1. Addiction and the brain antireward system
  2. A role for brain stress systems in Addiction
  3. Obesity and the brain: how convincing is the Addiction model?
  4. Addiction is a brain disease, and it matters
  5. Addiction: brain mechanisms and their treatment implications
  6. Addiction and the brain: the neurobiology of compulsion and its persistence
  7. Neurobiologic advances from the brain disease model of Addiction
  8. Drugs, Addiction, and the brain
  9. brain change in Addiction as learning, not disease
  10. Addiction is not a brain disease (and it matters)
  11. The brain on drugs: from reward to Addiction
  12. Addiction and brain reward and antireward pathways
  13. Addiction circuitry in the human brain
  14. Addiction becomes a brain disease
  15. Unbroken brain: A revolutionary new way of understanding Addiction
  16. Addiction and its brain science
  17. Addiction and the brain: development, not disease
  18. Challenging the brain disease model of Addiction: European launch of the Addiction theory network
  19. Addiction as a brain disease revised: why it still matters, and the need for consilience
  20. brain stimulation in the study and treatment of Addiction
  21. Addiction is a brain disease
  22. Addiction and the brain-disease fallacy
  23. brain stress systems in the amygdala and Addiction
  24. Drug Addiction and the memory systems of the brain
  25. brain disease model of Addiction: why is it so controversial?
  26. Why does the rapid delivery of drugs to the brain promote Addiction?
  27. Cannabis Addiction and the brain: a review
  28. Deep brain stimulation in Addiction: a review of potential brain targets
  29. Common brain mechanisms of chronic pain and Addiction
  30. brain stimulation in Addiction
  31. Addiction: not just brain malfunction
  32. Addiction: Current criticism of the brain disease paradigm
  33. Is Addiction a brain disease?
  34. Birth of a brain disease: Science, the state and Addiction neuropolitics
  35. NOW vs LATER brain circuits: implications for obesity and Addiction
  36. The selfish brain: Learning from Addiction
  37. Negotiating the relationship between Addiction, ethics, and brain science
  38. Abnormal brain structure implicated in stimulant drug Addiction
  39. The brain disease model of Addiction: is it supported by the evidence and has it delivered on its promises?
  40. Addiction is not just a brain disease: Critical studies of Addiction
  41. brain activities associated with gaming urge of online gaming Addiction
  42. brain default-mode network dysfunction in Addiction
  43. Addiction is not a brain disease
  44. Addiction related alteration in resting-state brain connectivity
  45. Induction of innate immune genes in brain create the neurobiology of Addiction
  46. Tobacco Addiction and the dysregulation of brain stress systems
  47. Addiction and the brain: the role of neurotransmitters in the cause and treatment of drug dependence
  48. Shared brain vulnerabilities open the way for nonsubstance Addictions: carving Addiction at a new joint?
  49. Q: Is Addiction a brain disease or a moral failing? A: Neither
  50. Animal models and brain circuits in drug Addiction
  51. Decreased functional brain connectivity in adolescents with internet Addiction
  52. brain stimulation methods to treat tobacco Addiction
  53. Efficacy of invasive and non-invasive brain modulation interventions for Addiction
  54. Views of Addiction neuroscientists and clinicians on the clinical impact of a ‘brain disease model of Addiction
  55. brain–gut–microbiome interactions in obesity and food Addiction
  56. brain-derived neurotrophic factor and cocaine Addiction
  57. brain networks underlying vulnerability and resilience to drug Addiction
  58. Deep brain stimulation surgery for alcohol Addiction
  59. brain anatomy alterations associated with Social Networking Site (SNS) Addiction
  60. Deep brain stimulation for the treatment of drug Addiction
  61. Putative role of brain acetaldehyde in ethanol Addiction
  62. Laterality of brain activation for risk factors of Addiction
  63. Value, drug Addiction and the brain
  64. Addiction to food and brain reward systems
  65. The brain, obesity and Addiction: an EEG neuroimaging study
  66. Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens for the treatment of Addiction
  67. Closing the brain–heart loop: towards more holistic models of Addiction and Addiction recovery
  68. Common and distinct neural targets of treatment: changing brain function in substance Addiction
  69. How is acceptance of the brain disease model of Addiction related to Australians’ attitudes towards addicted individuals and treatments for Addiction?
  70. Drugs and the future: brain science, Addiction and society
  71. Adolescent brain development, risk-taking and vulnerability to Addiction
  72. Viewing Addiction as a brain disease promotes social injustice
  73. brain mechanisms of change in Addiction treatment: Models, methods, and emerging findings
  74. Glutamate and brain glutaminases in drug Addiction
  75. Internet communication disorder and the structure of the human brain: Initial insights on WeChat Addiction
  76. Deep brain stimulation for the treatment of Addiction: basic and clinical studies and potential mechanisms of action
  77. Addiction is a brain disease
  78. brain norepinephrine rediscovered in Addiction research
  79. Noninvasive brain stimulation treatments for Addiction and major depression
  80. Addiction in Parkinson’s disease: impact of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation
  81. The insula: a brain stimulation target for the treatment of Addiction
  82. Some relationships between Addiction and drug delivery to the brain
  83. Drug Addiction: functional neurotoxicity of the brain reward systems
  84. brain-derived neurotrophic factor and its intracellular signaling pathways in cocaine Addiction
  85. Meta-analysis of structural brain abnormalities associated with stimulant drug dependence and neuroimaging of Addiction vulnerability and resilience
  86. Substance use and Addiction affect more than the brain: The promise of neurocardiac interventions
  87. Bupropion sustained release treatment decreases craving for video games and cue-induced brain activity in patients with Internet video game Addiction.
  88. Indeed, not really a brain disorder: Implications for reductionist accounts of Addiction
  89. RACK1 and brain-derived neurotrophic factor: a homeostatic pathway that regulates alcohol Addiction
  90. Addiction from the harmful dysfunction perspective: How there can be a mental disorder in a normal brain
  91. brain reward circuits in morphine Addiction
  92. brain dopamine response in human opioid Addiction
  93. Food additives, food and the concept of ‘food Addiction‘: is stimulation of the brain reward circuit by food sufficient to trigger Addiction?
  94. Comment on Heilig et al.: The centrality of the brain and the fuzzy line of Addiction
  95. brain interrupted: early life traumatic brain injury and Addiction vulnerability
  96. Controversies about the enhanced vulnerability of the adolescent brain to develop Addiction
  97. Quantitative analysis of AMPA receptor subunit composition in Addiction-related brain regions
  98. brain imaging biomarkers to predict relapse in alcohol Addiction
  99. Effective deep brain stimulation in heroin Addiction: a case report with complementary intracranial electroencephalogram
  100. Multiple brain pathways and receptors underlying tobacco Addiction
  101. The effect of family therapy on the changes in the severity of on-line game play and brain activity in adolescents with on-line game Addiction
  102. brain-derived neurotrophic factor and Addiction: Pathological versus therapeutic effects on drug seeking
  103. Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens and its usefulness in severe opioid Addiction
  104. Addiction and imaging of the living human brain.
  105. Decreased dopamine brain reactivity in marijuana abusers is associated with negative emotionality and Addiction severity
  106. Framing nicotine Addiction as a “disease of the brain”: social and ethical consequences
  107. A Distinct brain‐Gut‐Microbiome Profile Exists for Females with Obesity and Food Addiction
  108. Addiction and learning in the brain
  109. A meta-analysis of the relationship between brain dopamine receptors and obesity: a matter of changes in behavior rather than food Addiction?
