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- Calorie restriction—the SIR2 connection
- How does calorie restriction work?
- Calorie restriction and aging: review of the literature and implications for studies in humans
- Aging, adiposity, and calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and SIR2 genes—towards a mechanism
- Requirement of NAD and SIR2 for life-span extension by calorie restriction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Sir2-independent life span extension by calorie restriction in yeast
- Sir2 mediates longevity in the fly through a pathway related to calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and aging: A life‐history analysis
- Increase in activity during calorie restriction requires Sirt1
- Relative effects of calorie restriction and weight loss in noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
- Calorie restriction in rhesus monkeys
- The inflammation hypothesis of aging: molecular modulation by calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and cancer prevention: metabolic and molecular mechanisms
- Calorie restriction mimetics: an emerging research field
- Development of calorie restriction mimetics as a prolongevity strategy
- Molecular mechanisms linking calorie restriction and longevity
- Long-term calorie restriction is highly effective in reducing the risk for atherosclerosis in humans
- Tissue-specific regulation of SIRT1 by calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and prevention of age-associated chronic disease
- Calorie restriction, SIRT1 and metabolism: understanding longevity
- Calorie restriction in primates: will it work and how will we know?
- Calorie restriction, aging, and cancer prevention: mechanisms of action and applicability to humans
- HST2 mediates SIR2-independent life-span extension by calorie restriction
- SIR2: a potential target for calorie restriction mimetics
- Mammalian sirtuins—emerging roles in physiology, aging, and calorie restriction
- Nicotinamide and PNC1 govern lifespan extension by calorie restriction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Calorie restriction and the exercise of chromatin
- Molecular inflammation hypothesis of aging based on the anti‐aging mechanism of calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction: what recent results suggest for the future of ageing research
- Calorie restriction promotes mitochondrial biogenesis by inducing the expression of eNOS
- Calorie restriction extends Saccharomyces cerevisiae lifespan by increasing respiration
- Effect of calorie restriction with or without exercise on body composition and fat distribution
- Oxidative stress and mitochondrial function with aging–the effects of calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction alters mitochondrial protein acetylation
- Sir2 and calorie restriction in yeast: a skeptical perspective
- Calorie restriction and stroke
- Intermittent versus daily calorie restriction: which diet regimen is more effective for weight loss?
- SIRT1 transgenic mice show phenotypes resembling calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction increases muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in healthy humans
- Calorie restriction or exercise: effects on coronary heart disease risk factors. A randomized, controlled trial
- Short-term calorie restriction enhances skeletal muscle stem cell function
- Calorie restriction induces mitochondrial biogenesis and bioenergetic efficiency
- Effect of calorie restriction on the metabolic history of chronologically aging yeast
- Calorie restriction: is AMPK a key sensor and effector?
- Tor1/Sch9-regulated carbon source substitution is as effective as calorie restriction in life span extension
- NRF2, cancer and calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction increases life span: a molecular mechanism
- Chronic calorie restriction attenuates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
- Calorie restriction and resveratrol in cardiovascular health and disease
- Calorie restriction extends yeast life span by lowering the level of NADH
- Calorie restriction and aging in nonhuman primates
- Mitochondria—a nexus for aging, calorie restriction, and sirtuins?
- Calorie restriction: decelerating mTOR-driven aging from cells to organisms (including humans)
- The neuroprotective properties of calorie restriction, the ketogenic diet, and ketone bodies
- The coordination of nuclear and mitochondrial communication during aging and calorie restriction
- Yeast life-span extension by calorie restriction is independent of NAD fluctuation
- Calorie restriction and cardiometabolic health
- Modulation of PPAR in aging, inflammation, and calorie restriction
- Approaches for quantifying energy intake and% calorie restriction during calorie restriction interventions in humans: the multicenter CALERIE study
- Calorie restriction reduces oxidative stress by SIRT3-mediated SOD2 activation
- Regulation of energy metabolism by inflammation: a feedback response in obesity and calorie restriction
- Effect of calorie restriction on resting metabolic rate and spontaneous physical activity
- Increased life span due to calorie restriction in respiratory-deficient yeast
- Suppression of adenocarcinoma by the immunological consequences of calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and susceptibility to intact pathogens
- Sarcopenia of aging: underlying cellular mechanisms and protection by calorie restriction
- Autophagy in the heart and liver during normal aging and calorie restriction
- Inadequate nutrition and chronic calorie restriction in adolescent ballerinas
- Calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: effects on diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk.
- Effect of long-term calorie restriction with adequate protein and micronutrients on thyroid hormones
- Activity measures in rhesus monkeys on long-term calorie restriction
- Examination of cognitive function during six months of calorie restriction: results of a randomized controlled trial
- Life span extension by calorie restriction depends on Rim15 and transcription factors downstream of Ras/PKA, Tor, and Sch9
- Does calorie restriction induce mitochondrial biogenesis? A reevaluation
- Calorie restriction promotes mammalian cell survival by inducing the SIRT1 deacetylase
- Calorie restriction on drinking days: An examination of drinking consequences among college students
- Calorie restriction in biosphere 2: alterations in physiologic, hematologic, hormonal, and biochemical parameters in humans restricted for a 2-year period
- Targeted disruption of growth hormone receptor interferes with the beneficial actions of calorie restriction
- Resveratrol as a calorie restriction mimetic: therapeutic implications
- A randomized trial of counseling for fat restriction versus calorie restriction in the treatment of obesity.
- Oral glycotoxins determine the effects of calorie restriction on oxidant stress, age-related diseases, and lifespan
- Calorie restriction inhibits the age-related dysregulation of the cytokines TNF-α and IL-6 in C3B10RF1 mice
- Calorie restriction-like effects of 30 days of resveratrol supplementation on energy metabolism and metabolic profile in obese humans
- Orexin signaling mediates the antidepressant-like effect of calorie restriction
- Nonhuman primate calorie restriction
- Effects on weight reduction of strong monetary contracts for calorie restriction or weight loss
- Endocrine alterations in response to calorie restriction in humans
- Life extension by calorie restriction in humans
- Calorie restriction and bone health in young, overweight individuals
- Dietary interventions to extend life span and health span based on calorie restriction
- SIRT4 inhibits glutamate dehydrogenase and opposes the effects of calorie restriction in pancreatic β cells
- Modulation of redox-sensitive transcription factors by calorie restriction during aging
- Antiaging, longevity and calorie restriction
- Intermittent fasting combined with calorie restriction is effective for weight loss and cardio-protection in obese women
- Skeletal muscle autophagy and apoptosis during aging: effects of calorie restriction and life-long exercise
- Effects of a behavioral weight loss program stressing calorie restriction versus calorie plus fat restriction in obese individuals with NIDDM or a family history of diabetes
- Diet and calorie restriction
- Neuronal SIRT1 regulates endocrine and behavioral responses to calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and the nutrient sensing signaling pathways
- Lifespan extension by calorie restriction relies on the Sty1 MAP kinase stress pathway
- Calorie restriction lowers body temperature in rhesus monkeys, consistent with a postulated anti-aging mechanism in rodents
- Effect of exercise and calorie restriction on biomarkers of aging in mice
- MSN2 and MSN4 Link Calorie Restriction and TOR to Sirtuin-Mediated Lifespan Extension in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Effects of calorie restriction on cardioprotection and cardiovascular health
- Calorie restriction, aging and longevity
- Glycolytic inhibition as a strategy for developing calorie restriction mimetics
- Bioenergetics of aging and calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and age‐related oxidative stress
- Response to comment on” HST2 mediates SIR2-independent life-span extension by calorie restriction”
- Calorie restriction increases fatty acid synthesis and whole body fat oxidation rates
- Alternate day calorie restriction improves clinical findings and reduces markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in overweight adults with moderate asthma
- Muscle fiber‐specific apoptosis and TNF‐α signaling in sarcopenia are attenuated by life‐long calorie restriction
- Sexual differentiation, pregnancy, calorie restriction, and aging affect the adipocyte-specific secretory protein adiponectin
- Effect of short term calorie restriction on pro-inflammatory NF-kB and AP-1 in aged rat kidney
- Neuronal SIRT1 activation as a novel mechanism underlying the prevention of Alzheimer disease amyloid neuropathology by calorie restriction
- Oxidative damage to specific proteins in replicative and chronological-aged Saccharomyces cerevisiae: common targets and prevention by calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction delays spontaneous tumorigenesis in p53-knockout transgenic mice
- Effects of long-term calorie restriction and endurance exercise on glucose tolerance, insulin action, and adipokine production
- Calorie restriction and cellular proliferation in various tissues of the female Swiss Webster mouse
- Effect of calorie restriction with or without exercise on insulin sensitivity, β-cell function, fat cell size, and ectopic lipid in overweight subjects
- Effect of calorie restriction on subjective ratings of appetite
- Dynamic regulation of PGC‐1α localization and turnover implicates mitochondrial adaptation in calorie restriction and the stress response
- Alteration of soluble adhesion molecules during aging and their modulation by calorie restriction
- Molecular mechanisms of life-and health-span extension: role of calorie restriction and exercise intervention
- Calorie restriction attenuates inflammatory responses to myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury
- Small molecule activators of SIRT1 replicate signaling pathways triggered by calorie restriction in vivo
- Long‐term effects of calorie restriction on serum sex‐hormone concentrations in men
- Interactions between light, mealtime and calorie restriction to control daily timing in mammals
- Efficacy of fasting calorie restriction on quality of life among aging men
- Modulation of age-induced apoptotic signaling and cellular remodeling by exercise and calorie restriction in skeletal muscle
- FoxO1 is involved in the antineoplastic effect of calorie restriction
- Seizure resistance is dependent upon age and calorie restriction in rats fed a ketogenic diet
- Neuroendocrine factors in the regulation of inflammation: excessive adiposity and calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction enhances cell adaptation to hypoxia through Sirt1-dependent mitochondrial autophagy in mouse aged kidney
- Effect of calorie restriction on in vivo glucose metabolism by individual tissues in rats
- Role of sirtuins, calorie restriction and physical activity in aging
- Adult-onset calorie restriction and fasting delay spontaneous tumorigenesis in p53-deficient mice
- The effect of long term calorie restriction on in vivo hepatic proteostatis: a novel combination of dynamic and quantitative proteomics
- Suppression of apoptosis by calorie restriction in aged kidney
- Long-term calorie restriction, but not endurance exercise, lowers core body temperature in humans
- Effect of exercise intensity on abdominal fat loss during calorie restriction in overweight and obese postmenopausal women: a randomized, controlled trial
- Calorie restriction up-regulates the plasma membrane redox system in brain cells and suppresses oxidative stress during aging
- Calorie restriction extends the chronological lifespan of Saccharomyces cerevisiae independently of the Sirtuins
- Biological approaches to mechanistically understand the healthy life span extension achieved by calorie restriction and modulation of hormones
- Physiologic changes in humans subjected to severe, selective calorie restriction for two years in biosphere 2: health, aging, and toxicological perspectives.
- Modulation of glutathione and thioredoxin systems by calorie restriction during the aging process
- Short‐term calorie restriction reverses vascular endothelial dysfunction in old mice by increasing nitric oxide and reducing oxidative stress
- Deterioration of spatial and nonspatial reference and working memory in aged rats: protective effect of life-long calorie restriction
- Effects of calorie restriction on life span of microorganisms
- High Osmolarity Extends Life Span in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by a Mechanism Related to Calorie Restriction
- Effect of 6-month calorie restriction on biomarkers of longevity, metabolic adaptation, and oxidative stress in overweight individuals: a randomized controlled trial
- Calorie restriction accelerates the catabolism of lean body mass during 2 wk of bed rest
- Effects of adult-onset calorie restriction on anxiety-like behavior in rats
- Calorie restriction and diet composition modulate spontaneous intestinal tumorigenesis in ApcMin mice through different mechanisms
- The controversial links among calorie restriction, SIRT1, and resveratrol
- Honoring Clive McCay and 75 years of calorie restriction research
- Calorie restriction for treatment of gestational diabetes
- Calorie restriction prevents hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy in the spontaneously hypertensive rat
- Disruption of growth hormone receptor prevents calorie restriction from improving insulin action and longevity
- Effect of calorie restriction on the free-living physical activity levels of nonobese humans: results of three randomized trials
- Housing density does not influence the longevity effect of calorie restriction
- Calories and carcinogenesis: lessons learned from 30 years of calorie restriction research
- Inpatient treatment of obese children: a multicomponent programme without stringent calorie restriction
- Effects of short-and medium-term calorie restriction on muscle mitochondrial proton leak and reactive oxygen species production
- Long-lived Indy and calorie restriction interact to extend life span
- Defect in insulin binding to receptors in obese man. Amelioration with calorie restriction.
- Macrophages and adipocytes in human obesity: adipose tissue gene expression and insulin sensitivity during calorie restriction and weight stabilization
- Calorie restriction reduces the incidence of myeloid leukemia induced by a single whole-body radiation in C3H/He mice
- Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate: a biomarker of primate aging slowed by calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction attenuates age-related alterations in the plasma membrane antioxidant system in rat liver
- Influence of calorie restriction on measures of age-related cognitive decline: role of increased physical activity
- The role of protein and calorie restriction in outcome from Salmonella infection in mice
- Distinct effects of calorie restriction and resveratrol on diet-induced obesity and fatty liver formation
- Cellular mechanisms of cardioprotection by calorie restriction: state of the science and future perspectives
- Early‐onset calorie restriction conserves fiber number in aging rat skeletal muscle
- Calorie restriction and glucose regulation
- Sirtuin regulation in calorie restriction
- Calorie Source, Calorie Restriction, Immunity and Aging of (NZB/NZW)F1 Mice
- Calorie restriction reduces pinealectomy‐induced insulin resistance by improving GLUT4 gene expression and its translocation to the plasma membrane
- Calorie restriction enhances T-Cell–mediated immune response in adult overweight men and women
- Akt2 is essential for the full effect of calorie restriction on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle
- Calorie restriction as an anti-invasive therapy for malignant brain cancer in the VM mouse
- Immune response after experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in rats subjected to calorie restriction
- Sirtuin‐independent effects of nicotinamide on lifespan extension from calorie restriction in yeast
- Short-term calorie restriction in male mice feminizes gene expression and alters key regulators of conserved aging regulatory pathways
- Calorie restriction is more effective for obesity treatment than dietary fat restriction,
- Calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: mechanisms of reduced morbidity and mortality.
- Membrane alteration as a basis of aging and the protective effects of calorie restriction
- Plasma glucose and the action of calorie restriction on aging
- … hypertrophy,“adaptation,” and “decompensation” associated with glomerular enlargement and glomerulosclerosis in the aging rat: prevention by calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction in obesity: prevention of kidney disease in rodents
- Calorie restriction improves cardiovascular risk factors via reduction of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species in type II diabetic rats
- Long-term calorie restriction reduces energy expenditure in aging monkeys
- Calorie restriction increases cerebral mitochondrial respiratory capacity in a NO•-mediated mechanism: impact on neuronal survival
- Beyond the rodent model: calorie restriction in rhesus monkeys
- Biological significance of protein modifications in aging and calorie restriction
- NAD+ metabolite levels as a function of vitamins and calorie restriction: evidence for different mechanisms of longevity
- Influence of aging and calorie restriction on MAPKs activity in rat kidney
- The effect on health of alternate day calorie restriction: eating less and more than needed on alternate days prolongs life
- Why calorie restriction would work for human longevity
- Effect of calorie restriction and refeeding on skin wound healing in the rat
- The activation of NF-κB through Akt-induced FOXO1 phosphorylation during aging and its modulation by calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction increases cigarette use in adult smokers
- Long-term calorie restriction reduces proton leak and hydrogen peroxide production in liver mitochondria
- Calorie restriction and aging: the ultimate “cleansing diet”
- Calorie restriction falters in the long run
- Improvement in coronary heart disease risk factors during an intermittent fasting/calorie restriction regimen: Relationship to adipokine modulations
- Calorie restriction modulates inactivity-induced changes in the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein and pentraxin-3
- Lifelong calorie restriction alleviates age-related oxidative damage in peripheral nerves
- Validation study of energy expenditure and intake during calorie restriction using doubly labeled water and changes in body composition
- Calorie restriction and ketogenic diet diminish neuronal excitability in rat dentate gyrus in vivo
- Calorie restriction attenuates Alzheimer’s disease type brain amyloidosis in Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)
- Calorie Restriction, ad Libitum Feeding, and Cancer
- Synergistic induction of lipid catabolism and anti-inflammatory lipids in white fat of dietary obese mice in response to calorie restriction and n-3 fatty acids
- Food reward in the obese and after weight loss induced by calorie restriction and bariatric surgery
- Age-related cardiovascular disease and the beneficial effects of calorie restriction
- Anti-inflammatory action of dietary fish oil and calorie restriction
- Aging and lifelong calorie restriction result in adaptations of skeletal muscle apoptosis repressor, apoptosis-inducing factor, X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis, caspase-3 …
- Skeletal muscle transcriptional coactivator PGC-1α mediates mitochondrial, but not metabolic, changes during calorie restriction
- Long-term potentiation is lost in aged rats but preserved by calorie restriction.
- Hungry for life: How the arcuate nucleus and neuropeptide Y may play a critical role in mediating the benefits of calorie restriction
- Effects of calorie restriction on polymicrobial peritonitis induced by cecum ligation and puncture in young C57BL/6 mice
- Calorie restriction delays lipid oxidative damage in Drosophila melanogaster
- Suppression of cellular and humoral immunity to T-dependent antigens by calorie restriction
- Mild calorie restriction induces fat accumulation in female C57BL/6J mice
- Moderate calorie restriction improves cardiac remodeling and diastolic dysfunction in the Dahl-SS rat
- Targeting energy metabolism in brain cancer through calorie restriction and the ketogenic diet
- Role of sirtuins and calorie restriction in neuroprotection: implications in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases
- Long-term effect of mediterranean-style diet and calorie restriction on biomarkers of longevity and oxidative stress in overweight men
- The malate–aspartate NADH shuttle components are novel metabolic longevity regulators required for calorie restriction-mediated life span extension in yeast
- Calorie restriction increases cell surface GLUT-4 in insulin-stimulated skeletal muscle
- Calorie restriction in mice: effects on body composition, daily activity, metabolic rate, mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production, and membrane fatty acid …
- The role of calorie restriction and SIRT1 in prion-mediated neurodegeneration
- Improved insulin sensitivity by calorie restriction is associated with reduction of ERK and p70S6K activities in the liver of obese Zucker rats
- Influence of diet and calorie restriction on the initiation and promotion of skin carcinogenesis in the SENCAR mouse model
- Effects of aging and calorie restriction on the global gene expression profiles of mouse testis and ovary
- Calorie restriction with a high-fat diet effectively attenuated inflammatory response and oxidative stress-related markers in obese tissues of the high diet fed …
- Effects of increased physical activity and mild calorie restriction on heart rate variability in obese women
- Calorie restriction: A new therapeutic intervention for age-related dry eye disease in rats
- Calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: assessing effects on brain and behavioral aging
- Regulation of yeast sirtuins by NAD+ metabolism and calorie restriction
- Effect of 6‐month calorie restriction and exercise on serum and liver lipids and markers of liver function
- Visceral fat: higher responsiveness of fat mass and gene expression to calorie restriction than subcutaneous fat
- Effects of dietary calorie restriction or exercise on the PI3K and ras signaling pathways in the skin of mice
- The response to calorie restriction in mammals shows features also common to hibernation: a cross-adaptation hypothesis
- Calorie restriction enhances the expression of key metabolic enzymes associated with protein renewal during aging
- Adipogenic signaling in rat white adipose tissue: modulation by aging and calorie restriction
- Twenty‐four‐hour ghrelin is elevated after calorie restriction and exercise training in non‐obese women
- Exercise with calorie restriction improves insulin sensitivity and glycogen synthase activity in obese postmenopausal women with impaired glucose tolerance
- The effect of age and calorie restriction on HIF-1-responsive genes in aged liver
- SIRT3 in calorie restriction: can you hear me now?
- Linking calorie restriction to longevity through sirtuins and autophagy: any role for TOR
- Bioenergetics and permeability transition pore opening in heart subsarcolemmal and interfibrillar mitochondria: effects of aging and lifelong calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction on insulin resistance and expression of SIRT1 and SIRT4 in rats
- Improvements in body fat distribution and circulating adiponectin by alternate-day fasting versus calorie restriction
- Dose‐dependent effects of calorie restriction on gene expression, metabolism, and tumor progression are partially mediated by insulin‐like growth factor‐1
- Increase in daily LH secretion in response to short-term calorie restriction in obese women with PCOS
- Assimilation of endogenous nicotinamide riboside is essential for calorie restriction-mediated life span extension in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Calorie restriction reduces rDNA recombination independently of rDNA silencing
- Loss of AMP-activated protein kinase-α2 impairs the insulin-sensitizing effect of calorie restriction in skeletal muscle
- Daily meal timing is not necessary for resetting the main circadian clock by calorie restriction
- Glutathione is necessary to ensure benefits of calorie restriction during ageing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Weight gain with risperidone among patients with mental retardation: effect of calorie restriction
- Effect of chronic and intermittent calorie restriction on serum adiponectin and leptin and mammary tumorigenesis
- Pre‐and postnatal calorie restriction perturbs early hypothalamic neuropeptide and energy balance
- Effect of different levels of calorie restriction on azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis in male F344 rats
- Vascular aging: molecular modulation of the prostanoid cascade by calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction ameliorates neurodegenerative phenotypes in forebrain-specific presenilin-1 and presenilin-2 double knockout mice
- Yeast as a model to understand the interaction between genotype and the response to calorie restriction
- Transcriptional response according to strength of calorie restriction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
- Mild mitochondrial uncoupling and calorie restriction increase fasting eNOS, akt and mitochondrial biogenesis
- Molecular exploration of age-related NF-κB/IKK downregulation by calorie restriction in rat kidney
- PPARG genotype accounts for part of individual variation in body weight reduction in response to calorie restriction
- Preferential reductions in intermuscular and visceral adipose tissue with exercise-induced weight loss compared with calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction, oxidative stress and longevity
- Calorie restriction at increasing levels leads to augmented concentrations of corticosterone and decreasing concentrations of testosterone in rats
- Calorie restriction effects on silencing and recombination at the yeast rDNA
- Calorie restriction modulates renal expression of sterol regulatory element binding proteins, lipid accumulation, and age-related renal disease
- Short-term calorie restriction improves disease-related markers in older male rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
- The GOAT-ghrelin system is not essential for hypoglycemia prevention during prolonged calorie restriction
- Extreme calorie restriction and energy source starvation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae represent distinct physiological states
- Effects of calorie restriction on transforming growth factor β1 and proinflammatory cytokines in murine Sjogren’s syndrome
- Calorie restriction limits the generation but not the progression of mitochondrial abnormalities in aging skeletal muscle
- Calorie restriction protects against age‐related rat aorta sclerosis
- Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in male Lewis rats subjected to calorie restriction
- Intermittent calorie restriction delays prostate tumor detection and increases survival time in TRAMP mice
- Molecular architecture of myelinated peripheral nerves is supported by calorie restriction with aging
- Rapamycin partially mimics the anticancer effects of calorie restriction in a murine model of pancreatic cancer
- Differential effects of calorie restriction and exercise on the adipose transcriptome in diet-induced obese mice
- One day of moderate energy deficit reduces fasting and postprandial triacylglycerolemia in women: the role of calorie restriction and exercise
- Chronic calorie restriction increases susceptibility of laboratory mice (Mus musculus) to a primary intestinal parasite infection
- Calorie restriction and rapamycin inhibit MMTV-Wnt-1 mammary tumor growth in a mouse model of postmenopausal obesity
- Calorie restriction‐induced maternal longevity is transmitted to their daughters in a rotifer
- 2-Deoxy-D-glucose feeding in rats mimics physiologic effects of calorie restriction
- Effect of calorie restriction on the production and responsiveness to interleukin 2 in (NZB× NZW) F1 mice
- Calorie restriction increases insulin-stimulated glucose transport in skeletal muscle from IRS-1 knockout mice.
- Effects of dietary protein and calorie restriction in clinically normal cats and in cats with surgically induced chronic renal failure.
- Resveratrol treatment in mice does not elicit the bradycardia and hypothermia associated with calorie restriction
- Life‐long calorie restriction (CR) increases expression of apoptosis repressor with a caspase recruitment domain (ARC) in the brain
- SIRT1, a calorie restriction mimetic, in a new therapeutic approach for type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic vascular complications
- Regulation of selenoproteins and methionine sulfoxide reductases A and B1 by age, calorie restriction, and dietary selenium in mice
- Effects of aging and calorie restriction on white matter in rhesus macaques
- Calorie restriction modifies ubiquinone and COQ transcript levels in mouse tissues
- … bone mineral density is not associated with significantly reduced bone quality in men and women practicing long‐term calorie restriction with adequate nutrition
- Maternal gestational protein-calorie restriction decreases the number of glomeruli and causes glomerular hypertrophy in adult hypertensive rats
- Excessive adiposity, calorie restriction, and aging
- A role for neuronal cAMP responsive-element binding (CREB)-1 in brain responses to calorie restriction
- Brief calorie restriction increases Akt2 phosphorylation in insulin-stimulated rat skeletal muscle
- Energy availability and mammary carcinogenesis: effects of calorie restriction and exercise.
- Life long calorie restriction increases heat shock proteins and proteasome activity in soleus muscles of Fisher 344 rats
- Cellular adaptation contributes to calorie restriction-induced preservation of skeletal muscle in aged rhesus monkeys
- Calorie restriction reduces the influence of glucoregulatory dysfunction on regional brain volume in aged rhesus monkeys
- Dietary adherence to long‐term controlled feeding in a calorie‐restriction study in overweight men and women
- The effects of physiological adaptations to calorie restriction on global cell proliferation rates
- Regulation of forkhead transcription factor FoxO3a contributes to calorie restriction-induced prevention of Alzheimer’s disease-type amyloid neuropathology …
- Effects of weight loss and calorie restriction on carbohydrate metabolism
- Modified alternate‐day fasting regimens reduce cell proliferation rates to a similar extent as daily calorie restriction in mice
- Calorie restriction increases primordial follicle reserve in mature female chemotherapy-treated rats
- Effects of Chronic Calorie Restriction or Dietary Resveratrol Supplementation on Insulin Sensitivity Markers in a Primate, Microcebus murinus
- Calorie restriction attenuates LPS-induced sickness behavior and shifts hypothalamic signaling pathways to an anti-inflammatory bias
- Calorie intake during mammary development influences cancer risk: lasting inhibition of C3H/HeOu mammary tumorigenesis by peripubertal calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction: progress during mid-2005-mid-2006
- Adult-onset calorie restriction delays the accumulation of mitochondrial enzyme abnormalities in aging rat kidney tubular epithelial cells
- Differential effects of calorie restriction on glomeruli and tubules of the remnant kidney
- Life-long calorie restriction in Fischer 344 rats attenuates age-related loss in skeletal muscle-specific force and reduces extracellular space
- Calorie restriction prevents the development of insulin resistance and impaired insulin signaling in skeletal muscle of ovariectomized rats
- dSir2 mediates the increased spontaneous physical activity in flies on calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and endurance exercise share potent anti-inflammatory function in adipose tissues in ameliorating diet-induced obesity and insulin …
- Changes in IL-15 expression and death-receptor apoptotic signaling in rat gastrocnemius muscle with aging and life-long calorie restriction
- Regulation of immune function by calorie restriction and cyclophosphamide treatment in lupus-prone NZB/NZW F1 mice
- A strategy for identifying biomarkers of aging: further evaluation of hematology and blood chemistry data from a calorie restriction study in rhesus monkeys
- Similar metabolic responses to calorie restriction in lean and obese Zucker rats
- Calorie restriction may be neuroprotective in AD and PD
- Potential therapeutic targets for neurodegenerative diseases: lessons learned from calorie restriction
- Anxiety-like behaviour in adult rats perinatally exposed to maternal calorie restriction
- Down-regulation of AMP-activated protein kinase by calorie restriction in rat liver
- Effects of low-fat diet, calorie restriction, and running on lipoprotein subfraction concentrations in moderately overweight men
- Calorie restriction induces a p53-independent delay of spontaneous carcinogenesis in p53-deficient and wild-type mice
- Dietary calorie restriction, DNA-repair and brain aging
- Distinct effects of calorie restriction on adipose tissue cytokine and angiogenesis profiles in obese and lean mice
- Calorie restriction reduced blood pressure in obesity hypertensives by improvement of autonomic nerve activity and insulin sensitivity
- Exercise training and calorie restriction increase SREBP-1 expression and intramuscular triglyceride in skeletal muscle
- SIRT1 and SIRT5 activity expression and behavioral responses to calorie restriction
- Sir-2.1 modulates ‘calorie-restriction-mediated’prevention of neurodegeneration in Caenorhabditis elegans: implications for Parkinson’s disease
- Effect of calorie restriction on change in lacrimal gland with age
- Androgen receptor messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in the rat liver: changes in mRNA levels during maturation, aging, and calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction reduces psychological stress reactivity and its association with brain volume and microstructure in aged rhesus monkeys
- Phenotypic effects of calorie restriction and insulin-like growth factor-1 treatment on body composition and bone mineral density of C57BL/6 mice: implications for …
- The dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase is a novel metabolic longevity factor and is required for calorie restriction-mediated life span extension
- Adaptive stress response in segmental progeria resembles long-lived dwarfism and calorie restriction in mice
- The influence of calorie restriction during the Ramadan fast on serum fructosamine and the formation of beta hydroxybutirate in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
- Calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: implications for age-related disease risk
- Calorie restriction decreases proinflammatory cytokines and polymeric Ig receptor expression in the submandibular glands of autoimmune prone (NZB× NZW) F1 mice
- Calorie restriction from a young age preserves the functions of pancreatic β cells in aging rats
- Effect of severe calorie restriction on the lung in two strains of mice
- Influence of sleep disruption and calorie restriction on biological markers for depression
- Effects of calorie restriction and weight loss on glucose and insulin levels in obese humans.
- Calorie restriction and late-onset calorie restriction extend lifespan but do not alter protein storage in female grasshoppers
- Exercise as a calorie restriction mimetic: implications for improving healthy aging and longevity
- Sirtuins and calorie restriction
- Multiple pathways regulating the calorie restriction response in yeast
- Modulation of white adipose tissue proteome by aging and calorie restriction
- Assessment of auditory function in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta): effects of age and calorie restriction
- The effects of different percentages of dietary fat intake, exercise, and calorie restriction on body composition and body weight in obese females
- Changes in lipid distribution during aging and its modulation by calorie restriction
- Distinct effects of calorie restriction and exercise on mammary gland gene expression in C57BL/6 mice
- Aging and calorie restriction modulate yeast redox state, oxidized protein removal, and the ubiquitin–proteasome system
- Long-term calorie restriction enhances baroreflex responsiveness in Fischer 344 rats
- Mouse liver plasma membrane redox system activity is altered by aging and modulated by calorie restriction
- Dietary lipids and calorie restriction affect mammary tumor incidence and gene expression in mouse mammary tumor virus/v-Ha-ras transgenic mice
- Understanding pathways of calorie restriction: a way to prevent cancer?
