1. Serotonin and appetite
  2. The experimental analysis of appetite.
  3. Opioid modulation of appetite
  4. Increased salt appetite in adrenalectomized rats
  5. Zen and the Birds of appetite
  6. Depression and appetite
  7. Relationship between serum amino acid concentration and fluctuations in appetite
  8. Salivation to the sight and thought of food: A new measure of appetite
  9. appetite stimulating properties of cyproheptadine
  10. Central control of appetite
  11. Effects of marihuana on the solution of anagrams, memory and appetite
  12. Effect of (−)‐hydroxycitrate upon the accumulation of lipid in the rat: II. appetite
  13. The physiology of thirst and sodium appetite
  14. The physiological control of appetite in fish
  15. Prednisolone as an appetite stimulant in patients with cancer.
  16. Relative effectiveness of protein in the late stages of appetite suppression in man
  17. Hunger and appetite after single doses of marihuana, alcohol, and dextroamphetamine
  18. The development with age of hypothalamic restraint upon the appetite of the rat
  19. Measurement of appetite disturbances in psychiatric disorders
  20. Postabsorptively induced suppression of appetite and the energostatic control of feeding
  22. A specific appetite for calcium in domestic chickens
  23. Gastric emptying in Limanda limanda (L.) and the return of appetite
  24. Effect of cyproheptadine on appetite and weight gain in adults
  25. Changing composition of human milk and early development of an appetite control
  26. Mineral metabolism of adrenalectomized rats studied by the appetite method
  27. Influence of body weight and body fat on appetite of “normal” lean and obese rats
  28. The role of the endogenous opiates as regulators of appetite
  29. Effect of exorphins on gastrointestinal function, hormonal release, and appetite
  30. Mineralocorticoids and cerebral angiotensin may act together to produce sodium appetite
  31. Starch content of ordinary foods associatively conditions human appetite and satiation, indexed by intake and eating pleasantness of starch-paired flavours.
  32. Effect of deoxycorticosterone on sodium appetite of intact and adrenalectomized rats
  33. appetite, palatability and feeding habit: a critical review.
  34. The role of appetite in the control of body weight
  35. Satiation Time, appetite, and Maximum Food Intake of Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)
  36. Increased calcium appetite of parathyroidectomised rats.
  37. Satiety and appetite are conditioned reactions
  38. Sodium appetite elicited by intracerebroventricular infusion of angiotensin II in the rat: II. Synergistic interaction with systemic mineralocorticoids.
  39. The mechanism of amphetamine-induced loss of weight: a consideration of the theory of hunger and appetite
  40. Dietary effects on brain serotonin synthesis: relationship to appetite regulation
  41. Effects of basolateral amygdala lesions on neophobia, learned taste aversions, and sodium appetite in rats.
  42. Is the appetite of swine a reliable indication of physiological needs?
  43. Increased sodium appetite in the rat induced by intracranial administration of components of the renin‐angiotensin system.
  44. Evidence that the amount of food consumed in early life fixes appetite in the rat
  45. Mechanisms of appetite modulation by drugs.
  46. Benzodiazepines as appetite-enhancing compounds
  47. The role of fever in appetite suppression after endotoxin administration
  48. Effect of cyproheptadine on asthmatic children: study of appetite, weight gain, and linear growth
  49. Cholecystokinin decreases appetite and activation evoked by stimuli arising from the preparation of a meal in man
  50. The peripheral control of appetite
  51. Effect of mineralocorticoids on spontaneous sodium chloride appetite of adrenalectomized rats
  52. Neural control of hunger, appetite, and satiety
  53. Growth, appetite, sequence of pathological signs and survival following the induction of rapid, synchronous vitamin A deficiency in the rat
  54. Muscimol induced feeding: a model to study the hypothalamic regulation of appetite
  55. Mineral appetite of parathyroidectomized rats.
  56. Regulation of calcium appetite in broiler chickens
  57. Sodium appetite: some conceptual and methodologic aspects of a model drive system
  58. Development of differential appetite in the rat.
  59. Thirst and sodium appetite after colloid treatment in rats.
  60. Gusto-olfactory thresholds in relation to appetite and hunger sensations
  61. Arousal of a specific and persistent sodium appetite in the rat with continuous intracerebroventricular infusion of angiotensin II.
  62. Evolutionary aspects of the emergence of aldosterone secretion and salt appetite
  63. Effect of food attractants on appetite and growth rate of gilthead bream, Sparus aurata L.
  64. Geriatric nutrition: the role of taste and smell in appetite
  65. Refined salt appetite methodology for rats demonstrated by assessing sex differences.
  66. Increased fat and decreased carbohydrate appetite of pancreatectomized rats
  67. The appetite hypothesis of emotions: A new psychoanalytic model of motivation
  68. Diethylpropion hydrochloride: an effective appetite suppressant.
  69. Gastric emptying and the return of appetite in juvenile turbot, Scophthalmus maximus L., fed on artificial diets
  70. The neuroendocrine control of appetite: the role of the endogenous opiates, cholecystokinin, TRH, gamma-amino-butyric-acid and the diazepam receptor
  71. Nicotine-induced weight loss in rats without an effect on appetite
  72. The selective appetite for Na+ shown by Na+-deficient sheep
  73. Film Preferences Under Conditions of Threat: Whetting the appetite for Violence,. Information, or Excitement?
  74. Suppression of appetite by bile acids
  75. appetite in man
  76. Role of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in NaCl appetite of rats
  77. Sodium appetite elicited by furosemide: effects of differential dietary maintenance
  78. Cultivating the Child’s appetite
  79. Pulmonary hypertension,” plexogenic pulmonary arteriopathy” and the appetite depressant drug aminorex: post or propter?
  80. Some physical, metabolic, and sensory components in the appetite for glucose
  81. appetite and choice of diet. The ability of the vitamin B deficient rat to discriminate between diets containing and lacking the vitamin
  82. The development of a specific appetite for calcium in growing broiler chicks
  83. The role of carbohydrates in appetite, hunger and obesity
  84. Inhibition of appetite in dairy cattle by certain intermediate metabolites
  85. Multiple factors in the satiation of salt appetite.
  86. Rapid effect of change in cerebrospinal fluid sodium concentration on salt appetite
  87. Aldosterone-induced sodium appetite: dose-response and specificity
  88. Neurochemistry of appetite mechanisms
  89. The effect of shearing on the appetite of the sheep
  90. A neurochemical theory of appetite and weight changes in depressive states
  91. Suppression of appetite by parenteral nutrition in humans.
  92. Diuresis and reduction of salt appetite by lateral ventricular infusions of atriopeptin II
  93. Hypertensive crisis resulting from an MAO inhibitor and an over-the-counter appetite suppressant.
  94. Effect of selenium on appetite in the selenium-deficient chick
  95. appetite‘and the relationships between expenditure and intake of calories in man
  96. Special calcium appetite in laying hens
  97. Mood and appetite during minimal-carbohydrate and carbohydrate-supplemented hypocaloric diets
  98. Relation of saturated, medium-and long-chain triglycerides to growth, appetite, thirst and weight maintenance requirements
  99. Sodium appetite during captopril blockade of endogenous angiotensin II formation
  100. Role of sodium concentration of the cerebrospinal fluid in the salt appetite of sheep
  101. Relationship between anorectic and reinforcing properties of appetite suppressant drugs: implications for assessment of abuse liability.
  102. Dehydration-induced sodium appetite in rats
  103. Evaluation of phendimetrazine bitartrate as an appetite suppressant
  104. ACTH induced sodium appetite in the rat
  105. Effect of potassium depletion on mineral appetite in the rat.
  106. Animal growth during liberation from appetite suppression.
  107. Specific appetite for NaCl without postingestional repletion.
  108. Roles of taste and post-ingestional factors in the satiation of sodium appetite in rats.
  109. Endorphins in obesity and in the regulation of appetite and weight.
  110. Distribution of gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the rat hypothalamus: functional correlates of GABA with activities of appetite controlling mechanisms
  111. Role of gustation in sodium appetite
  112. appetite control in sheep by indigestible fibers
  113. appetite and weight change in patients presenting with depressive illness
  114. Increased sodium chloride appetite in pregnant rats
  115. Blood volume and tonicity in relation to sodium appetite.
  116. Sodium appetite decreased by central angiotensin blockade
  117. Effect of zinc deficiency on appetite and plasma amino acid concentrations in the rat
  118. The clinical pharmacology of appetite suppressant drugs.
  119. Neuropeptides and appetite: contribution of neuropharmacological modeling.
  120. Study of phendimetrazine bitartrate as an appetite suppressant in relation to dosage, weight loss and side effects
  121. Comparison of carbohydrate-containing and carbohydrate-restricted hypocaloric diets in the treatment of obesity: effects on appetite and mood
  122. The Unruly Realm: appetite and Restraint in Seventeenth Century Holland
  123. The renin‐angiotensin system and sodium appetite
  124. A study of the interrelationship of the energy-yielding nutrients, blood glucose levels, and subjective appetite in man.
  125. Methodologic aspects of sodium appetite: An addendum
  126. appetite suppressant activity in plasma of rats after intestinal bypass surgery
  127. Chemostatic regulation of appetite in sheep
  128. Changes in volemia and natremia and onset of sodium appetite in sodium depleted rats
  129. Decreased phosphorus appetite of parathyroidectomized rats
  130. Evaluation of appetite suppressants
  131. appetite regulation in the rat under various physiological conditions: the role of dietary protein and calories
  132. Natural appetite
  133. The dependence of the salt appetite of the rat on the hormonal consequences of sodium deficiency.
  134. Effect of dorsolateral hypothalamic lesions on sodium appetite elicited by desoxycorticosterone and by acute hyponatremia.
  135. Self Selection of Diet: IV. appetite for Protein: Two Figures
  136. Gustatory adaptation as an explanation for dietary-induced sodium appetite
  137. A specific appetite for zinc in zinc‐depleted domestic fowls
  138. The influence of a hawk’s appetite on mobbing
  139. The control of appetite in lactating cows
  140. Effects of intestinal bypass surgery on appetite, food intake, and body weight in obese and lean rats.
  141. Seasonal variation of appetite in ruminants
  142. Effect of zimelidine, a new antidepressant, on appetite and body weight.
  143. The stomach in food satiation and the regulation of appetite
  144. An explanation of appetite
  145. Angiotensin, thirst, and sodium appetite: retrospect and prospect.
  146. Effect of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril, on NaCl appetite of rats.
  147. Aldosterone-elicited sodium appetite
  148. Exaggerated salt appetite of spontaneously hypertensive rats is decreased by central angiotensin-converting enzyme blockade
  149. Sodium appetite elicited by aldosterone
  150. Failure of oral l-histidine to influence appetite or affect zinc metabolism in man: a double-blind study
  151. Water intake and NaCl appetite in sodium depletion
  152. Increased sodium chloride appetite during pregnancy in the rat
  153. Selection for rate of gain, appetite and efficiency of feed utilization in mice
  154. A study of appetite, digestion and growth in juvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas L.) fed on artificial diets
  155. Antidepressives, analeptics and appetite suppressants
  156. Sodium chloride and dextrose appetite of untreated and treated adrenalectomized rats.
  157. Sucrose consumption early in life fails to modify the appetite of adult rats for sweet foods
  158. Effect of calories on appetite for palatable food in obese and nonobese humans.
  159. ACTH-elicited sodium appetite in sheep
  160. Attitudes toward appetite suppressants: A survey of US physicians
  161. Some theoretical considerations in relation to innate appetite for salt
  162. The influence of amphetamine sulfate upon olfactory acuity and appetite.
  163. Neurological factors in the control of the appetite
  164. Cerebrospinal fluid sodium concentration and salt appetite
  165. Studies on the appetite for carbohydrates in rats and humans
  166. The effect of experimental thyroid abnormalities on appetite
  167. Increased appetite (bulimia) in Parkinson’s disease
  168. The vagi and appetite
  169. Sodium appetite elicited by subcutaneous formalin: Mechanism of action.
  170. The failure of ventricular sodium to control sodium appetite in the rat
  171. Effects of enteral and parenteral nutrition on appetite in monkeys
  172. Sodium appetite elicited by hypovolemia in adrenalectomized rats: reevaluation of the” reservoir” hypothesis.
  173. Changes occurring in appetite and weight during short-term antidepressant treatment
  174. Wetting the appetite of Spark Ignition Engines for Lean Combustion
  175. The clinical pharmacology of appetite–its relevance to psychiatry1
  176. Behavioral control of intravascular fluid volume: Thirst and sodium appetite
  177. Sucrose versus ethanol appetite in inbred strains of mice
  178. Increased dextrose appetite of normal rats treated with insulin
  179. Food motivation and body weight levels in hypothalamic hyperphagic rats: A dual lipostat model of hunger and appetite.
  180. Salt appetite, salt intake, and hypertension: a deviation of perspective
  181. The influence of artificial photoperiod on the growth, appetite and reproductive status of male red deer and sheep
  182. The physiological basis of voluntary food intake (appetite?)
  183. Contributions to the psychology of nutrition. I. Hunger and appetite.
  184. Disruption of appetite but not hunger or satiety following small lesions in the amygdala of rats.
  185. Dietary variety stimulates appetite in females but not in males
  186. appetite and weight change and the dexamethasone suppression test.
  187. Sodium appetite in adrenalectomized rats following dietary sodium deprivation.
  188. Changes in fat, carbohydrate and protein appetite in vitamin B deficiency
  189. Effect of zinc deficiency on appetite and free amino acid concentrations in rat brain
  190. Specificity of the sodium chloride appetite of adrenalectomized rats; substitution of lithium chloride for sodium chloride
  191. Hypothalamic control of appetite
  192. A novel approach to growth promotion using auto-immunisation against somatostatin II. Effects on appetite, carcass composition and food utilisation in lambs
  193. Mechanisms concerned with appetite
  194. The changing pattern of food intake and appetite during the menstrual cycle of the baboon (Papio ursinus) with a consideration of some of the controlling endocrine …
  195. Influence of cortisone and ACTH on appetite
  196. appetite disturbance and excessive guilt in major depression: use of family study data to define depressive subtypes
  197. The management of obesity with emphasis on appetite control.
  198. appetite and obesity.
  199. Hormonal factors influencing salt appetite in lactation
  200. Involvement of the renin‐angiotensin system in captopril‐induced sodium appetite in the rat.
  201. Decrease in appetite and biochemical changes in amino acid imbalance in the rat
  202. Loss of appetite for alcohol and alcoholic beverages produced in rats by treatment with thyroid preparations
  203. Effects of cannabinoids given orally and reduced appetite on the male rat reproductive system
  204. Severe hypertension after ingestion of an appetite suppressant (phenylpropanolamine) with indomethacin
  206. Temporal factors in the genesis of NaCl appetite by intraperitoneal dialysis.
  207. appetite and growth rate selection with a methionine deficient diet
  208. Hormonal factors influencing salt appetite in pregnancy
  209. The role of ACTH and adrenal glucocorticoids in the salt appetite of wild rabbits [Oryctolagus cuniculus (L)]
  210. Sodium appetite elicited by intracerebroventricular infusion of angiotensin II in the rat: I. Relation to urinary sodium excretion.
  211. Thirst and sodium appetite after colloid treatment in rats: role of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
  212. A study of appetite suppressants in a general practice.
  213. The Prevention of Poor appetite in Children.
  214. Decreased Carbohydrate appetite of Adrenalectomized Rats.
  215. An appetite for Form
  216. Can a tumour cause the same appetite perversion or taste change as a pregnancy?
  217. The effect of concurrent deficiency of water and sodium on the sodium appetite of sheep
  218. Aggression: appetite or aversion?—An ethologist’s viewpoint
  219. The influence of odor upon appetite.
  220. The dependence of the carbohydrate, fat and protein appetite of rats on the various components of the vitamin B complex
  221. The psychological basis of appetite
  222. Effect of an oral contraceptive on NaCl appetite and preference threshold in rats
  223. Diurnal changes in the concentrations of micro-organisms in the rumens of sheep fed to appetite in pens or at pasture
  224. Sodium appetite in rats after neocortical ablation
  225. The effect of increased appetite and of insulin on growth in the hypophysectomized rat
  226. Salt appetite during the early phase of renal hypertension in rats
  227. A field survey of fat mobilization and liver function of dairy cows during early lactation. Relationship to energy balance, appetite and ketosis.
  228. Limitations to the specificity of NaCl appetite in sodium-depleted rats.
  229. Double blind cross-over study of a new appetite suppressant AN 448
  230. Studies of food preference, appetite and dietary habit. VII. Palatability in relation to learning and performance.
  231. Further observations on the carbohydrate, fat, and protein appetite of vitamin B deficient rats
  232. Possible mechanism of agricultural gypsum in regulating appetite
  233. Effect of Season on appetite and Food Consumption of the Lizard, Anolis carolinensis
  234. The effect of shearing on the appetite of two-tooth ewes
  235. Renin‐induced sodium appetite: effects on sodium balance and mediation by angiotensin
  236. Tolerance and cross tolerance to the anorexigenic effect of appetite suppressants in rats.
  237. Dietary treatment of hypertension. III. The effect of protein on appetite and weight
  238. The effects of chronic administration of naltrexone on appetite and water exchange in rats
  239. Modulation of salt appetite by lateral ventricular infusions of angiotensin II and carbachol during sodium depletion
  240. Parabrachial nuclei damage in infant rats produces residual deficits in gustatory preferences/aversions and sodium appetite
  241. Iron appetite and latent learning in rats
  242. Amphetamine-resin complex for prolonged appetite suppression
  243. A long-acting appetite suppressant drug studied for 24 weeks in both continuous and sequential administration.
  244. The control of salt appetite in wild rabbits during lactation
  245. The evaluation of a new appetite-reducing agent (Prefil) in the management of obesity.
  246. Sodium appetite in sheep induced by cerebral ventricular infusion of angiotensin: comparison with sodium deficiency
  247. Short-term effects of energy density on salivation, hunger and appetite in obese subjects.
  248. The influence of a diet with a high protein content upon the appetite and deposition of fat
  249. appetite levels of food consumption: a technique for measuring foods in terms of psychological and nutritional values combined
  250. Humoral control of appetite—II. Purification and characterization of an anorexogenic peptide from human urine
  251. Vagal mechanisms in appetite regulation.
  252. Nycthemeral rhythms and sodium chloride appetite in rats
  253. Effect of fenfluramine on appetite and lipid metabolism of the young ruminant
  254. An appetite for armadillo
  255. The effect of intravenous glucose injections on appetite in adult ewes.
  256. The effect of captopril on sodium appetite in adrenalectomized and deoxycorticosterone‐treated rats.
  257. Mineralocorticoids, dietary conditions, and sodium appetite
  258. Increased sodium appetite and polydipsia induced by partial aortic occlusion in the rat.
  259. Self Selection of Diet: IX. The appetite for Thiamine
  260. The concept of an “appetite quotient” for the interpretation of ad libitum feeding experiments
  261. Sodium appetite elicited by desoxycorticosterone
  262. STUDIES IN THE PHYSIOLOGY OF VITAMINS: III. Quantitative Aspects of the Relation Between Vitamin B and appetite in the Dog
  263. appetite regulation and its modulation by drugs
  264. Corticosterone prevents body weight loss and diminished fat appetite following adrenalectomy.
  265. Capillaryvenous glucose differences in patients with disorders of appetite.
  266. The metabolic effects of sodium depletion in calves on salt appetite assessed by operant methods.
  267. The doctor, the quack, and the appetite of the public for magic in medicine
  268. Spontaneous NaCl appetite Induced by Administration of an Oral
  269. Nutrient composition: effects on appetite in monkeys with oral factors held constant
  270. appetite suppression caused by CCK is diet specific in VMH-lesioned rats
  271. Insulin and appetite. 1. A method for increasing weight in thin patients.
  272. Conflict: a study of some interactions between appetite and aversion in the white rat.
  273. Humoral control of appetite: a urinary anorexigenic peptide. Chromatographic patterns of urinary peptides in anorexia nervosa
  274. Regulation of appetite during total parenteral nutrition.
  275. A screening method for the assessment of appetite suppressants
  276. Studies of food preference, appetite and dietary habit. VI. Habit, palatability and diet as factors regulating the selection of food by the rat.
  277. Selection for body weight at eight weeks of age: 6. Changes in appetite and feed utilization
  278. Clinical effects of long-term lithium treatment on sleep, appetite and sexuality
  279. The effect of supplementation with urea and molasses on the liveweight, appetite and wool growth of sheep.
  280. Mechanism of appetite control in rats consuming imbalanced amino acid mixtures
  281. appetite regulation: Modern concepts offering food for thought
  282. The effects of ruminal and plasma sodium concentrations on the sodium appetite of sheep
  283. A note on the relation of appetite to exercise.
  284. Interaction of prolactin and gonadotropins on appetite, growth, and tail regeneration in the lizard, Anolis carolinensis
  285. Calcium appetite of parathyroidectomized rats used to bioassay substances which affect blood calcium
  286. Loss of appetite and weight associated with the monoamine oxidase inhibitor isocarboxazid
  287. Specificity of salt appetite elicited by hypovolemia
  288. appetite stimulant activity of 3-carboxy-10, 11-dihydrocyproheptadine.
  289. NaCl appetite of adrenalectomized rats.
  290. Benzodiazepine-opiate antagonist interactions in relation to anxiety and appetite
  291. Absence of salt appetite in adrenalectomized and DOCA-treated hamsters
  292. Agents affecting appetite
  293. Species differences in the effect of decreased CSF sodium concentration on salt appetite.
  294. A comparison of the appetite suppressing properties of dexamphetamine and phentermine
  295. Do” anorectic” drugs produce weight loss by appetite suppression?
  296. Endocrine control of appetite: gastrointestinal hormonal effects on CNS appetitive structures
  297. Fatal heat-stroke in a child taking appetite-suppressant drugs.
  298. Electrolytic lesions and knife cuts in the region of the zona incerta impair sodium appetite
  299. Effect of an oral contraceptive on spontaneous running activity, salt appetite and blood pressure of ovariectomized rats
  301. Algernon’s appetite: Oscar Wilde’s Hero as Restoration Dandy
  303. Effects of captopril on salt appetite in sodium-replete rats and rats treated with desoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA).
  304. appetite and insulin-metabolite harmony in portal blood of sheep fed high or low roughage diet with or without intraruminal infusion of VFA
  305. The effect of angiotensin II infusion, renal hypertension and nephrectomy on salt appetite of sodium‐deficient sheep
  306. Effect of Deoxycorticosterone Acetate and Aldosterone on the Salt appetite of Wild Rabbits [Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.)]
  307. Effects of low-calorie dieting and exposure to diet-prohibited food on appetite and anxiety.
  308. Aldactazide-induced sodium appetite in rats
  309. The growth of physically handicapped children with emphasis on appetite and activity
  310. Increased feeding in rats treated with chlordimeform and related formamidines: a new class of appetite stimulants
  311. Correlation between colour vision disturbance and appetite for alcohol
  312. Studies of food preference, appetite and dietary habit. VIII. Food-seeking drives, palatability and the law of effect.
  313. Comparative Release of Phenylpropanolamine HC1 from Long-Acting appetite Suppressant Products: Acutrim Vs. Dexatrim
  314. Neural mechanisms for sodium appetite: Hypothalamus positive-hypothalamofugal pathways negative
  315. appetite for alcohol: influence of genetics and early experience.
  316. Sodium appetite in rats after apparent recovery from acute sodium deficiency.
  317. Curbing the distribution energy appetite
  318. Sodium appetite in rats given lithium
  319. appetite feeding experiments with cod-preliminary results
  320. Forage appetite in dairy cattle.
  321. Self Selection of Diet: V. appetite for Carbohydrates: Two Figures
  322. appetite suppression and central nervous system stimulation in the rhesus monkey
  323. Formalin induced sodium appetite: Dose-response relationships
  324. Effects of the appetite stimulant chlordimeform on food and water consumption of rats: Comparison with chlordiazepoxide
  325. appetite and obesity
  326. Importance of postingestional factors in the satiation of sodium appetite in rats
  327. Reversible colchicine-induced disruption of amygdaloid function in sodium appetite
  328. appetite suppression due to α-methyl-m-tyrosine
  329. Sodium retention and salt appetite following deoxycorticosterone in hamsters
  330. Changes in growth, appetite, food conversion efficiency and body composition in mice selected for high post-weaning weight gain on restricted feeding
  331. Impaired control of appetite for carbohydrates in some patients with eating disorders: Treatment with pharmacologic agents
  333. Effect of amino acid and glucose ingestion on arteriovenous blood sugar and appetite
  334. The use of amphetamine combinations for appetite suppression
  335. Neural basis of hunger, appetite and satiety.
  336. appetite for vitamin C: its relationship to cellular energy potential.
  337. Preoperative latent place learning preserves salt appetite following damage to the central gustatory system.
  338. The effect upon appetite of the chemical constituents of the air of occupied rooms
  339. Another appetite for Form
  340. The appetite of pregnant women
  341. appetite stimulation and weight gain with cyproheptadine. A double-blind study in underweight children.
  342. appetite and food consumption in the sea urchin Echinus esculantes L.
  343. Increased appetite for protein after the administration of alloxan.
  344. Conditioned and pseudoconditioned thirst and sodium appetite
  345. The possible central stimulant mechanisms of some appetite suppressants
  346. Fibrosis of the pancreas: Enterogastrone and the duodenal mechanism in relation to increased appetite
  347. appetite and weight gain in children: A double-blind trial using cyproheptadine and methandrostenolone
  348. Imbalanced protein and appetite.
  349. Phenylpropanolamine‐associated hypertension after the use of “over‐the‐counter” appetite‐suppressant products
  350. The effect on salt appetite and the renin—aldosterone system on replacing the depleted ions to sodium‐deficient cattle
  351. Neuropharmacology of appetite regulation
  352. Changes of sodium appetite during the estrous cycle of sheep
  353. Lowered cerebrospinal fluid sodium antagonizes effect of raised blood sodium on salt appetite
  354. Further studies on salt appetite following lateral hypothalamic lesions: effects of preoperative alimentary experiences.
  355. Self-administered intravenous infusion of hypertonic solutions and sodium appetite of sheep.
  356. Sodium retention after adrenal enucleation: drug and salt appetite studies
  357. Studies of food preference, appetite and dietary habit. I. Running activity and dietary habit of the rat in relation to food preference.
  358. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE STOMACH: XLV. Hunger, appetite and Gastric Juice Secretion in Man During Prolonged Fasting (Fifteen Days)
  359. The growth and appetite of sheep on high-fibre low-protein diets supplemented with urea and molasses.
  360. Drive properties of mineralocorticoid-induced sodium appetite
  361. Impairments in sodium appetite after lesions of gustatory thalamus: Replication and extension
  362. Spontaneous sodium chloride appetite of goitrogen-treated rats: Effect of hypophysectomy and adrenalectomy
  363. Hunger and appetite: Present conceptions in regard thereto
  364. Differential effects of amphetamine and fenfluramine on appetite for palatable food in humans.
  365. Amitriptyline and excessive appetite.
  366. On the role of hypoglycemia in carbohydrate appetite.
  367. Some Effects of the Vitamin B Complex on appetite and on Utilization of Food.
  368. Effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate on NaCl appetite of propylthiouracil-treated rats
  369. The effect of lesions in the hypothalamus on appetite
  370. Thirst and sodium appetite
  371. On solar ponds: salty fare for the world’s energy appetite
  372. Effects of appetite drive on evoked potentials in cochlear nucleus and auditory cortex in cats.
  373. Effects of intracarotid or intraruminal injections of NaCl or NaHCO3 on sodium appetite in goats
  374. The Effect of Varied Vitamin B Ingestion Upon the appetite of Children: Two Figures
  375. Nutrition and appetite training during illness.
  376. Man and the Social appetite
  377. appetite as a guide in feeding dairy calves
  378. Short-latency drinking and increased Na appetite after intracerebral microinjections of NGF in rats
  379. Plasma cholecystokinin (CCK) before and after a jejunoileal bypass operation in obese patients with reference to appetite regulation.
  380. Thirst and sodium appetite in the regulation of the body fluids
  381. Self Selection of Diet: VIII. appetite for Fats: Two Figures
  382. Influence of vitamin deficiencies on appetite for particular foodstuffs.
  383. Gastric acidity, nutritional hydration and appetite
  385. Dangers of certain appetite suppressants.
  386. On the appetite of Amiatus calva (Linnaeus)
  387. Utilization of appetite for Sodium Salts to Control Rabbit Populations by Poisoning.
  388. Studies of food preference, appetite and dietary habit. II. Group self-selection maintenance as a method in the study of food preferences.
  389. The Eighth JAF Stevenson Memorial Lecture Angiotensin II in the control of hypovolaemic thirst and sodium appetite
  390. Relation between lateral hypothalamic damage and impairment of sodium appetite: evidence of subcortical mass action
  391. Complete diets for dairy cows: comparisons of feeding to appetite with rationing according to milk yield
  392. Influence of desmethylimipramine on the appetite-lowering effects of d-amphetamine and other anorectics
  393. Effects of hormone, vitamin and liver supplements on the appetite and growth of the young rat during recovery from chronic starvation
  394. Out of the Eater: Flannery O’Connor’s appetite for Truth
  395. Thiamine, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine and Pantothenate Deficiencies as Affecting the appetite and Growth of the Albino Rat: One Figure
  396. appetite suppression in hamsters and swine fed a dithiocarbamoylhydrazine (ICI 33828)
  397. Salivation and appetite: Commentary on the forum.
  398. Sodium appetite and sodium metabolism in ruminants assessed by preference tests
  399. Is thirst largely an acquired specific appetite?
  400. The long-term effect of energy intake on salivation, hunger, and appetite ratings, and estimates of energy intake in obese patients
  401. Self Selection of Diet: VIII. appetite for Fats1: Two Figures
  402. Food utilization and appetite in riboflavin deficiency.
  403. Stimulation of appetite and growth in the tumor-bearing rat by a variety of tissues
  405. Thirst and sodium appetite after colloid treatment in rats with septal lesions.
  406. Faecal fats, appetite, and weight-loss in the coeliac syndrome
  407. Specificity of the sodium chloride appetite of hydrochlorothiazide-treated rats
  408. Hunger and appetite: A suggested correlation between physiological and psychological processes
  409. Studies on constitution and peptic ulcer. 1. appetite secretion in normal persons and in ulcer patients.
  410. Effect of imbalanced diets containing natural proteins on appetite and body composition in the rat
  411. The development of tolerance to appetite suppressant medication: New theory, new hope
  412. Artificial Rearing of Lambs: Feeding Cold Milk Ad Libitum versus Warm Milk Three Times Per Day to appetite, and Effects of an Antibiotic-Vitamin-Iron Supplement on …
  413. Salivation as a measure of appetite: A sensitivity issue.
  414. Decreased fat appetite produced in rats by ligation of the common bile duct
  415. Satiation time, gastric evacuation and appetite revival in Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch)(Siluriformes: Pisces)
  416. The 1983 CH McCloy Research Lecture appetite and Body Composition Consequent to Physical Activity
  417. Deficits in glucose appetite and satiety produced by ventromedial hypothalamic lesions in the rat
  418. Variation in postweaning weight gains of steers independent of appetite
  419. Central angiotensin-induced water intake and salt appetite in the pig
  420. Studies of food preference, appetite and dietary habit. IV. The balance between hunger and thirst.
  421. The effects of fenfluramine on appetite for palatable food in humans
  422. Does milk between meals hamper the appetite or foodintake of the child?
  423. Cortical evoked potentials and appetite drive
  424. The appetite stimulating and growth promoting property of liver
  425. Satiety values of isocaloric diets for reducing, with special reference to the glucostatic theory of appetite control.
  426. Absence of sodium appetite in cyclophosphamide and DOCA treated house mice
  427. Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Body Weight, Energy Expenditure, appetite and Endocrine Function
  428. Objective factors in hungerand in satisfaction of the appetite.
  429. Brief preoperative exposure to saline protects rats against behavioral impairments in salt appetite following central gustatory damage
  430. The appetite of Tyranny: Including Letters to an Old Garibaldian
  431. Thirst and salt appetite in experimental renal hypertension of rats
  433. Recovery of salt appetite after lateral hypothalamic lesions: Effects of preoperative salt drive and salt intake experiences.
  434. Modification of NaCl appetite in the adrenalectomized rat consequent to extensive LiCl poisoning.
  435. Digestion and the Systemic Control of appetite in the Dab, Limanda limanda (L.)
  436. Cyclophosphamide-induced sodium appetite and hyponatremia in the rat
  437. Comparative performance and body composition of control and selection line large white pigs 2. feeding to appetite for a fixed time
  438. Pituitary regulation of appetite and growth in the turtles Pseudomys scripta elegans and Chelydra serpentina
  439. The renin-angiotensin system and sodium appetite.
  440. Increased salt appetite precedes the onset of arterial hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  441. On the” glucostatic” theory of appetite regulation. 1. Capillovenous glucose differences in normal, obese, and diabetic persons during hunger and satiety.
  442. Relationships between individual differences in salt appetite of sheep and their plasma electrolyte status
  443. Ineffectiveness of Isoniazid as an appetite-Stimulator
  444. Walker carcinosarcoma 256 tissue as a dietary constituent. 1. Stimulation of appetite and growth in the tumorbearing rat.
  445. The effect of belladonna on the appetite of patients with obesity and with other diseases
  446. Salt appetite and intravascular volume depletion following colloid dialysis in hamsters
  447. Sexual appetite and sexual drive
  448. Over-the-counter appetite suppressants containing phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride (PPA) and the young adult: Usage and perceived effectiveness
  449. Rhabdomyolysis after ingestion of an appetite suppressant
  450. appetite, hunger and obesity as a function of dietary sugar intake: Can these effects be mediated by insulin-induced hypoglycemia? A reply to commentaries
  451. The scientific basis for the use of Strychnos henningsii (Gilg) plant material to stimulate appetite
  452. Two inhibitors of angiotensin‐converting enzyme, enalapril and captopril, increase salt appetite of rats
  453. The sodium transport hypothesis of salt appetite
  454. Electrolyte and fluid appetite and balance in male guinea-pigs: Effects of stilboestrol treatment and renal function tests
  455. Effect of methylxanthines on the spontaneous appetite for NaCl solutions in rats
  456. Decreased appetite for alcohol and alcoholic beverages produced in rats by thyroid treatment
  457. The role of CCK-like peptides in appetite regulation
  458. Excessive appetite: a behavior symptom in maladjusted children.
  459. The effects of cobalt deficiency on the appetite of lambs
  460. A modest appetite for white powder
  461. appetite perversions and taste changes triggered or abolished by radiotherapy
  462. Effect of a polydipsia for saccharin glucose on NaCl appetite in the adrenalectomized rat.
  463. Effect of small quantities of a yeast preparation on the recovery of appetite in sheep
  464. Assay of mixtures of phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride and caffeine in appetite suppressant formulations by high-performance liquid chromatography
  466. Pituitary–Adrenal Axis and Salt appetite
  467. On the” glucostatic” theory of appetite regulation. 2. Arteriovenous glucose and oxygen differences in cerebral blood of normal persons during hunger and satiety.
  468. Effects produced by vitamin D on energy, appetite, and oestrous cycles of rats kept on an exclusive diet of yellow corn
  469. Effect of self-determined intravenous infusion of hypertonic NaCl on Na appetite of sheep.
  470. Brain catecholamine projections: their function in control of spontaneous and drug-induced changes in feeding behavior, appetite, and body weight
  471. Beyond the Birds of appetite: Thomas Merton’s Encounter with Zen
  472. The shortening pathways to appetite control
  473. Proteins, and appetite.
  475. The appetite and live-weight gain of calves fed ad libitum on both grass and cold or warm milk.
  476. A possible role for angiotensin in the elicitation of salt appetite
  477. Effect of lithium intake on sodium and lithium appetite in sodium deficient cattle
  478. Plasma potassium and sodium appetite; the effect of potassium infusion in sheep
  480. Influence of arginine vasotocin on a genetically determined excessive appetite for water in chickens
  481. Temporary peritoneal sequestration of NaCl and persistent NaCl appetite
  482. Influence of Protamine Zinc Insulin upon appetite During Anorexia of Vitamin B1 Deficiency
  483. appetite for sugar and fat in the thiamine deficient rat
  484. Anorectic drugs and vitamin C: role in appetite and brain ascorbic acid in guineapigs.
  485. Rapid Sodium Depletion and Salt appetite Induced by Intraperitoneal
  486. Chronic pulmonary hypertension of vascular origin, plexogenic pulmonary arteriopathy and the appetite depressant aminorex: addenda to an epidemic
  487. A study of outdoor play, appetite and afternoon sleep of young children
  488. Acid-base status, salivary Na/K and electrolyte excretion in sheep with differing sodium appetite
  489. Regional brain ascorbic acid distribution: its functional relationship to appetite and leptazol-induced convulsions in guinea-pigs.
  490. Hypoglycemic compounds as appetite stimulants for baby pigs.
  491. Food dispenser, a method for studying” spontaneous” appetite behaviour.
  492. The appetite of lambs grazing cobalt-deficient pasture.
  493. The Effect of an appetite Suppressant on the Chick
  494. Sodium ‘need’and sodium appetite during the estrous cycle of sheep
  495. The influence of superior cervical sympathetic ganglionectomy on cycles of appetite and growth in soay rams on a six-month photoperiod
  496. Saline appetite in rats as a function of dry food ingestion
  497. The treatment of obesity by appetite control: the use of autonomic substances and their synergists
  498. Influence of distribution of meals on appetite in the sick. appetite-training.
  499. Treatment of chronic enuresis, poor weight gain, and poor appetite in institutional children.
  500. A long-term study on the use of appetite suppressants
  501. Conditioned reflex effects from gastric receptors on the salt appetite of higher animals.
  502. Factors affecting appetite.
  503. Passive transfer of an appetite suppressant factor
  504. Effect of β-adrenergic antagonists on the spontaneous appetite for NaCl solution in rats
  506. Long-term course of primary vascular pulmonary hypertension with and without intake of appetite depressants
  507. Sodium appetite and the oestrous cycle in sheep: effect of oestrogen, progesterone and changes in food intake
  508. Dangers of certain appetite suppressants.
  509. Salt, carbohydrate and water appetite of adrenalectomized rats before and after treatment with desoxycorticosterone pellets.
  510. Effects of a Commercial appetite Stimulant on Feeding Behavior of Bluegills
  511. appetite stimulating effect of barbiturate-induced therapeutic sleep
  512. Sodium transport and salt appetite; the effect of DPH on sodium preference and electrolyte balance in rats
  513. COMMITTEE ON NUTRITION: Appraisal of the Use of Vitamins B1 and B12 as Supplements Promoted for the Stimulation of Growth and appetite in Children
  514. Naltrexone induced appetite suppression and weight loss
  516. Does the growth effect produced by vitamin D in the rat on a diet low in calcium arise through stimulation of appetite?
  517. Formalin-like sodium appetite and thirst elicited by a conditioned stimulus in rats.
  518. Some changes of appetite in alloxan diabetic rats.
  519. Brain Receptors for appetite Discovered: Amphetamines and their derivatives bind to the receptors, and the strength with which they bind is directly related to their …
  520. Cultivating the Child’s appetite
  521. Chlorphentermine: A New “appetite Suppressant” a Cross-Over Double-Blind Trial
  522. The influence of the addition of calcium carbonate to a ration low in lime on the appetite and digestibility of the food in swine
  523. Ambient temperature, insulin, and available food choice as determinants of appetite.
  524. The role of angiotensin II in the control of hypovolaemic thirst and sodium appetite
  526. Control, freedom, and the appetite for poetry
  527. Depressive effects produced on appetite and activity of rats by an exclusive diet of yellow or white corn and their correction by cod liver oil
  528. Social Ills and appetite Pills
  529. Effect of chronic administration of deoxycorticosterone acetate on salt appetite of captopril-treated rats
  530. appetite, hunger and obesity in youngsters past age twelve. Deductions derived from over 1,000 cases.
  531. The effect of acute schistosomiasis upon the appetite of the rat
  532. Bone-chewing or depraved appetite in cattle
  533. The Effects on Rats of Chronic Exposure To 34° C III. appetite and The Efficiency of Food Conversion
  534. appetite-depressing drugs in obesity
  535. The salt appetite of adrenalectomized rats as influenced by deoxycorticosterone and hydrochlorothiazide
  536. Poor appetite in young children.
  537. The effect of vitamins B1 and B2 on the appetite and the utilization of food in rats.
  538. Hunger and appetite in pigs.
  539. Curbing the nation’s appetite: the case for controlling demand.
  540. The growing American appetite for inexpensive food
  541. Vitamin deficiency and appetite.
  542. Sexual appetite and sexual drive: A reply
  543. Pharmacological Control of appetite: Comparative Study of Formamidines and Other Agents Which Increase Feeding
  544. Congenital hypothalamic lesion leading to growth hormone deficiency and destruction of appetite satiety centre
  545. Intensity of appetite, intake of dry matter and utilisation by fattening calves fed to appetite.
  546. Dietary factors affecting the appetite and growth of rats.
  547. The effect of the growth-promoting, appetite-stimulating or “physin” factor on the live-weight increase of swine
  548. Effects of polysaccharides on the appetite and efficiency of food utilization in the growing rat
  549. Genetic and environmental factors influencing appetite in beef cattle and the relation of appetite to rate and efficiency of gain
  550. appetite as affected by amino acid balance and various drugs
  551. Abnormal appetite of laying hens in feeding experiments
  552. Note on depression of spontaneous running activity by the appetite depressant gossypol in rats.
  553. appetite, capacity and utilisation of feed by dairy cows.
  554. Results of feeding with feeds of different consistencies to appetite or restricted.
  555. Relation of splenectomy to growth and appetite in the rat
  556. The effects of anaerobic and aerobic training on the appetite, food intake, and body composition of untrained women
  557. Feedback technology and the growing appetite for self-knowledge
  558. Role of protein in control of the growing chick’s appetite
  559. Effects of Prolonged Daily Treatment of Normal Rats with Saline Anterior Pituitary Extract: I. Sexual Differences in appetite, Growth and Organ Weights: One Figure
  560. Feeding to appetite in production of heavy pigs.
  561. Mode of action and indication for appetite depressants in the treatment of obesity
  563. Salt appetite: The Hunger for Salt. An Anthropological, Physiological and Medical Analysis. Derek Denton. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982. xx, 650 pp., illus …
  564. appetite in Children with Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis
  565. The chronic toxicity of the sulfonamides for the growing rat as influenced by the type of diet, the addition of feces to the diet, and appetite
  566. Lack of effect of the appetite stimulant pizotifen (BC 105) on the absorption of isonicotinylhydrazine
  567. The behaviour of unesterified fatty acids during treatment of obesity with appetite suppressants.
  568. The central nervous system and appetite: possible sites of activity for food intake therapy
  569. Influence of tannic, tartaric and of acetic acid upon olfactory acuity and sensations associated with food intake.(A note concerning the appetite stimulating effect of wine …
  570. Lateral hypothalamic electrode implantation disrupts lithium-chloride-based generalized aversion to sodium chloride by enhancing sodium appetite
  571. Points: Prednisolone as an appetite stimulant in patients with cancer
  572. THE WAGNERIAN appetite.
  573. appetite, feed intake, feed utilisation and milk yield in cattle.
  575. appetite, ABNORMAL
  576. Relationships between physical form of the feed, rumen capacity, and appetite in dairy cattle.
  577. Intracerebroventricular angiotensin II injection does not elicit specific appetite for sodium in the rat.
  578. Problem of appetite.
  579. Comparison of the effects of food restriction imposed on the adult rat or caused by an appetite inhibitor.
  580. The appetite May Sicken, and so Die
  581. Treatment of obesity in the Bantu: value of a low-carbohydrate diet with and without an appetite suppressant
  582. Atonic Insufficiency of the Stomach a Cause of Vomiting and of Lack of appetite in Infants
  583. How’s Her appetite?
  584. Effects of an appetite suppressant and exercise upon selected physiological and anthropometric measurements in overweight college women
  585. appetite: A Conceptual Framework and Assessment Guide
  587. The effect of insulin on glucose uptake in hypothalamic appetite centers
  588. The longevity of Wistar rats fed to appetite on a semi-synthetic diet.
  589. With appetite for None
  590. appetite CONTROL
  591. Whetting Literary appetite
  592. Effect of flavouring substances on appetite in dairy cows. Improvement of intake of an unpalatable mineral additive.
  593. Drugs and appetite
  594. The Physiology of the appetite
  595. Mood and appetite
  596. appetite REGULATION
  597. Choice of artificial smells stimulating appetite for feeds destined for pigs.
  598. MENTAL appetite
  599. appetite Stirrilant for Children
  600. appetite AS A GUIDE IN FEEDING
  601. This is Biguanides can reduce appetite and thus
  602. Cultivating the Child’s appetite
  603. Influence of insulin on the appetite and metabolism of energy compounds in sheep fed ad libitum and fasted [hormone].
  604. Want of appetite in the child.
  605. The child and its appetite.
  608. Effect of food attractants on appetite and growth rate of gilthead bream, Sparus zyxwvutsrqpo auvata L.
  609. Cultivating the Child’s appetite
  610. Effects of a hyperthyroid compound on appetite, body weight change and oestrus inhibition in gilts fed a dithiocarbamoylhydrazine (ICI 33828)
  611. Disorders of appetite
  612. Drugs and appetite
  613. The sexual appetite.
  614. Lateral Hypothalamic Stimulation Can Exacerbate Or Attenuate Nucleus Gigantocellularis Escape: Evidence for an appetite-associated Aversion-gating …
  615. An appetite for Life: The Education of a Young Diarist, 1924–27 by Charles Ritchie
  616. Recent results regarding the regulation of appetite.
  617. ducing appetite, but even so, the variations are
  618. Poor appetite in Children: The Basic Causes
  619. Instinct, Intelligence and appetite
  620. On the Correlation between the Climate and appetite
  621. appetite as a vital factor in the adult.
  622. Loss of appetite in children and its treatment.
  623. Cerebral control of appetite.
  624. Drugs and appetite. Edited by T. Silverstone London: Academic Press. 1982. Pp 187.£ 14.20.
  625. The Regulation of Hunger and appetite
  626. A study of depraved appetite in dairy cattle
  627. INDUSTRY’S appetite FOR OPEN LAND
  628. brought up large quantities of blood, his appetite was bad
  629. The” appetite” in the very obese.
  630. appetite for Poison
  631. Emotion, appetite and thought
  632. The Argument of the appetite: A True Story of Africa
  633. Instinct, emotion and appetite
  634. Cultivating the Chiid’s appetite. By Chas. A. Aldrich. (New York: Macmillan Co., 1932.)
  635. Nutrition, nutritional disorders and lack of appetite.
  636. WE MUST CURB OUR ENERGY appetite
  637. The appetite Potential of Jersey Cows
  638. Endorphins in obesity and in the regulation of appetite and weight: Commentary.
  639. achieved with appetite suppressing drugs in the
  640. Should poultry be fed to appetite?
  641. Calories and appetite
  642. Some aspects of the rat’s appetite for meat.
  643. Stimulating an appetite for Knowledge and the Projection of It
  644. A phenomenon of anticipatory appetite.
  645. Sensitive appetite and sensitive aversion.
  646. Lack of appetite in the young child.
  647. Ottawa Newsletter: appetite Control and Obesity
  648. The selective appetite for Na in sheep.
  649. Stimulate appetite and improve nutrition svith IIEMAX
  650. Two-In-One Is Turnip Claim; appetite
  651. Substances that suppress appetite.
  652. The testing of so called appetite stimulants.
  653. Effect of extracts of duodenum on general appetite.
  654. The inheritance of appetite in ruminants
  655. tim-e for complete loss of appetite.
  656. Central control of appetite and obesity.
  657. Significance of appetite inhibitors for treatment of diabetes.
  658. Water and mineral balances in normal calves and calves with diarrhoea. 1. Excretion in urine and faeces and development of appetite and bodyweight.
  659. Good Digestion Waits upon appetite
  660. Sodium intake andsalt appetite
  661. Do principles have an appetite for nutrition education?
  662. Feeding hens to appetite. Lucr. stiint.
  663. appetite Loss in Infancy and Childhood
  665. Power, will, and appetite in Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida
  666. Phenelzine and appetite
  667. energy and-loss of appetite, sometimes lasting-for weeks and
  668. In Progress/” Death Bite”: A mean appetite
  669. Intellect, appetite, and Example in the Novels of Evelyn Waugh
  670. Effect of duration of fast before and after a meal on the degree of appetite.
  671. Physiological significance of appetite in the rat on a suitably balanced diet.
  672. Histological Investigation of the appetite Center in Ginseng-administered Mice
  673. appetite AND OLFACTORY ACUITY
  674. Condition in the fed animal which affects appetite in the albino rat.
  675. The rote of appetite and hunger in the control of nutritional balance.
  676. The role of the sense appetite in man’s actions according to St. Thomas Aquinas
  677. Compound feeds for pigs given in limit d amounts or to appetite.
  678. Economic considerations in fattening young cattle by feeding to appetite.
  679. Influence of hunger on the manifestation of discriminating appetite in the white rat.
  680. Is the favourable influence of sodium chloride on the adrenalectomised rat due solely to its effect on appetite?
  681. appetite control in infants by various milk feeds (author’s transl)
  682. Effects of administration of glucose after meals on establishment of appetite.
  683. Bole of the hypothalamohypophyseal complex in the central regulation of carbohydrate appetite.
  684. Behavioural physiology in nutrition: acquisition-customs-hunger-appetite.
  685. Intensity of appetite, intake of dry matter and efficiency of fattening calves fed to appetite.
  688. Mechanism of establishment of a differential appetite for diets different in energy value.
  689. Importance of intestinal absorption in the regulation of carbohydrate appetite.
  690. Phenelzine and appetite
  691. Factors affecting appetite in dairy calves
  693. Effectiveness of several food stimuli in the establishment and control of an appetite in the albino rat.
  694. Connection between appetite and milk production in dairy cows.
  696. Production of lean pigs with feeding to appetite.
  697. Effect of substances inhibiting appetite on fatty tissue.
  698. Humoral Regulation of Calcium appetite in Chickens
  699. Effect of appetite inhibitors on fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
  700. Christmas Customs; Meat Flavor For appetite Appeal
  701. Studies on appetite. 3. Effect of fat in food to appetite of rats.
  702. Feeding fattening pigs to appetite on ensiled potatoes.
  703. A Mechanism of Diminished appetite in Rats Ingested Cadmium
  704. Bone-chewing or depraved appetite in cattle (revised June 1935)
  705. The influence of a sweet beverage on the appetite for sweets
  707. Stimulation of appetite and Growth in the Tumor-Bearing Rat by a Variety of
  708. appetite in dairy cows. 1. Individual variation in amount of feed eaten.
  709. The effect of aldosterone and desoxycorticosterone on the sodium appetite of normal and adrenalectomized rats.
  710. Fatal heat-stroke in a child taking appetite-suppressant drugs-a case report
  711. Bole of the stomach in the physiological metabolism of appetite for sugars.
  712. Effect of the duration of the postprandial fa t on the establishment of appetite in the white rat.
  713. Restricted feeding and feeding to appetite for meat pigs.
  714. The effects of low grade schistosomiasis on the appetite of the rat.
  715. Instinct, Intelligence and appetite.(Brit. Journ. Med. Psych., February, 1929.) Garnett, AC
  716. Nationally recognized college of culinary arts has big appetite for video
  717. Attitude of Merchant Seamen toward their Meals Survey on Amount, appetite and Mood
  718. appetite and Growth Stimulation by Tumor Diets in the Tumor-Bearing Rat
  719. appetite, vestibular ehronaxie and the effect of aneurin in Eijkman’s type of beriberi.
  720. Love as appetite in Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida, Othello and Antony and Cleopatra
  721. Thyroid Hormone Metabolism under the Influence of the appetite and Weight Stimulating Cyroheptadin in Man
  722. Effect of feeding to standards and to appetite with high-energy diets on the fattening of young cattle.
  723. Results of fattening heifers fed to appetite on concentrates alone.
  724. A new type of appetite controller for regulation of weight in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis.
  725. Diabetes, appetite and the preparation of inulin containing vegetables.
  726. appetite inhibitors in the treatment of obesity in children. An extended double blind trial with chlorphentermin (Avicol).
  727. Drinking response and salt appetite in rats with different changes of electrolyte balance.
  728. Fattening male cattle fed to appetite on concentrates alone.
  729. Comparative studies of feeding to appetite or limited feeding of pigs on concentrates in dry or wet form.
  730. Lesions of amygdala and appetite changes in cats
  731. Feeding laying hens: provision of cereals and laying meal S to appetite.
  732. Nutritional supplementation for elderly patients in a state mental hospital: effect on appetite and weight gain.
  733. Hunger, appetite and satiety. Alimentary reflex and behaviour. 1.
  734. An appetite and Weight-Building Tonic in Chronic Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Study of Ninety-Eight Cases
  735. Effects of a highly absorbable fortified vitamin formula on appetite and growth in children.
  736. Effect of restricted feeding and feeding to appetite on gilts kept semi-extensively.
  737. Salt appetite during acute sodium deficiency in the gerbil
  738. Effect of whole or cracked maize with protein supplement to appetite or restricted for finishing pigs.
  739. Effects of the composition of different high-fat diets given to appetite and of strain on nutritional obesity in the rat.
  740. Basis, significance and limits of the auto-matic regulation of food intake by instinct, appetite and sense of taste.
  742. Effect of method of presentation of feed (pellets or meal) given to appetite on growth and carcass quality of Pietrain pigs.
  743. Effect of feeding to appetite on liveweight gain and carcase quality of fattening pigs.
  744. … regulation of physiological processes at various levels of the organization of living systems as illustrated by examples of the regulation of appetite, of the specific …
  745. Effect of rationed feeding and feeding to appetite on the fattening of young pigs with mixtures rich in maize.
  747. Rating Method and Lubricant appetite Study for an Air-Cooled Rotary Engine
  748. The ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus and appetite control in the rat (T)
  749. tion, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weak pulse and headache
  750. Effect of ethanol on central mechanisms of appetite induced by electric stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus
  751. perfectly normal until the eighth day when its temperature began to rise and its appetite to decline, and a bloody diarrhoea developed. Later symptoms were …
  753. Wetting the appetite of spark ignition engines for lean combustion. SAE Paper 780234
  754. Dr. Kuzmitsky. Orexin tannin as a stimulant of appetite in patients.” Therapeutic Vest.”, 1902, No. 1
  755. Effect of phosphorus, cobalt and sodium supplementation on appetite and mineral plasma concentration in Kedah-Kelantan X Brahman cattle [Malaysia]
  756. Effects of L-tryptophan and protein sparing modified fast on plasma tryptophan, carbohydrate craving and appetite control
  757. Phylogenetic Emergence of Salt Taste and appetite SF Abraham, EH Blaine, DA Denton, MJ. McKinley, JF Nelson, A. Shulkes, RS Weisinger and GT Whipp …
  758. Effect of giving succulent feeds separately or alternately to appetite on intake of feeds and digestibility of nutrients by dairy cows.
  760. … of the act of eating (natural, simulated feeding and filling the stomach with food) with the sugar content in the blood.(Some problems in the physiology of appetite)
  761. Thirst and Drinking: The Physiology of Thirst and Sodium appetite. JT Fitzsimons. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1979. xvi, 572 pp., illus. $69.50 …
  762. The effect of orange juice on the longevity of the Wistar rat fed to appetite on a semi-synthetic diet rich in vitamins.
  763. Humoral Control of appetite: A Urinary Anorexigenic Peptide. Chromatographic Patterns of Urinary Peptides in Anorexia Nervosa
  764. In case C this excessive appetite and thirst were so pronounced that the man would cry and scream as though in pain before a nurse could bring him a glass …
  765. Mazindol, a non amphetaminergic appetite depressant, affects neuron activity in and control of gastric acid secretion by lateral and ventromedial hypothalamus
  766. Effects of di-tertio-butyl-hydroxy-toluene (BHT), added to the ration in increasing concentration, on the appetite and live weight of the adult male rat. Influence of protein …
  767. Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa: Their Incidence and Psychological Correlates in a High School Population (Eating Disorders, appetite Disorders, Bulimarexia)
  768. … reflex relation between the act of eating (natural, sham feeding and filling the stomach with food) and the blood sugar.(Some problems of the physiology of appetite.).
  769. Addition of lysine and methionine to a fattening meal for pigs, given dry to appetite to Belgian Landrace and Pietrain pigs. 1. Influence on growth.
  770. Studies on sheep nutrition. 1. Stomach capacity or appetite dry matter of sheep.
  773. Addition of lysine and methionine to a fattening meal for pigs, given dry to appetite to Belgian Landrace and Pietrain pigs. 2. Influence on quality of carcass.
  775. Upper abdominal pain and a loss of weight and appetite (radiography of the pancreatic duct and abdominal angiography):(tumor of the pancreatic head–a tumor …
  776. Sensation fo bloating, a consciousness disorder, a loss of appetite, hepatomegaly, phlebectasia of the abdominal wall and ascites (gastrointestinal radiography …
  777. Loss of appetite, nausea, dyspnea, pain of the left shoulder, petechiae of the back of the hand and anuria:(gastric cancer with metastasis to biliteral ureter, lung …
  778. … nutrition/Richard Ahrens–v. 2. Guidelines for good nutrition/Mary Alice Caliendo–v. 3. Weight control/Eleanor Williams–v. 4. Exercise and appetite, natural vs synthetic …
  779. Snackes for Children at Home (Report 2) Snacks for Children and Persons in Charge of Them and Its Effect on Their appetite
  780. 165. The statistical treatment of experiments involving equalized feeding. The problem of appetite
  782. Eating Problems of the Kindergarten and the School Children (Part 2) Relationship of Poor appetite with Growth and Health Condition
  783. Eating Problems of the Kindergarten and the School Children (Part 1) Incidence of Poor appetite in Various Age Groups of Healthy Children
  784. Influence of stilboestrol and testrsterone on development and utilisation of feed by chickens. 1. Feeding to appetite.
  785. The method of measurement of feed intake by grazing animals. 2. Recovery of dry matter through rumen fistula and change of appetite of the fistulated cows.
  786. By-products of sugar cane and intensive meat production. 1. Effect of different proportions of urea with final molasses given to appetite to fattening bulls as supplement …
  787. … of ground and pelleted feeds by fattening lambs. 2. Comparison of pelleted lucerne hay with normal lucerne hay in the presence of a concentrate offered to appetite.
  788. Pelleted and unpelleted feeds for pigs. 7. Fattening with feeds of different composition given to appetite.
  789. Feed preference in young pigs. 3. appetite for some cereals.
  790. Retention of protein and energy by the growing chicken with special reference to additions of sand and crude fibre. 1. Results with feed intake to appetite.
  791. Casein, fishmeal and sunflower cake in the recovery of rats malnourished at an early age. 1. Diets of equal protein value given to appetite.
  792. I: A case history of an 11-year-old girl with voracious and perverted appetite.
  793. The appetite of Tyranny: Including Letters to an Old Garibaldian
  794. Decreased appetite for alcohol and alcoholic beverages produced in rats by thyroid treatment
  796. Brain catecholamine projections: their function in control of spontaneous and drug-induced changes in feeding behavior, appetite, and body weight
  797. A possible role for angiotensin in the elicitation of salt appetite
  798. Rapid Sodium Depletion and Salt appetite Induced by Intraperitoneal
  799. appetite suppressants: a review
  800. Pharmacological approaches to appetite suppression
  801. appetite and eating behavior in children
  802. On the civilizing of appetite
  803. An appetite for power: Buthelezi’s Inkatha and South Africa
  804. Predicting hunger: The effects of appetite and delay on choice
  805. An appetite for poetry
  806. appetite and the regulation of body composition
  807. appetite-suppressant drugs and the risk of primary pulmonary hypertension
  808. The reproducibility of subjective appetite scores
  809. Menstrual cycle and appetite control: implications for weight regulation.
  810. Neuropeptide regulation of appetite and weight
  811. Carbohydrates and human appetite
  812. Effects of exercise on appetite control: implications for energy balance.
  813. Serotonin and appetite.
  814. The appetite as voice
  815. Aging and appetite
  816. Use and abuse of appetite-suppressant drugs in the treatment of obesity
  817. Angiotensin, thirst, and sodium appetite
  818. Regulation of nutrient supply: the brain and appetite control
  819. Carbohydrate taste, appetite, and obesity: an overview
  820. Food intake and the menstrual cycle: a retrospective analysis, with implications for appetite research
  821. Control of human appetite: implications for the intake of dietary fat
  822. Acute effects of exercise intensity on appetite in young men.
  823. Unlearned specific appetite for protein
  824. Breakfasts high in protein, fat or carbohydrate: effect on within-day appetite and energy balance.
  825. Taste, palatability and the control of appetite
  826. An appetite for the city
  827. Effects of short-term exercise on appetite responses in unrestrained females.
  828. Paradoxical effects of an intense sweetener (aspartame) on appetite
  829. Cannabinoids and appetite stimulation
  830. appetite and body weight regulation: is it all in the brain?
  831. Raised leptin concentrations at high altitude associated with loss of appetite
  832. Thomas Aquinas on the Will as Rational appetite
  833. appetite suppression and weight loss after the cannabinoid antagonist SR 141716
  834. Iron supplementation improves appetite and growth in anemic Kenyan primary school children
  835. A population-based study of appetite-suppressant drugs and the risk of cardiac-valve regurgitation
  836. The neuroendocrinology of thirst and salt appetite: visceral sensory signals and mechanisms of central integration
  837. Cognitive experimental psychology of appetite
  838. Impact of weight loss, appetite, and the inflammatory response on quality of life in gastrointestinal cancer patients
  839. Effects of water scarcity and hot environment on appetite and digestion in ruminants: a review
  840. Hyperphagia in children with craniopharyngioma is associated with hyperleptinaemia and a failure in the downregulation of appetite
  841. Neuropeptide Y secretion increases in the paraventricular nucleus in association with increased appetite for food.
  842. Short-term effects of macronutrient preloads on appetite and energy intake in lean women
  843. Correlation between echographic gastric emptying and appetite: influence of psyllium.
  844. Effects of heat on appetite
  845. appetite and food preference in depression: effects of imipramine treatment
  846. appetite-suppressing effects of urocortin, a CRF-related neuropeptide
  847. Disturbances of appetite and weight regulation in seasonal affective disorder.
  848. A controlled trial of megestrol acetate on appetite, caloric intake, nutritional status, and other symptoms in patients with advanced cancer
  849. Salt appetite is suppressed by interference with angiotensin II and aldosterone
  850. Relation between circulating leptin concentrations and appetite during a prolonged, moderate energy deficit in women
  851. Acute effects of exercise or sauna on appetite in obese and nonobese men
  852. Measurement of excessive appetite and metabolic changes in Prader-Willi syndrome.
  853. Robert Frost and a poetics of appetite
  854. Serotonin and appetite regulation: implications for the pharmacological treatment of obesity
  855. Salt appetite is enhanced by one prior episode of sodium depletion in the rat.
  856. Effects of amount and type of dietary fibre (soluble and insoluble) on short-term control of appetite
  857. Taste and appetite regulation in the elderly
  858. appetite regulation by carbohydrate: role of blood glucose and gastrointestinal hormones
  859. Mechanisms of appetite control and their abnormalities in obese patients
  860. Exercise in the treatment of obesity: effects of four interventions on body composition, resting energy expenditure, appetite, and mood.
  861. Comorbidity, urea kinetics, and appetite in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients: their interrelationship and prediction of survival
  862. appetite in CAPD patients
  863. appetite disturbance and the problems of overweight
  864. Energy partitioning, tissue growth and appetite control
  865. Uncoupling the effects of energy expenditure and energy intake: appetite response to short-term energy deficit induced by meal omission and physical activity
  866. The prevalence of cardiac valvular insufficiency assessed by transthoracic echocardiography in obese patients treated with appetite-suppressant drugs
  867. Independent effects of palatability and within-meal pauses on intake and appetite ratings in human volunteers
  868. The politics of pleasure: female sexual appetite in the Hippocratic Corpus
  869. Scintigraphic measurement of gastric emptying and ultrasonographic assessment of antral area: relation to appetite.
  870. Regulation of appetite and body weight in seasonal mammals
  871. Growth hormone increases growth rate, appetite and dominance in juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
  872. appetite control and energy (fuel) balance
  873. Hormonal regulation of appetite and food intake
  874. Food, mood and appetite
  875. Benzodiazepines, appetite, and taste palatability
  876. appetite and growth compensation in the European minnow,Phoxinus phoxinus (Cyprinidae), following short periods of food restriction
  877. Central inhibition of salt appetite by oxytocin in rats
  878. Development and validation of the situational appetite measures
  879. appetite awareness training: A cognitive behavioral intervention for binge eating
  880. Subfornical organ participates in salt appetite.
  881. Cardiac control of salt appetite
  882. appetite, feeding behaviour and energy balance in human subjects
  883. Effects of naltrexone on food intake and changes in subjective appetite during eating: evidence for opioid involvement in the appetizer effect
  884. Relative contributions of intestinal, gastric, oro-sensory influences and information to changes in appetite induced by the same liquid meal
  885. Effects of meal volume and posture on gastric emptying of solids and appetite
  886. Problems and paradigms: physiological analysis of bone appetite (osteophagia)
  887. Lateral parabrachial nucleus and serotonergic mechanisms in the control of salt appetite in rats
  888. Metabolism or appetite: questions of energy balance with particular reference to obesity
  889. Short-term effects of alcohol consumption on appetite and energy intake
  890. The emperor’s new computer: A critical look at our appetite for computer technology
  891. Umami and appetite: effects of monosodium glutamate on hunger and food intake in human subjects
  892. Aldosterone effects on salt appetite in adrenalectomized rats
  893. The effect of a carbohydrate-rich beverage on mood, appetite, and cognitive function in women with premenstrual syndrome
  894. Dietary fat and appetite control in obese subjects: weak effects on satiation and satiety.
  895. Adrenomedullin inhibits salt appetite
  896. Between meals: An appetite for Paris
  897. Sensitivity of the appetite control system in obese subjects to nutritional and serotoninergic challenges.
  898. appetite suppression by commonly used drugs depends on 5-HT receptors but not on 5-HT availability
  899. Metabolic aspects of the regulation of voluntary food intake and appetite
  900. Dexfenfluramine and appetite in humans.
  901. Central gustatory lesions: II. Effects on sodium appetite, taste aversion learning, and feeding behaviors.
  902. A phase II study of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol for appetite stimulation in cancer-associated anorexia
  903. Effects of small intestinal nutrient infusion on appetite and pyloric motility are modified by age
  904. Effects of exercise on appetite control: loose coupling between energy expenditure and energy intake.
  905. Subfornical organ lesion decreases sodium appetite in the sodium-depleted rat
  906. appetite changes under free-living conditions during Ramadan fasting
  907. Sodium appetite, thirst, and body fluid regulation in humans during rehydration without sodium replacement
  908. Renin-angiotensin, arterial blood pressure, and salt appetite in rats
  909. Loss of appetite: managing unwanted weight loss in the older patient.
  910. Central oxytocin inhibition of angiotensin-induced salt appetite in rats
  911. appetite and nutrition
  912. Consuming aspartame with and without taste: differential effects on appetite and food intake of young adult males
  913. Acute effects of mycoprotein on subsequent energy intake and appetite variables
  914. The validity of appetite ratings.
  915. appetite, hunger, and satiety in the elderly
  916. Physical Fitness, Growth and appetite of Kenyan School Boys with Hookworm, Trichuris trichiura and Ascaris lumbricoides Infections are Improved Four Months after …
  917. Aspartame: effect on lunch-time food intake, appetite and hedonic response in children
  918. Effects of medroxyprogesterone acetate on appetite, weight, and quality of life in advanced-stage non-hormone-sensitive cancer: a placebo-controlled multicenter …
  919. Menstrual cycle phase-related changes in appetite in patients with premenstrual syndrome and in control subjects.
  920. Extracellular dehydration during pregnancy increases salt appetite of offspring
  921. Less food, less hunger: reports of appetite and symptoms in a controlled study of a protein-sparing modified fast.
  922. Social interaction modifies learned aversions, sodium appetite, and both palatability and handling-time induced dietary preference in rats (Rattus norvegicus).
  923. appetite suppressants and valvular heart disease
  924. Influence of a high-fibre food (myco-protein^*) on appetite: effects on satiation (within meals) and satiety (following meals)
  925. Protein appetite demonstrated: learned specificity of protein-cue preference to protein need in adult rats
  926. Comparison of the traditional paper visual analogue scale questionnaire with an Apple Newton electronic appetite rating system (EARS) in free living subjects feeding …
  927. Monoclonal endothelial cells in appetite suppressant–associated pulmonary hypertension
  928. Use of an appetite and diet assessment tool in the pilot phase of a hemodialysis clinical trial: mortality and morbidity in hemodialysis study
  929. appetite stimulation with megestrol acetate in cachectic cancer patients.
  930. Fat appetite in rats: flavor preferences conditioned by nutritive and non-nutritive oil emulsions
  931. Characteristics of thirst and sodium appetite in mice (Mus musculus).
  932. The effect of posture on gastric emptying and intragastric distribution of oil and aqueous meal components and appetite
  933. Central inhibitory control of sodium appetite in rats: correlation with pituitary oxytocin secretion.
  934. Hormones and behavior: the biology of thirst and sodium appetite
  935. Promotion of hepatic lipid oxidation and gluconeogenesis as a strategy for appetite control
  936. Effect of intravenous glucose and euglycemic insulin infusions on short-term appetite and food intake
  937. Central oxytocin and ANP receptors mediate osmotic inhibition of salt appetite in rats
  938. Role of the central nucleus of the amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in experimentally-induced salt appetite
  939. Preoptic angiotensin and salt appetite.
  940. Sodium appetite in rats after prolonged dietary sodium deprivation: a sexually dimorphic phenomenon
  941. Genetic aspects of appetite and feed choice in animals
  942. Peripheral angiotensin causes salt appetite in rats
  943. Central oxytocin inhibition of salt appetite in rats: evidence for differential sensing of plasma sodium and osmolality.
  944. Child-feeding and appetite: What can programmes do?
  945. Effects of weight and energy content of preloads on subsequent appetite and food intake
  946. Memory and Consciousness: An appetite of Claparède and Recognition et Moı̈ı̈tè
  947. The effect of a Plantago ovata seed containing preparation on appetite variables, nutrient and energy intake.
  948. Resistant starch has little effect on appetite, food intake and insulin secretion of healthy young men
  949. Neuroendocrine factors in salt appetite
  950. appetite regulation by serotoninergic mechanisms and effects of d-fenfluramine.
  951. appetite regulation by gut peptides
  952. A possible physiological function of pancreatic pro-colipase activation peptide in appetite regulation
  953. Acetylation of or beta-cyclodextrin addition to potato beneficial effect on glucose metabolism and appetite sensations
  954. Lesions of the central nucleus of the amygdala I: effects on taste reactivity, taste aversion learning and sodium appetite
  955. Fat appetite in rats: the response of infant and adult rats to nutritive and non-nutritive oil emulsions
  956. Long-term treatment of obese Zucker rats with LY255582 and other appetite suppressants
  957. Weight gain, increased appetite, and excessive food intake induced by carbamazepine
  958. Ostertagia ostertagi infection in the calf: effects of a trickle challenge on appetite, digestibility, rate of passage of digesta and liveweight gain
  959. Improvements in appetite and growth in helminth-infected schoolboys three and seven weeks after a single dose of pyrantel pamoate
  960. Intense sweeteners and the control of appetite
  961. Scleroderma after Therapy with appetite Suppressants: Report on Four Cases
  962. Byron and the Eye of appetite
  963. High incidence of primary pulmonary hypertension associated with appetite suppressants in Belgium
  964. Determinants of postprandial appetite sensations: macronutrient intake and glucose metabolism.
  965. Lateral parabrachial nucleus serotonergic mechanisms and salt appetite induced by sodium depletion
  966. The effect of estrogen on appetite.
  967. Validity and epidemiology of reported poor appetite among Peruvian infants from a low-income, periurban community
  968. appetite: neural and behavioural bases
  969. Forebrain sites of action for drinking and salt appetite to angiotensin or captopril.
  970. Variability in appetite of turbot, Scophthalmus maximus under intensive rearing conditions: the role of environmental factors
  971. Food capture, appetite, digestion rate and efficiency in hatchling and juvenile Crocodylus porosus
  972. How to appease the appetite of psychotropic drugs
  973. How culture undermines the biopsychological system of appetite control.
  974. Effect of sucrose and sweeteners on appetite and energy intake.
  975. appetite Control: Does leptin lighten the problem of obesity?
  976. appetite suppressants and pulmonary hypertension
  977. Uncoupling sweetness and calories: methodological aspects of laboratory studies on appetite control
  978. Ontogeny of polycose and sucrose appetite in neonatal rats
  979. Comparison of the effects of aspartame and sucrose on appetite and food intake
  980. Quality of life, appetite, and weight change in patients receiving dose-intensive chemotherapy.
  981. Amiloride-sensitive sodium channels and expression of sodium appetite in rats
  982. Influence of starvation at low temperatures on utilization of energy reserves, appetite recovery and growth character in sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax
  983. Dietary fat and appetite: similarities and differences in the satiating effect of meals supplemented with either fat or carbohydrate
  984. Endocrine changes associated with a rapidly developing sodium appetite in rats
  985. Serotoninergic modulation of sodium appetite in the rat
  986. appetite depression in sheep experimentally infected with Fasciola hepatica L.
  987. The loss of appetite during depression with melancholia: a qualitative and quantitative analysis
  988. Excitotoxic lesions of the parabrachial nuclei prevent conditioned taste aversions and sodium appetite in rats.
  989. An approach to the development of drugs for appetite disorders
  990. Salt appetite: interaction of forebrain angiotensinergic and hindbrain serotonergic mechanisms
  991. Influence of saccharide length on polysaccharide appetite in the rat
  992. Fos expression in rat brain during depletion-induced thirst and salt appetite
  993. Neurohypophyseal secretion in hypovolemic rats: inverse relation to sodium appetite
  994. Effect of cimetidine suspension on appetite and weight in overweight subjects.
  995. Evidence for induction of a phosphate appetite in juvenile rats
  996. A re-assessment of the regulation of adiposity and appetite by the brain insulin system.
  997. Contamination of food by crude oil affects food selection and growth performance, but not appetite, in an Arctic fish, the polar cod (Boreogadus saida)
  998. Oral versus postingestive origin of polysaccharide appetite in the rat
  999. Metrifonate or praziquantel treatment improves physical fitness and appetite of Kenyan schoolboys with Schistosoma haematobium and hookworm infections.
  1000. Cholecystokinin actions in the parabrachial nucleus: effects on thirst and salt appetite
  1001. Chorda tympani section decreases the cation specificity of depletion-induced sodium appetite in rats
  1002. Thirst and salt appetite induced by hypovolemia in rats: analysis of drinking behavior
  1003. Angiotensin and salt appetite of BALB/c mice
  1004. appetite regulation: the role of peptides and hormones
  1005. Impact of peritoneal absorption of glucose on appetite, protein catabolism and survival in CAPD patients.
  1006. Effects of amylin on appetite regulation and memory
  1007. appetite stimulation and weight gain with megestrol acetate.
  1008. Neuropharmacology of appetite and taste preferences.
  1009. Role of amino acids in appetite control in man
  1010. Sodium appetite: species and strain differences and role of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
  1011. Medial region of the amygdala: involvement in adrenal-steroid-induced salt appetite
  1012. Salt appetite and lesions of the ventral part of the ventral median preoptic nucleus.
  1013. Clinical use of appetite suppressants.
  1014. Regulation of appetite and body weight
  1015. On the mechanism of action of dexfenfluramine: effect on alliesthesia and appetite motivation in lean and obese subjects.
  1016. Development of Taste Perception and appetite
  1017. Circadian rhythms of appetite at different stages of a weight loss programme.
  1018. Amino acid and NaCl appetite, and LHA neuron responses of lysine-deficient rat
  1019. The role of angiotensin II in ingestive behaviour: a brief review of angiotensin II, thirst and Na appetite
  1020. Salt appetite: its neuroendocrine basis
  1021. Use of amphetamine-like appetite suppressants: a cross-sectional survey in Southern Brazil
  1022. Central oxytocin mediates inhibition of sodium appetite by naloxone in hypovolemic rats
  1023. Effects of gustatory deafferentation on Polycose and sucrose appetite in the rat
  1024. Adjunctive use of appetite suppressant medications for improved weight management in bariatric surgical patients
  1025. appetite suppressants and primary pulmonary hypertension in the United Kingdom.
  1026. Food-induced changes in brain serotonin synthesis: is there a relationship to appetite for specific macronutrients?
  1027. Dependence of adrenalectomy-induced sodium appetite on the action of angiotensin II in the brain of the rat.
  1028. Hepatic contribution to satiation of salt appetite in rats
  1029. Recent studies of bone appetite in cattle.
  1030. Foregut evacuation, return of appetite and gastric fluid secretion in the tropical freshwater crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus
  1031. Science, delusion and the appetite for wonder
  1032. Rapid-onset” need-free” sodium appetite after lesions of the dorsomedial medulla
  1033. Effects of sinoaortic baroreceptor denervation on depletion-induced salt appetite
  1034. The evolution and expression of salt appetite
  1035. The relationship between the glycaemic response to breakfast cereals and subjective appetite and food intake
  1036. Glossopharyngeal nerve transection does not compromise the specificity of taste-guided sodium appetite in rats
  1037. Effects of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) on appetite and growth in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.
  1038. Nutrition, serotonin and appetite: case study in the evolution of a scientific idea
  1039. The association of thirst, sodium appetite and vasopressin release with c-fos expression in the forebrain of the rat after intracerebroventricular injection of angiotensin …
  1040. Effect of acute tryptophan depletion on mood and appetite in healthy female volunteers
  1041. Dopamine and sodium appetite: Antagonists suppress sham drinking of NaC1 solutions in the rat.
  1042. Gastric emptying of oil and aqueous meal components in pancreatic insufficiency: effects of posture and on appetite
  1043. appetite and satiety in the elderly
  1044. Role of angiotensin in sodium appetite of sodium-deplete sheep
  1045. Effect of the appetite stimulant cyproheptadine on deoxynivalenol‐induced reductions in feed consumption and weight gain in the mouse
  1046. Glucagon and the control of appetite
  1047. Peripheral angiotensin II is not the cause of sodium appetite in the rat
  1048. Gustatory functions, sodium appetite, and conditioned taste aversion survive excitotoxic lesions of the thalamic taste area.
  1049. The effects of lesions of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis on sodium appetite
  1050. Pronounced seasonal differences in appetite of Atlantic salmon parr, Salmo salar: effects of nutritional state and life-history strategy
  1051. Increased appetite augments hypothalamic NPY Y1 receptor gene expression: effects of anorexigenic ciliary neurotropic factor
  1052. Cortisol measures in primary major depressive disorder with hypersomnia or appetite increase
  1053. Is There appetite after GLP‐1 and PACAP?
  1054. Regulation of appetite and cholecystokinin secretion in anorexia nervosa.
  1055. The effect of captopril or enalaprilic acid on the Na appetite of Na‐deplete rats
  1056. Fluoxetine: a serotonergic appetite suppressant drug
  1057. Synthesis and resolution of the novel appetite suppressant 2-benzylmorpholine, a nonstimulant isomer of phenmetrazine
  1058. Broadband to the home (BTTH): Architectures, access methods, and the appetite for it
  1059. Benzodiazepines and appetite: Recent pre‐clinical advances and their clinical implications
  1060. Elevated salt appetite and brain binding of angiotensin II in mineralocorticoid-treated rats
  1061. Changes in mood, appetite and psychomotor retardation in depressed patients given ECT
  1062. Olfactory mechanisms in the control of maternal aggression, appetite, and fearfulness: effects of lesions to olfactory receptors, mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, and …
  1063. The effect of previous body condition on appetite and associated insulin profiles in sheep
  1064. Enhanced sodium appetite in rats with lesions centered on nucleus medianus.
  1065. Physiological changes in blood glucose affect appetite and pyloric motility during intraduodenal lipid infusion
  1066. Effects of anosmia on Polycose appetite in the rat.
  1067. Characterization of expression of hypothalamic appetite-regulating peptides in obese hyperleptinemic brown adipose tissue-deficient (uncoupling protein-promoter …
  1068. Inhibitory effects of estrogen on stimulated salt appetite in rats.
  1069. appetite of the wolf: German foreign assistance for Central and Eastern Europe
  1070. Chemosensory function, food preferences and appetite in human liver disease
  1071. What (n) ever happened to aunt Jemima: Eating disorders, fetal rights, and Black female appetite in contemporary American culture
  1072. Re-examination of the role of the instrumental contingency in the sodium-appetite irrelevant incentive effect
  1073. Is neuropeptide Y a naturally occurring appetite transducer?
  1074. Mechanisms of appetite and body weight regulation.
  1075. When does sucrose increase appetite and adiposity?
  1076. Chronic nicotine induces a specific appetite for sucrose in rats
  1077. Interaction of insulin, glucagon-like peptide 1, gastric inhibitory polypeptide, and appetite in response to intraduodenal carbohydrate
  1078. Angiotensin and Na appetite of sheep
  1079. Expression of Fos in rat brain in relation to sodium appetite: furosemide and cerebroventricular renin
  1080. Sodium appetite in lactating rats.
  1081. Hunger and appetite during visual perception of food in eating disorders
  1082. 5-HT2C receptor activation decreases appetite and body weight in obese subjects
  1083. An appetite for coherence: Arousing and fulfilling desires
  1084. Inhibition of salt appetite in the rat following injection of tachykinins into the medial amygdala
  1085. The influence of index selection for improved growth and carcass characteristics on appetite in a population of Large White pigs
  1086. Hormonal synergy as the cause of salt appetite
  1087. The role of peptides in appetite regulation across species
  1088. A sucrose-based maintenance diet increases sensitivity to appetite suppressant effects of naloxone
  1089. Control of appetite and satiety: insights from biologic and behavioral studies.
  1090. Altered concentrations of appetite regulators may contribute to the development and maintenance of HIV-associated wasting.
  1091. Influence of pregnancy and lactation on Na appetite of BALB/c mice
  1092. The tachykinin NH2-senktide, a selective neurokinin B receptor agonist, is a very potent inhibitor of salt appetite in the rat
  1093. Studies on the physiological basis of appetite depression in nematode infection in sheep.
  1094. Serotonergic neurotransmission in the regulation of appetite: a receptor approach.
  1095. Sensory mechanisms in the behavioral control of body fluid balance: thirst and salt appetite
  1096. Hypothalamic Control of Amino Acid appetitea
  1097. Improvements of growth. appetite, and physical activity in helminth-infected schoolboys 6 months after single dose of albendazole
  1098. Role of brain angiotensin II in thirst and sodium appetite of sheep
  1099. Changes in appetite and Weight during the Pharmacological Treatment of Patients with Panic Disorder
  1100. The hormones of renal sodium conservation act synergistically to arouse a sodium appetite in the rat
  1101. Replacement of dietary fat with sucrose polyester: effects on energy intake and appetite control in nonobese males
  1102. Neuropeptides, appetite regulation, and human obesity
  1103. Salt appetite induced by DOCA treatment or adrenalectomy in rats: analysis of ingestive behavior
  1104. Role of CCK in satiety and appetite control
  1105. Effects of intraperitoneal infusion of dextrose and amino acids on the appetite of rabbits
  1106. Effect of glucose supplementation on appetite and the pyloric motor response to intraduodenal glucose and lipid
  1107. Diverse effects of estradiol-17β: concurrent suppression of appetite, blood pressure and vascular reactivity in conscious, unrestrained animals
  1108. On the insatiable appetite and Longevity of Theatre
  1109. Investigation of a “fibre appetite” in sheep fed a “long fibre-free” diet
  1110. Sodium status, corticosteroid metabolism and blood pressure in normal human subjects and in a patient with abnormal salt appetite
  1111. Sodium appetite in the sham-drinking rat after chorda tympani nerve transection
  1112. Brainstem lesions and gustatory function: II. The role of the nucleus of the solitary tract in Na+ appetite, conditioned taste aversion, and conditioned odor aversion in …
  1113. The appetite suppressant d-fenfluramine induces apoptosis in human serotonergic cells
  1114. Angiotensin-related sodium appetite and thirst in cattle
  1115. Influence of adrenal steroid hormones on sodium appetite of Balb/c mice
  1116. Evaluation of putative appetite suppressants in the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus)
  1117. Role of peripheral angiotensin in salt appetite of the sodium-deplete rat
  1118. The Secrets of Serotonin: The Natural Plan For Mood Enhancement, appetite Control, & Higher Energy
  1119. Effect of ale, garlic, and soured cream on the appetite of leeches
  1120. … analogs. Effects of conformational constraints and standard modifications on receptor subtype selectivity, functional activity in vitro, and appetite suppression in vivo
  1121. Alcohol, calories, and appetite
  1122. Evidence that brain angiotensin II is involved in both thirst and sodium appetite in baboons
  1123. Ontogeny of renin‐induced salt appetite in the rat pup
  1124. Ethanol-induced changes in plasma proteins, angiotensin II, and salt appetite in rats.
  1125. Comparative effects of seven antidepressant regimes on appetite, weight and carbohydrate preference
  1126. Long‐term use of appetite suppressant medication: Rationale and recommendations
  1127. Effects of lesions of the ventral ventral median preoptic nucleus or subfornical organ on drinking and salt appetite after deoxycorticosterone acetate or yohimbine.
  1128. Attenuated sodium appetite in response to sodium deficiency in Fischer-344 rats
  1129. appetite regulation: Shedding new light on obesity
  1130. The effects of sodium appetite on the responses of cells in the zona incerta to the sight or ingestion of food, salt and water in sheep
  1131. appetite, gut transit, oxygen uptake and nitrogen excretion in captive Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus L., and lemon sole, Microstomus kitt (Walbaum)
  1132. Sodium specificity of salt appetite in Fischer-344 and Wistar rats is impaired by chorda tympani nerve transection
  1133. Salt appetite, body sodium, handling of a NaCl load, renin, and aldosterone in genetically and spontaneously hypertensive rats.
  1134. Salt appetite during pregnancy in sheep
  1135. Salt appetite in the pigeon in response to pharmacological treatments.
  1136. Publish and Perish: William Godwin, Mary Shelley, and the Public appetite for Scandal
  1137. The appetite suppressant, d-fenfluramine, decreases self-stimulation at a feeding site in the lateral hypothalamus
  1138. Whetting the appetite: a taste of the sociology of food and nutrition
  1139. Satiating the appetite of the Sociologic Sponge: A Rejoinder to Mabbott
  1140. Angiotensin and salt appetite: physiological amounts of angiotensin given peripherally increase salt appetite in the rat.
  1141. Endogenous angiotensin and sodium appetite
  1142. Cosegregation analysis of salt appetite and blood pressure in genetically hypertensive and normotensive rats
  1143. Palatability and intake of two commercial liquid diets in patients with poor appetite.
  1144. The effect of intracerebroventricular hypertonic infusion on sodium appetite in rats after peritoneal dialysis
  1145. Weight control and appetite: nature over nurture.
  1146. The neuronal role of angiotensin II in thirst, sodium appetite, cognition and memory.
  1147. Carbohydrate appetite in rats: taste and postingestive factors
  1148. Sodium appetite and thirst in cattle subjected to dehydration
  1149. Breakfasts high in monoglyceride or triglyceride: no differential effect on appetite or energy intake
  1150. Carbohydrate craving and increased appetite associated with antidepressant therapy
  1151. Neurotransmitter regulation of appetite and eating
  1152. Food aversion learning: Its impact on appetite.
  1153. Sodium appetite in response to sodium deficiency in baboons
  1154. Central regulation of appetite and autonomic activity by CRH, glucocorticoids and stress
  1155. Central neurotransmitters and control of specific appetite for the macronutrients
  1156. Mineral appetite: an overview
  1157. Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor on salt appetite and thirst of BALB/c mice
  1158. Changes in sodium appetite in cattle induced by changes in CSF sodium concentration and osmolality
  1159. Change in salt appetite due to rehydration level in rats
  1160. Effects of dietary lipid and carbohydrate levels and chronic 3, 5, 3′-triiodo-L-thyronine treatment on growth, appetite, food and protein utilization and body …
  1161. Satiation time, appetite and daily pattern of feed intake and faeces release by an air-breathing fish, Anabas testudineus (Bloch).
  1162. Swainsonine toxicosis suppresses appetite and retards growth in weanling rats
  1163. Regulation of angiotensinogen gene expression in the rat forebrain by adrenal steroids and relation to salt appetite
  1164. Physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms of salt appetite control by mineralocorticoid action in brain.
  1165. The biological nature of appetite
  1166. Contol Mechanisms of Salt appetite
  1167. Increased sodium appetite stimulates c-fos expression in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis
  1168. Blood pressure, salt appetite and mortality of genetically hypertensive and normotensive rats maintained on high and low salt diets from weaning
  1169. Thirst and salt appetite in horses treated with furosemide
  1170. N-docosahexaenoyl, 3 hydroxytyramine: a dopaminergic compound that penetrates the blood-brain barrier and suppresses appetite
  1171. Blood pressure and salt appetite of cross-suckled spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats.
  1172. Increased expression of magnocellular vasopressin mRNA in rats with deoxycorticosterone-acetate induced salt appetite
  1173. An appetite for the Past’: The Re-Creation of Shaka and the Crisis in Popular Historical Consciousness
  1174. Role of renal nerves in sodium depletion-induced salt appetite
  1175. Sodium appetite after transection of the chorda tympani nerve in Wistar and Fischer 344 rats.
  1176. Satisfying Khlestakov’s appetite: The Semiotics of Eating in The Inspector General
  1177. The effect of the putative AT2 agonist, p‐aminophenylalanine6 angiotensin II, on thirst and sodium appetite in rats
  1178. Absence of a salt (NaCl) preference or appetite in sodium-replete or depleted kittens
  1179. Age-related decline in thirst and sodium appetite in rats related to kininase II inhibition
  1180. appetite‐modulating drugs in dwarf goats, with special emphasis on benzodiazepine‐induced hyperphagia and its antagonism by flumazenil and R° 15–3505
  1181. Induction of an appetite for sodium in rats that show no spontaneous preference for sodium chloride solution—The Fischer 344 strain.
  1182. The role of restraint and disinhibition in appetite control
  1183. Interaction of hydration and subfornical organ lesions in sodium-depletion induced salt appetite.
  1184. Short-term effects of high-fat and low-fat/high-SPE croissants on appetite and energy intake at three deprivation periods
  1185. Thirst and sodium appetite in Dahl rats
  1186. Infant appetite-control and the regulation of breast milk supply
  1187. appetite and taste preference in growing rats given various levels of protein nutrition
  1188. Pharmacological aspects of appetite: implications for the treatment of obesity
  1189. Effect of agents which alter the Na transport on the sodium appetite in rats
  1190. Angiotensin/aldosterone synergy governs the salt appetite of the pigeon
  1191. The effect of improved dialytic efficiency on measures of appetite in peritoneal dialysis patients
  1192. Fenfluramine’s appetite suppression and serotonin neurotoxicity are separable
  1193. An appetite for living
  1194. appetite suppressants as adjuncts in the treatment of obesity
  1195. The effects of blind substitution of aspartame‐sweetened for sugar‐sweetened soft drinks on appetite and mood
  1196. A behavioral economic analysis of fat appetite in rats
  1197. Dietary fat, food habits and appetite
  1198. appetite suppressant drugs as inhibitors of human cytochromes P450: in vitro inhibition of P450-2D6 by D-and L-fenfluramine, but not phentermine
  1199. The effect of psychopharmacological agents on appetite and eating
  1200. Food intake, appetite, and work in hot environments
  1201. Tolerance to appetite suppression induced by peptidoglycan
  1202. Forebrain lesions that disrupt water homeostasis do not eliminate the sodium appetite of sodium deficiency in sheep
  1203. appetite and nutrition in relation to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immunodeficiency virus syndrome (AIDS)
  1204. Spoken Menu: A Menu Process Catered To The Patients Food Choices And Present appetite.
  1205. The relationship between appetite and plasma non-esterified fatty acid levels in housed calves
  1206. Control of appetite and energy balance and imbalance
  1207. Sodium appetite as well as 24‐h variations of fluid balance, mean arterial pressure and heart rate in spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive (WKY) rats …
  1208. Recent advances in the understanding of the effects of opioid agents on feeding and appetite
  1209. The influence of practice characteristics on the prescribing of benzodiazepines and appetite suppressant drugs
  1210. Comparison of the effects of the dipeptidyl peptidase inhibitors captopril, ramipril, and enalapril on water intake and sodium appetite of Sprague-Dawley rats.
  1211. Heterogeneity of blood pressure responses to salt restriction and salt appetite in rats.
  1212. The role of pharmaceutical agents in appetite stimulation in patients with end-stage renal disease
  1213. Artificial sweeteners and the control of appetite: implications for the eating disorders
  1214. Assessment of the effects of phenylpropanolamine on appetite and food intake
  1215. The post‐colonial belly laugh: appetite and its suppression
  1216. An update on the pharmacology of serotoninergic appetite-suppressive drugs.
  1217. Reproductive performance over repeated parities of lines of mice selected for appetite, lean growth and fatness
  1218. Full expression of the exaggerated salt appetite of the spontaneously hypertensive rat requires a prenatal factor
  1219. Public goods: An appetite that feeds on itself
  1220. Na depletion-induced Na appetite of sheep is independent of brain angiotensin II
  1221. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and Na appetite: microbehavioral analysis and nycthemeral physiology
  1222. Insulin in the central nervous system: A regulator of appetite and body weight
  1223. An angiotensin-independent, hypotension-induced, sodium appetite in the rat
  1224. The Effect of Ktn on Nitrogen Appearance and appetite Urea in Peritoneal Dialysis
  1225. Effect of dietary manipulation on substrate flux and energy balance in obese women taking the appetite suppressant dexfenfluramine
  1226. Delaying the introduction of complementary food until 6 months does not affect appetite or mother’s report of food acceptance of breast-fed infants from 6 to 12 months …
  1227. Intracerebroventricular administration of mineralocorticoid receptor antisense oligonucleotides attenuates salt appetite in the rat
  1228. Influence of taste and nutrition on the sugar appetite of rats.
  1229. Increased sodium appetite and thirst in rat induced by the ingredients of liquorice, glycyrrhizic acid and glycyrrhetinic acid
  1230. Central infusion of the AT1 receptor antagonist losartan inhibits thirst but not sodium appetite in cattle
  1231. Effects of GR 68755 on d-amphetamine-induced changes in mood, cognitive performance, appetite, food preference, and caloric and macronutrient intake in humans
  1232. Genetic control of growth, composition, appetite and feed utilisation: non-ruminants
  1233. appetite and feeding behavior
  1234. Evidence for adaptive matching of appetite in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo solar) with regular seasonal rhythms of food availability
  1235. appetite for death: A study of the theme of death in the’hidden’literature on eating disorders.