  110. Expanding applications of deep brain stimulation: a potential therapeutic role in obesity and Addiction management
  111. Rebalancing the addicted brain: oxytocin interference with the neural substrates of Addiction
  112. Games in the brain: neural substrates of gambling Addiction
  113. brain disease model of Addiction: misplaced priorities?
  114. Curing the broken brain model of Addiction: Neurorehabilitation from a systems perspective
  115. Obesity and brain Addiction circuitry: implications for deep brain stimulation
  116. Age-related brain volume reductions in amphetamine and cocaine addicts and normal controls: implications for Addiction research
  117. Integrating body and brain systems in Addiction neuroscience
  118. Predisposition to Addiction: pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and brain circuitry
  119. Disrupted brain functional network in internet Addiction disorder: a resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study
  120. Effects of mild blast traumatic brain injury on cognitive-and Addiction-related behaviors
  121. The endogenous opioid system in human alcoholics: molecular adaptations in brain areas involved in cognitive control of Addiction
  122. The brain disease model of Addiction: challenging or reinforcing stigma?
  123. brain disease or biopsychosocial model in Addiction?: remembering the Vietnam Veteran Study
  124. Internet Addiction and functional brain networks: task-related fMRI study
  125. Systematically lower structural brain connectivity in individuals with elevated food Addiction symptoms
  126. The burden and cost of disorders of the brain in Europe with the inclusion of harmful alcohol use and nicotine Addiction
  127. Effects of single-session versus multi-session non-invasive brain stimulation on craving and consumption in individuals with drug Addiction, eating disorders or obesity …
  128. brain science, Addiction and drugs
  129. brain correlates of craving for online gaming under cue exposure in subjects with Internet gaming Addiction and in remitted subjects
  130. Risk for Addiction-related disorders following mild traumatic brain injury in a large cohort of active-duty US airmen
  131. Nucleus accumbens deep brain stimulation for alcohol Addiction–safety and clinical long-term results of a pilot trial
  132. Physicians’ and attorneys’ beliefs and attitudes related to the brain disease model of Addiction
  133. Impulsivity-related brain volume deficits in schizophrenia-Addiction comorbidity
  134. The thirteenth step: Addiction in the age of brain science
  135. Deep brain stimulation for Addiction: why the subthalamic nucleus should be favored
  136. Neuroscience of attentional processes for Addiction medicine: from brain mechanisms to practical considerations
  137. brain disease model of Addiction: The not so seductive allure of neuroscience and its modest impact on the attribution of free will to people with an Addiction
  138. Is Addiction a brain disease? A plea for agnosticism and heterogeneity
  139. When the brain leaves the scanner and enters the clinic: The role of neuroscientific discourses in producing the problem of “Addiction
  140. Predicting subsequent relapse by drug‐related cue‐induced brain activation in heroin Addiction: an event‐related functional magnetic resonance imaging study
  141. Pathological expression and circuits in Addiction and mood disorders: Informational relation with the brain and info-therapy
  142. Opioid Addiction and pregnancy: perinatal exposure to buprenorphine affects myelination in the developing brain
  143. Ethical issues raised by proposals to treat Addiction using deep brain stimulation
  144. Neural imaginaries at work: Exploring Australian Addiction treatment providers’ selective representations of the brain in clinical practice
  145. How to recover from a brain disease: Is Addiction a disease, or is there a disease-like stage in Addiction?
  146. Adaptive plasticity of NMDA receptors and dendritic spines: implications for enhanced vulnerability of the adolescent brain to alcohol Addiction
  147. Overweight adolescents’ brain response to sweetened beverages mirrors Addiction pathways
  148. Support for the psychosocial, disease and brain disease models of Addiction: A survey of treatment providers’ attitudes in Australia, the UK, and US
  149. Mitochondrial p32 is upregulated in Myc expressing brain cancers and mediates glutamine Addiction
  150. A brain on cannabinoids: the role of dopamine release in reward seeking and Addiction
  151. Involvement of the brain histaminergic system in Addiction and Addiction-related behaviors: a comprehensive review with emphasis on the potential therapeutic use of …
  152. The relationship between frontal brain asymmetry and exercise Addiction
  153. Addiction is a brain disease, and it matters
  154. Noninvasive brain stimulation for Addiction medicine: from monitoring to modulation
  155. The brain activations for both cue-induced gaming urge and smoking craving among subjects comorbid with Internet gaming Addiction and nicotine dependence
  156. What does ‘acceptance’mean? Public reflections on the idea that Addiction is a brain disease
  157. Targeting the ecology within: the role of the gut–brain axis and human microbiota in drug Addiction
  158. Addiction and the brain: The dopamine pathway is helping researchers find their way through the Addiction maze
  159. Repeat variation in the human PER2 gene as a new genetic marker associated with cocaine Addiction and brain dopamine D2 receptor availability
  160. Heroin Addiction engages negative emotional learning brain circuits in rats
  161. Disrupted iron regulation in the brain and periphery in cocaine Addiction
  162. Dopamine in the brain: hypothesizing surfeit or deficit links to reward and Addiction
  163. Male and female rats differ in brain cannabinoid CB1 receptor density and function and in behavioural traits predisposing to drug Addiction: effect of ovarian hormones
  164. Structural relations between brain-behavioral systems, social anxiety, depression and internet Addiction: With regard to revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (r …
  165. brain activity toward gaming-related cues in Internet gaming disorder during an Addiction stroop task
  166. … and neurofeedback in children and adolescents: anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, comorbid Addiction and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and brain
  167. Public attitudes in A ustralia towards the claim that Addiction is a (brain) disease
  168. “We haven’t Sliced Open anyone’s brain yet”: Neuroscience, Embodiment and the Governance of Addiction
  169. Qualitative review and quantitative effect size meta-analyses in brain regions identified by cue-reactivity Addiction studies.
  170. … of hot and cold executive functions in polysubstance Addiction: association between neuropsychological performance and resting brain metabolism as measured by …
  171. brain structures associated with internet Addiction tendency in adolescent online game players
  172. Is drug Addiction a brain disease
  173. Carrier-mediated cocaine transport at the blood-brain barrier as a putative mechanism in Addiction liability
  174. The use of brain imaging to elucidate neural circuit changes in cocaine Addiction
  175. Addiction and the concept of disorder, Part 2: Is every mental disorder a brain disorder?
  176. brain dopaminergic system changes in drug Addiction: a review of positron emission tomography findings
  177. Structural brain imaging and Internet Addiction
  178. Hatching the behavioral Addiction egg: Reward Deficiency Solution System (RDSS)™ as a function of dopaminergic neurogenetics and brain functional …
  179. Long-term alterations in vulnerability to Addiction to drugs of abuse and in brain gene expression after early life ethanol exposure
  180. A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel trial of closed-loop infraslow brain training in food Addiction
  181. Role of innate and drug-induced dysregulation of brain stress and arousal systems in Addiction: Focus on corticotropin-releasing factor, nociceptin/orphanin FQ, and …
  182. Drug dependence and Addiction, III: expectation and brain function in drug abuse
  183. Nicotinic receptors: role in Addiction and other disorders of the brain
  184. Differential expression of FosB proteins and potential target genes in select brain regions of Addiction and depression patients
