levels of antral and serum gastrin
- Chronic administration of ghrelin regulates plasma glucose and normalizes insulin levels following fasting hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia
- Chronic alterations in blood pH affect fasting-state amino acid oxidation and myofibrillar and albumin protein synthesis in healthy young men
- Chronic calorie restriction alters glycogen metabolism in rhesus monkeys
- Chronic calorie restriction attenuates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
- Chronic calorie restriction Downregulates Skeletal Muscle mTORC1 Signaling Independent of Dietary Protein Level and Associated microRNA Expression in Male …
- Chronic calorie restriction increases susceptibility of laboratory mice (Mus musculus) to a primary intestinal parasite infection
- Chronic Effect Various Type of Exercises to fasting Blood Glucose and Insulin Resistance
- Chronic feeding study of pyrilamine in Fischer 344 rats
- Chronic fructose substitution for glucose or sucrose in food or beverages has little effect on fasting blood glucose, insulin, or triglycerides: a systematic review and …
- Chronic hypoxia decreases fasting glucose and improves glucose tolerance in obese rats
- Chronic intermittent fasting improves cognitive functions and brain structures in mice
- Chronic Renal Failure
- Chronic Tadalafil Therapy Improves fasting Glucose Levels And Downregulates Microrna-103 And-107 In Obese Diabetic Mice
- Chronic Type 2 but Not Type 1 Diabetes Impairs Myocardial Ischemic Tolerance and Cardioprotection: Effects Countered by calorie Restriction
- Chronobiological features of the immune system. Effect of calorie restriction
- Chronokinetic study of cefalexin in postprandial and fasting volunteers
- Chronokinetic study of cefprozil in postprandial and fasting volunteers
- Chronokinetic Study of Cephalexin in Postprandial and fasting Volunteers
- Chronological Changes During 10-Day Intermittent fasting with Low Energy Intake on High Intensity Aerobic Performance and Lipid Constituents
- Chronological lifespan extension mediated by calorie restriction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires mitochondrial electron transport chain integrity
- Church and society fasting and abstinence for Romanian clergy in the 18th century
- Church, begins praying and fasting around the crib of her infant child, who has suffered significant brain damage from a massive infection and has inflammation
- CIDEA and CIDEC are regulated by CREB and are not induced during fasting in grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella adipocytes
- CIDEC/FSP27 is regulated by peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor alpha and plays a critical role in fasting‐and diet‐induced hepatosteatosis
- Cine MRI assessment of motility in the unprepared small bowel in the fasting and fed state: Beyond the breath‐hold
- Cine MRI evaluation of fasting and postprandial gastric motility
- Cinnamaldehyde supplementation prevents fasting‐induced hyperphagia, lipid accumulation, and inflammation in high‐fat diet‐fed mice
- Cinnamomum zeylanicum Aqueous Extract is Superior to Bark Powder in Ameliorating fasting Glycaemia in Cornstarch and Fructose Fed Rats
- Cinnamon extract improves fasting blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin level in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes
- Cinnamon users with prediabetes have a better fasting working memory: a cross-sectional function study
- Circadian clocks govern calorie restriction–mediated life span extension through BMAL1-and IGF-1-dependent mechanisms
- Circadian cycle of digestive enzyme production at fasting and feeding conditions in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Cichlidae)
- Circadian cycle of digestive enzyme production at fasting and feeding conditions in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Cichlidae)
- Circadian Mechanisms of calorie restriction in Delaying Aging
- Circadian pattern of acute coronary syndrome patients in Ramadan fasting
- Circulating angiopoietin-like protein 8 is independently associated with fasting plasma glucose and type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Circulating asprosin concentrations are increased in type 2 diabetes mellitus and independently associated with fasting glucose and triglyceride
- Circulating concentrations of free thyroxine after an oral intake of liquid LT4 taken either during fasting conditions or at breakfast
- Circulating dopamine and C-peptide levels in fasting nondiabetic hypertensive patients: the Graz Endocrine Causes of Hypertension study
- Circulating human hepcidin-25 concentrations display a diurnal rhythm, increase with prolonged fasting, and are reduced by growth hormone administration
- Circulating irisin is increased in type 2 diabetes mellitus and correlates with fasting glucose levels
- Circulating Monocyte and Lymphocyte Populations in Healthy First-Degree Relatives of Type 2 Diabetic Patients at fasting and during Short-Term Hyperinsulinemia
- Circulating Netrin-1 as a novel biomarker for impaired fasting glucose and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Circulating obestatin levels correlate with fasting insulin and HOMA-IR but not with hypertension in elderly men
- Circulating PANDER concentration is associated with increased HbA1c and fasting blood glucose in Type 2 diabetic subjects
- Circulating proteins and iron status in blood as indicators of the nutritional status of 10-to 12-year-old Bolivian boys
- Circulating Spexin levels negatively correlate with age, BMI, fasting glucose, and triglycerides in healthy adult women
- Circulating sphingolipids, fasting glucose, and impaired fasting glucose: The Strong Heart Family Study
- Cis linoleic acid, a potential biomarker for squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.
- Civil/political society, protest and fasting: the case of Anna Hazare and the 2011 anti-corruption campaign in India
- Clark’s positioning in radiography
- Class II histone deacetylases downregulate GLUT4 transcription in response to increased cAMP signaling in cultured adipocytes and fasting mice
- Classification of fasting normoglycemia based on regulatory, psychophysiological and clinic-biochemical approaches
- Claus fasting i offentligheten
- Clear fluid fasting in children: Is 1 hour the answer?
- Clear fluids are the solution to the fasting drought. The SPANZA perspective
- Clear fluids fasting for elective paediatric anaesthesia: The European Society of Anaesthesiology consensus statement
- Clinical Analysis of Essential Hypertension with Impaired fasting Glucose on the Features of Insulin Resistance [J]
- Clinical Analysis of fasting Plasma Glucose and Lipid in Infants Infected by Cytomegalovirus Hepatitis
- Clinical and biochemical diagnosis of jaundice
- Clinical and Metabolic Effects of Ramadan fasting among A Sample of Diabetic Patients Attending Qualubeya Governorate Hospitals
- Clinical and metabolic results of fasting abbreviation with carbohydrates in coronary artery bypass graft surgery
- Clinical aspects of growth hormone therapy in adults
- Clinical characteristics of cephalalgia at patients with arterial hypertension during intermittent fasting.
- Clinical characteristics of type 2 diabetic patients on basal insulin therapy with adequate fasting glucose control who do not achieve HbA1c targets: 使用基础胰岛素 …
- Clinical effects of fasting therapy for treating Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and Fibromyalgia
- Clinical Epidemiologic Study of Admissions due to Neurologic Diseases during and after Ramadan Fasting, Sari, Iran, 2015
- Clinical implication of an impaired fasting glucose and prehypertension related to new onset atrial fibrillation in a healthy Asian population without underlying disease …
- Clinical implication of fasting and post-challenged plasma glucose in diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
- Clinical implications for the effect of glucosamine sulfate iontophoresis on fasting plasma glucose levels
- Clinical importance of free radical reactions and their role in the pathogenesis of various human diseases
- Clinical Management of Intermittent fasting in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
- Clinical Observation of Compound Huanglian Jiangtang Powder for Patients with Impaired fasting Blood Glucose
- Clinical observations on the chronic urticaria with food specific IgG positive treatment by fasting and spell
- Clinical outcomes after modified fasting therapy supplied with Gamrosu: a retrospective observational study
- Clinical pharmacology and use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Clinical significance of fasting and postprandial lipemia in obese and non-obese subjects
- Clinical significance of fasting plasma glucose combined with HbA1c for screening diabetes mellitus
- Clinical significance of fasting plasma glucose in patients with normal 50-g glucose challenge test in pregnancy: Is 100 bigger than 92?
- Clinical Significance of Myocardial Enzymes, White Blood Cell Count and fasting Plasma Glucose in the Children with Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
- Clinical Study fasting Leptin Is a Metabolic Determinant of Food Reward in Overweight and Obese Individuals during Chronic Aerobic Exercise Training
- Clinical study on the best time of fasting before elective surgery in infants
- Clinicians’ Perspectives on Caring for Muslim Patients Considering fasting During Ramadan
- Cloning and characterization of chicken fat mass and obesity associated (Fto) gene: fasting affects Fto expression
- Cloning and effects of fasting on the brain expression levels of appetite-regulators and reproductive hormones in glass catfish (Kryptopterus vitreolus)
- Cloning, distribution and effects of fasting status of melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) in Schizothorax prenanti
- Cloning, expression profiling, and effects of fasting status on neuropeptide Y in Schizothorax davidi
- Cloning, tissue distribution and effects of fasting on mRNA expression levels of leptin and ghrelin in red-bellied piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri)
- Cloning, tissue distribution and effects of fasting on pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide in largemouth bass
- Clues to maintaining calorie restriction? Psychosocial profiles of successful long-term restrictors
- Cluster Analysis Based on fasting and Postprandial Plasma Glucose and Insulin Concentrations
- Co-Administration of Red Pepper Seed Extract and Korean Red Pine Bark Extract Reduced fasting Glucose by Inhibiting Hepatic Gluconeogenesis in db/db mice
- Coexisting role of fasting or feeding and dietary lipids in the control of gene expression of enzymes involved in the synthesis of saturated, monounsaturated and …
- Coffee, Cigarettes, Chewing Gum-Myths and Facts About Preoperative Fasting
- Cognitive performance at late adolescence and the risk for impaired fasting glucose among young adults
- Cognitive-behavioural Treatment of Essential Hypertension in an Urban Xhosa Woman: A Case Study
- Coherent, preventive and management strategies for obesity
- Cold exposure and/or fasting modulate the relationship between sleep and body temperature rhythms in mice
- Cold exposure and/or fasting modulate the relationship between sleep and body temperature rhythms in mice
- Combination of effects of calorie restriction and exercise on mammary gland gene expression in C57BL/6 mice.
- Combination of exercise and calorie restriction exerts greater efficacy on cardioprotection than monotherapy in obese-insulin resistant rats through the improvement of …
- Combination of intermittent calorie restriction and eicosapentaenoic acid for inhibition of mammary tumors
- Combined effects of resistance training and calorie restriction on mitochondrial fusion and fission proteins in rat skeletal muscle
- Combined effects of short-term calorie restriction and exercise on insulin action in normal rats
- Combined effects of short-term calorie restriction and exercise on insulin action in normal rats
- Combined exercise and calorie restriction therapies restore contractile and mitochondrial functions in skeletal muscle of obese–insulin resistant rats
- Combined genome-wide linkage and association analyses of fasting glucose level in healthy twins and families of Korea
- Combining fasting plasma glucose with gammaglutamyl transferase improves the sensitivity to predict incident diabetes in asian indian men with impaired …
- Combining glycosylated hemoglobin A 1c and fasting plasma glucose for diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in Chinese adults
- Comfort, safety and quality of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy after 2 hours fasting: a randomized controlled trial
- Comment on “Decreased serum betatrophin levels correlate with improved fasting plasma glucose and insulin secretion capacity after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in …
- Comment on Jakubowicz et al. fasting Until Noon Triggers Increased Postprandial Hyperglycemia and Impaired Insulin Response After Lunch and Dinner in …
- Comment on Zhu et al. fasting Plasma Glucose at 24–28 Weeks to Screen for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: New Evidence From China. Diabetes Care 2013; …
- Comment on: fasting among Muslim cancer patients during the holy month of Ramadan
- Comment on: fasting blood glycemia: A good predictor of weight loss after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
- Comment on: New-Onset Diabetes and Impaired fasting Glucose After a Liver Transplant: Risk Analysis and the Effect of Tacrolimus Dosage
- Comment on: Zhu et al. fasting plasma glucose at 24–28 weeks to screen for gestational diabetes mellitus: new evidence from China. Diabetes care 2013; 36: 2038 …
- Commentary on” Long-Term calorie restriction Reduces Energy Expenditure in Aging Monkeys
- Commentary to: Exercise training decreases fasting insulin levels and improves insulin resistance in children and adolescents
- Commentary: Fasting-Mimicking Diet Reduces HO-1 to Promote T Cell-Mediated Tumor Cytotoxicity
- Commercial diets do not affect the colonic ultrastructure of normal dogs
- Common genetic variants differentially influence the transition from clinically defined states of fasting glucose metabolism
- Common mechanisms for calorie restriction and adenylyl cyclase type 5 knockout models of longevity
- Common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) performance when including fasting on feeding schemes: preliminary data regarding a formulated feed
- Common variants in the hERG (KCNH2) voltage-gated potassium channel are associated with altered fasting and glucose-stimulated plasma incretin and …
- Common variants in the LAMA5 gene associate with fasting plasma glucose and serum triglyceride levels in a cohort of pre-and early pubertal children
- Common variation in the sodium/glucose cotransporter 2 gene SLC5A2 does neither affect fasting nor glucose-suppressed plasma glucagon concentrations
- Communicating with Clinicians on fasting during Ramadan: The Patients’ Perspective
- Community data of adults fasting for lipid and diabetes tests in Calgary, Alberta from 2010 to 2016
- Comparative Abilities of fasting Plasma Glucose and Haemoglobin A1c in Predicting Metabolic Syndrome among Apparently Healthy Normoglycemic Ghanaian …
- Comparative Analysis of Pain Response at fasting and Postprandial in Young Diabetic Adults
- Comparative analysis on association of fasting and postprandial dyslipidemia with risk of atherosclerosis in early rheumatoid arthritis
- Comparative Assessment of Energy Metabolism and fasting Heat Production of Buffaloes and Crossbred Cattle
- Comparative bioavailability and tolerability of a single 2-mg dose of 2 repaglinide tablet formulations in fasting, healthy chinese male volunteers: An open …
- Comparative bioavailability of 2 tablet formulations of emtricitabine/tenofovir in healthy, fasting volunteers: a single-dose, randomized-sequence, open-label …
- Comparative Bioavailability of Metformin Hydrochloride Oral Solution Versus Metformin Hydrochloride Tablets in fasting Mexican Healthy Volunteers
- Comparative bioavailability of two moxifloxacin tablet products after single dose administration under fasting conditions in a balanced, randomized and cross-over …
- Comparative Bioavailability Study of Two 81 mg Coated Tablet Formulations of Acetylsalicylic Acid in fasting Healthy Volunteers
- Comparative bioavailability: Two pramipexole formulations in healthy volunteers after a single dose administration under fasting conditions
- Comparative changes with age of the fasting response in circulating ketone bodies, glucose and insulin and oral glucose tolerance test in the rat
- Comparative Effect of Tempe and Soymilk on fasting Blood Glucose, Insulin Level and Pancreatic Beta Cell Expression (Study on Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic …
- Comparative effects of dietary energy restriction in young adult and aged rats on body weight, adipose mass and lipid metabolism
- Comparative evaluation of efficiency of HbA1C, fasting & post prandial blood glucose levels, in the diagnosis of type-2 diabetes mellitus and its prognostic …
- Comparative evaluation of simple indices using a single fasting blood sample to estimate beta cell function after islet transplantation
- Comparative Evaluation of Simple Indices Using a Single fasting Blood Sample to Estimate Beta Cell Function after Total Pancreatectomy with Islet …
- Comparative evaluation of the effects of artemisinin-based combination therapy and amodiaquine monotherapy in G6PD activity, fasting glucose level and parasite …
- Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy and Amodiaquine Monotherapy in G6PD Activity, fasting Glucose Level and …
- Comparative fasting bioavailability and pharmacokinetic properties of 2 formulations of glucosamine hydrochloride in healthy Chinese adult male volunteers
- Comparative fasting bioavailability of 2 bepotastine formulations in healthy male Chinese volunteers: An open-label, randomized, single-dose, 2-way crossover study
- Comparative fasting Bioavailability of 2 Cilostazol Formulations in Healthy Thai Volunteers: An Open-Label, Single-Dose, Randomized, 2-Way Crossover …
- Comparative fasting Bioavailability of 2 Different Betahistine Dihydrochloride 24-mg Tablets: A Single-Dose, Randomized-Sequence, Open-Label, 2-Period …
- Comparative fasting bioavailability of dispersible and conventional tablets of risperidone: a single-dose, randomized-sequence, open-label, two-period crossover …
- Comparative fasting bioavailability of two clopidogrel formulations in healthy Mediterranean volunteers: an in vitro–in vivo correlation
- Comparative fasting Bioavailability of Two Letrozole 2.5-mg Tablets in Healthy Chinese Postmenopausal Women: An Open-Label, Randomized-Sequence, Single …
- Comparative physiology of fasting, starvation, and food limitation
- Comparative proteomic analysis of Bombyx mori hemolymph and fat body after calorie restriction.