  1236. Is a serotonergic mechanism involved in 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)-induced appetite suppression in the Sprague-Dawley rat?
  1237. The early ontogeny of sodium appetite in spontaneously hypertensive vs. normotensive rats
  1238. Satiation, digestive tract evacuation and return of appetite in the European minnow,Phoxinus phoxinus (Cyprinidae) following short periods of pre-prandial starvation
  1239. The menstrual cycle, mood and appetite
  1240. Hormonal and neural mechanisms of sodium appetite
  1241. Recent studies of anorexia and appetite stimulation in the cancer patient.
  1242. Further evidence for genetic independence of blood pressure and salt appetite in spontaneously hypertensive and Wistar-Kyoto rats
  1243. Salt appetite consequent on sodium depletion in the suckling rat pup
  1244. Calcium appetite, blood pressure and electrolytes in spontaneously hypertensive rats
  1245. Effects of amino acid dialysate on appetite in CAPD patients.
  1246. Carbohydrates do not always produce satiety: An explanation of the appetite-and hunger-stimulating effects of hexoses
  1247. The effects of methylamphetamine on mood and appetite in depressed patients: a placebo-controlled study
  1248. An assessment of the interaction between photoperiod and sex phenotype in relation to appetite development in sheep
  1249. appetite and appetite stimulants
  1250. Obesity and the adipocyte. Control of appetite–the role of glucagon-like peptide-1 (7-36) amide
  1251. Utilization of appetite suppressants in England: a putative indicator of poor prescribing practice
  1252. Salt appetite in rat pups: ontogeny of angiotensin II-aldosterone synergy
  1253. 2, 3, 7, 8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)-induced appetite suppression in the Sprague-Dawley rat is not a direct effect on feed intake regulation in the brain
  1254. The effects of fludrocortisone acetate and deoxycorticosterone acetate on salt appetite in mice
  1255. Sodium appetite and cerebrospinal fluid sodium concentration during hypovolemia
  1256. Angiotensin II-induced thirst, but not sodium appetite, via AT1 receptors in organum cavum prelamina terminalis
  1257. Overfeeding fat as monoglyceride or triglyceride: effect on appetite, nutrient balance and the subsequent day’s energy intake
  1258. Parallel effects of DOCA on salt appetite, thirst, and blood pressure in sheep
  1259. Ontogeny of the ionic specificity of sodium appetite in the rat pup
  1260. Polycose and sucrose appetite in rats: Influence of food deprivation and insulin treatment
  1261. NaCl appetite in two strains of rat reported to be resistant to mineralocorticoid-induced hypertension
  1262. The apparent dependence of salt appetite in the pigeon on endogenous angiotensin II
  1263. Brain oxytocin receptor antagonism disinhibits sodium appetite in preweanling rats
  1264. Orexins–new hypothalamic peptides that stimulate appetite
  1265. The ontogeny of salt appetite aroused by depletion in the rat
  1266. What is the importance of salt appetite?
  1267. Mechanisms of the control of appetite
  1268. Immunization against cholecystokinin decreases appetite in lambs
  1269. The Virulence of the National appetite for Bogus Revelation
  1270. An appetite for romance: How to understand, buy, display, and promote romance fiction: A report
  1271. Polyethylene glycol-induced calcium appetite
  1272. Scentsational Weight Loss: At Last a New Easy Natural Way To Control Your appetite
  1273. Creating an appetite for Appellate Reform in California
  1274. Food-composition, changes in brain serotonin synthesis and appetite for protein and carbohydrate
  1275. Individuality of growth, appetite, metabolic rate and assimilation of nutrients in young Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas L)
  1276. Worlds energy appetite may crave nuclear power
  1277. Shedding new light on obesity. appetite regulation.
  1278. Physiological correlates of attenuated salt appetite in Fischer 344 rats
  1279. Hepatic vagotomy does not disrupt the normal satiation of NaCl appetite
  1280. Comparative physiological psychology of feeding and salt appetite in rodents.
  1281. Perception of appetite and weight change during treatment for depression
  1282. On the waterfront: predictive and reactive regulatory descriptions of thirst and sodium appetite
  1283. Angiotensin II receptor subtype antagonists can both stimulate and inhibit salt appetite in rats
  1284. The salt appetite of rats with spontaneous arterial hypertension
  1285. Cerebral Na sensors and Na appetite of sheep
  1286. Conditioned carbohydrate appetite in rats
  1287. Decrease of brain extracellular fluid [Na] and its interaction with other factors influencing sodium appetite in sheep
  1288. Neuropeptide Y is increased in appetite-regulating hypothalamic areas of lactating rats
  1289. Decrease of the salt appetite of spontaneously hypertensive rats by chronic application of almitrine.
  1290. An appetite for God: Dorothy Day at 100
  1291. Satisfying America’s changing appetite
  1292. What’s your appetite for risk? Determining the optimal retention
  1293. Menstrual cycle phase-related appetite dysregulation.
  1294. An appetite for life. Assessing and meeting nutritional needs.
  1295. Voluntary food intake of pigs of high genetic potential fed pellets to appetite: effects of sex and dietary protein content
  1296. Effect of intraventricular injection of muscimol on appetite in rats kept at high and temperate ambient temperatures
  1297. Sodium appetite
  1298. Affective and eating disorders: appetite, weight regulation, and neuroendocrine function
  1299. Effect of the 5-HT2 antagonist ketanserin on salt appetite in the rat
  1300. Megestrol for appetite stimulation and as a progestin in hormone replacement therapy
  1301. Effects of aspartame on appetite and food intake
  1302. Stressful family life events and parental perception of poor appetite in children
  1303. Effect of high‐energy and reduced‐energy breakfasts comprising fat‐substituted foods on appetite, satiety and subsequent nutrient intake
  1304. Food intake, milk production and body-weight change of milking cows given complete diets to appetite
  1305. Genetic (co) variation in the” milk yield, tissue balance, appetite complex” in primiparous cows fed a normal or a reduced level of concentrates.
  1306. Intracerebroventricular injection of renin in the neonatal rat reveals a precocious sodium appetite that is dissociated from renin‐aroused thirst
  1307. Manger misting improves dairy cows’ appetite
  1308. Effects of protein and carbohydrate ingestion on brain tryptophan levels and serotonin synthesis: Putative relationship to appetite for specific nutrients
  1309. Differentiation of the effects of protein status and acid-base balance on the appetite of sheep for lucerne silage
  1310. Manic psychosis associated with appetite suppressant medication, phenylpropanolamine
  1311. Risks of heart-valve abnormalities with appetite suppressants
  1312. Weight control and appetite—A genetic perspective
  1313. Selective effects of sodium and chloride depletion on salt appetite in rats
  1314. appetite, digestive efficiency, feed utilization and carcass evaluation of housed calves naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes
  1315. appetite stimulation in raptors
  1316. Differential Regional Distribution of Enterostatin, an appetite Inhibiting Peptide, in the Brains of Zucker and Sprague-Dawley Rats
  1317. Quetelet’s Index and appetite and weight change in the context of depression
  1318. Effectiveness of risperidone in insatiable appetite following hypothalamic injury
  1319. appetite suppressant agents: current problems and controversies
  1320. Diminished salt appetite in spontaneously hypertensive rats following local administration of the angiotensin II antagonist saralasin in the median preoptic area
  1321. Pregnant and postpartum adolescents’ appetite compulsions, food preferences, and reasons for dietary change
  1322. appetite awareness training: A cognitive-behavioral intervention for binge eating disorder
  1323. The pleasures of text and table: appetite and consumption in i’m dying laughing
  1324. A Case of Fever, Attended with Inordinate appetite: A Report Delivered and Recorded in 1815
  1325. Lateral hypothalamic stimulation can augment or attenuate nucleus gigantocellularis escape: Evidence for appetite-associated aversion amelioration.
  1326. Physiological factors regulating appetite in the lesser spotted dogfish shark, Scyliorhinus canicula (L.)
  1327. appetite stimulant claim deleted from label.
  1328. An appetite for history
  1329. Decreased cerebral sodium concentration and sodium appetite in BALB/c mice
  1330. Cold exposure, appetite, and energy balance
  1331. World’s appetite for US Products Is Still Increasing
  1332. The effect of local change in CSF [Na] in the anterior third ventricle on salt appetite
  1333. Effect of extended photoperiod on appetite, growth and reproductive endocrinology in red deer stag calves
  1335. Cranial puncture, a simple procedure requiring no preparatory surgery: validation by observation of drinking and salt appetite evoked by intracerebroventricular renin
  1336. Integration of sensory, somatic and social determinants of appetite for food and drink.
  1337. The Physiology of Thirst and Sodium appetite
  1338. appetite stimulants in terminal care: treatment of anorexia
  1339. The effect of food related cues on the specificity of appetite in the rat
  1340. appetite control and the use of intense sweeteners
  1341. Behavioral dynamics in the appetite for salt in rats
  1342. Relationship between appetite and efficiency of the bull and his female progeny during growth and lactation
  1343. Passively-acquired antibodies to somatotropin release inhibiting factor (SRIF) increase appetite and growth of milk-fed lambs
  1344. Taste Functions and Na+-appetite After Excitotoxic Lesions of the Parabrachial Nuclei in Rats
  1345. Problems of eating and appetite control in the elderly
  1346. Clinical implications of appetite suppressants
  1347. Are antidepressants appetite suppressants in bulimia nervosa?
  1348. Relation of endogenous systemic and brain angiotensin II, arginine vasopressin and prolactin with the genesis of salt appetite in cattle
  1349. Long-term opiate receptor antagonism in a patient with panhypopituitarism: Effects on appetite, prolactin and demand for vasopressin
  1350. Nicotine as a psychoactive drug: anxiety and pain reduction, arousal, and appetite regulation
  1351. Uncoupling sweetness and energy in habitual high and low consumers of artificial sweetners: effects on appetite
  1352. Sex difference in sensitivity to exogenous oxytocin in different models of sodium appetite in the rat.
  1353. T is not the meat, but’tis the appetite: The Destruction of Woman in the Poetry of Sir John Suckling
  1354. Deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-induced sodium appetite in group-housed mice
  1355. (S)-3-[(Benzyloxy) methyl] morpholine hydrochloride: a nonstimulant appetite suppressant without conventional neurotransmitter releasing properties
  1356. Strategies for investigation of CNS mechanisms of phenotypic variation in blood pressure and salt appetite in genetic hypertensive rats
  1357. Growth performance, appetite and plasma ammonia concentrations in heifers fed inoculated Lucerne prior to ensilage, then supplemented with sodium bicarbonate
  1358. Genetic regulation of appetite and fatness: Current knowledge and future prospectives
  1359. The role of brain ECF sodium and angiotensin II in sodium appetite
  1360. The Serpent’s Tail: Robert Frost and a Poetics of appetite
  1361. The effect of iron supplements and biocultural factors on appetite, food intake, and growth in Kenyan Digo children
  1362. Pharmacological modulation of the appetite
  1363. Adrenalectomy enhances the anorectic effect of dexfenfluramine: Relation to mineralocorticoids and salt appetite
  1364. Salt appetite with psychosis, intermittent hyponatremia, and polydipsia.
  1365. Development of pulmonary hypertension and multi-valvular damage caused by appetite depressants
  1366. A note on direct measurement of food spillage when growing pigs are given food to appetite
  1367. Cholecystokinin action on the lateral parabrachial nucleus to inhibit salt appetite
  1368. Sodium appetite and 24-hour variations in fluid balance, mean arterial pressure and heart rate in SHR and WKY on various sodium diets.
  1369. appetite, Goodness, and Choice
  1370. Methylphenidate for appetite stimulation in older patients
  1371. appetite depressants and pulmonary hypertension
  1372. High altitude may be synergistic with pulmonary hazards of appetite control medications fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine
  1373. Temporal factors and maturation status as determinants of appetite in Atlantic salmon
  1374. Nutrition and appetite control: implications for the regulation of body weight
  1375. Effect of a sucrose preload on food intake and subjective measures of appetite in 9 and 10 year old healthy children
  1376. The role of serotonin in normal appetite regulation and in the pathogenesis of anorexia/bulimia
  1377. Central nervous appetite regulation: mechanisms and significance for the development of obesity
  1378. The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System and Sodium appetite in Rats
  1379. Hypothalamic serotonin in relation to appetite for macronutrients and eating disorders
  1380. Orexins: New brain appetite stimulants
  1381. The influence of emotion states on appetite and eating
  1382. Sodium appetite induced by sodium depletion is suppressed by intracerebroventricular captopril
  1383. Acute appetite perception, food preference and taste acuity in CAPD patients dialysed with a dextrose solution or an amino acid mixture and in healthy controls.
  1384. Third World’s growing appetite for wheat.
  1385. US Firms Get an appetite for the EC Food Industry
  1386. Re-examination of the effect of either a lateral or third ventricular cannula on captopril-induced salt appetite in rats
  1387. Prescription appetite suppressants in weight management
  1388. Effects of kerosene on ruminal characteristics, total number of rumen protozoa and appetite in sheep
  1389. Complex interactions between tryptophan and macronutrients on appetite, mood and performance
  1390. appetite-suppressant drugs and the risk of primary pulmonary hypertension
  1391. Serotonergic pharmacology of appetite
  1392. Nothing ventured: why our institutions have no appetite for alternative assets
  1393. The effects of covert changes in the amount of fat and a non-absorbable fat (sucrose polyester) in croissants, on food intake and appetite
  1394. Figures of appetite and slavery from Milton to Swift
  1395. Morbid obesity. Our results with the appetite-depressing stomach balloon
  1396. Thirst and Sodium appetite: Physiological Basis
  1397. appetite and satiety regulation: Pharmacological strategies
  1398. Essential obesity: an unresolved clinical problem. Considerations on central appetite stimulants and inhibitors
  1399. Increased sodium appetite and polydipsia in Goldblatt hypertension
  1400. appetite Regulation and Eating Disorders in Relation to Brain Neurotransmitter Systems
  1401. Mrs Fraser’s Ravenous appetite: The Taste for Cannibalism in Captivitiy Narratives
  1402. The ontogeny of sodium appetite in the rat: A behavioral, physiological, and pharmacological analysis
  1403. The control of appetite
  1404. appetite suppressants withdrawn
  1405. Feeding behaviour and appetite in young children with non-organic failure to thrive
  1406. Influence of dietary-induced obesity on opiatergic regulation of appetite and blood pressure in sheep
  1407. Jon Davis’ Scrimmage Of appetite
  1408. Food intake, depressed appetite and chemosensory threshold in patients with cancer during chemotherapy
  1409. Save your appetite
  1410. Effect of chronic dietary treatment with 1-tryptophan on spontaneous salt appetite of rats
  1412. Photoperiodic entrainment of seasonal changes in appetite and growth in pony colts
  1413. appetite continues to grow
  1414. Control of appetite
  1415. An appetite for Poetry
  1416. Some implications of the double-blind format in evaluating drug efficacy: studies of the appetite suppressant phenylpropanolamine
  1417. Variations of blood glucose in the physiological range alter appetite, gastrointestinal sensation, and pyloric motility
  1418. An appetite for Wholeness
  1419. appetite suppressants–update
  1420. Gustatory neural responses during sodium appetite induced by three different regimens
  1421. Effects of deworming on growth, appetite, physical fitness, and physical activity in Indonesian schoolchildren
  1422. The roles of visceral and direct oral stimulation in short-term feeding: what distinctions can be made between appetite and hunger?
  1423. Lessons from the appetite suppressant debacle
  1424. Rapid induction of sodium appetite-modifies taste-evoked activity in nucleus tractus solitarius of the rat
  1425. Frank Kermode.” An appetite for Poetry”(Book Review)
  1426. Coping with lack of appetite
  1427. Germany Sees the First Stirrings of an appetite
  1428. appetite for destruction
  1429. Working up a good appetite.
  1430. appetite and stress: a review of the literature
  1431. A growing appetite for words?
  1432. Sodium appetite
  1433. Selective reduction of enhanced sodium appetite of SHR by chronic intracerebroventricular administration of α-human atrial natriuretic polypeptide (α-hANP)
  1434. appetite response and food intake, nitrogen balance and mood in patients with end stage renal disease: amino acid vs. dextrose dialysate.
  1435. appetite for Magic
  1436. Comedies of appetite and Contract
  1437. Effects of Heat on appetite
  1438. Development of an appetite: A book of original poetry and short fiction
  1439. Stimulating your appetite
  1440. An appetite for Power; Buthelezi’s Inkatha and South Africa
  1441. An appetite for human character.
  1442. Synthesis and resolution of 3-substituted morpholine appetite suppressants and chiral synthesis via O-arylhomoserines
  1443. An appetite for Power: Buthelezi’s Inkatha and South Africa
  1444. Hungary Shows an appetite for Reform
  1445. Russell Kirk: The Scrimmage of appetite
  1446. An appetite for Power: Buthelezi’s Inkatha and South Africa
  1447. The Nature of the Salt appetite of Adrenalectomized Rats
  1448. Study of enterostatin on appetite and preference-regulation
  1449. The hormonal basis of salt appetite in the rat.
  1450. Correlation between weight loss and appetite profile in cancer patients
  1451. Approaching Their Music With Great appetite
  1452. Book Review: appetite: Neural and Behavioural Bases
  1453. appetite and Nutrition With Aging
  1454. Salt appetite in pregnancy
  1455. Development of an appetite: A book of original poetry and short fiction (Original writing)
  1456. Reflection and an appetite for Experience: Theory to Classroom Practice
  1457. Byron and the Eye of appetite
  1458. Robert Frost and a Poetics of appetite
  1459. Unlearned specific appetite for protein foods and odors.
  1460. Controlling the Energy appetite of the Office Automation Revolution
  1461. Byron and the Eye of appetite
  1462. Robert Frost and a Poetics of appetite
  1463. and appetite Stimulant
  1464. Regulation of preprotachykinin-a gene expression and relation to sodium appetite
  1465. Cold Exposure, appetite, and Energy Balance
  1466. Curbing Congress’ appetite for pork
  1467. Is industry’s consumption of capital a healthy appetite?
  1468. Food, eating, and appetite: Three case studies.
  1469. Fostering an appetite for change.-Address to Microeconomic Reform Conference (4th: 1995: Sydney)-
  1470. Cisco’s big appetite for Layer 3 switching.
  1471. The Phylogeny of Salt appetite
  1472. Global geospatial information: addressing the appetite of geographic information systems
  1473. Behavioral effects of anxiolytics independent of appetite and sedation.
  1474. Anorexia (Loss of appetite)
  1475. Feeding the “Hunger of Memory” and an appetite for the Future
  1476. The Body of appetite: a cooking school in Victoria, British Columbia.
  1477. Arthur Hugh Clough’s poetics of uncertainty and the Victorians’ appetite of order.
  1478. Sudden death in a drug milieu following use of an appetite suppressant
  1479. Mark Storey,” Byron and the Eye of appetite“(Book Review)
  1480. Lack of appetite for food irradiation
  1481. appetite for Destruction: The Days of Guns’ N’Roses, by Danny Sugarman (Book Review)
  1482. Food Intake, appetite, and Work in Hot Environments
  1483. An investigation of polysaccharide taste and appetite in the rat.
  1484. Combined Influences of Emotion States and Individual Characteristics on appetite and Eating
  1485. The influence of sucrose concentration in test meals on appetite in rats
  1486. Central nervous appetite control: mechanisms and significance for the aetiology of obesity.
  1487. An Asian Invader With a Nasty appetite
  1488. appetite regulation in a rat model of chronic renal failure.
  1489. Thirst and Sodium appetite: Physiological Basis
  1490. appetite-Suppressant Drugs and the Risk of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
  1491. Mutual Funds; An appetite for Banking Stocks
  1493. Dietary Fat, Food Habits and appetite
  1494. Drugs, serotonin and appetite control in humans
  1495. appetite regulation, obesity, and eating disorders
  1496. Pharmacological, toxicological, deontologic, and medico-legal aspects of the use of appetite suppressant agents in” weight-loss cures”
  1497. Clinical trial of Hamalayan Batisa [herbal preparation] in loss of appetite in cattle.
  1498. Influence of Calcium appetite on Feed Intake and Performance of Wl Layers
  1499. Serotonin appetite and anorexia nervosa
  1500. Shrink your stomach; and curb your appetite and weight problem in the process
  1501. A Cost-Effective Analysis of appetite Suppressants for Obesity Treatment in a Managed Care Organization
  1502. Analysis of adrenal hormone involvement in murine sodium appetite
  1503. Tachykinins influence gustatory mechanisms of salt appetite
  1504. When appetite controls the liquid pig feeder.
  1505. The role of serotonin in the control of mood anf appetite in humans
  1506. Holidays Fuel the Advisers’ appetite for Hungary
  1507. Feeding Our Insatiable appetite for Information About Binge Eating
  1508. Effect of dexamethasone on appetite regulation in anorexia nervosa.
  1509. Developers exhibiting big appetite for construction at Denver International.
  1510. Central nervous system stimulants and drugs that suppress appetite
  1511. Influence of Sodium Load on Angiotensin-Induced Sodium appetite
  1512. Central nervous system stimulants and drugs that suppress appetite
  1513. Central nervous system stimulants and drugs that suppress appetite
  1514. Analysis of appetite and body weight regulation in neuropeptide Y knockout mice
  1515. Katherine Kearns, Robert Frost and a Poetics of appetite (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994,£ 37.50). Pp. 228. ISBN 0 521 44485 3.
  1516. Effects of the appetite suppressant drug d-fenfluramine in lean and obese female rats: Central and peripheral antiobesity actions.
  1517. ROBERT FROST AND A POETICS OF appetite, by Katherine Kearns (Book Review)
  1518. Effect of D-Fenfluramine on appetite in Lean and Obese Human Subjects and on Changes Associated with PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome)
  1519. The expression of hunger and appetite by patients receiving total parenteral nutrition
  1520. Metabolic controls of feeding: Modulation of appetite and FOS expression by specific nutrients
  1521. Relationship of appetite center with gastric electricity and gastrointestinal motility in rabbits
  1522. “An Inappropriate appetite for Training”? Equal Opportunities and Training for Flexible Information Workers
  1524. Big appetite: Medicine Mart signs deal with Fiesta Mart food chain
  1525. An appetite: Sodium Hunger. The Search for a Salty Taste. Jay Schulkin. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1992. xii, 192 pp., illus. $54.95.
  1526. appetite, catecholamine, hunger and resting metabolic rate responses of trained and untrained females.
  1527. Central-appetite regulation by monoaminergic and CRF-related peptides in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
  1528. Antisense Approaches to Investigate the Neuroendocrine Control of Thirst and Sodium appetite in The Rat
  1529. The contribution of cholecystokinin to appetite regulation in pigs with divergent genetic potential for growth and feed intake
  1530. Cytotoxin targeting of oxytocin (OT) receptive cells: OT receptors and salt appetite
  1531. Soluble peptidoglycan fragments released by Neisseria gonorrhoeae suppress appetite
  1532. Brain neurotransmitters and circulating hormones in control of food intake, satiety and appetite for specific macronutrients
  1534. The effects of exercise, diet, and eating restraint factors on appetite, emotions, and dietary intake in reduced-obese women
  1535. appetite and Nutrition in Relation to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection and Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus Syndrome (AIDS)
  1536. Effect of high-energy and reduced-energy breakfasts comprising fat-substituted foods on appetite, satiety and subsequent nutrient intake
  1537. Effects of priming, food palatability and calorie information on appetite in restrained eaters
  1538. The Virulence of the National appetite for Bogus Revelation Kermit L. Hall 1 Professional Sports Franchise Relocations From Private Law and Public Law
  1540. … Stimulants Amphetamines and other central nervous system (CNS) stimulants are often used to treat mild chronic depression, as appetite suppressants, and in the …
  1541. 877 The effects of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) on appetite (AP), weight (WT) and quality of life (QL) in advanced stage cancer
  1542. 200 ml) of equivalent sweetness. We have also monitored changes in measures of appetite motivation (visual analogue rating scales), which are sensitive to …
  1543. Physalaemin-like N-terminal fragments of mammalian tissues, PHLIP-7 and PHLIP-8 do not modify drinking behavior and sodium appetite in rats
  1544. Book Review: Chemical Senses, Volume 4: appetite and Nutrition
  1545. 4 ON THE CIVILIZING OF appetite
  1546. appetite control
  1547. Orexins and appetite regulation
  1548. Addiction as excessive appetite
  1549. Does option compensation increase managerial risk appetite?
  1550. Measuring investors’ risk appetite
  1551. Cross talk between physical activity and appetite control: does physical activity stimulate appetite?
  1552. Pharmacology of appetite suppression
  1553. appetite assessment: simple appetite questionnaire predicts weight loss in community-dwelling adults and nursing home residents
  1554. Memory and its role in appetite regulation
  1555. Neuropeptides and appetite control
  1556. Unweaving the rainbow: Science, delusion and the appetite for wonder
  1557. Fetal programming of appetite and obesity
  1558. Early origins of obesity: programming the appetite regulatory system
  1559. Insatiable appetite: the United States and the ecological degradation of the tropical world
  1560. Interacting appetite-regulating pathways in the hypothalamic regulation of body weight
  1561. appetite and inflammation, nutrition, anemia, and clinical outcome in hemodialysis patients
  1562. Gut hormones in the control of appetite
  1563. Oxyntomodulin suppresses appetite and reduces food intake in humans
  1564. Gut hormones and the control of appetite
  1565. The pharmacology of human appetite expression
  1566. The control of appetite: basic concepts and practical implications
  1567. A neurohistochemical blueprint for pain-induced loss of appetite
  1568. Ghrelin enhances appetite and increases food intake in humans.
  1569. The hippocampus and motivation revisited: appetite and activity
  1570. Effect on appetite control of minor cereal and pseudocereal products
  1571. Neural contributions to the motivational control of appetite in humans
  1572. Diacylglycerols affect substrate oxidation and appetite in humans
  1573. Calcium: taste, intake, and appetite
  1574. appetite regulation: from the gut to the hypothalamus
  1575. Fetal and perinatal programming of appetite
  1576. Deletion of ghrelin impairs neither growth nor appetite
  1577. appetite: measurement and manipulation misgivings
  1578. Brain regulation of food intake and appetite: molecules and networks
  1579. How palatable food disrupts appetite regulation
  1580. Pure contagion and investors’ shifting risk appetite: analytical issues and empirical evidence
  1581. Effects of exercise intensity on food intake and appetite in women
  1582. Roles for ghrelin in the regulation of appetite and body weight
  1583. Determinants of market-assessed sovereign risk: Economic fundamentals or market risk appetite?
  1584. Pancreatic polypeptide reduces appetite and food intake in humans
  1585. Effect of sensory perception of foods on appetite and food intake: a review of studies on humans
  1586. The willingness to eat: an investigation of appetite among elderly people
  1587. Palatability: response to nutritional need or need-free stimulation of appetite?
  1588. Salt appetite: a neurohormonal viewpoint
  1589. Reproducibility, power and validity of visual analogue scales in assessment of appetite sensations in single test meal studies
  1590. Assessing appetite in Dutch elderly with the appetite, Hunger and Sensory Perception (AHSP) questionnaire
  1591. appetite and cancer-associated anorexia: a review
  1592. Ageing and the neutrophil: no appetite for killing?
  1593. Effects of red pepper on appetite and energy intake
  1594. Is chronic nonmalignant pain associated with decreased appetite in older adults? Preliminary evidence
  1595. appetite sensations as a marker of overall intake
  1596. Exercise, appetite control, and energy balance
  1597. Anorectics on trial: a half century of federal regulation of prescription appetite suppressants
  1598. Endocannabinoids in the regulation of appetite and body weight
  1599. Stimulation of appetite by alcohol
  1600. Separate systems for serotonin and leptin in appetite control
  1601. Eating habits and appetite control in the elderly: the anorexia of aging
  1602. Programming of appetite and type 2 diabetes
  1603. Nicotinic receptor‐mediated effects on appetite and food intake
  1604. Taste and smell perception affect appetite and immunity in the elderly
  1605. Endogenous cannabinoids and appetite
  1606. Role of cholecystokinin in appetite control and body weight regulation
  1607. America’s changing appetite: Food consumption and spending to 2020
  1608. The gut hormone peptide YY regulates appetite
  1609. Effects of neuropeptide Y on appetite
  1610. … dose daily iron supplementation improves iron status and appetite but not anemia, whereas quarterly anthelminthic treatment improves growth, appetite and anemia in …
  1611. What does the risk-appetite index measure?
  1612. Stress may add bite to appetite in women: a laboratory study of stress-induced cortisol and eating behavior
  1613. Dose-dependent effects of alcohol on appetite and food intake
  1614. Self-reported appetite, hospitalization and death in haemodialysis patients: findings from the Hemodialysis (HEMO) Study
  1615. Animal models of programming: early life influences on appetite and feeding behaviour
  1616. Protein is more potent than carbohydrate for reducing appetite in rats
  1617. Sleep, appetite, and obesity—what is the link?
  1618. Changes in appetite, food preference, and eating habits in frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
  1619. The appetite‐suppressant effect of nicotine is enhanced by caffeine
  1620. Ghrelin increases energy intake in cancer patients with impaired appetite: acute, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
  1621. Tetrahydrocannabinol and endocannabinoids in feeding and appetite
  1622. The acquisition of an appetite
  1623. Anandamide administration into the ventromedial hypothalamus stimulates appetite in rats
  1624. Mechanisms of uremic suppression of appetite
  1625. A killer appetite: metabolic consequences of carnivory in marine mammals
  1626. Ghrelin is an appetite-stimulatory signal from stomach with structural resemblance to motilin
  1627. Pharmacokinetics, safety, and endocrine and appetite effects of ghrelin administration in young healthy subjects
  1628. The ability of habitual exercise to influence appetite and food intake in response to high-and low-energy preloads in man
  1629. Safety and mechanism of appetite suppression by a novel hydroxycitric acid extract (HCA-SX)
  1630. Relation between food intake and visual analogue scale ratings of appetite and other sensations in healthy older and young subjects
  1631. Acute appetite reduction associated with an increased frequency of eating in obese males
  1632. Fat in the intestine as a regulator of appetite—role of CCK
  1633. Energy intake and appetite are suppressed by glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) in obese men.
  1634. Ghrelin, appetite, and gastric motility: the emerging role of the stomach as an endocrine organ
  1635. Carbohydrates, appetite and feeding behavior in humans
  1636. Peptide YY and appetite control
  1637. Acute central ghrelin and GH secretagogues induce feeding and activate brain appetite centers
  1638. Ghrelin stimulation of growth hormone release and appetite is mediated through the growth hormone secretagogue receptor
  1639. Effect of a low-carbohydrate diet on appetite, blood glucose levels, and insulin resistance in obese patients with type 2 diabetes
  1640. Integrated control of appetite and fat metabolism by the leptin-proopiomelanocortin pathway
  1641. Blood glucose patterns and appetite in time-blinded humans: carbohydrate versus fat
  1642. Food choice, appetite and physical activity
  1643. Regulation of appetite: role of leptin in signalling systems for drive and satiety
  1644. appetite monitoring in the treatment of binge eating disorder
  1645. appetite after weight loss by energy restriction and a low-fat diet–exercise follow-up
  1646. Brief communication: sleep curtailment in healthy young men is associated with decreased leptin levels, elevated ghrelin levels, and increased hunger and appetite
  1647. Drug insight: appetite suppressants
  1648. Integration of endocannabinoid and leptin signaling in an appetite-related neural circuit
  1649. appetite at “high altitude”[Operation Everest III (Comex-’97)]: a simulated ascent of Mount Everest
  1650. Nicotine’s effect on hypothalamic neurotransmitters and appetite regulation
  1651. appetite of an epiphyte: quantitative monitoring of bacterial sugar consumption in the phyllosphere
  1652. Casein and whey exert different effects on plasma amino acid profiles, gastrointestinal hormone secretion and appetite
  1653. appetite suppression and weight reduction by a centrally active aminosterol
  1654. Peptide YY, appetite and food intake
  1655. Energy intake and appetite are related to antral area in healthy young and older subjects
  1656. appetite suppressants and valvular heart disease
  1657. Brain-gut axis in pancreatic secretion and appetite control.
  1658. Neural control of appetite: cross-talk between homeostatic and non-homeostatic systems
  1659. appetite regulation and seasonality: implications for obesity
  1660. Effect of feeding frequency on gastric evacuation and the return of appetite in tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.)
  1661. Changes in appetite related gut hormones in intensive care unit patients: a pilot cohort study
  1662. Pharmacology of appetite suppression: implication for the treatment of obesity
  1663. Effect of fish oil on appetite and other symptoms in patients with advanced cancer and anorexia/cachexia: a double‐blind, placebo‐controlled study
  1664. Eating habits and appetite control: a psychobiological perspective
  1665. A decrease in physical activity affects appetite, energy, and nutrient balance in lean men feeding ad libitum
  1666. Longitudinal study of weight, appetite, performance status, and inflammation in advanced gastrointestinal cancer
  1667. Effect of vanadium on insulin sensitivity and appetite
  1668. The effect of cholecystokinin in controlling appetite and food intake in humans
  1669. NPY and cohorts in regulating appetite, obesity and metabolic syndrome: beneficial effects of gene therapy
  1670. appetite regulation and energy balance
  1671. Loss of weight and loss of appetite in advanced cancer: a problem for the patient, the carer, or the health professional?
  1672. GCN2 whets the appetite for amino acids
  1673. Constitutive ghrelin receptor activity as a signaling set-point in appetite regulation
  1674. Greater appetite control associated with an increased frequency of eating in lean males
  1675. appetite dysfunction in obese males: evidence for role of hyperinsulinaemia in passive overconsumption with a high fat diet
  1676. Acute effects of a single exercise class on appetite, energy intake and mood. Is there a time of day effect?
  1677. Effects of different dietary fat types on postprandial appetite and energy expenditure
  1678. The effect of physiological levels of glucagon-like peptide-1 on appetite, gastric emptying, energy and substrate metabolism in obesity
  1679. Effect of short-term cigarette smoke exposure on body weight, appetite and brain neuropeptide Y in mice
  1680. Methylmercury accumulation in tissues and its effects on growth and appetite in captive great egrets
  1681. The extended amygdala and salt appetite
  1682. Comparison of the effects of a high-fat and high-carbohydrate soup delivered orally and intragastrically on gastric emptying, appetite, and eating behaviour
  1683. Effects of weekly administration of pegylated recombinant human OB protein on appetite profile and energy metabolism in obese men
  1684. What processes are involved in the appetite response to moderate increases in exercise-induced energy expenditure?
  1685. Endocannabinoids and food intake: newborn suckling and appetite regulation in adulthood
  1686. Influence of glycemic index/load on glycemic response, appetite, and food intake in healthy humans
  1687. Interactive effects of stress, dietary restraint, and disinhibition on appetite
  1688. … AGRICULTURAL POLICY RESEARCH IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: “New institutional economists are the blue-collar guys with a hearty appetite for reality.” Oliver …
  1689. Adventuring and belonging: An appetite for markets
  1690. … densities but rich in protein, fat, carbohydrate, or alcohol have different effects on energy expenditure and substrate metabolism but not on appetite and energy intake
  1691. A high-protein diet induces sustained reductions in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake, and body weight despite compensatory changes in diurnal plasma leptin and …
  1692. Effects of dietary intake, appetite, and eating habits on dialysis and non-dialysis treatment days in hemodialysis patients: cross-sectional results from the HEMO study
  1693. Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation in humans: effects on circulating leptin concentrations and appetite
  1694. Effects of fat digestion on appetite, APD motility, and gut hormones in response to duodenal fat infusion in humans
  1695. Leptin regulates appetite-related neuropeptides in the hypothalamus of developing rats without affecting food intake
  1696. Reduced appetite. A predictor for undernutrition in aged people.
  1697. Ghrelin stimulates appetite, imagination of food, GH, ACTH, and cortisol, but does not affect leptin in normal controls
  1698. Long‐term trial of cyproheptadine as an appetite stimulant in cystic fibrosis
  1699. Cultures of taste/theories of appetite: eating romanticism
  1700. Relation between appetite ratings before and after a standard meal and estimates of daily energy intake in obese and reduced obese individuals
  1701. Effects of intraduodenal fatty acids on appetite, antropyloroduodenal motility, and plasma CCK and GLP-1 in humans vary with their chain length
  1702. Rhetoric, Realism and Benefit‐Sharing: Use of Traditional Knowledge of Hoodia Species in the Development of an appetite Suppressant
  1703. Chocolate craving and hunger state: implications for the acquisition and expression of appetite and food choice
  1704. … -1 (CB-1) receptors in specific extrahypothalamic regions of rats with dietary obesity: a role for endogenous cannabinoids in driving appetite for palatable food?
  1705. Sex offending and sexual appetite: The clinical and theoretical relevance of hypersexual desire
  1706. Cyproheptadine is an effective appetite stimulant in cystic fibrosis
  1707. Loss of appetite: a poetic exploration of cancer patients’ and their carers’ experiences
  1708. Effect of lateral cerebroventricular injection of the appetite-stimulating neuropeptide, orexin and neuropeptide Y, on the various behavioral activities of rats
  1709. Children’s height, health and appetite influence mothers’ weaning decisions in rural Senegal
  1710. Impaired cholecystokinin secretion and disturbed appetite regulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
  1711. appetite suppressants and valvular heart disease–a systematic review
  1712. CRF-related peptides contribute to stress response and regulation of appetite in hypoxic rainbow trout
  1713. Cadmium for all meals–plants with an unusual appetite
  1714. Fetal programming of appetite by exposure to a maternal low-protein diet in the rat
  1715. Octane appetite studies in direct injection spark ignition (DISI) engines
  1716. Inulin-type fructans modulate gastrointestinal peptides involved in appetite regulation (glucagon-like peptide-1 and ghrelin) in rats
  1717. Eating behavior disorders in uremia: a question of balance in appetite regulation
  1718. appetite suppressants and valvular heart disease
  1719. Dopamine antagonists alter response allocation but do not suppress appetite for food in rats: contrast between the effects of SKF 83566, raclopride, and fenfluramine …
  1720. The effect of sibutramine on energy expenditure and appetite during chronic treatment without dietary restriction
  1721. Maternal smoking during pregnancy and appetite control in offspring
  1722. Repeated thermal therapy diminishes appetite loss and subjective complaints in mildly depressed patients
  1723. appetite-suppressing effects of urotensin I and corticotropin-releasing hormone in goldfish (Carassius auratus)
  1724. Actions of cocaine-and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptide on regulation of appetite and hypothalamo–pituitary axes in vitro and in vivo in male rats
  1725. High-fat diet effects on gut motility, hormone, and appetite responses to duodenal lipid in healthy men
  1726. Field study of dairy cows with reduced appetite in early lactation: clinical examinations, blood and rumen fluid analyses
  1727. The effects of miglitol on glucagon‐like peptide‐1 secretion and appetite sensations in obese type 2 diabetics
  1728. Stimulation of appetite by ghrelin is regulated by leptin restraint: peripheral and central sites of action
  1729. Effect of sucrose and safflower oil preloads on short term appetite and food intake of young men
  1730. Overlapping and interactive pathways regulating appetite and craving
  1731. Induction of a salt appetite alters dendritic morphology in nucleus accumbens and sensitizes rats to amphetamine
  1732. Somatostatin infusion lowers plasma ghrelin without reducing appetite in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome
  1733. Effect of habitual dietary-protein intake on appetite and satiety
  1734. Effect of conjugated linoleic acid supplementation after weight loss on appetite and food intake in overweight subjects
  1735. The GAIN (Geriatric Anorexia Nutrition) registry: the impact of appetite and weight on mortality in a long-term care population.
  1736. Stimulating appetite
  1737. Prokinetic agents in childen with poor appetite
  1738. Olfactory stimulation with scent of grapefruit oil affects autonomic nerves, lipolysis and appetite in rats
  1739. Palatability-dependent appetite and benzodiazepines: new directions from the pharmacology of GABAA receptor subtypes
  1740. Olfactory stimulation with scent of lavender oil affects autonomic nerves, lipolysis and appetite in rats
  1741. Effects of small-intestinal fat and carbohydrate infusions on appetite and food intake in obese and nonobese men
  1742. … inhibits food intake without affecting the secretion of hormones from the pituitary gland: evidence for a dissociation of effects on appetite and neuroendocrine function
  1743. Description and evaluation of a Newton-based electronic appetite rating system for temporal tracking of appetite in human subjects
  1744. Disturbed appetite patterns and nutrient intake in peritoneal dialysis patients
  1745. Standards, options and recommendations for the use of appetite stimulants in oncology (2000)
  1746. appetite, food intake, and plasma concentrations of cholecystokinin, ghrelin, and other gastrointestinal hormones in undernourished older women and well-nourished …
  1747. Seasonal changes of metabolism and appetite in Soay rams
  1748. Regulation of appetite in chronic renal failure
  1749. Water deprivation-induced sodium appetite: humoral and cardiovascular mediators and immediate early genes
  1750. Orexins (hypocretins): their role in appetite and arousal.
  1751. Moderate physical activity permits acute coupling between serum leptin and appetite–satiety measures in obese women
  1752. Sodium appetite and Fos activation in serotonergic neurons
  1753. … of life and stimulation of weight gain after treatment with megestrol acetate: correlation between cytokine levels and nutritional status, appetite in geriatric patients with …
  1754. Smell, taste, texture, and temperature multimodal representations in the brain, and their relevance to the control of appetite
  1755. Correlates of poor appetite among hemodialysis patients
  1756. Ghrelin, a novel growth-hormone-releasing and appetite-stimulating peptide from stomach
  1757. Overview of central targets for appetite regulation
  1758. Dissecting the role of cocaine-and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) in the control of appetite
  1759. Feeding the imperial appetite: imperial knowledge and Anglo-Indian discourse
  1760. In utero development of fetal thirst and appetite: potential for programming
  1761. Metabotropic glutamate receptor mGlu5 is a mediator of appetite and energy balance in rats and mice
  1762. The effect of temperature on digestive and assimilation efficiency, gut passage time and appetite in an ambush foraging lizard, Cordylus melanotus melanotus
  1763. Roles of brain angiotensins II and III in thirst and sodium appetite
  1764. Serotonin (5-HT) drugs: effects on appetite expression and use for the treatment of obesity
  1765. Short-term appetite and energy intake following imposed exercise in 9-to 10-year-old girls
  1766. Altered subjective appetite parameters in Crohn’s disease patients
  1767. appetite control and reproduction: leptin and beyond
  1768. appetite-suppressing effects of ammonia exposure in rainbow trout associated with regional and temporal activation of brain monoaminergic and CRF systems
  1769. Behavior, appetite, and urinary cortisol responses by adult female pigtailed macaques to cage size, cage level, room change, and ketamine sedation
  1770. Reciprocal cross-sensitization between amphetamine and salt appetite
  1771. Mimetic appetite for marriage in nineteenth-century Flanders: Gender disadvantage as an incentive for social change
  1772. Effect of dietary supplements and physical exercise on sensory perception, appetite, dietary intake and body weight in frail elderly subjects
  1773. Biology of appetite and weight regulation
  1774. appetite suppressants as agonist substitution therapies for stimulant dependence
  1775. Cachexia in chronic kidney disease: a link to defective central nervous system control of appetite
  1776. Social and cultural perspectives on hunger, appetite and satiety
  1777. appetite is not influenced by a unique milk peptide: caseinomacropeptide (CMP)
  1778. Effect of small intestinal nutrient infusion on appetite, gastrointestinal hormone release, and gastric myoelectrical activity in young and older men
  1779. High and low carbohydrate and fat intakes: limits imposed by appetite and palatability and their implications for energy balance
  1780. The actual, but not labelled, fat content of a soup preload alters short-term appetite in healthy men
  1781. The effects of megestrol acetate suspension for elderly patients with reduced appetite after hospitalization: a phase II randomized clinical trial
  1782. The role of neuropeptides in the disturbed control of appetite and hormone secretion in eating disorders
  1783. appetite-inducing accumbens manipulation activates hypothalamic orexin neurons and inhibits POMC neurons
  1784. The effect of addition of modified guar gum to a low-energy semisolid meal on appetite and body weight loss
  1785. Effects of lipopolysaccharide treatment on feeding of goldfish: role of appetite-regulating peptides
  1786. Plato’s division of reason and appetite
  1787. Effects of manipulated palatability on appetite depend on restraint and disinhibition scores from the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire
  1788. Diabetes disease stage predicts weight loss outcomes with long‐term appetite suppressants
  1789. appetite regulatory neuropeptides are expressed in the sheep hypothalamus before birth
  1790. Evidence for the existence of distinct central appetite, energy expenditure, and ghrelin stimulation pathways as revealed by hypothalamic site-specific leptin gene …
  1791. Lack of association between plasma leptin levels and appetite in children with iron deficiency
  1792. appetite appeal
  1793. Tyrosine improves appetite, cognition, and exercise tolerance in activity anorexia.
  1794. Dose-related effects of lauric acid on antropyloroduodenal motility, gastrointestinal hormone release, appetite, and energy intake in healthy men
  1795. A spermine-coupled cholesterol metabolite from the shark with potent appetite suppressant and antidiabetic properties
  1796. Separation of conjoined hormones yields appetite rivals
  1797. Hindbrain serotonin and the rapid induction of sodium appetite
  1798. Increased salt appetite in patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia 21-hydroxylase deficiency
  1799. The cannabinoids: an overview. Therapeutic implications in vomiting and nausea after cancer chemotherapy, in appetite promotion, in multiple sclerosis and in …
  1800. Effects of subfornical organ lesions on acutely induced thirst and salt appetite
  1801. The eating disorders medicine cabinet revisited: A clinician’s guide to appetite suppressants and diuretics
  1802. appetite suppression based on selective inhibition of NPY receptors
  1803. Heart valve disorders and appetite-suppressant drugs
  1804. Comparison of oral and gastric administration of sucrose and maltose on gastric emptying rate and appetite
  1805. Effect of adrenocorticotrophic hormone on sodium appetite in mice
  1806. Eating and appetite: Common problems and practical remedies
  1807. Administering the” AHSP Questionnaire”(appetite, hunger, sensory perception) in a geriatric rehabilitation care.
  1808. Dissociation of the effects of preload volume and energy content on subjective appetite and food intake
  1809. Dose-dependent effects of central leptin gene therapy on genes that regulate body weight and appetite in the hypothalamus
  1810. appetite suppressants and valvular heart disease in a population-based sample: the HyperGEN study
  1811. Endocannabinoids and food consumption: comparisons with benzodiazepine and opioid palatability-dependent appetite
  1812. Delayed onset of pulmonary hypertension associated with an appetite suppressant, mazindol-A case report
  1813. NPY—an endearing journey in search of a neurochemical on/off switch for appetite, sex and reproduction
  1814. A role for agouti-related protein in appetite regulation in a species with continuous nutrient delivery
  1815. Interaction between GLP-1 and CCK-33 in inhibiting food intake and appetite in men
  1816. Failure to reduce short-term appetite following alcohol is independent of beliefs about the presence of alcohol
  1817. Outdoor pigs-their nutrient requirements, appetite and environmental responses.
  1818. Photoperiod effects on gene expression for hypothalamic appetite-regulating peptides and food intake in the ram
  1819. The effects of enteral tube feeding and parenteral nutrition on appetite sensations and food intake in health and disease
  1820. Food habits and appetite of elderly women at the time of a femoral neck fracture and after nutritional and anabolic support
  1821. Cytokines and appetite
  1822. The soybean β-conglycinin β 51–63 fragment suppresses appetite by stimulating cholecystokinin release in rats
  1823. … of glucose infusion on the structural and functional characteristics of adipose tissue and on hypothalamic gene expression for appetite regulatory neuropeptides in the …
  1824. appetite and blood glucose profiles in humans after glycogen-depleting exercise
  1825. Effects of intraduodenal glucose and fructose on antropyloric motility and appetite in healthy humans
  1826. Regulation of appetite in frail persons
  1827. Agreement between weekly vs. daily assessment of appetite
  1828. The psychopharmacology of appetite: targets for potential anti-obesity agents
  1829. Experiential effects of appetitive and nonappetitive odors on feeding behavior in the blowfly, Phormia regina: a putative role for tyramine in appetite regulation
  1830. Short-term effects of sibutramine (ReductilTM) on appetite and eating behaviour and the long-term therapeutic outcome
  1831. Cholinergic modulation of appetite-related synapses in mouse lateral hypothalamic slice
  1832. Influence of dietary carbohydrates and glycaemic response on subjective appetite and food intake in healthy elderly persons
  1833. Neuropeptide Y restores appetite and alters concentrations of GH after central administration to endotoxic sheep
  1834. Chronic MCH-1 receptor modulation alters appetite, body weight and adiposity in rats
  1835. Free‐choice alcohol consumption in mice after application of the appetite regulating peptide leptin
  1836. appetite and the subjectivity of nestling hunger
  1837. Short-term continuous enteral tube feeding schedules did not suppress appetite and food intake in healthy men in a placebo-controlled trial
  1838. appetite, desire and belonging in the novels of Rose Tremain
  1839. Ghrelin plasma levels and appetite in peritoneal dialysis patients.
  1840. Motivating operations in appetite research
  1841. Self-reported measures of appetite in relation to verbal cues about many foods
  1842. Roles of aldosterone and angiotensin in maturation of sodium appetite in furosemide-treated rats
  1843. Glycemic, hormone, and appetite responses to monosaccharide ingestion in patients with type 2 diabetes
  1844. appetite-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of binge eating with purging
  1845. Inhibition of appetite by nasal leptin administration in rats
  1846. Intellective appetite and the freedom of human action
  1847. Forebrain circumventricular organs mediate salt appetite induced by intravenous angiotensin II in rats
  1848. Macronutrients and appetite control with implications for the nutritional management of the malnourished
  1849. Multivitamin-multimineral and iron supplementation did not improve appetite of young stunted and anemic Beninese children
  1850. Open ears, appetite, and adultery in a woman killed with kindness
  1851. Links between the appetite regulating systems and the neuroendocrine hypothalamus: lessons from the sheep
  1852. Identicide and cultural cannibalism: Warfare’s appetite for symbolic place
  1853. Hormonal regulation of appetite and body mass in patients with advanced prostate cancer treated with combined androgen blockade
  1854. Effects of an exercise and scheduled-toileting intervention on appetite and constipation in nursing home residents.
  1855. The inhibitory effect of hormones associated with stress on Na appetite of sheep
  1856. Continuous subcutaneous infusion of glucagon-like peptide 1 lowers plasma glucose and reduces appetite in type 2 diabetic patients.
  1857. Benchmark index of risk appetite
  1858. Salt appetite in salt-replete rats: involvement of mesolimbic structures in deoxycorticosterone-induced salt craving behavior
  1859. Changes in appetite and body weight in response to long-term oral administration of the ghrelin agonist GHRP-2 in growth hormone deficient children
  1860. Acute effects of peritoneal dialysis solutions on appetite in non-uremic rats
  1861. A novel technique to demonstrate disturbed appetite profiles in haemodialysis patients
  1862. Dipsogenic stimulation in ibotenic DRN-lesioned rats induces concomitant sodium appetite
  1863. Thirst and salt appetite responses in young and old Brown Norway rats
  1864. Long-term suppression of weight gain, adiposity, and serum insulin by central leptin gene therapy in prepubertal rats: effects on serum ghrelin and appetite
  1865. Effects of age on concentrations of plasma cholecystokinin, glucagon-like peptide 1, and peptide YY and their relation to appetite and pyloric motility
  1866. Serotonergic mechanisms of the lateral parabrachial nucleus and cholinergic-induced sodium appetite
  1867. Activation of the retinoid X receptor suppresses appetite in the rat
  1868. Circulating angiotensin II mediates sodium appetite in adrenalectomized rats
  1869. Effects of cholecystokinin on appetite and pyloric motility during physiological hyperglycemia
  1870. Aquaculture: satisfying the global appetite.
  1871. Test-meal palatability alters the effects of intragastric fat but not carbohydrate preloads on intake and rated appetite in healthy volunteers
  1872. Amiloride-sensitive sodium signals and salt appetite: multiple gustatory pathways
  1873. Relationships of ratings of appetite to food intake in healthy older men and women
  1874. Evaluation of interactions between CCK and GLP-1 in their effects on appetite, energy intake, and antropyloroduodenal motility in healthy men
  1875. Effect of monosodium glutamate given orally on appetite control (a new theory for the obesity epidemic)
  1876. Dopamine appetite and cognitive impairment in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
  1877. A psychobiological system approach to appetite and weight control
  1878. Characterizing global investors’ risk appetite for emerging market debt during financial crises
  1879. Brain vasopressin and sodium appetite
  1880. The effect of guar gum addition to a semisolid meal on appetite related to blood glucose, in dieting men
  1881. Effect of electrolytic lesion of the dorsal raphe nucleus on water intake and sodium appetite
  1882. … of neuropeptide Y and pro‐opiomelanocortin mRNA in the arcuate nucleus of the ovariectomized ewe: relationship to the seasonal appetite and breeding cycles
  1883. Furosemide, sodium appetite, and ingestive behavior
  1884. Neuron-specific expression of human angiotensinogen in brain causes increased salt appetite
  1885. Synergy between angiotensin and aldosterone in evoking sodium appetite in baboons
  1886. Novel therapeutic targets for appetite regulation.
  1887. Synthesis of tetrahydronaphthyl thioureas as potent appetite suppressants
  1888. Standards, Options and Recommendations (SOR) for the use of appetite stimulants in oncology
  1889. The effect of propofol administered intravenously on appetite stimulation in dogs
  1890. Effects of glucose supplementation on gastric emptying, blood glucose homeostasis, and appetite in the elderly
  1891. Parietal ERP activity and appetite
  1892. Estradiol and appetite.
  1893. Rapid induction of sodium appetite modifies taste-evoked activity in the rat nucleus of the solitary tract
  1894. Thermal dependence of appetite and digestive rate in the flat lizard, Platysaurus intermedius wilhelmi
  1895. The orexins/hypocretins: hypothalamic peptides linked to sleep and appetite
  1896. Effects of a sweet and a nonsweet lunch on short‐term appetite: differences in female high and low consumers of sweet/low‐energy beverages
  1897. Thirst and salt appetite elicited by hypovolemia in rats with chronic lesions of the nucleus of the solitary tract
  1898. Effect of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors on short-term appetite and food intake in humans
  1899. The effect of acute hyperglycaemia on appetite and food intake in type 1 diabetes mellitus
  1900. Salt appetite and the renin-angiotensin system: effect of oxytocin deficiency
  1901. Risk appetite, home bias and the unstable demand for emerging market assets
  1902. Effect of contingent hunger state on development of appetite for a novel fruit snack
  1903. Electrical signaling in central orexin/hypocretin circuits: tuning arousal and appetite to fit the environment
  1904. Family-perceived distress about appetite loss and bronchial secretion in the terminal phase
  1905. Changes in Fos expression in various brain regions during deoxycorticosterone acetate treatment: relation to salt appetite, vasopressin mRNA and the …
  1906. Effects of a lipase inhibitor (Orlistat) on cholecystokinin and appetite in response to a high-fat meal
  1907. Co-occurrence of disturbed sleep and appetite loss differentiates between unipolar and bipolar depressive episodes
  1908. Substituted propanolamines and alkylamines derived from fluoxetine as potent appetite suppressants
  1909. Amphetamine, an appetite suppressant, decreases neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity in rat hypothalamic paraventriculum
  1910. How appetite is controlled
  1911. Effects of nutritional status and gonadal steroids on expression of appetite-regulatory genes in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus of sheep
  1912. Sodium chloride supplements increase the salt appetite and reduce stereotypies in confined cattle
  1913. Effects of oral fructose and glucose on plasma GLP-1 and appetite in normal subjects
  1914. Does perinatal ω‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acid deficiency increase appetite signaling?
  1915. Circulating concentrations of” free” leptin in relation to fat mass and appetite in gastrointestinal cancer patients
  1916. Chronic excitotoxic lesion of the dorsal raphe nucleus induces sodium appetite
  1917. Short-term effect of a protein load on appetite and food intake in diseased mildly undernourished elderly people
  1918. Magnesium appetite in the rat
  1919. Metabolic and appetite responses to prolonged walking under three isoenergetic diets
  1920. Effects of dietary fat and carbohydrate on appetite vary depending upon site and structure
  1921. Effects of SFO lesions on salt appetite during multiple sodium depletions
  1922. Effect of brain serotoninergic stimulation on sodium appetite of euthyroid and hypothyroid rats
  1923. Leptin and appetite control in lipodystrophy
  1924. No effect of physiological concentrations of glucagon-like peptide-2 on appetite and energy intake in normal weight subjects
  1925. Reduced appetite for caffeine in adenosine A2A receptor knockout mice
  1926. Salt appetite of adrenalectomized rats after a lesion of the SFO
  1927. Rats exhibit aldosterone‐dependent sodium appetite during 24 h hindlimb unloading
  1928. Further evidence for the mediation of both subtypes of dopamine D1/D2 receptors and cerebral neuropeptide Y (NPY) in amphetamine-induced appetite suppression
  1929. Effects of forebrain circumventricular organ ablation on drinking or salt appetite after sodium depletion or hypernatremia
  1930. Pufferfish and zebrafish have five distinct NPY receptor subtypes, but have lost appetite receptors Y1 and Y5
  1931. Oral supplements differing in fat and carbohydrate content: effect on the appetite and food intake of undernourished elderly patients
  1932. appetite of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) naturally infected with bacterial kidney disease
  1933. Control of obesity through the regulation of appetite
  1934. Brain serotonin depletion enhances the sodium appetite induced by sodium depletion or beta-adrenergic stimulation
  1935. Reduced sodium appetite and increased oxytocin gene expression in mutant mice lacking β-endorphin
  1936. The gastrointestinal tract and the regulation of appetite
  1937. Improved appetite of pregnant rats and increased birth weight of newborns following feeding with probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and L. fermentum RC …
  1938. Induction of a phosphate appetite in adult male and female rats
  1939. Increasing preload volume with water reduces rated appetite but not food intake in healthy men even with minimum delay between preload and test meal
  1940. Effects of multivitamin–multimineral supplementation on appetite of stunted young Beninese children
  1941. Effect of 3 modified fats and a conventional fat on appetite, energy intake, energy expenditure, and substrate oxidation in healthy men
  1942. Inhibition of salt appetite in rats by central oxytocin
  1943. Filling Fare: The appetite for Current Issues and Traditional Forms in the Repertory of the Chamberlain’s Men
  1944. Serving meals of reduced portion size did not improve appetite among elderly in a personal-care section of a long-term-care community
  1945. Amiloride-sensitive signals and NaCl preference and appetite: a lick-rate analysis
  1946. Oxandrolone restores appetite
  1947. Evidence of a role for neuropeptide Y and monoamines in mediating the appetite-suppressive effect of GH
  1948. Dynamics of appetite in three fish species (Gasterosteus aculeatus, Phoxinus phoxinus and Carassius auratus gibelio) after feed deprivation
  1949. Growth, feed utilisation, appetite and health in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed a new type of high lipid fish meal, Sea Grain®, processed from various pelagic …
  1950. Glucocorticoid-dependent stimulation of adiposity and appetite by a ghrelin mimetic in the rat
  1951. Visualization and system dynamics modeling of the global appetite for protein
  1952. NPY: a novel on/off switch for control of appetite and reproduction
  1953. Physiology of appetite and feeding behavior: introduction
  1954. Physiological determinants of weight and appetite control
  1955. appetite and inflight catering
  1956. The impact of nutritional support on appetite and food intake
  1957. Influence of a combination of herbs on appetite suppression and weight loss in rats
  1958. Assessment of hunger and appetite and their relationship to food intake in persons with HIV infection
  1959. Agouti‐related protein: appetite or reward?
  1960. Sodium deficiency and salt appetite in ICR: CD1 mice
  1961. Roles for ghrelin in the regulation of appetite and body weight
  1962. European withdrawal of appetite suppressants
  1963. Nutrition, appetite control and disease.
  1964. Circumventricular organs and ANG II-induced salt appetite: blood pressure and connectivity
  1965. appetite-boosting property of pro-melanin-concentrating hormone131–165 (neuropeptide-glutamic acid-isoleucine) is associated with proteolytic resistance
  1966. Changes of hypothalamic and plasma vasopressin in rats with deoxycorticosterone-acetate induced salt appetite
  1967. Labs fail to reproduce protein’s appetite-suppressing effects
  1968. Leptin gene expression and serum leptin levels in zinc deficiency: implications for appetite regulation in rats
  1969. Photoperiodic entrainment of seasonal changes in the appetite, feeding behaviour, growth rate and pelage of pony colts
  1970. appetite sensations and eating behaviors to complete fasting in obese and non-obese individuals
  1971. Immunomanipulation of appetite and body temperature through the functional mimicry of leptin
  1972. Greek appetite and Its Discontents
  1973. Sugar triggers our reward-system. Sweets release opiates which stimulates the appetite for sucrose–insulin can depress it
  1974. Intraventricular neuropeptide Y decreases need-induced sodium appetite and increases pica in rats.
  1975. Regulation of appetite and the management of obesity
  1976. New data on appetite-suppressing peptide challenge critics
  1977. Circannual rhythms of appetite and ecdysis in the elapid snake, Hemachatus haemachatus, appear to be endogenous
  1978. Evaluation of food intake in hemodialysis using a food consumption and appetite questionnaire
  1979. appetite regulatory peptides in Indian Antarctic expeditioners
  1980. Effects of hypotension and fluid depletion on central angiotensin-induced thirst and salt appetite
  1981. Involvement of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y in regulating the amphetamine-induced appetite suppression in streptozotocin diabetic rats
  1982. Toluene alters appetite, NPY, and galanin immunostaining in the rat hypothalamus
  1983. Beverages, appetite, and energy balance
  1984. Hypothalamic appetite-regulating neuropeptide mRNA levels in cachectic nude mice bearing human tumor cells
  1985. An appropriate tool for appetite testing and evaluation in young children in Benin
  1986. The serotonergic appetite suppressant fenfluramine: Reappraisal and rejection
  1987. appetite-suppressing drugs and valvular heart disease.
  1988. Glucagon-like peptide-1, satiety and appetite control
  1989. Mathematics that whets the appetite: Student-posed project problems
  1990. The effects of milk proteins on the regulation of short-term food intake and appetite in young men
  1991. Neuroendocrine regulation of appetite and energy balance
  1992. Signals that control central appetite regulation
  1993. appetite for nicotine: an economic analysis of tobacco control in Bangladesh
  1994. Medicinal Marijuana: A Legitimate appetite Stimulant?
  1995. Unlearned appetite controls: Watersnakes (Nerodia) take smaller meals when they have the choice.
  1996. Megestrol acetate promotes euglycemia and appetite in a child with persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy
  1997. Valve replacement for appetite suppressant–induced valvular heart disease
  1998. Transcriptional involvement of protein kinase C‐alpha isozyme in amphetamine‐mediated appetite suppression
  1999. Nutrition: Subclinical rumen acidosis as a cause of reduced appetite in newly calved dairy cows in Denmark: Results of a poll among Danish dairy practitioners
  2000. Taste Acquisition and appetite Control.
  2001. Exogenous adrenocorticotrophic hormone does not elicit a salt appetite in growing pigs
  2002. William Cowper and the” Taste of Critic appetite
  2003. The effect of increasing the salt intake of pregnant dairy cows on the salt appetite and growth of their calves
  2004. “Thus only in a dream”: appetite in Christina Rossetti’s Poetry
  2005. A light diet for a giant appetite: An assessment of China’s fluorescent lamp standard
  2006. Effects of the Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor NG-Nitro-L-Arginine Methyl Ester (L-NAME) on Antropyloroduodenal Motility and appetite in Response to Intraduodenal …
  2007. Energy intake, appetite and body mass in infancy
  2008. Therapeutic cannabis (marijuana) as an antiemetic and appetite stimulant in persons with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
  2009. Role of leptin and its receptor in the regulation of appetite and body fat
  2010. Politics and the media: a loss of political appetite?
  2011. Orexin, sleep and appetite regulation: a review
  2012. 1. appetite suppressant activity of supplemental dietary amino acids and subsequent compensatory growth of broilers
  2013. Fat digestion and its role in appetite regulation and energy balance-The importance of enterostatin and tetrahydrolipstatin
  2014. Interactions among physical activity, food choice, and appetite control: health messages in physical activity and diet
  2015. The future of research on thirst and salt appetite
  2016. Oral, gastric and intestinal influences on the control of appetite and feeding in humans
  2017. AT1 receptor blockade with losartan during gestation in Wistar rats leads to an increase in thirst and sodium appetite in their adult female offspring
  2018. Effects of exogenous corticotropin-releasing factor on antropyloroduodenal motility and appetite in humans
  2019. The role of specific olfactory stimulation in appetite suppression and weight loss
  2020. Investigation into the role of cephalic stimulation of acid secretion on gastric emptying and appetite following a soup meal using the gastric acid inhibitor omeprazole
  2021. China’s growing appetite for minerals
  2022. There is an appetite for Religious Studies: Religious Education in the Public Domain
  2023. Neurobiology of sodium appetite
  2024. Immunohistochemical and genomic evidence for the involvement of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) in phenylpropranolamine-mediated appetite suppression
  2025. Diet, monoamine neurotransmitters and appetite control
  2026. Ageing subjects, agentic bodies: appetite, modernity and the middle class in two Indian short stories in English
  2027. Bessie Smith: upsetting the American appetite
  2028. Lesions of the subfornical organ decrease the calcium appetite of calcium-deprived rats
  2029. Regulation of appetite, satiety and energy metabolism.
  2030. Lesions of the ventral tegmental area disrupt drug-induced appetite stimulating effects but spare reward comparison
  2031. The Hungry Soul: Sacramental appetite and the Transformation of Taste in Early American Travel Writing
  2032. Photoperiodic control of seasonal breeding and appetite in the emu
  2033. Acute effect of dietary proteins on appetite, energy intake and glycemic response in overweight men.
  2034. Effects of bile duct ligation and captopril on salt appetite and renin–aldosterone axis in rats
  2035. Regulation of appetite by melanocortin and its receptors
  2036. Gender differences in experienced pain, mood, energy, appetite, and sleep by cancer patients in palliative care
  2037. appetite downer awaits approval
  2038. Laparophobia: a cognitive perspective on appetite control in anorexia nervosa
  2039. Carbohydrates and appetite control
  2040. Leptin and other appetite suppressants
  2041. Cerebral Na concentration, Na appetite and thirst of sheep: influence of somatostatin and losartan
  2042. Overview: appetite for risk lifts markets
  2043. Deoxynivalenol in pigs: An exclusive effect on the appetite?
  2044. Chemosensory Impairment and appetite Commentary on” Impaired Sensory Functioning in Elders: The Relation With Its Potential Determinants and Nutritional …
  2045. Emesis, appetite, and endocannabinoids
  2046. Efficacy of olfactory, tactile and other food stimuli in the acquisition and manifestation of appetite in rats (first published in French in 1959)
  2047. The NMR-derived conformation of orexin-A: an orphan G-protein coupled receptor agonist involved in appetite regulation and sleep
  2048. Aetiology of obesity VI: appetite control, physiological factors.
  2049. appetite and parasite.
  2050. … predecessor. One key reason: Bush’s controversies have involved policy rather than personal peccadilloes, and the media have a much bigger appetite for the latter …
  2051. Loss of appetite and weight
  2052. A longitudinal study of leptin and appetite, resting energy expenditure and body fat mass in weight-stable cancer patients
  2053. appetite suppressants and heart valve disorders
  2054. Aging and appetite: social and physiological approaches in the elderly
  2055. appetite regulation and pancreas.
  2056. Influence of dietary energy level on stomach emptying and appetite revival rates in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
  2057. Heart valve lesions in patients treated with appetite suppressants
  2058. appetite: food as metaphor: an anthology of women poets
  2059. Effect of losartan on sodium appetite of hypothyroid rats subjected to water and sodium depletion and water, sodium and food deprivation
  2060. Effects of the duration of pre-and postprandial fasting on the acquisition of appetite (first published in French in 1957)
  2061. Book Review: A Sociologyof Food and Nutrition–the Social appetite
  2062. A novel method for induction of salt appetite in rats
  2063. Effects of high dietary protein and high energy density on gastric evacuation and return of appetite in the Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
  2064. Using garlic as an appetite stimulant in sand tiger sharks (Carcharias taurus)
  2065. Megestrol acetate to correct the nutritional status in an adolescent with growth hormone deficiency: Increase of appetite and body weight but only by increase of body …
  2066. appetite suppressants and cardiac valvulopathy. Current clinical perspectives.
  2067. The New Woman’s New appetite: Cooking, Eating and Feeding in Sarah Grand’s New Woman Fiction
  2068. Sodium appetite induced in rats by chronic administration of a thiazide diuretic
  2069. Whetting the appetite: Introducing critical care nursing at an undergraduate level
  2070. appetite for detection
  2071. Sweetness, appetite, and energy intake: physiological aspects
  2072. Animal appetite
  2073. appetite of Spodopter litura Larvae Infected by Ovomermis sinensis
  2074. appetite for destruction
  2075. Room to Grow: an appetite for Life
  2076. An appetite
  2077. Assessment of appetite and nutritional status in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy: A prospective study
  2078. Interaction between brain L-type calcium channels and α2-adrenoceptors in the inhibition of sodium appetite
  2079. Peptide shows potential as an appetite suppressant
  2080. Investigation of the physiological mechanisms regulating appetite and food intake humans
  2081. Central nervous system stimulants, drugs that suppress appetite, and drugs used in Alzheimer’s disease
  2082. appetite for information in the hobby of cooking
  2083. Thirst and water-salt appetite.
  2084. Diabetes disease stage predicts weight loss outcomes with long-term appetite suppressants
  2085. Pure Contagion and Investors Shifting Risk appetite: Analytical Issues and Empirical Evidence
  2086. Effects of spicy soup with red pepper on body temperature, blood pressure, appetite and energy intake
  2087. Taste representation in the human cortex and the central control of appetite
  2088. Performance status, global quality of life, fatigue, and appetite loss are correlated with serum TGFa and IL-6 in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (MCC)
  2089. Australian stapled listed property trusts: meeting investors’ appetite for growth.
  2090. America’S Changing appetite: Food Consumption And Spending To 2020
  2091. Delayed gastric emptying in children with poor appetite
  2092. Carbohydrate and fat-based appetite control mechanisms
  2093. Where appetite Directs”: Tragic Heroism’s Recovery in Rochester’s” Valentinian
  2094. The Role of Brain‐Gut Peptides in the Control of Sodium appetite
  2095. Effects of postprandial administration of insulin on food intake by the white rat and the mechanism of appetite for energy (first published in French in 1956)
  2096. Dietary interactions influencing feed intake, nutrient utilisation and appetite regulation in the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
  2097. Effects of dietary carbohydrate level on gastric evacuation and return of appetite in the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
  2098. appetite for integration: interdisciplinary careers for interdisciplinary areas.
  2099. Feeding culture: the pleasures and perils of appetite
  2100. A new polyamine derivative, a structural analog of spermine, with in vivo activity as an inhibitor of ethanol appetite
  2101. appetite, food intake and ageing: The role of the gut
  2102. The role of orexines in appetite regulation
  2103. Micronutrient supplementation of young stunted Beninese children: effects on appetite and growth performance
  2104. appetite regulation-does it exist?
  2105. Children with Prader-Willi syndrome and primary obesity: A comparison of appetite and psychosocial profiles
  2106. Aging & appetite
  2107. The Catnip and the Amaranth: Melville’s Struggle with the “Ever-Encroaching appetite for God”
  2108. The use of X-radiography for the return of appetite measurements in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792)
  2109. An appetite for death
  2110. Gut feelings about appetite
  2111. Characterizing Global Investors’ Risk appetite for Emerging Market Debt During Financial Crises
  2112. Sodium preference and appetite in rats in an operant protocol
  2113. An Ounce of Prevention Enough to Stem Asia’s appetite for Rice? Bt Rice Conference Report–Hangzhou, PRC, 27 Nov-1 Dec 2000–The Emperor takes his people as …
  2114. appetite for life: Inspiring stories of recovery from anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive overeating
  2115. Effect of chronic oral administration of a low dose of captopril on sodium appetite of hypothyroid rats: Influence of aldosterone treatment
  2116. Satiation time and appetite revival of Coccinella septempunctata L. (Col., Coccinellidae), a predator of Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. (Hom., Aphididae)
  2117. Unlimited appetite.
  2118. Attention Deficit Hyperacttvity Disorder Treatment, appetite Changes and Growth
  2119. Risk appetite
  2120. Endocannabinoids: novel lipid mediators in the neural control of appetite
  2121. Is there such a thing as a healthy appetite?
  2122. Creating an appetite for Change: Leaders’ Perspectives on Promoting K-16 Reform through Community Collaboration.
  2123. Role of taste and appetite in body weight regulation.
  2124. Unopposed appetite (orexigenic) mechanisms in the near-term ovine fetus: central leptin does not inhibit sucrose ingestion
  2125. Plants with appetite
  2126. Cannabinoids in appetite and obesity
  2127. Fetal programming of appetite for macronutrients and obesity
  2128. An Insatiable appetite for News: Isabella d’Este and a Bolognese Correspondent
  2129. World appetite for Tuna Threatens Supply
  2130. Ginseng threatened by Bambi’s appetite
  2131. Central nervous system stimulants and drugs that suppress appetite
  2132. A paradoxical diurnal movement pattern in obese subjects with type 2 diabetes: a contributor to impaired appetite and glycemic control?
  2133. BEHAVIOUR, WELFARE, HUSBANDRY AND ENVIRONMENT Use of colour cue to determine the appetite of laying hens for methionine in drinking water
  2134. Dairy foods or fractions for appetite and weight control
  2135. Primitive Masculinity/” Sophisticated” Stomach: Gender, appetite, and Power in the Novels of Ian Fleming
  2136. Leptin and cytolines: Actions and interactions in fever and appetite control
  2137. Perceived appetite and appetite-related hormones following 12 weeks of aerobic or
  2138. Effects of dietary protein type on energy intake and appetite regulatory hormones.
  2139. Peptides are opening the door for novel treatments of obesity and loss of appetite
  2140. Fresh molecule whets appetite
  2141. How to quell the great American appetite.(Editor’s Note)
  2142. Leptin and its company (molecular mechanisms of appetite regulation, energy consumption and fat deposits).
  2143. The CRF peptide family in appetite regulation and energy balance
  2144. Novel pharmacologic form of ondansetron (Zofran)–lingual tablets in the prevention of cytostatic chemotherapy-induced loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting
  2145. appetite-focused cognitive behavioral therapy for the early intervention of binge eating disorder
  2146. appetite for Destruction: Public Iconography and the Artificial Ruins of SITE, Inc.
  2147. appetite
  2148. UAV appetite Grows, Questions Linger
  2149. Targeting voracious appetite of malaria-infected red-blood cell
  2150. A telephony-sized appetite
  2151. Central lead administration inhibits water intake and sodium appetite in rats
  2152. Central AII evokes a normal sodium appetite in the Fischer rat, but its low spontaneous sodium intake may be related to reduced excitation and increased inhibition in …
  2153. PYY and decreased appetite following jejunum intestinal bypass in rats
  2154. Genetic abnormalities of regulatory mechanism of appetite
  2155. Influence of centrally-administered peptides on thirst and sodium appetite
  2156. appetite for Nicotine
  2157. Effects of Snack Intake on appetite, Affect and Attention
  2158. China’s appetite for raw material drives the market
  2159. An appetite for numbers: Quality, quantity and American food
  2160. Dronabinol (delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol) in long-term treatment. Symptom control in patients with multiple sclerosis and spasticity, neuropathic pain, loss of appetite
  2161. Role of various types of serotonin receptors in regulation of drinking behavior and salt appetite in vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro rats
  2162. Infusing hormone fragment reduces appetite
  2163. The Mouse Went Down The Hole Psychological appetite: ature’s Training Tool
  2164. Gastrointestinal signals regulating appetite in humans
  2165. An appetite for Arsenic: The Seaweed Eating Sheep from Orkney
  2166. Studies question role of ghrelin in appetite regulation
  2167. Effect of sucrose and sweetener on appetite sensation and energy expenditure in normal weight and overweight subjects
  2168. Decreases in neurokinin-3 tachykinin receptor-immunoreactive and-mRNA levels are associated with salt appetite in the deoxycorticosterone-treated rat
  2169. appetite Control
  2170. Whetting Your appetite
  2171. The role of the cannabinoid system in feeding and appetite.
  2172. appetite and intellect: Eating disorders and women’s literature
  2173. It’s a scandal! With the public’s appetite for juicy scandals being regularly assuaged in the popular press, other scandals are being overlooked. Colin Beacock …
  2174. The study on mechanism of appetite regulation in diet-induced obesity resistant rats
  2175. PC92 appetite control in breastfed and milk formula fed infants
  2176. Efficacy of combination with granisetron and methylprednisolone for nausea, vomiting and appetite loss in remission induction chemotherapy of acute myeloid …
  2177. The effects of fasting and appetite on body weight regulation and the induction of torpor in white-tailed and black-tailed prairie dogs
  2178. Keats sweet youth: Marian Cox on the poet with the insatiable appetite
  2179. Mountain beaver: the little rodent with a large appetite
  2180. Artistry of Hunger: Desire and appetite in Desert Solitaire
  2181. appetite stimulants and anabolic hormones
  2182. Effects of growth modifiers and health status on appetite and growth regulatory mechanisms in swine
  2183. A light diet for a giant appetite: An assessment of China’s proposed fluorescent lamp standard
  2184. Biological rhythms, appetite and odd eating behaviour [Dygnsrytm, matlust och udda matvanor]
  2185. Effect of simulated altitude acute hypoxia on appetite and orexin mRNA expression in rats
  2186. Drs. Atkins and Agatston, you were so right: their low-carb diets are on target–control appetite, control weight
  2187. A6. appetite and nutritional intake in patients with chronic liver disease
  2188. Characterizing Global Investors’ Risk appetite for Emerging Market Debt During Financial Crises
  2189. The effect of adrenocorticotrophic hormone on salt appetite in growing pigs: Implications for tail-biting.
  2190. Cultures of taste/theories of appetite: Eating romanticism
  2191. appetite for technology
  2192. Participation of various types of serotonin receptors in the regulation of drinking behavior and salt appetite in rats
  2193. Effect of megestrol acetate, cyproheptadine, and their combination on appetite, body weight and quality of life (QOL) in cancer patients: A double-blind placebo …
  2194. An Insatiable appetite for Ideas
  2195. Effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition on thirst and salt-appetite
  2196. Healthy appetite
  2197. A healthy appetite
  2198. Our Energy appetite
  2199. Goodrich curbs appetite, focuses on TRW integration
  2200. An appetite for life
  2201. Visual appetite
  2202. Growth and appetite of Juvenile Lake Sturgeon, Acipenser Fulvescens
  2203. The effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication on gastric ghrelin expression, appetite, and body mass index in patients with peptic ulcer
  2204. The appetite for Dream
  2205. Risk appetite
  2206. Absence of appetite suppression in rats after administration of Cassia tora and Ampelopsis sp. extracts.
  2207. … distinctly hunger, food intake and nocturnal plasma levels of GH, ACTH and cortisol in a young man–evidence for dose dependent effects of ghrelin on appetite?
  2208. Leptin and neuropeptide Y as a link between body fat, fertility and appetite in ruminants
  2209. An appetite for detail.
  2210. How the brain controls appetite
  2211. Divine appetite
  2212. An appetite for Justice
  2213. appetite for destruction
  2214. The optical appetite
  2215. India’s hearty appetite
  2216. Changes in short papers and in special sections and special issues of the journal appetite
  2217. The Pathophysiology of appetite Control
  2218. appetite: Surfeit and Wonder
  2219. Molecular Targets of New 1, 4-Benzodiazepin-2-one Derivatives Influencing the appetite of Experimental Animals
  2220. … ” of glutamatergic brain mechanisms involved in controlling brain neuronal excitability and psychosis to brain mechanisms involved in appetite regulation: a new …
  2221. Queen-size appetite.
  2222. appetite Whetter for River Bottom Researches
  2223. kindly; his strength and appetite daily
  2224. Proteasomes–an appetite for mRNA
  2225. Trucks with an appetite
  2226. Baymont increases conversion appetite.
  2227. improved, appetite and weight increased; but the improve
  2228. Carbohydrates and appetite control
  2229. appetite ruined by headache
  2230. Calcium increases the appetite
  2231. The implications of the return of prudence: assess your appetite for risk now
  2232. Obesity and appetite Drugs
  2233. Chemical and biological basis of sodium appetite
  2234. Hungry for Science: Edward Masoro began studying calorie restriction and life-span in 1975, when he was 51. Now 78, his appetite for gerontology is far from …
  2235. Estrogen, Body Weight, and appetite
  2236. An appetite for fruit or greens
  2237. Will, appetite, Alchemy, Faulkner, and Two French Poets: Fred Chappell’s The Inkling
  2238. wrote in Zen and the Birds of appetite
  2239. Cisco to curb its acquisition appetite
  2240. appetite stimulants.
  2241. appetite regulation: new opportunities for weight control
  2242. pains are more frequent. His appetite
  2243. Supportive role of a micronutrient appetite normaliser in convalescing patients.
  2244. How To Curb the appetite for Energy in University Laboratories.
  2245. Insatiable appetite: The United States and the Ecological Degradation of the Tropical World
  2246. Exercise, appetite and energy balance
  2247. Insatiable appetite: The United States and Ecological Degradation of the Tropical World
  2248. With an appetite for electric output; Med appetitt paa effekt
  2249. Leptin and acute appetite control
  2250. Insatiable appetite: The Unided States and the Ecological Degradation of the Tropical World
  2252. As I’ve Grown Older I’ve Lost My appetite, Can I Get It Back?
  2253. Insatiable appetite: The United States and the Ecological Degradation of the Tropical World
  2254. Consuming Narratives: Gender and Monstrous appetite in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
  2255. gnawing at the epigastrium, craving appetite, and
  2257. Bon appetite! The Joy of Dining in Long-Term Care
  2258. Working up a waterfront appetite; Travel
  2259. Cooking with Linux: An appetite for Discovery
  2260. Endocrinology of fat, metabolism, and appetite
  2261. Indonesia: Economic recovery fuels appetite for paper
  2262. Insatiable appetite: The United States and the Ecological Degradation of the Tropical World
  2263. appetite and desire in early American travel narratives
  2264. Gut hormones and appetite
  2265. appetite and satiety regulation.
  2266. Insatiable appetite: The United States and The Ecological Degradation of the Tropical World
  2267. Obesity & Lipid: A Molecular Mechanism of appetite Regulation
  2268. A Palimpsestuous Reading of Bloom’s appetite in UIysses
  2269. Thirst NaCl appetite
  2270. Betting on China’s appetite
  2271. Consuming Narratives: Gender and Monstrous appetite in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
  2272. Central fetal gene expression of appetite regulatory signals
  2273. Investigations into the gastrointestinal control of appetite and food intake
  2274. An appetite for Change: Reinventing Politics and Public Affairs in an Age of Change
  2275. Visualization and System Dynamics Modeling: Understanding the Global appetite for Protein
  2276. Insatiable appetite: The United States and the Ecological Degradation of the Tropical World
  2277. Bond investors are losing their appetite for risk
  2278. G-protein signalling pathways and appetite regulation
  2279. Vegetarianism and the Literary appetite
  2280. An appetite for Competition: Eating Well in Chicago
  2281. Mechanisms regulating appetite and energy expenditure
  2282. Insatiable appetite: The United States and the Ecological Degradation of the Tropical World
  2283. appetite and regulation of food intake in uremia
  2284. JOHN RAMSDEN,” An appetite for Power. A History of the Conservative Party Since 1830″(Book Review)
  2285. pale; lies in bed; appetite good
  2286. Challenging consuming lifestyles-children being able and active with appetite in Australia
  2287. Morphological and physiological base of appetite regulation in the hypothalamus. A review
  2288. Investigations into the structure and synthesis of a naturally occurring appetite suppressant from an indigenous plant species.
  2289. Reclining Nude with appetite
  2290. Pica–a qualitative appetite disorder
  2291. without agony, losing sleep, appetite, and flesh, becoming
  2292. Simmondsin from jojoba checked for appetite suppression
  2295. Foraging à la carte: an appetite for popup menus?
  2296. Dot-com looniness, phantoms of avarice and appetite.
  2297. The REIT appetite for Residential Investments
  2298. A Sociology of Food and Nutrition: The Social appetite
  2299. appetite Control in Breastfed and Formula Fed Infants
  2300. Thin mice and fat mice respond differently to appetite suppressant
  2301. Anti-obesity drugs–mechanism and medical indication of appetite suppressants
  2302. Ghrelin: Key to chickens’ appetite?
  2303. American Depositary Receipts, and expanding the investor base and acquisition appetite of Australian listed companies.
  2304. appetite and Adiposity of the Emu (Dromaius Novaehollandiae)
  2305. … Dietetic Association on ‘Implementing Dietary Change; Theory and Practice’Session 3. Changing eating habits. Eating habits and appetite control: a psychobiological …
  2306. appetite restored with dopamine
  2308. can be obtained. Tongue cleaner; appetite better; pulse 86
  2309. Leptin, body composition and appetite control.
  2310. Enhancing the effects of appetite awareness training through the use of experiential focusing
  2311. Weak appetite in elderly ties to hormone.(Science News of the week)
  2312. aavenous appetite, polyuria, confined bowels, and loss of
  2313. Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion, and the appetite for Wonder
  2314. Americans Have Growing appetite for Imported Foods
  2315. Neuroendocrine control of appetite and reproduction in sheep
  2316. Building better pipelines: Can a bigger pipe feed the huge appetite for gas?
  2317. appetite regulation and uncoupling protein.
  2318. Hungary: Hungary finds appetite in export market
  2319. A Sociology of Food and Nutrition: The Social appetite
  2320. Weight Loss—Despite a Voracious appetite—and Heat Intolerance
  2321. Assessment of Hunger and appetite and Their Relationship to Food Intake in Persons With HIV
  2322. Manganese-Enhanced MRI of appetite Centres in ob/ob Mice
  2323. appetite not very good. April 15th. — Doing very well; an abscess is forming near the
  2324. Co-administration of gut hormones suppresses appetite
  2325. The effect of the CCKA receptor antagonist loxiglumide on hormonal responses, gastric emptying and appetite in humans
  2326. Central nervous system stimulants and drugs that suppress appetite
  2327. Curbing our appetite for wood products| Market obstacles and opportunities for alternative building materials
  2328. Growth and Development: ASAS-Emerging Roles of Gut Peptides in the Regulation of appetite and Metabolism
  2329. Effects of appetite-Reducing Agents on Glucose Transport by Cultured Muscle Cells
  2330. Concerts to Satisfy North America’s appetite for Early Music: Season Preview 2003-04
  2331. Sodium appetite and Fos activation in serotonergic
  2332. The Ability of Habitual Exercise To Influence appetite and Food Intake in Response to High-and Low-Energy Preloads in Man
  2333. Fat oxidation, appetite and weight control
  2334. … : Energetics of the Sexual System: Everaerd W., Laan E.(Eds.), Both from the Proceedings of the Colloquium on Sexual Motivation, appetite, and Desire, Amsterdam …
  2335. whose omnivorous cultural appetite barely permits him to assimilate the relevant biographical data.
  2337. The sensationalism of the average daily paper has, no doubt, created an appetite for things abnormal.
  2338. appetite for Aviation; US Army juggles operational demands with desire to overhaul, buy new aircraft
  2339. appetite Suppressant: Suicide-squelching molecule also slows cellular cannibalism
  2340. Cultures of Taste/Theories of appetite: Eating Romanticism
  2341. Ghrelin Plasma Levels and appetite in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
  2342. Preference and satiety: short-and long-term studies on food acceptance, appetite control and food intake
  2343. Food handler satiates delivery appetite: Service helps track whereabouts and estimated arrival of dispatched trucks
  2344. Tanker Turbulence Proposed KC-767A lease may curb military’s appetite for similar deals
  2345. The relationships among the effect of carbohydrates on blood glucose, appetite, food intake, mood and memory
  2347. Circadian rhythm, appetite and odd eating habits.
  2348. Sleepless in Los Angeles: Philip Kerr is impressed by two stars who haven’t lost their appetite for acting
  2349. Central nervous system stimulants, drugs that suppress appetite, and drugs used in Alzheimer’s disease
  2350. Improved appetite of pregnant rats and increased birth weight and survival of their neonates following feeding with probiotic lactobacilli
  2351. A survey of change of appetite in day and night for masked civet (Paguma larvata)
  2352. Relationships between motor and sensory function in the proximal gut, appetite, & nutrients in healthy human subjects
  2353. Influence of Dietary Protein, Carbohydrate, and Fat on Cognitive Performance and appetite in Healthy Elderly Persons
  2354. On the thirty-third day, the evening temperature was normal; the appetite gradually returned, and the patient left the hospital quite well on the fifty-eighth day. Dr …
  2355. Ghrelin–peptide hormone that increases appetite. It opens new possibilities for the research on energy metabolism
  2356. appetite of Young Children at Breakfast and Dinner, and Relationship to Their Lifestyle, Meal Partners, Play Areas and Health
  2357. Elderly man with weakness, poor appetite, and abdominal cramping on defecation.(What’s the” Take Home”?)
  2358. appetite-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of bulimia nervosa: A controlled treatment-outcome study
  2359. Ace inhibitors, thirst and salt appetite: An assessment of dose dependant effects in rats with heart failure induced by myocardial infarction
  2360. Role of a New Gastric Hormone, Ghrelin in the Regulation of appetite and Growth Hormone.
  2361. Structural insights into appetite: Investigations of the ligands involved in melanocortin signaling
  2362. Cholinergic systems in nucleus accumbens are involved in behavioral depression and appetite suppression
  2364. Composed by Leptin: Early in life, appetite hormone sets up circuitry that controls food intake during adulthood
  2365. Good Timing: Circadian clock teams with appetite-suppressing hormone to temper bone growth
  2366. Role of angiotensin in fluid balance and sodium appetite of ICR: CD1 mice
  2367. Central neuropeptide-y (NPY) stimulates putative hypothalamic appetite centers (C-FOS expression) in the near term ovine fetus
  2368. Book Review: Sexual appetite, Desire and Motivation: Energetics of the Sexual System. Edited by Walter Everaerd, Ellen Laan, and Stephanie Both. Royal …
  2369. Leptin, IGF-I and Insulin Concentrations in Children with Malnutrition-Related Short Stature Due to Poor appetite.
  2370. Effects of a high-fat diet on gut motility, appetite and plasma hormone responses to duodenal lipid in healthy men
  2371. Effects of fasting or a vegetarian diet on subjective ratings of appetite and mood during strenuous physical activity
  2372. INAUGURAL ARTICLE by a Recently Elected Academy Member: appetite of an epiphyte: Quantitative monitoring of bacterial sugar consumption in the …
  2373. permanganate of potash. Sept. 6th.-Patient doing well; appetite rapidly in-creasing; be sleeps well; the discharge is decreasing. 20th.-Wound filling up rapidly …
  2374. Effects of glycemic index and dietary variety on appetite, food intake and satiety factors in healthy adults
  2375. Regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and appetite-related neuropeptides by leptin during the early postnatal period in rats
  2377. The effect of gestational angiotensin II receptor blockade on thirst and sodium appetite in pregnant Wistar rats and in their adult offspring
  2378. Improved appetite of pregnant rats and increased birth weight of newborns following feeding with probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus …
  2379. Altered regulation of adiposity and appetite in the genetically obese (fa/fa) Zucker rat: Diminished leptin receptor signaling attenuates efficacy of short-term …
  2380. … and preterm birth: the Generation R Study. S. Timmermans, VWV Jaddoe, A. Hofman, RPM Steegers-Theunissen & EAP Steegers 777–785 Behaviour, appetite and …
  2381. The feeding behaviour of pacu fingerlings (Piaractus mesopotamicus, Holmberg, 1887), based on appetite revival and satiation of fish at two culture temperatures.