  185. Is deep brain stimulation a prospective” cure” for Addiction?
  186. Cocaine up-regulates fra-2 and σ-1 receptor gene and protein expression in brain regions involved in Addiction and reward
  187. Multiple opiate receptors of brain and spinal cord in opiate Addiction
  188. Transcranial magnetic stimulation meets virtual reality: the potential of integrating brain stimulation with a simulative technology for food Addiction
  189. brain myelination in prevalent neuropsychiatric developmental disorders: Primary and comorbid Addiction
  190. MeCP2 and the enigmatic organization of brain chromatin. Implications for depression and cocaine Addiction
  191. Addiction: Informing drug abuse interventions with brain networks
  192. brain network dysfunctions in Addiction: a meta-analysis of resting-state functional connectivity
  193. Controversy over brain surgery for heroin Addiction in Russia
  194. People control their Addictions: No matter how much the “chronic” brain disease model of Addiction indicates otherwise, we know that people can quit …
  195. A novel neurotherapeutic for multiple sclerosis, ischemic injury, methamphetamine Addiction, and traumatic brain injury
  196. Anatomy of a food Addiction: The brain chemistry of overeating
  197. Cocaine Addiction related reproducible brain regions of abnormal default-mode network functional connectivity: a group ICA study with different model orders
  198. If Addiction is not best conceptualized a brain disease, then what kind of disease is it?
  199. Response to “Addiction is a social disease: just as tenable as calling it a brain disease”
  200. The effect of the brain disease model of Addiction on juror perceptions of culpability.
  201. Web Addiction in the brain: Cortical oscillations, autonomic activity, and behavioral measures
  202. Deep brain stimulation as a therapy for alcohol Addiction
  203. Neuronal nicotinic receptors as brain targets for pharmacotherapy of drug Addiction
  204. The expression of genes in top obesity-associated loci is enriched in insula and substantia nigra brain regions involved in Addiction and reward
  205. brain reward and stress systems in Addiction
  206. Addiction in existential positive psychology (EPP, PP2. 0): from a critique of the brain disease model towards a meaning-centered approach
  207. Target America: Visual culture, neuroimaging, and the ‘hijacked brain‘theory of Addiction
  208. brain imaging in nonhuman primates: insights into drug Addiction
  209. Time for a paradigm shift: The adolescent brain in Addiction treatment
  210. Lateral habenula deep brain stimulation for personalized treatment of drug Addiction
  211. Ethical considerations in deep brain stimulation for the treatment of Addiction and overeating associated with obesity
  212. Expression, covariation, and genetic regulation of miRNA Biogenesis genes in brain supports their role in Addiction, psychiatric disorders, and disease
  213. Deep brain stimulation in Addiction due to psychoactive substance use
  214. Virus-delivered RNA interference in mouse brain to study Addiction-related behaviors
  215. Neurogenetics and clinical evidence for the putative activation of the brain reward circuitry by a neuroadaptagen: proposing an Addiction candidate gene panel map
  216. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of brain of college students with internet Addiction
  217. brain PET imaging in obesity and food Addiction: current evidence and hypothesis
  218. Altered brain correlates of response inhibition and error processing in females with obesity and sweet food Addiction: A functional magnetic imaging study
  219. Neuromodulation of brain activation associated with Addiction: A review of real-time fMRI neurofeedback studies
  220. Neurosurgical complications of heroin Addiction: brain abscess and mycotic aneurysm.
  221. brain aging in a sample of normal Egyptians cognition, education, Addiction and smoking
  222. Evolutionary substrates of Addiction: The neurochemistries of pleasure seeking and social bonding in the mammalian brain.
  223. brain potentials and morphine Addiction.
  224. Closed loop deep brain stimulation for PTSD, Addiction, and disorders of affective facial interpretation: review and discussion of potential biomarkers and …
  225. brain stimulation to treat internet Addiction: A commentary
  226. Healing the addicted brain: The revolutionary, science-based alcoholism and Addiction recovery program
  227. Overview of Addiction and the brain
  228. Acute ketamine-induced neuroplasticity: ribosomal protein S6 phosphorylation expression in drug Addiction-related rat brain areas
  229. Addiction, cognition, and the visceral brain
  230. Involvement of action-related brain regions in nicotine Addiction
  231. 15 From the brain Disease Model to Ecologies of Addiction
  232. Experimental psychology and research into brain science, Addiction and drugs
  233. Detection of h3k4me3 identifies neurohiv signatures, genomic effects of methamphetamine and Addiction pathways in postmortem hiv+ brain specimens that are not …
  234. CART peptide and opioid Addiction: expression changes in male rat brain
  235. Morphine Addiction and withdrawal alters brain peptide concentrations
  236. The Biological Tangle of Drug Addiction: Alcohol and cocaine, a legal and illegal drug, affect the brain in different ways yet both are addicting—the question is why
  237. Deep brain stimulation of nucleus accumbens for methamphetamine Addiction: two case reports
  238. brain and cognition for Addiction medicine: from prevention to recovery neural substrates for treatment of psychostimulant-induced cognitive deficits
  239. Alterations in the connection topology of brain structural networks in Internet gaming Addiction
  240. Abnormal brain activity in adolescents with Internet Addiction who attempt suicide: an assessment using functional magnetic resonance imaging
  241. The impact of therapists’ words on the adolescent brain: In the context of Addiction treatment
  242. brain structures and activity during a working memory task associated with internet Addiction tendency in young adults: A large sample study
  243. Chronic morphine alters dopamine transporter density in the rat brain: possible role in the mechanism of drug Addiction
  244. Probing the role of AMPAR endocytosis and long‐term depression in behavioural sensitization: relevance to treatment of brain disorders, including drug Addiction
  245. Addiction-associated genetic variants implicate brain cell type-and region-specific cis-regulatory elements in Addiction neurobiology
  246. Modulation of Fas receptor proteins and dynamin during opiate Addiction and induction of opiate withdrawal in rat brain
  247. Perinatal methadone Addiction affects brain synaptic development of biogenic amine systems in the rat
  248. The clinical impact of the brain disease model of alcohol and drug Addiction: exploring the attitudes of community-based AOD clinicians in Australia
  249. brain mechanisms and the disease model of Addiction: Is it the whole story of the addicted self? A philosophical-skeptical perspective
  250. Addiction is a brain disease, and it doesn’t matter: Prior choice in drug use blocks leniency in criminal punishment.
  251. New clues to brain dopamine control, cocaine Addiction
  252. Deep brain stimulation of nucleus accumbens with anterior capsulotomy for drug Addiction: A case report
  253. When Addiction co-occurs with traumatic brain injury
  254. Pharmaceutical incursion on cigarette smoking at the birth of the brain disease model of Addiction
  255. Non-invasive brain stimulation for the treatment of nicotine Addiction: potential and challenges
  256. Attitudes toward treating Addiction with deep brain stimulation
  257. Predicting the role of Biological Vulnerabilities on Internet Addiction: brain-Behavioral Systems and Gender
  258. Rewiring the addicted brain: circuits-based treatment for Addiction
  259. Aberrant brain neuroplasticity and function in drug Addiction: a focus on learning-related brain regions
  260. Synthetic cathinone self-administration in female rats modulates neurotransmitter levels in Addiction-related brain regions
  261. Targeting brain nicotinic acetylcholine receptors to treat major depression and co-morbid alcohol or nicotine Addiction
  262. Effects of the hallucinogenic beverage ayahuasca on voluntary ethanol intake by rats and on cFos expression in brain areas relevant to drug Addiction