- Modulation of gene expression of SMP-30 by LPS and calorie restriction during aging process
- Hepatic oxidative stress during aging: effects of 8% long-term calorie restriction and lifelong exercise
- Calorie restriction improves whole-body glucose disposal and insulin resistance in association with the increased adipocyte-specific GLUT4 expression in Otsuka …
- A role for ΔFosB in calorie restriction-induced metabolic changes
- Calorie restriction increases muscle insulin action but not IRS-1-, IRS-2-, or phosphotyrosine-PI 3-kinase
- The arcuate nucleus and neuropeptide Y contribute to the antitumorigenic effect of calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and dwarf mice in gerontological research
- Calorie restriction extends life span—but which calories?
- Effects of intermittent and chronic calorie restriction on mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and IGF-I signaling pathways in mammary fat pad tissues and …
- Do calorie restriction or alternate-day fasting regimens modulate adipose tissue physiology in a way that reduces chronic disease risk?
- Influence of calorie restriction on oncogene expression and DNA synthesis during liver regeneration.
- Exercise training plus calorie restriction causes synergistic protection against cognitive decline via up-regulation of BDNF in hippocampus of stroke-prone …
- Effects of chronic vs. intermittent calorie restriction on mammary tumor incidence and serum adiponectin and leptin levels in MMTV-TGF-α mice at different …
- Common mechanisms for calorie restriction and adenylyl cyclase type 5 knockout models of longevity
- Increased life span due to calorie restriction in respiratory-deficient yeast
- Combined effects of short-term calorie restriction and exercise on insulin action in normal rats
- Modulation of cutaneous aging with calorie restriction in Fischer 344 rats: a histological study
- Effects of calorie restriction on the zebrafish liver proteome
- Modulation of oxidative phosphorylation machinery signifies a prime mode of anti-ageing mechanism of calorie restriction in male rat liver mitochondria
- Calorie restriction increases the ratio of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic to regulatory subunits in rat skeletal muscle
- cDNA expression arrays reveal incomplete reversal of age-related changes in gene expression by calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction enhances insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and Akt phosphorylation in both fast-twitch and slow-twitch skeletal muscle of 24-month-old rats
- Differential effects of protein-calorie restriction and subsequent repletion on neuronal and nonneuronal components of cerebral cortex in newborn rats
- Effects of calorie restriction on immunologic functions and development of autoimmune disease in NZB mice
- Impact of aging and life‐long calorie restriction on expression of apoptosis‐related genes in male F344 rat liver
- Transport of thyroxine into cultured hepatocytes: effects of mild non‐thyroidal illness and calorie restriction in obese subjects
- Lack of direct effect of moderate hyperleptinemia to improve endothelial function in lean rat aorta: role of calorie restriction
- Identification of potential calorie restriction-mimicking yeast mutants with increased mitochondrial respiratory chain and nitric oxide levels
- Calorie restriction and obesity under the regulation of SIRT1
- It’s never too late: calorie restriction is effective in older mammals
- Effects of cystine and calorie restriction on the incidence of spontaneous pulmonary tumors in strain A mice
- Chronobiological features of the immune system. Effect of calorie restriction
- Effect of nitrogen and calorie restriction on protein synthesis in the rat
- Effects of calorie restriction on reproductive and adrenal systems in Japanese quail: are responses similar to mammals, particularly primates?
- Metabolic aspects of calorie restriction: hypohydration effects on body weight and blood parameters.
- Development of calorie restriction mimetics as therapeutics for obesity, diabetes, inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases
- Revealing system-level correlations between aging and calorie restriction using a mouse transcriptome
- Effects of FTO Genotype on Weight Loss and Metabolic Risk Factors in Response to Calorie Restriction Among Japanese Women
- Reduction of circulating immune complexes by calorie restriction in (NZB× NZW) F1 mice
- Calorie restriction in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis enhances hypoxia tolerance in association with the increased mRNA levels of glycolytic enzymes
- Calorie restriction of a high-carbohydrate diet elevates the threshold of PTZ-induced seizures to values equal to those seen with a ketogenic diet
- Plasma levels and adipose tissue messenger ribonucleic acid expression of retinol-binding protein 4 are reduced during calorie restriction in obese subjects but are …
- Effects of calorie restriction on the expression of manganese superoxide dismutase and catalase under oxidative stress conditions in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis
- 24‐hour changes in ACTH, corticosterone, growth hormone, and leptin levels in young male rats subjected to calorie restriction
- The effect of calorie restriction on growth and development in silkworm, Bombyx mori
- Calorie restriction (CR) reduces age-dependent decline of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) activity in rat tissues
- Effects of calorie restriction and aging on the expression of antioxidant enzymes and ubiquitin in the liver of Emory mice
- Aging effect on myeloperoxidase in rat kidney and its modulation by calorie restriction
- Aging in male primates: reproductive decline, effects of calorie restriction and future research potential
- At the crossroad of lifespan, calorie restriction, chromatin and disease: meeting on sirtuins
- Calorie restriction modulates hippocampal NMDA receptors in diet-induced obese rats
- Dietary Calorie Restriction in Mice Induces Carbamyl Phosphate Synthetase I Gene Transcription Tissue Specifically (∗)
- Using PDE inhibitors to harness the benefits of calorie restriction: lessons from resveratrol
- Calorie restriction influences cell cycle protein expression and DNA synthesis during liver regeneration
- Calorie restriction modulates lymphocyte subset phenotype and increases apoptosis in MRLlpr mice
- Calorie restriction modulates age-dependent changes in the retinas of Brown Norway rats
- Aging, calorie restriction and ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis in the livers of Emory mice
- Hormesis as a mechanism for the anti-aging effects of calorie restriction
- Different gene expression of skin tissues between mice with weight controlled by either calorie restriction or physical exercise
- Protein calorie restriction affects nonhepatic IGF-I production and the lymphoid system: studies using the liver-specific IGF-I gene-deleted mouse model
- Calorie restriction delays the crescentic glomerulonephritis of SCG/Kj mice
- Influences of calorie restriction and age on energy expenditure in the rhesus monkey
- Identification of genes differentially expressed by calorie restriction in the rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis)
- A transgenic dwarf rat model as a tool for the study of calorie restriction and aging
- Calorie restriction delays age‐dependent loss in androgen responsiveness of the rat liver1
- Conjectures on some curious connections among social status, calorie restriction, hunger, fatness, and longevity
- Relationship between calorie restriction and the biological clock: lessons from long-lived transgenic mice
- Calorie restriction: effect on growth of human tumors heterotransplanted in nude mice
- Genetic reduction of insulin-like growth factor-1 mimics the anticancer effects of calorie restriction on cyclooxygenase-2–driven pancreatic neoplasia
- Effects of calorie restriction on thymocyte growth, death and maturation
- Effect of calorie restriction on skeletal muscle and liver insulin binding in growing rat
- Factors that affect calorie-sensitive and calorie-insensitive reduction in blood pressure during short-term calorie restriction in overweight hypertensive women
- Suppression of experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis by dietary calorie restriction
- The social behavior of male rats administered an adult-onset calorie restriction regimen
- Alterations in male sexual behaviour, attractiveness and testosterone levels induced by an adult-onset calorie restriction regimen
- The influence of protein-calorie versus calorie restriction on the body composition and cellular growth of muscle and liver in weanling rats.
- Preventing the calorie restriction-induced increase in insulin-stimulated Akt2 phosphorylation eliminates calorie restriction’s effect on glucose uptake in …
- Dietary calorie restriction in the Emory mouse: effects on lifespan, eye lens cataract prevalence and progression, levels of ascorbate, glutathione, glucose, and …
- What you should know about calorie restriction
- Can alginate-based preloads increase weight loss beyond calorie restriction? A pilot study in obese individuals
- Effects of mild calorie restriction on reproduction, plasma parameters and hepatic gene expression in mice with altered GH/IGF-I axis
- Insulin signaling cascade in the hearts of long-lived growth hormone receptor knockout mice: effects of calorie restriction
- Calorie Restriction and Skeletal Mass in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) Evidence for an Effect Mediated Through Changes in Body Size
- The anti-tumor effects of calorie restriction are correlated with reduced oxidative stress in ENU-induced gliomas
- Calorie restriction inhibits sympathetic nerve activity via anti-oxidant effect in the rostral ventrolateral medulla of obesity-induced hypertensive rats
- Calorie restriction increases insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate-1 in rat skeletal muscle.
- Development of a bioassay to screen for chemicals mimicking the anti-aging effects of calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and spontaneous hepatic tumors in C3H/He mice.
- The benefits of calorie restriction and calorie restriction mimetics as related to the eye
- Long‐term effects of calorie or protein restriction on serum IGF‐1 and IGFBP‐3 concentration in humans
- Approach of evolutionary theories of ageing, stress, senescence-like phenotypes, calorie restriction and hormesis from the view point of far-from-equilibrium …
- Calorie restriction alters physical performance but not cognition in two models of altered neuroendocrine signaling
- Chronic calorie restriction alters glycogen metabolism in rhesus monkeys
- Protein calorie restriction has opposite effects on glucose metabolism and insulin gene expression in fetal and adult rat endocrine pancreas
- Molecular inflammation as an underlying mechanism of aging: the anti-inflammatory action of calorie restriction
- Mild calorie restriction does not affect testosterone levels and testicular gene expression in mutant mice
- Opposing effects of age and calorie restriction on molecular determinants of myocardial ischemic tolerance
- Age-related decline in striatal volume in rhesus monkeys: assessment of long-term calorie restriction
- Neuroendocrine-immune correlates of circadian physiology: studies in experimental models of arthritis, ethanol feeding, aging, social isolation, and calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction, stress and the ubiquitin-dependent pathway in mouse livers
- Downregulation of Grb2 contributes to the insulin-sensitizing effect of calorie restriction
- Radiation-induced myeloid leukemia in mice under calorie restriction.
- Locomotor activity in female rhesus monkeys: assessment of age and calorie restriction effects
- Calorie restriction reduces ulcerative dermatitis and infection-related mortality in p53-deficient and wild-type mice
- Effects of moderate calorie restriction on testosterone production and semen characteristics in young rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)
- The influence of dietary lipid composition on skeletal muscle mitochondria from mice following 1 month of calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina
- … and insulin‐like growth factor binding protein‐1 to an oral glucose tolerance test in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome before and after calorie restriction
- NO link between calorie restriction and mitochondria
- Calorie restriction in nonhuman and human primates
- Calorie Restriction, Post‐reproductive Life Span, and Programmed Aging: A Plea for Rigor
- Rapid onset of gene expression in lung, supportive of formation of alveolar septa, induced by refeeding mice after calorie restriction
- Effects of severe calorie restriction on thymic factor activity and lymphocyte stimulation response in rats
- Physical activity, dietary calorie restriction, and cancer
- Plant “Polyphenolic” Small Molecules Can Induce a Calorie Restriction‐Mimetic Life‐Span Extension by Activating Sirtuins: Will “Polyphenols” Someday Be Used as …
- A difference between the effects of dietary calorie restriction on the estrous cycle and on the 24-hour adrenal cortical cycle in rodents
- Long‐term evaluation of thyroidal response to partial calorie restriction in obesity
- Calorie restriction minimizes activation of insulin signaling in response to glucose: potential involvement of the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor 1 axis
- Alternate day calorie restriction improves systemic inflammation in a mouse model of sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture
- Hepatic metabolites and cofactors in riboflavin deficiency and calorie restriction
- … of mitogenic responses, lymphocyte subset populations and amino acid content in submaxillary lymph nodes of growing male rats subjected to calorie restriction
- Impact of moderate calorie restriction on the reproductive neuroendocrine axis of male rhesus macaques
- Inhibition of H2O2‐induced apoptosis of lymphocytes by calorie restriction during aging
- Oxaloacetic acid supplementation as a mimic of calorie restriction
- AgingDB: A database for oxidative stress and calorie restriction in the study of aging
- Superimposition of postnatal calorie restriction protects the aging male intrauterine growth-restricted offspring from metabolic maladaptations
- Effects of aging and calorie restriction on rat skeletal muscle glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase
- Calorie restriction to retard aging and increase longevity
- Attenuation of bleomycin-induced Hprt mutant frequency in female and male rats by calorie restriction
- Effect of calorie restriction on liver and kidney glutathione in aging Emory mice
- Calorie restriction prevents the occlusive coronary vascular disease of autoimmune (NZW x BXSB) F1 mice
- HPA and sympathoadrenal activity of adult rats perinatally exposed to maternal mild calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction initiated at middle age improved glucose tolerance without affecting age-related impairments of insulin signaling in rat skeletal muscle
- Symposium: Calorie restriction: effects on body composition, insulin signaling and aging
- Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone and calorie restriction on the Bcl-2/Bax-mediated apoptotic pathway in p53-deficient mice
- Biological effects of calorie restriction: implications for modification of human aging
- Effects of calorie restriction on SIRT1 expression in liver of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: experiment with rats
- Metabolic aspects of calorie restriction: nitrogen and mineral balances and vitamin excretion
- Calorie restriction causes healthy life span extension in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina
- Role of insulin and growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-I signaling in lifespan extension: rodent longevity models for studying aging and calorie restriction
- Identifying the genes and genetic interrelationships underlying the impact of calorie restriction on maximum lifespan: an artificial intelligence-based approach
- The influence of estrogen on cancer incidence and adrenal changes in ovariectomized mice on calorie restriction.
- Effects of aging and calorie restriction of Fischer 344 rats on hepatocellular response to proliferative signals
- Calorie restriction decreases platelet‐derived growth factor (PDGF)‐A and thrombin receptor mRNA expression in autoimmune murine lupus nephritis
- Effects of calorie-restriction on the course of Trypanosoma cruzi infection
- Calorie restriction as a potent anti-aging intervention: Modulation of oxidative stress
- Dietary calorie restriction does not affect the levels of protein elongation factors in rat livers during ageing
- Calorie restriction suppresses subgenomic mink cytopathic focus-forming murine leukemia virus transcription and frequency of genomic expression while impairing …
- Improved insulin sensitivity with calorie restriction does not require reduced JNK1/2, p38, or ERK1/2 phosphorylation in skeletal muscle of 9-month-old rats
- Method for estimating rate of fat loss during treatment of obesity by calorie restriction
- Dichotomous responses of inter and postprandial hyperglycaemia to short‐term calorie restriction in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Calorie restriction and iopanoic acid effects on thyroid hormone metabolism
- Proteomic analysis of proteins associated with cellular senescence by calorie restriction in mesenchymal stem cells
- Effect of calorie restriction on mortality kinetics in inbred strains of mice following 7, 12-dimethylbenz [a] anthracene treatment
- mRNA-Seq reveals complex patterns of gene regulation and expression in the mouse skeletal muscle transcriptome associated with calorie restriction
- Effects of protein-calorie restriction on mechanical function of hypertrophied cardiac muscle
- The effects of aging and calorie restriction on plasma nutrient levels in male and female Emory mice
- The mitochondrial plasmid pAL2-1 reduces calorie restriction mediated life span extension in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina
- Calorie restriction increases Fas/Fas-ligand expression and apoptosis in murine splenic lymphocytes
- The effect of calorie restriction on serum thyroid hormone binding proteins and free hormone in obese patients
- Calorie restriction mimetics: examples and mode of action
- Effects of mild calorie restriction and high-intensity interval walking in middle-aged and older overweight Japanese
- Calorie restriction decreases microalbuminuria associated with aging in barrier-raised Fischer 344 rats
- Adult-onset calorie restriction attenuates kainic acid excitotoxicity in the rat hippocampal slice
- Middle-aged C57BL/6 mice have impaired responses to leptin that are not improved by calorie restriction
- 24-hour changes in circulating prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and testosterone in young male rats subjected to calorie restriction
- Enhancement of age-related increases in DNA I-compound levels by calorie restriction: comparison of male BN and F-344 rats
- Calorie restriction modulates redox-sensitive AP-1 during the aging process
- Calorie restriction increases light-dependent photoreceptor cell loss in the neural retina of Fischer 344 rats
- Study on the lipid composition of aging fischer‐344 rat lymphoid cells: Effect of long‐term calorie restriction
- … of acute inhibition of fatty acid oxidation on latency to seizure and concentrations of β hydroxybutyrate in plasma of rats maintained on calorie restriction and/or the …
- Calorie restriction in mice overexpressing UCP3: evidence that prior mitochondrial uncoupling alters response
- The calorie-restriction experiment
- Effects of age and calorie restriction on tryptophan nitration, protein content, and activity of succinyl-CoA: 3-ketoacid CoA transferase in rat kidney mitochondria
- Body growth, mitochondrial enzymatic capacities and aspects of the antioxidant system and redox balance under calorie restriction in young turbot (Scophthalmus …
- Metabolizable energy intake during long-term calorie restriction in rhesus monkeys
- Calorie restriction up-regulates iron and copper transport genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Melatonin fails to modulate immune parameters influenced by calorie restriction in aging Fischer 344 rats
- The redox-sensitive DNA binding sites responsible for age-related downregulation of SMP30 by ERK pathway and reversal by calorie restriction
- Comparison of the effects of 20 days and 15 months of calorie restriction on male Fischer 344 rats
- In Silico Drug Screen in Mouse Liver Identifies Candidate Calorie Restriction Mimetics
- The decline in plasma leptin in response to calorie restriction predicts the effects of adjunctive leptin treatment on body weight in humans
- Calorie restriction test
- Depletion of linoleate induced by weight cycling is independent of extent of calorie restriction
- Relationship between protein O‐linked glycosylation and insulin‐stimulated glucose transport in rat skeletal muscle following calorie restriction or exposure to O‐(2 …
- Possible mechanisms through which dietary lipids, calorie restriction, and exercise modulate breast cancer
- Effects of gradation in protein-calorie restriction on the hypothalo-pituitary-gonadal axis in young domestic fowl
- Blocking Dopamine D2 Receptors by Haloperidol Curtails the Beneficial Impact of Calorie Restriction on the Metabolic Phenotype of High‐Fat Diet Induced Obese …
- Calorie restriction modulates Th-1 and Th-2 cytokine-induced immunoglobulin secretion in young and old C57BL/6 cultured submandibular glands
- Lesions of glucose-responsive neurons impair synchronizing effects of calorie restriction in mice
- Blood pressure is reduced by short-time calorie restriction in overweight hypertensive women with a constant intake of sodium and potassium
- Early hypothalamic response to age-dependent gene expression by calorie restriction
- Weight maintenance in humans. Could it mimic calorie restriction of animal models?
- Klotho expression is induced by calorie restriction in adult male rats
- Effect of protein-calorie restriction on brain amino acid pool in neonatal rats
- Thiamin, riboflavin, and pyridoxine excretion during acute starvation and calorie restriction
- Long-term calorie restriction protects rat pituitary growth hormone-releasing hormone binding sites from age-related alterations
- Calorie restriction modifies the delayed-type hypersensitivity response to the hapten trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid and to hapten-modified syngeneic spleen cells
- In vitro simulation of calorie restriction-induced decline in glucose and insulin leads to increased insulin-stimulated glucose transport in rat skeletal muscle
- Food toxicity contributes to the beneficial effects of calorie restriction
- Acute stress response modified by modest inhibition of growth hormone axis: a potential machinery of the anti-aging effect of calorie restriction
- Mammary and submandibular gland epidermal growth factor expression is reduced by calorie restriction
- Effects of adult onset mild calorie restriction on weight of reproductive organs, plasma parameters and gene expression in male mice
- Weight loss and calorie restriction at 50% fasting rate
- Short-term calorie restriction in early life attenuates the development of proteinuria but not glucose intolerance in type 2 diabetic OLETF rats
- Atypical hematological response to combined calorie restriction and chronic hypoxia in Biosphere 2 crew: a possible link to latent features of hibernation capacity
- The impact of calorie restriction on mammary cancer development in an experimental model
- Could calorie restriction increase longevity in humans?
- Comparative proteomic analysis of Bombyx mori hemolymph and fat body after calorie restriction.
- Effects of calorie restriction on chromosomal stability in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
- Alterations in the rate of fetal and placental development as a consequence of early maternal protein/calorie restriction
- Effects of Aging and Long‐Term Calorie Restriction on DHEA and DHEA Sulfate in Rhesus Monkeys
- The effects of calorie restriction on operant-responding for alcohol in the alcohol preferring (iP) rat
- Calorie restriction and longevity: fast and loose?
- The antihypertensive effect of calorie restriction in obese adolescents: dissociation of effects on erythrocyte countertransport and cotransport.
- Calorie restriction: a potent mechanistic solution to the oxygen paradox
- Influence of genotype and protein-calorie restriction upon RSV-induced tumors in chickens
- The effects of protein and calorie restriction on tissue nitrogen content and protein catabolism
- Calorie restriction in mice does not affect LDL reverse cholesterol transport in vivo
- Effects of short-term mild calorie restriction diet and renutrition with ruminant milks on leptin levels and other metabolic parameters in mice
- Opposite effects of metabolic syndrome and calorie restriction on thrombotic disease: heads and tails of the same coin—resveratrol’s role
- Network reconstruction reveals new links between aging and calorie restriction in yeast
- Calorie restriction initiated at a young age activates the Akt/PKCζ/λ-Glut4 pathway in rat white adipose tissue in an insulin-independent manner
- Calorie restriction mimetics and aging
- Effects of genetic polymorphism of uncoupling protein 2 on body fat and calorie restriction‐induced changes1
- Elongation Factor 2-Specific Calcium-and Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase III Activity in Rat Livers Varies with Age and Calorie Restriction
- Age-and calorie-independent life span extension from dietary restriction by bacterial deprivation in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Effect of calorie restriction supplemented with genistein on serum levels of glucose, lipid profile and inflammatory markers (resistin and hsCRP) in obese rats.
- … the changes in gene profiles regulating the amelioration of age-related oxidative damages in kidney tissue of rats by the intervention of adult-onset calorie restriction
- Beneficial effects of weight loss associated with moderate calorie/carbohydrate restriction, and increased proportional intake of protein and unsaturated fat on serum …
- A transgenic mini rat strain as a tool for studying aging and calorie restriction
- The influence of acute, late-life calorie restriction on whole body energy metabolism in p66Shc (−/−) mice
- Effect of calorie restriction on the fate of hyperplastic liver nodules induced by concurrent administration of lasiocarpine and thioacetamide
- Calorie restriction increases serum parathyroid hormone and decreases serum calcitonin levels in patients with maturity onset diabetes mellitus
- Effects of protein-calorie restriction on the immune response to skin allografts in the rat.
- … in body weight and reduction in blood pressure and improvement of glucose and lipid metabolism induced by short-term calorie restriction in overweight hypertensive …
- The effects of calorie restriction olfactory cues on conspecific anxiety-like behaviour
- Alterations in hepatic glucose and energy metabolism as a result of calorie and carbohydrate restriction
- Pubertal adiposity after fetal growth restraint: toward a calorie restriction mimetic approach
- Aging and the effect of calorie restriction in rhesus monkeys
- Calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: Impact on aging, disease, and frailty
- Oxidative stress and calorie restriction in aging
- Protein intake during aggressive calorie restriction in obesity determines growth hormone response to growth hormone‐releasing hormone after weight loss
- In vivo study of mitochondrial oxidation in obese patients treated by means of calorie restriction
- Molecular mechanisms of longevity regulation and calorie restriction
- Effects of calorie restriction and ω-3 dietary fat on aging in short-and long-lived rodents
- Can calorie restriction prolong life?
- Will Calorie restriction stave off age-related brain dysfunction, specifically to learning and memory? A review and critique of the rodent literature
- The effect of dietary protein‐calorie restriction on the renal elimination of cimetidine
- Divergent regulation of adipose tissue metabolism by calorie restriction and inhibition of growth hormone signaling
- … responses of circulating prolactin, GH, and ACTH levels and distribution and activity of submaxillary lymph node lymphocytes to calorie restriction in male Lewis and …
- Models of longevity (calorie restriction and AC5 KO): result of three bad hypotheses
- Calorie restriction reduces the incidence of radiation-induced myeloid leukaemia.
- Changes in human body composition during calorie restriction with two levels of protein
- Accommodative function in rhesus monkeys: effects of aging and calorie restriction
- Molecular Mechanisms of Extending Lifespan by Calorie Restriction [J]
- Calorie restriction as a probe for understanding neuroendocrine involvement in the aging processes
- Long-term protein and calorie restriction: alterations in nucleic acid levels of organs of male rats
- Calorie restriction counteracts the impairment of adipocyte insulin-stimulated lipogenesis in aging rats, but not that induced by dexamethasone treatment
- Inhibition of intracellular peroxides and apoptosis of lymphocytes in lupus-prone B/W mice by dietary n-6 and n-3 lipids with calorie restriction
- Effects of calorie restriction on the age-dependent accumulation of mutations in the small intestine of lacZ-transgenic mice
- Calorie Restriction and Cancer: An Update
- The superimposition of calorie restriction on protein deficiency-effects on liver, small intestine and pancreas of young albino rats.
- Life Extension Properties of Superoxide Dismutase Mimics Arise from “Calorie Restriction”
- Dietary n-3 fatty acids and calorie restriction in autoimmune disease: influence in different immune compartments
- Dissociated response of plasma albumin and transferrin to protein-calorie restriction in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)
- Calorie restriction reduces MMP-2 activity and retards age-associated aortic restructuring in rats
- Molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial proliferation induced by calorie restriction
- Reversing the Negative Genomic Effects of Aging with Short-Term Calorie Restriction
- Effect of dietary calorie and fat restriction on mammary tumor growth and hepatic as well as tumor glutathione in rats
- Gut adaptation to chronic calorie restriction in aged mice.
- When less is adequate: Protein and calorie restriction boosts immunity and possibly, longevity–but how and why?
- The effect of aerobic training with or without calorie restriction on lipid profile in adult obese females
- Longevity & calorie restriction
- Effect of calorie restriction on the development of virus induced leukaemia in mice
- Effect of protein and calorie restriction on the cytochrome P-450 isozyme (P-450 IID6) activity in rats
- Intermittent fasting dissociates beneficial effects of dietary restriction on glucose metabolism and neuronal resistance to injury from calorie intake
- Calorie Restriction the Fountain of Youth
- Selective dietary restriction of protein and calorie intakes prevents spontaneous proteinuria in male MWF rats.
- Conclusion: human calorie restriction and anti-aging therapy
- Interaction of growth hormone and calorie restriction
- Effect of exercise and calorie restriction on ambulatory blood pressure in overweight, sedentary males: A time series analysis
- Long-Term Calorie Restriction increases SIRT1 expression and Inhibits Vascular Senescence in Mice
- Effects of moderate calorie restriction on ovarian function and decline in rhesus monkeys
- Modest inhibition of the growth hormone axis does not affect mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generation or redox state, unlike calorie restriction
- Dietary Energy Balance, Calorie Restriction, and Cancer Prevention
- Calorie Restriction, Exercise, and Colon Cancer Prevention: A Mechanistic Perspective
- Symposium: calorie restriction: effects on body composition, insulin signaling and aging
- Evaluation of Mood States During a Weight Loss Program (Calorie Restriction) in Overweight Volunteers
- 24-Hour rhythms of splenic mitogenic responses, lymphocyte subset populations and interferon γ release after calorie restriction or social isolation of rats
- Calorie restriction for optimal cardiovascular aging: the weight of evidence
- Bile acids extend longevity beyond calorie restriction
- AV Everitt, SIS Rattan, DG Le Couteur, R. de Cabo (eds): Calorie restriction, aging and longevity
- … of Growth Hormone–Insulin-like Growth Factor-I or the Insulin Axis in Aging and Longevity: Special Reference to a Transgenic Dwarf Rat Strain and Calorie Restriction
- Investigations of Altered Proteome Dynamics in Calorie Restriction, Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes
- Moderate calorie restriction activates autophagy during tumor growth suppression
- Abstract B4: calorie restriction prevents the development of pancreatic cancer in Kras; Pdx-1Cre mice
- Calorie restriction affects brain glutathione metabolism in normal and long-living mice
- Calorie restriction as a means to control skeletal muscle stiffness in aged rats
- The effect of calorie restriction and exercise on the estrous cycle and bone mineral density of nonovariectomized rats
- The effects of aging and calorie restriction on whole-body and mitochondrial energetics
- Antiobese and hypolipidemic effects of platycodin saponins in diet-induced obese rats: evidences for lipase inhibition and calorie intake restriction
- The effect of calorie restriction on the expression of liver’s gluconeogenesis genes of rats fed a high fat diet
- Effects of dietary calorie restriction or exercise on the PI3K and Ras signaling pathways in the skin of mice. VOLUME 282 (2007) PAGES 28025-28035
- Calorie restriction enhances longevity without reducing lifetime fecundity or glucose titers in female lubber grasshoppers
- Influence of calorie restriction on insulin signalling and glucose transport in skeletal muscle of rats
- Effect of protein-calorie restriction during pregnancy in rats, on the activity of glycolytic enzymes in the placenta
- A transgenic dwarf rat strain as a tool for the study of immunosenescence in aging rats and the effect of calorie restriction
- Abstract A94: effects of different modes of calorie restriction on mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and IGF-I signaling pathways in mammary fat pads and tumors
- Adipocytokines and the regulation of lipid metabolism in Ames dwarf and growth hormone transgenic mice subjected to calorie restriction
- Calorie Restriction and Aging
- Calorie Restriction and Obesity
- Life Extension Through Calorie Restriction
- Calorie Restriction, Glucose and Cancer
- Calorie restriction, life span and exercise
- Calorie Restriction in Monkeys
- The aging process; somatotropic axis and calorie restriction
- Calorie Restriction: The Natural Way of Slowing Down Aging
- The Effect of Detraining on Lipoprotein and Body Composition after 8 Week Calorie Restriction and Different Level of Aerobic Exercise among Obese Middle-aged …
- Effect of long-term calorie restriction on the reproduction of female rats
- Short-term calorie restriction enhances adult
- Retardation of aging by calorie restriction
- Mechanisms of mammary tumor promotion: Calorie cycling versus calorie restriction.
- SIRT1, metabolism and calorie restriction
- Roles of Akt2 and the molecular balance of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase subunits in enhanced skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity with calorie restriction
- The Influence of Different Levels of Acute Calorie Restriction on Several Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Wistar Rats.
- Mechanisms of body temperature regulation in calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction versus exercise: which produces the best health outcomes?