  2382. … -I have been losing, not gaining, weight. I am a 56-year-old man, and a year ago I weighed 166. Today, I’m down to 152. I feel pretty good, and my appetite is fine, but I …
  2383. … the donor to Cowpcr. The whole essay is a wonderful piece of detective work, with an explicit balance between fact and speculation. It whets the appetite for volume IV …
  2384. The role of the melanocortin 5 receptor in the hypothalamic regulation of appetite and pituitary function
  2385. Focus 2002: Consumer specialities: Cosmetics raw material suppliers fill a growing appetite for multifunctionality
  2386. … Lipid content and fatty acids composition of mature human milk in rural North China. Z.-X. Wan, X.-L. Wang, L. Xu, Q. Geng & Y. Zhang 913–916 Behaviour, appetite
  2387. 5 “The appetite as Voice”
  2388. Carnivore’s voracious appetite
  2389. The regulation of appetite
  2390. The MC4 receptor and control of appetite
  2391. appetite regulation: an overview
  2392. The brain, appetite, and obesity
  2393. appetite for change: How the counterculture took on the food industry
  2394. Central control of body weight and appetite
  2395. Central regulation of sodium appetite
  2396. Gastrointestinal hormones regulating appetite
  2397. Hormonal regulators of appetite
  2398. Hedonic hunger: a new dimension of appetite?
  2399. Genetic influence on appetite in children
  2400. Gut hormones and appetite control
  2401. A review of the effects of exercise on appetite regulation: an obesity perspective
  2402. Perspective on the central control of appetite
  2403. Brain mechanisms underlying flavour and appetite
  2404. Disinhibition: its effects on appetite and weight regulation
  2405. Brain regulation of appetite and satiety
  2406. Role of neuropeptides in appetite regulation and obesity–a review
  2407. Modulation of appetite by gonadal steroid hormones
  2408. appetite for self-destruction: The spectacular crash of the record industry in the digital age
  2409. Gut peptides and the regulation of appetite
  2410. appetite disorders in uremia
  2411. Comparison of nutritional and inflammatory markers in dialysis patients with reduced appetite
  2412. Ghrelin and the short-and long-term regulation of appetite and body weight
  2413. The sensory psychobiology of thirst and salt appetite.
  2414. Intellectual appetite: A theological grammar
  2415. Increased maternal nutrition alters development of the appetite‐regulating network in the brain
  2416. appetite and energy balance signals from adipocytes
  2417. Gut hormones and appetite control
  2418. appetite and adiposity in children: evidence for a behavioral susceptibility theory of obesity
  2419. The glucostatic theory of appetite control and the risk of obesity and diabetes
  2420. Serotonergic drugs: effects on appetite expression and use for the treatment of obesity
  2421. Effects of exercise on energy-regulating hormones and appetite in men and women
  2422. Ileal brake: a sensible food target for appetite control. A review
  2423. The role of peptide YY in appetite regulation and obesity
  2424. Hoodia gordonii: A natural appetite suppressant
  2425. appetite is a heritable phenotype associated with adiposity
  2426. Liking vs. wanting food: importance for human appetite control and weight regulation
  2427. Stress influences appetite and comfort food preferences in college women
  2428. Understanding food structure and function in developing food for appetite control
  2429. Effects of food form on appetite and energy intake in lean and obese young adults
  2430. A putative role for cytokines in the impaired appetite in depression
  2431. Effects of exercise on gut peptides, energy intake and appetite
  2432. Maternal and postnatal overnutrition differentially impact appetite regulators and fuel metabolism
  2433. Nonnutritive sweetener consumption in humans: effects on appetite and food intake and their putative mechanisms
  2434. Investors risk appetite and global financial market conditions
  2435. The effects of insulin on the central nervous system-focus on appetite regulation
  2436. An appetite suppressant from Hoodia species
  2437. Subjective feeling of appetite modulates brain activity: an fMRI study
  2438. Gut hormones as mediators of appetite and weight loss after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
  2439. Lack of appetite in haemodialysis patients—associations with patient characteristics, indicators of nutritional status and outcomes in the international DOPPS
  2440. Glycemic and insulinemic responses as determinants of appetite in humans
  2441. Oxytocin and appetite
  2442. Cancer’s insatiable appetite
  2443. Role of AMP‐activated protein kinase in the control of appetite
  2444. Olfactory influences on appetite and satiety in humans
  2445. Identification of the acyltransferase that octanoylates ghrelin, an appetite-stimulating peptide hormone
  2446. Impact of sleep and sleep loss on glucose homeostasis and appetite regulation
  2447. Effects of exercise on appetite and food intake regulation
  2448. Neural correlates of individual differences related to appetite
  2449. Can gut hormones control appetite and prevent obesity?
  2450. appetite control and energy balance regulation in the modern world: reward-driven brain overrides repletion signals
  2451. An appetite for yield: The anatomy of the subprime mortgage crisis
  2452. A serotonin-dependent mechanism explains the leptin regulation of bone mass, appetite, and energy expenditure
  2453. appetite sensations and satiety quotient: predictors of energy intake and weight loss
  2454. The corticotropin-releasing factor system as a mediator of the appetite-suppressing effects of stress in fish
  2455. The role of implicit wanting in relation to explicit liking and wanting for food: implications for appetite control
  2456. Effects of sucrose, glucose and fructose on peripheral and central appetite signals
  2457. Affect modulates appetite‐related brain activity to images of food
  2458. Dual-process action of exercise on appetite control: increase in orexigenic drive but improvement in meal-induced satiety
  2459. Obesity, voracity, and short stature: the impact of glutamate on the regulation of appetite
  2460. Short-term appetite control in response to a 6-week exercise programme in sedentary volunteers
  2461. Society of the appetite: Celebrity Chefs Deliver Consumers
  2462. appetite city: A culinary history of New York
  2463. Impact of resistant starch on body fat patterning and central appetite regulation
  2464. Effects of exercise and restrained eating behaviour on appetite control
  2465. Ghrelin and dopamine: new insights on the peripheral regulation of appetite
  2466. Cannabinoids and appetite: food craving and food pleasure
  2467. Effect of viscosity on appetite and gastro-intestinal hormones
  2468. The appetite awareness workbook: How to listen to your body and overcome bingeing, overeating, and obsession with food
  2469. appetite signaling: from gut peptides and enteric nerves to brain
  2470. Effects of an antiandrogenic oral contraceptive on appetite and eating behavior in bulimic women
  2471. Activation of prefrontal cortex by transcranial direct current stimulation reduces appetite for risk during ambiguous decision making
  2472. Overconsumption as a cause of weight gain: behavioural–physiological interactions in the control of food intake (appetite)
  2473. Mechanisms of disease: the role of gastrointestinal hormones in appetite and obesity
  2474. Acute effects on metabolism and appetite profile of one meal difference in the lower range of meal frequency
  2475. Saprolegnia parasitica, an oomycete pathogen with a fishy appetite: new challenges for an old problem
  2476. Heritability of hyperphagic eating behavior and appetite‐related hormones among Hispanic children
  2477. Regulation of appetite in lean and obese adolescents after exercise: role of acylated and desacyl ghrelin
  2478. Ghrelin modulates the activity and synaptic input organization of midbrain dopamine neurons while promoting appetite
  2479. appetite Regulatory Hormone Responses to Various Dietary Proteins Differ by Body Mass Index Status Despite Similar Reductions in ad Libitum Energy Intake
  2480. Involvement of tumor necrosis factor-α in angiotensin II–mediated effects on salt appetite, hypertension, and cardiac hypertrophy
  2481. Subject standardization, acclimatization, and sample processing affect gut hormone levels and appetite in humans
  2482. Effect of Caralluma fimbriata extract on appetite, food intake and anthropometry in adult Indian men and women
  2483. Sustained appetite improvement in malnourished dialysis patients by daily ghrelin treatment
  2484. Effects of a high-protein ketogenic diet on hunger, appetite, and weight loss in obese men feeding ad libitum
  2485. High-fructose corn syrup, energy intake, and appetite regulation
  2486. Effect of calorie restriction on subjective ratings of appetite
  2487. Fasting leptin and appetite responses induced by a 4-day 65%-energy-restricted diet
  2488. The evaluation of an electronic visual analogue scale system for appetite and mood
  2489. Autoantibodies against appetite-regulating peptide hormones and neuropeptides: putative modulation by gut microflora
  2490. Short‐term effects of a “Health‐At‐Every‐Size” approach on eating behaviors and appetite ratings
  2491. Mastication of almonds: effects of lipid bioaccessibility, appetite, and hormone response
  2492. The effect of an incremental increase in exercise on appetite, eating behaviour and energy balance in lean men and women feeding ad libitum
  2493. Factors associated with impaired appetite in well-functioning community-dwelling older adults
  2494. Aldosterone target neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarius drive sodium appetite
  2495. Identification of patients with eating disorders: clinical and biochemical signs of appetite loss in dialysis patients
  2496. Small-molecule ghrelin receptor antagonists improve glucose tolerance, suppress appetite, and promote weight loss
  2497. Functions of the orbitofrontal and pregenual cingulate cortex in taste, olfaction, appetite and emotion
  2498. Effect of dairy calcium or supplementary calcium intake on postprandial fat metabolism, appetite, and subsequent energy intake
  2499. The CART (cocaine-and amphetamine-regulated transcript) system in appetite and drug addiction
  2500. A bite to whet the reward appetite: The influence of sampling on reward-seeking behaviors
  2501. appetite and obesity: a gastroenterologist’s perspective
  2502. No effect of added β-glucan or of fructooligosaccharide on appetite or energy intake
  2503. Established maternal obesity in the rat reprograms hypothalamic appetite regulators and leptin signaling at birth
  2504. Gut microbiota fermentation of prebiotics increases satietogenic and incretin gut peptide production with consequences for appetite sensation and glucose response …
  2505. Insoluble cereal fiber reduces appetite and short-term food intake and glycemic response to food consumed 75 min later by healthy men
  2506. The role of macronutrients in appetite regulation
  2507. Hypothalamic regulation of appetite
  2508. appetite regulation via exercise prior or subsequent to high-fat meal consumption
  2509. Risk appetite–How hungry are you
  2510. appetite suppressants, cardiac valve disease and combination pharmacotherapy
  2511. Effects of food form and timing of ingestion on appetite and energy intake in lean young adults and in young adults with obesity
  2512. Shedding light on the intricate puzzle of ghrelin’s effects on appetite regulation.
  2513. appetite control after weight loss: what is the role of bloodborne peptides?
  2514. Is glycemic index of food a feasible predictor of appetite, hunger, and satiety?
  2515. Weight loss, appetite suppression, and changes in fasting and postprandial ghrelin and peptide-YY levels after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy: a …
  2516. Neuropharmacology of human appetite expression
  2517. appetite stimulants use in cystic fibrosis
  2518. Free fatty acids have more potent effects on gastric emptying, gut hormones, and appetite than triacylglycerides
  2519. The effect of bariatric surgery on gut hormones that alter appetite
  2520. Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation and fat mass loss in female very low-calcium consumers: potential link with a calcium-specific appetite control
  2521. Pre-and post-prandial appetite hormone levels in normal weight and severely obese women
  2522. Changes in mood, cognitive performance and appetite in the late luteal and follicular phases of the menstrual cycle in women with and without PMDD (premenstrual …
  2523. Role of the serotoninergic system in the sodium appetite control
  2524. Role of endogenous ghrelin in growth hormone secretion, appetite regulation and metabolism
  2525. Effects of a combination fiber system on appetite and energy intake in overweight humans
  2526. Ghrelin has partial or no effect on appetite, growth hormone, prolactin, and cortisol release in patients with anorexia nervosa
  2527. Use of dronabinol improves appetite and reverses weight loss in HIV/AIDS-infected patients
  2528. The timing of “catch-up growth” affects metabolism and appetite regulation in male rats born with intrauterine growth restriction
  2529. The role of oxyntomodulin and peptide tyrosine–tyrosine (PYY) in appetite control
  2530. Attenuation of insulin-evoked responses in brain networks controlling appetite and reward in insulin resistance: the cerebral basis for impaired control of food intake in …
  2531. The effect of a high-MUFA, low-glycaemic index diet and a low-fat diet on appetite and glucose metabolism during a 6-month weight maintenance period
  2532. Orexin signaling in the ventral tegmental area is required for high-fat appetite induced by opioid stimulation of the nucleus accumbens
  2533. The effect of Korean pine nut oil on in vitro CCK release, on appetite sensations and on gut hormones in post-menopausal overweight women
  2534. Endocannabinoids in appetite control and the treatment of obesity
  2535. The effect of Korean pine nut oil (PinnoThin™) on food intake, feeding behaviour and appetite: A double-blind placebo-controlled trial
  2536. A functional neuroimaging study of appetite loss in Alzheimer’s disease
  2537. Managing the demand for police services, or how to control an insatiable appetite
  2538. Skim milk compared with a fruit drink acutely reduces appetite and energy intake in overweight men and women
  2539. Weight change and appetite disturbance as symptoms of adolescent depression: Toward an integrative biopsychosocial model
  2540. Methylphenidate administration to juvenile rats alters brain areas involved in cognition, motivated behaviors, appetite, and stress
  2541. Central nervous system biogenic amine targets for control of appetite and energy expenditure
  2542. Programming of the appetite‐regulating neural network: a link between maternal overnutrition and the programming of obesity?
  2543. Central and peripheral neuroendocrine peptides and signalling in appetite regulation: considerations for obesity pharmacotherapy
  2544. Effects of high-fructose corn syrup and sucrose consumption on circulating glucose, insulin, leptin, and ghrelin and on appetite in normal-weight women
  2545. appetite hormones and energy intake in obese men after consumption of fructose, glucose and whey protein beverages
  2546. Depression resulting from olfactory dysfunction is associated with reduced sexual appetite—a cross-sectional cohort study
  2547. Effects of PYY1–36 and PYY3–36 on appetite, energy intake, energy expenditure, glucose and fat metabolism in obese and lean subjects
  2548. Emerging role of autoantibodies against appetite-regulating neuropeptides in eating disorders
  2549. Effects of concord grape juice on appetite, diet, body weight, lipid profile, and antioxidant status of adults
  2550. Much communication with family and appetite among elderly persons in Japan
  2551. Learned influences on appetite, food choice, and intake: Evidence in human beings
  2552. Myocardial infarction induced by appetite suppressants in Malaysia
  2553. Endocannabinoids and related N-acylethanolamines in the control of appetite and energy metabolism: emergence of new molecular players
  2554. Presystemic signals in the control of thirst, salt appetite, and vasopressin secretion
  2555. Pica (depraved appetite; allotrophagia) in domestic animals and man
  2556. Eating for life: designing foods for appetite control
  2557. Peripheral mechanisms in the control of appetite and related experimental therapies in obesity
  2558. Repeated administration of ghrelin to patients with functional dyspepsia: its effects on food intake and appetite
  2559. Anorexia of aging in long term care: is dronabinol an effective appetite stimulant?-a pilot study
  2560. Associations between macronutrient intake and self-reported appetite and fasting levels of appetite hormones: results from the Optimal Macronutrient Intake Trial to …
  2561. Apelin in goldfish (Carassius auratus): cloning, distribution and role in appetite regulation
  2562. Relationship between diet-induced changes in body fat and appetite sensations in women
  2563. Effects of solid versus liquid meal-replacement products of similar energy content on hunger, satiety, and appetite-regulating hormones in older adults
  2564. Effects of acute and chronic protein intake on metabolism, appetite, and ghrelin during weight loss
  2565. Role of leptin in regulating appetite, neuroendocrine function, and bone remodeling
  2566. Oral, post-oral and genetic interactions in sweet appetite
  2567. Potential efficacy of preparations derived from Phaseolus vulgaris in the control of appetite, energy intake, and carbohydrate metabolism
  2568. appetite in chronic hemodialysis patients: a longitudinal study
  2569. Liquid and solid meal replacement products differentially affect postprandial appetite and food intake in older adults
  2570. Single-protein casein and gelatin diets affect energy expenditure similarly but substrate balance and appetite differently in adults
  2571. Glucocorticoids increase salt appetite by promoting water and sodium excretion
  2572. Attenuating effect of reboxetine on appetite and weight gain in olanzapine-treated schizophrenia patients: a double-blind placebo-controlled study
  2573. Brain reward systems for food incentives and hedonics in normal appetite and eating disorders
  2574. Dopamine transporter gene (DAT1) associated with appetite suppression to methylphenidate in a case–control study of binge eating disorder
  2575. The effect of Khat (Catha edulis) as an appetite suppressant is independent of ghrelin and PYY secretion
  2576. The effect of laparoscopic gastric banding surgery on plasma levels of appetite-control, insulinotropic, and digestive hormones
  2577. Effects of appetite, BMI, food form and flavor on mastication: almonds as a test food
  2578. Effect of subcutaneous injections of PYY1-36 and PYY3-36 on appetite, ad libitum energy intake, and plasma free fatty acid concentration in obese males
  2579. Aspects of the hormonal regulation of appetite in fish with emphasis on goldfish, Atlantic cod and winter flounder: notes on actions and responses to nutritional …
  2580. appetite responds to changes in meal content, whereas ghrelin, leptin, and insulin track changes in energy availability
  2581. The droplet size of intraduodenal fat emulsions influences antropyloroduodenal motility, hormone release, and appetite in healthy males
  2582. Maternal nutrient restriction between early and midgestation and its impact upon appetite regulation after juvenile obesity
  2583. Effects of peanut oil load on energy expenditure, body composition, lipid profile, and appetite in lean and overweight adults
  2584. Acute effects of dietary fibre and glycaemic carbohydrate on appetite and food intake in healthy males
  2585. Short-term effects of chewing gum on snack intake and appetite
  2586. A comparison of short-term appetite and energy intakes in normal weight and obese boys following glucose and whey-protein drinks
  2587. Postprandial ghrelin, cholecystokinin, peptide YY, and appetite before and after weight loss in overweight women with and without polycystic ovary syndrome
  2588. The neural substrates of enhanced salt appetite after repeated sodium depletions
  2589. The effect of duration of exercise at the ventilation threshold on subjective appetite and short-term food intake in 9 to 14 year old boys and girls
  2590. Acute sleep restriction alters neuroendocrine hormones and appetite in healthy male adults
  2591. Role of appetite‐regulating peptides in alcohol craving: an analysis in respect to subtypes and different consumption patterns in alcoholism
  2592. Multivitamin and dietary supplements, body weight and appetite: results from a cross-sectional and a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study
  2593. The role of transcriptional regulators in central control of appetite and body weight
  2594. Long-acting octreotide treatment causes a sustained decrease in ghrelin concentrations but does not affect weight, behaviour and appetite in subjects with Prader …
  2595. The effects of deoxycorticosterone-induced sodium appetite on hedonic behaviors in the rat.
  2596. The relationship between subjective appetite sensations, markers of inflammation and appetite in dialysis patients
  2597. Energy intake and appetite following exercise in lean and overweight girls
  2598. Variability of appetite control mechanisms in response to 9 weeks of progressive overfeeding in humans
  2599. Neural correlates of appetite and hunger-related evaluative judgments
  2600. Gastrointestinal transit, appetite, and energy balance in gastrectomized patients
  2601. New oxypregnane glycosides from appetite suppressant herbal supplement Hoodia gordonii
  2602. The influence of the eradication of Helicobacter pylori on gastric ghrelin, appetite, and body mass index in patients with peptic ulcer disease
  2603. Habitual high and low consumers of artificially-sweetened beverages: effects of sweet taste and energy on short-term appetite
  2604. Risk appetite and Attitudes of Retail Investors’ with Special Reference to Capital Market
  2605. Orlistat inhibition of intestinal lipase acutely increases appetite and attenuates postprandial glucagon-like peptide-1-(7–36)-amide-1, cholecystokinin, and peptide YY …
  2606. Richter and sodium appetite: from adrenalectomy to molecular biology
  2607. The satiety hormone peptide YY as a regulator of appetite
  2608. Total peptide YY is a correlate of postprandial energy expenditure but not of appetite or energy intake in healthy women
  2609. Thylakoids suppress appetite by increasing cholecystokinin resulting in lower food intake and body weight in high‐fat fed mice
  2610. Indigenous use of Hoodia gordonii and appetite suppression
  2611. Characteristics associated with fasting appetite hormones (obestatin, ghrelin, and leptin)
  2612. A high-glycemic meal pattern elicited increased subjective appetite sensations in overweight and obese women
  2613. appetite stimulants in cystic fibrosis: a systematic review
  2614. Defining risk appetite
  2615. The effect of salatrim, a low-calorie modified triacylglycerol, on appetite and energy intake
  2616. Effect of short-duration physical activity and ventilation threshold on subjective appetite and short-term energy intake in boys
  2617. The effect of a medium-term activity-and diet-induced energy deficit on subjective appetite sensations in obese children
  2618. appetite suppression through delayed fat digestion
  2619. The excess salt appetite of humans is not due to sodium loss in adulthood
  2620. Satiety in rats following blueberry extract consumption induced by appetite-suppressing mechanisms unrelated to in vitro or in vivo antioxidant capacity
  2621. Consumption of the slow-digesting waxy maize starch leads to blunted plasma glucose and insulin response but does not influence energy expenditure or appetite in …
  2622. Slavic sins of the flesh: food, sex, and carnal appetite in nineteenth-century Russian fiction
  2623. … restriction (with or without additional dietary cholesterol provided by eggs) reduces insulin resistance and plasma leptin without modifying appetite hormones in adult …
  2624. Gastric ulceration, appetite and feeding practices in Standardbred racehorses in the Czech Republic
  2625. The effects of high fat on central appetite genes in Wistar rats: A microarray analysis
  2626. The Spectacle of Her Gluttony”: The Performance of Female appetite and the Bakhtinian Grotesque in Angela Carter’s” Nights at the Circus
  2627. Possible role of creatine concentrations in the brain in regulating appetite and weight
  2628. Ghrelin and other appetite-regulating hormones in paediatric patients with chronic renal failure during dialysis and following kidney transplantation
  2629. Gut hormones as potential new targets for appetite regulation and the treatment of obesity
  2630. In the Present Famine of Anything Substantial”:” Fraser’s”” Portraits” and the Construction of Literary Celebrity; Or,” Personality, Personality Is the appetite of the Age
  2631. appetite during consumption of enteral formula as a sole source of nutrition: the effect of supplementing pea-fibre and fructo-oligosaccharides
  2632. Leptin as a nutritional signal regulating appetite and reproductive processes in seasonally-breeding ruminants
  2633. Pure indicator of risk appetite
  2634. Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor is associated with reduced appetite in healthy older adults
  2635. appetite enhancement and weight gain by peripheral administration of TrkB agonists in non-human primates
  2636. Pharmacological options for advanced cancer patients with loss of appetite and weight
  2637. appetite-related gut peptides, ghrelin, PYY, and GLP-1 in obese women with and without binge eating disorder (BED)
  2638. Influence of dexamethasone on appetite and body weight in lung cancer patients
  2639. GABA keeps up an appetite for life
  2640. What Do Asset Prices Have to Say about Risk appetite and Uncertainty?
  2641. … effects of intraduodenal infusions of lauric and oleic acids on antropyloroduodenal motility, plasma cholecystokinin and peptide YY, appetite, and energy intake in …
  2642. Reproducibility of short-term food intake and subjective appetite scores after a glucose preload, ventilation threshold, and body composition in boys
  2643. Differential Effects of Restricted Versus Unlimited High‐Fat Feeding in Rats on Fat Mass, Plasma Hormones and Brain appetite Regulators
  2644. N‐butyldeoxynojirimycin causes weight loss as a result of appetite suppression in lean and obese mice
  2645. Effect of moderate-intensity exercise session on preprandial and postprandial responses of circulating ghrelin and appetite
  2646. Can the controversial relationship between dietary calcium and body weight be mechanistically explained by alterations in appetite and food intake?
  2647. Sensitization of salt appetite is associated with increased” wanting” but not” liking” of a salt reward in the sodium-deplete rat.
  2648. Short-term effects of a novel fat emulsion on appetite and food intake
  2649. Glutamate taste and appetite in laboratory mice: physiologic and genetic analyses
  2650. Exploring the social appetite: A sociology of food and nutrition
  2651. Modelling international stock market contagion using copula and risk appetite
  2652. Effects of peanut oil consumption on appetite and food choice
  2653. Dietary fat and appetite: similarities and differences in the satiating effect of meals supplemented with either fat or carbohydrate.
  2654. … of peripheral administration of synthetic human glucose‐dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) on energy expenditure and subjective appetite sensations in healthy …
  2655. Validation of a new hand-held electronic appetite rating system against the pen and paper method
  2656. Meal‐related changes in ghrelin, peptide YY, and appetite in normal weight and overweight children
  2657. Feeding behavior and gene expression of appetite-related neuropeptides in mice lacking for neuropeptide Y Y5 receptor subclass
  2658. Gastric/intestinal electrical stimulation modulates appetite regulatory peptide hormones in the stomach and duodenum in rats
  2659. Endocannabinoids and the non-homeostatic control of appetite
  2660. Salt appetite in sodium-depleted or sodium-replete conditions: possible role of opioid receptors
  2661. GLP‐1 and appetite responses to a meal in lean and overweight adolescents following exercise
  2662. Sex differences in the cannabinoid modulation of appetite, body temperature and neurotransmission at POMC synapses
  2663. Pharmacological characterization and appetite suppressive properties of BMS-193885, a novel and selective neuropeptide Y1 receptor antagonist
  2664. Weight Loss in the Elderly Cat: appetite is Fine, and Everything Looks Normal…
  2665. No acute effects of grape juice on appetite, implicit memory and mood
  2666. Differential appetite‐related responses to central neuropeptide S in lines of chickens divergently selected for low or high body weight
  2667. appetite and ageing
  2668. Blood-brain leptin transport and appetite and reproductive neuroendocrine responses to intracerebroventricular leptin injection in sheep: influence of photoperiod
  2669. Loss of appetite in elderly people in the community and its relationship with functional capacity
  2670. Functional Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Secretogranin III (SCG3) Gene that Form Secretory Granules with appetite-Related Neuropeptides Are …
  2671. Imaging appetite-regulating pathways in the central nervous system using manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
  2672. The role of palatability in control of human appetite: implications for understanding and treating obesity
  2673. appetite-modifying actions of pro-neuromedin U-derived peptides
  2674. Cortical systems involved in appetite and food consumption
  2675. Oestrogenic influence on brain AT1 receptor signalling on the thirst and sodium appetite in osmotically stimulated and sodium‐depleted female rats
  2676. Pork peptone stimulates cholecystokinin secretion from enteroendocrine cells and suppresses appetite in rats
  2677. Endogenous opioids and cannabinoids: system interactions in the regulation of appetite, grooming and scratching
  2678. Differences in the appetite-stimulating effect of orexin, neuropeptide Y and ghrelin among young, adult and old rats
  2679. Effects of Helicobacter pylori Infection on Gut appetite Peptide (Leptin, Ghrelin) Expression in Elderly Inpatients
  2680. On appetite, the Right to Life, and Rational Ethics
  2681. Enhanced salt appetite, diet and drinking in traditional Bedouin women in the Negev
  2682. Effects of oral fat perception by modified sham feeding on energy expenditure, hormones and appetite profile in the postprandial state
  2683. appetite and food intake: a human experimental perspective
  2684. The effect of different macronutrient infusions on appetite, ghrelin and peptide YY in parenterally fed patients
  2685. Water deprivation and the double-depletion hypothesis: common neural mechanisms underlie thirst and salt appetite
  2686. Brain-gut and appetite regulating hormones in the control of gastric secretion and mucosal protection.
  2687. Phosphorus appetite in sheep: Dissociating taste from postingestive effects,
  2688. Ghrelin in plants: What is the function of an appetite hormone in plants?
  2689. Effects of capsaicin, green tea and CH-19 sweet pepper on appetite and energy intake in humans in negative and positive energy balance
  2690. Non-NMDA receptors in the lateral parabrachial nucleus modulate sodium appetite
  2691. GABAergic mechanisms of the lateral parabrachial nucleus on sodium appetite
  2692. Mapping appetite: essays on food, fiction and culture
  2693. Corticotropin-releasing hormone in the lateral parabrachial nucleus inhibits sodium appetite in rats
  2694. Is decreased appetite for food a physiological consequence of alcohol consumption?
  2695. appetite and metabolic effects of ghrelin and cannabinoids: involvement of AMP-activated protein kinase
  2696. Does alcohol stimulate appetite and energy intake?
  2697. Implementing risk appetite in the management of currency portfolios
  2698. Effects of varying combinations of intraduodenal lipid and carbohydrate on antropyloroduodenal motility, hormone release, and appetite in healthy males
  2699. Peptide YY levels are associated with appetite suppression in response to long-chain fatty acids
  2700. Physical and emotional development, appetite and body image in adolescents who failed to thrive as infants
  2701. Effect of different macronutrients in excess on gastric sensory and motor functions and appetite in normal-weight, overweight, and obese humans
  2702. The effects of temperature on feeding and expression of two appetite‐related factors, neuropeptide Y and cocaine‐and amphetamine‐regulated transcript, in Atlantic …
  2703. Experienced poor lighting contributes to the seasonal fluctuations in weight and appetite that relate to the metabolic syndrome
  2704. The effects of unemployment and poverty on sexual appetite and sexual risk in emerging and young adults
  2705. Effects of mid-jejunal compared to duodenal glucose infusion on peptide hormone release and appetite in healthy men
  2706. Influence of photoperiod and gonadal status on food intake, adiposity, and gene expression of hypothalamic appetite regulators in a seasonal mammal
  2707. Dietary synergies in appetite control: distal gastrointestinal tract
  2708. Determination of the appetite Suppressant P57 in Hoodia gordonii Plant Extracts and Dietary Supplements by Liquid Chromatography/Electrospray Ionization Mass …
  2709. Interleukin-18 controls energy homeostasis by suppressing appetite and feed efficiency
  2710. Induction and expression of salt appetite: effects on Fos expression in nucleus accumbens
  2711. No effect of acute, single dose oral administration of Momordica charantia Linn., on glycemia, energy expenditure and appetite: a pilot study in non-diabetic …
  2712. Proposal for the Abbreviation of Ghrelin-the appetite hormone
  2713. Influence of sweetened chewing gum on appetite, meal patterning and energy intake
  2714. Elevated circulating acylated and total ghrelin concentrations along with reduced appetite scores in infants with failure to thrive
  2715. Changing investors’ risk appetite: Reality or fiction?
  2716. appetite for destruction: E3 ubiquitin-ligase protection in cardiac disease
  2717. Raisins and walking alter appetite hormones and plasma lipids by modifications in lipoprotein metabolism and up-regulation of the low-density lipoprotein receptor
  2718. appetite and tuberculosis: Is the lack of appetite an unidentified risk factor for tuberculosis?
  2719. Whetting the appetite of scientists: Producing summaries tailored to the citation context
  2720. Age and physical activity status effects on appetite and mood state in older humans
  2721. Effect of ketotifen and cyproheptadine on appetite and weight changes in mice
  2722. β‐Melanocyte‐Stimulating Hormone Potently Reduces appetite Via the Hypothalamus in Chicks
  2723. appetite focused cognitive behaviour therapy for binge eating
  2724. Visual volume and height of food affect our appetite
  2725. appetite regulatory mechanisms and food intake in mice are sensitive to mismatch in diets between pregnancy and postnatal periods
  2726. Parent-reported appetite of a child and the child’s weight status over a 2-year period in Korean children
  2727. Role of protein and carbohydrate sources on acute appetite responses in lean and overweight men
  2728. Control of thirst and salt appetite in rats: early inhibition of water and NaCl ingestion
  2729. The basics of quantitative judgment. How to rate the strength of appetite for food and its sating
  2730. Effects of methylphenidate on leptin and appetite in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: An open label trial.
  2731. Intragastric layering of lipids delays lipid absorption and increases plasma CCK but has minor effects on gastric emptying and appetite
  2732. The end of overeating: Taking control of the insatiable American appetite
  2733. The CAPM and the risk appetite index: theoretical differences, empirical similarities, and implementation problems
  2734. Lines, dashed lines and “scale” ex-tricks. Objective measurements of appetite versus subjective tests of intake
  2735. Assessment of brain AT1-receptor on the nocturnal basal and angiotensin-induced thirst and sodium appetite in ovariectomised rats
  2736. Omega‐3 fatty acid supplementation effects on weight and appetite in patients with Alzheimer’s disease: The omega‐3 Alzheimer’s disease study
  2737. Food volume effects on intake and appetite in women with binge‐eating disorder and weight‐matched controls
  2738. Assessment of subjective appetite sensations in hemodialysis patients. Agreement and feasibility between traditional paper and pen and a novel electronic appetite
  2739. appetite and food intake: behavioral and physiological considerations
  2740. Control of phosphate appetite in young rats
  2741. Improved efficacy of appetite suppression by lipoic acid particles prepared by nanocomminution
  2742. Sir David Cuthbertson Medal Lecture Bariatric surgery as a model to study appetite control: Conference on ‘Malnutrition matters’
  2743. Central role of the melanocortin-4 receptors in appetite regulation after endotoxin
  2744. Influence of glycemic index/load on glycemic response, appetite, and food intake in healthy humans: response to Alfenas and Mattes
  2745. Rice ball rivalries: Japanese convenience stores and the appetite of late capitalism
  2746. … of protein kinase A or cAMP response element-binding protein antisense oligonucleotide can modulate amphetamine-mediated appetite suppression in free-moving …
  2747. Leptin regulation of bone mass, appetite and energy expenditure relies on its ability to inhibit serotonin synthesis in the brainstem
  2748. Comparison of 2 diets with either 25% or 10% of energy as casein on energy expenditure, substrate balance, and appetite profile
  2749. The CAPM and the Risk appetite Index: theoretical differences and empirical similarities
  2750. Changes in appetite hormone (ghrelin) levels of saliva and serum in acute appendicitis cases before and after operation
  2751. Risk appetite and commodity returns
  2752. Energy density effects on food intake, appetite ratings, and loss of control in women with binge eating disorder and weight-matched controls
  2753. Right atrial stretch alters fore‐ and hind‐brain expression of c‐fos and inhibits the rapid onset of salt appetite
  2754. Onset of feeding at birth—Perinatal development of the hypothalamic mechanisms that induce appetite and feeding in the newborn
  2755. Effect of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) on avian appetite-related processes
  2756. Quantification of appetite suppressing steroid glycosides from Hoodia gordonii in dried plant material, purified extracts and food products using HPLC-UV and HPLC …
  2757. Sertraline, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, affects thirst, salt appetite and plasma levels of oxytocin and vasopressin in rats
  2758. Behavioral cross-sensitization between morphine-induced locomotion and sodium depletion-induced salt appetite
  2759. Lewis rats are more sensitive than Fischer rats to successive negative contrast, but less sensitive to the anxiolytic and appetite-stimulating effects of chlordiazepoxide
  2760. A role for D2 but not D1 dopamine receptors in the cross-sensitization between amphetamine and salt appetite
  2761. appetite Regulating Hormone
  2762. Novel food technologies: enhancing appetite control in liquid meal replacers
  2763. Varenicline, appetite, and weight reduction
  2764. Dose-dependent effects of cholecystokinin-8 on antropyloroduodenal motility, gastrointestinal hormones, appetite, and energy intake in healthy men
  2765. … signaling are involved in the modulation of hypothalamic superoxide dismutase (SOD) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) gene expression in amphetamine-mediated appetite
  2766. Presystemic influences on thirst, salt appetite, and vasopressin secretion in the hypovolemic rat
  2767. The brain-gut axis in regulation of appetite and obesity.
  2768. Masculinity, Food, and appetite in Frank Chin’s” Donald Duk” and” The Eat and Run Midnight People”
  2769. appetite-related gut peptides in obesity and binge eating disorder
  2770. appetite and Ambition: The Influence of Hunger in Macbeth
  2771. Inhibition of NaCl appetite when DOCA-treated rats drink saline
  2772. Bank risk appetite measurement and the relationship with macroeconomic factors: case of Taiwan’s banks
  2773. Assessment of appetite and weight loss syndromes in nursing home residents.
  2774. Clinical experience using appetite suppressants and SSRIs.
  2775. Gastrointestinal peptides after bariatric surgery and appetite control: are they in tuning?
  2776. Introduction to the reviews on appetite
  2777. … pancreas to restrain the beta-cell mass and to inhibit insulin secretion and on the hypothalamus to co-ordinate the neuroendocrine and appetite responses to exercise …
  2778. The Serotonin Power Diet: Eat Carbs–Nature’s Own appetite Suppressant–to Stop Emotional Overeating and Halt Antidepressant-Associated Weight Gain
  2779. Deductive functional assignment of elements in appetite regulation
  2780. Central leptin gene therapy ameliorates diabetes type 1 and 2 through two independent hypothalamic relays; a benefit beyond weight and appetite regulation
  2781. Changes in sodium appetite evoked by lesions of the commissural nucleus of the tractus solitarius
  2782. Characteristics of salt appetite in chronically sodium-depleted rats using a progressive ratio schedule of procurement
  2783. Financial risk, risk appetite and the macroeconomic environment
  2784. … the Effects of trans-10, cis-12 Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Temporal Patterns of Energy Intake and Hypothalamic Expression of appetite-Controlling Genes in Mice
  2785. appetite for reproduction: dietary restriction, aging and the mammalian gonad
  2786. Adenosine A1 receptors determine effects of caffeine on total fluid intake but not caffeine appetite
  2787. Determination of the appetite of laying hens for methionine in drinking water by using colour cue.
  2788. Hypothalamic neuropeptides and appetite response in anorexia-cachexia animal
  2789. Evolutionary perspectives on overeating and overweight. Introduction to the special section of appetite
  2790. Regulation of appetite and insulin signaling in inflammatory states
  2791. Overweight, appetite control, and the role of glutamate and excess nutritional protein during child development
  2792. appetite suppressive effects of yeast hydrolysate on nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) immunoreactivity in hypothalamus
  2793. Gastrointestinal factors in appetite and food intake-animal research
  2794. Born Round: A Story of Family, Food and a Ferocious appetite
  2795. Perceptual and affective processing in appetite for foods
  2796. Awaken olfactory receptors of humans and experimental animals by coffee odourants to induce appetite
  2797. Factors influencing appetite and depression among institutionalized Chinese elderly in Penang
  2798. Taste and appetite loss in the aged
  2799. Design and synthesis of (ant)-agonists that alter appetite and adiposity
  2800. 12 Oral and Postoral Determinants of Dietary Fat appetite
  2801. Pinnothin™ suppresses appetite in overweight women.
  2802. What drives investors’ risk appetite-Empirical evidence from private Finnish investors 2007-2008
  2803. Wine for appetite loss:” How do you know?”
  2804. Gastrointestinal factors in appetite and food intake-animal research
  2805. Born Round: A Story of Family, Food and a Ferocious appetite
  2806. 12 Oral and Postoral Determinants of Dietary Fat appetite
  2807. Lydgate’s Golden Cows: appetite and Avarice in Bycorne and Chychevache
  2808. The case for a calcium appetite in humans
  2809. A randomised, controlled trial of the effects of an energy‐dense supplement on energy intake, appetite and blood lipids in malnourished community‐based elderly …
  2810. Larger Menus and Entrepreneurial appetite: An Empirical Investigation of Organizational Choice in Mexico, 1886–1910
  2811. Risk appetite
  2812. Milnacipran, a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, induces appetite-suppressing effects without inducing hypothalamic stress responses in mice
  2813. Computing motivation: Incentive salience boosts of drug or appetite states
  2814. Quantitative positron emission tomography studies of the serotonin transporter in humans previously treated with the appetite suppressants fenfluramine or …
  2815. Roles of central catecholamine and hypothalamic neuropeptide Y genome in the development of tolerance to phenylpropanolamine-mediated appetite suppression.
  2816. TH2 cytokines potently induce an appetite-stimulating peptide, melanin-concentrating hormone, in human vascular endothelial cells
  2817. The unending appetite for stories: genre theory, indigenous theatre and Tomson Highway s Rez Cycle
  2818. Changes in investors’ risk appetite-an assessment of financial integration and interdependence
  2819. Eating out and the appetite for Leisure
  2820. Effects of folic acid on preschool children’s appetite: Randomized triple‐blind clinical trial
  2821. Neuropeptide Y: a conductor of the appetite-regulating orchestra in the hypothalamus
  2822. Dynamics of GHRH in third-ventricle cerebrospinal fluid of cattle: relationship with serum concentrations of GH and responses to appetite-regulating peptides
  2823. Weight loss treatment in long-term care: Are outcomes improved with oral supplements and appetite stimulants?
  2824. Central mechanisms controlling appetite and food intake in a cancer setting: an update
  2825. Mineralocorticoid modulation of central angiotensin-induced neuronal activity, water intake and sodium appetite
  2826. More appetite for emerging markets
  2827. Influence of breakfast on cognitive performance, appetite and mood in healthy young adults
  2828. Appearance-specific satiety increases appetite and quality of life in patients with metastatic liver tumor: a case report
  2829. Remodeled salt appetite in rat offspring by perinatal exposure to nicotine
  2830. Can ghrelin improve appetite in uremic wasting?
  2831. The western appetite for biofuels is causing starvation in the poor world
  2832. Current and future drugs for appetite regulation and obesity treatment
  2833. Vagus nerve stimulation confuses appetite: Comment on Bodenlos et al.(2007)
  2834. A decadent appetite for the lurid’?: James Herbert, The Spear and ‘Nazi Gothic
  2835. Asymmetric impacts of global risk appetite on the risk premium for an emerging market
  2836. “A Study in Starvation”: The New Girl and the Gendered Socialisation of appetite in Sarah Grand’s The Beth Book
  2837. China’s appetite for African oil grows
  2838. Effects of peripheral or central GLP-1 receptor blockade on leptin-induced suppression of appetite
  2839. Effects of whey protein hydrolysates on lipid profiles and appetite-related hormones in rats fed high fat diet
  2840. Gut hormones regulating appetite and metabolism
  2841. Synthesis and appetite suppressant activity of 1-aryloxy-2-substituted aminomethyltetrahydronaphthalenes as conformationally rigid analogues of fluoxetine
  2842. Is physical activity associated with appetite? A survey of long-term care residents
  2843. Omega-3 fatty acids improve appetite in cancer anorexia, but tumor resecting restores it
  2844. Financial Market’s appetite for Risk: And the Challenge of Assessing its Evolution by Risk appetite Indicators
  2845. Substituted urea/thiourea derived from fluoxetine as potent appetite suppressants
  2846. The multiple faces of glucagon-like peptide-1—obesity, appetite, and stress: what is next? A review
  2847. An appetite for learning
  2848. Curbing kids’ TV appetite
  2849. Intravenous angiotensin and salt appetite in rats
  2850. Serum levels of tumour necrosis factor‐α and interleukin‐6 and their correlation with body mass index, weight loss, appetite and survival rate–preliminary data of …
  2851. No longer just gray: business journalism takes off; Technology, public appetite and far more sophistication in delivery have conspired to radically transform the face of …
  2852. Basics in clinical nutrition: appetite and its control
  2853. The effects of a polydextrose preload on appetite and energy intake
  2854. Roles of protein kinase Cα isozyme in the regulation of oxidative stress and neuropeptide Y gene expression in phenylpropanolamine‐mediated appetite suppression
  2855. High-protein diets for appetite control and weight loss–the ‘holy grail’of dieting?
  2856. Getting an appetite for biotechnology
  2857. appetite suppression and weight loss incidental to spinal cord stimulation for pain relief
  2858. Land use and cover change in Japan and Tokyo’s appetite for meat
  2859. Korean pine nut fatty acids affect appetite sensations, plasma CCK and GLP1 in overweight subjects
  2860. Frank Bowling and the appetite for British Pop
  2861. appetite for Fear: The pamphleteers who hunted’pinkos’
  2862. About the appetite-related effects of topiramate
  2863. appetite awareness training in the prevention of eating disorders
  2864. The Insatiable appetite for Intellectual Property Rights
  2865. Protein appetite is increased after central leptin-induced fat depletion
  2866. Impact of nutrient density of nocturnal enteral feeds on appetite: a prospective, randomised crossover study
  2867. The effects of free fatty acids on gastric emptying, plasma cholecystokinin (CCK) and peptide YY (PYY), appetite and energy intake in humans are more potent than …
  2868. Capital Asset Pricing Model and the Risk appetite Index: Theoretical Differences, Empirical Similarities and Implementation Problems*
  2869. A Gorged appetite.
  2870. Effects of a high-protein diet with or without monosodium-glutamate in combination with inosine-monophosphate-5 on 24-h energy metabolism and appetite profile.
  2871. Perinatal appetite programming.
  2872. Rising biotech appetite in the east
  2873. Does the ECB Care about Shifts in Investors’ Risk appetite?
  2874. Individual differences in the hormonal control of appetite: a step toward a (more) successful treatment of childhood overweight?
  2875. Teeth, But a Questionable appetite: The Information Commissioner’s Code of Practice and the Regulation of CCTV Surveillance
  2876. Overview: risk appetite rebounds on stabilisation hopes
  2877. Hungry: A Young Model’s Story of appetite, Ambition and the Ultimate Embrace of Curves
  2878. Nutritional and neuroendocrine control of appetite in transgenic coho salmon
  2879. Action learning in an SME: appetite Comes with Eating
  2880. DOCA stimulates salt appetite in Zucker rats: Effect of dose, synergistic action with central angiotensin II, and obesity
  2881. appetite for Construction
  2883. Variability in the acute effect of exercise on appetite, energy intake, liking and wanting for food
  2884. Study links blood sugar imbalance with increased appetite
  2885. Drug targets modulating the gut-appetite-metabolism axis
  2886. Effects of dietary macronutrients on appetite-related hormones in blood on body composition of lean and obese rats
  2887. The comparative endocrinology of appetite
  2888. Efficacy of mirtazapine for appetite loss and nausea of the cancer patient–from clinical experience in Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
  2889. A Case of Ischemic Stroke Associated with Phendimetrazine as an appetite Suppressant
  2890. Effects of dietary different ratios of n-3 to n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids influence lipid metabolism and appetite of rats
  2891. Financial intermediary risk appetite and asset prices
  2892. The effect of garlic odor on appetite center
  2893. Integration of Peripheral Adiposity Signals and Psychological Controls of appetite
  2894. Invalid insurrections: intellect and appetite in Catharine Maria Sedgwick’s biography of Lucretia Maria Davidson
  2895. Preclinical Effects of Opioid Antagonists on Feeding and appetite
  2896. Deep brain stimulation is used to suppress appetite in obese man—And his memory improves
  2897. Mouth Wide Open: A Cook and His appetite
  2898. Cultivating a Healthy appetite for Risk
  2899. Effects of appetite status and percieved satiation on portion size estimation in men
  2900. Should we use appetite stimulants for malnourished elderly patients?
  2901. Whetting the appetite for storytelling: a multimedia reporting boot camp flourishes in Northern Ireland
  2902. Risk Profile, appetite, and Tolerance: Fundamental Concepts in Risk Management and Reinsurance Effectiveness
  2903. Dose-dependent effects of cholecystokinin-8 (CCK-8) on pyloric motility, appetite and energy intake.
  2904. Enrichment of yoghurt with protein and fiber reduces appetite.
  2905. Effect of permanent hypoinsulinemia on appetite, performance, carcass composition, blood metabolites and leptin concentrations in lambs
  2906. … study on the effects of a calcium-rich whey protein supplement (osolean™ powder) on weight loss, waist circumference, and appetite in overweight subjects
  2907. A Case of Patient with Lung Cancer in the Terminal Stage whose appetite and General Condition had been Maintained Following the Oral Administration of\it …
  2908. Chewing it over: Effects of chewing gum on appetite
  2909. Marked PT-INR prolongation associated with appetite loss due to urinary tract infection in a late elderly case with chronic atrial fibrillation
  2910. A Precocious appetite: Industrial Agriculture and the Fertiliser Revolution in Java’s Colonial Cane Fields, c. 1880–1914
  2911. 12| Famished: Alienation and appetite in Edna O’Brien’s early novels
  2912. Indian Banks’ Diminishing appetite for Government Securities: A Change of Diet?
  2913. Short-term effects of a novel fat emulsion on appetite and food intake in different weight and age groups.
  2914. Validity, Reproducibility of Visual Analogue Scales in Assessment of appetite Sensations.
  2915. How significant is the influence of the dialysate on appetite in peritoneal dialysis?
  2916. Vasopressin and angiotensin receptors of the medial septal area of the brain in the control of thirst and salt appetite induced by vasopressin in water-deprived and …
  2917. The incorporation of a protein‐rich breakfast on appetite sensations and subsequent food intake in “breakfast‐skipping” adolescents
  2918. The role of the free fatty acid, lauric acid, in appetite regulation and its potential as an appetite-suppressant.
  2919. From Aga Khan to Dim Sum: New Russia’s Asian appetite
  2920. Biting more than” we” can chew: the royal appetite in Richard II and 1 and 2 Henry IV
  2921. Hunger Free Forever: The New Science of appetite Control
  2922. The Effect of Long-Term Bonus Frame and Perceived Accountability Pressure on Intertemporal Investment Risk appetite in a Continuous Monitoring …
  2923. The Effects of Salvia hispanica L.(Salba) on Postprandial Glycemia and Subjective appetite
  2924. Ghrelin as a new factor in the central network controlling appetite and food intake
  2925. Factors influencing body mass index, appetite control, and the role of glutamate and excess nutritional protein during child development: a review
  2926. The acute effects of resistant starch on the postprandial insulin responses and appetite
  2927. Lack of appetite/Eating Disorders in Children: A Sign of Spleen Qi Deficiency and its Treatment with One-Point-Acupuncture
  2928. 5-HT and NA reuptake inhibitors and appetite regulation: the role of the central 5-HT network
  2929. Maternal care programs appetite and weight gain in rats.
  2930. Implicit wanting in relation to explicit liking and wanting for food: Implications for appetite control
  2931. In search of the missing link in the regulation of appetite and body weight
  2932. The cat with weight loss and a good appetite
  2933. The effect of oral fat perception compared to fat ingestion on energy expenditure and appetite profile.
  2934. The acute effects of a propionate-rich sourdough bread on appetite and metabolic response
  2935. Amino acid supplementation prevents the loss of appetite for casein in old Lou/Cjall rats
  2936. appetite-focused dialectical behavior therapy for the treatment of binge eating with purging: A randomized controlled trial
  2937. appetite for Destruction: On Naomi Klein’s Neo-liberal Utopia-Dystopia
  2938. A Review of:“The appetite Awareness Workbook” How to Listen to Your Body and Overcome Bingeing, Overeating, and Obsession with Food, Linda W. Craighead …
  2939. Determination technologies on appetite inhibitor of anti-obesity agent
  2940. The role of functional lipids in appetite regulation and weight management
  2941. The Role of appetite Stimulants for Cancer-Related Weight Loss
  2942. Fatigue and loss of appetite as sign of depression in elderly patients
  2943. Sexual appetite: A Technique for Disarming Resistance in the Treatment of Sexual Complaints
  2944. A healthy appetite for chips drives Korea’s rapid growth
  2945. New insights into appetite, inflammation and the use of fish oil in hemodialysis patients
  2946. Effect of Physical Activity and Other Stressors on appetite: Overcoming Underconsumption of Military Operational Rations, Revisited
  2947. Asia appetite for turtles seen as a threat to Florida species
  2948. Simultaneous determination of 11 appetite suppressants in weight-loss functional foods by accelerated solvent extraction-high performance liquid chromatography …
  2949. Ghrelin action on gastrointestinal functions and appetite in rat and man
  2950. The effect of mastication on appetite and lipid bioaccessibility
  2951. appetite for risk
  2952. Wetting Africa’s appetite: Conservation Agriculture is Turning Rainfall into Higher Crop Yields–and Catching on
  2953. Commentary on Cotton, JR, Burley, VJ, Westrate, JA & Blundell, JE (1994) Dietary fat and appetite: similarities and differences in the satiating effect of meals …
  2954. Appalling appetite, An.
  2955. eScent® appetite Suppressant
  2956. High protein meals and diets in appetite and body weight regulation
  2957. appetite for risk
  2958. appetite control systems in fish: Identification of fish leptin and agouti-family genes
  2959. An appetite for life
  2960. Dynamics of food intake and blood level of hormones regulating appetite in pregnant and lactating mice
  2961. Dual process action of exercise on appetite control: increase in hunger but improved sensitivity to satiety
  2962. appetite for Profit
  2963. Measuring the mediating effects of nausea and learned food aversion on relationships linking food neophobia to appetite and food rejection
  2964. Ghrelin/Obestatin: a new mechanism for appetite control?
  2965. Actions of appetite regulating peptides on supraoptic nucleus (SON) oxytocin neurones
  2966. Endocrine regulation of appetite and growth in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
  2967. Subjective appetite-reducing effects of a low-fat dairy product enriched in protein and fibre
  2968. Pharmacokinetics, safety, and endocrine and appetite effects of ghrelin administration in young healthy subjects
  2969. An Unending appetite for War?
  2970. appetite for destruction: neuron ablations, prey capture, and sensorimotor integration in larval zebrafish
  2971. The Healthy appetite
  2972. The second meal effect of oral fat perception compared to fat ingestion on energy expenditure, hormones and appetite profile
  2973. Studies of appetite variation in juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) using demand feeding systems
  2974. Volume of light yogurt and subjective appetite sensations in normal-weight and overweight men
  2975. Pulmonary Delivery of Anorectic Gut Secreted Peptides for appetite Suppression in Rats
  2976. Central control of appetite during ketogenic weight loss diets: a positron emission tomography study
  2977. Need-induced sodium appetite in SHR is enhanced after one episode of water deprivation-partial repletion (WD-PR) and enhancement in sodium appetite is …
  2978. appetite regulation and functional food claims: Experimental methodology and physiological targets.
  2979. By the way, doctor. I’ve seen a lot of Internet ads for Hoodia, a natural supplement that suppresses your appetite. What do you know about it? Does it work, is it safe?
  2980. appetite for drugs
  2981. Still appetite and still confused: Riposte to Bodenlos, Borckardt and George
  2982. The effects of cortisol on feed intake and on the expression of appetite-regulating neuropeptides in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
  2983. Consumption of the slow digesting starch waxy maize leads to blunted and sustained carbohydrate utilization but does not influence energy expenditure or appetite
  2984. The role of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in the depressive-like effects of a chronic and unresolved sodium appetite
  2985. Gastric emptying of ingested 0.15 M NaCl solution by rats with thirst and/or salt appetite.
  2986. Review of appetite and body weight.
  2987. appetite and Accumulation
  2988. How Stress Affects appetite
  2989. Big appetite
  2990. Emotional appetite Questionnaire: Construct validity and relationship with BMI.
  2991. appetite for DeStruction Whereas it isn’t necessarily considered
  2992. Central injections of tachykinin NK3 receptor agonists inhibit salt appetite and cause translocation of the NK3 receptor to the nuclei of neurons in the paraventricular …
  2993. Marketing: appetite for Australian
  2994. Catering for appetite loss
  2995. suffering from poor appetite.
  2996. Frequency of Feeding and appetite in Children.
  2997. Dietary zinc intake of young children in Peru and the United States, and effects of supplemental zinc on energy intake, appetite, body composition, and plasma …
  2998. Reduced appetite during pregnancy: case report
  2999. APIs with an appetite: Time for everyone’s favorite subject again: API design. This one just doesn’t get old, does it? Well, OK, maybe it does, but leave it to Kode …
  3000. Imaging the brain appetite network
  3001. The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable North American appetite.
  3002. Real Time Functional Mapping of appetite Systems
  3003. Children of the Sun: A History of Humanity’s Unappeasable appetite for Energy
  3004. unless the appetite responds in the direction of inducing
  3005. Children of the Sun: A History of Humanity’s Unappeasable appetite for Energy
  3006. Neonatal development and central appetite regulation
  3007. Children of the Sun: A History of Humanity’s Unappeasable appetite for Energy
  3008. appetite for Detention
  3009. Evaluation of the use of appetite depressants by academics from a College in Maringá, PR.
  3010. Novel functions of appetite-regulating peptides
  3011. Perinatal appetite Programming
  3012. Curbing mitochondrial appetite
  3013. Toddler With Decreased appetite and Activity
  3014. The effects of macronutrient intake on self-reported appetite and appetite hormones
  3016. Children’s Study Exhibits Healthy appetite
  3017. Stimulating the cell’s appetite for itself
  3018. Comparative approaches to resolve the complexities of human appetite regulation
  3019. Can diet influence the expression of genes associated with control of appetite?
  3020. fever was also lessened, the appetite improved and
  3021. Relationship of Helicobacter pylori Infection with appetite.
  3022. strength, weight and appetite of the patient grad¬
  3023. Food, appetite and consumption in postmodern film
  3024. The role of dietary protein and macronutrients in acute appetite regulation
  3025. The role of bowel fermentation in appetite control
  3026. Therapeutic diets for appetite disorders.
  3027. The role of bowel fermentation in appetite control
  3029. MRI Studies of appetite Centre Function in Rodents
  3030. lent appetite, which punctually reminds him of meal times, and, like
  3031. appetite for innovation [industrial automation]
  3032. Evaluation of appetite regulation in lean and obese individuals.
  3033. Survey Finds appetite for State, Local Destruction
  3034. Comparison of 2 diets with either 25 or 10 energy% gelatin on energy expenditure, substrate balances and appetite profile
  3035. Peptides Involved in appetite Modulation
  3037. America’s appetite for Oil: The past, present, and a Bumpy Road Ahead
  3038. Blocking brain enzyme curbs appetite
  3039. Regulation of appetite by exercise performed before or after meal consumption
  3040. Legend Capital Raises RMB Fund, But Sees International appetite
  3041. The reproducibility of subjective appetite scores
  3042. Role of the different parts of large bowel in influencing appetite
  3043. energy and-loss of appetite, sometimes lasting-for weeks and
  3044. Plasma triglycerides and appetite control
  3045. increased appetite and progressive gain in weight
  3046. Alcohol and the effect on some appetite-regulating hormones in man
  3047. appetite For Profit: How The Food Industry Undermines Our Health and How to Fight Back by Michele Simon: New York: Nation Books, 2006. US $15.95 …
  3048. Creating a risk appetite framework for insurance decision-making
  3049. Wetting California’s appetite
  3050. GOAT: A Stomach Enzyme That Whets Our appetite
  3051. Slightly constipated. appetite poor. Nervous.
  3052. Central regulation of appetite and body weight: the role of peripheral signals
  3053. appetite for utilitarianism, and willing to lead us to contemplate the
  3054. The Effect of Diarrhea on appetite in Children Ages One to Five
  3055. if slight), leukocytosis, poor appetite, together with
  3056. Risk appetite, Securities Valuations, and the Current Crisis
  3057. Wetting the appetite for washed arabicas.
  3058. Risk appetite Swells
  3059. Characterising over consumption: appetite expression and food choice
  3060. Cognitive suppression of appetite less efficient in women than in men
  3061. life did not fatiate his appetite of greatnefs. To paint things as they are requires
  3062. Glucocorticoids increase salt appetite by increasing urinary excretion
  3063. How Much Investors are Willing to Pay for the Risk? Implied Risk appetite
  3064. Salt appetite in zinc-deficient rats
  3065. Depression and hardiness and their association with appetite in older adults
  3066. Central role of AMP-kinase in appetite control
  3067. An appetite for Credit A Study of Product Innovation by Pro Mujer Peru
  3068. Improved risk appetite lifts Asian currencies
  3069. feeling weak. appetite splendid. Is eating two and
  3070. P37: appetite regulation four years after weight loss surgery-results from a randomized clinical trial
  3071. A study of food appetite-related industrial tourism.
  3072. Dual-process action of exercise on appetite control: Increase in orexigenic drive but improvement in…
  3073. Impact of weight loss achieved through a multidisciplinary intervention on appetite in 1
  3074. Metabolic characterisation of hypothalamic appetite pathways
  3075. Peptide hormones: Therapeutic targets in appetite regulation
  3076. Cannibal appetite: Mysteries of Taste and Insane Ritual
  3077. Relationship between diet-induced changes in body fat and appetite sensations in women
  3078. Editorial [Hot Topic: appetite (Guest Editor: Willis K. Samson)]
  3079. appetite regulation in institutionalized seniors with and without Alzheimer’s Disease
  3080. Role of ghrelin in the regulation of appetite in children.
  3081. The Effect of Megestrol Acetate Oral Suspension on appetite and Quality of Life in late-stage Cancer Patients
  3082. In the heavy task he has now undertaken, we find the same quality of food provided for the public appetite; and we question whether the atten
  3083. An Examination of the Relationships Among Cardiorespiratory Fitness Status, Body Mass Index, appetite and Grelin
  3084. The Effect of Nutritional Early-life Programming on Adult Body Composition and appetite Regulation
  3086. Aldosterone‐sensitive HSD2 neurons and salt appetite
  3087. Modulation of inflammatory response and appetite regulation by egg intake
  3088. Purchase of Wyeth May Blunt Pfizer’s appetite for Small Biotech Companies
  3089. Maternal overnutrition and the regulation of energy balance and appetite before and after birth
  3090. Stock markets crisis and contagion: risk appetite, dependence and liquidity
  3091. The novel is fundamentally about love: Ravelstein’s ravenous appetite for philos-ophy and gossip about love and Chick’s
  3092. Sodium appetite and cocaine sensitization share similar mechanisms
  3093. Assessment of subjective appetite sensations in hemodialysis patients: agreement and
  3094. Effects of palatable diets on appetite regulation, appetite peptides and neurogenesis.
  3095. Investigations into the gastrointestinal factors involved in the regulation of appetite and energy intake
  3096. Adiposity killed the catfish’appetite
  3097. Physical activity, appetite control and energy balance: Implications for obesity
  3098. digestion, loss of appetite, and, generally, imperfect
  3099. Plane of nutrition affects appetite‐related hormones in neonatal calves
  3100. Investigation of the Role of Exercise and Restrained Eating Behaviour on appetite Control
  3101. Investigations into the gastrointestinal control of appetite and nutritional frailty.
  3102. Diets for Peptic Ulcer SIR,-The advice to control the appetite
  3103. appetite loss, nausea, vomiting
  3104. Central nervous system stimulants and drugs that suppress appetite
  3105. The Effects of Pea Fractions on appetite, Blood Glucose and Food Intake in Men.
  3106. Ghrelin, a new hormone involved not only in the regulation of appetite
  3108. There were no enlargements of other glands noticeable. The appetite was good; no feeling
  3109. SS Queensland, a wreck to whet your appetite
  3110. Role of dietary protein and carbohydrate in acute appetite regulation in overweight subjects.
  3111. OOS 40-7: Using the land to fuel our appetite for gasoline and diesel
  3112. The Novel Role of Guanylyl Cyclase C Signaling in appetite Suppression and Body Weight Regulation
  3113. On My appetite, Vinegar, Financial Support, and the State: A Response to a Review of Mien Relations and Mien Sports and Heritage, Thailand, 2001
  3114. How Satiety Factors Reach CNS appetite Centers
  3115. appetite regulating hormones in constitutionally lean and anorexia nervosa subjects
  3116. appetite suppressing effect of t10, c12 conjugated linoleic acid on mice is dependent on dietary fat level and the temporal pattern of energy intake is associated with …
  3117. Energy density effects on food intake, appetite ratings, and loss of
  3118. Effects of a high-protein diet with MSG and IMP’5 on metabolism and appetite
  3120. Neurohumoral mechanisms involved in the sensitization and processing of the palatability of sodium appetite
  3121. Macronutrient composition modulates plasma adiponectine and appetite hormones during a weight loss intervention
  3122. Loss of the Prader-Willi Syndrome candidate gene Magel2 alters appetite energy balance
  3123. Transmission of shocks across global financial markets: The role of contagion and investors’ risk appetite
  3124. Larger menus and entrepreneurial appetite: an empirical investigation of organization choice in Mexico, 1886-1910
  3125. ing, and sacrificed to inordinate appetite, and they cared not, so like locusts they could feed upon the fat of the
  3126. Relationships between biomarkers of satiety, appetite, and body size in young adults
  3127. DOCA‐induced salt appetite in old Brown‐Norway rats
  3128. Pre-Course Material to develop the Academic Writing Skills of First Year Diploma (HE) Nursing Students: Is There an appetite?
  3129. An appetite for creative destruction: should the senior academic technology officer be modelled on the CIO or the CTO?
  3130. Masculinity, Food, and appetite in Frank Chin’s Donald Duk and “The Eat and Run Midnight People”
  3131. Effects of dietary protein and meal frequency on appetite during weight loss
  3132. Effects of exercise, with and without an associated energy deficit, on postprandial metabolism and appetite regulation
  3133. Role of central serotonin 2C receptors in appetite control
  3134. NIA0003 The role of peptide YY (PYY) in the control of appetite
  3135. Low carbohydrate diets alter hormones known to mediate central regulation of appetite
  3136. Pre‐and Postprandial appetite Hormone Levels in Normal Weight and Obese Women
  3137. The role of twenty four hours of daylight on sleep, appetite and cortisol: is it a hard day’s night?
  3138. Design and synthesis of (ant)-agonists that alter appetite and adiposity
  3139. Fatigue, loss of appetite and anuria due to retroperitoneal fibrosis
  3140. Changes in appetite, mood and emotions towards food during the day in normal-weight and obese French women
  3141. Effects of active commuting and leisure-time exercise on appetite in individuals with 1
  3142. Effect of short‐and long‐duration exercise at the ventilation threshold on subjective appetite and short‐term food intake in children
  3143. My Hydra love, that’s appetite, Returns, is fed each day and night
  3144. Humoral factors involved in strong salt appetite in zinc deficient rats.
  3145. Who should receive parenteral nutrition or pharmacologic therapy for loss of appetite and weight in the setting of incurable cancer?
  3146. The effects of oral fat perception compared to fat ingestion on energy expenditure and appetite profile
  3147. Falling levels of leptin increase appetite in humans given a calorie-restricted diet
  3148. chance, guided by appetite or ruled by tradition, bul can be safely directed only according to the laws of digestion and
  3149. Fueling the appetite for water: The palm oil biofuel industry in San Pedro Sula, Honduras
  3150. Acyl-modification of ghrelin regulates its appetite-stimulating activity in mice
  3151. The neurobiology of latent learning in the rat using salt appetite and its dissociation from conditioning
  3152. Effect of high glycemic foods on blood glucose response, appetite and food intake in young Kuwaiti females
  3154. Granuloma, drowsiness and loss of appetite after intrathecal administration: case report
  3155. Large Bowel Fermentation: Its Role in Release of Gut Hormone and appetite Control
  3156. Effect of acetic acid feeding during exercise on appetite and glycogen repletion after exercise in rats
  3157. FDA’s appetite for Desuetude: Food Safety Exceptions Swallow Statutory Norms
  3158. THE REFLECTOR-0. appetite. TeS
  3159. Effects of isoenergetic solid vs liquid meal‐replacements on hunger, satiety, and appetite hormones in older adults
  3160. ejected from the lungs. Pulse regular; appetite bad. His bowels had not been relieved; therefore a mixture of the sul-phate and carbonate of magnesia was …
  3161. Expression of appetite Regulatory Genes, Receptors, and Hormones in Obese Dams and Their Fetuses.
  3162. Fine tuning appetite: sex differences, aging and illness as modulators of hunger and satiation.
  3163. A Review of:“appetite for Life” Inspiring Stories of Recovery from Anorexia, Bulimia, and Compulsive Overeating, Margie Ryerson, New York: iUniverse, 2005, US …
  3164. Hypothalamic insulin signaling via PI3K and MAPK: Regulation of appetite and growth in IUGR newborns
  3165. The Effects of Resistant Starch and Whole Grains on appetite, Food Intake and Metabolic Response
  3166. Milnacipran, a serotonin and noradrenalin reuptake inhibitor, induces appetite suppressing
  3167. appetite Regulatory Neural Circuitry in the Prenatal Testosterone Treated and Obese Ewe
  3168. Effects of food form and portion size on postprandial appetite, ghrelin, and energy expenditure in healthy, older adults
  3169. An appetite for Apatite: A Study of Black Apatite Adsorption Effects on Organic and Non–Organic Environmental Contaminants
  3170. The effects of different ratios of fructose to glucose solutions on glycemic, insulin and appetite responses, and short-term food intake.
  3171. Glucagon suppression of total but not of acylated ghrelin is preserved in obesity: the impact on appetite control
  3172. Effects of high meal frequency on body weight loss, appetite regulation and PYY levels
  3173. The ghrelin-cannabinoid axis: a novel pathway in the regulation of appetite and metabolism
  3174. Mechanism of appetite regulation by daidzein.-approach using leptin-or cholecystokinin-receptor deficient-animals.
  3175. Effects of Syndyphalin-33 on appetite, endocrine, and immune parameters in the recently weaned pig
  3176. Control of appetite and metabolism by olfactory stimulation: Involvements of histaminergic nerve and biological clock
  3177. High-protein Diet Reduces appetite Eggs, meat and cheese trigger a protein that makes us eat less.
  3178. ating the symptoms, including cough, loss of appetite, difficulty in obtaining sleep, chills and fever, from
  3179. Pirates or Pioneers? Gulf Airlines Are Taking a Lot of Heat for Their Aggressive Order Books and appetite for Expansion
  3180. No effect of Momordica charantia Linn on glycemic regulation, energy expenditure and appetite in healthy overweight men: A pilot study
  3181. Differences in the appetite-stimulating effect of orexin, NPY, ghrelin among young, adult, and old rats.
  3182. Food intake, appetite, gut hormones, and resting energy expenditure in resistance trained vs. sedentary older adults
  3183. Central amylin decreases appetite and total food transit rate in 4‐day post hatch chicks
  3184. An examination of the relationships between the peptide hormone ghrelin and appetite, plasma biomarkers of satiety and metabolic response in humans
  3185. Neuroendocrine Regulation of appetite in the Female Non-human Primate: Effects of Menstrual Cycle Phase and Ovarian Steroids
  3186. A modified carbohydrate diet, including uniquely formulated meal and snack products, resulted in greater early weight loss and similar appetite ratings compared to a …
  3187. The response of infant’s adrenal gland and salt appetite, aldosterone and Na serum level to mother’s salt consumption
  3188. Peanut consumption with a meal or as a snack: Effects on appetite, energy intake, plasma glucose, insulin and lipids
  3189. Gut microbiota fermentation of prebiotics increases satietogenic and incretin gut peptide production with consequences for appetite
  3190. … Museum of Art’s transformation is the newly-opened Broad Contemporary Art Museum, the result of Eli Broad’s philanthropy and insatiable appetite for art: Louise …
  3191. Role of hypothalamic ACTH and α-MSH in appetite regulation–an in situ hybridization study of BDNF and MC4-receptor mRNA expression
  3192. Effects of Weaning and Syndyphalin-33 on appetite Regulators in Swine
  3193. Neuropeptide promotes drug-seeking and craving in rats: orexin emerges as a link in the chain of brain mechanisms regulating appetite for rewards
  3194. Olfactory stimulation with grapefruit oil and lavender oil affects autonomic nerves, lipolysis and appetite in the rat
  3195. … Ion-Trap Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Identification and Structural Characterization of Eight Pregnane Glycosides including P57 (appetite Suppressant) in Hoodia …
  3196. … across the economy with the related credit squeeze greatly affecting all banks. To shed light on how the fallout will affect the industry’s risk appetite in the short-term …
  3197. BH-205: Bariatrics from bench to bedside: Translating the basic science of appetite regulation to clinical application
  3198. FRCP). BW, boy aged 3 years. 6.3. 47: Loss of appetite, pale stools, dark urine (mild hepatitis). 9.3. 47: Urine became scanty and cedema developed. No albuminuria …
  3199. A Precocious appetite: Industrial Agriculture and the Fertiliser Revolution in Javaʼs Colonial Cane Fields, c. 1880–1914 Research for this paper was supported by the …
  3200. 228: Brain slice electrophysiology of arcuate neurons: evidence for the neonatal development of appetite pathways
  3201. Take Ten: Take-and-Save: 10 Nice-to-Know Facts About appetite
  3202. Sucralose ingestion does not elicit a GLP-1, PYY or appetite response in healthy, normal-weight volunteers.
  3203. … suffer fromamyriad of symptoms over the course of their illness trajectory. 1 Chief among these are involuntary weight loss, reduced appetite, fatigue, and weakness. 2 …
  3204. How much is enough? China’s appetite for coal
  3205. Effects of a high‐protein diet with or without monosodium‐glutamate in combination with inosine‐monophosphate‐5 on 24‐h energy and appetite profile
  3206. 204 pp. $240.00 (single issue) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society [Biological Sciences] Theme Issue “appetite”, Gerard P. Smith, Graham J. Dockray …
  3207. Transient receptor potential vanilloid‐1 (TRPV1) and TRPV4 Null Mice Display Normal Salt appetite
  3208. Issue 248 Anorexia nervosa 1: appetite hormones
  3209. Cannabinoid Receptor 1 in Goldfish Carassius Auratus: Protein Expression and Role in appetite
  3210. 18 Beverages, appetite, and Energy Balance
  3211. China and India’s Ravenous appetite for Natural Resources―Their Potential Impact on Colorado
  3212. Cell, Volume 138 Supplemental Data A Serotonin-Dependent Mechanism Explains the Leptin Regulation of Bone Mass, appetite, and Energy Expenditure
  3213. Weight loss in obese subjects with and without type 2 diabetes treated with the long term appetite suppressant Axokine®
  3214. Harpur Palate, Volume 7 Issue 1, Summer 2007: The Food, Hunger, and appetite Issue
  3215. 6 6,…. He treats his mother, the earth, and his brother, the sky, as things to be’bought, plundered, sold like sheep or bright beads. His appetite will devour the …
  3216. appetite control: methodological aspects of the evaluation of foods
  3217. Do SCFA have a role in appetite regulation?
  3218. appetite and reward
  3219. The end of overeating: Taking control of the insatiable American appetite
  3220. Gastrointestinal targets of appetite regulation in humans
  3221. Exercise, appetite and appetite-regulating hormones: implications for food intake and weight control
  3222. Risk appetite and exchange rates
  3223. Risk appetite and endogenous risk
  3224. Pharmacological management of appetite expression in obesity
  3225. Cephalic phase responses and appetite
  3226. How we eat: appetite, culture, and the psychology of food
  3227. The role of gut hormones and the hypothalamus in appetite regulation
  3228. The central effects of thyroid hormones on appetite
  3229. Role of sleep duration in the regulation of glucose metabolism and appetite
  3230. The gut hormones in appetite regulation
  3231. Physical activity and appetite control: can we close the energy gap?
  3232. Regulation of appetite to treat obesity
  3233. The neurobiology of appetite: hunger as addiction
  3234. Breakfast frequency and quality may affect glycemia and appetite in adults and children
  3235. An appetite for connection: why we need to understand the effect and value of feeding wild birds
  3236. Alcohol, appetite and energy balance: is alcohol intake a risk factor for obesity?
  3237. Metabolic and hedonic drives in the neural control of appetite: who is the boss?
  3238. Phytochemicals in the control of human appetite and body weight
  3239. Learning and the persistence of appetite: Extinction and the motivation to eat and overeat
  3240. Making claims: functional foods for managing appetite and weight
  3241. Hormonal appetite control is altered by shift work: a preliminary study
  3242. The effects of exercise-induced weight loss on appetite-related peptides and motivation to eat
  3243. Effects of dietary fibre on subjective appetite, energy intake and body weight: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
  3244. Dietary fibres in the regulation of appetite and food intake. Importance of viscosity
  3245. appetite and gastrointestinal symptoms in chronic hemodialysis patients
  3246. The effect of eating frequency on appetite control and food intake: brief synopsis of controlled feeding studies
  3247. Hardiness, depression, and emotional well‐being and their association with appetite in older adults
  3248. Development of hypothalamic neural networks controlling appetite
  3249. Influence of prolonged treadmill running on appetite, energy intake and circulating concentrations of acylated ghrelin
  3250. Mechanisms of appetite regulation
  3251. The effects of hedonically acceptable red pepper doses on thermogenesis and appetite
  3252. Acute and long-term effects of exercise on appetite control: is there any benefit for weight control?
  3253. Nature and nurture in infant appetite: analysis of the Gemini twin birth cohort
  3254. Negative mood increases selective attention to food cues and subjective appetite
  3255. The world’s appetite for light: empirical data and trends spanning three centuries and six continents
  3256. Physical activity and hormonal regulation of appetite: sex differences and weight control
  3257. Emotional appetite Questionnaire. Construct validity and relationship with BMI
  3258. Effects of oligofructose on appetite profile, glucagon-like peptide 1 and peptide YY3-36 concentrations and energy intake
  3259. The effects of weight loss strategies on gastric emptying and appetite control
  3260. Maternal overnutrition impacts offspring adiposity and brain appetite markers‐modulation by postweaning diet
  3261. Influence of brisk walking on appetite, energy intake, and plasma acylated ghrelin
  3262. Can journalism be saved?: rediscovering America’s appetite for news
  3263. The acute effects of four protein meals on insulin, glucose, appetite and energy intake in lean men
  3264. appetite regulation: the central role of melatonin in Danio rerio
  3265. AMPK β1 deletion reduces appetite, preventing obesity and hepatic insulin resistance
  3266. Water deprivation-induced sodium appetite
  3267. Wholegrain vs. refined wheat bread and pasta. Effect on postprandial glycemia, appetite, and subsequent ad libitum energy intake in young healthy adults
  3268. Effects of oral ingestion of sucralose on gut hormone response and appetite in healthy normal-weight subjects
  3269. The acute effects of swimming on appetite, food intake, and plasma acylated ghrelin
  3270. The influence of higher protein intake and greater eating frequency on appetite control in overweight and obese men
  3271. Energy intake and appetite-related hormones following acute aerobic and resistance exercise
  3272. Effects of protein quality on appetite and energy metabolism in normal weight subjects
  3273. The effects of consuming frequent, higher protein meals on appetite and satiety during weight loss in overweight/obese men
  3274. appetite and adverse effects associated with radiation therapy in patients with head and neck cancer
  3275. Do infants fed directly from the breast have improved appetite regulation and slower growth during early childhood compared with infants fed from a bottle?
  3276. appetite-regulating hormones in chronic kidney disease patients
  3277. Brain imaging studies of appetite in the context of obesity and the menstrual cycle
  3278. Causes of poor appetite in patients on peritoneal dialysis
  3279. Effects of dietary fat on appetite and energy intake in health and obesity—oral and gastrointestinal sensory contributions
  3280. Determinants of appetite ratings: the role of age, gender, BMI, physical activity, smoking habits, and diet/weight concern
  3281. Change in food cravings, food preferences, and appetite during a low‐carbohydrate and low‐fat diet
  3282. Effects of carbohydrate sugars and artificial sweeteners on appetite and the secretion of gastrointestinal satiety peptides
  3283. Ghrelin and appetite control in humans—potential application in the treatment of obesity
  3284. appetite‐regulating hormone changes in patients with craniopharyngioma
  3285. Peptide hormones regulating appetite—focus on neuroimaging studies in humans
  3286. The end of overeating: taking control of the insatiable North American appetite
  3287. Age‐associated changes of appetite‐regulating peptides
  3288. Leptin-dependent serotonin control of appetite: temporal specificity, transcriptional regulation, and therapeutic implications
  3289. Do maternal ratings of appetite in infants predict later Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire scores and body mass index?
  3290. Targeting intermediary metabolism in the hypothalamus as a mechanism to regulate appetite
  3291. appetite‐focused dialectical behavior therapy for the treatment of binge eating with purging: A preliminary trial
  3292. Vagal control of satiety and hormonal regulation of appetite
  3293. Medical and surgical treatments for obesity have opposite effects on peptide YY and appetite: a prospective study controlled for weight loss
  3294. Relation between estimates of cornstarch digestibility by the Englyst in vitro method and glycemic response, subjective appetite, and short-term food intake in young …
  3295. Nitric oxide is a central component in neuropeptide regulation of appetite
  3296. Food form and portion size affect postprandial appetite sensations and hormonal responses in healthy, nonobese, older adults
  3297. The addition of a protein-rich breakfast and its effects on acute appetite control and food intake in ‘breakfast-skipping’adolescents
  3298. First and second meal effects of pulses on blood glucose, appetite, and food intake at a later meal
  3299. Validation of a new hand-held electronic data capture method for continuous monitoring of subjective appetite sensations
  3300. Control of blood pressure, appetite, and glucose by leptin in mice lacking leptin receptors in proopiomelanocortin neurons
  3301. Restraint of appetite and reduced regional brain volumes in anorexia nervosa: a voxel-based morphometric study
  3302. Superior appetite hormone profile after equivalent weight loss by gastric bypass compared to gastric banding
  3303. Effect of honey versus sucrose on appetite, appetite-regulating hormones, and postmeal thermogenesis
  3304. appetite suppression through smelling of dark chocolate correlates with changes in ghrelin in young women
  3305. Milk supplementation facilitates appetite control in obese women during weight loss: a randomised, single-blind, placebo-controlled trial
  3306. Effects of eating breakfast compared with skipping breakfast on ratings of appetite and intake at subsequent meals in 8-to 10-y-old children
  3307. Effects of cereal breakfasts on postprandial glucose, appetite regulation and voluntary energy intake at a subsequent standardized lunch; focusing on rye …
  3308. Exploiting calcium-specific appetite in poultry nutrition
  3309. Glycaemic index, appetite and body weight
  3310. Using risk appetite and risk attitude to support appropriate risk-taking: a new taxonomy and model
  3311. Ghrelin-mediated appetite regulation in the central nervous system
  3312. Effects and reproducibility of aerobic and resistance exercise on appetite and energy intake in young, physically active adults
  3313. Neuroimaging, gut peptides and obesity: novel studies of the neurobiology of appetite
  3314. Leptin does not directly affect CNS serotonin neurons to influence appetite
  3315. Specific appetite for carotenoids in a colorful bird
  3316. Effects of season and body condition on appetite, body mass and body composition in ad libitum fed pony mares
  3317. Breakfast consumption affects appetite, energy intake, and the metabolic and endocrine responses to foods consumed later in the day in male habitual breakfast …
  3318. Gemini: a UK twin birth cohort with a focus on early childhood weight trajectories, appetite and the family environment
  3319. Caffeinated coffee does not acutely affect energy intake, appetite, or inflammation but prevents serum cortisol concentrations from falling in healthy men
  3320. Short-term effects of liraglutide on visceral fat adiposity, appetite, and food preference: a pilot study of obese Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes
  3321. Effect of growth in infancy on body composition, insulin resistance, and concentration of appetite hormones in adolescence
  3322. Alzheimer’s and the Indian appetite
  3323. Postprandial effects on appetite-related neuropeptide expression in the brain of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar
  3324. appetite-regulating hormones cortisol and peptide YY are associated with disordered eating psychopathology, independent of body mass index
  3325. Relation of addiction genes to hypothalamic gene changes subserving genesis and gratification of a classic instinct, sodium appetite
  3326. Effects of chewing gum on short-term appetite regulation in moderately restrained eaters
  3327. Effect of alginate on satiation, appetite, gastric function, and selected gut satiety hormones in overweight and obesity
  3328. Risk appetite and endogenous risk
  3329. No efficacy of processed Fabuless (Olibra) in suppressing appetite or food intake
  3330. Evidence that multiple genetic variants of MC4R play a functional role in the regulation of energy expenditure and appetite in Hispanic children
  3331. The gut hormones PYY3-36 and GLP-17-36 amide reduce food intake and modulate brain activity in appetite centers in humans
  3332. Zinc as an appetite stimulator-the possible role of zinc in the progression of diseases such as cachexia and sarcopenia
  3333. Behavioural satiety sequence (BSS): separating wheat from chaff in the behavioural pharmacology of appetite
  3334. Glucocorticoids decrease body weight and food intake and inhibit appetite regulatory peptide expression in the hypothalamus of rats
  3335. Nonhomeostatic control of human appetite and physical activity in regulation of energy balance
  3336. Laboratory parameters and appetite regulators in patients with anorexia nervosa
  3337. Short-term effects of whole-grain wheat on appetite and food intake in healthy adults: a pilot study
  3338. Ghrelin, appetite regulation, and food reward: interaction with chronic stress
  3339. Effects of hot spices on energy intake, appetite and sensory specific desires in humans
  3340. Molecular characterization, appetite regulatory effects and feeding related changes of peptide YY in goldfish
  3341. appetite awareness as a mediator in an eating disorders prevention program
  3342. Leptin: clue to poor appetite in oxygen-starved fish
  3343. appetite control and glycaemia reduction in overweight subjects treated with a combination of two highly standardized extracts from Phaseolus vulgaris and Cynara …
  3344. Melanocortin activity in the amygdala controls appetite for dietary fat
  3345. Endocannabinoids: an appetite for fat
  3346. Effects of a single dose of exenatide on appetite, gut hormones, and glucose homeostasis in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome
  3347. The relationship between substrate metabolism, exercise and appetite control: does glycogen availability influence the motivation to eat, energy intake or food choice?
  3348. Orexin and leptin are associated with nicotine craving: a link between smoking, appetite and reward
  3349. Alterations in appetite-regulating hormones influence protein–energy wasting in pediatric patients with chronic kidney disease
  3350. Short-term appetite-reducing effects of a low-fat dairy product enriched with protein and fibre
  3351. Visfatin is increased in chronic kidney disease patients with poor appetite and correlates negatively with fasting serum amino acids and triglyceride levels
  3352. Peptide‐based leptin receptor antagonists for cancer treatment and appetite regulation
  3353. Short term effects of alcohol on appetite in humans. Effects of context and restrained eating
  3354. Effect of drinking compared with eating sugars or whey protein on short-term appetite and food intake
  3355. Oral and gastrointestinal sensing of dietary fat and appetite regulation in humans: modification by diet and obesity
  3356. Obese adolescents show impaired meal responses of the appetite‐regulating hormones ghrelin and PYY
  3357. appetite and gastrointestinal motility: role of ghrelin-family peptides
  3358. Differential roles for octanoylated and decanoylated ghrelins in regulating appetite and metabolism
  3359. The potential role of appetite in predicting weight changes during treatment with olanzapine
  3360. The effect of predator appetite, prey warning coloration and luminance on predator foraging decisions
  3361. Darker eumelanic barn owls better withstand food depletion through resistance to food deprivation and lower appetite
  3362. Effect of cinnamon on gastric emptying, arterial stiffness, postprandial lipemia, glycemia, and appetite responses to high-fat breakfast
  3363. FoxP2 brainstem neurons project to sodium appetite regulatory sites
  3364. Synthesis of Hoodigogenin A, aglycone of natural appetite suppressant glycosteroids extracted from Hoodia gordonii
  3365. Eating dark and milk chocolate: a randomized crossover study of effects on appetite and energy intake
  3366. appetite for life: an evaluation of a primary care lifestyle programme
  3367. Oral Delivery of the appetite Suppressing Peptide hPYY(3–36) through the Vitamin B12 Uptake Pathway
  3368. The effect of the triple monoamine reuptake inhibitor tesofensine on energy metabolism and appetite in overweight and moderately obese men
  3369. A high‐fat vs. a moderate‐fat meal in obese boys: nutrient balance, appetite, and gastrointestinal hormone changes
  3370. Ghrelin: new molecular pathways modulating appetite and adiposity
  3371. Effects of exercise program on appetite-regulating hormones, inflammatory mediators, lipid profiles, and body composition in healthy men.
  3372. Exercise reduces appetite and traffics excess nutrients away from energetically efficient pathways of lipid deposition during the early stages of weight regain
  3373. Cannabis sativa and the Endogenous Cannabinoid System: Therapeutic Potential for appetite Regulation
  3374. Changes in cardiometabolic risk factors, appetite‐controlling hormones and cytokines after a treatment program in overweight adolescents: preliminary findings from …
  3375. … enriched in oat bran decreases plasma glucose and insulin levels, but does not change gastrointestinal peptide responses or short-term appetite in healthy subjects
  3376. Serotonergic system involvement in the inhibitory action of estrogen on induced sodium appetite in female rats
  3377. Lack of association between impaired glucose tolerance and appetite regulating hormones in patients with obstructive sleep apnea
  3378. Effect of carbohydrate digestibility on appetite and its relationship to postprandial blood glucose and insulin levels
  3379. appetite and endocrine regulators of energy balance after 2 days of energy restriction: Insulin, leptin, ghrelin, and DHEA‐S
  3380. Energy intake and appetite following netball exercise over 5 days in trained 13–15 year old girls
  3381. Effect of Rikkunshi‐to on appetite loss found in elderly dementia patients: a preliminary study
  3382. Gut–brain cross-talk in appetite regulation
  3383. Molecular cloning and characterization of two putative appetite regulators in winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus): preprothyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) …
  3384. Eating rate during a fixed-portion meal does not affect postprandial appetite and gut peptides or energy intake during a subsequent meal
  3385. An appetite for metaphor: Food imagery and cultural identity In Indian fiction
  3386. appetite and hedonism: gut hormones and the brain
  3387. Candidate molecular pathway genes related to appetite regulatory neural network, adipocyte homeostasis and obesity: results from the CARDIA Study
  3388. Project TwEATs. A feasibility study testing the use of automated text messaging to monitor appetite ratings in a free-living population
  3389. appetite for America: Fred Harvey and the business of civilizing the Wild West–one meal at a time
  3390. Fat-rich food palatability and appetite regulation
  3391. Role of reactive oxygen species-related enzymes in neuropeptide y and proopiomelanocortin-mediated appetite control: a study using atypical protein kinase C …
  3392. Impact of restraint and disinhibition on PYY plasma levels and subjective feelings of appetite
  3393. Therapeutic applications of ghrelin to cachexia utilizing its appetite-stimulating effect
  3394. The influence of dietary constituents on the molecular ontogeny of digestive capability and effects on growth and appetite in Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua)
  3395. Estimated portion sizes of snacks and beverages differ from reference amounts and are affected by appetite status in non-obese men
  3396. An appetite for life: the education of a young diarist, 1924-1927
  3397. Effect of high dietary copper on the expression of hypothalamic appetite regulators in weanling pigs
  3398. Water deprivation-induced sodium appetite and differential expression of encephalic c-Fos immunoreactivity in the spontaneously hypertensive rat
  3399. Why does the giant panda eat bamboo? A comparative analysis of appetite-reward-related genes among mammals
  3400. Tesofensine, a novel triple monoamine reuptake inhibitor, induces appetite suppression by indirect stimulation of α1 adrenoceptor and dopamine D1 receptor …
  3401. Citicoline affects appetite and cortico‐limbic responses to images of high‐calorie foods
  3402. Long-term changes in gut hormones, appetite and food intake 1 year after subtotal gastrectomy with normal body weight
  3403. Perception of academic examination stress: effects on serum leptin, cortisol, appetite and performance
  3404. Pork, beef and chicken have similar effects on acute satiety and hormonal markers of appetite
  3405. Differential Acylated Ghrelin, Peptide YY3–36, appetite, and Food Intake Responses to Equivalent Energy Deficits Created by Exercise and Food Restriction
  3406. appetite-and volume-regulating neuropeptides: Role in treating alcohol dependence.
  3407. Activation of lateral parabrachial afferent pathways and endocrine responses during sodium appetite regulation
  3408. Differential incretin effects of GIP and GLP‐1 on gastric emptying, appetite, and insulin‐glucose homeostasis
  3409. The Hundred Year Diet: America’s Voracious appetite for Losing Weight
  3410. Chronic blood pressure and appetite responses to central leptin infusion in rats fed a high fat diet
  3411. Staggered meal consumption facilitates appetite control without affecting postprandial energy intake
  3412. Effect of PGX, a novel functional fibre supplement, on subjective ratings of appetite in overweight and obese women consuming a 3-day structured, low-calorie …
  3413. Quite the appetite: juvenile island apple snails (Pomacea insularum) survive consuming only exotic invasive plants
  3414. appetite suppressants as adjuncts for weight loss
  3415. Improved appetite after multi-micronutrient supplementation for six months in HIV-infected South African children
  3416. Premorbid sleep, appetite, energy, and cognitive circadian profile in patients with depressive disorders
  3417. Behavioral cross-sensitization between DOCA-induced sodium appetite and cocaine-induced locomotor behavior
  3418. Relationship between appetite, Food Intake and Body Composition among Elderly Malays from an Urban Residential Area in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  3419. Acute effects of betahistine hydrochloride on food intake and appetite in obese women: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial
  3420. Expression of genes for appetite-regulating peptides in the hypothalamus of genetically selected lean and fat sheep
  3421. Does gender affect investors’ appetite for risk? Evidence from peer-to-peer lending
  3422. The risk appetite of private equity sponsors
  3423. appetite for destruction: the inhibition of glycolysis as a therapy for tuberous sclerosis complex-related tumors
  3424. Orthosiphon stamineus reduces appetite and visceral fat in rats
  3425. Substrate metabolism, appetite and feeding behaviour under low and high energy turnover conditions in overweight women
  3426. appetite for the selfish gene
  3427. Macronutrient composition and increased physical activity modulate plasma adipokines and appetite hormones during a weight loss intervention
  3428. A new method to simulate the octane appetite of any spark ignition engine.
  3429. The effect of protease inhibitors derived from potato formulated in a minidrink on appetite, food intake and plasma cholecystokinin levels in humans
  3430. Corporate risk appetite: Ensuring board and senior management accountability for risk
  3431. Molecular mechanisms for activation of the agouti-related protein and stimulation of appetite
  3432. The action of leptin on appetite-regulating cells in the ovine hypothalamus: demonstration of direct action in the absence of the arcuate nucleus
  3433. Acute effect of soybean beta-conglycinin hydrolysate ingestion on appetite sensations in healthy humans
  3434. Area postrema projects to FoxP2 neurons of the pre-locus coeruleus and parabrachial nuclei: brainstem sites implicated in sodium appetite regulation
  3435. Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism prevents hedonic deficits induced by a chronic sodium appetite.
  3436. Parabrachial and hypothalamic interaction in sodium appetite
  3437. Drugs and appetite: an overview of appetite stimulants in the pediatric patient
  3438. Enhanced blood pressure and appetite responses to chronic central melanocortin-3/4 receptor blockade in dietary-induced obesity
  3439. appetite and body weight: integrative systems and the development of anti-obesity drugs
  3440. Risk appetite of real estate and property security markets: an empirical study of Hong Kong
  3441. Hydroxycitric acid lactone and its salts: Preparation and appetite suppression studies
  3442. Metabolic and appetite hormone responses of hyperinsulinemic normoglycemic males to meals with varied macronutrient compositions
  3443. Low glycemic index foods suppress glycemic responses, appetite and food intake in young Kuwaiti females
  3444. Changes in responsiveness of appetite, leptin and hypothalamic IL-1β and TNF-α to lipopolysaccharide in developing rats
  3445. Hypothalamus integrity and appetite regulation in low birth weight rats reared artificially on a high-protein milk formula
  3446. Ghrelin, appetite and gastric electrical stimulation
  3447. Reduced appetite and body mass index with delayed puberty in a mother and son: association with a rare novel sequence variant in the leptin gene
  3448. Dietary macronutrients and feeding frequency affect fasting and postprandial concentrations of hormones involved in appetite regulation in adult dogs
  3449. Gender differences in the effect of fish oil on appetite, inflammation and nutritional status in haemodialysis patients
  3450. Sleep restriction and appetite control: waking to a problem?
  3452. China’s appetite for wood takes a heavy toll on forests
  3453. Risk appetite as a core element of ERM: Definition and process
  3454. Modulation of nutrient sensing nuclear hormone receptors promotes weight loss through appetite suppression in mice
  3455. Does gender affect investors’ appetite for risk
  3456. Role of the serotonergic system in appetite and ingestion control
  3457. SGK1‐dependent salt appetite in pregnant mice
  3458. Buclizine is back again! This time as a pediatric appetite stimulant
  3459. Duration of hospitalization and appetite of HIV‐infected South African children
  3460. A putative octopamine/tyramine receptor mediating appetite in a hungry fly
  3461. Do the actions of glucagon-like peptide-1 on gastric emptying, appetite, and food intake involve release of amylin in humans?