  263. Bridging the gap between philosophers of mind and brain researchers: The example of Addiction
  264. Neurobiology of Addiction and recovery: The brain, the drive for the drug, and the 12-step fellowship.
  265. Time‐dependent regional brain distribution of methadone and naltrexone in the treatment of opioid Addiction
  266. Autonomic nervous system and brain circuitry for internet Addiction
  267. … differentially modulate Addiction-related behaviors in male offspring of morphine-addicted dams: The possible role of μ-opioid receptors and ΔFosB in the brain
  268. Carving Addiction at a new joint? Shared brain vulnerabilities open the way for non-substance Addictions
  269. The interplay between brain 5-hydroxytryptamine levels and cocaine Addiction
  270. brain controllability and morphometry similarity of internet gaming Addiction
  271. Vaccines to combat the opioid crisis: Vaccines that prevent opioids and other substances of abuse from entering the brain could effectively treat Addiction and abuse
  272. The selfish brain: Learning from Addiction
  273. Infecting the brain to stop Addiction?
  274. Addiction and brain damage
  275. Deep brain stimulation in the context of Addiction–a literature-based systematic evaluation
  276. Addiction: A neurobiological and cognitive brain disorder
  277. Analysis of neurotransmitter levels in Addiction-related brain regions during synthetic cathinone self-administration in male Sprague-Dawley rats
  278. Addiction is not a brain disease
  279. Nucleus accumbens as a novel target for Deep brain stimulation in the treatment of Addiction: a hypothesis on the neurochemical and morphological basis
  280. Fluoxetine potentiates methylphenidate-induced gene regulation in Addiction-related brain regions: concerns for use of cognitive enhancers?
  281. The Making of the Epistemic Project of Addiction in the brain
  282. Glutamatergic and GABAergic metabolism in mouse brain under chronic nicotine exposure: implications for Addiction
  283. Structural brain network abnormalities in subjects with internet Addiction
  284. Neuroimaging and genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease and Addiction-related degenerative brain disorders
  285. Advancing the understanding of Addiction-related processes by examining brain connectivity
  286. Choosing the optimal brain target for neuromodulation therapies as alcohol Addiction progresses—Insights from pre-clinical studies
  287. Hijacking the brain: How drug and alcohol Addiction hijacks our brains the science behind twelve-step recovery
  288. brain imaging in Addiction
  289. Disturbances across whole brain networks during reward anticipation in an abstinent Addiction population
  290. Computerized axial tomography in the detection of brain damage: 1. Alcohol, nutritional deficiency and drugs of Addiction
  291. Obesity as a Condition Determined by Food Addiction: Should brain Endocannabinoid System Alterations Be the Cause and Its Modulation the Solution?
  292. Addiction circuitry in the human brain
  293. Crayfish learning: Addiction and the ganglionic brain
  294. Altered brain network topology related to working memory in internet Addiction
  295. Direct effects of nicotine on the brain: evidence for chemical Addiction
  296. What Facebook Addiction Looks Like in the brain
  297. Regulation of the endoplasmic reticulum stress response and neuroprotective effects of acupuncture on brain injury caused by heroin Addiction
  298. Addiction in the brain: Expectations and ethical considerations.
  299. Addiction: brain and cognitive stimulation for better cognitive control and far beyond
  300. brain reward pathway dysfunction in maternal depression and Addiction: A present and future transgenerational risk
  301. brain Mapping of drug Addiction in witdrawal condition based P300 Signals
  302. Possible role of brain histamine in morphine Addiction
  303. Evaluating the role of sensation seeking and brain-behavioral systems in internet Addiction among college students
  304. Negative Effects of Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency on Spontaneous brain Microstates: Evidence From Resting-State EEG
  305. Addiction is a brain disease–and it matters
  306. Re-socializing the vulnerable brain: Building an ethically sustainable brain disease model of Addiction
  307. The brain disease model of Addiction: challenging or reinforcing stigma?–Authors’ reply
  308. Deep brain stimulation for Addiction, anorexia and compulsion. Rationale, clinical results and ethical implications
  309. Interpretive phenomenological analysis of the spiritual characteristics of recovery experiences in the context of the brain disease model of Addiction
  310. Imaging opiate receptors in the human brain with positron emission tomography. Potential applications for drug Addiction research.
  311. Neurogenetic impairments of brain reward circuitry links to reward deficiency syndrome (RDS) as evidenced by Genetic Addiction Risk Score (GARS): A case …
  312. Addiction treatment providers’ engagements with the brain Disease Model of Addiction
  313. brain development as a vulnerability factor in the aetiology of substance abuse and Addiction
  314. Drug Addiction: a chronically relapsing brain disease
  315. brain stimulation as an emerging treatment for Addiction
  316. Focus: Addiction: investigating maternal brain structure and its relationship to substance use and motivational systems
  317. Noninvasive brain stimulation of Addiction: one target for all?
  318. brain nicotinic receptors as emerging targets for drug Addiction: neurobiology to translational research
  319. Addiction as a brain disease does not promote injustice
  320. Addiction and the human adolescent brain
  321. Looking to the future: Clinical and policy implications of the brain disease model of Addiction
  322. Exploring the neuromechanism of chronic ephedrine Addiction in rhesus monkeys: A behavioural and brain resting-state fMRI study
  323. Neural substrate of nicotine Addiction as defined by functional brain maps of gene expression
  324. Resting-State and Structural brain Connectivity in Individuals with Stimulant Addiction: A systematic review
  325. An introduction to “The Addiction connectome: brain connectivity in drug and alcohol Addiction
  326. Adolescence and Addiction: Vulnerability, opportunity, and the role of brain development.
  327. Elevation of DNA Methylation in the Promoter Regions of the brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Gene is Associated with Heroin Addiction
  328. brain circuits of compulsive drug Addiction identified
  329. Environmental enrichment modulates drug Addiction and binge-like consumption of highly rewarding substances: a role for anxiety and compulsivity brain
  330. Addiction & the brain
  331. Loosening Addiction‘s deadly grip: Recent research paints a picture of Addiction as a progressive, chronic neurological disease that wreaks havoc with brain
  332. Combining Ketamine, brain Stimulation (rTMS) and Mindfulness Therapy (TIMBER) for Opioid Addiction
  333. Targeting Addiction Using Noninvasive brain Stimulation and Neuroimaging
  334. brain connectivity: an opening window into Addiction
  335. Psychological mechanism of adolescent internet Addiction and brain functional imaging
  336. Addiction-like response in brain and behavior in a rat experimental model of night-eating syndrome
  337. Morphine Addiction does not alter brain or pituitary immunoreactive dynorphin level
  338. Evaluating effects of methylphenidate on brain activity in cocaine Addiction: a machine-learning approach
  339. Reply to ‘Addiction as a brain disease does not promote injustice’
  340. brain imaging studies of the cocaine addict: implications for reinforcement and Addiction
  341. Meta-analysis of transcriptome-wide association studies across 13 brain tissues identified novel clusters of genes associated with nicotine Addiction
  342. Drug Addiction as a brain disorder or disease
  343. Addiction–a brain disorder or a spiritual disorder
  344. Alcohol Addiction: a disorder of self-regulation but not a disease of the brain
  345. Addiction as an extended form of brain disease: heroin-free clinical pictures in the history of Addiction. Towards the concept of masked heroin Addiction
  346. Addiction: brain disease versus psy osocial determination
  347. Editorial [Hot Topic: Drug Addiction and brain Targets: From Preclinical Research to Pharmacotherapy (Guest Editor: Shafiqur Rahman)]
  348. Drug Addiction, psychotic illness and brain self-stimulation: effective treatment and explanatory hypothesis
  349. The “brain disease” concept in Addiction: a cause for ambivalence, not concern
  350. Addiction postulates and legal causation, or who’s in charge, person or brain?
  351. brain regions and drug Addiction
  352. Alcoholism and brain damage: some psychometric findings in Addiction unit alcoholics
  353. Morphometric changes of whole brain in patients with alcohol Addiction: a voxel-based morphometry study
  354. Cognitive enhancement in combination with ‘brain repair’may be optimal for the treatment of stimulant Addiction
  355. … -inducing peptide, ghrelin, induces intracellular store-mediated rises in calcium in Addiction and arousal-related laterodorsal tegmental neurons in mouse brain slices
  356. brain imaging in opiate Addiction
  357. Is deep brain stimulation for Addiction an acceptable crime control measure?
  358. Nicotine neuroprotection of brain neurons: the other side of nicotine Addiction
  359. brain benzodiazepine receptors in humans and rats with alcohol Addiction
  360. Profiles of brain functional asymmetry in patients with alcoholism and drug Addiction
  361. brain Change in Addiction as Learning, Not Disease.