- Time series analysis of the response of ambulatory blood pressure to calorie restriction and exercise (Poster)
- Abdominal fat deposition and sudden death syndrome in broilers: the effects of restricted intake, early life caloric (fat) restriction, and calorie: protein ratio
- Effect of short-term feed restriction and calorie source on hormonal and metabolic responses in geldings receiving a small meal
- Experimental validation of new drugs for calorie restriction from computational models
- The effect of calorie restriction of radiation-induced myeloid leukemogenesis
- Calorie restriction and iopanoic acid effects on thyroid hormone metabolism15
- Protective effect of calorie restriction on age-induced fibrosis
- Bidirectional Vitamin Transport and the Mechanism of Calorie Restriction
- Effects of Short-term Calorie Restriction on the Ovarian Lifespan in Female Rats
- Diet and body weight loss in the rat during calorie restriction
- Effect of calorie restriction on weight, level of fasting blood glucose and blood lipids in rats
- Response of reactive oxygen species to eicosapentaenoic and calorie restriction in relation to mammary tumor prevention
- A Role for FoxO1 in the Anti-Aging Effect of Calorie Restriction
- The effect of calorie restriction and exercise on cell proliferation rates in female mice
- Alternation of Adhesion Molecules during Aging and Modulation by Calorie Restriction
- Gender Difference in the Effect of Short-Term Calorie Restriction on Body Weight and Immunological Parameters in Albino Rats
- Anti-inflammatory Action of Calorie Restriction for Life-Prolongation: A Possible Mechanism
- Effects of a fiber supplement on hunger and dietary compliance during calorie restriction
- Supplementary data Effect of calorie restriction on the metabolic history of chronologically aging yeast
- Alteration of Cellular Adhesion Molecules during Aging and Their Modulation by Calorie Restriction
- 14 Calorie Restriction
- Modulation of Oxidative Status by Calorie Restriction in Mini rat
- Mammary tumor inhibition by intermittent calorie restriction and eicosapentaenoic acid
- Potential molecular mechanisms for the beneficial effects of calorie restriction on life span and health in mice
- Calorie restriction enhances longevity without reducing lifetime fecundity in female lubber grasshoppers (Romalea microptera)
- Advances in calorie restriction in the last 10 years: implications for human longevity.
- Radioprotective effect of calorie restriction in Hela cells and SD rats
- The effect of calorie restriction on the genome stability in DNA repair defective cells
- Revealing System‐level Correlations between Aging and Calorie Restriction using a Mouse Transcriptome
- Effects of perinatal and maintained calorie restriction to mitochondrial level of oxidative stress in rat liver
- Calorie-restriction reverses leptin resistance in middle-aged rats
- Abstract B63: Combination of intermittent calorie restriction and eicosapentaenoic acid for inhibition of mammary tumors
- A comparison of food cravings and macronutrient intake following a very low-calorie diet versus moderate calorie restriction.
- FoxO1 is involved in the antineoplastic effect of calorie restriction
- Calorie Restriction Induces a p53-independent Delay of Spontaneous Carcinogenesis
- Influence of calorie restriction on skeletal muscle glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity
- Sodium periodate-induced suppressor cell function in short and long-term calorie restriction
- Effects of grape seed extract and calorie restriction on aging process
- Calorie restriction reduces superoxide production of aging mouse hypothalamus
- 14 Calorie Restriction, Mitochondria, and Longevity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Effect of calorie restriction on the proliferation of human hepatocellular carcinoma cell and cisplatin.
- Abstract B102: A comparison of metformin treatment and moderate calorie restriction on mammary tumor development in obese mice
- Combination of effects of calorie restriction and exercise on mammary gland gene expression in C57BL/6 mice.
- Effects of calorie restriction on expression of SIRT1 and SIRT2
- Stereological Quantification of Lung Regression and Regeneration in the Murine Model of Calorie Restriction and Refeeding.
- Responses of body weight and composition to vigorous exercise and calorie restriction: A two-way factorial study in overweight men
- Calorie restriction reduces the incidence of radiation-induced myeloid leukemia and spontaneous tumor
- Dietary fat modulates calorie restriction-induced changes of apoptotic markers in mouse skeletal muscle
- Effects of Physiologic, Metabolic and Molecular Adaptations to Calorie Restriction on Biomarkers of Longevity
- Effect of calorie restriction on spontaneous mutation shows tissue-specificity in different mouse tissues
- Calorie restriction, exercise and body fat: Effects on cancer and markers of longevity
- The effects of interval training and modest calorie restriction in the treatment of obesity
- Cardiac dysfunction in diabetes mellitus and in calorie restriction: Role of the phosphocreatine shuttle.
- Effects of Protein Depletion and Protein Calorie Restriction on Metabolic and Enzymatic Activities in Adult Rats
- Calorie Restriction Improves Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophic Response In Aged Rats Following Functional Overload
- Role of Satiety Signaling in the Beneficial Effects of Calorie Restriction in Mice
- Abstract B54: The anticancer effects of calorie restriction on MC38 colon tumors are associated with decreased macrophage infiltration
- Effects of calorie restriction and high energy supply on the expression of SIRT7 in HepG2 cells
- Effect of calorie restriction and dietary manipulation of fat on antioxidant profile of skeletal muscle of rats.
- Abstract A110: Protective effect of intermittent calorie restriction on mammary tumor development despite high‐fat feeding
- The forkhead transcription factor, Foxo1, coordinates an adaptive, pro-survival response to calorie restriction in T cells (47.3)
- Fish oil and calorie restriction modulates T-cell subset cytokine production in old NZBxNZW F1 female mice
- Elevated corticosteroid receptor expression in thymus of autoimmune-prone (nzbxnzw) fl mice by calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction (CR) enhances T cell mediated immune response in overweight men and women
- The effect of calorie restriction at early age on their islet β cell mass in adulthood of rats
- Relationship Between Calorie Restriction, Lipid Peroxidation, Gluthathione Peroxidase And Gluthathione In Aged Rats
- Weight Loss Through Calorie Restriction, But Not Exercise, May Lead to Bone Loss
- Weight loss and the lean phenotype: Energy expenditure and physical activity during calorie restriction
- Effect of dietary fat manipulation and calorie restriction on collagen in ageing skeletal muscle.
- The Effects of Calorie Restriction on Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake and Insulin Signaling in 24 Month‐old Rats
- Calorie Restriction, Mitochondrial Biogenesis, and Mitochondrial Protein Turnover Review of the Literature
- The effect of dietary protein and calorie restriction on growth, kidney function, and survival of male rats
- The influence of calorie restriction during fasting of the month of ramadhan on free radicals and antioxidants expressed in the form of malondialdehyde and …
- Calorie restriction protects ovarian structure and function in adult female rats treated with chemotherapeutic reagent
- Mitochondrial transcription factor A binding to mitochondrial DNA during aging and calorie restriction
- Age-related up-regulation of NF-kappaB and modulation by calorie restriction
- Eicosapentaenoic acid increases mammary tumor inhibition of intermittent calorie restriction and regulates adipokines
- Anti-senescence Effects of Rats’ Calorie-restriction Serum on Cultured Hippocampal Neurons
- Effect of Wild Plant Extracts Based on Korea Traditional Prescription on Endurance Exercise Performance during Calorie Restriction Period
- Calorie Restriction Increases In Vivo Glucose Uptake and Insulin Signaling in Rat Skeletal Muscle
- Dietary fat source and aging modulate changes in apoptotic markers in skeletal muscle under calorie restriction in mice
- Validation of energy intake during calorie restriction with the doubly labeled water method and changes in body composition
- Gene Expression in Lung: Early Response to Ad Libitum Refeeding after Calorie Restriction in Adult Mice
- Diet, calorie restriction and cancer. Experimental studies on skin cancer in the mouse and cancer of the liver in the rat.
- Effects of calorie restriction on the age-dependent accumulation of mutations in the small intestine of lacZ-transgenic mice
- Erratum: Neuronal SIRT1 regulates endocrine and behavioral responses to calorie restriction
- Mechanisms of replicative lifespan extension during calorie restriction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Dietary L-Leucine diminishes protective effects of calorie restriction in a transplant model of pancreatic cancer
- Age-Related Formation of Ectopic Synapses in the Mouse Retina Is Suppressed by Calorie Restriction Through Mitochondrial Functions
- Effects of age and calorie restriction on tumor necrosis factor-alpha signaling in skeletal muscle
- Calorie restriction modulates age-dependent changes in the retinas of brown norway rats [In Process Citation]
- Studies on the effects of calorie restriction on the gene expression in Brachionus plicatilis
- Intermittent calorie restriction decreases mammary tumor development in MMTV-TGF-α mice
- The anticancer effects of calorie restriction on Panc 02 pancreatic tumors are associated with decreased activation of NF-kB
- Short-term Calorie Restriction Improves Post-ischemic Recovery in the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat
- Aging gracefully with thymus extract, DHEA, yoga and calorie restriction
- Mild Mitochondrial Uncoupling and Calorie Restriction Increase Fasting eNOS
- The Effect of Aging, Exercise and Calorie Restriction on Skeletal Muscle Histochemistry in Fischer 344 Rats
- Influence of genotype, protein-calorie restriction and their interaction upon RSV-induced tumors in chickens
- Insights into Calorie Restriction and Life Span Extension: Characterization of the Longevity Mediators Whi2 and Nitric Oxide in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Delayed prostate tumor detection and increased survival time in TRAMP mice by intermittent calorie restriction
- The influence of age, dietary protein, and calorie restriction on serum cholesterol and triglycerides in the male rat
- Fish oil with calorie restriction improves survival and reduces liver PON1 expression in aging mice
- Calorie restriction reduces liver steatosis in liver specific Pten deleted mouse model
- Abstract A75: Calorie restriction and rapamycin, but not exercise, inhibit mammary tumor growth in a mouse model of postmenopausal obesity
- Effects of calorie restriction and exercise on gene expression profiles in mammary glands of p53+/-MMTV-Wnt-1 transgenic mice.
- P29: Metabolic over-adaptation to calorie restriction after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass does not predict the 1-year weight loss
- Effects of Sirt1 Hyper-expression Induced by Calorie Restriction on Life Span of β Cells and Insulin Secretion
- Effects of Calorie Restriction on Microsomal Mixed Function Oxidase System and Free Radical in Kidney of SAMP8 Mice
- Swimming T-Maze and Radial Maze: two Cognitive Procedural Experiments to Determine the Influence of Acute Calorie Restriction over Learning Abilities in Wistar …
- Corrigendum to” Alternate day calorie restriction improves clinical findings and reduces markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in overweight adults with …
- The Role of Mitochondrial Deacetylase SIRT3: Delivering Benefits of Calorie Restriction and Promoting Adult Stem Cell Function
- Effects of aging and moderate calorie restriction on the reproductive axis of the male rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta)
- The role of mtDNA deletion mutations, electron transport system abnormalities and calorie restriction on sarcopenia
- Abstract B3: Exercise and calorie restriction differentially regulate energy balance-related cell signaling pathways in a model of post-menopausal obesity
- Suppression of PI3K by Weight Loss via Dietary Calorie Restriction and/or Treadmill Exercise in TPA‐induced Mouse Skin
- The effects of regular, aerobic exercise and moderate calorie restriction on resting metabolic rate and body composition of sedentary, overfat women
- Correction: Adaptive Stress Response in Segmental Progeria Resembles Long-Lived Dwarfism and Calorie Restriction in Mice
- Protective effect of intermittent versus chronic calorie restriction on mammary tumor development in relationship to prospective IGF-1 serum concentrations in MMTV …
- Effect of calorie restriction on the supplementary value of protein foods to poor vegetarian diets based on rice and ragi (Eleusine coracana).
- The Emperor’s New Clothes Are Loose: Lower Body Mass Index, Not Calorie Restriction, Accounts for Improved Diastolic Function
- High-calorie diet with moderate protein restriction prevents cachexia and ameliorates oxidative stress, inflammation and proteinuria in experimental chronic kidney …
- Yo-yo dieting. Layman’s description of a dietary regimen resulting in fluctuations of body weight, usually due to calorie restriction periodically between periods
- Restriction of calorie and iron intake results in reduction of visceral fat and serum alanine aminotransferase and ferritin levels in patients with chronic liver disease
- Impact of weight loss through calorie restriction on iron status, inflammation and hepcidin expression in circulation and adipose tissue of obese individuals
- Prolonged Incubation of Isolated Rat Skeletal Muscle under Conditions of Simulated Calorie Restriction (Reduced Glucose and Insulin) Induces to Increased Insulin …
- Calorie restriction attenuates age‐related iron accumulation and oxidative stress in skeletal muscle and improves indices of sarcopenia
- Mitochondrial non‐heme iron levels determine susceptibility to permeability transition pore (PTP) with age: The effects of life‐long calorie restriction.
- The effects of age and calorie restriction on 24-hour plasma melatonin and activity rhythms in the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta)
- Calorie restriction and rapamycin, but not exercise, inhibit MMTV-Wnt-1 mammary tumor growth in a mouse model of postmenopausal obesity
- Effect of weight control via dietary calorie restriction and treadmill exercise on lipid profile and overall gene and protein expression in mouse skin tissues
- Effect of short-and long-term calorie restriction and diet composition on thyroid hormone and the metabolic responses to meal feeding and exercise in horses
- 168. Calorie restriction abrogates the influence of glucoregulatory dysfunction on brain volume in aged rhesus monkeys
- Research Advances: Calorie Restriction and Increased Longevity Linked to Metabolic Changes; Isotope Ratios Reveal Trickery in the Produce Aisle; An Ancient Inca …
- The Role of Mitochondrial Deacetylase SIRT3: Delivering Benefits of Calorie Restriction and Promoting Adult Stem Cell Function
- The linear mitochondrial plasmid pAL2-1 reduces calorie restriction mediated life span extension in Podospora anserina
- Effect of calorie restriction on the supplementary value of a protein food to poor vegetarian diets based on kaffir corn (Sorghum vulgare) and wheat.
- Ammonium is toxic for amino acid-starved yeast cells under extreme calorie restriction, inducing cell death through the regulation of PKA, TOR and Sch9 activities
- Mucin depleted foci (MDF) new biomarkers in colon carcinogenesis, are decreased by calorie-restriction and show alterations in mucin production similar to colorectal …
- Ammonium blocks chronological lifespan extension of extreme calorie restriction in amino acid-starved yeast cells associated to Tpk1-and Tor1-dependent necrotic …
- Effects of dietary N-6 and N-3 lipid consumption and calorie restriction on intestinal immune function in old B/W mice
- Abstract# 4820: Differential expression of tumor-related genes in the most recommended obesity reversal strategies (calorie restriction and exercise)
- Abstract SY11-04: Factors associated with changes in body weight and the protective effect of chronic versus intermittent calorie restriction on mammary tumorigenesis
- … Reduction of Circulating Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-1 Differentially Impacts the Effects of Diet-Induced Obesity and Calorie Restriction on Mammary Tumor …
- Rodent Models to Study the Roles of the GH–IGF-1 Axis in the Aging and Anti-Aging Effects of Calorie Restriction
- Regulation of Mitochondrial Redox Status by Calorie-restriction Protein SIRT3♦: SIRT3 Protein Deacetylates Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 2 (IDH2) and Regulates …
- Transcriptional activation and repression by triiodothyronine and 9-cis-retinoic acid and the effects of dietary calorie restriction on gene expression.
- Overexpression of thioredoxin-2 in Drosophila melanogaster and calorie restriction/nutrient variation in Musca domestica to modulate the aging process
- Modulation of Redox-sensitive Transcription Factor, AP-1 by Aging and Calorie Restriction
- 60. Effect of calorie restriction and exercise on blood pressure in overweight children: results from a randomly allocated trial
- … ‐1 Restoration on TPA‐induced Protein Expression of IGF‐1‐dependent Signaling in the Skin Samples of Weight Controlled Mice by Exercise and Calorie Restriction
- Trial Protocol: Randomised controlled trial of the effects of very low calorie diet, modest dietary restriction, and sequential behavioural programme on hunger …
- … N The effects of food restriction on laboratory performance are well known. N Ramadan is, however, less a fast and more a phase shift in calorie intake and change in …
- Calorie restriction in humans: an update
- Will calorie restriction work in humans?
- Calorie restriction as an intervention in ageing
- When less may be more: calorie restriction and response to cancer therapy
- Calorie restriction and sirtuins revisited
- Calorie restriction and aging in humans
- Calorie restriction and cancer prevention: a mechanistic perspective
- Recent advances in calorie restriction research on aging
- Calorie restriction in mammals and simple model organisms
- Calorie restriction in rodents: caveats to consider
- Impact of calorie restriction on energy metabolism in humans
- Metabolic adaptation to calorie restriction
- The effects of calorie restriction in depression and potential mechanisms
- Brain response to calorie restriction
- Cognitive impact of calorie restriction: A narrative review
- The effects of calorie restriction on aging: a brief review
- The effect of fasting or calorie restriction on autophagy induction: A review of the literature
- What are the roles of calorie restriction and diet quality in promoting healthy longevity?
- Does calorie restriction improve cognition?
- Effects of intermittent and continuous calorie restriction on body weight and metabolism over 50 wk: a randomized controlled trial
- Calorie restriction mimetics: can you have your cake and eat it, too?
- Intermittent fasting vs daily calorie restriction for type 2 diabetes prevention: a review of human findings
- Nutrition modulation of human aging: the calorie restriction paradigm
- The roles of FoxOs in modulation of aging by calorie restriction
- Gut microbiota mediates the anti-obesity effect of calorie restriction in mice
- Calorie restriction and dietary restriction mimetics: a strategy for improving healthy aging and longevity
- Does eating less make you live longer and better? An update on calorie restriction
- Mitochondrial metabolic reprogramming induced by calorie restriction
- Resveratrol vs. calorie restriction: data from rodents to humans
- Long-term calorie restriction enhances cellular quality-control processes in human skeletal muscle
- Calorie shifting diet versus calorie restriction diet: a comparative clinical trial study
- Calorie restriction in humans inhibits the PI 3 K/AKT pathway and induces a younger transcription profile
- Calorie restriction for long-term remission of type 2 diabetes
- Calorie restriction and its impact on gut microbial composition and global metabolism
- Nutrition and healthy ageing: calorie restriction or polyphenol-rich “MediterrAsian” diet?
- Calorie restriction for enhanced longevity: The role of novel dietary strategies in the present obesogenic environment
- Calorie restriction is the most reasonable anti-ageing intervention: a meta-analysis of survival curves
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: I. impact of short term calorie and protein restriction on body composition in the C57BL/6 mouse
- Calorie restriction and SIRT3 trigger global reprogramming of the mitochondrial protein acetylome
- Calorie Restriction as a New Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases
- Calorie restriction in overweight older adults: Do benefits exceed potential risks?
- Regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis through TFAM–mitochondrial DNA interactions: useful insights from aging and calorie restriction studies
- Efficacy of fasting and calorie restriction (FCR) on mood and depression among ageing men
- Mechanisms of lifespan regulation by calorie restriction and intermittent fasting in model organisms
- Beyond calorie restriction: aging as a biological target for nutrient therapies
- Global remodeling of the mouse DNA methylome during aging and in response to calorie restriction
- Epigenetic regulation of metabolism and inflammation by calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction can reverse, as well as prevent, aging cardiomyopathy
- Effect of calorie restriction on mood, quality of life, sleep, and sexual function in healthy nonobese adults: the CALERIE 2 randomized clinical trial
- Intrauterine calorie restriction affects placental DNA methylation and gene expression
- Calorie restriction and methionine restriction in control of endogenous hydrogen sulfide production by the transsulfuration pathway
- Calorie restriction does not increase short-term or long-term protein synthesis
- Calorie restriction increases the number of competing stem cells and decreases mutation retention in the intestine
- Metabolic and neuropsychiatric effects of calorie restriction and sirtuins
- Calorie restriction mimetics: upstream-type compounds for modulating glucose metabolism
- Calorie restriction slows age-related microbiota changes in an Alzheimer’s disease model in female mice
- The effect of fasting or calorie restriction on mitophagy induction: a literature review
- Differential effects of alternate‐day fasting versus daily calorie restriction on insulin resistance
- A natural polymorphism in rDNA replication origins links origin activation with calorie restriction and lifespan
- Opposing effects on cardiac function by calorie restriction in different‐aged mice
- Effects of two years of calorie restriction on aerobic capacity and muscle strength
- Calorie restriction is a major determinant of the short‐term metabolic effects of gastric bypass surgery in obese type 2 diabetic patients
- Effects of calorie restriction in obese older adults: the CROSSROADS randomized controlled trial
- Comparison of glycemic improvement between intermittent calorie restriction and continuous calorie restriction in diabetic mice
- Effects of matched weight loss from calorie restriction, exercise, or both on cardiovascular disease risk factors: a randomized intervention trial
- The effects of calorie restriction on autophagy: role on aging intervention
- Effect of intermittent vs. daily calorie restriction on changes in weight and patient-reported outcomes in people with multiple sclerosis
- Age-and calorie restriction-related changes in rat brain mitochondrial DNA and TFAM binding
- Calorie restriction suppresses age-dependent hippocampal transcriptional signatures
- 2 years of calorie restriction and cardiometabolic risk (CALERIE): exploratory outcomes of a multicentre, phase 2, randomised controlled trial
- The effect of calorie restriction on mouse skeletal muscle is sex, strain and time-dependent
- Long-term moderate calorie restriction inhibits inflammation without impairing cell-mediated immunity: a randomized controlled trial in non-obese humans
- Mechanisms of calorie restriction: A review of genes required for the life-extending and tumor-inhibiting effects of calorie restriction
- mTORC1 and SIRT1 cooperate to foster expansion of gut adult stem cells during calorie restriction
- A data integration multi-omics approach to study calorie restriction-induced changes in insulin sensitivity
- The panacea of human aging: calorie restriction versus exercise
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: II. Impact of short term calorie and protein restriction on circulating hormone levels, glucose homeostasis and …
- Epigenetic aging signatures in mice livers are slowed by dwarfism, calorie restriction and rapamycin treatment
- Improvement of metabolic parameters in healthy older adult men following a fasting calorie restriction intervention
- Ghrelin-AMPK signaling mediates the neuroprotective effects of calorie restriction in Parkinson’s disease
- Calorie restriction regulates circadian clock gene expression through BMAL1 dependent and independent mechanisms
- Early changes of abdominal adiposity detected with weekly dual bioelectrical impedance analysis during calorie restriction
- Short-term calorie restriction enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis and remote fear memory in a Ghsr-dependent manner
- Effects of calorie restriction and diet-induced obesity on murine colon carcinogenesis, growth and inflammatory factors, and microRNA expression
- Telomerase reverse transcriptase synergizes with calorie restriction to increase health span and extend mouse longevity
- Calorie restriction protects against experimental abdominal aortic aneurysms in mice
- Partial rescue of memory deficits induced by calorie restriction in a mouse model of tau deposition
- Short‐term calorie restriction ameliorates genomewide, age‐related alterations in DNA methylation
- Physically active rats lose more weight during calorie restriction
- Apolipoprotein M: a novel adipokine decreasing with obesity and upregulated by calorie restriction
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: V. Impact of short term calorie and protein restriction on physical activity in the C57BL/6 mouse
- Reduction of β-amyloid and γ-secretase by calorie restriction in female Tg2576 mice
- Do sirtuins promote mammalian longevity?: a critical review on its relevance to the longevity effect induced by calorie restriction
- Control of inflammation by calorie restriction mimetics: on the crossroad of autophagy and mitochondria
- Rationale for using intermittent calorie restriction as a dietary treatment for drug resistant epilepsy
- Inhibition of neuroblastoma tumor growth by ketogenic diet and/or calorie restriction in a CD1-Nu mouse model
- Calorie restriction à Lamarck
- One‐year calorie restriction impacts gut microbial composition but not its metabolic performance in obese adolescents
- Anti-aging effects of calorie restriction (CR) and CR mimetics based on the senoinflammation concept
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: III. Impact of short term calorie and protein restriction on mean daily body temperature and torpor use in the …
- Short-term calorie restriction protects against renal senescence of aged rats by increasing autophagic activity and reducing oxidative damage
- Targeting glucose metabolism to enhance immunotherapy: emerging evidence on intermittent fasting and calorie restriction mimetics
- Calorie restriction attenuates cardiac remodeling and diastolic dysfunction in a rat model of metabolic syndrome
- Sirtuins as mediator of the anti-ageing effects of calorie restriction in skeletal and cardiac muscle
- The role of Ames dwarfism and calorie restriction on gut microbiota
- Clues to maintaining calorie restriction? Psychosocial profiles of successful long-term restrictors
- Short-term calorie restriction enhances DNA repair by non-homologous end joining in mice
- Acute effects of exercise and calorie restriction on triglyceride metabolism in women
- The effects of calorie restriction, intermittent fasting and vegetarian diets on bone health
- Resolvin D1 primes the resolution process initiated by calorie restriction in obesity‐induced steatohepatitis
- Circadian clocks govern calorie restriction—mediated life span extension through BMAL1‐and IGF‐1‐dependent mechanisms
- Calorie restriction regime enhances physical performance of trained athletes
- Calorie-restriction-induced insulin sensitivity is mediated by adipose mTORC2 and not required for lifespan extension
- Appetite and gut peptide responses to exercise and calorie restriction. The effect of modest energy deficits
- Extended calorie restriction suppresses overall and specific food cravings: a systematic review and a meta‐analysis
- Calorie restriction curbs proinflammation that accompanies arterial aging, preserving a youthful phenotype
- Calorie restriction alleviates the age‐related decrease in neural progenitor cell division in the aging brain
- Modulation of senoinflammation by calorie restriction based on biochemical and Omics big data analysis
- Resveratrol inhibits proliferation, angiogenesis and induces apoptosis in colon cancer cells: calorie restriction is the force to the cytotoxicity
- Subacute calorie restriction and rapamycin discordantly alter mouse liver proteome homeostasis and reverse aging effects
- Modified alternate-day fasting vs. calorie restriction in the treatment of patients with metabolic syndrome: A randomized clinical trial
- Calorie restriction and reversal of type 2 diabetes
- Effects of calorie restriction and voluntary exercise on doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity
- Renal and systemic effects of calorie restriction in patients with type 2 diabetes with abdominal obesity: a randomized controlled trial
- Calorie restriction-induced SIRT6 activation delays aging by suppressing NF-κB signaling
- Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase Is Required for the Calorie Restriction–Mediated Improvements in Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Biogenesis, and Metabolic …
- Timing of calorie restriction in mice impacts host metabolic phenotype with correlative changes in gut microbiota
- Increased bile acids in enterohepatic circulation by short-term calorie restriction in male mice
- A randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness and adherence of modified alternate-day calorie restriction in improving activity of non-alcoholic fatty liver …
- Lifestyle intervention involving calorie restriction with or without aerobic exercise training improves liver fat in adults with visceral adiposity
- Calorie restriction attenuates terminal differentiation of immune cells
- Effect of intermittent versus chronic calorie restriction on tumor incidence: a systematic review and meta-analysis of animal studies
- Newer antidiabetic drugs and calorie restriction mimicry
- Systematic review and meta-analysis reveals acutely elevated plasma cortisol following fasting but not less severe calorie restriction
- Cyclic AMP mimics the anti-ageing effects of calorie restriction by up-regulating sirtuin
- Calorie restriction protects neural stem cells from age-related deficits in the subventricular zone
- Autophagy and leucine promote chronological longevity and respiration proficiency during calorie restriction in yeast
- A high protein calorie restriction diet alters the gut microbiome in obesity
- Calorie restriction governs intestinal epithelial regeneration through cell-autonomous regulation of mTORC1 in reserve stem cells
- Calorie restriction does not elicit a robust extension of replicative lifespan in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Calorie restriction and not glucagon‐like peptide‐1 explains the acute improvement in glucose control after gastric bypass in Type 2 diabetes
- Exercise training and calorie restriction influence the metabolic parameters in ovariectomized female rats
- Maintaining good hearing: calorie restriction, Sirt3, and glutathione
- Consequences of calorie restriction and calorie excess for the physiological parameters of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells
- Deep sequencing identifies circulating mouse miRNAs that are functionally implicated in manifestations of aging and responsive to calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction effects on circadian rhythms in gene expression are sex dependent
- Influence of a ketogenic diet, fish-oil, and calorie restriction on plasma metabolites and lipids in C57BL/6J mice
- Calorie restriction attenuates cerebral ischemic injury via increasing SIRT1 synthesis in the rat
- Six weeks of calorie restriction improves body composition and lipid profile in obese and overweight former athletes
- Effects of alternate-day fasting or daily calorie restriction on body composition, fat distribution, and circulating adipokines: secondary analysis of a randomized …
- Calorie restriction and Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass have opposing effects on circulating FGF 21 in morbidly obese subjects
- Anti-inflammatory action of β-hydroxybutyrate via modulation of PGC-1α and FoxO1, mimicking calorie restriction
- Intermittent fasting, a possible priming tool for host defense against SARS-CoV-2 infection: Crosstalk among calorie restriction, autophagy and immune response
- Starving cancer from the outside and inside: separate and combined effects of calorie restriction and autophagy inhibition on Ras-driven tumors
- A comparison among the tissue-specific effects of aging and calorie restriction on TFAM amount and TFAM-binding activity to mtDNA in rat
- Intermittent calorie restriction—a more effective approach to weight loss?