  3462. Na+ appetite induced by depleting extracellular fluid volume activates the enkephalin/mu-opioid receptor system in the rat forebrain
  3463. appetite at high altitude: an fMRI study on the impact of prolonged high-altitude residence on gustatory neural processing
  3464. Weight and appetite loss in cancer
  3465. Central effects of ghrelin, a unique peptide, on appetite and fluid/water drinking behavior
  3466. Effects of soy protein, its hydrolysate and peptide fraction on lipid metabolism and appetite-related hormones in rats
  3467. Effects of nutritional supplementation on the appetite and energy intake responses to IV cholecystokinin in older adults
  3468. Endocrine role of stomach in appetite regulation in chronic kidney disease: about ghrelin and obestatin
  3469. Taste, Olfactory and Food-texture Processing in the Brain and the Control of appetite
  3470. Whetting the appetite for a Vernacular Literature: The Icelandic Hungrvaka
  3471. Lorcaserin—not a new weapon in the battle with appetite
  3472. Possible involvement of uncoupling protein 1 in appetite control by leptin
  3473. Orexins stimulate the ‘appetite‘of the gut
  3474. Ghrelin and PYY3− 36 in gastrectomized and vagotomized patients: relations with appetite, energy intake and resting energy expenditure
  3475. Ontogenetic role of angiontensin-converting enzyme in rats: thirst and sodium appetite evaluation
  3476. Inhibition of sodium appetite by lipopolysaccharide: involvement of α2-adrenoceptors
  3477. Feeding appetite suppressing thylakoids to pigs alters pancreatic lipase/colipase secretion
  3478. Biphasic suppression of appetite by cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonists with distinct functional activities
  3479. Mitochondrial DNA polymerase editing mutation, PolgD257A, reduces the diabetic phenotype of Akita male mice by suppressing appetite
  3480. Sodium appetite in adult rats following ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid deficiency in early development
  3481. Association between Children’s appetite patterns and maternal feeding practices
  3482. Enterprise risk management: risk appetite and risk tolerance: how robust are yours?
  3483. Does a lower carbohydrate protein substitute impact on blood phenylalanine control, growth and appetite in children with PKU?
  3484. Devouring the social appetite
  3485. Ghrelin’s role as a major regulator of appetite and its other functions in neuroendocrinology
  3486. Effects of aerobic training with low and intermediate intensity on appetite, body weight, exercise energy expenditure and plasma ghrelin level in relatively thin and …
  3487. What can anorexia nervosa teach us about appetite regulation?
  3488. How much risk can I handle? The role of experience sampling and graphical displays on one’s investment risk appetite and comprehension
  3489. Religious Feasting in Apuleius’s Metamorphoses: appetite for Change?
  3490. Patient’s appetite is a good indicator for postoperative feeding: a proposal for individualized postoperative feeding after surgery for colon cancer
  3491. Sibutramine & naloxone: Infra-additive interaction in the regulation of appetite?
  3492. Forebrain regions affected by lateral parabrachial nucleus serotonergic mechanisms that influence sodium appetite
  3493. Changed salt appetite and central angiotensin II-induced cellular activation in rat offspring following hypoxia during fetal stages
  3494. mPGES-1 deletion impairs aldosterone escape and enhances sodium appetite
  3495. Effects of acute low-dose combined treatment with rimonabant and sibutramine on appetite and weight gain in rats
  3496. Slimming slumber? How sleep deprivation manipulates appetite and weight
  3497. Serotonin 5-HT4 receptors in the nucleus accumbens are specifically involved in the appetite suppressant and not locomotor stimulant effects of MDMA (‘ecstasy’)
  3498. Soybean β-conglycinin bromelain hydrolysate stimulates cholecystokinin secretion by enteroendocrine STC-1 cells to suppress the appetite of rats under meal …
  3499. An appetite for exercise
  3500. Is sleeping more and working less a new way to control our appetite?
  3501. Feeding frequency and appetite in lean and obese prepubertal children
  3502. Eat your words: An investigation into food literacy as a means of stimulating an appetite for learning and engagement
  3503. Adiposity and plane of nutrition influence reproductive neuroendocrine and appetite responses to intracerebroventricular insulin and neuropeptide-Y in sheep
  3504. appetite regulation in early childhood: the impact of parenting behaviours and child temperament
  3505. Effect of auricular acupuncture on appetite: a pilot study
  3506. An appetite for creative destruction: Should the role of senior academic technology officer be modeled on a CIO or a CTO?
  3507. Body weight and appetite regulation
  3508. Robust modeling of appetite regulation
  3509. Humor‐associated laughter affects appetite hormones
  3510. Risk appetite and Tolerance
  3511. Risk appetite and exchange rates
  3512. Current trends in targeting the hormonal regulation of appetite and energy balance to treat obesity
  3513. appetite-related hormone levels in obese women with and without binge eating behavior
  3514. The possible role of nesfatin-1 on appetite regulation in hemodialysis patients
  3515. Associations among appetite, snacking, and body type during infant development
  3516. An appetite for learning: increasing employee demand for skills development
  3517. China’s natural resource appetite in Brazil
  3518. appetite and anxiety: The mathematics curriculum and its hidden meanings
  3519. Clinical approach to children with low appetite/Istahsiz cocuklara klinik yaklasim.
  3520. Sugaring appetite development: mechanisms of neuroendocrine programming
  3521. Exploring the relationships between self-objectification, rationales, and use of water as a strategy for appetite suppression
  3522. Towards developing guiding principles for managing operational risk appetite
  3523. Public appetite: Dining out in nineteenth-century Boston
  3524. appetite for Beef: How much meat did early New Yorkers consume?
  3525. Understanding the connection between risk appetite and risk analytics
  3526. Acupuncture and appetite in obese employees of a university hospital
  3527. Evaluation of water loss in judo training and its relationship with subjective hunger and appetite scores
  3528. Risk appetite and emerging market spreads
  3529. The purported effects of alcohol on appetite and weight in lung cancer patients
  3530. Manipulation of diet to alter appetite
  3531. appetite suppressor induced psychosis
  3532. Efficacy of a Polyherbal appetite Stimulant in the Treatment of Anorexia in Children.
  3533. appetite For Risk Of The Bank (I)
  3534. Integrative nutritional approaches to loss of weight and appetite in patients with advanced cancer
  3535. Can vinegar supplementation acutely influence appetite and glycaemic response?
  3536. Pulmonary hypertension related to appetite suppressants
  3537. An appetite for Traceability
  3538. Jamu Cekok Components for Treating Children Have No appetite: An Ethnomedicine Approach
  3539. Ear stapling: A risky and unproven procedure for appetite suppression and weight loss.
  3540. Shedding Light on Risk appetite: Using risk appetite and risk attitude to support appropriate risk-taking
  3541. Effects of weaning and syndyphalin-33 on expression of melanocortinergic appetite-regulating genes in swine
  3542. The effects of morphine and nicotine co-administration on body weight, food intake and appetite-regulating peptides in rats
  3543. Foetal proglucagon processing in relation to adult appetite control: lessons from a transplantable rat glucagonoma with severe anorexia
  3544. Fourteen cases of appetite loss treated with shoyogan
  3545. Renaissance Fare: appetite and Authority on the Early Modern English Stage
  3546. The role of bile acids in gut-hormone-induced weight loss after bariatric surgery: implications for appetite control and diabetes
  3547. The appetite as Voice: Gerty, Food, and Anorexia
  3548. β-Endorphinergic system involvement in the inhibitory action of clonidine on induced sodium appetite
  3549. Protein and appetite control.
  3550. Genetic influences on appetite and weight in infancy
  3551. Central regulation of appetite and satiety behavior
  3552. Effect Of Exacerbations Frequency On Body Mass Index And appetite In COPD
  3553. Effect of the renin-angiotensin system on sodium appetite
  3554. Factors influencing the risk appetite of SMEs: an exploratory study of Greek SMEs
  3555. whet their appetite
  3556. Salt appetite
  3557. Disinhibition, appetite, and Weight Regulation in Adults
  3558. The effects of exercise on appetite control
  3559. Role of the gastrointestinal tract in peptide hormone release and appetite
  3560. Sex hormones and appetite in women: A focus on bulimia nervosa
  3561. The impact of a cyclic feeding regime on the expression of genes involved in appetite regulation and lipid metabolism in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
  3562. Vanilloid flavor for a good appetite?
  3563. Modeling international financial markets contagion: using copula and risk appetite
  3564. Hypothalamic expression of genes for appetite regulators and estrogen α, estrogen β and leptin receptors in obese dams and their fetuses
  3565. Dependency, appetite, and Iconographies of Hunger in Mambéty’s Hyenas
  3566. Lipoic acid nanoparticles: effect of polymeric stabilizer on appetite suppression
  3567. Exercise, appetite, and energy balance: the interactions between energy expenditure and intake, and the implications for weight management
  3568. … and immune defence against herpes virus (ID 453), maintenance of normal blood LDL‐cholesterol concentrations (ID 454, 4669), increase in appetite leading to an …
  3569. Wicked appetite
  3570. Investigation of weight loss despite a good appetite.
  3571. Drug control of appetite
  3572. Applying risk appetite to efficiency estimations: The case of Taiwan banks
  3573. appetite Stimulation After Surgery in a High Nutrition Risk Adolescent With Myotonic Dystrophy and Depression Case Report
  3574. Clinical evaluation of chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) and anise (Pimpinella anisum L.) on cattle appetite and comparison with common product
  3575. A novel emulsifier from spinach with appetite regulation abilities
  3576. Modelling financial turmoil through endogenous risk and risk appetite
  3577. Branding and positioning to satisfy the customer’s appetite: An educational case study
  3578. Changes of appetite and eating behavior in bipolar disorder patients: Measurement with General-Food Craving Questionnaire-Trait and the Drug-Related Eating …
  3579. Effects of exercise on appetite, food intake and the gastrointestinal hormones Ghrelin and Peptide YY
  3580. Deterioration of social relationships at home and lack of appetite
  3581. Effect of consumption of roselle juice on haemoglobin concentration, appetite and vitamin c saturation in children aged below 24 months
  3582. The role of experience sampling and graphical displays on one’s investment risk appetite and comprehension
  3583. Intellectual appetite: A Theological Grammar by Paul Griffiths
  3584. Orlistat and the Influence on appetite Signals
  3585. Read all about it: Why we have an appetite for gossip
  3586. Dinner is served: A full course of multiple research approaches for your health sciences methodological appetite
  3587. Long-term health benefits of appetite suppressants remain unproven
  3588. The Effects of Acute Sodium Ingestion on Food and Water Intakes, Subjective appetite, Thirst and Glycemic Response in Healthy Young Men
  3589. An Energy appetite of US Water Systems: How Much Energy Does It Take to Supply Our Water?
  3590. Whetting a Journalist’s appetite for Investigative Reporting
  3591. Characterization of appetite-related neuropeptides in goldfish (Carassius Auratus) and atlantic cod (Gadus Morhua): daily rhythms in gene expression and …
  3592. Duration of appetite Inhibition Predicts Social ominance in Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis nicoticus L
  3593. Two cases of isolated ACTH deficiency suspected as depression with severe appetite loss
  3594. Effects of exercise on postprandial metabolism, appetite responses and feeding behaviour
  3595. α-Lactalbumin in the Regulation of appetite and Food Intake
  3596. Chocolate, biscuits and fruit bars: effects on appetite and mood
  3597. appetite For Risk Of The Bank (Ii)
  3598. Why doesn’t weight gain blunt appetite and increase movement? Nonhomeostatic responses to energy surplus in humans
  3599. Ghrelin, food intake and physical exercise: the effects about the appetite of control.
  3600. The effects of resistant starch on appetite, food intake and insulin
  3601. An appetite for
  3602. Differential effects of dairy snacks on appetite ratings, but not overall energy intake
  3603. What and how you see affects your appetite
  3604. Energy intake and appetite following sport-specific exercise in adolescent girls
  3605. Losing Your appetite
  3606. METABOLIC PROPERTIES OF RYE PRODUCTS Focusing on insulinaemia, glycaemic profile and appetite regulation in healthy subjects
  3607. Devouring the social appetite
  3608. Control of bone remodeling by nervous system. Regulation of bone metabolism by appetite regulating neuropeptides
  3609. An appetite for learning
  3610. The effect of preloads of fluid milks and substitutes on short‐term food intake, appetite and glycemic response in healthy young men and women
  3611. Central mineralocorticoid receptor blockade reduces sodium appetite in rats: new evidence for an old effect
  3612. Rachelle Doody: an appetite for variety
  3613. Effect of Injection of Lipopolysaccharides from Aeromonas salmonicida on some Aspects of Cod (Gadus morhua) Immunity and appetite Hormones
  3614. Changes in appetite and eating behavior associated with the combination of sibutramine and behavior therapy
  3615. expert appetite
  3616. Financing after Fukushima: Despite Worries Following Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami, There is a Strong appetite for Nuclear Projects Across Asia
  3617. Whet the Chinese appetite: Viewing prederence of American and Korean TV Dramas among educated and young urban chinese
  3618. improved postprandial glycemia and appetite scores after addition of the ancient grain Salba (Salvia Hispanica L.) vs Flax to an OGTT: possible effect of viscosity
  3619. Guyon’s Sensitive appetite
  3620. Effect of Activity on appetite, Food Intake and Net Energy Balance After a Glucose Drink in Normal Weight, Overweight and Obese Boys
  3621. The Pontomedullary Region: Role in Affect, Behavior, and appetite Regulation
  3622. 32-year-old patient with acute myocardial infarction possibly induced by the appetite suppressant sibutramine
  3623. … of protein intake on energy‐restriction‐induced changes in lipid‐lipoprotein profile, glycemic control, resting energy expenditure, and appetite in overweight men
  3625. Risk appetite statements: how good is yours?
  3626. Losing His appetite for Winning
  3627. Lack of appetite and anaemia: case report
  3628. Film: appetite for Destruction
  3629. appetite and Obesity
  3630. … ), protection of lipids from oxidative damage (ID 1201, 1319, 2123),“antioxidant and anti‐aging properties”(ID 1901), increase in appetite after unintentional weight loss …
  3631. Risk appetite and Tolerance
  3632. A-001 aldosterone excess stimulates salt appetite in patients with aldosterone producing adenoma
  3633. appetite stimulants
  3634. Exercise and appetite regulation
  3635. Loss of appetite and Loss of Weight
  3636. Scenario Based Approach to Setting of Risk appetite for Financial Institutions
  3637. Intellectual appetite: A Theological Grammar
  3638. Risk appetite Working Party (GIRO) Risk appetite for a General Insurance Undertaking
  3639. Plants with a Serious appetite
  3640. Clinical trial confirms effectiveness of simple appetite control method
  3641. Lack of appetite and fatigue in an elderly patient: case report
  3642. appetite for Change’s Community Cook Program: A Qualitative Analysis
  3643. appetite for NPY
  3644. appetite is Strongly Associated with Nutritional and Psychological Status in Hemodialysis Patients
  3645. Intellectual appetite: A Theological Grammar
  3646. What is the appetite for policy actions to address obesity?
  3647. Effects of food form on subjective and physiological markers of appetite
  3648. Mom’s Diet and Baby’s appetite
  3649. Intellectual appetite: A Theological Grammar
  3650. appetite, Body, and Urban Space in Pilgrimage
  3651. Elucidating the role of MC3R in melanocortinergic appetite regulation in chicks
  3652. appetite for America, by Stephen Fried
  3653. The effect of food viscosity on markers of appetite
  3654. Differential roles for octanoylated and decanoylated Ghrelins in regulating appetite and metabolism
  3655. Water deprivation-induced sodium appetite.
  3656. Decreased appetite for Food in Alcoholism
  3657. Theatre: appetite for destruction: Four plays about the end of the world
  3658. Human appetite Regulation Emulator
  3659. The influence of physical activity on appetite control: An experimental system to understand the relationship between…
  3660. Headache and poor appetite: case report
  3661. Carbohydrates and Feeding: An Extension of the Glucostatic Theory of appetite Regulation
  3662. Carbohydrates and feeding: An extension of the glucostatic theory of appetite regulation
  3663. appetite of the High Court for tax cases stimulated
  3664. Amphetamine Derivatives as appetite Suppressants
  3665. Fermentable fibres, appetite regulation and body composition
  3666. Enhanced salt appetite in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats
  3667. Exposure to Healthy Food Increases the appetite
  3668. Neuroendocrine influences on appetite and obesity
  3669. Overnutrition in Mothers and appetite Regulators in Offspring
  3670. The Alignment of Organisational Strategy and Risk appetite in the Financial Services Industry
  3671. Applied Corporate Governance: Practical Aspects of Determining and Applying a Risk appetite for SMEs
  3672. In the Kitchen with a Good appetite: 150 Recipes and Stories about the Food You Love
  3673. … to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and enhancement of mood (ID 633), calming (ID 634), increased attention (ID 634), increase in appetite after unintentional weight …
  3674. The effects of a chronic exercise intervention on appetite and eating behaviors
  3675. Effects of 8 weeks oligofructose supplementation on appetite and body weight in overweight and obese adults
  3676. The role of secretin in appetite control
  3677. CLINICAL NUTRITION Gastrointestinal hormones: the regulation of appetite and
  3678. Hypothalamic gene changes in response to salt appetite
  3679. The role of secretin in appetite control
  3680. Female struggle and appetite/body autonomy in The Bell Jar.
  3681. Decreased appetite, weight loss and increased INR, in an elderly patient: case report
  3682. Dietary fibres in appetite regulation: importance of viscosity
  3683. Dyspepsia and appetite Regulation
  3684. Can Journalism Be Saved? Rediscovering America’s appetite for News
  3685. An 11-Year-Old Boy with Emesis, Decreased appetite, Fever
  3686. Physical inactivity, appetite regulation and obesity
  3687. Postexercise appetite and hunger do not alter in parallel
  3688. Oxytocin and appetite
  3689. A “TV diet” and the appetite for healthy public policy on kids advertising
  3690. Investigation of gut hormone physiology in the regulation of appetite
  3691. Growing Asian appetite for Norwegian seafood.
  3692. Unicellular organisms with an appetite for oil; Einzeller auf Oeldiaet
  3693. Influence of wanning traditional Chinese medicine dipping for newborns on their sleeping quality and appetite
  3694. NRJ Book Review: Can Journalism Be Saved? Rediscovering America’s appetite for News
  3695. Histaminergic regulation of appetite
  3696. Eating with your eyes: towards a visual persuasion theory of appetite appeal
  3697. Conference Abstract Taste and appetite disorders in chronic hepatitis C patients
  3698. An appetite for arms? Libya’s re-emergence on the international arms market
  3699. America’s appetite for Chinese Goods: Origins of the Trade Deficit with China, 1850 to 1858.
  3700. The effect of consumption of dairy products in the diet, on appetite and BMI in humans
  3701. appetite loss/cachexia: basic science
  3702. Effects of breastfeeding on maternal appetite-regulating hormones
  3703. Gut hormone interactions in glucose homeostasis, appetite control and bodyweight regulation
  3704. Preliminary evaluation of the salivary proteome as a source of novel biomarkers of appetite
  3705. Considerations for the loss of appetite in children and the adaptation of healthy eating habits
  3706. Satisfying our global energy appetite: Former DOE Under Secretary Raymond Orbach looks ahead
  3707. Enteroendocrine cells and appetite dysregulation in Crohn’s disease
  3708. appetite Suppression Effects of PinnoThin TM (Korean Pine Nut Oil)
  3709. Gut hormones and appetite dysregulation in Crohn’s disease
  3710. The design and inception of a pilot study assessing the relationship between migraine and appetite behaviours in a paediatric population
  3711. The effect of atrazine on gene expression of appetite‐regulating neurohormones in zebrafish
  3712. An appetite for learning: increasing employee demand for skills development, Praxis report for UK Commission for Employment and Skills
  3713. Central nervous system stimulants and drugs that suppress appetite
  3714. Central nervous system stimulants and drugs that suppress appetite
  3716. appetite and Functional Brain Responses to Cannabinoids
  3717. Phagocytes whet their appetite
  3718. Food Intake and Fertility: Variation in the Regulation of appetite and its Role in Reproductive Status
  3719. appetite for Acquisition: The We Sell Restaurants Guide to Buying a Restaurant
  3720. Moderation mechanisms for a healthy appetite, eating and not eating.
  3721. Sugar solutions alter liver and hypothalamic appetite regulation
  3722. Chronic CNS actions of adiponectin on appetite, metabolism and blood pressure
  3723. Book Review: Steve Knopper appetite for Self Destruction: The Spectacular Crash of the Record Industry in the Digital Age New York, NY: Free Press, 2009. 320 pp …
  3724. Do short-chain fatty acids have a role in appetite and the metabolic response?
  3725. An investigation into food literacy as a means of stimulating an appetite for learning and engagement
  3726. Our appetite for Information: Invented Environment, Non-Transparent Mind, and Evolved Preferences
  3727. Experienced Poor Lighting Contributes to the Seasonal Fluctuations in Weight and appetite That Relate to the Metabolic Syndrome
  3728. appetite for America: How Visionary Businessman Fred Harvey Built a Railroad Hospitality Empire that Civilized the West
  3729. Cisplatin/gemcitabine Haematological disorders and appetite loss: case
  3730. Energy metabolism, appetite and energy intake following an expedition in extreme environmental conditions: Results from preliminary analyses
  3731. Design and inception of a study to explore putative links between migraine, appetite behaviours and obesity in children
  3732. Effect of exercise and different environmental conditions on appetite, food intake and the appetite-regulatory hormones, ghrelin and peptide YY
  3733. Big-Eyed Bugs Have Big appetite for Pests
  3734. Effect of resistant starch in rice on postprandial glucose response and appetite in humans
  3735. Measuring the appetite for Climate Action in BC-British Columbians’ perspectives on climate change and carbon taxes
  3736. Salt appetite, cramps and palpitations in a 21-year old medical secretary
  3737. The effects of viscous dietary fibers on the parameters of appetite and food intake regulation.
  3738. Nutrient preferences and appetite responses to high-and low-intensity intermittent exercise in obese men
  3739. Hormonal and Neuropeptide Mechanisms of appetite Control in Atlantic Salmon
  3740. Energy intake and appetite after netball exercise in 13-to 15-year-old trained girls
  3741. Controlling what we eat: How circulating peptide hormones influence taste and appetite
  3742. The effect of different doses of caffeinated coffee on energy intake and appetite feelings of healthy male and female volunteers
  3743. Perception of academic examination stress: effects on serum leptin, cortisol, appetite and performance
  3744. A randomized placebo-controlled trial of melatonin for poor appetite in advanced cancer patients.
  3745. Effects of appetite‐related peptides on duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion
  3746. Slavic Sins of the Flesh: Food, Sex, and Carnal appetite in Nineteenth-Century Russian Fiction
  3747. Fast-growing calves thanks to a healthy appetite: boosting rumen development.
  3748. Cephalic phase responses and appetite Nutrition Reviews, Vol. 68, No. 11 Nutrition Reviews, Vol. 68, No. 11.
  3749. The role of insoluble fiber in food intake regulation, appetite and blood glucose in healthy young adults.
  3750. Glucocorticoids inhibit sodium depletion-induced salt appetite in rat
  3751. Speculative Enthusiasm: An Examination of the Role of Risk appetite within the Framework of Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis
  3752. The Use of Dry Lemon as an appetite Enhancer in Relation to Kidney Structure and Function of Male Rats
  3753. Getting their appetite back. In need of capital, not-for-profit hospitals take advantage of dropping interest rates.
  3754. Effect of water-soluble peroxide feeding on chickens’ growth, appetite and pathological findings.
  3755. Can’t stop the musicals:[Australian audiences’ have a ferocious appetite for musicals’, says veteran producer John Frost.]
  3756. Anakinra/corticosteroids Injection site pain, increased appetite and weight
  3757. Comparing the Medium-term Effects of Exercise Or Dietary Restriction on appetite Regulation and Compensatory Responses
  3758. Temperature Affects appetite, Growth, Feed Conversion Efficiency, and Body Composition of Tilapia
  3759. Metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma of feed-restricted dairy cows: implications on appetite regulation
  3760. Do infants fed directly from the breast have improved appetite regulation and slower growth during early childhood compared with infants fed from a bottle?
  3761. Gut Hormones PYY₃₋ ₃₆ and GLP-1₇₋ ₃₆ ₐₘᵢdₑ Reduce Food Intake and Modulate Brain Activity in appetite Centers in Humans
  3762. appetite suppression through smelling of dark chocolate correlates with changes in ghrelin in young women
  3763. A Good appetite: A Thomistic Approach to the Study of Eating Disorders and Body Dissatisfaction in American Women
  3764. Relationships between Body Mass Index, appetite Regulation & Physical Activity during Shift-Work and Night-Work
  3765. Duration of appetite inhibition predicts social dominance in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L.
  3766. Collective effects of breakfast consumption and exercise on subsequent postprandial metabolism, appetite and energy balance
  3767. Determinants of appetite ratings: the role of age, gender, BMI, physical activity, smoking habits, and diet/weight concern1 At the time of the study, Anne Flint was …
  3768. Exercise-Eating Linkage’Mediated by Neuro-Endocrine Axis and the Relevance in Regulation of appetite and Energy Balance for Prevention of Obesity
  3769. Influence of nutritional background on neuroendocrine reproductive and appetite responses to central insulin or NPY administration in sheep
  3770. Central alpha2-adrenoceptors mediate the inhibitory effect of lipopolysaccharide on sodium appetite independently from systemic inhibitory factors in rats
  3771. Beneficial effects of soy peptide fractions on lipid profiles and appetite‐related hormones in obese rats induced by high fat diet
  3772. Acute effects of exercise intensity on subsequent appetite, energy intake, resting energy expenditure and 24 hour blood pressure
  3773. appetite and gastric emptying differ when fiber is consumed in macronutrient‐matched liquid and solid meals
  3774. appetite, acylated ghrelin and 24 hour energy intake responses to low volume sprint interval exercise versus prolonged endurance exercise
  3776. Long-Term Effects of Excessive Infantile Vomiting on Salt appetite in Preadolescent Children
  3777. Neuronal cilia and appetite regulation in Alms1 mutant mice
  3778. Effects of oral ingestion of sucralose on gut hormone response and appetite in healthy normal-weight subjects
  3779. The effects of red pepper on thermogenesis and appetite in regular spicy food users and non-users
  3780. < The> effect of one-session moderate and heavy resistance exercise on the appetite, glycerol, serum glucose and lactate in healthy men
  3781. Effects of Medicinal Herbal Formula (JDK) on appetite and Body Weight Control in High Fat Diet-induced Obese Rats
  3782. Involvement of AMP-activated protein kinase in differential regulation of appetite between lines of chickens selected for low or high juvenile body weight
  3784. Gut Peptides and Enteral Feeding in Critically Ill Patients: Implications for Gastric Dysmotility and appetite
  3785. … on the substantiation of a health claim related to ethanol-water extract of Caralluma fimbriata (Slimaluma®) and helps to control hunger/appetite pursuant to Article 13 …
  3786. GABAergic neurons in the central nucleus of amygdala modulate sodium appetite in rats
  3787. Effect of chickpea flour supplementation to wheat bread on the organoleptic properties of bread, blood glucose response and subjective appetite in young Kuwaiti …
  3788. The influence of growth hormone deficiency and growth hormone replacement on appetite, feeding behaviour, cardiovascular risk and adipokines in man
  3789. Effects of Normal vs. Protein‐rich Breakfast Meals on appetite Control & Energy intake in Overweight ‘Breakfast Skipping’Teen Girls
  3790. Changes in ad libitum intake and appetite sensations after repeated consumption of iso-caloric liquid and semi-solid dairy foods
  3791. Effects of aerobic training with low and intermediate intensity on appetite, body weight, exercise energy expenditure and plasma ghrelin level in relatively thin and …
  3792. Serotonin Receptors are Involved in the Vagal Afferent Transmission of Exogenous Ghrelin-Evoked appetite Sensation Mediated Though C-Fibers
  3793. Role of New appetite Hormones Ghrelin, Orexin-A and Obestatin in the Mechanism of Healing of Chronic Gastric Ulcers
  3794. Exenatide Increases Hypothalamic Connectivity in Obese Men: First Evidence of Central appetite modulating Effects in fMRI Analyzed With Eigenvector Centrality …
  3795. … ‐locus coeruleus and parabrachial neurons projecting to the ventral tegmental area are innervated by serotonergic neurons: a potential pathway for the salt appetite
  3796. Prebiotic fibre supplementation in combination with metformin modifies appetite, energy metabolism, and gut satiety hormones in obese rats
  3797. … -year-old Hypertensive and diabetic female patient with interstitial and bilateral pulmonary alveolar infiltrate, dry cough, dyspnea, loss of appetite and no fever
  3798. Integrative and Translational Physiology: Integrative Aspects of Energy Homeostasis and Metabolic Diseases: Exercise reduces appetite and traffics excess nutrients …
  3799. appetite regulation in winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus): characterization of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) and gonadotropin-releasing …
  3800. … deficiency does not enhance the chronic actions of melanocortin 3 and 4 receptors (MC3/4R) activation on glucose homeostasis, appetite and cardiovascular function …
  3801. Effect of Pinus koraiensis seed oil on satiety hormones CCK and GLP-1 and appetite suppression
  3802. Body Weight Reduction, appetite Suppression and Caloric Expenditure Stimulation by TAIslim® Total Body System*: Randomized, Placebo‐controlled, Double‐blind Human Clinical Studies (*A Combination of Liquid Dietary Supplement Containing …
  3803. Leptin promoter gene polymorphism on-2549 position decreases plasma leptin and increases appetite in normal weight volunteers
  3804. Redefining the grotesque body: Alice’s curious appetite and laughter.
  3805. The Effect of Classical Music and Rock Music on Rat’s appetite and Body Weight
  3806. … to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and enhancement of mood (ID 633), calming (ID 634), increased attention (ID 634), increase in appetite after unintentional weight …
  3807. Co-administration of the gut hormones PYY and GLP-1 to human volunteers reduces food intake and brain activation in appetite centres
  3808. Modeling Vague Status by Fuzzy Logistic Regression: Application in Evaluating the Effect of Folic Acid on Child’s appetite status
  3809. Radiological Findings of a 62-year-old Male with Loss of Weight and appetite
  3810. FC23-04-Anti-neuropeptide y plasma immunoglobulins are distinctly associated with altered mood and appetite in depressive disorder
  3811. Irinotecan/S-1 Loss of appetite and fatigue in an elderly patient: case report
  3812. A 12-year-old boy with poor appetite
  3813. 27 Position of appetite and Nausea in Symptom Clusters in Palliative Radiation Therapy
  3814. Determination of PDE-5 Inhibitors and appetite Suppressants Added to Dietary Supplements Using LC/PDA, LC/MS, and LC/MS/MS
  3815. … ), protection of lipids from oxidative damage (ID 1201, 1319, 2123),“antioxidant and anti-aging properties”(ID 1901), increase in appetite after unintentional weight loss …
  3816. Effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 on appetite and body weight: preclinical and clinical data
  3817. 5 WWW An appetite for Living
  3818. Molecular mechanisms of appetite regulation
  3819. Obesity and appetite control
  3820. CNS regulation of appetite
  3821. Genetic identification of a neural circuit that suppresses appetite
  3822. Functional brain imaging of appetite
  3823. Unraveling the brain regulation of appetite: lessons from genetics
  3824. On the meaning and use of the risk appetite concept
  3825. Deciphering a neuronal circuit that mediates appetite
  3826. appetite and growth: a longitudinal sibling analysis
  3827. Sex hormones, appetite and eating behaviour in women
  3828. “Surfeiting, the appetite may sicken”: entrepreneurship and happiness
  3829. Food-pics: an image database for experimental research on eating and appetite
  3830. The use of functional MRI to study appetite control in the CNS
  3831. Acute exercise and hormones related to appetite regulation: a meta-analysis
  3832. appetite regulation and weight control: the role of gut hormones
  3833. Odors: appetizing or satiating? Development of appetite during odor exposure over time
  3834. Hypothalamic neuropeptides and the regulation of appetite
  3835. The short-chain fatty acid acetate reduces appetite via a central homeostatic mechanism
  3836. Episodic memory and appetite regulation in humans
  3837. Broker-dealer risk appetite and commodity returns
  3838. Ketosis and appetite-mediating nutrients and hormones after weight loss
  3839. CART in the regulation of appetite and energy homeostasis
  3840. Eat‐me signals: Keys to molecular phagocyte biology and “appetite” control
  3841. Influence of running and walking on hormonal regulators of appetite in women
  3842. The ghrelin axis—does it have an appetite for cancer progression?
  3843. Glutamate and GABA in appetite regulation
  3844. Beverage consumption, appetite, and energy intake: what did you expect?
  3845. Enterprise risk management: understanding and communicating risk appetite
  3846. Validation of screening tools to assess appetite among geriatric patients
  3847. Specific food structures supress appetite through reduced gastric emptying rate
  3848. Role of resting metabolic rate and energy expenditure in hunger and appetite control: a new formulation
  3849. Effects of antipsychotic medications on appetite, weight, and insulin resistance
  3850. Parent feeding behavior and child appetite: associations depend on feeding style
  3851. Developmental programming of appetite/satiety
  3852. Contribution of gastroenteropancreatic appetite hormones to protein-induced satiety
  3853. Differential effects of two fermentable carbohydrates on central appetite regulation and body composition
  3854. Phaseolus vulgaris extract affects glycometabolic and appetite control in healthy human subjects
  3855. Effect of dairy proteins on appetite, energy expenditure, body weight, and composition: a review of the evidence from controlled clinical trials
  3856. Effects of sleep fragmentation on appetite and related hormone concentrations over 24 h in healthy men
  3857. The internal circadian clock increases hunger and appetite in the evening independent of food intake and other behaviors
  3858. A review of the effects of nuts on appetite, food intake, metabolism, and body weight
  3859. Revealing the appetite of the marine aquarium fish trade: the volume and biodiversity of fish imported into the United States
  3860. Role of appetite-regulating peptides in the pathophysiology of addiction: implications for pharmacotherapy
  3861. Developmental programming of offspring obesity, adipogenesis, and appetite
  3862. The role of experience sampling and graphical displays on one’s investment risk appetite
  3863. Gastrointestinal hormones: the regulation of appetite and the anorexia of ageing
  3864. Peptide YY: more than just an appetite regulator
  3865. Role of gut nutrient sensing in stimulating appetite and conditioning food preferences
  3866. A pilot study of the effects of cannabis on appetite hormones in HIV-infected adult men
  3867. Effects of fructose vs glucose on regional cerebral blood flow in brain regions involved with appetite and reward pathways
  3868. Satiety-enhancing products for appetite control: science and regulation of functional foods for weight management
  3869. The endocannabinoid system and appetite: relevance for food reward
  3870. Efficacy of methylprednisolone on pain, fatigue, and appetite loss in patients with advanced cancer using opioids: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial
  3871. The role of gut hormones in appetite regulation
  3872. Ghrelin’s second life: from appetite stimulator to glucose regulator
  3873. Effect of chronic exercise on appetite control in overweight and obese individuals
  3874. Short sleep duration, glucose dysregulation and hormonal regulation of appetite in men and women
  3875. A short guide to risk appetite
  3876. Gut hormones and appetite control: a focus on PYY and GLP-1 as therapeutic targets in obesity
  3877. Rapid sensing of circulating ghrelin by hypothalamic appetite-modifying neurons
  3878. The impact of oligofructose on stimulation of gut hormones, appetite regulation and adiposity
  3879. Depression and appetite: predictors of malnutrition in gynecologic cancer
  3880. Principles for an effective risk appetite framework
  3881. The effect of tesofensine on appetite sensations
  3882. Pharmacological appetite stimulation: rational choices in the inappetent cat
  3883. Defining the neural basis of appetite and obesity: from genes to behaviour
  3884. The impact of obesity-related SNP on appetite and energy intake
  3885. Post-oral appetite stimulation by sugars and nonmetabolizable sugar analogs
  3886. appetite hormones and the transition to hyperphagia in children with Prader-Willi syndrome
  3887. Prefrontal cortex transcranial direct current stimulation associated with aerobic exercise change aspects of appetite sensation in overweight adults
  3888. appetite regulation during food cue exposure: a comparison of normal-weight and obese women
  3889. A prospective cohort study of the effects of adjuvant breast cancer chemotherapy on taste function, food liking, appetite and associated nutritional outcomes
  3890. A review on botanical species and chemical compounds with appetite suppressing properties for body weight control
  3891. Umami flavor enhances appetite but also increases satiety
  3892. A systematic review of the effect of oral glucocorticoids on energy intake, appetite, and body weight in humans
  3893. A different appetite for sovereignty? Independence movements in subnational island jurisdictions
  3894. AMPK and the neuroendocrine regulation of appetite and energy expenditure
  3895. Galanin and its receptors: a novel strategy for appetite control and obesity therapy
  3896. appetite, gut hormone and energy intake responses to low volume sprint interval and traditional endurance exercise
  3897. Visualizing neuromodulation in vivo: TANGO-mapping of dopamine signaling reveals appetite control of sugar sensing
  3898. appetite, energy intake, and PYY3–36 responses to energy-matched continuous exercise and submaximal high-intensity exercise
  3899. Urban solid waste characteristics and household appetite for separation at source in Eastern and Southern Africa
  3900. Severe loss of appetite in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients: online self-assessment study
  3901. Effects of acute exercise on appetite hormones and ad libitum energy intake in men and women
  3902. A lack of appetite for information and computation. Simple heuristics in food choice
  3903. Loss of appetite in acutely ill medical inpatients: physiological response or therapeutic target?
  3904. Adipose tissue hormones and appetite and body weight regulators in insulin resistance
  3905. appetite for Life: The Biography of Julia Child
  3906. Flaxseed dietary fiber supplements for suppression of appetite and food intake
  3907. Gut hormone release and appetite regulation in healthy non-obese participants following oligofructose intake. A dose-escalation study
  3908. Role of hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin neuron autophagy in the control of appetite and leptin response
  3909. Effect of different amounts of coffee on dietary intake and appetite of normal‐weight and overweight/obese individuals
  3910. The impact of food viscosity on eating rate, subjective appetite, glycemic response and gastric emptying rate
  3911. Low, moderate, or high protein yogurt snacks on appetite control and subsequent eating in healthy women
  3912. appetite for destruction: The impact of the September 11 attacks on business founding
  3913. Creating an acute energy deficit without stimulating compensatory increases in appetite: is there an optimal exercise protocol?
  3914. Salt appetite in the elderly
  3915. Exercise-trained men and women: role of exercise and diet on appetite and energy intake
  3916. Short-term exposure to heat stress attenuates appetite and intestinal integrity in growing pigs
  3917. Exercise, appetite and weight management: understanding the compensatory responses in eating behaviour and how they contribute to variability in exercise-induced …
  3918. Differential effects of dairy snacks on appetite, but not overall energy intake
  3919. Effects of different modes of exercise on appetite and appetite-regulating hormones
  3920. Meal timing and composition influence ghrelin levels, appetite scores and weight loss maintenance in overweight and obese adults
  3921. Hedonics of food consumption: are food ‘liking’and ‘wanting’viable targets for appetite control in the obese?
  3922. Role of the lateral parabrachial nucleus in the control of sodium appetite
  3923. Effects of oral and gastric stimulation on appetite and energy intake
  3924. A high-throughput fluorescence-based assay system for appetite-regulating gene and drug screening
  3925. Effect of exercise on appetite-regulating hormones in overweight women
  3926. Development and testing of a cancer appetite and symptom questionnaire
  3927. The effect of milk proteins on appetite regulation and diet-induced thermogenesis
  3928. Effects of smoking cessation on β-cell function, insulin sensitivity, body weight, and appetite
  3929. Taste, olfactory and food texture reward processing in the brain and the control of appetite
  3930. Impact of medium and long chain triglycerides consumption on appetite and food intake in overweight men
  3931. appetite regulation in response to sitting and energy imbalance
  3932. Food, eating and obesity: The psychobiological basis of appetite and weight control
  3933. Resting metabolic rate is associated with hunger, self-determined meal size, and daily energy intake and may represent a marker for appetite
  3934. Taste, smell and appetite change after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery
  3935. The role of gut endocrine cells in control of metabolism and appetite
  3936. Effects of a brown beans evening meal on metabolic risk markers and appetite regulating hormones at a subsequent standardized breakfast: a randomized …
  3937. appetite for change
  3938. appetite and gut peptide responses to exercise and calorie restriction. The effect of modest energy deficits
  3939. appetite control
  3940. Sciences of appetite in the Enlightenment, 1750–1800
  3941. Relationship between appetite and symptoms of depression and anxiety in patients on chronic hemodialysis
  3942. Screening older people at risk of malnutrition or malnourished using the Simplified Nutritional appetite Questionnaire (SNAQ): a comparison with the Mini-Nutritional …
  3943. Gut hormones, appetite suppression and cachexia in patients with pulmonary TB
  3944. Weight loss, appetite loss and food intake in cancer patients with cancer cachexia: three peas in a pod?–analysis from a multicenter cross sectional study
  3945. Effect of dairy calcium from cheese and milk on fecal fat excretion, blood lipids, and appetite in young men
  3946. Are post-exercise appetite sensations and energy intake coupled in children and adolescents?
  3947. Acute effects of a herb extract formulation and inulin fibre on appetite, energy intake and food choice
  3948. appetite, energy intake and resting metabolic responses to 60 min treadmill running performed in a fasted versus a postprandial state
  3949. Effects of indigestible carbohydrates in barley on glucose metabolism, appetite and voluntary food intake over 16 h in healthy adults
  3950. Fgf10-expressing tanycytes add new neurons to the appetite/energy-balance regulating centers of the postnatal and adult hypothalamus
  3951. Does monosodium glutamate interact with macronutrient composition to influence subsequent appetite?
  3952. Mirtazapine as an appetite stimulant and anti-emetic in cats with chronic kidney disease: a masked placebo-controlled crossover clinical trial
  3953. Water deprivation induces appetite and alters metabolic strategy in Notomys alexis: unique mechanisms for water production in the desert
  3954. FTO genotype, dietary protein, and change in appetite: the Preventing Overweight Using Novel Dietary Strategies trial
  3955. The effects of food-related attentional bias training on appetite and food intake
  3956. Inherited behavioral susceptibility to adiposity in infancy: a multivariate genetic analysis of appetite and weight in the Gemini birth cohort
  3957. Differential effects of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and laparoscopic gastric bypass on appetite, circulating acyl-ghrelin, peptide YY3-36 and active GLP-1 …
  3958. The role of meal viscosity and oat β-glucan characteristics in human appetite control: a randomized crossover trial
  3959. Does eating slowly influence appetite and energy intake when water intake is controlled?
  3960. Current progress in the assessment of ‘liking’vs.’wanting’food in human appetite. Comment on ‘“You Say it’s Liking, I Say it’s Wanting…”. On the difficulty of …
  3961. The effect of eight weeks endurance training and high-fat diet on appetite-regulating hormones in rat plasma
  3962. Effects of the menopausal transition on dietary intake and appetite: a MONET Group Study
  3963. Functionality of alginate based supplements for application in human appetite regulation
  3964. Effects of PYY3–36 and GLP-1 on energy intake, energy expenditure, and appetite in overweight men
  3965. Sensory-specific appetite is affected by actively smelled food odors and remains stable over time in normal-weight women
  3966. Flaxseed dietary fibers suppress postprandial lipemia and appetite sensation in young men
  3967. Programming of appetite control during breastfeeding as a preventative strategy against the obesity epidemic
  3968. Non-nutritive sweeteners: no class effect on the glycaemic or appetite responses to ingested glucose
  3969. Risk appetite, carry trade and exchange rates
  3970. Neural changes associated with appetite information processing in schizophrenic patients after 16 weeks of olanzapine treatment
  3971. Impact of risk appetite on the value of a firm
  3972. Taste matters–effects of bypassing oral stimulation on hormone and appetite responses
  3973. appetite‐regulating hormones from the upper gut: disrupted control of xenin and ghrelin in night workers
  3974. Effect of a dairy-and calcium-rich diet on weight loss and appetite during energy restriction in overweight and obese adults: a randomized trial
  3975. Functional relationship between oxytocin and appetite for carbohydrates versus saccharin
  3976. The relationship between appetite scores and subsequent energy intake: an analysis based on 23 randomized controlled studies
  3977. Malnutrition risk and its association with appetite, functional and psychosocial status among elderly Malays in an agricultural settlement.
  3978. Effects of high-protein vs. high-fat snacks on appetite control, satiety, and eating initiation in healthy women
  3979. appetite stimulants for people with cystic fibrosis
  3980. Contextual control of appetite. Renewal of inhibited food-seeking behavior in sated rats after extinction
  3981. Effects of fat, protein, and carbohydrate and protein load on appetite, plasma cholecystokinin, peptide YY, and ghrelin, and energy intake in lean and obese men
  3982. appetite regulation in overweight, sedentary men after different amounts of endurance exercise: a randomized controlled trial
  3983. Intranasal leptin reduces appetite and induces weight loss in rats with diet-induced obesity (DIO)
  3984. Second meal effect on appetite and fermentation of wholegrain rye foods
  3985. Decorin has an appetite for endothelial cell autophagy
  3986. The suppression of appetite and food consumption by methylphenidate: the moderating effects of gender and weight status in healthy adults
  3987. Increased hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal drive is associated with decreased appetite and hypoactivation of food-motivation neurocircuitry in anorexia nervosa
  3988. Plant extracts with appetite suppressing properties for body weight control: a systematic review of double blind randomized controlled clinical trials
  3989. Taste and appetite disorders of chronic hepatitis C patients
  3990. The role of the stomach in the control of appetite and the secretion of satiation peptides
  3991. An appetite for activism: The Lesbian Avengers and the queer politics of visibility
  3992. Ghrelin-derived peptides: a link between appetite/reward, GH axis, and psychiatric disorders?
  3993. Melatonin and Peripheral Circuitries: Insights on appetite and Metabolism in Danio Rerio
  3994. Efficacy of alginate supplementation in relation to appetite regulation and metabolic risk factors: Evidence from animal and human studies
  3995. Pharmacological Review of Caralluma R.Br. with Special Reference to appetite Suppression and Anti-Obesity
  3996. Identification of hypothalamic neuron-derived neurotrophic factor as a novel factor modulating appetite
  3997. Seasonal appetite regulation in the anadromous Arctic charr: evidence for a role of adiposity in the regulation of appetite but not for leptin in signalling adiposity
  3998. Glycemic, insulinemic, and appetite responses of patients with type 2 diabetes to commonly consumed breads
  3999. Exercise training during normobaric hypoxic confinement does not alter hormonal appetite regulation
  4000. Energy and macronutrient content of familiar beverages interact with pre-meal intervals to determine later food intake, appetite and glycemic response in young adults
  4001. Changes in expression of appetite-regulating hormones in the cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus) during short-term fasting and winter torpor
  4002. The next generation of obesity treatments: beyond suppressing appetite
  4003. Effects of inulin-type fructans on appetite, energy intake, and body weight in children and adults: systematic review of randomized controlled trials
  4004. Crohn’s disease affecting the small bowel is associated with reduced appetite and elevated levels of circulating gut peptides
  4005. Influence of the tolerability of vinegar as an oral source of short-chain fatty acids on appetite control and food intake
  4006. appetite predicts mortality in free-living older adults in association with dietary diversity. A NAHSIT cohort study
  4007. Whole body, regional fat accumulation, and appetite‐related hormonal response after hypoxic training
  4008. appetite sensations and nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: an overview of the explanations
  4009. From weight loss to weight gain: appetite changes in major depressive disorder as a mirror into brain-environment interactions
  4010. Neuropeptide Y is associated with changes in appetite-associated hypothalamic nuclei but not food intake in a hypophagic avian model
  4011. The likely impact of Basel III on a bank’s appetite for renewable energy financing
  4012. … poor relation in antiemetic therapy? The impact on cancer patients’ quality of life and psychological adjustment of nausea, vomiting and appetite loss, individually and …
  4013. Do offline factors trigger customers’ appetite for online continual usage? A study of online reservation in the airline industry
  4014. Thirst and sodium appetite: physiological basis
  4015. appetite control and biomarkers of satiety with vegetarian (soy) and meat-based high-protein diets for weight loss in obese men: a randomized crossover trial
  4016. A randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled clinical trial of megestrol acetate as an appetite stimulant in children with weight loss due to cancer and/or cancer …
  4017. Effect of polydextrose and soluble maize fibre on energy metabolism, metabolic profile and appetite control in overweight men and women
  4018. appetite, reason, and education in Socrates”City of Pigs’
  4019. Selection for residual feed intake affects appetite and body composition rather than energetic efficiency
  4020. Influence of night-time protein and carbohydrate intake on appetite and cardiometabolic risk in sedentary overweight and obese women
  4021. The effect of CEO risk appetite on firm volatility: an empirical analysis of financial firms
  4022. appetite suppressing pregnane glycosides from the roots of Cynanchum auriculatum
  4023. Octopamine-mediated circuit mechanism underlying controlled appetite for palatable food in Drosophila
  4024. The effect of yellow pea protein and fibre on short-term food intake, subjective appetite and glycaemic response in healthy young men
  4025. Effect of excessive water intake on body weight, body mass index, body fat, and appetite of overweight female participants
  4026. Foods with added fiber improve stool frequency in individuals with chronic kidney disease with no impact on appetite or overall quality of life
  4027. Neuroscience: dissecting appetite
  4028. appetite control and obesity
  4029. Intraduodenal protein modulates antropyloroduodenal motility, hormone release, glycemia, appetite, and energy intake in lean men
  4030. Reproducibility of subjective appetite ratings and ad libitum test meal energy intake in overweight and obese males
  4031. Impact of morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone or codeine on patient consciousness, appetite and thirst when used to treat cancer pain
  4032. appetite regulatory hormones in women with anorexia nervosa: binge-eating/purging versus restricting type
  4033. Food cravings, appetite, and snack-food consumption in response to a psychomotor stimulant drug: the moderating effect of “food-addiction”
  4034. Whey protein preloads are more beneficial than soy protein preloads in regulating appetite, calorie intake, anthropometry, and body composition of overweight and …
  4035. Guidance on the scientific requirements for health claims related to appetite ratings, weight management, and blood glucose concentrations
  4036. Pectin is not pectin: a randomized trial on the effect of different physicochemical properties of dietary fiber on appetite and energy intake
  4037. Hypothalamic metabolic compartmentation during appetite regulation as revealed by magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy methods
  4038. Effect of dietary advanced glycation end products on postprandial appetite, inflammation, and endothelial activation in healthy overweight individuals
  4039. The role of liver fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase in regulating appetite and adiposity
  4040. The effect of beverages varying in glycaemic load on postprandial glucose responses, appetite and cognition in 10–12-year-old school children
  4041. Behavioral interventions for antipsychotic induced appetite changes
  4042. The effect of intermittent hypoxia on growth, appetite and some aspects of the immune response of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
  4043. Effect of variety and cooking method on resistant starch content of white rice and subsequent postprandial glucose response and appetite in humans
  4044. Independent and combined effects of eating rate and energy density on energy intake, appetite, and gut hormones
  4045. Effects of a novel propionate-rich sourdough bread on appetite and food intake
  4046. Mild dehydration does not reduce postexercise appetite or energy intake.
  4047. Octane appetite: the relevance of a lower limit to the MON specification in a downsized, highly boosted DISI engine
  4048. Effects of intraduodenal lipid and protein on gut motility and hormone release, glycemia, appetite, and energy intake in lean men
  4049. Percutaneous electrical neurostimulation of dermatome T6 for appetite reduction and weight loss in morbidly obese patients
  4050. Eating-related behaviors and appetite during energy imbalance in obese-prone and obese-resistant individuals
  4051. … systems applied to risk appetite and emerging risks in ERM practice: Recommendations for practical tools to help risk professionals tackle the problems of risk appetite
  4052. Oral administration of omega-7 palmitoleic acid induces satiety and the release of appetite-related hormones in male rats
  4053. appetite Control: worm’s-eye-view
  4054. Amylin and the regulation of appetite and adiposity: recent advances in receptor signaling, neurobiology and pharmacology
  4055. Acute effect of oatmeal on subjective measures of appetite and satiety compared to a ready-to-eat breakfast cereal: a randomized crossover trial
  4056. Haematopoietic cells produce BDNF and regulate appetite upon migration to the hypothalamus
  4057. Are increased weight and appetite useful indicators of depression in children and adolescents?
  4058. Comparison of stability, cellular, glucose-lowering and appetite supressing effects of oxyntomodulin analogues modified at the N-terminus
  4059. Dopamine and food reward: effects of acute tyrosine/phenylalanine depletion on appetite
  4060. Ghrelin and the brain-gut axis as a pharmacological target for appetite control
  4061. Fish oil-supplementation increases appetite in healthy adults. A randomized controlled cross-over trial
  4062. Second-meal effects of pulses on blood glucose and subjective appetite following a standardized meal 2 h later
  4063. Effect of folic acid on appetite in children: Ordinal logistic and fuzzy logistic regressions
  4064. Correlated responses in sow appetite, residual feed intake, body composition, and reproduction after divergent selection for residual feed intake in the growing pig
  4065. appetite, satiety, and food reward in obese individuals: a behavioral phenotype approach
  4066. appetite-suppressing effects and interactions of centrally administered corticotropin-releasing factor, urotensin I and serotonin in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus …
  4067. The liver: Key in regulating appetite and body weight
  4068. Anti-neuropeptide Y plasma immunoglobulins in relation to mood and appetite in depressive disorder
  4069. Effect of cooked white rice with high β-glucan barley on appetite and energy intake in healthy Japanese subjects: a randomized controlled trial
  4070. Whey protein sweetened beverages reduce glycemic and appetite responses and food intake in young females
  4071. Effectiveness of a food education program in improving appetite and nutritional status of elderly adults living at home
  4072. A pilot evaluation of appetite‐awareness training in the treatment of childhood overweight and obesity: A preliminary investigation
  4073. Mineralocorticoid-induced sodium appetite and renal salt retention: evidence for common signaling and effector mechanisms
  4074. Risk appetite in practice: Vulgaris mathematica
  4075. A novel appetite peptide, nesfatin-1 in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  4076. Effects of concentrated arabinoxylan and β-glucan compared with refined wheat and whole grain rye on glucose and appetite in subjects with the metabolic syndrome …
  4077. Coffee for morning hunger pangs. An examination of coffee and caffeine on appetite, gastric emptying, and energy intake
  4078. Sucrose compared with artificial sweeteners: a clinical intervention study of effects on energy intake, appetite, and energy expenditure after 10 wk of supplementation …
  4079. Hindbrain mineralocorticoid mechanisms on sodium appetite
  4080. Increased number of chews during a fixed-amount meal suppresses postprandial appetite and modulates glycemic response in older males
  4081. Acute effects of pea protein and hull fibre alone and combined on blood glucose, appetite, and food intake in healthy young men–a randomized crossover trial
  4082. Relationships between appetite and quality of life in hemodialysis patients
  4083. appetite regulating peptides in red-bellied piranha, Pygocentrus nattereri: cloning, tissue distribution and effect of fasting on mRNA expression levels
  4084. Oleoylethanolamide: a novel potential pharmacological alternative to cannabinoid antagonists for the control of appetite
  4085. Effect of dietary nonphytate phosphorus and calcium concentration on calcium appetite of broiler chicks
  4086. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of cyproheptadine for appetite stimulation in cystic fibrosis
  4087. Quantity of glucose transporter and appetite-associated factor mRNA in various tissues after insulin injection in chickens selected for low or high body weight
  4088. Effect of short-term exercise on appetite, energy intake and energy-regulating hormones
  4089. appetite regulation genes are associated with body mass index in black South African adolescents: a genetic association study
  4090. Meal replacement: calming the hot-state brain network of appetite
  4091. Brain molecules and appetite: the case of oleoylethanolamide
  4092. Reduced striatal activation during reward anticipation due to appetite-provoking cues in chronic schizophrenia: a fMRI study
  4093. Specific appetite, energetic and metabolomics responses to fat overfeeding in resistant-to-bodyweight-gain constitutional thinness
  4094. Effect of methylphenidate treatment on appetite and levels of leptin, ghrelin, adiponectin, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor in children and adolescents with …
  4095. Effect of sodium alginate addition to chocolate milk on glycemia, insulin, appetite and food intake in healthy adult men
  4096. Molecular and physiological evidences for the role in appetite regulation of apelin and its receptor APJ in Ya-fish (Schizothorax prenanti)
  4097. appetite, consumption, and choice in the human brain
  4098. Cultivating Opportunities: Canada’s growing appetite for local food.
  4099. Effect of ambient temperature during acute aerobic exercise on short-term appetite, energy intake, and plasma acylated ghrelin in recreationally active males
  4100. The effects of increased dietary protein yogurt snack in the afternoon on appetite control and eating initiation in healthy women
  4101. Between appetite and Emotion, or Why Can’t Animals Have Erôs?
  4102. … cavefish (Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus): effects on feeding and on the brain expression levels of tyrosine hydroxylase, mechanistic target of rapamycin and appetite
  4103. Oral processing effort, appetite and acute energy intake in lean and obese adults
  4104. The role of “mixed” orexigenic and anorexigenic signals and autoantibodies reacting with appetite-regulating neuropeptides and peptides of the adipose …
  4105. Inflammatory cytokines and appetite in healthy people
  4106. The effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Cannabis Sativa on appetite hormone in rat
  4107. Mechanism of programmed obesity in intrauterine fetal growth restricted offspring: paradoxically enhanced appetite stimulation in fed and fasting states
  4108. Physical activity, energy intake, and obesity: the links between exercise and appetite
  4109. The effect of post-exercise drink macronutrient content on appetite and energy intake
  4110. The role of psychobiological and neuroendocrine mechanisms in appetite regulation and obesity
  4111. Effects of chemosignals from sad tears and postprandial plasma on appetite and food intake in humans
  4112. Is there a genetic cause of appetite loss?—an explorative study in 1,853 cancer patients
  4113. Dietary thylakoids suppress blood glucose and modulate appetite-regulating hormones in pigs exposed to oral glucose tolerance test
  4114. Comparison of markers of appetite and inflammation between hemodialysis patients with and without failed renal transplants
  4115. Orexigenic neuropeptide 26RFa: new evidence for an adaptive profile of appetite regulation in anorexia nervosa
  4116. Expeditious synthesis of saponin P57, an appetite suppressant from Hoodia plants
  4117. Influence of hormonal appetite and energy regulators on bone
  4118. Opioid mechanisms that mediate the palatability of and appetite for salt in sodium replete and deficient states
  4119. Neuronal correlates of appetite regulation in patients with schizophrenia: is there a basis for future appetite dysfunction?
  4120. Arginine affects appetite via nitric oxide in ducks
  4121. The antimicrobial activity of the appetite peptide hormone ghrelin
  4122. Voracious appetite of online teaching: Examining labour issues related to K-12 online learning
  4123. Leptin therapy alters appetite and neural responses to food stimuli in brain areas of leptin-sensitive subjects without altering brain structure
  4124. You’re the One That I Want’: appetite, Agency, and the Gendered Self
  4125. Effects of intraduodenal protein on appetite, energy intake, and antropyloroduodenal motility in healthy older compared with young men in a randomized trial
  4126. Art and appetite: American painting, culture, and cuisine
  4127. Acute effects of violent video-game playing on blood pressure and appetite perception in normal-weight young men: a randomized controlled trial
  4128. Acute interval exercise intensity does not affect appetite and nutrient preferences in overweight and obese males
  4129. Effect of the once-daily human GLP-1 analogue liraglutide on appetite, energy intake, energy expenditure and gastric emptying in type 2 diabetes
  4130. Liraglutide as a potentially useful agent for regulating appetite in diabetic patients with hypothalamic hyperphagia and obesity
  4131. Effects of the once-daily GLP-1 analog liraglutide on gastric emptying, glycemic parameters, appetite and energy metabolism in obese, non-diabetic adults
  4132. Self-rated appetite as a predictor of mortality in patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease
  4133. Identification of Sphingolipid Metabolites That Induce Obesity via Misregulation of appetite, Caloric Intake and Fat Storage in Drosophila
  4134. Functional characterization of two melanin-concentrating hormone genes in the color camouflage, hypermelanosis, and appetite of starry flounder
  4135. Investor sentiment and risk appetite of real estate security market
  4136. Glucagon and GLP-1 inhibit food intake and increase c-fos expression in similar appetite regulating centres in the brainstem and amygdala
  4137. Chronic central administration of Ghrelin increases bone mass through a mechanism independent of appetite regulation
  4138. Effects of exercise of different intensity on gut peptides, energy intake and appetite in young males
  4139. Changes in levels of peripheral hormones controlling appetite are inconsistent with hyperphagia in leptin-deficient subjects
  4140. Thermic effect of a meal and appetite in adults: an individual participant data meta-analysis of meal-test trials
  4141. Influence of rest and exercise at a simulated altitude of 4,000 m on appetite, energy intake, and plasma concentrations of acylated ghrelin and peptide YY
  4142. Monitoring and normalising a lack of appetite and weight loss. A discursive analysis of an online support group for bariatric surgery
  4143. How much risk is too much risk: understanding risk appetite
  4144. … and development of children with ADHD in a randomized clinical trial of Ritalin and Melatonin co-administration: Through circadian cycle modification or appetite
  4145. Effect of acupuncture therapy on appetite of obesity patients
  4146. Effect of sub chronic tryptophan supplementation on stress-induced cortisol and appetite in subjects differing in 5-HTTLPR genotype and trait neuroticism
  4147. Actions of agonists and antagonists of the ghrelin/GHS-R pathway on GH secretion, appetite, and cFos activity
  4148. GLP-1 receptor activation modulates appetite-and reward-related brain areas in humans
  4149. Effects of intraduodenal injection of Lactobacillus brevis SBC8803 on autonomic neurotransmission and appetite in rodents
  4150. A randomised trial of the impact of energy density and texture of a meal on food and energy intake, satiation, satiety, appetite and palatability responses in healthy …
  4151. Households’ appetite for financial risk
  4152. Salt appetite is reduced by a single experience of drinking hypertonic saline in the adult rat
  4153. Cost control and the Affordable Care Act: Cramping our health care appetite
  4154. The effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Coriandrum sativum on rat appetite
  4155. Xerostomia is associated with old age and poor appetite in patients on chronic hemodialysis
  4156. Obesity and appetite-related hormones
  4157. Hypothalamic control of appetite and energy metabolism
  4158. Nicotine administration in healthy non‐smokers reduces appetite but does not alter plasma ghrelin
  4159. A retrospective study of horses investigated for weight loss despite a good appetite (2002–2011)
  4160. In vitro assessment of interactions between appetite-regulating peptides in brain of goldfish (Carassius auratus)
  4161. Influence of density and background color to stress response, appetite, growth, and blind-side hypermelanosis of flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus
  4162. Alcohol intake and its effect on some appetite-regulating hormones in man: influence of gastroprotection with sucralfate
  4163. Satiety effects of a whole-grain fibre composite ingredient: reduced food intake and appetite ratings
  4164. Effects of GLP-1 on appetite and weight
  4165. appetite after rope skipping may differ between males and females
  4166. Ghrelin, appetite and critical illness
  4167. Association of a carboxylesterase 1 polymorphism with appetite reduction in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder treated with …
  4168. Simplified Nutritional appetite Questionnaire (SNAQ) for cardiopulmonary and metabolic rehabilitation program
  4169. Metabolic effect of short term administration of Hoodia gordonii, an herbal appetite suppressant
  4170. Anti‐hypertensive treatment preserves appetite suppression while preventing cardiovascular adverse effects of tesofensine in rats
  4171. An appetite for home economics literacy: Convergence, megatrends and big ideas
  4172. The effect of agar jelly on energy expenditure, appetite, gastric emptying and glycaemic response
  4173. A chronic high fat diet alters the homologous and heterologous control of appetite regulating peptide receptor expression
  4174. Differential influence of the 5-HTTLPR genotype, neuroticism and real-life acute stress exposure on appetite and energy intake
  4175. Glucagon-like peptide 1 and appetite
  4176. Elevated glucocorticoids during ovine pregnancy increase appetite and produce glucose dysregulation and adiposity in their granddaughters in response to ad libitum …
  4177. Plasma cortisol levels in response to a cold pressor test did not predict appetite or ad libitum test meal intake in obese women
  4178. Chewing after stress: psychosocial stress influences chewing frequency, chewing efficacy, and appetite
  4179. The role of angiotensin II on sodium appetite after a low‐sodium diet
  4180. … of early short‐term exercise in the offspring of obese mothers are accompanied by alterations in the hypothalamic gene expression of appetite regulators and FTO (fat …
  4181. Chronic central ghrelin infusion reduces blood pressure and heart rate despite increasing appetite and promoting weight gain in normotensive and hypertensive rats
  4182. Changes in mRNA expression of arcuate nucleus appetite-regulating peptides during lactation in rats
  4183. Fuel selection and appetite-regulating hormones after intake of a soy protein-based meal replacement
  4184. Olanzapine and risperidone effects on appetite and ghrelin in chronic schizophrenic patients
  4185. A preliminary investigation of the role of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) and its receptors in appetite regulation of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes …
  4186. TGF-b superfamily cytokine MIC-1/GDF15 is a physiological appetite and body weight regulator
  4187. Evidence of enhanced serum amino acid profile but not appetite suppression by dietary glycomacropeptide (GMP): a comparison of dairy whey proteins
  4188. Corruption, Political Participation, and appetite for Reform: Americans’ Assessment of the Role of Money in Politics
  4189. Bone morphogenetic protein 7 (BMP7) reverses obesity and regulates appetite through a central mTOR pathway
  4190. Freeloading: How Our Insatiable appetite for Free Content Starves Creativity
  4191. appetite and related factors among community elders in Korea
  4192. Autophagy—alias self‐eating—appetite and ageing
  4193. Effects of acute and longer-term dietary restriction on upper gut motility, hormone, appetite, and energy-intake responses to duodenal lipid in lean and obese men
  4194. Acute antipsychotic treatments induce distinct c-Fos expression patterns in appetite-related neuronal structures of the rat brain
  4195. Tesofensine induces appetite suppression and weight loss with reversal of low forebrain dopamine levels in the diet-induced obese rat
  4196. Playing with appetite in early modern comedy
  4197. appetite sensations in pregnancy among agropastoral women in rural Tanzania
  4198. Effect of Caralluma fimbriata extract on appetite and lipid profile in rats fed with hypercalorie/cafeteria diet
  4199. 5-HT2C Receptor Agonists and the Control of appetite
  4200. Socrates on Reason, appetite and Passion: A Response to Thomas C. Brickhouse and Nicholas D. Smith, Socratic Moral Psychology
  4201. Association of nutritional risk index with metabolic biomarkers, appetite‐regulatory hormones and inflammatory biomarkers and outcome in patients with chronic heart …
  4202. NR2B subunit of the NMDA glutamate receptor regulates appetite in the parabrachial nucleus
  4203. Satiating capacity and post-prandial relationships between appetite parameters and gut-peptide concentrations with solid and liquefied carbohydrate
  4204. Transgenerational effects of caloric restriction on appetite: a meta‐analysis
  4205. Beneficial effects of 12 weeks of aerobic compared with resistance exercise training on perceived appetite in previously sedentary overweight and obese men
  4206. Sensitization of sodium appetite: evidence for sustained molecular changes in the lamina terminalis
  4207. Activity related energy expenditure, appetite and energy intake. Potential implications for weight management
  4208. appetite-modifying effects of bombesin receptor subtype-3 agonists
  4209. Using a novel computer-based approach to assess the acute effects of exercise on appetite-related measures
  4210. Chronic effects of centrally administered adiponectin on appetite, metabolism and blood pressure regulation in normotensive and hypertensive rats
  4211. Global risk appetite and EMBI-Colombia: evidence on a structural break and the fiscal policy role
  4212. Effect of a phase advance and phase delay of the 24-h cycle on energy metabolism, appetite, and related hormones
  4213. Effect of sugars in solutions on subjective appetite and short-term food intake in 9-to 14-year-old normal weight boys
  4214. Diminished appetite predicts mortality of Chinese peritoneal dialysis patients
  4215. Effects of whole grain rye crisp bread for breakfast on appetite and energy intake in a subsequent meal: two randomised controlled trails with different …
  4216. appetite and food intake after consumption of sausages with 10% fat and added wheat or rye bran
  4217. The physiology of thirst and sodium appetite
  4218. The emulsified lipid Fabuless (Olibra) does not decrease food intake but suppresses appetite when consumed with yoghurt but not alone or with solid foods: a food …
  4219. Effect of sex chromosome complement on sodium appetite and Fos-immunoreactivity induced by sodium depletion
  4220. Neural substrates underlying interactions between appetite stress and reward
  4221. Modulation of appetite and feeding behavior of the larval mosquito Aedes aegypti by the serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitor paroxetine: shifts between distinct …
  4222. Effects of apple juice-based beverages enriched with dietary fibres and xanthan gum on the glycemic response and appetite sensations in healthy men
  4223. Obesity in patients with Bardet–Biedl syndrome: influence of appetite-regulating hormones
  4224. The effect of dietary carbohydrate on the appetite revival and glucose metabolism of juveniles of the spiny lobster, Jasus edwardsii
  4225. appetite control and gastrointestinal hormonal behavior (CCK, GLP-1, PYY 1–36) following low doses of a whey protein-rich nutraceutic
  4226. Ghrelin receptor regulates appetite and satiety during aging in mice by regulating meal frequency and portion size but not total food intake
  4227. Self-reported dietary intake and appetite predict early treatment outcome among low-BMI adults initiating HIV treatment in sub-Saharan Africa
  4228. Mammary cells synthesize appetite hormones that may contribute to breastmilk (38.8)
  4229. … analogue scales and a wristwatch-based electronic appetite rating system (PRO-Diary©), for continuous monitoring of free-living subjective appetite sensations in 7 …
  4230. Creating value with risk appetite & risk tolerance statements
  4231. Sensitivity of ad libitum meals to detect changes in hunger. Restricted-item or multi-item testmeals in the design of preload appetite studies
  4232. n-3 LC-PUFA deposition efficiency and appetite-regulating hormones are modulated by the dietary lipid source during rainbow trout grow-out and finishing periods
  4233. Immediate neural responses of appetitive motives and its relationship with hedonic appetite and body weight as revealed by magnetoencephalography
  4234. Central kappa opioid receptors modulate salt appetite in rats
  4235. Neurohormones, rikkunshito and hypothalamic neurons interactively control appetite and anorexia
  4236. appetite and falls: Old age and lived experiences
  4237. Impact of treating dental caries on schoolchildren’s anthropometric, dental, satisfaction and appetite outcomes: a randomized controlled trial
  4238. Effect of exercise on food consumption and appetite sensations in subjects with diabetes
  4239. Serum ghrelin levels partially recover with the recovery of appetite and food intake after total gastrectomy
  4240. appetite response among those susceptible or resistant to obesity
  4241. Effects of insulin detemir and NPH insulin on body weight and appetite-regulating brain regions in human type 1 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial
  4242. Obesity, sex and pubertal status affect appetite hormone responses to a mixed glucose and whey protein drink in adolescents
  4243. Devil’s Claw to Suppress appetite—Ghrelin Receptor Modulation Potential of a Harpagophytum procumbens Root Extract
  4244. Colestyramine slows gastric emptying of liquids and reduces appetite in healthy subjects
  4245. Daily patterns of mRNA expression of two core circadian regulatory proteins, Clock2 and Per1, and two appetite-regulating peptides, OX and NPY, in goldfish …
  4246. Plate size and children’s appetite: effects of larger dishware on self-served portions and intake
  4247. Sasang types may differ in eating rate, meal size, and regular appetite: a systematic literature review
  4248. Effects of the 5-HT2C receptor agonist meta-chlorophenylpiperazine on appetite, food intake and emotional processing in healthy volunteers
  4249. Influence of hippophae rhamnoides on two appetite factors, gastric emptying and metabolic parameters, in children with functional dyspepsia.
  4250. Liquid meal composition, postprandial satiety hormones, and perceived appetite and satiety in obese women during acute caloric restriction
  4251. Sodium appetite sensitization
  4252. Suggestion of new possibilities in approaching individual variability in appetite through constitutional typology: a pilot study
  4253. Ghrelin for regulating appetite and energy balance: A systematic review
  4254. Involvement of neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor in the regulation of amphetamine-mediated appetite suppression
  4255. Central dopamine action modulates neuropeptide‐controlled appetite via the hypothalamic PI3K/NF‐κB‐dependent mechanism
  4256. Evidence for the use of appetite suppressant drugs in Brazil: a pharmacoeconometric study
  4257. Prenatal programming of renal salt wasting resets postnatal salt appetite, which drives food intake in the rat
  4258. Preproghrelin gene polymorphisms in obese Japanese women. Minor homozygotes are light eaters, do not prefer protein or fat, and apparently have a poor appetite
  4259. Adverse effects and appetite suppression associated with particle beam therapy in patients with head and neck cancer
  4260. Cerebral blood flow and glucose metabolism in appetite-related brain regions in type 1 diabetic patients after treatment with insulin detemir and NPH insulin: a …
  4261. An appetite for aggression
  4262. The effect of 6 days of sodium phosphate supplementation on appetite, energy intake, and aerobic capacity in trained men and women
  4263. Early growth and postprandial appetite regulatory hormone responses
  4264. Lipid replacement therapy functional food formulation with NT factor for reducing weight, girth, body mass, appetite and fatigue while improving blood lipid profiles
  4265. Effect of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor antagonism on appetite and food intake in healthy men
  4266. The DPP-IV inhibitor linagliptin and GLP-1 induce synergistic effects on body weight loss and appetite suppression in the diet-induced obese rat
  4267. appetite regulation and thermogenesis
  4268. Evaluation of the salivary proteome as a surrogate tissue for systems biology approaches to understanding appetite
  4269. The once‐daily human GLP‐1 analogue liraglutide impacts appetite and energy intake in patients with type 2 diabetes after short‐term treatment
  4270. Effect of 24 h fasting on gene expression of AMPK, appetite regulation peptides and lipometabolism related factors in the hypothalamus of broiler chicks
  4271. Risk appetite-critical element of enterprise risk management process
  4272. Large litter rearing improves leptin sensitivity and hypothalamic appetite markers in offspring of rat dams fed high-fat diet during pregnancy and lactation
  4273. Consistency of metabolic responses and appetite sensations under postabsorptive and postprandial conditions
  4274. Endorsing children’s appetite for healthy foods: Celebrity versus non-celebrity spokes-characters
  4275. Sexual Arithmetic: appetite and Consumption in” The Way of the World”
  4276. Akrasia and the Rule of appetite in Plato’s Protagoras and Republic
  4277. appetite course over time and the risk of death in patients on chronic hemodialysis
  4278. appetite for prevention: genetics and developmental epidemiology join forces in obesity research
  4279. Regulation of appetite: role of serotonin and hypothalamus
  4280. General concepts regarding risk appetite
  4281. Antisecretory effect of prescribed appetite stimulator drug cyproheptadine in rat intestine
  4282. Africa’s capital market appetite: Challenges and opportunities for financing rapid and sustained growth
  4283. Molecular insights into appetite control and neuroendocrine disease as risk factors for chronic diseases in Western countries
  4284. Neonatal birth waist is positively predicted by second trimester maternal active ghrelin, a pro-appetite hormone, and negatively associated with third trimester maternal …
  4285. … of thirst and sodium appetite in the furo/cap model of extracellular dehydration and a role for N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in the sensitization of sodium appetite.
  4286. Gastric emptying rate, glycemic and appetite response to a liquid meal in lean and overweight males
  4287. Excessive appetite for pornography: development and evaluation of the pornography craving questionnaire (pcq-12)
  4288. Influence of netball-based exercise on energy intake, subjective appetite and plasma acylated ghrelin in adolescent girls
  4289. Agreement between fingertip-capillary and antecubital-venous appetite-related peptides
  4290. Fish oil supplementation is beneficial on caloric intake, appetite and mid upper arm muscle circumference in children with leukaemia
  4291. Effects of aging on mineralocorticoid-induced salt appetite in rats
  4292. What influences appetite more: eating approaches or cooking methods?
  4293. Inulin propionate ester increases satiety and decreases appetite but does not affect gastric emptying in healthy humans
  4294. The relationship between breakfast, lunch and dinner eating pattern and hemodialysis sessions, quality of life, depression and appetite in hemodialysis patients
  4295. appetite Regulatory Peptides and insulin resistance
  4296. Functional food and satiety. Impact of a satiating context effect on appetite control of non-obese men
  4297. Isolation of the bioactive peptides CCHamide-1 and CCHamide-2 from Drosophila and their putative role in appetite regulation as ligands for G protein …
  4298. The menu for every young mathematician’s appetite
  4299. appetite loss and related factors in community-dwelling elderly thai
  4300. appetite sensations and substrate metabolism at rest, during exercise, and recovery: impact of a high-calcium meal
  4301. A study on promoting appetite in sound signal processing
  4302. Glycaemic index of meals affects appetite sensation but not energy balance in active males
  4303. Evaluation of ghrelin level and appetite regulation in patients with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  4304. An investigation of appetite-related peptide transcript expression in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) brain following a Camelina sativa meal-supplemented feeding trial
  4305. The “voracious appetite” of online learning
  4306. appetite for spectacle: Violence and entertainment in’The hunger games’
  4307. Awakening a Dormant appetite“: Captain McBane, Convict Labor, and Charles Chesnutt’s” The Marrow of Tradition
  4308. The appetite regulatory effect of guggulsterones in rats: A repertoire of plasma hormones and neurotransmitters
  4309. Evaluation of appetite-stimulating hormones in prepubertal children with epilepsy during topiramate treatment
  4310. … serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pregnant women with major depression or panic disorder including symptoms of severe nausea, insomnia and decreased appetite
  4311. Effects of oleic acid and olive oil on gastric emptying, gut hormone secretion and appetite in lean and overweight or obese males
  4312. Involvement of hypothalamic PI 3 K–STAT 3 signalling in regulating appetite suppression mediated by amphetamine
  4313. No appetite efficacy of a commercial structured lipid emulsion in minimally processed drinks
  4314. Effect of low-GDP bicarbonate–lactate-buffered peritoneal dialysis solutions on plasma levels of adipokines and gut appetite-regulatory peptides. A randomized …
  4315. An appetite for fractions
  4316. Individual genetic variations related to satiety and appetite control increase risk of obesity in preschool-age children in the STRONG kids program
  4317. … quality of life in hemodialysis patients between the elderly and non‐elderly using a visual analogue scale: The importance of appetite and depressive mood
  4318. The effect of oilseed consumption on appetite and on the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus
  4319. The role of diminishing appetite and serum nesfatin-1 level in patients with burn wound infection
  4320. The role of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and the organum vasculosum lateral terminalis in the control of sodium appetite in male rats
  4322. appetite and the brain: you are what you eat
  4323. Influence of a novel inhibitor (UM8190) of prolylcarboxypeptidase (PRCP) on appetite and thrombosis
  4324. … of protein-sparing modified fast by tube (ProMoFasT) in obesity treatment: a phase II pilot trial on clinical safety and efficacy (appetite control, body composition …
  4325. Blockade of central delta-opioid receptors inhibits salt appetite in sodium-depleted rats
  4326. Informing primary school nutritional policy: effects of mid-morning snacks on appetite and energy control.
  4327. Postprandial glycemia and appetite sensations in response to porridge made with rolled and pinhead oats
  4328. CD146 deletion in the nervous system impairs appetite, locomotor activity and spatial learning in mice
  4329. appetite sensations, appetite signaling proteins, and glucose in obese adolescents with subclinical binge eating disorder
  4330. Age-related variations of appetite sensations of fullness and satisfaction with different dietary energy densities in a large, free-living sample of Japanese adults
  4331. appetite control and regulation of food intake: a review of proposed mechanisms.
  4332. Defining strategy: The question of appetite
  4333. appetite is associated with the time of recovery after the dialytic session in patients on chronic hemodialysis
  4334. Co-agonist of glucagon and GLP-1 reduces cholesterol and improves insulin sensitivity independent of its effect on appetite and body weight in diet-induced obese …
  4335. Determination of PDE-5 inhibitors and appetite suppressants in adulterated dietary supplements using LC/PDA and LC/MS
  4336. Change your appetite: Stop “eating the young” and start mentoring
  4337. Short-term effects of ratio of energy nutrients on appetite-related hormones in female college students
  4338. Age-related declines in thirst and salt appetite responses in male Fischer 344× Brown Norway rats
  4339. A Mediterranean-like breakfast affects energy intake and appetite-related feelings
  4340. Development of an oral assessment tool to evaluate appetite in patients with head and neck cancer receiving radiotherapy
  4341. Nuclear receptors and clearance of apoptotic cells: stimulating the macrophage’s appetite
  4342. Melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1 (MCH1-R) antagonism: reduced appetite for calories and suppression of addictive-like behaviors
  4343. appetite suppressants in pregnancy
  4344. Low-back pain, lassitude and loss of appetite
  4345. appetite regulation: neuroendocrine basis and clinical approaches
  4346. Administration of antisense DNA for GPR39-1b causes anxiolytic-like responses and appetite loss in rats
  4347. Glucagon-Like Peptide-2 Directly Regulates Hypothalamic Neurons Expressing Neuropeptides Linked to appetite Control in Vivo and in Vitro
  4348. IPO grading and its effect on appetite of retail investors
  4349. An appetite for destruction: from self-eating to cell cannibalism as a neuronal survival strategy
  4350. A Study of Changes in Risk appetite in the Stock Market and the Housing Market before and after the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 Using the vKOSPI
  4351. appetite loss may be induced by lower serum ghrelin and higher serum leptin concentrations in subarachnoid hemorrhage patients
  4352. Lipid Lowering and appetite Suppressive Effect of Leaves of” Moringa oleifera” Lam. in Rats
  4353. Exploiting the calcium specific appetite of broilers
  4354. The acute effects of resistant starch on appetite and satiety
  4355. Liking versus Wanting Food in Human appetite
  4356. A practical approach to caring for patients with appetite reduction
  4357. Hunger” beyond appetite“: nurture dialectics in Toni Morrison’s Beloved
  4358. Imaging the neuroendocrinology of appetite
  4359. The public appetite for foreign news on TV and online
  4360. Aversive odorant causing appetite decrease downregulates tyrosine decarboxylase gene expression in the olfactory receptor neuron of the blowfly, Phormia regina
  4361. Metformin and incretin-based therapies up-regulate central and peripheral Adenosine monophosphate-activated protein affecting appetite and metabolism
  4362. A note on eating disorders and appetite and satiety in the orthodox Jewish meal
  4363. Board Oversight of Management’s Risk appetite and Tolerance
  4364. Effects of muscimol in the nucleus accumbens shell on salt appetite and sucrose intake: a microstructural study with a comment on the sensitization of salt intake.
  4365. Effect of 2 days of intensive resistance training on appetite‐related hormone and anabolic hormone responses
  4366. Acute exercise and hormones related appetite regulation: comparison of meta-analytical methods
  4367. Individual Investor Trading in Leverage Products-Risk appetite and Positioning around Earnings Announcements
  4368. Assessment of postcrumble addition of limestone and calcium-specific appetite in broilers during the starter phase
  4369. The use of appetite suppressants among health sciences undergraduate students in Southern Brazil
  4370. Problems with Citrus aurantium Information in “A Review on Botanical Species and Chemical Compounds with appetite Suppressing Properties for Body Weight …
  4371. Control of appetite. Personal and departmental recollections
  4372. Central nervous system stimulants and drugs that suppress appetite
  4373. On Chronophysiomics: Prospects to Optimize appetite and Health
  4374. The meta-analysis of crossover studies on exercise and appetite-related hormones
  4375. Practical Guidelines to Formulate an Operational Risk appetite Statement for Corporate Organisations A South African Perspective.
  4376. appetite and body weight regulation.
  4377. Neuroregulation of appetite
  4378. Managing banking risk with the risk appetite framework: A quantitative model for the Italian banking system
  4379. Adrenomedullin concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid is related to appetite loss and delayed ischemic neurological deficits after subarachnoid hemorrhage
  4380. How the Infrastructure Debt Market is Evolving to Accommodate a Growing Institutional appetite
  4381. appetite Loss and Related Factors in Community-Dwelling Elderly Thai
  4382. Palonosetron exhibits higher total control rate compared to first‑generation serotonin antagonists and improves appetite in delayed‑phase chemotherapy …
  4383. µRaptor: A DOM-based System with appetite for hCard Elements.
  4384. Endogenous angiotensin II‐induced p44/42 mitogen‐activated protein kinase activation mediates sodium appetite but not thirst or neurohypophysial secretion in male …
  4385. Weight loss herbal intervention therapy (W-LHIT) a non-appetite suppressing natural product controls weight and lowers cholesterol and glucose levels in a …
  4386. The effect of fluid dairy products on food intake, glycemic and appetite hormone responses in children (120.3)
  4387. Anorexia and drugs of abuse abnormally suppress appetite, the result of a shared molecular signal foul-up
  4388. Effect of Caralluma fimbriata extract on appetite, body weight & lipid profile in cafeteria diet-induced obesity in rats
  4389. New centrally acting agents for appetite control: from biological mechanisms to clinical efficacy
  4390. appetite for Destruction: Gangster Food and Genre Convention in Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction
  4391. Loss of appetite and strength in the geriatric population: diagnostic symptoms for dengue
  4392. A blended-rather than whole-lentil meal with or without α-galactosidase mildly increases healthy adults’ appetite but not their glycemic response
  4393. Effects of aerobic exercise intensity on energy intake, appetite and energy-regulating hormones in sedentary young women
  4394. The interaction between exercise, appetite, and food intake: implications for weight control
  4395. Selective appetite in children
  4396. Liverpool’s appetite for change
  4397. A Change of appetite: where delicious meets healthy
  4398. appetite and the risk of death in patients on chronic hemodialysis
  4399. Beverage from Coleus aromaticus reduces leptin levels and improves appetite rating in human volunteers
  4400. Electronic apps for food and appetite monitoring: Acceptability and reactive effects in women with eating and weight concerns
  4401. A collective appetite: Reception and the White Gaze from Shange to Sapphire
  4402. Gastrointestinal tract and appetite control
  4403. The coding sequence of POMC and obesity and appetite in Labrador retriever dogs
  4404. Acute sodium ingestion has no effect on short-term food and water intake, subjective appetite, thirst, or glycemic response in healthy young men
  4405. Gastric ghrelin in the regulation of appetite and metabolism
  4406. appetite for Power: The Anglo-Saxon Regina Gratia Dei
  4407. Unexpected effect of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin on ENaC: hunger for sodium?
  4408. In Vitro Neuropeptide Y mRNA Expressing Model for Screening Essences That May Affect appetite Using Rolf B1.T Cells
  4409. China’s appetite for wood takes a heavy toll
  4410. Speaking the Unspeakable: appetite for Deconstruction in Exeter Book Riddle 12
  4411. Does domperidone, a D2-antagonist alter gastric emptying rates and appetite sensations in healthy adults with high-fat meal? A block-randomised, single-blind …
  4412. appetite suppressant was probably responsible for 1300 deaths, study shows
  4413. Acute effects of navy bean powder, lentil powder and chickpea powder on postprandial glycaemic response and subjective appetite in healthy young men
  4414. Low-dose mirtazapine improved nausea and appetite loss during S-1 therapy
  4415. Long-term correction of type 1 and 2 diabetes by central leptin gene therapy independent of effects on appetite and energy expenditure
  4416. Building an appetite for food in planning
  4417. The effect of exercise on appetite and serum ghrelin: Implications for weight control
  4418. A binocular view of adhesion: From prenatal contiguity to postnatal appetite
  4419. Effect of aerobic training on appetite and insulin resistance index in obese women
  4420. Risk accounting: an accounting based approach to measuring enterprise risk and risk appetite
  4421. What is your appetite for RISK?
  4422. Gender and stress perception based differences in BMI, hormonal response and appetite in adult Pakistani population
  4423. A Multiform Desire: A Study of appetite in Plato’s Timaeus, Republic and Phaedrus
  4424. Effects of the Menopausal Transition on Dietary Intake and appetite. A MONET Group Study
  4425. Cloning and characterization of leptin in a teleost fish and its role in mediating appetite and growth
  4426. The Identification of Neuropeptide Y Receptor Subtype Involved in Phenylpropanolamine-induced Increase in Oxidative Stress and appetite Suppression
  4427. Effect of acute resistance exercise on appetite in healthy men
  4428. appetite for cheaper biologics spreads across the map
  4429. Aldred’s appetite for Encyclopaedic Knowledge: The Secret of Warm and Cold Breath
  4430. Determining your risk appetite
  4431. Style Selection and US Investors’ Risk appetite
  4432. Acclimating to the high-octane college food environment: Weight gain status and psychological dimensions of appetite and food intake regulation among …
  4433. The BASES expert statement on the effects of exercise on appetite control and energy intake
  4434. Effect of resistant starch on subjective appetite and food intake in healthy adults (1040.2)
  4435. A case study on the use of megestrol acetate and Korean medical treatment for the loss of appetite and weight loss in patients with amyotrophic lateral …
  4436. Disorders of appetite, eating, and swallowing in the dementias
  4437. Impacts on the appetite regulating factors of infantile anorexia treated with acupuncture at Sifeng (EX-UE 10)
  4438. Unraveling Risk appetite: applications of decision theory in the evaluation of organizational risk appetite
  4439. appetite control: the role of food composition and structure
  4440. A Practical Approach to the Vexing Issue of’Risk appetite
  4441. Weight loss during telaprevir-based triple therapy due to telaprevir-induced appetite loss
  4442. appetite for Innovation: The Mobilization of Change and Creativity at elBulli
  4443. Effects of GLP-1 on appetite and body weight: focus on the central nervous system
  4444. The role of the ghrelin receptor in appetite and energy metabolism
  4445. Breakfast consumption and exercise interact to affect appetite, cognitive performance and mood later in the day
  4446. GASTRIC EMPTYING, appetite, ENERGY
  4447. Moderate-intensity exercise affects perceived hunger and fullness but not appetite-related hormones in late pregnancy
  4448. Use of cyproheptadine as an appetite stimulant in children with cancer
  4449. Developing an appetite for food in crime fiction
  4450. Effect of spice-containing soup on gastric motility and appetite sensations
  4451. Micron trust is like strawberry pie: Targeting employees’ appetite for commitment
  4452. Food for thought: the physiological relevance of ghrelin and dopamine D2 receptor heterodimerization in the regulation of appetite
  4453. Evaluation of salt appetite in brain specific 11β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 knockout (11βHSD2−/−) mice
  4454. An appetite for justice
  4455. Effect of Two Oat‐based Breakfast Cereals on appetite, Satiety, and Food Intake
  4456. appetite and exercise influence of 12 weeks of circuit resistance training on the Nesfatin-1 to Acylated ghrelin ratio of plasma in overweight adolescents
  4457. Variable effects of parabrachial nucleus lesions on salt appetite in rats depending upon experimental paradigm and saline concentration.
  4458. Eating behaviors in obesity: the role of appetite.
  4459. appetite regulation in desert‐adapted Spinifex hopping mice during water deprivation
  4460. appetite hormones and hyperemesis gravidarum
  4461. Prescription appetite suppressants: A drug utilization study using a claims database
  4462. Unraveling risk appetite
  4463. Dietary factors and their relation to appetite in children under two years with mild malnutrition
  4464. appetite for life: what can help improve the mealtime experience?
  4465. Neuroimaging menstrual cycle associated changes in appetite
  4466. The Analysis Of The Relation Between Investor Risk appetite And Stock Market Crises In Istanbul Stock Exchange
  4467. Design and development of a novel color bias avoided and appetite conditioning T-maze model for evaluating the memory enhancing drugs in zebra fish
  4468. Controlling appetite and food intake by regulating eating frequency and timing
  4469. High energy oral supplements may suppress appetite without benefiting growth
  4470. The effects of low vs. higher protein yogurt consumed as afternoon snacks on appetite control and time to dinner request in healthy women
  4471. Association of exercise with appetite and energy intake through endocrine mechanism
  4472. Low salt diet in pregnant mothers is associated with enhanced salt appetite in their offspring of Dahl salt-sensitive rats
  4473. Nutritional and surgical influences on appetite regulation and body composition in overweight and obese humans
  4474. The effect of melatonin on appetite and other symptoms in patients with advanced cancer and cachexia: A double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
  4475. MS-20, a chemotherapeutical adjuvant, reduces chemo-associated fatigue and appetite loss in cancer patients
  4476. appetite sensation scores and dietary intake of pregnant and lactating women in western Kenya (LB473)
  4477. Firm-wide Risk appetite and Risk Aggregation
  4478. This boa-constrictor appetite of swallowing states and provinces: Anti-Imperialist Opposition to the US/Mexican War
  4479. Short term effect of chicory root fibre on appetite ratings and energy intake
  4480. K&N management: An appetite for operational excellence in the restaurant industry
  4481. Erratum to ‘The shaping role of hunger on self-reported external eating status'[appetite 57 (2)(2011) 318–320]
  4482. Herbivores, Carnivores, and Literavores: Argument and appetite in the Classroom
  4483. The effects of centrally applied ghrelin on appetite and metabolic parameters during aging
  4484. Risk appetite estimation on financial markets
  4485. Acute renal failure induced by markedly decreased appetite secondary to a depressive episode after discontinuation of long-term lithium therapy in an elderly patient …
  4486. Barley-and legume products beneficially affect metabolic responses and appetite regulation
  4487. The effect of sugars in solution on subjective appetite and short‐term food intake in normal weight boys
  4488. Dish names constructed on non-standard lexemes and on obscure proper nouns: semantic opacity as a selling point to satisfy ingenuous tourists’ appetite
  4489. Developmental origins of obesity: energy balance pathways—appetite The role ofdevelopmental plasticity
  4490. appetite for Destruction: Hunger Leads to Less Healthy Food Choices
  4491. Milk and its Components in the Regulation of Short-term appetite, Food Intake and Glycemia in Young Adults
  4492. Producers meet growing appetite for green cosmetics: natural, organic & environmental
  4493. PMO-053 appetite, taste and smell changes after weight loss surgery
  4494. The effects of exercise on appetite regulation
  4495. The role of amino acids in appetite regulation
  4496. The effect of specific micronutrients on appetite
  4497. appetite for patient safety in England falls behind that in the rest of the UK, conference hears
  4498. appetite, agency, and the gendered self
  4499. 12 Collective Excitement and Lapse in Agency: Fostering an appetite for Cigarettes
  4500. Effect of Multivitamin-Mineral Supplements Is Transient in Preschool Children With Low appetite and Growth Failure
  4501. Discontrol of appetite and Satiety—Social and Psychological Factors in Obesity: What We Don’t Know
  4502. Comment on: Visinoni et al. The Role of Liver Fructose-1, 6-Bisphosphatase in Regulating appetite and Adiposity. Diabetes 2012; 61: 1122–1132
  4503. A Sad Tale of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster, Normal Accidents, and Our appetite for Risk
  4504. Prevention and management of appetite loss during cancer chemotherapy
  4505. Effect of Short Term Sibutramine Supplementation on appetite Suppression and Related Metabolic Responses
  4506. Medical appetite stimulation for patients with advanced cancer
  4507. Effects of oligofructose on appetite profile, GLP-1 and PYY concentrations and energy intake
  4508. Effects of increasing eating frequency on appetite control. Behavioural and physiological aspects
  4509. The Politics of Identity: Re-Examining the appetite for Affirmative Action Policies in Higher Education among African-Americans in a Post-Racial Society.