  362. Differences in Student brain Activation from Digital Learning Based on Risk of Digital Media Addiction
  363. brain mechanisms of Addiction treatment effects
  364. The Addiction Solution: Unraveling the Mysteries of Addiction Through Cutting-edge brain Science
  365. Upregulating brain activity using non-drug reward imagery and real-time fMRI neurofeedback–A new treatment approach for Addiction?
  366. Organization of opioid receptors in human brain and drug interactions studied by PET and SPECT imaging: implications for treatment strategies for opiate Addiction
  367. Introduction–brain and Addiction
  368. brain and Addiction: From neuroscientific evidence to Korean legislation
  369. brain Neuroadaptative Changes in Adolescents with Internet Addiction: An FDG-PET Study with Statistical Parametric Mapping Analysis
  370. Adolescent psychotherapy for Addiction medicine: from brain development to neurocognitive treatment mechanisms
  371. Deep brain stimulation for Addiction treatment: Further considerations on scientific and ethical issues
  372. Your brain on Screens: Neuronal Risk and Media Addiction
  373. … traits, cognitive strategies of emotion regulation, attachment styles, and brain-behavioral systems in active & non-active Addiction and impulsiveness potential
  374. The brain Stress System in the Neurobiology of the “Dark Side” of Addiction and Its Relation to Neurodegeneration
  375. Is Addiction a brain Disease?: The incentive-sensitization view
  376. Prediction of University Students’ Internet Addiction Based on brain-Behavioral Systems
  377. Is Addiction a brain disease?
  378. Evaluating the brain Disease Model of Addiction
  379. Addiction is a brain disease, and it doesn’t matter: how the aetiology of neurological impairment guides Magistrates’ perceptions of criminal responsibility
  380. Animal models of binge eating palatable foods: Emergence of Addiction-like behaviors and brain changes in the rat
  381. One Cheer for the brain-Disease Interpretation of Addiction
  382. Automated neurofeedback brain-training as a primary Addiction intervention
  383. Deep brain stimulation and Addiction
  384. The effect of the type of skill (open or closed) on brain derived neurotrophic factor levels of people Addiction to stimulants
  385. Healing the addicted brain: The revolutionary, science-based alcoholism and Addiction recovery program, by Harold C. Urschel III, MD
  386. Drug Addiction as a brain Disorder or Disease—Reply
  387. Evolution of opioid Addiction as a brain disease from stigma to modern neurosciences
  388. Foresight brain science, Addiction and drugs project
  389. The Addiction Conspiracy: Unlocking brain Chemistry and Addiction So You Don’t Have to Struggle
  390. Research progress of deep brain stimulation for the treatment of drug Addiction
  391. Enhancing brain pregnenolone may protect cannabis intoxication but should not be considered as an anti-Addiction therapeutic: hypothesizing dopaminergic …
  393. The effect of methadone Addiction on cyclic nucleotide levels in regions of rat brain
  394. Delay discounting differences in brain activation, connectivity, and structure in individuals with Addiction: a systematic review protocol
  395. Stress, Food Addiction and brain: Molecular Determinants and its Neural Networks Using Omics Platform
  396. brain potentials and morphine Addiction
  397. Addiction and the brain: development, not disease
  398. Addiction Biases Choice in the Mind, brain, and Behavior Systems: Beyond the brain disease model
  399. Deep brain Stimulation for Refractory Depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Addiction
  400. Thinking outside the brain: Testing predictors of drug Addiction anticipated by dislocation theory
  401. The mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation in the relationship between brain-behavioral systems and impulsivity with craving in stimulant Addiction
  402. Science, safety and costs make deep brain stimulation for Addiction a low priority: a reply to Vorspan et al.(2011) and Kuhn et al.(2011)
  403. Non-invasive brain stimulation–a modern approach to improved therapy of nicotin Addiction?
  404. brain Change in Addiction: Disease or Learning?: Implications for science, policy, and care
  405. brain development, mental health and Addiction: a podcast series for undergraduate medical education
  406. Introduction: testing and refining Marc Lewis’s critique of the brain disease model of Addiction
  407. Addiction is a brain Disease:(But does it matter?)
  408. The neurobiology of smartphone Addiction in emerging adults evaluated using brain morphometry and resting-state functional MRI
  409. Addiction is a Human Problem, but brain Disease Models Divert Attention and Resources away from Human-Level Solutions
  410. Effects of Tramadol Addiction on brain of Adult Male Albino Rats and Role of lofexidine during Withdrawal Period: A Biochemical, Histopathological and …
  411. brain Structures and Activity During a Working Memory Task Associated with Internet Addiction Tendency in Young Adults
  412. Food Addiction: brain and mind
  413. Gut-brain Axis–based Treatment in Addiction
  414. brain circuit model for drug Addiction
  415. Is Addiction a brain Disease or Something that is Learned?
  416. My brain Disease made me do it: Bioethical implications of the brain Disease Model of Addiction
  417. brain oscillations, inhibitory control mechanisms and rewarding bias in web Addiction. Two opposite young subjects’ clusters?
  418. The impact of the internet on the developing brain: A developmental Addiction model
  419. A whole-brain imaging-based systems approach to understand origin of Addiction in binge-like drinking model
  420. The brain craving for gambling? Neurosciences and Addiction concept in clinical practice
  421. brain in Balance: Understanding the Genetics and Neurochemistry Behind Addiction and Sobriety
  422. brain Diseases in the Courtroom: Addiction and Insanity at the Intersection of Medicine and Criminal Justice
  423. brain Reward & Stress Systems in Addiction
  424. Addiction is not (only) in the brain: Molar behavioral economic models of etiology and cessation of harmful substance use
  425. Rat brain gangliosides following drug Addiction and nutritional deficiency
  426. But I’m not a doctor’: pending trust in science among laypeople discussing the brain disease model of Addiction
  427. The Effects of Abused Inhalants on Neurons Within the Addiction Neurocircuitry of the brain
  428. Addiction may not be a compulsive brain disease, but it is more than purposeful medication of untreated psychiatric disorders
  429. This is your brain on drugs: Effects of a biological explanation on attitudes toward heroin users and responses to heroin Addiction
  430. Increasing Support for Alternatives to Incarceration for Drug Use: Is the brain Disease Model of Addiction Effective?