- Inactivation of yeast Isw2 chromatin remodeling enzyme mimics longevity effect of calorie restriction via induction of genotoxic stress response
- Calorie restriction delays the progression of lesions to pancreatic cancer in the LSL-KrasG12D; Pdx-1/Cre mouse model of pancreatic cancer
- Calorie restriction prevents age-related changes in the intestinal microbiota
- Calorie restriction-induced weight loss and exercise have differential effects on skeletal muscle mitochondria despite similar effects on insulin sensitivity
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: IV. Non-linear change in behavioural phenotype of mice in response to short-term calorie restriction
- Lifelong calorie restriction affects indicators of colonic health in aging C57Bl/6J mice
- Metformin prevents aggressive ovarian cancer growth driven by high-energy diet: similarity with calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and matched weight loss from exercise: independent and additive effects on glucoregulation and the incretin system in overweight women and men
- Activation of kappa opioid receptor regulates the hypothermic response to calorie restriction and limits body weight loss
- Protein and calorie restriction contribute additively to protection from renal ischemia reperfusion injury partly via leptin reduction in male mice
- Effects of mild calorie restriction on lipid metabolism and inflammation in liver and adipose tissue
- A calorie-restriction diet supplemented with fish oil and high-protein powder is associated with reduced severity of metabolic syndrome in obese women
- Aging and calorie restriction oppositely affect mitochondrial biogenesis through TFAM binding at both origins of mitochondrial DNA replication in rat liver
- Intersection of calorie restriction and magnesium in the suppression of genome-destabilizing RNA–DNA hybrids
- 5′ tRNA halves are present as abundant complexes in serum, concentrated in blood cells, and modulated by aging and calorie restriction
- Weight loss-dependent and-independent effects of moderate calorie restriction on endothelial cell markers in obesity
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, but not calorie restriction, reduces plasma branched-chain amino acids in obese women independent of weight loss or the …
- Change in self-efficacy, eating behaviors and food cravings during two years of calorie restriction in humans without obesity
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: VIII. Impact of short term calorie and protein restriction on basal metabolic rate in the C57BL/6 mouse
- Calorie restriction decreases murine and human pancreatic tumor cell growth, nuclear factor-κB activation, and inflammation-related gene expression in an …
- The AMPK-SIRT signaling network regulates glucose tolerance under calorie restriction conditions
- Calorie restriction and NAD+/sirtuin counteract the hallmarks of aging
- The effects of graded calorie restriction XVII: Multitissue metabolomics reveals synthesis of carnitine and NAD, and tRNA charging as key pathways
- Calorie restriction combined with resveratrol induces autophagy and protects 26-month-old rat hearts from doxorubicin-induced toxicity
- Long-term calorie restriction decreases metabolic cost of movement and prevents decrease of physical activity during aging in rhesus monkeys
- The effects of intermittent calorie restriction on metabolic health: Rationale and study design of the HELENA Trial
- Calorie restriction reprograms diurnal rhythms in protein translation to regulate metabolism
- Shedding light on the effects of calorie restriction and its mimetics on skin biology
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: VI. Impact of short-term graded calorie restriction on transcriptomic responses of the hypothalamic hunger …
- High-intensity interval training and calorie restriction promote remodeling of glucose and lipid metabolism in diet-induced obesity
- Maternal calorie restriction modulates placental mitochondrial biogenesis and bioenergetic efficiency: putative involvement in fetoplacental growth defects in rats
- Systemic GDF11 stimulates the secretion of adiponectin and induces a calorie restriction‐like phenotype in aged mice
- Calorie restriction attenuates lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced microglial activation in discrete regions of the hypothalamus and the subfornical organ
- System model network for adipose tissue signatures related to weight changes in response to calorie restriction and subsequent weight maintenance
- Calorie Restriction Hysteretically Primes Aging Saccharomyces cerevisiae toward More Effective Oxidative Metabolism
- Calorie Restriction Improves Cognitive Decline via Up-Regulation of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Tropomyosin-Related Kinase B in Hippocampus of Obesity …
- Serum from humans on long-term calorie restriction enhances stress resistance in cell culture
- Beneficial effects of short-term calorie restriction against cisplatin-induced acute renal injury in aged rats
- Effects of intermittent fasting or calorie restriction on markers of lipid metabolism in human skeletal muscle
- Calorie restriction induces reversible lymphopenia and lymphoid organ atrophy due to cell redistribution
- Differential responses of white adipose tissue and brown adipose tissue to calorie restriction during aging
- Calorie restriction in overweight males ameliorates obesity-related metabolic alterations and cellular adaptations through anti-aging effects, possibly including AMPK …
- Aging and calorie restriction regulate the expression of miR-125a-5p and its target genes Stat3, Casp2 and Stard13
- Calorie restriction (CR) and CR mimetics for the prevention and treatment of age-related eye disorders
- Effects of alternate day calorie restriction and exercise on cardio-metabolic risk factors in overweight and obese adults: an exploratory randomized controlled …
- Effects of calorie restriction and IGF-1 receptor blockade on the progression of 22Rv1 prostate cancer xenografts
- Severe calorie restriction reduces cardiometabolic risk factors and protects rat hearts from ischemia/reperfusion injury
- Combination of intermittent calorie restriction and eicosapentaenoic acid for inhibition of mammary tumors
- MR‐detected changes in liver fat, abdominal fat, and vertebral bone marrow fat after a four‐week calorie restriction in obese women
- Effects of 2‐year calorie restriction on circulating levels of IGF‐1, IGF‐binding proteins and cortisol in nonobese men and women: a randomized clinical trial
- Effect of Calorie Restriction and Exercise on Type 2 Diabetes
- Calorie restriction improves physical performance and modulates the antioxidant and inflammatory responses to acute exercise
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: XI. Evaluation of the main hypotheses underpinning the life extension effects of CR using the hepatic …
- Brain regions involved in ingestive behavior and related psychological constructs in people undergoing calorie restriction
- Short‑term calorie restriction activates SIRT1‑4 and‑7 in cardiomyocytes in vivo and in vitro
- Oral leptin supplementation throughout lactation in rats prevents later metabolic alterations caused by gestational calorie restriction
- Angiotensin II blockade: how its molecular targets may signal to mitochondria and slow aging. Coincidences with calorie restriction and mTOR inhibition
- A review of effects of calorie restriction and fasting with potential relevance to depression
- Treatment of NAFLD with intermittent calorie restriction or low-carb high-fat diet–a randomised controlled trial
- Short-term calorie restriction feminizes the mRNA profiles of drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters in livers of mice
- Suppressed sympathetic outflow to skeletal muscle, muscle thermogenesis, and activity energy expenditure with calorie restriction
- The influence of different calorie restriction protocols on serum pro-inflammatory cytokines, adipokines and IGF-I levels in female C57BL6 mice: short term and long …
- Glucose intolerance and lipid metabolic adaptations in response to intrauterine and postnatal calorie restriction in male adult rats
- Effects of long‐term intermittent versus chronic calorie restriction on oxidative stress in a mouse cancer model
- Effect of calorie restriction on energy expenditure in overweight and obese adult women
- Calorie restriction prevents metabolic aging caused by abnormal SIRT1 function in adipose tissues
- HMB attenuates muscle loss during sustained energy deficit induced by calorie restriction and endurance exercise
- Decreased systemic IGF‐1 in response to calorie restriction modulates murine tumor cell growth, nuclear factor‐κB activation, and inflammation‐related gene …
- The Potential of Calorie Restriction and Calorie Restriction Mimetics in Delaying Aging: Focus on Experimental Models
- Calorie restriction and synbiotics effect on quality of life and edema reduction in breast cancer-related lymphedema, a clinical trial
- Short-term calorie restriction and 17α-estradiol administration elicit divergent effects on proteostatic processes and protein content in metabolically active tissues
- Changes in body weight, adherence, and appetite during 2 years of calorie restriction: the CALERIE 2 randomized clinical trial
- Simulating long-term human weight-loss dynamics in response to calorie restriction
- Diabetes medications as potential calorie restriction mimetics—a focus on the alpha-glucosidase inhibitor acarbose
- Improvements in hippocampal-dependent memory and microglial infiltration with calorie restriction and gastric bypass surgery, but not with vertical sleeve …
- Calorie restriction enhances adult mouse lung stem cells function and reverses several ageing‐induced changes
- An adipocentric perspective of resveratrol as a calorie restriction mimetic
- Assessing successful completion of calorie restriction studies for the prevention and treatment of cancer
- Targeting hepatocyte carbohydrate transport to mimic fasting and calorie restriction
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: XVI. Metabolomic changes in the cerebellum indicate activation of hypothalamocerebellar connections driven by …
- Calorie restriction in combination with prebiotic supplementation in obese women with depression: Effects on metabolic and clinical response
- Calorie restriction inhibits ovarian follicle development and follicle loss through activating SIRT1 signaling in mice
- Calorie restriction dose-dependently abates lipopolysaccharide-induced fever, sickness behavior, and circulating interleukin-6 while increasing corticosterone
- Calorie restriction in adulthood reduces hepatic disorders induced by transient postnatal overfeeding in mice
- Calorie restriction mimicking effects of roflumilast prevents diabetic nephropathy
- The essential role of FoxO6 phosphorylation in aging and calorie restriction
- Upregulation of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6b1 (Cox6b1) and formation of mitochondrial supercomplexes: implication of Cox6b1 in the effect of calorie restriction
- Prolonged calorie restriction downregulates skeletal muscle mTORC1 signaling independent of dietary protein intake and associated microRNA expression
- Combined effects of resistance training and calorie restriction on mitochondrial fusion and fission proteins in rat skeletal muscle
- Intermittent calorie restriction enhances epithelial-mesenchymal transition through the alteration of energy metabolism in a mouse tumor model
- Effect of calorie restriction or protein intake on circulating levels of insulin like growth factor I in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Protein and calorie restriction may improve outcomes in living kidney donors and kidney transplant recipients
- Effect of intermittent versus continuous calorie restriction on body weight and cardiometabolic risk markers in subjects with overweight or obesity and mild-to …
- Cancer prevention by adult‐onset calorie restriction after infant exposure to ionizing radiation in B6C3F1 male mice
- Proteome Adaptation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to Severe Calorie Restriction in Retentostat Cultures
- Effects of calorie restriction with n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on metabolic syndrome severity in obese subjects: A randomize-controlled trial
- Beneficial impact of exercise on bone mass in individuals under calorie restriction: a systematic review and Meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
- Effects of calorie restriction on the lifespan and healthspan of POLG mitochondrial mutator mice
- Growth hormone abolishes beneficial effects of calorie restriction in long-lived Ames dwarf mice
- Food with calorie restriction reduces the development of atherosclerosis in apoE-deficient mice
- Calorie restriction-mediated replicative lifespan extension in yeast is non-cell autonomous
- Alterations of ultrastructural and fission/fusion markers in hepatocyte mitochondria from mice following calorie restriction with different dietary fats
- Short-term calorie restriction improves glucose homeostasis in old rats: involvement of AMPK
- Stage-specific microRNAs and their role in the anticancer effects of calorie restriction in a rat model of ER-positive luminal breast cancer
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: IX. Global metabolomic screen reveals modulation of carnitines, sphingolipids and bile acids in the liver of C57 BL/6 …
- Calorie restriction improves aging-induced impairment of cognitive function in relation to deregulation of corticosterone status and brain regional GABA system
- Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) as an endocrine marker of aging in calorie restriction studies
- Effects of mild calorie restriction on anxiety and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis responses to stress in the male rat
- rBTI extends Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan by mimicking calorie restriction
- Roles of adiponectin and leptin signaling-related microRNAs in the preventive effects of calorie restriction in mammary tumor development
- Maternal calorie restriction causing uteroplacental insufficiency differentially affects mammalian placental glucose and leucine transport molecular mechanisms
- Ghrelin O-acyl transferase in zebrafish is an evolutionarily conserved peptide upregulated during calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction prevents diet‐induced insulin resistance independently of PGC‐1‐driven mitochondrial biogenesis in white adipose tissue
- Difference of glucose variability between low carbohydrate diet (LCD) and calorie restriction (CR)
- The health pros and cons of continuous versus intermittent calorie restriction: more questions than answers
- Loss of Nat4 and its associated histone H4 N‐terminal acetylation mediates calorie restriction‐induced longevity
- Moderate calorie restriction attenuates age‑associated alterations and improves cardiac function by increasing SIRT1 and SIRT3 expression
- Maternal perinatal calorie restriction temporally regulates the hepatic autophagy and redox status in male rat
- Depot-specific regulation of NAD+/SIRTs metabolism identified in adipose tissue of mice in response to high-fat diet feeding or calorie restriction
- Glycine supplementation during calorie restriction accelerates fat loss and protects against further muscle loss in obese mice
- Weight loss efficacy of alternate day fasting versus daily calorie restriction in subjects with subclinical hypothyroidism: a secondary analysis
- The impact of aging, calorie restriction and dietary fat on autophagy markers and mitochondrial ultrastructure and dynamics in mouse skeletal muscle
- Dissociation of striatal dopamine and tyrosine hydroxylase expression from aging-related motor decline: evidence from calorie restriction intervention
- The use of calorie restriction mimetics to study aging
- Comparisons of calorie restriction and structured exercise on reductions in visceral and abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue: a systematic review
- Acute but not chronic calorie restriction defends against stress-related anxiety and despair in a GHS-R1a-dependent manner
- Of Mice and Men: Impacts of Calorie Restriction on Metabolomics of the Cerebellum
- The consequences of a high-calorie diet background before calorie restriction on skeletal muscles in a mouse model
- Association between subcutaneous adipose tissue inflammation, insulin resistance, and calorie restriction in obese females
- Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor regulates hypothermia during calorie restriction
- Ghrelin receptor in agouti‐related peptide neurones regulates metabolic adaptation to calorie restriction
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass versus calorie restriction: support for surgery per se as the direct contributor to altered responses of insulin and incretins to a mixed meal
- Calorie restriction protects against apoptosis, mitochondrial oxidative stress and increased calcium signaling through inhibition of TRPV1 channel in the hippocampus …
- Sex-dependent differences in liver and gut metabolomic profiles with acarbose and calorie restriction in C57BL/6 mice
- Calorie restriction prevents the development of insulin resistance and impaired lipid metabolism in gestational diabetes offspring
- Weight loss by calorie restriction versus bariatric surgery differentially regulates the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis in male rats
- Effects of chronic and intermittent calorie restriction on adropin levels in breast cancer
- Combined exercise and calorie restriction therapies restore contractile and mitochondrial functions in skeletal muscle of obese–insulin resistant rats
- Exercise with calorie restriction improves cardiac function via attenuating mitochondrial dysfunction in ovariectomized prediabetic rats
- Randomised clinical trial: calorie restriction regimen with tomato juice supplementation ameliorates oxidative stress and preserves a proper immune …
- Identification of putative calorie restriction mimetics using mammalian gene expression profiles
- Impacts of Calorie Restriction and Intermittent Fasting on Health and Diseases: Current Trends
- Calorie restriction increases telomerase activity, enhances autophagy, and improves diastolic dysfunction in diabetic rat hearts
- Update on human calorie restriction research
- Moderate calorie restriction during gestation programs offspring for lower BAT thermogenic capacity driven by thyroid and sympathetic signaling
- Effect of astaxanthin, vitamin E, and vitamin C in combination with calorie restriction on sperm quality and quantity in male rats
- Effects of using high-intensity interval training and calorie restriction in different orders on metabolic syndrome: A randomized controlled trial
- Moderate calorie restriction to achieve normal weight reverses β-cell dysfunction in diet-induced obese mice: involvement of autophagy
- Single‐oocyte transcriptome analysis reveals aging‐associated effects influenced by life stage and calorie restriction
- Positive effects of meal frequency and calorie restriction on antioxidant systems in rats
- The effect of calorie restriction on insulin signaling in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue of Ames dwarf mice
- Calorie restriction with regular chow, but not a high-fat diet, delays onset of spontaneous osteoarthritis in the Hartley guinea pig model
- Linking peroxiredoxin and vacuolar-ATPase functions in calorie restriction-mediated life span extension
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: VII. Topological rearrangement of hypothalamic aging networks
- Effects of aging, antiaging calorie restriction and in vivo stimulation of autophagy on the urinary excretion of 8OHdG in male Sprague–Dawley rats
- Neuropeptide Y resists excess loss of fat by lipolysis in calorie‐restricted mice: A trait potential for the life‐extending effect of calorie restriction
- MMP2-A2M interaction increases ECM accumulation in aged rat kidney and its modulation by calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and resveratrol supplementation prevent age-related DNA and RNA oxidative damage in a non-human primate
- Characterization and Mechanisms of Action of Avocado Extract Enriched in Mannoheptulose as a Candidate Calorie Restriction Mimetic
- … CD163 is associated with CD163 mRNA expression in adipose tissue and with insulin sensitivity in steady-state condition but not in response to calorie restriction
- Opposite effects of a high-fat diet and calorie restriction on ciliary neurotrophic factor signaling in the mouse hypothalamus
- Blood cell transcriptomic-based early biomarkers of adverse programming effects of gestational calorie restriction and their reversibility by leptin …
- Does Calorie Restriction in Primates Increase Lifespan? Revisiting Studies on Macaques (Macaca mulatta) and Mouse Lemurs (Microcebus murinus)
- Effects of Calorie Restriction on Health Span and Insulin Resistance: Classic Calorie Restriction Diet vs. Ketosis-Inducing Diet
- The effects of short-term calorie restriction on mutations in the spleen cells of infant-irradiated mice
- Mechanistic perspectives of calorie restriction on vascular homeostasis
- Glycolytic inhibition: an effective strategy for developing calorie restriction mimetics
- Effect of 2 years of calorie restriction on liver biomarkers: results from the CALERIE phase 2 randomized controlled trial
- Initiation of calorie restriction in middle-aged male rats attenuates aging-related motoric decline and bradykinesia without increased striatal dopamine
- Calorie restriction conferred improvement effect on long-term rehabilitation of ischemic stroke via gut microbiota
- Calorie restriction-induced changes in the secretome of human adipocytes, comparison with resveratrol-induced secretome effects
- Cardioprotective effects of severe calorie restriction from birth in adult ovariectomized rats
- FoxO1 signaling plays a pivotal role in the cardiac telomere biology responses to calorie restriction
- Artemisinin mimics calorie restriction to trigger mitochondrial biogenesis and compromise telomere shortening in mice
- Leptin intake in suckling rats restores altered T3 levels and markers of adipose tissue sympathetic drive and function caused by gestational calorie restriction
- … calorie restriction: XIV. global metabolomics screen reveals brown adipose tissue changes in amino acids, catecholamines, and antioxidants after short-term restriction …
- Calorie restriction effect of heat-processed onion extract (ONI) using in vitro and in vivo animal models
- Metabolic programming effects initiated in the suckling period predisposing for adult-onset obesity cannot be reversed by calorie restriction
- Reduced signaling of PI3K-Akt and RAS-MAPK pathways is the key target for weight-loss-induced cancer prevention by dietary calorie restriction and/or physical …
- The alternate-day fasting diet is a more effective approach than a calorie restriction diet on weight loss and hs-CRP levels
- Long-term calorie restriction in humans is not associated with indices of delayed immunologic aging: a descriptive study
- Calorie restriction changes muscle satellite cell proliferation in a manner independent of metabolic modulation
- Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) thwarts the beneficial effects of calorie restriction and Metformin
- The influence of dietary lipid composition on skeletal muscle mitochondria from mice following eight months of calorie restriction
- Rationale and protocol for a randomized controlled trial comparing daily calorie restriction versus intermittent fasting to improve glycaemia in individuals at increased …
- Ketone body 3‐hydroxybutyrate mimics calorie restriction via the Nrf2 activator, fumarate, in the retina
- Differential sympathetic outflow to adipose depots is required for visceral fat loss in response to calorie restriction
- Preoperative Short‐Term Calorie Restriction for Prevention of Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized, Controlled, Open‐Label, Pilot Trial
- Calorie restriction attenuates astrogliosis but not amyloid plaque load in aged rhesus macaques: a preliminary quantitative imaging study
- Calorie restriction increases lipopolysaccharide-induced neuropeptide Y immunolabeling and reduces microglial cell area in the arcuate hypothalamic nucleus
- Paternal calorie restriction prior to conception alters anxiety-like behavior of the adult rat progeny
- Calorie restriction and intermittent fasting: impact on glycemic control in people with diabetes
- Calorie restriction aggravated cortical and trabecular bone architecture in ovariectomy-induced estrogen-deficient rats
- Unlike calorie restriction, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery does not increase hypothalamic AgRP and NPY in mice on a high-fat diet
- Effects of 2-day calorie restriction on cardiovascular autonomic response, mood, and cognitive and motor functions in obese young adult women
- The ATP Level in the mPFC Mediates the Antidepressant Effect of Calorie Restriction
- Calorie restriction attenuates monocrotaline-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension in rats
- Intermittent calorie restriction largely counteracts the adverse health effects of a moderate‐fat diet in aging C57BL/6J mice
- A screening strategy for the discovery of drugs that reduce C/EBPβ-LIP translation with potential calorie restriction mimetic properties
- The protective effect of intermittent calorie restriction on mammary tumorigenesis is not compromised by consumption of a high fat diet during refeeding
- Different calorie restriction treatments have similar anti-seizure efficacy
- Combination of exercise and calorie restriction exerts greater efficacy on Cardioprotection than monotherapy in obese-insulin resistant rats through the improvement …
- Calorie restriction leads to greater Akt2 activity and glucose uptake by insulin-stimulated skeletal muscle from old rats
- Calorie Restriction and SIRT1 Overexpression Induce Different Gene Expression Profiles in White Adipose Tissue in Association with Metabolic Improvement
- The effect of combined aerobic exercise and calorie restriction on mood, cognition, and motor behavior in overweight and obese women
- Calorie restriction promotes cardiolipin biosynthesis and distribution between mitochondrial membranes
- Carnitine acetyltransferase (Crat) in hunger‐sensing AgRP neurons permits adaptation to calorie restriction
- Propranolol attenuates calorie restriction-and high calorie diet-induced bone marrow adiposity
- The effect of calorie restriction on acute ethanol-induced oxidative and nitrosative liver injury in rats
- The influence of dietary lipid composition on liver mitochondria from mice following 1 month of calorie restriction
- Context-dependent roles for SIRT2 and SIRT3 in tumor development upon calorie restriction or high fat diet
- Calorie restriction in humans: impact on human health
- Leptin Supplementation During Lactation Restores Key Liver Metabolite Levels Malprogrammed by Gestational Calorie Restriction
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: XIII. Global metabolomics screen reveals graded changes in circulating Amino Acids, Vitamins, and Bile Acids in the …
- Switching from high-fat diet to foods containing resveratrol as a calorie restriction mimetic changes the architecture of arcuate nucleus to produce more newborn …
- Gonadal hormones influence core body temperature during calorie restriction
- Effect of calorie restriction on spontaneous physical activity and body mass in mice divergently selected for basal metabolic rate (BMR)
- Impact of moderate calorie restriction on testicular morphology and endocrine function in adult rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)
- Identification of the dichotomous role of age-related LCK in calorie restriction revealed by integrative analysis of cDNA microarray and interactome
- Longitudinal analysis of calorie restriction on rat taste bud morphology and expression of sweet taste modulators
- Adherence and Dietary Composition during Intermittent vs. Continuous Calorie Restriction: Follow-Up Data from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Adults with …
- Mechanisms for independent and combined effects of calorie restriction and acute exercise on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by skeletal muscle of old rats
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction XV: Phase space attractors reveal distinct behavioral phenotypes
- The Age-Sensitive Efficacy of Calorie Restriction on Mitochondrial Biogenesis and mtDNA Damage in Rat Liver
- Calorie-restriction and longevity. End of a dream, at least for primates?
- Hyperinsulinemia/diabetes, hearing, and aging in the University of Wisconsin calorie restriction monkeys
- Respiratory metabolism and calorie restriction relieve persistent endoplasmic reticulum stress induced by calcium shortage in yeast
- Beyond weight loss: current perspectives on the impact of calorie restriction on healthspan and lifespan
- Role of calorie restriction in alleviation of age-related morphological and biochemical changes in sciatic nerve
- Amylin/leptin synergy is absent in extreme obesity and not restored by calorie restriction‐induced weight loss in rats
- Effect of long term consumption of high calorie diet and calorie restriction on human health
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: X. Transcriptomic responses of epididymal adipose tissue
- Calorie restriction upregulated sirtuin 1 by attenuating its ubiquitin degradation in cancer cells
- Effect of exercise and calorie restriction on tissue Acylcarnitines, tissue Desaturase indices, and fat accumulation in diet-induced obese rats
- Does Calorie Restriction Modulate Inflammaging via FoxO Transcription Factors?
- Glycolytic Inhibitor 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose at Chronic Low Dose Mimics Calorie Restriction in Rats Through Mitohormetic Induction of Reactive Oxygen Species
- Insulin signaling and glucose uptake in the soleus muscle of 30-month-old rats after calorie restriction with or without acute exercise
- Role of pyroptosis in normal cardiac response to calorie restriction and starvation
- Non-coding RNA molecules connect calorie restriction and lifespan
- Differential weight loss with intermittent fasting or daily calorie restriction in low‐and high‐fitness phenotypes
- Effects of protein and calorie restriction on the metabolism and toxicity profile of irinotecan in cancer patients
- Modulation of sphingolipid metabolism with calorie restriction enhances insulin action in skeletal muscle
- Calorie restriction-induced increase in skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity is not prevented by overexpression of the p55α subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase
- The effects of calorie restriction and exercise on age-related alterations in corpus cavernosum
- Transcriptomics and metabonomics identify essential metabolic signatures in calorie restriction (CR) regulation across multiple mouse strains
- Oxidative Stress, Antioxidants, Hormesis and Calorie Restriction: The Current Perspective in the Biology of Aging
- Regulation of glucose homeostasis by calorie restriction and periodic fasting
- Decreased luteinizing hormone pulse frequency is associated with elevated 24-hour ghrelin after calorie restriction and exercise in premenopausal women
- Calorie restriction does not restore brain mitochondrial function in P301L tau mice, but it does decrease mitochondrial F0F1-ATPase activity
- Heterogeneous effects of calorie restriction on in vivo glucose uptake and insulin signaling of individual rat skeletal muscles
- Effects of postweaning calorie restriction on accelerated growth and adiponectin in nutritionally programmed microswine offspring
- Impaired glucose metabolism and altered gut microbiome despite calorie restriction of ob/ob mice
- SGLT2 Inhibitors as Calorie Restriction Mimetics: Insights on Longevity Pathways and Age-Related Diseases
- Upregulation of flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 mimics calorie restriction to retard liver aging by inducing autophagy
- Utilizing calorie restriction to evaluate the role of sirtuins in healthspan and lifespan of mice
- Calorie restriction and rapamycin administration induce stem cell self-renewal and consequent development and production in the mammary gland
- The Yeast Forkhead HCM1 Controls Life Span Independent of Calorie Restriction
- Artemisinin mimics calorie restriction to extend yeast lifespan via a dual-phase mode: a conclusion drawn from global transcriptome profiling
- Protective effects of calorie restriction on insulin resistance and islet function in STZ-induced type 2 diabetes rats
- Stable isotope labeling reveals novel insights into ubiquitin-mediated protein aggregation with age, calorie restriction, and rapamycin treatment
- Eight weeks of intermittent fasting versus calorie restriction does not alter eating behaviors, mood, sleep quality, quality of life and cognitive performance in women …
- Effect of dietary modification by calorie restriction on cholesterol levels in lipoprotein (a) and other lipoprotein classes
- Calorie restriction influences key metabolic enzyme activities and markers of oxidative damage in distinct mouse liver mitochondrial sub-populations
- Oxidative stress and urinary system damage in fructose-induced rat model of metabolic syndrome: Effect of calorie restriction and exercise
- … Assessment of Long-term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy (CALERIE)-2 study: a 2-y randomized controlled trial of calorie restriction in nonobese humans
- The effects of spinach-derived thylakoid supplementation in combination with calorie restriction on anthropometric parameters and metabolic profiles in obese …
- Interleukin-8 and interleukin-10, brain volume and microstructure, and the influence of calorie restriction in old rhesus macaques
- Intermittent Fasting and Muscle Lipid Metabolism: Commentary on: Liu et al “Effects of intermittent fasting or calorie restriction on markers of lipid metabolism in human …
- Calorie restriction â an approach towards obesity management
- Calorie restriction activates new adult born olfactory‐bulb neurones in a ghrelin‐dependent manner but acyl‐ghrelin does not enhance subventricular zone …
- Effect of bariatric surgery combined with medical therapy versus intensive medical therapy or calorie restriction and weight loss on glycemic control in Zucker diabetic …
- Dietary GABA and its combination with vigabatrin mimic calorie restriction and induce antiobesity-like effects in lean mice
- Calorie restriction in overweight seniors: response of older adults to a dieting study: the CROSSROADS randomized controlled clinical trial
- Calorie Restriction Down-Regulates Expression of the Iron Regulatory Hormone Hepcidin in Normal and d-Galactose–Induced Aging Mouse Brain
- Montmorency tart cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) acts as a calorie restriction mimetic that increases intestinal fat and lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Long-term calorie restriction has minimal impact on brain metabolite and fatty acid profiles in aged rats on a Western-style diet
- Intergenerational and parent of origin effects of maternal calorie restriction on Igf2 expression in the adult rat hippocampus
- A pilot study to assess the effect of a fibre and mineral formulation on satiety and satiation when taken as part of a calorie restriction diet in overweight and …
- The unexpected role of mTORC1 in intestinal stem cells during calorie restriction
- Short-term calorie restriction and refeeding differently affect lipogenic enzymes in major white adipose tissue depots of young and old rats
- Short-Term Calorie Restriction Maintains Plasma Insulin Concentrations along with a Reduction in Hepatic Insulin-Degrading Enzyme Levels in db/db Mice
- Anti‐aging effects of intermittent fasting: a potential alternative to calorie restriction?
- Amyloidosis increase is not attenuated by long-term calorie restriction or related to neuron density in the prefrontal cortex of extremely aged rhesus macaques
- Quantitative proteomic analysis of changes related to age and calorie restriction in rat liver tissue
- The experimental evidences of steamed and freeze-dried mature silkworm powder as the calorie restriction mimetics
- Calorie restriction promotes remyelination in a Cuprizone-Induced demyelination mouse model of multiple sclerosis
- Persistence of weight loss and acquired behaviors 2 y after stopping a 2-y calorie restriction intervention
- Nutritional indications for cancer prevention—calorie restriction
- Effect of age and calorie restriction on corpus callosal integrity in rhesus macaques: a fiber tractography study
- Association of endothelial proliferation with the magnitude of weight loss during calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction delays cardiac senescence and improves cardiac function in obese diabetic rats
- Effects of calorie restriction and fiber type on glucose uptake and abundance of electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation proteins in single fibers from …
- … , body composition, and hepatic fibrosis in obese patients with NAFLD—Combined effects of oleoylethanolamide supplementation and calorie restriction: A triple‐blind …
- Lipoprotein subclass profile after progressive energy deficits induced by calorie restriction or exercise
- Calorie Restriction Suppresses the Progression of Radiation-Induced Intestinal Tumours in C3B6F1 ApcMin/+ Mice
- Calorie restriction in an obesogenic environment: reality or fiction?
- Calorie restriction for healthy ageing
- … male wistar rats normalizes the decreased density of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers in the stomach caused by mild gestational calorie restriction
- Differences in sirtuin regulation in response to calorie restriction in Cryptococcus neoformans
- Refeeding abolishes beneficial effects of severe calorie restriction from birth on adipose tissue and glucose homeostasis of adult rats
- Calorie restriction during gestation affects ovarian reserve in offspring in the mouse
- Ghrelin is the metabolic link connecting calorie restriction to neuroprotection
- The effect of calorie restriction on the presence of apoptotic ovarian cells in normal wild type mice and low-plasma-IGF-1 Laron dwarf mice
- Calorie restriction modulates reproductive development and energy balance in pre-pubertal male rats
- Calorie restriction increases P-glycoprotein and decreases intestinal absorption of digoxin in mice
- The effect of royal jelly and tocotrienol-rich fraction along with calorie restriction on hypothalamic endoplasmic reticulum stress and adipose tissue …
- Anti-diabetic activity of fused PPARγ-SIRT1 ligands with limited body-weight gain by mimicking calorie restriction and decreasing SGK1 expression
- Genomic lesions and colorectal carcinogenesis: the effects of protein-calorie restriction and inulin supplementation on deficiency statuses
- 317-LB: optimal weight loss effect of short-term low carbohydrate diet with calorie restriction on overweight/obese subjects in South China—a multicenter randomized …
- The role of Sirt1 in bile acid regulation during calorie restriction in mice
- Anti-aging traditional Chinese medicine: potential mechanisms involving AMPK pathway and calorie restriction based on” medicine-food homology” theory
- The Lag of the Proliferative Aging Clock Underlies the Lifespan-Extending Effect of Calorie Restriction.