- Comparative single-dose bioavailability study of two 500 mg clarithromycin tablet formulations in healthy volunteers under fasting condition
- Comparative study between conventional fasting versus overnight infusion of lipid or carbohydrate on insulin and free fatty acids in obese patients undergoing elective …
- Comparative Study between Traditional fasting versus Overnight Infusion of Lipid or Carbohydrate on Inotropic Support in Obese Patients Undergoing Elective …
- Comparative Study of Estimated fasting Plasma Glucose from HbA1c Among Six Hospitals
- Comparative Study of fasting Plasma Glucose and Oral Glucose Challenge Test as Screening Method in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
- Comparative study of fasting plasma glucose concentration and glucose challenge test for screening gestational diabetes mellitus
- Comparative study of HbA1c and fasting plasma glucose vs the oral glucose tolerance test for diagnosis of diabetes in people with tuberculosis
- Comparative Study of Non fasting Single Plasma 1 Hour Value After 50 Grams Vs Non fasting Single Plasma 2 Hour Value After 75 Grams Glucose for …
- Comparative study of preoperative residual gastric volume obtained after ingestion of a protein supplement versus classic fasting: 1AP3-8
- Comparative study on fasting plasma glucose and postprandial plasma glucose levels in rural population
- Comparative trial of the effect of ranitidine and cimetidine on gastric secretion in fasting patients at induction of anaesthesia
- Comparing clinical parameters of abnormal and normal fasting blood glucose in benign prostatic hyperplasia patients
- Comparing Effects of12 Weeks Walking and Selected Aerobic Exercise on fasting and Two-Hour Blood Glucose in Inactive Postmenopausal Women
- Comparing HbA1c, fasting and 2-h plasma glucose for screening for abnormal glucose regulation in patients undergoing coronary angiography
- Comparing the Effect of fasting and Physical Activity on Active and Non-active Males’ Body Composition, Serum Osmolarity Levels and Some Parameters of …
- Comparision of non-fasting with fasting blood lipid testing in in-hospital patients
- Comparison between fasting and nonfasting lipid profile in patients receiving treatment with statin therapy
- Comparison between fasting Plasma Glucose and Glycated Hemoglobin Alc in Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus in Hepatopathy
- Comparison between fasting Plasma Glucose and HbA1c in Glycemic Control of Type-2 Diabetic Patients
- Comparison between Non fasting and fasting Lipogram Impact on Severity of Coronary Artery Disease
- Comparison for Association of fasting and 2-hour Glucose and HbA1c with Diabetic Retinopathy
- Comparison of a carbohydrate-free diet vs. fasting on plasma glucose, insulin and glucagon in type 2 diabetes
- Comparison of A1C, fasting and 2-h post-load plasma glucose criteria to diagnose diabetes in Italian Caucasians
- Comparison of adiposity indicators associated with fasting-state insulinemia, triglyceridemia, and related risk biomarkers in a nationally representative, adult …
- Comparison of admission random glucose, fasting glucose, and glycated hemoglobin in predicting the neurological outcome of acute ischemic stroke: a …
- Comparison of atorvastatin, pitavastatin and rosuvastatin for residual cardiovascular risk using non-fasting blood sampling
- Comparison of chlorpropamide and glibenclamide treatment of maturity-onset diabetes: Control assessed by fasting plasma glucose concentrations
- Comparison of circulating lipid profiles between fasting humans and three animal species used in preclinical studies: mice, rats and rabbits
- Comparison of control fasting plasma glucose of exercise-only versus exercise-diet among a pre-diabetic population: a meta-analysis
- Comparison of diagnostic accuracy of non-fasting DIPSI and HbA1c with fasting WHO criteria for diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus
- Comparison of effect of yoga on fasting blood sugar level, lipid profile and blood pressure in diabetes patient with addiction and without addiction
- Comparison of effects of ramadan fasting and regular aerobic exercise on lipocalin-2 (lcn2), lipid profile and insulin resistance in non-active obese men
- Comparison of fasting and Non fasting Lipid Profile and Lipoprotein (a) in Healthy Adult Population
- Comparison of fasting and Non-fasting Lipid Profile in Young Healthy Adults
- Comparison of fasting and non-fasting lipid profiles in a large cohort of patients presenting at a community hospital
- Comparison of fasting and Nonfasting Lipoprotein Subfractions and Size in 13,460 Apparently Healthy Individuals
- Comparison of fasting and non‐fasting patients receiving intravenous (IV) sedation
- Comparison of fasting and non-fasting serum lipid profile in healthy population
- Comparison of fasting and postprandial levels of commonly used biochemical and hematological parameters
- Comparison of fasting bioavailability among 100-mg commercial, 100-mg generic, and 50-mg chewable generic sildenafil tablets in healthy male Mexican volunteers …
- Comparison of fasting blood glucose & post prandial blood glucose with HbA1c in assessing the glycemic control
- Comparison of fasting blood sugar and serum lipid profile changes after treatment with atypical antipsychotics olanzapine and risperidone
- Comparison of fasting human pancreatic polypeptide levels among patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, chronic pancreatitis, and type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Comparison of fasting lipid profile in ischemic and haemorrhagic stroke patients of a tertiary care hospital
- Comparison of fasting Plasma Glucose among Smoking and Non Smoking Medical Student Population
- Comparison of fasting plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin for diagnosing diabetes in a Taiwanese population
- Comparison of fasting plasma glucose and haemoglobin A1c point-of-care tests in screening for diabetes and abnormal glucose regulation in a rural low …
- Comparison of glycated haemoglobin and fasting blood glucose in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and pre-diabetes in a cohort of obese patients
- Comparison of glycated hemoglobin with fasting plasma glucose in definition of glycemic component of the metabolic syndrome in an Iranian population
- Comparison of Glycemic Improvement Between Intermittent calorie restriction and Continuous calorie restriction in Diabetic Mice
- Comparison of glycogen store in rats and guinea-pigs: effects of anaesthesia, fasting and re-feeding
- Comparison of hemoglobin A1c and fasting blood glucose for diagnosis of diabetes in Korea
- Comparison of Hemoglobin A1c with fasting and 2-h plasma glucose tests for diagnosis of diabetes and prediabetes among high-risk South Indians
- Comparison of high-protein, intermittent fasting low-calorie diet and heart healthy diet for vascular health of the obese
- Comparison of hypoglycaemia episodes in people with type-2 diabetes fasting in Ramazan, treated with vildaglipton or sulphonylurea: results of the Pakistani …
- Comparison of Immune Function in Two Strains of Mice Infected with Heligmosomoides bakeri after calorie Restriction
- Comparison of incidence, rate and length of all-cause hospital admissions between adults with normoglycaemia, impaired fasting glucose and diabetes: a …
- Comparison of insulin pump therapy and multiple daily injections insulin regimen in patients with type 1 diabetes during Ramadan fasting
- Comparison of intake of food groups between participants with normoglycemia, impaired fasting glucose, and type 2 diabetes in PURE Poland population
- Comparison of intermittent fasting versus caloric restriction in obese subjects: A two year follow-up
- Comparison of Mean Platelet Volume, Platelet Count, Total Leucocyte and Neutrophil Counts in Normoglycemics, Impaired fasting Glusose and Diabetics
- Comparison of metabolic characteristics in patients with different diagnostic criteria for impaired fasting glucose
- Comparison of moulting methods for layers: high-zinc diet versus fasting
- Comparison of myocardial F-18 FDG uptake between overnight and non-overnight fasting in non-diabetic healthy subjects
- Comparison of normal fasting and one-hour glucose levels as predictors of future diabetes during a 34-year follow-up
- Comparison of occurrence of fasting hyperinsulinemia according to type of insulin analogs
- Comparison of Reduction fasting Blood Glucose (GDP) by Giving Amorphophallus Onchophyllus and Strobilanthes Crispa on Type 2 Wistar Rat (Rattus …
- Comparison of screening for gestational diabetes mellitus by oral glucose tolerance tests done in the non-fasting (random) and fasting states
- Comparison of Screening for Gestational Diabetes Mellitusby IADPSG andDIPSI Guidelines: Importance of fasting Blood Glucose Value in Its Diagnosis and …
- Comparison of seasonal variation in the fasting respiratory quotient of young Japanese, Polish and Thai women in relation to seasonal change in their percent …
- Comparison of the clinical characteristics of diabetes mellitus diagnosed using fasting plasma glucose and haemoglobin A1c: The 2011 Korea National Health and …
- Comparison of the current diagnostic criterion of HbA1c with fasting and 2-hour plasma glucose concentration
- Comparison of the Effect of Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid on fasting Blood Sugar, Triglyceride, and Blood Pressure in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
- Comparison of the effect of Ramazan months fasting and regular aerobic exercise on indicators of Lipocalin-2, lipid profile and insulin resistance in …
- Comparison of the Effectiveness of Dietary Intervention between calorie restriction Diet and Food Selective Method according to Yin and Yang Constitution in Obese …
- Comparison of the effectiveness of different oral glucose lowering drugs in fasting patients with type II diabetes
- Comparison of the effects of 20 days and 15 months of calorie restriction on male Fischer 344 rats
- Comparison of the effects of acute exercise after overnight fasting and breakfast on energy substrate and hormone levels in obese men
- Comparison of the Effects of fasting Glucose, Hemoglobin A1c, and Triglyceride–Glucose Index on Cardiovascular Events in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Comparison of the Effects of fasting Glucose, Hemoglobin A1c, and Triglyceride–Glucose Index on Cardiovascular Events in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Comparison of the effects of impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance on diabetic development risks on HbA1c levels: A retrospective study
- Comparison of the efficacy of popular weight loss programs in sedentary overweight women III: fasting blood lipids and glucose
- Comparison of the gut microbiota of Rana amurensis and Rana dybowskii under natural winter fasting conditions
- Comparison of the performance of H b A 1c and fasting plasma glucose in identifying dysglycaemic status in C hinese high‐risk subjects
- Comparison of the pharmacokinetics of erlotinib administered in complete fasting and 2 h after a meal in patients with lung cancer
- Comparison of the pharmacokinetics of erlotinib administered in complete fasting and two hours after a meal in non-small cell lung cancer patients
- Comparison of the vascular endothelial function between peoples with impaired fasting glycemia and impaired glucose tolerance [J]
- Comparison of time-restricted feeding and Islamic fasting: a scoping review
- Comparison of transcriptome between type 2 diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose
- Comparison of two point of care devices for capillary lipid screening in fasting and postprandial adults
- Comparison the effect on fasting blood sugar between atorvastatin and pitavastatin in korean population
- Comparison the effect on fasting blood sugar between atorvastatin, rousuvastatin and pitavastatin in Korean population
- Comparisons between intubation with gastrointestinal decompression tube plus fasting and no intubation plus early feeding in patients undergoing anterior resection
- Compensatory growth, plasma hormones and metabolites in juvenile Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii, Brandt 1869) subjected to fasting and re‐feeding
- Complete suppression of physiological FDG uptake achieved by means of more than 18 hr fasting with low carbohydrate diet in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis
- Compositional marker in vivo reveals intramyocellular lipid turnover during fasting-induced lipolysis
- Compositions and methods for glycemic control of subjects with impaired fasting glucose
- Compositions and methods for glycemic control of subjects with impaired fasting glucose
- Compositions and methods of use of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (hmb) assosiated with intermittent fasting
- Compositions comprising solanum tuberosum for lowering cytosolic NADH level to mimic calorie restriction
- Compositions That Lower Cytosolic NADH Level to Mimic calorie restriction for Life Extension and Methods
- Compound mimics calorie restriction.
- Comprehensive Evaluation of dehydration impact on ocular tissue during Ramadan fasting
- Comprehensive Guide and Topical Index. Nutrition in Primary Care Series.