  4510. Capturing the way in which risk appetite is integrated within the bid/no bid heuristics of a contractor’s business unit
  4511. The acute effects of calcium supplementation on appetite and satiety in overweight women
  4512. Effect of twelve weeks aerobic training on chemerin, active ghrelin, and appetite in sedentary obese men
  4513. vinegar soup improved his womb: Food, appetite, and the Redefining of Asian American Masculinity in Kingston’s China Men
  4514. Effects of Increased Dietary Protein at Breakfast on appetite Control & Energy Intake Throughout the Day in Overweight ‘Breakfast Skipping’Teen Girls
  4515. Hedge Fund Risk appetite
  4516. Serotonergic autoinhibition within dorsal raphe nucleus modulates sodium appetite
  4517. Influence of Propionate on appetite Control and Metabolism
  4518. Lower risk for body weight gain and better control of appetite after switching risperidone to paliperidone in a schizoaffective patient
  4519. Enhancing appetite in the Feline CKD Patient
  4520. Both CART and POMC neurotransmission participate in neuropeptide Y-mediated appetite control in rats treated with amphetamine
  4521. The effect of different circuit resistance exercise intensities on appetite in men and women
  4522. Genes and a hearty appetite conspire to increase childhood obesity risk
  4523. Plasma amino acid concentrations following a beef‐rich lunch meal and the effects on appetite control and satiety in healthy adults (120.1)
  4524. Salt appetite and addiction—unholy twins?
  4525. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes linked to ion transport and regulation of appetite and their associations with weight gain, feed efficiency and intake of …
  4526. appetite control: why we fail to stop eating even when we are full?
  4527. Ashley Wilkes Told Me He Likes To See A Girl With A Healthy appetite‘: Food And Drink In Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With The Wind
  4528. Principles for an effective risk appetite framework
  4529. Corrigendum to ”Food reinforcement and obesity. Psychological moderators”[appetite 58 (2012) 157–162]
  4530. A classic innate behavior, sodium appetite, is driven by hypothalamic gene-regulatory programs previously linked to addiction and reward
  4531. A teenager with Prader-Willi syndrome with loss of appetite
  4532. Discussion of “Influence of netball-based exercise on energy intake, subjective appetite and plasma acylated ghrelin in adolescent girls”
  4533. Operationalization of Risk appetite-balance sheet projections of banks
  4534. Early life nutrition and long term appetite regulation
  4535. Reply to Discussion of “Influence of netball-based exercise on energy intake, subjective appetite and plasma acylated ghrelin in adolescent girls”
  4536. Using Bayesian Networks to assess the risk appetite of construction contractors
  4537. Melanocotins of the central nervous system: structural insights on pigmentation and appetite
  4538. Poor appetite or Overeating Predict Shorter Survival in Chronic Systolic Heart Failure
  4539. Self-reported appetite and intake adequacy in patients with non-dialysis chronic kidney disease
  4540. Chapter 20 appetite for change: an exploration of attitudes towards dietary change in support of a sustainable food future
  4541. Dietary fibres and appetite: comparing apples and oranges?
  4542. Have You Got the Risk Right? On Risk appetite, Strategic Planning, and a Truly Holistic Approach to Risk Management
  4543. Effects of retronasal smelling, variety and choice on appetite and satiety
  4544. Endogenous angiotensin II-induced p44/42 MAPK activation mediates sodium appetite but not thirst or neurohypophysial secretion in male rats
  4545. A healthy appetite for Toxoplasma at the cellular level
  4546. Investigating the impact of sedentariness on appetite control: A multilevel platform linking energy intake and energy expenditure.
  4547. Adipose Tissue Endocrine Regulations in Metabolic Syndrome and appetite
  4548. A teenager with a cough, fever, and poor appetite
  4549. The role of short chain fatty acids in appetite regulation
  4550. Effect of ingestive behavior on appetite in young and older adults
  4551. Balancing Risk appetite and Risk Attitude in Requirements: a Framework for User Liberation
  4552. EHMTI-0287. Peptides involved in sleep and appetite homeostatic regulation and its effects in the modulation of trigeminovascular nociceptive activation
  4553. The contribution of gastroenteropancreatic appetite hormones to protein‐induced satiety
  4554. Relationships between exercise, energy balance, appetite and dietary restraint in overweight and obese women
  4555. Abstract P167: The Long-term Effect of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet on appetite Hormones: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  4556. A review of the use of complex systems applied to risk appetite and emerging risks in ERM Practice‐Abstract of the Edinburgh Discussion
  4557. Comparison of affect one session swimming, resistance and aerobic exercises on appetite, glucose and lactate in student girls
  4558. appetite dysregulation and Obesity in Western Countries: Food restriction maintains the health and well being of overweight individuals
  4559. The acute effects of interval aerobic running and endurance weight training on appetite level in overweight men
  4560. Meal induced thermogenesis and appetite: methodological issues and responses to energy restriction
  4561. Effect of Hibiscus sabdariffa L aqueous infusion administration on body mass index, appetite and satiety in individuals with grade I obesity
  4562. Cost Control and the Affordable Care Act: CRAMPing Our Health Care appetite
  4563. Modification in the expression of peripheral appetite signals during hypoxia exposure contributes to anorexia
  4564. Effect of soluble fiber dextrin on postprandial appetite and subsequent food intake in healthy adults
  4565. Comparison of the Effect of One Session of Exhaustive Swimming and Running Exercise on appetite and Calorie Intake in Healthy Girls
  4566. PlanHab: Energy expenditure and appetite sensation during hypoxic bedrest
  4567. appetite, body composition, muscle strength and reaction time following food restriction in sedentary males
  4568. Venous thromboembolism and weight changes in veteran patients using megestrol acetate as an appetite stimulant
  4569. A paper submitted to appetite
  4570. Dimerization of G‐protein coupled Receptors (GPCRs) in appetite Regulation and Food Reward
  4571. Effects of protein quantity and source (animal versus plant) on appetite and plasma amino acid responses in energy‐restricted subjects
  4572. The effects of a high‐protein afternoon snack containing soy on appetite control, satiety, and subsequent food intake in young people (381.7)
  4573. Targeted delivery of propionate to the colon stimulates the release of anorectic gut hormones and suppresses appetite in humans
  4574. The effect of nighttime macronutrient choice and exercise training on resting metabolic rate, appetite, and body composition in overweight and obese men and …
  4575. The effect of nucleus accumbens lesions on appetite, sexual function, and nicotine dependence in recovering heroin addicts
  4576. Effects of milk as a recovery drink following exercise on subsequent appetite and energy intake in female recreational exercisers
  4577. Effect of breakfast cereals with varying doses of oat fiber on appetite and satiety
  4578. and the appetite for narrative
  4579. Post‐exercise appetite Was Affected By Fructose Content But Not Glycemic Index of Pre‐exercise Meals
  4580. appetite Suppressants: A Drug Utilisation Study
  4581. Perceiving Your appetite
  4582. The effect of acute ingestion of a protein beverage consumed late in the evening on metabolism, appetite, mood state, and blood lipid in overweight and …
  4583. New target for appetite control
  4584. The effect of the dietary and exercise practices of female habitual morning exercisers on cognition, mood and appetite on days of exercise and days of rest. An …
  4585. Influence Of Meal Frequency On Insulin, Glucose, And appetite Control In Obese Women Undergoing A Portion-controlled Weight-loss Intervention: 123 May 28 …
  4586. Neuroendocrine regulation of body water and electrolytes: thirst and salt appetite
  4587. Searching and re-searching for a practice: an appetite
  4588. The effects of leptin and ghrelin on voluntary feed intake and appetite in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar
  4589. appetite for Destruction
  4590. Exploring, understanding and addressing the appetite for change.
  4591. Determination of hypothalamic neuropeptide levels involved in appetite regulation in atypical antipsychotic drug, Risperidone treatment
  4592. Working Up an appetite for Art
  4593. Metabolic and appetite responses to fasting and refeeding in mice with Shp2 deletion in forebrain neurons
  4594. Wole Soyinka: Dance Master of appetite
  4595. Consuming apps: The Australian woman’s slow appetite for apps
  4596. Effect of Sugars-Sweetened Commercial Beverages on Subjective appetite, and Short-Term Food Intake Regulation in Normal Weight and Overweight/Obese 9 …
  4597. System interactions in the regulation of appetite
  4598. … macronutrient choice and exercise training on body composition, strength, cardiovascular health, resting metabolism, and appetite in overweight and obese …
  4599. Psychology: The appetite for right
  4600. Effect of sugars-sweetened commercial beverages on subjectivity appetite and short-term food intake regulation in normal weight and overweight/obese 9-14 …
  4601. My appetite: A novel software tool to identify appetite disorders
  4602. Cultural appetite: The Specialty Nights
  4603. The relationship between chronic alcohol use and type 2 diabetes mellitus: new insights into mechanisms of appetite-regulating peptides
  4604. An appetite for ordinary wonder.
  4605. From the bench to bedside: Secondary spinal cord injury, ischemic penumbra after stroke, neural regulation of appetite, microglia in Rett syndrome, signaling …
  4606. Has the appetite for Risk Returned?
  4607. Conference: A place for scientific appetite or gourmet feast
  4608. The mouse that lost its appetite for human
  4609. EPA-1389–Predictive values of appetite and early weight increase for long-term weight variation during psychotropic treatment.
  4610. Loss Of appetite In Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  4611. Fatigue and loss of appetite in an elderly patient: case report
  4612. Behavioural changes and loss of appetite in a child: case report
  4613. Richard Dawkins: AN appetite FOR WONDER: The making of a scientist.
  4614. Feeding an appetite for trust
  4615. Households’ appetite for Financial Risk| Bulletin–June 2012
  4616. A Renewed Public appetite for Federalism
  4617. appetite suppression and weight loss: case report
  4618. appetite for acquisition of boutique managers
  4619. Measuring the effect of exercise on appetite, food intake and appetite-associated hormones
  4621. Weight gain and increased appetite: case report
  4622. Poor appetite and dietary regulation
  4623. 11. Neuroimaging menstrual cycle associated changes in appetite
  4624. Neuroendocrine control of appetite
  4625. When appetite Conquers Rigueur: Documenting the Historical Communication Network of Lady Victoria Welby (1837-1912)
  4626. SERVERS’BIG appetite
  4627. TiNS special issue: neural control of appetite
  4628. Measuring Risk appetite of Thai Banks and The Relationship with Macroeconomic Conditions
  4629. A putative role for amino acids in appetite regulation
  4630. appetite regulation and bottle feeding
  4631. The effect of lack of sleep on appetite
  4632. The Risk appetite of Pension Funds
  4633. Europe’s appetite for wood.
  4634. appetite: Inhibiting Properties of Proteins
  4635. Effect of plate size on appetite and energy intake: a postprandial study of appetite regulation
  4636. appetite, senses and joy of life–a nutrition project
  4637. Aquaculture Tries to Fill World’s Insatiable appetite for Seafood
  4638. Insomnia and appetite loss: case report
  4639. The Tolerance And Operational Risk appetite In Banking
  4640. Central appetite-regulating signaling pathways in animals.
  4641. Obesity and appetite Hormones in Humans: an Overview
  4642. Differential Effects of Two Fermentable Carbohydrates on Central appetite
  4643. appetite for Change Community Cooks: Participant Survey Results
  4644. An outdated appetite control system in a rapidly evolving world?
  4645. Is Leontius an Incontinent Man? Spirit and appetite in Plato’s Republic
  4646. The extent to which CEO risk appetite influences company performance
  4647. The effect of L-cysteine on appetite in humans
  4648. appetite for Risk in Emerging Stock Markets
  4649. Saliva as a source of novel biomarkers of appetite
  4650. Astrocytes Control appetite
  4651. Some aspects of metabolic regulation of appetite and obesity development risk.
  4652. Control of appetite: Implications for the Eating Disorders
  4653. appetite for Control: Civilian Victimisation in Kosovo, 1998-1999
  4654. Lamarckian and Bergsonian Approach to Pygmalion: Evolutionary appetite of E´ lan Vital
  4655. Federal Spending Cuts Test appetite for Exploration and Production Research
  4656. China’s undiminished appetite for vegetable oils.
  4657. Expert appetite: an exploration of doing and documenting’healthy living’online
  4658. Complementary foods for appetite suppression
  4659. The role of fermentable carbohydrates on appetite regulation in humans
  4660. A wing joint that satisfies an investor’s appetite for growth
  4662. Is there a difference on appetite and thermic effects of food depending on the quality of the protein in healthy Korean women?
  4663. Dramas of Twisted appetite and Rejected Identification in Elizabeth Stoddard’s The Morgesons
  4664. Adipose Tissue, appetite, and Obesity
  4665. Effects of multivitamin-multimineral supplementation on appetite of young stunted Beninese children
  4666. appetite, eating and smoking habits: a study in Bragança
  4667. Eat me now: a grounded theory of appetite appeal for visual advertising design
  4668. Do Investors’ appetite Influence Under Pricing: Evidence from the Indian Capital Market
  4669. appetite, eating and smoking habits: a study in Bragança
  4670. Policy design in a model with swings in risk appetite
  4671. Brain Lesions and Sodium appetite: An Approach to the Neurological
  4672. Understanding the role of Umami in appetite control: a protein-specific effect?
  4673. Chicken neuropeptide Y in the control of appetite and metabolism
  4674. Promoting Healthy Eating Habits Through Monster appetite
  4676. appetite regulation during a 6-month military tour to Afghanistan
  4677. Dangerous Feasts and the Social appetite in Macbeth and Titus Andronicus
  4678. Role of ATP and neuroendocrine mechanisms involved in appetite regulation
  4679. Gender and stress perception based differences in BMI, hormonal response and appetite in adult Pakistani population
  4680. 417–Primary refusal to eat in people with moderate intellectual disability-mirtazapine used successfully to restore appetite
  4683. Agency and appetite for religious Song: Vexilla regis prodeunt and its first thousand years
  4684. The role of nesfatin-1 in impaired appetite in patients with major depressive disorder
  4685. The rising appetite for shareholder activism in Australia
  4686. Hypothalamic gene expression of appetite regulators in a cancer-cachectic mouse model [Dataset 1]
  4687. Intravenous catheterization and the clinical setting do not impact appetite sensations in children (393.4)
  4688. Misuse of appetite-stimulant drugs in Babylon
  4689. To answer an appetite: Fifty years on: the triumph of the Penguin modern Poets.
  4690. Performing medical monstrosity: an autopsy of The Depraved appetite of Tarrare the Freak
  4691. appetite Lost a creative exploration of bilingual identity
  4692. A junior with a major’s appetite-Kudumane Manganese Resources: ferrous metals
  4693. SNAC study-satiety, nutrition and appetite in children.
  4694. Hunger for England: Ambition and appetite in the Bayeux Tapestry
  4695. Perinatal programming of appetite regulation and metabolic health
  4696. Dietary fibre acts on brain to suppress appetite
  4697. Global risk appetite and EMBI-Colombia: evidence on a structural break and the fiscal policy role
  4698. A Villainous appetite: Erds, Madness, and the Food Analogy in Hannibal and Legend
  4699. The acute effect of macronutrients and micronutrients on appetite and satiety
  4701. A Feast of CE at VEE: the big apple has everything you need this march to satisfy your appetite for ce
  4702. High energy density nutritional supplements; impact on appetite, appetite regulation and energy intake in underweight and malnourished individuals
  4703. Interferon-α-2b Loss of appetite and discomfort associated with
  4704. The Influence of Exercise Intensity on Post-Exercise appetite Response
  4705. In Formlessness and appetite: Modernist Form and Imperial Food Politics, 1890-1922
  4707. ITALY-More than a decade of austerity for schools…… and a waning appetite for higher education among students.
  4708. Genes, Chicks and Dawkins: An appetite for Wonder—The Making of a Scientist: A Memoir
  4709. Evidence summaries: The efficacy of appetite stimulants in cystic fibrosis patients
  4710. Desire to acquire-Acquisition appetite of newly public firms, European evidence
  4711. Life-cycle fund asset allocation and investors’ risk appetite
  4712. Agency and appetite for Religious Song: Vexilla Regis and its First Thousand Years
  4713. A regulatory risk appetite framework for small banks
  4714. The effect of different lipid emulsions on appetite and energy intake
  4715. Heterogeneity in Risk appetite: Evidence from Venture Capital Fund Investments
  4716. Distribution of neuropeptides and their receptors involved in appetite control
  4717. Eating Frequency, Disease-Related Biomarkers and appetite
  4718. Ghrelin appetite Hormone in Health and Disease
  4719. Does Light at Night Boost appetite? A Study on Mice.
  4720. Breastfeeding practices, appetite regulation and growth in healthy children in preschool
  4721. The effect of pattern arrangements and types of sashimi on blue plates on the appetite for Japanese food
  4722. Physicochemical properties of arabinoxylans and their effect on appetite
  4723. Investigating satiety for healthy weight: appetite control
  4724. Central nervous system stimulants and drugs that suppress appetite
  4725. The effects of birth weight and accelerated weight on body composition and appetite regulation
  4726. Control of appetite in mouse and man by the hormone ghrelin
  4727. A pilot evaluation of appetite-awareness training in the treatment of childhood overweight and obesity
  4728. The effect of thermogenic and appetite suppressing capsules on mice fed a high fat diet (371.2)
  4729. Social scientific reflections on hunger, appetite, satiety.
  4730. preventing the sodium appetite (Walsh and Grossman, 1977). Medial hypotha
  4731. Gut induced biomarkers of appetite and satiety
  4732. Can Flaxseed Help Satisfy appetite in Women Subjected to Bariatric Surgery?
  4736. Financial and operation decisions with budget-constrained and risk appetite in supply chain
  4737. Loss of appetite and strength in the geriatric population: possible diagnostic symptoms for dengue
  4738. Effects of Methylphenidate on Growth and appetite in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity
  4739. BCAA-induced changes in appetite-regulating genes and histone acetylation
  4740. A Precocious appetite: Fertilizer, Horticulture and Agro-Industry in the Field
  4741. Effect of multivitamin-multimineral and iron supplementation on appetite of young stunted and anemic Beninese children
  4743. Cellular mechanisms and neural control of sodium appetite in male rats
  4744. Mealtime appetite Monitoring at a Camp for Overweight and Obese Youth
  4745. The factors of taste deciding consumer appetite for Sake by consumers in their 20s or 30s
  4746. appetite Signaling Proteins, Glucose and appetite Sensations in Obese Adolescents with Subclinical Binge Eating Disorder
  4747. China’s moody appetite for luxury goods: two factors explaining recent market trends
  4748. Growth Faltering of Preschool-Aged Children with Poor appetite Is Associated with Snacking Behaviors
  4749. appetite for risk in an international comparative survey of older consumers of oncology services
  4750. Effect of post-exercise drink composition on appetite and energy intake
  4751. appetite for success: food and drink industry careers for engineering graduates
  4753. The role of macronutrient balance on appetite, metabolic health and ageing in a mouse model
  4754. Fluctuations of appetite and food intake during the menstrual cycle
  4755. The contribution of gastrointestinal appetite hormones to protein‐induced satiety
  4756. Perinatal distribution of appetite regulating hormones in the porcine IUGR animal model
  4757. Regulation of ghrelin on appetite in patients with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  4758. PART 3: How the Insurance Industry Is Using Big Data to Better Define Risk appetite
  4759. Targeting the GCC endocrine signaling axis to reduce appetite in obesity
  4760. Adipocyte-specific circadian control of appetite and feeding behavior
  4761. Cisplatin/gimeracil/oteracil/tegafur Loss of appetite and vomiting: case report
  4762. A review of the use of complex systems applied to risk appetite and emerging risks in ERM practice‐Abstract of the London discussion
  4763. Changes in expression of appetite-regulating hormones in the cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus) during short-term fasting and torpor
  4764. How hungry are you?: The risk appetite of domestic banks of four selected ASEAN countries based on their risk-taking behavior and ownership structure
  4765. Effects of pulse physical form and digestive enzyme availability on postprandial glucose and appetite responses
  4766. High-Risk appetite of Banks and Central Bank Bailouts: Tunisian Experience
  4767. Determination of the minimum exposure time of layers to show an appetite for methionine in the drinking water
  4768. Effect of Information Security Management in Automotive Supply Chains to Reduce appetite Boosting Orders
  4769. The acute effects of exercise on appetite perceptions, gut hormones and food intake in females
  4770. appetite of alien Impatiens spp. growing in the Baltic region
  4771. Adequate appetite in micronutrient-deficient urban black South African infants at the age of 6 months
  4772. Brain’s support cells adjust hunger: astrocytes have role in controlling appetite in mice
  4773. The effect of different amounts of coffee on energy intake and appetite-related feelings of healthy male volunteers.
  4774. Mechanisms maintaining reduced appetite and normoglycaemia after metabolic surgery. The role of bile acids
  4775. Fungal meningitis pathogen discovers new appetite for human brains
  4777. yet it contains enough gems to stir up the appetite of any scholar interested in the cultural history of our planet.
  4778. The role of the fat mass and obesity-associated gene in appetite regulation
  4779. Optimization of light intensity on Rattus norvegicus Wistar strain’s appetite for the obesity prevention
  4780. The consumption of 1 serving of beef vs. 1 serving of soy at lunch on appetite control, satiety, and subsequent energy intake: a practical comparison (823.5)
  4781. Peripheral mechanisms in appetite regulation
  4782. An overview of appetite decline in older people
  4783. appetite and energy balancing
  4784. appetite for Innovation
  4785. Food odours direct specific appetite
  4786. appetite control and energy balance: impact of exercise
  4787. The L-cell in nutritional sensing and the regulation of appetite
  4788. Control of appetite and energy intake by SCFA: what are the potential underlying mechanisms?
  4789. The macronutrients, appetite, and energy intake
  4790. Network of hypothalamic neurons that control appetite
  4791. A sociology of food and nutrition: The social appetite
  4792. Does habitual physical activity increase the sensitivity of the appetite control system? A systematic review
  4793. Do ketogenic diets really suppress appetite? A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  4794. Energy balance, body composition, sedentariness and appetite regulation: pathways to obesity
  4795. The role of short chain fatty acids in appetite regulation and energy homeostasis
  4796. Measuring appetite with the simplified nutritional appetite questionnaire identifies hospitalised older people at risk of worse health outcomes
  4797. appetite and body weight regulation after bariatric surgery
  4798. Gender differences in the appetite response to a satiating diet
  4799. What is the public appetite for healthy eating policies? Evidence from a cross-European survey
  4800. An emerging technology framework for the neurobiology of appetite
  4801. What do asset prices have to say about risk appetite and uncertainty?
  4802. Effects of food form on appetite and energy balance
  4803. Role of non-neuronal cells in body weight and appetite control
  4804. Effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise training on appetite regulation
  4805. Ageing is associated with decreases in appetite and energy intake—a meta-analysis in healthy adults
  4806. Effect of moderate-and high-intensity acute exercise on appetite in obese individuals
  4807. Effects of targeted delivery of propionate to the human colon on appetite regulation, body weight maintenance and adiposity in overweight adults
  4808. Effects of exercise intensity on plasma concentrations of appetite-regulating hormones: Potential mechanisms
  4809. Genetics of amino acid taste and appetite
  4810. The influence of environmental temperature on appetite-related hormonal responses
  4811. No effect of exercise intensity on appetite in highly-trained endurance women
  4812. Depression-related increases and decreases in appetite: dissociable patterns of aberrant activity in reward and interoceptive neurocircuitry
  4813. Neural circuits for cognitive appetite control in healthy and obese individuals: an fMRI study
  4814. Acute exercise and gastric emptying: a meta-analysis and implications for appetite control
  4815. Cannabigerol is a novel, well-tolerated appetite stimulant in pre-satiated rats
  4816. Risk governance of financial institutions: The growing importance of risk appetite and culture
  4817. The effects of a low-carbohydrate diet on appetite: a randomized controlled trial
  4818. How strongly does appetite counter weight loss? Quantification of the feedback control of human energy intake
  4819. The relationship between appetite and food preferences in British and Australian children
  4820. Probiotic treatment reduces appetite and glucose level in the zebrafish model
  4821. Connecting biology with psychology to make sense of appetite control
  4822. Exercise, appetite and weight control: are there differences between men and women?
  4823. Prevalence and associated factors for decreased appetite among patients with stable heart failure
  4824. Effects of high-fructose diets on central appetite signaling and cognitive function
  4825. Effect of exercise intensity and mode on acute appetite control in men and women
  4826. Effects of RYGB on energy expenditure, appetite and glycaemic control: a randomized controlled clinical trial
  4827. Conditional Deletion of Hsd11b2 in the Brain Causes Salt appetite and Hypertension
  4828. Validating appetite assessment tools among patients receiving hemodialysis
  4829. The assessment of anorexia in patients with cancer: cut-off values for the FAACT–A/CS and the VAS for appetite
  4830. Protein-enriched liquid preloads varying in macronutrient content modulate appetite and appetite-regulating hormones in healthy adults
  4831. Impact of yogurt on appetite control, energy balance, and body composition
  4832. Role of guar fiber in appetite control
  4833. α-Galacto-oligosaccharides dose-dependently reduce appetite and decrease inflammation in overweight adults
  4834. Effects of chewing on appetite, food intake and gut hormones: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  4835. Prader–Willi syndrome: from genetics to behaviour, with special focus on appetite treatments
  4836. The effect of breakfast on appetite regulation, energy balance and exercise performance
  4837. appetite and energy intake responses to acute energy deficits in females versus males
  4838. The biology of appetite control: do resting metabolic rate and fat-free mass drive energy intake?
  4839. A cholinergic basal forebrain feeding circuit modulates appetite suppression
  4840. Anti-aging genes improve appetite regulation and reverse cell senescence and apoptosis in global populations
  4841. appetite controlled by a cholecystokinin nucleus of the solitary tract to hypothalamus neurocircuit
  4842. Mechanistic relationship between the vagal afferent pathway, central nervous system and peripheral organs in appetite regulation
  4843. Reported appetite, taste and smell changes following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy: Effect of gender, type 2 diabetes and relationship to post …
  4844. Intestinal congestion and right ventricular dysfunction: a link with appetite loss, inflammation, and cachexia in chronic heart failure
  4845. appetite changes in depression
  4846. appetite and gut hormone responses to moderate-intensity continuous exercise versus high-intensity interval exercise, in normoxic and hypoxic conditions
  4847. Oxytocin: a conditional anorexigen whose effects on appetite depend on the physiological, behavioural and social contexts
  4848. Higher eating frequency does not decrease appetite in healthy adults
  4849. Aisthēsis, reason and appetite in the Timaeus
  4850. Taotie neurons regulate appetite in Drosophila
  4851. Parental control over feeding in infancy. Influence of infant weight, appetite and feeding method
  4852. Agouti-related protein neuron circuits that regulate appetite
  4853. Striatal dopamine links gastrointestinal rerouting to altered sweet appetite
  4854. Development, factor structure and application of the Dog Obesity Risk and appetite (DORA) questionnaire
  4855. Can we selectively reduce appetite for energy-dense foods? An overview of pharmacological strategies for modification of food preference behavior
  4856. Assessing protein energy wasting in a Malaysian haemodialysis population using self-reported appetite rating: a cross-sectional study
  4857. Integration of reward signalling and appetite regulating peptide systems in the control of food‐cue responses
  4858. The intestinal distribution pattern of appetite-and glucose regulatory peptides in mice, rats and pigs
  4859. appetite, appetite hormone and energy intake responses to two consecutive days of aerobic exercise in healthy young men
  4860. Alcohol, appetite and loss of restraint
  4861. Perceived appetite and clinical outcomes in children with chronic kidney disease
  4862. Effects of peripheral neurotensin on appetite regulation and its role in gastric bypass surgery
  4863. Gastric artery embolization trial for the lessening of appetite nonsurgically (GET LEAN): six-month preliminary data
  4864. Neuroendocrinology of appetite
  4865. Intense sweeteners, appetite for the sweet taste, and relationship to weight management
  4866. A deletion in the canine POMC gene is associated with weight and appetite in obesity-prone labrador retriever dogs
  4867. Use of viscous fibres in beverages for appetite control: a review of studies
  4868. Reliability and validity of the J apanese version of the simplified nutritional appetite questionnaire in community‐dwelling older adults
  4869. Considerations on pig models for appetite, metabolic syndrome and obese type 2 diabetes: From food intake to metabolic disease
  4870. Effects of the non-nutritive sweeteners on glucose metabolism and appetite regulating hormones: systematic review of observational prospective studies and …
  4871. Stimulants for the control of hedonic appetite
  4872. Understanding the octane appetite of modern vehicles
  4873. Irregular meal-pattern effects on energy expenditure, metabolism, and appetite regulation: a randomized controlled trial in healthy normal-weight women
  4874. Hippocampus ghrelin signaling mediates appetite through lateral hypothalamic orexin pathways
  4875. DREADD-induced activation of subfornical organ neurons stimulates thirst and salt appetite
  4876. Specific food preferences of older adults with a poor appetite. A forced-choice test conducted in various care settings
  4877. Energy depletion by diet or aerobic exercise alone: impact of energy deficit modality on appetite parameters
  4878. Effects of dietary protein source and quantity during weight loss on appetite, energy expenditure, and cardio-metabolic responses
  4879. Consuming beef vs. soy protein has little effect on appetite, satiety, and food intake in healthy adults
  4880. Rye-based evening meals favorably affected glucose regulation and appetite variables at the following breakfast; a randomized controlled study in healthy …
  4881. appetite loss and neurocognitive deficits in late‐life depression
  4882. Correlation between nutritional markers and appetite self-assessments in hemodialysis patients
  4883. L-cysteine suppresses ghrelin and reduces appetite in rodents and humans
  4884. Regulation of appetite, body composition, and metabolic hormones by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)
  4885. Effect of oxyntomodulin, glucagon, GLP-1, and combined glucagon+ GLP-1 infusion on food intake, appetite, and resting energy expenditure
  4886. Polygenic risk, appetite traits, and weight gain in middle childhood: a longitudinal study
  4887. The effects of galactooligosaccharide on systemic and mucosal immune response, growth performance and appetite related gene transcript in goldfish (Carassius …
  4888. appetite for self-destruction: suicidal biting as a nest defense strategy in Trigona stingless bees
  4889. Effects of prolonged hypoxia and bed rest on appetite and appetite-related hormones
  4890. A prospective, randomized, masked, placebo‐controlled clinical study of capromorelin in dogs with reduced appetite
  4891. Effect of oxytocin receptor blockade on appetite for sugar is modified by social context
  4892. appetite-regulatory hormone responses on the day following a prolonged bout of moderate-intensity exercise
  4893. Changes in levels of selected incretins and appetite-controlling hormones following surgical treatment for morbid obesity
  4894. Effectual comparison of quinoa and amaranth supplemented diets in controlling appetite; a biochemical study in rats
  4895. China’s iConsumer 2015: A growing appetite for choice and change
  4896. Genetic and epigenetic associations to obesity‐related appetite phenotypes among A frican–A merican children
  4897. Psychotherapy for transdiagnostic binge eating: A randomized controlled trial of cognitive-behavioural therapy, appetite-focused cognitive-behavioural therapy, and …
  4898. Consuming high-protein soy snacks affects appetite control, satiety, and diet quality in young people and influences select aspects of mood and cognition
  4899. Working up an appetite for lionfish: a market-based approach to manage the invasion of Pterois volitans in Belize
  4900. Dietary Lactobacillus acidophilus modulated skin mucus protein profile, immune and appetite genes expression in gold fish (Carassius auratus gibelio)
  4901. Food preference and appetite after switching between sweet and savoury odours in women
  4902. Acute exercise and appetite-regulating hormones in overweight and obese individuals: a meta-analysis
  4903. Upper gastrointestinal sensitivity to meal-related signals in adult humans–relevance to appetite regulation and gut symptoms in health, obesity and functional …
  4904. The influence of nighttime feeding of carbohydrate or protein combined with exercise training on appetite and cardiometabolic risk in young obese women
  4905. Increased alternate splicing of Htr2c in a mouse model for Prader-Willi syndrome leads disruption of 5HT2C receptor mediated appetite
  4906. Energy homeostasis and appetite regulating hormones as predictors of weight loss in men and women
  4907. Khat use and appetite: an overview and comparison of amphetamine, khat and cathinone
  4908. Regulation of feeding behavior and food intake by appetite-regulating peptides in wild-type and growth hormone-transgenic coho salmon
  4909. Alberta provincial pediatric EnTeric Infection TEam (appetite): epidemiology, emerging organisms, and economics
  4910. Postprandial effects of polydextrose on satiety hormone responses and subjective feelings of appetite in obese participants
  4911. Molecular mechanisms of appetite and obesity: a role for brain AMPK
  4912. Breaking up prolonged sitting time with walking does not affect appetite or gut hormone concentrations but does induce an energy deficit and suppresses postprandial …
  4913. Acute load-dependent effects of oral whey protein on gastric emptying, gut hormone release, glycemia, appetite, and energy intake in healthy men
  4914. Cancer appetite and Symptom Questionnaire (CASQ) for Brazilian Patients: cross-cultural adaptation and validation study
  4915. Effects of two dietary fibers as part of ready-to-eat cereal (RTEC) breakfasts on perceived appetite and gut hormones in overweight women
  4916. Effect of human milk appetite hormones, macronutrients, and infant characteristics on gastric emptying and breastfeeding patterns of term fully breastfed infants
  4917. Psychometric evaluation of two appetite questionnaires in patients with heart failure
  4918. appetite regulating factors in dourado, Salminus brasiliensis: cDNA cloning and effects of fasting and feeding on gene expression
  4919. Development of an ecological momentary assessment scale for appetite
  4920. Clinical trials of medicinal cannabis for appetite‐related symptoms from advanced cancer: a survey of preferences, attitudes and beliefs among patients willing to …
  4921. Effects of methylphenidate on appetite and growth in children diagnosed with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
  4922. High-protein breakfast promotes weight loss by suppressing subsequent food intake and regulating appetite hormones in obese Chinese adolescents
  4923. A high-throughput assay for quantifying appetite and digestive dynamics
  4924. Chemosensory impairment does not diminish eating pleasure and appetite in independently living older adults
  4925. Imaging in endocrinology: the use of functional MRI to study the endocrinology of appetite
  4926. Effects of oatmeal and corn flakes cereal breakfasts on satiety, gastric emptying, glucose, and appetite-related hormones
  4927. High amylose white rice reduces post-prandial glycemic response but not appetite in humans
  4928. Hypothalamus proteomics from mouse models with obesity and anorexia reveals therapeutic targets of appetite regulation
  4929. Cloning and tissue distribution of appetite‐regulating peptides in pirapitinga (Piaractus brachypomus)
  4930. Association between Australian-Indian mothers’ controlling feeding practices and children’s appetite traits
  4931. Effects of cigarette smoking on plasma concentration of the appetite-regulating peptide ghrelin
  4932. The Institutional appetite for Quack Corporate Governance
  4933. appetite and weight loss symptoms in late-life depression predict dementia outcomes
  4934. Brain regulation of appetite in twins,2
  4935. Altered appetite-mediating hormone concentrations precede compensatory overeating after severe, short-term energy deprivation in healthy adults
  4936. Variety within a cooked meal increases meal energy intake in older women with a poor appetite
  4937. The effect of breakfast prior to morning exercise on cognitive performance, mood and appetite later in the day in habitually active women
  4938. Latina mothers’ influences on child appetite regulation
  4939. Twenty-four-week effects of liraglutide on body composition, adherence to appetite, and lipid profile in overweight and obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  4940. Effects of chronic growth hormone overexpression on appetite-regulating brain gene expression in coho salmon
  4941. Effect of breakfast omission on subjective appetite, metabolism, acylated ghrelin and GLP-17-36 during rest and exercise
  4942. Acute changes in sleep duration on eating behaviors and appetite-regulating hormones in overweight/obese adults
  4943. Effects of sugar solutions on hypothalamic appetite regulation
  4944. The Turkish appetite for gold: An Islamic explanation
  4945. Glycemic increase induced by intravenous glucose infusion fails to affect hunger, appetite, or satiety following breakfast in healthy men
  4946. Acute effect of morning and afternoon aerobic exercise on appetite of overweight women
  4947. Effect of reducing portion size at a compulsory meal on later energy intake, gut hormones, and appetite in overweight adults
  4948. Food intake and appetite control in a GH-transgenic zebrafish
  4949. Test-meal palatability is associated with overconsumption but better represents preceding changes in appetite in non-obese males
  4950. The effects of the combination of egg and fiber on appetite, glycemic response and food intake in normal weight adults–a randomized, controlled, crossover trial
  4951. Effects of unfermented and fermented whole grain rye crisp breads served as part of a standardized breakfast, on appetite and postprandial glucose and …
  4952. Review of the ongoing story of appetite suppressants, serotonin pathway, and pulmonary vascular disease
  4953. Altered metabolic homeostasis is associated with appetite regulation during and following 48-h of severe energy deprivation in adults
  4954. appetite-related peptides in childhood and adolescence: role of ghrelin, PYY, and GLP-1
  4955. Association between plasma endocannabinoids and appetite in hemodialysis patients: a pilot study
  4956. Phospholipases D1 and D2 suppress appetite and protect against overweight
  4957. Fed and fasted chicks from lines divergently selected for low or high body weight have differential hypothalamic appetite-associated factor mRNA expression profiles
  4958. appetite suppression and antiobesity effect of a botanical composition composed of Morus alba, Yerba mate, and Magnolia officinalis
  4959. Fennel (foeniculum vulgare) and fenugreek (trigonella foenum-graecum) tea drinking suppresses subjective short-term appetite in overweight women
  4960. Glycemic responses, appetite ratings and gastrointestinal hormone responses of most common breads consumed in Spain. A randomized control trial in healthy …
  4961. Comparative effects of intraduodenal whey protein hydrolysate on antropyloroduodenal motility, gut hormones, glycemia, appetite, and energy intake in lean and …
  4962. The multifactorial interplay of diet, the microbiome and appetite control: current knowledge and future challenges
  4963. Prawn Shell Chitosan Exhibits Anti-Obesogenic Potential through Alterations to appetite, Affecting Feeding Behaviour and Satiety Signals In Vivo
  4964. appetite: Measurement and management
  4965. The effects of a beef‐based meal compared to a calorie matched bean‐based meal on appetite and food intake
  4966. appetite predicts intake and nutritional status in patients receiving peritoneal dialysis
  4967. Effect of movie violence on mood, stress, appetite perception and food preferences in a random population
  4968. Appropriateness of the food-pics image database for experimental eating and appetite research with adolescents
  4969. Aerated drinks increase gastric volume and reduce appetite as assessed by MRI: a randomized, balanced, crossover trial
  4970. Effect of L-tryptophan and L-leucine on gut hormone secretion, appetite feelings and gastric emptying rates in lean and non-diabetic obese participants: a …
  4971. Effect of polydextrose on subjective feelings of appetite during the satiation and satiety periods: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  4972. Epicatechin, procyanidins, cocoa, and appetite: A randomized controlled trial
  4973. Dietary supplement for energy and reduced appetite containing the β-agonist isopropyloctopamine leads to heart problems and hospitalisations
  4974. Endogenous central amygdala mu-opioid receptor signaling promotes sodium appetite in mice
  4975. Anti-ghrelin antibodies in appetite suppression: recent advances in obesity pharmacotherapy
  4976. Little appetite for obesity: meta-analysis of the effects of maternal obesogenic diets on offspring food intake and body mass in rodents
  4977. appetite and gastrointestinal symptoms in end stage renal disease patients
  4978. Effects of risperidone treatment on the expression of hypothalamic neuropeptide in appetite regulation in Wistar rats
  4979. The effect of hydration status on appetite and energy intake
  4980. An enriched, cereal-based bread affects appetite ratings and glycemic, insulinemic, and gastrointestinal hormone responses in healthy adults in a randomized …
  4981. Effects of time of day and the wingate test on appetite perceptions, food intake and plasma levels of adipokines
  4982. Peripheral insulin doesn’t alter appetite of broiler chicks
  4983. Role of BMP7 in appetite regulation, adipogenesis, and energy expenditure
  4984. Molecular cloning, expression analysis, and appetite regulatory effect of peptide YY in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)
  4985. Calcium ingestion suppresses appetite and produces acute overcompensation of energy intake independent of protein in healthy adults
  4986. Lean and obese dietary phenotypes: differences in energy and substrate metabolism and appetite
  4987. An appetite for rhetoric
  4988. Regulation of appetite, satiation, and body weight by enteroendocrine cells. Part 1: characteristics of enteroendocrine cells and their capability of weight regulation
  4989. Enhanced responsiveness of Ghsr Q343X rats to ghrelin results in enhanced adiposity without increased appetite
  4990. Comparison of the satiating properties of egg-versus cereal grain-based breakfasts for appetite and energy intake control in children
  4991. Role of physical activity in regulating appetite and body fat
  4992. appetite regulation in Schizothorax prenanti by three CART genes
  4993. Effect of a 12-week low vs. high intensity aerobic exercise training on appetite-regulating hormones in obese adolescents: a randomized exercise intervention study
  4994. Seasonal Differences in Relative Gene Expression of Putative Central appetite Regulators in Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus) Do Not Reflect Its Annual …
  4995. A neural basis for melanocortin-4 receptor–regulated appetite
  4996. Regulation of blood pressure, appetite, and glucose by leptin after inactivation of insulin receptor substrate 2 signaling in the entire brain or in proopiomelanocortin …
  4997. Co-ingestion of whey protein with a carbohydrate-rich breakfast does not affect glycemia, insulinemia or subjective appetite following a subsequent meal in healthy …
  4998. Taste and appetite
  4999. The role of infant appetite in extended formula feeding
  5000. Control of appetite and Food Preference by NMDA Receptor and Its Co-Agonist d-Serine
  5001. The use of green leaf membranes to promote appetite control, suppress hedonic hunger and loose body weight
  5002. The effect of a dairy-based recovery beverage on post-exercise appetite and energy intake in active females
  5003. Role of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting nucleus in sodium sensing and sodium appetite
  5004. An alternate synthesis of appetite suppressant (R)-2-benzylmorpholine employing Sharpless asymmetric epoxidation strategy
  5005. PACAP intraperitoneal treatment suppresses appetite and food intake via PAC1 receptor in mice by inhibiting ghrelin and increasing GLP-1 and leptin
  5006. Effect of long-term fasting and a subsequent meal on mRNA abundances of hypothalamic appetite regulators, central and peripheral leptin expression and plasma …
  5007. Effect of laser acupuncture on anthropometric measurements and appetite sensations in obese subjects
  5008. Effects of different periods of paradoxical sleep deprivation and sleep recovery on lipid and glucose metabolism and appetite hormones in rats
  5009. Neuroendocrine control of appetite in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus): changes during metamorphosis and effects of feeding
  5010. appetite testing in HIV-infected African adults recovering from malnutrition and given antiretroviral therapy
  5011. … –jejunal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy gives better glycemic control in T2DM patients, with a lower β-cell response and similar appetite sensations: mixed-meal …
  5012. D1 and D2 antagonists reverse the effects of appetite suppressants on weight loss, food intake, locomotion, and rebalance spiking inhibition in the rat NAc shell
  5013. Brain regions implicated in inhibitory control and appetite regulation are activated in response to food portion size and energy density in children
  5014. Which measure for PFE? The Risk appetite Measure, A
  5015. A prospective study of appetite and food craving in 30 patients with Cushing’s disease
  5016. The effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of Artemisia absinthium on appetite in male rats
  5017. Validation of an iPad visual analogue rating system for assessing appetite and satiety
  5018. The effect of light on appetite in healthy young individuals
  5019. Social change and access to a palatable diet produces differences in reward neurochemistry and appetite in female monkeys
  5020. Novel links between troubled marriages and appetite regulation: Marital distress, ghrelin, and diet quality
  5021. The histaminergic tuberomamillary nucleus is involved in appetite for sex, water and amphetamine
  5022. Poor appetite in school children: Is it a false perception of parents
  5023. L-rhamnose as a source of colonic propionate inhibits insulin secretion but does not influence measures of appetite or food intake
  5024. Is really endogenous ghrelin a hunger signal in chickens? Association of GHSR SNPs with increase appetite, growth traits, expression and serum level of GHRL, and …
  5025. Comparison of appetite-regulating hormones and body composition in pediatric patients in predialysis stage of chronic kidney disease and healthy control …
  5026. Response of appetite and potential appetite regulators following intake of high energy nutritional supplements
  5027. A quantitative model to articulate the banking risk appetite framework
  5028. Developmental programing of thirst and sodium appetite
  5029. Regulation of appetite, satiation, and body weight by enteroendocrine cells. Part 2: therapeutic potential of enteroendocrine cells in the treatment of obesity
  5030. appetite and weight gain suppression effects of alcohol depend on the route and pattern of administration in Long Evans rats
  5031. Effect of rikkunshi-to treatment on chemotherapy-induced appetite loss in patients with lung cancer: A prospective study
  5032. appetite-enhancing effects of trans-cinnamaldehyde, benzylacetone and 1-phenyl-2-butanone by inhalation
  5033. Some Studies on Deviated appetite (Pica) in Cattle.
  5034. Brain, hormone and appetite responses to glucose versus fructose
  5035. Influence of nutrition claims on appetite sensations according to sex, weight status, and restrained eating
  5036. Involvement of oxidative stress in the regulation of NPY/CART-mediated appetite control in amphetamine-treated rats
  5037. The effect of metformin on neuronal activity in the appetite-regulating brain regions of mice fed a high-fat diet during an anorectic period
  5038. Development of a lack of appetite item bank for computer-adaptive testing (CAT)
  5039. The impact of nutritional status and appetite on the hospital length of stay and postoperative complications in elderly patients with severe aortic stenosis before aortic …
  5040. Aqueous and methanol extracts of Vernonia amygdalina leaves exert their anti-obesity effects through the modulation of appetite-regulatory hormones
  5041. An improved course of glycaemia after a bread based breakfast is associated with beneficial effects on acute and semi-acute markers of appetite
  5042. appetite control with relevance to mitochondrial biogenesis and activation of post-prandial lipid metabolism in obesity linked diabetes
  5043. The role of leptin and other hormones related to bone metabolism and appetite regulation as determinants of gain in body fat and fat-free mass in 8–11-year-old …
  5044. appetite regulation and physical activity–an energy balance perspective
  5045. Effect of 24-h severe energy restriction on appetite regulation and ad libitum energy intake in lean men and women
  5046. Global integration of the hot-state brain network of appetite predicts short term weight loss in older adult
  5047. Modelling the effect of temperament on BMI through appetite reactivity and self-regulation in eating: a Structural Equation Modelling approach in young adolescents
  5048. Hypothalamic regulation of body growth and appetite by ghrelin-derived peptides during balanced nutrition or undernutrition
  5049. Caralluma fimbriata supplementation improves the appetite behavior of children and adolescents with Prader-Willi syndrome
  5050. appetite-enhancing effects of curry oil
  5051. Acute effects of protein composition and fibre enrichment of yogurt consumed as snacks on appetite sensations and subsequent ad libitum energy intake in healthy …
  5052. Expression of regulatory neuropeptides in the hypothalamus of red deer (Cervus elaphus) reveals anomalous relationships in the seasonal control of appetite and …
  5053. The Ontogeny and Brain Distribution Dynamics of the appetite Regulators NPY, CART and pOX in Larval Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua L.)
  5054. Nonmedical prescription stimulant use for suppressing appetite and controlling body weight is uniquely associated with more severe eating disorder symptomatology
  5055. Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone and agouti-related protein: do they play a role in appetite regulation in childhood obesity?
  5056. Slimming and appetite‐Suppressing Effects of Caraway Aqueous Extract as a Natural Therapy in Physically Active Women
  5057. Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of meal intake on postprandial appetite-related gastrointestinal hormones in obese children
  5058. Effects on anthropometry and appetite of vitamins and minerals given in lipid nutritional supplements for malnourished HIV-infected adults referred for …
  5059. Both neuropeptide Y knockdown and Y1 receptor inhibition modulate CART-mediated appetite control
  5060. MC3R gene polymorphisms are associated with early childhood adiposity gain and infant appetite in an Asian population
  5061. Role of circulating adipocytokines vaspin, apelin, and visfatin in the loss of appetite in underweight children: a pilot trial
  5062. Comparison of appetite responses to high–and low–glycemic index postexercise meals under matched insulinemia and fiber in type 1 diabetes
  5063. Effect of immobilization stress on the appetite and stomach ghrelin expression in maternal mice
  5064. The effect of eating speed at breakfast on appetite hormone responses and daily food consumption
  5065. Correlations between the expression of the insulin sensitizing hormones, adiponectin, visfatin, and omentin, and the appetite regulatory hormone, neuropeptide Y and …
  5066. Temporal dissociation between sodium depletion and sodium appetite appearance: involvement of inhibitory and stimulatory signals
  5067. Hunger pains: stimulating the appetite of the immune system for Cancer
  5068. Mouth rinsing with a sweet solution increases energy expenditure and decreases appetite during 60 min of self-regulated walking exercise
  5069. Energy intake over 2 days is unaffected by acute sprint interval exercise despite increased appetite and energy expenditure
  5070. Dim sum bonds: do they whet your appetite?
  5071. The Emotional appetite Questionnaire (EMAQ) s Reliability and Validity and Relationship with Body Mass Index and Emotional Schemas
  5072. Breakfast protein source does not influence postprandial appetite response and food intake in normal weight and overweight young women
  5073. Consuming black pain: Reading racial ideology in cultural appetite for 12 Years A Slave
  5074. A prospective review of appetite loss and recovery time in primary joint replacement patients
  5075. Functional relevance of three proopiomelanocortin (POMC) genes in darkening camouflage, blind-side hypermelanosis, and appetite of Paralichthys olivaceus
  5076. Comparison of short-term energy intake and appetite responses to active and seated video gaming, in 8–11-year-old boys
  5077. Impact of short-term refeeding on appetite and meal experiences in new onset adolescent eating disorders
  5078. Acute effects of different dietary polysaccharides added in milk on food intake, postprandial appetite and glycemic responses in healthy young females
  5079. Gut fat signaling and appetite control with special emphasis on the effect of thylakoids from spinach on eating behavior
  5080. Impact of exercise timing on appetite regulation in individuals with type 2 diabetes
  5081. Efficacy and Acceptance of a Commercial Hoodia parviflora Product for Support of appetite and Weight Control in a Consumer Trial
  5082. appetite for change: a multidisciplinary team approach to behavioral modification for weight management in a community health group setting
  5083. The effect of a 20 km run on appetite regulation in long distance runners
  5084. Long-term effect of percutaneous electrical neurostimulation of dermatome T6 for appetite reduction and weight loss in obese patients
  5085. Prevalence of autoantibodies against some selected growth and appetite-regulating neuropeptides in serum of short children exposed to Candida albicans …
  5086. fDWI evaluation of hypothalamic appetite regulation pathways in mice genetically deficient in leptin or neuropeptide Y
  5087. Dynamics of appetite-mediated gene expression in daidzein-fed female rats in the meal-feeding method
  5088. Heat shock gene Sirtuin 1 regulates post-prandial lipid metabolism with relevance to nutrition and appetite regulation in diabetes
  5089. The Research on the Impact of Background Music on appetite of Customers in Restaurant
  5090. appetite-enhancing effects: The influence of concentrations of benzylacetone and trans-cinnamaldehyde and their inhalation time, as well as the effect of aroma, on …
  5091. Cocaine’s appetite for fat and the consequences on body weight
  5092. An appetite for transcendence: A response to Doris Santoro’s and Samuel Rocha’s review of The Beautiful Risk of Education
  5093. Maternal Triclosan consumption alters the appetite regulatory network on Wistar rat offspring and predispose to metabolic syndrome in the adulthood
  5094. The impact of liquid preloads varying in macronutrient content on postprandial kinetics of amino acids relative to appetite in healthy adults
  5095. Motivation explained: ultimate and proximate accounts of hunger and appetite
  5096. Participation of α2‐adrenoceptors in sodium appetite inhibition during sickness behaviour following administration of lipopolysaccharide
  5097. Sleeping more to improve appetite and body weight control: dream or reality?
  5098. appetite, reward, and obesity: the causes and consequences of eating behaviors
  5099. Water deprivation-partial rehydration induces sensitization of sodium appetite and alteration of hypothalamic transcripts
  5100. Effect of dexamethasone on hypothalamic expression of appetite-related genes in chickens under different diet and feeding conditions
  5101. Supplying China’s growing appetite for poultry
  5102. Dietary macronutrient composition affects the influence of exogenous prolactin-releasing peptide on appetite responses and hypothalamic gene expression in …
  5103. appetite regulation is independent of the changes in ghrelin levels in pregnant rats fed low‐protein diet
  5104. Whole-grain pasta reduces appetite and meal-induced thermogenesis acutely: a pilot study
  5105. No effect of 24 h severe energy restriction on appetite regulation and ad libitum energy intake in overweight and obese males
  5106. Impact of nutritional labelling on 10-d energy intake, appetite perceptions and attitudes towards food
  5107. Basic research on appetite regulation: Social context of a meal is missing.
  5108. Risk appetite frameworks: Insights into evolving global practices
  5109. The hypophagic factor oleoylethanolamide differentially increases c-fos expression in appetite regulating centres in the brain of wild type and histamine deficient mice
  5110. Lactation and appetite-regulating hormones: increased maternal plasma peptide YY concentrations 3–6 months postpartum
  5111. Parasites and their heterophagic appetite for disease
  5112. The efficacy of the appetite suppressant, diethylpropion, is dependent on both when it is given (day vs. night) and under conditions of high fat dietary restriction
  5113. Postprandial effects of a polyphenolic grape extract (PGE) supplement on appetite and food intake: a randomised dose-comparison trial
  5114. appetite loss as an adverse effect during treatment with EGFR-Tkis in elderly patients with non-small cell lung cancer
  5115. Effect of Zinc on appetite Regulatory Peptides in the Hypothalamus of Salmonella-Challenged Broiler Chickens
  5116. Death by Cannibal: Minds with an appetite for Murder
  5117. Leptin improves fatty liver independently of insulin sensitization and appetite suppression in hepatocyte-specific Pten-deficient mice with insulin hypersensitivity
  5118. Correlation analysis of hypothalamic mRNA levels of appetite regulatory neuropeptides and several metabolic parameters in 28‐day‐old layer chickens
  5119. Are four simple questions able to predict weight loss in outpatients with metastatic cancer? A prospective cohort study assessing the simplified nutritional appetite
  5120. Comparative analysis reveals loss of the appetite-regulating peptide hormone ghrelin in falcons
  5122. Obestatin partially suppresses ghrelin stimulation of appetite in “high-responders” grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus
  5123. Leukemia inhibitory factor as a mediator of lipopolysaccharide effects on appetite and selected hormones and metabolites
  5124. Age-related changes in thirst, salt appetite, and arterial blood pressure in response to aldosterone-dexamethasone combination in rats
  5125. Bank competition and risk appetite: Evidence from Tunisia
  5126. Global variance term premia and intermediary risk appetite
  5127. The effect of a low-energy food foam on appetite measures during a 1-day reduced-energy meal plan
  5128. Involvement of central relaxin‐3 signalling in sodium (salt) appetite
  5129. Effects of Dietary Protein and Fiber at Breakfast on appetite, ad Libitum Energy Intake at Lunch, and Neural Responses to Visual Food Stimuli in Overweight Adults
  5130. Exercise, appetite control, and body weight regulation
  5131. From fear of eating to appetite for life: food and eating in an anorectic mind
  5132. Snack high whey protein improves the level of satiety and reduces appetite healthy women
  5133. An appetite for Dogs: Consuming and Loving Them in Vietnam
  5134. Little appetite for big data?
  5135. Benchmarking public demand: Russia’s appetite for Internet control
  5136. Healthy appetite
  5137. A growing appetite: The emerging critical rhetoric of food politics
  5138. Modelling synergistic effects of appetite regulating hormones
  5139. Addiction: from context-induced hedonia to appetite, based on transition of micro-behaviors in morphine abstinent tree shrews
  5140. Identification of novel probiotics to modify appetite and satiety directly targeting the ghrelin receptor
  5141. Seeing spots: An experimental examination of voter appetite for partisan and negative campaign ads
  5142. Risk appetite Statement
  5143. Standardizing appetite through timing of food intake to minimize metabolic disorders: a veterinary revelation.
  5144. Targeting oxidative stress in the hypothalamus: the effect of transcription factor STAT3 knockdown on endogenous antioxidants-mediated appetite control
  5145. Changes in appetite, nutrition, and oxidative stress reaction of cancer patients during chemotherapy
  5146. Leptin Manipulation Reduces appetite and Causes a Switch in Mating Preference in the Plains Spadefoot Toad (Spea bombifrons)
  5147. Binge eating and biochemical markers of appetite in new users of the contraceptive depot medroxyprogesterone acetate
  5148. Cannabinoids and appetite (dys) regulation
  5149. Quality of meal and appetite sensation
  5150. The “capital of Scandinavia?” Imaginary cityscapes and the art of creating an appetite for Nordic cinematic spaces
  5151. ToTal and acylaTed Ghrelin levels in children and adolescenTs wiTh idiopaThic shorT sTaTure and poor appetite
  5152. Acute effects of active gaming on ad libitum energy intake and appetite sensations of 8–11-year-old boys
  5153. Proteins released by E. coli in the gut influence host appetite control
  5154. The appetite-inducing peptide, ghrelin, induces intracellular store-mediated rises in calcium in addiction and arousal-related laterodorsal tegmental neurons in mouse …
  5155. “The Endless appetite”: Honors Education and the spirit of the Humanities
  5156. Histamine and appetite
  5157. China and Africa’s peace and security agenda: The burgeoning appetite
  5158. The role of emotional regulation, self-efficacy, heuristics and risk appetite on financial decision-making process. A study on groups of senior and junior investors
  5159. Protein Beverage vs. Protein Gel on appetite Control and Subsequent Food Intake in Healthy Adults
  5160. appetite Regulatory Hormones–A Novel Target for Prevention, Management, and Treatment of Obesity.
  5161. Satisfying an appetite for books: innovation, production, and modernization in later Islamic bookbinding
  5162. Fixed dose of long‐acting erythropoietic stimulating agents at higher frequency improves appetite, reduces inflammation and corrects anaemia in patients on …
  5163. Midbrain raphe 5-HT1A receptor activation alters the effects of ghrelin on appetite and performance in the elevated plus maze
  5164. Effects of Different Types of Flaxseed Flour in appetite and Satiety Sensations Among Overweighed and Obese Women
  5165. Elucidating the role of peripheral Neurotensin in appetite control
  5166. Creating Consumer Lifestyles: Esteem and Enjoyment, Influence and appetite
  5167. Inhaled PYY (3–36) dry-powder formulation for appetite suppression
  5168. Anandamide is involved in appetite-related amygdala hyperactivations in schizophrenia patients treated with olanzapine: a functional magnetic resonance imaging …
  5169. The Narrating Stomach: appetite, Authority and Agency in Sydney Whiting’s 1853 Memoirs of a Stomach
  5170. Identification of protein-damaging mutations in 10 swine taste receptors and 191 appetite-reward genes
  5171. Dietary Sodium Intake, Sweat Sodium, Salt appetite and Exercise
  5172. Postprandial appetite ratings are reproducible and moderately related to total day energy intakes, but not ad libitum lunch energy intakes, in healthy young women
  5173. The neurobiology of thirst and sodium appetite
  5174. Valuation and cognitive circuitry in anorexia nervosa: Disentangling appetite from the effort to obtain a reward
  5175. An appetite for social media in Irish SME food businesses?
  5176. The role of photoperiod on the expression of hypothalamic genes regulating appetite in Chevrier’s field mouse (Apodemus chevrieri)
  5177. Factors that Shape an Organisation’s Risk appetite: Insights from the International Hotel Industry
  5178. Understanding the effect of formulation and processing parameters on microstructural and physical properties of ice cream, sensory perception and appetite
  5179. Pilot study of appetite monitoring at a family-based camp for obese youth.
  5180. Do lactation-induced changes in ghrelin, glucagon-like peptide-1, and peptide YY influence appetite and body weight regulation during the first postpartum …
  5181. Effects of interleukin-1 beta injections into the subfornical organ and median preoptic nucleus on sodium appetite, blood pressure and body temperature of sodium …
  5182. Bon EPOtit! S1P-mediated EPO signaling whets a macrophage’s appetite for apoptotic cells
  5183. Capital allocation and risk appetite under Solvency II framework
  5184. Minimizing market impact of hedging insurance liabilities within risk appetite constraints
  5185. A healthy appetite
  5186. Feeding the kidneys in AKI: no appetite for a change in practice
  5187. Measuring Risk appetite from Financial Assets’ Excess Returns
  5188. Role of short chain fatty acid receptors in the gastrointestinal tract and their potential involvement in appetite control
  5189. Special issue of appetite: The proceedings of the American University Symposium on Childhood Obesity and Cognition.
  5190. … (PENS) of dermatome t6 with an ambulatory self-applied patch vs PENS of dermatome T6 with conventional procedure: Effect on appetite and weight loss in …
  5191. Influence of evening preference on daytime variation of autonomic nervous system activity, gastric motility, and appetite sensations in young women
  5192. The Effect of appetite on Pain
  5193. Parabrachial lesions in rats disrupt sodium appetite induced by furosemide but not by calcium deprivation
  5194. The potential role of two appetite hormones in the early detection of pancreatic necrosis and severe acute pancreatitis: a biochemical aspect
  5195. Development and validation of the Dog Obesity Risk and appetite (DORA) questionnaire
  5196. appetite regulation in fishes.
  5197. Regulation of blood pressure, appetite, and glucose by CNS melanocortin system in hyperandrogenemic female SHR
  5198. John of Paris, Henry of Ghent, and the will as a rational appetite
  5199. The Effect of Intensity of Exercise on appetite and Food Intake in Post‐Exercise Period
  5200. Post-exercise appetite was affected by fructose content but not glycemic index of pre-exercise meals
  5201. Effects of oral exposure duration and gastric energy content on appetite ratings and energy intake in lean men
  5202. Changes in the appetite and behavior of cattle and pigs inoculated with the foot-and-mouth disease vaccine
  5203. Guidelines on design and statistics for appetite
  5204. Ghrelin: a gastric hormone at the crossroad between growth and appetite regulation
  5205. Effects of resistance exercise volume on appetite regulation and lipid profile in overweight young men
  5206. Regulation of salt appetite and blood pressure
  5207. Reasons for increasing appetite from the perspective of Iranian Traditional Medicine
  5208. Odd Cravings, appetite, Hunger, and Thirst
  5209. “By the Author of The Leavenworth Case” or Capitalizing on Reader appetite for the Bestselling Novelist: Female Detection, Transatlantic Popular Fiction and Anna Katharine …
  5210. High-fat induces acute and chronic inflammation in the hypothalamus: Effect of HFD, palmitate and TNF-α on appetite-regulating NPY neurons
  5211. appetite for a Foodborne Infection
  5212. Changes in Growth and Feed Efficiency in Chickens Supplemented with Supernutritional and Excess Selenium are Associated with Changes in appetite
  5213. Thirst and sodium appetite in rats with experimental nephrotic syndrome
  5214. Effect of high-protein breakfast meals on within-day appetite and food intake in healthy men and women
  5215. The relationship between feed efficiency and the expression of genes associated with appetite control in the hypothalamus and intestine of pigs
  5216. appetite Suppressing Phyto Nutrients: Potential for Combating Obesity
  5217. Capsaicinoids Supplementation Reduces appetite and Body Circumferences in Healthy Men and Women A Placebo Controlled Randomized Double Blind Study
  5218. Development and validation of a smartphone application to analyze subjective appetite variables
  5219. Development of a multitissue microfluidic array for assessing changes in gene expression associated with channel catfish appetite, growth, metabolism, and intestinal …
  5220. appetite stimulants for older persons
  5221. Future Prospects of the Management of appetite Disorders: Bariatric Surgery
  5222. Development of food preferences and appetite in the first years
  5223. Pubertal status, pre-meal drink composition, and later meal timing interact in determining children’s appetite and food intake
  5224. Functional Neuroimaging of appetite and Gut–Brain Interactions
  5225. The Effects of Prebiotic Fibre Intake on appetite and Body Mass Index z-score in Overweight and Obese Children.
  5226. Effects of protein on gastrointestinal function and appetite regulation
  5227. Loss Aversion and Gain appetite in the Small and in the Large
  5228. Corn gluten hydrolysate affects the time-course of metabolic changes through appetite control in high-fat diet-induced obese rats
  5229. Dietary Strategies to Influence appetite: Effects of Oat Beta-Glucan and Thylakoids from Spinach on Satiety and Reward-induced Eating Behavior
  5230. appetite stimulants in dogs and cats
  5231. The moral formation of the intellectual appetite in Hugh of St. Victor, Philip Melanchthon, and John Henry Newman
  5232. Effects of Intraperitoneal Administration of Leptin on Voluntary Feed Intake, appetite Signaling Pathways and Metabolism in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar
  5233. Bypassing intestinal sugar enhancement of sweet appetite
  5234. Acute effect of smoking and its abstinence on dietary intake and appetite
  5235. Eye Contact, appetite, and Vomiting Improved in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder After Visceral Osteopathic Technique
  5236. Molecular cloning, tissue and embryonic development expression, and appetite regulatory effect of pancreatic peptide Y in Coilia nasus
  5237. Modulation of hypothalamic activity alters appetite in a novel antioxidant mouse
  5238. Central Nervous System Stimulants and Drugs That Suppress appetite
  5239. Sor Juana’s appetite: Body, Mind, and Vitality in “First Dream”
  5240. Control of appetite/satiety and energy balance
  5241. A New Risk appetite Index and CDS spreads: Evidence from an Emerging Market
  5242. Effects of a medium-term exercise or dietary restriction on appetite regulation and compensatory responses
  5243. A novel dietary strategy to increase colonic propionate production in humans and improve appetite regulation and bodyweight management
  5244. The effects of non-viscous, fermentable fibers on appetite and food intake in healthy adults
  5245. Addiction to food: How go/no-go tasks affect appetite
  5246. Simulating the Octane appetite of SI Engines: The Influence of Chemical Mechanisms
  5247. Generators’ appetite to Finance Pipeline Capacity: New England and South Australia
  5248. No appetite to educate: Stacking the deck against children in poverty
  5249. Intracerebral hemorrhage related to phentermine as an appetite suppressant
  5250. Gastrointestinal appetite hormones change with maternal adaptations to pregnancy and lactation in the rat
  5251. appetite awareness training: A mindfulness-based approach for normalizing eating.
  5252. Whole-grain rye foods: effects on appetite and metabolism
  5253. Capsaicinoids (CAPs) Decrease appetite Measures–An Open Label Study in Free Living Individuals
  5254. Mimecan: a newly identified adipokine and regulator of appetite
  5255. Comparison of Two Administration Forms of a Highly Viscous Fibre Blend on appetite and Glycemic Response in Healthy Individuals
  5256. appetite for Freedom: Towards Food Sovereignty and Health Empowerment in a Postcolonial Marshall Islands
  5257. Cloud Computing, Sustainability, and Risk: Case Study: A Quantitative Fuzzy Optimization Model for Determining Cloud Inexperienced Risks’ appetite
  5258. Effects of Dietary Protein Quantity and Source in appetite Responses in Energy‐Restricted Overweight and Obese Adults
  5259. The acute effects of protein quantity and distribution on appetite control, satiety, and food intake in overweight young women
  5260. Non-medical use of ADHD stimulants for appetite suppression and weight loss
  5261. Whet your appetite for new dry eye drugs
  5262. The effects of 12 weeks aerobic training with moderate and hard intensity on body composition, appetite and some related hormone level in over weight and obese …
  5263. An appetite for Life
  5264. An appetite for Connection
  5265. appetite for life
  5266. Open data appetite: How nations’ hunger for open government data varies with their economic complexity
  5267. appetite for risk
  5268. debility? had lost his appetite? and
  5269. Risk appetite
  5270. The appetite Suppressing E ffects of Nicotine on Caenorhabditis elegans Chemotaxis to E. coli
  5271. Somerville Suppers: An appetite for Learning!
  5272. An appetite for change
  5273. Yeast hydrolysate as a functional anti-obesity ingredient: appetite suppressive effects of yeast hydrolysate in food-deprived mice
  5274. Risk appetite
  5276. appetite FOR CHANGE
  5277. Relationship of appetite, Olfaction and Food Reward After Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass Surgery: Could This Explain Weight Regain?
  5278. Effects of Nighttime Protein Intake on Morning appetite, Insulin and Ghrelin Levels in Overweight and Obese Men
  5279. Nesfatin-1 as a novel appetite-controlling peptide: will obesity be history?
  5280. Serum levels of appetite-regulating hormones and pro-inflammatory cytokines are ameliorated by a CLA diet and endurance exercise in rats fed a high-fat diet
  5281. Protein quantity, quality, and distribution have no effect on daily appetite control, satiety, or free living, ad libitum food intake during energy balance in healthy …
  5282. appetite for destruction
  5283. loss of appetite
  5284. Effects of Increased Dietary Protein on Daily appetite Control, Satiety, and Free‐living Ad Libitum Food Intake during Acute Energy Restriction in Healthy, Overweight …
  5285. Decline in appetite: case report
  5286. Mouth rinsing with a sweet solution increases energy expenditure and decreases appetite during 60 minutes of self-regulated walking exercise. 2
  5287. The effect of one session of dynamic high intensity exercise on calorie intake and appetite indices in overweight and obese sedentary women
  5288. DREADD (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs)‐induced activation of subfornical organ neurons stimulates thirst and salt appetite
  5289. appetite for Discovery
  5290. improved appetite. This was fairly constantly noticed
  5291. appetite-FOR-LIFE in a sensory perspective
  5292. Stimulate an appetite for history
  5293. appetite Regulation In Relation To Energy Provision
  5294. Data from: Decoding colouration of begging traits by the experimental addition of the appetite enhancer cyproheptadine hydrochloride in magpie (Pica pica) nestlings
  5295. Preliminary results of relationship between appetite and clinical presentation of COPD patients in AERIS study
  5296. Neuropsychopharmacology of appetite in healthy volunteers
  5297. Whatever Happened to the Good?-Imagination and the Modern Loss of appetite
  5298. Responses of appetite and appetite Regulating Hormones to Acute Altitude Exposure
  5299. Board Oversight of Management’s Risk appetite and Tolerance: Regulators Claim they Expect it but Change will Not Come Easy
  5300. Drugs for Treatment of Disturbed appetite
  5301. First report of appetite reduction: case report
  5302. Worsening of loss of appetite: case report
  5303. appetite for Harlem
  5304. Kids of appetite by David Arnold
  5305. Gender differences in the appetite response to a satiating diet
  5306. The Effects of aerobic exercise and omega-3 supplementation on plasma ghrelin and appetite levels in obese women
  5307. How do firms set their Risk appetite?
  5308. Increased appetite and gastrointestinal trouble: 7 case reports
  5309. Get stuffed: The growth of the modern appetite to talk about food.
  5310. Loss of appetite and Loss of Weight
  5311. Factors associated with appetite among patients with chronic heart failure
  5312. Impact of exercise modes on appetite markers
  5313. Effect of nutrients on appetite of fishes.
  5314. On the appetite Trail
  5315. China’s appetite for resources, knowledge and profits, and the necessity for changes in the institutional environment, business strategies and management style
  5316. appetite dysregulation and obesity in Western Communities
  5317. Visualization of Risk appetite Framework Development process
  5318. In sync: An appetite for innovation
  5319. The Senses: appetite, Control, and Excess
  5320. Risk appetite as a part of Cloud Computing Security management
  5321. Risk appetite Reaching for the Efficient Frontier
  5322. A quantitative model to articulate the banking risk appetite framework
  5323. Do you still have an appetite for a short DAPT trial?
  5324. Timing of appetite to Optimize Cardiovascular Health
  5325. The L-cell in nutritional sensing and the regulation of appetite
  5326. Exercise and appetite: The Influence of Exercise Intensity on appetite in Endurance Trained Women
  5327. Reduced appetite and weight loss: case report
  5328. Loku: Building an appetite for Cultural Curiosity
  5329. Insomnia and loss of appetite: case report
  5332. Nausea and loss of appetite: case report
  5333. Risk appetite Setting and Modelling of Conduct Risk
  5334. appetite, appetite hormone and energy intake responses to two
  5335. Weight Loss and Decreased appetite in an 11-Year-Old Girl
  5336. Stick to three square meals a day to curb appetite
  5337. FROM THE VQR VAULT: appetite & HUNGER
  5338. Understanding risk appetite: what is it, what pressures shape it and how is it institutionalized
  5339. appetite for ER/nucleus destruction
  5341. Color me thin: The effect of color cues on appetite
  5342. Making risk appetite stick in the public sector environment-applying analytics
  5343. Fashioning appetite: Restaurants and the Making of Modern Identity
  5344. Fashioning appetite: Restaurants and the Making of Modern Identity
  5345. How to shape risk appetite in presence of franchise value?
  5346. Trump Supporters Have an appetite for Risk
  5347. appetite Suppressant-induced Propafenone Proarrhythmia
  5348. Dysgeusia and decreased appetite: case report
  5349. Lack of appetite, anaemia and neutropenia: case report
  5350. The effect of hypoxia on appetite, appetite regulating hormones and energy intake: a planned meta-analysis
  5351. Loss of appetite, nausea and headache: 3 case reports
  5352. The regulation of appetite by gut hormones
  5353. Study of the Impact of Knowledge Deployment and appetite for Change on Work
  5354. Development of a methodology for designing risk appetite frameworks for mono-activity banks
  5355. A proposal of operational risk appetite framework measure
  5356. Variability Analysis in the Power appetite of GPGPU Applications
  5357. The Hungry Specie: A Never Ending appetite for Meat Based Products
  5358. The Visual appetite: Representing Taste and Food
  5359. The harshness of the environment and its impact on the appetite of the poets in the Jahiliate and Abbasid eras: Reading within the field of anthropology
  5360. The harshness of the environment and its impact on the appetite of the poets in the Jahiliate and Abbasid eras: Reading within the field of anthropology
  5361. Risk Assets Optimized Configuration Under Integrated Risks-in View of Banker’S Risk appetite.
  5362. Erratum to “Psychometric Evaluation of Two appetite Questionnaires in Patients With Heart Failure” Journal of Cardiac Failure Vol. 21 No. 12 December 2015, pp 954 …
  5363. Deer show a gender difference in the neural regulation of appetite by the brain
  5364. Effect of One Unit Blood Donation on appetite-Related Biomarkers
  5365. Mechanisms of appetite suppression after high intensity exercise in lean and obese boys
  5366. A Quantitative Model to Articulate the Banking Risk appetite Framework (RAF)
  5367. Fictions of appetite. Alimentary Discourses in Italian Modernist Literature
  5368. Eating behaviours related to appetite during chilhood: Determinants from a prospective approach
  5369. Exploring appetite and Hypothalamic Circuitry through Manipulating Gene Expression
  5370. The effect of food flavour on human appetite and eating behaviour
  5371. Marijuana flips appetite switch in brain
  5372. Big appetite for Elemental in Congo
  5373. Electrophysiology of the appetite‐Regulating Circuits of the Hypothalamus
  5374. Reduced appetite, weight loss and nausea: case report
  5375. behaviours. An intensive longitudinal study. appetite, 87, 310-317. 17
  5376. I eat, therefore I am: the gut-brain axis and appetite control
  5377. appetite for discovery: sense and sentiment in the early modern world
  5378. Allocation of SCR according standard formula. An application for risk appetite
  5379. PM017 Malnutrition in Early Life and Self-Reported appetite in Adulthood in Chongqing, China
  5380. Nausea, loss of appetite and facial swelling: 2 case reports
  5381. Decoding the synaptic organization of appetite circuits
  5382. Dose Response Effect of Caffeine on appetite Sensations and Mood
  5383. A technological and physiological integrated approach for appetite control: from identification of novel biomarkers to development of new functional ingredients
  5384. Fat taste and appetite: a combined physiological and sensory approach
  5385. The impact of appetite regulating peptides on substance use disorders
  5386. A Neural Circuit of appetite Control in C. elegans
  5387. appetite is not a reliable predictor of energy intake: interim reporting of a systematic literature review
  5388. Stock Markets or Saving Accounts? The Effects of Liabilities on Households’ Risk appetite
  5389. Thrombocytopenia, neutropenia and appetite loss: 3 case reports
  5390. The effect of exercise intensity on perceived post-exercise appetite
  5391. Evaluation of acute appetite effects of crisp bread of rye
  5392. Acute effects of exercise on appetite, appetite regulatory hormones and energy intake in lean and overweight men and women
  5393. The nurses have helped me regain my appetite for life
  5394. Sudan’s instability tests China’s investment appetite
  5396. Effect of Movie Violence on Mood, Stress, appetite Perception and Food Preference: A randomized controlled trial
  5397. Central Nervous System Stimulants and Drugs That Suppress appetite
  5398. Measuring information appetite: The desire to spend time with information, engaging in consumption, dissemination, and creation of information for personal …
  5399. Independent and synergistic effects of calcium and protein on appetite and energy intake in humans
  5400. Consequences of Prenatal Stress on appetite Control and the Energy Expenditure Pathway
  5401. appetite effects of breakfast–restrained to the morning?
  5402. Weight loss with a good or increased appetite as a presenting complaint in a feline population: a retrospective study
  5403. Locomotive Apparatus.? Very much enfeebled, scarcely able to walk. Digestive Apparatus.? No appetite.
  5404. Dry mouth, constipation and decreased appetite: 2 case reports
  5405. Do diabetes trainees have an appetite for bariatric medicine?
  5406. Effects of a medium-term exercise or dietary restriction on appetite regulation and compensatory responses
  5407. Identification and application of investors’ risk appetite-based on the analysis of risk allocation of China multi-layer capital market system
  5408. Effects of high fructose diets on central appetite signaling and cognitive function
  5409. The Impact of Beverages Varying in Macronutrient Content on appetite and Energy Intake
  5410. The Effect of Bariatric Surgery on appetite Hormones and Neuronal Associations
  5411. Keeping it real: SME financing, secured transactions and risk appetite
  5412. The effects of amino acids on gut hormone release and appetite
  5413. Fashioning appetite: Restaurants and the Making of Modern Identity By Joanne Finkelstein Columbia University Press. 2014. 224 pages. $35 cloth
  5414. Hospital meal experiences and appetite–Findings from a Danish study using qualitative visual methods.
  5415. Diarrhoea, hand-foot skin reactions and loss of appetite: case report
  5417. Depressive symptoms as a moderator and mediator of the relationship between physical activity, appetite and perceived health among patients with heart failure
  5418. Is megestrol acetate an effective appetite stimulator in HIV wasting syndrome?
  5419. Capital structure, Regulation and Risk Management in the banking sector: an Application of the Risk appetite Framework
  5420. Impact of isoenergetic intake of irregular meal patterns on energy expenditure metabolism and appetite regulation
  5421. Consistency of metabolic responses and appetite sensations under postabsorptive and postprandial conditions 2
  5422. High protein weight loss diets–their impact on appetite and intestinal health.
  5423. Bon appetite!: A case study about the willingness of potential guests to use an app for a specific hotel restaurant
  5424. New Ivory Coast bond to test region’s sukuk appetite
  5426. Cough and Dyspnea in a Sarcoma Patient: appetite for Infection
  5427. antwerp’s appetite for african hands
  5428. appetite Disorders: From Binge Eating to Anorexia Nervosa
  5429. In Scotland, public appetite for further fiscal decentralisation is fuelled by greater levels of trust in Holyrood than in Westminster
  5430. Reality check: Canada has ‘no appetite to scrap trade,’despite NAFTA poll
  5431. Regulation of the Circadian Clock and appetite by O-GIcNAc Transferase
  5432. Influence of cyclic changes in ovarian hormones on resting metabolic rate and appetite in women
  5433. Central retinal vein occlusion noted 2 days after use of phendimetrazine as an appetite suppressant
  5434. Changes in the appetite and behavior of cattle and pigs inoculated with the foot-and-mouth disease vaccine
  5436. In Want of an Identity: appetite, Liminality and Death Symbolism in Wendy Law-Yone’s The Road to Wanting.
  5438. Problematising Big Food’s appetite for policymaking the case of childhood obesity
  5440. Pre-print. Final edition published in appetite 63 (2013) 129–140 What’s (in) a real smoothie: A division of linguistic labour in consumers’ acceptance of name …
  5441. Building an appetite for Health: An Academic Medical Center’s Campus Farmers’ Market and Outreach Initiatives
  5442. Can Prebiotic Fibre Intake Improve appetite Regulation in Overweight and Obese Children?
  5443. Anti-aging genes regulate post-prandial lipid metabolism with relevance to appetite, chronic disease and neurodegeneration
  5444. Effects of Repeat Exercise Under Different Prandial States and Diet Composition on Glucoregulation and appetite.
  5445. A Brief appetite Awareness Intervention for Eating and Weight Regulation Among College Freshmen: A Randomized Clinical Trial
  5446. appetite and Metabolic Responses to Acute and Moderate-Term Dairy Snack Consumption in Young People
  5447. The effect of increased colonic propionate production on appetite regulation and energy homeostasis in humans
  5448. Asexual crops whet industry appetite
  5449. Meal replacement and functional connectivity in the brain network for appetite: connecting the dots
  5450. Associations of Different appetite Hormones with Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Adolescent Boys with Different BMI Values
  5451. The cumulative effects of seven days of imposed exercise on energy balance and appetite regulation
  5452. Oxytocin as an appetite suppressant that reduces feeding reward
  5453. Effect of Training Type on appetite, Mood, and Cravings in Runners
  5454. The Depraved appetite of Tarrare the Freak: an investigation into the dramaturgy of puppetry, music and historical archive material in live performance
  5455. Effect of energy restriction on appetite regulation and metabolism at rest and during exercise
  5456. The Effects of High-Intensity, Intermittent Exercise on Energy Intake and its Regulation: Implications for Exercise Guidelines for appetite Control
  5457. Associations amongst sedentary and active behaviours, energy expenditure, body fat and appetite dysregulation
  5458. Impact of High and Low‐FODMAP Interventions on Free‐Living Subjective appetite
  5459. Excessive appetite vs. Inadequate Physical Activity in the Pathology of Obesity: Evidence from Objective Monitoring
  5460. Thylakoid membranes from green plants affect appetite and promote body weight loss
  5462. Sating a Voracious appetite: The Tidal Interaction of Close-in Planets with their Host Stars
  5463. Effects of Acute Aerobic Exercise and Protein Intake on appetite and the Neural Response to Visual Food Cues
  5464. The Impact of Essential Amino Acid Supplements Enriched With L-leucine on appetite and Energy Intake in Elderly Women
  5465. The Effect of Protein Quantity and Quality at Breakfast on Energy Metabolism, appetite and Metabolic Health
  5466. Effect of pre-meal active video game playing on subjective appetite and short-term food intake in 9-14 year old children.
  5467. Surprise! Emerald Ash Borers have an appetite for White Fringetree Too!
  5468. Differing Effects of High Fat or High Carbohydrate Meals on appetite and Food Hedonics in Overweight and Obese Individuals. 2
  5469. Case report Diabetes mellitus in an obese adolescent boy with voracious appetite: An unusual Presentation: Prader-Willi syndrome
  5470. The effect of sucrose-sweetened and artificially sweetened beverages on appetite and weight
  5471. Hyperphagia of pregnancy and lactation is associated with changes in appetite-regulating gut hormones and gastrointestinal modifications in Wistar rats
  5472. The influence of a carbohydrate and whey protein based breakfast on metabolic and appetite parameters following a second meal
  5473. Foods for appetite control: Can carbohydrates stimulate the ileal brake and enhance satiety?
  5474. The Effect of Neuropetide Y Knockdown on Hypothalamic Superoxide Dismutase-Associated appetite Control in Acute Amphetamine-Treated Rats
  5475. Highlighted Paper selected by Editor-in-Chief: appetite-Enhancing Effects: The Influence of Concentrations of Benzylacetone and trans-Cinnamaldehyde and Their …
  5476. Thylakoid membrane from spinach-effect of processing on their function as appetite suppressing ingredient
  5477. Is the presence of sedentary behaviour or the absence of physical activity responsible for fat mass and appetite dysregulation? Preliminary results from the DAPHNE …
  5478. Effect of Eating Speed at Breakfast on Gut appetite Hormone Responses and Daily Energy Intake
  5479. The effect of hue, value and chroma of blue pattern and motifs on real white plates on the appetite for food.
  5480. Drift-kelp suppresses sea urchin appetite for destruction
  5481. Research Article Oleoylethanolamide: A Novel Potential Pharmacological Alternative to Cannabinoid Antagonists for the Control of appetite
  5482. Exchange Rate and Current Account Dynamics: the Role of Asset Market Structure, Long-Run Risk and Risk appetite
  5483. How strongly does appetite counter weight loss? Quantification of the homeostatic control of human energy intake
  5484. Effect of short term erythropoietin therapy on insulin resistance and some appetite neuropeptides in end stage renal disease patients on hemodialysis
  5485. Paradoxical Regulation of Copper and Zinc and Changes in Neurogenesis, Alcohol Preference and Salt appetite in Isolated Male Rats
  5486. Understanding Cilia Function on POMC Neurons in appetite and Satiety
  5487. Improvement in Hepatic Steatosis, Visceral Adiposity, and appetite by High Dietary Protein Supplementation: 2155
  5488. The Impact of Maternal Obesity on Offspring Obesity via Programmed Adipogenesis and appetite
  5489. The influence of exercise intensity on appetite regulating hormones GLP-1 and PYY in active healthy adults
  5490. Chronic inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress attenuates cardiovascular but not appetite responses to MC3/4R antagonism in SHR
  5491. The Effects of Bioactive Food Ingredients Alone or In Combination With Protein Supplement On Metabolism, Thermogenesis, Body Fat, Body Weight And appetite
  5492. Semaglutide Reduces appetite and Energy Intake, Improves Control of Eating and Provides Weight Loss in Subjects with Obesity
  5493. Emotions in Eating Disorders: The Interplay of Emotion Regulation and Inhibitory Control in appetite and Eating Behaviour
  5494. Repellent and appetite-suppressive effect of nicotine on Empoasca vitis and Ectropis obliqua.
  5495. Examining the Acute Effects of Exercise Intensity on Subsequent appetite, Food Intake, Resting Energy Expenditure and Fat Oxidation
  5496. appetite regulating neuropeptides in alcohol addiction: focus on melanin concentrating hormone and its mch1-receptor
  5497. Maternal Triclosan consumption alters the appetite regulatory network on Wistar rat of spring and predispose to metabolic syndrome in the adulthood
  5498. Postprandial Metabolic and appetite Responses Following Whey Protein Supplementation at Breakfast
  5499. Brain Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Stress Reduces appetite and Increases Blood Pressure Independent of the Melanocortin-4 Receptor in Rats
  5500. Twenty-four-week effects of liraglutide on body composition, adherence to appetite, and lipid profile in overweight and obese patients with type 2 diabetes …
  5501. Development of functional bread with beta glucan and black tea and effects on appetite regulation, glucose and insulin responses in healthy volunteers
  5502. Effect of reducing portion size at a single meal on daily energy intake, appetite and gastrointestinal hormones in overweight and obese adults
  5503. Acute appetite, energy intake and physical activity levels of 8 to 11 year-old boys in response to active video gaming
  5504. The influence of nutritional status and environmental factors on growth, feeding behaviour and appetite-related peptide transcript expression in Atlantic cod (Gadus …
  5505. Role of dietary ingredients on fish performance and genes associated with appetite, growth, metabolism, and intestinal inflammation in channel catfish …
  5506. Co-Ingestion of Whey Protein with a Carbohydrate-Rich Breakfast Does Not Affect Glycemia, Insulinemia or Subjective appetite Following a Subsequent Meal in …
  5507. Behavioral and neuronal effects induced by appetite suppressants: modulation of the nucleus accumbens activity in rats= Efectos conduactuales y neuronales …
  5508. … in particular, we come to know, understand, and hopefully feel how students experience university, their aspirations for serving society, and the depth of their appetite
  5510. Roles of appetite and weight loss in the metabolic effects of prolonged treatment with hypoxia, emodin and metformin in rodents
  5511. Effects of acute and chronic exercise on appetite regulatory hormones, craving and body weight in sedentary lean and overweight/obese females
  5512. Differences in Subjective appetite and Gastric Motility after Ingestion of a Solution of Noncaloric, Artificial Sweetener or Natural Sweetener of Equivalent Sweetness
  5513. Central Control of Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis: Age-related changes in thirst, salt appetite, and arterial blood pressure in response to aldosterone …
  5514. Leptin improves fatty liver independently of insulin sensitization and appetite suppression in hepatocyte-specific Pten-deficient mice with insulin hypersensitivity
  5515. Effects of dietary protein and fiber at breakfast on postprandial appetite, neural responses to visual food stimuli, and ad libitum energy intake at lunch in overweight …
  5516. A Particular appetite: Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations of Preferential Accretion in the Supermassive Black Holes of Milky Way Size Galaxies
  5518. Independent effects of 7-days imposed exercise on free-living energy balance and appetite-regulating hormones in males
  5519. D1 and D2 antagonists reverse the effects of appetite suppressants on weight loss, food intake, locomotion and rebalance spiking inhibition in the rat NAc shell 2 B …
  5520. Impact of nutritional labelling on 10-d energy intake, appetite perceptions and attitudes towards food
  5522. The Effects of Exercise Intensity on Acylated Ghrelin, Active Glucagon-like Peptide-1, and appetite: Examining The Potential Involvement of Interleukin-6
  5523. 0988 The relationship between the expression of genes regulating appetite control and feeding behavior in pigs divergent in feed efficiency
  5524. 522: Bisphenol A (BPA) increases neural progenitor cell proliferation and enhances differentiation of appetite vs satiety neurons
  5525. Effect of oat-based ready-to-eat 70 g break-fast on appetite control, satiety and perspective food intake versus 55 and 35 g: a randomized, crossover study.
