1. Aerobic exercise to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in older people without known COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  2. Physical activity and enhanced fitness to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in older people without known COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  3. Inexpensive techniques to IMPROVE education: Applying COGNITIVE psychology to enhance educational practice
  4. Methods to IMPROVE the detection of mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  5. Visual momentum: a concept to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE coupling of person and computer
  6. A 12‐week physical and COGNITIVE exercise program can IMPROVE COGNITIVE function and neural efficiency in community‐dwelling older adults: a randomized controlled …
  7. Cooperative relay to IMPROVE diversity in COGNITIVE radio networks
  8. Are we asking the right questions? Using COGNITIVE interviews to IMPROVE surveys in education research
  9. Some strategies to IMPROVE performance in school chemistry, based on two COGNITIVE factors
  10. Does mindfulness training IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities? A systematic review of neuropsychological findings
  11. Prevention of intellectual disabilities: early interventions to IMPROVE COGNITIVE development
  12. How to IMPROVE COGNITIVE control in development during childhood: Potentials and limits of COGNITIVE interventions
  13. COGNITIVE mechanisms targeted for treatment development in schizophrenia: an overview of the first meeting of the COGNITIVE Neuroscience Treatment Research to …
  14. How does realistic mathematics education (RME) IMPROVE students’ mathematics COGNITIVE achievement?
  15. Astrocytes as new targets to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions
  16. What do our respondents think we’re asking? Using COGNITIVE interviewing to IMPROVE medical education surveys
  17. Does education IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance four decades after school completion?
  18. Using COGNITIVE interviews to IMPROVE survey instruments
  19. Using COGNITIVE general imagery to IMPROVE soccer strategies
  20. Cardiovascular and coordination training differentially IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance and neural processing in older adults
  21. Does COGNITIVE training IMPROVE internal locus of control among older adults?
  22. Do COGNITIVE interventions IMPROVE general cognition in dementia? A meta-analysis and meta-regression
  23. Longitudinal CSF and MRI biomarkers IMPROVE the diagnosis of mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  24. Does COGNITIVE remediation for schizophrenia IMPROVE functional outcomes?
  25. Drug initiatives to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function
  26. Does COGNITIVE function IMPROVE with quetiapine in comparison to haloperidol?
  27. COGNITIVE and psychological science insights to IMPROVE climate change data visualization
  28. Psychostimulants act within the prefrontal cortex to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function
  29. Do early intervention programmes IMPROVE COGNITIVE and motor outcomes for preterm infants after discharge? A systematic review
  30. Using Kintsch’s computational model to IMPROVE instructional text: Effects of repairing inference calls on recall and COGNITIVE structures.
  31. A systematic review of COGNITIVE interventions to IMPROVE functional ability in people who have COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT following stroke
  32. Using readiness assessment to IMPROVE career services: A COGNITIVE information‐processing approach
  33. Aerobic exercise to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in adults with neurological disorders: a systematic review
  34. COGNITIVE –behavioral interventions IMPROVE quality of life in women with AIDS
  35. Web-enabled conversational interactions as a method to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions: Results of a 6-week randomized controlled trial
  36. Embodied models as simulated users: Introduction to this special issue on using COGNITIVE models to IMPROVE interface design
  37. Video games: Utilization of a novel strategy to IMPROVE perceptual motor skills and COGNITIVE functioning in the non-institutionalized elderly.
  38. Dynamic channel access to IMPROVE energy efficiency in COGNITIVE radio sensor networks
  39. Automatic discovery of COGNITIVE skills to IMPROVE the prediction of student learning
  40. Depressive rumination: investigating mechanisms to IMPROVE COGNITIVE behavioural treatments
  41. Does COGNITIVE –behavioral therapy for PTSD IMPROVE perceived health and sleep IMPAIRMENT ?
  42. Screening of Korean herbal medicines used to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function for anti-cholinesterase activity
  43. Human neural stem cells IMPROVE COGNITIVE function of aged brain
  44. The use of mouse models to understand and IMPROVE COGNITIVE deficits in Down syndrome
  45. The use of COGNITIVE task analysis to IMPROVE instructional descriptions of procedures
  46. Effectiveness of a web-based COGNITIVE -behavioral tool to IMPROVE mental well-being in the general population: randomized controlled trial
  47. Construction of COGNITIVE maps to IMPROVE e-book reading and navigation
  48. Can Psychomotricity IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities in infants?
  49. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions to IMPROVE COGNITIVE dysfunction and functional ability in clinical depression–a systematic review
  50. Creatine supplementation does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in young adults
  51. How do mindfulness-based COGNITIVE therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction IMPROVE mental health and wellbeing? A systematic review and meta-analysis …
  52. Continuous COGNITIVE tasks IMPROVE postural control compared to discrete COGNITIVE tasks
  53. Does COGNITIVE function in older adults with hearing IMPAIRMENT IMPROVE by hearing aid use?
  54. A COGNITIVE strategy instruction to IMPROVE math calculation for children with ADHD and LD: A randomized controlled study
  55. Applying real time physiological measures of COGNITIVE load to IMPROVE training
  56. Neuropsychological rehabilitation does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance but reduces perceived COGNITIVE deficits in patients with multiple sclerosis: a randomised …
  57. D-Serine and a glycine transporter inhibitor IMPROVE MK-801-induced COGNITIVE deficits in a novel object recognition test in rats
  58. Long-term treatment with citicoline may IMPROVE poststroke vascular COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  59. COGNITIVE rehabilitation therapies for Alzheimer’s disease: a review of methods to IMPROVE treatment engagement and self-efficacy
  60. A serious game to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions in schizophrenia: a pilot study
  61. Animal source foods IMPROVE dietary quality, micronutrient status, growth and COGNITIVE function in Kenyan school children: background, study design and baseline …
  62. Environmental enrichment as a method to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function. What can we learn from animal models?
  63. COGNITIVE rehabilitation and problem-solving to IMPROVE quality of life of patients with primary brain tumors: a pilot study
  64. A geometric approach to IMPROVE spectrum efficiency for COGNITIVE relay networks
  65. Meditation and music IMPROVE memory and COGNITIVE function in adults with subjective COGNITIVE decline: a pilot randomized controlled trial
  66. Ambient backscatter: A new approach to IMPROVE network performance for RF-powered COGNITIVE radio networks
  67. Does early intervention in infants at high risk for a developmental motor disorder IMPROVE motor and COGNITIVE development?
  68. Does antiretroviral therapy IMPROVE HIV-associated COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ? A quantitative review of the literature
  69. COGNITIVE rehabilitation for adults with traumatic brain injury to IMPROVE occupational outcomes
  70. Strategies to IMPROVE dental health in elderly patients with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a systematic review
  71. Acute COGNITIVE and physical rest may not IMPROVE concussion recovery time
  72. Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : baseline and longitudinal structural MR imaging measures IMPROVE predictive prognosis
  73. Promoting COGNITIVE complexity in graduate written work: Using Bloom’s taxonomy as a pedagogical tool to IMPROVE literature reviews
  74. Motivational interviewing and COGNITIVE -behavioral intervention to IMPROVE HIV medication adherence among hazardous drinkers: a randomized controlled …
  75. Do soy isoflavones IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in postmenopausal women? A meta-analysis
  76. … duloxetine IMPROVE COGNITIVE function independently of its antidepressant effect in patients with major depressive disorder and subjective reports of COGNITIVE
  77. How to IMPROVE collaborative learning with video tools in the classroom? Social vs. COGNITIVE guidance for student teams
  78. Single doses of Panax ginseng (G115) reduce blood glucose levels and IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance during sustained mental activity
  79. Teaching the smartphone generation: How COGNITIVE science can IMPROVE learning in law school
  80. Does auditory rhythmical cueing IMPROVE gait in people with Parkinson’s disease and COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ? A feasibility study
  81. Self‐relaxation training can IMPROVE sleep quality and COGNITIVE functions in the older: A one‐year randomised controlled trial
  82. The use of COGNITIVE task analysis to IMPROVE the learning of percutaneous tracheostomy placement
  83. A meta-analysis of COGNITIVE -based behaviour change techniques as interventions to IMPROVE medication adherence
  84. How does education IMPROVE COGNITIVE skills? Instructional time versus timing of instruction
  85. Pilot randomized controlled trial investigating COGNITIVE strategy use to IMPROVE goal performance after stroke
  86. Can transcranial electrical stimulation IMPROVE learning difficulties in atypical brain development? A future possibility for COGNITIVE training
  87. Do COGNITIVE training strategies IMPROVE motor and positive psychological skills development in soccer players? Insights from a systematic review
  88. COGNITIVE training program to IMPROVE working memory in older adults with MCI
  89. Folic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids IMPROVE COGNITIVE function and prevent depression, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease—but how and why?
  90. Arachnoid cysts cause COGNITIVE deficits that IMPROVE after surgery
  91. Three principles to IMPROVE clinician communication for advance care planning: overcoming emotional, COGNITIVE , and skill barriers
  92. Combined thyroxine/liothyronine treatment does not IMPROVE well-being, quality of life, or COGNITIVE function compared to thyroxine alone: a randomized controlled trial …
  93. Making connections: Linking COGNITIVE psychology and intervention research to IMPROVE comprehension of struggling readers
  94. Selective phosphodiesterase inhibitors IMPROVE performance on the ED/ID COGNITIVE task in rats
  95. Social COGNITIVE factors and perceived social influences that IMPROVE adolescent eHealth literacy
  96. Using a COGNITIVE psychology perspective on errors to IMPROVE requirements quality: An empirical investigation
  97. Does carotid endarterectomy IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning?
  98. Systematic review of occupational therapy interventions to IMPROVE COGNITIVE development in children ages birth–5 years
  99. Does the treatment of COGNITIVE distortions IMPROVE clinical outcomes for problem gambling?
  100. Targeting nonCOGNITIVE skills to IMPROVE COGNITIVE outcomes: Evidence from a remedial education intervention
  101. Distinguishing the affective and COGNITIVE bases of implicit attitudes to IMPROVE prediction of food choices
  102. Should we use individual COGNITIVE stimulation therapy to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in people with dementia?
  103. Omega-3 fatty acids increase the unfolded protein response and IMPROVE amyloid-β phagocytosis by macrophages of patients with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  104. Ginkgo biloba does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in MS: a randomized placebo-controlled trial
  105. RC2S: a COGNITIVE remediation program to IMPROVE social cognition in schizophrenia and related disorders
  106. Does methylphenidate IMPROVE inhibition and other COGNITIVE abilities in adults with childhood-onset ADHD?
  107. Exploring a COGNITIVE -based treatment approach to IMPROVE motor-based skill performance in chronic stroke: Results of three single case experiments
  108. Combined COGNITIVE -strategy and task-specific training IMPROVE transfer to untrained activities in subacute stroke: an exploratory randomized controlled trial
  109. Smart home environment for mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT population: Solutions to IMPROVE care and quality of life
  110. Songwriting oriented activities IMPROVE the COGNITIVE functions of the aged with dementia
  111. Does nicotine IMPROVE COGNITIVE function?
  112. Human adipose tissue‐derived mesenchymal stem cells IMPROVE COGNITIVE function and physical activity in ageing mice
  113. Water literacy in college freshmen: Could a COGNITIVE imagery strategy IMPROVE understanding?
  114. Oral zinc supplementation may IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in schoolchildren
  115. Changing the perspective: using a COGNITIVE model to IMPROVE thinklets for ideation
  116. Added COGNITIVE load through rotary auditory stimulation can IMPROVE the quality of postural control in the elderly
  117. Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil lower anxiety, IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions and reduce spontaneous locomotor activity in a non-human primate
  118. Detecting and managing COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT to IMPROVE engagement in heart failure self-care
  119. Does treadmill exercise IMPROVE performance of COGNITIVE or upper-extremity tasks in people with chronic stroke? A randomized cross-over trial
  120. Human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells IMPROVE neuropathology and COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model through …
  121. A COGNITIVE collaborative model to IMPROVE performance in engineering teams—A study of team outcomes and mental model sharing
  122. Executive function needs to be targeted to IMPROVE social functioning with COGNITIVE Remediation Therapy (CRT) in schizophrenia
  123. Augmenting COGNITIVE processing therapy to IMPROVE sleep IMPAIRMENT in PTSD: A randomized controlled trial.
  124. Reactivating occupational therapy: a method to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance in geriatric patients
  125. Metabolic Agents that Enhance ATP can IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functioning: A Review of the Evidence for Glucose, Oxygen, Pyruvate, Creatine, and l-Carnitine
  126. Dual-task training on a treadmill to IMPROVE gait and COGNITIVE function in elderly idiopathic fallers
  127. COGNITIVE adaptation training: establishing environmental supports to bypass COGNITIVE deficits and IMPROVE functional outcomes
  128. Efficacy of a COGNITIVE -behavioral program to IMPROVE psychological adjustment among soldiers in recruit training
  129. Specialized pro-resolving mediators from omega-3 fatty acids IMPROVE amyloid-β phagocytosis and regulate inflammation in patients with minor COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  130. Effects of a COGNITIVE behavioral therapy intervention trial to IMPROVE disease outcomes in children with inflammatory bowel disease
  131. Medium-chain fatty acids IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in intensively treated type 1 diabetic patients and support in vitro synaptic transmission during acute hypoglycemia
  132. Identifying COGNITIVE abilities to IMPROVE CS1 outcome
  133. … Battery and the Measurement and Treatment Research to IMPROVE Cognition in Schizophrenia (MATRICS) Battery in assessing COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in chronic …
  134. Recombinant human erythropoietin treatment may IMPROVE quality of life and COGNITIVE function in chronic hemodialysis patients
  135. Using the virtual reality-COGNITIVE rehabilitation approach to IMPROVE contextual processing in children with autism
  136. High-and low-intensity exercise do not IMPROVE COGNITIVE function after stroke: A randomized controlled trial.
  137. Can COGNITIVE biases during consumer health information searches be reduced to IMPROVE decision making?
  138. Feasibility of PRIME: a COGNITIVE neuroscience-informed mobile app intervention to enhance motivated behavior and IMPROVE quality of life in recent onset …
  139. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells IMPROVE diabetes-induced COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT by exosome transfer into damaged neurons and astrocytes
  140. IMPROVE COGNITIVE Visualization with a Web Based Interactive Assessment and Training Program
  141. Helping students help themselves: Generative learning strategies IMPROVE middle school students’ self-regulation in a COGNITIVE tutor
  142. Hydroxytyrosol mildly IMPROVE COGNITIVE function independent of APP processing in APP/PS1 mice
  143. Pitch range variations IMPROVE COGNITIVE processing of audio messages
  144. A systematic review of the effects of motor interventions to IMPROVE motor, COGNITIVE , and/or social functioning in people with severe or profound intellectual disabilities
  145. Can we IMPROVE COGNITIVE –behavioral therapy for chronic back pain treatment engagement and adherence? A controlled trial of tailored versus standard therapy.
  146. Selective GABAA α5 positive allosteric modulators IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in aged rats with memory IMPAIRMENT
  147. Bone marrow stromal cells of transgenic mice can IMPROVE the COGNITIVE ability of an Alzheimer’s disease rat model
  148. Does investment skill decline due to COGNITIVE aging or IMPROVE with experience?
  149. Using non-invasive transcranial stimulation to IMPROVE motor and COGNITIVE function in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  150. Using COGNITIVE behavioural psychology with groups of pupils to IMPROVE self-control of behaviour
  151. Strength-balance supplemented with computerized COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE dual task gait and divided attention in older adults: a multicenter randomized …
  152. An educational programme to IMPROVE acute care nurses’ knowledge, attitudes and family caregiver involvement in care of people with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  153. Can COGNITIVE remediation IMPROVE mobility in patients with Parkinson’s disease? Findings from a 12 week pilot study
  154. Matching training methods and factors of COGNITIVE ability: A means to IMPROVE training outcomes
  155. Neural progenitor cells engineered to secrete GDNF show enhanced survival, neuronal differentiation and IMPROVE COGNITIVE function following traumatic brain injury
  156. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: does COGNITIVE behavioral therapy IMPROVE home behavior?
  157. Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome: molecular findings and therapeutic approaches to IMPROVE COGNITIVE dysfunction
  158. Augmenting human senses to IMPROVE the user experience in cars: applying augmented reality and haptics approaches to reduce COGNITIVE distances
  159. COGNITIVE and motor dual task gait training IMPROVE dual task gait performance after stroke-A randomized controlled pilot trial
  160. COGNITIVE -Behavioral–Based Physical Therapy to IMPROVE Surgical Spine Outcomes: A Case Series
  161. Effectiveness of interventions to IMPROVE occupational performance of people with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT s after stroke: an evidence-based review
  162. COGNITIVE behaviour therapy to IMPROVE mood in people with epilepsy: a randomised controlled trial
  163. Can computer-assisted COGNITIVE remediation IMPROVE employment and productivity outcomes of patients with severe mental illness? A meta-analysis of prospective …
  164. Neural stem cell transplants IMPROVE COGNITIVE function without altering amyloid pathology in an APP/PS1 double transgenic model of Alzheimer’s disease
  165. COGNITIVE behavioural group therapy to IMPROVE patients’ strategies for coping with restless legs syndrome: a proof-of-concept trial
  166. Group COGNITIVE behavioral therapy for delusions: helping patients IMPROVE reality testing
  167. Does the combination of the MMSE and clock drawing test (mini-clock) IMPROVE the detection of mild Alzheimer’s disease and mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ?
  168. Integration of motivational interviewing and COGNITIVE behavioral therapy to IMPROVE HIV medication adherence and reduce substance use among HIV-positive men …
  169. Can COGNITIVE training IMPROVE episodic memory?
  170. Group COGNITIVE behavior therapy for bipolar disorder can IMPROVE the quality of life
  171. Can targeted, non-COGNITIVE skills programs IMPROVE achievement? Evidence from EPIS
  172. Sex difference in aerobic exercise efficacy to IMPROVE cognition in older adults with vascular COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
  173. Evaluating COGNITIVE –behavioral group counseling to IMPROVE elementary school students’ self‐esteem, self‐control, and classroom behavior
  174. Music lessons IMPROVE auditory perceptual and COGNITIVE performance in deaf children
  175. Does a multicomponent exercise program IMPROVE dual-task performance in amnestic mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ? A randomized controlled trial
  176. Mindfulness based COGNITIVE therapy may IMPROVE emotional processing in bipolar disorder: pilot ERP and HRV study
  177. A COGNITIVE -behavioral program to IMPROVE compliance with medication in patients with schizophrenia
  178. Hyperbaric oxygen can induce neuroplasticity and IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions of patients suffering from anoxic brain damage
  179. The role of teacher training in COGNITIVE strategy instruction to IMPROVE math problem solving
  180. The norwegian standardization of the MATRICS (measurement and treatment research to IMPROVE cognition in schizophrenia) consensus COGNITIVE battery
  181. Atorvastatin and pitavastatin IMPROVE COGNITIVE function and reduce senile plaque and phosphorylated tau in aged APP mice
  182. Long-term home and community-based exercise programs IMPROVE function in community-dwelling older people with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a systematic …
  183. The effectiveness of a COGNITIVE task analysis informed curriculum to increase self-efficacy and IMPROVE performance for an open cricothyrotomy
  184. COGNITIVE Neuroscience Treatment Research to IMPROVE Cognition in Schizophrenia II: developing imaging biomarkers to enhance treatment development for …
  185. Neurofeedback games to IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities
  186. Eicosapentaenoic acid-enriched phospholipids IMPROVE Aβ1–40-induced COGNITIVE deficiency in a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease
  187. Do COGNITIVE and exposure treatments IMPROVE various PTSD symptoms differently? A randomized controlled trial
  188. Slowing down after a mild traumatic brain injury: a strategy to IMPROVE COGNITIVE task performance?
  189. From trust in automation to decision neuroscience: applying COGNITIVE neuroscience methods to understand and IMPROVE interaction decisions involved in …
  190. Human umbilical cord blood cells do not IMPROVE sensorimotor or COGNITIVE outcome following transient middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats
  191. Does combined physical and COGNITIVE training IMPROVE dual-task balance and gait outcomes in sedentary older adults?
  192. Homecare robots to IMPROVE health and well-being in mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and early stage dementia: results from a scoping study
  193. COGNITIVE remediation to IMPROVE functional outcomes
  194. Transcranial random noise stimulation and COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE learning and cognition of the atypically developing brain: a pilot study
  195. Effectiveness of interventions to address COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT s and IMPROVE occupational performance after traumatic brain injury: A systematic review
  196. Internet COGNITIVE behavioural therapy for panic disorder: Does the inclusion of stress management information IMPROVE end‐state functioning?
  197. A Mediterranean diet to IMPROVE cardiovascular and COGNITIVE health: protocol for a randomised controlled intervention study
  198. Does exposure and response prevention IMPROVE the results of group COGNITIVE ‐behavioural therapy for male slot machine pathological gamblers?
  199. Using COGNITIVE engineering to IMPROVE systems engineering
  200. A COGNITIVE –existential intervention to IMPROVE existential and global quality of life in cancer patients: A pilot study
  201. Adults with idiopathic scoliosis IMPROVE disability after motor and COGNITIVE rehabilitation: results of a randomised controlled trial
  202. Afternoon nap and bright light exposure IMPROVE COGNITIVE flexibility post lunch
  203. Polygonum multiflorum Extracts IMPROVE COGNITIVE Performance in Senescence Accelerated Mice
  204. Memory decline in peri-and post-menopausal women: the potential of mind–body medicine to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance
  205. Leveraging the test effect to IMPROVE maintenance of the gains achieved through COGNITIVE rehabilitation.
  206. REFLEX, a social-COGNITIVE group treatment to IMPROVE insight in schizophrenia: study protocol of a multi-center RCT
  207. … plus triiodothyronine (bioavailable molar ratio 14: 1) is not superior to thyroxine alone to IMPROVE well‐being and COGNITIVE performance in hypothyroidism
  208. How to IMPROVE the convergence on sigmoid fuzzy COGNITIVE maps?
  209. Combined COGNITIVE -behavioural therapy and pharmacotherapy for adolescent depression: does it IMPROVE outcomes compared with monotherapy?
  210. A randomized controlled trial of COGNITIVE behaviour therapy to IMPROVE glycaemic control and psychosocial wellbeing in adolescents with type 1 diabetes
  211. Tai chi qigong as a means to IMPROVE night-time sleep quality among older adults with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a pilot randomized controlled trial
  212. The efficacy of InSight COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE useful field of view performance: A brief report
  213. Using COGNITIVE ‐behavioural techniques to IMPROVE exclusive breastfeeding in a low‐literacy disadvantaged population
  214. Reducing dysfunctional beliefs about sleep does not significantly IMPROVE insomnia in COGNITIVE behavioral therapy
  215. COGNITIVE strategy interventions IMPROVE word problem solving and working memory in children with math disabilities
  216. A rapid review of key strategies to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE and social development of children in Scotland
  217. COGNITIVE schemas: how can we use them to IMPROVE children’s acceptance of diverse and unfamiliar foods?
  218. Does training IMPROVE understanding of core concepts in COGNITIVE behaviour therapy by people with intellectual disabilities? A randomized experiment
  219. Does pre-school IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities among children with early-life stunting? A longitudinal study for Peru
  220. Use of auditory and visual stimulation to IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities in learning-disabled children
  221. Does ketogenic diet IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in patients with GLUT1-DS? A 6-to 17-month follow-up study
  222. Brilliant COGNITIVE Behavioural Therapy: How to use CBT to IMPROVE your mind and your life
  223. Need of COGNITIVE -behavior counseling model based on local wisdom to IMPROVE meaning of life of Madurese culture junior high school students
  224. Environmental enrichment and social interaction IMPROVE COGNITIVE function and decrease reactive oxidative species in normal adult mice
  225. A novel phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitor: Yonkenafil modulates neurogenesis, gliosis to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function and ameliorates amyloid burden in an APP/PS1 …
  226. Does adding COGNITIVE -behavioural physiotherapy to exercise IMPROVE outcome in patients with chronic neck pain? A randomised controlled trial
  227. Does personalized feedback IMPROVE the outcome of COGNITIVE ‐behavioural guided self‐care in bulimia nervosa? A preliminary randomized controlled trial
  228. HealtheBrain: an innovative smartphone application to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in older adults
  229. Low dose EGCG treatment beginning in adolescence does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in a Down syndrome mouse model
  230. A study of COGNITIVE mapping as a means to IMPROVE summarization and comprehension of expository text
  231. Methylphenidate does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in healthy sleep-deprived young adults
  232. COGNITIVE deficits in patients with trigeminal neuralgia: opportunities to IMPROVE care and quality of life
  233. Does the addition of COGNITIVE behavioral therapy IMPROVE panic disorder treatment outcome relative to medication alone in the primary-care setting?
  234. “It Will Not Always Be This Way” COGNITIVE Alternatives IMPROVE Self-Esteem in Contexts of Segregation
  235. Does ecological momentary assessment IMPROVE COGNITIVE behavioural therapy for binge eating disorder? A pilot study
  236. Does enhanced COGNITIVE behaviour therapy for eating disorders IMPROVE quality of life?
  237. Enhancing COGNITIVE understanding to IMPROVE fundamental movement skills
  238. COGNITIVE science research can IMPROVE undergraduate stem instruction: What are the barriers?
  239. COGNITIVE training as an intervention to IMPROVE driving ability in the older adult
  240. COGNITIVE training with video games to IMPROVE driving skills and driving safety among older adults
  241. Bone marrow mononuclear cells reduce seizure frequency and IMPROVE COGNITIVE outcome in chronic epileptic rats
  242. Targeting treatments to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in mood disorder: suggestions from trials using erythropoietin
  243. Evaluation of a COGNITIVE –behavioral therapy intervention to IMPROVE body image and decrease dieting in college women
  244. COGNITIVE control and language across the life span: Does labeling IMPROVE reactive control?
  245. Can reading rate acceleration IMPROVE error monitoring and COGNITIVE abilities underlying reading in adolescents with reading difficulties and in typical readers?
  246. Combining EEG with pupillometry to IMPROVE COGNITIVE workload detection
  247. Optimising COGNITIVE load and usability to IMPROVE the impact of e-learning in medical education
  248. RETRACTED: Group-based multimodal exercises integrated with COGNITIVE -behavioural therapy IMPROVE disability, pain and quality of life of subjects with chronic neck …
  249. Adipose-derived human mesenchymal stem cells induce long-term neurogenic and anti-inflammatory effects and IMPROVE COGNITIVE but not motor performance in a rat …
  250. COGNITIVE rehabilitation in schizophrenia: Strategies to IMPROVE cognition
  251. … in online virtual environments (IMPROVE -2): study protocol for a phase III trial of the MOST randomized component selection method for internet COGNITIVE
  252. Dietary and plant polyphenols exert neuroprotective effects and IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in cerebral ischemia
  253. Gypenosides IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT induced by chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in rats by suppressing oxidative stress and astrocytic activation
  254. … technology IMPROVE access to assessments? A pilot study on the feasibility of screening cognition in people with Parkinson’s disease using the Montreal COGNITIVE
  255. Repetition-lag training to IMPROVE recollection memory in older people with amnestic mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT . A randomized controlled trial
  256. Online parent-targeted COGNITIVE -behavioural therapy intervention to IMPROVE quality of life in families of young cancer survivors: study protocol for a …
  257. Depressive mood states and their COGNITIVE and personality correlates in college students: They IMPROVE over time
  258. A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a COGNITIVE behavioural group approach to IMPROVE patient adherence to peritoneal dialysis fluid …
  259. Initiatives to promote the discovery of drugs to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in severe mental illness
  260. A diet high in omega-3 fatty acids does not IMPROVE or protect COGNITIVE performance in Alzheimer’s transgenic mice
  261. The feasibility of using metaCOGNITIVE strategy training to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance and neural connectivity in women with chemotherapy-induced COGNITIVE
  262. Choline and working memory training IMPROVE COGNITIVE deficits caused by prenatal exposure to ethanol
  263. Cultural adaptation of a COGNITIVE -behavioural intervention to IMPROVE adherence to antiretroviral therapy among people living with HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe: Nzira Itsva
  264. Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids IMPROVE COGNITIVE development.
  265. Towards an integrative COGNITIVE -socio-technical approach in health informatics: analyzing technology-induced error involving health information systems to IMPROVE
  266. Does locomotion IMPROVE the COGNITIVE profile of children with meningomyelocele?
  267. Combined dual-task gait training and aerobic exercise to IMPROVE cognition, mobility, and vascular health in community-dwelling older adults at risk for future COGNITIVE
  268. Traditional Chinese Nootropic Medicine Radix Polygalae and Its Active Constituent Onjisaponin B Reduce β-Amyloid Production and IMPROVE COGNITIVE
  269. Lychee seed saponins IMPROVE COGNITIVE function and prevent neuronal injury via inhibiting neuronal apoptosis in a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease
  270. Brief bursts of infrasound may IMPROVE COGNITIVE function–An fMRI study
  271. Exercise therapy and COGNITIVE behavioural therapy to IMPROVE fatigue, daily activity performance and quality of life in postpoliomyelitis syndrome: the protocol …
  272. Characterizing “information transfer” by using a Joint COGNITIVE Systems model to IMPROVE continuity of care in the aged
  273. Pupillometer-based neurofeedback COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE processing speed and social functioning in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis.
  274. Using tutors to IMPROVE educational games: A COGNITIVE game for policy argument
  275. Human umbilical cord blood-derived monocytes IMPROVE COGNITIVE deficits and reduce amyloid-β pathology in PSAPP mice
  276. Using COGNITIVE conflict and visualisation to IMPROVE mental models held by novice programmers
  277. The Alzheimer’s disease assessment scale-COGNITIVE -plus (ADAS-Cog-Plus): an expansion of the ADAS-Cog to IMPROVE responsiveness in MCI
  278. A COGNITIVE -behavioral program to IMPROVE geriatric rehabilitation outcome
  279. COGNITIVE problem-solving training to IMPROVE the child-care judgment of child neglectful parents
  280. Teaching old dogs new tricks: using COGNITIVE feedback to IMPROVE physicians’ diagnostic judgments on simulated cases.