- Comprehensive modulation of tumor progression and regression with periodic fasting and refeeding circles via boosting IGFBP-3 loops and NK responses
- Comprehensive Monitoring for Evaluating Diabetes Therapy
- Computational Modeling of calorie restriction (CR) Mimetics for Age-Related Diseases: Ligands of SIRT1 Target.
- Computed tomographic precision rate-of-passage assay without a fasting period in broilers: more precise foundation for targeting the releasing time of encapsulated …
- Concentration of total protein and degree of acidity (pH) of saliva when fasting and after breakfasting
- Concept and canons of fasting in Ayurveda
- Concept of fasting in Different Religions & Medical Sciences
- Conclusion: human calorie restriction and anti-aging therapy
- Concomitant effects of Ramadan fasting and time-of-day on apolipoprotein AI, B, Lp-a and homocysteine responses during aerobic exercise in Tunisian …
- Concomitant tumor immunity and the resistance to a second tumor challenge
- Concordance of two diabetes diagnostic criteria using fasting plasma glucose and hemoglobin A1c: the Yuport Medical Checkup Centre study
- Concurrent training promoted sustained anti-atherogenic benefits in the fasting plasma triacylglycerolemia of postmenopausal women at 1-year follow-up
- Conducting an acute intense interval exercise session during the Ramadan fasting month: what is the optimal time of the day?
- Conjectures on some curious connections among social status, calorie restriction, hunger, fatness, and longevity
- Consensus on Insulin Dose Modification During fasting in Type 2 Diabetes.
- Consensus statement on clear fluids fasting for elective pediatric general anesthesia
- Consequences of calorie restriction and calorie excess for the physiological parameters of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells
- Consequences of fasting blood sugar on noodle delineation
- Consequences of modified fasting in obese pediatric and adolescent patients. I. Protein-sparing modified fast
- Consequences of modified fasting in obese pediatric and adolescent patients: effect of a carbohydrate-free diet on serum proteins
- Consequences of weight cycling in obese spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Conservative management of chronic renal failure
- Consideration on fasting Cure as Natural Healing and Holistic Medicine
- Consistency between genomic and proteomic profiles reveals novel molecular mechanisms of fasting antitumor activity
- Consistency of fasting blood glucose and OGTT 2h blood glucose for diagnosing pre-diabetes and diabetes
- Constant hepatic ATP concentrations during prolonged fasting and absence of effects of Cerbomed Nemos® on parasympathetic tone and hepatic energy …
- Constructing an Instrument to Measure the Rate of Aging in Female Pigtailed Macaques (Macaca Nemestrina)
- Consuming glucose-sweetened, not fructose-sweetened, beverages increases fasting insulin in healthy humans
- Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables Might Mitigate the Intermediate-Term Effects of Ambient Particulate Matters on fasting Blood Glucose, Blood Lipids in Chinese …
- Consumption of meat is associated with higher fasting glucose and insulin concentrations regardless of glucose and insulin genetic risk scores: a meta-analysis of …
- Consumption of strawberries on a daily basis increases the non-urate 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity of fasting plasma in healthy …
- Continuation of Liraglutide during fasting is not Associated with Hypoglycaemia
- Continuous fasting as its affects triacylglycerols and free fatty acids in the muscles of chicks
- Continuous glucose monitoring is more sensitive than HbA1c and fasting glucose in detecting dysglycaemia in a Spanish population without diabetes
- Contribution of Leptin to Energy Expenditure and Glucose Metabolism in Fasting
- Contribution of the dawn phenomenon to the fasting and postbreakfast hyperglycemia in type 1 diabetes treated with once-nightly insulin glargine
- Contribution of the low-frequency, loss-of-function p. R270H mutation in FFAR4 (GPR120) to increased fasting plasma glucose levels
- Contributions of A1c, fasting plasma glucose, and 2-hour plasma glucose to prediabetes prevalence: NHANES 2011–2014
- Contributions of fasting and Postprandial Glucose Concentrations to Haemoglobin A1c in Drug-Naïve Mal-Glucose Metabolism in Chinese Population Using …
- Control of maturity-onset diabetes by monitoring fasting blood glucose and body weight
- Control of metabolic adaptation to fasting by dILP6-induced insulin signaling in Drosophila oenocytes
- Controlled study on short term calorie restriction as possible nutritional approach to sustain and survive during emergency situations
- Controlled trial of fasting and one-year vegetarian diet in rheumatoid arthritis
- Cooking, eating, thinking: transformative philosophies of food
- Coping and Recovery Tactics during fasting and Dietary Restriction
- Copper Is Associated with Metabolic Syndrome and fasting Blood Glucose in Non-Hispanic Black—Results from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
- Coronary Risk Estimation According to the Framingham-Wilson Score and Impaired fasting Glucose in Adult Subjects from Maracaibo City, Venezuela
- Coronary Risk Estimation according to the Framingham-Wilson Score and Impaired fasting Glucose in Adult Subjects from Maracaibo city, Venezuela. Glob J …
- Correction to: One hour post-load plasma glucose and 3 year risk of worsening fasting and 2 hour glucose tolerance in the RISC cohort
- Correction to: Perspectives and pregnancy outcomes of maternal Ramadan fasting in the second trimester of pregnancy
- Correction: A Dietary Supplement Containing Cinnamon, Chromium and Carnosine Decreases fasting Plasma Glucose and Increases Lean Mass in Overweight or …
- Correction: Adaptive Stress Response in Segmental Progeria Resembles Long-Lived Dwarfism and calorie restriction in Mice
- Correction: Association of Genetic Variants with Isolated fasting Hyperglycaemia and Isolated Postprandial Hyperglycaemia in a Han Chinese Population
- Correction: Effect of body mass index on diabetogenesis factors at a fixed fasting plasma glucose level
- Correction: fasting regulates EGR1 and protects from glucose-and dexamethasone-dependent sensitization to chemotherapy
- Correction: Oscillometric central blood pressure and central systolic loading in stroke patients: Short-term reproducibility and effects of posture and fasting state
- Correction: The fasting blood glucose and long non-coding RNA SNHG8 predict poor prognosis in patients with gastric carcinoma after radical gastrectomy
- Correction: The PNPLA3 rs738409 G-Allele Associates with Reduced fasting Serum Triglyceride and Serum Cholesterol in Danes with Impaired Glucose Regulation
- Correlation Analysis between fasting Plasma Glucose and Body Mass Index among Examination Groups in Baoj i Area
- Correlation analysis between the impaired fasting glucose and multiple metabolic indexes
- Correlation analysis of HbA1c, fasting plasma glucose and blood lipid in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Correlation between 1-hour postload plasma glucose levels during an oral glucose tolerance test and fasting serum lipid profiles in normoglycemic individuals with …
- Correlation between basal insulin glargine dose required in achieving target fasting blood glucose and various clinical and laboratory parameters in …
- Correlation Between BMI, Hba1c And fasting Lipid Profile in Patients Presenting with Acute Coronary Syndrome and Their Relationship with CVD Risk
- Correlation Between Body Mass Index (BMI) and fasting Total Blood Cholesterol Level among Undergraduate Students
- Correlation between Body Mass Index and fasting Blood Glucose Level in a Selected Group of Teenagers in Bangladesh
- Correlation Between Body Mass Index With fasting Blood Sugar and Lipid Profile in Young Adult College Students of South Indian Population.
- Correlation between characteristics of MSCT to early changes in renal blood perfusion and fasting plasma glucose in patients with diabetes
- Correlation between duration of preoperative fasting and emergence delirium in pediatric patients undergoing ophthalmic examination under anesthesia: A …
- Correlation between eAG Values Calculated from HbA1C Values and fasting Plasma Glucose Levels for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Diabetes
- Correlation Between eAG Values Calculated from Hba1c Values Obtained from Three Different Techniques and fasting Plasma Glucose Levels for Diagnosis and …
- Correlation between electroencephalogram rhythms and periodic gastric motility in fasting dogs
- Correlation between fasting blood glucose, postprandial blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin in non-insulin treated type 2 diabetic subjects
- Correlation between fasting blood sugar and cytomorphometric values of diabetic patient’s buccal mucosa exfoliative cytology
- Correlation between fasting C-peptide and serum uric acid in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Correlation between fasting plasma glucose levels and HbA1c for diagnosis of prediabetes and diabetes: the 2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination …
- Correlation between fasting serum ghrelin level and body composition in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Correlation between hemoglobin A1C level and fasting blood glucose level: A summary on the reports in the setting with high prevalence of hemoglobin …
- Correlation Between Life Style and Dyslipidemia with Impaired fasting Blood Sugar in State Junior High School and State Senior High School Having Central Obesity
- Correlation between Lifestyle and Dyslipidemia of State Junior High School Teachers with Impaired fasting Glucose in Makassar
- Correlation between macrosomia body indices and maternal fasting blood glucose
- Correlation between mean platelet volume and fasting plasma glucose levels in prediabetic and normoglycemic individuals
- Correlation Between Nutritional Behavior and Lipid Profile and fasting Blood Sugar of State secondary school Teachers Having Central Obesity in Makassar City
- Correlation between Percent Body Fat and fasting Blood Sugar in Korean Adult Women under the Age of 40
- Correlation Between Poincare Plot Indices and Linear–Nonlinear Heart Rate Variability During fasting and Postprandial States
- Correlation between pre-ramadan glycemic control and subsequent glucose fluctuation during fasting in adolescents with Type 1 diabetes
- Correlation between Serum Albumin and fasting Blood Glucose Level in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis
- Correlation between Serum Osteocalcin Level with fasting Blood Glucose, and Insulin Resistance and Lipid Profiles among Menopausal Women with Type 2 …
- Correlation between serum uric acid, BMI, fasting blood sugar, TG and HDL in Korean health check examinees
- Correlation between the waist circumference and the onset risk of diabetes in patients with impaired fasting blood glucose.
- Correlation between Thyrotropin and fasting Lipid Profile in Patients of Sub Clinical Hypothyroidism
- Correlation between vitamin D3 and fasting plasma glucose, A1C and serum lipids in non-diabetic subjects
- Correlation of a high normal serum TSH with blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose, and blood lipids in Chinese Han population
- Correlation of Adiposity with fasting Blood Glucose in Young Individuals
- Correlation of Altered Lipid Profile, Uric Acid and fasting Plasma Glucose Levels in Females with Hypothyroidism
- Correlation of Anthropometric Indices and Age with fasting Plasma Glucose among Inhabitants of Ogun State, South-West Nigeria
- Correlation of antioxidants enzymes activity with fasting blood glucose in diabetic patients in Sokoto, Nigeria
- Correlation of CRP, fasting serum triglycerides and obesity as cardiovascular risk factors
- Correlation of Electrophotonic Imaging Parameters With fasting Blood Sugar in Normal, Prediabetic, and Diabetic Study Participants
- Correlation of fasting and post meal plasma glucose level to increased HbA1c levels in type-2 diabetes mellitus
- Correlation of fasting and post prandial plasma glucose with hemoglobin glycation
- Correlation of fasting and postprandial plasma glucose with HbA1c in assessing glycemic control; systematic review and meta-analysis
- Correlation of fasting blood glucose level with central obesity in pre and post menopausal middle aged women.
- Correlation of fasting Blood Glucose With IL-6 Levels in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Ethnic Minangkabau
- Correlation of fasting blood glucose with menopausal status in middle aged women with their obesity status
- Correlation of fasting Blood Glucose with Obesity Status in Postmenopausal Women in the Age Group of 45-49 yrs.
- Correlation of fasting Blood Sugar and Glycated Hemoglobin Levels with Fructose 2, 6 Bisphosphate Levels in Immune Cells of Diabetic patients
- Correlation of fasting blood sugar and glycosylated serum protein with glycosylated hemoglobin in 100 cases [J]
- Correlation of fasting Plasma Glucose, Hemoglobin Ale and Estimated Average Glucose Levels in Diabetic Patients with Abnormal Hemoglobin in Sirindhorn Hospital
- Correlation of fasting serum apolipoprotein B‐48 with coronary artery disease prevalence
- Correlation of fasting Versus Postprandial Plasma Glucose with HbA1c in Chinese Type 2 Diabetic Patients Taking Different Hypoglycemic Agents.
- Correlation of glycosylated hemoglobin levels with fasting and postprandial glucose in South Indian Type 2 diabetic patients
- Correlation of HbA1c level. with fasting plasma glucose and fructosamine in type 2 diabetic inpatients
- Correlation of human fasting blood sugar with grip muscle strength and reflex response time
- Correlation of insulin resistance by various methods with fasting insulin in obese
- Correlation of Ovarian and Stromal Volumes to fasting and Postprandial Insulin Levels in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Patients
- Correlation of prolonged fasting and gall bladder sludge formation after emergency GI surgery
- Correlation of serum Adenosine deaminase activity (ADA) with fasting blood sugar levels in Type II Saudi Diabetic Patients
- Correlation of Serum Adiponectin, fasting Serum Glucose and Serum Insulin in Samples Received in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Central India
- Correlation of serum and saliva glucose concentration in fasting specimens
- Correlation of tacrolimus blood concentration and the levels of blood lipid and fasting glucose after renal transplantation
- Correlation of TYG index as a criterion for evaluating insulin resistance and fasting serum glucose levels
- Correlational study on the effects of C reactive protein and fasting blood glucose to short-term outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome
- Correlations between A1c, fasting glucose, 2h postload glucose, and β-cell function in the Chinese population
- Correlations between anthropometricmeasurements, fasting-insulin andrespiratory quotent in obese children
- Correlations between fasting plasma glucose level in the first trimester and gestational diabetes mellitus
- Correlations between fasting Salivary Glucose and fasting Plasma Glucose in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Correspondence between first-trimester fasting glycaemia, and oral glucose tolerance test in gestational diabetes diagnosis
- Corrigendum to “calorie restriction combined with resveratrol induces autophagy and protects 26-month-old rat hearts from doxorubicin-induced toxicity” …
- Corrigendum to “Fasting-induced suppression of pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion is related to body energy status in ovariectomized goats”[Anim …
- Corrigendum to “Metabolic adaptation to intermittent fasting is independent of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha”[Mol Metab 7 (2018) 80–89]
- Corrigendum to” Alternate day calorie restriction improves clinical findings and reduces markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in overweight adults with …
- Corrigendum to” Differential gene regulation of GHSR signaling pathway in the arcuate nucleus and NPY neurons by fasting, diet-induced obesity, and 17β-estradiol” …
- Corrigendum to: Is fasting Duration Important in Post Adenotonsillectomy Feeding Time?[Published in Anesth Pain Med. 2014 January; 4 (1): e10256]
- Corrigendum: calorie restriction for long-term remission of type 2 diabetes
- Corrigendum: Differential Regulation of Thyroid Hormone Metabolism Target Genes during Non-thyroidal Illness Syndrome Triggered by fasting or Sepsis in Adult …
- Corrigendum: Effects of weight loss via high fat vs. low fat alternate day fasting diets on free fatty acid profiles
- Corrigendum: Glycogen shortage during fasting triggers liver–brain–adipose neurocircuitry to facilitate fat utilization
- Cortical thickness, neurocognitive, and body composition effects of fasting during Ramadan
- Corticosteroids, betamethasone, fasting blood glucose, post prandial blood glucose.