  431. The use of brain stimulation technology for cognitive enhancement and the potential for Addiction
  432. Ethical, social and clinical challenges in using deep brain stimulation to treat Addiction and other impulsive and compulsive disorders
  433. T he Selfish brain: Learning From Addiction
  434. Regional brain activation associated with Addiction of computer games in adolescents
  435. brain electrical activity and peculiarities of the self-stimulation reaction in pubertate rats with Addiction to inhalation of organic solvent vapors
  436. Animal Models of Binge-Eating Palatable Foods: Emergence of Addiction-Like Behaviors and brain Changes in the Rat
  437. Addiction and the brain
  438. Glutamatergic brain systems and Addiction
  439. Detection of heroin Addiction-and relapse-induced axonal transport dysfunction in the brain in vivo by MRI
  440. Evaluating the brain Disease Model of Addiction
  441. Leveraging the neurocircuitry of Addiction to test novel brain stimulation paradigms and rationally combine them with other existent treatments
  442. GDNF/RET signalling in regulation of brain dopaminergic systems: significance for drug Addiction
  443. Correlation between brain-derived neurotrophic factor and executive function in cannabinoid Addiction
  444. Evaluating the brain Disease Model of Addiction & Towards Balance of Dichotomy Through Integration of Mind-brain Intermodulatory Mechanisms
  445. Single-cell whole-brain imaging and network analysis provide evidence of the three-stage hypothesis of Addiction
  446. Addiction is a brain disease, and it doesn’t matter
  447. brain dopaminergic system: Genetic variations, personality traits and alcohol Addiction risk
  448. brain Research in Addiction
  449. Deep brain Stimulation: A Possible Therapeutic Technique for Treating Refractory Alcohol and Drug Addiction Behaviors
  450. Neurocircuitry of Addiction: A brain reward deficit, stress surfeit and executive function disorder
  451. … interactions between maternal immune activation and peripubertal stress in cocaine Addiction-like behaviour, morphofunctional brain parameters and striatal …
  452. Addiction, hippocampal neurogenesis, and neuroplasticity in the adult brain
  453. Perceptions of Traumatic brain Injury (TBI) Among Professionals Providing Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment
  454. Neurodysfunction in Addiction and Overeating as Assessed by brain Imaging
  455. When attachement trauma and Addiction both influence the brain: Combination of pharmaco-and psychotherapy can cope the problem efficiently
  456. Exploring the relationship between emotional brain training, stress, depression, food Addiction, and weight
  457. Addiction & the brain
  458. brain Activity Characterization Induced by Alcoholic Addiction: Spectral and Causality Analysis of brain Areas Related to Control and Reinforcement of Impulsivity
  459. The effect of maternal morphine Addiction on neural plasticity of fetal brain in Wistar rats
  460. Addiction & the brain
  461. Caffeine does not activate the brain structures involved in drug Addiction..
  462. Addiction & the brain
  463. Addiction-what happens when something “hijacks” the brain
  464. … of Transcriptome-Wide Association Studies across 13 brain Tissues Identified Novel Clusters of Genes Associated with Nicotine Addiction. Genes 2022, 13, 37
  465. Orexins’ brain Cellular Connectivity and Therapeutic Potential in Addiction
  466. Behavioral and brain response to non-drug rewards in substance abuse: Implications for motivational theories of Addiction.
  467. How the brain Learns Addiction
  468. Running and its effect on mental parameters (high, brain laterality, exercise Addiction, psychotherapy, endorphins)
  469. Compulsive eating, ritual, and Addiction: outside suggestions may trigger” pig-out” brain programs
  470. Five Facts About the brain and Addiction Five Facts About the brain and Addiction
  471. brain Glucose Metabolism and Dopamine Transporters Change in Addiction and Environmental Cue-Induced Memory
  472. The speed of intravenous cocaine delivery alters its effect on the brain and drug-taking behavior: implications for Addiction liability
  473. The role of the dopamine D1-D2 receptor heteromer in brain reward function: Relevance to drug Addiction and depression
  474. Control of alcohol Addiction by SKV therapy—Its action on water, food intake, brain function and cell membrane composition
  475. Diet, drugs, and the brain: Are ultra-processed foods a gateway to Addiction?
  476. Neuroscience of Stress & Addiction: A Digitally Animated Video on How these brain Systems Interact and Influence Each Other from Early Life Stress to Withdrawal
  477. The brain Disease Model of Addiction and Implications for Public Stigma: A Cross-national Study
  478. Breaking the Broken brain Model of Addiction
  479. A Distinct brain-Gut Microbiome Profile Exists for Obese Females with Food Addiction
  480. Special Focus on brain Imaging and Addiction
  481. Dr. Mark Thomas to speak at UMN Crookston on Research about Drug Addiction in the brain
  482. … Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data Using Collective Density Function Estimation Method Based on Directional Statistics for Determining Addiction
  483. Deep brain Stimulation in Treatment-Refractory Addiction
  484. Addiction–A DISEASE OF THE brain?
  485. Research data supporting” brain networks underlying vulnerability and resilience to drug Addiction
  486. The brain stress system in the neurobiology of the “dark side” of Addiction and its relation to neurodegeneration: brain stress system
  487. Addiction: Taking the brain seriously
  488. Integrative brain Structural and Molecular Analyses of Interaction between Tobacco Addiction and Overweight
  489. Addiction and brain Damage
  490. Corrigendum to” Systematically lower structural brain connectivity in individuals with elevated food Addiction symptoms”[Appetite 155 (2020) 104850]
  491. The brain game: What causes engagement and Addiction to video games?
  492. Impact of drug and alcohol Addiction on brain
  493. FC03-02-Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens in treatment resistant alcohol Addiction-a novel treatment option?
  494. Book Review: Addiction and brain Damage
  495. Systematically lower structural brain connectivity in individuals with elevated food Addiction symptoms (vol 155, 104850, 2020)
  496. Is Addiction a brain Disease?
  497. Prenatal Substance Use on the Developing brain–How Addiction is Affecting Attachment and Maternal Behaviour
  498. The Taboo Love: Yaoi Addiction Regulate the brain Response
  499. Addiction and the brain-Disease Fallacy
  500. Internet Addiction: Is it all in your brain?
  501. Deep brain Stimulation for Addiction?
  502. Neurobiologic Advances from the brain Disease Model of Addiction
  503. brain PLASTICITY AND Addiction
  504. Pain and Addiction in Patients with Traumatic brain Injury
  505. Imaging brain Chemistry in Diseases of Addiction
  506. Addiction and functional brain asymmetry
  507. The selfish brain: Learning from Addiction
  508. 181. Drug Addiction: The Gain in the brain is in the Pain
  509. What does ‘acceptance’mean? Public reflections on the idea that Addiction is a brain
  510. Deep brain stimulation as therapy against Addiction
  511. brain Pathology of Heroin Addiction
  512. Cocaine Addiction in the rat: alterations in brain functions and novel medications
  513. The Selfish brain: Learning From Addiction
  514. D. Kipper & S. Whitney. The Addiction Solution: Unraveling the Mysteries of Addiction through Cutting-Edge brain Science
  515. The role of brain-behavioral systems with Addiction relapse
  516. brain Disease Model of Addiction: Why is it so controversial?
  517. brain Mechanisms Needed to Overcome Addiction are Impaired, New Studies Suggest
  518. Deep brain Stimulation for the Treatment of Addiction
  519. brain Reward and Stress Systems in Addiction (2014)
  520. Does India need research in field of post traumatic brain injury Addiction?
  521. The Selfish brain: Learning from Addiction
  522. Addiction Is Not a Disease, But The Underlying Dysregulation in brain Chemistry Certainly Is
  523. Review of The selfish brain: Learning from Addiction.
  524. Supplemental Data A Role for brain Stress Systems in Addiction
  525. Pornography: Adolescent brain Development & Addiction
  526. The Role of brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Psychosis-like Behaviour and Addiction
  527. brain scans, genes provide Addiction clues
  528. brain Disease Model of Addiction: Misplaced priorities?