  5526. Influence of Omega‐6 and Omega‐3 HUFA Status on appetite
  5527. Co-Ingestion of Whey Protein with a Carbohydrate-2 Rich Breakfast Does Not Affect Glycaemia, 3 Insulinaemia or Subjective appetite Following a 4 …
  5528. Problematising Big Food’s appetite for policymaking the case of
  5529. … one step further (Watkins 2005) to draw attention to groups within those “source nations” that serve as fodder for the “internationalist appetite” for cultural property …
  5530. Antwerp’s appetite for Congolese Hands
  5531. Assessing a child’s appetite could help prevent obesity
  5532. Giorgio Vasari and Niccolò Machiavelli’s Medicean appetite for Peace and Glory
  5533. … USA Clinical History: A 38-year-old man presented to his primary care physician with complaints of pruritus, jaundice, and poor appetite. The patient had been …
  5534. … of anticipated anxiety from eating increasing portions of food in adolescents with and without anorexia nervosa: Pilot studies. appetite, 97, 160-168. DOI
  5535. 20. An appetite for Punitiveness: Politics & Media in California’s Three-Strikes Law
  5536. 18 Satisfying an appetite for books
  5537. Toward a wiring diagram understanding of appetite control
  5538. appetite-controlling endocrine systems in teleosts
  5539. Biological control of appetite: a daunting complexity
  5540. A spotlight on appetite
  5541. Three pillars for the neural control of appetite
  5542. Neurohormonal regulation of appetite and its relationship with stress: A mini literature review
  5543. External cues challenging the internal appetite control system—Overview and practical implications
  5544. Psychological and neural contributions to appetite self‐regulation
  5545. Obesity, appetite, and the prefrontal cortex
  5546. Weight loss and appetite control in women
  5547. Hypothalamic circuits regulating appetite and energy homeostasis: pathways to obesity
  5548. Acute and chronic effects of exercise on appetite, energy intake, and appetite-related hormones: the modulating effect of adiposity, sex, and habitual physical …
  5549. Role of the gut microbiota in host appetite control: bacterial growth to animal feeding behaviour
  5550. Poor appetite and dietary intake in community‐dwelling older adults
  5551. Microbiota-gut-brain axis: modulator of host metabolism and appetite
  5552. appetite self‐regulation: Environmental and policy influences on eating behaviors
  5553. Investigation of the long-term sustainability of changes in appetite after weight loss
  5554. Caffeine, coffee, and appetite control: a review
  5555. The vagus nerve in appetite regulation, mood, and intestinal inflammation
  5556. Systematic literature review shows that appetite rating does not predict energy intake
  5557. Mere experience of low subjective socioeconomic status stimulates appetite and food intake
  5558. Behavioural susceptibility theory: Professor Jane Wardle and the role of appetite in genetic risk of obesity
  5559. Energy consumption to environmental degradation, the growth appetite in SAARC nations
  5560. An appetite for life: brain regulation of hunger and satiety
  5561. Distinct neural mechanisms for the control of thirst and salt appetite in the subfornical organ
  5562. Acute effects of exercise on appetite, ad libitum energy intake and appetite-regulatory hormones in lean and overweight/obese men and women
  5563. MC4R-dependent suppression of appetite by bone-derived lipocalin 2
  5564. The impact of gut hormones on the neural circuit of appetite and satiety: A systematic review
  5565. Stress effects on the mechanisms regulating appetite in teleost fish
  5566. appetite-related eating behaviours: an overview of assessment methods, determinants and effects on children’s weight
  5567. The effect of nabilone on appetite, nutritional status, and quality of life in lung cancer patients: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial
  5568. The relationship between pro-inflammatory cytokines and pain, appetite and fatigue in patients with advanced cancer
  5569. Timeline of changes in appetite during weight loss with a ketogenic diet
  5570. A ketone ester drink lowers human ghrelin and appetite
  5571. Cognitive control of eating: the role of memory in appetite and weight gain
  5572. A measure of risk appetite for the macroeconomy
  5573. Butyrate reduces appetite and activates brown adipose tissue via the gut-brain neural circuit
  5574. Protein for life: Review of optimal protein intake, sustainable dietary sources and the effect on appetite in ageing adults
  5575. Impact of ambient odors on food intake, saliva production and appetite ratings
  5576. Salt appetite, and the influence of opioids
  5577. The contribution of behavioural science to nutrition: appetite control
  5578. High-intensity interval training, appetite, and reward value of food in the obese
  5579. Homeostatic and non-homeostatic appetite control along the spectrum of physical activity levels: An updated perspective
  5580. Fructooligosaccharides and appetite
  5581. From belly to brain: targeting the ghrelin receptor in appetite and food intake regulation
  5582. Stress, cortisol, and other appetite‐related hormones: Prospective prediction of 6‐month changes in food cravings and weight
  5583. The use of functional magnetic resonance imaging in the study of appetite and obesity
  5584. Development of appetite self‐regulation: integrating perspectives from attachment and family systems theory
  5585. Prebiotic supplementation improves appetite control in children with overweight and obesity: a randomized controlled trial
  5586. Effects of aerobic, strength or combined exercise on perceived appetite and appetite-related hormones in inactive middle-aged men
  5587. Associations between maternal body composition and appetite hormones and macronutrients in human milk
  5588. A review of the characteristics of dietary fibers relevant to appetite and energy intake outcomes in human intervention trials
  5589. appetite disorders in cancer patients: Impact on nutritional status and quality of life
  5590. Usefulness of Simplified Nutritional appetite Questionnaire (SNAQ) in appetite assessment in elder patients with liver cirrhosis
  5591. Determinants of health related quality of life in home dwelling elderly population: appetite and nutritional status
  5592. Transformative appetite: shape-changing food transforms from 2D to 3D by water interaction through cooking
  5593. Current understanding of the hypothalamic ghrelin pathways inducing appetite and adiposity
  5594. Some recipes can do more than spoil your appetite: Analyzing the security and privacy risks of IFTTT recipes
  5595. Early life characteristics associated with appetite-related eating behaviors in 7-year-old children
  5596. Influence of oral processing on appetite and food intake–a systematic review and meta-analysis
  5597. Effects of once‐weekly semaglutide on appetite, energy intake, control of eating, food preference and body weight in subjects with obesity
  5598. Interactions between metabolic, reward and cognitive processes in appetite control: Implications for novel weight management therapies
  5599. HSD2 neurons in the hindbrain drive sodium appetite
  5600. Associations among sedentary and active behaviours, body fat and appetite dysregulation: investigating the myth of physical inactivity and obesity
  5601. Development of the Japanese version of the Council on Nutrition appetite Questionnaire and its simplified versions, and evaluation of their reliability, validity, and …
  5602. The role of the vagus nerve in appetite control: Implications for the pathogenesis of obesity
  5603. Evaluating the profound effect of gut microbiome on host appetite in pigs
  5604. appetite, food intake and gut hormone responses to intense aerobic exercise of different duration
  5605. Bile acids are important direct and indirect regulators of the secretion of appetite-and metabolism-regulating hormones from the gut and pancreas
  5606. High-throughput screening for selective appetite modulators: A multibehavioral and translational drug discovery strategy
  5607. appetite suppression and altered food preferences coincide with changes in appetite-mediating hormones during energy deficit at high altitude, but are not affected by …
  5608. Deep brain stimulation for appetite disorders: a review
  5609. Leptin signaling in the control of metabolism and appetite: lessons from animal models
  5610. Hungry brains: A meta-analytical review of brain activation imaging studies on food perception and appetite in obese individuals
  5611. The effects of kisspeptin on β‐cell function, serum metabolites and appetite in humans
  5612. Mechanisms responsible for homeostatic appetite control: theoretical advances and practical implications
  5613. appetite during the recovery phase of critical illness: a cohort study
  5614. Effects of aroma and taste, independently or in combination, on appetite sensation and subsequent food intake
  5615. AgRP neurons can increase food intake during conditions of appetite suppression and inhibit anorexigenic parabrachial neurons
  5616. Effects of chronic heat exposure on growth performance, intestinal epithelial histology, appetite‐related hormones and genes expression in broilers
  5617. Reliability and validity of Turkish version of the Simplified Nutritional appetite Questionnaire (SNAQ)
  5618. Dietary sodium propionate affects mucosal immune parameters, growth and appetite related genes expression: Insights from zebrafish model
  5619. Does a larger menu increase appetite? Collateral eligibility and credit supply
  5620. Measuring appetite and food intake
  5621. Methodological challenges in studies examining the effects of breakfast on cognitive performance and appetite in children and adolescents
  5622. Oleoylethanolamide increases the expression of PPAR-Α and reduces appetite and body weight in obese people: a clinical trial
  5623. appetite-regulating hormones in early life and relationships with type of feeding and body composition in healthy term infants
  5624. The effects of partial sleep restriction and altered sleep timing on appetite and food reward
  5625. Placenta and appetite genes GDF15 and IGFBP7 are associated with hyperemesis gravidarum
  5626. The role of fatty acids and their endocannabinoid-like derivatives in the molecular regulation of appetite
  5627. Influence of probiotics administration on gut microbiota core: a review on the effects on appetite control, glucose, and lipid metabolism
  5628. Monster appetite: Effects of subversive framing on nutritional choices in a digital game environment
  5629. Peripheral and central nutrient sensing underlying appetite regulation
  5630. Impact of weight loss achieved through a multidisciplinary intervention on appetite in patients with severe obesity
  5631. Effects of twelve weeks of capsaicinoid supplementation on body composition, appetite and self-reported caloric intake in overweight individuals
  5632. High fat induces acute and chronic inflammation in the hypothalamus: effect of high-fat diet, palmitate and TNF-α on appetite-regulating NPY neurons
  5633. The gut–brain axis in health neuroscience: implications for functional gastrointestinal disorders and appetite regulation
  5634. In vivo maternal and in vitro BPA exposure effects on hypothalamic neurogenesis and appetite regulators
  5635. Effects of exenatide on weight and appetite in overweight adolescents and young adults with Prader‐Willi syndrome
  5636. Obesity-associated gene TMEM18 has a role in the central control of appetite and body weight regulation
  5637. Emulsion-alginate beads designed to control in vitro intestinal lipolysis: Towards appetite control
  5638. The effects of ghrelin on sleep, appetite, and memory, and its possible role in depression: a review of the literature
  5639. The effect of moderate versus severe simulated altitude on appetite, gut hormones, energy intake and substrate oxidation in men
  5640. Are baby animals less appetizing? Tenderness toward baby animals and appetite for meat
  5641. Too humanlike to increase my appetite: Disposition to anthropomorphize animals relates to decreased meat consumption through empathic concern
  5642. From appetite setpoint to appetition: 50 years of ingestive behavior research
  5643. The effects of Spirulina Platensis on anthropometric indices, appetite, lipid profile and serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in obese individuals: a …
  5644. Examination of emotion-induced changes in eating: A latent profile analysis of the Emotional appetite Questionnaire
  5645. Body composition impacts appetite regulation in middle childhood. A prospective study of Norwegian community children
  5646. Natural dietary products and their effects on appetite control
  5647. appetite responses to high-fat meals or diets of varying fatty acid composition: a comprehensive review
  5648. Effect of shortened sleep on energy expenditure, core body temperature, and appetite: a human randomised crossover trial
  5649. Gastric bypass surgery recruits a gut PPAR-α-striatal D1R pathway to reduce fat appetite in obese rats
  5650. Weight loss decreases self-reported appetite and alters food preferences in overweight and obese adults: observational data from the DiOGenes study
  5651. A tale of two circuits: CCKNTS neuron stimulation controls appetite and induces opposing motivational states by projections to distinct brain regions
  5652. AMPK signaling to acetyl-CoA carboxylase is required for fasting-and cold-induced appetite but not thermogenesis
  5653. Beverages containing low energy sweeteners do not differ from water in their effects on appetite, energy intake and food choices in healthy, non-obese French …
  5654. appetite regulating factors in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus): tissue distribution and effects of food quantity and quality on gene expression
  5655. Interactions between bitter taste, diet and dysbiosis: Consequences for appetite and obesity
  5656. Non-nutritive sweeteners: evidence on their association with metabolic diseases and potential effects on glucose metabolism and appetite
  5657. Capromorelin: a ghrelin receptor agonist and novel therapy for stimulation of appetite in dogs
  5658. Liraglutide modulates appetite and body weight through glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor–expressing glutamatergic neurons
  5659. Coordinated balance of Rac1 and RhoA plays key roles in determining phagocytic appetite
  5660. Interindividual responses of appetite to acute exercise: a replicated crossover study
  5661. Effects of oat β-glucan consumption at breakfast on ad libitum eating, appetite, glycemia, insulinemia and GLP-1 concentrations in healthy subjects
  5662. Effect of whey protein supplementation on long and short term appetite: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  5663. An examination of appetite and disordered eating in active Crohn’s disease
  5664. Inulin‐type fructans and whey protein both modulate appetite but only fructans alter gut microbiota in adults with overweight/obesity: a randomized controlled trial
  5665. appetite for health-related food taxes: New Zealand stakeholder views
  5666. A study of effects of entrepreneurial passion and risk appetite on entrepreneurial performance
  5667. Cancer anorexia: hypothalamic activity and its association with inflammation and appetite‐regulating peptides in lung cancer
  5668. Decreased appetite after high-intensity exercise correlates with increased plasma interleukin-6 in normal-weight and overweight/obese boys
  5669. Saffron and crocin improved appetite, dietary intakes and body composition in patients with coronary artery disease
  5670. Assessing appetite of the swimming fish based on spontaneous collective behaviors in a recirculating aquaculture system
  5671. A new role for extracellular vesicles: how small vesicles can feed tumors’ big appetite
  5672. Hypoxia-related hormonal appetite modulation in humans during rest and exercise: mini review
  5673. appetite, energy intake and food reward responses to an acute High Intensity Interval Exercise in adolescents with obesity
  5674. Eat to live or live to eat? The neurobiology of appetite regulation
  5675. appetite suppressing effect of Spinacia oleracea in rats: involvement of the short term satiety signal cholecystokinin
  5676. Hibiscus and lemon verbena polyphenols modulate appetite-related biomarkers in overweight subjects: A randomized controlled trial
  5677. Effects of liquid oil vs. oleogel co-ingested with a carbohydrate-rich meal on human blood triglycerides, glucose, insulin and appetite
  5678. Altered neural responsivity to food cues in relation to food preferences, but not appetite-related hormone concentrations after RYGB-surgery
  5679. Effects of randomized whey-protein loads on energy intake, appetite, gastric emptying, and plasma gut-hormone concentrations in older men and women
  5680. Aldosterone-sensing neurons in the NTS exhibit state-dependent pacemaker activity and drive sodium appetite via synergy with angiotensin II signaling
  5681. The essence of appetite: does olfactory receptor variation play a role?
  5682. The vice of curiosity: An essay on intellectual appetite
  5683. Cayenne pepper in a meal: Effect of oral heat on feelings of appetite, sensory specific desires and well-being
  5684. appetite, metabolism and hormonal regulation in normal ageing and dementia
  5685. Testing the addictive appetite model of binge eating: The importance of craving, coping, and reward enhancement
  5686. Does deliberation breed an appetite for discursive participation? Assessing the impact of first-hand experience
  5687. FFA4 (GPR120) as a fatty acid sensor involved in appetite control, insulin sensitivity and inflammation regulation
  5688. Acute effect of resistant starch on food intake, appetite and satiety in overweight/obese males
  5689. appetite suppressive role of medial septal glutamatergic neurons
  5690. appetite-enhancing effects of vanilla flavours such as vanillin
  5691. Very low volume sprint interval exercise suppresses subjective appetite, lowers acylated ghrelin, and elevates GLP-1 in overweight individuals: A pilot study
  5692. The impact of the appetite-regulating, orexigenic peptide ghrelin on alcohol use disorders: A systematic review of preclinical and clinical data
  5693. Acute consumption of resistant starch reduces food intake but has no effect on appetite ratings in healthy subjects
  5694. Breakfast consumption augments appetite, eating behavior, and exploratory markers of sleep quality compared with skipping breakfast in healthy young adults
  5695. The relationship between physical activity, appetite and energy intake in older adults: a systematic review
  5696. Dexamethasone alters the appetite regulation via induction of hypothalamic insulin resistance in rat brain
  5697. Potential involvement of lactate and interleukin-6 in the appetite-regulatory hormonal response to an acute exercise bout
  5698. Tracking diet variety in childhood and its association with eating behaviours related to appetite: The generation XXI birth cohort
  5699. Effects of caloric and noncaloric sweeteners on antroduodenal motility, gastrointestinal hormone secretion and appetite-related sensations in healthy subjects
  5700. Acute effects of monosodium glutamate addition to whey protein on appetite, food intake, blood glucose, insulin and gut hormones in healthy young men
  5701. Self-rated health, quality of life and appetite as predictors of initiation of dialysis and mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease stages 4–5: a prospective …
  5702. Effects of placebo interventions on subjective and objective markers of appetite–a randomized controlled trial
  5703. Validation and factor structure of the french-language version of the Emotional appetite Questionnaire (EMAQ)
  5704. A small dose of whey protein co-ingested with mixed-macronutrient breakfast and lunch meals improves postprandial glycemia and suppresses appetite in men with …
  5705. The effects of organizational risk appetite and social pressure on aggressive financial reporting behavior
  5706. β-Eudesmol, an oxygenized sesquiterpene, stimulates appetite via TRPA1 and the autonomic nervous system
  5707. Loss of stomach, loss of appetite? Sequencing of the ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) genome and intestinal transcriptomic profiling illuminate the evolution of …
  5708. Pre-and postprandial variation in implicit attention to food images reflects appetite and sensory-specific satiety
  5709. Ghrelin-reactive immunoglobulins in conditions of altered appetite and energy balance
  5710. Parenting influences on appetite and weight
  5711. The effects of hypoxia on hunger perceptions, appetite-related hormone concentrations and energy intake: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  5712. appetite‐Inducing Effects of Homoeriodictyol: Two Randomized, Cross‐Over Interventions
  5713. Melatonin treatment suppresses appetite genes and improves adipose tissue plasticity in diet-induced obese zebrafish
  5714. Effect of resistant wheat starch on subjective appetite and food intake in healthy adults
  5715. A low energy–dense diet in the context of a weight-management program affects appetite control in overweight and obese women
  5716. Acute administration of capsaicin increases resting energy expenditure in young obese subjects without affecting energy intake, appetite, and circulating levels of …
  5717. Considering our methods: methodological issues with rodent models of appetite and obesity research
  5718. appetite influences the responses to meal ingestion
  5719. Interrelationships of child appetite, weight and snacking among Hispanic preschoolers
  5720. appetite, metabolism and growth regulation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) exposed to hypoxia at elevated seawater temperature
  5721. Untangling appetite circuits with optogenetics and chemogenetics
  5722. appetite for knowledge: curiosity and children’s academic achievement
  5723. Introduction to special issue: Self‐regulation of appetite—it’s complicated
  5724. Cut‐off Serum Zinc Concentration Affecting the appetite, Growth, and Nutrition Status of Undernourished Children Supplemented With Zinc
  5725. Effect of incorporating stevia and moringa in cookies on postprandial glycemia, appetite, palatability, and gastrointestinal well-being
  5726. Hypotheses and evidence related to intense sweeteners and effects on appetite and body weight changes: a scoping review of reviews
  5727. Neural basis of ventromedial hypothalamic oxytocin-driven decrease in appetite
  5728. Effect of exercise duration on subsequent appetite and energy intake in obese adolescent girls
  5729. Premenstrual appetite and emotional responses to foods among women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder
  5730. The acute effect of oleic-or linoleic acid-containing meals on appetite and metabolic markers; a pilot study in overweight or obese individuals
  5731. Effect of gender on the acute effects of whey protein ingestion on energy intake, appetite, gastric emptying and gut hormone responses in healthy young …
  5732. … after weight loss do not improve weight maintenance compared with recommended dietary protein intake despite beneficial effects on appetite sensation and energy …
  5733. Evaluation of the effects and mechanism of L-citrulline on anti-obesity by appetite suppression in obese/diabetic KK-Ay mice and high-fat diet fed SD rats
  5734. Energy metabolism and appetite control: separate roles for fat-free mass and fat mass in the control of food intake in humans
  5735. Influence of FTO rs9939609 polymorphism on appetite, ghrelin, leptin, IL6, TNFα levels, and food intake of women with morbid obesity
  5736. Ocean rafting and marine debris: A broader vector menu requires a greater appetite for invasion biology research support
  5737. Consumer risk appetite, the credit cycle and the housing bubble
  5738. Prolonged exposure to monosodium glutamate in healthy young adults decreases perceived umami taste and diminishes appetite for savory foods
  5739. Protein from meat or vegetable sources in meals matched for fiber content has similar effects on subjective appetite sensations and energy intake—a randomized …
  5740. The effect of exercise intensity on gastric emptying rate, appetite and gut derived hormone responses after consuming a standardised semi-solid meal in healthy …
  5741. The effect of meal frequency in a reduced-energy regimen on the gastrointestinal and appetite hormones in patients with type 2 diabetes: A randomised …
  5742. appetite perceptions, gastrointestinal symptoms, ghrelin, peptide YY and state anxiety are disturbed in adolescent females with anorexia nervosa and only partially …
  5743. Change of appetite in patients with functional digestive disorder. Association with psychological disorders: A cross‐sectional study
  5744. Omentectomy prevents metabolic syndrome by reducing appetite and body weight in a diet-induced obesity rat model
  5745. Morning and afternoon appetite and gut hormone responses to meal and stress challenges in obese individuals with and without binge eating disorder
  5746. Problematic eating behaviours, changes in appetite, and weight gain in Major Depressive Disorder: The role of leptin
  5747. The acute effects of simple sugar ingestion on appetite, gut-derived hormone response, and metabolic markers in men
  5748. Systematic review of the evidence for sustained efficacy of dietary interventions for reducing appetite or energy intake
  5749. Post-exercise appetite and ad libitum energy intake in response to high-intensity interval training versus moderate-or vigorous-intensity continuous training …
  5750. Pre-and within-meal effects of fluid dairy products on appetite, food intake, glycemia, and regulatory hormones in children
  5751. Neuronal O-GlcNAc transferase regulates appetite, body weight, and peripheral insulin resistance
  5752. appetite-associated responses to central neuropeptide Y injection in quail
  5753. Chicory roots for prebiotics and appetite regulation: A pilot study in mice
  5754. One evidence of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) has the bidirectional effects on appetite in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)
  5755. Genetic susceptibility to the “obesogenic” environment: the role of eating behavior in obesity and an appetite for change
  5756. Gonadal ecdysone titers are modulated by protein availability but do not impact protein appetite
  5757. Acute effects of substitution, and addition, of carbohydrates and fat to protein on gastric emptying, blood glucose, gut hormones, appetite, and energy intake
  5758. The effect of dairy and nondairy beverages consumed with high glycemic cereal on subjective appetite, food intake, and postprandial glycemia in young adults
  5759. Brown adipose tissue is associated with systemic concentrations of peptides secreted from the gastrointestinal system and involved in appetite regulation
  5760. … in high plant‐based diets on feed intake, growth performance, serum biochemical parameters, digestive enzyme activities and appetite‐related genes expression of …
  5761. “Those who care much, understand much.” Maternal perceptions of children’s appetite: Perspectives from urban and rural caregivers of diverse parenting experience …
  5762. POMC neurons in heat: A link between warm temperatures and appetite suppression
  5763. Postprandial metabolism and appetite do not differ between lean adults that eat breakfast or morning fast for 6 weeks
  5764. The effects of fasting and appetite regulators on catecholamine and serotonin synthesis pathways in goldfish (Carassius auratus)
  5765. Reproductive and appetite hormones and bulimic symptoms during midlife
  5766. Comparison of the effects of goat dairy and cow dairy based breakfasts on satiety, appetite hormones, and metabolic profile
  5767. Association between appetite and sarcopenia in patients with mild cognitive impairment and early-stage Alzheimer’s disease: a case-control study
  5768. The effects of ovariectomy and lifelong high-fat diet consumption on body weight, appetite, and lifespan in female rats
  5769. Changes in appetite, energy intake, body composition, and circulating ghrelin constituents during an incremental trekking ascent to high altitude
  5770. The effects of gelled konjac glucomannan fibre on appetite and energy intake in healthy individuals: a randomised cross-over trial
  5771. Chronic unpredictable mild stress progressively disturbs glucose metabolism and appetite hormones in rats
  5772. … of whole grain rye, with and without resistant starch type 2 supplementation, on glucose tolerance, gut hormones, inflammation and appetite regulation in an …
  5773. Effect on body weight, quality of life and appetite following individualized, nutritional counselling to home-living elderly after rehabilitation–An open randomized trial
  5774. Impact of sourdough fermentation on appetite and postprandial metabolic responses–a randomised cross-over trial with whole grain rye crispbread
  5775. The nanocurcumin reduces appetite in obese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (nafld): a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial
  5776. Molecular and elemental effects underlying the biochemical action of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in appetite control
  5777. appetite control by the tongue-gut axis and evaluation of the role of CD36/SR-B2
  5778. Changes in stress and appetite responses in male power-trained athletes during intensive training camp
  5779. Effects of substitution, and adding of carbohydrate and fat to whey-protein on energy intake, appetite, gastric emptying, glucose, insulin, ghrelin, CCK and GLP …
  5780. Polyphenol-rich spice-based beverages modulated postprandial early glycaemia, appetite and PYY after breakfast challenge in healthy subjects: A randomized …
  5781. Effects of polydextrose with breakfast or with a midmorning preload on food intake and other appetite-related parameters in healthy normal-weight and …
  5782. Effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on serum leptin levels, appetite sensations, and intake of energy and macronutrients in obese people: A …
  5783. Effects of 12-week circuit exercise program on obesity index, appetite regulating hormones, and insulin resistance in middle-aged obese females
  5784. Repeated weight cycling in obese mice causes increased appetite and glucose intolerance
  5785. The influence of local government decision-making competition on enterprise innovation investment under information asymmetry and multiple risk appetite type
  5786. … in the gastric mucosal protection against stress-induced gastric lesions. Importance of renin-angiotensin vasoactive metabolites, gaseous mediators and appetite
  5787. Do South African consumers have an appetite for an origin-based certification system for meat products? A synthesis of studies on perceptions, preferences and …
  5788. Neural circuits that suppress appetite: targets for treating obesity?
  5789. Depressive symptoms moderate the association between appetite and health status in patients with heart failure
  5790. Subjective feelings of appetite of wholegrain breakfasts evaluated under controlled, laboratory and ‘at home’conditions
  5791. Impact of Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass surgery on appetite, alcohol intake behaviors, and midbrain ghrelin signaling in the rat
  5792. Irisin in goldfish (Carassius auratus): Effects of irisin injections on feeding behavior and expression of appetite regulators, uncoupling proteins and lipoprotein lipase …
  5793. Htr2c splice variants and 5HT2CR-mediated appetite
  5794. … -based evening meal on microbiota composition of young healthy lean volunteers with an emphasis on their hormonal and appetite regulations, and blood …
  5795. Association of social jetlag experienced by young northerners with their appetite after having breakfast
  5796. Modification of appetite by bread consumption: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
  5797. Body composition, appetite‐related hormones, adipocytokines, and heart failure in adult patients with congenital heart disease: A preliminary study
  5798. Acute effects of exercise intensity on subsequent substrate utilisation, appetite, and energy balance in men and women
  5799. Dietary macronutrient composition affects hypothalamic appetite regulation in chicks
  5800. Incorporating appetite awareness training within family-based behavioral treatment of pediatric obesity: A randomized controlled pilot study
  5801. appetite hormones in children and adolescents with cancer: a systematic review of observational studies
  5802. Acute effects of dietary carbohydrate restriction on glycemia, lipemia and appetite regulating hormones in normal-weight to obese subjects
  5803. What’s Your Risk appetite? Helping Financial Advisors Better Serve Clients (by Quantifying Kahneman-Tversky’s Value Function).
  5804. Duodenal and ileal glucose infusions differentially alter gastrointestinal peptides, appetite response, and food intake: a tube feeding study
  5805. Presence of music while eating: Effects on energy intake, eating rate and appetite sensations
  5806. appetite loss as a potential predictor of suicidal ideation and self-harm in adolescents: A school-based study
  5807. A bedtime milk snack does not impact RMR, substrate utilisation and appetite the following morning in mildly overweight males
  5808. Effects of the SGLT2 inhibitor ipragliflozin on food intake, appetite-regulating hormones, and arteriovenous differences in postprandial glucose levels in type 2 …
  5809. Genetic variations of circulating adiponectin levels modulate changes in appetite in response to weight-loss diets
  5810. Chickpeas suppress postprandial blood glucose concentration, and appetite and reduce energy intake at the next meal
  5811. Evaluation of the safety in dogs of long‐term, daily oral administration of capromorelin, a novel drug for stimulation of appetite
  5812. Review and analysis of physical exercise at hormonal and brain level, and its influence on appetite
  5813. Black pepper-based beverage induced appetite-suppressing effects without altering postprandial glycaemia, gut and thyroid hormones or gastrointestinal well …
  5814. Effect of commercially available sugar-sweetened beverages on subjective appetite and short-term food intake in girls
  5815. Rivastigmine improves appetite by increasing the plasma Acyl/Des-Acyl ghrelin ratio and cortisol in Alzheimer disease
  5816. The influence of maternal obesity and breastfeeding on infant appetite-and growth-related hormone concentrations: the SKOT cohort studies
  5817. Impact of experimentally induced cognitive dietary restraint on eating behavior traits, appetite sensations, and markers of stress during energy restriction in …
  5818. The effect of dairy products consumed with high glycemic carbohydrate on subjective appetite, food intake, and postprandial glycemia in older adults
  5819. Whetting disadvantaged adults’ appetite for nutrition education
  5820. Bone-derived hormone suppresses appetite
  5821. Effects of the physical-form and the degree-of-saturation of oil on postprandial plasma triglycerides, glycemia and appetite of healthy Chinese adults
  5822. Association of physical activity and appetite with visual function related to driving competence in older adults
  5823. Brief report: Ramadan as a model of intermittent fasting: Effects on body composition, metabolic parameters, gut hormones and appetite in adults with and without type …
  5824. Comparison of consumption behavior and appetite sensations among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus after bariatric surgery
  5825. Effect of a high-protein, high-fiber beverage preload on subjective appetite ratings and subsequent ad libitum energy intake in overweight men and women: A …
  5826. Characterization of appetite-regulating factors in platyfish, Xiphophorus maculatus (Cyprinodontiformes Poeciliidae)
  5827. Does a larger menu increase appetite? Collateral eligibility and credit supply
  5828. Chronic intake of commercial sweeteners induces changes in feeding behavior and signaling pathways related to the control of appetite in BALB/c mice
  5829. An appetite for modernizing the regulatory framework for protein content claims in Canada
  5830. Rs12970134 near MC4R is associated with appetite and beverage intake in overweight and obese children: A family-based association study in Chinese …
  5831. Chewing stimulation reduces appetite ratings and attentional bias toward visual food stimuli in healthy-weight individuals
  5832. Energy depletion by 24-h fast leads to compensatory appetite responses compared with matched energy depletion by exercise in healthy young males
  5833. Central and peripheral regulation of appetite and food intake in Drosophila
  5834. Effects of kisspeptin-10 on hypothalamic neuropeptides and neurotransmitters involved in appetite control
  5835. appetite for or resistance to consumption relationships? A trans-European perspective on the marketisation of football fan relationships
  5836. Older adults with unintended weight loss: the role of appetite stimulants
  5837. appetite and food intake: central control
  5838. Meatballs with 3% and 6% dietary fibre from rye bran or pea fibre‐Effects on sensory quality and subjective appetite sensations
  5839. Aspartame consumption for 12 weeks does not affect glycemia, appetite, or body weight of healthy, lean adults in a randomized controlled trial
  5840. Enhanced angiotensin II induced sodium appetite in renovascular hypertensive rats
  5841. The effect of L-rhamnose on intestinal transit time, short chain fatty acids and appetite regulation: a pilot human study using combined 13 CO 2/H 2 breath tests
  5842. What to eat for a better sleep in haemodialysis patients: Potential role of B vitamins intake and appetite
  5843. Suppressed fat appetite after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery associates with reduced brain μ-opioid receptor availability in diet-induced obese male rats
  5844. EffectS of non-nutritive sWeetened beverages on appetite during aCtive weigHt loss (SWITCH): Protocol for a randomized, controlled trial assessing the …
  5845. Participation of ghrelin signalling in the reciprocal regulation of hypothalamic NPY/POMC-mediated appetite control in amphetamine-treated rats
  5846. Salt appetite is not increased in summer heat
  5847. Glucagon-like peptide 1 and its analogs act in the dorsal raphe and modulate central serotonin to reduce appetite and body weight
  5848. appetite for education in contemporary Asia
  5849. Self‐restraint spillover: Inhibitory control disrupts appetite regulation among ruminators
  5850. High amylose cornstarch preloads stabilized postprandial blood glucose but failed to reduce appetite or food intake in healthy women
  5851. Comparison between the effect of 6 weeks of morning or evening aerobic exercise on appetite and anthropometric indices: a randomized controlled trial
  5852. Hydrogen sulfide suppresses ghrelin secretion in vitro and delays postprandial ghrelin secretion while reducing appetite in mice
  5853. Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency in patients with chronic heart failure and its possible association with appetite loss
  5854. Additive effects of sensory-enhanced satiety and memory for recent eating on appetite
  5855. Opiate addiction and overdose: experiences, attitudes, and appetite for community naloxone provision
  5856. Salivary endocannabinoids and N-acylethanolamines upon mastication of a semisolid food: implications in fat taste, appetite and food liking
  5857. Chlorella additive increased growth performance, improved appetite and immune response of juvenile crucian carp Carassius auratus
  5858. … controlled trial of lorcaserin and lifestyle counselling for weight loss maintenance: changes in emotion‐and stress‐related eating, food cravings and appetite
  5859. Small interfering RNA mediated knockdown of irisin suppresses food intake and modulates appetite regulatory peptides in zebrafish
  5860. The effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of Achillea millefolium on appetite hormone in rats
  5861. Metabolic, endocrine and appetite-related responses to acute and daily milk snack consumption in healthy, adolescent males
  5862. The effect of methylphenidate on appetite and weight
  5863. Food intake and appetite following school-based high-intensity interval training in 9–11-year-old children
  5864. Does obestatin modulate the hypothalamic appetite‐regulating network in peripubertal sheep?
  5865. The inhibitory effect of NUCB2/nesfatin-1 on appetite regulation of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt)
  5866. appetite as motivated choice: Hormonal and environmental influences
  5867. Interrupting prolonged sitting with regular activity breaks does not acutely influence appetite: a randomised controlled trial
  5868. Structural modeling the relationship of food addiction and eating attitudes of young adults with emotional appetite and self-esteem
  5869. Computerized self-administered measures of mood and appetite for older adults: the novel assessment of nutrition and ageing toolkit
  5870. Effect of alternative oil sources at different dietary inclusion levels on food intake and appetite regulation via enteroendocrine and central factors in juvenile Solea …
  5871. Dietary Protein Modifies the Effect of the MC4R Genotype on 2-Year Changes in appetite and Food Craving: The POUNDS Lost Trial
  5872. … based on cod or veal in combination with high or low glycemic index carbohydrates did not affect diet-induced thermogenesis, appetite sensations, or subsequent …
  5873. appetite Control in C. elegans
  5874. Characteristics of eating behavior and the level of hormones regulating the appetite in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and body mass index more than …
  5875. Acute effect of high-intensity interval exercise and moderate-intensity continuous exercise on appetite in overweight/obese males: a pilot study
  5876. Physiological state tunes mesolimbic signaling: Lessons from sodium appetite and inspiration from Randall R. Sakai
  5877. Role of hypothalamic leptin-LepRb signaling in NPY-CART-mediated appetite suppression in amphetamine-treated rats
  5878. Infidelity appetite: psychological factors influencing married women to engage in extra-marital affairs
  5879. Effects of Lactogen 13, a New Probiotic Preparation, on Gut Microbiota and Endocrine Signals Controlling Growth and appetite of Oreochromis niloticus Juveniles
  5880. Effects of timing of whey protein intake on appetite and energy intake in healthy older men
  5881. Consuming almonds vs. Isoenergetic baked food does not differentially influence postprandial appetite or neural reward responses to visual food stimuli
  5882. Functional interrogation of the AgRP neural circuits in control of appetite, body weight, and behaviors
  5883. … Starch Protect Against Altered CB1 and 5‐HT1A and 2A Receptor Densities in Rat Brain: Implications for Preventing Cognitive and appetite Dysfunction During a …
  5884. Current state of the use of neuroimaging techniques to understand and alter appetite control in humans
  5885. Acute effects of high-intensity interval and moderate-intensity continuous exercise on GLP-1, appetite and energy intake in obese men: A crossover trial
  5886. Effects of walking in water on gut hormone concentrations and appetite: comparison with walking on land
  5887. Age modifies the association between serum obestatin, appetite and nutritional status in maintenance hemodialysis patients
  5888. Consuming lower-protein nutrition bars with added leucine elicits postprandial changes in appetite sensations in healthy women
  5889. Life under hypoxia lowers blood glucose independently of effects on appetite and body weight in mice
  5890. Potato protease inhibitor II suppresses postprandial appetite in healthy women: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial
  5891. Acculturation of immigrant diet, basic taste responses and sodium appetite
  5892. Impact of phenylketonuria type meal on appetite, thermic effect of feeding and postprandial fat oxidation
  5893. A transcriptomic investigation of appetite‐regulation and digestive processes in giant grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus during early larval development
  5894. Acute effect of smoking and smoking abstinence on energy intake and appetite-related hormones blood concentrations
  5895. Acute fiber supplementation with inulin-type fructans curbs appetite sensations: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
  5896. Effect of incorporating Bay leaves in cookies on postprandial glycemia, appetite, palatability, and gastrointestinal well-being
  5897. Diagnostic utility of appetite loss in addition to existing prediction models for community-acquired pneumonia in the elderly: a prospective diagnostic study in acute …
  5898. Effects of maternal and post-weaning high-fat diet on leptin resistance and hypothalamic appetite genes in sprague dawley rat offspring
  5899. Corrigendum: MC4R-dependent suppression of appetite by bone-derived lipocalin 2
  5900. Modern cars’ insatiable appetite for data
  5901. Biology of the drive to eat. Implications for un derstanding human appetite and obesity
  5902. Differential expression of appetite‐regulating genes in avian models of anorexia and obesity
  5903. An appetite for argument: radio propaganda and food in occupied France
  5904. Bench to bedside in appetite research: Lost in translation?
  5905. Short-term effects of a green coffee extract-, Garcinia c ambogia- and l-carnitine-containing chewing gum on snack intake and appetite regulation
  5906. Concentrations of prealbumin and some appetite-controlling hormones in pregnancies associated with hyperemesis gravidarium
  5907. China’s appetite pushes fish stocks to brink
  5908. Liraglutide, a GLP-1 receptor agonist, which decreases hypothalamic 5-HT2A receptor expression, reduces appetite and body weight independently of …
  5909. Effects of saccharin supplementation on body weight, sweet receptor mRNA expression and appetite signals regulation in post-weanling rats
  5910. appetite and Gut Hormones Response to a Putative α-Glucosidase Inhibitor, Salacia Chinensis, in Overweight/Obese Adults: A Double Blind Randomized Controlled …
  5911. The influence of physical activity level on the sensitivity of the appetite control system
  5912. Pancosma Comparative Gut Physiology Symposium: All About appetite Regulation: Effects of diet and gonadal steroids on appetite regulation and food intake of …
  5913. Effects of different daytime exercises on the quality of sleep and appetite of obese women
  5914. Dietary patterns at 4 years old: Association with appetite-related eating behaviours in 7 year-old children
  5915. Galen on Reason and appetite: A Study of the De moribus
  5916. Effect of zinc and iron supplementation on appetite, nutritional status and intelligence quotient in young children
  5917. Combined brain Fe, Cu, Zn and neurometabolite analysis–a new methodology for unraveling the efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in appetite
  5918. The effects of whole milk compared to skim milk and apple juice consumption in breakfast on appetite and energy intake in obese children: a three-way …
  5919. Assessing analgesia equivalence and appetite following alfaxalone-or ketamine-based injectable anesthesia for feline castration as an example of enhanced …
  5920. Fast-acting neurons that suppress appetite
  5921. An appetite for risk? Failure to replicate the effect of hunger cues on risk taking
  5922. Postprandial suppression of appetite is more reproducible at a group than an individual level: implications for assessing inter-individual variability
  5923. … GLP‐1 alters postprandial functional connectivity between homeostatic and reward‐related brain regions involved in regulation of appetite in healthy lean males: a …
  5924. Effects of high plant protein and high soluble fiber beverages on satiety, appetite control and subsequent food intake in healthy men
  5925. An appetite for ambivalence: Pope studies in the twenty‐first century
  5926. The need to standardize ad libitum eating protocols in dietary fibre appetite research
  5927. Aldosterone infusion into the 4th ventricle produces sodium appetite with baroreflex attenuation independent of renal or blood pressure changes
  5928. Strategic merger decisions across business cycles: Evidence from bidders’ time-varying appetite for operating leverage
  5929. A Practical Approach to Loss of appetite
  5930. Effect of clozapine dose and concentration on fasting concentration of appetite regulating peptides
  5931. Post-prandial anorexigenic gut peptide, appetite and glucometabolic responses at different eating rates in obese patients undergoing laparoscopic sleeve …
  5932. Effects of cereal bar containing polydextrose on subjective feelings of appetite and energy intake in overweight adults over 15 d
  5933. A targeted genotyping approach enhances identification of variants in taste receptor and appetite/reward genes of potential functional importance for obesity‐related …
  5934. The effect of soluble fiber dextrin on postprandial appetite and subsequent food intake in healthy adults
  5935. The actions of spirit and appetite: Voluntary motion in Galen
  5936. A public appetite for poultry welfare regulation reform: Why higher welfare labelling is not enough
  5937. Working with a fractional object: enactments of appetite in interdisciplinary work in anthropology and biomedicine
  5938. Control of appetite, blood glucose, and blood pressure during melanocortin-4 receptor activation in normoglycemic and diabetic NPY-deficient mice
  5939. Corporate Governance, Risk appetite and Cloud Security Risk: A Little Known Paradox. How Do We Square the Circle?
  5940. appetite for Destruction: Symbolic and Structural Facets of the Right to Destroy Digital Property
  5941. Food intake and appetite in the aetiology of obesity
  5942. Intraperitoneal injection of nesfatin-1 primarily through the CCK-CCK1R signal pathway affects expression of appetite factors to inhibit the food intake of Siberian …
  5943. Effects of puddings containing whey protein and polydextrose on subjective feelings of appetite and short-term energy intake in healthy adults
  5944. Plant protein influence on appetite and food intake in healthy subjects
  5945. Central regulation of appetite and energy metabolism.
  5946. Modulation of appetite, lipid and glucose metabolism of juvenile grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) by different dietary protein levels
  5947. Improving nutrition research in nephrology: an appetite for change
  5948. Electrophysiological approaches to unravel the neurobiological basis of appetite and satiety: use of the multielectrode array as a screening strategy
  5949. Testing the appetite for a men’s mental health programme in a professional sports club environment.
  5950. Effect of oral maropitant and omeprazole on emesis, appetite and anesthesia recovery quality in dogs
  5951. … relapse of a cardiac large B-cell lymphoma presenting with memory loss, confabulation, alexia–agraphia, apathy, hypersomnia, appetite disturbances and diabetes …
  5952. Decreased appetite (DA) at baseline impacts prognosis in the NAPOLI-1 phase 3 study in metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (mPDAC)
  5953. appetite, glycemia, and entero-insular hormone responses differ between oral, gastric-remnant, and duodenal administration of a mixed-meal test after Roux-en-Y …
  5954. The effect of eight weeks high-intensity interval training with milk supplementation on appetite and Body Composition in obese women
  5955. Psychotic disorder induced by appetite suppressants, phentermine or phendimetrazine: a case series study
  5956. The chimera that curbs appetite
  5957. Effects of dark-chocolate on appetite variables and glucose tolerance: A 4 week randomised crossover intervention in healthy middle aged subjects
  5958. A randomized, controlled, crossover study of appetite-related sensations after consuming snacks made from buckwheat
  5959. Effects of Two Doses of Curry Prepared with Mixed Spices on Postprandial Ghrelin and Subjective appetite Responses—A Randomized Controlled Crossover …
  5960. Optimizing recruitment to achieve operational capability conditional on appetite for risk
  5961. Effects of folic acid on appetite in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) treated with methylphenidate: a randomized double-blind clinical …
  5962. Decoding colouration of begging traits by the experimental addition of the appetite enhancer cyproheptadine hydrochloride in magpie Pica pica nestlings
  5963. … and methods of measurement for health claims on foods proposed under European Community Regulation 1924/2006 in the area of appetite ratings and weight …
  5964. Cross-cultural psychometric assessment of an appetite questionnaire for patients with cancer
  5965. Characteristics and functionality of appetite‐reducing thylakoid powders produced by three different drying processes
  5966. Safety of appetite manipulation in children with feeding disorders admitted to an inpatient feeding program
  5967. The impact of acute bouts of interval and continuous walking on energy‐intake and appetite regulation in subjects with type 2 diabetes
  5968. The effects of interrupting prolonged sitting with intermittent activity on appetite sensations and subsequent food intake in preadolescent children
  5969. The effects of a mid-morning snack and moderate-intensity exercise on acute appetite and energy intake in 12–14-year-old adolescents
  5970. Effects of intracerebroventricular injection of rosiglitazone on appetite-associated parameters in chicks
  5971. The effect of glucose or fructose added to a semi-solid meal on gastric emptying rate, appetite, and blood biochemistry
  5972. An appetite for understanding appetite
  5973. Comparable effects of breakfast meals varying in protein source on appetite and subsequent energy intake in healthy males
  5974. Effect of midmorning puree snacks on subjective appetite, food intake, and glycemic and insulin responses in healthy adults
  5975. Indicators of Risk appetite and Applications in Trading
  5976. Effect of two oat-based cereals on subjective ratings of appetite
  5977. Investigating the effect of fasting on appetite regulatory hormones in thin and obese females
  5978. appetite and subsequent food intake were unaffected by the amount of sourdough and rye in soft bread—a randomized cross-over breakfast study
  5979. Impact of Pre-Processed Chickpea Flour Incorporation into “Mankoushe” on appetite Hormones and Scores
  5980. Correction: Hibiscus and lemon verbena polyphenols modulate appetite-related biomarkers in overweight subjects: A randomized controlled trial
  5981. Systematic Review of tools and methods to measure appetite in undernourished children in the context of low-and middle-income countries
  5982. Combining quantitative food-intake assays and forcibly activating neurons to study appetite in Drosophila
  5983. “The Godly Greedy appetite”: New Relic Circulation in the Early Modern World
  5984. The two faces of appetite: Relevance and the question of food as art
  5985. A high fat breakfast attenuates the suppression of appetite and acylated ghrelin during exercise at simulated altitude
  5986. Mathematical modeling in energy homeostasis, appetite control and food intake with a special attention to ghrelin
  5987. Phytotherapy in anorexia: effective medicinal plants on appetite based on Iranian ethnobotanical sources
  5988. Knockdown of the transcript of ERK in the brain modulates hypothalamic neuropeptide‐mediated appetite control in amphetamine‐treated rats
  5989. Suppose Thou Dost Defend Me From What Is Past’: Shakespeare’sVenus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece and the appetite for ancient memory
  5990. appetite for life: reflections on how to increase food intake in the elderly
  5991. A pilot study assessing whether the consumption of a protein‐rich breakfast improves appetite control, eating behavior, and sleep quality compared to skipping …
  5992. Effect of environmental temperature on appetite, energy intake and appetite-regulating hormones during rest
  5993. Vagal nerve control of appetite, energy, regulation, and body weight
  5994. A simple method for a rapid induction of salt appetite in mice
  5995. Clinical evaluation of efficacy and safety of appetizer syrup as appetite stimulant in children with non-pathogenic anorexia
  5996. Umami and the control of appetite
  5997. The Craving Cure: Identify Your Craving Type to Activate Your Natural appetite Control
  5998. The social appetite for alcohol: Why we drink the way we do
  5999. Effects of menopause on appetite and the gastrointestinal system
  6000. Influence of resistance exercise on appetite and affect following pre-sleep feeding
  6001. “Jaded appetite” and “perverted taste”: The food rhetoric of nineteenth-century anti-sensationalist critics
  6002. appetite in patients with heart failure: Assessment, prevalence and related factors
  6003. Rainforest, Reef, and our appetite for Beef: Communication for Sustainable Behaviour Change
  6004. appetite for information in mandatory profiling of individual investors
  6005. Influence of complex exercise and chromium supplement on health-related physical fitness, appetite regulating hormones, and diabetes risk factors in obese …
  6006. Effect of Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle on changes in appetite-related hormones
  6007. An appetite for better jobs? An analysis of job quality among chefs in Australian restaurants
  6008. An appetite for Risk: Internal audit departments may need to recalibrate to accept more risk
  6009. Analysis on Risk appetite of Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms under Market Competition-Based on Extended Hoteling Model
  6010. The impact of post-resistance exercise protein consumption on subsequent appetite and daily energy intake of sarcopenic older men: a pilot study
  6011. Rectal and oral administration of L-Phenylalanine supresses food intake and modulates neuronal activation in appetite-regulating brain regions in rodents
  6012. It Wetted my appetite! Demographic Differences in Perceiving Gastronomy Content on Social Media: A Study of Fast Foods Restaurants in Port Harcourt
  6013. Effect of resistance training on appetite regulation and level of related peptidesin sedentary healthy men
  6014. Risk management: Putting the appetite into risk management: Is it time to delete your risk matrix?
  6015. The usefulness of appetite and energy intake-based algorithms to assess treatment effect of a bacterial infection: An observational prospective study
  6016. Effect of carbohydrate and protein solutions consumed during a moderate-intensity exercise on post-exercise appetite
  6017. Hibiscus and lemon verbena polyphenols: assessment for weight management in overweight volunteers. appetite control and satiety
  6018. An appetite for small change: cacao beans and pieces of eight in New Spain
  6019. The Consistency Smile: How Consistency of Investment Decisions Relates to Risk appetite
  6020. … : Lipids as key components of their biogenesis and functions: A new role for extracellular vesicles: How small vesicles can feed tumors’ big appetite
  6021. Essays on risk appetite and uncertainty
  6022. The risk appetite of development finance institutions (DFIs) and funding for start-ups in South Africa
  6023. Ghosts Before Breakfast: The appetite for the Beyond in Early Avant-Garde Film
  6024. Effect of different resistance training modes on appetite and serum orexin, ghrelin, and neuropeptide Y levels in sedentary healthy males
  6025. Curbing immune cells’ appetite
  6026. An extension of UKRR into low-use monographs: does appetite exist?
  6027. appetite Regulation in Healthy Aging
  6028. appetite and diet composition at high altitude
  6029. Protected Cerrado and sustainable diets: Complementary pathways towards a more conscious appetite
  6030. Desiring Monsters: Femininity, Radical Incontinence, and Monstrous appetite in Ginger Snaps, Jennifers Body, and Deadgirl
  6031. Effects of 7-week moderate-intensity aerobic training on food intake and appetite-regulating hormone” apelin” in male diabetic rats
  6032. Effects of Exercise on appetite-Regulating Hormones, Perceived Hunger, and Energy Intake: A Narrative Overview
  6033. Acute response and adaptation of physiological and conceptual appetite indices and body weight to aerobic training in obese middle-aged and elderly women
  6034. Investor behavior before and after the financial crisis: Accounting standards and risk appetite in fixed income investing
  6035. Bon appetite: Prediction of cuisine based on Ingredients
  6036. Risperidone but not quetiapine treatment is associated with increased appetite but not satiety hormones in children during an oral glucose tolerance test: a pilot study
  6037. Poor appetite in geriatric outpatients: Prevalence and associated factors; reliability and validity of the simplified nutritional appetite questionnaire (SNAQ)
  6038. Leptin, appetite and weight rebound in overweight/obesity individuals undertook weight loss program using a low calorie diet with or without exercise
  6039. Residual feed intake may be related to feed sorting, appetite, and metabolic flexibility
  6040. Associations Among Free-Living Sedentary and Active Behaviours, Adiposity and appetite Control Within an Energy Balance Framework
  6041. The Impact of Auricular Acupuncture on appetite
  6042. Correction to: Effects of Lactogen 13, a New Probiotic Preparation, on Gut Microbiota and Endocrine Signals Controlling Growth and appetite of Oreochromis niloticus …
  6043. Mediation of oxidative stress in hypothalamic ghrelin‐associated appetite control in rats treated with phenylpropanolamine
  6044. Osteoblast-derived lipocalin 2 suppresses appetite
  6045. The First Movements of the Sensitive appetite: Aquinas in Context
  6046. Characterizing the appetite‐regulatory response throughout the menstrual cycle
  6047. The Effect of Institutional Ownership on the Relationship between Risk appetite and Financial Performance
  6048. … of twelve weeks of capsaicinoid supplementation on body composition, appetite and self-reported caloric intake in overweight individuals” appetite 113 (2017) 264 …
  6049. Forming company’s risk appetite
  6050. Lose appetite, lose control: integrins and noncanonical autophagy regulate germinal center reactions
  6051. Chewing Rate is Linked to appetite and Hunger
  6052. Fourteen-year-old boy with decreased appetite and pedal swelling
  6053. Risk appetite in Architectural Decision-Making
  6054. Genome of tiny predator with big appetite
  6055. Regulation and dysregulation of appetite and satiety
  6056. Why Read Literature?’: Appeasing the appetite for Play
  6057. S241. Investigation of Mechanism of Increased appetite After Olanzapine by sLORETA During Sleep
  6058. President Trump, Seriously and “appetite for Destruction” and The Fury and Failure of Donald Trump
  6059. Just a morsel to stay your appetite‘: Gissing and the Cultural Politics of Food
  6060. A profile of the Maltese investor: Determining the factors contributing to the risk appetite and decision-making of the Maltese investor
  6061. Brain, Environment, Hormone-Based appetite, Ingestive Behavior, and Body Weight
  6062. Risk accountability and risk appetite: enhancing risk culture
  6063. Efficacy of rivastigmine on loss of appetite in patients with Alzheimer’s disease
  6064. Three Measures of Broker-Dealer Risk appetite and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns
  6065. Differences in the Postprandial Release of appetite-Related Hormones Between Active and Inactive Men
  6066. Risk Consumption: Understanding the difference between risk appetite and risk tolerance can deter organizations from digesting too much risk
  6067. Role of Risk appetite Mediating the Effect of Interest Rate Risk and Credit Risk to Profitability
  6068. Comparing the Effect of 8 Weeks Iso-distance Interval and Continuous Exercise Training on appetite Control and Body Composition in Sedentary, Overweight and …
  6070. Entertain Your appetite
  6071. Phosphate binders, appetite and nutritional status in maintenance hemodialysis patients
  6072. Transatlantic Figures in The Imperialist: Public Sentiment, Private appetite
  6073. 38th Board Meeting-Risk appetite Discussion
  6074. Modeling the Relationship Between Stress and appetite to Create a Dish Recommendation System Based on Desired Nutrients
  6075. The effect of triglyceride chain length combined with exercise on appetite, satiety and energy balance
  6076. appetite, in press
  6077. The Risk-Return Tradeoff: A Six-Step Guide to Ending the Curse of Risk appetite
  6078. appetite: Evaluation of Year 5, 2017–2018
  6079. Evaluation of the appetite suppressing potential of aqueous extract of Cymbopogon citratus (Lemon grass) leaf using rat model
  6080. appetite: Evaluation of Year 4, 2016–2017
  6081. Whetting the appetite: What are the challenges for journalists covering Syria’s conflict and the migration crisis using UGC?
  6082. Butyrate via the gut-brain neuronal circuit reduces appetite and activates brown adipose tissue
  6083. Red meat consumption and social marketing interventions promoting appetite for change
  6084. Resting metabolic rate, appetite regulators, and food recall accuracy in food addiction
  6085. An explanatory research on the risk appetite concept
  6086. An appetite for invasion: invasive lionfish have lower costs of digestion at high temperatures and a feeding physiology that may drive their impact
  6087. Mastering appetite Control
  6088. Effects of pyridoxine on selected appetite regulating peptides mRNA expression in hypothalamic PVN/ARC nuclei and gastrointestinal tract tissues
  6089. The relationship between physical activity, appetite and energy intake in ageing: A systematic review
  6090. Sodium appetite elicited by low‐sodium diet is dependent on p44/42 mitogen‐activated protein kinase (extracellular signal‐regulated kinase 1/2) activation in the …
  6091. Butyrate via the gut-brain neural circuit reduces appetite and activates brown adipose tissue
  6092. Glycaemic, gastrointestinal, hormonal and appetite responses to pearl millet and oats porridge breakfast: a randomized, crossover trial
  6093. Role of Megestrol Acetate Versus Dexamethasone for Improvement in appetite in Patients With Cancer Associated Anorexia Cachexia: A Randomized Controlled Pilot …
  6094. Acute effects of food products containing pulse flours or fractions, on glycemic response, insulin, appetite, and food intake in healthy young adults
  6095. Whole grain cereal products and baseline gut microbiota composition in metabolic and appetite regulation in healthy humans-Emphasizing rye and barley
  6096. … of a cardiac large B-cell lymphoma presenting with memory loss, confabulation, alexia–agraphia, apathy, hypersomnia, appetite disturbances and diabetes …
  6097. appetite Control—Biological and Psychological Factors
  6098. Creating an appetite for innovation
  6099. The appetite Regulators: 7 Ways to Control Your Hunger Hormones
  6100. appetite FOR DESTRUCTION
  6101. Brain control of appetite
  6102. The role of leptin and ghrelin in appetite regulation in the Australian Spinifex hopping mouse, Notomys alexis, during long-term water deprivation
  6103. Synthesis of New 7-bromo-5-(2′-chlorophenyl)-3-arylamino-1,2-dihydro-3H-1,4-benzodiazepine Derivatives and Their Influence on appetite in Rats
  6104. Effects of Formulated Diet Co-fed with Minced Fish on Growth, Digestion, Metabolism, and appetite Regulation, of Mandarin Fish Hybrid (Siniperca chuatsi♀× …
  6105. appetite for action creates risks
  6106. Security Implications of China’s Rising appetite for Seafood|
  6107. Tease the appetite With Eye-Appeal
  6108. Random Risk appetite
  6109. appetite for Ice: Technical Report
  6110. The elusive functional bases of appetite control in the brain
  6111. Refined appetite for acquisition
  6112. appetite for Definition: An AZ Guide to Rock Genres
  6113. 4 The Effect of Hydration Status on Glycaemic Control and appetite Regulation.
  6114. during the preceding month, his appetite was hearty
  6116. appetite suppressors
  6118. The relationship between physical activity, appetite
  6119. Indonesia needs greater appetite for future economic reforms
  6120. How a better understanding of the seven ages of appetite could help us stay healthy
  6121. Response of appetite and appetite Regulating Hormones to Acute Hypoxia
  6123. The Role Of Automatic Mood On Risk appetite
  6124. Government appetite for action creates risk for all
  6125. appetite returns to Big V
  6127. Jane Austen: appetite and sensibility
  6128. Bank risk appetite in a world of CoCos
  6129. The Depraved appetite of Tarrare the Freak
  6130. The Depraved appetite of Tarrare the Freak
  6131. The neural circuitry of appetite
  6132. James “appetite” Cotter elected SGA president
  6133. Effect of Preprandial Consumption of Cacao Nibs vs. Pecans on appetite
  6134. appetite for Innovation: Creativity and Change at elBulli
  6135. Increased pre-school overweight and obesity prevalence between 2004 and 2013 is associated with appetite, eating frequency and supportive facilities: the Jiaxing …
  6136. Sheep as a Model for Control of appetite and Energy Expenditure
  6137. appetite for Innovation: Creativity and Change at elBulli
  6138. appetite for greenfields gold grows in NZ
  6139. A futility, perversity and jeopardy critique of “risk appetite
  6140. appetite for Innovation: Creativity & Change at elBulli by Opazo MP
  6141. Involvement of gut bacteria in appetite control
  6142. Market finds appetite for Arafura
  6143. Investigating the mechanisms responsible for the effect of protein on appetite
  6144. The relationship between physical activity and appetite in heart failure–A cross sectional study
  6145. Trade risks could curb countries’ appetite for reform
  6146. Are risk appetite frameworks really relevant to corporates?
  6147. The growing appetite for New Zealand food products
  6148. Advances in the appetite regulation of gut microbiome
  6149. Bone Regulates the Brain to Control appetite
  6150. Global Geoscience whets the appetite in Nevada
  6151. Gene Eating: The Story of Human appetite
  6152. The effect of regular activity breaks on appetite: secondary analysis of the ABPA study
  6153. appetite Control: Genetic, Immunological and Neurobiological Aspects
  6154. Physiological control of appetite and food intake
  6155. appetite regulation by leptin
  6156. Effect of exercise and common obesity single nucleotide polymorphisms on appetite and appetite-regulatory hormones
  6157. Marketing and Meat-a-physics: Managing an appetite for meaning in modern consumer society
  6158. appetite stimulants in chronic kidney disease
  6159. Focus: Comparative Medicine: appetite and Food Intake: Central Control
  6160. The neurobehavioral correlates of appetite control and obesity
  6161. Exploring the relationship of self-reported lack of appetite to patient characteristics and symptom burden.
  6162. Investor appetite for medtech companies remains strong
  6163. The Associations Between Physical Activity and appetite in Patients With Heart Failure-A Prospective Observational Study
  6164. The current research status and mechanism of appetite change after bariatric surgery
  6165. Theoretical study of the influence of dophamine brain system on the mechanisms of appetite formation under the obesity conditions
  6166. Determinants of risk appetite among young adult investors
  6168. appetite for Neurogenesis
  6169. sLORETA Neuroimaging study on Olanzapine I_focus on appetite
  6170. Breakfast and morning appetite in children and adolescents
  6171. Influence of “Feel appetite” by Food Image
  6172. Weight loss and appetite suppressants at menopause/Reply
  6173. slept at table during meal-times, and the appetite was much impaired.
  6174. Nutrition Screening Index and appetite Alteration Model for Hemodialysis Patients
  6175. The risk appetite framework of Maltese banks: a comparative analysis
  6176. GlucagonͲlike peptideͲ1 and its analogues act in the dorsal raphe and modulate central serotonin to reduce appetite and body weight
  6177. Carer experience of appetite changes in people living with dementia at home.
  6178. Physical Activity and appetite in Patients With Stable Heart Failure-A Cross Sectional Study
  6179. Help Clients With Dementia Get Their appetite Back
  6180. The effect of breakfast protein on appetite control in ageing subjects
  6181. Credit, Risk appetite, and Monetary Policy Transmission
  6182. Enacting knowledge, power, and equity: understanding the public appetite for preventive obesity regulations
  6183. Can flavour enhancement modulate appetite and food intake in women?
  6184. THESIS TITLE: appetite response to various regimens of arm exercise in men with spinal cord injury
  6185. Studies on appetite regulation and lipid biology in vertebrates
  6186. appetite for knowledge: curiosity and children’s academic achievement
  6187. Differences in appetite-related hormone concentrations between older and younger adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  6188. UNH Finds Robust appetite for Seed and Start-Up Investing in 2016 Angel Market
  6189. Banks’ risk appetite, heterogeneity and monetary policy: evidence from Nigeria
  6190. Curbing the appetite on Emotional Eating
  6191. V. Measure for Measure: The Reality of appetite and the Image of Grace
  6192. License Plate Auction of Bidder with Different Risk appetite
  6194. Effect of Zinc on appetite and Growth in Primary Malnourished Egyptian Children
  6195. appetite to Various Regimens of Arm Cycling in Men with Spinal Cord Injury
  6196. Why the public appetite for political sex scandals?
  6197. A pilot study to evaluate the effect of increased colonic propionate on appetite during a hypocaloric diet
  6198. Behavior Modification and Hypothalamic appetite Regulation in a Stress-less Mouse Model
  6199. Beyond Homeostasis: Understanding the Impact of Psychosocial Factors on appetite Using Nonhuman Primate Models
  6200. The role of bariatric surgery and appetite-related hormones metabolism in obesity treatment: a literature review
  6201. Hypothalamic appetite pathways examined in a PWS mouse model
  6202. Options for retirees with some appetite for risk: retirement planning
  6203. HSD2 neurons and the neural circuitry underlying sodium appetite
  6204. Research Article appetite Sensations, appetite Signaling Proteins, and Glucose in Obese Adolescents with Subclinical Binge Eating Disorder
  6205. Higher Protein Diet Suppresses appetite at High Altitude
  6206. The role of propionate in appetite regulation and energy homeostasis
  6207. “Those Who Care Much, Understand Much.” Maternal Perceptions of Children’s appetite: Perspectives from Urban and Rural Caregivers of Diverse Parenting …
  6208. Gino Fornaciari, Food and Disease at the Renaissance courts of Naples and Florence: a paleonutritional study,«appetite» 51, 2008, pp. 10-14.
  6209. Pilot Data Collection for Activity, Adiposity, and appetite in Adolescents Principal Investigator
  6210. Investigation of factors contributing to appetite control and body composition in fully breastfed term infants
  6211. Starvation suppresses T cell appetite
  6212. Qi-deficiency, phlegm dampness and poor appetite: a cross-sectional analysisYuchun Lin
  6213. Sodium Taste During Sodium appetite
  6214. Advances in appetite Stimulants in Pets with Chronic Kidney Disease
  6215. Characterisation of an acute anorexigenic action of l-tryptophan: a link with neural mechanisms regulating appetite
  6216. Central Nervous System Stimulants and Drugs That Suppress appetite
  6217. Central Nervous System Stimulants and Drugs That Suppress appetite
  6218. Environmental Harshness and its Effect on appetite and the Desire for Conspicuous Signalling Products
  6219. Differential effects of dietary fats on metabolism and appetite
  6220. Gambling, risk appetite and asset pricing
  6221. Effects of Chronic Electronic Vapor Exposure on Body Weight, appetite, and Metabolism
  6222. Identifying Enteropathogens in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis Presenting with Isolated Vomiting–appetite Study
  6223. Dose a progressive aerobic activity reduce the appetite of obese or overweight women?
  6224. Anti-obesity drug that shrinks fat without suppressing appetite
  6225. Does Monitoring Your Hunger Via Blood Glucose Help You Eat To appetite And Lose Weight?
  6226. Sick caterpillars lose appetite to avoid food poisoning
  6227. Effects of corticotropin-releasing factor on appetite regulation of broilers.
  6228. Whetting Their appetite: A Spatial Analysis of Seasonal Flooding and Raised Field Agriculture in the Llanos de Mojos, Bolivia
  6229. Changes in Body Composition and appetite-Regulating Hormones in Professional Female Ballet Dancers
  6230. Lipids in Eating and appetite Regulation–A Neuro‐Cognitive Perspective
  6231. Upstream Raise Tailings Dams from a Low Risk appetite Perspective: A Case Study
  6232. The Effectiveness Of Baby Massage Against appetite In ToddlerNutrition Less 1-3 Years Of Age In Work Areas The Health Grounds Sidoarjo
  6233. appetite control is involved in immunotherapy with relevance to cardiovascular disease, NAFLD and diabetes
  6234. Methodological Challenges in Studies Examining the Effects of Breakfast on Cognitive Performance and appetite
  6235. More, I prithee, more’: Melancholy, Musical appetite and Medical Discourse in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
  6236. Alterations of Hypothalamic Pro-opiomelanocortin Gene Expression and appetite in Response, to One-month Regular Moderate Exercise
  6237. Effect of prebiotic fibers on subjective and objective appetite markers in people with type 2 diabetes
  6238. Rural England: is there an appetite for culturally diverse art?[The Lincolnshire Diversity in the Arts: Research and Development Project]
  6239. Risk Perception of Technological Innovation and Executive Risk appetite‘Impacts on the Science and Technology Insurance Purchase Willingness
  6240. The effects of environmental and physical stress on energy expenditure, energy intake, and appetite
  6241. Mechanisms Underlying the appetite‐Regulatory Hormonal Response to High‐Intensity Exercise: Potential Role of Lactate and Interleukin‐6
  6242. Investigation of dose‐dependent effects of fat on blood glucose, serum insulin, and appetite sensation
  6243. Quantification of appetite-regulating hormones in hypothalamic and simple obesity
  6244. P105 An experimental examination of appetite and disordered eating in Crohn’s disease patients
  6245. Malnutrition in Early Life, Socio-demographic and Self-reported appetite in Adulthood in Chongqing, China
  6246. Family chaos, attachment security, and responsiveness: Associations with appetite self-regulation in early childhood
  6247. A bedtime milk snack does not impact resting metabolic rate, substrate utilisation, and appetite the following morning in mildly overweight males
  6248. Commentary: Curbing the Nuisance Bear’s Garbage appetite
  6249. Unconscious odor exposure affects food intake and sensory specific appetite in obese subjects
  6250. Effect of milk consumption following exercise on appetite and energy intake in non-athlete females.
  6251. Poor appetite and long-term risk of falls among middle-aged and older adults: A longitudinal study
  6252. Interrelationship between Helicobacter pylori infection, subjective appetite sensation and food intake
  6253. Mirtazapine has become widely used in veteri-nary medicine due to its commonly recognized effects of appetite stimulation and weight gain.
  6254. The influence of nutrient-and tastant induced gut-brain signals on appetite, emotions and gastrointestinal symptoms.
  6255. Ghrelin system signalling in appetite and reward: in vitro and in vivo perspectives
  6256. The acute effect of chocolate consumption on vascular and cerebrovascular function, cognition and appetite
  6257. The comparison of dietary intake and appetite between normal weight and obese patients under hemodialysis
  6258. Testing the judiciary’s appetite to reimagine protest law: A case note on the SJC10 case
  6259. Effects of a Second Bout of Strenuous Exercise on appetite Regulating Hormones and Food Intake
  6260. appetite for Toxins: Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil
  6261. Explaining malnutrition risk in free-living elderly: The role of food insecurity and appetite assessment
  6262. Beyond Food Deserts: The Impact of appetite Deserts in Low-Income Suburban Communities
  6263. Nutritional supplement ONCOXIN to maintain appetite, body mass and quality of life in patients with advanced cancer on chemotherapy
  6264. appetite awareness treatment to prevent obesity in African-American Women
  6265. A pilot study of a natural fiber complex IQP-AK-102’s effect in reducing appetite and caloric intake in overweight subjects
  6266. S127. Systemic Inflammation is Associated With Stronger Coupling Between Striatum Activity and Food Pleasantness Ratings in Depression With appetite Loss
  6267. Sugars, Glucocorticoids, and the Hypothalamic Controls of appetite
  6268. Novel Methodological Considerations Regarding the Use of Visual Analog Scale (VAS) Questionnaires to Assess appetite Control and Satiety
  6269. The Effect of Interval Exercise at Different Hypoxia Intensities on Responses of Acylated Ghrelin and appetite in Overweight Subject
  6270. Mechanisms behind reduced appetite for fat after gastric bypass uncovered
  6271. Comparison of the serum concentration of appetite regulating hormones in the mother‐child dyad according to the type of feeding. Preliminary data
  6273. The Effect of Breakfast on Energy Metabolism, appetite, and Food Intake in Young versus Older Men
  6274. From The Diary of a Greedy Woman to Food Porn: appetite and Pleasure in the Discourse of Women Gastronomes
  6275. Financial Inclusion, Gender Disparity in Risk appetite, and Micro and Small Enterprise Performance: Evidence from urban Ethiopia
  6276. A polyherbal formulation for treatment of anemia, coughs, pain, and loss of appetite
  6277. Exploring Gustatory Neural Coding and the Influence of appetite and Expectancy
  6278. Designing for Health and appetite: A Survey of Appropriate Environments to Achieve Meal Time Satisfaction in Dementia Residents and Participants
  6279. Designing for Health and appetite: A Survey of Appropriate Environments to Achieve Meal Time Satisfaction in Dementia Residents and Participants
  6280. Effects of a high-fat diet in the mouse cerebral response to appetite detected by functional diffusion MRI and HRMAS studies
  6281. This is a repository copy of Systematic Literature Review Shows That appetite Rating Does Not Predict Energy Intake..
  6282. appetite and energy intake in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and AIDS
  6283. Pre‐Meal Television Viewing and Exercise on Subjective appetite and Food Intake in Children
  6284. Dietary fats in the Australian diet and their impact on obesity, appetite and metabolism
  6285. DPP Abstract: Nutrient sensing and appetite in pigs
  6286. Eating Behaviors and appetite of Children with Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy: A Preliminary Study
  6287. To examine the effect of different feeding routes on appetite and metabolic re-sponses after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB).
  6288. The effect of vitamin B1 on the change of appetite related to premenstrual syndrome in young women
  6289. appetite For Destruction: Attractive Faces Alter People’s Food Choices
  6290. Effect of food acceptability on appetite hormones’ response in normal weight vs. obese male subjects
  6291. Humour: An appetite for diamonds: Porphyry Volpone investigates
  6292. Developing an appetite for Utopia–Reality versus the Good Food Guide or Hospitality in the age of consumerism
  6293. cough. The appetite was good, the weight steady, and there were no urinary symptoms. Short periods of palpitation were irregularly experienced at long
  6294. The role of social capital in the appetite for risk-taking of entrepreneurs in business incubation
  6295. Protein for Life: Review of Optimal Protein Intake, Sustainable Dietary Sources and the Effect on appetite in Ageing Adults
  6296. The effect of L-rhamnose on gastrointestinal transit rates, short chain fatty acids and appetite regulation
  6297. Feed intake and brain levels of appetite controlling neuropectides in cobia is affected by elevated water temperatures
  6298. The role of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in Ghrelin secretion and appetite
  6299. Central regulation of blood pressure and salt appetite by brain 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2: a novel gene targeting technique
  6300. Is estrogen an inhibitor of sodium appetite and an enabler of sodium skin reservoir?
  6301. Designing for Health and appetite: Nutrition and Interior Design Professionals Create Appropriate Environments to Achieve Meal Satisfaction in Dementia Residents
  6302. Britain’s Got Talent, X Factor… Our insatiable appetite for TV talent shows explored
  6303. Effects of Restrained Eating on Episodic Memory and Implications for Homeostatic appetite Regulation
  6304. Maternal Body Mass Index and Presence of appetite Regulating Hormones and Other Factors in Human Breast Milk
  6305. Protein For Life: Review of Optimal Protein Quantity, Distribution, Sustainable Sources and the Effect on appetite in Ageing Adults.
  6306. My Child Doesn’t Eat!’; Parental Feeding Strategies, Parental Attitudes and Family Functioning of Children with Poor appetite
  6307. Effect of aerobic exercise in different environmental temperatures on gut hormones, appetite and energy intake
  6308. Medications in Complex Mental Illness: Impacts on Weight Gain, appetite and Food Cravings
  6309. Investigating the effects of resistant dextrin, NUTRIOSE® FBOG, on the gut microbiota, host metabolism and appetite regulation
  6310. Role of appetite-regulating peptides in adipose physiology in broiler chicks
  6311. Conditioned place avoidance using encapsulated calcium propionate as an appetite suppressant for broiler breeders Conditioned place avoidance and calcium …
  6312. Effects of Chronic Sleep Fragmentation and Diet Restriction on appetite-Regulating Hormones and Cardiometabolic Indicators
  6313. Feeling full and being full: how gastric content relates to appetite, food properties and neural activation
  6314. Energy intake and appetite responses following manipulation of fluid balance and intake
  6317. Diffusion MRI to detect the effects of a high-fat diet in the cerebral response to appetite stimulous in healthy mice
  6318. Rivastigmine improves patients’ appetite by increasing serum active ghrelin and cortisol in Alzheimer’s disease
  6319. day, gives strength to the body, stimulates the stomach, improves the appetite, facilitates digestion, increases vivacity, and inspires the feeling
  6320. Gut Hormones, Metabolism, appetite, and Obesity: Dietary fat stimulates pancreatic cancer growth and promotes fibrosis of the tumor microenvironment …
  6321. Effect of Mid‐morning Snacks on Subjective appetite, Food intake, and Glucose and Insulin Responses in Healthy Men and Women
  6322. Recent Advances in Possible Effects of Bread Types and Enrichments on appetite during Ramadan Fasting.
  6323. The impact of body mass index status on appetite responses and food intake following acute consumption of resistant starch
  6324. Role and electrophysiological analysis of appetite circuits of chat neurons in the arcuate nucleus
  6325. Educational Messaging at Breakfast, Not Protein Source, Influences appetite Response, Food Preferences, and Food Intake in Men and Women
  6326. Influence of Muscle Mass and Outdoor Environmental Factors on appetite and Satiety Feeling in Young Japanese Women
  6327. Dr. Colbert’s Keto Zone Diet: Burn Fat, Balance appetite Hormones, and Lose Weight
  6328. The effect of fasting on the appetite-associated factors and energy sensors expression in the hypothalamus of different TI broilers
  6329. appetite perceptions and total peptide YY concentrations following 10 days consumption of vegetarian diets.
  6330. What to eat for a better sleep in haemodialysis patients: potential role of B vitamins intake and appetite
  6331. A Qualitative Inquiry on Tourists’ Food Consumption Behaviour: A Menu Full of Familiar and Favourite Dishes and an appetite for Novelty
  6332. Towards a greater understanding of the pathophysiology of obesity: hypothalamic obesity as a model of dysregulation of appetite and metabolic homeostasis
  6333. Curbing the nuisance bear’s garbage appetite
  6334. The Scope and appetite for Technology-Assisted Sensitivity Reviewing of Born-Digital Records in a Resource Poor Environment: A Case Study From Malawi
  6335. Abstract MP004: Feasibility of an appetite Awareness Intervention to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Binge Eating in African-American Women with …
  6336. Validity and reliability of Korean version of simplified nutritional appetite questionnaire in patients with advanced cancer: A multicenter, longitudinal study.
  6337. Tailoring the course of postprandial glycaemia to bread: On the importance of viscous dietary fibre for acute and semi-acute glucose tolerance and appetite
  6338. Age‐Related Changes in Resting State Connectivity of Brain Areas Related to appetite, Mood and Food Homeostasis in Response to Glucose Ingestion
  6339. Oral L—arginine L—glutamate Improves Postprandial Fullness, Early Satiety and appetite in Healthy Volunteers―A Randomized, Double—blind, Placebo …
  6340. Effect of a medium-term exercise intervention on fat mass is partially compensated for by increased appetite, but not reduced non-exercise physical activity
  6341. Postprandial metabolism and appetite do not differ between lean adults that eat breakfast or morning fast for 6 weeks-dataset
  6342. Αcute effects of essential amino acid gel‐based and whey protein supplements on appetite and energy intake in older women
  6343. Angiopoietin-Like Growth Factor Controls appetite Via Leptin Signaling in the Hypothalamus
  6344. appetite Awareness Training as a Weight Gain Prevention Intervention for Young Adult Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  6345. Effect of Nighttime Consumption of Protein or Placebo on Morning Measures of Resting Metabolic Rate and appetite in Pre-and Postmenopausal Women
  6346. The Effects of Dietary Protein at Breakfast and Across the Day on appetite Control & Satiety, Food Intake, and Sleep Quality
  6347. “Beyond appetite”: Examining Identities and Motivations of Foodies through Food Visuals on Instagram Napatsorn (Pam) Thanarugchok University of …
  6348. The Effect af Nighttime Consumption pf Protein or Placebo on Morning Measures of Resting Metabolic Rate and appetite In Pre-and Postmenopausal Women
  6350. Eating and appetite regulating hormones in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and weight-matched controls
  6351. Influence of photoperiod on central appetite regulation in captive Svalbard rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea)
  6352. D. Late breaking clinical science & clinial trial update” Αcute effects of essential amino acid gel-based and whey protein supplements on appetite and energy intake in …
  6353. Semaglutide reduces appetite and energy intake, improves control of eating and provides weight loss in subjects with obesity
  6354. Effects of probiotic and alpha-lipoic acid supplements, separately or in combination on appetite in overweight individuals: A double blind randomized clinical …
  6355. Pain, appetite Loss And Fatigue In Patients With Locally Advanced Or Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer In A Randomized Controlled Trial With Mistletoe Extract.
  6356. A Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Trial to Assess the Acute Cognitive, appetite, Glucose and Insulin Responses to Milk and Juice Beverages in Men and …
  6357. Effect of complementary feeding of lipid-based nutrient supplements on appetite in 6-to 18-month-old rural Malawian children: a randomised controlled trial
  6358. … to “Perceptions of food intake and weight status among parents of picky eating infants and toddlers in China: A cross-sectional study”[appetite 108 (2017) 456–463].
  6359. The effects of light at night and/or melatonin on hormones, metabolites, appetite control, vascular function, and behavioural responses
  6360. Hibiscus and lemon verbena polyphenols modulate appetite-related biomarkers in overweight subjects: a randomized controlled trial
  6361. Insight into appetite and blood glucose regulation in anorexia nervosa and health: Examining gastrointestinal changes in starvation and with short-term refeeding
  6362. EPAC1 Boosts Macrophage appetite: Implication of EPAC1 in Foam Cell Formation during Atherosclerosis
  6363. Postprandial glycaemic and appetite responses to cookies following incorporation of Stevia and Moringa leaf powder
  6364. Abstract P284: Neuron Specific (Pro) renin Receptor Knockout Reduces Sodium appetite and Attenuates the Development of DOCA-salt Induced Hypertension
  6365. PO-164 Effect of exercise intervention on appetite regulating hormones in obese children: There is no full text article associated with this abstract
  6367. Forming company’s risk appetite
  6368. Silicon sandwiches feed LHC’s upgraded collision appetite
  6369. Effects of Consuming Cottage Cheese or Casein Protein Beverage Before Sleep on Morning appetite and Resting Energy Expenditure in Active, Collegiate-Aged …
  6370. MA02. 08 The Effect of Nabilone on appetite, Nutritional Status, and Quality of Life in Lung Cancer Patients: A Randomized, Double-Blind Clinical Trial
  6371. Obesity, Diabetes and Energy Homeostasis: Control of appetite, blood glucose, and blood pressure during melanocortin-4 receptor activation in …
  6372. Autoantibodies against appetite-regulating peptides influence on ghrelin level in short children exposed to Candida albicans colonisation and Helicobacter pylori …
  6373. … veloped independently, but there is generally some connection. Some individuals who have an ED abuse substances in an effort to control their appetite and/or weight …
  6375. Corrigendum to” Dietary Lactobacillus acidophilus modulated skin mucus protein profile, immune and appetite gene expression in gold fish (Carassius auratus gibelio …
  6376. A few common symptoms of depression, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, are low appetite, weight loss, isolation, decreased …
  6377. Totalitarianreasonor movements are possible wherever there another have acquired the appetite for are masses who for one political organization. Masses are not …
  6378. Nesfatin-1: The Novel appetite Peptide with Therapeutic Efficacy to Prevent Acute Hemorrhagic Gastric Lesions and Accelerate Gastric Ulcer Healing
  6379. Glucagon like peptide-1 regulates appetite via specific nuclei in the central nervous system
  6380. … pounds and ounces, of the surprising quantities of food devoured by a boy, 12 Years old, in 6 sucessive Days, who labour’d under a canine appetite, at Black Barnsley …
  6381. Forecasting Models and Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis: An Application to Bank’s Risk appetite Thresholds Within the Risk appetite Framework
  6382. Taiwan’s Economy in 2017: Boosted by Apple’s Great appetite
  6383. Gastrointestinal Nutrient Sensing in Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: Role in appetite Regulation and Glycaemic Control
  6386. Sweet tooth? Here’s the sweet truth: The effects of non-nutritive sweeteners on appetite and satiety
  6388. 456 Residual feed intake in beef cattle and hypothalamic regulation of appetite-related genes
  6389. 236 Influence of gut microbiota on appetite in postpartum cows.
  6391. P-107 Good enough to eat: encouraging nutritional intake and reawakening appetite on the in-patient unit
  6392. Does brainstem-derived serotonin mediate GLP-1 receptor agonist-induced suppression of appetite and body weight via 5-HT2A receptors?
  6393. The Angel Investor Market In 2016: A Cautious Restructuring With A Robust appetite For Seed And Start-Up Investing
  6395. Lipid Stress Alters Cell Distribution, Traffic, and Desensitization Properties of Melanocortin‐4 Receptor, a GPCR Involved in appetite Control
  6396. Comparing the Effect of 8 Weeks Iso-distance Interval and Continuous Exercise Training on appetite Control and Body Composition in Sedentary, Overweight and …
  6397. Functional and metabolic magnetic resonance evaluation of the role of the aquaporin-4 in the cerebral response to appetite
  6398. What’s the appetite for clinical risk?
  6399. 2. appetite for Deconstruction
  6400. Finlayson, G., & Moran, GW (2018). An examination of appetite and disordered eating in active Crohn’s disease. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, 12 (7), 819-825 …
  6401. eating out in three English cities 1995–2015. appetite, 119, 5-13.
  6403. Impact of ketosis on appetite regulation—a review
  6404. Layers of signals that regulate appetite
  6405. New horizons in appetite and the anorexia of ageing
  6406. Smelling our appetite? The influence of food odors on congruent appetite, food preferences and intake
  6407. Risk appetite and oil prices
  6408. Inflammation, appetite and food intake in older hospitalized patients
  6409. appetite control: hormones or diet strategies?
  6410. The effects of high-temperature weather on human sleep quality and appetite
  6411. The melanocortin pathway and control of appetite-progress and therapeutic implications
  6412. Food-pics_extended—an image database for experimental research on eating and appetite: additional images, normative ratings and an updated review
  6413. Risk appetite and the prices of precious metals
  6414. appetite changes reveal depression subgroups with distinct endocrine, metabolic, and immune states
  6415. The influence of skeletal muscle on appetite regulation
  6416. Issues in measuring and interpreting human appetite (satiety/satiation) and its contribution to obesity
  6417. The evolution of corporate no net loss and net positive impact biodiversity commitments: Understanding appetite and addressing challenges
  6418. Metformin-induced increases in GDF15 are important for suppressing appetite and promoting weight loss
  6419. Black appetite. White food.: Issues of race, voice, and justice within and beyond the classroom
  6420. Branched-chain amino acids impact health and lifespan indirectly via amino acid balance and appetite control
  6421. Physiology, obesity neurohormonal appetite and satiety control
  6422. Early time-restricted feeding reduces appetite and increases fat oxidation but does not affect energy expenditure in humans
  6423. Biomarkers of appetite: is there a potential role for metabolomics?
  6424. Loss of appetite is associated with a loss of weight and fat mass in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  6425. appetite control is improved by acute increases in energy turnover at different levels of energy balance
  6426. Risk Perception and appetite in UAE Foreign and National Security Policy
  6427. appetite regulating hormones in first-episode psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  6428. The emerging role of lactate as a mediator of exercise-induced appetite suppression
  6429. appetite and Its Discontents: Science, Medicine, and the Urge to Eat, 1750-1950
  6430. The effects of exercise and ambient temperature on dietary intake, appetite sensation, and appetite regulating hormone concentrations
  6431. Chemosensory modulation of neural circuits for sodium appetite
  6432. A neural basis for tonic suppression of sodium appetite
  6433. appetite regulation: hormones, peptides, and neurotransmitters and their role in obesity
  6434. Associations of short sleep duration with appetite‐regulating hormones and adipokines: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  6435. Changes in body weight, adherence, and appetite during 2 years of calorie restriction: the CALERIE 2 randomized clinical trial
  6436. Neural control and modulation of thirst, sodium appetite, and hunger
  6437. Metabolic adaptations during negative energy balance and their potential impact on appetite and food intake
  6438. A bidirectional network for appetite control in larval zebrafish
  6439. Effect of short-and long-term protein consumption on appetite and appetite-regulating gastrointestinal hormones, a systematic review and meta-analysis of …
  6440. Run for the hills: Italian investors’ risk appetite before and during the financial crisis
  6441. Risk appetite, idiosyncratic volatility and expected returns
  6442. appetite control and exercise: Does the timing of exercise play a role?
  6443. Risk appetite dual hesitant fuzzy three-way decisions with TODIM
  6444. Investigating the effect of sex and ketosis on weight-loss-induced changes in appetite
  6445. Inflammatory cytokines, appetite‑regulating hormones, and energy metabolism in patients with gastrointestinal cancer
  6446. Assessing the appetite for evidence based policing: A UK based study
  6447. Differences in circulating appetite-related hormone concentrations between younger and older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  6448. High school students’ use of flavored e-cigarette e-liquids for appetite control and weight loss
  6449. Cellular metabolic reprogramming controls sugar appetite in Drosophila
  6450. In vitro gastric emptying characteristics of konjac glucomannan with different viscosity and its effects on appetite regulation
  6451. Use of cyproheptadine to stimulate appetite and body weight gain: A systematic review
  6452. Does CIO risk appetite matter? Evidence from information security breach incidents
  6453. Dietary protein and appetite sensations in individuals with overweight and obesity: a systematic review
  6454. Nutrition interventions to improve the appetite of adults undergoing cancer treatment: a systematic review
  6455. Acyl-CoA-binding protein (ACBP): a phylogenetically conserved appetite stimulator
  6456. Socioeconomic status and changes in appetite from toddlerhood to early childhood
  6457. Effects of oral, smoked, and vaporized cannabis on endocrine pathways related to appetite and metabolism: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled …
  6458. An appetite for pests: Synanthropic insectivorous bats exploit cotton pest irruptions and consume various deleterious arthropods
  6459. Impact of meal timing and chronotype on food reward and appetite control in young adults
  6460. Berberine for appetite suppressant and prevention of obesity
  6461. An appetite for destruction: Detecting prey-selective binding of α-neurotoxins in the venom of Afro-Asian elapids
  6462. The characteristics, reliability and validity of the Persian version of Simplified Nutritional appetite Questionnaire (SNAQ)
  6463. Implementing appetite to play at scale in British Columbia: evaluation of a capacity-building intervention to promote physical activity in the early years
  6464. Changes in the homeostatic appetite system after weight loss reflect a normalization toward a lower body weight
  6465. Circadian regulation of appetite and time restricted feeding
  6466. GLP-1 analog modulates appetite, taste preference, gut hormones, and regional body fat stores in adults with obesity
  6467. Ambient odor exposure affects food intake and sensory specific appetite in obese women
  6468. The role of hormonal, metabolic and inflammatory biomarkers on sleep and appetite in drug free patients with major depression: A systematic review
  6469. appetite and protein intake strata of older adults in the European Union: socio-demographic and health characteristics, diet-related and physical activity behaviours
  6470. Relationship Between Credit Default Swap Premium and Risk appetite According to Types of Investors: Evidence From Turkish Stock Exchange.