- Cortisol and epinephrine effects on galanin secretions in severe fasting
- Cortistatin is a key factor regulating the sex-dependent response of the GH and stress axes to fasting in mice
- Cost-effectiveness of alternative thresholds of the fasting plasma glucose test to identify the target population for type 2 diabetes prevention in adults aged≥ 45 years
- Could calorie restriction increase longevity in humans?
- Could Complete Blood Count Parameters and Non-fasting Cholesterol Profile Describe Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Chronic Kidney Disease?
- Could intermittent energy restriction and intermittent fasting reduce rates of cancer in obese, overweight, and normal-weight subjects? A summary of evidence
- Counterpoint: Flexibilization of fasting for Laboratory Determination of the Lipid Profile in Brazil: Science or Convenience?
- Cows, pigs, wars, & witches: the riddles of culture
- C-peptide level in fasting plasma and pooled urine predicts HbA1c after hospitalization in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- CR Relationship between fasting Plasma Glucose and Unfavorable Outcomes in Patients of Ischemic Stroke withoutDiabetes
- C-reactive protein in relation to fasting glucose levels in obese or overweight men
- Creating health: How to wake up the body’s intelligence
- creatinine> 1.4 mg/dl with a GFR< 80 ml/1.73 m” x min and fasting
- CRFR1 in AgRP neurons modulates sympathetic nervous system activity to adapt to cold stress and fasting
- Critical analysis of the published literature about the effects of Ramadan intermittent fasting on healthy children’s physical capacities
- Cross-Cultural Encounter and Problem of Adjustment: a Study of Anita Desai’s Fasting, Feasting
- Cross-sectional evaluation of potential biological markers of aging in pigtailed macaques: effects of age, sex, and diet
- Cross-Talk for Health Care Providers Nutrition and Behavior as it Applies to Systemic and Ocular
- CRTC2 modulates hepatic SREBP1c cleavage by controlling Insig2a expression during fasting
- Cultural perspectives on food and nutrition
- Culture-specific influences on body image and eating distress in a sample of urban Bulgarian women: the roles of faith and traditional fasting
- Curcumin or combined curcuminoids are effective in lowering the fasting blood glucose concentrations of individuals with dysglycemia: systematic review and meta …
- Current concepts in diabetes mellitus
- Current concepts in lactose malabsorption and intolerance
- Current knowledge, practice and attitude of preoperative fasting: A limited survey among Upper Egypt anesthetists
- Current research on the cellular effects of calorie restriction: Introduction
- Cut-off points of homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance, beta-cell function, and fasting serum insulin to identify future type 2 diabetes: Tehran Lipid and …
- Cut‐off values of fasting and post‐load plasma glucose and HbA1c for predicting Type 2 diabetes in community‐dwelling Japanese subjects: the Hisayama Study
- Cutting edge: fasting-induced hypoleptinemia expands functional regulatory T cells in systemic lupus erythematosus
- Cyclic activities of the digestive tract during fasting
- Cyclic AMP mimics the anti-ageing effects of calorie restriction by up-regulating sirtuin
- Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity and lipolysis in adipose tissue. Effect of fasting, oligomycin and iodoacetamide.
- Cyclic Intermittent fasting Influences the Structure of Hepatocyte Nuclear Membrane in Young and Old Rats
- Cycling Efficiency During Incremental Cycle Ergometry After 24 Hours of Overfeeding or Fasting
- D07 The impact of fasting glucose on clinical-pathological features in epithelial ovarian cancer: results from a historic cohort
- Daily almond consumption reduces fasting total-, LDL-, and non-HDL cholesterol and body fat mass in healthy young Korean subjects: A randomized controlled trial
- Daily calorie restriction and alternate day fasting for type 2 diabetes prevention
- Daily fasting blood glucose rhythm in male mice: A role of the circadian clock in the liver
- Daily fasting improves health and survival in male mice independent of diet composition and calories
- Daily meal timing is not necessary for resetting the main circadian clock by calorie restriction
- Daily plasma citrate rhythms in man during feeding and fasting
- Daphnia Toxicity Tests
- Dataset for” Carbohydrate-rich breakfast attenuates glycaemic, insulinaemic and ghrelin response to ad libitum lunch relative to morning fasting in lean adults”
- Dataset for” Six weeks of daily morning fasting causes no adaptation of metabolic or appetite responses to feeding in adults with obesity”
- Dataset for’Pre-Exercise Breakfast Ingestion versus Extended Overnight fasting Increases Postprandial Glucose Flux after Exercise in Healthy Men: Pre-exercise …
- Daud fasting Effects on Haematological, Renal and Lipid Profile in Post Menopausal Women
- Day 1 post-operative fasting hyperglycemia may affect graft survival in kidney transplantation.
- Days of Fasting
- Day-to-day fasting glycaemic variability in DEVOTE: associations with severe hypoglycaemia and cardiovascular outcomes (DEVOTE 2)
- Day-to-day Variability of fasting Self-Measured Blood Glucose (SMBG) Associates with Hypoglycemia Risk in Adults with Type 1 (T1D) or Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)
- De novo lipogenesis is suppressed during fasting but upregulated at population decline in cyclic voles
- Decoration of intramyocellular lipid droplets with PLIN5 modulates fasting-induced insulin resistance and lipotoxicity in humans
- Decrease of fasting blood sugar via garlic supplementation in postmenopausal obese women with osteoarthritis
- Decrease of FGF19 contributes to the increase of fasting glucose in human in an insulin-independent manner
- Decreased anxiety after Dawood fasting in the pre-elderly and elderly
- Decreased basal hepatic glucose uptake in impaired fasting glucose
- Decreased beta cell function and insulin sensitivity contributed to increasing fasting glucose in Chinese
- Decreased expression of adipose CD36 and FATP1 are associated with increased plasma non-esterified fatty acids during prolonged fasting in northern elephant seal …
- Decreased fasting blood glucose is associated with impaired hepatic glucose production in thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor knockout mice
- Decreased luteinizing hormone pulse frequency is associated with elevated 24-hour ghrelin after calorie restriction and exercise in premenopausal women
- Decreased mitochondrial metabolic requirements in fasting animals carry an oxidative cost
- Decreased peripheral blood mitochondrial DNA content is related to HbA1c, fasting plasma glucose level and age of onset in Type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Decreased secretion of epinephrine during protein-supplemented fasting in obese subjects (author’s transl)
- Decreased serum betatrophin levels correlate with improved fasting plasma glucose and insulin secretion capacity after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in obese Chinese …
- Decreased serum concentrations of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol are associated with increased risk of progression to impaired fasting glucose and diabetes
- Decreased systemic IGF‐1 in response to calorie restriction modulates murine tumor cell growth, nuclear factor‐κB activation, and inflammation‐related gene …
- Decreasing high postprandial stearic acid in impaired fasting glucose by dietary regulation
- Deep sequencing identifies circulating mouse miRNAs that are functionally implicated in manifestations of aging and responsive to calorie restriction
- Defective fasting-induced PKA activation impairs adipose tissue glycogen degradation in obese Zucker rats
- Defying Pediatric fasting Guidelines
- Dehydroepiandrosterone and structural analogs: a new class of cancer chemopreventive agents
- Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) as an endocrine marker of aging in calorie restriction studies
- Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate: a biomarker of primate aging slowed by calorie restriction
- Deiodinase type 3 methylation increases in response to thyroid stimulating hormone in a fasting adapted mammal
- Delayed prostate tumor detection and increased survival time in TRAMP mice by intermittent calorie restriction
- Deletion of insulin receptor in the proximal tubule and fasting augment albumin excretion
- Deletion of protein kinase Cε in mice has limited effects on liver metabolite levels but alters fasting ketogenesis and gluconeogenesis
- Delineation of molecular pathways that regulate hepatic PCSK9 and LDL receptor expression during fasting in normolipidemic hamsters
- Delphinidin-rich maqui berry extract (Delphinol®) lowers fasting and postprandial glycemia and insulinemia in prediabetic individuals during oral glucose tolerance …
- Delta-like 1 homologue (DLK1) protein in neurons of the arcuate nucleus that control weight homeostasis and effect of fasting on hypothalamic DLK1 mRNA
- Demographic aspects of ageing
- Dental indicators of stress and reduced age at death in prehistoric Native Americans
- Dental Procedures During Fasting: Perceptions Among Muslims In Malaysia
- Deoxyguanosine Factors and Protein Carbonyl Groups as Markers ofOxidative Stress in the fasting Individuals in Tehran
- Depletion of linoleate induced by weight cycling is independent of extent of calorie restriction
- Depletion of stored nutrients during fasting in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juveniles
- Depressive fasting and maniacal voracity: pathology of alimentary behavior in manic-depressive psychosis
- Depressive symptoms are associated with fasting insulin resistance in obese youth
- Deprive yourself: The real benefits of fasting
- Detecting insulin resistance in Pakistani subjects by fasting blood samples
- Detecting prediabetes and diabetes: agreement between fasting plasma glucose and oral glucose tolerance test in Thai adults
- Detection of abnormal glucose tolerance in Africans is improved by combining A1C with fasting glucose: the Africans in America Study
- Detection of Abnormal Glucose Tolerance Status in Africans is improved by combining A1C with fasting Glucose
- Deterioration of spatial and nonspatial reference and working memory in aged rats: protective effect of life-long calorie restriction
- Determinant effects of average fasting plasma glucose on mortality in diabetic end-stage renal disease patients on maintenance hemodialysis
- Determinants of developing diabetes mellitus and vascular complications in patients with impaired fasting glucose
- Determinants of fasting Hyperglucagonemia in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Nondiabetic Control Subjects
- Determinants of high fasting insulin and insulin resistance among overweight/obese adolescents
- Determinants of ureagenesis, with particular reference to renal failure
- Determinants of weight loss success with alternate day fasting
- Determination of fasting and non-fasting cholesterol levels of low-and high-density lipoproteins with homogenous assays: a promising reliable way to assessment of …
- Determination of fasting Blood Glucose level within Male Age Groups Ranging from (10-25),(26-40) and (41 to above)
- Determination of fasting plasma glucose cut-off valuefor the identification of abnormal carbohydrate tolerance in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Determination of normal range for fasting salivary glucose in Type 1 diabetics
- Determination of optimal cut-off points after a high-fat meal corresponding to fasting elevations of triglyceride and remnant cholesterol in Chinese subjects
- Determination of optimal degree days of fasting before slaughter in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
- Determination of optimal fasting time before blood sampling to get baseline data on serum biochemical characteristics in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
- Determination of serum bile acids in hepatobiliary diseases by gas-liquid chromatography (fasting serum bile acid levels and endogenous bile acid tolerance …
- Determine the Diagnostic Accuracy of (Dipsi Criteria) Non-fasting Oral Glucose Tolerance Test for Diagnosing Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Mirpur Azad …
- Determine the Diagnostic Accuracy of HbA1C for Detection of Diabetes Mellitus by Taking fasting Blood Sugar as Gold Standard
- Determining factors affecting fasting blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes using Copula functions
- Determining health personnel’s application trends of new guidelines for preoperative fasting: findings from a survey
- Determining the effects of early gestation in utero heat stress on postnatal fasting heat production and circulating biomarkers associated with metabolism in growing …
- Determining the functional role of waterborne amino acid uptake in hagfish nutrition: a constitutive pathway when fasting or a supplementary pathway when feeding?
- Determining the number of duties in worship (My book fasting and Hajj model)
- Determining the optimal fasting glucose target for patients with type 2 diabetes: results of the multicentre, open‐label, randomized‐controlled FPG GOAL trial
- Detoxification combining fasting with fluid therapy for refractory cases of severe atopic dermatitis
- Developing tools to understand molecular regulation of fasting in marine mammals
- Development and evaluation of an online learning object to improve pre-registration nursing students’ knowledge and engagement with pre-operative fasting
- Development and regulation of hypertension in the spontaneously hypertensive rat: enzymatic and nutritional studies
- Development and validation of a questionnaire for a survey on perioperative fasting practices in India
- Development of a bioassay to screen for chemicals mimicking the anti-aging effects of calorie restriction
- Development of a diffusion-weighted MRI protocol for multicentre abdominal imaging and evaluation of the effects of fasting on measurement of apparent diffusion …
- Development of a screening tool using electronic health records for undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose detection in the Slovenian …
- Development of calorie restriction mimetics as a prolongevity strategy
- Development of calorie restriction mimetics as therapeutics for obesity, diabetes, inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases
- Development of coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke in relation to fasting and 2-hour plasma glucose levels in the normal range
- Development of digestive organs of female broilers under varying post-hatch fasting times
- Development of extruded fasting snacks by using vari rice, sweet potato and banana powder with applying response surface methodology
- Development of GDM is characterized by impaired fasting insulin sensitivity and β-cell dysfunction at early gestation
- Development of gluconeogenesis in isolated hepatocytes from fasting or suckling newborn pigs
- Development of gluconeogenic enzymes in the liver of fasting or suckling newborn pigs.