- 143-LB: calorie restriction in combination with GABA ameliorates type 2 diabetes
- Six-month calorie restriction in overweight individuals elicits transcriptomic response in subcutaneous adipose tissue that is distinct from effects of energy deficit
- … -4 tissue distribution at different life stages in male and female Sprague–Dawley rats fed different VK levels since weaning or subjected to a 40% calorie restriction …
- Effect of L-carnitine Supplementation on Nutritional Status and Physical Performance Under Calorie Restriction
- Hyperadrenocorticism of calorie restriction contributes to its anti‐inflammatory action in mice
- Discovering compounds mimicking calorie restriction using mammalian gene expression profiles
- Effect of a combination of calorie-restriction therapy and Lingguizhugan decoction on levels of fasting blood lipid and inflammatory cytokines in a high-fat diet induced …
- Effects of prolonged calorie restriction on inflammation and immune function: a randomized controlled trial in non‐obese humans (40.4)
- Transcriptome Characterization of Repressed Embryonic Myogenesis Due to Maternal Calorie Restriction
- Calorie restriction for human aging: is there a potential benefit for cancer?
- Calorie for calorie, dietary fat restriction results in more body fat loss than carbohydrate restriction in people with obesity
- The involvement of serum exosomal miR-500-3p and miR-770-3p in aging: modulation by calorie restriction
- Aging and cardiovascular disease: lessons from calorie restriction
- Short-term calorie and protein restriction provide partial protection from chemotoxicity but do not delay glioma progression
- Insights From a Short-Term Protein–Calorie Restriction Exploratory Trial in Elective Carotid Endarterectomy Patients
- Effects of calorie restriction plus fish oil supplementation on abnormal metabolic characteristics and the iron status of middle-aged obese women
- Metabolic response of short term calorie restriction and supplementation with Hoodia gordonii
- Calorie restriction attenuates hypertrophy-induced redox imbalance and mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channel repression
- Moderate calorie restriction ameliorates reproduction via attenuating oxidative stress-induced apoptosis through SIRT1 signaling in obese mice
- Calorie restriction in the elderly people
- Effects of linggui zhugan decoction combined calorie restriction on the insulin resistance of model rats and mechanisms research
- Effects of self-reported calorie restriction on correlations between SIRT1 polymorphisms and body mass index and long-term weight change
- … not required for the reductions in circulating insulin-like growth factor-1 or global cell proliferation rates in response to moderate calorie restriction in adult mice
- The data on the aerobic training with or without calorie restriction and muscular levels of Irisin and muscular FNDC5 concentration in obese male Wistar rats
- Gut microbiota: Influence of Aloe vera gel and calorie restriction
- … adaptations in liver and skeletal muscle to pro-longevity nutritional and genetic interventions: the crosstalk between calorie restriction and CYB5R3 overexpression in …
- Differential expression of hypothalamic, metabolic and inflammatory genes in response to short-term calorie restriction in juvenile obese-and lean-prone JCR …
- … fasting in the prevention and improving clinical outcomes of COVID-19?: intersection between inflammation, mTOR pathway, autophagy and calorie restriction
- … of timing of food intake and fat/carbohydrate ratio on insulin sensitivity and preconditioning against renal ischemia reperfusion injury by calorie restriction
- Supplementation with a putative calorie restriction mimetic micronutrient blend increases glutathione concentrations and improves neuroenergetics in brain of …
- Calorie restriction mimetics: progress and potential
- Extreme calorie restriction in yeast retentostats induces uniform non-quiescent growth arrest
- Dietary buckwheat enhances sirtuin1 without calorie restriction
- Effects of short-term calorie restriction on circulating DPP-4/sCD26 concentrations and body composition in patients with type 2 diabetes
- The Effect of Meal Replacement on Weight Loss According to Calorie-Restriction Type and Proportion of Energy Intake: A Systematic Review and Meta …
- Exploring the effect of diet composition in calorie restriction interventions
- Effects of aging and life-long moderate calorie restriction on IL-15 signaling in the rat white adipose tissue
- Calorie restriction and corticosterone elevation during lactation can each modulate adult male fear and anxiety-like behaviour
- A Novel Micronutrient Blend Mimics Calorie Restriction Transcriptomics in Multiple Tissues of Mice and Increases Lifespan and Mobility in C. elegans
- Calorie restriction inhibits relapse behaviour and preference for alcohol within a two-bottle free choice paradigm in the alcohol preferring (iP) rat
- Nonobese subjects of Bacteroides and Prevotella enterotypes responded differentially to calorie restriction intervention
- A comparative approach to metabolic aspects of aging: Conserved mechanisms and effects of calorie restriction and environment
- Dietary Calorie Restriction from Adulthood Through Old Age in Rats: Improved DNA Polymerase β and DNA Gap Repair Activity in Cortical Neurons
- mRNA expression of ageing-associated genes in calorie reduction is subject to donor variability and can be induced by calorie restriction mimetics
- Distinct and additive effects of calorie restriction and rapamycin in aging skeletal muscle
- Omega-3 fatty acids partially revert the metabolic gene expression profile induced by long-term calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction reverses age‐related alteration of cavernous neurovascular structure in the rat
- Rare Sugars d-psicose and d-allose as calorie restriction mimetic-anti-metabolic syndrome effects and anti-aging effects
- Calorie restriction, longevity and cognitive function
- CALERIE II: the effect of 25% calorie restriction over two years on cognitive function (629.7)
- Effects of acute exercise combined with calorie restriction initiated late-in-life on insulin signaling, lipids, and glucose uptake in skeletal muscle from old rats
- Impact of calorie restriction on glycemic control in overweight patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Comparative effects of calorie restriction on health span and in-sulin resistance: classic calorie restriction diet vs ketosis-induc-ing diet
- … clock by time-restricted feeding with progressive increasing calorie intake. Resemblances and differences regarding a sustained hypocaloric restriction
- Effects of moderate sleep restriction during 8-week calorie restriction on lipoprotein particles and glucose metabolism
- Healthy behaviors potentially due to calorie restriction
- Calorie or carbohydrate restriction? The ketogenic diet as another option for supportive cancer treatment
- Adolescent Obesity and Eating Disorders: Can Calorie Restriction have a Positive Impact
- Calorie restriction, endothelial function and blood pressure homeostasis
- History of the study of calorie restriction in nonhuman primates conducted by the national institute on aging: the first decade
- Efficient Restoration of Beta Cell Dedifferentiation by Calorie Restriction With High Fat/Low Carbohydrate Diet in Obese Diabetes Model and the Possible Role of GLP …
- Organic acids and calorie restriction
- Calorie Restriction in combination with GABA: improved glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes mouse model
- Age, calorie restriction, and age of calorie restriction onset reduce maturation of natural killer cells in C57Bl/6 mice
- Calorie Restriction and Epilepsy
- Mode of action of water soluble β-glucan from oat (Avena sativa) on calorie restriction effect in-vitro and in-vivo animal models
- Birth weight predicted baseline muscular efficiency, but not response of energy expenditure to calorie restriction: An empirical test of the predictive adaptive response …
- Calorie Restriction Maintains Mitochondrial Function and Redox Balance Avoiding Lipidomic Reprogramming during Isoproterenol-Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy
- SAT-095 the impact of CPAP on intensive calorie restriction weight loss
- Evaluating Insulin/Glucose Ratio Using Breakfast of Calorie Restriction Meal for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Understanding the effects of a calorie restriction mimetic on renal cancer progression and CD8 T cell immunity
- Effect and Safety of Calorie Restriction and Complex Herbal Medicine Short-term Treatment (‘Oil-rescue’Program) for Weight Reduction of Obesity or Overweight …
- Alternateday fasting versus daily calorie restriction for weight loss and cardio‐protection (120.6)
- Author correction: a randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness and adherence of modified alternate-day calorie restriction in improving activity of non-alcoholic …
- Calorie Restriction and Moderate-Intensity Continuous Exercise Decrease Free Fatty Acid Levels and Visceral Fat Weight on High Calorie Diet Female Mice.
- Role of calorie restriction on pathophysiological changes in tongue fat and its relation to increased risk factors of obstructive sleep apnea in WNIN/Ob obese rats
- Calorie restriction does not influence oocyte quality in oocytes from POLG mitochondrial mutator mice
- Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent Age-Related Hearing Loss: Calorie Restriction
- The effect of training mode during calorie restriction on plasma adipokines and fasting insulin in obese men
- Akkermansia Muciniphila and Gut Microbiota Richness are Associated with Improved Metabolic Status after Calorie Restriction
- Does SIRT-1 mediate calorie restriction and prolong life?–A mini review
- Effects of mild calorie restriction on reproductive parameters of pubertal and sexually mature male Wistar rats
- Editorial on Sramkova et al.,“Apolipoprotein M: a novel adipokine decreasing with obesity and upregulated by calorie restriction”
- The Potentials of Calorie Restriction on Lifespan and Health–A Literature Review
- Effects of intermittent calorie restriction on weight, fat mass, lean mass, visceral adipose tissue: Results from a pilot controlled-feeding study in multiple sclerosis …
- Gut microbiome couples gut and brain during calorie restriction in treating obesity
- White adipose tissue inflammation is not attenuated by short-term calorie restriction in obese humans
- Intermittent fasting: a health panacea or just calorie restriction?
- Short term calorie restriction: effects on endocrine markers of nutritional status
- Model Systems for the Study of Integrative Physiology: The Rebirth of Translational Biology: Effects of postweaning calorie restriction on accelerated growth …
- Sex dimorphic effects in calorie restriction and CR mimetics on longevity
- A novel micronutrient blend mimics calorie restriction transcriptomics in multiple tissues of mice and increases lifespan and mobility in C. elegans.
- Thematic Review Series: Calorie Restriction and Ketogenic Diets: Ketone body therapy: from the ketogenic diet to the oral administration of ketone ester
- Severe Calorie Restriction Induces Gut Microbiota-Dependent Intestinal Stem Cell Dysfunction
- Calorie Restriction and the Aging Muscle: A Multispecies Approach
- Calorie Restriction Facilitates Aging‐Related Muscle Loss in the Aged Mice
- Mechanisms of action of compounds that mimic beneficial effects of calorie restriction such as lifespan extension: Is taurine a promising candidate?
- Anti-aging effects of nutritional modification: The state of the science on calorie restriction
- Artemisinin mimics calorie restriction to initiate antioxidative responses and compromise telomere shortening
- Calorie restriction breaks an epigenetic barrier to longevity
- Confetti illuminates the cryptic way calorie restriction protects from cancer
- Effects of mild calorie restriction on hepatic lipid metabolism and inflammation in mice (1034.14)
- The effect of aging and calorie restriction on mitochondrial morphology and dynamic in oxidative and glycolytic skeletal muscles
- A randomized pilot study comparing zero‐calorie alternate‐day fasting to daily caloric restriction in adults with obesity
- Calorie restriction intervention induces enterotype-associated BMI loss in nonobese individuals
- Calorie restriction-mediated restoration of hypothalamic signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) phosphorylation is not effective for lowering …
- Controlled study on short term calorie restriction as possible nutritional approach to sustain and survive during emergency situations
- The effect of short-term calorie restriction on exercise performance and efficiency in cyclists
- Three cases of euglycaemic diabetic ketoacidosis related to the use of sodium-glucoseco-transporter-2 inhibitors and calorie restriction
- The Effect of Two-month Concurrent Training with and without Calorie Restriction on Sirtuin-1 Activity and Content in the Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of …
- Calorie Restriction Mimetics From Functional Foods: Impact on Promoting a Healthy Life Span
- Is intermittent fasting more effective than daily calorie restriction for weight loss in otherwise healthy overweight adults?
- Moderate calorie restriction improves cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy individuals
- Effect of 8 Weeks of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) With and Without Calorie Restriction on Gene Expression of Caspase-3 and Caspase-9 Proteins in …
- Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure May Aid Weight Loss in Patients with Obesity on a Calorie Restriction Diet
- Hints for Therapeutic Interventions Through Exploring the Effects of Calorie Restriction on NAFLD by Mechanistic Approach
- Diet Composition, Adherence to Calorie Restriction, and Cardiometabolic Disease Risk Modification
- Effect of Probiotic Supplementation Along With Calorie Restriction on Metabolic Endotoxemia, and Mega Inflammation in Coronary Artery Disease Patients: A …
- Targeted downregulation of estradiol binding Na+/H+ exchanger nhx-2, mimics calorie restriction, extends reproductive longevity and ameliorates effects associated …
- Interaction of long term calorie restriction and aerobic training programs on serum and tissue concentrations of adiponectin in male obese rats
- Changes Induced by Physical Activity, Weight Loss and Calorie Restriction in Body Composition, Lipoproteins and Functional Capacity in Obese Congolese …
- Investigating Mechanisms through which Calorie Restriction and Pharmacological Mimetics Attenuates Breast Cancer Growth
- Acute calorie restriction modifies cognition and anxiety-like behavior in mice by regulating IL-1β priming and activation within the brain
- Alternate Day Fasting Versus Calorie Restriction for Weight Loss and Cardio-Protection
- Progress of calorie restriction therapy
- Mechanistic targets of weight loss-induced cancer prevention by dietary calorie restriction and physical activity
- Overexpression of the adiponectin gene mimics the metabolic and stress resistance effects of calorie restriction, but not the anti-tumor effect
- Circadian Mechanisms of Calorie Restriction in Delaying Aging
- Targeted Downregulation of Estradiol Binding Na+/H+ Exchanger Nhx-2, Mimics Calorie Restriction, Extends Reproductive Longevity and Ameliorates Effects …
- Improvement in coronary heart disease risk factors during an intermittent fasting/calorie restriction regimen: Relationship to adipokine modulations
- 137. Acute calorie restriction as a modulator of anxiety-like behavior
- Calorie restriction as a new approach for resetting carotid body chemoreflex control in heart failure (873.11)
- Calorie restriction in gerontological experiments on cell cultures
- Calorie restriction for ovarian cancer reduction
- The influence of shc proteins on the whole body energetic response to calorie restriction initiated in 3-month-old mice
- Inhibition of Akt2 phosphorylation abolishes the calorie restriction-induced improvement in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by rat soleus muscle
- Effect of different types of calorie restriction on circulation miRNAs.
- The effects of calorie restriction on extending human lifespan
- Emotional ratings of high-and low-calorie food are differentially associated with cognitive restraint and dietary restriction
- Identification of immune-related genes in thymus of breast cancer mouse model exposed to different calorie restriction
- The effect of continuous training and intermittent calorie restriction (ICR) on miR-146a gene expression and TNF-αand IL-6 levels in obese women
- Calorie Restriction Supplemented with Fish Oil Ameliorates Abnormal Metabolic Status in Middle-Aged Obese Women: An Open-Label, Parallel-Arm, Controlled Trial
- Effect of Growth Hormone and Calorie Restriction on the Expression of Antioxidant Enzymes in the Liver and Kidney of Growth Hormone Receptor Knockout Mice
- Molecular regulation of nutrient sensing and immunometabolism by calorie restriction
- Corrigendum: Calorie restriction for long-term remission of type 2 diabetes
- Update in calorie restriction therapy in metabolic disease
- Inclusion of Kinetic Proteomics in Multi-Omics Methods to Analyze Calorie Restriction Effects on Aging
- Effects of short-term calorie restriction on cardiovascular autonomic response, mood status, cognition and motor performance
- Lipoprotein subclass profile after progressive energy deficits induced by calorie restriction or exercise
- Intermittent Calorie Restriction Ameliorates Behavioral Changes and Tau Hyperphosphorylation in Chronic Immobilization Stress in Rats.
- The Effects of Royal Jelly and Tocotrienol Rich Fraction Along with Calorie Restriction Diet on White Fat Browning and Brown Adipocytes Activation in Obese …
- High calorie diet background alters the expression of sirtuins in the testes of mice under caloric restriction
- Calorie restriction mimicking by isoliquiritigenin attenuates experimental diabetic neuropathy via induction of mitochondrial biogenesis and autophagy
- An update to the study protocol for a randomized controlled trial comparing daily calorie restriction versus intermittent fasting to improve glycaemia in individuals at …
- Calorie Restriction and Health-Related Quality of Life
- How to Effectively Boost Fat Oxidation by Calorie Restriction in Overweight and Obese Adults?
- Modulatory Effects of Calorie Restriction on Senoinflammation Underlying Aging Process
- Calorie restriction affects intestinal cells
- Metabolic Reprogramming by Reduced Calorie Intake or Pharmacological Caloric Restriction Mimetics for Improved Cancer Immunotherapy
- Metabolic Parameters in Obese Dogs Undergoing to the Diet with Calorie Restriction
- 303-OR: Calorie Restriction Equalizes Glycemic Control between Short and Adequate Sleepers
- Calorie restriction reverses the tumorigenic effects of obesity to a greater extent than bariatric surgery in a murine model of breast cancer
- Healthy Behaviors Potentially Due to Calorie Restriction—Reply
- Effect of 1 year of alternate day fasting versus daily calorie restriction on type 2 diabetes risk
- Nicotinamide and Sugar Metabolism Associated With Muscle Mass Loss During Calorie Restriction in Older Adults
- Comparing the effects of Intermittent Fasting and Continuous Calorie Restriction on eating disorder and mood symptoms in healthy dieters
- Intermittent calorie restriction reverses the adverse effects of obesity and advanced age on tumor growth in a mouse model of breast cancer
- Anticancer effects of calorie restriction in a murine C3-TAg model of triple-negative breast cancer: the role of miR-15b
- Effects of Calorie Restriction in the Aging Neural Stem Cell Niche
- Calorie restriction may affect people differently than animals
- Effects of age, TNF-α and calorie restriction on cathepsin S and other inflammatory markers in the lacrimal gland
- Calorie shifting diet versus calorie restriction diet: a comparative clinical trial study
- The Effect of Aerobic Exercise with Calorie Restriction Program on Muscle Strength and Aerobic Capacity in Overweight and Obese Women
- Effects of varying levels and differing durations of calorie restriction on cellular and synaptic proteins, as well as the inflammatory state of the female mouse brain
- Impact of Short-term Calorie Restriction on HER2-Overexpressing Breast Cancer
- Research status on calorie restriction on glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Nutrient Signaling and Longevity, The Molecular Pathways Calorie Restriction
- Calorie Restriction without Restricting Vitamins and Minerals Does Not Deteriorate Bones
- Calorie restriction may prevent primary aging in the heart
- Effect of Probiotic Supplementation along with Calorie Restriction on Metabolic Endotoxemia, and Inflammation Markers in Coronary Artery Disease Patients: A …
- Body composition changes with calorie restriction: results from the CALERIE trial (371.6)
- Calorie Restriction and Cancer Prevention: Established and Emerging Mechanisms
- Is the response to calorie restriction purposeful? A challenge to life history theory
- Calorie restriction induces skeletal muscle wasting and a complex I defect while reducing mammary tumor growth in a mouse model of diet induced obesity
- Effect of Aerobic Training and Calorie Restriction on Lipid profile, Liver Steatosis and Hormonal Changes in Postmenopausal Women with Non-Alcoholic Fatty-Liver …
- Short-term preoperative calorie and protein restriction is feasible in healthy kidney donors and morbidly obese patients scheduled for surgery
- Effects of Calorie Restriction or Swimming Endurance Training on
- Effects of Exercise and Calorie Restriction on Brain and Testis in Natural Aging Model
- Adiponectin, calorie restriction and bone marrow adipose tissue: a triad of metabolic influencers
- Effects of Calorie Restriction on Microglial Activation in a murine model
- The Effect of Aerobic Exercise and Calorie Restriction on Intramuscular GLUT4 and DAG Levels in Obese Male Rats
- Calorie restriction reduces low grade inflammation and ameliorate outcome of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
- High-Intensity Interval Training and Continuous Training with Intermittent Calorie Restriction in Overweight Women: Effect on the Inflammation and Lipid Profile
- Calorie Restriction, Stem Cells, and Rejuvenation Approach
- Comparison of Immune Function in Two Strains of Mice Infected with Heligmosomoides bakeri after Calorie Restriction
- Six Weeks of Calorie Restriction Improves Body Composition and Lipid Profile in Obese and Overweight Former Athletes
- Mechanisms underlying reversal of diabetes by calorie restriction alone
- Multi-tissue transcriptomic responses to graded calorie restriction
- Calorie Restriction Can Reverse Several of the Aging and HFD-Induced Changes in Lung Epithelial Stem Cells
- Effects of short-term calorie restriction on testicular morphology and antioxidant capacity in male rats
- The role of calorie restriction diet as a part of complex non-drug treatment of hypertension
- Reversal of inflammation in the aging brain by low-fat diet combined with calorie restriction
- Effects of intermittent and continuous calorie restriction on body weight and metabolism over 50 wk
- Effects of Calorie Restriction on Total and Heligmosomoides bakeri‐specific IgG1 in Mice of Differing Immune Phenotypes (LB307)
- Rilmenidine is a Calorie Restriction Mimetic that Improves Survival and Indicators of Healthy Ageing in C. elegans via a Novel IRAS Ortholog, f13e9. 1
- Understanding the mechanisms underlying the neuroprotective role of calorie restriction in Parkinson’s Disease
- Effects of Calorie restriction on formalin-induced inflammation in animal models.
- Possible Mechanisms through which Dietary Lipids, Calorie Restriction
- Effect of intermittent calorie restriction on cancer stem cells.
- Muscle Aging, Calorie Restriction and Resveratrol
- Calorie Restriction Delays the Aging of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by Improving Complex III Activity via Glutathione Peroxidase 2 (Gpx2)
- Multi-tissue metabolomic analysis of responses to graded calorie restriction
- Effect of Probiotic Supplementation along with Calorie Restriction on Metabolic Endotoxemia, Trimethylamine-N-Oxide, Inflammation, Metabolic Factors, and Gut …
- The effects of intermittent calorie restriction on metabolic health among overweight and obese individuals: a randomized controlled trial
- Mechanisms of ischemic kidney tolerance in young and senescence-accelerated rats exposured to ischemic preconditioning or calorie restriction
- Effect Of Calorie Restriction On Lung Stem Cells And Its Interaction With Aging
- Calorie restriction reduces PI3K/Akt signaling and tumorigenic potential in HER2-overexpressing breast cancer
- Effects and mechanisms of calorie restriction on the contractile function of skeletal muscle from rats
- Central Role of Cognitive Control Networks in Weight Loss During Voluntary Calorie Restriction
- Calorie Restriction Effect on Circadian Clock Gene Expression
- The effect of calorie restriction on the proliferation of satellite cells in elderly rats’ skeletal muscles
- Raspberry Ketone versus Calorie Restriction on Modulating Metabolic Disorders in Obese Rats
- Chronic Type 2 but Not Type 1 Diabetes Impairs Myocardial Ischemic Tolerance and Cardioprotection: Effects Countered by Calorie Restriction
- Effect of Calorie Restriction on Circadian Rhythms of Glycolytic Enzymes in Mice
- The Effects of Calorie Restriction and Aging on Natural Killer Cells in C57bl/6 Mice
- Insulin Does Not Augment In Vitro Tumor Growth Under A Hyperglycemia-Mimicking Milieu And In A Calorie Restriction-Resembling Manner
- Effects of maternal calorie restriction on inflammatory mediators in male offspring of preeclamptic‐like BPH/5 mice
- Short-term calorie restriction alters expression of tumor suppressor p21 in HER2-overexpressing breast cancer
- Impact of calorie restriction on epigenetic factors and metabolic pathways during senescence.
- Partitioning the variance in calorie restriction‐induced weight and fat loss in outbred mice
- An Analysis of the Weight Watchers and Atkins Diets: The Effects of Calorie Restriction and Nutrition Levels
- Obese Zucker Rats after experiencing a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery or calorie restriction: An expression study in the heart and various brain regions
- Role of the Forkhead Box O Family and Neuropeptide Y in Calorie Restriction
- Effects of Calorie Restriction and Fiber Type on Glucose Uptake in Single Fibers from Old Rats
- Study on the effect of calorie restriction induced weight loss on the thyroid function in patients with metabolic syndrome
- Low‐Dose Triiodo‐L‐Thyronine Treatment Prevents Decline in Cardiac Function And Arrhythmia Inducibility Resulting from Severe Calorie Restriction
- Exercise as a calorie restriction mimetic. Implications for the treatment of age associated frailty
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and calorie restriction: differences and similarities of
- Effect of H. gordonii on regulatory peptides under short-term calorie restriction
- Nrf as an oxidative stress and nutrient responsive transcription factor in calorie restriction
- Effects of calorie restriction for 8 weeks on contractile function and mito-chondrial biosynthesis in different types of rat skeletal muscles
- Effects of dietary fat on metabolic and structural adpatation of mitotic and postmitotic tissues to calorie restriction in mice
- Calorie restriction transcriptional signatures associated with pathology reduction throughout brain aging
- Re: Effect of Calorie Restriction on Mood, Quality of Life, Sleep, and Sexual Function in Healthy Nonobese Adults: The CALERIE 2 Randomized Clinical Trial
- Daily calorie restriction and alternate day fasting for type 2 diabetes prevention
- Calorie Restriction In The Preeclamptic‐like BPH/5 Mouse Reduces Adipose Tissue Gene Expression of Preeclampsia‐Related Inflammatory Genes
- Upregulation of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6b1 (Cox6b1) and formation of mitochondrial supercomplexes: Implication of Cox6b1 in the effect of calorie restriction
- Effects of calorie restriction on amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
- Malnutrition vs calorie restriction: The effects on maternal nutrient reduction in cardiac fetal mitochondrial function
- GW26-e0984 Calorie Restriction Attenuates Monocrotaline-induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Rats
- The effect of calorie restriction on age-related white matter degeneration in rhesus monkeys
- Metabolic and cellular effects of calorie restriction and whey proteins in experimental obesity
- Alternate Day Fasting Versus Calorie Restriction for Weight Maintenance
- Resveratrol and calorie restriction improve hepatic steatosis in obese rats
- A novel nutrient blend mimics calorie restriction transcriptomics differentially in multiple tissues of mice
- Calorie restriction protects against retinal degeneration in acute glaucoma model through altering the metabolic profile.
- Anti-inflammatory Action of Calorie Restriction Underlies the Retardation of Aging and Age-Related Diseases
- Exercise and Calorie Restriction Protect Against Changes in Intestinal Morphology Induced by High-fat Diets
- The effects of calorie restriction on mammary tumorigenesis via modulation of microRNAs
- Computational Modeling of Calorie Restriction (CR) Mimetics for Age-Related Diseases: Ligands of SIRT1 Target.
- Exercise Is Required to Improve Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity in Skeletal Muscle of Older Obese Subjects during Calorie Restriction–Induced Weight Loss to …
- Overexpression of the adiponectin gene mimics the metabolic and stress resistance effects of calorie restriction, but not the anti-tumor effect
- Mechanisms for Calorie Restriction Effects on Insulin-stimulated Glucose Uptake by Rat Skeletal Muscle.
- Diet-induced ketosis and calorie restriction in mouse models of Alzheimer’s pathology
- The effect of calorie restriction on acute ethanol-induced oxidative and nitrosative liver injury in rats
- Abstract PR07: Calorie restriction normalizes global microRNA expression by preventing the loss of Dicer expression during mammary tumorigenesis
- Abstract B68: Calorie restriction normalizes global microRNA expression by preventing the loss of Dicer expression during mammary tumorigenesis
- Long-term calorie restriction does not predict susceptibility of laboratory mice (Mus musculus) to a secondary infection by the parasitic nematode Heligmosomoides …
- Calorie Restriction Attenuates the Age-Associated Decrease in α Subunit of F1 ATP Synthase Activity in the Mouse Skeletal Muscles
- Mouse muscle protein expression during aging and calorie restriction-Analysis utilizing SILAC mouse
- Calorie restriction promotes genome stability in mismatch repair defected cells during aging (LB118)
- Expression differences in lipid metabolism genes with high-fat diet, calorie restriction, and exercise in livers of mice
- Intermittent calorie restriction largely counteracts the adverse health effects of a medium-fat diet in aging C57BL/6J mice
- Mechanisms of lifespan extension and preventive effects of calorie restriction on tumor development: Possible link between central neuroendocrine system and …
- Suppression of physical activity and non‐resting energy expenditure during calorie restriction: role in individual differences in adaptive thermogenesis (1101.8)
- Differential effects of calorie restriction and involuntary wheel running on body composition and bone structure in diet‐induced obese rats
- Adipose tissue signatures related to weight changes in response to calorie restriction and subsequent weight maintenance using lipidome and gene profiling network …
- Anti-inflammatory action of β-hydroxybutyrate via modulation of PGC-1α and FoxO1, mimicking calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction decreases spontaneous mammary tumorigenesis and upregulates ER-β in MMTV-neu transgenic mice.
- The forkhead transcription factor, Foxo1, fine-tunes sensitivity to homeostatic signals during calorie restriction in CD8+ cytotoxic T cells (P1292)
- Adult calorie restriction reduces weight gain and mammary tumor incidence in obesity prone MMTV-TFG α mice
- Regulation of Xenobiotic and Bile Acid Metabolism by the Anti-aging Intervention Calorie Restriction in Mice
- Calorie restriction effects on insulin signaling and glucose uptake in multiple insulin‐stimulated rat skeletal muscles in vivo
- The effect of modified alternate day calorie restriction (MACR) on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
- Influence of fasting and calorie restriction on glucose homeostasis and insulin resistance Regulations and provisions on audio visual informed consent-One …
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and calorie restriction: differences and similarities of endocrine and metabolic effects in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus
- The pro-tumorigenic effects of obesity are reversed by severe weight loss via chronic or intermittent calorie restriction but not weight normalization via a low-fat diet
- HMB Attenuates A Loss of Myofiber Cross‐Sectional Area during Prolonged Exercise with Calorie Restriction by Enhancing Regenerative Capacity
- A novel nutrient blend mimics calorie restriction transcriptomics in multiple tissues of mice and increases vitality and lifespan in C. elegans
- The effect of calorie restriction with and without curcumin supplementation on inflammatory and T cell‐mediated immune responses of obese mice
- Alternate‐day fasting and daily calorie restriction similarly affect visceral adiposity and circulating inflammatory cytokine concentrations
- Extending life span and preventing signs of aging by inhibiting sphingolipid synthesis: A valuable mimic of calorie restriction?