  281. Short-term vitamin E intake fails to IMPROVE COGNITIVE or psychomotor performance of aged mice
  282. A pilot study of COGNITIVE training with and without transcranial direct current stimulation to IMPROVE cognition in older persons with HIV-related COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  283. Does the angiotensin II receptor antagonist losartan IMPROVE COGNITIVE function?
  284. How does education IMPROVE COGNITIVE skills
  285. Computerized auditory COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE cognition and functional outcomes in patients with heart failure: results of a pilot study
  286. Carotid endarterectomy: does it IMPROVE COGNITIVE or motor functioning?
  287. Perfluorocarbon emulsions IMPROVE COGNITIVE recovery after lateral fluid percussion brain injury in rats
  288. Fermenting soybeans with Bacillus licheniformis potentiates their capacity to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function and glucose homeostaisis in diabetic rats with experimental …
  289. Temporal traffic dynamics IMPROVE the connectivity of ad hoc COGNITIVE radio networks
  290. Multicomponent COGNITIVE -behavioural intervention to IMPROVE sleep in adolescents: a multiple baseline design
  291. Docosahexaenoic acid and phosphatidylserine supplementations IMPROVE antioxidant activities and COGNITIVE functions of the developing brain on pentylenetetrazol …
  292. A COGNITIVE -based approach to IMPROVE distributed requirements elicitation processes
  293. Balance and mobility training with or without concurrent COGNITIVE training does not IMPROVE posture, but IMPROVE s reaction time in healthy older adults
  294. Testing a novel pictorial medication sheet to IMPROVE adherence in veterans with heart failure and COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  295. Quercetin and quercetin-3-β-d-glucoside IMPROVE COGNITIVE and memory function in Alzheimer’s disease mouse
  296. Multiple low-dose infusions of human umbilical cord blood cells IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT s and reduce amyloid-β-associated neuropathology in Alzheimer mice
  297. Systemic administration of Congo red does not IMPROVE motor or COGNITIVE function in R6/2 mice
  298. … modified NT2N human neuronal cells mediate long-term gene expression as CNS grafts in vivo and IMPROVE functional COGNITIVE outcome following experimental …
  299. A systematic review of technologies designed to IMPROVE and assist COGNITIVE decline for both the current and future aging populations
  300. Individual theta/beta based algorithm for neurofeedback games to IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities
  301. Using COGNITIVE architectures to IMPROVE robot control: Integrating production systems, semantic networks, and sub-symbolic processing
  302. Using reality monitoring to IMPROVE deception detection in the context of the COGNITIVE interview for suspects.
  303. COGNITIVE interventions to IMPROVE face-name recall: The role of personality trait differences.
  304. Does one year of schooling IMPROVE children’s COGNITIVE control and alter associated brain activation?
  305. … targeting amyloid beta 1–42 oligomers I: Abeta 42 oligomer binding to specific neuronal receptors is displaced by drug candidates that IMPROVE COGNITIVE
  306. Short-term COGNITIVE behavioral treatment does not IMPROVE outcome of a comprehensive very-low-calorie diet program in obese women with binge eating disorder
  307. The acceptability and potential utility of COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE working memory in persons living with HIV: A preliminary randomized trial
  308. A new mother-child play activity program to decrease parenting stress and IMPROVE child COGNITIVE abilities: A cluster randomized controlled trial
  309. Think twice: a COGNITIVE perspective of an antibiotic timeout intervention to IMPROVE antibiotic use
  310. Using the COGNITIVE apprenticeship web-based argumentation system to IMPROVE argumentation instruction
  311. A CMOS-compatible spectrum analyzer for COGNITIVE radio exploiting crosscorrelation to IMPROVE linearity and noise performance
  312. Chemical and pharmacological study of herbal preparations that IMPROVE COGNITIVE -mnestic functions
  313. A double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of galantamine to IMPROVE COGNITIVE dysfunction in minimally symptomatic bipolar disorder
  314. What is ‘sex’exactly? Using COGNITIVE interviewing to IMPROVE the validity of sexual behaviour reporting among young people in rural Zimbabwe
  315. Modelling COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT to IMPROVE universal access
  316. NOVIFIT®(NoviSAMe®) Tablets IMPROVE Executive Function in Aged Dogs and Cats: Implications for Treatment of COGNITIVE Dysfunction Syndrome.
  317. Neurochemical arguments for the use of dopamine D4 receptor stimulation to IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT associated with schizophrenia
  318. COGNITIVE trainings can IMPROVE intercommunication with e-Learning system
  319. Prior experience, antioxidants, and mitochondrial cofactors IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in aged beagles.
  320. Correcting the 3MS for bias does not IMPROVE accuracy when screening for COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT or dementia
  321. Does exercise IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance? A conservative message from Lord’s paradox
  322. Questioning the acceptability of the COGNITIVE interview to IMPROVE its use
  323. Does the addition of integrated COGNITIVE behaviour therapy and motivational interviewing IMPROVE the outcomes of standard care for young people with comorbid …
  324. … New Skills Early): a community COGNITIVE -behavioural therapy and mindfulness-based sleep intervention to prevent depression and IMPROVE cardiac health in …
  325. Memory specificity training can IMPROVE working and prospective memory in amnestic mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  326. Using Weight Constraints and Masking to IMPROVE Fuzzy COGNITIVE Map Models
  327. Intravenous antiarrhythmic doses of lidocaine increase the survival rate of CA1 neurons and IMPROVE COGNITIVE outcome after transient global cerebral ischemia in rats
  328. COGNITIVE counseling to IMPROVE students’ metacognition and COGNITIVE skills
  329. Utilizing COGNITIVE reading strategies to IMPROVE English reading comprehension of Spanish-speaking bilingual students
  330. The multidimensional learning model: A novel COGNITIVE psychology-based model for computer assisted instruction in order to IMPROVE learning in medical students
  331. Using the COGNITIVE walkthrough to IMPROVE the design of a visual programming experiment
  332. Deliberation’s blindsight: How COGNITIVE load can IMPROVE judgments
  333. Application of COGNITIVE interviewing to IMPROVE self-administered questionnaires used in small scale social pharmacy research
  334. The effects of using COGNITIVE behavioural therapy to IMPROVE sleep for patients with delusions and hallucinations (the BEST study): study protocol for a …
  335. Induced mild systemic inflammation is associated with impaired ability to IMPROVE COGNITIVE task performance by practice
  336. Distributed resource allocation in COGNITIVE radio networks with a game learning approach to IMPROVE aggregate system capacity
  337. Use of the Xbox Kinect virtual gaming system to IMPROVE gait, postural control and COGNITIVE awareness in an individual with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
  338. Local food supplementation and psychosocial stimulation IMPROVE linear growth and COGNITIVE development among Indonesian infants aged 6 to 9 months
  339. The role of hippocampal structural synaptic plasticity in repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in male SAMP8 mice
  340. HMM-based adaptive frequency-hopping COGNITIVE radio system to reduce interference time and to IMPROVE throughput
  341. Using COGNITIVE interviewing to IMPROVE the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index survey instruments: Evidence from Bangladesh and Uganda
  342. Using simulation to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE and psychomotor skills of novice students in advanced laparoscopic surgery: a meta-analysis
  343. Changing core beliefs with trial-based COGNITIVE therapy may IMPROVE quality of life in social phobia: a randomized study
  344. Does schooling IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning at older ages?
  345. Application of learning cycle 5e model aided Cmaptools-based media prototype to IMPROVE student COGNITIVE learning outcomes
  346. Short-term β-amyloid vaccinations do not IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance in COGNITIVE ly impaired APP+ PS1 mice.
  347. Multiple clinically relevant hormone therapy regimens fail to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in aged ovariectomized rhesus monkeys
  348. Interventions to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning after TBI
  349. COGNITIVE ‐behavioural stress management does not IMPROVE biological cardiovascular risk indicators in women with ischaemic heart disease: a randomized …
  350. Failure to IMPROVE cigarette smoking abstinence with transdermal selegiline+ COGNITIVE behavior therapy
  351. Applying the COGNITIVE dimensions of API usability to IMPROVE API documentation planning
  352. Does therapist guidance IMPROVE uptake, adherence and outcome from a CD-ROM based COGNITIVE -behavioral intervention for the treatment of bulimia nervosa?
  353. Can cardiac resynchronization therapy IMPROVE COGNITIVE function? A systematic review
  354. Captopril and valsartan may IMPROVE COGNITIVE function through potentiation of the brain antioxidant defense system and attenuation of oxidative/nitrosative …
  355. Young human cholinergic neurons respond to physiological regulators and IMPROVE COGNITIVE symptoms in an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease
  356. Helping students with COGNITIVE disabilities IMPROVE social writing skills through email modeling and scaffolding
  357. Does sharing the same class in school IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities of twins?
  358. Confusion: delirium and dementia-a smartphone app to IMPROVE COGNITIVE assessment
  359. A modified COGNITIVE behavioural model as a method to IMPROVE adherence to oral hygiene instructions–a pilot study
  360. Can emphasising COGNITIVE development IMPROVE academic achievement?
  361. Assessing COGNITIVE load theory to IMPROVE student learning for mechanical engineers
  362. Human umbilical cord stem cell xenografts IMPROVE COGNITIVE decline and reduce the amyloid burden in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
  363. Adaptive instructional simulations to IMPROVE learning of COGNITIVE strategies
  364. Lactulose enhances neuroplasticity to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in early hepatic encephalopathy
  365. COGNITIVE Aids for Role Definition (CARD) to IMPROVE interprofessional team crisis resource management: an exploratory study
  366. Ulinastatin alleviates neuroinflammation but fails to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in aged rats following partial hepatectomy
  367. Acute oxygen therapy does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE and driving performance in hypoxaemic COPD
  368. Combining the Rowland universal dementia assessment scale and the informant questionnaire on COGNITIVE decline in the elderly to IMPROVE detection of dementia in …
  369. Self-assembling nanofibers IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in a transgenic mice model of Alzheimer’s disease
  370. Oxiracetam can IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT after chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in rats
  371. Can transcranial direct current stimulation IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning in adults with schizophrenia?
  372. Why do frequency formats IMPROVE Bayesian reasoning? COGNITIVE algorithms work on information, which needs representation
  373. Does motivational interviewing IMPROVE retention or outcome in COGNITIVE behaviour therapy for overweight and obese adolescents?
  374. Subtype-selective nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists can IMPROVE COGNITIVE flexibility in an attentional set shifting task
  375. Using an analogical thinking model as an instructional tool to IMPROVE student COGNITIVE ability in architecture design learning process
  376. Testing a brief COGNITIVE -behavioural intervention to IMPROVE extreme shape concern: A case series
  377. Interventions to IMPROVE the oral health of people with dementia or COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a review of the literature
  378. COGNITIVE therapy: using a specific technique to IMPROVE quality of life and health
  379. Fractal dimension based neurofeedback training to IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities
  380. The efficacy of a brief psycho-educational intervention to IMPROVE awareness of COGNITIVE dysfunction in schizophrenia
  381. COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE memory in individuals undergoing electroconvulsive therapy: negative findings
  382. TrainAb: a solution based on tangible and distributed user interfaces to IMPROVE COGNITIVE disabilities
  383. Utilizing computerized COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE working memory and encoding: Piloting a school-based intervention
  384. Dl-3-n-butylphthalide can IMPROVE the COGNITIVE function of patients with acute ischemic stroke: a prospective intervention study
  385. Can integrating the Memory Support Intervention into COGNITIVE therapy IMPROVE depression outcome? Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
  386. MemAerobics: A COGNITIVE intervention to IMPROVE memory ability and reduce depression in older adults
  387. IMPROVE driver performance by experience of driver COGNITIVE behavior model’s practice
  388. Concurrent COGNITIVE task may IMPROVE motor work performance and reduce muscle fatigue
  389. Acetic acid bacterial lipids IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in dementia model rats
  390. Diagramming: Connecting COGNITIVE systems to IMPROVE reasoning
  391. Does a COGNITIVE -training programme IMPROVE the performance of middle-aged employees undergoing in-patient psychosomatic treatment?
  392. Randomised control trial of a low‐intensity COGNITIVE ‐behaviour therapy intervention to IMPROVE mental health in university students
  393. Subject-performed tasks IMPROVE associative learning in amnestic mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  394. Group COGNITIVE behavioral therapy to IMPROVE the quality of care to opioid‐treated patients with chronic noncancer pain: a practice IMPROVE ment project
  395. COGNITIVE behavioral treatment to IMPROVE adherence to hemodialysis fluid restrictions: a case report
  396. NGF and TERT co-transfected BMSCs IMPROVE the restoration of COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in vascular dementia rats
  397. Oral administration of chronic physostigmine does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE or mnesic performances in Alzheimer’s presenile dementia
  398. Using multidisciplinary expert evaluations to test and IMPROVE COGNITIVE model interfaces
  399. Modeling COGNITIVE processes in social tagging to IMPROVE tag recommendations
  400. Applying COGNITIVE science principles to IMPROVE retention of science vocabulary
  401. Protocol for a randomised controlled trial to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning in older adults: the Iowa Healthy and Active Minds Study
  402. Nitric oxide synthase mediates the ability of darbepoetin alfa to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE performance of STOP null mice
  403. Computerized COGNITIVE training interventions to IMPROVE neuropsychological outcomes: evidence and future directions
  404. MetaCOGNITIVE strategy training through the COGNITIVE academic language learning approach (CALLA) as a way to IMPROVE reading comprehension performance …
  405. Including human variability in a COGNITIVE architecture to IMPROVE team simulation
  406. Online COGNITIVE behavioral counseling model to IMPROVE junior high school students’ self-regulated learning
  407. Psychological interventions to IMPROVE psychological well-being in people with dementia or mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : systematic review and meta-analysis protocol
  408. Evaluation of a meta‐COGNITIVE strategy to IMPROVE the information gained from a stroke information pack
  409. COGNITIVE interviewing of bereaved relatives to IMPROVE the measurement of health outcomes and care utilisation at the end of life in a mortality followback survey
  410. Reconstituted mother tinctures of Gelsemium sempervirens L. IMPROVE memory and COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in mice scopolamine-induced dementia model
  411. Using psychoeducation and role induction to IMPROVE completion rates in COGNITIVE behavioural therapy
  412. Does metaCOGNITIVE strategy instruction IMPROVE impaired receptive COGNITIVE -communication skills following acquired brain injury?
  413. Understanding How COGNITIVE Psychology Can Inform and IMPROVE Spanish Vocabulary Acquisition in High School Classrooms.
  414. Bridging the gap: COGNITIVE scaffolding to IMPROVE computer programming for middle school teachers
  415. Does the presence of social agents IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance on a vigilance task?
  416. Do extra classes IMPROVE COGNITIVE test scores? Evidence from Vietnam
  417. Can information on functional and COGNITIVE status IMPROVE short-term mortality risk prediction among community-dwelling older people? A cohort study using a UK …
  418. High COGNITIVE load during cross-examination: does it IMPROVE detection of children’s truths and lies?
  419. Fuzzy COGNITIVE maps: a tool to IMPROVE diagnostic decisions
  420. Does playing experience IMPROVE coaching? An exploratory study of perceptual-COGNITIVE skill in soccer coaches
  421. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in partial responders depressed patients …
  422. Exercise training and antioxidant supplementation independently IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in adult male and female GFAP-APOE mice
  423. Estrogen and the brain: does estrogen treatment IMPROVE COGNITIVE function?
  424. Using secondary notation to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE effectiveness of BPMN-Models
  425. Using the COGNITIVE approach to IMPROVE problem‐solving training
  426. Adapting to COGNITIVE styles to IMPROVE the usability of travel recommendation systems.
  427. COGNITIVE behavioral therapy as an effort to IMPROVE self acceptance of adolescents in orphanage
  428. Low-dose add-on memantine treatment may IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance and self-reported health conditions in opioid-dependent patients undergoing …
  429. Can physical therapy centred on COGNITIVE and behavioural principles IMPROVE pain self-efficacy in symptomatic lumbar isthmic spondylolisthesis? A case series
  430. Using precision teaching method to IMPROVE foreign language and COGNITIVE skills in university students
  431. Recommendations for health care professionals to IMPROVE compliance and treatment outcome among patients with COGNITIVE deficits
  432. Barriers to the appropriate clinical use of medications that IMPROVE the COGNITIVE deficits of schizophrenia
  433. Using COGNITIVE load theory to IMPROVE the efficiency of learning to program
  434. 8-[2-(2-Pentyl-cyclopropylmethyl)-cyclopropyl]-octanoic acid and its diastereomers IMPROVE age-related COGNITIVE deterioration
  435. Rehabilitation intervention in animal model can IMPROVE neuromotor and COGNITIVE functions after traumatic brain injury: pilot study
  436. A novel channel handover strategy to IMPROVE the throughput in COGNITIVE radio networks
  437. Daytime sleepiness and COGNITIVE performance IMPROVE in seasonal allergic rhinitis treated with intranasal fluticasone propionate.
  438. Applying COGNITIVE dimensions to evaluate and IMPROVE the usability of Z formalism
  439. Pre-and post-natal melatonin administration partially regulates brain oxidative stress but does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE or histological alterations in the Ts65Dn mouse …
  440. Do nutritional supplements IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in the elderly?
  441. The effectiveness of COGNITIVE -behavioral group therapy in IMPROVE -ment of relapse prevention skills and mental health in the addicts
  442. Using an internet-based breast cancer risk assessment tool to IMPROVE social-COGNITIVE precursors of physical activity
  443. Six months of exercise programe twice a week seems to be not enought to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in older people
  444. An investigation of a COGNITIVE refocusing technique to IMPROVE sleep.
  445. … ‘ non-standard work schedules make adequate childrearing difficult: Reforming labor market practices can IMPROVE children’s COGNITIVE and behavioral outcomes
  446. Does supplementation with carnosine IMPROVE cardiometabolic health and COGNITIVE function in patients with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes? study protocol …
  447. Virtual reality assessment of COGNITIVE functions: A promising tool to IMPROVE ecological validity
  448. Motor and COGNITIVE deficits due to permanent cerebral hypoperfusion/ischemia IMPROVE by pomegranate seed extract in rats.
  449. How to IMPROVE schooling outcomes in low-income countries? The challenges and hopes of COGNITIVE neuroscience
  450. Choline pivaloyl esters IMPROVE in rats COGNITIVE and memory performances impaired by scopolamine treatment or lesions of the nucleus basalis of Meynert
  451. COGNITIVE and performance enhancing medication use to IMPROVE performance in poker
  452. COGNITIVE training may IMPROVE targeted COGNITIVE functions in older adults
  453. Development of Ethnoscience Approach in The Module Theme Substance Additives to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE Learning Outcome and Student’s …
  454. COGNITIVE dissonance paradigm: A technique to IMPROVE the effectiveness of the team approach
  455. Second trimester levothyroxine treatment for subclinical hypothyroidism or hypothyroxinaemia of pregnancy does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE outcomes of children
  456. Using CBL to IMPROVE COGNITIVE load and reduce feedback redundancy in accounting distance learning
  457. Using Domain-Specific Languages to IMPROVE the Scale and Integration of COGNITIVE Models
  458. (How) do non-COGNITIVE skills programs IMPROVE adolescent school achievement? Experimental evidence
  459. An application of fuzzy COGNITIVE maps to IMPROVE well‐being, sustainability and the globalization process
  460. Efficacy of lisdexamphetamine to IMPROVE the behavioural and COGNITIVE symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: treatment monitored by means of the …
  461. … outreach with weekly delivery of anti-retroviral drugs compared to COGNITIVE -behavioural health care team-based approach to IMPROVE adherence among indigent …
  462. Evaluation of a computer-based prompting intervention to IMPROVE essay writing in undergraduates with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT after acquired brain injury
  463. Ringing the Bell on Concussions: The Rise of Head Injuries and COGNITIVE Decline in Football Players, and the NFL’s Obligation to IMPROVE Safety Measures
  464. Exploiting primary retransmission to IMPROVE secondary throughput by COGNITIVE relaying with best-relay selection
  465. Situated learning and motivation strategies to IMPROVE COGNITIVE learning in CE
  466. Using COGNITIVE research methods to IMPROVE the design of the decennial census form
  467. Personalized long-term prediction of COGNITIVE function: Using sequential assessments to IMPROVE model performance
  468. Muscarinic M1 receptor agonists: can they IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance?
  469. The 5 T’s: applying COGNITIVE science to IMPROVE prehospital medical education
  470. Reflexive learning, socio-COGNITIVE conflict and peer-assessment to IMPROVE the quality of feedbacks in online tests
  471. Family-based training to IMPROVE COGNITIVE outcomes for children from lower socioeconomic status backgrounds: emerging themes and challenges
  472. A COGNITIVE radio spectrum sensing algorithm to IMPROVE energy detection at low SNR
  473. Tesamorelin can IMPROVE COGNITIVE function
  474. Tutor project: An intelligent tutoring system to IMPROVE COGNITIVE disabled people integration
  475. Bargaining to IMPROVE channel sharing between selfish COGNITIVE radios
  476. Looking after me looking after you: Using positive COGNITIVE behavioural techniques to IMPROVE emotional well-being
  477. Multiple-modality exercise and mind-motor training to IMPROVE cardiovascular health and fitness in older adults at risk for COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : A randomized …
  478. Can iron supplementation IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning?
  479. Does residency training IMPROVE COGNITIVE competence in obstetric and gynaecologic surgery?
  480. Neurofeedback training for rifle shooters to IMPROVE COGNITIVE ability
  481. A COGNITIVE approach to IMPROVE software engineering processes
  482. Can COGNITIVE science IMPROVE the training of industrial process operators?
  483. RAndomised controlled trial to IMPROVE depressIon and the quality of life of people with Dementia using COGNITIVE bias modification: RAPID study protocol
  484. COGNITIVE map plasticity and imitation strategies to IMPROVE individual and social behaviors of autonomous agents
  485. Program to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning in patients with schizophrenia: reflections
  486. Separation of COGNITIVE domains to IMPROVE prediction of progression from mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT to Alzheimer’s disease
  487. Does participation in uniformed group activities in school IMPROVE young people’s non-COGNITIVE outcomes?
  488. A PBL Teaching Model Based on Mobile Devices to IMPROVE Primary School Students’ Meta-COGNITIVE Awareness and Learning Achievement
  489. COGNITIVE support for a better handoff: does it IMPROVE the quality of medical communication at shift change in an emergency department?
  490. Utilizing Stoic philosophy to IMPROVE COGNITIVE behavioral therapy
  491. … on “Can transcranial electrical stimulation IMPROVE learning difficulties in atypical brain development? A future possibility for COGNITIVE training” by Krause and …
  492. A controls approach to IMPROVE classroom learning using COGNITIVE learning theory and course analytics
  493. The Bubble Painting Activity as a Science Teaching Media to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Skill in 4-5 Years Old Children
  494. IMPROVE secure communications in COGNITIVE two-way relay networks using sequential second price auction
  495. Recent efficient iterative algorithms on COGNITIVE radio cooperative spectrum sensing to IMPROVE reliability and performance
  496. Introducing synaptic delays in the NEAT algorithm to IMPROVE modelling in COGNITIVE robotics
  497. COGNITIVE function did not IMPROVE after initiation of natalizumab treatment in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. A prospective one-year dual control group study
  498. Serum ethanolamine plasmalogens IMPROVE detection of COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT among elderly with high excretion levels of urinary myo-inositol: a cross-sectional study
  499. Can COGNITIVE modeling IMPROVE rapid prototyping
  500. Possible applications of conceptual metaphors (COGNITIVE approach) to IMPROVE orthography teaching
  501. Modulation of GABAA receptors by neurosteroids. A new concept to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and motor alterations in hepatic encephalopathy
  502. The feasibility of the family COGNITIVE educational intervention to IMPROVE depressive symptoms and quality of life in patients with heart failure and their family …
  503. Using COGNITIVE enhancers to IMPROVE the treatment of anxiety disorders in young people: Examining the potential for D‐cycloserine to augment exposure for child …
  504. Could atomoxetine IMPROVE sluggish COGNITIVE tempo symptoms?
  505. Effectiveness of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) to IMPROVE Students Achievement and Students’ Self-Efficacy in COGNITIVE Psychology Course
  506. iron treatment does not IMPROVE psychomotor development and COGNITIVE function at 30 days in children with iron deficiency anaemia
  507. Self-explanation capability for COGNITIVE agents on-board of UCAVs to IMPROVE cooperation in a manned-unmanned fighter team
  508. A rubric-based technology-enhanced assessment approach to IMPROVE students’ meta-COGNITIVE awareness and learning achievement
  509. Does treatment with donepezil IMPROVE memory for patients with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ?
  510. Design considerations to IMPROVE COGNITIVE ergonomic issues of unmanned vehicle interfaces utilizing video game controllers
  511. Construction of a speed feedback therapy system to IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in elderly people with dementia: a preliminary report
  512. Aerobic exercises IMPROVE blood flow and COGNITIVE functions in anterior circulation ischemic strokes
  513. A combination intervention (COGNITIVE training and physical exercise) could IMPROVE or maintain COGNITIVE functioning in MCI subjects
  514. The effect of using a tablet and a meta-COGNITIVE strategy to IMPROVE reading comprehension skills for students with SLD
  515. Does the addition of lamotrigine to risperidone IMPROVE psychotic symptoms and COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT s in chronic schizophrenia?
  516. Does modafinil IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning in healthy individuals?
  517. Role of explicit teaching of COGNITIVE /metaCOGNITIVE reading strategies to IMPROVE reading comprehension at the elementary level
  518. Can motivational enhancement therapy IMPROVE a COGNITIVE behaviourally based inpatient program for eating disorders
  519. High dose infusion of activated protein C (rhAPC) fails to IMPROVE neuronal damage and COGNITIVE deficit after global cerebral ischemia in rats
  520. Can the COGNITIVE engineering approach prevent «normal accidents»? How design might IMPROVE societal resiliency to critical incidents
  521. Resistance exercise to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function
  522. Human adult mesenchymal stem cells IMPROVE rat spatial COGNITIVE function after systemic hemorrhagic shock
  523. The aging memory: Modulating epigenetic modifications to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function
  524. Targeting social and non-social cognition to IMPROVE COGNITIVE remediation outcomes in schizophrenia
  525. Paternal spatial training enhances offspring’s COGNITIVE performance and synaptic plasticity in wild-type but not IMPROVE memory deficit in Alzheimer’s mice
  526. Using COGNITIVE theory to IMPROVE nurse practitioners’ anticipatory guidance with contraceptive pill users
  527. COGNITIVE behavioral intervention to IMPROVE sleep quality in older adults
  528. COGNITIVE rehabilitation aims to IMPROVE or replace memory functions in survivors of head injury
  529. The effect of telecommunication (with Skype) to IMPROVE a COGNITIVE function for elderly patients with dementia and to reduce a care burden for their care givers
  530. Interventions to IMPROVE COGNITIVE , emotional, and social competence in late maturity
  531. Analysing COGNITIVE interview data to IMPROVE cross-national survey questions
  532. COGNITIVE behavioral strategies to IMPROVE the graduate school experience: Applying what we have learned.
  533. The job interview and COGNITIVE performance: Does structure reduce performance on selection batteries, and can explanation of purpose IMPROVE it?
  534. Repeated doses of porcine secretin did not IMPROVE symptoms, language, or COGNITIVE functioning in children with autism or autism spectrum disorder
  535. A randomized controlled trial of a phone-based COGNITIVE -behavioral intervention to IMPROVE PTSD treatment utilization among returning service members
  536. The Effect of Learning Model Quantum Learning to IMPROVE the Learning Outcomes of COGNITIVE and MetaCOGNITIVE Ability of Virus Concepts in the Students of …
  537. Does bilingualism IMPROVE COGNITIVE aging? Commentary on Virginia Valian’s target article: Bilingualism and cognition
  538. COGNITIVE behaviour therapy for psychosis: enhancing the therapeutic relationship to IMPROVE the quality of life
  539. The use of games and simulations in higher education can IMPROVE students’ COGNITIVE and behavioural skills
  540. Levothyroxine therapy of subclinical hypothyroidism or hypothyroxinemia in pregnancy does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in the offspring
  541. Building connections between sociomathematical norms and COGNITIVE demand to IMPROVE the quality of whole class mathematics conversations
  542. The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning Module to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE Learning Outcomes
  543. A new approach to IMPROVE the spectrum sensing in COGNITIVE radio in low SNR environment
  544. Can the MM Learning Model IMPROVE Results of Students’ Mathematical COGNITIVE Learning?
  545. A comparison of text and technology based training tools to IMPROVE COGNITIVE skills in older adults
  546. COGNITIVE user-centred design approach to IMPROVE accessibility for blind people during online interaction
  547. Delirium and COGNITIVE decline after surgery: A randomised controlled trial of anaesthetic management to IMPROVE postoperative mental health outcome
  548. Can hyperbaric oxygenation IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning in the organically impaired elderly? A critical review.
  549. Using COGNITIVE theory and technology to IMPROVE reading assessment
  550. FleXml: an integrated distance learning tool to IMPROVE COGNITIVE flexibility
  551. Transplanted bone marrow stromal cells IMPROVE COGNITIVE dysfunction due to aging hypoperfusion in rats
  552. Development and acceptance of a nutrition and lifestyle education booklet to IMPROVE mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT among elderly
  553. Adapting sensing and transmission times to IMPROVE throughput in COGNITIVE radios ad hoc networks
  555. Leisure time activities as COGNITIVE training: Can COGNITIVE fitness IMPROVE well-being of older adults
  556. The effects of using Smartboard and interactive games to IMPROVE reading comprehension of secondary students with moderate COGNITIVE disabilities
  557. Helping yourself to help others: How COGNITIVE change strategies IMPROVE employee reconciliation with service clients and positive work outcomes
  558. Human neural stem cells IMPROVE COGNITIVE function of aged brain
  559. Introduction: using evidence-based COGNITIVE and behavioral principles to IMPROVE HIV-related psychosocial interventions
  560. COGNITIVE apprenticeship: a roadmap to IMPROVE clinical teaching
  561. Hydro-alcoholic extract of Commiphora mukul gum resin may IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT s in diabetic rats
  562. Development of Conceptual Attainment Student Worksheet to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and Psychomotor in Physics Instruction
  563. Exercise interventions to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance in older adults-potential psychological mediators to explain variation in findings
  564. Reconceptualizing Nursing Orientation: Reducing COGNITIVE Load to IMPROVE Learner Outcomes.
  565. Multi-perspective technology assessment to IMPROVE decision making: A novel approach using fuzzy COGNITIVE mapping for a large-scale transmission line upgrade
  566. COGNITIVE rehabilitation for adults with traumatic brain injury to IMPROVE occupational outcomes
  567. Using Direct Teaching and Cooperative Learning To IMPROVE the Social Skills of Students Labeled as Having Moderate COGNITIVE Delays.