  6471. appetite-suppressing and satiety-increasing bioactive phytochemicals: A systematic review
  6472. The healthy and sustainable bugs appetite: Factors affecting entomophagy acceptance and adoption in Western food cultures
  6473. Anhedonia in depression symptomatology: appetite dysregulation and defective brain reward processing
  6474. Risk appetite-Critical to Success
  6475. appetite grows for biotech foods with health benefits
  6476. Russians’ Growing appetite for Change
  6477. appetite and food intake results from phase I studies of anamorelin
  6478. Influence of olfactory function on appetite and nutritional status in the elderly requiring nursing care
  6479. Investment motivations and UK business angels’ appetite for risk taking: The moderating role of experience
  6480. The effects of high intensity interval training on appetite management in individuals with type 2 diabetes: influenced by participants weight
  6481. Impaired hormonal regulation of appetite in schizophrenia: a narrative review dissecting intrinsic mechanisms and the effects of antipsychotics
  6482. Circadian regulation of hedonic appetite in mice by clocks in dopaminergic neurons of the VTA
  6483. The sweet taste signalling pathways in the oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract affect human appetite and food intake: A review
  6484. Relationship between sleep and hedonic appetite in shift workers
  6485. Identification of rumen microbial genes involved in pathways linked to appetite, growth, and feed conversion efficiency in cattle
  6486. Matched weight loss through intermittent or continuous energy restriction does not lead to compensatory increases in appetite and eating behavior in a randomized …
  6487. Increased appetite plays a key role in olanzapine-induced weight gain in first-episode schizophrenia patients
  6488. Evaluation of natural product compositions for appetite suppression
  6489. Neural effects of acute stress on appetite: A magnetoencephalography study
  6490. Commensal Hafnia alvei strain reduces food intake and fat mass in obese mice—a new potential probiotic for appetite and body weight management
  6491. Changes in appetite-regulating hormones following food intake are associated with changes in reported appetite and a measure of hedonic eating in girls and young …
  6492. Maternal-infant nutrition and development programming of offspring appetite and obesity
  6493. Sweet satiation: Acute effects of consumption of sweet drinks on appetite for and intake of sweet and non-sweet foods
  6494. Understanding the interplay between food structure, intestinal bacterial fermentation and appetite control
  6495. Regulating appetite in broilers for improving body and muscle development–A review
  6496. The Simplified Nutritional appetite Questionnaire (SNAQ) as a screening tool for risk of malnutrition: optimal cutoff, factor structure, and validation in healthy community …
  6497. Prefronto-cerebellar neuromodulation affects appetite in obesity
  6498. Observed appetite and nutrient intake three months after ICU discharge
  6499. Adipocyte‐derived extracellular vesicles modulate appetite and weight through mTOR signalling in the hypothalamus
  6500. The role of appetite-related hormones, adaptive thermogenesis, perceived hunger and stress in long-term weight-loss maintenance: a mixed-methods study
  6501. Association between ketosis and changes in appetite markers with weight loss following a very low‐energy diet
  6502. Associations between the proportion of fat-free mass loss during weight loss, changes in appetite, and subsequent weight change: results from a randomized 2-stage …
  6503. The effects of synbiotic supplementation on body mass index, metabolic and inflammatory biomarkers, and appetite in patients with metabolic syndrome: a triple-blind …
  6504. Managerial risk appetite and asymmetry cost behavior: evidence from China
  6505. Whey proteins reduce appetite, stimulate anorexigenic gastrointestinal peptides and improve glucometabolic homeostasis in young obese women
  6506. Herbal medicines for suppressing appetite: A systematic review of randomized clinical trials
  6507. Sensory acceptance, appetite control and gastrointestinal tolerance of yogurts containing coffee-cascara extract and inulin
  6508. appetite for destruction: Counterintuitive effects of attractive faces on people’s food choices
  6509. Risk matrix driven supply chain risk management: Adapting risk matrix based tools to modelling interdependent risks and risk appetite
  6510. TrkB-expressing paraventricular hypothalamic neurons suppress appetite through multiple neurocircuits
  6511. Control-theory models of body-weight regulation and body-weight-regulatory appetite
  6512. Resistant starch has no effect on appetite and food intake in individuals with prediabetes
  6513. Change in appetite and food craving during menstrual cycle in young students
  6514. Weight gain in Major Depressive Disorder: Linking appetite and disordered eating to leptin and ghrelin.
  6515. Effects of liraglutide on appetite, food preoccupation, and food liking: results of a randomized controlled trial
  6516. Do consumers have an appetite for discolored beef?
  6517. The impact of acute changes of inflammation on appetite and food intake among older hospitalised patients
  6518. The volatility spillover effects among risk appetite indexes: insight from the VIX and the rise
  6519. Effect of probiotic and prebiotic versus placebo on appetite in patients with major depressive disorder: post hoc analysis of a randomised clinical trial
  6520. Mood and appetite: Their relationship with discretionary and total daily energy intake
  6521. … in Glucose Metabolism, appetite-Related Peptide Release, and Pro-i nflammatory Cytokines Play a Central Role in appetite Disorders in Peritoneal Dialysis
  6522. Sense of smell as the central driver of pavlovian appetite behavior in mammals
  6523. appetite change profiles in depression exhibit differential relationships between systemic inflammation and activity in reward and interoceptive neurocircuitry
  6524. The association of olfactory function with BMI, appetite, and prospective weight change in Dutch community-dwelling older adults
  6525. The relationship between food craving, appetite-related hormones and clinical parameters in bipolar disorder
  6526. Efficacy and safety of appetite-stimulating medications in the inpatient setting
  6527. Hesitant fuzzy linguistic portfolio model with variable risk appetite and its application in the investment ratio calculation
  6528. appetite ratings of foods are predictable with an in vitro advanced gastrointestinal model in combination with an in silico artificial neural network
  6529. Perceptions of what is important for appetite—an interview study with older people having food distribution
  6530. Effects of a novel combination of orlistat and acarbose on tolerability, appetite, and glucose metabolism in persons with obesity
  6531. Loss of appetite in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is associated with weight loss and decreased calorie consumption independent of dysphagia
  6532. Protein status modulates an appetite for protein to maintain a balanced nutritional state—a perspective view
  6533. Evaluation of the influence of raw almonds on appetite control: satiation, satiety, hedonics and consumer perceptions
  6534. ACBP is an appetite stimulator across phylogenetic barriers
  6535. Parental child-feeding in the context of child temperament and appetitive traits: evidence for a biopsychosocial process model of appetite self-regulation and weight …
  6536. Mannan Oligosaccharide Suppresses Lipid Accumulation and appetite in Western‐Diet‐Induced Obese Mice Via Reshaping Gut Microbiome and Enhancing Short …
  6537. The type of training program affects appetite-regulating hormones and body weight in overweight sedentary men
  6538. Edograms: recording the microstructure of meal intake in humans—a window on appetite mechanisms
  6539. appetite for growth: Challenges to scale for food and beverage makers in three US cities
  6540. The appetite− suppressant and GLP-1-stimulating effects of whey proteins in obese subjects are associated with increased circulating levels of specific amino acids
  6541. Chronic heat stress alters hypothalamus integrity, the serum indexes and attenuates expressions of hypothalamic appetite genes in broilers
  6542. Greater lactate accumulation following an acute bout of high-intensity exercise in males suppresses acylated ghrelin and appetite postexercise
  6543. Effects of biscuit fortified with whey protein isolate and wheat bran on weight loss, energy intake, appetite score, and appetite regulating hormones among …
  6544. Assessing the appetite for trustworthiness and the regulation of artificial intelligence in europe
  6545. Effects of active commuting and leisure-time exercise on appetite in individuals with overweight and obesity
  6546. The Melanocortin System in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) and Its Role in appetite Control
  6547. Effects of dietary energy level on appetite and central adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in broilers
  6548. Polymorphic appetite effects on waist circumference depend on rs3749474 CLOCK gene variant
  6549. Gastrointestinal capacity, gut hormones and appetite change during rat pregnancy and lactation
  6550. Analysis of anticholinergic and sedative medicine effects on physical function, cognitive function, appetite and frailty: a cross-sectional study in Australia
  6551. appetite responses to high-fat diets rich in mono-unsaturated versus poly-unsaturated fats
  6552. An appetite for invasion: digestive physiology, thermal performance and food intake in lionfish (Pterois spp.)
  6553. … oat β-glucan viscosity in a breakfast meal slows gastric emptying and reduces glycemic and insulinemic responses but has no effect on appetite, food intake, or …
  6554. Effects of fasting on the central expression of appetite-regulating and reproductive hormones in wild-type and Casper zebrafish (Danio rerio)
  6555. … and Growth of Large Yellow Croaker (Larimichthys crocea) Larvae via Promoting Intestinal Development, Alleviating Inflammation and Enhancing appetite
  6556. Intraperitoneal treatment of kisspeptin suppresses appetite and energy expenditure and alters gastrointestinal hormones in mice
  6557. Is reducing appetite beneficial for body weight management in the context of overweight and obesity? A systematic review and meta‐analysis from clinical trials …
  6558. Meal‐related acyl and des‐acyl ghrelin and other appetite‐related hormones in people with obesity and binge eating
  6559. Effect of oat and soybean rich in distinct non-starch polysaccharides on fermentation, appetite regulation and fat accumulation in rat
  6560. Assessment of appetite-regulating hormones provides further evidence of altered adipoinsular axis in early psychosis
  6561. The structure of drug trafficking organizations and money laundering practices: A risk appetite hypothesis
  6562. Associations between neuropsychological performance and appetite-regulating hormones in anorexia nervosa and healthy controls: Ghrelin’s putative role as a …
  6563. Morus alba, a Medicinal Plant for appetite Suppression and Weight Loss
  6564. A psychological stressor conveyed by appetite-linked neurons
  6565. Effect of exercise-meal timing on energy intake, appetite and food reward in adolescents with obesity: The TIMEX study
  6566. An intraperitoneal treatment with calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) regulates appetite, energy intake/expenditure, and metabolism
  6567. appetite for destruction? China, ecologically unequal exchange, and forest loss
  6568. The effects of grape seed extract (Vitis vinifera) supplement on inflammatory markers, neuropeptide Y, anthropometric measures, and appetite in obese or overweight …
  6569. Effect of macronutrient composition on appetite hormone responses in adolescents with obesity
  6570. Caloric compensation and appetite control in children of different weight status and predisposition to obesity
  6571. Effects of ipragliflozin on glycemic control, appetite and its related hormones: a prospective, multicenter, open‐label study (SOAR‐KOBE Study)
  6572. Comparison of surgical versus diet‐induced weight loss on appetite regulation and metabolic health outcomes
  6573. Effects of a high-protein/moderate-carbohydrate diet on appetite, gut peptides, and endocannabinoids—a PREVIEW study
  6574. … of Blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) Consumption on Glucose Metabolism, Gastrointestinal Hormone Response, and Perceived appetite in Healthy Adults …
  6575. Nausea, vomiting and poor appetite during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes in rural Nepal: an observational cohort study
  6576. Ketonemia and glycemia affect appetite levels and executive functions in overweight females during two ketogenic diets
  6577. Poor appetite is associated with six month mortality in hospitalised older men and women
  6578. A simple and fast-portable method for the screening of the appetite-suppressant drug sibutramine in natural products and multivitamins supplements
  6579. Dietary energy density and appetite: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials
  6580. Effects of inulin propionate ester incorporated into palatable food products on appetite and resting energy expenditure: a randomised crossover study
  6581. FGF21 mimics a fasting-induced metabolic state and increases appetite in zebrafish
  6582. True Interindividual Variability Exists in Postprandial appetite Responses in Healthy Men But Is Not Moderated by the FTO Genotype
  6583. appetite control across the lifecourse: the acute impact of breakfast drink quantity and protein content. The Full4Health Project
  6584. Moderate weight loss modifies leptin and ghrelin synthesis rhythms but not the subjective sensations of appetite in obesity patients
  6585. Glycaemic, gastrointestinal and appetite responses to breakfast porridges from ancient cereal grains: a MRI pilot study in healthy humans
  6586. The effect of brisk walking in the fasted versus fed state on metabolic responses, gastrointestinal function, and appetite in healthy men
  6587. appetite and ghrelin levels in iron deficiency anemia and the effect of parenteral iron therapy: A longitudinal study
  6588. Stevia beverage consumption prior to lunch reduces appetite and total energy intake without affecting glycemia or attentional bias to food cues: A double-blind …
  6589. Relationship between emotional appetite, eating attitudes, sleep quality, and body mass index in healthcare workers: a multi-centre study
  6590. appetite‐regulating hormones and anthropometric indicators of infants according to the type of feeding
  6591. Integration of neural reward processing and appetite‐related signaling in obese females: evidence from resting‐state fMRI
  6592. No acute effects of exogenous glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide on energy intake, appetite, or energy expenditure when added to treatment with a long …
  6593. Six weeks of morning fasting causes little adaptation of metabolic or appetite responses to feeding in adults with obesity
  6594. Industry shows increased appetite for macrophage biology.
  6595. Maternal high fat diet programs male mice offspring hyperphagia and obesity: mechanism of increased appetite neurons via altered neurogenic factors and nutrient …
  6596. Neurophysiological effects associated with subliminal conditioning of appetite motivations
  6597. Combined effect of poor appetite and low masticatory function on sarcopenia in community‐dwelling Japanese adults aged≥ 75 years: A 3‐year cohort study
  6598. Novel methodological considerations regarding the use of visual analog scale (VAS) appetite questionnaires in tightly controlled feeding trials
  6599. Rare variants in genes linked to appetite control and hypothalamic development in early-onset severe obesity
  6600. Policaptil Gel Retard Intake Reduces Postprandial Triglycerides, Ghrelin and appetite in Obese Children: A Clinical Trial
  6601. Decreased appetite is associated with sarcopenia-related outcomes in acute hospitalized older adults
  6602. Genetic variation in lean body mass, changes of appetite and weight loss in response to diet interventions: The POUNDS Lost trial
  6603. Can plate colour promote appetite and joy while dining? An investigative study in Chinese fine dining restaurants
  6604. Effect of liraglutide on food consumption, appetite sensations and eating behaviours in overweight people with type 1 diabetes
  6605. The daytime feeding frequency affects appetite-regulating hormones, amino acids, physical activity, and respiratory quotient, but not energy expenditure, in …
  6606. Disrupted oxytocin-appetite signaling in females with anorexia nervosa
  6607. Brain osmo-sodium sensitive channels and the onset of sodium appetite
  6608. Psychometric evaluation of appetite questionnaires in elderly polish patients with heart failure
  6609. Transcriptional study of appetite regulating genes in the brain of zebrafish (Danio rerio) with impaired leptin signalling
  6610. A chemical kinetic interpretation of the octane appetite of modern gasoline engines
  6611. Plasma free amino acid responses to whey protein and their relationships with gastric emptying, blood glucose-and appetite-regulatory hormones and energy intake …
  6612. Effects of a high-fat-diet supplemented with probiotics and ω3-fatty acids on appetite regulatory neuropeptides and neurotransmitters in a pig model
  6613. Country risk premium and domestic macroeconomic fundamentals when global risk appetite slides
  6614. Effects of moderate-and high-intensity acute aerobic exercise on food reward and appetite in individuals with methamphetamine dependence
  6615. Effects of testosterone supplementation on ghrelin and appetite during and after severe energy deficit in healthy men
  6616. Very low and higher carbohydrate diets promote differential appetite responses in adults with type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial
  6617. Low protein diet supplemented with crystalline amino acids suppressing appetite and apo-lipoprotein synthesis in laying hens
  6618. Effects of potential climate change-induced environmental modifications on food intake and the expression of appetite regulators in goldfish
  6619. Effects of Age on Acute appetite-Related Responses to Whey-Protein Drinks, Including Energy Intake, Gastric Emptying, Blood Glucose, and Plasma Gut Hormone …
  6620. Drugs, appetite, and body weight
  6621. The rate of weight loss does not affect resting energy expenditure and appetite sensations differently in women living with overweight and obesity
  6622. Determinants of obesity in Turkey: appetite or disease?
  6623. Pre-sleep casein protein ingestion does not impact next-day appetite, energy intake and metabolism in older individuals
  6624. Acute postprandial effect of yacon syrup ingestion on appetite: A double blind randomized crossover clinical trial
  6625. The effects of whey and soy liquid breakfast on appetite response, energy metabolism, and subsequent energy intake
  6626. Does hunger sharpen senses? A psychophysics investigation on the effects of appetite in the timing of reinforcement-oriented actions
  6627. Acute effects of whey protein on energy intake, appetite and gastric emptying in younger and older, obese men
  6628. Habitual breakfast patterns do not influence appetite and satiety responses in normal vs. high-protein breakfasts in overweight adolescent girls
  6629. Association of poorer dietary quality and higher dietary inflammation with greater symptom severity in depressed individuals with appetite loss
  6630. Effects of short-term exercise on food intake and the expression of appetite-regulating factors in goldfish
  6631. appetite is correlated with octopamine and hemolymph sugar levels in forager honeybees
  6632. Teaching people to eat according to appetite–Does the method of glucose measurement matter?
  6633. Comparison of endocannabinoids levels, FAAH gene polymorphisms, and appetite regulatory substances in women with and without binge eating disorder: a cross …
  6634. appetite-regulating hormones—leptin, adiponectin and ghrelin—and the development of prostate cancer: a systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis
  6635. Two weeks of exercise training intensity on appetite regulation in obese adults with prediabetes
  6636. Refreshing the public appetite for ‘good bacteria’: menus made by microbes
  6637. Relationship between mortality and Council of Nutrition appetite Questionnaire scores in Japanese nursing home residents
  6638. Serum concentration of appetite‐regulating hormones of mother–infant dyad according to the type of feeding
  6639. Expression of lysine-mediated neuropeptide hormones controlling satiety and appetite in broiler chickens
  6640. appetite predicts clinical outcomes in high risk patients undergoing trans-femoral TAVI
  6641. Building a market for new meat alternatives: Business activity and consumer appetite in the Netherlands
  6642. Effect of feeding stimulants on growth performance, feed intake and appetite regulation of mandarin fish, Siniperca chuatsi
  6643. Biopsychology of human appetite—understanding the excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms of homeostatic control
  6644. Effects of dietary taurine supplementation on growth performance, jejunal morphology, appetite-related hormones, and genes expression in broilers subjected …
  6645. Examining risk governance practices in global financial institutions: the adoption of risk appetite statements
  6646. The Regulatory Role of Apelin on the appetite and Growth of Common Carp (Cyprinus Carpio L.)
  6647. Growth hormone therapy in children with idiopathic short stature–the effect on appetite and appetite-regulating hormones: a pilot study
  6648. High-intensity interval exercise induces greater acute changes in sleep, appetite-related hormones, and free-living energy intake than does moderate-intensity …
  6649. Maternal high-fat–high-carbohydrate diet-induced obesity is associated with increased appetite in peripubertal male but not female C57Bl/6J mice
  6650. The effect of therapy on plasma ghrelin and leptin levels, and appetite in children with iron deficiency anemia
  6651. Exploring the munchies: An online survey of users’ experiences of cannabis effects on appetite and the development of a Cannabinoid Eating Experience …
  6652. Influence of dietary alpha-lipoic acid and lipid level on the growth performance, food intake and gene expression of peripheral appetite regulating factors in juvenile …
  6653. A review of the short-and long-term impact of weight loss on appetite in youth: what do we know and where to from here?
  6654. The elusive “hunger protein”: an appetite-stimulatory factor that is overabundant in human obesity
  6655. Women with a low-satiety phenotype show impaired appetite control and greater resistance to weight loss
  6656. appetite regulations after sprint exercise under hypoxic condition in female athletes
  6657. Effect of commercially available sugar-sweetened beverages on subjective appetite and short-term food intake in boys
  6658. A randomized crossover trial assessing the effects of acute exercise on appetite, circulating ghrelin concentrations, and butyrylcholinesterase activity in normal-weight …
  6659. The influence of claims of appetite control benefits in those trying to lose or maintain weight: The role of claim believability and attitudes to functional foods
  6660. The role of post-ingestive feedback in the development of an enhanced appetite for the orosensory properties of glucose over fructose in rats
  6661. … of TRPV1/TRPV3 channels in olanzapine-induced metabolic alteration: Possible involvement in hypothalamic energy-sensing, appetite regulation, inflammation and …
  6662. … and macro iron oxide (Fe2O3) as feed additives: effects on growth, biochemical, activity of hepatic enzymes, liver histopathology and appetite-related gene transcript …
  6663. Coaches’ perceptions about food, appetite, and nutrition of adolescent Indian athletes-A qualitative study
  6664. An afternoon hummus snack affects diet quality, appetite, and glycemic control in healthy adults
  6665. Quantifying appetite and satiety
  6666. Diurnal influences of fasted and non-fasted brisk walking on gastric emptying rate, metabolic responses, and appetite in healthy males
  6667. Αcute effects of essential amino acid gel-based and whey protein supplements on appetite and energy intake in older women
  6668. Neural connectivity between the hypothalamic supramammillary nucleus and appetite‐and motivation‐related regions of the rat brain
  6669. Dietary tryptophan affects growth performance, digestive and absorptive enzyme activities, intestinal antioxidant capacity, and appetite and GH–IGF axis-related gene …
  6670. appetite-stimulating effect of gabapentin vs mirtazapine in healthy cats post-ovariectomy
  6671. appetite‐related responses to overfeeding and longitudinal weight change in obesity‐prone and obesity‐resistant adults
  6672. Behavioural characterization of ghrelin ligands, anamorelin and HM01: appetite and reward-motivated effects in rodents
  6673. Acute pancreatitis secondary to use of appetite suppressant: Garcinia cambogia
  6674. … with sucromalt and isomaltulose versus standard formula on glycaemic index, entero-insular axis peptides and subjective appetite in patients with type 2 …
  6675. Gustatory mechanisms of a specific appetite
  6676. appetite-enhancing effects of inhaling cinnamon, clove, and fennel essential oils containing phenylpropanoid analogues
  6677. Reorienting Norwegian mental healthcare services: listen to patients’ learning appetite
  6678. Functional brain networks: unique patterns with hedonic appetite and confidence to resist eating in older adults with obesity
  6679. Comparison of energy-matched high-intensity interval and moderate-intensity continuous exercise sessions on latency to eat, energy intake, and appetite
  6680. Effect of video game playing and a glucose preload on subjective appetite, subjective emotions, and food intake in overweight and obese boys
  6681. Transcranial direct current stimulation over the tongue motor cortex reduces appetite in healthy humans
  6682. A futility, perversity and jeopardy critique of “risk appetite
  6683. The appetite Suppressant D-norpseudoephedrine (Cathine) Acts via D1/D2-Like Dopamine Receptors in the Nucleus Accumbens Shell
  6684. Effects of combined GIP and GLP-1 infusion on energy intake, appetite and energy expenditure in overweight/obese individuals: a randomised, crossover …
  6685. Is there a waning appetite for critical methodology in psychology?
  6686. Conditioned place avoidance using encapsulated calcium propionate as an appetite suppressant for broiler breeders
  6687. Factors that shape a hotel company’s risk appetite
  6688. Nutritional status and appetite-regulating hormones in early treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia among children and adolescents: a cohort study
  6689. Effects of auricular acupuncture on appetite in patients with advanced cancer: a pilot randomized controlled trial
  6690. Sucralose consumption over 2 weeks in healthy subjects does not modify fasting plasma concentrations of appetite-regulating hormones: a randomized clinical trial
  6691. … knowledge of the people in Karya Usaha Hamlet (Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan, Indonesia) on the processing and diversity of plants that enhance toddler’s appetite
  6692. Smoking-related weight and appetite concerns and use of electronic cigarettes among daily cigarette smokers
  6693. Effects of L-phenylalanine on energy intake and glycaemia—impacts on appetite perceptions, gastrointestinal hormones and gastric emptying in healthy males
  6694. Effects of fasting on the gene expression of appetite regulators in three Characiformes with different feeding habits (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, Metynnis argenteus and …
  6695. The effect of soluble fiber dextrin on subjective and physiological markers of appetite: a randomized trial
  6696. The acute phase protein orosomucoid 1 is upregulated in early lactation but does not trigger appetite-suppressing STAT3 signaling via the leptin receptor
  6697. Standardization and formulation of an herbal appetite-stimulating drug from Gentiana olivieri
  6698. Does dapagliflozin affect energy intake and appetite? A randomized, controlled exploratory study in healthy subjects
  6699. Association of dietary variety and appetite with sleep quality in urban-dwelling older Japanese adults
  6700. appetite effects of prefrontal stimulation depend on COMT Val158Met polymorphism: a randomized clinical trial
  6701. … on appetite loss and weight loss associated with cancer cachexia Japanese Evidence for Patients of Cancer Cachexia (J-EPOCC)-The problem awareness of appetite
  6702. Bariatric arterial embolization with calibrated radiopaque microspheres and an antireflux catheter suppresses weight gain and appetite-stimulating hormones in swine
  6703. Racial variations in appetite-related hormones, appetite, and laboratory-based energy intake from the E-MECHANIC Randomized Clinical Trial
  6704. Resting state fMRI reveals differential effects of glucose administration on central appetite signalling in young and old adults
  6705. Assessment of compounded transdermal mirtazapine as an appetite stimulant in cats with chronic kidney disease
  6706. appetite for grass: Re‐engineering landscapes of Otago and Southland 1864–1914
  6707. Validity and reliability of Korean version of Simplified Nutritional appetite Questionnaire in patients with advanced cancer: a multicenter, longitudinal study
  6708. appetite Assessment of Hospitalized Cancer Patients in Brazil–A Validation Study
  6709. Risk appetite and jumps in realized correlation
  6710. The relationship between physical activity and appetite in patients with heart failure: a prospective observational study
  6711. The impact of obstructive sleep apnea and positive airway pressure therapy on metabolic peptides regulating appetite, food intake, energy homeostasis, and systemic …
  6712. Fasting and refeeding induce differential changes in hypothalamic mRNA abundance of appetite-associated factors in 7 day-old Japanese quail, Coturnix japonica
  6713. Examining the effects of a high-protein total diet replacement on energy metabolism, metabolic blood markers, and appetite sensations in healthy adults …
  6714. Effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles on regulatory appetite and heat stress protein genes in broiler chickens subjected to heat stress
  6715. Explaining Heterogeneity in Risk appetite and Tolerance: The Turkish Case
  6716. The Role of Tri Hita Karana Culture in Moderating the Effect of GCG, Risk appetite and Work Motivation on Financial Performance of LPD in the Denpasar City …
  6717. Estradiol and appetite: To eat or not to eat
  6718. Association Between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in PPARA and EPAS1 Genes and High-Altitude appetite Loss in Chinese Young Men
  6719. The subfornical organ in sodium appetite: Recent insights
  6720. The effect of synbiotic supplementation on anthropometric indices, appetite, and constipation in people with hypothyroidism: A randomized, double‐blind, placebo …
  6721. Suppression of oral sweet sensations during consumption of sweet food in humans: Effects on gastric emptying rate, glycemic response, appetite, food satisfaction and …
  6722. Comparison of the effects of a liquid breakfast meal with varying doses of plant-based soy protein on appetite profile, energy metabolism and intake
  6723. Cloning and effects of fasting on the brain expression levels of appetite-regulators and reproductive hormones in glass catfish (Kryptopterus vitreolus)
  6724. Evaluation of the relationship between adipose metabolism patterns and secretion of appetite-related endocrines on chicken
  6725. Difficulties in translating appetite sensations effect of turmeric-based beverage when given prior to isoenergetic medium-or high-fat meals in healthy subjects
  6726. Potato fibers have positive effects on subjective appetite sensations in healthy men, but not on fecal fat excretion: A randomized controlled single-blind crossover trial
  6727. Single-Case Study of appetite Control in Prader-Willi Syndrome, Over 12-Years by the Indian Extract Caralluma fimbriata
  6728. Critical evaluation of the appetite test for children with severe acute malnutrition
  6729. Electroacupuncture for chemotherapy‑induced anorexia through humoral appetite regulation: A preliminary experimental study
  6730. Post-moderate-intensity exercise energy replacement does not reduce subsequent appetite and energy intake in adolescents with obesity
  6731. Association between eating frequency and eating behaviours related to appetite from 4 to 7 years of age: Findings from the population-based birth cohort generation …
  6732. Infant appetite: from cries to cues and responsive feeding
  6733. The short-term effect of whey compared with pea protein on appetite, food intake, and energy expenditure in young and older men
  6734. appetite regulation and the peripheral sink amyloid beta clearance pathway in diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease
  6735. Validity of simplified nutritional appetite questionnaire for Turkish community-dwelling elderly and determining cut-off according to mini nutritional assessment
  6736. Fibroblast growth factor 21: an endocrine inhibitor of sugar and alcohol appetite
  6737. appetite Control Might not Be Improved after Weight Loss in Adolescents with Obesity, Despite Non-Persistent Metabolic Syndrome
  6738. The relationship of appetite-regulating hormones in the development of cardiac cachexia
  6739. Risk appetite and intermediation by swap dealers
  6740. Preventive effect of cyproheptadine on sleep and appetite disorders induced by methylphenidate: an exploratory randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled …
  6741. appetite for imprecision: The role of bureaucracy in implementing a pay-for-performance program
  6742. Variants in genes of innate immunity, appetite control and energy metabolism are associated with host cardiometabolic health and gut microbiota composition
  6743. The role of AMPK in the regulation of appetite and energy homeostasis: role of AMPK in appetite
  6744. The finny tribe: How Coastal, Cosmopolitan New Orleans satisfied an appetite for fish
  6745. appetite and energy intake responses to breakfast consumption and carbohydrate supplementation in hypoxia
  6746. Estradiol modulates the palatability of 0.3 M NaCl in female rats during sodium appetite
  6747. Impact of Exercise Timing on Chemosensory Response, appetite, and Energy Intake in Lean Males
  6748. Association between adiposity and fasting serum levels of appetite-regulating peptides: Leptin, neuropeptide Y, desacyl ghrelin, peptide YY (1-36), obestatin, cocaine …
  6749. High-saturated fatty meals with orange juice intake have subjective appetite sensations suppressed: Acute, postprandial study
  6750. No effects on appetite or body weight in weight-reduced individuals of foods containing components previously shown to reduce appetite-Results from the SATIN …
  6751. Environmental stress effects on appetite: Changing desire for high-and low-energy foods depends on the nature of the perceived threat
  6752. appetite dysregulation and the apelinergic system are connected to the global chronic disease epidemic
  6753. Moderate-Intensity aerobic exercise restores appetite and prefrontal brain activity to images of food among persons dependent on methamphetamine: a …
  6754. Hunger and appetite
  6755. Effects of polypharmacy on appetite and malnutrition risk among institutionalized Lebanese older adults-preliminary results
  6756. Exploration of associations between the FTO rs9939609 genotype, fasting and postprandial appetite-related hormones and perceived appetite in healthy men and …
  6757. Giant gartersnakes (Thamnophis gigas) exploit abundant nonnative prey while maintaining their appetite for native anurans
  6758. Development and validation of a tool to assess appetite of children in low income settings
  6759. Apples as a source of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers: Effect of dietary fibers on appetite
  6760. Concurrent validity of an appetite questionnaire in peritoneal dialysis
  6761. DNA methylation of genes regulating appetite and prediction of weight loss after bariatric surgery in obese individuals
  6762. Acute effect of a cod protein hydrolysate on postprandial acylated ghrelin concentration and sensations associated with appetite in healthy subjects: A double …
  6763. Effect of increasing the dietary protein content of breakfast on subjective appetite, short-term food intake and diet-induced thermogenesis in children
  6764. Influence of short-term hyperenergetic, high-fat feeding on appetite, appetite-related hormones, and food reward in healthy men
  6765. No changes in appetite-related hormones following swimming and cycling exercise interventions in adults with obesity
  6766. Salt appetite and its effects on cardiovascular risk in primary aldosteronism
  6767. A Genealogy of appetite in the Sexual Sciences
  6768. Prenatal predictors of objectively measured appetite regulation in low‐income toddlers and preschool‐age children
  6769. Effects of different physical activity levels during a single day on energy intake, appetite, and energy balance: a preliminary study
  6770. Biochemical mechanisms involved in the regulation of appetite and weight-review
  6771. The Effect of Acute Hypohydration on Indicators of Glycemic Regulation, appetite, Metabolism and Stress: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  6772. Correlation between appetite disorders, nutritional status and smoking habits in elderly
  6773. Effects of exercise during weight loss maintenance on appetite regulation in women
  6774. Effect of adding different levels of Optifeed®, Vêo® premium and Oleobiotec® to the diets as appetite stimulants in the production and physiological …
  6775. The association of circulating endocannabinoids with appetite regulatory substances in obese women
  6776. Changes in body composition, energy metabolism, and appetite-regulating hormones in Korean professional female ballet dancers before and after ballet …
  6777. Impaired Fluid Intake, but Not Sodium appetite, in Aged Rats Is Mediated by the Cyclooxygenase-Prostaglandin E2 Pathway
  6778. Food portion at ages 8–11 and obesogeny: The amount of food given to children varies with the mother’s education and the child’s appetite arousal
  6779. The hunger games: laparoscopic performance in novice surgeons is not altered by food deprivation but influenced by the degree of appetite-a randomized controlled …
  6780. Plasma free fatty acids metabolic profile with LC-MS and appetite-related hormones in South Asian and white European men in relation to adiposity, physical activity …
  6781. Inhibition of salt appetite in sodium-depleted rats by carvacrol: Involvement of noradrenergic and serotonergic pathways
  6782. Perceptions and experiences of appetite awareness training among African-American women who binge eat
  6783. Modeling the effects of water temperature on growth rates, gastric evacuation and the return of appetite in juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L
  6784. Role of diet on intestinal metabolites and appetite control factors in SD rats
  6785. YNCRG inhibited metabolic syndrome through appetite suppression and improved lipid metabolism in metabolic syndrome model rats
  6786. appetite for information and trading behavior
  6787. Impulsivity and compulsivity in anorexia nervosa: Cognitive systems underlying variation in appetite restraint from an RDoC perspective
  6788. Dairy products influence gut hormone secretion and appetite differently: a randomized controlled crossover trial
  6789. Acute sleep curtailment increases sweet taste preference, appetite and food intake in healthy young adults: A randomized crossover trial
  6790. The Expression of agrp1, A Hypothalamic appetite-Stimulating Neuropeptide, Reveals Hydrodynamic-Induced Starvation in a Larval Fish
  6791. Effects of resistant starch ingestion on postprandial lipemia and subjective appetite in overweight or obese subjects
  6792. Association of Day-to-Day Variations in Physical Activity with Postprandial appetite Regulation in Lean Young Males
  6793. Response of appetite-related genes in relation to the rearing water temperature in red spotted grouper (Epinephelus akaara)
  6794. The impact of CEO competence heterogeneity and investor risk appetite on corporate bond yield-take the listed companies of the real estate industry as an example
  6795. A comparison of intermittent and continuous exercise bouts at different intensities on appetite and postprandial metabolic responses in healthy men
  6796. Mothers’ eating styles influence on their feeding practices and on their children’s appetite traits
  6797. Role of the serotonergic system in appetite and ingestion control
  6798. Acute Impact of the Use of a Standing Desk on appetite Sensations and Energy Intake
  6799. Risk appetite index and credit default swaps: a Granger causality analysis
  6800. appetite for arginine: metabolic control of macrophage hunger
  6801. Effect of smoking on appetite, concentration and stress level
  6802. Delayed meal timing after exercise is associated with reduced appetite and energy intake in adolescents with obesity
  6803. Acute assessment of subjective appetite and implicated hormones after a hypnosis-induced hallucinated meal: a randomized cross-over pilot trial
  6804. appetite reducing herbal drugs from the perspective of Avicenna and Aghili in Iranian traditional medicine (Persian medicine)
  6805. Understanding problems with sleep, sexual functioning, energy, and appetite among patients who access transdiagnostic internet-delivered cognitive …
  6806. The combination of cholecystokinin and stress amplifies an inhibition of appetite, gastric emptying, and an increase in c-Fos expression in neurons of the …
  6807. Role of the neuropeptide F 1 in regulating the appetite for food in Locusta migratoria
  6808. Psychobiology of appetite and Food Reward in Adults with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: Is there a Role for Exercise?
  6809. Blocking SIRPα could restore macrophage appetite and mitigate pneumonia
  6810. Introduction: losing appetite for the EU? Tensions around food in Central and Eastern Europe
  6811. Effects of acute eccentric exercise on appetite-related hormones and food preferences in men
  6812. Neural effects of hand-grip-activity induced fatigue sensation on appetite: a magnetoencephalography study
  6813. Comparison of postoperative pain and appetite in pediatric patients undergoing monopolar tonsillotomy and cold steel tonsillectomy
  6814. Does a larger menu increase appetite? Collateral eligibility and bank risk-taking
  6815. appetite and weight control by Hypericum perforatum and acupuncture added to lifestyle modification: Study protocol for a randomized clinical trial
  6816. Therapeutic modulation of the CD47-SIRPα axis in the pediatric tumor microenvironment: working up an appetite
  6817. … analysis of liquid and semisolid culture system for in vitro propagation and conservation of Caralluma edulis: an appetite suppressant medicinal succulent of the …
  6818. Effects of overnight sleep deprivation on appetite and physical performance in elite female soccer players
  6819. Perception, Approach and Management of Loss of appetite: A Cross-sectional, Questionnaire based Physician Survey.
  6820. Effect of high-protein breakfast meal on within-day appetite hormones: Peptide YY, glucagon like peptide-1 in adults
  6821. Progress in understanding the roles of Urocortin3 (UCN3) in the control of appetite from studies using animal models
  6822. Obestatin levels in response to a meal and association with subsequent appetite sensations in maintenance hemodialysis patients
  6823. Acute effects of an isocaloric macronutrient-matched breakfast meal containing almonds on glycemic, hormonal, and appetite responses in men with type 2 diabetes: a …
  6824. Risk-Taking, Competition and Uncertainty: Do Coco Bonds Increase the Risk appetite of Banks?
  6825. Effect of meal acceptability on postprandial appetite scores and hormones of male participants with varied adiposity
  6826. DMHF (2,5‐dimethyl‐4‐hydroxy‐3(2H)‐furanone), a volatile food component generated by the Maillard reaction, promotes appetite and changes gene expression in …
  6827. Cross-modal effect of presenting food images on taste appetite
  6828. Distress intolerance in relation to reliance on cigarettes for weight, shape, and appetite control
  6829. Effect of White Potatoes on Subjective appetite, Food Intake, and Glycemic Response in Healthy Older Adults
  6830. Does an acute bout of high intensity interval exercise suppress appetite in obese women?
  6831. Increasing meal frequency in isoenergetic conditions does not affect body composition change and appetite during weight gain in japanese athletes
  6832. appetite-enhancing effects of nutmeg oil and structure–activity relationship of habituation to phenylpropanoids
  6833. appetite regulating genes may contribute to herbivory versus carnivory trophic divergence in haplochromine cichlids
  6834. Influence of the physical exercise on decrease in the gastric emptying and alter appetite and food behavior in rats dexamethasone-treatment
  6835. Understanding the interplay between food structure, bacterial fermentation and appetite sensing: a randomized crossover human trial
  6836. Determinants of IPO-firms’ merger appetite
  6837. Effects of eggs and egg components on cognitive performance, glycemic response, and subjective appetite in children aged 9–14 years (P14-017-19)
  6838. Presenting a Model on the Effects of Qualitative Elements of One Sport Website on the appetite of Users
  6839. Infant appetite traits and early infant feeding practices in low-income Hispanic families
  6840. The impact of sleep quality and duration on leptin, appetite, and obesity indices in adults
  6841. Insatiable appetite: food as cultural signifier in the middle east and beyond
  6842. Effects of thylakoid intake on appetite and weight loss: a systematic review
  6843. Hedonic contrast and the short-term stimulation of appetite
  6844. Cottonseed meal protein hydrolysate stimulates feed intake and appetite in Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis
  6845. Reciprocal interactions between sodium appetite and need-free sugar intake
  6846. Earwigs-an appetite for destruction or are they beneficial?
  6847. Role of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α in regulating oxidative stress and hypothalamic neuropeptides-mediated appetite control
  6848. Determinants of risk appetite and sectoral effects of risk appetite: the case of Turkey
  6849. The effects of moderate alterations in adrenergic activity on acute appetite regulation in obese women: A randomised crossover trial
  6850. Neuronal clock coordinates appetite
  6851. Assessing the influence of fasted and postprandial states on day-to-day variability of appetite and food preferences
  6852. Associations of appetite sensations and metabolic characteristics with weight retention in postpartum women
  6853. Giving E. coli a newfound appetite for formate
  6854. Anorexia in Cancer: appetite, Physiology and Beyond
  6855. appetite and everyday life in African literature
  6856. Sensory, gastric, and enteroendocrine effects of carbohydrates, fat, and protein on appetite
  6857. A study protocol for a randomised crossover study evaluating the effect of diets differing in carbohydrate quality on ileal content and appetite regulation in healthy …
  6858. The Effect of one session moderate and heavy resistance exercise on the appetite, food intake and energy expenditure in healthy men
  6859. Introduction to the special issue” bariatric surgery and appetite
  6860. Metformin-induced hepatokine reduces appetite
  6861. An appetite for Life: How to Feed Your Child from the Start
  6862. Pre-meal active video game playing increased subjective appetite but not food intake in children and adolescents
  6863. Does protein supplementation impact appetite and energy intake in older adults? A systematic review
  6864. Evaluation of an Amino Acid Mix on the Secretion of Gastrointestinal Peptides, Glucometabolic Homeostasis, and appetite in Obese Adolescents Administered with a …
  6865. Salt appetite and Aging
  6866. Changes in Body Weight in Relation to appetite During 6 Months of Alternate Day Fasting with a Low Carbohydrate Diet
  6867. Corrigendum: The influence of nighttime feeding of carbohydrate or protein combined with exercise training on appetite and cardiometabolic risk in young obese …
  6868. Teenager with abdominal pain and decreased appetite
  6869. Response to comments on “The role of appetite-related hormones, adaptive thermogenesis, perceived hunger and stress in long-term weight-loss maintenance: a …
  6870. Double immunofluorescent evidence that oxidative stress-associated activation of JNK/AP-1 signaling participates in neuropeptide-mediated appetite control
  6871. Prefrontal tDCS effects on appetite may depend on dopamine status: preliminary analysis of a clinical trial
  6872. Comments on “The role of appetite-related hormones, adaptive thermogenesis, perceived hunger and stress in long-term weight-loss maintenance: a mixed-methods …
  6874. Is there any appetite for “linguistic hospitality” in monolingual educational spaces?: The case for translanguaging in Australian higher education
  6875. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor affects mRNA and miRNA expression of the appetite regulating centre in the sheep arcuate nucleus
  6876. appetite during the second and third trimesters mediates the impact of prenatal environmental tobacco smoke exposure on symmetric full-term low birth weight
  6877. Unraveling the association of tobacco smoking (nicotine) with gut and adipocyte appetite regulator hormones-A systematic review
  6878. appetite: Sex, Touch, and Desire in Women with Anorexia
  6879. appetite Regulation
  6880. … of Zinc Supplementation on the Anthropometric Measurements, Leptin, Ghrelin and C-reactive protein in the Obese Adults with Increased appetite and Baseline Zinc …
  6881. Austrian banks’ lending risk appetite in times of expansive monetary policy and tightening capital regulation
  6882. An appetite for Asian.
  6883. Child appetite
  6884. A bidirectional network for appetite control in zebrafish
  6885. appetite-Regulating Hormones and Eating Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  6886. Cellular metabolic reprogramming controls sugar appetite
  6887. Developmental programming of appetite and growth in male rats increases hypothalamic serotonin (5-HT) 5A receptor expression and sensitivity
  6888. Palatability of goat’s versus cow’s milk: Insights from the analysis of eating behavior and gene expression in the appetite-relevant brain circuit in laboratory animal …
  6889. The Politics of Food and appetite in Anita Desai’s Fasting, Feasting and VS Naipaul’s Half a Life
  6890. Factors affecting dietary intake, dietary change, nutritional status and appetite in older adults: impact of oral health status
  6891. Finishing school, fishing and flourishing: appetite, engagement and compliance in Daoism, Existentialism and Psychoanalysis
  6892. The effect of chocolate-based products on some appetite-related hormones: a systematic review
  6893. Exercise and training effects on appetite-regulating hormones in individuals with obesity
  6894. Effects of risk culture and appetite on effective risk management in Nigerian banks: Case study of United Bank for Africa Plc
  6895. appetite and appetite Regulation
  6896. appetite-regulating Hormones in Energy Compensation with Exercise
  6897. Temporal control of appetite by AgRP Clocks
  6898. 969-P: effects of tirzepatide on meal intake and appetite in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes
  6899. The Energetics of Nut Consumption: Oral Processing, appetite, and Energy Balance
  6900. Acute decrease in plasma testosterone and appetite after either glucose or protein beverages in adolescent males
  6901. appetite control and dietary adherence during intermittent energy restriction in naturalistic settings using Ecological Momentary Assessment
  6902. Attila’s appetite: The Logistics of Attila the Hun’s Invasion of Italy in 452.
  6903. Sex Differences in the Central Control of Sodium appetite and Blood Pressure
  6904. Comparison of Tuina Massage Therapy and Citronella Aromatherapy Oil in Toddler appetite Enhancement
  6905. Does Risk appetite influence Demand for Reinsurance? A survey of the Evidence
  6906. On the Inertia of appetite: Transient Relations from the Chinatown Opium Scene
  6907. Changes in Energy Intake and appetite Following Different Intensities of Aerobic Exercise
  6908. A multidisciplinary approach to investigate biological effects on intestine physiology and appetite stimulus in rainbow trout Onchorhincus mykiss fed diets with graded …
  6909. Acetate, propionate and butyrate reduce appetite and fat accumulation in mice via modulating relevant genes and hormones
  6910. Position of appetite and nausea in symptom clusters in palliative radiation therapy
  6911. appetite and gastrointestinal hormone response to a gluten-free meal in patients with coeliac disease
  6912. Overeating Risk in Overweight Young Women Is Divided into Two Types According to appetite and Eating Behavior
  6913. An appetite for APPs: A comparison of heavily reliant and light reliant app users on political activity and media reliance
  6914. Reading appetite Cues in Infancy: A Role for Nutrition Education
  6915. Corrigendum: increased appetite plays a key role in olanzapine-induced weight gain in first-episode schizophrenia patients
  6916. Role of glucagon-like peptide-1 in appetite regulation in patients with morbid obesity and leptin resistance
  6917. Australia’s strategic appetite should take more account of Indonesia
  6918. Smad3 Cranks Up the appetite of Infarct Macrophages
  6919. Stress response and appetite regulation in overweight and normal-weight young men: preliminary data
  6920. Eighty-nine-year-old woman with fatigue and reduced appetite
  6921. Wired to Eat: Turn Off Cravings, Rewire Your appetite for Weight Loss, and Determine the Foods that Work for You
  6922. Low appetite child and nutrition therapy approaches.
  6923. New development: Myth or reality? The public sector’s growing appetite to procure from the third sector
  6924. Exploring Teaching Assistants’ appetite to Become Teachers
  6925. Young Brain-Big appetite.
  6926. Subhypnotic dose of intravenous propofol stimulates appetite in cats with stress‐induced anorexia
  6927. Development of a delayed-release nutrient for appetite control in adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes and initial clinical testing in a single dose randomized …
  6928. appetite FOR DATA
  6929. Asexual crops whet industry appetite
  6930. Rapid onset avascular necrosis secondary to misuse of appetite stimulant
  6931. Analysis of the Effects of Combination of Compound Intestinal Microecological Preparation and Modified Low-carbonhydrate Diet on appetite, Fat Metabolism and …
  6932. The appetite for revenge and murder in translation: Japanese mystery novels and their social media savvy Indonesian readers
  6933. Black appetite, White Food
  6934. Molecular Mechanisms of appetite and Energy Balance
  6935. “Strange Flesh”: Hunger and appetite in Shakespeare’s Rome
  6936. The Impact of Sleep Restriction on Subjective Sensations of appetite and Food Cravings: A Quantitative Study in Healthy Men
  6937. Cardiovascular, lactate and appetite response to light and spicy music tempo after an endurance swimming protocol in young girls
  6938. A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study Evaluating the Effects of Intranasal Insulin on Food Related Reward and appetite
  6939. The GAMMA concept (gastrointestinal activity manipulation to modulate appetite) preliminary proofs of the concept of local vibrational gastric mechanical stimulation
  6940. Long-lasting effects of obesity on appetite neurons
  6941. The effect of high performance inulin on appetite, energy intake and anthropometric indices in patient with type 2 diabetes
  6942. Water Insoluble Fraction of Nopal (Opuntia ficus) Cladodes Beneficially Affects Postprandial appetite-related Variables, while the Soluble Fraction Has No Effect …
  6943. The Neural Basis of Sodium appetite
  6944. appetite for destruction: Günther Anders and the metabolism of nuclear techno-politics
  6945. Effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles on regulatory appetite and heat stress protein genes in broiler chickens subjected to heat stress
  6946. appetite, Renaissance Idea of
  6947. The relationship between emotional appetite and bipolar features in obese and non-obese individuals
  6948. How a Top Team’s Risk appetite Impacts Firm Outcomes: Examining an Integrated Model
  6949. SRC1 deficiency in hypothalamic arcuate nucleus increases appetite and body weight
  6950. Comparatisms Compared: Stirring the appetite
  6951. Assessment of the nutritional status of children according to maternal reports: Are mothers’ perceptions of their children’s appetite accurate?
  6952. Low appetite for High Tech: When the Indifference of Inhabitants to Digital Mobilities Impedes a Smart Suburbs Project
  6953. A Novel Detection Method for appetite Suppressants Illegally Added into Weight-Loss-Friendly Foods.
  6954. appetite for Destruction: Children and Violent Death in Popular Culture
  6955. Subjective palatability and appetite after gluten-free pasta: A pilot study
  6956. The Effects of an Overnight (8h) Exposure to Normobaric Hypoxia on appetite and Energy Intake: a Pilot Study
  6957. Protein appetite drives neural activity in the ventral tegmental area
  6958. Accidental Overdose of Pergolide (Prascend) Followed by Loss of appetite, Tachycardia, and Behavioral Abnormalities in a Pony Mare
  6959. Please Excuse This appetite: Essays
  6960. The Effects of Clinoptilolite Administration on the appetite, the Consistency of Faeces and the Histology of the Small Intestine in Growing Pigs
  6961. Dietary vs. light stimulated smoltification: effects on smolt development and appetite regulation in pre-and post-smolts
  6962. Effects of subjective feeling of environmental temperature on appetite and food intake in Chinese sociodemographic and ethnic groups
  6963. Through the Mouth: An Essay on appetite and Ecocide
  6964. Five. The Physiology of appetite to 1850
  6965. The Importance of Risk appetite in Risk Assessment
  6966. appetite for Cultural Destruction: A Strategic Analysis
  6967. Bon appetite
  6968. Berberine for appetite Suppressant and Prevention of Obesity
  6969. appetite for work
  6970. Savage appetite
  6971. An appetite for Life: How to Feed Your Child from the Start
  6972. Improvements in albuminuria and chronic kidney disease progression with the appetite suppressant lorcaserin
  6973. An appetite to lead
  6974. appetite for Ecstasy: Chronic Dispossession and Biochemical Governance in America, 1870-1920
  6975. appetite for life
  6976. Influence of nutrition in infancy on appetite characteristics, dietary intake, growth and later obesity risk
  6977. Quantification of appetite-regulating hormones in children with hypothalamic and common obesity
  6978. appetite versus Hunger
  6979. Molecular and elemental contrast microscopy for biochemical fingerprinting of the cellular action mechanisms underlying tDCS in appetite control
  6980. Background: appetite disorders are frequent and scantly studied in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients and are associated with malnutrition and cardiovascular …
  6981. M. Pilar Opazo, appetite for Innovation: Creativity and Change at elBulli
  6982. appetite, Anatomy, and Desire in Caroline Era Poetry and Theatre
  6983. Investigating the effects of general perceived inequality on appetite
  6984. Brain Distribution of Key Neuropeptides Involved in appetite Control in Atlantic Salmon, Salmo Salar (L.)
  6985. … and regulated nutrition claims on consumers’ perceptions of product healthfulness and purchase intentions: A randomized controlled trial”[appetite 149 (1 June 2020) …
  6986. … emotional eating uniquely interact with ease of activation, intensity, and duration of emotional reactivity to predict increased binge eating’.[appetite, 151 (2020) 1-10 …
  6987. Research Article Berberine for appetite Suppressant and Prevention of Obesity
  6988. CHAPTER TWO. An appetite for Asia
  6989. The colour of appetite: How does ambient colour affect appetite?
  6990. Risk appetite in Banks’ Reports
  6991. Poet and polytheist: A long life of appetite and celebration
  6992. The quality of pasta versus rice is determining to control hunger and appetite: A comparative study of pasta and rice
  6993. Jane Austen’s appetite for Stewardship, Hospitality, and Paternalism: Food in Pride and Prejudice
  6994. Stress and Salt appetite
  6995. “Rectification of appetite” as Education of Desire Within “Moral” Virtue
  6996. appetite for Destruction
  6997. Self-reported Use of K2/Spice for appetite Stimulation: A Case Report
  6998. The Psychobiology of Nicotine Vaping: Impact on addiction, cognition, mood, anxiety and appetite
  6999. Insatiable appetite: Excessive Matter in Bruno Jasieński’s Poems
  7000. An appetite for Excellence
  7002. … visual attention to hedonic foods: A preliminary eye-tracking study on the impact of the interplay between integral and incidental affect on foods”[appetite 137 (1 June …
  7003. A wizard’s desk and a child’s appetite
  7004. Effects of Whole Grain, Compared to Refined Grain, Intake on Subjective Measures of appetite: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  7005. Pre-sleep protein consumption has no impact on next-day appetite, energy intake and metabolism in older individuals
  7006. The Influence of Heat on appetite-Regulating Adipokines
  7007. The differential effects of weight loss by RYGB versus very-low calorie diet (VLCD) on gut hormone levels and appetite: potential contribution to sustained weight loss
  7008. Corrigendum to “Just thinking about exercise makes me serve more food. Physical activity and calorie compensation”[appetite 56 (2011) 332–335]
  7009. appetite: End of Year 6 report 2018–2019
  7010. appetite Status After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
  7011. Severe Sleep Restriction Suppresses appetite Independent of Effects on Food Intake-Regulating Hormones
  7012. Cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Emotional appetite Questionnaire among Portuguese-speaking women
  7013. space and urban environment, 70 urban economy, 50–53 Antony, 22 Life of Antony, 22 appetite, 25, 35–37
  7014. Effects of Amino Acids on Olfactory-Related Receptors Regulating appetite in Silver Pomfret
  7015. Sugar–an appetite for change
  7016. Feeding China’s Growing appetite for Human Albumin
  7017. Effect of Feeding Hay on Nonesterified Fatty Acids in appetite-suppressed Pregnant New Zealand White Rabbits
  7018. Other Health Benefits of Dried Fruits: Cognitive Function, appetite, Satiety Control, Intestinal Health, and Hepatoprotection
  7019. An exploration of lipids with the potential to influence appetite and food intake
  7020. Role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in appetite control
  7021. Associations Between Depressive Symptoms, appetite and Food Intake Among Hospitalized Older Adults
  7022. Biopsychological investigation of satiety responsiveness and its implications for appetite control
  7023. Exposure to Written Content Eliciting Weight Stigmatization: Neural Control of appetite and Food Reward
  7024. Effect of appetite-conditioned reflex stimulation on early enteral nutrition tolerance after surgery
  7025. Prevalence of Zinc Deficiency in Obese Adults with Increased appetite in Shiraz, Iran
  7026. The Corporations Act and Climate Change–appetite for Change?
  7028. The Use of Lavender Aromatherapy as A Stimulant To Increase Pre-School Children’s appetite
  7029. A High Energy Turnover Improves appetite Control at Different Levels of Energy Balance
  7030. Child with loss of appetite and dietary vomiting
  7031. Why farming requires an appetite for risk
  7032. The Impact of Dietary Protein on appetite-Regulating Hormones and Energy Metabolism in Children with Prader-Willi Syndrome
  7033. Risk appetite Statement fails and avoiding them
  7034. Understanding risk appetite and tolerance: the Turkish case
  7035. (Book Review) New Suits-appetite for Disruption in the Legal World
  7036. 1Q19–US and Chinese investors retain their appetite
  7037. Response to Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Patients with Poor appetite and COPD
  7038. Effects of exercise on markers of appetite and energy intake
  7039. Evaluation of weight and appetite of adult wistar rats supplemented with ethanolic leaf extract of Moringa oleifera
  7040. The Implementation of a Higher vs. Standard-Protein ‘Breakfast in the Classroom’Program on School Breakfast Participation, appetite, and Mood in Middle-School …
  7041. Effect of Short Term Weight Loss on appetite and Satiety Hormones in Overweight Female Adults
  7043. Healthy ageing, appetite, frailty and sarcopenia: a brief overview
  7044. appetite control is improved by high energy turnover at different levels of energy balance
  7045. The Association Between Loss Of appetite And Sense Of Olfaction In Children With Iron Deficiency Anemia.
  7046. appetite Slump-Young Child
  7047. Central nervous system stimulants and drugs that suppress appetite
  7048. The Influence of Heat on appetite Regulating Hormones
  7049. A study on Investment and risk appetite pattern of Investors
  7050. What drives banks’ appetite for sovereign debt in CEE countries?
  7051. Can eating harder textured foods slowly influence appetite?
  7052. Poor appetite in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Prevalence and Clinical Correlates
  7053. Body weight, organ weight, and appetite evaluation of adult albino Wistar rats treated with berberine.
  7054. Correction: Acute effects of exercise intensity on subsequent substrate utilisation, appetite, and energy balance in men and women
  7055. A Supplement Supporting appetite Based on Olfactory Stimulation
  7056. Soil and scheduling–study tests farmer appetite for technology
  7057. KEBAP: A Semantic Key Enabling Beverage and appetite Platform enriched with Virtual Reality
  7058. Mechanisms that determine phagocytic appetite
  7059. appetite Changes in Depression are Associated With Salience Neurocircuitry
  7060. Nutrition and appetite Regulation in Children and Adolescents with End-Stage Renal Failure
  7061. Geomagnetic field absence influences adult body weight of a migratory insect, potentially through appetite regulation
  7062. appetite, rationality, and honesty?
  7063. The role of brain natriuretic peptide during strenuous endurance exercise and appetite regulation
  7064. Colonial Crop, Maize: Land appetite and Economic Subsidies in Colonial Kenya: 1895-1965
  7065. Acute Inflammatory Response as a Mediator of the Effects of High-intensity Exercise on appetite and Food Intake in Boys
  7066. Effect of Exercise Intensity on appetite Regulation: Influence of Sex and Body Composition
  7067. Complementary medical treatment approaches for patients with loss of appetite and esophagitis
  7068. The Relationship of Testosterone, appetite, Food Intake and Exercise in Male Adolescents
  7069. The Association Between Loss Of appetite And Sense Of Olfaction In Children With Iron Deficiency Anemia/COCUKLARDA DEMIR EKSIKLIGI ANEMISINDE …
  7070. Post-exercise dietary strategies for regulating appetite in individuals with overweight
  7071. Development of an eating topography protocol and an investigation of its effects on body composition, appetite and mindfulness.
  7072. The Effect of Two-Month Administration of Methylphenidate on appetite, Olfaction and Energy Intake in Individuals with Obesity
  7073. The effect of protein supplementation and its timing on energy intake and appetite in a middle-older aged adult population
  7074. 1Q19—US and Chinese investors retain their appetite
  7075. Acute effects of a hallucinatory meal on subjective appetite and food intake: A randomized cross-over pilot trial
  7076. Carbohydrate Sources, Within a Higher Protein Breakfast, Differentially Effect Postprandial appetite Response in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome: A Pilot Study
  7077. Anorexia, appetite, Hunger, and Satiety in Older Adults
  7078. Tax leaders seek an appetite for learning in new employees
  7079. An appetite for aromatics
  7080. Evaluating the Glucostatic Theory of appetite Using an Acute Buffet Meal Challenge (P08-008-19)
  7081. DNA Digital Data Whets Its appetite: By opening choke points—such as long reading and writing times—DNA-based systems are preparing to take larger helpings of …
  7082. Loss of appetite and Neutropenia
  7083. Risk appetite, Risks of Business Continuity, Managerial Ability and Accountability
  7084. Hell Hath No appetite Like a Woman: Food Imagery in the Lives of the Wife of Bath and Margery Kempe
  7085. Disruption of Hypothalamic Regulation of appetite Associated with Proton Beam Therapy
  7087. Intestinal Bacteria and Their Relationship with Dietary Fiber, Tryptophan Metabolism, and appetite
  7088. Setting an Effective Risk appetite to Maximize Competitiveness & Minimize Risk
  7090. All Hail Kale: A Medical Student’s appetite for Nutritional Psychiatry
  7091. Capital Review Background Paper: An outline of the analysis supporting the risk appetite framework
  7092. The impact of travelling to high altitude in the Himalayas on self-reported appetite
  7093. Cross-cultural comparison of food appetite and restaurant features
  7094. Individual Risk Factors and appetite Response to Obesogenic Environment as Correlates and Predictors of Binge Eating Among College Students
  7095. appetite comes with eating’: Of Raiding and Wrong-Doing
  7096. Loss of appetite in hypertensive elderly patients in Alahsa in Saudi Arabia in the summer of 2015
  7098. BCI has appetite for construction
  7100. The effect of pre-exercise carbohydrate intake in the morning on appetite regulation and subsequent resistance exercise performance
  7101. New Zealand: A Re-Elected Government with Less appetite for Geopolitics
  7102. Central nervous system stimulants and drugs that suppress appetite
  7103. Egg Consumption for appetite Control and Body Weight Regulation
  7104. Basic Mechanism of Sweating and Its Role in Temperature and appetite Regulation: An Ayurvedic Perspective
  7105. 93. Efficacy And Safety of Cyproheptadine As An appetite Stimulant In Adolescents
  7106. The Role of Fiber in the Regulation of Brain Function: Implication for Welfare and appetite Regulation in the Pig
  7107. Principles for an operational risk appetite framework for a bank: a South African perspective
  7108. The Short-term Effect of Whey versus Pea Protein on appetite, Food Intake, and Energy Expenditure in Young and Older Men
  7109. There was a great appetite among Fellows to challenge existing thinking and explore radical approaches
  7110. … , Carcass Characteristics, Phytate Degradation, Plasma Inositol Concentrations, Gene Expression of Hypothalamic appetite Hormones, and Catecholamine …
  7112. A multi-directional exploration of the relationship between sleep, appetite and exercise within middle-aged men
  7113. Examination of Adolescents’ Attention, appetite and Nutritional Status
  7114. Effects of perceived racial discrimination on appetite and eating behaviour
  7115. Risk appetite Assessment Algorithm-A Starting Point for Small And Medium Size Organisation for Understanding Information Security Requirements
  7116. Abuse of appetite Stimulant Medications in AL-Anbar, Iraq.
  7117. Exercise, appetite and cardiometabolic risk markers in South Asian and European men
  7118. Genetics of appetite regulation: Can an old dog teach us new tricks?
  7119. Peter Salisbury: Risk Perception and appetite in UAE Foreign and National Security Policy. London: Chatham House, Juli 2020
  7120. The Effects of Ready Meal Consumption on Self-Reported appetite Ratings and Subsequent Food Intake in Females
  7121. “Just tell us what to do”. Regulations and cyber risk appetite in the electric power industry
  7122. Genomics of Eating Behavior and appetite Regulation
  7123. 180 Prospective comparison of fluid-filled intragastric balloon and endoscopic gastroplasty on physiologic measures of appetite: insights into mechanism of action and …
  7124. appetite Assessment of the Older Adult Women of Kolkata and Finding its Relationship with Protein-energy Intake and Nutritional Status
  7125. “God be with you, Sir Squirrel!” Pet Squirrels between Amorous Play and Animal appetite, c. 1100–1650
  7127. 77-OR: The Gut Peptide Neurotensin Does Not Reduce appetite and Food Intake in Healthy Young Men
  7130. Effects of White Potato Preparation on Subjective appetite, Food Intake and Glycemic Response in Healthy Older Adults (P08-083-19)
  7131. An appetite for the Tasteless: An Evaluation of Off-Color Humor in Adult Animations and Video Games, Presented Through a Proposed Interactive Narrative via a …
  7132. Hunger Artists: appetite, Desire, and Self-Unmaking in Baudelaire, Colette, and Weil
  7133. Interindividual variability in perceived appetite and appetite-related hormone responses to eating and exercise in humans
  7134. Islamic mortgage-alternatives in Ireland: A comparative reflection on a decade of consumer appetite in the face of legislative uncertainty
  7135. Research progress on association of Ghrelin with appetite, metabolism regulation and health.
  7136. Does the Indian Legal Framework Have the appetite for Handwriting Evidence?
  7137. A phase 1, single-blind, placebo-controlled, 3-arm cross-over trial assessing the appetite enhancing effects of potentially ghrelinergic dairy-derived peptides
  7138. Recent transactions analysis of investors’ appetite for FinTech and payments companies
  7139. The Jaws of Mars are Traditionally Wide… And His appetite Is Insatiable: Truman, the Budget, and National Security
  7140. Gut hormone release and appetite responses to L-Arg in rats.
  7141. Hight intensity interval training and appetite regulatory pathways: A narrative review
  7142. Leptin, appetite, and Reproduction: Novel Insights from a Teleost Fish
  7143. The role of hydration status and sugar at breakfast on glycaemia and appetite
  7144. Organization appetite for Research: An Integrative Research Definition and Audit Framework to Evaluate Corporate Practice towards Research
  7145. Table, Bottle, and Bed: The Insatiable Southern appetite of Tennessee Williams
  7146. The Effects of Cricket vs. Beef-Derived Protein on Postprandial Plasma Amino Acid Concentrations, Subjective appetite Sensations, and ad libitum Energy …
  7147. How to Retrain Your appetite: Lose weight permanently eating all your favourite foods
  7149. The effects of oxytocin on appetite in humans
  7150. SUN-660 appetite Suppressing Effects of Glucoregulatory Chimeric Peptides Devoid of Nausea
  7151. The Addictive appetite Model of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder: A Synthesis of Basic Science and Clinical Evidence for a New Maintenance Model …
  7152. The Simplified Nutritional appetite Questionnaire is associated with quality of life in people living with dementia
  7153. Managing Nausea, Vomiting & Poor appetite
  7154. Slovenia’s Watchdog Grows appetite for Gun Jumping Sanctioning in the Agrokor Case
  7155. The effect of Katozal on the appetite and weight of sows at lactation.
  7156. Nutritional status of lung cancer cachexia patients and its relationship with functional capacity and appetite
  7157. Acute Effects of an Afternoon Hummus-containing Snack on appetite, Mood, and Food Intake in Healthy Adults (P08-009-19)
  7158. Effect of Oat drinks differing in lipid composition on postprandial glucose response and appetite variables in healthy subjects
  7159. Business and technology: Risk Management: The declining appetite of insurance underwriters for adverse risks and what you can do about it
  7160. appetite-regulating peptides and natural rewards: emphasis on ghrelin and glucagon-like peptide-1
  7161. appetite-regulating hormones, alcohol dependence and craving in a rodent model
  7162. Propofol as a postoperative appetite stimulant (preliminary results)
  7163. Trinomial Risk appetite Re-joining Tree’Real Options Valuation-in Biomedical Business Context
  7164. appetite Guided Treatment Approach to Pediatric Enteral Tube Weaning in the Home Setting
  7165. Fairfax race for prosecutor tests appetite for pace of criminal justice reform
  7166. The SGLT2 inhibitor empagliflozin does not stimulate compensatory appetite responses in patients with excess adiposity and type 2 diabetes
  7167. Acute Effects of Protein Source on appetite and Subsequent Food Intake in Healthy Adults (P08-066-19)
  7168. … to reduce snack food consumption focusing on external situational cues: The case study you can’t read between meals without ruining your appetite!
  7169. An appetite for Lionfish: Empirically Evaluating a Sustainable Fishery Through Two Case Studies, Aruba and Texas
  7170. P49 Cyproheptadine as an appetite stimulant in the treatment in feeding disorders
  7171. No Changes in appetite Stimulating Hormones Following Swimming and Cycling Exercise Interventions
  7172. The Scholar and the Widow: Corrupt appetite and Moral Failure in Society’s Intellectual Elite (VIII. 7)
  7173. Stress and appetite Hormones in Predicting Binge Eating in Anorexia Nervosa: A Longitudinal Study
  7174. appetite Control and Core Body Temperature are Linked to Autoimmune Disease and the Global Chronic Disease Epidemic
  7175. Improved appetite Ratings with Addition of Self-monitoring Wearable Device to an 8-week Weight Loss Intervention Focused on Reducing Eating Rate (P16 …
  7176. Higher Nutritional Status of Lung Cancer Cachexia Patients is Associated with Higher Functional Capacity and appetite
  7177. Evaluation of Energy Metabolism, Weight Retention and appetite in Postpartum Women
  7178. Are you hungry for change?: is there an appetite within the Cayce Department of Public Safety to support a wellness program?
  7179. Acute Ingestion of a Ketone Ester Beverage and Its Impact Upon Glycaemic Control, appetite, and Food Intake
  7181. appetite-Stimulant Use in the Palliative Care of Cystic Fibrosis
  7182. Local wines in a globally connected market: Comparing availability and appetite in two New Zealand destinations
  7183. The patterns of weight gain, body mass index and appetite changes in children therapeutically managed for functional constipation
  7184. Turnitin_C21_MA_Effect of Zinc and Iron Supplementation on appetite, Nutritional Status and Intelligence Quotient in Young Children
  7185. Effects of dietary energy level on appetite and central AMPK in broilers
  7186. Quantification of true inter-individual variability in exercise-induced changes in body weight and composition and markers of appetite in individuals with overweight …
  7187. The effect of pre-exercise carbohydrate intake in the morning on appetite regulation and subsequent resistance exercise performance/Mohamed Nashrudin …
  7188. Dataset for” Six weeks of daily morning fasting causes no adaptation of metabolic or appetite responses to feeding in adults with obesity”
  7189. Altered appetite in Crohn’s Disease: deconstructing the enteroendocrine axis using fMRI
  7190. The Ghrelin Receptor and its appetite for Highly Potent Ghrelin Analogues
  7191. Effects of Acute Ingestion of a Ketone Monoester Beverage on Glycaemic Control, appetite, and Food Intake
  7192. appetite Stimulants in Terminal Care: Treatment of Anorexia
  7193. Every action must be due to one or the other of seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reasoning, anger, or appetite Aristotle Habits are at first cobwebs; at …
  7194. Effect of Acute Phase Mild Stress Model of Depression on Cognitive Performance, Visuospatial Function and appetite Behaviour in Wistar Rats.
  7195. A comparison of the level of appetite, food intake, metabolic hormones, basal metabolic rate and adiposity in normal and short stature children
  7196. Cardiovascular, lactate and appetite response to light and spicy music tempo after an endurance swimming protocol in young girls
  7197. Relationship between Renal and Cerebral Renin-Angiotensin System and Sodium appetite in CKD Model Rats
  7199. Role of MCH neurons on reward and appetite regulation in Pmch-cre transgenic mice.
  7200. India’s South China Sea policy has not changed. Now, as before, there’s no appetite to challenge China
  7201. Netflix or News? An Examination of Young Canadians’ appetite to Pay for Online Journalism
  7202. appetite for Aggression: An Investigation of the Satiability of Aggression and the Role of the Shell of the Ventromedial Hypothalamus in Regulating Motivation for …
  7203. Sex differences in effects of moderate-intensity acute aerobic exercise on food reward and appetite in persons with methamphetamine-dependence
  7204. Does social media fuel or deplete your body image and appetite? Effect of instagram on body dissatisfaction and implicit satiety goals
  7205. Innovative appetite for snakebite antivenom: the assessment of facilitated regulatory pathways for providing access to innovative therapies for LMICs
  7206. Apparatus-free, high-intensity intermittent training (HIIT) for the regulation of appetite, energy balance and metabolic health in inactive, overweight and obese …
  7207. Effects of high frequency rTMS on treatment of eating and appetite changes in behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia.
  7208. Popping pills. The combined oral contraceptive pill and its acute effects on glucose metabolism, cardiometabolic health, appetite, and satiety
  7209. Effects of heat treatment on expression of appetite regulation-and adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase signaling pathway-related genes in …
  7210. The Effect of Methylphenidate (MPH) on appetite, Energy Intake, and Body Composition in Individuals Living with Obesity: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo …
  7211. Carbonic Anhydrase II Deletion Confers Salt appetite and Elicits Adaptive Regulation of Salt and Water Transporters in the Kidney
  7212. Impact of different dietary proteins and amino acid composition on energy intake and key hormonal modulators of appetite
  7213. … Senhor Leca one day give us a book of dances with notations sufficiently detailed to enable us also to learn the dances? Dancas Regionais has whetted our appetite
  7214. The role of appetite‐regulating hormones: Ghrelin and leptin in the nutritional status of children with neurogenic bladder due to myelomeningocele
  7215. Effects of different levels of dietary protein and lipid on expression of genes involved in immunity (lysozyme and TNF-1α) and appetite (ghrelin) of Zebrafish, Danio …
  7216. NUTREASE POWDER-Nature’s blend of Nutrients in Human appetite and Body Weight
  7217. Nesfatin-1, an appetite-suppressing and anti-obesogenic neuropeptide, is decreased in the human brainstem of obese subjects.
  7218. … is a mood disorder characterized by an overwhelming sense of sadness along with inactivity, difficulty in thinking straight, uneven appetite, sleep distur-bances, and …
  7219. MON-086 Self Reported appetite in Thailand PDOPPS Study
  7220. O-1918 does not alter food intake, body weight or adiposity but reduces appetite hormones and increases certain pro-inflammatory cytokines in a diet induced obesity …
  7221. 2009-P: Molecular Mechanisms of Obesity-Associated Vascular Vulnerability via Signals of appetite Regulation
  7222. MON-099 Age-Related Differences in appetite Regulation among Adults with Obesity: More Than Just Hunger and PYY and Ghrelin? Oh My!
  7223. Linking Mexico City’s appetite to watersheds and landscapes
  7224. Effects of cannabinoid receptor 1 antagonist rimonabant on gene expression of hypothalamic appetite regulation factor and adenosine monophosphate-activated …
  7225. President’s message: An appetite for evidence.
  7226. Productive conservation for resilient urban regions and agricultural hinterlands: Linking Mexico City’s appetite to watersheds and landscapes
  7228. Abstract# 12: tDCS effects on appetite are influenced by COMT genotype status in young women with obesity
  7229. Investigating the role of vagal Y2R in PYY3-36-mediated appetite suppression
  7230. 7 Is there a waning appetite
  7231. SUN-273 Diazoxide Use to Limit Weight Gain and Reduce appetite in a Normoglycaemic Child with Previous Congenital Hyperinsulinism
  7232. Abstract# 43: Noninvasive Neuromodulation of the Cerebellum via tDCS Affects appetite in Subjects with Obesity
  7233. OTU-24 appetite for improvement; 50% reduction in bloodstream infections in central venous catheter delivered parenteral nutrition
  7234. Old paradoxes and new opportunities for appetite control in obesity
  7235. appetite problem in cancer patients: Pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment
  7236. Neuroendocrine control of appetite and metabolism
  7237. Possibilities for maintaining appetite in recovering COVID-19 patients
  7238. Implementing smart city strategies in Greece: appetite for success
  7239. From gut microbiota to host appetite: gut microbiota-derived metabolites as key regulators
  7240. Mechanisms of glucose absorption in the small intestine in health and metabolic diseases and their role in appetite regulation
  7241. Poor appetite and overeating reported by adults in Australia during the coronavirus-19 disease pandemic: A population-based study
  7242. The controversial role of adiponectin in appetite regulation of animals
  7243. Consumers’ growing appetite for natural foods: Perceptions towards the use of natural preservatives in fresh fruit
  7244. New appetite for the monitoring of European forests
  7245. Postprandial glycaemic dips predict appetite and energy intake in healthy individuals
  7246. Approved cannabinoids for medical purposes–comparative systematic review and meta-analysis for sleep and appetite
  7247. Was it something I ate? Understanding the bidirectional interaction of migraine and appetite neural circuits
  7248. The composition of the gut microbiome differs among community dwelling older people with good and poor appetite
  7249. Brain control of appetite during sickness
  7250. The effects of oxytocin on appetite regulation, food intake and metabolism in humans
  7251. Investors’ appetite for money-like assets: The MMF industry after the 2014 regulatory reform
  7252. A cloud theory-based multi-objective portfolio selection model with variable risk appetite
  7253. Effect of exercise training interventions on energy intake and appetite control in adults with overweight or obesity: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  7254. Konjac glucomannan molecular and rheological properties that delay gastric emptying and improve the regulation of appetite
  7255. Poor taste and smell are associated with poor appetite, macronutrient intake, and dietary quality but not with undernutrition in older adults
  7256. appetite regulation by plant-derived bioactive peptides for promoting health
  7257. Ketogenic diets and appetite regulation
  7258. The role of meat appetite in willfully disregarding factory farming as a pandemic catalyst risk
  7259. appetite self-regulation declines across childhood while general self-regulation improves: a narrative review of the origins and development of appetite self-regulation
  7260. Severe sleep restriction suppresses appetite independent of effects on appetite regulating hormones in healthy young men without obesity
  7261. Older individual’s perceptions of appetite, its loss, influencing factors and adaptions to poor appetite. A qualitative study
  7262. Methodological issues in assessing change in dietary intake and appetite following gastric bypass surgery: A systematic review
  7263. Readymade solutions and students’ appetite for plagiarism as challenges for online learning
  7264. Loss of appetite in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is associated with weight loss and anxiety/depression
  7265. Longitudinal changes of cytokines and appetite in older hospitalized patients
  7266. Effects of whole grain intake, compared with refined grain, on appetite and energy intake: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  7267. Nicotine and energy balance: A review examining the effect of nicotine on hormonal appetite regulation and energy expenditure
  7268. Protein appetite at the interface between nutrient sensing and physiological homeostasis
  7269. The association between childhood adiposity and appetite assessed using the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire and Baby Eating Behavior Questionnaire: A …
  7270. The effect of glutamine supplementation on serum levels of some inflammatory factors, oxidative stress, and appetite in COVID-19 patients: a case–control …
  7271. A detailed characterisation of appetite, sensory perceptional, and eating-behavioural effects of COVID-19: self-reports from the acute and post-acute phase of disease
  7272. Texture-modified diets are associated with poor appetite in older adults who are admitted to a post-acute rehabilitation hospital
  7273. Multisensory marketing: effects of environmental aroma cues on perception, appetite, and consumption of foods and drinks
  7274. appetite disinhibition rather than hunger explains genetic effects on adult BMI trajectory
  7275. appetite Regulation, Growth Performances and Fish Quality Are Modulated by Alternative Dietary Protein Ingredients in Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) Culture
  7276. The impact of protein supplementation on appetite and energy intake in healthy older adults: a systematic review with meta-analysis
  7277. The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on food craving, reward and appetite in a healthy population
  7278. Efficacy and safety of the new appetite suppressant, liraglutide: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  7279. Effects of oral semaglutide on energy intake, food preference, appetite, control of eating and body weight in subjects with type 2 diabetes
  7280. Effects of diurnal exercise timing on appetite, energy intake and body composition: A parallel randomized trial
  7281. Studying microtemporal, within-person processes of diet, physical activity, and related factors using the appetite-Mobile-App: feasibility, usability, and …
  7282. Longitudinal human milk macronutrients, body composition and infant appetite during early life
  7283. INSIGHT responsive parenting intervention effects on child appetite and maternal feeding practices through age 3 years
  7284. Obesity and sex-related associations with differential effects of sucralose vs sucrose on appetite and reward processing: A randomized crossover trial
  7285. Inflammatory cytokines and appetite in older hospitalized patients
  7286. Association of gastric emptying with postprandial appetite and satiety sensations in obesity
  7287. The impact of starchy food structure on postprandial glycemic response and appetite: a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized crossover trials
  7288. The mind of the hungry agent: hunger, affect and appetite
  7289. Measurement of the influences of social processes in appetite using ecological momentary assessment
  7290. Review on the regional effects of gastrointestinal luminal stimulation on appetite and energy intake:(pre) clinical observations
  7291. Chronic disruption of circadian rhythm with mistimed sleep and appetite–an exploratory research
  7292. Cancer-associated anorexia: Validity and performance overtime of different appetite tools among patients at their first cancer diagnosis
  7293. Efficacy and tolerability of cyproheptadine in poor appetite: a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
  7294. The effects of acute exercise on appetite and energy intake in men and women
  7295. Sodium acetate, propionate, and butyrate reduce fat accumulation in mice via modulating appetite and relevant genes
  7296. appetite for Destruction: A Psychometric Examination and Prevalence Estimation of Destructive Leadership in Sweden
  7297. Perceptions of appetite do not match hormonal measures of appetite in trained competitive cyclists and triathletes following a ketogenic diet compared to a high …
  7298. Current aspects of the role of autoantibodies directed against appetite-regulating hormones and the gut microbiome in eating disorders
  7299. appetite for change? Facilitators and barriers to nutrition guideline implementation in Canadian recreational facilities
  7300. The effects of kisspeptin on brain response to food images and psychometric parameters of appetite in healthy men
  7301. A proposed modulatory role of the endocannabinoid system on adipose tissue metabolism and appetite in periparturient dairy cows
  7302. Acute ketosis inhibits appetite and decreases plasma concentrations of acyl ghrelin in healthy young men
  7303. Probiotics have minimal effects on appetite-related hormones in overweight or obese individuals: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
  7304. A whale of an appetite revealed by analysis of prey consumption
  7305. Response of the thyroid axis and appetite-regulating peptides to fasting and overfeeding in goldfish (Carassius auratus)
  7306. The privacy versus disclosure appetite dilemma: mitigation by recommendation
  7307. Independent determinants of appetite impairment among patients with stage 3 or higher chronic kidney disease: A prospective study
  7308. An increase in fat-free mass is associated with higher appetite and energy intake in older adults: a randomised control trial
  7309. Ginseng soluble dietary fiber can regulate the intestinal flora structure, promote colon health, affect appetite and glucolipid metabolism in rats
  7310. Infant and early child appetite traits and child weight and obesity risk in low-income Hispanic families
  7311. appetite, the enteroendocrine system, gastrointestinal disease and obesity
  7312. Improvement in appetite among stunted children receiving nutritional intervention in Bangladesh: results from a community-based study
  7313. Association between habitual sleep duration/quality and appetite markers in individuals with obesity
  7314. Lipocalin 2 mediates appetite suppression during pancreatic cancer cachexia
  7315. Apple Polyphenols Extracts Ameliorate High Carbohydrate Diet-Induced Body Weight Gain by Regulating the Gut Microbiota and appetite
  7316. appetite and Satiety Control—Contribution of Gut Mechanisms
  7317. Hypothalamic hormone-sensitive lipase regulates appetite and energy homeostasis
  7318. Associations of the oral microbiota and Candida with taste, smell, appetite and undernutrition in older adults
  7319. A rational review on the effects of sweeteners and sweetness enhancers on appetite, food reward and metabolic/adiposity outcomes in adults
  7320. Dietary protein source and protein/carbohydrate ratio affects appetite regulation-related genes expression in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)
  7321. … as feed additives: Effects on growth performance, hepatic enzymes’ activity, mucosal immune parameters, liver histology, and appetite-related gene transcript in …
  7322. Role of enteroendocrine hormones in appetite and glycemia
  7323. Olfactory priming for eating behavior–The influence of non-conscious exposure to food odors on specific appetite, food preferences and intake
  7324. Influence of appetite and perceived ability to control cravings on excessive gestational weight gain
  7325. Young Investors’ Instagram Usage Behavior and Investment Risk appetite
  7326. Characteristics of taste alterations in people receiving taxane-based chemotherapy and their association with appetite, weight, and quality of life
  7327. The effect of acute consumption of resistant starch on appetite in healthy adults; a systematic review and meta-analysis of the controlled clinical trials
  7328. Food intake, growth, and expression of neuropeptides regulating appetite in clown anemonefish (Amphiprion ocellaris) exposed to predicted climate changes
  7329. Changes in appetite during the heart failure trajectory and association with fatigue, depressive symptoms, and quality of life
  7330. Dehydration and loss of appetite: Key nutrition features in older people receiving home health care
  7331. Orosensory Perception of Fat/Sweet Stimuli and appetite-Regulating Peptides before and after Sleeve Gastrectomy or Gastric Bypass in Adult Women with Obesity
  7332. Depletion of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone induces insatiable appetite and gains in energy reserves and body weight in zebrafish
  7333. The impact of appetite-regulating neuropeptide leptin on alcohol use, alcohol craving and addictive behavior: a systematic review of preclinical and clinical data
  7334. Effect of fasting-mimicking diet or continuous energy restriction on weight loss, body composition, and appetite-regulating hormones among metabolically healthy …
  7335. The molecular mechanism of vgf in appetite, lipids, and insulin regulation
  7336. Cognitive and hormonal regulation of appetite for food presented in the olfactory and visual modalities
  7337. appetite-regulating hormone trajectories and relationships with fat mass development in term-born infants during the first 6 months of life
  7338. Integrated stress response regulates GDF15 secretion from adipocytes, preferentially suppresses appetite for a high-fat diet and improves obesity
  7339. Effects of whey protein and dietary fiber intake on insulin sensitivity, body composition, energy expenditure, blood pressure, and appetite in subjects with abdominal …
  7340. The effect of semaglutide 2.4 mg once weekly on energy intake, appetite, control of eating, and gastric emptying in adults with obesity
  7341. Effects of brown seaweeds on postprandial glucose, insulin and appetite in humans–A randomized, 3-way, blinded, cross-over meal study
  7342. Should loss of appetite be palliated in patients with advanced cancer?
  7343. Association between transient appetite loss and vitamin B1 deficiency in elderly patients with suspected deficiency
  7344. Altered regional grey matter volume and appetite-related hormone levels in adolescent obesity with or without binge-eating disorder
  7345. Role of appetite hormone dysregulation in the cognitive function among patients with bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder
  7346. Behavioral spatial-temporal characteristics-based appetite assessment for fish school in recirculating aquaculture systems
  7347. Intergenerational transmission of appetite self-regulation
  7348. A two-component pictured-based appetite assessment tool is capable of detecting appetite sensations in younger children: A pilot study
  7349. Type I interferon mediated induction of somatostatin leads to suppression of ghrelin and appetite thereby promoting viral immunity in mice
  7350. The effect of an orally-dosed Caralluma Fimbriata extract on appetite control and body composition in overweight adults
  7351. Pregnant women’s appetite for risk
  7352. Comparative assessment of the acute effects of whey, rice and potato protein isolate intake on markers of glycaemic regulation and appetite in healthy males using a …
  7353. appetite, oral health and weight loss in community-dwelling older men: an observational study from the Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project (CHAMP)
  7354. Enrichment of bread with beta-glucans or resistant starch induces similar glucose, insulin and appetite hormone responses in healthy adults
  7355. Accuracy of the Simplified Nutritional appetite Questionnaire for malnutrition and sarcopenia screening among older patients requiring rehabilitation
  7356. The effect of Nigella sativa on appetite, anthropometric and body composition indices among overweight and obese women: a crossover, double-blind …
  7357. Effect of Bifidobacterium on olanzapine-induced body weight and appetite changes in patients with psychosis
  7358. appetite and nutritional status as potential management targets in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction—The relationship between …
  7359. Effects of garlic powder supplementation on metabolic syndrome components, insulin resistance, fatty liver index, and appetite in subjects with metabolic syndrome: A …
  7360. appetite and satiety effects of the acute and regular consumption of green coffee phenols and green coffee phenol/oat β-glucan nutraceuticals in subjects with …
  7361. Effects of potato resistant starch intake on insulin sensitivity, related metabolic markers and appetite ratings in men and women at risk for type 2 diabetes: a pilot cross …
  7362. Exertional sodium loss does not increase immediate salt appetite or dietary sodium intake in athletes
  7363. The probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus mimics the dark-driven regulation of appetite markers and melatonin receptors’ expression in zebrafish (Danio rerio) …
  7364. Infant feeding, appetite and satiety regulation, and adiposity during infancy: a study design and protocol of the ‘MAS-Lactancia’birth cohort
  7365. A poor appetite or ability to eat and its association with physical function amongst community-dwelling older adults: age, gene/environment susceptibility …
  7366. Intervention for symptom cluster management of fatigue, loss of appetite, and anxiety among patients with lung cancer undergoing chemotherapy
  7367. Innovative plAnt Protein fibre and Physical activity solutions to address poor appetite and prevenT undernutrITion in oldEr adults–appetite
  7368. The effects of an acute resistance exercise bout on appetite and energy intake in healthy older adults
  7369. Effect of processing on oat β-glucan viscosity, postprandial glycemic response and subjective measures of appetite
  7370. Effects of exercise and diet intervention on appetite-regulating hormones associated with miRNAs in obese children
  7371. Ligilactobacillus Salivarius LCK11 Prevents Obesity by Promoting PYY Secretion to Inhibit appetite and Regulating Gut Microbiota in C57BL/6J Mice
  7372. Decreased self-reported appetite following insular cortex resection in patients with epilepsy
  7373. Evaluation of mothers’ opinions on appetite and body shape perception of their children
  7374. Post-weight loss changes in fasting appetite-and energy balance-related hormone concentrations and the effect of the macronutrient content of a weight …
  7375. Unacylated ghrelin, leptin, and appetite display diurnal rhythmicity in lean adults
  7376. Neural basis of dysregulation of palatability-driven appetite in autism
  7377. appetite-regulating hormones are reduced after oral sucrose vs glucose: Influence of obesity, insulin resistance, and sex
  7378. The use of Caralluma fimbriata as an appetite suppressant and weight loss supplement: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials
  7379. Effects of 6 months of soy-enriched high protein compared to eucaloric low protein snack replacement on appetite, dietary intake, and body composition in normal …
  7380. Effects of delayed-release olive oil and hydrolyzed pine nut oil on glucose tolerance, incretin secretion and appetite in humans
  7381. Neural correlates of anti-appetite medications: an fMRI meta-analysis
  7382. Does sex influence the effects of experimental sleep curtailment and circadian misalignment on regulation of appetite?
  7383. Fuse your mitochondria, lose appetite: an anorexic, anti‐obesity sphingolipid
  7384. Vagally mediated gut-brain relationships in appetite control-insights from porcine studies
  7385. Effectiveness of a polyphenolic extract (Lippia citriodora and Hibiscus sabdariffa) on appetite regulation in overweight and obese grade I population: an 8 …
  7386. appetite and Energy Intake Regulation in Response to Acute Exercise.
  7387. … gentian groupers (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus♀× E. lanceolatus♂): Effects on growth and expressions of key genes involved in appetite and hepatic glucose …
  7388. Conceptualizing and Measuring appetite Self-Regulation Phenotypes and Trajectories in Childhood: A Review of Person-Centered Strategies
  7389. No appetite for Change: Culture, Liberalism, and Other Acts of Depoliticization in the Australian Obesity Debate
  7390. Associations between Children’s genetic susceptibility to obesity, infant’s appetite and parental feeding practices in toddlerhood
  7391. Gastric evacuation and changes in postprandial blood biochemistry, digestive enzymes, and appetite-related genes in juvenile hybrid grouper (Epinephelus moara♀× …
  7392. Effect of protein-rich breakfast on subsequent energy intake and subjective appetite in children and adolescents: systematic review and meta–analysis of randomized …
  7393. The effects of exercise on appetite in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  7394. CNS GNPDA2 Does Not Control appetite, but Regulates Glucose Homeostasis
  7395. TSPO: an emerging role in appetite for a therapeutically promising biomarker
  7396. … of Glucoregulation, Insulin Resistance, Substrate Metabolism, and Gastrointestinal Hormones, but Has Little Effect on appetite in Postmenopausal Women
  7397. Anti-Obesity Effect of Fermented Panax notoginseng Is Mediated Via Modulation of appetite and Gut Microbial Population
  7398. Elevated plasma levels of the appetite-stimulator ACBP/DBI in fasting and obese subjects
  7399. Glycaemic and appetite suppression effect of a vegetable-enriched bread
  7400. appetite-regulating hormones in human milk: a plausible biological factor for obesity risk reduction?
  7401. Evaluation of appetite-Regulating Hormones ın Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  7402. The effect of dairy products and non-dairy snacks on food intake, subjective appetite and cortisol levels in children: a randomized control study
  7403. Face the food: Food plating with facial patterns influences appetite and event-related brain potentials
  7404. Acute consumption of a shake containing cashew and Brazil nuts did not affect appetite in overweight subjects: a randomized, cross-over study
  7405. Changes in subjective measures of appetite during 6 months of alternate day fasting with a low carbohydrate diet
  7406. The effect of omega3 fatty acid supplementation on PPARγ and UCP2 expressions, resting energy expenditure, and appetite in athletes
  7407. Acute effects of extruded pea fractions on glycemic response, insulin, appetite, and food intake in healthy young adults, results of a double-blind, randomized …
  7408. Cholecystokinin acts in the dorsomedial hypothalamus of young male rats to suppress appetite in a nitric oxide-dependent manner
  7409. Short-Term Protein Supplementation Does Not Alter Energy Intake, Macronutrient Intake and appetite in 50–75 Year Old Adults
  7410. Interoceptive awareness and emotional eating in college women: the role of appetite and emotional awareness
  7411. Effect of inulin-type fructans on appetite in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled crossover trial
  7412. Upregulation of Mir342 in Diet-Induced Obesity Mouse and the Hypothalamic appetite Control
  7413. RD43 rice flour: the effect on starch digestibility and quality of noodles, glycemic response, short-acting satiety hormones and appetite control in humans
  7414. Macronutrient intake, appetite, food preferences and exocrine pancreas function after treatment with short‐and long‐acting glucagon‐like peptide‐1 receptor agonists …
  7415. The enhancement of appetite through the use of colored light in case of a cake: Preliminary evidence from event‐related potentials
  7416. The feedback regulation of carbohydrates intake on food intake and appetite in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)
  7417. Pre-sleep casein supplementation, metabolism, and appetite: A Systematic Review
  7418. Effect of gazpacho, hummus and ajoblanco on satiety and appetite in adult humans: A randomised crossover study
  7419. Effects of a high-intensity interval training session and chocolate milk on appetite and cognitive performance in youth aged 9–13 years
  7420. Protein appetite drives macronutrient-related differences in ventral tegmental area neural activity
  7421. Manipulation of fatty acid composition in a high-fat meal does not result in differential alterations in appetite or food intake in normal weight females: A single-blind …
  7422. appetite suppression and interleukin 17 receptor signaling activation of colonic mycobiota dysbiosis induced by high temperature and high humidity …
  7423. Feeding fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) seed as potential appetite stimulant to newborn Holstein dairy calves: Effects on meal pattern, ingestive behavior, oro-sensorial …
  7424. Consumption of high-leucine-containing protein bar following breakfast impacts aminoacidemia and subjective appetite in older persons
  7425. Geomagnetic field absence reduces adult body weight of a migratory insect by disrupting feeding behavior and appetite regulation
  7426. appetite is suppressed after full-body resistance exercise compared with split-body resistance exercise: the potential influence of lactate and autonomic modulation
  7427. Cannabinoid use for appetite stimulation and weight gain in cancer care: Does recent evidence support an update of the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and …
  7428. Effects of moderate to vigorous intensity cycling on appetite, ad libitum energy intake and appetite-related hormones in healthy South Asian and white …
  7429. Acute effects of delayed-release hydrolyzed pine nut oil on glucose tolerance, incretins, ghrelin and appetite in healthy humans
  7430. Poor appetite and eating difficulties can predict the long-term risk of falling: a longitudinal study in middle-aged and older adults
  7431. Reassessing relationships between appetite and adiposity in people at risk of obesity: A twin study using fMRI
  7432. Changes in appetite, taste, smell, and food aversion in post-bariatric patients and their relations with surgery time, weight loss and regain
  7433. Breakfast consumption suppresses appetite but does not increase daily energy intake or physical activity energy expenditure when compared with breakfast …
  7434. Association between self‐reported appetite and clinical outcomes of peritoneal dialysis patients: Findings from a low middle‐income country
  7435. Effect of combined interval and continuous exercise training on gastric emptying, appetite, and adaptive responses in men with overweight and obesity
  7436. The Role of Neuropeptide B and Its Receptors in Controlling appetite, Metabolism, and Energy Homeostasis
  7437. Crisis and Punishment? Explaining Politicians’ appetite for Retribution in Post-Crisis Europe
  7438. A concurrent decision-making approach toward uncertainty, vagueness and risk appetite for sustainable manufacturing systems
  7439. Energy Balance Dynamics: Exercise, appetite, Diet, and Weight Control
  7440. Energy intake and appetite sensations responses to aquatic cycling in healthy women: The WatHealth study
  7441. Fermented soybean enhances post-meal response in appetite-regulating hormones among Indonesian girls with obesity
  7442. No effect of monosodium glutamate on subjective appetite and subsequent energy intake in children of different ethnicities
  7443. Effects of supplemental effective microorganisms in feed on the growth, immunity, and appetite regulation in juvenile GIFT tilapia
  7444. … of peripheral lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on feed intake, body temperature and hypothalamic expression of neuropeptides involved in appetite regulation in broilers and …
  7445. Lower energy-dense ready meal consumption affects self-reported appetite ratings with no effect on subsequent food intake in women
  7446. Effects of melatonin supplementation on eating habits and appetite-regulating hormones: a systematic review of randomized controlled clinical and preclinical trials
  7447. Pellets Inoculated with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens H57 Modulates Diet Preference and Rumen Factors Associated with appetite Regulation in Steers
  7448. Understanding the appetite modulation pathways: The role of the FFA1 and FFA4 receptors
  7449. Acute effects of extruded pulse snacks on glycemic response, insulin, appetite, and food intake in healthy young adults in a double blind, randomized, crossover trial
  7450. appetite as a predictor of malnutrition in end-stage renal disease patients in Saudi Arabia
  7451. Comparing the effects of immersed versus land-based high-intensity interval cycling on energy intake, appetite sensations and perceived exertion among healthy men
  7452. Using regime-switching models in Sharia-compliant stocks: performance assessment of investors with discriminated risk-appetite
  7453. Periconception and first trimester diet modifies appetite, hypothalamic gene expression, and carcass traits in bulls
  7454. Effects of Concord grape juice flavor intensity and phenolic compound content on glycemia, appetite and cognitive function in adults with excess body weight: a …
  7455. Retrospective evaluation of maropitant and perioperative factors affecting postoperative appetite in cats
  7456. Effects of thyroxine and propylthiouracil on feeding behavior and the expression of hypothalamic appetite-regulating peptides and thyroid function in goldfish …
  7457. Dissecting the neural circuitry of fear-induced appetite suppression
  7458. Whetting Your appetite for Food Advocacy
  7459. An essential role for a discrete parasubthalamic nucleus subpopulation in appetite suppression
  7460. Effect of Acute Exercise and Cycling Desk on Energy Intake and appetite Response to Mental Work: The CORTEX Study
  7461. Associations of stress and appetite hormones with binge eating in females with anorexia nervosa after weight restoration: a longitudinal study
  7462. An overview of appetite-regulatory peptides in addiction processes; from bench to bed side
  7463. A preliminary investigation of the effects of short‐duration, vigorous exercise following sleep restriction, fragmentation and extension on appetite and mood in inactive …
  7464. Crossing the Antarctica: Exploring the Effects of appetite-Regulating Hormones and Indicators of Nutrition Status during a 93-Day Solo-Expedition
  7465. Early life adversity and appetite hormones: The effects of smoking status, nicotine withdrawal, and relapse on ghrelin and peptide YY during smoking cessation
  7466. Drosophila insulin-like peptides regulate concentration-dependent changes of appetite to different carbohydrates
  7467. appetite‐stimulating effects of once‐daily omeprazole in cats with chronic kidney disease: Double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, randomized, crossover trial
  7468. MRC Hot Topic workshop report: Reshaping the food environment–applying interdisciplinary perspectives in appetite research
  7469. Pulse 2: China navigates its Covid-19 recovery-outward investment appetite and implications for developing countries
  7470. … ω3 Fatty Acids Supplementation on Levels of PPARγ and UCP2 Genes Expression, Serum Level of UCP2 Protein, Metabolic Status, and appetite in Elite male …
  7471. Adipocytokine and appetite-regulating hormone response to weight loss in adolescents with obesity: Impact of weight loss magnitude
  7472. The effects of kefir in mixed meals on appetite and food intake: a randomized cross-over trial
  7473. EU Regions with Legislative Powers: Exploring the appetite, Capacity and Direction for EU Policy Influencing and Delivery. REPORT
  7474. Can a Higher Protein/Low Glycemic Index vs. a Conventional Diet Attenuate Changes in appetite and Gut Hormones Following Weight Loss? A 3-Year …
  7475. appetite for disruption: designing human-centred augmentations to an online food ordering platform
  7476. Cyproheptadine as an appetite stimulant in children with cystic fibrosis
  7477. Weight and appetite Loss in Cancer
  7478. appetite-and weight-inducing and-inhibiting neuroendocrine factors in Prader–Willi syndrome, Bardet–Biedl syndrome and craniopharyngioma versus …
  7479. How water consumers form preferences for price guarantees: the roles of historic price variability, trust and risk appetite
  7480. The use of midazolam as an appetite stimulant and anxiolytic in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)
  7481. Risk-taking and uncertainty: do contingent convertible (CoCo) bonds increase the risk appetite of banks?
  7482. Early changes in appetite and energy expenditure are not associated to body weight and fat losses in pre-menopausal women living with overweight/obesity
  7483. Matching customers’ preferences for tariff reform with managers’ appetite for change: The case of volumetric‐only tariffs in Australia
  7484. Effect of green wavelength light on stress and appetite responses of olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) following feed deprivation and re-feeding
  7485. Assessment of factors related to diminished appetite in hemodialysis patients with a new adapted and validated questionnaire
  7486. appetite loss, death anxiety and medical coping modes in COVID‐19 patients: a cross‐sectional study
  7487. The Mechanistic and Pathophysiological Role of Adiponectin and Resistin Towards Regulation of Food Intake and appetite in Cardiovascular Associated Risk …
  7488. Effects of stocking density on the performance, tibia mineralization, and the expression of hypothalamic appetite genes in broiler chickens
  7489. Know your appetite: Phosphate-sensing proteins regulate AM symbiosis
  7490. Effect of vanadium (IV) chloride supplementation on appetite-related hormone levels inrats with experimentally induced diabetes
  7491. … and GnRHRs as Novel SARS-CoV-2 binding receptors, the Scientific Breakthrough that could explain the observed High cortisol, appetite loss, Ansomnia and …
  7492. A multicomponent screen for feeding behaviour and nutritional status in Drosophila to interrogate mammalian appetite-related genes
  7493. Longitudinal Changes of Cytokines and appetite in Older Hospitalized Patients. Nutrients 2021, 13, 2508
  7494. Consumption of a smoothie or cereal-based breakfast: impact on thirst, hunger, appetite and subsequent dietary intake
  7495. Testosterone gel improves appetite and reduces tiredness in males with advanced cancer
  7496. The effects of foods available through the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) on inflammation response, appetite and energy intake
  7497. An empirical examination of appetite hormones and cognitive and behavioral bulimic symptomatology
  7498. … and combined effects of the neurotensin receptor agonist, JMV-449, and incretin mimetics on pancreatic islet function, glucose homeostasis and appetite
  7499. Determinants of Risk appetite of Women Investors: Evidence from Survey
  7500. appetite Regulation of TLR4-Induced Inflammatory Signaling
  7501. Suppression of energy intake by intragastric L-tryptophan in lean and obese men: relations with appetite perceptions and circulating cholecystokinin and tryptophan
  7502. Effects of protein source and quantity on appetite control, satiety and subsequent food intake in healthy adults
  7503. Age-dependent honey bee appetite regulation is mediated by trehalose and octopamine baseline levels
  7504. The Potential Role of appetite in Mediating the Relationship of Whole Grains and Body Weight
  7505. Python farming in Zimbabwe: Assessing local appetite for a novel agricultural system
  7506. Effect of Winter Feeding Frequency on Growth Performance, Biochemical Blood Parameters, Oxidative Stress, and appetite-Related Genes in Takifugu …
  7507. appetite is an important factor for dietary intake in patients with heart failure-a comparison study
  7508. Changes in appetite regulation-related signaling pathways in the brain of mice supplemented with non-nutritive sweeteners
  7509. appetite Disorder in Hemodialysis Patients and its Impact on Dietary Intake: A Cross-sectional study.