- Inhibition of Adipose Tissue Angiogenesis Prevents Rebound Weight Regain after Calorie Restriction Independent of Hypothalamic Melanocortin System in Obese …
- Effects of a 3‐week moderate calorie restriction intervention on cerebral white matter connectivity in subjects with obesity
- NextGen Sequencing Technology-based Dissection of Physiological Systems: Intrauterine calorie restriction affects placental DNA methylation and gene …
- Differential Expression of Hypothalamic Metabolic Genes in Response to Short-Term Calorie Restriction in Young Obese-and Lean-prone JCR Rats
- The alpha-glucosidase inhibitor acarbose as a calorie restriction mimetic to modify metabolic outcomes in mice
- … -Rich Foods into Low-Carb Meals May Represent a More Practical Way to Achieve the Healthspan Benefits Conferred by Calorie Restriction or Alternate-Day …
- Chronic Calorie Restriction Downregulates Skeletal Muscle mTORC1 Signaling Independent of Dietary Protein Level and Associated microRNA Expression in Male …
- Long-term calorie restriction of two laboratory mouse strains caused differential changes in infection susceptibility, reactive oxygen species/antioxidant production and …
- Glucose depletion is essential for the calorie-restriction-mediated cardiac angiogenesis via PKA/AMPK-dependent autophagy
- Effect of probiotic supplementation along with calorie restriction on metabolic endotoxemia, and inflammation markers in coronary artery disease patients: a …
- 6 The Impact of Aging and Calorie Restriction on Liver Mitochondria
- Effect of bariatric surgery combined with medical therapy versus intensive medical therapy or calorie restriction and weight loss on glycemic control in Zucker …
- Thematic Review Series: Calorie Restriction and Ketogenic Diets: Ketone Strong: Emerging evidence for a therapeutic role of ketone bodies in neurological …
- Thematic Review Series: Calorie Restriction and Ketogenic Diets: The collective therapeutic potential of cerebral ketone metabolism in traumatic brain injury
- Abstract P4-07-14: The effects of calorie restriction on microRNA expression profiles and DMBA-induced mammary tumorigenesis in a model of luminal A breast …
- Rationale and design of DRINK-T1D: A randomized clinical trial of effects of low-calorie sweetener restriction in children with type 1 diabetes
- Calorie and protein restriction in mammals: a review and comparison on respect to aging
- Abstract P4-07-01: Calorie restriction normalizes global microRNA expression by preventing the loss of dicer expression during mammary tumorigenesis
- Calorie for calorie, dietary fat restriction results in more body fat loss than carbohydrate restriction in people with obesity
- … Body Since Puberty with Progression to Swollen Ankles and Feet Despite Caloric Restriction, Due to Lipedema and Protein-Calorie Malnutrition: A Case of …
- Calorie and fat restriction during chemotherapy improves survival in obese mice with syngeneic acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- Calorie restriction—the SIR2 connection
- How does Calorie restriction work?
- Calorie restriction and aging: review of the literature and implications for studies in humans
- Aging, adiposity, and Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and SIR2 genes—towards a mechanism
- Requirement of NAD and SIR2 for life-span extension by Calorie restriction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Sir2-independent life span extension by Calorie restriction in yeast
- Sir2 mediates longevity in the fly through a pathway related to Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and aging: A life‐history analysis
- Increase in activity during Calorie restriction requires Sirt1
- Relative effects of Calorie restriction and weight loss in noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
- Calorie restriction in rhesus monkeys
- The inflammation hypothesis of aging: molecular modulation by Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and cancer prevention: metabolic and molecular mechanisms
- Calorie restriction mimetics: an emerging research field
- Development of Calorie restriction mimetics as a prolongevity strategy
- Molecular mechanisms linking Calorie restriction and longevity
- Long-term Calorie restriction is highly effective in reducing the risk for atherosclerosis in humans
- Tissue-specific regulation of SIRT1 by Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and prevention of age-associated chronic disease
- Calorie restriction, SIRT1 and metabolism: understanding longevity
- Calorie restriction in primates: will it work and how will we know?
- Calorie restriction, aging, and cancer prevention: mechanisms of action and applicability to humans
- HST2 mediates SIR2-independent life-span extension by Calorie restriction
- SIR2: a potential target for Calorie restriction mimetics
- Mammalian sirtuins—emerging roles in physiology, aging, and Calorie restriction
- Nicotinamide and PNC1 govern lifespan extension by Calorie restriction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Calorie restriction and the exercise of chromatin
- Molecular inflammation hypothesis of aging based on the anti‐aging mechanism of Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction: what recent results suggest for the future of ageing research
- Calorie restriction promotes mitochondrial biogenesis by inducing the expression of eNOS
- Calorie restriction extends Saccharomyces cerevisiae lifespan by increasing respiration
- Effect of Calorie restriction with or without exercise on body composition and fat distribution
- Oxidative stress and mitochondrial function with aging–the effects of Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction alters mitochondrial protein acetylation
- Sir2 and Calorie restriction in yeast: a skeptical perspective
- Calorie restriction and stroke
- Intermittent versus daily Calorie restriction: which diet regimen is more effective for weight loss?
- SIRT1 transgenic mice show phenotypes resembling Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction increases muscle mitochondrial biogenesis in healthy humans
- Calorie restriction or exercise: effects on coronary heart disease risk factors. A randomized, controlled trial
- Short-term Calorie restriction enhances skeletal muscle stem cell function
- Calorie restriction induces mitochondrial biogenesis and bioenergetic efficiency
- Effect of Calorie restriction on the metabolic history of chronologically aging yeast
- Calorie restriction: is AMPK a key sensor and effector?
- Tor1/Sch9-regulated carbon source substitution is as effective as Calorie restriction in life span extension
- NRF2, cancer and Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction increases life span: a molecular mechanism
- Chronic Calorie restriction attenuates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
- Calorie restriction and resveratrol in cardiovascular health and disease
- Calorie restriction extends yeast life span by lowering the level of NADH
- Calorie restriction and aging in nonhuman primates
- Mitochondria—a nexus for aging, Calorie restriction, and sirtuins?
- Calorie restriction: decelerating mTOR-driven aging from cells to organisms (including humans)
- The neuroprotective properties of Calorie restriction, the ketogenic diet, and ketone bodies
- The coordination of nuclear and mitochondrial communication during aging and Calorie restriction
- Yeast life-span extension by Calorie restriction is independent of NAD fluctuation
- Calorie restriction and cardiometabolic health
- Modulation of PPAR in aging, inflammation, and Calorie restriction
- Approaches for quantifying energy intake and% Calorie restriction during Calorie restriction interventions in humans: the multicenter CALERIE study
- Calorie restriction reduces oxidative stress by SIRT3-mediated SOD2 activation
- Regulation of energy metabolism by inflammation: a feedback response in obesity and Calorie restriction
- Effect of Calorie restriction on resting metabolic rate and spontaneous physical activity
- Increased life span due to Calorie restriction in respiratory-deficient yeast
- Suppression of adenocarcinoma by the immunological consequences of Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and susceptibility to intact pathogens
- Sarcopenia of aging: underlying cellular mechanisms and protection by Calorie restriction
- Autophagy in the heart and liver during normal aging and Calorie restriction
- Inadequate nutrition and chronic Calorie restriction in adolescent ballerinas
- Calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: effects on diabetes and cardiovascular disease risk.
- Effect of long-term Calorie restriction with adequate protein and micronutrients on thyroid hormones
- Activity measures in rhesus monkeys on long-term Calorie restriction
- Examination of cognitive function during six months of Calorie restriction: results of a randomized controlled trial
- Life span extension by Calorie restriction depends on Rim15 and transcription factors downstream of Ras/PKA, Tor, and Sch9
- Does Calorie restriction induce mitochondrial biogenesis? A reevaluation
- Calorie restriction promotes mammalian cell survival by inducing the SIRT1 deacetylase
- Calorie restriction on drinking days: An examination of drinking consequences among college students
- Calorie restriction in biosphere 2: alterations in physiologic, hematologic, hormonal, and biochemical parameters in humans restricted for a 2-year period
- Targeted disruption of growth hormone receptor interferes with the beneficial actions of Calorie restriction
- Resveratrol as a Calorie restriction mimetic: therapeutic implications
- A randomized trial of counseling for fat restriction versus Calorie restriction in the treatment of obesity.
- Oral glycotoxins determine the effects of Calorie restriction on oxidant stress, age-related diseases, and lifespan
- Calorie restriction inhibits the age-related dysregulation of the cytokines TNF-α and IL-6 in C3B10RF1 mice
- Calorie restriction-like effects of 30 days of resveratrol supplementation on energy metabolism and metabolic profile in obese humans
- Orexin signaling mediates the antidepressant-like effect of Calorie restriction
- Nonhuman primate Calorie restriction
- Effects on weight reduction of strong monetary contracts for Calorie restriction or weight loss
- Endocrine alterations in response to Calorie restriction in humans
- Life extension by Calorie restriction in humans
- Calorie restriction and bone health in young, overweight individuals
- Dietary interventions to extend life span and health span based on Calorie restriction
- SIRT4 inhibits glutamate dehydrogenase and opposes the effects of Calorie restriction in pancreatic β cells
- Modulation of redox-sensitive transcription factors by Calorie restriction during aging
- Antiaging, longevity and Calorie restriction
- Intermittent fasting combined with Calorie restriction is effective for weight loss and cardio-protection in obese women
- Skeletal muscle autophagy and apoptosis during aging: effects of Calorie restriction and life-long exercise
- Effects of a behavioral weight loss program stressing Calorie restriction versus Calorie plus fat restriction in obese individuals with NIDDM or a family history of diabetes
- Diet and Calorie restriction
- Neuronal SIRT1 regulates endocrine and behavioral responses to Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and the nutrient sensing signaling pathways
- lifespan extension by Calorie restriction relies on the Sty1 MAP kinase stress pathway
- Calorie restriction lowers body temperature in rhesus monkeys, consistent with a postulated anti-aging mechanism in rodents
- Effect of exercise and Calorie restriction on biomarkers of aging in mice
- MSN2 and MSN4 Link Calorie restriction and TOR to Sirtuin-Mediated lifespan extension in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Effects of Calorie restriction on cardioprotection and cardiovascular health
- Calorie restriction, aging and longevity
- Glycolytic inhibition as a strategy for developing Calorie restriction mimetics
- Bioenergetics of aging and Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and age‐related oxidative stress
- Response to comment on” HST2 mediates SIR2-independent life-span extension by Calorie restriction“
- Calorie restriction increases fatty acid synthesis and whole body fat oxidation rates
- Alternate day Calorie restriction improves clinical findings and reduces markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in overweight adults with moderate asthma
- Muscle fiber‐specific apoptosis and TNF‐α signaling in sarcopenia are attenuated by life‐long Calorie restriction
- Sexual differentiation, pregnancy, Calorie restriction, and aging affect the adipocyte-specific secretory protein adiponectin
- Effect of short term Calorie restriction on pro-inflammatory NF-kB and AP-1 in aged rat kidney
- Neuronal SIRT1 activation as a novel mechanism underlying the prevention of Alzheimer disease amyloid neuropathology by Calorie restriction
- Oxidative damage to specific proteins in replicative and chronological-aged Saccharomyces cerevisiae: common targets and prevention by Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction delays spontaneous tumorigenesis in p53-knockout transgenic mice
- Effects of long-term Calorie restriction and endurance exercise on glucose tolerance, insulin action, and adipokine production
- Calorie restriction and cellular proliferation in various tissues of the female Swiss Webster mouse
- Effect of Calorie restriction with or without exercise on insulin sensitivity, β-cell function, fat cell size, and ectopic lipid in overweight subjects
- Effect of Calorie restriction on subjective ratings of appetite
- Dynamic regulation of PGC‐1α localization and turnover implicates mitochondrial adaptation in Calorie restriction and the stress response
- Alteration of soluble adhesion molecules during aging and their modulation by Calorie restriction
- Molecular mechanisms of life-and health-span extension: role of Calorie restriction and exercise intervention
- Calorie restriction attenuates inflammatory responses to myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury
- Small molecule activators of SIRT1 replicate signaling pathways triggered by Calorie restriction in vivo
- Long‐term effects of Calorie restriction on serum sex‐hormone concentrations in men
- Interactions between light, mealtime and Calorie restriction to control daily timing in mammals
- Efficacy of fasting Calorie restriction on quality of life among aging men
- Modulation of age-induced apoptotic signaling and cellular remodeling by exercise and Calorie restriction in skeletal muscle
- FoxO1 is involved in the antineoplastic effect of Calorie restriction
- Seizure resistance is dependent upon age and Calorie restriction in rats fed a ketogenic diet
- Neuroendocrine factors in the regulation of inflammation: excessive adiposity and Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction enhances cell adaptation to hypoxia through Sirt1-dependent mitochondrial autophagy in mouse aged kidney
- Effect of Calorie restriction on in vivo glucose metabolism by individual tissues in rats
- Role of sirtuins, Calorie restriction and physical activity in aging
- Adult-onset Calorie restriction and fasting delay spontaneous tumorigenesis in p53-deficient mice
- The effect of long term Calorie restriction on in vivo hepatic proteostatis: a novel combination of dynamic and quantitative proteomics
- Suppression of apoptosis by Calorie restriction in aged kidney
- Long-term Calorie restriction, but not endurance exercise, lowers core body temperature in humans
- Effect of exercise intensity on abdominal fat loss during Calorie restriction in overweight and obese postmenopausal women: a randomized, controlled trial
- Calorie restriction up-regulates the plasma membrane redox system in brain cells and suppresses oxidative stress during aging
- Calorie restriction extends the chronological lifespan of Saccharomyces cerevisiae independently of the Sirtuins
- Biological approaches to mechanistically understand the healthy life span extension achieved by Calorie restriction and modulation of hormones
- Physiologic changes in humans subjected to severe, selective Calorie restriction for two years in biosphere 2: health, aging, and toxicological perspectives.
- Modulation of glutathione and thioredoxin systems by Calorie restriction during the aging process
- Short‐term Calorie restriction reverses vascular endothelial dysfunction in old mice by increasing nitric oxide and reducing oxidative stress
- Deterioration of spatial and nonspatial reference and working memory in aged rats: protective effect of life-long Calorie restriction
- Effects of Calorie restriction on life span of microorganisms
- High Osmolarity Extends Life Span in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by a Mechanism Related to Calorie restriction
- Effect of 6-month Calorie restriction on biomarkers of longevity, metabolic adaptation, and oxidative stress in overweight individuals: a randomized controlled trial
- Calorie restriction accelerates the catabolism of lean body mass during 2 wk of bed rest
- Effects of adult-onset Calorie restriction on anxiety-like behavior in rats
- Calorie restriction and diet composition modulate spontaneous intestinal tumorigenesis in ApcMin mice through different mechanisms
- The controversial links among Calorie restriction, SIRT1, and resveratrol
- Honoring Clive McCay and 75 years of Calorie restriction research
- Calorie restriction for treatment of gestational diabetes
- Calorie restriction prevents hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy in the spontaneously hypertensive rat
- Disruption of growth hormone receptor prevents Calorie restriction from improving insulin action and longevity
- Effect of Calorie restriction on the free-living physical activity levels of nonobese humans: results of three randomized trials
- Housing density does not influence the longevity effect of Calorie restriction
- Calories and carcinogenesis: lessons learned from 30 years of Calorie restriction research
- Inpatient treatment of obese children: a multicomponent programme without stringent Calorie restriction
- Effects of short-and medium-term Calorie restriction on muscle mitochondrial proton leak and reactive oxygen species production
- Long-lived Indy and Calorie restriction interact to extend life span
- Defect in insulin binding to receptors in obese man. Amelioration with Calorie restriction.
- Macrophages and adipocytes in human obesity: adipose tissue gene expression and insulin sensitivity during Calorie restriction and weight stabilization
- Calorie restriction reduces the incidence of myeloid leukemia induced by a single whole-body radiation in C3H/He mice
- Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate: a biomarker of primate aging slowed by Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction attenuates age-related alterations in the plasma membrane antioxidant system in rat liver
- Influence of Calorie restriction on measures of age-related cognitive decline: role of increased physical activity
- The role of protein and Calorie restriction in outcome from Salmonella infection in mice
- Distinct effects of Calorie restriction and resveratrol on diet-induced obesity and fatty liver formation
- Cellular mechanisms of cardioprotection by Calorie restriction: state of the science and future perspectives
- Early‐onset Calorie restriction conserves fiber number in aging rat skeletal muscle
- Calorie restriction and glucose regulation
- Sirtuin regulation in Calorie restriction
- Calorie Source, Calorie restriction, Immunity and Aging of (NZB/NZW)F1 Mice
- Calorie restriction reduces pinealectomy‐induced insulin resistance by improving GLUT4 gene expression and its translocation to the plasma membrane
- Calorie restriction enhances T-Cell–mediated immune response in adult overweight men and women
- Akt2 is essential for the full effect of Calorie restriction on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle
- Calorie restriction as an anti-invasive therapy for malignant brain cancer in the VM mouse
- Immune response after experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in rats subjected to Calorie restriction
- Sirtuin‐independent effects of nicotinamide on lifespan extension from Calorie restriction in yeast
- Short-term Calorie restriction in male mice feminizes gene expression and alters key regulators of conserved aging regulatory pathways
- Calorie restriction is more effective for obesity treatment than dietary fat restriction,
- Calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: mechanisms of reduced morbidity and mortality.
- Membrane alteration as a basis of aging and the protective effects of Calorie restriction
- Plasma glucose and the action of Calorie restriction on aging
- … hypertrophy,“adaptation,” and “decompensation” associated with glomerular enlargement and glomerulosclerosis in the aging rat: prevention by Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction in obesity: prevention of kidney disease in rodents
- Calorie restriction improves cardiovascular risk factors via reduction of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species in type II diabetic rats
- Long-term Calorie restriction reduces energy expenditure in aging monkeys
- Calorie restriction increases cerebral mitochondrial respiratory capacity in a NO•-mediated mechanism: impact on neuronal survival
- Beyond the rodent model: Calorie restriction in rhesus monkeys
- Biological significance of protein modifications in aging and Calorie restriction
- NAD+ metabolite levels as a function of vitamins and Calorie restriction: evidence for different mechanisms of longevity
- Influence of aging and Calorie restriction on MAPKs activity in rat kidney
- The effect on health of alternate day Calorie restriction: eating less and more than needed on alternate days prolongs life
- Why Calorie restriction would work for human longevity
- Effect of Calorie restriction and refeeding on skin wound healing in the rat
- The activation of NF-κB through Akt-induced FOXO1 phosphorylation during aging and its modulation by Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction increases cigarette use in adult smokers
- Long-term Calorie restriction reduces proton leak and hydrogen peroxide production in liver mitochondria
- Calorie restriction and aging: the ultimate “cleansing diet”
- Calorie restriction falters in the long run
- Improvement in coronary heart disease risk factors during an intermittent fasting/Calorie restriction regimen: Relationship to adipokine modulations
- Calorie restriction modulates inactivity-induced changes in the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein and pentraxin-3
- Lifelong Calorie restriction alleviates age-related oxidative damage in peripheral nerves
- Validation study of energy expenditure and intake during Calorie restriction using doubly labeled water and changes in body composition
- Calorie restriction and ketogenic diet diminish neuronal excitability in rat dentate gyrus in vivo
- Calorie restriction attenuates Alzheimer’s disease type brain amyloidosis in Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)
- Calorie restriction, ad Libitum Feeding, and Cancer
- Synergistic induction of lipid catabolism and anti-inflammatory lipids in white fat of dietary obese mice in response to Calorie restriction and n-3 fatty acids
- Food reward in the obese and after weight loss induced by Calorie restriction and bariatric surgery
- Age-related cardiovascular disease and the beneficial effects of Calorie restriction
- Anti-inflammatory action of dietary fish oil and Calorie restriction
- Aging and lifelong Calorie restriction result in adaptations of skeletal muscle apoptosis repressor, apoptosis-inducing factor, X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis, caspase-3 …
- Skeletal muscle transcriptional coactivator PGC-1α mediates mitochondrial, but not metabolic, changes during Calorie restriction
- Long-term potentiation is lost in aged rats but preserved by Calorie restriction.
- Hungry for life: How the arcuate nucleus and neuropeptide Y may play a critical role in mediating the benefits of Calorie restriction
- Effects of Calorie restriction on polymicrobial peritonitis induced by cecum ligation and puncture in young C57BL/6 mice
- Calorie restriction delays lipid oxidative damage in Drosophila melanogaster
- Suppression of cellular and humoral immunity to T-dependent antigens by Calorie restriction
- Mild Calorie restriction induces fat accumulation in female C57BL/6J mice
- Moderate Calorie restriction improves cardiac remodeling and diastolic dysfunction in the Dahl-SS rat
- Targeting energy metabolism in brain cancer through Calorie restriction and the ketogenic diet
- Role of sirtuins and Calorie restriction in neuroprotection: implications in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases
- Long-term effect of mediterranean-style diet and Calorie restriction on biomarkers of longevity and oxidative stress in overweight men
- The malate–aspartate NADH shuttle components are novel metabolic longevity regulators required for Calorie restriction-mediated life span extension in yeast
- Calorie restriction increases cell surface GLUT-4 in insulin-stimulated skeletal muscle
- Calorie restriction in mice: effects on body composition, daily activity, metabolic rate, mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production, and membrane fatty acid …
- The role of Calorie restriction and SIRT1 in prion-mediated neurodegeneration
- Improved insulin sensitivity by Calorie restriction is associated with reduction of ERK and p70S6K activities in the liver of obese Zucker rats
- Influence of diet and Calorie restriction on the initiation and promotion of skin carcinogenesis in the SENCAR mouse model
- Effects of aging and Calorie restriction on the global gene expression profiles of mouse testis and ovary
- Calorie restriction with a high-fat diet effectively attenuated inflammatory response and oxidative stress-related markers in obese tissues of the high diet fed …
- Effects of increased physical activity and mild Calorie restriction on heart rate variability in obese women
- Calorie restriction: A new therapeutic intervention for age-related dry eye disease in rats
- Calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: assessing effects on brain and behavioral aging
- Regulation of yeast sirtuins by NAD+ metabolism and Calorie restriction
- Effect of 6‐month Calorie restriction and exercise on serum and liver lipids and markers of liver function
- Visceral fat: higher responsiveness of fat mass and gene expression to Calorie restriction than subcutaneous fat
- Effects of dietary Calorie restriction or exercise on the PI3K and ras signaling pathways in the skin of mice
- The response to Calorie restriction in mammals shows features also common to hibernation: a cross-adaptation hypothesis
- Calorie restriction enhances the expression of key metabolic enzymes associated with protein renewal during aging
- Adipogenic signaling in rat white adipose tissue: modulation by aging and Calorie restriction
- Twenty‐four‐hour ghrelin is elevated after Calorie restriction and exercise training in non‐obese women
- Exercise with Calorie restriction improves insulin sensitivity and glycogen synthase activity in obese postmenopausal women with impaired glucose tolerance
- The effect of age and Calorie restriction on HIF-1-responsive genes in aged liver
- SIRT3 in Calorie restriction: can you hear me now?
- Linking Calorie restriction to longevity through sirtuins and autophagy: any role for TOR
- Bioenergetics and permeability transition pore opening in heart subsarcolemmal and interfibrillar mitochondria: effects of aging and lifelong Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction on insulin resistance and expression of SIRT1 and SIRT4 in rats
- Improvements in body fat distribution and circulating adiponectin by alternate-day fasting versus Calorie restriction
- Dose‐dependent effects of Calorie restriction on gene expression, metabolism, and tumor progression are partially mediated by insulin‐like growth factor‐1
- Increase in daily LH secretion in response to short-term Calorie restriction in obese women with PCOS
- Assimilation of endogenous nicotinamide riboside is essential for Calorie restriction-mediated life span extension in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Calorie restriction reduces rDNA recombination independently of rDNA silencing
- Loss of AMP-activated protein kinase-α2 impairs the insulin-sensitizing effect of Calorie restriction in skeletal muscle
- Daily meal timing is not necessary for resetting the main circadian clock by Calorie restriction
- Glutathione is necessary to ensure benefits of Calorie restriction during ageing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Weight gain with risperidone among patients with mental retardation: effect of Calorie restriction
- Effect of chronic and intermittent Calorie restriction on serum adiponectin and leptin and mammary tumorigenesis
- Pre‐and postnatal Calorie restriction perturbs early hypothalamic neuropeptide and energy balance
- Effect of different levels of Calorie restriction on azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis in male F344 rats
- Vascular aging: molecular modulation of the prostanoid cascade by Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction ameliorates neurodegenerative phenotypes in forebrain-specific presenilin-1 and presenilin-2 double knockout mice
- Yeast as a model to understand the interaction between genotype and the response to Calorie restriction
- Transcriptional response according to strength of Calorie restriction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
- Mild mitochondrial uncoupling and Calorie restriction increase fasting eNOS, akt and mitochondrial biogenesis
- Molecular exploration of age-related NF-κB/IKK downregulation by Calorie restriction in rat kidney
- PPARG genotype accounts for part of individual variation in body weight reduction in response to Calorie restriction
- Preferential reductions in intermuscular and visceral adipose tissue with exercise-induced weight loss compared with Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction, oxidative stress and longevity
- Calorie restriction at increasing levels leads to augmented concentrations of corticosterone and decreasing concentrations of testosterone in rats
- Calorie restriction effects on silencing and recombination at the yeast rDNA
- Calorie restriction modulates renal expression of sterol regulatory element binding proteins, lipid accumulation, and age-related renal disease
- Short-term Calorie restriction improves disease-related markers in older male rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
- The GOAT-ghrelin system is not essential for hypoglycemia prevention during prolonged Calorie restriction
- Extreme Calorie restriction and energy source starvation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae represent distinct physiological states
- Effects of Calorie restriction on transforming growth factor β1 and proinflammatory cytokines in murine Sjogren’s syndrome
- Calorie restriction limits the generation but not the progression of mitochondrial abnormalities in aging skeletal muscle
- Calorie restriction protects against age‐related rat aorta sclerosis
- Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in male Lewis rats subjected to Calorie restriction
- Intermittent Calorie restriction delays prostate tumor detection and increases survival time in TRAMP mice
- Molecular architecture of myelinated peripheral nerves is supported by Calorie restriction with aging
- Rapamycin partially mimics the anticancer effects of Calorie restriction in a murine model of pancreatic cancer
- Differential effects of Calorie restriction and exercise on the adipose transcriptome in diet-induced obese mice
- One day of moderate energy deficit reduces fasting and postprandial triacylglycerolemia in women: the role of Calorie restriction and exercise
- Chronic Calorie restriction increases susceptibility of laboratory mice (Mus musculus) to a primary intestinal parasite infection
- Calorie restriction and rapamycin inhibit MMTV-Wnt-1 mammary tumor growth in a mouse model of postmenopausal obesity
- Calorie restriction‐induced maternal longevity is transmitted to their daughters in a rotifer
- 2-Deoxy-D-glucose feeding in rats mimics physiologic effects of Calorie restriction
- Effect of Calorie restriction on the production and responsiveness to interleukin 2 in (NZB× NZW) F1 mice
- Calorie restriction increases insulin-stimulated glucose transport in skeletal muscle from IRS-1 knockout mice.
- Effects of dietary protein and Calorie restriction in clinically normal cats and in cats with surgically induced chronic renal failure.
- Resveratrol treatment in mice does not elicit the bradycardia and hypothermia associated with Calorie restriction
- Life‐long Calorie restriction (CR) increases expression of apoptosis repressor with a caspase recruitment domain (ARC) in the brain
- SIRT1, a Calorie restriction mimetic, in a new therapeutic approach for type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic vascular complications
- Regulation of selenoproteins and methionine sulfoxide reductases A and B1 by age, Calorie restriction, and dietary selenium in mice
- Effects of aging and Calorie restriction on white matter in rhesus macaques
- Calorie restriction modifies ubiquinone and COQ transcript levels in mouse tissues
- … bone mineral density is not associated with significantly reduced bone quality in men and women practicing long‐term Calorie restriction with adequate nutrition
- Maternal gestational protein-Calorie restriction decreases the number of glomeruli and causes glomerular hypertrophy in adult hypertensive rats
- Excessive adiposity, Calorie restriction, and aging
- A role for neuronal cAMP responsive-element binding (CREB)-1 in brain responses to Calorie restriction
- Brief Calorie restriction increases Akt2 phosphorylation in insulin-stimulated rat skeletal muscle
- Energy availability and mammary carcinogenesis: effects of Calorie restriction and exercise.
- Life long Calorie restriction increases heat shock proteins and proteasome activity in soleus muscles of Fisher 344 rats
- Cellular adaptation contributes to Calorie restriction-induced preservation of skeletal muscle in aged rhesus monkeys
- Calorie restriction reduces the influence of glucoregulatory dysfunction on regional brain volume in aged rhesus monkeys
- Dietary adherence to long‐term controlled feeding in a Calorie‐restriction study in overweight men and women
- The effects of physiological adaptations to Calorie restriction on global cell proliferation rates
- Regulation of forkhead transcription factor FoxO3a contributes to Calorie restriction-induced prevention of Alzheimer’s disease-type amyloid neuropathology …
- Effects of weight loss and Calorie restriction on carbohydrate metabolism
- Modified alternate‐day fasting regimens reduce cell proliferation rates to a similar extent as daily Calorie restriction in mice
- Calorie restriction increases primordial follicle reserve in mature female chemotherapy-treated rats
- Effects of Chronic Calorie restriction or Dietary Resveratrol Supplementation on Insulin Sensitivity Markers in a Primate, Microcebus murinus
- Calorie restriction attenuates LPS-induced sickness behavior and shifts hypothalamic signaling pathways to an anti-inflammatory bias
- Calorie intake during mammary development influences cancer risk: lasting inhibition of C3H/HeOu mammary tumorigenesis by peripubertal Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction: progress during mid-2005-mid-2006
- Adult-onset Calorie restriction delays the accumulation of mitochondrial enzyme abnormalities in aging rat kidney tubular epithelial cells
- Differential effects of Calorie restriction on glomeruli and tubules of the remnant kidney
- Life-long Calorie restriction in Fischer 344 rats attenuates age-related loss in skeletal muscle-specific force and reduces extracellular space
- Calorie restriction prevents the development of insulin resistance and impaired insulin signaling in skeletal muscle of ovariectomized rats
- dSir2 mediates the increased spontaneous physical activity in flies on Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and endurance exercise share potent anti-inflammatory function in adipose tissues in ameliorating diet-induced obesity and insulin …
- Changes in IL-15 expression and death-receptor apoptotic signaling in rat gastrocnemius muscle with aging and life-long Calorie restriction
- Regulation of immune function by Calorie restriction and cyclophosphamide treatment in lupus-prone NZB/NZW F1 mice
- A strategy for identifying biomarkers of aging: further evaluation of hematology and blood chemistry data from a Calorie restriction study in rhesus monkeys
- Similar metabolic responses to Calorie restriction in lean and obese Zucker rats
- Calorie restriction may be neuroprotective in AD and PD
- Potential therapeutic targets for neurodegenerative diseases: lessons learned from Calorie restriction
- Anxiety-like behaviour in adult rats perinatally exposed to maternal Calorie restriction
- Down-regulation of AMP-activated protein kinase by Calorie restriction in rat liver
- Effects of low-fat diet, Calorie restriction, and running on lipoprotein subfraction concentrations in moderately overweight men
- Calorie restriction induces a p53-independent delay of spontaneous carcinogenesis in p53-deficient and wild-type mice
- Dietary Calorie restriction, DNA-repair and brain aging
- Distinct effects of Calorie restriction on adipose tissue cytokine and angiogenesis profiles in obese and lean mice
- Calorie restriction reduced blood pressure in obesity hypertensives by improvement of autonomic nerve activity and insulin sensitivity
- Exercise training and Calorie restriction increase SREBP-1 expression and intramuscular triglyceride in skeletal muscle
- SIRT1 and SIRT5 activity expression and behavioral responses to Calorie restriction
- Sir-2.1 modulates ‘Calorie–restriction-mediated’prevention of neurodegeneration in Caenorhabditis elegans: implications for Parkinson’s disease
- Effect of Calorie restriction on change in lacrimal gland with age
- Androgen receptor messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in the rat liver: changes in mRNA levels during maturation, aging, and Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction reduces psychological stress reactivity and its association with brain volume and microstructure in aged rhesus monkeys
- Phenotypic effects of Calorie restriction and insulin-like growth factor-1 treatment on body composition and bone mineral density of C57BL/6 mice: implications for …
- The dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase is a novel metabolic longevity factor and is required for Calorie restriction-mediated life span extension
- Adaptive stress response in segmental progeria resembles long-lived dwarfism and Calorie restriction in mice
- The influence of Calorie restriction during the Ramadan fast on serum fructosamine and the formation of beta hydroxybutirate in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
- Calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: implications for age-related disease risk
- Calorie restriction decreases proinflammatory cytokines and polymeric Ig receptor expression in the submandibular glands of autoimmune prone (NZB× NZW) F1 mice
- Calorie restriction from a young age preserves the functions of pancreatic β cells in aging rats
- Effect of severe Calorie restriction on the lung in two strains of mice
- Influence of sleep disruption and Calorie restriction on biological markers for depression
- Effects of Calorie restriction and weight loss on glucose and insulin levels in obese humans.