  568. Does light alcohol consumption during pregnancy IMPROVE offspring’s COGNITIVE development?
  569. Memory stimulation in mild Alzheimer disease: The role of SenseCam to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function and wellbeing
  570. N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone, a free radical scavenger with anticholinesterase activity does not IMPROVE the COGNITIVE performance of scopolamine-challenged rats
  571. The use of Trauma Focused COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy with Children who have Experienced Trauma to IMPROVE Social Functioning
  572. Using the COGNITIVE behavioral therapy to IMPROVE the mental health of women with breast cancer
  573. … ‘ Non-Standard Work Schedules Make Adequate Childrearing Difficult: Reforming Labor Market Practices Can IMPROVE Children’s COGNITIVE and Behavioral Outcomes …
  574. Extension and application of COGNITIVE work analysis to IMPROVE pedestrian safety at rail level crossings
  575. Depressed cardiac patients IMPROVE with group COGNITIVE behaviour therapy: results of a randomised controlled trial
  576. Normalization of impaired COGNITIVE functions failed to IMPROVE clinical symptomatology in a schizophrenic patient
  577. Optimization of waveform design in the fractional Fourier domain to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE radar system
  578. Modified CALLA to IMPROVE students’ COGNITIVE reading strategy and reading comprehension
  579. Development Game Edutainment Combined with Multimedia Learning to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and Naturalistic Intelligence At 5–6 Years Old Kindergarten
  580. Technology for evidence-based COGNITIVE behavioural supervision: new applications and research to IMPROVE organizational support
  582. Can COMT Inhibitors IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functions in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease?
  583. A COGNITIVE walkthrough and focus Group Study of Nursing Personnel to IMPROVE EHRs Used in Nursing Homes
  584. Using Simulations To IMPROVE COGNITIVE Reasoning.
  585. … action research to IMPROVE caregiver education based on COGNITIVE performance test results for persons with Alzheimer’s disease or mild COGNITIVE
  586. COGNITIVE stimulation is essential to maintain and/or IMPROVE the COGNITIVE function of the elderly.
  587. Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE), 1: Teaching Faculty How to IMPROVE Students’ Quantitative Reasoning Skills through COGNITIVE Illusions.
  588. COGNITIVE enhancement to IMPROVE substance abuse outcomes in persons with co-occurring disorders
  589. How’COGNITIVE Linguistics’ Can Help/IMPROVE the Pragmatic Explanations of’Altruism’in Russian
  590. Can non-COGNITIVE skills programs IMPROVE achievement? Quasi-experimental evidence from EPIS
  591. Using COGNITIVE assessment testing to evaluate and IMPROVE a university program in communication studies
  592. The use of higher order COGNITIVE strategies to IMPROVE student understanding of high school chemistry concepts
  593. Curcumin preserves COGNITIVE function and IMPROVE serum HDL in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion aging-rats
  594. The link between the COGNITIVE structure and modelling to IMPROVE mathematics education
  595. Effectiveness of an internet-delivered COGNITIVE -behavioural aid to IMPROVE mental wellbeing: a randomised controlled trial
  596. Sesaminol glucosides IMPROVE COGNITIVE deficits and oxidative stress in SAMP8 Mice
  597. Does breast-feeding IMPROVE child COGNITIVE development?
  598. Using schematic-based and COGNITIVE strategy instruction to IMPROVE math word problem solving for students with math difficulties
  599. Comparison of a COGNITIVE re-appraisal approach and a problem-solving approach to IMPROVE social cognition in adults with intellectual disabilities who …
  600. Strategies to reduce COGNITIVE bias in intelligence analysis: Can mild interventions IMPROVE analytic judgment?
  601. Can repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation IMPROVE neurocognition in schizophrenia when combined with COGNITIVE remediation?
  602. How a COGNITIVE tutor can IMPROVE pilot knowledge of mode transitions
  603. Does hormone replacement therapy (HRT) IMPROVE COGNITIVE function or either delay or prevent dementia in postmenopausal women?
  604. 21 Intervention programs to IMPROVE COGNITIVE skills
  605. Article 10: COGNITIVE interviewing techniques to IMPROVE a participation questionnaire used with persons with traumatic brain injuries
  606. Brain stimulation treatment for COGNITIVE rehabilitation: Can we IMPROVE learning and memory formation in aging and neurodegenerative disease?
  608. A Kinect-based Interactive Game to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE Inhibition of the Elderly
  609. COGNITIVE and behavioral interventions to IMPROVE social skills
  610. Using advances in COGNITIVE science to IMPROVE students study skills and reading comprehension
  611. … of New Drug for COGNITIVE Enhancement of Schizophrenia: Introduction of Measurement And Treatment Research to IMPROVE Cognition in Schizophrenia (MATRICS)
  612. Utilizing COGNITIVE Dissonance Theory To IMPROVE Student Ratings of College Faculty Members.
  613. Do practices of learning activities IMPROVE the COGNITIVE functioning of healthy elderly adults? From the viewpoint of a transfer effect
  614. Utilizing COGNITIVE dissonance theory to IMPROVE student ratings of college faculty
  615. Leveraging COGNITIVE principles to IMPROVE security visualization
  617. Identifying COGNITIVE aspects to IMPROVE business process reengineering
  618. Correction: Do COGNITIVE interventions IMPROVE general cognition in dementia? a meta-analysis and meta-regression
  619. Development of Combined Aquatic Exercise Program to IMPROVE Functional Fitness and COGNITIVE Function for Elderly with Mild Dementia.
  620. The use of electronic curriculums in occupational education to evaluate and IMPROVE the COGNITIVE capacity of candidate software engineers
  621. Job Club Intervention to IMPROVE Interviewing Skills of Young Adults with COGNITIVE Disabilities.
  622. Game-framing COGNITIVE assessments to IMPROVE applicant perceptions
  623. Intracranial artery stenting may not IMPROVE COGNITIVE function: a preliminary study
  625. DAAs IMPROVE VACS but do not influence COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in HIV/HCV coinfected
  626. Using Higher Order COGNITIVE Questions in the Primary Classroom To IMPROVE Comprehension.
  627. Impact of instruction on binary multipliers using simulink to IMPROVE COGNITIVE ability
  628. Using games to IMPROVE learning skills in students with COGNITIVE disabilities through kinect technology
  629. The application of COGNITIVE load theory to IMPROVE the learning of spatial information
  630. Does dancing IMPROVE fall risk due to its demands on COGNITIVE effort
  631. The effectiveness of Gestalt therapy and COGNITIVE therapy to IMPROVE the quality of life of patients with Hypertension
  632. Simple diagnostic signs in those with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT –anything to IMPROVE detection of COGNITIVE disorders
  633. Rationale for a Combination of Selected Micronutrients to IMPROVE Cognition and Prevent or Slow Down Age-Related COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  634. First Results on the Joint Use of E2Rebot and Gradior to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Abilities
  635. Assessing educational materials using COGNITIVE interviews can IMPROVE and support lesson design
  636. Development of the multi-sensory augmented DDC (Direct Digital Control) to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE Characteristic of the Nursery Facilities
  637. COGNITIVE Cities: An Application for Nairobi: Text Message Participation of Slum Inhabitants to IMPROVE Sanitary Facilities
  638. The Development of Serious Game to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Ability for Children with Borderline Intelligence
  639. COGNITIVE behaviour therapy for psychosis: Enhancing the therapeutic relationship to IMPROVE the quality of life.
  640. Learning objects to IMPROVE COGNITIVE understanding in learning introductory programming
  641. Measuring individual differences in COGNITIVE processes: How a speed-accuracy methodology can IMPROVE the results
  642. Testing a novel pictorial medication sheet to IMPROVE adherence in veterans with heart failure and COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  643. Can taking a daily multivitamin IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance in the elderly? Evidence from a steady state visually evoked potential investigation of memory in elderly …
  644. Group mentoring: The use of social problem-solving and COGNITIVE behavioral techniques to IMPROVE family functioning
  645. social skills training, supported employment programmes, and COGNITIVE behaviour therapy IMPROVE some outcomes in schizophrenia.(Treatment)
  646. Effects and mechanism of anemarrhenae rhizoma-phellodendri chinensis cortex medicine effective parts to IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in type 2 diabetic rats
  647. Preliminary testing of techniques to IMPROVE driving performance of persons with brain damage via perceptual/COGNITIVE training
  648. Using COGNITIVE work analysis and the sociotechnical systems approach to IMPROVE pedestrian safety at rail level crossings
  649. EPA-1775–COGNITIVE remediation in first psychosis episodes. does it IMPROVE functioning?
  650. The myth of COGNITIVE decline: why our minds IMPROVE as we age
  651. Poster 30: Exploring the Effectiveness of a COGNITIVE -Based Treatment Approach to IMPROVE Motor Skill Performance in Chronic Stroke: Results of 3 Single Case …
  652. Multimedia Application to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE Skills of Preschool and Kindergarten Children
  653. Studies on supplementation with nutrients-compound to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function
  654. Using blue wavelength light to modify COGNITIVE functioning. Can full spectrum fluorescent lighting IMPROVE work related concentration in the classroom
  655. P1–2409: Human neural stem cells reduce penumbral volume and IMPROVE motor and COGNITIVE outcomes in neonatal hypoxic ischemic cerebra injury
  656. Does Gaming Help IMPROVE COGNITIVE Skills?
  657. Utilizing videos to IMPROVE learners’ meta-COGNITIVE skills–
  658. COGNITIVE strategies to IMPROVE group problem solving and learning
  659. COGNITIVE approach to IMPROVE media literacy: Mind puzzles
  660. Using Computational COGNITIVE Models to IMPROVE Human-Robot Interaction
  661. Designing COGNITIVE Intervention to IMPROVE the Awareness Index of the Residents in the Landslide Area
  662. Onion beverages IMPROVE amyloid β peptide-induced COGNITIVE defects via up-regulation of cholinergic activity and neuroprotection
  663. COGNITIVE interventions to IMPROVE prefrontal functions
  664. Impact of treatments to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function and quality of life on cancer patients with carcinoma of the testes
  665. 3D COGNITIVE radio: A way to IMPROVE spectrum utilization by exploiting the height dimension
  666. Can Computerized Tests Serve as an Objective Measure and IMPROVE COGNITIVE Abilities in Tinntius?
  667. Development of Biology Modules with Think Pair Share Strategy as an Effort to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Learning Outcomes of Vocational Students
  668. COGNITIVE training, physical exercise, and combined intervention to IMPROVE gait in older adults
  669. PM401. NMDA-enhancing agents IMPROVE COGNITIVE function of patients with schizophrenia
  671. COGNITIVE behavioural interventions IMPROVE some sleep outcomes in older adults
  672. The Development of Media Accounting Dakon (DASI) Game In Accounting Learning Process To IMPROVE COGNITIVE , Affective, And Psychomotoric Aspects Of Students …
  673. Is it possible to IMPROVE social functioning of schizophrenia with COGNITIVE rehabilitation?
  674. Truly modelling reality…?-Let’s IMPROVE our COGNITIVE maps with a bastard mix of algorithms to “undo” pictures, isometric mapping, high-density diagrams and comic …
  675. Documenting & Using COGNITIVE Complexity Mitigation Strategies (CCMS) to IMPROVE the Efficiency of Cross-Context User Transfers
  676. Does acute dynamic exercise IMPROVE brain COGNITIVE function in humans?
  677. Using COGNITIVE Load Theory to Understand and IMPROVE Patient Handoffs
  678. COGNITIVE behavioural therapy might IMPROVE patient adherence to fluid restrictions
  679. Building a Population Based COGNITIVE Screening System to IMPROVE the Early Diagnosis of Dementia in Japan.
  681. Project MENTOR+: Mentor-led exercise with COGNITIVE -behavioral therapy to IMPROVE perceived competence, reduce social anxiety, and increase physical …
  682. High Fidelity Patient Simulations (HFPS) in Medical Physiology IMPROVE Non‐COGNITIVE Skills in First Year Medical Students
  683. An evaluation of a humanities-oriented, COGNITIVE stimulation model to IMPROVE descriptive writing development of underprepared college freshmen
  684. Playing the right tune in VET research: using COGNITIVE interviewing to IMPROVE our instruments
  685. Hypothesis-driven story building: Counteracting human COGNITIVE biases to IMPROVE medical diagnosis support
  686. It is unclear if combined motivational interviewing and COGNITIVE behavioural therapy IMPROVE medication adherence
  687. Problem Based Learning (PBL) As An Effort To IMPROVE COGNITIVE Learning Outcomes And Environmental Cares Attitude
  688. GPR52 agonists represent a novel approach to treat psychotic disorders and IMPROVE COGNITIVE function
  689. Can COGNITIVE remediation IMPROVE subsequent response to low-intensity COGNITIVE behaviour therapy for psychosis in people with schizophrenia?
  690. Using social COGNITIVE theory to IMPROVE intake of dairy products by college students
  691. A spectrum-sharing strategy via COGNITIVE radio nodes to IMPROVE utilisation of the spectrum
  693. COGNITIVE flexibility: using mental simulation to IMPROVE script adaptation
  694. A Model of Online Assessment and Teaching Monitoring for Learning Management System to IMPROVE Learning COGNITIVE Skills
  695. Mindfulness in brain tumor patients may IMPROVE anxiety, depression, and COGNITIVE performance
  696. Does the Antihypertensive Therapy with Calcium-Channel blockers IMPROVE the COGNITIVE function?: A review of evidences
  697. A short version of the measurement and treatment research to IMPROVE cognition in schizophrenia consensus COGNITIVE battery.
  698. COGNITIVE training refines connectivity of the aging human brain to IMPROVE performance
  699. Use of the enhanced COGNITIVE interview and a modified COGNITIVE interview to IMPROVE the eyewitness recall of older adults
  700. Transplanted bone marrow stromal cells IMPROVE COGNITIVE function after diffuse axonal injury in rats
  701. The Use of COGNITIVE Behavior Group Therapy to Reduce Maladaptive Perfectionism and IMPROVE COGNITIVE Flexibility in Anxious Latino Youth
  702. Compensatory Strategies IMPROVE Medication Adherence in Heart Failure Patients With Mild Global COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  703. Efficacy of COGNITIVE problem solving skills-to IMPROVE the quality of social relationships and Interpersonal empathy in students with learning disabilities.
  704. 6.1. 2 Using COGNITIVE Engineering to IMPROVE Systems Engineering
  705. At the edge of individual COGNITIVE -behavioural policies: how to walk the public health path to effectively IMPROVE population health?
  707. Mobile wellness innovation: Qi gong app to IMPROVE wellness and COGNITIVE resiliency in older adults
  708. COGNITIVE behaviour therapy with parental implementation over six months can IMPROVE rates of anxiety and ability to cope in young children
  709. Does donepezil IMPROVE visual stimuli detection and perceptivo-COGNITIVE performance of heathy young adults?
  710. The Development of Education Model for CA-RP (COGNITIVE Apprenticeship-Based Research Paper) to IMPROVE the Research Capabilities for Majors Students of …
  711. The Feasibility of Square-Stepping Exercise as a Universal Intervention for Older Adults with Chronic Disease to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and Physical Function
  712. Does biofeedback IMPROVE symptoms of schizophrenia (emotion, psychotic symptoms, and COGNITIVE function)?
  713. A60 Can Creating Livable and Complete Streets IMPROVE Children’s Spatial Knowledge? A COGNITIVE Mapping Study of the Influence of Traffic and Safe Routes to …
  714. Software visualization: using perceptual, attentional, and COGNITIVE concepts to quantify quality and IMPROVE effectiveness
  715. Distance Learning And COGNITIVE Load Theory To IMPROVE Traditional And Non Traditional Student Learning Of Computer Programming For Mechanical Engineers …
  716. Using Kintsch’s computational model to IMPROVE instructional text: Effects of repairing inference calls on recall and COGNITIVE structures
  717. The Use of COGNITIVE Task Analysis to IMPROVE Anesthesia Skills Training for Postoperative Extubation
  718. 3 Games to IMPROVE COGNITIVE skills
  719. Contextual Processing of Objects: Using Virtual Reality to IMPROVE Abstraction and COGNITIVE Flexibility in Children with Autism
  720. Counselling and COGNITIVE behaviour interventions delivered to reduce psychological morbidity and IMPROVE quality of life in gynaecological cancer patients: Recent …
  721. 11 Using Technology to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function
  723. Workforce redesign utilising advanced practice to IMPROVE the lifestyle and COGNITIVE function of patients with alcohol‐related brain damage
  724. Integrating the values of the identity theory with COGNITIVE behavior therapy and client centered therapy to IMPROVE behavior and academics for abused children in …
  725. Normative neuropsychology datasets free from prodromal Alzheimer’s disease (AD) cases may IMPROVE sensitivity for detecting early COGNITIVE decline: Data from the …
  726. Corrigendum: Low-dose add-on memantine treatment may IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance and self-reported health conditions in opioid-dependent patients …
  727. COGNITIVE Behavioral therapy for cocaine addiction to IMPROVE antiretroviral medication adherence in HIV-positive patients
  728. The Implementation of Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Assessment Instrument for Economics Learning to IMPROVE the Students’ COGNITIVE Competencies
  729. Psychotonic training–a means to IMPROVE COGNITIVE processes
  730. Using Relaxation, COGNITIVE Therapy, and Mental Imagery To Reduce Test Anxiety and IMPROVE Performance among Firefighter Trainees.
  731. COGNITIVE aids in guiding graph comprehension: Can signaling, advance organizers, and adjunct questions IMPROVE understanding of graphs?
  733. The Study of Studying–Using COGNITIVE Strategies to IMPROVE Grades
  734. Choice of drug to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function
  735. COGNITIVE productivity: Can COGNITIVE science IMPROVE how knowledge workers’ use IT to learn from source material?
  737. The Importance of Teaching Techniques to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Processes in Interpreting Courses
  738. Can We Really IMPROVE Our COGNITIVE States? A Naturalist Reply to Skepticism
  739. Nanocomputing in COGNITIVE Radio Networks to IMPROVE the Performance
  740. Building Capacity to IMPROVE Child COGNITIVE Skills: A Case Study
  741. Meta-COGNITIVE Tool Development to IMPROVE e-Learning Environment
  742. Does dynamic exercise IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in humans?
  743. COGNITIVE Approach to IMPROVE Media Literacy
  744. IMPROVE of the ATDD in COGNITIVE Radio Wireless Network
  745. Exercise and COGNITIVE Re-Training as a Strategy to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Outcomes in Heart Failure
  746. Does locomotion IMPROVE the COGNITIVE profile of children with meningomyelocele?
  747. Interventions to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functioning After TBI
  749. Designing Educational Software To IMPROVE COGNITIVE Abilities; Pilot Study Results
  750. COGNITIVE behavioural group therapy to IMPROVE
  751. Adding COGNITIVE -Behavioral Therapy to SRIs May IMPROVE OCD Symptoms
  753. Using COGNITIVE modeling to IMPROVE the man-machine interface
  754. Does COGNITIVE Training IMPROVE IADL in Older Patients?
  756. Does a musical program IMPROVE the development of COGNITIVE abilities on kindergarten students: a French experience?
  757. How Learning and COGNITIVE Science Can IMPROVE Student Outcomes. Middle School Matters Program No. 1.
  758. Critical thinking of students on the basis of technology to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE activity
  759. Integrating Place-Based Education in Biology Learning through Inquiry to IMPROVE Student’s COGNITIVE Ability and Scientific Attitudes in Sumbawa
  760. Using the Interface to IMPROVE Performance of Complex COGNITIVE Tasks; CU-CS-490-90
  761. How COGNITIVE Science Can IMPROVE Your PowerPoint Presentations
  762. Use of COGNITIVE Radio to IMPROVE Spectrum Utilization & Data Capacity
  763. Folic Acid May IMPROVE COGNITIVE Performance
  764. Can Exercise IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function in Older Persons?
  765. A COGNITIVE -behavioral program to IMPROVE bowling performance
  766. COGNITIVE Functioning from Normal Aging to Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : Combining Rapid COGNITIVE Testing and Informant Reports to IMPROVE Screening in Clinical …
  767. Multiple Interventions Found to IMPROVE or Maintain COGNITIVE Function in At-Risk Elderly People
  768. Valpar technology can IMPROVE the treatment of early vascular COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  769. Can Rapamycin IMPROVE COGNITIVE Problems Caused by Chemotherapy?
  771. The use of text and technology-based training tools to IMPROVE COGNITIVE skills in older adults
  772. P-341-Using COGNITIVE tasks to IMPROVE language IMPAIRMENT s in persian high functioning autistic children
  773. The investigation of a COGNITIVE -mediation training program to IMPROVE athletic performance
  774. The Challenges of a COGNITIVE -Behavior Workbook to IMPROVE Depression in Rural Women: A Case Study
  775. Cardiovascular and Coordination Training Differentially IMPROVE COGNITIVE Performance and Neural Processing in…
  776. B-82 Therapeutic Hypothermia to IMPROVE Survival After Cardiac Arrest (THAPCA) and COGNITIVE Functioning: Case Studies.
  777. Teaching of COGNITIVE skills to IMPROVE writing using understanding by design framework: a case study of a Singapore south-zone primary school
  778. Using COGNITIVE Development Research to Inform Literacy Instruction and IMPROVE Practice in the Classroom
  779. How to IMPROVE the convergence on sigmoid Fuzzy COGNITIVE Maps?
  780. On the COGNITIVE Analysis of Strategies to IMPROVE Long-term Memory in Interpreting
  781. Am I capable yet?… where I argue we need better evaluation and better representations to IMPROVE COGNITIVE architectures for HRI
  782. A novel approach to IMPROVE the performance of Truncated SED for COGNITIVE Radio
  783. Switching Antenna Array to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Radio Performance
  784. COGNITIVE Interviewing: A Method to IMPROVE Instrument Development
  785. Use of COGNITIVE radio to IMPROVE spectrum usage efficiency and data capacity
  786. How does physical activity IMPROVE COGNITIVE and mental health in children and teens?
  788. Response to’Does Investment Skill Decline Due to COGNITIVE Aging or IMPROVE with Experience?’by George Korniotis and Alok Kumar, Ssrn, July 22, 2005
  789. An assistive system to IMPROVE game usability for patients with COGNITIVE disorders
  790. Improving non-COGNITIVE abilities such as classroom adjustment in elementary school students can help to IMPROVE college outcomes
  791. Learning to walk the talk: COGNITIVE models IMPROVE presentation skills
  793. Can a Growth Hormone-Stimulating Drug IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function?
  794. Triggers, Entry Points, and Affordances: How to IMPROVE Their COGNITIVE Congeniality
  795. Can writing be used to study and IMPROVE the socio-COGNITIVE functioning of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia?
  796. COGNITIVE Neuroscience Treatment Research to IMPROVE Cognition in Schizophrenia II: Developing Imaging…
  797. Aerobic or Resistance Exercise Training to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function? Short Review
  798. Does/INS; exercise IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions in multiple sclerosis? Report of a pilot study
  800. Acupuncture as a Treatment to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function After Brain Injury: A Case Study
  801. Carbenoxolone May IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functioning
  802. Reducing Nonessential COGNITIVE Load to IMPROVE Health-related Data-based Reasoning: Results from a Pilot Experiment
  804. Using COGNITIVE Science to IMPROVE Reading Instruction and Reading Comprehension in School-Aged Learners
  805. Connecting Technology To IMPROVE COGNITIVE Control In Children With ADHD In The Home
  806. COGNITIVE Architecture to Generate Motivational Feelings: A Way to IMPROVE Visual Learning in Robots
  807. Automating computational COGNITIVE modelling techniques to IMPROVE the information architecture of large websites
  808. The effects of an intervention to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE abilities of apprentices in the coal mining industry.
  809. Principal and teacher perception of the understanding and facilitation of the implementation of COGNITIVE instructional strategies to IMPROVE reading
  810. Can Walking IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functioning for Older Adults? A Randomized Intervention
  812. Does antidepressant therapy IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in elderly depressed patients?
  813. Does vitamin D supplementation in elderly adults IMPROVE COGNITIVE outcomes?
  814. Can we IMPROVE Web Accessibility for users with below average COGNITIVE capacity?
  815. Web-enabled conversational interactions as a method to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions: Results of a 6-week randomized controlled trial
  816. Physical Exercise May Help IMPROVE COGNITIVE Performance of Young Individuals with Schizophrenia
  817. A COGNITIVE strategy to IMPROVE hypnotic susceptibility.
  818. The use of COGNITIVE artifacts to IMPROVE patient safety
  819. Adapting Sensing and Transmission Times to IMPROVE Secondary User Throughput in COGNITIVE Radios Ad Hoc Networks
  820. Ways to IMPROVE the information value of the electroencephalogram in the diagnosis of COGNITIVE disorders in patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy
  821. Imagining a Better Future: Identifying COGNITIVE Mechanisms to IMPROVE Prospective Memory
  822. Effect of Training Program on the School Children with Subnormal Intelligence Quotient to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Skills
  823. Distinct Techniques to IMPROVE Listening Comprehension and Meta-COGNITIVE Listening Awareness
  824. PS-215 Sepsis Reduction Care Bundles IMPROVE COGNITIVE Outcome In Very Low Birth Weight Infants
  825. Efficacy of Acupuncture Treatment to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function in a Brain Injury Patient: A Case Study
  826. Pitch range variations IMPROVE COGNITIVE processing of audio messages
  827. The Music Therapy to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and Emotional Development in Children
  828. A COGNITIVE -Based Training Program for Graphic Designers to IMPROVE Science Textbook Illustrations
  830. The Efficacy of Dietary Supplementation with Cocoa to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function in Adults
  831. Ergonomic Principles to IMPROVE the Use of COGNITIVE Stimulation Systems for the Elderly: A Comparative Study of two Software Tools
  832. COGNITIVE interventions to IMPROVE mediation compliance among elderly African-American diabetics.
  833. COGNITIVE MIMO ad hoc network to IMPROVE Spectrum Sensing in wireless communication
  834. Building a Population Based COGNITIVE Screening System to IMPROVE the Early Diagnosis of Dementia in Japan
  835. IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function Independently of Its Antidepressant Effect in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder and Subjective Reports of COGNITIVE
  836. Exogenous Interleukin-10 and ciprofloxacin treatment reduces inflammation and helps to IMPROVE COGNITIVE behaviour in acute and chronic restraint stressed mice …
  837. Occupational Perspective on a Functional COGNITIVE Intervention to IMPROVE Family Relationships
  838. Use of social and physical enrichment to IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities of laboratory rats, Rattus norvegicus (684.9)
  839. Mind your mentoring: Jain Anbu looks at how COGNITIVE neuroscience can help IMPROVE students’ learning capacity
  840. Aerobic Exercise Found to IMPROVE Cognition in Mild Vascular COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  841. Learning Rhythm: an innovative multifunctional neuro-rehabilitative method to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performances in Parkinson’s Disease patients
  842. Creation of Anesthesia COGNITIVE Aids to IMPROVE Patient Safety
  843. A model to IMPROVE the routing performance of COGNITIVE Radio Wireless Mesh Networks
  844. A Novel Energy Detection Scheme to IMPROVE Detection Sensitivity in COGNITIVE Radio Systems
  845. COGNITIVE nursing intervention might contribute to the postoperative recovery of patients with liver cancer and IMPROVE life quality.
  846. The Use of multimedia in Telecare systems to IMPROVE the performance of users with different COGNITIVE skills.
  847. Can sitagliptin a GLP-1 inhibitor, IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in elderly diabetic patients with Alzheimer s disease
  848. Applying COGNITIVE informatics to IMPROVE communication in geographically distributed environments
  849. Linda Cabral and Judy Savageau on IMPROVE Your Surveys by Conducting COGNITIVE Interviews
  850. COGNITIVE -motor interventions: A novel approach to IMPROVE physical functioning in older adults
  851. Does caffeine IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in sleep-deprived individuals?
  852. Does COGNITIVE training IMPROVE older drivers’ self-regulation and self-assessment?
  853. A group mediated COGNITIVE behavioural intervention to IMPROVE mobility in individuals with multiple sclerosis: A pilot feasibility study
  854. How to IMPROVE Learning Quality? Method for Fuzzy COGNITIVE Map-based Student Progress Indicators
  855. Effects of the Interactive Metronome® on older adults: does use IMPROVE COGNITIVE and motor abilities?
  856. Does perceived work ability IMPROVE after a COGNITIVE behavioral intervention program?
  857. An Application of a High-P Low-P Procedure to IMPROVE Recall Memory in Elderly Patients with Mild to Moderate COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  858. A High-p/Low-p Procedure to IMPROVE Recall Memory in Elderly Patients with Mild to Moderate COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  859. COGNITIVE Dialog Games Design to IMPROVE Argumentation and Collaborative Learning Discussions
  861. Does Hormone Replacement Therapy After Hypothyroidism IMPROVE COGNITIVE Performance and Depressive Mood?
  862. Does COGNITIVE function in older adults with hearing IMPAIRMENT IMPROVE by hearing aid
  863. Blending Video Games and COGNITIVE Strategies to IMPROVE Motor Performance in Autism Spectrum Disorders
  864. Prototyping a COGNITIVE -Centered Model to IMPROVE knowledge creation in geographically distributed teams
  865. An instructional strategy designed to IMPROVE the problem-solving abilities of students having an impulsive COGNITIVE style
  866. Clinical efficacy of Yangxueqingnao granule IMPROVE cerebral small vessel disease COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  867. Using COGNITIVE -behavioural techniques to IMPROVE exclusive breastfeeding in a low-literacy disadvantaged populationmcn_362 57.. 71
  868. A COGNITIVE Behavioral Intervention Used to IMPROVE Anger Management Skills with Second and Third Grade Students
  869. Estrogen therapy does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in early menopause
  870. 139. Dietary prebiotics modulate gut microbiota and IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions in developing rodents
  872. Does angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor therapy IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in heart failure patients?