  529. Effect of Methamphetamine Addiction on brain Chemistry Through the Adoption of Fractalkine as an Indicator.
  530. Is Drug Addiction a brain Disease? 4
  531. Addiction, the brain, and Evidence-Based Treatment-Interview With Redonna K. Chandler
  532. brain stress systems in the amygdala and Addiction (2009)
  533. Addiction as an adaptation process in the brain, a view from neurobiology
  534. Focus: Addiction: Looking Inside the Disordered brain
  535. Structural Equation Modeling Prediction Addiction Potential Based on Independence/Incompetence Schema and Distress Tolerance with Mediation of brain-Behavior …
  537. brain Amines in Drug Addiction.
  538. Deep brain stimulation as a treatment for substance Addiction
  539. The Selfish brain: Learning From Addiction
  540. A Commentary on Attitudes Towards Deep brain Stimulation for Addiction
  541. A Review of Associations Between Traumatic brain Injury & Addiction and Therapeutic Interventions for Addiction in the brain Injured Population
  542. Depression, Addiction and the brain Reward System
  543. Drug Abuse, Addiction and the Developing brain
  544. If Addiction is not best conceptualized a brain disease, then what kind of disease is it?-This article was co-authored by Scott O. Lilienfleld
  545. The Research Progress of Acupuncture Effect on Heroin Addiction brain Damage
  546. brain and Cognition for Addiction Medicine: From Prevention to Recovery
  547. The brain Disease Model of Addiction: Is it supported by the evidence and has it delivered on its promises?
  549. Effects of rate of drug delivery on brain and behaviour: Implications for Addiction
  550. Book Review: Addiction and brain Damage, Medical Consequences of Alcohol Abuse
  551. … in Alberta after COVID-19 lockdown: overrepresentation and undertreatment are opportunities for improvementMental health and Addiction diagnoses are linked to …
  552. c.-97C> A of brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor BDNF is associated with opium Addiction
  553. Evaluating the role of sensation seekingand brain-behavioral systems in internet Addiction among college students
  554. Constructing the dependent brain: an analysis of the Brazilian media and of the scientific literature on technology Addiction
  555. brain Chemistry and Behaviour: An Update on Neuroscience Research and Its Implications for Understanding Drug Addiction.
  556. brain Structural Abnormalities in Reward and Emotion System in Internet Addiction Disorder
  557. Evaluating the predictive role of Sensation seeking and brain-behavioral systems‎ in internet Addiction among Azad university of Mashhad’s students‎
  558. 59821 brain Mapping Addiction
  559. Biological Research on Addiction: Chapter 20. Integrating Body and brain Systems in Addiction Neuroscience
  560. The relationship between frontal brain asymmetry and exercise Addiction
  561. Addiction Needs brain Neuroscience, Gene Sequencing, Research on Pharmaceutical Influences on Dopamine, Serotonin and the Inter Communication of the …
  562. How Exercise Targets the brain and Body in Addiction Recovery: A Head to Toe Look By Endominance June 22, 2020 December 9th, 2020 No Comments
  563. Notre Cerveau est un Drogue; vers une theorie generale des Addictions [Our brain is a Drug Addict: Towards a general theory of Addiction]
  564. Drug Addiction-the neurochemical perspective of brain in drug-seeking behavior
  565. Structural changes in the brain in HIV infection complicated by drug Addiction
  566. Introduction to the Pharmacological Effects of Alcohol and Drugs and Addiction on the brain and Behavior
  567. The effect and brain mechanism of individual impulsivity on drug abuse and Addiction
  568. Biological Research on Addiction: Chapter 43. brain Mechanisms of Addiction Treatment Effects
  569. Justice and Equity in Trials of Deep brain Stimulation for the Treatment of Addiction and Overeating
  570. Framing Nicotine Addiction as a “Disease of the brain
  571. Damage to brain Area May Immediately Halt Cigarette Addiction
  572. Neuroscience of attentional processes for Addiction medicine: from brain mechanisms to practical considerations
  573. Effects of Traumatic brain Injury on Addiction-Like Behavior and Their Neuropathological Correlates
  574. Elevated brain iron in cocaine Addiction as indexed by magnetic field correlation imaging
  575. Obesity linked to Addiction, a new challenge for Deep brain Stimulation
  576. Combining Ketamine, brain Stimulation (rTMS) and Mindfulness Therapy (TIMBER) for Opioid Addiction
  577. Progress of Functional Imaging in brain Structure and Functional Changes in People with Amphetamine Addiction
  578. Identification and Analysis of Synapse-Organizing Complexes in Addiction-Relevant brain Regions Thomas Biederer, Yale University
  579. Diet, drugs, and the brain: are ultra-processed foods a gateway to Addiction?
  580. The Effect of Aerobic Exercise and Soccer Training on brain Derived Neurotrophoc Factor Levels of People Addiction to Stimulants
  581. Functional magnetic resonance imaging tomography in assessing the functional state of the brain in patients with opioid Addiction
  582. Memory Systems of the addicted brain: the Underestimated role of Cognitive Biases in Addiction and its treatment
  583. YRP. 08 Dysfunction of the brain reward system in Addiction
  584. Drug Addiction: Functional Neurotoxicity Of The brain Reward
  585. Memory Systems of the Addicted brain: The Underestimated Role of Drug-Induced Cognitive Biases in Addiction and Its Treatment
  586. The influence of threat-induced anxiety on inhibitory control, sustained brain responses, and the changes associated with impulsivity and Addiction
  587. Addiction Treatment in the New Millennium: From Jail Cells to brain Cells
  589. The Effect of the brain Disease Model of Addiction on Juror Perceptions of Culpability
  590. Rewiring the brain: neuroscientists are learning how to repair neural circuits damaged by Addiction
  591. The Role of brain-Behavioral Systems in Internet Addiction: With Regard to Revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory
  592. 55| brain, REWARD, AND DRUG Addiction
  593. genetics and the brain chemistry of Addiction. Pychosocial factors are also believed to play a substantial role in the development of Addictions, thus ensuring …
  594. The cannabinoid system in brain reward and Addiction
  595. Biological Research on Addiction: Chapter 30. Addiction, Hippocampal Neurogenesis, and Neuroplasticity in the Adult brain
  596. … of Nf-κB expression in the context of differential EAAT2 level in selected brain structures of rats showing Addiction-vulnerable or Addiction-resistant phenotype”[Toxicol …
  597. Final Comments on Addiction & the brain: The Prescription Drug Epidemic–A Menace in the Medicine Cabinet?
  598. Modeling Deep brain Stimulation in the Nucleus Accumbens as a Potential Treatment for Addiction
  599. brain aging in a sample of normal Egyptians cognition, education, Addiction and smoking.