- Calorie restriction and late-onset Calorie restriction extend lifespan but do not alter protein storage in female grasshoppers
- Exercise as a Calorie restriction mimetic: implications for improving healthy aging and longevity
- Sirtuins and Calorie restriction
- Multiple pathways regulating the Calorie restriction response in yeast
- Modulation of white adipose tissue proteome by aging and Calorie restriction
- Assessment of auditory function in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta): effects of age and Calorie restriction
- The effects of different percentages of dietary fat intake, exercise, and Calorie restriction on body composition and body weight in obese females
- Changes in lipid distribution during aging and its modulation by Calorie restriction
- Distinct effects of Calorie restriction and exercise on mammary gland gene expression in C57BL/6 mice
- Aging and Calorie restriction modulate yeast redox state, oxidized protein removal, and the ubiquitin–proteasome system
- Long-term Calorie restriction enhances baroreflex responsiveness in Fischer 344 rats
- Mouse liver plasma membrane redox system activity is altered by aging and modulated by Calorie restriction
- Dietary lipids and Calorie restriction affect mammary tumor incidence and gene expression in mouse mammary tumor virus/v-Ha-ras transgenic mice
- Understanding pathways of Calorie restriction: a way to prevent cancer?
- Modulation of gene expression of SMP-30 by LPS and Calorie restriction during aging process
- Hepatic oxidative stress during aging: effects of 8% long-term Calorie restriction and lifelong exercise
- Calorie restriction improves whole-body glucose disposal and insulin resistance in association with the increased adipocyte-specific GLUT4 expression in Otsuka …
- A role for ΔFosB in Calorie restriction-induced metabolic changes
- Calorie restriction increases muscle insulin action but not IRS-1-, IRS-2-, or phosphotyrosine-PI 3-kinase
- The arcuate nucleus and neuropeptide Y contribute to the antitumorigenic effect of Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and dwarf mice in gerontological research
- Calorie restriction extends life span—but which Calories?
- Effects of intermittent and chronic Calorie restriction on mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and IGF-I signaling pathways in mammary fat pad tissues and …
- Do Calorie restriction or alternate-day fasting regimens modulate adipose tissue physiology in a way that reduces chronic disease risk?
- Influence of Calorie restriction on oncogene expression and DNA synthesis during liver regeneration.
- Exercise training plus Calorie restriction causes synergistic protection against cognitive decline via up-regulation of BDNF in hippocampus of stroke-prone …
- Effects of chronic vs. intermittent Calorie restriction on mammary tumor incidence and serum adiponectin and leptin levels in MMTV-TGF-α mice at different …
- Common mechanisms for Calorie restriction and adenylyl cyclase type 5 knockout models of longevity
- Increased life span due to Calorie restriction in respiratory-deficient yeast
- Combined effects of short-term Calorie restriction and exercise on insulin action in normal rats
- Modulation of cutaneous aging with Calorie restriction in Fischer 344 rats: a histological study
- Effects of Calorie restriction on the zebrafish liver proteome
- Modulation of oxidative phosphorylation machinery signifies a prime mode of anti-ageing mechanism of Calorie restriction in male rat liver mitochondria
- Calorie restriction increases the ratio of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic to regulatory subunits in rat skeletal muscle
- cDNA expression arrays reveal incomplete reversal of age-related changes in gene expression by Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction enhances insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and Akt phosphorylation in both fast-twitch and slow-twitch skeletal muscle of 24-month-old rats
- Differential effects of protein-Calorie restriction and subsequent repletion on neuronal and nonneuronal components of cerebral cortex in newborn rats
- Effects of Calorie restriction on immunologic functions and development of autoimmune disease in NZB mice
- Impact of aging and life‐long Calorie restriction on expression of apoptosis‐related genes in male F344 rat liver
- Transport of thyroxine into cultured hepatocytes: effects of mild non‐thyroidal illness and Calorie restriction in obese subjects
- Lack of direct effect of moderate hyperleptinemia to improve endothelial function in lean rat aorta: role of Calorie restriction
- Identification of potential Calorie restriction-mimicking yeast mutants with increased mitochondrial respiratory chain and nitric oxide levels
- Calorie restriction and obesity under the regulation of SIRT1
- It’s never too late: Calorie restriction is effective in older mammals
- Effects of cystine and Calorie restriction on the incidence of spontaneous pulmonary tumors in strain A mice
- Chronobiological features of the immune system. Effect of Calorie restriction
- Effect of nitrogen and Calorie restriction on protein synthesis in the rat
- Effects of Calorie restriction on reproductive and adrenal systems in Japanese quail: are responses similar to mammals, particularly primates?
- Metabolic aspects of Calorie restriction: hypohydration effects on body weight and blood parameters.
- Development of Calorie restriction mimetics as therapeutics for obesity, diabetes, inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases
- Revealing system-level correlations between aging and Calorie restriction using a mouse transcriptome
- Effects of FTO Genotype on Weight Loss and Metabolic Risk Factors in Response to Calorie restriction Among Japanese Women
- Reduction of circulating immune complexes by Calorie restriction in (NZB× NZW) F1 mice
- Calorie restriction in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis enhances hypoxia tolerance in association with the increased mRNA levels of glycolytic enzymes
- Calorie restriction of a high-carbohydrate diet elevates the threshold of PTZ-induced seizures to values equal to those seen with a ketogenic diet
- Plasma levels and adipose tissue messenger ribonucleic acid expression of retinol-binding protein 4 are reduced during Calorie restriction in obese subjects but are …
- Effects of Calorie restriction on the expression of manganese superoxide dismutase and catalase under oxidative stress conditions in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis
- 24‐hour changes in ACTH, corticosterone, growth hormone, and leptin levels in young male rats subjected to Calorie restriction
- The effect of Calorie restriction on growth and development in silkworm, Bombyx mori
- Calorie restriction (CR) reduces age-dependent decline of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) activity in rat tissues
- Effects of Calorie restriction and aging on the expression of antioxidant enzymes and ubiquitin in the liver of Emory mice
- Aging effect on myeloperoxidase in rat kidney and its modulation by Calorie restriction
- Aging in male primates: reproductive decline, effects of Calorie restriction and future research potential
- At the crossroad of lifespan, Calorie restriction, chromatin and disease: meeting on sirtuins
- Calorie restriction modulates hippocampal NMDA receptors in diet-induced obese rats
- Dietary Calorie restriction in Mice Induces Carbamyl Phosphate Synthetase I Gene Transcription Tissue Specifically (∗)
- Using PDE inhibitors to harness the benefits of Calorie restriction: lessons from resveratrol
- Calorie restriction influences cell cycle protein expression and DNA synthesis during liver regeneration
- Calorie restriction modulates lymphocyte subset phenotype and increases apoptosis in MRLlpr mice
- Calorie restriction modulates age-dependent changes in the retinas of Brown Norway rats
- Aging, Calorie restriction and ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis in the livers of Emory mice
- Hormesis as a mechanism for the anti-aging effects of Calorie restriction
- Different gene expression of skin tissues between mice with weight controlled by either Calorie restriction or physical exercise
- Protein Calorie restriction affects nonhepatic IGF-I production and the lymphoid system: studies using the liver-specific IGF-I gene-deleted mouse model
- Calorie restriction delays the crescentic glomerulonephritis of SCG/Kj mice
- Influences of Calorie restriction and age on energy expenditure in the rhesus monkey
- Identification of genes differentially expressed by Calorie restriction in the rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis)
- A transgenic dwarf rat model as a tool for the study of Calorie restriction and aging
- Calorie restriction delays age‐dependent loss in androgen responsiveness of the rat liver1
- Conjectures on some curious connections among social status, Calorie restriction, hunger, fatness, and longevity
- Relationship between Calorie restriction and the biological clock: lessons from long-lived transgenic mice
- Calorie restriction: effect on growth of human tumors heterotransplanted in nude mice
- Genetic reduction of insulin-like growth factor-1 mimics the anticancer effects of Calorie restriction on cyclooxygenase-2–driven pancreatic neoplasia
- Effects of Calorie restriction on thymocyte growth, death and maturation
- Effect of Calorie restriction on skeletal muscle and liver insulin binding in growing rat
- Factors that affect Calorie-sensitive and Calorie-insensitive reduction in blood pressure during short-term Calorie restriction in overweight hypertensive women
- Suppression of experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis by dietary Calorie restriction
- The social behavior of male rats administered an adult-onset Calorie restriction regimen
- Alterations in male sexual behaviour, attractiveness and testosterone levels induced by an adult-onset Calorie restriction regimen
- The influence of protein-Calorie versus Calorie restriction on the body composition and cellular growth of muscle and liver in weanling rats.
- Preventing the Calorie restriction-induced increase in insulin-stimulated Akt2 phosphorylation eliminates Calorie restriction‘s effect on glucose uptake in …
- Dietary Calorie restriction in the Emory mouse: effects on lifespan, eye lens cataract prevalence and progression, levels of ascorbate, glutathione, glucose, and …
- What you should know about Calorie restriction
- Can alginate-based preloads increase weight loss beyond Calorie restriction? A pilot study in obese individuals
- Effects of mild Calorie restriction on reproduction, plasma parameters and hepatic gene expression in mice with altered GH/IGF-I axis
- Insulin signaling cascade in the hearts of long-lived growth hormone receptor knockout mice: effects of Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and Skeletal Mass in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) Evidence for an Effect Mediated Through Changes in Body Size
- The anti-tumor effects of Calorie restriction are correlated with reduced oxidative stress in ENU-induced gliomas
- Calorie restriction inhibits sympathetic nerve activity via anti-oxidant effect in the rostral ventrolateral medulla of obesity-induced hypertensive rats
- Calorie restriction increases insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate-1 in rat skeletal muscle.
- Development of a bioassay to screen for chemicals mimicking the anti-aging effects of Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and spontaneous hepatic tumors in C3H/He mice.
- The benefits of Calorie restriction and Calorie restriction mimetics as related to the eye
- Long‐term effects of Calorie or protein restriction on serum IGF‐1 and IGFBP‐3 concentration in humans
- Approach of evolutionary theories of ageing, stress, senescence-like phenotypes, Calorie restriction and hormesis from the view point of far-from-equilibrium …
- Calorie restriction alters physical performance but not cognition in two models of altered neuroendocrine signaling
- Chronic Calorie restriction alters glycogen metabolism in rhesus monkeys
- Protein Calorie restriction has opposite effects on glucose metabolism and insulin gene expression in fetal and adult rat endocrine pancreas
- Molecular inflammation as an underlying mechanism of aging: the anti-inflammatory action of Calorie restriction
- Mild Calorie restriction does not affect testosterone levels and testicular gene expression in mutant mice
- Opposing effects of age and Calorie restriction on molecular determinants of myocardial ischemic tolerance
- Age-related decline in striatal volume in rhesus monkeys: assessment of long-term Calorie restriction
- Neuroendocrine-immune correlates of circadian physiology: studies in experimental models of arthritis, ethanol feeding, aging, social isolation, and Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction, stress and the ubiquitin-dependent pathway in mouse livers
- Downregulation of Grb2 contributes to the insulin-sensitizing effect of Calorie restriction
- Radiation-induced myeloid leukemia in mice under Calorie restriction.
- Locomotor activity in female rhesus monkeys: assessment of age and Calorie restriction effects
- Calorie restriction reduces ulcerative dermatitis and infection-related mortality in p53-deficient and wild-type mice
- Effects of moderate Calorie restriction on testosterone production and semen characteristics in young rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)
- The influence of dietary lipid composition on skeletal muscle mitochondria from mice following 1 month of Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina
- … and insulin‐like growth factor binding protein‐1 to an oral glucose tolerance test in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome before and after Calorie restriction
- NO link between Calorie restriction and mitochondria
- Calorie restriction in nonhuman and human primates
- Calorie restriction, Post‐reproductive Life Span, and Programmed Aging: A Plea for Rigor
- Rapid onset of gene expression in lung, supportive of formation of alveolar septa, induced by refeeding mice after Calorie restriction
- Effects of severe Calorie restriction on thymic factor activity and lymphocyte stimulation response in rats
- Physical activity, dietary Calorie restriction, and cancer
- Plant “Polyphenolic” Small Molecules Can Induce a Calorie restriction‐Mimetic Life‐Span extension by Activating Sirtuins: Will “Polyphenols” Someday Be Used as …
- A difference between the effects of dietary Calorie restriction on the estrous cycle and on the 24-hour adrenal cortical cycle in rodents
- Long‐term evaluation of thyroidal response to partial Calorie restriction in obesity
- Calorie restriction minimizes activation of insulin signaling in response to glucose: potential involvement of the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor 1 axis
- Alternate day Calorie restriction improves systemic inflammation in a mouse model of sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture
- Hepatic metabolites and cofactors in riboflavin deficiency and Calorie restriction
- … of mitogenic responses, lymphocyte subset populations and amino acid content in submaxillary lymph nodes of growing male rats subjected to Calorie restriction
- Impact of moderate Calorie restriction on the reproductive neuroendocrine axis of male rhesus macaques
- Inhibition of H2O2‐induced apoptosis of lymphocytes by Calorie restriction during aging
- Oxaloacetic acid supplementation as a mimic of Calorie restriction
- AgingDB: A database for oxidative stress and Calorie restriction in the study of aging
- Superimposition of postnatal Calorie restriction protects the aging male intrauterine growth-restricted offspring from metabolic maladaptations
- Effects of aging and Calorie restriction on rat skeletal muscle glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase
- Calorie restriction to retard aging and increase longevity
- Attenuation of bleomycin-induced Hprt mutant frequency in female and male rats by Calorie restriction
- Effect of Calorie restriction on liver and kidney glutathione in aging Emory mice
- Calorie restriction prevents the occlusive coronary vascular disease of autoimmune (NZW x BXSB) F1 mice
- HPA and sympathoadrenal activity of adult rats perinatally exposed to maternal mild Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction initiated at middle age improved glucose tolerance without affecting age-related impairments of insulin signaling in rat skeletal muscle
- Symposium: Calorie restriction: effects on body composition, insulin signaling and aging
- Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone and Calorie restriction on the Bcl-2/Bax-mediated apoptotic pathway in p53-deficient mice
- Biological effects of Calorie restriction: implications for modification of human aging
- Effects of Calorie restriction on SIRT1 expression in liver of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: experiment with rats
- Metabolic aspects of Calorie restriction: nitrogen and mineral balances and vitamin excretion
- Calorie restriction causes healthy life span extension in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina
- Role of insulin and growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-I signaling in lifespan extension: rodent longevity models for studying aging and Calorie restriction
- Identifying the genes and genetic interrelationships underlying the impact of Calorie restriction on maximum lifespan: an artificial intelligence-based approach
- The influence of estrogen on cancer incidence and adrenal changes in ovariectomized mice on Calorie restriction.
- Effects of aging and Calorie restriction of Fischer 344 rats on hepatocellular response to proliferative signals
- Calorie restriction decreases platelet‐derived growth factor (PDGF)‐A and thrombin receptor mRNA expression in autoimmune murine lupus nephritis
- Effects of Calorie–restriction on the course of Trypanosoma cruzi infection
- Calorie restriction as a potent anti-aging intervention: Modulation of oxidative stress
- Dietary Calorie restriction does not affect the levels of protein elongation factors in rat livers during ageing
- Calorie restriction suppresses subgenomic mink cytopathic focus-forming murine leukemia virus transcription and frequency of genomic expression while impairing …
- Improved insulin sensitivity with Calorie restriction does not require reduced JNK1/2, p38, or ERK1/2 phosphorylation in skeletal muscle of 9-month-old rats
- Method for estimating rate of fat loss during treatment of obesity by Calorie restriction
- Dichotomous responses of inter and postprandial hyperglycaemia to short‐term Calorie restriction in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Calorie restriction and iopanoic acid effects on thyroid hormone metabolism
- Proteomic analysis of proteins associated with cellular senescence by Calorie restriction in mesenchymal stem cells
- Effect of Calorie restriction on mortality kinetics in inbred strains of mice following 7, 12-dimethylbenz [a] anthracene treatment
- mRNA-Seq reveals complex patterns of gene regulation and expression in the mouse skeletal muscle transcriptome associated with Calorie restriction
- Effects of protein-Calorie restriction on mechanical function of hypertrophied cardiac muscle
- The effects of aging and Calorie restriction on plasma nutrient levels in male and female Emory mice
- The mitochondrial plasmid pAL2-1 reduces Calorie restriction mediated life span extension in the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina
- Calorie restriction increases Fas/Fas-ligand expression and apoptosis in murine splenic lymphocytes
- The effect of Calorie restriction on serum thyroid hormone binding proteins and free hormone in obese patients
- Calorie restriction mimetics: examples and mode of action
- Effects of mild Calorie restriction and high-intensity interval walking in middle-aged and older overweight Japanese
- Calorie restriction decreases microalbuminuria associated with aging in barrier-raised Fischer 344 rats
- Adult-onset Calorie restriction attenuates kainic acid excitotoxicity in the rat hippocampal slice
- Middle-aged C57BL/6 mice have impaired responses to leptin that are not improved by Calorie restriction
- 24-hour changes in circulating prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and testosterone in young male rats subjected to Calorie restriction
- Enhancement of age-related increases in DNA I-compound levels by Calorie restriction: comparison of male BN and F-344 rats
- Calorie restriction modulates redox-sensitive AP-1 during the aging process
- Calorie restriction increases light-dependent photoreceptor cell loss in the neural retina of Fischer 344 rats
- Study on the lipid composition of aging fischer‐344 rat lymphoid cells: Effect of long‐term Calorie restriction
- … of acute inhibition of fatty acid oxidation on latency to seizure and concentrations of β hydroxybutyrate in plasma of rats maintained on Calorie restriction and/or the …
- Calorie restriction in mice overexpressing UCP3: evidence that prior mitochondrial uncoupling alters response
- The Calorie–restriction experiment
- Effects of age and Calorie restriction on tryptophan nitration, protein content, and activity of succinyl-CoA: 3-ketoacid CoA transferase in rat kidney mitochondria
- Body growth, mitochondrial enzymatic capacities and aspects of the antioxidant system and redox balance under Calorie restriction in young turbot (Scophthalmus …
- Metabolizable energy intake during long-term Calorie restriction in rhesus monkeys
- Calorie restriction up-regulates iron and copper transport genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Melatonin fails to modulate immune parameters influenced by Calorie restriction in aging Fischer 344 rats
- The redox-sensitive DNA binding sites responsible for age-related downregulation of SMP30 by ERK pathway and reversal by Calorie restriction
- Comparison of the effects of 20 days and 15 months of Calorie restriction on male Fischer 344 rats
- In Silico Drug Screen in Mouse Liver Identifies Candidate Calorie restriction Mimetics
- The decline in plasma leptin in response to Calorie restriction predicts the effects of adjunctive leptin treatment on body weight in humans
- Calorie restriction test
- Depletion of linoleate induced by weight cycling is independent of extent of Calorie restriction
- Relationship between protein O‐linked glycosylation and insulin‐stimulated glucose transport in rat skeletal muscle following Calorie restriction or exposure to O‐(2 …
- Possible mechanisms through which dietary lipids, Calorie restriction, and exercise modulate breast cancer
- Effects of gradation in protein-Calorie restriction on the hypothalo-pituitary-gonadal axis in young domestic fowl
- Blocking Dopamine D2 Receptors by Haloperidol Curtails the Beneficial Impact of Calorie restriction on the Metabolic Phenotype of High‐Fat Diet Induced Obese …
- Calorie restriction modulates Th-1 and Th-2 cytokine-induced immunoglobulin secretion in young and old C57BL/6 cultured submandibular glands
- Lesions of glucose-responsive neurons impair synchronizing effects of Calorie restriction in mice
- Blood pressure is reduced by short-time Calorie restriction in overweight hypertensive women with a constant intake of sodium and potassium
- Early hypothalamic response to age-dependent gene expression by Calorie restriction
- Weight maintenance in humans. Could it mimic Calorie restriction of animal models?
- Klotho expression is induced by Calorie restriction in adult male rats
- Effect of protein-Calorie restriction on brain amino acid pool in neonatal rats
- Thiamin, riboflavin, and pyridoxine excretion during acute starvation and Calorie restriction
- Long-term Calorie restriction protects rat pituitary growth hormone-releasing hormone binding sites from age-related alterations
- Calorie restriction modifies the delayed-type hypersensitivity response to the hapten trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid and to hapten-modified syngeneic spleen cells
- In vitro simulation of Calorie restriction-induced decline in glucose and insulin leads to increased insulin-stimulated glucose transport in rat skeletal muscle
- Food toxicity contributes to the beneficial effects of Calorie restriction
- Acute stress response modified by modest inhibition of growth hormone axis: a potential machinery of the anti-aging effect of Calorie restriction
- Mammary and submandibular gland epidermal growth factor expression is reduced by Calorie restriction
- Effects of adult onset mild Calorie restriction on weight of reproductive organs, plasma parameters and gene expression in male mice
- Weight loss and Calorie restriction at 50% fasting rate
- Short-term Calorie restriction in early life attenuates the development of proteinuria but not glucose intolerance in type 2 diabetic OLETF rats
- Atypical hematological response to combined Calorie restriction and chronic hypoxia in Biosphere 2 crew: a possible link to latent features of hibernation capacity
- The impact of Calorie restriction on mammary cancer development in an experimental model
- Could Calorie restriction increase longevity in humans?
- Comparative proteomic analysis of Bombyx mori hemolymph and fat body after Calorie restriction.
- Effects of Calorie restriction on chromosomal stability in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
- Alterations in the rate of fetal and placental development as a consequence of early maternal protein/Calorie restriction
- Effects of Aging and Long‐Term Calorie restriction on DHEA and DHEA Sulfate in Rhesus Monkeys
- The effects of Calorie restriction on operant-responding for alcohol in the alcohol preferring (iP) rat
- Calorie restriction and longevity: fast and loose?
- The antihypertensive effect of Calorie restriction in obese adolescents: dissociation of effects on erythrocyte countertransport and cotransport.
- Calorie restriction: a potent mechanistic solution to the oxygen paradox
- Influence of genotype and protein-Calorie restriction upon RSV-induced tumors in chickens
- The effects of protein and Calorie restriction on tissue nitrogen content and protein catabolism
- Calorie restriction in mice does not affect LDL reverse cholesterol transport in vivo
- Effects of short-term mild Calorie restriction diet and renutrition with ruminant milks on leptin levels and other metabolic parameters in mice
- Opposite effects of metabolic syndrome and Calorie restriction on thrombotic disease: heads and tails of the same coin—resveratrol’s role
- Network reconstruction reveals new links between aging and Calorie restriction in yeast
- Calorie restriction initiated at a young age activates the Akt/PKCζ/λ-Glut4 pathway in rat white adipose tissue in an insulin-independent manner
- Calorie restriction mimetics and aging
- Effects of genetic polymorphism of uncoupling protein 2 on body fat and Calorie restriction‐induced changes1
- Elongation Factor 2-Specific Calcium-and Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase III Activity in Rat Livers Varies with Age and Calorie restriction
- Age-and Calorie-independent life span extension from dietary restriction by bacterial deprivation in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Effect of Calorie restriction supplemented with genistein on serum levels of glucose, lipid profile and inflammatory markers (resistin and hsCRP) in obese rats.
- … the changes in gene profiles regulating the amelioration of age-related oxidative damages in kidney tissue of rats by the intervention of adult-onset Calorie restriction
- Beneficial effects of weight loss associated with moderate Calorie/carbohydrate restriction, and increased proportional intake of protein and unsaturated fat on serum …
- A transgenic mini rat strain as a tool for studying aging and Calorie restriction
- The influence of acute, late-life Calorie restriction on whole body energy metabolism in p66Shc (−/−) mice
- Effect of Calorie restriction on the fate of hyperplastic liver nodules induced by concurrent administration of lasiocarpine and thioacetamide
- Calorie restriction increases serum parathyroid hormone and decreases serum calcitonin levels in patients with maturity onset diabetes mellitus
- Effects of protein-Calorie restriction on the immune response to skin allografts in the rat.
- … in body weight and reduction in blood pressure and improvement of glucose and lipid metabolism induced by short-term Calorie restriction in overweight hypertensive …
- The effects of Calorie restriction olfactory cues on conspecific anxiety-like behaviour
- Alterations in hepatic glucose and energy metabolism as a result of Calorie and carbohydrate restriction
- Pubertal adiposity after fetal growth restraint: toward a Calorie restriction mimetic approach
- Aging and the effect of Calorie restriction in rhesus monkeys
- Calorie restriction in nonhuman primates: Impact on aging, disease, and frailty
- Oxidative stress and Calorie restriction in aging
- Protein intake during aggressive Calorie restriction in obesity determines growth hormone response to growth hormone‐releasing hormone after weight loss
- In vivo study of mitochondrial oxidation in obese patients treated by means of Calorie restriction
- Molecular mechanisms of longevity regulation and Calorie restriction
- Effects of Calorie restriction and ω-3 dietary fat on aging in short-and long-lived rodents
- Can Calorie restriction prolong life?
- Will Calorie restriction stave off age-related brain dysfunction, specifically to learning and memory? A review and critique of the rodent literature
- The effect of dietary protein‐Calorie restriction on the renal elimination of cimetidine
- Divergent regulation of adipose tissue metabolism by Calorie restriction and inhibition of growth hormone signaling
- … responses of circulating prolactin, GH, and ACTH levels and distribution and activity of submaxillary lymph node lymphocytes to Calorie restriction in male Lewis and …
- Models of longevity (Calorie restriction and AC5 KO): result of three bad hypotheses
- Calorie restriction reduces the incidence of radiation-induced myeloid leukaemia.
- Changes in human body composition during Calorie restriction with two levels of protein
- Accommodative function in rhesus monkeys: effects of aging and Calorie restriction
- Molecular Mechanisms of Extending lifespan by Calorie restriction [J]
- Calorie restriction as a probe for understanding neuroendocrine involvement in the aging processes
- Long-term protein and Calorie restriction: alterations in nucleic acid levels of organs of male rats
- Calorie restriction counteracts the impairment of adipocyte insulin-stimulated lipogenesis in aging rats, but not that induced by dexamethasone treatment
- Inhibition of intracellular peroxides and apoptosis of lymphocytes in lupus-prone B/W mice by dietary n-6 and n-3 lipids with Calorie restriction
- Effects of Calorie restriction on the age-dependent accumulation of mutations in the small intestine of lacZ-transgenic mice
- Calorie restriction and Cancer: An Update
- The superimposition of Calorie restriction on protein deficiency-effects on liver, small intestine and pancreas of young albino rats.
- Life extension Properties of Superoxide Dismutase Mimics Arise from “Calorie restriction”
- Dietary n-3 fatty acids and Calorie restriction in autoimmune disease: influence in different immune compartments
- Dissociated response of plasma albumin and transferrin to protein-Calorie restriction in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)
- Calorie restriction reduces MMP-2 activity and retards age-associated aortic restructuring in rats
- Molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial proliferation induced by Calorie restriction
- Reversing the Negative Genomic Effects of Aging with Short-Term Calorie restriction
- Effect of dietary Calorie and fat restriction on mammary tumor growth and hepatic as well as tumor glutathione in rats
- Gut adaptation to chronic Calorie restriction in aged mice.
- When less is adequate: Protein and Calorie restriction boosts immunity and possibly, longevity–but how and why?
- The effect of aerobic training with or without Calorie restriction on lipid profile in adult obese females
- Longevity & Calorie restriction
- Effect of Calorie restriction on the development of virus induced leukaemia in mice
- Effect of protein and Calorie restriction on the cytochrome P-450 isozyme (P-450 IID6) activity in rats
- Intermittent fasting dissociates beneficial effects of dietary restriction on glucose metabolism and neuronal resistance to injury from Calorie intake
- Calorie restriction the Fountain of Youth
- Selective dietary restriction of protein and Calorie intakes prevents spontaneous proteinuria in male MWF rats.