  873. Can a COGNITIVE Errors Algorithm IMPROVE Clinical Decision-Making Among Medical Students in a Simulation-Based Course?
  874. COGNITIVE City A COGNITIVE city leverages technology to sense, perceive, and respond to changes in the environment and can therefore IMPROVE a system’s …
  875. The ability of individuals with COGNITIVE and psychiatric disabilities to IMPROVE social cue recognition
  876. Survey the Effect of COGNITIVE Behavioral Group Therapy to IMPROVE Prosocial Behavior of High School Female Students in City of Yazd
  877. Mobile Wellness Innovation: Qi Gong App to IMPROVE Wellness and COGNITIVE Resiliency in Older Adults
  878. MemAerobics: A COGNITIVE Intervention to IMPROVE Memory Ability and Reduce Depression in Older Adults Robert G. Winningham Western Oregon University
  879. Does the Addition of Piracetam Safely and Effectively IMPROVE Behavioral and or COGNITIVE Functions in Schizophrenia?
  880. Can Paintball Game IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functions in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder?
  881. A physical activity programme to IMPROVE motor and COGNITIVE development in HIV positive children on antiretroviral therapy: a randomised controlled trial
  882. Use of a scaffolded metaCOGNITIVE intervention to IMPROVE training outcomes through a reduction in COGNITIVE load
  883. Summary of best efficient algorithms on COGNITIVE radio cooperative spectrum sensing to IMPROVE QoS
  884. COGNITIVE behavioral group therapy to IMPROVE patients ścoping strategies with restless legs syndrome: A proof-of-concept trial
  885. Diferences in the IMPROVE of the COGNITIVE flexibiliy in pacients with major depression using low and high frequencies of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
  886. Are adults with hearing loss also at risk of attention and memory challenges, and can hearing loss intervention IMPROVE these COGNITIVE areas?
  887. Does vitamin D IMPROVE COGNITIVE processing in MS patients? An event-related potential study
  888. Case study: using social COGNITIVE theory and social support coping theory to IMPROVE breastfeeding duration rates: MumBubConnect
  889. Does prompt tympanostomy IMPROVE speech, language, and COGNITIVE develop
  890. Do Stimulant-Type Drugs Help IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function and Apathy in Geriatric Patients?
  891. COGNITIVE task analysis and prioritization to IMPROVE image guidance of TIPS
  892. Nitric oxide synthase mediates the ability of darbepoetin alfa to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE performance of STOP null mice: Corrigendum.
  893. Effectiveness of an internet-delivered COGNITIVE -behavioural aid to IMPROVE mental wellbeing: a randomised controlled trial
  894. A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a COGNITIVE behavioural group approach to IMPROVE patient adherence to peritoneal dialysis fluid …
  895. PD04-09: Self-Reported COGNITIVE Attributes and Fatigue IMPROVE over Long-Term Follow-Up in Breast Cancer Survivors; Some COGNITIVE Attributes Are Worse in …
  896. Does prompt tympanostomy IMPROVE speech, language, and COGNITIVE development?
  897. The Effect of Structured Limbs Exercise as a Treatment to IMPROVE the Psychomotor Speed in Older Adults with Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  898. Investigation of Transplanted Neural Stem Cells: The Extent of their Ability to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Deficit in Response to an Induced Lesion
  899. Evaluation of a Brief Tailored COGNITIVE Behavioral Intervention to IMPROVE Symptoms and Quality of Life of Patients With Refractory Angina: Protocol Overview
  900. Does COGNITIVE Remediation Therapy (CRT) IMPROVE the Neuropsychological Function in Patients With Anorexia Nervosa?
  901. Attentional Selection and Reduced Interference IMPROVE Visual Short-Term Memory in Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  902. A group mediated COGNITIVE behavioural intervention to IMPROVE mobility in individuals with multiple sclerosis: Effects on walking velocity and quality of life
  903. Using COGNITIVE Pretesting to IMPROVE the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index Survey
  904. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of selected plants used in TCM to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function
  905. COGNITIVE Functioning, Health Screening Behaviors and Desire to IMPROVE One’s Health in Diabetic versus Healthy Older Women
  906. Integrating COGNITIVE and Computer Science to IMPROVE Cyber Security: Selective Attention and Personality Traits for the Detection and Prevention of Risk
  907. The integration of Character Education Inquiry Lesson Study in Learning Biology Scientific Attitudes to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and Learning Outcomes Student Class VII …
  908. Aripiprazole Combing Tandospirone can IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function of Female Schizophrenic Patients
  909. Declarative memory disorders in patients with brain tumors can IMPROVE after COGNITIVE training intervention: evidence from functional MRI
  910. To Compare the Effect of Therapeutic Methadone and COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy to IMPROVE Mental Health in Individuals Dependent on Heroin
  911. The Mediterranean Diet Plus Extra Virgin Olive Oil May IMPROVE or Maintain COGNITIVE Function in Mature Adults
  912. Active Knowledge Sharing-Based Lesson Study to IMPROVE Learning Activeness and COGNITIVE Outcomes on Biological Study Program of Teaching and Learning …
  913. Psychosocial interventions for depressed older adults with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and disability: strategies to IMPROVE everyday functioning and quality of life
  914. Towards Virtual Rehabilitation: Hand Gesture Controlled Games to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and Motor Skills of Children with Special Needs
  915. A CSMA/CA Based MAC Protocol to IMPROVE TCP Performance in Multi-hop COGNITIVE Network
  917. … Use of Technology Compared to the Traditional Educational Methods to IMPROVE Hydration Status of Club-Level Collegiate Athletes With a Focus on COGNITIVE
  918. Changing core beliefs with trial-based COGNITIVE therapy may IMPROVE quality of life in social phobia: A randomized study: Corrigendum.
  919. social skills training, supported employment programmes, and COGNITIVE behaviour therapy IMPROVE some outcomes in schizophrenia
  921. The Biomechanical, Physiological, and COGNITIVE Effects of Active Workstations and Utilizing Anthropometric Data to IMPROVE the Usability
  922. The Implementation of Question Student Have based on Lesson Study to IMPROVE Learning Activities and COGNITIVE Learning Results of the Students’ of Biology …
  923. IMPROVE Human Performance of Perceptual-motor Tasks in Human-computer Interaction through Integration of COGNITIVE Modeling and Data Mining …
  924. The use of some COGNITIVE and metaCOGNITIVE strategies to IMPROVE vocabulary and coherence in written compositions at a basic level (MEIF english I …
  925. … limits of CPAP in Alzheimer’s patients: new research reveals that CPAP in some Alzheimer’s patients diagnosed with OSA may IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions, but there …
  926. Applying systems thinking and the COGNITIVE cycle to identify approaches to IMPROVE wait times in systems with low customer abandonment
  927. RAndomised controlled trial to IMPROVE depressIon and the quality of life of people with Dementia using COGNITIVE bias modification: RAPID study protocol
  928. A COGNITIVE strategy to IMPROVE reading comprehension and mental state attribution in children with autism spectrum disorder.
  929. Do people with intellectual disabilities have the skills to undertake COGNITIVE behavioural therapy? An investigation into computerised training to IMPROVE
  930. Specific spatial bias and visual field IMPAIRMENT s. How can we IMPROVE the COGNITIVE rehabilitation of patients with visual field IMPAIRMENT ?
  931. Does the type of mediated training on threaded discussions reduce COGNITIVE load and IMPROVE participation in online discussion for undergraduate students?
  932. Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function and Physical Activity in Ageing Mice
  933. A Modified Clipping PAPR Reduction Technique to IMPROVE the BER Performance in OFDM Based COGNITIVE Radio
  934. … is enhanced when assessors write more and better commentsUnderstanding antimicrobial prescribing in primary careInfluence of COGNITIVE rest and graduated return …
  935. Triple neurotransmitter replacement therapy can IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions and gait in progressive supranuclear palsy patients
  936. IMPROVE COGNITIVE and Speaking Ability Through the Use of Manipulatives Media” Life Cycle of a Butterfly” for the Kindergarten Children In Group B
  937. … and maximum lifespan and IMPROVE aged-related COGNITIVE decline. 2. Rb1 reduce the levels of MDA, protein carbonylation and IMPROVE SOD activity on brain …
  938. … . Appendix A Caldwell* K, Charlton KE, Roodenrys S, Jenner A. 2015. Anthocyanin-rich cherry juice does not IMPROVE acute COGNITIVE performance on RAVLT.
  939. Grafting neural stem cells IMPROVE the impaired COGNITIVE deficits and spatial recognition after ischemic-hypoxic brain damage in neonatal rats
  940. IINSPIRE LSAMP Career Development Study Design & Piloting: How Using Social COGNITIVE Career Theory Can IMPROVE STEM Experiences for URMs
  941. Leveraging ubiquitous computing with a COGNITIVE behavior modification strategy to IMPROVE the performance of students with emotional and behavioral …
  942. IMPROVE Verbal Comprehension and Working Memory in Adults: A Cross-sectional Study on the Effect of Aural Rehabilitation with Cochlear Implants on COGNITIVE
  943. Characteristics of sleep in the elderly and COGNITIVE -behavioral intervention to IMPROVE sleep health (< Mini-Symposium 3> Walking and Sleep in the Aged, The 21st …
  944. The effectiveness of COGNITIVE behavioral therapeutic program to IMPROVE psychological hardness and to protect from relapse among a sample of Saudi addiction …
  945. Lychee seed saponins IMPROVE COGNITIVE function and ameliorate hippocampal neuronal injury in Alzheimer disease rat model induced by Aβ25-35 through AKT …
  946. … Program based on Standards for teacher competence in the educational assessment to IMPROVE Geography Pre-Service Teachers’ COGNITIVE and Skills Competencies …
  947. P306 Motor cortex tRNS reduce pain and IMPROVE affective and COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in patients with fibromyalgia: Preliminary results of a randomized sham …
  948. Atypical antipsychotics IMPROVE toluene-induced COGNITIVE and social dysfunction: a role of serotonin 5-HT1A receptor
  949. Dietary Flavanols from Cocoa IMPROVE Dentate Gyrus Function and COGNITIVE Performance in Aging Population
  950. Estrogen Therapy Does Not IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function in Postmenopausal Women with Moderate to Severe Dementia: Meta-Analysis of Double-Blind, Placebo …
  951. A home-based physical activity programme in combination with massage therapy to IMPROVE motor and COGNITIVE development in HIV positive children on antiretroviral …
  952. Does the addition of integrated COGNITIVE behaviour therapy and motivational interviewing IMPROVE the outcomes of standard care for young people with comorbid …
  954. Effectiveness of a COGNITIVE behavioural programme to IMPROVE psychological and social adjustment among hepatitis C patients in Egypt/Efficacité d’un programme de …
  955. … Converging Technologies to IMPROVE Human Performance, which explores the combination of nanotechnology, biotechnology, infor-mation technology, and COGNITIVE
  956. A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Trial Assessing the Utility of COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy to IMPROVE Endothelial Function and Reduce Inflammation in …
  957. Pre-and post-natal melatonin administration partially regulates brain oxidative stress but does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE or histological alterations in the Ts65Dn mouse …
  958. Nutrition strategies that IMPROVE COGNITIVE function
  959. COGNITIVE -based interventions to IMPROVE mobility: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  960. Does treating hearing loss in older adults IMPROVE COGNITIVE outcomes? A review
  961. Can exercise IMPROVE COGNITIVE symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease?
  962. Xbox 360 kinect COGNITIVE games IMPROVE slowness, complexity of EEG, and COGNITIVE functions in subjects with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a randomized control trial
  963. Using virtual reality-based training to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function, instrumental activities of daily living and neural efficiency in older adults with mild COGNITIVE
  964. Restoration of sensory input may IMPROVE COGNITIVE and neural function
  965. Virtual reality-based COGNITIVE stimulation to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning in community elderly: A controlled study
  966. How to IMPROVE social communication in aging: Pragmatic and COGNITIVE interventions
  967. Physical activity to IMPROVE cognition in older adults: can physical activity programs enriched with COGNITIVE challenges enhance the effects? A systematic …
  968. Realistic mathematics learning based on the ethnomathematics in Bengkulu to IMPROVE students’ COGNITIVE level
  969. The effect of hearing aid use on cognition in older adults: can we delay decline or even IMPROVE COGNITIVE function?
  970. Are we there yet? Immersive virtual reality to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in dementia and mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  971. Incorporation of collaborative problem solving and COGNITIVE tools to IMPROVE higher COGNITIVE processing in online discussion environments
  972. The psychology of experimental psychologists: Overcoming COGNITIVE constraints to IMPROVE research: The 47th Sir Frederic Bartlett Lecture
  973. Teaching critical thinking: a case for instruction in COGNITIVE biases to reduce diagnostic errors and IMPROVE patient safety
  974. Novel lactopeptides in fermented dairy products IMPROVE memory function and COGNITIVE decline
  975. How can COGNITIVE -science research help IMPROVE education? The case of comparing multiple strategies to IMPROVE mathematics learning and teaching
  976. Using online technologies to IMPROVE diversity and inclusion in COGNITIVE interviews with young people
  977. Does COGNITIVE behavioural therapy for insomnia IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance? A systematic review and narrative synthesis
  978. Psychometric characteristics of COGNITIVE reserve: how high education might IMPROVE certain COGNITIVE abilities in aging
  979. A systematic review and meta-analysis of COGNITIVE and behavioral interventions to IMPROVE sleep health in adults without sleep disorders
  980. Robotic rehabilitation: an opportunity to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions in subjects with stroke. an explorative study
  981. Active exergames to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning in neurological disabilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  982. COGNITIVE behaviour group counseling with self-instruction and COGNITIVE restructuring techniques to IMPROVE students’ self-confidence
  983. A randomized waitlist‐controlled trial of COGNITIVE behavior therapy to IMPROVE emotion regulation in children with autism
  984. Development of Learning Methods through Songs and Movements to IMPROVE Children’s COGNITIVE and Psychomotor Aspects.
  985. Focus: attention science: can slow-wave sleep enhancement IMPROVE memory? A review of current approaches and COGNITIVE outcomes
  986. A before‐school physical activity intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE parameters in children: The Active‐Start study
  987. … or combined with COGNITIVE training be used as a clinical intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning in persons with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and dementia …
  988. How to train your health: sports as a resource to IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities in cancer patients
  989. Interventions to IMPROVE gait in older adults with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a systematic review
  990. COGNITIVE engineering to IMPROVE patient safety and outcomes in cardiothoracic surgery
  991. Efficacy of Bingocize®: A Game-Centered Mobile Application to IMPROVE Physical and COGNITIVE Performance in Older Adults
  992. Semi-immersive virtual reality as a tool to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and social abilities in preschool children
  993. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in an Alzheimer’s disease model by increasing the expression of microRNA-146a …
  994. Combining physical and COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE kindergarten children’s executive functions: A cluster randomized controlled trial
  995. Individual goal‐oriented COGNITIVE rehabilitation to IMPROVE everyday functioning for people with early‐stage dementia: A multicentre randomised controlled trial (the …
  996. COGNITIVE rehabilitation program to IMPROVE cognition of cancer patients treated with chemotherapy: A 3‐arm randomized trial
  997. Social COGNITIVE or learning theory use to IMPROVE self-efficacy in musculoskeletal rehabilitation: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  998. COGNITIVE and behavioral interventions to IMPROVE sleep in school-age children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  999. Could exercise IMPROVE mental health and COGNITIVE skills for surgeons and other healthcare professionals?
  1000. Does studying ‘ethics’ IMPROVE engineering students’ meta-moral COGNITIVE skills?
  1001. Using telerehabilitation to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in post-stroke survivors: is this the time for the continuity of care?
  1002. Newly developed TV-based COGNITIVE training games IMPROVE car driving skills, COGNITIVE functions, and mood in healthy older adults: evidence from a …
  1003. Altering meal timing to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance during simulated nightshifts
  1004. Luteolin could IMPROVE COGNITIVE dysfunction by inhibiting neuroinflammation
  1005. The efficacy of COGNITIVE behavioral therapy to treat depression and anxiety and IMPROVE quality of life among early-stage breast cancer patients
  1006. A pilot randomized controlled trial of exercise to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance in patients with stable glioma: a proof of concept
  1007. Instructional Materials for Discovery Learning with COGNITIVE Conflict Approach to IMPROVE Vocational Students’ Achievement.
  1008. A randomized controlled trial examining a COGNITIVE behavioral therapy intervention enhanced with COGNITIVE remediation to IMPROVE work and neurocognition …
  1009. DYRK1A protein, a promising therapeutic target to IMPROVE COGNITIVE deficits in Down syndrome
  1010. Effective learning activities to IMPROVE early childhood COGNITIVE development
  1011. POMA: A tangible user interface to IMPROVE social and COGNITIVE skills of Sri Lankan children with ASD
  1012. Implementation of discovery learning to IMPROVE scientific and COGNITIVE attitude of students
  1013. Applying deep-Q networks to target tracking to IMPROVE COGNITIVE radar
  1014. Video-based training to IMPROVE perceptual-COGNITIVE decision-making performance of Australian football umpires
  1015. Can COGNITIVE training IMPROVE shoot/don’t-shoot performance? Evidence from live fire exercises
  1016. Nutrition, hygiene, and stimulation education to IMPROVE growth, COGNITIVE , language, and motor development among infants in Uganda: A cluster‐randomized trial
  1017. Developing Pop-Up Book Learning Media to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Ability of Children Aged 4-5 Years
  1018. … of mindfulness-based COGNITIVE therapy for life and a COGNITIVE behavioural therapy stress-management workshop to IMPROVE healthcare staff stress: study …
  1019. Flavonoid-rich mixed berries maintain and IMPROVE COGNITIVE function over a 6 h period in young healthy adults
  1020. Exogenous ketone salts do not IMPROVE COGNITIVE responses after a high-intensity exercise protocol in healthy college-aged males
  1021. Does COGNITIVE -behavioural therapy IMPROVE sleep outcomes in individuals with traumatic brain injury: a scoping review
  1022. Transcranial direct current stimulation may IMPROVE COGNITIVE -motor function in functionally limited older adults
  1023. The implementation of project-based learning and guided inquiry to IMPROVE science process skills and student COGNITIVE learning outcomes
  1024. Edmodo as Web-Based Learning to IMPROVE Student’s COGNITIVE and Motivation in Learning Thermal Physics.
  1025. … Exercises, Remedies in Gait and Cognition) a multi-Centre randomized controlled double blind trial to IMPROVE gait and cognition in mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1026. A pbl-based circulatory system e-module based on research results to IMPROVE students’ critical thinking skills and COGNITIVE learning outcome
  1027. Results from a feasibility study of square-stepping exercise in older adults with type 2 diabetes and self-reported COGNITIVE complaints to IMPROVE global COGNITIVE
  1028. … vesicle-mediated transfer of miR-21-5p from mesenchymal stromal cells to neurons alleviates early brain injury to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function via the PTEN/Akt …
  1029. Does COGNITIVE distraction IMPROVE or degrade lane keeping performance? Analysis of time-to-line crossing safety margins
  1030. Peer-delivered COGNITIVE behavioral training to IMPROVE functioning in patients with diabetes: a cluster-randomized trial
  1031. Using computer‐based COGNITIVE mapping to IMPROVE students’ divergent thinking for creativity development
  1032. Applying the COGNITIVE style-based learning strategy in elementary schools to IMPROVE students’ science process skills
  1033. Using COGNITIVE behavioural techniques to IMPROVE academic achievement in student-athletes
  1034. COGNITIVE offloading: structuring the environment to IMPROVE children’s working memory task performance
  1035. COGNITIVE remediation can IMPROVE negative symptoms and social functioning in first-episode schizophrenia: a randomized controlled trial
  1036. Do NICU developmental care IMPROVE COGNITIVE and motor outcomes for preterm infants? A systematic review and meta-analysis
  1037. Voluntary running does not reduce neuroinflammation or IMPROVE non-COGNITIVE behavior in the 5xFAD mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
  1038. Game-framing to IMPROVE applicant perceptions of COGNITIVE assessments
  1039. Development of learning tools based on discovery learning models combined with COGNITIVE conflict approaches to IMPROVE students’ critical thinking ability
  1040. Actively targeted gold nanoparticle composites IMPROVE behavior and COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in Parkinson’s disease mice
  1041. A web-based COGNITIVE behavior therapy intervention to IMPROVE social and occupational functioning in adults with type 2 diabetes (the springboard trial) …
  1042. Brief report: Pilot study of a novel interactive digital treatment to IMPROVE COGNITIVE control in children with autism spectrum disorder and co-occurring ADHD symptoms
  1043. Does COGNITIVE behavioral education reduce pain and IMPROVE joint function in patients after total knee arthroplasty? A randomized controlled trial
  1044. Resveratrol activates autophagy via the AKT/mTOR signaling pathway to IMPROVE COGNITIVE dysfunction in rats with chronic cerebral hypoperfusion
  1045. Combining COGNITIVE training and multi-site rTMS to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions in Alzheimer’s disease
  1046. Training interventions to IMPROVE general hospital care for older people with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : systematic review
  1047. Transcranial magnetic stimulation does not IMPROVE mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in Parkinson’s disease
  1048. Intensive multimodal training to IMPROVE gait resistance, mobility, balance and COGNITIVE function in persons with multiple sclerosis: a pilot randomized …
  1049. Employing a COGNITIVE apprenticeship to IMPROVE faculty teaching
  1050. COGNITIVE interventions to IMPROVE memory in healthy older adults: the use of Canadian (MEMO) and Brazilian (Stimullus) approaches
  1051. Detection of mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in an at-risk group of older adults: can a novel self-administered serious game-based screening test IMPROVE diagnostic …
  1052. A COGNITIVE systems engineering design approach to IMPROVE the usability of electronic order forms for medical consultation
  1053. Using a patient-reported outcome to IMPROVE detection of COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and dementia: The patient version of the Quick Dementia Rating System …
  1054. Interventions involving a major dietary component IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in COGNITIVE ly healthy adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  1055. ω-3PUFAs IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT s through Ser133 phosphorylation of CREB upregulating BDNF/TrkB signal in schizophrenia
  1056. A randomized control trial of meditation compared to music listening to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function for breast cancer survivors: Feasibility and acceptability
  1057. A group-based community reinforcement approach of COGNITIVE behavioral therapy program to IMPROVE self-care behavior of patients with type 2 diabetes
  1058. Transgenic mouse models as tools for understanding how increased COGNITIVE and physical stimulation can IMPROVE cognition in Alzheimer’s disease
  1059. Buying time: a proof-of-concept randomized controlled trial to IMPROVE sleep quality and COGNITIVE function among older adults with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1060. An indoor gardening planting table game design to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE performance of the elderly with mild and moderate dementia
  1061. Food addiction is associated with binge eating and psychiatric distress among post-operative bariatric surgery patients and may IMPROVE in response to COGNITIVE
  1062. Randomized trial of combined aerobic, resistance, and COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE recovery from stroke: feasibility and safety
  1063. … system content based on research results of the potential single garlic extract (allium sativum) to IMPROVE student creative thinking skills and COGNITIVE learning …
  1064. A COGNITIVE behavioural intervention programme to IMPROVE psychological well-being
  1065. Green tea polyphenols IMPROVE isoflurane-induced COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT via modulating oxidative stress
  1066. Dose reduction of risperidone and olanzapine can IMPROVE COGNITIVE function and negative symptoms in stable schizophrenic patients: a single-blinded, 52-week …
  1067. Fish intake may affect brain structure and IMPROVE COGNITIVE ability in healthy people
  1068. Efficacy of a 7-week dance (RCT) PE curriculum with different teaching pedagogies and levels of COGNITIVE challenge to IMPROVE working memory capacity and motor …
  1069. The use of an android–based-game in the team assisted individualization to IMPROVE students’ creativity and COGNITIVE achievement in chemistry
  1070. Using the COGNITIVE interviewing process to IMPROVE survey design by allied health: A qualitative study
  1071. A pilot study of mindfulness-based COGNITIVE therapy to IMPROVE well-being for health professionals providing chronic disease care
  1072. Does cochlear implantation IMPROVE COGNITIVE function?
  1073. Novel mat exergaming to IMPROVE the physical performance, COGNITIVE function, and dual-task walking and decrease the fall risk of community-dwelling older …
  1074. Thinking-while-moving exercises may IMPROVE cognition in elderly with mild COGNITIVE deficits: a proof-of-principle study
  1075. Can computerized COGNITIVE training IMPROVE cognition in patients with heart failure?: A review
  1076. Bilberry anthocyanins IMPROVE neuroinflammation and COGNITIVE dysfunction in APP/PSEN1 mice via the CD33/TREM2/TYROBP signaling pathway in microglia
  1077. Exogenous ketone salts do not IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance during a dual-stress challenge
  1078. Do sluggish COGNITIVE tempo symptoms IMPROVE with school‐based ADHD interventions? Outcomes and predictors of change
  1079. Patient perspectives on strengths and challenges of therapist-assisted internet-delivered COGNITIVE behaviour therapy: using the patient voice to IMPROVE care
  1080. Predictive analytics approach to IMPROVE and sustain college students’ non-COGNITIVE skills and their educational outcome
  1081. A glycosylated prodrug to attenuate neuroinflammation and IMPROVE COGNITIVE deficits in Alzheimer’s disease transgenic mice
  1082. Fuzzy COGNITIVE mapping with Inuit women: what needs to change to IMPROVE cervical cancer screening in Nunavik, northern Quebec?
  1083. ESC‐sEVs rejuvenate senescent hippocampal NSCs by activating lysosomes to IMPROVE COGNITIVE dysfunction in vascular dementia
  1084. Design and delivery features that may IMPROVE the use of internet-based COGNITIVE behavioral therapy for children and adolescents with anxiety: a realist …
  1085. Ulinastatin may significantly IMPROVE postoperative COGNITIVE function of elderly patients undergoing spinal surgery by reducing the translocation of …
  1086. Fucoidan-Rich Substances from Ecklonia cava IMPROVE Trimethyltin-Induced COGNITIVE Dysfunction via Down-Regulation of Amyloid β Production/Tau …
  1087. Does extreme language control training IMPROVE COGNITIVE control? A comparison of professional interpreters, L2 teachers and monolinguals
  1088. Integrated motivational interviewing and COGNITIVE behaviour therapy can increase physical activity and IMPROVE health of adult ambulatory care patients in a …
  1089. Exercise and COGNITIVE training as a strategy to IMPROVE neuroCOGNITIVE outcomes in heart failure: a pilot study
  1090. Using COGNITIVE neuroscience to IMPROVE mental health treatment: A comprehensive review
  1091. Technology use to IMPROVE everyday occupations in older persons with mild dementia or mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : A scoping review
  1092. … study and randomised feasibility trial of a tailored intervention to IMPROVE activity and reduce falls in older adults with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and mild …
  1093. Blueberries IMPROVE neuroinflammation and cognition differentially depending on individual COGNITIVE baseline status
  1094. Knockdown of long non-coding RNA SOX2OT downregulates SOX2 to IMPROVE hippocampal neurogenesis and COGNITIVE function in a mouse model of sepsis …
  1095. … of an intervention for patients with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT using an interactive digital calendar with mobile phone reminders (RemindMe) to IMPROVE the performance of …
  1096. Trigeminal, visceral and vestibular inputs may IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions by acting through the locus coeruleus and the ascending reticular activating system …
  1097. Soybean-derived phytoalexins IMPROVE COGNITIVE function through activation of Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway
  1098. Manipulating the visibility of barriers to IMPROVE spatial navigation efficiency and COGNITIVE mapping
  1099. Does early vitamin B12 supplementation IMPROVE neurodevelopment and COGNITIVE function in childhood and into school age: a study protocol for extended …
  1100. Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (∆9-THC) Induce Neurogenesis and IMPROVE COGNITIVE Performances of Male Sprague Dawley Rats
  1101. Multiple biomarkers covering several pathways IMPROVE predictive ability for COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT among ischemic stroke patients with elevated blood pressure
  1102. CogChamps: impact of a project to educate nurses about delirium and IMPROVE the quality of care for hospitalized patients with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1103. Epigenetic modifications induced by exercise: Drug-free intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE deficits associated with obesity
  1104. Using explicit case formulation to IMPROVE COGNITIVE processing therapy for PTSD
  1105. Acer okamotoanum and isoquercitrin IMPROVE COGNITIVE function via attenuation of oxidative stress in high fat diet-and amyloid beta-induced mice
  1106. Incorporating music therapy into COGNITIVE remediation to IMPROVE both COGNITIVE dysfunction and negative symptoms in schizophrenia
  1107. A guided internet-delivered individually-tailored ACT-influenced COGNITIVE behavioural intervention to IMPROVE psychosocial outcomes in breast cancer …
  1108. … tensor indices of the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex IMPROVE sensitivity and specificity of MRI to detect amnestic mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and Alzheimer’s …
  1109. The Community of Inquiry Model Training Using the COGNITIVE Apprenticeship Approach to IMPROVE Students’ Learning Strategy in the Asynchronous Discussion …
  1110. Can COGNITIVE speed of processing training IMPROVE everyday functioning among older adults with psychometrically defined mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ?