  7510. Evidence for a specific regional association between lateral orbitofrontal cortex morphometry and increased appetite in major depression
  7511. Salivary ghrelin response to drinks varying in protein content and quantity and association with energy intake and appetite.
  7512. RE: Association between habitual sleep duration/quality and appetite markers in individuals with obesity
  7513. Gall bladder ejection fractions in dogs investigated for chronic altered appetite: 14 cases (2015–2017)
  7514. Effects of amino acids on olfactory‐related receptors regulating appetite in silver pomfret
  7515. The Effect of Intensity of Exercise on appetite and Food Intake Regulation in Post-Exercise Period: A Randomized Trial
  7516. Impairment of appetite and associated factors in older adults hospitalized with cancer
  7517. Dining in blue light impairs the appetite of some leaf epiphytes
  7518. Effect of oral or intragastric delivery of the bitter tastant quinine on food intake and appetite sensations: a randomised crossover trial
  7519. NATO Burden-sharing in the COVID-19 Era: A Diminishing US appetite for Security Guarantees for Europe?
  7520. Experimental studies and randomised controlled trial investigating the impact of traditional dried fruits consumed as snacks on food intake, experience of appetite and …
  7521. Global liquidity, global risk appetite, and the risk of credit and asset booms
  7522. Diel rhythm of urotensin I mRNA expression and its involvement in the locomotor activity and appetite regulation in olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus
  7523. Despite increasing aldosterone, elevated potassium is not necessary for activating aldosterone‐sensitive HSD2 neurons or sodium appetite
  7524. Diet variety mediates the effect of appetite on dietary nutritional insufficiency in patients with heart failure
  7525. Whole Grains and appetite
  7526. Blockade of ERK1/2 activation with U0126 or PEP7 reduces sodium appetite and angiotensin II-induced pressor responses in spontaneously hypertensive …
  7527. appetite Stimulants for Treatment of Protein Energy Wasting of Chronic Kidney Disease.
  7528. Protocol for sodium depletion and measurement of sodium appetite in mice
  7529. “He’s got a good appetite”: How do men experience attachment and food?
  7530. The effect of sleep deprivation on the appetite of active students
  7531. The Relationship between Modification of Food Presentation and Changes in appetite of Toddler Children at Puskesmas Mojo Surabaya
  7532. A snake with an appetite for the rare: Amblyodipsas polylepis (Bocage, 1873) feeding on the amphisbaenid Monopeltis luandae Gans, 1976
  7533. The effect of physical activity on appetite and food intake in older adults
  7534. Factors associated with nutritional risk and appetite loss in long-aged older people
  7535. … agonist) protected against olanzapine-induced metabolic alterations in mice: involvement of hypothalamic energy sensing, appetite regulation and inflammatory …
  7536. Effects of starvation and refeeding on growth performance, appetite, growth hormone–insulin-like growth factor axis levels and digestive function of Acipenser …
  7537. A framework for assessing organisational risk appetite
  7538. Using Artificial Neural Networks to Support the Decision-Making Process of Buying Call Options Considering Risk appetite
  7539. Influence of glycaemic index on subjective appetite responses in healthy adults
  7540. The effect of dumbbell treatment exercise on appetite regulation hormone, lipolytic hormone and body composition in obese adolescents
  7541. Food Attention Bias: appetite comes with eating
  7542. Comparison of appetite Responses from Diets Enriched with Cottonseed Oil versus Olive Oil
  7543. Signal Transduction of Mineralocorticoid and Angiotensin II Receptors in the Central Control of Sodium appetite: A Narrative Review
  7544. Strike while the Iron is Hot: Temperature Affects Consumers’ appetite for Risk
  7545. The Role of Electroacupuncture in the Regulation of appetite-Controlling Hormone and Inflammatory Response in Obesity
  7546. appetite and Satiety Control—Contribution of Gut Mechanisms. Nutrients 2021, 13, 3635
  7547. Effect of lactoferrin supplementation on appetite and weight loss in obese school age children
  7548. Hunger, appetite and the Politics of the Renaissance Stage
  7549. Top-down control of appetite
  7550. Food-based concepts used for appetite manipulation in humans–A systematic review of systematic reviews with meta-analyses
  7551. Corrigendum to” Systematically lower structural brain connectivity in individuals with elevated food addiction symptoms”[appetite 155 (2020) 104850]
  7552. Food, Eating, appetite and Otherness
  7553. Prolonged impact of exercise on appetite and energy compensation
  7554. Dietary intake and appetite hormone patterns among mothers participating in the supplemental nutrition assistance program: a pilot study
  7555. Correction to: The role of appetite-related hormones, adaptive thermogenesis, perceived hunger and stress in long-term weight-loss maintenance: a mixed-methods …
  7556. appetite-regulating peptides
  7557. A letter to the editor: the effects of high intensity interval training on appetite management in individuals with type 2 diabetes: influenced by participant’s weight
  7558. Acute Effects of Moderate Aerobic Dance Exercise on Moods, appetite, and Energy Intake in Young Adult Women
  7559. The Role of Diet Composition and Fat-Free Mass on appetite Regulation
  7560. Metabolic and appetite effects of fructose and glucose in subjects with type 1 diabetes: a randomized crossover clinical trial
  7561. Effects of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors on appetite markers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
  7562. Qualitative Study of Supporting Factors for Integrated Health Post Cadre Participation in Promotion of Local Natural Substance as appetite Enhancer Supplement
  7563. Saliva Secretion as Indicator of appetite
  7564. Possibilities for Maintaining appetite in Recovering COVID-19 Patients. Foods 2021, 10, 464
  7565. Gut Microbiota and Obesity: Focus on Hormone Regulation and appetite Control
  7567. PYY Levels and Relationship to appetite Across Different Presentations of Anorexia Nervosa
  7569. 1696TiP Phase Ib study to assess the effect of PF-06946860 on appetite following subcutaneous administration in patients with anorexia and advanced cancer
  7570. Covid-19: Children less likely to report fever, persistent cough, or appetite loss, large UK study finds
  7571. The effect of narrow‐band ultraviolet B radiation on sleep, happiness, and appetite: A prospective cohort study
  7572. Comparison of Insulin Glargine and Detemir Effects on Hormones of appetite and Metabolic Control in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical …
  7573. Hedonic appetite, Inhibitory Control Training, and Food Consumption in Adolescents
  7574. Blocking ActRIIB signaling and restoring appetite reverses cachexia and improves survival in mice with lung cancer
  7575. Exogenous central angiotensin fails to stimulate a sodium appetite in diabetes insipidus Brattleboro rats
  7576. Central nervous system stimulants and drugs that suppress appetite
  7577. Victims or accomplices? Our strange appetite for evaluation
  7578. The role of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis in appetite regulation of goldfish (Carassius auratus)
  7579. The Association Between Refeeding Hypophosphatemia and Serum appetite-Regulating Hormone Levels in Critically Ill Patients: A Prospective, Observational …
  7580. Effect of Food Odors on Subjective Degree of appetite Among Patients Undergoing Convalescent Rehabilitation
  7581. Research progress on evaluation and nursing for loss of appetite in patients with tumor
  7582. Associations Between Birthweight and appetite Traits: appetite Traits Partially Mediate the Link Between Birthweight and Later Child Weight in Low-Income …
  7583. The effect of food structure on energy intake and appetite regulation
  7584. Vagally Mediated Gut-Brain Relationships in appetite Control-Insights from Porcine Studies. Nutrients 2021, 13, 467
  7585. appetite and Satiety Control-Gut Mechanisms
  7586. Correlations between sol viscosity of the partially degraded konjac glucomannan and appetite response of rats
  7587. appetite-Regulating Hormone Ghrelin Predicts Decision-Making in Healthy Controls but Not Individuals With Low-Weight Eating Disorders
  7588. appetite for destruction> current interpretations of accidental or deliberate destructions in Bronze Age Cyprus
  7589. Effect of Monetary Policy and Selected Macroeconomic Variables on Risk Taking appetite and Performance of Banking Sector of Pakistan.
  7590. The role of leptin in zebrafish (Danio rerio): Novel insights into appetite regulation and reproduction
  7591. Effect of Adolescent Sleep Quality on appetite, Dietary Intake, and Body Mass Index
  7592. Factors related to loss of appetite in postoperative cardia c surgery patients: A systematic review [version 1; peer review
  7593. Regulation of appetite and Satiety by Gastrointestinal Peptides
  7594. Effects of 12‐week, non‐energy‐restricted dietary intervention with conventional yogurt οn appetite hormone responses of type 2 diabetic patients
  7595. Ethics, appetite and the dangers of sleep
  7596. Improvements in long-term appetite-regulating hormones in response to a combined lifestyle intervention for obesity
  7597. Effects of Adding Novel Fibre Composition to White Rice in a Meal on Glycemic, Insulinemic and appetite Responses-A Randomized Controlled Trial
  7598. Pulse 3: recover, reform, restructure. China’s outward investment appetite and implications for developing countries
  7599. Hypothalamic mechanisms of appetite regulation involve stress response and epigenetic modification
  7600. Metaphors of Nutrition in Inferno I: Dante’s Veltro and the Philosophical appetite
  7601. The Fiberdia study: Effects of inulin-type fructans on gut microbiota and regulation of blood glucose and appetite in type 2 diabetes: A randomised, placebo-controlled …
  7602. Dronabinol in appetite management and weight loss in patients with terminal cancer, HIV, palliative care and old age. Literature review
  7603. New research finds a growing appetite for Australian books overseas, with increased demand in China
  7604. Association of appetite and Related Hormones (Leptin, Ghrelin) with Resting Metabolic Rate of Overweight/Obese Women: A Case-Control Study
  7605. appetite-Related Hormones and Subjective Feelings of Hunger and Satiety in Adults Who Regularly Consume Dairy and Those Who Limit Dairy Consumption
  7606. Comparison of the effects of the different exercise types on appetite, calorie intake, calorie consumption and food liking in girl students
  7607. Psychosocial and Physical Factors Associated with appetite of Children During Hospitalization
  7608. The acute effects of morning and evening fasting on energy intake, appetite and glycaemic control in young, healthy males
  7609. An Exogenous Ketone Ester Modulates appetite but Not Dietary Intake
  7610. Elizabeth A. Williams, appetite and Its Discontents. Science, Medicine and the Urge to Eat, 1750-1950
  7611. Worlding appetite: Colonialism, Modernism, and the Gustatory in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
  7612. Intact leptin receptor signalling is not required for the sustained weight loss and appetite suppression induced by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery
  7613. Loss as Profit/Profit as Loss: The Self-Devouring, Unsustainable appetite of Molière’s Miser.
  7614. A Cross-Sectional Study on appetite, Nutritional Status and Nutritional Support of Hospitalized Patients
  7616. The Effects of Risk appetite and Social Pressure on Aggressive Financial Reporting Behavior
  7617. Risk appetite Fluctuations in the Insurance Industry
  7618. Dynamic scoring of appetite predicts inpatient survival in patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure
  7619. … in such areas. However, the authors note that this is much easier said than done, particularly where financial resources and the political appetite for such reform …
  7620. Does an increased intake of dietary proteins lead to improvements in perceptions of appetite in people with obesity during a period of calorie restriction?
  7621. Effects of Acute Exercise on appetite Regulation and Energy Intake in Men and Women
  7622. Effect of acute high-intensity exercise on appetite hormones in adults: a meta-analysis
  7623. Dynamic Time-of-use Discharging Price Strategy of Electric Vehicle Participating in Electricity Market Concerning Users Risk appetite
  7624. An appetite for Violence
  7625. The long-term effect of carbohydrate intake differing in quantity and quality on appetite in people with obesity-results from a randomized controlled trial (CARBFUNC)
  7626. Losing Faith or appetite? The Impact of Payoff Experiences on Ambiguity Attitudes, Beliefs, and Investment Choice
  7627. Weight Management and the Prevention of Obesity–The Role of Dietary Protein in the Regulation of appetite and Food intake
  7628. For email addRisk appetite statements-why are they so hard
  7629. Role of Contractual Obligations Violations on Risk appetite and CEO Compensation Based on Credit Status
  7630. appetite and aspiration in modernist and postmodernist plays: King
  7631. China’s appetite for International Agricultural Investment: Case Studies of Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar and Tanzania
  7632. Helen Salisbury: How’s your appetite for risk?
  7633. … On Growth Performance, Body Composition, Serum Biochemical Indexes, Lipid Metabolism And Gene Expression of Central appetite Regulating Factors In …
  7634. appetite-Regulating Hormones as a Tool for Combating Obesity and Feeding 10 Billion
  7635. Determining which octopamine receptor links appetite and fluctuating trehalose levels in the honey bee
  7636. Author Correction: Postprandial glycaemic dips predict appetite and energy intake in healthy individuals
  7637. A Systematic Review on the Effects of Alternate Day Fasting on Subjective Feelings of appetite and Body Weight for Overweight and Obese Adults
  7638. The role of appetite-controlling hormones in the development of eating disorders in diabetic 2 patients
  7639. Elizabeth A. Williams, appetite and Its Discontents: Science, Medicine, and the Urge to Eat, 1750–1950
  7640. Adipose Tissue, appetite, and Obesity
  7641. appetite, Digestion and Health
  7642. Wearing a mint-scented face mask reduces appetite
  7643. … Drying and Water Extraction of Curcuma xanthorrhiza for Hygiene Improvement in the Production of Jamu Cekok, a Traditional appetite Stimulant Herbal Medicine
  7644. GLP-1: appetite, Insulin, and Genetics
  7645. Individual and Psychological Characteristics of Medical University Students with Risk appetite
  7646. Finding an appetite for Latin mining
  7647. Association between inflammation and appetite in healthy community-dwelling older adults–an enable study
  7648. Risk appetite Discriminated Investors Wealth Accumulation: Regime-Switching versus Non-Regime-Switching Models-Based Strategies
  7649. Measuring risk appetite in the Portuguese generation Z: an experimental approach
  7650. Investigating the impact of exogenous enzymes and phosphorus-induced appetite regulation in broiler chickens
  7651. … Application Of Electronic Systems, And Understanding Of Taxpayers’ Compliance With Tax Laws And Regulations Regarding Their Risk appetite Level As Moderating …
  7652. Risk appetite of the Dutch Social Housing Sector
  7654. Computer analysis of the gene network that controls appetite in human
  7655. Effects of a ketogenic diet on mood, concentration, initiative, appetite, cravings, cognitive function, and sleep: Results from a randomized, controlled feeding trial …
  7656. Participation of Posyandu Cadres in Utilizing appetite Enhancer Supplements Based on Local Natural Materials as an Effort to Prevent Undernutrition in Toddlers
  7657. Loss of appetite in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a descriptive and qualitative study with a mixed method approach
  7658. Investigating the role of the gut metabolome in appetite and obesity
  7659. Corrigendum: Upregulation of Mir342 in Diet-Induced Obesity Mouse and the Hypothalamic appetite Control
  7660. Reduced appetite: How COVID-19 Will Impact Future Business Continuity Planning
  7661. Leichhardt boss shares appetite for development
  7662. The growing appetite for alternative investments
  7663. Impact of resistant starch type-3 on glucose metabolism and appetite in healthy males
  7664. Predictive value of appetite regulating hormone levels in early life for later fat mass trajectories
  7665. Magnetic resonance imaging of the cerebral appetite regulation centres during high-fat diet consumption in female mice
  7666. Do appetite stimulants improve outcomes in frail older adults?
  7667. Effect of Arginine Supplementation and High Intensity Training on appetite Hormones and Body Composition of Obese Boys
  7668. Effect of Incorporating Natural Sweeteners in Jams on appetite, Palatability and Consumers’ Acceptance
  7669. The Effect of Brotizolam Induced appetite on Serum Ghrelin Levels in Mice
  7670. The Effect of 8 Weeks Low Carbohydrate Diet and Cross-Fit Training on Ghrelin, Insulin, and appetite Levels in Active Woman
  7671. Comparing the Effects of Folic Acid and Cyproheptadine on appetite, Weight, and ADHD Symptoms in Children with ADHD: A Randomized Clinical Trial
  7672. Adipose Tissue, appetite, and Obesity
  7673. appetite and Deeds, War and the Will: Faustian Transgression in Byron’s The Deformed Transformed
  7674. Effects of exogenous and endogenous factors on appetite regulation in broiler chicks and Japanese quail
  7675. Adipose Tissue, appetite, and Obesity
  7676. Adipose Tissue, appetite, and Obesity
  7677. Changes of appetite regulating factors in hypothalamus of rats with chronic mild unpredictable stress and the effect of Xiaoyao San on it.
  7678. Abstract# 1004271: The Effect of Short-term Energy Restriction on appetite
  7679. Adipose Tissue, appetite, and Obesity
  7680. Effectiveness of Tui Na Massage in Increasing appetite Infants Aged 1-5 Years in The Work Area UPTD Puskesmas Bendo Kediri Regency
  7681. Adipose Tissue, appetite, and Obesity
  7682. Towards building of an underwater robot monitoring fish appetite for feeding management Development of sensors for measuring fish-generated underwater currents …
  7683. Adipose Tissue, appetite, and Obesity
  7684. Adipose Tissue, appetite, and Obesity
  7685. Adipose Tissue, appetite, and Obesity
  7686. Poor Taste and Smell Are Associated with Poor appetite, Macronutrient Intake, and Dietary Quality but Not with Undernutrition in Older Adults
  7687. Rapid Gastric Emptying Is Associated with Increased appetite Sensation in Obesity
  7688. A Study on the Relation between Image Features and appetite Factors in Food Images
  7689. The effect of concurrent training in fasted and fed state on appetite and resting levels of leptin and ghrelin in obese men
  7690. Body Composition, Insulin Resistance and Mediators of appetite and Energy Homeostasis in Hyperthyroidism
  7691. Loss of appetite May Be The First Sign of the Vitamin D Deficiency in Healthy Children; May The Clinician’s Perception Be Wrong?
  7692. GPR101, an orphan G-protein coupled receptor, with roles in growth, puberty, and possibly appetite regulation
  7693. appetite Alterations in Endurance Athletes Following the Ketogenic Diet
  7694. A Review of the Relationship Between the appetite-Regulating Hormone Leptin Present in Human Milk and Infant Growth.
  7695. A multi-component screen for feeding behaviour and nutritional status in Drosophila to interrogate mammalian appetite-related genes
  7696. Restructuring Through the appetite: Food Symbolism in The Hunger Games
  7697. Acute High Intensity Treadmill Exercise Increases appetite and NPY/AgRP and TH Neuron Activity in Untrained Female Mice
  7698. The Impact of Credit Growth Bank Size and Bank Risk appetite on Risk-Taking among Commercial Banks in Yemen: A Case Study of Yemen Gulf Bank
  7699. Next to the sudden onset of digestive disturbance is the pro-gressive decline in appetite; in time there is complete loss of
  7700. Positive effects of biscuits enriched with legume flours on postprandial glucose, insulin and appetite responses of healthy subjects
  7701. Transcriptional study of appetite regulating genes in the brain-intestine-liver of zebrafish (Danio rerio) with impaired leptin signalling under short-term fasting or …
  7703. Commodity Prices Slump, Less appetite for Oil Amid Downturn
  7704. Change in investor risk appetite and perception during COVID times with reference to Indian stock markets
  7705. The Depraved appetite of Tarrare the Freak: puppetry as a practice-based analytic within the medical humanities (2014-2017)[REF2021 collection]
  7706. A Complex appetite for Sugar: A study of the fermentation rate between monosaccharides and polysaccharides with Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
  7707. Usefulness of Abdominal Massage and ST-36 (Zusanli) Acupressure in Improving The appetite of COVID-19 Patients Treated in a Makeshift Hospital: A …
  7708. The effect of high-polyphenol sumac on food intake in younger and older adults, using sensory and appetite analysis
  7709. Effects of Isomaltodextrin on Satiety and appetite Regulating Hormones―Two Randomized, Double‒blind, Placebo‒controlled, Crossover Studies―
  7710. Staff Working Paper No. 938 Risk-taking and uncertainty: do contingent convertible (CoCo) bonds increase the risk appetite of banks?
  7711. Peer Review: Effect of exercise training interventions on energy intake and appetite control in adults with overweight or obesity: A systematic review and meta …
  7712. Emotional appetite in negative situations and dietary patterns of adult women Apetite emocional em situações negativas e padrão alimentar de mulheres …
  7713. 719-P: Caloric Intake, appetite, and Body Composition Outcomes of Long-Term Intranasal Insulin (INI) Administration: A Substudy of the Memory Advancement by INI …
  7714. Effects of COVID-19 on Sensory Perception, appetite and Food Eating Behaviour
  7715. 58/f with lower abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and bloating: Preparation for the medical specialist examination: part 6
  7716. … Mangham 2020: The Science of Starving in Victorian Literature, Medicine, and Political Economy und Elizabeth A. Williams 2020: appetite and Its Discontents …
  7717. The influence of Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) for appetite, eating and weight
  7718. 60/m—loss of appetite and upper abdominal complaints: Preparation for the medical specialist examination: part 8
  7720. … : use of enteral nutrition, parenteral nutrition or oral nutritional supplements is associated with being bedridden, not being allowed to eat, low appetite and low bmi
  7721. Case 6: A Child Who Had Lost appetite and Interest
  7723. … Yale University in biophysical chemistry. He joined the faculty of Bowling Green State University in 1987. Neocles had an insatiable appetite for knowledge and …
  7724. The time variation in risk appetite and uncertainty
  7725. Higher-order inputs involved in appetite control
  7726. Impact of antiseizure medications on appetite and weight in children
  7727. An inter-organ neural circuit for appetite suppression
  7728. Understanding the effects of antipsychotics on appetite control
  7729. Risk appetite and the Risk-Taking Channel of Monetary Policy
  7730. Bacterial sensing via neuronal Nod2 regulates appetite and body temperature
  7731. Predictability of risk appetite in Turkey: Local versus global factors
  7732. A preoptic neuronal population controls fever and appetite during sickness
  7733. Relationship between eating alone and poor appetite using the simplified nutritional appetite questionnaire
  7734. A discrete parasubthalamic nucleus subpopulation plays a critical role in appetite suppression
  7735. Expertise-structure and risk-appetite-integrated two-tiered collective opinion generation framework for large-scale group decision making
  7736. The value premium and investors’ appetite for risk
  7737. The effect of intranasal insulin on appetite and mood in women with and without obesity: an experimental medicine study
  7738. Acts of appetite: neural circuits governing the appetitive, consummatory, and terminating phases of feeding
  7739. Identification of factors affecting risk appetite of organizations in selection of mega construction projects
  7740. Timing of daily calorie loading affects appetite and hunger responses without changes in energy metabolism in healthy subjects with obesity
  7741. Effects of movement behaviors on overall health and appetite control: current evidence and perspectives in children and adolescents
  7742. Efficacy of medicinal cannabis for appetite-related symptoms in people with cancer: A systematic review
  7743. Symposium review: Fueling appetite: Nutrient metabolism and the control of feed intake
  7744. Sun exposure stimulates appetite in males
  7745. Functional Connectivity of the Nucleus Accumbens and Changes in appetite in Patients With Depression
  7746. A review on prescription and non-prescription appetite suppressants and evidence-based method to treat overweight and obesity
  7747. Impact of Oats on appetite Hormones and Body Weight Management: A Review
  7748. appetite loss and anorexia of aging in clinical care: an ICFSR task force report
  7749. A novel peptide protects against diet-induced obesity by suppressing appetite and modulating the gut microbiota
  7750. Neurobehavioral Mechanisms of Sodium appetite
  7751. Blocking ActRIIB and restoring appetite reverses cachexia and improves survival in mice with lung cancer
  7752. Offering the appetite for the monitoring of European forests a diversified diet
  7753. Molecular neurobiological markers in the onset of sodium appetite
  7754. Delineating a serotonin 1B receptor circuit for appetite suppression in mice
  7755. appetite-regulating hormones in bipolar disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  7756. The problem of appetite loss after major abdominal surgery: A systematic review
  7757. GDF15 in appetite and exercise: essential player or coincidental bystander?
  7758. The Influence of Ketone Bodies on Circadian Processes Regarding appetite, Sleep and Hormone Release: A Systematic Review of the Literature
  7759. The significance and potential of functional food ingredients for control appetite and food intake
  7760. Effect of processing and microstructural properties of chickpea-flours on in vitro digestion and appetite sensations
  7761. Physiology, appetite And Weight Regulation
  7762. Comparisons of soybean and wheat; in the focus on the nutritional aspects and acute appetite sensation
  7763. Glucocorticoids, stress and eating: The mediating role of appetite‐regulating hormones
  7764. Association of anorexia/appetite loss with malnutrition and mortality in older populations: A systematic literature review
  7765. Psychobiology of Obesity: Eating Behavior and appetite Control
  7766. appetite: Validation of a smartphone app-based tool for the remote measure of free-living subjective appetite
  7767. Industry appetite for natural killer cells intensifies
  7768. Infant appetite traits, feeding practices and child obesity in low‐income Hispanic families
  7769. Differences in gastrointestinal hormones and appetite ratings among obesity classes
  7770. Is bank risk appetite relevant to bank default in times of Covid-19?
  7771. One-Year self-reported appetite is similar in adolescents with obesity who do or do not undergo sleeve gastrectomy
  7772. Regulation of appetite-related neuropeptides by Panax ginseng: A novel approach for obesity treatment
  7773. Sleep Deprivation and Central appetite Regulation
  7774. Poor appetite & Aging: The Role of Physical Activity under a Geroscience Perspective
  7775. The effect of flaxseed intake on appetite reduction: A systematic review of randomized clinical trials
  7776. Changes in appetite during quarantine and their association with pre-COVID-19 mental and physical health
  7777. Perivascular signals drive microglial appetite
  7778. … almonds compared to a carbohydrate-based snack improves appetite-regulating hormones with no effect on self-reported appetite sensations: a randomised …
  7779. Bank risk appetite communication and risk taking: the key role of integrated reports
  7780. A Sports Nutrition Perspective on the Impacts of Hypoxic High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on appetite Regulatory Mechanisms: A Narrative Review of the Current …
  7781. A gut-brain axis mediates sodium appetite via gastrointestinal peptide regulation on a medulla-hypothalamic circuit
  7782. Linking drug and food addiction via compulsive appetite
  7783. Gastrointestinal hormones and appetite ratings after weight loss induced by diet or bariatric surgery
  7784. “We are solid”—pay award unites profession in appetite for industrial action
  7785. Beyond appetite regulation: Targeting energy expenditure, fat oxidation, and lean mass preservation for sustainable weight loss
  7786. Chronic circadian disruption and sleep restriction influence subjective hunger, appetite, and food preference
  7787. A gut-derived hormone suppresses sugar appetite and regulates food choice in Drosophila
  7788. Nutrient-based appetite regulation
  7789. Tirzepatide reduces appetite, energy intake, and fat mass in people with type 2 diabetes
  7790. Intergenerational transmission of appetite: Associations between mother-child dyads in a Mexican population
  7791. Validation of a telephone‐based administration of the simplified nutritional appetite questionnaire
  7792. Characterisation of community-dwelling older adults with poor appetite
  7793. The effect of extracted and isolated fibers on appetite and energy intake: A comprehensive review of human intervention studies
  7794. A review on differential effects of dietary fatty acids on weight, appetite and energy expenditure
  7795. CYP1A2 polymorphisms modify the association of habitual coffee consumption with appetite, macronutrient intake, and body mass index: results from an …
  7796. The gestational effects of maternal appetite axis molecules on fetal growth, metabolism and long-term metabolic health: a systematic review
  7797. Effect of the perception of breakfast consumption on subsequent appetite and energy intake in healthy males
  7798. The Association of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis with appetite Regulation in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs)
  7799. Does exercise during a ketogenic diet effectively alter appetite sensation, appetite-regulating hormones, and body composition?
  7800. The hydration rate of konjac glucomannan after consumption affects its in vivo glycemic response and appetite sensation and in vitro digestion characteristics
  7801. Ecological momentary assessment of changes in eating behaviors, appetite, and other aspects of eating regulation in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve …
  7802. appetite responses to pecan-enriched diets
  7803. Mechanisms for combined hypoxic conditioning and divergent exercise modes to regulate inflammation, body composition, appetite, and blood glucose …
  7804. Molecular cloning, expression and appetite regulation function of adiponectin in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)
  7805. Social isolation modulates appetite and avoidance behavior via a common oxytocinergic circuit in larval zebrafish
  7806. The effects of chitosan supplementation on anthropometric indicators of obesity, lipid and glycemic profiles, and appetite-regulated hormones in adolescents …
  7807. Mapping brain activity of gut-brain signaling to appetite and satiety in healthy adults: A systematic review and functional neuroimaging meta-analysis
  7808. Tissue distribution of appetite regulation genes and their expression in the Amazon fish Colossoma macropomum exposed to climate change scenario
  7809. Current appetite influences relative differences in the expected satiety of foods for momentary, but not hypothetical, expected satiety assessments
  7810. Distinct firing activities of the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus neurons to appetite hormones
  7811. Infant appetite and weight gain in early infancy: Moderating effects of controlling feeding styles
  7812. Gut microbial characteristics in poor appetite and undernutrition: a cohort of older adults and microbiota transfer in germ‐free mice
  7813. Effects of three feed attractants on the growth, biochemical indicators, lipid metabolism and appetite of Chinese perch (Siniperca chuatsi)
  7814. Plasma amino acid appearance and status of appetite following a single meal of red meat or a plant-based meat analog: A randomized crossover clinical trial
  7815. Rapid emergence of appetite and hunger resulting in weight gain and improvement of eating disorder symptomatology during and after short-term off-label metreleptin …
  7816. Is Stress Taking the Pleasure Out of Food?—A Characterization of the Food Pleasure Profiles, appetite, and Eating Behaviors of People with Chronic Stress
  7817. Effect of exercise training on spexin level, appetite, lipid accumulation product, visceral adiposity index, and body composition in adults with type 2 diabetes
  7818. Sensory specific satiety or appetite? Investigating effects of retronasally-introduced aroma and taste cues on subsequent real-life snack intake
  7819. Feasibility and acceptability of a digital tele‐guided intervention targeting components of the addictive appetite model for bulimia nervosa and binge‐eating disorder in …
  7820. Alterations in resting-state functional activity and connectivity for major depressive disorder appetite and weight disturbance phenotypes
  7821. Impact of long-term fasting on the stomach-hypothalamus appetite regulating genes in Atlantic salmon postsmolts
  7822. Hunger for Stability Quells appetite for Change: Results of the 2021 Education Next Survey of Public Opinion.
  7823. Acute and short-term effects of Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei 431 and inulin intake on appetite control and dietary intake: A two-phases randomized …
  7824. Differences in gastrointestinal hormones and appetite ratings between individuals with and without obesity—A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  7825. On the origin of appetite: GLWamide in jellyfish represents an ancestral satiety neuropeptide
  7826. Decreased appetite is associated with the presence of sarcopenia in patients with cirrhosis
  7827. Effects of menstrual cycle on appetite-regulating hormones and energy intake in response to cycling exercise in physically active women
  7828. DCs unchained: Whetting dendritic-cell appetite boosts wound healing
  7829. Beyond appetite: Acylated ghrelin as a learning, memory and fear behavior-modulating hormone
  7830. Omnivory in predatory lady beetles is widespread and driven by an appetite for sterols
  7831. Risk appetite and option prices: Evidence from the Chinese SSE50 options market
  7832. … tree (Vitex agnus-castus) fruit extract on growth performance, hemato-biochemical parameters, and mRNA levels of growth and appetite-related genes in …
  7833. Effects of bariatric surgery and dietary intervention on insulin resistance and appetite hormones over a 3 year period
  7834. An appetite for growth: The role of the hypothalamic–pituitary–growth hormone axis in energy balance
  7835. Mechanism of Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) Fruit in the appetite Regulation Based on Network Pharmacology and Molecular Docking Method
  7836. Self-selected meal composition alters the relationship between same-day caloric intake and appetite scores in humans during a long-term ad-libitum feeding study
  7837. Indirect effects of social activity on appetite via depressive symptoms in community-dwelling older adults: A cross-sectional study
  7838. … with Bacillus species improves growth, intestinal histomorphology, innate immunity, antioxidative status and expression of growth and appetite‐regulating genes of …
  7839. Effects of Essential Oils and Fragrant Compounds on appetite: A Systematic Review
  7840. Weight loss by calorie restriction does not alter appetite‐regulating gut hormone responses from perfused rat small intestine
  7841. Impact of isoenergetic intake of irregular meal patterns on thermogenesis, glucose metabolism, and appetite: a randomized controlled trial
  7842. Gestational weight gain, appetite regulating hormones, and metformin treatment in polycystic ovary syndrome: A longitudinal, placebo‐controlled study
  7843. appetite in Palliative Cancer Patients and Its Association with Albumin, CRP and Quality of Life in Men and Women—Cross-Sectional Data from the Palliative D-Study
  7844. The role of dietary fibers in regulating appetite, an overview of mechanisms and weight consequences
  7845. The acute effects of insect vs. beef-derived protein on postprandial plasma aminoacidemia, appetite hormones, appetite sensations, and energy intake in healthy …
  7846. Levels of hormones regulating appetite and energy homeostasis in response to a 1.5-Year combined lifestyle intervention for obesity
  7847. A longitudinal assessment of appetite loss and nutritional care among postoperative patients in Vietnam
  7848. The roles of different macronutrients in regulation of appetite, energy intake and adiposity
  7849. Objective and Subjective appetite Assessment in Patients with Gynecological Cancer: A Pre-and Post-Operative Pilot Study
  7850. appetite loss at discharge from acute decompensated heart failure: Observation from KCHF registry
  7851. appetite stimulants for people with cystic fibrosis
  7852. Associations of quantity and quality of carbohydrate sources with subjective appetite sensations during 3-year weight-loss maintenance: Results from the …
  7853. Dietary phosphorus level regulates appetite through modulation of gut and hypothalamic expression of anorexigenic genes in broiler chickens
  7854. The clinical outcomes, appetite and metabolic effects of sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: A comparative review
  7855. The impact of time restricted eating on appetite and disordered eating in adults: A mixed methods systematic review
  7856. Effect of acute dietary-versus combined dietary and exercise-induced energy deficits on subsequent energy intake, appetite and food reward in adolescents with …
  7857. Hedonic appetite, Affect, and Loss of Control Eating: Macrotemporal and Microtemporal Associations in Adolescents
  7858. Secretin modulates appetite via brown adipose tissue-brain axis
  7859. appetite and quality of life in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A scoping review
  7860. … inhibits ghrelin-responsive, glucose-sensitive and neuropeptide Y neurons in the arcuate nucleus and central injection suppresses appetite-associated food intake in …
  7861. Neuromedin U regulates food intake of Siberian sturgeon through the modulation of central and peripheral appetite factors
  7862. Myokines in appetite Control and Energy Balance
  7863. appetite, Energy Expenditure, and the Regulation of Energy Balance
  7864. Sex Differences in Salt appetite: Perspectives from Animal Models and Human Studies
  7865. An Acute Bout of Exercise Suppresses appetite via Central Lactate Metabolism
  7866. Changes in body mass, appetite-related hormones, and appetite sensation in women during 4 days of hypobaric hypoxic exposure equivalent to 3,500-m altitude
  7867. How seasonality affects the environmental performance of fresh appetite: Insights from cherry consumption in China
  7868. The effects of resistance exercise on appetite sensations, appetite related hormones and energy intake in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer survivors
  7869. Eat Up!: Food, appetite and Eating what You Want
  7870. Impact of macronutrient composition in nutrition shakes on postprandial glycemic response, appetite, and food intake
  7871. appetite regulating genes in zebrafish gut; a gene expression study
  7872. Triacylglycerol rich in docosahexaenoic acid regulated appetite via the mediation of leptin and intestinal epithelial functions in high-fat, high-sugar diet-fed mice
  7873. Oral lactate slows gastric emptying and suppresses appetite in young males
  7874. Effect of winter feeding frequency on growth performance, biochemical blood parameters, oxidative stress, and appetite-related genes in Takifugu rubripes
  7875. The effects of empagliflozin, dietary energy restriction, or both on appetite‐regulatory gut peptides in individuals with type 2 diabetes and overweight or obesity: The …
  7876. Mood and physical activity are associated with appetite in hospitalised older men and women
  7877. … associations between parental feeding practices used in toddlerhood and preschool children’s appetite vary according to appetite avidity in toddlerhood
  7878. GLP1-mediated gut–brain neural circuit controls appetite suppression
  7879. Metabolic rates, feed intake, appetite control, and gut transit of clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris exposed to increased temperature and limited feed availability
  7880. Effects of different acute stressors on the regulation of appetite genes in the carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) brain
  7881. The impact of acute exercise on appetite control: Current insights and future perspectives
  7882. An appetite for meat? Disentangling the influence of animal resemblance and familiarity
  7883. The interconnectedness across risk appetite of distinct investor types in Borsa Istanbul
  7884. Obesity and acute stress modulate appetite and neural responses in food word reactivity task
  7885. Comparing acute effects of extra virgin coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil consumption on appetite and food intake in normal-weight and obese male …
  7886. Effects of exercise training programmes on fasting gastrointestinal appetite hormones in adults with overweight and obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  7887. Too stressed to eat: Investigating factors associated with appetite loss in subordinate rainbow trout
  7888. The effect of gastrointestinal bitter sensing on appetite regulation and energy intake: A systematic review
  7889. Erasure of labour: a critical analysis of appetite suppressant product marketing by Flat Tummy Co
  7890. Positive postprandial glycaemic and appetite-related effects of wheat breads enriched with either α-cyclodextrin or hydroxytyrosol/α-cyclodextrin inclusion complex
  7891. Role of Leu72Met of GHRL and Gln223Arg of LEPR Variants on Food Intake, Subjective appetite, and Hunger-Satiety Hormones
  7892. Comment on Qiu et al. Effect of Protein-Rich Breakfast on Subsequent Energy Intake and Subjective appetite in Children and Adolescents: Systematic Review …
  7893. … up sitting with short frequent or long infrequent physical activity breaks does not lead to compensatory changes in appetite, appetite-regulating hormones or …
  7894. Relationships between Depressive Symptoms, appetite, and Quality of Life in Heart Failure
  7895. Decoy bypass for appetite suppression in obese adults: role of synergistic nutrient sensing receptors GPR84 and FFAR4 on colonic endocrine cells
  7896. Influence of water-based exercise on energy intake, appetite, and appetite-related hormones in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  7897. Late, but Not Early, Night Sleep Loss Compromises Neuroendocrine appetite Regulation and the Desire for Food
  7898. The interplay of hedonic appetite and attentional abilities is linked to poorer dietary self-control: two studies on young adults living in cities
  7899. The complex pattern of the effects of prolonged frequent exercise on appetite control, and implications for obesity
  7900. Effects of dietary carbohydrate to lipid ratios on growth, biochemical indicators, lipid metabolism, and appetite in Chinese perch (Siniperca chuatsi)
  7901. The Development of appetite: Tracking and Age-Related Differences in Appetitive Traits in Childhood
  7902. Discovery of the potent and selective MC4R antagonist PF-07258669 for the potential treatment of appetite loss
  7903. The association between appetite loss, frailty, and psychosocial factors in community-dwelling older adults adults
  7904. Impact of acute consumption of beverages containing plant-based or alternative sweetener blends on postprandial appetite, food intake, metabolism, and …
  7905. Acute effect of high-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity continuous training on appetite perception: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  7906. The prevalence and clinical significance of loss of appetite in older patients with chronic kidney disease
  7907. The effect of probiotic and synbiotic supplementation on appetite-regulating hormones and desire to eat: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical …
  7908. Assessment and Management of appetite Loss in Older Adults: An ICFSR Task Force Report
  7909. Serum appetite-Regulating Hormone Levels in Cystic Fibrosis Patients: Influence of the Disease Severity and the Type of Bacterial Infection—A Pilot Study
  7910. Holistic approach to effects of foods, human physiology, and psychology on food intake and appetite (satiation & satiety)
  7911. Effects of acute exercise and exercise training on plasma GDF15 concentrations and associations with appetite and cardiometabolic health in individuals with …
  7912. The fluctuations of insurers’ risk appetite
  7913. Activation of gastrointestinal ileal brake response with dietary slowly digestible carbohydrates, with no observed effect on subjective appetite, in an acute randomized …
  7914. A comparison of meal-related appetite, food reward and eating behaviour traits in people with and without spinal cord injury
  7915. Chinese Food Image Database for Eating and appetite Studies
  7916. The effect of food odor exposure on appetite and nutritional intake of older adults with dementia
  7917. … ‐dependent insulinotropic polypeptide receptor antagonism during glucagon‐like peptide 1 receptor agonism does not affect appetite, resting energy expenditure or …
  7918. Effect of acupoint catgut embedding for abdominally obese female with strong appetite: Mixed analysis of a randomized clinical trial
  7919. Effects of Physical Properties of Konjac Glucomannan on appetite Response of Rats
  7920. Astrocytes in neural circuits controlling appetite and food intake
  7921. appetite for Reform: When do Exogenous Shocks Motivate Industrial Policy Change?
  7922. The Combined Effects of Aspartame and Acesulfame-K Blends on appetite: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials
  7923. The effects of frequency-specific, non-invasive, median nerve stimulation on food-related attention and appetite
  7924. Eugenol promotes appetite through TRP channels mediated‐CaMKK2/AMPK signaling pathway
  7925. Effects of Cannabidiol on appetite and Body Weight: A Systematic Review
  7926. Sugar-sweetened beverages, effects on appetite and public health strategies to reduce the consumption among children: a review
  7927. Effects of Morning Vs. Evening exercise on appetite, energy intake, performance and metabolism, in lean males and females
  7928. Short-Term Effect of Additional Daily Dietary Fibre Intake on appetite, Satiety, Gastrointestinal Comfort, Acceptability, and Feasibility
  7929. Emotional appetite Questionnaire: psychometric properties in Brazilian adult samples before and after the COVID-19 pandemic onset
  7930. … -Day Variation in the Fasting Plasma Lipopolysaccharide Concentration in the Morning Is Associated with Inter-Day Variation in appetite in Japanese Males: A …
  7931. Combined effect of eating speed instructions and food texture modification on eating rate, appetite and later food intake
  7932. Impact of exercise timing on perceived appetite and food reward in early and late chronotypes: An exploratory study in a male Saudi sample
  7933. The impact of 16-h heat exposure on appetite and food reward in adults
  7934. Association between Fat-Free Mass Loss, Changes in appetite, and Weight Regain in Individuals with Obesity
  7935. The Effectiveness of Nigella sativa and Ginger as appetite Suppressants: An Experimental Study on Healthy Wistar Rats
  7936. Personalized Dietary Advice to Increase Protein Intake in Older Adults Does Not Affect the Gut Microbiota, appetite or Central Processing of Food Stimuli in …
  7937. Colonic delivery of nutrients for sustained and prolonged release of gut peptides: a novel strategy for appetite management
  7938. Individualities mediate divergent stress responses and appetite regulation in CNS of olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus
  7939. Loss of appetite in Adult Patients: Effectiveness and Safety of an appetite Stimulating Medication in an Open-Label, Investigator-Initiated Study in India
  7940. Sex dimorphism of glucosensing parameters and appetite-regulating peptides in the hypothalamus of rainbow trout broodstocks
  7941. Altered motivation states for physical activity and ‘appetite‘for movement as compensatory mechanisms limiting the efficacy of exercise training for weight loss
  7942. The effect of methyl donor supplementation on body composition, homocysteine, lipid profile and appetite regulatory hormones in overweight and obese adults: a …
  7943. Maternal Feeding Beliefs and Behaviors Relate to Infant Diet and appetite
  7944. Cross-sectional and prospective associations between household socioeconomic resources, appetite traits, and body size among Samoan infants
  7945. Galanin, a central appetite factor, affects appetite signals in the hypothalamus and promotes feeding in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt)
  7946. Effect of resistant starch consumption on appetite and satiety: A review
  7947. Baicalin promotes appetite by regulating gut microbiome and immunity?
  7948. Sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) powder supplementation has beneficial effects on appetite in overweight/obese women with depression: A randomized controlled trial
  7949. A glucokinase-linked sensor in the taste system contributes to glucose appetite
  7950. appetite loss and associated factors at 1 year after intensive care unit elder survivors in a secondary analysis of the SMAP-HoPe study
  7951. appetite hormone dysregulation and executive dysfunction among adolescents with bipolar disorder and disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
  7952. Impact of early time‐restricted eating on diet quality, meal frequency, appetite, and eating behaviors: A randomized trial
  7953. Linking dietary fatty acids to mesocorticolimbic networks controlling appetite
  7954. The Effects of Exercise on appetite-Regulating Hormone Concentrations over a 36-h Fast in Healthy Young Adults: A Randomized Crossover Study
  7955. Impact of the FTO Gene Variation on appetite and Fat Oxidation in Young Adults
  7956. Impact of food processing on postprandial glycaemic and appetite responses in healthy adults: a randomized, controlled trial
  7957. Validation of a Mobile App-Based Visual Analog Scale for appetite Measurement in the Real World: A Randomized Digital Clinical Trial
  7958. Psychotropic medicines: increased appetite rather than weight gain
  7959. Targeting appetite and satiety in diabetes and obesity, via G protein-coupled receptors
  7960. Taking Placebos as Needed to Reduce appetite: A Randomized Controlled Trial with Ecological Momentary Assessment
  7961. appetite suppressant semaglutide is to be made available to treat obesity in England
  7962. Relationship between Ketones, Ghrelin, and, appetite on Isocaloric Diets with Varying Carbohydrate Quality and Amount: Results from a Randomized …
  7963. The Hunger for Salt: A Tribute to Derek Denton and Jay Schulkin with an Updated Collection of Papers on Salt appetite
  7964. The gut-brain axis and sodium appetite: Can inflammation-related signaling influence the control of sodium intake?
  7965. The effects of resistance training on some inflammatory markers, appetite-regulating peptides and insulin resistance index in obese women
  7966. Growth performance, health, and gene expression of appetite-regulating hormones in Dourado Salminus brasiliensis, fed vegetable-based diets supplemented with …
  7967. Do appetite Traits Mediate the Link between Birth Weight and Later Child Weight in Low-Income Hispanic Families?
  7968. Impact of high energy oral nutritional supplements consumed in the late afternoon on appetite, energy intake and cardio-metabolic risk factors in females with …
  7969. Economic policy uncertainty, entrepreneurial risk appetite, and corporation innovation in innovative cities–empirical evidence from the Shenzhen Special Economic …
  7970. Erythritol and xylitol differentially impact brain networks involved in appetite regulation in healthy volunteers
  7971. appetite for Natech Risk Information in Japan: Understanding Citizens’ Communicative Behavior Towards Risk Information Disclosure Around Osaka Bay
  7972. GLP-1 appetite control via intestinofugal neurons
  7973. Protein Source Influences Acute appetite and Satiety but Not Subsequent Food Intake in Healthy Adults
  7974. Intermittent Energy Restriction for Weight Loss: A Systematic Review of Cardiometabolic, Inflammatory and appetite Outcomes
  7975. Chronic consumption of a blend of inulin and arabinoxylan reduces energy intake in an ad libitum meal but does not influence perceptions of appetite and satiety: a …
  7976. Brainstem peptides and peptidergic neurons in the regulation of appetite
  7977. Time of day differences in appetite and gut hormone responses to meal and stress challenges in adults with normal-weight and obesity
  7978. Associations between appetite, physical activity and sedentary behaviour from hip‐and wrist‐worn accelerometers in community‐dwelling older adults
  7979. Alanine-specific appetite in slow growing chickens is associated with impaired glucose transport and TCA cycle
  7980. Effects of acute resistance exercise with different loads on appetite, appetite hormones and autonomic nervous system responses in healthy young men
  7981. Impact of starting BMI and degree of weight loss on changes in appetite‐regulating hormones during diet‐induced weight loss
  7982. Two-month administration of methylphenidate improves olfactory sensitivity and suppresses appetite in individuals with obesity
  7983. Propensity score-matching analysis comparing safety outcomes of appetite-stimulating medications in oncology patients
  7984. appetite Changes in Weight Regain and Weight Maintenance After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
  7985. Propionate stimulates the secretion of satiety hormones and reduces acute appetite in a cecal fistula pig model
  7986. The limitations of investigating appetite through circuit manipulations: are we biting off more than we can chew?
  7987. Association between Different Types of Edible Oils and Anthropometric Indices Mood, and appetite among Women
  7988. The Cerebellum Plays More Than One Role in appetite Control: Evidence From Typical and Pathological Populations
  7989. The secondary bile acid isoursodeoxycholate correlates with post-prandial lipemia, inflammation, and appetite and changes post-bariatric surgery
  7990. Alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone-mediated appetite regulation in the central nervous system
  7991. The Role of Loan-Related Risk appetite in the Relationship between Financial Risk Considerations and MSME Growth Decision: A Mediation Analysis
  7992. Obesity medication lorcaserin activates brainstem GLP-1 neurons to reduce food intake and augments GLP-1 receptor agonist induced appetite suppression
  7993. The Use of Questionnaires to Measure appetite
  7994. Alternate day fasting on subjective feelings of appetite and body weight for adults with overweight or obesity: a systematic review
  7995. Tirzepatide Reduces appetite, Energy Intake, and Fat Mass in People With Type 2 Diabetes
  7996. Acute appetite and eating behaviour responses to apparatus-free, high-intensity intermittent exercise in inactive women with excess weight
  7997. appetite for destruction: Food-related experiences of incarcerated children and young people
  7998. Effects of β-glucan and inulin consumption on postprandial appetite, energy intake and food consumption in healthy females: A randomized controlled trial
  7999. Enzymatic Chicken Pulp Promotes appetite, Digestive Enzyme Activity, and Growth in Litopenaeus vannamei
  8000. A novel peptide isolated from Aphonopelma chalcodes tarantula venom with benefits on pancreatic islet function and appetite control
  8001. Association between Survival Duration of Older Patients with Advanced Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer and appetite Loss: A Retrospective Cohort Study
  8002. Effects of resistant starch on glycemic response, postprandial lipemia and appetite in subjects with type 2 diabetes
  8003. Short, frequent high-intensity physical activity breaks reduce appetite compared to a continuous moderate-intensity exercise bout
  8004. Relationship Between appetite-Related Peptides and Frailty in Older Adults
  8005. Effects of Oral Lipid‐Based nutritional supplements on appetite, energy intake, and lipid profile of moderately underweight children
  8006. Discriminative stimulus effects of an imidazolidine-derived appetite suppressant
  8007. Effects of cannabidiol on growth performance, appetite, antioxidant capacity and liver inflammatory gene expression of juvenile large yellow croaker (Larmichthys …
  8008. Association between the Timing of Pre-Workout Macronutrient Intake and Rated appetite among Resistance-Trained Adults in Jbeil, Lebanon
  8009. Investigating associations between appetite-regulating hormones, aggression and craving in males with cannabis use disorder
  8010. Evolutionary game to model risk appetite of individual investors
  8011. An appetite for change? Engaging the public in food policy and politics
  8012. Role of appetite Hormone Dysregulation in Symptomology and Executive Function in Adolescents With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  8013. Characterization of spexin (SPX) in chickens: molecular cloning, functional analysis, tissue expression and its involvement in appetite regulation
  8014. Effect of d‐β‐Hydroxybutyrate‐(R)‐1,3 Butanediol on appetite Regulation in People with Prediabetes
  8015. The influence of dough kneading time and flour particle size distribution on white bread structure, glycemic response and aspects of appetite
  8016. appetite and energy intake following a bout of circuit resistance training in chronic hemiparetic stroke patients: a preliminary randomized controlled trial
  8017. Associations of physical activity and sedentary behavior with appetite sensations and eating regulation behaviors before and during the initial year following bariatric …
  8018. Feed intake and gene expression of appetite-regulating hormones in Salminus brasiliensis fed diets containing soy protein concentrate
  8019. Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Association with Serum Inflammatory Factors Stress Oxidative and appetite in COVID-19 Patients
  8020. Effects of whole-grain barley and oat β-glucans on postprandial glycemia and appetite: a randomized controlled crossover trial
  8021. Dietary supplementation with Korean pine nut oil decreases body fat accumulation and dysregulation of the appetite-suppressing pathway in the …
  8022. A review of the efficacy of appetite stimulating medications in hospitalized adults
  8023. Anorectic role of high dietary leucine in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): Effects on feed intake, growth, amino acid transporters and appetite-control …
  8024. The effect of high‐polyphenol sumac (Rhus coriaria) on food intake using sensory and appetite analysis in younger and older adults: A randomized controlled trial
  8025. Reply to Henschel et al. Comment on “Qiu et al. Effect of Protein-Rich Breakfast on Subsequent Energy Intake and Subjective appetite in Children and Adolescents …
  8026. Acute and repeated impact of sweeteners and sweetness enhancers in solid and semi-solid foods on appetite: protocol for a multicentre, cross-over, RCT in …
  8027. The effect of oral nutrition supplements and appetite stimulants on weight status among pediatric cancer patients: a systematic review
  8028. Effects of temperature on food intake and the expression of appetite regulators in three Characidae fish: The black-skirted tetra (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi), neon tetra …
  8029. Sweet taste receptors are the potential mediator involved in appetite regulation of grass carp in response to high digestible carbohydrates intake
  8030. Evaluation of Subjective appetite Assessment under Free-Living vs. Controlled Conditions: A Randomized Crossover Trial Comparing Whole-Grain Rye and …
  8031. Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on homeostatic and hedonic appetite control and mood states in women presenting premenstrual syndrome across …
  8032. The Acute Effects of Breakfast Drinks with Varying Protein and Energy Contents on appetite and Free-Living Energy Intake in UK Older Adults
  8033. appetite stimulants for patients with cancer: current evidence for clinical practice
  8034. Acute response to capsiate supplementation at rest and during exercise on energy intake, appetite, metabolism, and autonomic function: a randomized trial
  8035. A Pecan-Enriched Diet Reduced Postprandial appetite Intensity and Enhanced Peptide YY Secretion: A Randomized Control Trial
  8036. Feeding fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) seed as a potential appetite stimulant for Holstein dairy calves: Effects on growth performance and health
  8037. The efficacy of GLP-1 analogues on appetite parameters, gastric emptying, food preference and taste among adults with obesity: Systematic review of randomized …
  8038. TNFα-Induced Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction Alter Hypothalamic Neurogenesis and Promote appetite Versus Satiety Neuropeptide Expression in …
  8039. appetite for risk in the C‐19 policy environment
  8040. Rapid onset sodium appetite and orofacial responses to intraoral capsaicin and hypertonic NaCl in the rat
  8041. No appetite for Change: The Supreme Court Buttresses the State Secrets Privilege, Twice
  8042. Feeding frequency and dietary protein/carbohydrate ratio affect feed intake and appetite regulation-related genes expression in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)
  8043. Acute effect of high-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity continuous training on appetite-regulating gut hormones in healthy adults: A …
  8044. The Pivotal Role of Neuropeptide Crosstalk from Ventromedial-PACAP to Dorsomedial-Galanin in the appetite Regulation in the Mouse Hypothalamus
  8045. No effects of different modalities of a single bout of exercise on sleep architecture and appetite in healthy overweight or obese young adults
  8046. Effects of Vinegar/Acetic Acid Intake on appetite Measures and Energy Consumption: Systematic Review
  8047. Molecular cloning, identification, and expression analysis of Pyy and its effect on mechanisms regulating appetite in Spotted scat, Scatophagus argus
  8048. … triiodothyronine application increases survivorship in larval lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens): Molecular and endocrine regulation of appetite, growth, and stress …
  8049. AgRP Neuron-Specific Ablation Represses appetite, Energy Intake, and Somatic Growth in Larval Zebrafish
  8050. Effect of the glucagon‐like peptide‐1 receptor agonist liraglutide, compared to caloric restriction, on appetite, dietary intake, body fat distribution and cardiometabolic …
  8051. Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) supplements improve quality of life and appetite in atherosclerosis patients: A randomized clinical trial
  8052. Possible Alterations in appetite-related Molecules After the Elimination of Hepatitis C Virus
  8053. Gene expression of appetite-related hormones: Responses to fasting in different brain regions of yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata
  8054. Lifetime Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in Adolescents with Unexplained Weight Loss, Underweight, or Poor appetite
  8055. Effects of Extreme Light Cycle and Density on Melatonin, appetite, and Energy Metabolism of the Soft-Shelled Turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis)
  8056. Possible role of transcription factors (BSX, NKX2. 1, IRX3 and SIRT1) in the regulation of appetite in goldfish (Carassius auratus).
  8057. Comparison of executive dysfunction, proinflammatory cytokines, and appetite hormones between first-episode and multiple-episode bipolar disorders
  8058. A cross-over study of postprandial effects from moist snuff and red wine on metabolic rate, appetite-related hormones and glucose
  8059. appetite to learn: An allostatic role for AgRP neurons in the maintenance of energy balance
  8060. Are gastrointestinal signals the principal guides to human appetite and energy balance?
  8061. Associations Between Independent Assessments of Child appetite Self-Regulation: A Narrative Review
  8062. Discordance between gut-derived appetite hormones and energy intake in humans
  8063. Monogenic obesity syndromes provide insights into the hypothalamic regulation of appetite and associated behaviors
  8064. Association of Inflammation Biomarkers with Food Cravings and appetite Changes Across the Menstrual Cycle
  8065. The Fiscal resource curse: What’s China’s natural resource appetite got to do with it?
  8066. A Comprehensive Review Resistant Starch‐Containing Bread as a Functional Food: Its Effect on appetite, Glycaemic Index, and Glycaemic Response
  8067. New molecular techniques for exploring neuronal appetite pathways
  8068. Anorexia Assessed by Simplified Nutritional appetite Questionnaire and Association with Medication in Older Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis
  8069. Understanding the effect of food structures on ileal environment and appetite Regulation
  8070. Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on food habits, appetite and body weight in Tunisian adults
  8071. The effect of Abelmoschus esculentus L.(Okra) extract supplementation on dietary intake, appetite, anthropometric measures, and body composition in patients with …
  8072. Gastric Aspiration Improves Postprandial Glucose Tolerance Without Causing a Compensatory Increase in appetite and Food Intake
  8073. … by SARS-CoV-2 spike may partially explain multiple COVID-19 related syndromes including depression, cognitive impairment, loss of appetite, heart failure, and …
  8074. Varied effects of COVID-19 chemosensory loss and distortion on appetite: implications for understanding motives for eating and drinking
  8075. Effects on physiologic measures of appetite from intragastric balloon and endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty: results of a prospective study
  8076. Effects of Buprenorphine and Carprofen on appetite in New Zealand White Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
  8077. Similar effects of milk protein and blends of milk and plant‐based protein on appetite‐related hormones in 7‐to 8‐year‐old healthy Danish children: secondary …
  8078. Acute responses of stevia and d-tagatose intake on metabolic parameters and appetite/satiety in insulin resistance
  8079. Longitudinal bidirectional relationship between children’s appetite and diet quality: A prospective cohort study
  8080. Rikkunshito increases appetite by enhancing gastrointestinal and incretin hormone levels in patients who underwent pylorus-preserving …
  8081. appetite‐guided approach to pediatric enteral tube weaning in the home setting: A pilot study
  8082. No Evidence That Circulating GLP-1 or PYY Are Associated with Increased Satiety during Low Energy Diet-Induced Weight Loss: Modelling Biomarkers of appetite
  8083. Nutrient sensing in the gut and the regulation of appetite
  8084. A content analysis of the European food safety Authority’s scientific opinion on authorised and rejected appetite-related health claim applications
  8085. “The farm has an insatiable appetite”: A food justice approach to understanding beginning farmer stress
  8086. Correction to: The effect of glutamine supplementation on serum levels of some inflammatory factors, oxidative stress, and appetite in COVID-19 patients: a case …
  8087. An Overview of appetite Regulation Mechanisms
  8088. Deformalizing International Organizations Law: The Risk appetite of Anne-Marie Leroy
  8089. Molecular mechanisms of appetite control via 5-HT1B receptors
  8090. The effects of whey protein on anthropometric parameters, resting energy expenditure, oxidative stress, and appetite in overweight/obese women with type 2 diabetes …
  8091. Central Modulators of appetite in Eating Disorders
  8092. The Effects of Mobile Phones on Diabetes and appetite
  8093. Weight Loss and Loss of appetite as a Side Effect of Fingolimod
  8094. Effects of Glycyrrhiza polysaccharide on growth performance, appetite, and hypothalamic inflammation in broilers
  8095. The bidirectional relationship between growth and appetite regulation in the first year of life: Christiana Demetriou
  8096. Comparison of Effects of Capromorelin and Mirtazapine on appetite in New Zealand White Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
  8097. Influence of gustatory and olfactory functions on appetite and nutritional status in older persons
  8098. Exploring the Impact of appetite Alteration on Self-Management and Malnutrition in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients: A Mixed Methods Research Using …
  8099. The Effect of Dextrose or Protein Ingestion on Circulating Growth Differentiation Factor 15 and appetite in Older Compared to Younger Women
  8100. To Demand or Not to Demand: On Quantifying the Future appetite for CBDC
  8101. The Effect of Giving Papaya Fruit (Carica Papaya L) on the appetite of Toddlers as an Effort to Prevent Stunting
  8102. Regional homogeneity and degree of centrality in social jetlag and sleep deprivation and their correlations with appetite: a resting-state fMRI study
  8103. appetite regulating hormones and body composition responses to resistance training and detraining in men with obesity: a randomized clinical trial
  8104. Evaluating the effect of an Iranian traditional medicine-based herbal candy on body composition and appetite in overweight and obese adults: A preliminary study.
  8105. Insurance Literacy and Risk appetite: Evidence from Selected Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Lagos, Nigeria
  8106. Effects of Ambient Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Exposure on Calorie Intake and appetite of Outdoor Workers
  8107. Exploring influences on appetite in ageing
  8108. appetite Control Mechanisms and Obesity
  8109. Clinical-pathological conference series from the medical university of Graz: case no 125: a 42-year-old man with loss of appetite, vomiting and stabbing …
  8110. Ethnobotanical Survey of appetite Suppressant Plants Used in Hauts-Bassins Areas of Burkina Faso
  8111. The Future Of Entomotourism: The Sustainable Bugs appetite
  8112. Effects of 8 weeks of aerobic training on Agouti-related peptide, appetite hormones and insulin resistance in overweight sedentary women
  8113. Self-care Through Dynamic appetite Alteration: A Grounded Theory Study of Patient Experience on Maintenance Hemodialysis
  8114. Severe loss of appetite and refusal to eat as severe side effect of glycerol phenylbutyrate
  8115. Whom to Blame for Brain Health and appetite Slump in Toddlers? A Narrative Review
  8116. Associations between adverse home environments and appetite hormones, adipokines, and adiposity among Chilean adolescents
  8117. Properties of Foods That Impact appetite Regulation in Cats
  8118. appetite-Related Distress Is Burdensome in the Last Sixty Days of Life of People Receiving Palliative Care: A National Longitudinal Consecutive Cohort Study
  8119. The effect of different macronutrients on appetite and satiety in older and younger adults
  8120. appetite stimulant and anti-emetic effect of mirtazapine transdermal ointment in cats affected by lymphoma following chemotherapy administration: a multi …
  8121. No apparent effects of a viscous, superabsorbent hydrogel on appetite, energy intake, or fecal excretion in overweight adults
  8122. Stated risk preference predicts risk appetite in structured investment
  8123. Implementation of the risk appetite concept in the diagnosis of financial risks and threats to the economic security of enterprises of the viticulture and wine industry of …
  8125. Association Between Inflammation and appetite in Healthy Community-Dwelling Older Adults—An enable Study
  8126. appetite self-regulation in infancy-The role of direct breastfeeding
  8127. Intestinal permeability and appetite regulating peptides-reactive immunoglobulins in severely malnourished women with anorexia nervosa
  8128. Gut Microbiome Regulation of appetite and Role in Neurological Disorders
  8129. A Review of the Relationship Between the appetite-Regulating Hormone Leptin Present in Human Milk and Infant Growth
  8130. Effect of chewing behavior modification on food intake, appetite and satiety-related hormones: A Systematic Review
  8131. The Effects of Vinegar/Acetic Acid Intake on appetite Measures and Energy Consumption: A Systematic Literature Review
  8132. … the hormone secretion of the caudal neurosecretory system (CNSS) and correlation with respiratory metabolism, spontaneous activity and appetite in olive flounder …
  8133. Correction to: Positive postprandial glycaemic and appetite-related effects of wheat breads enriched with either α-cyclodextrin or hydroxytyrosol/α-cyclodextrin …
  8134. Abdominal enlargement, decreased appetite, and lethargy in a 3-year-old female intact Toy Poodle
  8135. Protocol for assessing the effects of exogenous hormone administration on human postprandial glucose metabolism, appetite sensations, and food intake
  8136. The “Sallow Mr. Freely”: Sugar, appetite, and Unstable Forms of Whiteness in George Eliot’s “Brother Jacob”
  8137. Attitude toward breakfast mediates the associations of wake time and appetite for breakfast with frequency of eating breakfast
  8138. 338-OR: tirzepatide reduces appetite, energy intake, and fat mass in people with T2D
  8139. Influence of Aerobic Exercise on appetite-Regulating Hormones, Ghrelin-o-Acyltransferase and Perceived Hunger in Normal Weight and Obese Adults
  8140. Effects and Implications of COVID-19 for the Human Senses, Consumer Preferences, appetite and Eating Behaviour: Volume I
  8141. Big Tech’s ‘Voracious appetite,’or Entrepreneurs Who Dream of Acquisition? Regulation and the Interpenetration of Corporate Scales
  8142. Functional connectivity of the reward circuit predicts changes in appetite in depression
  8143. How the Gut Feeds the Brain: A Newly Uncovered Gut-Brain Circuit for appetite Suppression
  8144. Exploring the experience of appetite loss in older age: insights from a qualitative study
  8145. Acute supplementation with whey protein or collagen does not alter appetite in healthy women: a randomised double-blind and crossover pilot study
  8146. An appetite for experiment: putting early Royal Society tastes back on the table
  8147. The effect of short-term omega-3 fatty acids supplementation on appetite in healthy men: A randomized double-blinded controlled clinical trial
  8148. To Satisfy My Savage appetite‘: Slavery, Belief, and Sexual Violence on the Mina (Gold) Coast, 1471–1571
  8149. Illegality of Internal Border Controls: The Court of Justice feeds the appetite for Legislative Reform: Landespolizeidirektion Steiermark (C-368/20 & C-369/20)
  8150. Changes in appetite-Dependent Hormones and Body Composition After 8 Weeks of High-Intensity Interval Training and Vitamin D Supplementation in …
  8151. Association of Non-Nutritive Sweeteners Intake with Body Weight, Daily Food Consumption and appetite in an Adult Population
  8152. Olfactory and neuropeptide inputs to appetite neurons in the arcuate nucleus
  8153. Effects of the Type and Emulsification of Oil on Postprandial appetite Responses in Healthy Young Adults
  8154. appetite–regulating hormones in rats with fructose-induced metabolic changes
  8156. Elizabeth A. Williams. appetite and Its Discontents: Science, Medicine and the Urge to Eat, 1750–1950.
  8157. appetite–Nutritionist Assistant
  8158. The effects of cinnamon supplementation on adipokines and appetite-regulating hormones: A systematic review of randomized clinical trials
  8159. Does bacteria control our appetite?
  8160. The effect of watching food videos on social media on increased appetite and food consumption
  8161. Anorexia and appetite stimulants in chronic kidney disease
  8162. appetite for more exchange, connection and collaboration among senior health professionals
  8163. Create in the Snack Mountain: appetite stimulus improves creativity
  8164. … High Amounts of Candy before and after a Meal: Within-Person Comparisons of Children’s Candy Intake and Associations with Temperament and appetite
  8165. Methyl donor supplementation alters serum leptin levels and increases appetite but not body weight in cross‐fostered male Syrian hamster offspring (Mesocricetus …
  8166. The effect of intranasal insulin on appetite and mood in women with and without obesity
  8167. appetite Control in Obesity
  8168. Intracerebroventricular injection with octanoic acid activates hypothalamic fatty acid sensing systems and regulates appetite in Chinese perch Siniperca chuatsi
  8169. Physiological signals inhibiting appetite for food, detected by difference between expected and actual satiety at a specified time after a meal
  8170. The Relationship of appetite and Emesis to Weight Gain Pregnancy
  8171. Effects of High-Intensity Training Upon appetite, Body Mass, Aerobic Capacity, and Metabolic Hormones in Overweight Women.
  8172. Effect of a Short-Term Low Glycemic Index Dietary Intervention on Ad Libitum Food Intake, Diet Quality, and Subjective appetite Ratings in Preschoolers
  8173. Protocol: Acute and repeated impact of sweeteners and sweetness enhancers in solid and semi-solid foods on appetite: protocol for a multicentre, cross-over, RCT in …
  8174. Short-term effects of milkshake containing polydextrose and maltodextrin on subjective feelings of appetite, energy intake and blood glucose in healthy females
  8175. appetite for Something New: The Katona József Library’s Mobile Application
  8176. Study on the Relationship Between Tableware Color and Consumers’ appetite
  8177. The Effect of Social Pressure and Aggressive and Conservative Risk appetite on Decisions in Providing Financial Reporting
  8178. Fasting levels of appetite regulating hormones predict caloric intake at breakfast in a group of Chilean adolescents
  8179. An appetite for Crime: Case Studies of Cannibalism and the Criminological Theories that Explain It
  8180. The Influence of a Low Glycemic Load Diet on appetite in Women With PCOS
  8181. The Effect of 8 Weeks Combined Training (Aerobic-Resistance) at Home with Quinoa Seed Supplementation on FBS, appetite and Quality of Life in Women with Type …
  8182. Development of osmo-and appetite regulation during transfer of smolt from freshwater to increasing salinities
  8183. appetite ratings and ghrelin concentrations in young adults after administration of a balanced meal. Does sex matter?
  8184. Investigation of the Effect of Investor Risk appetite Index and Macroeconomic Indicators on the BIST-100 Index
  8185. appetite for Change: Incorporating novel and future foods in sustainable diets and food-based dietary guidelines
  8186. appetite Control With Ageing: A Narrative Review Focused on the POMC and AgRP Neurons
  8187. appetite-inducing effect and safety evaluation of Habb-e-Hilteet in patients with Ḍu ‘f al-Ishtihā (anorexia): An open prospective clinical trial
  8188. Risk-Taking, Competition and Uncertainty: Do Contingent Convertible (CoCo) Bonds Increase the Risk appetite of Banks?
  8189. Exploration of appetite regulation in Yangtze sturgeon (Acipenser dabryanus) during weaning
  8190. appetite and its Discontents: Science, Medicine, and the Urge to Eat, 1750–1950 by Elizabeth A. Williams
  8191. Global Risk appetite, US Economic Policy Uncertainties and Cross-Border Capital Flow
  8192. The Obesogenic Home Environment, appetite, and Weight in Childhood
  8193. Evaluation of the Relationship Between Depression, Emotional appetite, and Mindful Eating in University Students
  8194. appetite Hormones Following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: What is the Magnitude of Change with Time?
  8196. Effects of Three Different Modes of Resistance Training on appetite Hormones in Males With Obesity
  8197. Right Sided Jerking And Decreased appetite
  8198. Effect of Ethiopian Orthodox fasting practice on appetite hormones and β-cell function of diabetic patients and healthy subjects.
  8199. The Effect of Transcatheter Ventricular Septal Defect Closure on Children’s appetite, Hormones, and Growth.
  8200. The Covid Course-Alterations In Dietary Behavior And appetite Regulation In Youth With Obesity In Germany Following The COVID-19 Pandemic
  8201. Investigation of the effect of exercise on appetite and appetite hormones: A PubMed based systematic review.
  8202. Morphometry variations of orbitofrontal regions for increased BMI and appetite in major depression
  8203. 0542 Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Poor appetite
  8204. The Influence of Maternal Obesity on Hormonal Regulation of Central appetite Homeostasis Systems in Offspring
  8205. In-demand, interactive and an appetite for more: Analysis of learner enrolments and feedback in an open-access introductory telehealth course during COVID-19
  8206. Correlation of Histamine Receptors and Adrenergic Receptor in Broilers appetite
  8207. Elizabeth A. Williams, appetite and Its Discontents: Science, Medicine, and the Urge to Eat, 1750–1950, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2020.
  8208. Diet and eating behavior: appetite control and satiety
  8209. Elizabeth A. Williams, appetite and its Discontents: Science, Medicine, and the Urge to Eat, 1750-1950
  8210. How Do You Treat Loss Of appetite
  8211. Acute Impact of Light at Night and Exogenous Melatonin on Subjective appetite and Plasma Leptin
  8212. Effects of Multi-Ingredient Nutritional Drink Including Mulberry Leaf Extract (MLE) on Postprandial Glycemic and appetite Responses in Healthy Chinese …
  8213. Leptine and its Role in the Regulation of appetite and the Development of Obesity
  8214. Finding an appetite for Reducing Food Waste: Determinants of Commercial Food Waste Management and Diversion in Alberta
  8215. appetite for Mazzards: Referencing History in the Pliny’s HN 15. 102
  8216. Exploring the appetite Inhibition Potential of Bioactive Metabolites from Cyanobacterial Strains
  8217. Production of β-PheRS fragments correlates with food avoidance and slow growth, and is suppressed by the appetite-inducing hormone CCHa2
  8218. Relationship of appetite, Body Image, and Energy Intake with Body Mass Index in Undergraduate Students in Surakarta
  8219. Dietary Interventions for the Real World? Addressing Hedonic appetite and Impulsive Eating Behaviours in the Digital Age
  8220. Measuring appetite and food intake; the effects of acute fibre exposure on biological, psychological and behavioural measures.
  8221. Sex and Phenotypic Differences of Obesity-Induced GHSR Ventral Hippocampal Disruptions in the Control of appetite
  8222. The Influence Of Czech Herbal Medicine In Increasing appetite On Toddlers
  8223. Curcumin in diet modulate central fatty acid levels and mRNA expression of appetite regulating neuropeptides and enhances growth via GH-GHR-IGF axis in …
  8224. Why Africa has little appetite to reduce export of raw materials
  8225. Fetal origins of obesity: a novel pathway of regulating appetite neurons in the hypothalamus of growth restricted rat offspring
  8226. appetite control and feed intake-Can AgRP serve as a biomarker for appetite in the teleost Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar?
  8227. Effects of Hochuekkito on Physical Activity and appetite in Postoperative Elderly Patients with Hip Fractures: A Randomized Controlled Trial
  8228. CLOCK 3111 T/C SNP Interacts with evening preference, appetite hormones, late eating and sleep reduction for obesity and food intake in obese Iranian adults
  8229. Tui Na Massage Increases appetite in Undernourished Toddlers
  8230. What Are the Best appetite Suppressants on the Market-No Jitters?
  8231. appetite for Change
  8232. Association of appetite hormone levels with HbA1c in obese type-2 diabetes mellitus patients
  8233. Risk appetite
  8234. Balanced appetite regulation of Shu-mu acupoint catgut embedding in abdominal obesity: secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial
  8235. Responses in biomarkers of arterial function, inflammation, and appetite regulation during a long agonist in vitro fertilization protocol
  8236. Pandemic in Indonesian older people: The implication for sleep deprivation, loss of appetite, and psychosomatic complaints
  8237. Video-based infant monitoring: Recognizing appetite, pain and sleep in preterm infants
  8238. As GOP Rails Against Spending, Its appetite for Earmarks Grows.
  8239. Effects of whey protein on appetite: An overview with a mechanistic insight
  8240. Validity and Reliability of the Persian Version of the Council on Nutrition appetite Questionnaire and Its Simplified Version in Iranian Community-Dwelling Older Adults
  8241. Comparison of the effects of intracerebroventricular administration of glucagon-like peptides 1 and 2 on hypothalamic appetite regulating factors and sleep-like …
  8242. … ghrelin is blunted in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle compared to the follicular phase following vigorous-intensity exercise”[appetite 182 (2023) 106425]
  8243. Dysgeusia and appetite Loss: Thinking Beyond MDD and COVID-19
  8244. Effects of Aerobic Exercise on appetite and Plasma Acylated Ghrelin Concentrations in Athletes Comparisons with Obese and Normal Body Weight Subjects
  8245. The effect of macronutrients on body composition and appetite regulation
  8246. appetite in Preschoolers: Producing Evidence for Tailoring Interventions Effectively-the appetite Study Protocol
  8247. Best Natural appetite Suppressants for Weight Loss in 2022
  8248. Erratum “Influence of negative mood on restrained eaters’ memory suppression of food cues: An event-related potentials study”[appetite 164 (2021) 105269].
  8249. Risk Culture, Risk appetite and Risk appetite Statements
  8250. The Effect of Transcatheter Ventricular Septal Defect Closure on Children’s appetite, Hormones and Growth Running Title: Ventricular Septal Defect Closure …
  8251. Effect of At-Home Bodyweight Interval Exercise before or after Breakfast on Postprandial Glycemic Control, Post-exercise Fat Oxidation and Perceptions of appetite in …
  8252. Boshoff finds an appetite for Mardie
  8253. … or complete replacement of all-purpose wheat flour with lentil flour of similar particle size on postprandial blood glucose, subjective appetite, and food intake in …
  8254. Pandemic in Indonesian older people: The implication for sleep deprivation, loss of appetite, and psychosomatic complaints
  8255. Potential of Pandanus Odorifer (Sea Pandan) Fruit as a Supplement to Increasing Chicken appetite
  8256. … effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on diet, exercise, risk for food insecurity, and quality of life: A longitudinal study among US adults”[appetite 167 (2021) 105639]
  8257. Crisis, justice, and managing the appetite for risk
  8258. appetite for Treasuries, Debt Cycles, and Fiscal Inflation
  8259. The effect of exercise on appetite hormones in obesity and diabetes with an emphasis on the role of leptin in adipose tissue and hypothalamus cross talk: A systematic …
  8260. Linking Risk appetite to Limits: A Quantitative Approach for Practitioners
  8261. The value of innate sow appetite as a model trait for maternal breeding objectives
  8262. Impact of Sleeve Gastrectomy on Subjective Hunger and appetite Ratings and Endocrine Hormones
  8264. Impact of aerobic exercise training on body weight, energy intake, and appetite-regulating hormones in rats
  8265. Efficacy of Cinnamon to Improve appetite Hormones and Body Fat in Adolescents with Obesity: A Randomized Clinical Trial
  8266. Effect of Low vs High Eating Frequency on Perceived appetite, Plasma appetite Hormones, and appetite Relationships: A Component of the Frequency of Eating and …
  8267. Correlation of zinc intake with hair zinc levels and appetite in children aged 2-3 years in Jakarta
  8268. Elastic resistance training has positive influence on the functional capacity and appetite hormone in overweight men
  8269. Understanding the interplay between food structures, ileum and appetite regulation
  8270. The appetite of Patients 12 Months After Intensive Care Unit Discharge is Associated with Depression
  8271. Sleep and Eating Behavior Among Adolescent Females with Overweight or Obesity: The Role of appetite-Related Cognitive Processes
  8272. Corrigendum to” The effects of acute exercise on appetite and energy intake in Men and Women”
  8273. Using Book Tasting in the Academic Library: A Tale of Children’s Literature, Collaboration, and an Increased appetite for Books
  8274. FSB Effective Risk appetite Framework
  8275. Right Sided Jerking And Decreased appetite
  8277. Sweetness and Femininity: Fashioning Gendered appetite in the Victorian Age
  8278. Pre-sleep protein supplementation affects energy metabolism and appetite in sedentary healthy adults
  8279. Corrigendum to” Eating healthy”: Distrust of expert nutritional knowledge among elderly adults [appetite 165 (2021) 105289]
  8280. Is coffee a potential appetite suppressant?
  8281. Dietary Pulses as an Accessible Means to Improve the Gut Microbiome, Inflammation, and appetite Control in Individuals with Obesity
  8282. Food image generation and appetite evaluation based on appetite factor analysis by image features
  8283. A Review of the Genetic Effects on appetite Regulation: An Obesity Perspective
  8284. Boredom as Cognitive appetite
  8285. Corrigendum to” Eating healthy”: Distrust of expert nutritional knowledge among elderly adults [appetite 165 (1 October 2021) 105289]
  8286. Molecular and neuronal mechanisms underlying protein appetite
  8287. Monocytes regulate wound healing after infection via appetite hormones
  8288. the authoritative document published in appetite.
  8289. Binge Eating Disorder and appetite
  8290. Effects of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass on AGRP, GHRL and POMC genes methylation levels: a 6-months longitudinal study Run title: Gastric bypass and appetite
  8291. Investigation of Relaxin-3 Serum Levels in terms of Social Interaction, Communication, and appetite as a Biomarker in Children with Autism
  8292. Why go hungry? How analytics can turn a risk appetite into a competitive advantage
  8293. appetite and Its Discontents: Science, Medicine and the Urge to Eat, 1750–1950 by Elizabeth A. Williams
  8294. Eating healthy or having a healthy appetite: studying the effects of language and cultural orientation on desire and food choice for healthy meals.
  8295. How Childhood Socioeconomic Status Impacts Adult Food Preference: The Mediating Role of Stress and Trait appetite
  8296. Case 2. 17-Day-Old Female Baby with Fever and Decreased appetite and Activity: Herpes Simplex Virus Infection in Neonates and Children
  8297. It’s more than memes: User risk appetite and app enjoyment predict simulated mobile trading app behavior
  8298. Eating Together: Effects of the Social Context of Eating on appetite, 2018-2021
  8299. Interactions Between Metabolic, Cognitive and Reward Processes in appetite, 2016-2021
  8300. Case 1. A 6-Day-Old Female Newborn with Fever and Decreased appetite and Activity: Enteroviral Infection in Neonates
  8301. Chia Seed (Salvia hispanica L.), Incorporated Into Cookies, Reduces Postprandial Glycemic Variability but Has Little or No Ef-Fect on Subjective appetite
  8302. Can Obesity and Stress Increase appetite?
  8303. The role of ovarian hormones in appetite-regulation: Examining the post-exercise appetite response in pre-vs post-menopausal females
  8304. Feed composition and feeding frequency effects on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata): focus on fish appetite regulation, metabolism, intestine functionality and …
  8305. The Impact of Ballet Program on appetite Related Hormones, Insulin Resistance, and Body Composition in Postmenopausal Women: A Pilot Study
  8306. Opening the appetite: Data Skills for Global Development Student Training Programme Instructor Handbook [ENGLISH EDITION]
  8307. Effects of Pea Protein on Satiety, Postprandial Glucose Response and appetite Hormones: A Literature Review
  8308. Functional and evolutionary characteristics of the gene network controlling appetite in mice: lessons from knockout or knockdown animals
  8309. Nutrition for older adults: appetite and nutrition
  8311. The Effect Of Giving Acupressure Therapy On Increasing appetite In Children Aged 1-5 Years At PMB Mutiara/N. Purba Medan Sunggal In 2022
  8312. appetite: Validation of a smartphone app-based tool for the remote measure of free-living subjective appetite http://researchonline. ljmu. ac. uk/id/eprint/18499
  8313. The internal struggles of the appetite: a secret teleology?
  8314. The Effect of Sweet-tasting Foods Addiction on appetite-related Hormones among Obese Adolescents
  8315. Qatar and United States to feed global LNG appetite
  8316. Effects of cannabidiol on body weight and appetite: a systematic review
  8317. Case 17. A 6-Year-Old Girl with Fever for 1 Week, Productive Cough, Running Nose, Decreased appetite, and Activity: Severe Lower Respiratory Tract Infection Due …
  8318. Best OTC appetite Suppressants in 2022: Over the Counter Hunger Control Pills and Supplements that Work
  8319. appetite for solar power will grow in East Africa
  8321. Potential of Satiety and Satiation Enhancement through Food Matrix Modification: A New Approach in appetite Control towards Weight Management in Asia.
  8322. An appetite for Miracles by Laekan Zea Kemp
  8323. Risk Equity and Risk appetite Models
  8324. Chemistry of natural and synthetic appetite suppressants: a short presentation
  8325. The Effect of Tui Na Acupressure on appetite in Children (Toddlers) Aged 1-3 Years at the Wulandari Purba Clinic, Batang Quiz in 2022
  8326. Insatiable appetite: Food as Cultural Signifier in the Middle East and Beyond, edited by Kirill Dmitriev, Julia Hauser, and Bilal Orfali
  8327. Impact of Factors Influencing Investment Behavior on Risk appetite of Women: Evidence from Survey
  8328. Ameliorative effect of aqueous leaf extract of Moringa oleifera on diabetes induced appetite and testicular weight loss in Wistar rats
  8329. Investigating the effects of mycoprotein on glycaemic control and appetite in South Asian and white European adults with type 2 diabetes
  8330. Rapid Emergence of appetite and Hunger Resulting in Weight Gain and Improvement of Eating Disorder Symptomatology during and after Short-Term Off-Label …
  8331. appetite in obesity and subsequent effects of weight loss induced by dietary restriction alone or combined with bariatric surgery
  8332. Genesis gobbles up Dacian, regains appetite for St Barbara
  8333. Effects and Implications of COVID-19 for the Human Senses, Consumer Preferences, appetite and Eating Behaviour
  8334. The Role of Omega-3/Omega-6 Ratio on appetite in Pulmonary Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Patients
  8335. The Effect of Massage on Increasing appetite in Infants Aged 9-12 Months at the Wara Kota Health Center
  8336. The aperitif: The neurobiology of appetite and hunger
  8338. Consuming the World: Poetic appetite, Memory, and Identity in Li-Young Lee’s Food Poems
  8339. Swallowing dysfunction and decreased appetite in patients with chronic respiratory disease.
  8340. Poor appetite and undernutrition in community-dwelling older adults: Exploring the role of the oral and gut microbiota, taste and smell
  8341. Acute concomitant GIP receptor antagonism during GLP-1 receptor agonism does not affect appetite, resting energy expenditure or food intake in patients with type 2 …
  8342. CEO Incentive, Risk appetite and Enterprise Innovation
  8343. Curcumin in diet modulates fatty acid levels and mRNA expression of appetite regulating neuropeptides in brain and enhances growth via GH‐GHR‐IGF axis in tilapia …
  8345. The effect of purslane seed (Portulaca oleracea) extract on performance, blood lipid parameters and genes affecting the appetite in broiler cockerels
  8346. WHITEPAPER-Incorporating ESG-C into P&C underwriting: Owning the risk appetite
  8347. Effect of konjac glucomannan on metabolic responses and appetite regulation in healthy adults
  8348. A Review of Black appetite. White Food.: Issues of Race, Voice, and Justice Within and Beyond the Classroom
  8349. Replication Data for: appetite hormone dysregulation, body mass index, and emotional dysregulation in nonobese adolescents with first-episode schizophrenia …
  8350. An appetite for Crime: Case Studies of Cannibalism and the Criminology Theories that Explain It
  8352. Nutrient timing and metabolic regulation symposium review from” Novel dietary approaches to appetite regulation, health and performance (2021)”.
  8353. First-time acquisition of Sustainability-linked Debt in Shipping: Effects on Shareholder Distribution and Investor appetite
  8354. Americans’ appetite for diet books is shrinking.
  8355. Risk-Taking, Competition and Uncertainty: Do Contingent Convertible (Coco) Bonds Increase the Risk appetite of Banks?
  8356. 2022-RISK appetite STATEMENT
  8357. Alfa-Alfa Mother Tincture increases appetite in age group 15-20: a case series study
  8358. Effect of Starving and Re-feeding on appetite-related Genes in Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus
  8359. … on growth, muscle composition, antioxidant abilities, mRNA expressions of genes related to TOR signaling pathway and appetite regulation in Macrobrachium …
  8360. appetite and energy intake following a bout of circuit resistance training in chronic hemiparetic
  8361. How to define risk appetite for qualitative risks: evidence from a comparison between the banking sector and a non-financial industry.
  8362. A Comparative Study between Cyproheptadine and Carum Carvi as appetite Stimulant in Case of Weight Gain
  8363. … negative, Bartonella Peliosis Hepatitis in a Poorly Controlled Patient with HIV Presenting with Altered Mental Status, Unintentional Weight Loss, and Reduced appetite
  8364. Gastric evacuation characteristics, digestive enzyme activity and appetite-related genes expression in juvenile yellowtail kingfish (Seriola aureovittata)
  8365. Effects of bariatric surgery and dietary intervention on changes in insulin resistance and appetite hormones over the period of 3 years
  8366. The Association between People’s Chronotype and Hormones Related to appetite
  8367. In-demand, interactive, and an appetite for more: Analysis of uptake and learner feedback in an open-access introductory telehealth course during COVID-19
  8368. appetite Regulation During Extended Fasting in Southern Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes Chrysocome Chrysocome)
  8369. Conceptualizing and measuring appetite self-regulation and its development in infancy and childhood
  8370. Renal Afferent Nerves Regulate Salt appetite in DOCA Hypertensive Rats
  8371. Dimitriev, Kirill / Hauser, Julia / Orfali, Bilal (Hg.): Insatiable appetite. Food as Cultural Signifier in the Middle East and Beyond. Leiden/Boston: Brill 2019. XII, 362 S. 8° …
  8372. Excess Glucose or Fat Differentially Affects Gene Expression and appetite Regulation During Zebrafish Embryogenesis
  8373. The Research on the Influence of Watching Mukbang on Chinese Social Networking Platforms upon the appetite of Chinese Audience
  8374. First, The dampness of the atmosphere in May. Second, The striking falling off in appetite for meats and
  8375. Papua New Guinea can feed Japan’s energy appetite
  8376. Managing Growth Deceleration Associated With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Stimulant-Induced appetite Suppression
  8377. … and push combined with Yunpi Decoction on intestinal microecology, physical development and serum trace elements and appetite regulators in children …
  8378. A Comparison Study between Orlistat and Moringa Oleifera as an appetite Suppressant in Case of Obese Patients
  8379. Case 28. Sleeping Up an appetite
  8380. The Effect of Resistant Starch Consumption on appetite and Satiety of Prediabetic, Overweight, and Obese Adults
  8381. First, The dampness of the atmosphere in May. Second, The striking falling off in appetite for meats and other “heating” food.
  8382. The risk appetite of Australian enterprises: sensitivity to global risk and responses to terroist attacks
  8383. SMOKING TOBACCO.—There is no vice of the appetite which does noj, find advocates among otherwise respectable people. The Boston Medical and Surgical …
  8384. … , Allopathic writers have suggested the use of fresh, ripe, perfect, raw fruits, as a reliable remedy in the diarrhoeasof summer. How strongly the appetite yearns for a …
  8385. Computational mechanisms of osmoregulation: a reinforcement learning model for sodium appetite
  8386. The Effect of Exercise on appetite Hormones in Obesity and Diabetes with an Emphasis on the Role of Leptin in Adipose Tissue and Hypothalamus Cross Talk …
  8387. The role of omega-3/omega-6 ratio on appetite in pulmonary multidrugs resistant tuberculosis
  8388. The Central Blockade of the Dopamine D4 Receptor Decreases Sucrose Consumption by Affectation of appetite and Not by Locomotor Activity Impairments in Male …
  8389. … ownership searches leverage technology: The most efficient UBO investigations require an understanding of your firm’s risk appetite and appropriate technology to …
  8390. Growing Food Insecurity–Asia’s Huge appetite for Fish: Can It Be Met?
  8391. Impact of biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch on glucose homeostasis and gut hormones and their correlations with appetite
  8392. Transient pseudohypoaldosteronism in infancy mainly manifested as poor appetite and vomiting: Two case reports and review of the literature
  8393. Complementary Therapy of Tui Na Massage Affected the Increase of Children’s appetite
  8394. Exposure to salinity induces oxidative damage and changes in the expression of genes related to appetite regulation in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
  8395. Compensatory effects of different exercise durations on non-exercise physical activity, appetite, and energy intake in normal weight and overweight adults
  8396. The association of appetite and hormones (leptin, ghrelin, and Insulin) with resting metabolic rate in overweight/obese women: a case–control study
  8397. Associations between maternal adiposity and appetite-regulating hormones in human milk are mediated through maternal circulating concentrations and might affect …
  8398. The Effect of Hatha Yoga Training on Nesfatine-1, appetite and Obesity indices in Overweight Women
  8399. Aquinas’s Unity Thesis and Grace: Ingredients for Developing A Good appetite in a Contemporary Age
  8401. There’s appetite for reforming Stormont, but not abandoning power-sharing.
  8402. Evaluation the activity of Neuropeptide Y (NPY), Glucagon like peptide-1 and Ghrelin in controlling appetite in obesity in Erbil City
  8403. Chemical genetics technology regulates the activity of GLP-1 neurons and its effect on appetite
  8404. Activation of the Growth–Igf-1 Axis, But Not appetite, is Related to High Growth Performance in Juveniles of the Malabar Grouper, Epinephelus Malabaricus, Under …
  8405. Stearic acid induces CCK and GLP-1 upregulation via GPR120/PLC-β, leading to reduced appetite in Hu sheep fed with rice straw
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