- Development of in vitro in vivo correlation models for clopidogrel tablets to describe administration under fasting and fed conditions
- Development of LCMS method for monitoring the effects of meat feasting, fasting, and exercise on urinary 3MH levels
- Development of potato and barnyard millet based ready to eat (RTE) fasting food
- Development of the Metabolic Syndrome Leads to Increased Ischemic Injury and is Associated with Dysregulated Cardiac fasting Response and Attenuation of …
- Developmental changes in hypothalamic oxytocin and oxytocin receptor mRNA expression and their sensitivity to fasting in male and female rats
- Developmental changes in hypothalamic SF-1, POMC, and ERα mRNA expression and their sensitivity to fasting in male and female rats
- Developmental changes in the hypothalamic mRNA expression levels of PACAP and its receptor PAC1 and their sensitivity to fasting in male and female rats
- Developmental changes in the hypothalamic mRNA levels of nucleobindin-2 (NUCB2) and their sensitivity to fasting in male and female rats
- Developmental changes in the hypothalamic mRNA levels of prepro-orexin and orexin receptors and their sensitivity to fasting in male and female rats
- Developmental differences in the IGF-I system response to severe and chronic calorie malnutrition
- Developmental trajectories of boys’ driven exercise and fasting during the middle school years
- Developmental trajectories of compensatory exercise and fasting behavior across the middle school years
- Developmental Trajectories of Excessive Exercise and fasting Across the Middle School Years
- Device for fasting a component to a fastening stud
- Dexlansoprazole is Effective in Relieving Heartburn during the fasting Month of Ramadan
- DHA-supplementation prior to fasting prevents muscle atrophy in mice
- Diabetes and fasting during Ramadan. A observational study among Turkish immigrants in Belgium
- Diabetes and fasting during Ramadan: a need for guidelines
- Diabetes and impaired fasting glucose prediction using anthropometric indices in adults from Maracaibo City, Venezuela
- Diabetes and Ramadan: consequences of fasting and practical aspects of management
- Diabetes and Ramadan-Who Is Exempted From Fasting?
- Diabetes based on 2-h plasma glucose among those classified as having prediabetes based on fasting plasma glucose or A1c
- Diabetes control during Ramadan fasting
- Diabetes diagnostic thresholds of the glycated hemoglobin A1c and fasting plasma glucose levels considering the 5-year incidence of retinopathy
- Diabetes Education and Medication Adjustment for Ramadan (DEAR) program for fasting Muslims with diabetes provides safer fasting during Ramadan
- Diabetes education and medication adjustment in Ramadan (DEAR) program prepares for self-management during fasting with tele-health support from pre-Ramadan …
- Diabetes epidemiology and fasting blood sugar disorders in the six areas covered by World Health Organization
- Diabetes in the elderly: remarks from an epidemiological study carried out in a town in south-eastern Sicily (Militello VC)
- Diabetes management in hospitalized patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) during fasting periods
- Diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose in ART-naive patients with HIV-1, HIV-2 and HIV-1/2 dual infection in Guinea-Bissau: a cross-sectional study
- Diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glucose in HIV infected patients in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa
- Diabetes Mellitus and Ramadan Fasting
- Diabetes mellitus in HIV-infected patients: fasting glucose, A1c, or oral glucose tolerance test–which method to choose for the diagnosis?
- Diabetes mellitus in the child and adolescent: Part II
- Diabetes mellitus: medical and dental considerations
- Diabetes mellitus; fasting Blood glucose; Indian diabetic risk score; Medical students
- Diabetes Remission Clinical Trial (DiRECT): Early effects of weight loss on liver fat and fasting plasma insulin in Type 2 diabetes of less than six‐year duration
- Diabetes screening with hemoglobin A1c versus fasting plasma glucose in a multiethnic middle-school cohort
- Diabetes self-management, fasting blood sugar and quality of life among type 2 diabetic patients with foot ulcers.
- Diabetes Update
- Diabetes, driving and fasting during Ramadan: the interplay between secular and religious law
- Diabetes, fasting glucose, and the risk of glaucoma: a meta-analysis
- Diabetes, impaired fasting glucose, and cognitive decline in a population of elderly community residents
- Diabetes, impaired fasting glucose, and heart failure: its not all about the sugar
- Diabetes, impaired fasting glucose, daily life activities, food and beverage consumption among Buddhist monks in Chanthaburi Province, Thailand
- Diabetes: fasting and β cell regeneration
- Diabetic and nondiabetic patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease have an impaired incretin effect and fasting hyperglucagonaemia
- diabetic drugs in treating type-2 diabetics during Ramadan 1437 (Hijri) fasting in FayoumGovernate
- Diabetic euglycemic ketoacidosis in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus during Ramadan fasting
- Diabetic hypoglycaemia during Ramadan fasting: A trans-national observational real-world study
- Diabetic microangiopathy in patients with cystic fibrosis
- Diabetic modifier QTL, Dbm4, affecting elevated fasting blood glucose concentrations in congenic mice
- Diabetic Patients fasting During Ramadan: Ten Years Overview
- Diabetic Retinopathy, Rural Diabetic Screening, Diabetic Macular Oedema, fasting Blood Sugar, CSME, BMI.
- Diabetic Risk Score and fasting Plasma Glucose Testing in the Screening for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Risk
- Diacylglycerol lipase inhibitors prevent fasting-induced refeeding in mice
- Diagnosing value of fasting blood glucose on MODSE caused by pulmonary infection in elderly patients with diabetes
- Diagnosis and management of familial dyslipoproteinemia in children and adolescents
- Diagnosis of bile acid diarrhoea by fasting and postprandial measurements of fibroblast growth factor 19
- Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and pre-diabetes with fasting plasma glucose, oral glucose tolerance test and A1C level: A1C based screening may be a better …
- Diagnosis of prediabetes in cats: glucose concentration cut points for impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance
- Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes using serial fasting plasma glucose versus HbA1c in the primary care setting
- Diagnostic accuracy of body mass index and fasting glucose for the prediction of gestational diabetes mellitus after assisted reproductive technology
- Diagnostic performance of 48-hour fasting test and insulin surrogates in patients with suspected insulinoma
- Diagnostic value of the rectal ammonia tolerance test, fasting plasma ammonia and fasting plasma bile acids for canine portosystemic shunting
- Diaspora Experience between the creation and the creator: A closer look at the Diaspora connected character in Anita Desai’s “Fasting, Feasting”
- Diastolic Dysfunction and Left Ventricle Remodeling in Men with Impaired fasting Glucose
- Diastolic function, fasting plasma glucose and left ventricular mass index
- Diatoms to dinosaurs: the size and scale of living things
- Dichotomous responses of inter and postprandial hyperglycaemia to short‐term calorie restriction in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Diet and calorie restriction
- Diet and cardiovascular risk: The effects of intermittent fasting on the systemic and artherial wall inflammation in murine a model of accelerated atherogenesis
- Diet and health: striking a balance
- Diet and nutrition in rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic inflammatory diseases
- Diet and Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Disease
- Diet as a Means of Life Span Prolongation
- Diet quality is prospectively associated with incident impaired fasting glucose in older adults
- Diet restriction and fasting Exacerbate the Toxicity of Soman in Young and Old Guinea Pigs
- Diet restriction in Ramadan and the effect of fasting on glucose levels in pregnancy
- Diet restriction in rhesus monkeys lowers fasting and glucose-stimulated glucoregulatory end points
- Dietary Acid Load During Weight Loss by Means of Calorie-restriction and Exercise and Its Effect on Bone Mineral Density Change
- Dietary adherence and macronutrient intake during 12 months of alternate day fasting
- Dietary adherence to long‐term controlled feeding in a calorie‐restriction study in overweight men and women
- Dietary approaches to optimize the fasting period before laparoscopic surgery in horses: An overview
- Dietary Association With Impaired fasting Plasma Glucose States and Responses to a Lifestyle Changing Protocol in a Community Sample of Freeliving …
- Dietary calorie restriction does not affect the levels of protein elongation factors in rat livers during ageing
- Dietary calorie restriction from Adulthood Through Old Age in Rats: Improved DNA Polymerase β and DNA Gap Repair Activity in Cortical Neurons
- Dietary calorie restriction in mice induces carbamyl phosphate synthetase I gene transcription tissue specifically
- Dietary calorie restriction in the Emory mouse: effects on lifespan, eye lens cataract prevalence and progression, levels of ascorbate, glutathione, glucose, and …
- Dietary calorie restriction induces hepatic pyruvate carboxylase in pair-fed controls for the C57BL/6J mice exposed to 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p …
- Dietary calorie restriction, DNA-repair and brain aging
- Dietary calorie restriction, DNA-repair and brain aging
- Dietary Carbohydrate Intake and fasting Blood Glucose Among People Visit Non-communicable Disease Risk Factor Surveillance in Puskesmas Kedungmundu
- Dietary changes and their possible effect on blood pressure
- Dietary cholesterol, lipid levels, and cardiovascular risk among adults with diabetes or impaired fasting glucose in the framingham offspring study
- Dietary considerations in the elderly: nutrition and cardiovascular disease
- Dietary diversity and associated factors among children of Orthodox Christian mothers/caregivers during the fasting season in Dejen District, North West …
- Dietary effects on drug metabolism by the mixed-function oxidase system
- Dietary Energy Balance, calorie Restriction, and Cancer Prevention
- Dietary factors in fasting blood glucose levels and weight gain in female Sprague Dawley in rats
- Dietary factors modulating the rate of aging
- Dietary fat and cancer risk: evidence and research needs
- Dietary fat modulates calorie restriction-induced changes of apoptotic markers in mouse skeletal muscle
- Dietary fat source and aging modulate changes in apoptotic markers in skeletal muscle under calorie restriction in mice
- Dietary fat, calorie restriction, ad libitum feeding, and cancer risk
- Dietary fatty acids differentially associate with fasting versus 2-hour glucose homeostasis: implications for the management of subtypes of prediabetes
- Dietary fiber inclusion as an alternative to Feed fasting to induce molting in Commercial Layers
- Dietary fiber: fact and fiction
- Dietary fibre in human nutrition: a bibliography for 1980
- Dietary habits and nutrients intake of diabetic adolescents during Ramadan fasting
- Dietary intake during fasting in the month of Ramadan
- Dietary interventions to extend life span and health span based on calorie restriction
- Dietary lipids and calorie restriction affect mammary tumor incidence and gene expression in mouse mammary tumor virus/v-Ha-ras transgenic mice
- Dietary L-Leucine diminishes protective effects of calorie restriction in a transplant model of pancreatic cancer
- Dietary magnesium-to-iron intake ratios and risk of impaired fasting glucose in Chinese adults: The prospective Jiangsu Nutrition Study (JIN)
- Dietary management of nursing home residents with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
- Dietary manipulation of cardiac and aortic smooth muscle reactivity to isoproterenol
- Dietary mannoheptulose has differential effects on fasting and post-prandial glucose oxidation in Labrador Retrievers
- Dietary mannoheptulose increases fasting serum glucagon like peptide-1 and post-prandial serum ghrelin concentrations in adult beagle dogs
- Dietary n-3 fatty acids and calorie restriction in autoimmune disease: Influence in different immune compartments
- Dietary obesity and weight cycling: effects on blood pressure and heart rate in rats
- Dietary pattern as identified by factorial analysis and its association with lipid profile and fasting plasma glucose among Iranian individuals with spinal cord injury
- Dietary patterns and glycemic control and compliance to dietary advice among fasting patients with diabetes during Ramadan
- Dietary patterns in relation to components of dyslipidemia and fasting plasma glucose in adults with dyslipidemia and elevated fasting plasma glucose in Taiwan
- Dietary potassium and stroke-associated mortality
- Dietary practices adopted by track-and-field athletes: Gluten-free, low FODMAP, vegetarian, and fasting
- Dietary protein intake and progressive glomerular sclerosis: the role of capillary hypertension and hyperperfusion in the progression of renal disease
- Dietary proteins improve endothelial function under fasting conditions but not in the postprandial state, with no effects on markers of low-grade inflammation
- Dietary recommendations for people with diabetes: an update for the 1990s
- Dietary recommendations for people with diabetes: an update for the 1990s Nutrition Subcommittee of the British Diabetic Association’s Professional Advisory …
- Dietary restriction alters characteristics of glucose fuel use
- Dietary restriction and Biologic Variables
- Dietary restriction and fasting Arrest B and T Cell Development
- Dietary restriction and fasting arrest B and T cell development and increase mature B and T cell numbers in bone marrow
- Dietary restriction and fasting downregulate complement activity
- Dietary restriction and fasting Downregulate Complement Activity: 526
- Dietary restriction and the neuroendocrinology of aging
- Dietary restriction delays cataract and reduces ascorbate levels in Emory mice
- Dietary restriction in humans: report on the Little Rock Conference on the value, feasibility, and parameters of a proposed study
- Dietary restriction in nonhuman primates: progress report on the NIA study
- Dietary restriction increases insulin sensitivity and lowers blood glucose in rhesus monkeys
- Dietary restriction modulates the norepinephrine content and uptake of the heart and cardiac synaptosomes
- Dietary restriction suppresses age-related changes in dendritic spines
- Dietary Restriction, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; Potential Role of Intermittent fasting for Reducing Obesity
- Dietary Restriction, Starvation, Compensatory Growth – ‘Short-Term fasting Does Not Kill You: It Can Make You Stronger’
- Dietary restriction, tumors, and aging in rodents
- Dietary Restrictions, fasting and Incubation
- Dietary salt and blood pressure
- Dietary sodium reduction does not affect circulating glucose concentrations in fasting children or adults: findings from a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Dietary-and fasting-based interventions as novel approaches to improve the efficacy of cancer treatment
- Diete fasting e possibili applicazioni terapeutiche
- Diet-Induced Ketosis and calorie restriction in Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Pathology
- Diets naturally rich in polyphenols improve fasting and postprandial dyslipidemia and reduce oxidative stress: a randomized controlled trial
- Difference of Glucose variability between Low Carbohydrate Diet (LCD) and calorie restriction (CR)
- Differences by sex in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus, impaired fasting glycaemia and impaired glucose tolerance in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic …
- Differences in body fat distribution play a role in the lower levels of elevated fasting glucose amongst Ghanaian migrant women compared to men
- Differences in circulating gluconeogenic substrates during short-term fasting in men, women, and children
- Differences in leptin, ghrelin, and glucagon-like peptide-1 levels between religious fasting and normal fasting
- Differences in lercanidipine systemic exposure when administered according to labelling: in fasting state and 15 minutes before food intake
- Differences in Mucociliary activity of volunteers undergoing Ramadan versus Nineveh fasting
- Differences in participant classification and intervention effects based on HbA1C and fasting plasma glucose among a community sample of African Americans
- Differences in prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 and impaired fasting glucose between urban and rural areas according to PURE Poland substudy
- Differences in Sirtuin Regulation in Response to calorie restriction in Cryptococcus neoformans
- Differences in the risk of fatty liver for onset of impaired fasting glucose according to baseline plasma glucose levels
- Differences of fasting Blood Glucose Level in People with Schizophrenia between Before and After Getting Aripiprazole Treatment
- Differences of prevalence of dyslipidemia and risk factors related to LDL-c in the patients with abnormal fasting glucose between Uygur and Han in Xinjiang
- Different Analysis of β-Cell Dysfunction as fasting Glucose Progresses in Obese and Nonobese Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetic Patients
- Different associations between obesity and impaired fasting glucose depending on serum gamma-glutamyltransferase levels within normal range: a cross …
- Different calorie restriction treatments have similar anti-seizure efficacy
- Different effects of growth hormone and fasting on the induction patterns of two hormone-sensitive lipase genes in red seabream Pagrus major
- Different fasting periods in tiletamine-zolezepam-anethetized cats: Glycemia, recovery, blood-gas and cardiorrespiratory parameters
- Different fasting plasma glucose concentrations in patients with type Ⅱ diabetes insulin, C-peptide release test results and clinical significance [J]
- Different gene expression of skin tissues between mice with weight controlled by either calorie restriction or physical exercise
- Different response of body weight change according to ketonuria after fasting in the healthy obese
- Different risk factors for cognitive impairment among community-dwelling elderly, with impaired fasting glucose or diabetes
- Differential adaptive responses to 1-or 2-day fasting in various mouse tissues revealed by quantitative PCR analysis
- Differential associations of ferritin and 25‐hydroxyvitamin D with fasting glucose and diabetes risk in community dwelling older men.