  1111. Bioactive compounds in kimchi IMPROVE the COGNITIVE and memory functions impaired by amyloid beta
  1112. Can mindfulness-based training IMPROVE positive emotion and COGNITIVE ability in Chinese non-clinical population? A pilot study
  1113. … childhood development interventions implemented by primary care providers commencing in the neonatal period to IMPROVE COGNITIVE outcomes in children …
  1114. COGNITIVE interviewing to IMPROVE women’s empowerment questions in surveys: Application to the health and nutrition and intrahousehold relationships modules for …
  1115. COPE for adolescent Syrian refugees in Lebanon: A brief COGNITIVE –behavioral skill-building intervention to IMPROVE quality of life and promote positive mental health
  1116. Using COGNITIVE interviewing to IMPROVE questionnaires: An exemplar study focusing on individual and condition-specific factors
  1117. Prophylactic use of troxerutin can delay the development of diabetic COGNITIVE dysfunction and IMPROVE the expression of Nrf2 in the hippocampus on STZ …
  1118. Exosomes of antler mesenchymal stem cells IMPROVE postoperative COGNITIVE dysfunction in cardiopulmonary bypass rats through inhibiting the TLR2/TLR4 …
  1119. Nordic walking and free walking IMPROVE the quality of life, COGNITIVE function, and depressive symptoms in individuals with Parkinson’s disease: a randomized …
  1120. Remote ischemic post-conditioning may IMPROVE post-stroke COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a pilot single center randomized controlled trial
  1121. COGNITIVE Growth Learning Model to IMPROVE the Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
  1122. Horizontal and vertical tracing: a COGNITIVE forcing strategy to IMPROVE diagnostic accuracy
  1123. A multicomponent model to IMPROVE hospital care of older adults with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a propensity score–matched analysis
  1124. Silencing of aquaporin1 activates the Wnt signaling pathway to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
  1125. Can long-term regular practice of physical exercises including taichi IMPROVE finger tapping of patients presenting with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ?
  1126. Novel smartphone interventions IMPROVE COGNITIVE flexibility and obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms in individuals with contamination fears
  1127. … the efficacy of combined motivational interviewing and COGNITIVE behavioral skills training to reduce methamphetamine use and IMPROVE HIV medication adherence …
  1128. Group COGNITIVE behavioural therapy can reduce stigma and IMPROVE treatment compliance in major depressive disorder patients
  1129. Adjunctive raloxifene and isradipine IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning in patients with schizophrenia: a pilot study
  1130. Behavioral and COGNITIVE interventions to IMPROVE treatment adherence and access to HIV care among older adults in sub-Saharan Africa: an updated …
  1131. Does magnetic resonance imaging–guided biopsy IMPROVE prostate cancer detection? A comparison of systematic, COGNITIVE fusion and ultrasound fusion …
  1132. Kappa opioid receptor agonists IMPROVE postoperative COGNITIVE dysfunction in rats via the JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway
  1133. Which COGNITIVE training intervention can IMPROVE young drivers’ speed management on the road?
  1134. Dancing to IMPROVE balance control, COGNITIVE -motor functions and quality of life after stroke: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
  1135. Postmenopausal hormone treatment alters neural pathways but does not IMPROVE verbal COGNITIVE function
  1136. Lacosamide may IMPROVE cognition in patients with focal epilepsy: EpiTrack to compare COGNITIVE side effects of lacosamide and carbamazepine
  1137. Passive exercise to IMPROVE quality of life, activities of daily living, care burden and COGNITIVE functioning in institutionalized older adults with dementia–a …
  1138. Protection of blood-brain barrier as a potential mechanism for enriched environments to IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT caused by chronic cerebral hypoperfusion
  1139. Usability testing of the iPhone app to IMPROVE pain assessment for older adults with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT (prehospital setting): A qualitative study
  1140. Does rating with a checklist IMPROVE the effect of E-learning for COGNITIVE and practical skills in bariatric surgery? A rater-blinded, randomized-controlled trial
  1141. Examining the effectiveness of a COGNITIVE intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in a population of older adults living with HIV: a pilot study
  1142. The total alkaloids from Coptis chinensis Franch IMPROVE COGNITIVE deficits in type 2 diabetic rats
  1143. Ethical decision-making interrupted: Can COGNITIVE tools IMPROVE decision-making following an interruption?
  1144. COGNITIVE services to IMPROVE user experience in searching for academic information based on chatbot
  1145. … attention training to IMPROVE alertness attention, sustained attention, and visual‐spatial attention in older adults with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : A randomized …
  1146. Pepper and cinnamon IMPROVE cold induced COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT via increasing non-shivering thermogenesis; a study
  1147. An incidental learning method to IMPROVE face-name memory in older adults with amnestic mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1148. … Stimulates Adenosine-2b Receptor-Mediated Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathway to IMPROVE Brain Mitochondrial Function in Amyloid Beta-Induced COGNITIVE
  1149. Dietary intake of riboflavin and unsaturated fatty acid can IMPROVE the multi-domain COGNITIVE function in middle-aged and elderly populations: A 2-year …
  1150. Stem cell factor and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor promote brain repair and IMPROVE COGNITIVE function through VEGF-A in a mouse model of CADASIL
  1151. Epimedium flavonoids IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and white matter lesions induced by chronic cerebral hypoperfusion through inhibiting the Lingo-1/Fyn/ROCK …
  1152. Combining physical therapy and COGNITIVE behavioral therapy techniques to IMPROVE balance confidence and community participation in people with unilateral …
  1153. Group counseling with COGNITIVE restructuring technique to IMPROVE the self-efficacy and assertiveness of students who experienced advanced study anxiety
  1154. … clinical trial examining the efficacy of aerobic exercise to IMPROVE neurocognition, daily functioning, and biomarkers of COGNITIVE change in individuals with …
  1155. Construction of COGNITIVE maps to IMPROVE reading performance by text signaling: Reading text on paper compared to on screen
  1156. Development and integration of serious games with focus in the training of different COGNITIVE abilities in elderly people to IMPROVE their quality of life
  1157. Computerised COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE cognition including delirium following coronary artery bypass grafting surgery: protocol for a blinded randomised …
  1158. Does the treatment of anxiety in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) using COGNITIVE behavioral therapy IMPROVE child and family …
  1159. Comorbid depressive symptoms and self‐esteem IMPROVE after either COGNITIVE ‐behavioural therapy or family‐based treatment for adolescent bulimia nervosa
  1160. Lipid-core nanocapsules containing simvastatin IMPROVE the COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT induced by obesity and hypercholesterolemia in adult rats
  1161. Novel, non-nitrocatechol catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors modulate dopamine neurotransmission in the frontal cortex and IMPROVE COGNITIVE flexibility
  1162. Do COGNITIVE therapy skills neutralize lifetime stress to IMPROVE treatment outcomes in recurrent depression?
  1163. The additive effects of low dose intake of ferulic acid, phosphatidylserine and curcumin, not alone, IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in APPswe/PS1dE9 transgenic mice
  1164. Stream reasoning to IMPROVE decision-making in COGNITIVE systems
  1165. Designing non-COGNITIVE construct measures that IMPROVE mathematics achievement in Grade 5-6 learners: A user-centered approach
  1166. COGNITIVE distraction to IMPROVE cybersickness in virtual reality environment
  1167. Guest editorial: COGNITIVE computing: augmenting human intelligence to IMPROVE oil and gas outcomes
  1168. Systematic review of COGNITIVE behavior therapy to IMPROVE mental health of women living with HIV
  1169. Can we IMPROVE COGNITIVE function among adults with osteoarthritis by increasing moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and reducing sedentary behaviour …
  1170. Evodiamine derivatives IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities in APPswe/PS1ΔE9 transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease
  1171. Does structured exercise IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in people with mild to moderate dementia? a cost-effectiveness analysis from a confirmatory …
  1172. Willingness to undergo a risky treatment to IMPROVE cognition among persons with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT who received an amyloid PET scan
  1173. 9R, the cholinesterase and amyloid beta aggregation dual inhibitor, as a multifunctional agent to IMPROVE COGNITIVE deficit and neuropathology in the triple-transgenic …
  1174. An iot model to IMPROVE COGNITIVE skills of student learning experience using neurosensors
  1175. Can multiparametric ultrasound IMPROVE COGNITIVE MRI/TRUS fusion prostate biopsy
  1176. Using principles of COGNITIVE science to IMPROVE science learning in middle school: What works when and for whom?
  1177. Does ACT-group training IMPROVE COGNITIVE domain in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? A single-arm, open-label study
  1178. Does Computer-aided Instruction IMPROVE Children’s COGNITIVE and Non-COGNITIVE Skills?: Evidence from Cambodia
  1179. A multimodal intervention to IMPROVE hand hygiene compliance via social COGNITIVE influences among kindergarten teachers in China
  1180. Can COGNITIVE training IMPROVE perioperative brain health?
  1181. COGNITIVE Breastfeeding Counseling: A Single Session Helps IMPROVE LATCH Score
  1182. Action observation combined with gait training to IMPROVE gait and cognition in elderly with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT A randomized controlled trial
  1183. Home based-exercise using mobile application to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions in patients with hypertension: A quesy experimental design
  1184. Trust establishment in chaotic COGNITIVE environment to IMPROVE attack detection accuracy under primary user emulation
  1185. Augmented Reality App to IMPROVE quality of life of people with COGNITIVE and sensory disabilities
  1186. A three-module proposed solution to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and social skills of students with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and high functioning autism (HFA) innovative …
  1187. Effectiveness of group counseling COGNITIVE behavior therapy COGNITIVE restructuring technique and assertive skill training to IMPROVE assertive behavior students
  1188. … moderate doses of a caffeine-free polyphenol-rich coffeeberry extract IMPROVE feelings of alertness and fatigue resulting from the performance of fatiguing COGNITIVE
  1189. Wild common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) employ spatial COGNITIVE abilities to IMPROVE their food search and consumption: an experimental approach in small …
  1190. Can functional task exercise IMPROVE executive function and contribute to functional balance in older adults with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ? A pilot study
  1191. Design and Rationale of the COGNITIVE Intervention to IMPROVE Memory in Heart Failure Patients (MEMOIR-HF) Study
  1192. Increased intake of vitamin B 12, folate, and omega-3 fatty acids to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance in offspring born to rats with induced hypertension during …
  1193. Emerging from the Haze: a pilot study evaluating feasibility of a psychoeducational intervention to IMPROVE cancer-related COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in gynecologic …
  1194. Short-term COGNITIVE conspicuity training does not IMPROVE driver detection of motorcycles at road junctions: A reply to Crundall, Howard, and Young (2017)
  1195. ALWPs IMPROVE COGNITIVE function and regulate Aβ plaque and tau hyperphosphorylation in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
  1196. Yoga and meditation can help IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning in older adults with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and dementia
  1197. Does degree completion IMPROVE non-COGNITIVE skills during early adulthood and adulthood?
  1198. Aliskiren and captopril IMPROVE COGNITIVE deficits in poorly controlled STZ-induced diabetic rats via amelioration of the hippocampal P-ERK, GSK3β, P-GSK3β pathway
  1199. Designing Self-presence in Immersive Virtual Reality to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Performance—A Research Proposal
  1200. Inquiry Learning Model to IMPROVE Student COGNITIVE Learning Outcomes in Temperature and Heat
  1202. Enhancing AODV protocol using QoS constraints to IMPROVE routing in COGNITIVE Radio Ad Hoc Networks
  1203. Chia seed does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in SAMP8 mice fed with high fat diet
  1204. Non-pharmacological motor-COGNITIVE treatment to IMPROVE the mental health of elderly adults
  1205. The effectiveness of group counseling with self-instruction and COGNITIVE restructuring techniques to IMPROVE hardiness
  1206. The psychology of experimental psychologists: Overcoming COGNITIVE constraints to IMPROVE research
  1207. Recurrent stress across life may IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance in individual rats, suggesting the induction of resilience
  1208. Chronic disease self-management and COGNITIVE training programme to IMPROVE diabetic control in older outpatients with memory complaints: A randomised trial
  1209. COGNITIVE remediation to IMPROVE functional outcome
  1210. Rehabilitative support for persons with dementia and their families to acquire self-management attitude and IMPROVE social cognition and sense of COGNITIVE empathy
  1211. Checklists and COGNITIVE aids in simulation training and daily critical care practice: Simple tools to IMPROVE medical performance and patient outcome
  1212. … for a feasibility randomised controlled trial of a pre-COGNITIVE behavioural therapy digital ‘informed choice’intervention to IMPROVE attitudes towards uptake and …
  1213. … of vascular, dependency and COGNITIVE endpoints on the sample size required to detect a treatment effect in trials of treatments to IMPROVE outcome after lacunar …
  1214. … oxygen as a carrier gas during long-duration sevoflurane exposure ameliorate the neuronal apoptosis and IMPROVE the long-term COGNITIVE function in neonatal rats
  1215. Long-term intake of ubiquinol may IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance in community residents
  1216. Does Flipped Classroom IMPROVE Student COGNITIVE and Behavioral Outcomes in STEM Subjects? Evidence from a Second-Order Meta-Analysis and Validation Study
  1217. Administrations of preoperative Shenmai injection and postoperative Shenfu injection, two ginseng containing TCM formulas, IMPROVE COGNITIVE dysfunction in aged …
  1218. … of executive attention training to IMPROVE selective attention, focused attention, and divided attention for older adults with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a randomized …
  1219. CogAR: an augmented reality App to IMPROVE quality of life of the people with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1220. Application of problem-based learning assisted intelligent learning media to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE aspects of students
  1221. QiFei: Assisting to IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities for autism children using a mobile app
  1222. Using information-gap tasks to IMPROVE reading: An analysis of COGNITIVE styles
  1223. … (LC) 7E with Technology Based Constructivist Teaching (TBCT) and Constructivist Teaching (CT) Approach as efforts to IMPROVE student COGNITIVE ability in static fluid …
  1224. Balance and mobility training with or without simultaneous COGNITIVE training reduces attention demand but does not IMPROVE obstacle clearance in older adults
  1225. Connections and COGNITIVE Speed of Older Adults: Using a Social Media Intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Speed
  1227. COGNITIVE changes: educating breast cancer survivors with the Think Well: healthy living to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function program
  1228. A COGNITIVE network management system to IMPROVE QoE in stereoscopic IPTV service
  1229. Implementation of 3D virtual learning environment to IMPROVE students’ COGNITIVE achievement
  1230. The development of learning song-integrated module based on flipped learning model to IMPROVE self-regulated learning and COGNITIVE learning outcome of junior …
  1231. Implementing Jigsaw Type of Cooperative Learning Model to IMPROVE Students’ COGNITIVE , Affective and Psychomotor Domains in Learning Natural Science at …
  1232. Technology and the Mind: Does Learning to Code IMPROVE COGNITIVE Skills?
  1233. BoostMeUp: A smartwatch app to regulate emotions and IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance
  1234. COGNITIVE interviewing to IMPROVE questionnaires for justice-involved youth
  1235. Using COGNITIVE load theory to IMPROVE teaching in the clinical workplace
  1236. Zataria multiflora could IMPROVE hippocampal tau protein and TNFα levels and COGNITIVE behavior defects in a rat model of Alzheimer’s disease
  1237. The efficacy of sauropus androgynus leaves extract to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in wistar rats induced alzheimer’s
  1238. Optimisation of cuckoo search algorithm to IMPROVE quality of service routing in COGNITIVE radio ad hoc networks
  1239. Preliminary reasearch development of mathematics learning device based on COGNITIVE conflict to IMPROVE critical thinking ability of 1st grade senior high school …
  1240. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy to IMPROVE COGNITIVE dysfunction and encephalatrophy induced by N2O for recreational use: a case report
  1241. … of people post-stroke, carers and healthcare professionals to inform the development of an intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT post-stroke
  1242. … a mindfulness-based intervention as an attentional network training to IMPROVE cognition in older adults with amnestic mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a randomized …
  1243. Sensor cooperation and decision fusion to IMPROVE detection in COGNITIVE radio spectrum sensing
  1244. A descriptive study to assess the COGNITIVE style among teachers working in selected schools of Vadodara (With a View to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Process)
  1245. … on interventions for caregivers of persons with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and early dementia: does early stage intervention IMPROVE caregiver well-being and …
  1246. AG-1031 and AG-1503 IMPROVE COGNITIVE deficits by promoting apoptosis and inhibiting autophagy in C6 glioma model rats
  1247. Effectiveness of COGNITIVE orientation to daily occupational performance to IMPROVE shopping skills in children with learning disability
  1248. Design and evaluation of computerized COGNITIVE games to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance in multiple sclerosis: A correlation and validation study
  1249. Targeting Lifestyle Behavior to IMPROVE Brain Health: User-Experiences of an Online Program for Individuals with Subjective COGNITIVE Decline
  1250. A modified COGNITIVE complexity metric to IMPROVE the readability of object-oriented software
  1251. How Course Review Horay (CRH) assisted by the media Prezi can IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities of students
  1252. Augmenting usual care SSRIs with COGNITIVE behavioral therapy for insomnia to IMPROVE depression outcomes in youth: Design of a randomized controlled efficacy …
  1253. Does integrated COGNITIVE and balance (dual-task) training IMPROVE balance and reduce falls risk in individuals with cerebellar ataxia?
  1254. Criteria for diet pattern and meal management to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function: A systematic review
  1255. Using COGNITIVE load theory to IMPROVE posthospitalization follow-up visits
  1256. Computerized COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE mood in senior living settings: design of a randomized controlled trial
  1257. Role of COGNITIVE radio to IMPROVE agriculture
  1258. Cinemotion, a Program of COGNITIVE Remediation to IMPROVE the Recognition and Expression of Facial Emotions in Schizophrenia: A Pilot Study
  1259. Novel lacto-peptides IMPROVE COGNITIVE decline
  1260. Development of the Innovative Smart Orbital (ISO) Medium to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE Skills on the Heat Transfer Concept
  1262. COGNITIVE Behavior Counseling to IMPROVE Responsibility Attitudes: A Development of Guidebooks
  1263. Additional Queen Square (QS) screening items IMPROVE the test accuracy of the Montreal COGNITIVE Assessment (MoCA) after acute stroke
  1264. Can memantine IMPROVE catatonia and co-occurring COGNITIVE dysfunction? A case report and brief literature review
  1265. Contextual teaching-learning method to IMPROVE student engagement among college students in COGNITIVE psychology course
  1266. How COGNITIVE Computational Models Can IMPROVE Information Search
  1267. Innovative technological advancements to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and social skills of students with neurodevelopmental disorders
  1268. COGNITIVE Radars (CRs) Could IMPROVE Target Engagement Success Rate
  1269. Can COGNITIVE rehabilitation IMPROVE attention deficits following stroke?-A Cochrane Review summary with commentary
  1270. COGNITIVE Networks and Systems to IMPROVE Coalition Operations Effectiveness
  1271. Does the combination of the COGNITIVE interventions IMPROVE the function of daily living and save the long-term care cost? A pilot study of effectiveness and cost saving …
  1272. Atomoxetine does not IMPROVE complex attention in idiopathic parkinson’s disease patients with COGNITIVE deficits: A meta-analysis
  1273. Does antenatal micronutrient supplementation IMPROVE children’s COGNITIVE function? Evidence from the follow-up of a double-blind randomised controlled trial in …
  1274. Does physiotherapy plus COGNITIVE training IMPROVE balance in Parkinson’s disease? Randomized clinical trial.
  1275. Is COGNITIVE training able to IMPROVE brain functioning with age?
  1276. Implementing COGNITIVE Strategy Instruction to IMPROVE the Actual Intellectual Abilities of the Undergraduate Students with COGNITIVE Expression Difficulties
  1277. Adopting Production System in COGNITIVE Psychology to IMPROVE the Extraction Process of Persuasive Design Characteristics for Healthcare-related Applications
  1278. … new approach of learning: Learn by thinking extending the paradigm through COGNITIVE learning and artificial intelligence methods to IMPROVE special education needs
  1279. The Use of The Edmodo Application in Blended Learning to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Abilities of Senior High School Students
  1280. Joining forces to IMPROVE psychosocial care for people with COGNITIVE deficits across diagnoses: social health as a common framework
  1282. Proposed prophylactic use of lithium to IMPROVE COGNITIVE decline and mental health in disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and depression
  1283. Nurturing environments and nutrient-rich diets may IMPROVE COGNITIVE development: analysis of COGNITIVE trajectories from six to sixty months from the MAL-ED …
  1284. Exercise: Can this help to IMPROVE or preserve COGNITIVE function throughout adulthood? About Alzheimer disease
  1285. Iso-α-acids and matured hop bitter acids in beer IMPROVE obesity-induced COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1286. Targeting separate specific learning parameters underlying COGNITIVE behavioral therapy can IMPROVE perceptual judgments of anger
  1287. Virtual Reality Therapy Can IMPROVE Fatigue and COGNITIVE Function after Radiation and Chemotherapy
  1289. Effectiveness of Project-based Learning Model to IMPROVE Students’ COGNITIVE Skills
  1290. Using COGNITIVE work analysis to understand and IMPROVE communication between limited English proficient patients and emergency department care providers
  1291. GLP-1 Agonists IMPROVE Cerebrovascular Integrity and Vascular Induced COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and Dementia Beyond Glycemic Control via Restoration of Brain …
  1292. Conversation and learning in early childhood education: what works best for children’s COGNITIVE development and how to IMPROVE pupil engagement?
  1293. Novel, non-nitrocatechol COMT inhibitors modulate dopamine neurotransmission in the frontal cortex and IMPROVE COGNITIVE flexibility
  1294. A COGNITIVE model for adopting ITIL framework to IMPROVE IT services in Indian IT industries
  1295. Mindfulness to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function in Cancer Survivors
  1296. Is COGNITIVE Radio an Opportunity to IMPROVE the Performance of the IEEE 802.15. 4 in Mobile e-Health Scenarios?
  1297. Interaction between cognition and nutrition. COGNITIVE enhancers in order to IMPROVE athletes’ performance.
  1298. How student worksheet oriented of content complexity and COGNITIVE processes can IMPROVE conceptual understanding and critical thinking skill of student in physics …
  1299. Using COGNITIVE load theory to IMPROVE text comprehension for students with dyslexia
  1300. Does Computerized COGNITIVE Training IMPROVE Mental Resilience and Quality of Life (QOL) of Israeli Soldiers in Combat Units?
  1301. IMPROVE COGNITIVE Abilities And Learning Motivation Student In Elementary School With Scientific Approaches And Storytelling Activities
  1302. A Spectrum Sensing Algorithm to IMPROVE Detection Rates in COGNITIVE Radio Systems
  1303. Mind the gate to IMPROVE comorbid COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT s in epilepsy
  1304. The analysis of the implementation of research-based learning to IMPROVE students’ critical thinking skills based on their COGNITIVE style
  1305. Feasibility of a novel virtual reality-based COGNITIVE intervention to IMPROVE attention in people with heart failure
  1306. The effectiveness of narrative therapy based on daily executive functioning and on IMPROVE the COGNITIVE emotion regulation in children with attention deficit …
  1307. COGNITIVE and Emotional-Motivational Aspects of Communication to IMPROVE VVork Safety in Procuction Processes: Case Study
  1308. An approach to measure and IMPROVE the COGNITIVE capability of adhd affected children through eeg signals
  1309. A Shaping Procedure to Modulate Two COGNITIVE Tasks to IMPROVE a Sensorimotor Rhythm-Based Brain-Computer Interface System
  1310. The Effectiveness of Counseling With COGNITIVE Restructuringtechnique to IMPROVE the Coping Stress of Cancer Patients
  1311. COGNITIVE interviews to IMPROVE a patient-centered contraceptive effectiveness poster
  1312. Insomnia and depressive symptoms in adolescents: can COGNITIVE behavioral therapy for insomnia contribute to IMPROVE adolescents’ depressive symptoms?
  1313. Computer-Aided Drawing Learning Method to IMPROVE Students’ COGNITIVE and Psychomotor Aspects in Computer-Aided Drawing Competence
  1314. Group counseling with self-instruction and COGNITIVE restructuring techniques to IMPROVE career decision-making self-efficacy
  1315. Fundamental questions surrounding efforts to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function through video game training.
  1316. The Effectiveness of COGNITIVE Restructuring Techniques to IMPROVE of Comprehension of Drug Abusers Among Student
  1317. Which interventions incorporating physical and COGNITIVE elements are most effective to IMPROVE gait in COGNITIVE ly impaired older adults? A systematic review
  1318. Tuning Environmental Lighting to IMPROVE Sleep Quality and COGNITIVE Performance in Older Adults
  1319. Does Computer-aided Instruction IMPROVE Children’s COGNITIVE and Non-COGNITIVE Skills?: Evidence from Cambodia
  1320. Using COGNITIVE interviews to IMPROVE a Psychological-Social-Spiritual Healing instrument: Voices of aging African Americans with serious illness
  1321. Problem-Based learning strategy based on COGNITIVE style to IMPROVE the learning outcomes of nursing students
  1322. Abstract P1-17-13: Design of a COGNITIVE bias modification eHealth app to IMPROVE implicit vitality in breast cancer patients: A co-creation process
  1323. To what extent does text simplification IMPROVE human comprehension?: COGNITIVE evaluations for the optimization of the Airbus cockpit controlled language for future …
  1324. Do COGNITIVE linguistic insights help Japanese learners IMPROVE their use of English articles?
  1325. Protocol: Dancing to IMPROVE balance control, COGNITIVE -motor functions and quality of life after stroke: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
  1326. Interventions to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning after traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  1327. Interaction Analysis Application of Arduino Industrial Automation Trainer Based on Project to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Ability and The Bodily-Kinesthetic Ability
  1328. Development of digital character education comics to IMPROVE COGNITIVE empathy
  1329. Increased Utilization of Tactile Activities in Reproductive Physiology Laboratory Sections in Order to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Learning
  1330. Multiple memory tests in midlife IMPROVE prediction of mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1331. Does case formulation IMPROVE outcomes in COGNITIVE Processing Therapy for PTSD? A randomized controlled trial.
  1332. Novel School-Based Strategies to IMPROVE Participation in the School Breakfast Program, Diet Quality, and COGNITIVE Performance in Adolescents
  1333. Using COGNITIVE Load Theory to IMPROVE the use of slideshow presentations and support a more efficient learning process
  1334. COGNITIVE apprenticeship during pair work activity to IMPROVE oral presentations
  1335. Does COGNITIVE rehabilitation IMPROVE occupational outcomes including employment and activities of daily living, as well as quality of life and community integration in …
  1336. Making sense of learner behavioral, COGNITIVE and demographic characteristics to IMPROVE learner modeling
  1337. White Shark Protein Metabolism may be a Model to IMPROVE the Outcome of Cytotoxic Brain Tissue Edema and COGNITIVE Deficiency after Traumatic Brain Injury and …
  1338. Regional Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data IMPROVE Screening Accuracy of Subjective Memory Complaints and Informant Reports of COGNITIVE
  1339. Computer Vision with COGNITIVE Learning to IMPROVE the Decision-Making During the Sales Process in Physical Stores
  1340. A 12-week physical exercise, COGNITIVE and whole body vibration program can IMPROVE physical and COGNITIVE functioning risk factors for falls and fractures in …
  1342. Implementing COGNITIVE Intervention to Educate and IMPROVE Resident’s Preparedness in Landslide Areas
  1343. Dual-Task Obstacle Crossing Training Could Immediately IMPROVE Ability to Control a Complex Motor Task and COGNITIVE Activity in Chronic Ambulatory Individuals …
  1344. A multigate scheme to IMPROVE CORPL under traffic load in COGNITIVE radio based smart grids with mesh topology
  1345. COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE problem solving with EEG headset
  1346. Does use of a dual task COGNITIVE game based treadmill platform IMPROVE balance and gait in Parkinson Disease? a feasibility study
  1347. Opportunities and challenges in using virtual reality to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning of the elderly
  1348. β-asarone restores hippocampal neurochemistry and IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions in Aβ (1-42) infused rats
  1349. COGNITIVE rehabilitation program to IMPROVE cognition of cancer patients treated with chemotherapy: A randomized controlled multicenter trial.