  600. Addiction: diseased brain, divided will, or restless heart?
  601. Addiction and deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens
  602. Neurochemical Substrates of Menthol Actions in Reward-Addiction brain Areas.
  603. brain oscillations, inhibitory control mechanisms and rewarding bias in internet Addiction
  604. Changes of Fas, Bcl-2 and Caspase-3 protein in rat brain during morphine Addiction
  605. T267. Psychopathic Traits and Stimulus-Processing in Addiction: How Psychopathy and Addiction Interact to Influence Drug and Food Processing in the brain
  606. Functional Reorganization of Reward-and Habit-Related brain Networks in Addiction
  607. Mycotic lesions in the brain in chronic opium-ephedrone Addiction
  608. The comparative study of bioelectronic brain activity at the drug and Internet-Addiction
  609. Change in brain neurosteroid level of rats in morphine Addiction and stress-induced Addiction relapse condition
  610. acute withdrawal, 80, 170 adaptations (in brain function), 82, 85. See also neuroadaptations Addiction: definition, 8; as brain disease, 48; as chronic, relapsing disease …
  611. Traumatic brain injury and attention: postconcussion symptoms and indices of reaction timeDrug Addiction as a problem-determined system: a case study
  612. Correction to: Analysis of neurotransmitter levels in Addiction-related brain regions during synthetic cathinone self-administration in male Sprague-Dawley rats
  613. Value and Risk Processing in Cocaine Addiction: Relationship to brain Function, Structure, and Connectivity
  614. Action on the emotional-reinforcement systems of the brain as a means of pathogenetic therapy for alcoholism and drug Addiction
  615. Messengers of Paradise: Opiates and the brain: The Struggle Over Pain, Rage, Uncertainty, and Addiction
  616. BOOKSHELF: The Neuroscience of Addiction—An Insider’s Look: Memoirs of an Addicted brain: A Neuroscientist Examines His Former Life on Drugs. By Marc Lewis …
  617. Neurogenesis in human postmortem brain: an insight into drug Addiction
  618. Case Report Abrupt Disruption of Nicotine Addiction and Apathy after a Strategic Acute brain Ischemia
  619. Endocannabinoid involvement in brain reward processing in nicotine Addiction
  620. Biological Research on Addiction: Chapter 28. The Role of brain Development in Drug Effect and Drug Response
  621. Correlation between diffusion tensor imaging characteristics of brain white matter and mental symptoms in methamphetamine Addiction
  622. Cocaine Addiction Effects of the brain: Binge and Craving
  624. Biological Research on Addiction: Chapter 29. Molecular Targets of Ethanol in the Developing brain
  625. How” carrots and sticks” are encoded in the brain: motivation, reward, Addiction and fear
  626. Three-dimensional localization of brain bioelectric activity in gambling Addiction and epilepsy
  627. Biological Research on Addiction: Chapter 36. Addiction and the Human Adolescent brain
  628. Immunohistochemical expression of CREB_1 proteins in brain in acute or chronic morphine Addiction and withdrawal in rats
  629. … The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Research Group, Section for clinical Addiction research, the Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital …
  630. Biological Research on Addiction: Chapter 21. brain Sites and Neurotransmitter Systems Mediating the Reinforcing Effects of Alcohol
  631. Striatal Dopamine, Self-control and Decision-Making: Identifying Therapeutic Targets for Addiction through brain Imaging
  632. Deep brain Stimulation of the Nucleus Accumbens for the Treatment of Cocaine Addiction
  633. … Title: Cracking Addiction: does brain Stimulation-induced neuroplasticity reverse prefrontal cortex hypoactivity in cocaine and neW stImulanTs Addiction in …
  634. brain Micro-structural Alterations of Cough Syrup Abuse Addiction Patients Containing Codeine Under Resting State
  635. brain Stimulation: Chapter 49. Addiction
  636. Is nicotine Addiction triggered by altered synaptic mechanisms in the brain reward circuit?
  637. Nicotine and methylphenidate on adolescent brain development and Addiction liability: Dose investigation
  638. Abrupt Disruption of Nicotine Addiction and Apathy after a Strategic Acute brain Ichemia (P05. 123)
  639. brain Stimulation: Chapter 21. Deep brain stimulation in Addiction due to psychoactive substance use
  640. Prenatal Exposure to Maternal Cigarette Smoking, Addiction, and the Offspring brain
  641. Abrupt Disruption of Nicotine Addiction and Apathy after a Strategic Acute brain Ischemia
  642. Role of brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Inducing Childhood Obesity: Impact in Maternal Opioid Addiction
  643. Deep brain stimulation of bilateral nucleus accumbens at high frequency inhibits Addiction behavior extinction in rats
  644. On the Role of brain-Behavioral Systems (BAS/BIS), Novelty Seeking, Reward Dependency, and Pathological Worry in Predicting Addiction Tendency of
  645. 440th Brookhaven Lecture. Reward, Self Control and Free Will in Cocaine Addiction: brain Imaging Results
  646. A meta-analytical review of brain functional networks linking delay discounting in patients with Addiction, ADHD, and obesity-general disorder: Evidence from a trans …
  647. Abstract LB-110: Proteasome Addiction a new therapeutic opportunity to treat PTEN-deficient brain tumors
  648. Integrating Immunostaining with Tissue Clearing Techniques for Whole brain Mapping in Basal Ganglia and Drug Addiction
  650. A Study of Whiter Matter Fiber Tractography in Young Internet Addiction Disorder using a brain Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  652. Biological Research on Addiction: Chapter 69. The Impact of Regular Cannabis Use on the Human brain: A Review of Structural Neuroimaging Studies
  653. Particulary:(a) The risk to a user’s mental health, physical health and brain function;(b) The risk of Addiction and dependence;(c) The risk of cannabis use …
  654. … Advances in Drug Addiction Research and Clinical Applications. Chapter 8: Review of Current Neuroimaging Studies of the Effects of Prenatal Drug Exposure: brain
  655. brain correlates of craving for online gaming under cue exposure in subjects with internet gaming Addiction and in remitted subjects.
  656. … of the brain, cranial electrotherapy stimulation may be a safe alternative to drug treatment for conditions ranging from depression, insomnia and drug Addiction
  658. The brain activations for both cue-induced gaming urge and smoking craving among subjects comorbid with Internet gaming Addiction and nicotine dependence
  659. … tive-sensitization theory of Addiction. brain Research. brain Research Reviews, 18, 247-291. Stacy, AW, & Wiers, RW (2010). Implicit cognition and Addiction: a tool for …
  660. … Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of Spiritual and Religious Characteristics of 12-Step Recovery Models in the Context of the brain Disease Model of Addiction
  661. Huang Y, Xu L, Kuang L, Wang W, Cao J, Xiao MN (2020) Abnormal brain activity in adolescents with Internet Addiction who attempt suicide: an assessment using …
  662. Acute drug effect, Addiction potential and expression of brain proteins involved in learning and memory after single and repeated exposure to methadone and …
  663. Stimulant effects of cocaine induce fra-2 and sigma (1) receptors in brain regions involved in Addiction and reward: Evidence from behavioral, gene and …
  665. 548.19/KKK10 Non-invasive brain stimulation for Addiction: Can we boost a hypothetical frontal ephaptic signaling of theta/gamma waves?
  666. … (2013). Meta-analysis of structural brain abnormalities associated with stimulant drug dependence and neuroimaging of Addiction vulnerability and resilience …
  667. … Parkinson’s disease), Part VII) Arousal, Emotions and Behaviour Homeostasis (brain stem, cranial nerves, epilepsy, sleep disorders and Addiction), Part IX) Language …
  668. 2 brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Its Intracellular Signaling Pathways in Cocaine Addiction
  669. Relaxin-3 systems in brain: effects on feeding, anxiety, depression and Addiction
  670. EPA-0628–Benzodiazepine receptor system of human brain in alcohol Addiction
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