- Differential Beta-Cell Response to Intravenous Exenatide (EXEN) and Arginine (ARG) in Prediabetic Subjects with Impaired fasting Glucose (IFG) and Impaired …
- Differential clusters of modifiable risk factors for impaired fasting glucose versus impaired glucose tolerance in adults 50 years of age and older
- Differential Effects of Alternate‐Day fasting Versus Daily calorie restriction on Insulin Resistance
- Differential effects of calorie restriction and exercise on the adipose transcriptome in diet-induced obese mice
- Differential effects of calorie restriction and involuntary wheel running on body composition and bone structure in diet-induced obese rats
- Differential effects of calorie restriction on glomeruli and tubules of the remnant kidney
- Differential effects of fasting vs food restriction on liver thyroid hormone metabolism in male rats
- Differential effects of intermittent feeding and voluntary exercise on body weight and lifespan in adult rats
- Differential Effects of Nanoformulated Copper/zinc Superoxide Dismutase in Regulating fasting Blood Glucose Levels in Mice Fed a Low versus High Fat Diet
- Differential Expression of Hypothalamic Metabolic Genes in Response to Short-Term calorie restriction in Young Obese-and Lean-prone JCR Rats
- Differential expression of hypothalamic, metabolic and inflammatory genes in response to short-term calorie restriction in juvenile obese-and lean-prone JCR …
- Differential fasting Plasma Glucose and Ketone Body Levels in GHRKO versus 3xTg-AD Mice: A Potential Contributor to Aging-Related Cognitive Status?
- Differential fatty acid accretion in heart, liver and adipose tissues of rats fed beef tallow, fish oil, olive oil and safflower oils at three levels of energy intake
- Differential gene expression pattern in hypothalamus of chickens during fasting-induced metabolic reprogramming: Functions of glucose and lipid metabolism in the …
- Differential gene regulation of GHSR signaling pathway in the arcuate nucleus and NPY neurons by fasting, diet-induced obesity, and 17β-estradiol
- Differential Impact of Sleep Duration on fasting Plasma Glucose Level According to Work Timing
- Differential pharmacokinetics of diclofenac potassium for oral solution vs immediate‐release tablets from a randomized trial: effect of fed and fasting conditions
- Differential regulation of thyroid hormone metabolism target genes during non-thyroidal illness syndrome triggered by fasting or sepsis in adult mice
- Differential sympathetic outflow to adipose depots is required for visceral fat loss in response to calorie restriction
- Differential therapeutic effects of nateglinide and acarbose on fasting and postprandial lipid profiles: a randomized trial
- Differential utilization of proteins in Anabas testudineus (Bloch) exposed to brief and prolonged fasting
- Diffusion investigation of intramyocellular lipid droplet changes in skeletal muscle under fasting condition
- Digestive flexibility during fasting in fish: a review
- Digestive flexibility during fasting in the characid fishHyphessobrycon luetkenii
- Dinitrophenol is an effective calorie restriction mimetic: effects on body weight, serological parameters, redox state and life span
- Dioscorea alata L. reduces body weight by reducing food intake and fasting blood glucose level
- Direct measurement of biliary bilirubin excretion in ponies during fasting.
- Disappearance of body fat in normal rats induced by adenovirus-mediated leptin gene therapy
- Discordance in the diagnosis of diabetes: Comparison between HbA1c and fasting plasma glucose
- Discordant signaling and autophagy response to fasting in hearts of obese mice: Implications for ischemia tolerance
- Discrepancies between Glycosylated Hemoglobin and fasting Plasma Glucose for Diagnosing Impaired fasting Glucose and Diabetes Mellitus in Korean …
- Discrepancy between HbA1c and fasting glucose results due to HbD
- Disorders of branched-chain amino acid metabolism
- Disorders of Muscle Energy Metabolism and Mitochondria
- Disrupted circadian rhythms of body temperature, heart rate and fasting blood glucose in prediabetes and type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Disruption of growth hormone receptor prevents calorie restriction from improving insulin action and longevity
- Dissociated response of plasma albumin and transferrin to protein-calorie restriction in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)
- Dissociation of striatal dopamine and tyrosine hydroxylase expression from aging-related motor decline: evidence from calorie restriction intervention
- Distasteful Hosts in Anita Desai’s Fasting, Feasting
- Distinct effects of calorie restriction and exercise on mammary gland gene expression in C57BL/6 mice
- Distinct effects of calorie restriction and resveratrol on diet-induced obesity and fatty liver formation
- Distinct effects of calorie restriction on adipose tissue cytokine and angiogenesis profiles in obese and lean mice
- Distinct β-cell defects in impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance
- Distraction, not hunger, is associated with lower mood and lower perceived work performance on fast compared to non-fast days during intermittent fasting
- Distribution of mean platelet volume in the healthy and impaired fasting glucose individuals
- Distribution of the fasting Lipid Levels and Validation of the Reference Interval in Korean Adolescents
- Diurnal alterations of refraction, anterior segment biometrics, and intraocular pressure in long-time dehydration due to religious fasting
- Diurnal intermittent fasting during Ramadan: the effects on leptin and ghrelin levels
- Diurnal regulation of RNA polymerase III transcription is under the control of both the feeding–fasting response and the circadian clock
- Diurnal Rhythms in Selected Physical Variables before and During Ramadan Fasting
- Diurnal variation of nuclear receptors in mice with or without fasting
- Divergence between HbA1c and fasting glucose through childhood: implications for diagnosis of impaired fasting glucose (EarlyBird 52)
- Divergent regulation of adipose tissue metabolism by calorie restriction and inhibition of growth hormone signaling
- Divergent Role of Estrogen-Related Receptor α in Lipid- and Fasting-Induced Hepatic Steatosis in Mice
- Diverging sex-specific long-term effects of cigarette smoking on fasting insulin and glucose levels in non-diabetic people
- Diverse metabolic reactions activated during 58-hr fasting are revealed by non-targeted metabolomic analysis of human blood
- Divine Diets: Food and fasting of Medieval Mystics in the Vitae of Thomas of Cantimpré
- Diving response after a one-week diet and overnight fasting
- dl-norgestrel (0.075 mg/d) significantly reduced fasting serum levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL)….
- Dmitriy Mandzhiev, About Matsg (fasting Days) in the Soviet Period
- DNA double-strand breaks in relation to persistent organic pollutants in a fasting seabird
- DNA methylation markers associated with type 2 diabetes, fasting glucose and HbA1c levels: a systematic review and replication in a case–control sample of …
- Do calorie restriction or alternate-day fasting regimens modulate adipose tissue physiology in a way that reduces chronic disease risk?
- Do fasting blood glucose (FBS), fasting serum insulin (FSI) and fasting serum C-peptide (FSC-peptide) differ in hypertensive and non-hypertensive individuals
- Do fasting or high caloric drinks affect the physiological uptake of fluorine-18 prostate-specific membrane antigen-1007 in liver and bowel?
- Do gender and ethnic differences in fasting leptin in Indians and Creoles of Mauritius persist beyond differences in adiposity?
- Do high fasting glucose levels suggest nocturnal hypoglycaemia? The Somogyi effect—more fiction than fact?
- Do nonfasting lipid levels differ significantly from fasting lipid levels?
- Do Parents Selectively Time Birth Relative to Ramadan? Impact of Maternal fasting on Height: Evidence from Matlab, Bangladesh
- Do raised two-hour pre-pregnancy insulin levels confer the same risks of developing GDM, as raised fasting levels, in recurrent miscarriage patients?
- Do Ramadan fasting restrictions alter eating behaviours in obese women?
- Do sirtuins promote mammalian longevity?: a critical review on its relevance to the longevity effect induced by calorie restriction
- Docosahexaenoic acid‐supplementation prior to fasting prevents muscle atrophy in mice
- Does a consequent calorie restriction function in a life-prolonging manner?
- Does abdominal skinfold thickness correlate to fasting blood sugar levels in non-diabetic adults?
- Does calorie restriction in Primates Increase Lifespan? Revisiting Studies on Macaques (Macaca mulatta) and Mouse Lemurs (Microcebus murinus)
- Does calorie restriction in Primates Increase Lifespan? Revisiting Studies on Macaques and Mouse Lemurs
- Does calorie restriction induce mitochondrial biogenesis? A reevaluation
- Does consumption of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids affect lipid profile and fasting blood glucose in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury? A double-blinded …
- Does eating less make you live longer and better? An update on calorie restriction
- Does elevated plasma triglyceride level independently predict impaired fasting glucose?: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
- Does fasting and postprandial blood sampling for thyroid evaluation make a difference in children?
- Does fasting decrease the inhibitory effect of malonyl-CoA on hepatic beta-oxidation?
- Does fasting During Pregnancy Affect Children’s Labor Market Outcomes? Evidence from Indonesia
- Does fasting during Ramadan affect the use of topical dermatological treatment by Muslim patients in the UK?
- Does fasting during Ramadan Alter Cardiorespiratory Responses, Body Composition, and Blood Lipids in Athlete Individual?
- Does fasting during Ramadan trigger non-adherence to oral hormonal therapy in breast cancer patients?
- Does fasting in Ramadan ameliorate Lipid profile? A prospective observational study
- Does fasting in ramadan increase the risk of developing sialoadenitis?
- Does fasting in Ramadan increase the risk of developing urinary stones?
- Does fasting influence preload responsiveness in ASA 1 and 2 volunteers?
- Does fasting Modulate Physio-Psychological Responses to Emotional Pictures? An Analysis by MEG, VAS and Peripheral Physiological Markers
- Does fasting or postprandial state affect thyroid function testing?
- Does fasting serum, insulin resistance and fasting serum C-peptide levels vary with gender
- Does fasting time alter fluid responsiveness after induction of anaesthesia?
- Does food restriction retard aging by reducing metabolic rate?
- Does fructose consumption elicit a dose-response effect on fasting triglycerides? A systematic review and meta-regression of controlled feeding trials
- Does insulin signalling decide glucose levels in the fasting steady state?
- Does intermittent fasting improve microvascular endothelial function in healthy middle-aged subjects?
- Does Islamic fasting affect cognitive functions in adolescents? A systematic review
- Does Lipid Profile Affect Thrombin Generation During Ramadan fasting in Patients With Cardiovascular Risks?
- Does obesity cause chronic inflammation? The association between complete blood parameters with body mass index and fasting glucose
- Does ramadan fasting adversely affect cognitive function in young females?
- Does Ramadan fasting Adversely Affect Cognitive Function in Young Females?
- Does Ramadan fasting affect acylated ghrelin and growth hormone concentrations during short-term maximal exercise in the afternoon?
- Does Ramadan fasting affect fatigue in nurses?
- Does Ramadan fasting Affect Hydration Status and Kidney Function in CKD Patients?
- Does Ramadan fasting Affect Spirometric Data of Healthy Adolescents?
- Does Ramadan fasting affect the diurnal variations in metabolic responses and total antioxidant capacity during exercise in young soccer players?
- Does Ramadan fasting affect the intensity of acenocoumarol‐induced anticoagulant effect?
- Does Ramadan fasting affect the physical workload?
- Does Ramadan fasting alter body weight and blood lipids and fasting blood glucose in a healthy population? A meta-analysis
- Does Ramadan fasting contribute to the increase of peptic ulcer perforations
- Does Ramadan fasting has any effects on menstrual cycles?
- Does Ramadan fasting Increase duodenal ulcer perforation?
- Does Ramadan fasting influence breastmilk?
- Does reducing basal insulin during Ramadan fasting by children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes decrease the risk of symptomatic hypoglycemia?
- Does regular use of a complementary medicine of Olea Europe and Ficus carica have adverse effects on lipid profile and fasting blood glucose of Rheumatoid …
- Does religious fasting affect cognitive performance?
- Does religious fasting affect energy and macro-nutrients intakes?
- Does religious fasting in the Islamic holy month of Ramadan predispose to atrial fibrillation? A population-based study
- Does religious fasting increase fat free mass (FFM) and reduce abdominal obesity?
- Does reviewing fasting plasma glucose results patterns before glycosylated hemoglobin testing in type-2 diabetic patients lead to better testing decision?
- Does short-term fasting lead to stressed-out parents? A study of incubation commitment and the hormonal stress responses and recoveries in snow petrels
- Does short-term fasting promote changes in state body image?
- Does short-term fasting promote pathological eating patterns?
- Does short-term lemon honey juice fasting have effect on lipid profile and body composition in healthy individuals?