  1350. Interventions Transformed Through Technology to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function in Heart Failure
  1351. Higher vitamin D intake could IMPROVE sleep and COGNITIVE outcomes in older adults with heart failure
  1352. The Impact Of Wonder Share Quis Creator Application To IMPROVE COGNITIVE Abilities in Early Childhood
  1353. Using Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function in Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and Dementia
  1354. Green tea could IMPROVE the performance of COGNITIVE tasks: A pilot study with wearable brain imaging device
  1355. … of Educational Material to IMPROVE Communication Between Nursing Assistants and District Nurses About Patients With COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and Dementia: A …
  1356. Ability of Tong Luo Jiu Nao Oral Solution to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and Gait Deficits in a Rat Model of Focal Cerebral Ischemia
  1357. Does football IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance?
  1358. A new gaming platform to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance and promote healthy behavior: a pilot study
  1359. Mind mapping in the Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI) Model to IMPROVE Students’ COGNITIVE Learning Outcomes on Reaction Rate Topic
  1360. 0953 Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Positive Airway Pressure to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1361. Ways to IMPROVE fragmentated learning from the perspective of COGNITIVE psychology
  1362. Intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) combined with working memory training to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in schizophrenia: study protocol for a …
  1363. iNPH QUEST Study: Quantifying a battery of Gait, COGNITIVE and Radiological Examinations to IMPROVE identification of Shunt candidates from the cerebrospinal …
  1364. Interventions to IMPROVE nutritional status and COGNITIVE performance of school-age children living in helminth-endemic farming and fishing communities in rural Ghana
  1365. A Comparative Analysis of COGNITIVE Behavioral Variation of Group versus Individual Study in Lab to IMPROVE Teaching Methods
  1366. COGNITIVE ability to IMPROVE driving in aging adults suffering with visual and hearing IMPAIRMENT s with yoga and exercise
  1367. The Use of a Trauma-Focused COGNITIVE Behavioral Program and a Visual Support System to IMPROVE the Classroom Behavior of Students Exposed to …
  1368. The Effectiveness of COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy Group Counseling to Reduce Phubbing and IMPROVE Students Interpersonal Communication
  1369. Nutrition-related education intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE development among impoverished small children in rural Uganda: A cost-effectiveness analysis
  1370. Therapeutic synergism: How can psychopharmacology IMPROVE COGNITIVE rehabilitation?
  1373. Rehabilitation nursing intervention for acute stroke can IMPROVE patients’ motor ability and COGNITIVE ability
  1374. Video games to rehabilitate and IMPROVE the COGNITIVE skills of people with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : A special perspective to COGNITIVE health in the elderly
  1375. COGNITIVE Growth Model to IMPROVE Problem Solving Ability and Activities of the Second Semester Students in Integral Calculus Course
  1376. Dynamic assessment to IMPROVE students’ COGNITIVE : A systematic review
  1377. Engaging Palliative Care Patients to IMPROVE Quality Measurement: Preliminary Findings from a Series of COGNITIVE Interviews (S757)
  1378. Engaging Palliative Care Patients to IMPROVE Quality Measurement: Preliminary Findings from a Series of COGNITIVE Interviews (RP517)
  1379. Virtual Reality-Based COGNITIVE Stimulation to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functioning in Community Elderly
  1380. Effectiveness of Group COGNITIVE Behavioral Counseling Program to IMPROVE Vocational Satisfaction and Reduce Social Shyness among a sample of Midwifery and …
  1381. Intervention with baduanjin can IMPROVE motor function and COGNITIVE function in patients with apoplectic hemiplegia
  1382. Does amyloid-beta reduction IMPROVE COGNITIVE outcomes? Integrated evidence from randomized trials of amyloid targeting therapies
  1383. … oligonucleotides targeting alpha-synuclein reduce pre-formed fibril-induced Lewy pathology and IMPROVE some domains of COGNITIVE and motor performance
  1384. Exploring the feasibility of using COGNITIVE behavioural therapy for insomnia to IMPROVE perceived COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in survivors of breast cancer
  1385. Does COGNITIVE –Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Insomnia IMPROVE Sleep Outcomes in Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)? A Scoping Review
  1386. … of Angiotensin Receptor (AT2R) Agonist C21 Downregulates Diabetes Induced Pro-Inflammatory Microglia Activation to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and Functional Recovery …
  1389. Strategies to IMPROVE Health Technologies for Older Adults With COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and Dementia
  1390. COGNITIVE Restructuring Techniques to IMPROVE Student Self-Concept
  1391. REMAP-RT in the Circulatory System Material to IMPROVE Students COGNITIVE Learning Output
  1392. A COGNITIVE -operative approach to IMPROVE the L2 learning of the Spanish subjunctive
  1393. Islamic COGNITIVE Behavior Therapy to IMPROVE Student Self-Compassion
  1394. COGNITIVE Defusion Techniques to IMPROVE Self-Confidence of Students
  1395. COGNITIVE Training During TMS Does Not IMPROVE Depression Outcomes
  1397. A New Approach to IMPROVE Learning in Fuzzy COGNITIVE Maps Using Reinforcement Learning
  1398. The Use of COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy to IMPROVE the Self-Esteem of Person with Schizophrenia: A Case Report
  1399. … intervention using digital arts in expressive arts therapy to IMPROVE emotion recognition and communication skills, and to develop COGNITIVE , technical, and social …
  1400. COGNITIVE and Emotional-Motivational Aspects of Communication to IMPROVE Work Safety in Production Processes: Case Study
  1401. Integrating ICT in the Sudanese Kindergartensvia Developinga Proposed ComputerizedApplication for Preschool Education inOrder to IMPROVE COGNITIVE
  1402. A Modified Conceptual Model to IMPROVE Classroom Education with COGNITIVE Learning
  1403. Online Education and COGNITIVE Behavior Therapy IMPROVE Dementia Caregivers’ Mental Health: A Randomized Trial
  1404. Effect of Non-Computerized COGNITIVE Remediation and Risperidone to IMPROVE Disability Function in Schizophrenia
  1405. Prolong the use of oxygen following surgery to IMPROVE COGNITIVE trajectory
  1406. Does Physical Activity IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functioning? A Synthesis of the Research Literature
  1407. Using COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy Techniques to IMPROVE Socialization Skills for High School Students with High Functioning Autism
  1408. Post-traumatic COGNITIVE deficits: Whether speech training IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions?
  1409. The application of problem based learning model to IMPROVE mathematical COGNITIVE skill and students engagement toward curved-face three-dimensional objects in …
  1411. Implementing COGNITIVE Intervention to Educate and IMPROVE Resident’s Preparedness in Landslide Areas_Peer Review2
  1412. The Influence of Media Video CD Tutorial on Science-based Learning Multisensory-Ecology to IMPROVE Early Childhood COGNITIVE Ability
  1413. How Early Experiences in COGNITIVE Development IMPROVE Working Memory and Processing Speed Skills of Children.
  1414. Effectiveness of COGNITIVE Social Counseling Technique to IMPROVE The Nature of Sympathy Sociodramas
  1416. Myokine: a novel target for exercise to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function?
  1417. FIT AL.(Function–Information–Training) therapy for everyday life to IMPROVE instrumental activities of daily living in people with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : protocol for a …
  1418. The Effectiveness of Group Counseling with COGNITIVE Behavior Therapy (CBT) Approach to IMPROVE Prisoners’ Emotion Regulation and Reduce Prisoners’ …
  1419. A 12-week multimodal exercise program can IMPROVE physical and COGNITIVE functioning risk factors for falls in community-dwelling older adults: preliminary results of a …
  1420. The results of using the sample case and COGNITIVE learning process to IMPROVE life skills of Grade 9 students
  1421. Review of Phytosome Potential of Gotu Kola (Centella Asiatica) Extract to Restore Nerve Cell Membrane and IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function
  1422. A Pilot Study of Goal Management Training to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and Functional Outcomes in ICU Survivors
  1423. Usage “ADHD Trainer” Game to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Skill Child With ADHD (The study cases at the child aged 8 years)
  1424. COGNITIVE Strategies Used To IMPROVE Reading Skill By English Good Achievers: A Case Study In Tenth Grade at SMK Batik 2 Surakarta in 2019/2020 Academic Year
  1425. The Effect of layout on Educational Spaces Design to IMPROVE academic and COGNITIVE performance
  1426. Rethinking parental support system in daycare to IMPROVE COGNITIVE development of early childhood
  1427. COGNITIVE -science-based training for healthcare workers can IMPROVE patient outcomes
  1428. How can music IMPROVE the COGNITIVE and behavioral functions of older adults with dementia?
  1429. Developing trainings to IMPROVE COGNITIVE skills of technical operators in the railway domain
  1430. Effectiveness Doll Therapy Based on COGNITIVE Behavioral to increase COGNITIVE ability and IMPROVE attention of girls with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  1431. Creativity Advances Logical, Spatial, and Aesthetics COGNITIVE Abilities Through Self-Reflection and May IMPROVE Spatial Sequencing Memory
  1432. The Effectiveness of COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy to IMPROVE Resilience of Frog Troop Command School Students in Kodiklatal
  1433. The Implementation Of Discovery Learning Model To IMPROVE Students’ Learning Activities and COGNITIVE Abilities Of SMP Negeri 1 Wakorumba Utara
  1434. Using Mindful Classroom Strategies to IMPROVE Behavior and COGNITIVE Development in Kindergarten Students
  1435. Modifications in COGNITIVE Interventions for Geriatric Individuals with Vision IMPAIRMENT s to IMPROVE Quality of Life
  1436. A program to IMPROVE some COGNITIVE processes for autism spectrum children merged into normal schools as an introduction to develop communication skills
  1437. The Effectiveness of COGNITIVE Strategy to IMPROVE Reading Comprehension Skill of the Second Graders of MTSN 3 Kota Kediri
  1439. Tree of life theory, on how homo sapiens IMPROVE their COGNITIVE system to consciousness
  1440. Integration of Skill Application and Attention Regulation Training to IMPROVE Goal-Directed COGNITIVE Functioning
  1442. Response to Comment on COGNITIVE Science in the field: Does exercising core mathematical concepts IMPROVE school readiness?
  1443. A Review Of: Integrating ICT in Sudanese Kindergartens In Order To IMPROVE COGNITIVE Development
  1444. Does COGNITIVE Restructuring IMPROVE Postural Control in Older Adults?
  1445. Effects of physical activity and COGNITIVE -recreational exercise to IMPROVE quality of life in the elderly
  1446. … all-source intelligence analysts IMPROVE their techniques and analysis with a combination of COGNITIVE and technical filters of information? Integrating COGNITIVE
  1447. COGNITIVE Apprenticeship during Pair Work Activity to IMPROVE Oral Presentations
  1448. COGNITIVE Interviews IMPROVE Usability of Novel Leukemia App
  1449. Designing COGNITIVE Intervention to IMPROVE the Awareness Index of the Residents in the Landslide Area_Turnitin
  1450. The Application of COGNITIVE Dissonance Via Effort Expenditure and Justification to IMPROVE Mood and Depressive Symptoms
  1451. Smartphone Interventions to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functions in Elderly: A Systematic Review
  1452. Research progress of aerobic exercise intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in the elderly
  1453. A Cooperative Script Learning Method Application Assisted By Interactive Multimedia To IMPROVE Students ‘COGNITIVE Aspect Of 10th Grade At Vocational High School
  1454. Dietary lactoferrin intervention was unable to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function from both young and middle-aged APPswe/PS1dE9 transgenic mice
  1455. A pilot randomized controlled trial of exercise to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance in patients with stable glioma
  1456. Proposal for a Learning Process Using COGNITIVE Tools in an Infographic Design Approach to IMPROVE Visual Literacy of Undergraduate Art Education Students
  1457. Implementing COGNITIVE Intervention to Educate and IMPROVE Resident’s Preparedness in Landslide Areas_Turnitin
  1458. The Implementation of Using Role playing Method to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Aktivities and Learning Outcomes Students’ on Excretion System Material in SMPN 1 Batang
  1459. The effectiveness of a training program to IMPROVE some COGNITIVE skills and the impact of this on social behavior among autistic children
  1460. Glp-1r Agonists IMPROVE Cerebrovascular Integrity And Vascular COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT And Dementia (vcid) Beyond Glycemic Control Via Recovery Of Brain Pericyte …
  1461. Basic Physics Learning Application Based on Value Use the Scientific Method to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Abilities and Retention of College Student
  1462. Effectiveness of COGNITIVE Counseling Modeling Technique Through Lesson Study to IMPROVE Resolving Something Behavior self achievment Class X SMK Negeri 2 …
  1463. Non-pharmacological motor-COGNITIVE treatment to IMPROVE the mental health of elderly adults
  1464. Critical Review: Does COGNITIVE Training IMPROVE Return-to-Work Outcomes following Adult Traumatic Brain Injury
  1465. Confusion can IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance: An experimental study using automatic facial expression analysis
  1466. Does COGNITIVE Flexibility Training IMPROVE Reading Comprehension for Elementary Students?
  1467. Transcutaneous Stimulation to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functions
  1468. Integrating non-invasive neuroimaging and computer log data to IMPROVE understanding of COGNITIVE processes
  1469. GLP-1 Receptor Agonists IMPROVE Cerebrovascular Integrity and Vascular COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and Dementia via Recovery of Brain Pericytes Functions in …
  1470. How to IMPROVE Pre-Service Teachers’ Outcomes of Affective and COGNITIVE Dimension in A Flipped Science Classroom
  1471. Integrating ICT in Sudanese Kindergartens In Order To IMPROVE COGNITIVE Development (Case Study Khartoum, Sudan)
  1472. Dance as an adjunct therapy to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and psychosocial functions in children with neurological IMPAIRMENT s
  1473. COGNITIVE Growth Model to IMPROVE Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving and Activities in Differential Calculus Course
  1474. MOVI-da 10! An Active Breaks Programme to IMPROVE Health and COGNITIVE Performance in Preschool Education. Libro completo
  1475. Analysis of Financial Management Task Scenarios to IMPROVE IADL of Elderly People with COGNITIVE Decline
  1476. Acting in Class: An Exploration of the Effectiveness of Creative Dramatics Techniques to IMPROVE the Social, Academic and COGNITIVE Skills of College Freshmen
  1477. Development of Learning Device with Model Inkuiri Guided to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Outcomes of Students in Grade IV SDN Wonokusumo VII/46 Surabaya
  1478. Can the principles of COGNITIVE acceleration be used to IMPROVE numerical reasoning in science?
  1479. Predictive Analytics Approach to IMPROVE and Sustain College Students’ Non-COGNITIVE Skills and Their Educational Outcome
  1480. Rehabilitation of persons living with dementia: Using technology to IMPROVE participation: Mapping dementia: Technological methods to identify and interpret COGNITIVE
  1481. Nordic walking and free walking IMPROVE the quality of life, COGNITIVE function, and depressive symptoms in individuals with Parkinson’s Disease: a randomized clinical …
  1482. Feasibility of Exercise and COGNITIVE Retraining to IMPROVE Memory, Attention and Concentration in Heart Failure.
  1483. Applying fuzzy COGNITIVE mapping to IMPROVE productivity of tunnel boring machines
  1484. Interventions to IMPROVE Medication Adherence in Older Adults With COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1485. Do blueberries actually IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance? An analysis of publication bias in published research
  1486. Antisense oligonucleotides IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in HD model
  1487. A Study of Meta-COGNITIVE Strategy to IMPROVE College Students’ Self-management Ability in College English Learning
  1488. Effectiveness Of Behavioral COGNITIVE Conselvation Using Self Monitoring Techniques Through Setting Lesson Study To IMPROVE Self Order Class X Students Of …
  1489. The Development of COGNITIVE Behavior Therapy Guidebook to IMPROVE Self-efficacy of People with HIV/AIDS
  1490. Invited speaker-Jose Luis de Carvalho Azpiazu: Tree of life theory, on how homo sapiens IMPROVE their COGNITIVE system to consciousness
  1491. The Effectiveness of Challenge Based Learning Model to IMPROVE Growth Mindset and COGNITIVE Agility among Students of Specific Education Faculty, Alexandria …
  1493. Introducing a New Prevention of True Self and COGNITIVE Dissonance Intervention to IMPROVE Help-Seeking for Female College Students with a Risk of an Eating …
  1494. P69-F A short computerized COGNITIVE training may IMPROVE cortical neural synchronization mechanisms in Parkinson’s disease patients
  1495. Applying Computerized COGNITIVE Training to IMPROVE Working Memory in Children within a School Setting
  1496. How body activity and sports IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance, wellness, and act against aging in Humans Beings.
  1498. The Study on Reading Education Method to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE Ability for the Petty officer Majoring Students in Community College
  1499. Does COGNITIVE -Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia IMPROVE Self-reported COGNITIVE Functioning in Breast Cancer Survivors Experiencing Sleep Disturbances?
  1501. Brief COGNITIVE -Behavioural Group Counselling Strategy to IMPROVE Resilience Towards Risky Sexual Behaviours in Adolescents
  1502. Does reward IMPROVE COGNITIVE control? A comparison between formerly abused vs. neglected (vs. comparison) groups during the rewarded Stroop task
  1503. Can self-efficacy training IMPROVE memory and functional activation in older adults with Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ? A proof-of-concept intervention study
  1505. A shaping procedure to modulate two COGNITIVE tasks to IMPROVE a sensorimotor rhythm-based brain-computer interface systems
  1506. … of Teaching Methods Course on The Development of COGNITIVE Achievement of Female Students in Qassim University, and IMPROVE Their Attitudes Towards It
  1507. Nutrition risk screening and individualized dietary intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE ability of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
  1508. Exogenous Ketones Do Not IMPROVE COGNITIVE Performance Measures During a Dual Stress Challenge in Healthy College Aged Males
  1509. Effectiveness of Exposure/Response Prevention Plus Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing in IMPROVE COGNITIVE Components in Patients with …
  1510. The Effectiveness of COGNITIVE -Behavioral Play Therapy on IMPROVE Mathematics Performance and Perception the Spatial Relationships among Students with …
  1511. Mild hypothermia combined with intravenous thrombolytic therapy can IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning and stress response after cerebral infarction
  1512. Studies on delirium and associated COGNITIVE and functional decline in older surgical patients: The time is now to IMPROVE perioperative care and outcomes
  1513. The effect of using universal design for learning (UDL) to IMPROVE vocational programme with COGNITIVE disability and the challenges facing this method from the point …
  1514. Effect of Early Childhood Development Interventions Implemented by Healthcare Providers to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Outcomes in Children Aged 0-36 Months: A …
  1515. Does Case Formulation IMPROVE outcomes in COGNITIVE Processing Therapy for PTSD?: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
  1516. Does COGNITIVE Behavioural Analysis system of psychotherapy IMPROVE interpersonal functioning in patients affected by persistent depression and what can research …
  1517. … on Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex as a possible tool to IMPROVE Attention in a healthy sample and how Mind Wandering, Sluggish COGNITIVE Tempo and multiple …
  1518. COGNITIVE behavioral counselling program to IMPROVE meaning in the life and its effect on the psychosocial compatibility among amputees of return march in Gaza strip
  1519. Employing Gamification in teaching home economics to IMPROVE mindfulness and the efficiency of COGNITIVE representation of information among educable mentally …
  1520. Exercise and COGNITIVE Training to IMPROVE NeuroCOGNITIVE Outcomes in Patients With Heart Failure: Can Cardiac Rehabilitation Deliver?
  1521. Combined tDCS and COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE attention and working memory in Active Duty Service Members with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)
  1522. Does nicotine IMPROVE attention? Effects of a single administration of low-dose nicotine on COGNITIVE performance of non-nicotine users
  1523. Diffusion MRI‐derived free water fraction may be a sensitive imaging biomarker that could IMPROVE identification of mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT participants progressing …
  1524. Mechanism of butylphthalide activating cAMP/CREB/BDNF signaling to IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT after ischemia-reperfusion in mice
  1525. IMPROVE Dynamic Spectrum Allocation Scheme in COGNITIVE Radio Wireless Mesh Network Using Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming
  1526. Varenicline modulates autophagy through PKR/STAT3 pathway to IMPROVE postoperative COGNITIVE dysfunction
  1527. A Novel Visually Graded CT Biomarker of Preinjury Brain Structure to IMPROVE Prediction of COGNITIVE Decline After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
  1528. Effectiveness of COGNITIVE Orientation to Occupational Performance (CO-OP) to IMPROVE Handwriting Performance in Children with Developmental Coordination …
  1529. … a mindfulness-based intervention as an attentional network training to IMPROVE cognition in older adults with amnestic mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a randomized …
  1530. … of patient-centered measures capable of empirically determining meaningful COGNITIVE change after surgery can significantly IMPROVE the medical care of …
  1531. Using instructional design and COGNITIVE load management theories to IMPROVE the efficiency of a video-based college algebra learning environment through …
  1532. … protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial of a pre-COGNITIVE behavioural therapy digital ‘informed choice’intervention to IMPROVE attitudes towards uptake and …
  1533. Training health visitors in COGNITIVE behavioural or person-centred approaches is cost-effective and can IMPROVE outcomes for women at risk of postnatal depression
  1534. … study and randomised feasibility trial of a tailored intervention to IMPROVE activity and reduce falls in older adults with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and mild …
  1535. … Conference: Invention Innovation and Technology TransferMeeting HighlightsUsage of brain training application IMPROVE COGNITIVE function among healthy …
  1536. … of Problem-based Learning Module Based on the Allium sativum’s Potency in Hyperlipidemic Mice to IMPROVE Student’s Critical Thinking Skills and COGNITIVE
  1538. Bilingualism helps to IMPROVE children’s COGNITIVE development
  1539. Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids IMPROVE the COGNITIVE Function in People with Dementia Due to Alzheimer’s Disease
  1541. … of complicated appendicitis: short-term benefits with potential long-term risks92. Impact of robotic assistance on mental workload and COGNITIVE performance of surgical …
  1542. … for the pediatric trauma team in the emergency department (ED): a quality IMPROVE ment project in progress. Stress inoculation training as a COGNITIVE tool to enhance …
  1543. COGNITIVE stimulation to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning in people with dementia
  1544. Does mindfulness-based intervention IMPROVE COGNITIVE function?: A meta-analysis of controlled studies
  1545. COVID-19 vaccine rumors and conspiracy theories: The need for COGNITIVE inoculation against misinformation to IMPROVE vaccine adherence
  1546. Using video games to IMPROVE capabilities in decision making and COGNITIVE skill: a literature review
  1547. Exogenous Aβ1-42 monomers IMPROVE synaptic and COGNITIVE function in Alzheimer’s disease model mice
  1548. Brain training using COGNITIVE apps can IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance and processing speed in older adults
  1549. Now is the time to IMPROVE COGNITIVE screening and assessment for clinical and research advancement
  1550. Does social participation IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities of the elderly?
  1551. Does the COGNITIVE approach to lie detection IMPROVE the accuracy of human observers?
  1552. Use of knowledge transfer theory to IMPROVE learning outcomes of COGNITIVE and non-COGNITIVE skills of university students: Evidence from Taiwan
  1553. Plasma biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease IMPROVE prediction of COGNITIVE decline in COGNITIVE ly unimpaired elderly populations
  1554. COGNITIVE digital twin: An approach to IMPROVE the maintenance management
  1555. Implementation of Educative Learning Media Counting Tree to IMPROVE Student’s COGNITIVE Abilities in Kartika Tanjung Morawa Kindergarten
  1556. Modulating gamma oscillations promotes brain connectivity to IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1557. Optimal dose and type of exercise to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in older adults: A systematic review and bayesian model-based network meta-analysis of …
  1558. Teaching introductory chemistry online: The application of socio-COGNITIVE theories to IMPROVE students’ learning outcomes
  1559. Does Preoperative COGNITIVE Optimization IMPROVE Postoperative Outcomes in the Elderly?
  1560. Does a 7-day restriction on the use of social media IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning and emotional well-being? Results from a randomized controlled trial
  1561. Motor-COGNITIVE intervention concepts can IMPROVE gait in chronic stroke, but their effect on COGNITIVE functions is unclear: A systematic review with meta …
  1562. A novel small-molecule PROTAC selectively promotes tau clearance to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions in Alzheimer-like models
  1563. Appropriate exercise level attenuates gut dysbiosis and valeric acid increase to IMPROVE neuroplasticity and COGNITIVE function after surgery in mice
  1564. COGNITIVE stimulation as alternative treatment to IMPROVE psychological disorders in patients with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1565. Can tai chi IMPROVE COGNITIVE function? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  1566. AFFIRM online: Utilising an affirmative COGNITIVE –behavioural digital intervention to IMPROVE mental health, access, and engagement among LGBTQA+ youth and …
  1567. Resistance training and Urtica dioica increase neurotrophin levels and IMPROVE COGNITIVE function by increasing age in the hippocampus of rats
  1568. Introducing nature at the work floor: A nature-based intervention to reduce stress and IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance
  1569. Does COGNITIVE training IMPROVE mobility, enhance cognition, and promote neural activation?
  1570. Breakfast and exercise IMPROVE academic and COGNITIVE performance in adolescents
  1571. Can Nutrients and Dietary Supplements Potentially IMPROVE COGNITIVE Performance Also in Esports?
  1572. Opportunities to IMPROVE ecosystem‐based fisheries management by recognizing and overcoming path dependency and COGNITIVE bias
  1573. The development of creative COGNITIVE -behavior counseling model as a strategy to IMPROVE self-regulated learning of student
  1574. Standing breaks in lectures IMPROVE university students’ self-perceived physical, mental, and COGNITIVE condition
  1575. A critical review of COGNITIVE behavioural therapy for hoarding disorder: How can we IMPROVE outcomes?
  1576. Using computer COGNITIVE atlas to IMPROVE students’ divergent thinking ability
  1577. A novel COGNITIVE -motor exercise program delivered via a tablet to IMPROVE mobility in older people with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT –StandingTall Cognition and Mobility
  1578. Do mindfulness-based programmes IMPROVE the COGNITIVE skills, behaviour and mental health of children and adolescents? An updated meta-analysis of …
  1579. Can integrating the Memory Support Intervention into COGNITIVE therapy IMPROVE depression outcome? A randomized controlled trial
  1580. Strategies to IMPROVE access to COGNITIVE behavioral therapies for anxiety disorders: A scoping review
  1581. Resveratrol activates the SIRT1/PGC-1 pathway in mice to IMPROVE synaptic-related COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT after TBI
  1582. Can we IMPROVE the information freshness with prediction for COGNITIVE IoT?
  1583. Aerobic physical activity to IMPROVE memory and executive function in sedentary adults without COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : A systematic review and meta-analysis
  1584. Does breaking up prolonged sitting IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions in sedentary adults? A mapping review and hypothesis formulation on the potential …
  1585. Does reading a single short story of literary fiction IMPROVE social-COGNITIVE skills? Testing the priming hypothesis.
  1586. Acupuncture-related treatments IMPROVE COGNITIVE and physical functions in Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled …
  1587. Leveraging COGNITIVE diagnosis to IMPROVE peer assessment in moocs
  1588. Investigating message framing to IMPROVE adherence to technology-based COGNITIVE interventions.
  1589. Active Teaching Methodologies IMPROVE COGNITIVE Performance and Attention-Concentration in University Students
  1590. Using a COGNITIVE Style-Based Learning Strategy to IMPROVE Students’ Environmental Knowledge and Scientific Literacy.
  1591. A comparison of physical exercise and COGNITIVE training interventions to IMPROVE determinants of functional mobility in healthy older adults
  1592. Active video games in fully immersive virtual reality elicit moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance in sedentary college …
  1593. Educational theory and COGNITIVE science: practical principles to IMPROVE patient education
  1594. Investigating the Role of Green Hotel Sustainable Strategies to IMPROVE Customer COGNITIVE and Affective Image: Evidence from PLS-SEM and fsQCA
  1595. Does computer use IMPROVE older adults’ COGNITIVE functioning? Evidence from the personal reminder information and social management trial
  1596. Pp-spa: privacy preserved smartphone-based personal assistant to IMPROVE routine life functioning of COGNITIVE impaired individuals
  1597. Innovative motor and COGNITIVE dual-task approaches combining upper and lower limbs may IMPROVE dementia early detection
  1598. Using Virtual Reality to IMPROVE the Quality of Life of Older Adults with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT s and their Family Members who Live at a Distance
  1599. Implementation of e-module endocrine system based on problem based learning (PBL) to IMPROVE scientific literacy and COGNITIVE learning outcome
  1600. Can COGNITIVE -motor training IMPROVE physical functioning and psychosocial wellbeing in nursing home residents? A randomized controlled feasibility study as part of …
  1601. Online education and COGNITIVE behavior therapy IMPROVE dementia caregivers’ mental health: a randomized trial
  1602. A decision-neuroscientific intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE recovery after stroke
  1603. Hospitals, people with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and agitation: how virtual reality could IMPROVE real world care
  1604. Do explicit review strategies IMPROVE code review performance? Towards understanding the role of COGNITIVE load
  1605. COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in syphilis: Does treatment based on cerebrospinal fluid analysis IMPROVE outcome?
  1606. Dual-task training to IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and walking function in Parkinson’s disease patients: A brief review
  1607. Design and validity of COGNITIVE conflict-based teaching materials integrating virtual laboratories to IMPROVE concept understanding of waves
  1608. Is caffeine mouth rinsing an effective strategy to IMPROVE physical and COGNITIVE performance? A systematic review
  1609. Do COGNITIVE interventions for preschoolers IMPROVE executive functions and reduce ADHD and externalizing symptoms? A meta-analysis of randomized …
  1610. Arts-based interventions to IMPROVE cognition in older persons with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
  1611. … the Significance of COGNITIVE Robots and Drones deployed to tackle COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid review to unpack emerging opportunities to IMPROVE
  1612. How to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE health of middle-aged and elderly people: evidence from China family panel studies
  1613. Knockdown of CLC-3 may IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT caused by diabetic encephalopathy
  1614. Revealing the COGNITIVE contents of sleep to IMPROVE diagnosis and research
  1615. Utilizing COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE working memory, attention, and impulsivity in school-aged children with ADHD and SLD
  1616. Combining COGNITIVE Mapping and indigenous knowledge to IMPROVE food environments in regional New Zealand
  1617. Activation of TREM2 attenuates neuroinflammation via PI3K/Akt signaling pathway to IMPROVE postoperative COGNITIVE dysfunction in mice
  1618. Magnesium and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles from Datura alba IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and Blood Brain Barrier Leakage
  1619. Single-Session, Internet-Based COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy to IMPROVE Parenting Skills to Help Children Cope With Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic …
  1620. Brain training and sulforaphane intake interventions separately IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance in healthy older adults, whereas a combination of these interventions …
  1621. Does COGNITIVE behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders IMPROVE threat reappraisal?: A meta-analysis
  1622. Does COGNITIVE behavioural therapy or mindfulness-based therapy IMPROVE mental health and emotion regulation among men who perpetrate intimate partner …
  1623. An augmented reality based mobile photography application to IMPROVE learning gain, decrease COGNITIVE load, and achieve better emotional state
  1624. Translational selenium nanotherapeutics counter-acts multiple risk factors to IMPROVE surgery-induced COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1625. Computer aided self-regulation learning and COGNITIVE training IMPROVE generalization ability of patients with poststroke COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1626. Potential intervention targets to IMPROVE COGNITIVE empathy in older adulthood
  1627. Effectiveness of COGNITIVE interventions for adult surgical patients after general anaesthesia to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning: A systematic review
  1628. Personality traits are associated with COGNITIVE empathy in medical students but not with its evolution and interventions to IMPROVE it
  1629. Allium hookeri Extracts IMPROVE Scopolamine-Induced COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT via Activation of the Cholinergic System and Anti-Neuroinflammation in Mice
  1630. Chinese herbs and acupuncture to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in Alzheimer’s disease
  1631. Why Combining Text and Visualization Could IMPROVE Bayesian Reasoning: A COGNITIVE Load Perspective
  1632. Does caffeine therapy IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT s in valproic acid rat model of autism?
