Aframomum Melegueta Aframomum Melegueta is the Scientific name for Alligator Pepper or Grains of Paradise. This particular herb creates seeds that have long been used in ancient traditions mostly as a spice to season a variety of foods. This family of herb resides in the same classification as Ginger but has many bioactives. which have
Agaricus Blazei Agaricus Blazei is the scientific name for Murrill Mushrooms.This mushroom was first found in Brazil where they were growing wild and after taken back to Japan to do further studies. There are a variety of mushrooms that are known in the Asian Countries for the healing properties and this is just one
Ajuga Turkestanica Ajuga Turkestanica is a beautiful flowering plant that is local to Uzbekistan in Central Asia. This same flower has shoots and leaves that are used in an organic remedy that can assist heart complications, body aches, and stress. What is Ajuga Turkestanica? This plant as been known in the science
Albizia The Albizia also known as the Mimosa is a term that refers to a genus of tropical climate flowering trees which has over 150 species within it.. These trees are local to Madagascar, America, Australia, Africa and Asia. These flowers are quite beautiful and vibrant in color with busy and lacy flowers
American Ginseng When you see or read the word Ginseng where does your mind go? For many it goes to Asia, Or the Asian Culture. However there are many other types of ginseng that do grow in other parts of the world. The one we will be reviewing is Panax Quinquefolius which is also