- Does SIRT-1 mediate calorie restriction and prolong life?–A mini review
- Does time of day affect lipoprotein measurement independent of fasting state?
- Do‐It‐Yourself calorie Restriction
- Do‐It‐Yourself calorie Restriction: The Risks of Simplistically Translating Findings in Animal Models to Humans
- Dopaminergic control of ketogenesis in fasting
- Dose Ramadan fasting affects inflammatory responses: Evidences for modulatory roles of this unique nutritional status via chemokine network
- Dose Ramadan fasting Affects Inflammatory Responses: Evidences for Modulatory Roles of This Unique Nutritional Status via Chemokine Network.
- Dose‐dependent effects of calorie restriction on gene expression, metabolism, and tumor progression are partially mediated by insulin‐like growth factor‐1
- Dose-response analysis of environmental exposure to multiple metals and their joint effects with fasting plasma glucose among occupational workers
- Dose–response between frequency of interruption of sedentary time and fasting glucose, the dawn phenomenon and night‐time glucose in Type 2 diabetes
- Double screening test at 8th and 12th hour of overnight fasting for a better classification of idiopathic hyperlipidemias. Large scale study of 505 tests.
- Down-regulation of AMP-activated protein kinase by calorie restriction in rat liver
- Down-regulation of AMP-activated protein kinase by calorie restriction in rat liver
- Downregulation of Grb2 contributes to the insulin-sensitizing effect of calorie restriction
- DPP4 inhibitor, anagliptin, ameliorates fasting and postprandial hypertriglyceridemia
- Drastic calorie restriction for the Treatment of Massive Obesity
- Drastic calorie restriction in preparation for bariatric surgery.
- Driving in the fasting month of Ramadan: an observational study on speeding, horn honking, and using seat belts
- Drunkorexia: calorie restriction prior to alcohol consumption among college freshman
- dSir2 mediates the increased spontaneous physical activity in flies on calorie restriction
- Duodenal sodium/glucose cotransporter 1 expression under fasting conditions is associated with postload hyperglycemia
- Duodenal-jejunal bypass liner implantation provokes rapid weight loss and improved glycemic control, accompanied by elevated fasting ghrelin levels
- Duodenogastric reflux in humans: its relationship to fasting antroduodenal motility and gastric, pancreatic, and biliary secretion
- Duodenogastric reflux in the fasting dog: role of pylorus and duodenal motility
- Duodenum exclusion alone is sufficient to reduce fasting blood glucose in non-obese diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats
- Duration of fast alters fasting glucose levels, response to oral glucose load, and weight in the mouse
- Duration of fasting but not diurnal variation affects the response to glucagon in healthy cats
- Duration of fasting, serum lipids, and metabolic profile in early childhood
- Duration of preoperative clear fluid fasting and peripheral intravenous catheterization in children: a single‐center observational cohort study of 9,693 patients
- Düzeylerinin Tedavi Sonuçlarına Etkisi The Effect of fasting Blood Glucose Levels on Treatment Results in Patients with Cervical Carcinoma with …
- Dynamic expression of CPT-1, AdipoR2, NPY, LEPR and STAT3 in growing broiler chicken regulated by aging and fasting conditions
- Dynamic Expression of Genes Related to Feed Intake in Broilers Regulated by Aging and fasting Conditions.
- Dynamic FGF21 Expression under Exercise, fasting and Food Components
- Dynamic regulation of pgc‐1α localization and turnover implicates mitochondrial adaptation in calorie restriction and the stress response
- Dynamic repression by BCL6 controls the genome-wide liver response to fasting and steatosis
- Dysglycaemia and other predictors for progression or regression from impaired fasting glucose to diabetes or normoglycaemia
- Dyslipidemia and fasting glucose impairment among HIV patients three years after the first antiretroviral regimen in a Brazilian AIDS outpatient clinic
- Dyslipidemia and fasting Glucose Impairment among HIV-Infected Patients 48-Weeks after the First Antiretroviral Regimen
- Dyslipidemia and reference values for fasting plasma lipid concentrations in Danish/North-European White children and adolescents
- Dysregulation of adipocytokines related to second-generation antipsychotics in normal fasting glucose patients with schizophrenia
- E ects of Ramadan fasting in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Chronic Phase
- Early Assessment of the Risk for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Can fasting Parameters of Glucose Metabolism Contribute to Risk Prediction?
- Early changes of abdominal adiposity detected with weekly dual bioelectrical impedance analysis during calorie restriction
- Early dietary protein restriction slows disease progression and lengthens survival in mice with polycystic kidney disease.
- Early fasting glucose measurements can predict later glycaemic response to once weekly dulaglutide
- Early Feeding vs 5-Day fasting after Distal Elective Bowel Anastomoses in Children. A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Early Gestational Diabetes: is fasting glucose useful?
- Early gestational maternal low-protein diet diminishes hepatic response to fasting in young adult male mice
- Early hypothalamic response to age-dependent gene expression by calorie restriction
- Early life urban exposure as a risk factor for developing obesity and impaired fasting glucose in later adulthood: results from two cohorts in Thailand
- Early markers of atherosclerosis in patients with impaired fasting glucose.
- Early Postoperative fasting Serum Glucose Levels are Useful in Depicting Future Diabetes Mellitus in Patients with Curative Insulinoma Surgery
- Early pregnancy fasting plasma glucose and lipid concentrations in pregnancy and association to offspring size: a retrospective cohort study
- Early Rehydration in Surgical Patients With Prolonged fasting Decreases Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
- Early Surges in fasting Plasma Bile Acids after Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass are due to Insulin-Sensitizing, Bacterially-Derived Secondary Bile Acids
- Early trophic feeding versus enteral fasting for very preterm or very low birth weight infants
- Early-onset calorie restriction conserves fiber number in aging rat skeletal muscle
- Eat less live longer? Does calorie restriction work?
- Eat less, weight more? calorie restriction and the fattening of Americans
- Eat, Fast, Slim: The Life-Changing Intermittent fasting Diet for Amazing Weight Loss and Optimum Health
- Eating and fasting to liberate the Mind. Some remarks on the theme of food in Keśavdās’s «Vijñānagītā»
- Eating behavior traits of successful weight losers during 12 months of alternate-day fasting: An exploratory analysis of a randomized controlled trial
- Eating disorders in a general practice population. Prevalence, characteristics and follow-up at 12 to 18 months
- Eating Frequency and fasting Insulin Levels: A Case Report from Aurangabad
- Ecological Health Assessment of Shijiazhang Urban Ecosystem in fasting Urbanizing City [J]
- Ecology and management of postbreeding waterfowl
- Editorial on Sramkova et al.,“Apolipoprotein M: a novel adipokine decreasing with obesity and upregulated by calorie restriction”
- Effect of 1 year of alternate day fasting versus daily calorie restriction on type 2 diabetes risk
- Effect of 12 Hours fasting Resistance Exercise on Metabolic Efficiency and Fatigue in Convergence Ages
- Effect of 12-week home-based exercise program on fasting insulin in stage II-III colorectal cancer survivors: A randomized controlled trial.
- Effect of 15-day fasting on the tolerance of humans to breathing of pure nitrogen
- Effect of 24 h fasting on gene expression of AMPK, appetite regulation peptides and lipometabolism related factors in the hypothalamus of broiler chicks
- Effect of 48 h fasting on autonomic function, brain activity, cognition, and mood in amateur weight lifters
- Effect of 6–8 weeks of oral ursodeoxycholic acid administration on serum concentrations of fasting and postprandial bile acids and biochemical analytes in healthy …
- Effect of 6‐month calorie restriction and exercise on serum and liver lipids and markers of liver function
- Effect of 6-month calorie restriction on biomarkers of longevity, metabolic adaptation, and oxidative stress in overweight individuals: a randomized controlled trial
- Effect of a carbohydrate-containing late-evening snack on energy metabolism and fasting substrate utilization in adults with acute-on-chronic liver failure due …
- Effect of a combination of calorie-restriction therapy and Lingguizhugan decoction on levels of fasting blood lipid and inflammatory cytokines in a high-fat diet …
- Effect of a high bicarbonate mineral water on fasting and postprandial lipemia in moderately hypercholesterolemic subjects: a pilot study
- Effect of a protein-free diet and fasting on RNA polymerase activity in mice
- Effect of a short-term fasting and altitude hypoxia on the cytochrome oxidase activity of rat brain mitochondria.
- Effect of a Weight-loss Program on Participants’ Self-esteem, Nutrition Knowledge, and Health Behaviors
- Effect of administration of olive oil in yolk-sac on growth performance and breast development in broiler chickens exposed to post-hatch fasting stress.
- Effect of aerobic dance as therapeutic exercise on blood pressure, fasting blood glucose and body weight among adult female hypertensive patients
- Effect of Aerobic Exercise during Ramadan fasting on Lipid Profile
- Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training on Body Mass Index and Functional Performance in Diabesity Women under Intermittent fasting 16/8 Protocol
- Effect of Aerobic Training on Glucose-6-phosphatase Expression in the Liver Hepatocytes and fasting Glucose in Type II Diabetic Rats
- Effect of age and calorie restriction on corpus callosal integrity in rhesus macaques: a fiber tractography study
- Effect of age and obesity on fasting levels of glucose, insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone in man
- Effect of age and restricted feeding on polypeptide chain assembly kinetics in liver protein synthesis in vivo
- Effect of age on glucose tolerance and glucose uptake in healthy individuals
- Effect of age on liver protein synthesis and degradation
- Effect of age, short single or repeated fasting on the presence of lactic dehydrogenase isoenzymes in tissues of the CNS in the rat (author’s transl)
- Effect of aging and caloric restriction on intestinal permeability
- Effect of alternate day fasting on markers of bone metabolism: An exploratory analysis of a 6-month randomized controlled trial
- Effect of alternate-day fasting on weight loss, weight maintenance, and cardioprotection among metabolically healthy obese adults: a randomized clinical trial
- Effect of alternate-day fasting therapy combined with Linggui Zhugan Decoction (苓桂术甘汤) on hepatic oxidative stress in hyperlipidemic rat
- Effect of alternate-day-fasting combined with Lingguizhugan Decoction on blood lipid profiles of hyperlipidemic rats
- Effect of an inhibitor of protein synthesis, actidione-cycloheximide, on enterocyte ultrastructure of fasting rat (author’s transl)
- Effect of Anethum graveolens aqueous extract on blood fasting glucose and hematological parameters in diabetic male BALB/c mice
- Effect of angiotensin receptor blockade on insulin sensitivity and endothelial function in abdominally obese hypertensive patients with impaired fasting glucose
- Effect of antacids on the bioavailability of diflunisal in the fasting and postprandial states
- Effect of ante-mortem fasting on carcass yield and quality of rabbit meat.
- Effect of antral instillation of bile salts on fasting serum gastrin levels
- Effect of apple on fasting blood sugar and plasma lipids levels in type II diabetes
- Effect of astaxanthin, vitamin E, and vitamin C in combination with calorie restriction on sperm quality and quantity in male rats
- Effect of atorvastatin monotherapy and low-dose atorvastatin/ezetimibe combination on fasting and postprandial triglycerides in combined hyperlipedemia
- Effect of atorvastatin monotherapy and low-dose atorvastatin/ezetimibe combination on fasting and postprandial triglycerides in combined hyperlipidemia
- Effect of bariatric surgery combined with medical therapy versus intensive medical therapy or calorie restriction and weight loss on glycemic control in Zucker diabetic …
- Effect of bee’s propolis on fasting blood sugar and its antioxidant properties in diabetic rats (693.6)
- Effect of Blankyt on fasting Blood Sugar in Normal Rats
- Effect of body mass index on diabetogenesis factors at a fixed fasting plasma glucose level
- Effect of broiler fasting time during pre-slaughter.
- Effect of Caloric restriction on Endocrine System in Male Fisher-344 Rats
- Effect of calorie restriction and aging on yeast proteasome activity
- Effect of calorie restriction and dietary manipulation of fat on antioxidant profile of skeletal muscle of rats.
- Effect of calorie restriction and refeeding on skin wound healing in the rat
- Effect of calorie restriction on change in lacrimal gland with age
- Effect of calorie restriction on Circadian Rhythms of Glycolytic Enzymes in Mice
- Effect of calorie restriction on energy expenditure in overweight and obese adult women
- Effect of calorie restriction on energy expenditure in overweight and obese adult women Efecto de la restricción calórica sobre el gasto energético en mujeres adultas …
- Effect of calorie restriction on in vivo glucose metabolism by individual tissues in rats
- Effect of calorie restriction on insulin signal transduction: Involvement of GH-IGF-1 axis
- Effect of calorie restriction on liver and kidney glutathione in aging Emory mice
- Effect Of calorie restriction On Lung Stem Cells And Its Interaction With Aging
- Effect of calorie restriction on mood, quality of life, sleep, and sexual function in healthy nonobese adults: the CALERIE 2 randomized clinical trial
- Effect of calorie restriction on mortality kinetics in inbred strains of mice following 7, 12-dimethylbenz [a] anthracene treatment
- Effect of calorie restriction on resting metabolic rate and spontaneous physical activity
- Effect of calorie restriction on skeletal muscle and liver insulin binding in growing rat
- Effect of calorie restriction on spontaneous mutation shows tissue-specificity in different mouse tissues
- Effect of calorie restriction on spontaneous physical activity and body mass in mice divergently selected for basal metabolic rate (BMR)
- Effect of calorie restriction on subjective ratings of appetite
- Effect of calorie restriction on the development of virus induced leukaemia in mice
- Effect of calorie restriction on the fate of hyperplastic liver nodules induced by concurrent administration of lasiocarpine and thioacetamide
- Effect of calorie restriction on the free-living physical activity levels of nonobese humans: results of three randomized trials
- Effect of calorie restriction on the metabolic history of chronologically aging yeast
- Effect of calorie restriction on the production and responsiveness to interleukin 2 in (NZB× NZW) F1 mice
- Effect of calorie restriction on the proliferation of human hepatocellular carcinoma cell and cisplatin.