  1633. Randomized controlled trial of a COGNITIVE intervention to IMPROVE memory in heart failure
  1634. Partnering a compensatory application with activity-aware prompting to IMPROVE use in individuals with amnestic mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : A randomized controlled …
  1635. Parasite-derived excretory-secretory products alleviate gut microbiota dysbiosis and IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT induced by a high-fat diet
  1636. … features reflecting local activity of the hippocampus IMPROVE the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and amnestic mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : A radiomics study …
  1637. Is daytime napping an effective strategy to IMPROVE sport-related COGNITIVE and physical performance and reduce fatigue? A systematic review and meta …
  1638. Esports may IMPROVE COGNITIVE skills in soccer players: A systematic review
  1639. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells‐derived exosomes reduce Aβ deposition and IMPROVE COGNITIVE function recovery in mice with Alzheimer’s disease by …
  1640. Infusing Autopoietic and COGNITIVE Behaviors into Digital Automata to IMPROVE Their Sentience, Resilience, and Intelligence
  1641. A novel program to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in individuals with dementia using transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) and tutored COGNITIVE
  1642. Short-term supplementation of DHA as phospholipids rather than triglycerides IMPROVE COGNITIVE deficits induced by maternal omega-3 PUFA deficiency during the late …
  1643. Evaluation of a brief sleep intervention designed to IMPROVE the sleep, mood, and COGNITIVE performance of esports athletes
  1644. Developing Microbiology Digital Handout as Teaching Material to IMPROVE the Student’s Science Process Skills and COGNITIVE Learning Outcomes.
  1645. Can transcranial photobiomodulation IMPROVE COGNITIVE function? A systematic review of human studies
  1646. Education initiatives in COGNITIVE debiasing to IMPROVE diagnostic accuracy in student providers: a scoping review
  1647. Trained lay coaches and self-care COGNITIVE -behavioral tools IMPROVE depression outcomes
  1648. Inhibitory COGNITIVE control allows automated advice to IMPROVE accuracy while minimizing misuse
  1649. Mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes ameliorate Alzheimer’s disease pathology and IMPROVE COGNITIVE deficits
  1650. COGNITIVE bias modification training to IMPROVE implicit vitality in patients with breast cancer: App design using a cocreation approach
  1651. Does early-stage intervention IMPROVE caregiver well-being or their ability to provide care to persons with mild dementia or mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ? A systematic …
  1652. A comprehensive program of COGNITIVE stimulation with digital inclusion, physical activity and social interaction can modify BDNF levels and IMPROVE cognition in adults …
  1653. Replication and Extension of Family-Based Training Program to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Abilities in Young Children
  1654. Targeting the gut–microbiota–brain axis in irritable bowel disease to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function–recent knowledge and emerging therapeutic opportunities
  1655. The Effectiveness of Internet-Based COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy as a Preventive Intervention in the Workplace to IMPROVE Work Engagement and …
  1656. Effectiveness of using mobile technology to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and social skills among individuals with autism spectrum disorder: Systematic literature review
  1657. Can individualized-targeted computerized COGNITIVE training IMPROVE everyday functioning in adults with HIV-associated neuroCOGNITIVE disorder?
  1658. Space COGNITIVE communications: Characterizing radiofrequency interference to IMPROVE digital space domain awareness
  1659. Electroacupuncture increases the hippocampal synaptic transmission efficiency and long-term plasticity to IMPROVE vascular COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1660. Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan is a potential target of memantine to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function via the promotion of adult neurogenesis
  1661. Enhancing online protocols through design-based research to IMPROVE COGNITIVE presence in a large enrolment course
  1662. On the Need to IMPROVE the Way Individual Differences in COGNITIVE Function Are Measured With Reaction Time Tasks
  1663. Use of a powered toothbrush to IMPROVE oral health in individuals with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1664. A simple COGNITIVE method to IMPROVE the prediction of matters of taste by exploiting the within-person wisdom-of-crowd effect
  1665. Care partner–assisted intervention to IMPROVE oral health for older adults with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : A feasibility study
  1666. Can disasters IMPROVE the tourism industry? The role of normative, COGNITIVE and relational expectations in shaping industry response to disaster-induced disruption
  1667. Different combinations of high-frequency rTMS and COGNITIVE training IMPROVE the COGNITIVE function of cerebral ischemic rats
  1668. Video game and motor-COGNITIVE dual-task training could be suitable treatments to IMPROVE dual-task interference in older adults
  1669. Mechanisms that mitigate the effects of child poverty and IMPROVE children’s COGNITIVE and social–emotional development: A systematic review
  1670. Does physical exercise IMPROVE the capacity for independent living in people with dementia or mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : an overview of systematic reviews and meta …
  1671. Implementation of assessment for learning to IMPROVE students’ COGNITIVE learning outcomes in the concept of chemical bonding
  1672. Home/community-based interventions to IMPROVE function in persons with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT /early dementia
  1673. Use of Telemedicine to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functions and Psychological Well-Being in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review of the Current Literature
  1674. Lighting up living spaces to IMPROVE mood and COGNITIVE performance in older adults
  1675. A multi-regression framework to IMPROVE diagnostic ability of optical coherence tomography retinal biomarkers to discriminate mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and …
  1676. Still no evidence that exergames IMPROVE COGNITIVE ability: A commentary on Stanmore et al.(2017)
  1677. Can transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of the cerebellum IMPROVE implicit social and COGNITIVE sequence learning?
  1678. Water-based training programs IMPROVE functional capacity, COGNITIVE and hemodynamic outcomes? The ACTIVE randomized clinical trial
  1679. Flipperentiated Learning in Biology Class to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Learning Outcomes, Problem-Solving Skill, and Motivation
  1680. Small-sided games: alternative exercise to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance of youth futsal players
  1681. Design of COGNITIVE Conflict-Based Teaching Materials Integrating Real Experiment Video Analysis on Momentum and Impulse Materials to IMPROVE Students’ …
  1682. Using COGNITIVE interviews to IMPROVE a measure of organizational readiness for implementation
  1683. Mindfulness-based training does not IMPROVE neuropsychological outcomes in mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT more than spontaneous reversion rates: A randomized …
  1684. A narrative review of treatment interventions to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance in schizophrenia, with an emphasis on at-risk and early course stages
  1685. Effectiveness of a combined motivational interviewing and COGNITIVE behavioral intervention to reduce substance use and IMPROVE HIV-related immune functioning
  1686. COGNITIVE behavioural techniques reduce exercise anxiety and IMPROVE adherence to a resistance training program for people with anxiety-related disorders: A …
  1687. 100% Watermelon Juice as a Food-First Intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function: Ancillary Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial
  1688. Developing environmental integration teaching materials to IMPROVE COGNITIVE flexibility
  1689. Do caregiver interventions IMPROVE outcomes in relatives with dementia and mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ? A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis.
  1690. Radiofrequency and cryoballoon ablation IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in patients with atrial fibrillation
  1691. Development of mobile learning (My Repro) based on contextual teaching learning to IMPROVE COGNITIVE understanding senior High school student
  1692. Small extracellular vesicles secreted by induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells IMPROVE postoperative COGNITIVE dysfunction in mice …
  1693. COGNITIVE remediation to IMPROVE the vocational outcomes of people with severe mental illness
  1694. From Puzzle to Progress: How Engaging With Neurodiversity Can IMPROVE COGNITIVE Science
  1695. Adapting Mindfulness‐Based COGNITIVE Therapy for Perinatal Depression to IMPROVE Access and Appeal of Preventive Care
  1696. The 5-Cog paradigm to IMPROVE detection of COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and dementia: clinical trial protocol
  1697. Young adults who IMPROVE performance during dual-task walking show more flexible reallocation of COGNITIVE resources: a mobile brain-body imaging (MoBI) study
  1698. Effectiveness of a visual imagery training program to IMPROVE prospective memory in older adults with and without mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : A randomized controlled …
  1699. Does COGNITIVE training IMPROVE attention/working memory in persons with MS? A pilot study using the Cogmed Working Memory Training program
  1700. B vitamins supplementation can IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions and may relate to the enhancement of transketolase activity in a rat model of COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1701. Do COGNITIVE training applications IMPROVE executive function in children with adverse childhood experiences? A pilot study
  1702. Combined metabolic activators IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions without altering motor scores in Parkinson’s disease
  1703. Probiotics Treatment Can IMPROVE Cognition in Patients with Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : A Systematic Review
  1704. … activity interventions to IMPROVE long-term patient-relevant COGNITIVE and non-COGNITIVE outcomes in people living with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a protocol of …
  1705. Exergaming to IMPROVE physical, psychological and COGNITIVE health among home office workers: A COVID-19 pandemic commentary
  1706. COGNITIVE behavioral therapy cannot relieve postoperative pain and IMPROVE joint function after total knee arthroplasty in patients aged 70 years and older
  1707. Bridging the gap between research and the community: implementing physical and COGNITIVE interventions to IMPROVE spontaneous walking speed in older …
  1708. Physical exercise and COGNITIVE training interventions to IMPROVE cognition in hemodialysis patients: A systematic review
  1709. COGNITIVE Simplification Operations IMPROVE Text Simplification
  1710. Effectiveness of COGNITIVE Behavioural Therapy to IMPROVE Sleep Outcomes in Patients with Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review of Randomised Control …
  1711. Combined metabolic activators IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions in Alzheimer’s disease patients: a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase-II trial
  1712. The treatment of sleep dysfunction to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
  1713. A randomised pilot trial of combined COGNITIVE and physical exercise prehabilitation to IMPROVE outcomes in surgical patients
  1714. Revisiting Auditory Profiling: Can COGNITIVE Factors IMPROVE the Prediction of Aided Speech-in-Noise Outcome?
  1715. Wild Blueberry (Poly) phenols can IMPROVE Vascular Function And COGNITIVE Performance In Healthy Older Males And Females: A Double-Blind Randomized …
  1716. Implementation of e-modules endocrine system based of problem based learning to IMPROVE students’ creative thinking skills and COGNITIVE learning outcomes
  1717. Usability testing of tablet-based COGNITIVE behavioral intervention application to IMPROVE a simple walking activity for older adults with arthritis fatigue
  1718. IMPROVE prediction of chronic pain trajectories? A longitudinal study of youth with functional abdominal pain participating in a randomized controlled trial of COGNITIVE
  1719. Cerebral endothelial cell derived small extracellular vesicles IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in aged diabetic rats
  1720. Study of the mechanism by which MSCs combined with LITUS treatment IMPROVE COGNITIVE dysfunction caused by traumatic brain injury
  1721. Pilates and COGNITIVE Stimulation in Dual Task an Intervention Protocol to IMPROVE Functional Abilities and Minimize the Rate of Age-Related COGNITIVE Decline in …
  1722. Effectiveness of a mindfulness intervention for older adults to IMPROVE emotional well‐being and COGNITIVE function in a Chinese population: A randomized waitlist …
  1723. A Training Web Platform to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Skills for Phishing Attacks Detection
  1724. Does comprehensive COGNITIVE remediation IMPROVE emotion perception?
  1725. The Utility of High Intensity Interval Training to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Aging in Heart Disease Patients
  1726. Does Computer-Aided Instruction IMPROVE Children’s COGNITIVE and NonCOGNITIVE Skills?
  1727. A mindfulness-based COGNITIVE therapy (MBCT) intervention to IMPROVE resilience and mitigate symptoms of burnout syndrome in critical care nurses: Results …
  1728. The Kinetic Chain Has a Brain: Could Adding COGNITIVE Demands in Lower Limb Injury Prevention Programs IMPROVE Outcomes?
  1729. Brief report: A randomized controlled trial of a compensatory COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE prospective memory performance in people with schizophrenia or …
  1730. COGNITIVE strategies to IMPROVE symptoms of restless legs syndrome
  1731. Can Nutrients and Dietary Supplements Potentially IMPROVE COGNITIVE Performance Also in Esports? Healthcare 2022, 10, 186
  1732. A homeschool‐based COGNITIVE behavioral program to IMPROVE adolescent mental health
  1733. PrEParing for NextGen: COGNITIVE interviews to IMPROVE next generation PrEP modality descriptions for young men who have sex with men
  1734. Yoga, COGNITIVE –behavioural therapy versus education to IMPROVE quality of life and reduce healthcare costs in people with endometriosis: a randomised …
  1735. Dance as an Intervention to IMPROVE Physical and COGNITIVE Functioning in Older Adults
  1736. Can we IMPROVE learning outcomes of schoolchildren from the poorest families by investing into their non-COGNITIVE skills? Causal analysis using propensity …
  1737. Different training patterns at recovery stage IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in ischemic stroke rats through regulation of the axonal growth inhibitor pathway
  1738. … waitlist controlled trial of videoconference delivered COGNITIVE behaviour therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) to IMPROVE perceived COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT (PCI) among cancer …
  1739. Aurantiamide promotes M2 polarization of microglial cells to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE ability of mice with Alzheimer’s disease
  1740. Elicited Clinician Knowledge Did Not IMPROVE Dementia Risk Prediction in Individuals with Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1741. COGNITIVE -bias modification intervention to IMPROVE physical activity in patients following a rehabilitation programme: protocol for the randomised controlled …
  1742. Preliminary study of PBL-based e-module development based on research results to IMPROVE students’ critical thinking skills and COGNITIVE learning outcomes
  1743. Relationship between Dietary Polyphenols and Gut Microbiota: New Clues to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Disorders, Mood Disorders and Circadian Rhythms
  1744. Investigation of the mechanism of tanshinone IIA to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function via synaptic plasticity in epileptic rats
  1745. Can cell and gene therapies IMPROVE COGNITIVE symptoms in Parkinson’s disease?
  1746. The efficacy of mindfulness‐based COGNITIVE therapy to IMPROVE depression symptoms and quality of life in individuals with memory difficulties and caregivers: A short …
  1747. Initial low levels of suicidal ideation still IMPROVE after COGNITIVE behavioral therapy for insomnia in regular psychiatric care
  1748. Employing COGNITIVE interviewing to evaluate, IMPROVE and validate items for measuring the health-related quality of life of women diagnosed with ovarian …
  1749. Does COGNITIVE behavioral therapy using a self‐check sheet IMPROVE night‐time frequency in patients with nocturia? Results of a multicenter randomized controlled …
  1750. Sphingolipids and DHA IMPROVE COGNITIVE Deficits in Aged Beagle Dogs
  1751. Using Process Data to IMPROVE Classification Accuracy of COGNITIVE Diagnosis Model
  1752. Can cranioplasty be considered a tool to IMPROVE COGNITIVE recovery following traumatic brain injury? A 5-years retrospective study
  1753. … transcranial direct current stimulation with tai chi to IMPROVE dual-task gait performance in older adults with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a randomized …
  1754. Home-Based Exercise to IMPROVE Motor Functions, COGNITIVE Functions, and Quality of Life in People with Huntington’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta …
  1755. Treadmill workout activates PPARα in the hippocampus to upregulate ADAM10, decrease plaques and IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions in 5XFAD mouse model of …
  1756. Animal-Assisted Interventions IMPROVE Mental, But Not COGNITIVE or Physiological Health Outcomes of Higher Education Students: a Systematic Review and …
  1757. Yunnan black tea flavonoids can IMPROVE COGNITIVE dysfunction in septic mice by activating SIRT1
  1758. Dual-targeted repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation modulates brain functional network connectivity to IMPROVE cognition in mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1759. The effectiveness of COGNITIVE analytic therapy for borderline personality disorder: Utilizing a withdrawal experimental design to IMPROVE sensitivity to abandonment
  1760. An enhanced routing technique to IMPROVE the network lifetime of COGNITIVE sensor network
  1761. Polarized Anti-Inflammatory Mesenchymal Stem Cells Increase Hippocampal Neurogenesis and IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function in Aged Mice
  1762. Does Gotu kola supplementation IMPROVE COGNITIVE function, inflammation, and oxidative stress more than multicomponent exercise alone?–a randomized controlled …
  1763. A 1‐year randomized controlled trial of a nutritional blend to IMPROVE nutritional biomarkers and prevent COGNITIVE decline among community‐dwelling older adults …
  1764. Effecting the Change: Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a Pedagogy to IMPROVE Achievement in Physics in Relation to COGNITIVE Styles
  1765. Utilizing digital games to IMPROVE COGNITIVE , social, and learning skills in children
  1766. Effectiveness of an Individualized Exergame-Based Motor-COGNITIVE Training Concept Targeted to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functioning in Older Adults With Mild …
  1767. Software frameworks that IMPROVE HCI focused on COGNITIVE cities. a systematic literature review
  1768. Pesticides as a risk factor for COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : Natural substances are expected to become alternative measures to prevent and IMPROVE COGNITIVE
  1769. IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT using mefenamic acid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory therapy: additional beneficial effect found in a controlled clinical trial for …
  1770. Polygonatum sibiricum polysaccharides IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in D-galactose-induced aging mice by regulating the microbiota-gut-brain axis
  1771. Elaborative feedback and instruction IMPROVE COGNITIVE reflection but do not transfer to related tasks
  1772. … Based and Self-Administered Interactive Exercise Program (Tele-Exergame) to IMPROVE Cognition in Older Adults with Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT or Dementia …
  1773. Mindfulness-based COGNITIVE Therapy to IMPROVE Sleep Quality in Older Adults with Insomnia
  1774. The novel COGNITIVE flexibility in aphasia therapy (CFAT): A combined treatment of aphasia and executive functions to IMPROVE communicative success
  1775. Aurantiamide suppresses the activation of NLRP3 inflammasome to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE function and central inflammation in mice with Alzheimer’s disease
  1776. COGNITIVE engagement: a result of talent-based training to IMPROVE individual performance
  1777. Changing pain management strategy from opioid-centric towards IMPROVE postoperative COGNITIVE dysfunction with dexmedetomidine
  1778. Does the virtual shopping training IMPROVE executive function and instrumental activities of daily living of patients with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ?
  1779. Does metaCOGNITIVE strategy instruction IMPROVE impaired self-awareness in adults with COGNITIVE -communication disorders following an acquired brain injury?
  1780. Web-based COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE working memory in persons with co-occurring HIV infection and cocaine use disorder: outcomes from a randomized …
  1781. Addressing the COGNITIVE and nonCOGNITIVE needs of struggling students through an E7 approach in a virtual laboratory environment to IMPROVE their motivation and …
  1782. Ginger and turmeric lipid-solubles attenuate heated oil-induced oxidative stress in the brain via the upregulation of NRF2 and IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in rats
  1783. … can regulate the peripheral immune cell spectrum and inflammatory environment of the vascular dementia rat, and IMPROVE the COGNITIVE dysfunction of the …
  1784. Does Hormone Supplementation With Levothyroxine IMPROVE Hypothyroid Impaired COGNITIVE Dysfunction?
  1785. Patients With Severe Alcohol-Related COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT IMPROVE in Flexibility When Abstinence Is Maintained: A Comparative Study With Alzheimer’s …
  1786. Fecal microbiota transplantation can IMPROVE cognition in patients with COGNITIVE decline and Clostridioides difficile infection
  1787. Dexamethasone-Loaded Hydrogels IMPROVE Motor and COGNITIVE Functions in a Rat Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Model
  1788. Head cooling prior to exercise in the heat does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance
  1789. Development of Modern Physics Learning Devices Using Inquiry Learning Model Assisted with Virtual Media to IMPROVE Student COGNITIVE Learning Result
  1790. Physical-COGNITIVE Training With Dietary Intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function and Circulating Biomarkers in Postmenopausal Women With Obesity: Study …
  1791. Can the random forests model IMPROVE the power to predict the intention of the elderly in a community to participate in a COGNITIVE health promotion program?
  1792. Evidence-based nursing combined with COGNITIVE function training can reduce the incidence of delirium in ICU patients and IMPROVE their COGNITIVE function
  1793. Fe3O4@ polydopamine nanoparticle-loaded human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells IMPROVE the COGNITIVE function in Alzheimer’s disease mice by promoting …
  1794. Prosocial motivation can IMPROVE time-based prospective memory only under low COGNITIVE load.
  1795. Add-on memantine may IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions and attenuate inflammation in middle-to old-aged bipolar II disorder patients
  1796. Does computerized COGNITIVE training IMPROVE diabetes self-management and cognition? A randomized control trial of middle-aged and older veterans with type 2 …
  1797. Treadmill exercise promotes E3 ubiquitin ligase to remove amyloid β and P-tau and IMPROVE COGNITIVE ability in APP/PS1 transgenic mice
  1798. Does Single or Combined Caffeine and Taurine Supplementation IMPROVE Athletic and COGNITIVE Performance without Affecting Fatigue Level in Elite Boxers? A …
  1799. A Roadmap for Modifying Clinician Behavior to IMPROVE the Detection of COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1800. Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Health Technology Solutions to IMPROVE Access and Delivery of COGNITIVE Behavior Therapy
  1801. Brain Vitalization Exercise to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function of Young Adults
  1802. Development of Learning Media for E-Booklet Human Reproductive System Materials to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Learning Outcomes of High School Students
  1803. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Multimodal exercises integrated with COGNITIVE -behavioural therapy IMPROVE disability of patients with failed back surgery syndrome: a …
  1804. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT s induced by methamphetamine in rats and reduce relapse
  1805. Developing Android-Based Educational Puzzle Game For Biology To IMPROVE Students’ COGNITIVE Ability
  1806. Assessing COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia to IMPROVE Sleep Outcomes in Individuals With a Concussion: Protocol for a Delayed Randomized …
  1807. … Magnetic Resonance Imaging Significantly IMPROVE Mini-Mental State Examination-Based Distinguishing Between Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and Early …
  1808. Effectiveness of eHealth interventions targeted to IMPROVE medication adherence among older adults with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a protocol for a systematic review …
  1809. Tablet-based COGNITIVE behavioral intervention to IMPROVE arthritis associated fatigue: A pilot study
  1810. A randomized controlled trial of WeChat-based COGNITIVE behavioral therapy intervention to IMPROVE cancer-related symptoms in gynecological cancer …
  1811. Application of Blog-Based E-Learning to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Learning Outcomes and Independent Characters
  1812. The Effectiveness of COGNITIVE Behavior Group Counseling to IMPROVE Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy of Senior High School Students
  1813. Feasibility of an online COGNITIVE behavioral therapy program to IMPROVE insomnia, mood, and quality of life in bereaved adults ages 55 and older
  1814. Efficacy potential of Goal Management Training to IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in older people living with HIV
  1815. Effectiveness of an integrative medicine approach to IMPROVE COGNITIVE dysfunction and dementia: An observational study
  1816. COGNITIVE behavioural therapy intervention in the workplace: study protocol for a feasibility randomised waitlist-controlled trial to IMPROVE employee mental well …
  1817. Interactive Multimedia Kolb Experiential Learning Model Using Logistic Regression Algorithm to IMPROVE Student COGNITIVE
  1818. Panax notoginseng saponin Rg1 can effectively IMPROVE the COGNITIVE function of 5× FAD mice
  1819. Investigating Best Practices in the Design of Automated Hints and Formative Feedback to IMPROVE Students’ COGNITIVE and Affective Outcomes
  1820. Enhancement of astrocytic gap junctions Connexin43 coupling can IMPROVE long‐term isoflurane anesthesia–mediated brain network abnormalities and COGNITIVE
  1821. Using Boolean Satisfiability Solvers to Help Reduce COGNITIVE Load and IMPROVE Decision Making when Creating Common Academic Schedules
  1822. Developing Digital Story Telling and Educational Games to IMPROVE Early Childhood COGNITIVE Ability
  1823. Antidepressants combined with psychodrama IMPROVE the coping style and COGNITIVE control network in patients with childhood trauma-associated major depressive …
  1824. Aerobic Exercise Regulates Apoptosis through the PI3K/Akt/GSK-3β Signaling Pathway to IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in Alzheimer’s Disease Mice.
  1825. The efficacy of pharmacological interventions to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and behavior symptoms in people with dementia: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
  1826. Animals in higher education settings: Do animal-assisted interventions IMPROVE mental and COGNITIVE health outcomes of students? A systematic review and meta …
  1827. Infliximab and tocilizumab reduce anxiety-like behavior, IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance and REVERSE neuropathological alterations in juvenile rats with severe …
  1828. Combining PET with MRI to IMPROVE predictions of progression from mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT to Alzheimer’s disease: an exploratory radiomic analysis study
  1829. Hypnosis, meditation, and self-induced COGNITIVE trance to IMPROVE post-treatment oncological patients’ quality of life: study protocol
  1830. A program for volunteers accompanying older patients with COGNITIVE dysfunction to IMPROVE the quality of emergency department care: A pilot study
  1831. Development of Early Childhood Education Theory Modules Literacy-Based: Strategies to IMPROVE Student COGNITIVE
  1832. ILC-OPI: impulsive lifestyle counselling versus COGNITIVE behavioral therapy to IMPROVE retention of patients with opioid use disorders and externalizing …
  1833. Total alkaloids from the seed embryo of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in APP/PS1 mice and protect Aβ-damaged PC12 cells
  1834. Strategies of Applying Visual Element Combination to IMPROVE Visual COGNITIVE Efficiency in the Era of Big Data Network
  1835. Does propofol definitely IMPROVE postoperative COGNITIVE dysfunction?-a review of propofol-related COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT .
  1836. COGNITIVE behavioral treatment to IMPROVE psychological adjustment in people recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes: Psychological treatment in type 2 diabetes
  1837. The use of a computerized COGNITIVE assessment to IMPROVE the efficiency of primary care referrals to memory services: Protocol for the Accelerating Dementia …
  1838. High-ecological COGNITIVE intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE skills and COGNITIVE –functional performance for older adults with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1839. The effect of problem-based learning to IMPROVE students’ metacognition skills in solving mathematical problems based on COGNITIVE style
  1840. Lactobacillaceae IMPROVE COGNITIVE dysfunction via regulating gut microbiota and suppressing Aβ deposits and neuroinflammation in APP/PS1 mice
  1841. Green tea silver nanoparticles IMPROVE physiological motor and COGNITIVE function in BALB/c mice during inflammation
  1842. … controlled trial to test a behavioral sleep intervention to IMPROVE insomnia symptoms in older adults with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : Multicomponent behavioral sleep …
  1843. The Use of Mobile Learning to IMPROVE Students’ COGNITIVE Development
  1844. Standardised colour-coded compartmentalised syringe trays IMPROVE anaesthetic medication visual search and mitigate COGNITIVE load
  1845. Enhancing an online COGNITIVE behavioural therapy intervention for depression: Harnessing the feedback of sexual and gender minority youth to help IMPROVE SPARX
  1846. Avenanthramide-C Activates Nrf2/ARE Pathway and Inhibiting Ferroptosis Pathway to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Dysfunction in Aging Rats
  1847. Group Psychoeducation to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Emotion Regulation in Nigerian Women with Breast Cancer
  1848. Otago Exercise Program plus COGNITIVE Dual-task can Reduce Fall Risk, IMPROVE Cognition and Functioning in Older Adults.
  1849. Robotic manufacturing systems: A survey on technologies to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE level in HRI
  1850. Engklek: A Traditional Play to IMPROVE Children’s COGNITIVE
  1851. Screening for Poverty And Related Social determinants to IMPROVE Knowledge of and links to resources (SPARK): development and COGNITIVE testing of a tool for …
  1852. Digital brain building a key to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions by an eeg–controlled videogames as interactive learning platform
  1853. How does the visual and COGNITIVE saliency of landmarks IMPROVE construction of spatial representations in younger and older adults?