- Effect of calorie restriction on weight, level of fasting blood glucose and blood lipids in rats
- Effect of calorie restriction or protein intake on circulating levels of insulin like growth factor I in humans: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Effect of calorie restriction supplemented with genistein on serum levels of glucose, lipid profile and inflammatory markers (resistin and hsCRP) in obese rates
- Effect of calorie restriction with or without exercise on body composition and fat distribution
- Effect of calorie restriction with or without exercise on insulin sensitivity, β-cell function, fat cell size, and ectopic lipid in overweight subjects
- Effect of Carbenoxolone on Inflammatory Cytokine Levels, fasting Blood Sugar, and Histopathology of Pancreas on Experimental Autoimmune Diabetes in …
- Effect of carbohydrate intake on rat small intestinal disaccharidase activities, with special respect to diurnal rhythm
- Effect of Carbohydrate Loading vs. fasting on Blood Glucose Levels in a 400 Meter Sprint Performance
- Effect of cardiac rehabilitation with exercise training on fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c in patients with chronic heart failure
- Effect of Carthamus tinctorius (Safflower) on fasting blood glucose and insulin levels in alloxan induced diabetic rabbits
- Effect of chewing tobacco on fasting blood sugar level in Bikaner City population
- Effect of cholecystectomy on fasting lipid profile and blood glucose
- Effect of chromium supplementation on glycated hemoglobin and fasting plasma glucose in patients with diabetes mellitus
- Effect of chromium-enriched yeast on fasting plasma glucose, glycated haemoglobin and serum lipid levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus treated with insulin
- Effect of chronic and intermittent calorie restriction on serum adiponectin and leptin and mammary tumorigenesis
- Effect of chronic caloric restriction on hepatic enzymes of intermediary metabolism in aged B6C3F1 female mice.
- Effect of chronic caloric restriction on hepatic enzymes of intermediary metabolism in the male Fischer 344 rat
- Effect of chronic caloric restriction: Physiological and behavioral response to alternate day feeding in old female B6C3F1 mice
- Effect of chronic feeding of Remington’s diet and fasting on rat plasma composition.
- Effect of cinnamon supplementation on fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Effect of Citrus maxima juice on fasting blood glucose, lipid profile, liver enzyme and body weight
- Effect of clozapine dose and concentration on fasting concentration of appetite regulating peptides
- Effect of colesevelam and niacin on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and glycemic control in subjects with dyslipidemia and impaired fasting glucose
- Effect of Combined Dietary Supplementation of Telfairia Occidentalis Leaves and Citrulus Colocynthis Seeds on fasting Glycemia, Glucose Tolerance and …
- Effect of combined treatment with clozapine and metformin on fasting blood glucose, insulin level, and expression of the glucose transporter-2 (GLUT2) in …
- Effect of Compound Laser Acupuncture-Moxibustion on Blood Glucose, fasting Insulin and Blood Lipids Levels in Type 2 Diabetic Rats
- Effect of concomitant fasting and cold exposure on sympathoadrenal activity in rats
- Effect of controlled vitamin B-6 intake on in vitro lymphocyte proliferation and interleuken 2 production in young women
- Effect of Coptic Orthodox Christian church fasting on healthy and diabetic subjects
- Effect of corm type and fasting duration before slaughtering on biochemical and functional genomics characteristics of fatty liver in mule ducks.
- Effect of Crispy Arrowroot Flake on Waist Circumference, fasting Glucose and Free Fatty Acid in Type 2 Diabetes Patients
- Effect of culinary medicinal mushrooms, Pleurotus ostreatus and P. cystidiosus on fasting and postprandial glycaemia in healthy volunteers.
- Effect of degree days of fasting and crowding before slaughter on stomach content and stress response in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
- Effect of degree-days of fasting stress on rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
- Effect of dehydroepiandrosterone on mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production in young and old F344 rats
- Effect of denosumab on fasting glucose in women with diabetes or prediabetes from the FREEDOM trial
- Effect of deutectomy, fasting and environmental temperature on free fatty acid concentration in the blood plasma of chickens in the first week after hatching
- Effect of diet composition and fasting on lipogenesis in lean and polygenic obese mice
- Effect of diet restriction on glucose metabolism and insulin responsiveness in aging rats
- Effect of dietary calorie and fat restriction on mammary tumor growth and hepatic as well as tumor glutathione in rats
- Effect of dietary casein levels on activation of promutagens in the spiral Salmonella mutagenicity assay II. Studies with induced rat liver S9
- Effect of dietary fat manipulation and calorie restriction on collagen in ageing skeletal muscle.
- Effect of dietary modification by calorie restriction on cholesterol levels in lipoprotein (a) and other lipoprotein classes
- Effect of dietary polyphenols from hop (Humulus lupulus L.) pomace on adipose tissue mass, fasting blood glucose, hemoglobin A1c, and plasma monocyte …
- Effect of Dietary Protein Source in Experimental Renal Disease
- Effect of dietary purified xanthohumol from hop (Humulus lupulus L.) pomace on adipose tissue mass, fasting blood glucose level, and lipid metabolism in KK-Ay mice
- Effect of dietary restriction and stress on body temperature in rats
- Effect of dietary restriction on estrous cyclicity and follicular reserves in aging C57BL/6J mice
- Effect of dietary restriction on hepatic vitamin A content in aging rats
- Effect of dietary restriction on lifespan
- Effect of dietary restriction on liver protein synthesis in rats
- Effect of dietary restriction on the age-dependent changes in the expression of antioxidant enzymes in rat liver
- Effect of dietary restriction upon the age-associated decline of lymphocyte DNA repair activity in mice
- Effect of diethylstilbestrol and Synovex-S on fasting metabolism measurements of beef steers
- Effect of different levels of calorie restriction on azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis in male F344 rats
- Effect of different types of calorie restriction on circulation miRNAs.
- Effect of different types of nutrient solution on preoperative fasting time
- Effect of diurnal fasting on sleep during Ramadan: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Effect of diurnal fasting on sleep during Ramadan: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Effect of duration of fasting and diet on the myocardial uptake of F-18-2-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (F-18 FDG) at rest
- Effect of Duration of Use of COCs (Combination of ethinylestradiol (0.03 mg) and norgestrel (o. 3mg)) on serum Lipid Profiles, fasting Blood Sugar, Blood …
- Effect of early fasting and total parenteral nutrition support on the healing of incision and nutritional status in patients after sacrectomy
- Effect of electroacupuncture at ear and body acupoints on the instant fasting blood glucose level of machins with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Effect of Erythropoietin on fasting Blood Glucose of Diabetic Albino Rats, at 3 Different Doses (EPO 40,100 & 300 IU/Kg)
- Effect of estrogen on fasting serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in postmenopausal women
- Effect of Ethiopian Orthodox Christian (EtOC) religious fasting with vegan diet on changes of blood metabolites and body composition: an observational study
- Effect of Evening Aerobic Exercise on fasting Blood Glucose of Type II Diabetics
- Effect of Excessive Supplementation of Leucine, Lysine, Phenylalanine and Methionine on Plasma Amino Acid Concentrations at Postprandial and after fasting in …
- Effect of exenatide on cholecystokinin-induced gallbladder emptying in fasting healthy subjects
- Effect of exercise and calorie restriction on ambulatory blood pressure in overweight, sedentary males: A time series analysis
- Effect of exercise and calorie restriction on biomarkers of aging in mice
- Effect of exercise and calorie restriction on human adipose tissue lipolysis
- Effect of exercise and calorie restriction on tissue Acylcarnitines, tissue Desaturase indices, and fat accumulation in diet-induced obese rats
- Effect of exercise intensity on abdominal fat loss during calorie restriction in overweight and obese postmenopausal women: a randomized, controlled trial
- Effect of exercise on early normal-fed and overfed mice
- Effect of exercise on erythrocyte osmotic fragility in high fat diet fed rats during intermittent fasting
- Effect of Exercise on fasting Blood Glucose and Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests In Offspring of Type 2 Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Parents
- Effect of exercise on the lipid parameters in the fasting state and under glucose load.
- Effect of exercising while fasting on eating behaviors and food intake
- Effect of exogenous insulin on fasting serum levels of gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) in juvenile diabetes
- Effect of experimental methodology on fasting heat production and the net energy content of corn and soybean meal fed to growing pigs
- Effect of extended morning fasting upon ad libitum lunch intake and associated metabolic and hormonal responses in obese adults
- Effect of fasting and Deoxycholic Acid Feeding in Xbp1-Knockout and Xbp1-Flox Control Mice
- Effect of fasting and fasting-‐refeeding on the structure, metabolism and transport functions of renal cortical proximal tubules from different kidney regions
- Effect of fasting and feeding on growth, intestinal morphology and enteroendocrine cell density in Rhamdia quelen juveniles
- Effect of fasting and Foliar Application with Urea on Egyptian lime Trees Productivity A-Leaf ammonium content, flowering, fruit setting and yield of lime trees
- Effect of fasting and glucagon on the residual latent activity of acid phosphatase in rat liver.
- Effect of fasting and inclusion plant protein on growth and feed efficiency of hybrid red tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus× Oreochromis niloticus) fry
- Effect of fasting and refeeding on expression of genes involved in the gastric nutrient sensing and orexigenic control of pigs
- Effect of fasting and refeeding on pancreatic enzymes and secretagogue responsiveness in rats
- Effect of fasting and refeeding on the consequences of myocardial infarction in rats
- Effect of fasting and re-feeding with different fat supplements on hepatic lipidosis in mink.
- Effect of fasting and sex steroids on arachidonate uptake into rat platelets.
- Effect of fasting and somatostatin administration on circadian rhythms of jejunal cell renewal and plasma gastrin level in rats
- Effect of fasting and subsequent refeeding on the transcriptional profiles of brain in juvenile Spinibarbus hollandi
- Effect of fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) on Lipid Metabolism and Gender Differences in the Pattern of Dyslipidemia in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes in Northern India
- Effect of fasting blood glucose level on heart rate variability of healthy young adults
- Effect of fasting during Ramadan on fetal Doppler indices and amniotic fluid volume
- Effect of fasting during Ramadan on Migraine Sufferers
- Effect of fasting during Ramadan on thermal stress parameters
- Effect of fasting for Ramadan on kidney graft function during the hottest month of the year (August) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- Effect of fasting in R amadan on body composition and nutritional intake: a prospective study
- Effect of fasting in Ramadan on the level of Chemical Parameters and Percentage of Fatty Acids in the Serum
- Effect of fasting in the digestive system: histological study of the small intestine in house sparrows
- Effect of fasting of Ramadan on Infertile Women Undergoing In-Vitro Fertilization/Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Cycles: A Prospective Cohort Study
- Effect of fasting on 24-h blood pressure values of individuals with no previous history of hypertension
- Effect of fasting on adipose tissue glycogen levels in the obese Zucker rat
- Effect of fasting on amino acid metabolism in the new-born lamb
- Effect of fasting on blood insulin levels in rats after destruction of the ventromedial nuclei of the hypothalamus
- Effect of fasting on camel tissue lipid
- Effect of fasting on Choroidal Thickness and Its Diurnal Variation
- Effect of fasting On Cognitive Functioning In Healthy Young Adults.
- Effect of fasting on Contrast Sensitivity in Healthy Males
- Effect of fasting on corneal biomechanical and structural parameters
- Effect of fasting on energy metabolism and tenderizing enzymes in chicken breast muscle early postmortem
- Effect of fasting on Enzymes of Carbohydrate Metabolism, Brush Border Membrane and on Transport Functions in Superficial and Juxta-Medullary Cortex of …
- Effect of fasting on female fertility
- Effect of fasting on fluctuation of 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure in treated primary hypertensives
- Effect of fasting on free fatty acid, glycerol and cholesterol concentrations in blood plasma and lipoprotein lipase activity in adipose tissue of cattle
- Effect of fasting on glucose, lactate and alanine turnover in rats and guinea-pigs.
- Effect of fasting on hormones and metabolites in plasma of fast-growing, lean and slow-growing obese pigs
- Effect of fasting on intestinal motility and transit in albino wistar rats
- Effect of fasting on laryngopharyngeal reflux disease in male subjects
- Effect of fasting on levels of subjective stress among nurses working in emergency departments of hospitals in chahar mahal and bakhtiari
- Effect of fasting on lipid metabolism and oxidative stability in fattening chicken fed a diet supplemented with organic selenium
- Effect of fasting on liver and muscle glycogen in rats and guinea pigs.
- Effect of fasting on mental health in the general population of Kermanshah, Iran
- Effect of fasting on Metabolic Syndrome in Type II Diabetic Patients
- Effect of fasting on Na-K-ATPase activity in rat small intestinal mucosa
- Effect of fasting on Na-K-ATPase activity in rat small intestinal mucosa
- Effect of fasting on organic anion uptake by isolated rat liver cells
- Effect of fasting on peptic ulcer perforation
- Effect of fasting on plasma glucose kinetics in double-muscled cattle
- Effect of fasting on plasma viscosity in coronary heart disease patients
- Effect of fasting on platelet aggregation in the rabbit and the rat.
- Effect of fasting on production from exogenous arachidonic acid of thromboxane and 12-hydroxy 5, 8, 10, 14-Eicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE) by washed platelets of …
- Effect of fasting on rate of food passage and assimilation efficiency in badgers
- Effect of fasting on renal physiology
- Effect of fasting on self-feeding activity in juvenile sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
- Effect of fasting on serum lithium levels: an experimental study in animal models.
- Effect of fasting on some biochemical constituents of blood in cattle at thermoneutral environment
- Effect of fasting on the acute toxicity of HI-6 and its efficacy in soman poisoned mice
- Effect of fasting on the circulating glucose and insulin levels after glucose, arginine, pyruvate and palmitate administration in the rat
- Effect of fasting on the concentration of amide nitrogen in the blood plasma of sheep
- Effect of fasting on the content and transport of potassium ions in rat liver mitochondria
- Effect of fasting on the disappearance of injected alanine and 3-hydroxybutyrate in obese subjects
- Effect of fasting on the levels of glucose, free fatty acids, growth hormone and somatomedin in the serum, and on the pituitary function of the chicken
- Effect of fasting on the lipid composition and enzyme activity of rat liver plasma membranes
- Effect of fasting on the main blood and liver metabolites of gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis in the adult domestic quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
- Effect of fasting on the metabolic response of liver to experimental burn injury
- Effect of fasting on the metabolism in rat aorta
- Effect of fasting on the neuronal Fto expression and intracellular localization in the rat brain (959.6)
- Effect of fasting