  1854. Effects of a seated upper-extremity exercise program designed to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and upper-extremity functions in older females
  1855. Caffeine Gum Does Not IMPROVE Marksmanship, Bound Duration, Susceptibility to Enemy Fire, or COGNITIVE Performance During Tactical Combat Movement …
  1856. COGNITIVE Strategies to IMPROVE Patient Carein Cross-Cultural Settings
  1857. Sodium oligomannate combined with rivastigmine may IMPROVE cerebral blood flow and COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT following CAR-T cell therapy: A case report
  1858. Inhibition of STAT3 signal pathway recovers postsynaptic plasticity to IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT caused by chronic intermittent hypoxia
  1859. Effectiveness of electrical vestibular nerve stimulation as adjunctive therapy to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE functions in patients with Parkinson’s disease
  1860. Potential of a COGNITIVE -behavioural approach to IMPROVE patient symptoms in a primary care setting
  1861. Effectiveness of COGNITIVE behaviour therapy (CBT) to IMPROVE the sleep quality of the elderly in hospital
  1862. The Development of Learning Device Based on COGNITIVE Conflict to IMPROVE Mathematics Problem Solving Skills for Students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah
  1863. Feasibility randomized controlled trial of a virtual reality exergame to IMPROVE physical and COGNITIVE functioning in older people
  1864. Development of a Safe Mobilisation Program to IMPROVE Functional Mobility and Reduce Fall Risk in Older Adults With COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and Gait Disorders
  1865. Morning resistance exercise and cricket-specific repeated sprinting each IMPROVE indices of afternoon physical and COGNITIVE performance in professional male …
  1866. Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus to IMPROVE symptoms and COGNITIVE functions in patients with refractory obsessive–compulsive disorder: a …
  1867. School-based malaria chemoprevention as a cost-effective approach to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and educational outcomes: a meta-analysis
  1868. COGNITIVE Interventions to IMPROVE a Specific COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT for Adults With TBI (June 2013–October 2020)
  1869. Development of Tenda IOT174 Volleyball Learning to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Ability, Fighting Power and Sportivity in College Students
  1870. Amino Acid Nanofibers IMPROVE Glycemia and Confer COGNITIVE Therapeutic Efficacy to Bound Insulin
  1871. Acupressure and COGNITIVE training can IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions of older adults with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a randomized controlled trial
  1872. Data of MSCs combined with LITUS treatment to IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in a moderate traumatic brain injury model in rats
  1873. How can interactive multimedia direct instruction model IMPROVE student COGNITIVE learning outcomes?
  1874. A Model to IMPROVE the Effectiveness and Energy Consumption to Address the Routing Problem for COGNITIVE Radio Ad Hoc Networks by Utilizing an Optimized …
  1875. Care partner-assisted intervention to IMPROVE oral health for older adults with COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in Singapore
  1876. COGNITIVE Control Deficits in Depression: A Novel Target to IMPROVE Suboptimal Outcomes in Childhood
  1877. The Effectiveness of Exergame Exercises to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function in Cases of Dementia: Literature Review
  1878. Infliximab and Tocilizumab Reduce Anxiety-Like Behaviour and IMPROVE COGNITIVE Performance in a Juvenile Collagen–Induced Arthritis Rat Model
  1879. Robot-Led Piano Lessons May IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function: AFeasibility Study in a Sample with Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1880. Enriched rehabilitation training can IMPROVE the COGNITIVE dysfunction of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion rats
  1882. Optimal resource allocation to IMPROVE energy efficiency of COGNITIVE radio-based vehicular ad hoc network under imperfect sensing
  1883. The 24/7 warfighter: countermeasures to enhance performance, combat fatigue and IMPROVE COGNITIVE endurance
  1884. Foreign language training via mobile application to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions in patients with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : abridged secondary
  1885. Preliminary study of guided inquiry-based e-module development based on research results to IMPROVE student’s creative thinking skills and COGNITIVE learning …
  1886. Concurrent anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) with COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE cognition in schizophrenia
  1887. Does group-based COGNITIVE therapy IMPROVE functional ability, pain, catastrophic thoughts and quality of life in patients with persistent low back pain and …
  1888. “Gloria a Dios”: How Spirituality and Religiosity Can IMPROVE Healthy COGNITIVE Aging Interventions for Older Latinos
  1889. Educational interventions used to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE and social development of children and adolescents with autism
  1890. Does Adding Social COGNITIVE Remediation Therapy to NeuroCOGNITIVE Remediation Therapy IMPROVE Outcomes in Young People With a Severe Mental …
  1891. Perceptual COGNITIVE training does not IMPROVE clinical outcomes at 4 and 12 weeks following concussion in children and adolescents: A randomized controlled trial
  1892. IMPROVE after interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation? A multicentre matched control study of acceptance and commitment therapy-based versus COGNITIVE
  1893. New Strategies to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Symptom Domain in the Treatment of Schizophrenia
  1894. Development of E-Worksheet Problem Based Learning Model on Work and Energy to IMPROVE Students’ Physical COGNITIVE Abilities in Terms of Mathematical …
  1895. Task-Oriented Training With COGNITIVE Strategies for Adults With Stroke to IMPROVE ADL and/or Functional Mobility Performance (2012–2019)
  1896. COGNITIVE defusion as strategy to reduce the intensity of craving episodes and IMPROVE eating behavior
  1897. An alternative way to IMPROVE the writing skills of secondary school students: the social COGNITIVE model of sequential skill acquisition (SCM intervention)
  1898. The Effectiveness of reflective-inquiry learning model to IMPROVE preservice-teachers’ critical thinking ability viewed from COGNITIVE style
  1899. Using Cost-COGNITIVE Bagging Ensemble to IMPROVE Cross-project Defects Prediction
  1900. Integrating COGNITIVE -Behavioral Therapy Practices Within an Evidence-Based Reading Intervention to Reduce Childhood Anxiety and IMPROVE Reading Outcomes
  1901. Adolescent Sleep Behavioral Interventions and Opportunities to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functioning: A Call for Action.
  1902. Technological Advancements in Aging and Neurological Conditions to IMPROVE Physical Activity, COGNITIVE Functions, and Postural Control
  1903. An Integrative Approach to IMPROVE Students’ COGNITIVE Ability Through Online Learning in The Covid-19 Pandemic
  1904. Protocol: Yoga, COGNITIVE –behavioural therapy versus education to IMPROVE quality of life and reduce healthcare costs in people with endometriosis: a …
  1905. Effect of early childhood development interventions delivered by healthcare providers to IMPROVE COGNITIVE outcomes in children at 0-36 months: A systematic …
  1906. P04-03 Does physical activity IMPROVE an interaction between motor control and COGNITIVE functions in elderly?
  1907. The Effectiveness Of Group Counseling With A Religiously Integrated COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy Approach To IMPROVE Students’ Self-Effucacy And Self-Regulation
  1908. Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Polyphenols Enhanced by Supplemental Probiotics IMPROVE Biomarkers for Inflammation and COGNITIVE Function in Lean and Obese …
  1909. Does multicomponent exercise IMPROVE cardiovascular and COGNITIVE abilities among young medical students?
  1910. Cooperative Sensing Method to IMPROVE Energy Detection Performance on COGNITIVE Radio
  1911. How to IMPROVE Students’ COGNITIVE Ability?: The Influence of Two Stay Two Stray Type Cooperative Model Assisted by Innovative Module
  1912. Design, method and apparatus of a computerized COGNITIVE gamified training program targeting to maintain and IMPROVE COGNITIVE health in older adults
  1913. … of a Contextual Approach-Based Learning Model Through Pusako Kenduri Culture to IMPROVE Environmental Care Attitudes, Communication Skills, and COGNITIVE
  1914. The Effectiveness of COGNITIVE Behavior Therapy Group Counseling with a Self-talk Technique to IMPROVE the Body Image Satisfaction of Students with Social Media …
  1915. Narrative enhancement and COGNITIVE therapy (NECT) to IMPROVE social functioning in people with serious mental illness: study protocol for a stepped-wedge …
  1916. Does the guided online COGNITIVE behavioral therapy for insomnia “i-Sleep youth” IMPROVE sleep of adolescents and young adults with insomnia after …
  1918. A COGNITIVE Behavioural Therapy Intervention to IMPROVE the Mental Health of Caregivers of Dependent Elderly Living in the Community: A Systematic Review …
  1919. COGNITIVE biases as boosters: using COGNITIVE biases to IMPROVE communication recall for Emmi Jogurtpur
  1920. The Use of E-Module Based on Higher Orther Thinking Skill (HOTS) Question to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Learning Results College Students of Primary School Teachers
  1921. The implementation of COGNITIVE linguistic skills to IMPROVE the speaking skill in the Knowledge Construction Process
  1922. Tractography-guided hippocampal theta burst stimulation to IMPROVE memory performance and increase hippocampal connectivity in mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  1923. The role of Excitation/Inhibition ratio (E/I) in COGNITIVE learning and using neurostimulation to alter E/I and IMPROVE cognition
  1924. The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Model Type Tgt Assisted by Kahoot Application To IMPROVE Students’ COGNITIVE Learning Outcomes Material Pressure …
  1925. Explore 360 VR to IMPROVE the Ecological Validity of Screening Tests on COGNITIVE Functions
  1926. Implementation of design thinking in part 30 of the Qur’an augmented reality based learning application to IMPROVE user experience and COGNITIVE ability
  1927. Teacher’s Strategy to IMPROVE Children’s COGNITIVE through Outdoor Activities for Early Childhood
  1928. Optimal selection based K‐mean clustering technique to IMPROVE the energy efficiency in COGNITIVE radio networks for 6G applications
  1930. Sans Forgetica font does not IMPROVE COGNITIVE Reflection Test performance despite differences in legibility
  1931. Transcranial Laser Therapy Does Not IMPROVE COGNITIVE and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder–Related Behavioral Traits in Rats Exposed to Repetitive Low-Level Blast …
  1932. A comparison between ecological-dynamic and COGNITIVE approach to IMPROVE accuracy in basketball shot
  1933. Occupational therapy interventions to IMPROVE driving performance in older people with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT or early-stage dementia: A systematic review
  1934. Does the Use of a Visual COGNITIVE Aid IMPROVE Patient Compliance With a Postoperative Analgesic Regimen? A Randomized Controlled Trial
  1935. Game based User Interface to Help Dementia Patients IMPROVE their COGNITIVE and Physical Abilities
  1936. Plasma biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease predict COGNITIVE decline and could IMPROVE clinical trials in the COGNITIVE ly unimpaired elderly
  1937. Development of Picture Storybook in Digital Form to IMPROVE Language and COGNITIVE Ability Children of Group B in RA. Ash-Sholihah Medan Johor Academic Year …
  1938. Protocol: Effectiveness of eHealth interventions targeted to IMPROVE medication adherence among older adults with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : a protocol for a …
  1940. The Effectiveness of Group Counseling with COGNITIVE Restructuring Technique to IMPROVE Students’ Emotion Regulation and Self-Esteem
  1941. An interactive system to IMPROVE COGNITIVE abilities using electromyographic signals
  1942. Implementing Meta-COGNITIVE Learning Strategies to IMPROVE Intertextual Arabic Comprehension Competences: An Intervention Study Among Arabic-speaking Tenth …
  1944. … Activity Compared With Control to IMPROVE Global COGNITIVE Function in Older Community-Dwelling Adults With Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : Systematic Review With …
  1945. Beyond Transparency: Using COGNITIVE Dissonance to IMPROVE the Promotions Process in Firms
  1946. Does Schooling IMPROVE COGNITIVE Abilities at Older Ages: Causal Evidence from Nonparametric Bounds
  1947. The Effectiveness of COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy Group Counseling to IMPROVE the Resilience of Students as Divorce Victims
  1948. Nutritional Interventions to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function
  1949. The Use of COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy to Manage the Symptoms of Schizophrenia and IMPROVE Medication Compliance
  1950. Exploring Individuals’ Willingness to Engage in Interventions to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Health and Prolong Late-Life Independence: an Extension of Harrell, Kmetz, and …
  1952. A feasibility, Randomised Controlled Trial evaluating a brief, online, group COGNITIVE Behavioural Therapy intervention to IMPROVE psychological outcomes for …
  1953. COGNITIVE Empowerment Model to IMPROVE the Quality of Life of PLWHA
  1954. Biophilic Design of the ISS Crew Quarters to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and Physiological Health Measures
  1956. A Development of E-learning-Based Pocket Books to IMPROVE Students’ COGNITIVE Ability
  1957. … well-being of children with intellectual disabilities: An exploration of their COGNITIVE , emotional and motivational dimensions and their school experiences to IMPROVE
  1958. Application of Parenting Education Program to IMPROVE Aspects of COGNITIVE Development
  1959. Does growing up surrounded by books IMPROVE our COGNITIVE skills as seniors?
  1960. Can we IMPROVE prediction of Alzheimer’s disease and Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT by combining MMSE score and MRI-based imaging data?
  1961. Bilingualism and Language Education to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE Health of Older Persons
  1962. Using Ecological Momentary Assessment to IMPROVE Assessment of Self-Reported COGNITIVE Difficulties among Adults with Comorbid HIV and Heavy Alcohol …
  1963. Factors affecting mental calculus used as COGNITIVE stimuli to IMPROVE motor performance of a manual pointing task
  1965. Systematic Review: The Effect of Intervention Rehabilitation “Computer-Based COGNITIVE Training Program” to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Skills of Children with ADHD
  1966. Assessing Novel and Not so Novel COGNITIVE Strategies to IMPROVE Episodic Memory Performance in Schizophrenia
  1967. Astragaloside IV IMPROVE s COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT caused by CCH via IMPROVE ROS and NLRP3 pathway by up-regulating the PGC1α/Nrf2 pathway
  1969. … : Digital COGNITIVE behavioural therapy intervention in the workplace: study protocol for a feasibility randomised waitlist-controlled trial to IMPROVE employee mental well …
  1970. Efforts to IMPROVE the Development of Early Childhood COGNITIVE Ability in Kindergarten Ade Irma Mataloko
  1971. The Development of Make a Match Card Learning Media on Animal Tissue Material to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Learning Results
  1972. … to IMPROVE upper limb motor function following stroke: study protocol for a double-blind randomized clinical trial targeting prefrontal and/or cerebellar COGNITIVE
  1973. Assessing novel and not so novel COGNITIVE strategies to IMPROVE episodic memory performance in schizophrenia
  1974. development of Populer Urban Edutours Books to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Skills of High School Students
  1975. A Feasibility Randomised Control Trial of a COGNITIVE Behavioural Therapy Online Group Intervention to IMPROVE the Psychological Wellbeing of Young People …
  1976. Study: Digital therapy may IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in adults with MDD
  1977. Using Moodle as a Digital Educational Tool to IMPROVE Undergraduate students’ English Language COGNITIVE Performance and Proficiency
  1978. Does physical activity IMPROVE an interaction between motor control and COGNITIVE functions in elderly?
  1979. Using Non-Traditional Writing Task Strategy to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Concept Mastery in Learning Science and Identify Self-Regulated Learning Ability
  1980. New derivatives of phosphorus-containing compounds with amino acid and triazolethione fragments are potential drugs that IMPROVE memory and COGNITIVE
  1981. Can COGNITIVE Behavioural Techniques Reduce Exercise Anxiety and IMPROVE Adherence to a Resistance Training Program for People with Anxiety-Related …
  1982. Artemisia annua extracts IMPROVE the COGNITIVE deficits and REVERSE the pathological changes of Alzheimer’s disease via regulating YAP signaling
  1983. Software Frameworks that IMPROVE HCI Focused on COGNITIVE Cities. A Systematic
  1985. The Development Of Group Counseling Model Based On Social COGNITIVE Career Theory To IMPROVE Student’s Career Decision Making In The Era Of Society 5.0
  1986. Does COGNITIVE behavioral therapy without pharmacotherapy IMPROVE eating disorder remission rates?
  1987. Does a Computerized Social COGNITIVE Intervention IMPROVE Implicit or Explicit Theory of Mind?
  1988. A Shorter-Bout of HIIT Is More Effective to Promote Serum BDNF and VEGF-A Levels and IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function in Healthy Young Men
  1989. Integrated COGNITIVE Rehabilitation Home-Based Protocol to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functions in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A Randomized Controlled Study
  1990. Integrating ICT in the Sudanese Kindergartens by Means of Developing a Computerized Application for The Pre-School Education, In Order to IMPROVE COGNITIVE
  1991. Bridging the learning gaps to IMPROVE mentoring of doctoral students in COGNITIVE neuroscience
  1992. An Educational Video to IMPROVE Healthcare Professionals’ Knowledge in COGNITIVE Screening
  1993. Middle ear surgeries for chronic otitis media IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions and quality of life of age-related hearing loss patients
  1994. Study on the Effectiveness of Multimodal Interventions (TEKEN program) to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function of the Elderly
  1996. COGNITIVE Task Analysis to IMPROVE Student Competencies: a Pilot Study based on the Use of the Square of PErceived ACtion Model: COGNITIVE Task Analysis & …
  1997. A COGNITIVE methodology to IMPROVE EOR/IOR choice process: from applied approaches to more generic ones
  1998. From Puzzle to Progress: How engaging with Neurodiversity can IMPROVE COGNITIVE Science
  1999. Dexmedetomidine might IMPROVE postoperative COGNITIVE dysfunction in older patients undergoing pulmonary surgery
  2000. IMPROVE Job Satisfaction With COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy
  2001. Analysis of Control Room Operators’ Competence using COGNITIVE Engineering Approaches to IMPROVE Process Safety
  2002. Becoming a survey whisperer: applying a video conferencing tool in COGNITIVE interviews to IMPROVE a questionnaire used in higher education research
  2003. Utilizing COGNITIVE Training to IMPROVE Working Memory, Attention, and Impulsivity in School-Aged Children with ADHD and SLD:: an Archival Data Review
  2004. Brain Gym Exercise Give Benefit to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function among Elderly: A Systematic Review
  2005. Online Learning Management to IMPROVE Student’s COGNITIVE Ability (Case Study at SMA Negeri 3 Seram West)
  2007. Implementation of Small-Scale Chemistry Lab to IMPROVE Student COGNITIVE Abilities on the Subtopic of Colloid Properties
  2008. Mechanism by which bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in APP/PS1 double transgenic mice
  2009. Designing for COGNITIVE Assistance: Using Technology to IMPROVE the Lives of People with COGNITIVE Decline
  2011. Development Of Popular Urban Edutours Books To IMPROVE COGNITIVE Skills Of High School Students
  2012. How COGNITIVE Engagement Strategies’ can IMPROVE Learning Outcomes in Higher Education: Position Paper
  2013. Educational intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE screening in primary care.
  2015. Inclusive Strategy Design to IMPROVE Mild COGNITIVE Disabled Students’ English Language Learning
  2017. Objective assessment of nap as a method to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance using a bio-mathematical model
  2018. Applying of Number Printing in Fun Cooking Activity to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Ability of 4 to 5 Years Children at RA Al Huda Jember
  2019. Ways to IMPROVE COGNITIVE functions in post-stroke patients
  2020. Community System Interventions Can IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functioning in Patients with Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  2021. Biophilic Interventions in Crew Quarters for Deep Space Transit Habitats to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and Physiological Health Measures
  2022. … by COGNITIVE Regulation of Emotion and Spirituality and the Mediation Role of Resilience in Patients Diagnosed with Cancer: Provide Suggestions to IMPROVE
  2023. Board Game Intervention to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and Daily Functioning in Elderly People with Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : A Randomized Controlled Trial
  2024. Resatorvid Modulates Microglial M1/M2 Polarization to IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT after Repetitive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
  2025. Physical Activity Shown to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Outcomes in Breast Cancer
  2027. Utilizing COGNITIVE interviews to IMPROVE items that measure mathematical knowledge for teaching community college algebra
  2028. COGNITIVE control can IMPROVE the quality of life of women with breast cancer
  2030. Controlling representations of self and others to IMPROVE social COGNITIVE ability
  2031. Exercise Program: Tai Chi and COGNITIVE Stimulation to IMPROVE Health Status of Elderly in Nursing Homes
  2032. A design of gamification Artificial Intelligence coding activities to IMPROVE COGNITIVE skills among primary students
  2033. COGNITIVE Biases as Boosters: Using COGNITIVE Biases to IMPROVE Communication Recall for Emmi Jogurtpur
  2034. The Effectiveness of Group Guidance Services with a COGNITIVE Approach to IMPROVE Understanding of Adolescent Reproductive Health at Adabiah Padang Middle …
  2035. Use Hierarchical Codebook to IMPROVE the Primary User Detection in the COGNITIVE Radio’s Cooperative Spectrum Sensing
  2036. The implementation of COGNITIVE development techniques to IMPROVE the speaking competence level in the knowledge construction process
  2037. … of a protocol of a randomised feasibility study for a multi-component intervention to IMPROVE instrumental activities of daily living in persons with mild COGNITIVE
  2038. A Call for Sustainable Living: Leveraging COGNITIVE Factors to IMPROVE Sustainability Communication
  2039. Exergame can IMPROVE children’s executive function: The role of physical intensity and COGNITIVE engagement
  2041. Combined Metabolic Activators IMPROVE COGNITIVE Functions in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients: A Randomised, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Phase-II Trial
  2042. Application of Learning Media Game an Intel’s Science Missions Based on Borland Delpi 7 on Static Electricity Material to IMPROVE Students’ COGNITIVE Learning …
  2043. Does Anodal tDCS Over the Left Prefrontal Cortex Using the C3-RSO Montage IMPROVE COGNITIVE Control?
  2044. Elevation of membralin can IMPROVE the COGNITIVE decline in 5xFAD mice
  2045. … simulated functional task to IMPROVE executive function, functional balance and activities of daily living in elderly people with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT : A one …
  2046. A Novel Binary Immune Elite Evolutionary Algorithm to IMPROVE The Revenues of Spectrum Allocation In Medical COGNITIVE Radio Network
  2047. Does the consumption of a high flavonoid diet IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in adults?
  2048. New strategies to IMPROVE COGNITIVE symptoms in schizophrenia
  2049. Enriched Environment Causes Epigenetic Alterations in the Hippocampus and IMPROVE Long-term COGNITIVE Function Sepsis-Induced
  2050. Implementation of a COGNITIVE Behavioral Skill Building Program to IMPROVE Well-Being in Nurse Managers
  2051. P41 Pulmonary rehabilitation can IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in COPD patients
  2052. Guiding mode to IMPROVE the reading effect of WeChat content of academic journals based on the COGNITIVE perspective
  2053. COGNITIVE analysis of human resource risk management strategies based on managers’ mental models and risk assessment matrix to IMPROVE business …
  2054. The SYNERGIC Trial: A Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing Multimodal Interventions to IMPROVE Cognition in Mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in Older Adults
  2056. Assessing the COGNITIVE contributors to violence and their potential to IMPROVE the predictive accuracy of contemporary risk assessments
  2057. Pilates and COGNITIVE Stimulation in Dual Task an Intervention Protocol to IMPROVE Functional Abilities and Minimize the Rate of Age-Related COGNITIVE Decline in …
  2058. Simultaneous Elevation of Antioxidant and Endocannabinoid Defense System May Prevent Dementia and IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function in Humans
  2059. IMPROVE Investment Efficiency Based on COGNITIVE Behavioral Biases CEO by Gray Vikor Analysis
  2060. Can We Successfully IMPROVE Attentional IMPAIRMENT s After Brain Injury With Computer-Based Interventions? Letter to the Editor on “Evidence-Based COGNITIVE
  2061. An academic support framework to IMPROVE teacher, social and COGNITIVE presence in online classes
  2062. A 2‐year Choral Singing intervention with community‐dwelling older adults at risk of COGNITIVE decline to IMPROVE bio‐psychological outcomes: An open‐label …
  2063. COGNITIVE digital twin: An approach to IMPROVE the
  2064. Mesenchymal Stem Cells IMPROVE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and Reduce Aβ Deposition via Promoting AQP4 Polarity and Relieving Neuroinflammation in Rats …
  2065. … of control and self-sacrificing families and compare its effectiveness with COGNITIVE processing therapy (CPT) on anxiety tolerance and COGNITIVE regulation of their …
  2066. Effect of Non-Computerized COGNITIVE Remediation and Risperidone to IMPROVE Disability Function in Schizophrenia
  2067. Development of Interactive Multimedia Based on COGNITIVE Conflict to IMPROVE Understanding Concepts and Skills of 4C Students On Elasticity and Hooke’s Law …
  2068. Genetically-informed behavioral and COGNITIVE interventions may IMPROVE management of tinnitus
  2069. … role in the relationship of multimodal interventions to IMPROVE COGNITIVE and physical function in vulnerable (frailty & mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ) older adults.
  2070. A Machine Learning Approach to IMPROVE Spectrum Utilization in COGNITIVE Radio Networks.
  2071. Can Aromatherapy IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function in the Healthy Elderly Subjects?—A Randomized Double Blinded Placebo-Controlled Study
  2072. Maternal Iodine Supplementation During Lactation May IMPROVE Child’s COGNITIVE Development at 3 Years of Age in a Mild-to-Moderately Iodine-Deficient Population
  2073. A Machine Learning Approach to IMPROVE Spectrum Utilization in COGNITIVE Radio Networks.
  2074. Respiratory Muscle Training Can IMPROVE COGNITIVE , Lung Function, and Diaphragmatic Performance in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A …
  2075. Taking the Intentional Stance Seriously, or “Intending” to IMPROVE COGNITIVE Systems
  2076. Psychology and COGNITIVE science as a tool to IMPROVE business efficiency
  2077. Does regularly playing serious gaming IMPROVE COGNITIVE functioning of seniors in care facilities? Controlled Effectiveness Trial on a Representative German Sample.
  2078. A comparison of virtual reality training with non-computer assisted conventional COGNITIVE training to IMPROVE the COGNITIVE function of stroke patients: A systematic …
  2079. Perioperative Dexmedetomidine Infusion might IMPROVE Postoperative COGNITIVE Function Recovery in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
  2080. Modification of COGNITIVE behavior therapy to IMPROVE the skill of elderly with osteoarthritis
  2081. … of COGNITIVE Intervention through Photo-Integrated Conversation Moderated by Robots (PICMOR) Program–What kind of social interaction may IMPROVE COGNITIVE
  2082. Environmental Themed Dance Learning to IMPROVE Down Syndrome Students’ COGNITIVE Abilities With Audio Visual Media at SMK RA KARTINI
  2083. … To: Can we successfully IMPROVE attentional IMPAIRMENT s after brain injury with computer-based interventions? Letter to the Editor on “Evidence-Based COGNITIVE
  2084. COGNITIVE -effect-based bit rate control to IMPROVE quality of experience for video streaming
  2086. A School-Based COGNITIVE Behavioral Progrm to IMPROVE Adolescent Mental Health
  2087. Is the IntelligenceGym an effective tool to IMPROVE COGNITIVE performance in vascular dementia?
  2088. A systematic review of interventions to IMPROVE breakfast consumption: a socio-COGNITIVE perspective.
  2089. COGNITIVE Analysis of Managers’ Mental Models in Human Resource Risk Management to IMPROVE Organizational Performance via Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation …
  2090. A Multi‐domain Lifestyle Intervention does not IMPROVE Health and COGNITIVE Outcomes Among APOE e4 Carriers after 4‐months
  2091. An educational program to IMPROVE some COGNITIVE abilities of primary school students in handicrafts
  2093. The Effectiveness of a Program aims to reduce the COGNITIVE Load to IMPROVE The Perceived Academic Performance of The Preparatory Stage Students
  2094. Using virtual reality tools to IMPROVE social COGNITIVE training in first episode psychosis
  2095. Does Anodal tDCS Over the Left Prefrontal Cortex Using the F3-RSO Montage IMPROVE COGNITIVE Control?
  2096. Commentary on Peer-delivered COGNITIVE behavioral training to IMPROVE functioning in patients with diabetes: a cluster-randomized trial
  2097. Peer Review: The Effectiveness of the Android-Based Calistung Digital Game Application to IMPROVE Early Childhood COGNITIVE Skills
  2098. … in patients with chronic pain? A systematic review and the acute and long-term effects of sub-anaesthetic ketamine on pain, mood and COGNITIVE functioning in chronic …
  2099. Educational interventions to IMPROVE detection and management of COGNITIVE decline in primary care–an Italian multicenter pragmatic study
  2100. … to the Bedside Nursing Swallow Screening Tool: Can Be Used as a Trigger for an Inpatient COGNITIVE Evaluation to IMPROVE Timeliness of Post-Discharge COGNITIVE
  2101. Can Aromatherapy IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function in the Healthy Elderly Subjects? — A Randomized Double Blinded Placebo-Controlled Study (Japanese)
  2102. IMPROVE Investment Efficiency Based on COGNITIVE Behavioral Biases CEO by Gray Vikor & Rough Theory Analysis
  2103. Natural Killer Cells IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function and Support to Induce Amyloid Beta Clearance by Functional Recovery of Impaired Microglia in Natural Killer Cell …
  2104. The Effectiveness of Internet-Based COGNITIVE Behavioral Therapy as a Preventive Intervention in the Workplace to IMPROVE Work Engagement and …
  2105. … and Feasibility Testing of an Integrated PTSD and Adherence Intervention COGNITIVE Processing Therapy-Life Steps (CPT-L) to IMPROVE HIV Outcomes: Trial Protocol
  2106. Does mindfulness based COGNITIVE therapy IMPROVE perinatal mental health outcome? A systematic review. The impact of dispositional mindfulness and social support …
  2107. Abstract P725: Cerebral Endothelial Cell Derived Exosomes Promote Neurogenesis and IMPROVE COGNITIVE Function in Aged Diabetic Rats
  2108. Artemisia annua extracts IMPROVE the COGNITIVE deficits and REVERSE the pathological changes of Alzheimer’s disease via the Hippo pathway
  2109. Study on White Shark Protein Metabolism Model to IMPROVE the Outcome of Cytotoxic Brain Tissue Edema and COGNITIVE Deficiency after Traumatic Brain Injury and …
  2110. … network connectivity using transcranial direct current stimulation based on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging to IMPROVE hypoxia-induced COGNITIVE
  2111. … analysis and pharmacodynamic evaluation for exploring the active components and molecular mechanism of moutan seed coat extract to IMPROVE COGNITIVE
  2112. Mesenchymal stem cells and exosomes IMPROVE COGNITIVE function in the aging brain by promoting neurogenesis
  2113. A Traditional Play to IMPROVE Children’s COGNITIVE
  2114. Does Computer-Aided Instruction IMPROVE Children’s COGNITIVE and NonCOGNITIVE Skills?(Asian Development Review: Volume 38, Number 1
  2116. Akkermansia muciniphila and environmental enrichment REVERSE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT associated with high-fat high-cholesterol consumption in rats
  2117. SPON1 Can Reduce Amyloid Beta and REVERSE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and Memory Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model
  2118. Terpenoids of Ganoderma lucidum REVERSE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT through attenuating neurodegeneration via suppression of PI3K/AKT/mTOR expression in …
  2119. DL0410 can REVERSE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT , synaptic loss and reduce plaque load in APP/PS1 transgenic mice
  2120. Four weeks of detraining induced by COVID-19 REVERSE cardiac IMPROVE ments from eight weeks of fitness-dance training in older adults with mild COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  2121. COGNITIVE behavioral therapy for insomnia helps to REVERSE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in insomnia patients
  2122. Temperature control can abolish anesthesia‐induced tau hyperphosphorylation and partly REVERSE anesthesia‐induced COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in old mice
  2123. Treadmill running and rutin REVERSE high fat diet induced COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in diet induced obese mice
  2124. Caspase vinyl sulfone small molecule inhibitors prevent axonal degeneration in human neurons and REVERSE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in Caspase-6 …
  2125. Preventive treatment can REVERSE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in chronic migraine
  2126. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy to REVERSE post-COVID COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
  2127. Epigenetic modifications by inhibiting histone deacetylases REVERSE memory IMPAIRMENT in insulin resistance induced COGNITIVE deficit in mice
  2129. Supplementary Materials SPON1 can Reduce Amyloid Beta and REVERSE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT and Memory Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model.
  2130. Whole body exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and REVERSE COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in transgenic Alzheimer ’s disease mice: A systematic review
  2131. Somatostatin and SMS 201-995 REVERSE the IMPAIRMENT of COGNITIVE functions induced by cysteamine depletion of brain somatostatin
  2132. … of recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) to REVERSE cerebral amyloidosis and COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT in Alzheimer’s disease …
  2133. Individualized Neuro-COGNITIVE Rehabilitation Can REVERSE COGNITIVE and Memory IMPAIRMENT Irrespective of Etiology: Prospective Pilot Study
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