- Conclusion: human Calorie restriction and anti-aging therapy
- Interaction of growth hormone and Calorie restriction
- Effect of exercise and Calorie restriction on ambulatory blood pressure in overweight, sedentary males: A time series analysis
- Long-Term Calorie restriction increases SIRT1 expression and Inhibits Vascular Senescence in Mice
- Effects of moderate Calorie restriction on ovarian function and decline in rhesus monkeys
- Modest inhibition of the growth hormone axis does not affect mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generation or redox state, unlike Calorie restriction
- Dietary Energy Balance, Calorie restriction, and Cancer Prevention
- Calorie restriction, Exercise, and Colon Cancer Prevention: A Mechanistic Perspective
- Symposium: Calorie restriction: effects on body composition, insulin signaling and aging
- Evaluation of Mood States During a Weight Loss Program (Calorie restriction) in Overweight Volunteers
- 24-Hour rhythms of splenic mitogenic responses, lymphocyte subset populations and interferon γ release after Calorie restriction or social isolation of rats
- Calorie restriction for optimal cardiovascular aging: the weight of evidence
- Bile acids extend longevity beyond Calorie restriction
- AV Everitt, SIS Rattan, DG Le Couteur, R. de Cabo (eds): Calorie restriction, aging and longevity
- … of Growth Hormone–Insulin-like Growth Factor-I or the Insulin Axis in Aging and Longevity: Special Reference to a Transgenic Dwarf Rat Strain and Calorie restriction
- Investigations of Altered Proteome Dynamics in Calorie restriction, Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes
- Moderate Calorie restriction activates autophagy during tumor growth suppression
- Abstract B4: Calorie restriction prevents the development of pancreatic cancer in Kras; Pdx-1Cre mice
- Calorie restriction affects brain glutathione metabolism in normal and long-living mice
- Calorie restriction as a means to control skeletal muscle stiffness in aged rats
- The effect of Calorie restriction and exercise on the estrous cycle and bone mineral density of nonovariectomized rats
- The effects of aging and Calorie restriction on whole-body and mitochondrial energetics
- Antiobese and hypolipidemic effects of platycodin saponins in diet-induced obese rats: evidences for lipase inhibition and Calorie intake restriction
- The effect of Calorie restriction on the expression of liver’s gluconeogenesis genes of rats fed a high fat diet
- Effects of dietary Calorie restriction or exercise on the PI3K and Ras signaling pathways in the skin of mice. VOLUME 282 (2007) PAGES 28025-28035
- Calorie restriction enhances longevity without reducing lifetime fecundity or glucose titers in female lubber grasshoppers
- Influence of Calorie restriction on insulin signalling and glucose transport in skeletal muscle of rats
- Effect of protein-Calorie restriction during pregnancy in rats, on the activity of glycolytic enzymes in the placenta
- A transgenic dwarf rat strain as a tool for the study of immunosenescence in aging rats and the effect of Calorie restriction
- Abstract A94: effects of different modes of Calorie restriction on mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and IGF-I signaling pathways in mammary fat pads and tumors
- Adipocytokines and the regulation of lipid metabolism in Ames dwarf and growth hormone transgenic mice subjected to Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and Aging
- Calorie restriction and Obesity
- Life extension Through Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction, Glucose and Cancer
- Calorie restriction, life span and exercise
- Calorie restriction in Monkeys
- The aging process; somatotropic axis and Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction: The Natural Way of Slowing Down Aging
- The Effect of Detraining on Lipoprotein and Body Composition after 8 Week Calorie restriction and Different Level of Aerobic Exercise among Obese Middle-aged …
- Effect of long-term Calorie restriction on the reproduction of female rats
- Short-term Calorie restriction enhances adult
- Retardation of aging by Calorie restriction
- Mechanisms of mammary tumor promotion: Calorie cycling versus Calorie restriction.
- SIRT1, metabolism and Calorie restriction
- Roles of Akt2 and the molecular balance of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase subunits in enhanced skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity with Calorie restriction
- The Influence of Different Levels of Acute Calorie restriction on Several Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Wistar Rats.
- Mechanisms of body temperature regulation in Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction versus exercise: which produces the best health outcomes?
- Time series analysis of the response of ambulatory blood pressure to Calorie restriction and exercise (Poster)
- Abdominal fat deposition and sudden death syndrome in broilers: the effects of restricted intake, early life caloric (fat) restriction, and Calorie: protein ratio
- Effect of short-term feed restriction and Calorie source on hormonal and metabolic responses in geldings receiving a small meal
- Experimental validation of new drugs for Calorie restriction from computational models
- The effect of Calorie restriction of radiation-induced myeloid leukemogenesis
- Calorie restriction and iopanoic acid effects on thyroid hormone metabolism15
- Protective effect of Calorie restriction on age-induced fibrosis
- Bidirectional Vitamin Transport and the Mechanism of Calorie restriction
- Effects of Short-term Calorie restriction on the Ovarian lifespan in Female Rats
- Diet and body weight loss in the rat during Calorie restriction
- Effect of Calorie restriction on weight, level of fasting blood glucose and blood lipids in rats
- Response of reactive oxygen species to eicosapentaenoic and Calorie restriction in relation to mammary tumor prevention
- A Role for FoxO1 in the Anti-Aging Effect of Calorie restriction
- The effect of Calorie restriction and exercise on cell proliferation rates in female mice
- Alternation of Adhesion Molecules during Aging and Modulation by Calorie restriction
- Gender Difference in the Effect of Short-Term Calorie restriction on Body Weight and Immunological Parameters in Albino Rats
- Anti-inflammatory Action of Calorie restriction for Life-Prolongation: A Possible Mechanism
- Effects of a fiber supplement on hunger and dietary compliance during Calorie restriction
- Supplementary data Effect of Calorie restriction on the metabolic history of chronologically aging yeast
- Alteration of Cellular Adhesion Molecules during Aging and Their Modulation by Calorie restriction
- 14 Calorie restriction
- Modulation of Oxidative Status by Calorie restriction in Mini rat
- Mammary tumor inhibition by intermittent Calorie restriction and eicosapentaenoic acid
- Potential molecular mechanisms for the beneficial effects of Calorie restriction on life span and health in mice
- Calorie restriction enhances longevity without reducing lifetime fecundity in female lubber grasshoppers (Romalea microptera)
- Advances in Calorie restriction in the last 10 years: implications for human longevity.
- Radioprotective effect of Calorie restriction in Hela cells and SD rats
- The effect of Calorie restriction on the genome stability in DNA repair defective cells
- Revealing System‐level Correlations between Aging and Calorie restriction using a Mouse Transcriptome
- Effects of perinatal and maintained Calorie restriction to mitochondrial level of oxidative stress in rat liver
- Calorie–restriction reverses leptin resistance in middle-aged rats
- Abstract B63: Combination of intermittent Calorie restriction and eicosapentaenoic acid for inhibition of mammary tumors
- A comparison of food cravings and macronutrient intake following a very low-Calorie diet versus moderate Calorie restriction.
- FoxO1 is involved in the antineoplastic effect of Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction Induces a p53-independent Delay of Spontaneous Carcinogenesis
- Influence of Calorie restriction on skeletal muscle glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity
- Sodium periodate-induced suppressor cell function in short and long-term Calorie restriction
- Effects of grape seed extract and Calorie restriction on aging process
- Calorie restriction reduces superoxide production of aging mouse hypothalamus
- 14 Calorie restriction, Mitochondria, and Longevity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Effect of Calorie restriction on the proliferation of human hepatocellular carcinoma cell and cisplatin.
- Abstract B102: A comparison of metformin treatment and moderate Calorie restriction on mammary tumor development in obese mice
- Combination of effects of Calorie restriction and exercise on mammary gland gene expression in C57BL/6 mice.
- Effects of Calorie restriction on expression of SIRT1 and SIRT2
- Stereological Quantification of Lung Regression and Regeneration in the Murine Model of Calorie restriction and Refeeding.
- Responses of body weight and composition to vigorous exercise and Calorie restriction: A two-way factorial study in overweight men
- Calorie restriction reduces the incidence of radiation-induced myeloid leukemia and spontaneous tumor
- Dietary fat modulates Calorie restriction-induced changes of apoptotic markers in mouse skeletal muscle
- Effects of Physiologic, Metabolic and Molecular Adaptations to Calorie restriction on Biomarkers of Longevity
- Effect of Calorie restriction on spontaneous mutation shows tissue-specificity in different mouse tissues
- Calorie restriction, exercise and body fat: Effects on cancer and markers of longevity
- The effects of interval training and modest Calorie restriction in the treatment of obesity
- Cardiac dysfunction in diabetes mellitus and in Calorie restriction: Role of the phosphocreatine shuttle.
- Effects of Protein Depletion and Protein Calorie restriction on Metabolic and Enzymatic Activities in Adult Rats
- Calorie restriction Improves Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophic Response In Aged Rats Following Functional Overload
- Role of Satiety Signaling in the Beneficial Effects of Calorie restriction in Mice
- Abstract B54: The anticancer effects of Calorie restriction on MC38 colon tumors are associated with decreased macrophage infiltration
- Effects of Calorie restriction and high energy supply on the expression of SIRT7 in HepG2 cells
- Effect of Calorie restriction and dietary manipulation of fat on antioxidant profile of skeletal muscle of rats.
- Abstract A110: Protective effect of intermittent Calorie restriction on mammary tumor development despite high‐fat feeding
- The forkhead transcription factor, Foxo1, coordinates an adaptive, pro-survival response to Calorie restriction in T cells (47.3)
- Fish oil and Calorie restriction modulates T-cell subset cytokine production in old NZBxNZW F1 female mice
- Elevated corticosteroid receptor expression in thymus of autoimmune-prone (nzbxnzw) fl mice by Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction (CR) enhances T cell mediated immune response in overweight men and women
- The effect of Calorie restriction at early age on their islet β cell mass in adulthood of rats
- Relationship Between Calorie restriction, Lipid Peroxidation, Gluthathione Peroxidase And Gluthathione In Aged Rats
- Weight Loss Through Calorie restriction, But Not Exercise, May Lead to Bone Loss
- Weight loss and the lean phenotype: Energy expenditure and physical activity during Calorie restriction
- Effect of dietary fat manipulation and Calorie restriction on collagen in ageing skeletal muscle.
- The Effects of Calorie restriction on Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake and Insulin Signaling in 24 Month‐old Rats
- Calorie restriction, Mitochondrial Biogenesis, and Mitochondrial Protein Turnover Review of the Literature
- The effect of dietary protein and Calorie restriction on growth, kidney function, and survival of male rats
- The influence of Calorie restriction during fasting of the month of ramadhan on free radicals and antioxidants expressed in the form of malondialdehyde and …
- Calorie restriction protects ovarian structure and function in adult female rats treated with chemotherapeutic reagent
- Mitochondrial transcription factor A binding to mitochondrial DNA during aging and Calorie restriction
- Age-related up-regulation of NF-kappaB and modulation by Calorie restriction
- Eicosapentaenoic acid increases mammary tumor inhibition of intermittent Calorie restriction and regulates adipokines
- Anti-senescence Effects of Rats’ Calorie–restriction Serum on Cultured Hippocampal Neurons
- Effect of Wild Plant Extracts Based on Korea Traditional Prescription on Endurance Exercise Performance during Calorie restriction Period
- Calorie restriction Increases In Vivo Glucose Uptake and Insulin Signaling in Rat Skeletal Muscle
- Dietary fat source and aging modulate changes in apoptotic markers in skeletal muscle under Calorie restriction in mice
- Validation of energy intake during Calorie restriction with the doubly labeled water method and changes in body composition
- Gene Expression in Lung: Early Response to Ad Libitum Refeeding after Calorie restriction in Adult Mice
- Diet, Calorie restriction and cancer. Experimental studies on skin cancer in the mouse and cancer of the liver in the rat.
- Effects of Calorie restriction on the age-dependent accumulation of mutations in the small intestine of lacZ-transgenic mice
- Erratum: Neuronal SIRT1 regulates endocrine and behavioral responses to Calorie restriction
- Mechanisms of replicative lifespan extension during Calorie restriction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Dietary L-Leucine diminishes protective effects of Calorie restriction in a transplant model of pancreatic cancer
- Age-Related Formation of Ectopic Synapses in the Mouse Retina Is Suppressed by Calorie restriction Through Mitochondrial Functions
- Effects of age and Calorie restriction on tumor necrosis factor-alpha signaling in skeletal muscle
- Calorie restriction modulates age-dependent changes in the retinas of brown norway rats [In Process Citation]
- Studies on the effects of Calorie restriction on the gene expression in Brachionus plicatilis
- Intermittent Calorie restriction decreases mammary tumor development in MMTV-TGF-α mice
- The anticancer effects of Calorie restriction on Panc 02 pancreatic tumors are associated with decreased activation of NF-kB
- Short-term Calorie restriction Improves Post-ischemic Recovery in the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat
- Aging gracefully with thymus extract, DHEA, yoga and Calorie restriction
- Mild Mitochondrial Uncoupling and Calorie restriction Increase Fasting eNOS
- The Effect of Aging, Exercise and Calorie restriction on Skeletal Muscle Histochemistry in Fischer 344 Rats
- Influence of genotype, protein-Calorie restriction and their interaction upon RSV-induced tumors in chickens
- Insights into Calorie restriction and Life Span extension: Characterization of the Longevity Mediators Whi2 and Nitric Oxide in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Delayed prostate tumor detection and increased survival time in TRAMP mice by intermittent Calorie restriction
- The influence of age, dietary protein, and Calorie restriction on serum cholesterol and triglycerides in the male rat
- Fish oil with Calorie restriction improves survival and reduces liver PON1 expression in aging mice
- Calorie restriction reduces liver steatosis in liver specific Pten deleted mouse model
- Abstract A75: Calorie restriction and rapamycin, but not exercise, inhibit mammary tumor growth in a mouse model of postmenopausal obesity
- Effects of Calorie restriction and exercise on gene expression profiles in mammary glands of p53+/-MMTV-Wnt-1 transgenic mice.
- P29: Metabolic over-adaptation to Calorie restriction after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass does not predict the 1-year weight loss
- Effects of Sirt1 Hyper-expression Induced by Calorie restriction on Life Span of β Cells and Insulin Secretion
- Effects of Calorie restriction on Microsomal Mixed Function Oxidase System and Free Radical in Kidney of SAMP8 Mice
- Swimming T-Maze and Radial Maze: two Cognitive Procedural Experiments to Determine the Influence of Acute Calorie restriction over Learning Abilities in Wistar …
- Corrigendum to” Alternate day Calorie restriction improves clinical findings and reduces markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in overweight adults with …
- The Role of Mitochondrial Deacetylase SIRT3: Delivering Benefits of Calorie restriction and Promoting Adult Stem Cell Function
- Effects of aging and moderate Calorie restriction on the reproductive axis of the male rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta)
- The role of mtDNA deletion mutations, electron transport system abnormalities and Calorie restriction on sarcopenia
- Abstract B3: Exercise and Calorie restriction differentially regulate energy balance-related cell signaling pathways in a model of post-menopausal obesity
- Suppression of PI3K by Weight Loss via Dietary Calorie restriction and/or Treadmill Exercise in TPA‐induced Mouse Skin
- The effects of regular, aerobic exercise and moderate Calorie restriction on resting metabolic rate and body composition of sedentary, overfat women
- Correction: Adaptive Stress Response in Segmental Progeria Resembles Long-Lived Dwarfism and Calorie restriction in Mice
- Protective effect of intermittent versus chronic Calorie restriction on mammary tumor development in relationship to prospective IGF-1 serum concentrations in MMTV …
- Effect of Calorie restriction on the supplementary value of protein foods to poor vegetarian diets based on rice and ragi (Eleusine coracana).
- The Emperor’s New Clothes Are Loose: Lower Body Mass Index, Not Calorie restriction, Accounts for Improved Diastolic Function
- High-Calorie diet with moderate protein restriction prevents cachexia and ameliorates oxidative stress, inflammation and proteinuria in experimental chronic kidney …
- Yo-yo dieting. Layman’s description of a dietary regimen resulting in fluctuations of body weight, usually due to Calorie restriction periodically between periods
- restriction of Calorie and iron intake results in reduction of visceral fat and serum alanine aminotransferase and ferritin levels in patients with chronic liver disease
- Impact of weight loss through Calorie restriction on iron status, inflammation and hepcidin expression in circulation and adipose tissue of obese individuals
- Prolonged Incubation of Isolated Rat Skeletal Muscle under Conditions of Simulated Calorie restriction (Reduced Glucose and Insulin) Induces to Increased Insulin …
- Calorie restriction attenuates age‐related iron accumulation and oxidative stress in skeletal muscle and improves indices of sarcopenia
- Mitochondrial non‐heme iron levels determine susceptibility to permeability transition pore (PTP) with age: The effects of life‐long Calorie restriction.
- The effects of age and Calorie restriction on 24-hour plasma melatonin and activity rhythms in the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta)
- Calorie restriction and rapamycin, but not exercise, inhibit MMTV-Wnt-1 mammary tumor growth in a mouse model of postmenopausal obesity
- Effect of weight control via dietary Calorie restriction and treadmill exercise on lipid profile and overall gene and protein expression in mouse skin tissues
- Effect of short-and long-term Calorie restriction and diet composition on thyroid hormone and the metabolic responses to meal feeding and exercise in horses
- 168. Calorie restriction abrogates the influence of glucoregulatory dysfunction on brain volume in aged rhesus monkeys
- Research Advances: Calorie restriction and Increased Longevity Linked to Metabolic Changes; Isotope Ratios Reveal Trickery in the Produce Aisle; An Ancient Inca …
- The Role of Mitochondrial Deacetylase SIRT3: Delivering Benefits of Calorie restriction and Promoting Adult Stem Cell Function
- The linear mitochondrial plasmid pAL2-1 reduces Calorie restriction mediated life span extension in Podospora anserina
- Effect of Calorie restriction on the supplementary value of a protein food to poor vegetarian diets based on kaffir corn (Sorghum vulgare) and wheat.
- Ammonium is toxic for amino acid-starved yeast cells under extreme Calorie restriction, inducing cell death through the regulation of PKA, TOR and Sch9 activities
- Mucin depleted foci (MDF) new biomarkers in colon carcinogenesis, are decreased by Calorie–restriction and show alterations in mucin production similar to colorectal …
- Ammonium blocks chronological lifespan extension of extreme Calorie restriction in amino acid-starved yeast cells associated to Tpk1-and Tor1-dependent necrotic …
- Effects of dietary N-6 and N-3 lipid consumption and Calorie restriction on intestinal immune function in old B/W mice
- Abstract# 4820: Differential expression of tumor-related genes in the most recommended obesity reversal strategies (Calorie restriction and exercise)
- Abstract SY11-04: Factors associated with changes in body weight and the protective effect of chronic versus intermittent Calorie restriction on mammary tumorigenesis
- … Reduction of Circulating Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-1 Differentially Impacts the Effects of Diet-Induced Obesity and Calorie restriction on Mammary Tumor …
- Rodent Models to Study the Roles of the GH–IGF-1 Axis in the Aging and Anti-Aging Effects of Calorie restriction
- Regulation of Mitochondrial Redox Status by Calorie–restriction Protein SIRT3♦: SIRT3 Protein Deacetylates Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 2 (IDH2) and Regulates …
- Transcriptional activation and repression by triiodothyronine and 9-cis-retinoic acid and the effects of dietary Calorie restriction on gene expression.
- Overexpression of thioredoxin-2 in Drosophila melanogaster and Calorie restriction/nutrient variation in Musca domestica to modulate the aging process
- Modulation of Redox-sensitive Transcription Factor, AP-1 by Aging and Calorie restriction
- 60. Effect of Calorie restriction and exercise on blood pressure in overweight children: results from a randomly allocated trial
- … ‐1 Restoration on TPA‐induced Protein Expression of IGF‐1‐dependent Signaling in the Skin Samples of Weight Controlled Mice by Exercise and Calorie restriction
- Trial Protocol: Randomised controlled trial of the effects of very low Calorie diet, modest dietary restriction, and sequential behavioural programme on hunger …
- … N The effects of food restriction on laboratory performance are well known. N Ramadan is, however, less a fast and more a phase shift in Calorie intake and change in …
- Calorie restriction in humans: an update
- Will Calorie restriction work in humans?
- Calorie restriction as an intervention in ageing
- When less may be more: Calorie restriction and response to cancer therapy
- Calorie restriction and sirtuins revisited
- Calorie restriction and aging in humans
- Calorie restriction and cancer prevention: a mechanistic perspective
- Recent advances in Calorie restriction research on aging
- Calorie restriction in mammals and simple model organisms
- Calorie restriction in rodents: caveats to consider
- Impact of Calorie restriction on energy metabolism in humans
- Metabolic adaptation to Calorie restriction
- The effects of Calorie restriction in depression and potential mechanisms
- Brain response to Calorie restriction
- Cognitive impact of Calorie restriction: A narrative review
- The effects of Calorie restriction on aging: a brief review
- The effect of fasting or Calorie restriction on autophagy induction: A review of the literature
- What are the roles of Calorie restriction and diet quality in promoting healthy longevity?
- Does Calorie restriction improve cognition?
- Effects of intermittent and continuous Calorie restriction on body weight and metabolism over 50 wk: a randomized controlled trial
- Calorie restriction mimetics: can you have your cake and eat it, too?
- Intermittent fasting vs daily Calorie restriction for type 2 diabetes prevention: a review of human findings
- Nutrition modulation of human aging: the Calorie restriction paradigm
- The roles of FoxOs in modulation of aging by Calorie restriction
- Gut microbiota mediates the anti-obesity effect of Calorie restriction in mice
- Calorie restriction and dietary restriction mimetics: a strategy for improving healthy aging and longevity
- Does eating less make you live longer and better? An update on Calorie restriction
- Mitochondrial metabolic reprogramming induced by Calorie restriction
- Resveratrol vs. Calorie restriction: data from rodents to humans
- Long-term Calorie restriction enhances cellular quality-control processes in human skeletal muscle
- Calorie shifting diet versus Calorie restriction diet: a comparative clinical trial study
- Calorie restriction in humans inhibits the PI 3 K/AKT pathway and induces a younger transcription profile
- Calorie restriction for long-term remission of type 2 diabetes
- Calorie restriction and its impact on gut microbial composition and global metabolism
- Nutrition and healthy ageing: Calorie restriction or polyphenol-rich “MediterrAsian” diet?
- Calorie restriction for enhanced longevity: The role of novel dietary strategies in the present obesogenic environment
- Calorie restriction is the most reasonable anti-ageing intervention: a meta-analysis of survival curves
- The effects of graded levels of Calorie restriction: I. impact of short term Calorie and protein restriction on body composition in the C57BL/6 mouse
- Calorie restriction and SIRT3 trigger global reprogramming of the mitochondrial protein acetylome
- Calorie restriction as a New Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases
- Calorie restriction in overweight older adults: Do benefits exceed potential risks?
- Regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis through TFAM–mitochondrial DNA interactions: useful insights from aging and Calorie restriction studies
- Efficacy of fasting and Calorie restriction (FCR) on mood and depression among ageing men
- Mechanisms of lifespan regulation by Calorie restriction and intermittent fasting in model organisms
- Beyond Calorie restriction: aging as a biological target for nutrient therapies
- Global remodeling of the mouse DNA methylome during aging and in response to Calorie restriction
- Epigenetic regulation of metabolism and inflammation by Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction can reverse, as well as prevent, aging cardiomyopathy
- Effect of Calorie restriction on mood, quality of life, sleep, and sexual function in healthy nonobese adults: the CALERIE 2 randomized clinical trial
- Intrauterine Calorie restriction affects placental DNA methylation and gene expression
- Calorie restriction and methionine restriction in control of endogenous hydrogen sulfide production by the transsulfuration pathway
- Calorie restriction does not increase short-term or long-term protein synthesis
- Calorie restriction increases the number of competing stem cells and decreases mutation retention in the intestine
- Metabolic and neuropsychiatric effects of Calorie restriction and sirtuins
- Calorie restriction mimetics: upstream-type compounds for modulating glucose metabolism
- Calorie restriction slows age-related microbiota changes in an Alzheimer’s disease model in female mice
- The effect of fasting or Calorie restriction on mitophagy induction: a literature review
- Differential effects of alternate‐day fasting versus daily Calorie restriction on insulin resistance
- A natural polymorphism in rDNA replication origins links origin activation with Calorie restriction and lifespan
- Opposing effects on cardiac function by Calorie restriction in different‐aged mice
- Effects of two years of Calorie restriction on aerobic capacity and muscle strength
- Calorie restriction is a major determinant of the short‐term metabolic effects of gastric bypass surgery in obese type 2 diabetic patients
- Effects of Calorie restriction in obese older adults: the CROSSROADS randomized controlled trial
- Comparison of glycemic improvement between intermittent Calorie restriction and continuous Calorie restriction in diabetic mice
- Effects of matched weight loss from Calorie restriction, exercise, or both on cardiovascular disease risk factors: a randomized intervention trial
- The effects of Calorie restriction on autophagy: role on aging intervention
- Effect of intermittent vs. daily Calorie restriction on changes in weight and patient-reported outcomes in people with multiple sclerosis
- Age-and Calorie restriction-related changes in rat brain mitochondrial DNA and TFAM binding
- Calorie restriction suppresses age-dependent hippocampal transcriptional signatures
- 2 years of Calorie restriction and cardiometabolic risk (CALERIE): exploratory outcomes of a multicentre, phase 2, randomised controlled trial
- The effect of Calorie restriction on mouse skeletal muscle is sex, strain and time-dependent
- Long-term moderate Calorie restriction inhibits inflammation without impairing cell-mediated immunity: a randomized controlled trial in non-obese humans
- Mechanisms of Calorie restriction: A review of genes required for the life-extending and tumor-inhibiting effects of Calorie restriction
- mTORC1 and SIRT1 cooperate to foster expansion of gut adult stem cells during Calorie restriction
- A data integration multi-omics approach to study Calorie restriction-induced changes in insulin sensitivity
- The panacea of human aging: Calorie restriction versus exercise
- The effects of graded levels of Calorie restriction: II. Impact of short term Calorie and protein restriction on circulating hormone levels, glucose homeostasis and …
- Epigenetic aging signatures in mice livers are slowed by dwarfism, Calorie restriction and rapamycin treatment
- Improvement of metabolic parameters in healthy older adult men following a fasting Calorie restriction intervention
- Ghrelin-AMPK signaling mediates the neuroprotective effects of Calorie restriction in Parkinson’s disease
- Calorie restriction regulates circadian clock gene expression through BMAL1 dependent and independent mechanisms
- Early changes of abdominal adiposity detected with weekly dual bioelectrical impedance analysis during Calorie restriction
- Short-term Calorie restriction enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis and remote fear memory in a Ghsr-dependent manner
- Effects of Calorie restriction and diet-induced obesity on murine colon carcinogenesis, growth and inflammatory factors, and microRNA expression
- Telomerase reverse transcriptase synergizes with Calorie restriction to increase health span and extend mouse longevity
- Calorie restriction protects against experimental abdominal aortic aneurysms in mice
- Partial rescue of memory deficits induced by Calorie restriction in a mouse model of tau deposition
- Short‐term Calorie restriction ameliorates genomewide, age‐related alterations in DNA methylation
- Physically active rats lose more weight during Calorie restriction
- Apolipoprotein M: a novel adipokine decreasing with obesity and upregulated by Calorie restriction
- The effects of graded levels of Calorie restriction: V. Impact of short term Calorie and protein restriction on physical activity in the C57BL/6 mouse
- Reduction of β-amyloid and γ-secretase by Calorie restriction in female Tg2576 mice
- Do sirtuins promote mammalian longevity?: a critical review on its relevance to the longevity effect induced by Calorie restriction
- Control of inflammation by Calorie restriction mimetics: on the crossroad of autophagy and mitochondria
- Rationale for using intermittent Calorie restriction as a dietary treatment for drug resistant epilepsy
- Inhibition of neuroblastoma tumor growth by ketogenic diet and/or Calorie restriction in a CD1-Nu mouse model
- Calorie restriction à Lamarck
- One‐year Calorie restriction impacts gut microbial composition but not its metabolic performance in obese adolescents
- Anti-aging effects of Calorie restriction (CR) and CR mimetics based on the senoinflammation concept
- The effects of graded levels of Calorie restriction: III. Impact of short term Calorie and protein restriction on mean daily body temperature and torpor use in the …
- Short-term Calorie restriction protects against renal senescence of aged rats by increasing autophagic activity and reducing oxidative damage
- Targeting glucose metabolism to enhance immunotherapy: emerging evidence on intermittent fasting and Calorie restriction mimetics
- Calorie restriction attenuates cardiac remodeling and diastolic dysfunction in a rat model of metabolic syndrome
- Sirtuins as mediator of the anti-ageing effects of Calorie restriction in skeletal and cardiac muscle
- The role of Ames dwarfism and Calorie restriction on gut microbiota
- Clues to maintaining Calorie restriction? Psychosocial profiles of successful long-term restrictors
- Short-term Calorie restriction enhances DNA repair by non-homologous end joining in mice
- Acute effects of exercise and Calorie restriction on triglyceride metabolism in women
- The effects of Calorie restriction, intermittent fasting and vegetarian diets on bone health
- Resolvin D1 primes the resolution process initiated by Calorie restriction in obesity‐induced steatohepatitis
- Circadian clocks govern Calorie restriction—mediated life span extension through BMAL1‐and IGF‐1‐dependent mechanisms
- Calorie restriction regime enhances physical performance of trained athletes
- Calorie–restriction-induced insulin sensitivity is mediated by adipose mTORC2 and not required for lifespan extension
- Appetite and gut peptide responses to exercise and Calorie restriction. The effect of modest energy deficits
- Extended Calorie restriction suppresses overall and specific food cravings: a systematic review and a meta‐analysis
- Calorie restriction curbs proinflammation that accompanies arterial aging, preserving a youthful phenotype
- Calorie restriction alleviates the age‐related decrease in neural progenitor cell division in the aging brain
- Modulation of senoinflammation by Calorie restriction based on biochemical and Omics big data analysis
- Resveratrol inhibits proliferation, angiogenesis and induces apoptosis in colon cancer cells: Calorie restriction is the force to the cytotoxicity
- Subacute Calorie restriction and rapamycin discordantly alter mouse liver proteome homeostasis and reverse aging effects
- Modified alternate-day fasting vs. Calorie restriction in the treatment of patients with metabolic syndrome: A randomized clinical trial
- Calorie restriction and reversal of type 2 diabetes
- Effects of Calorie restriction and voluntary exercise on doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity
- Renal and systemic effects of Calorie restriction in patients with type 2 diabetes with abdominal obesity: a randomized controlled trial
- Calorie restriction-induced SIRT6 activation delays aging by suppressing NF-κB signaling
- Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase Is Required for the Calorie restriction–Mediated Improvements in Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Biogenesis, and Metabolic …
- Timing of Calorie restriction in mice impacts host metabolic phenotype with correlative changes in gut microbiota
- Increased bile acids in enterohepatic circulation by short-term Calorie restriction in male mice
- A randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness and adherence of modified alternate-day Calorie restriction in improving activity of non-alcoholic fatty liver …
- Lifestyle intervention involving Calorie restriction with or without aerobic exercise training improves liver fat in adults with visceral adiposity
- Calorie restriction attenuates terminal differentiation of immune cells
- Effect of intermittent versus chronic Calorie restriction on tumor incidence: a systematic review and meta-analysis of animal studies
- Newer antidiabetic drugs and Calorie restriction mimicry
- Systematic review and meta-analysis reveals acutely elevated plasma cortisol following fasting but not less severe Calorie restriction
- Cyclic AMP mimics the anti-ageing effects of Calorie restriction by up-regulating sirtuin
- Calorie restriction protects neural stem cells from age-related deficits in the subventricular zone
- Autophagy and leucine promote chronological longevity and respiration proficiency during Calorie restriction in yeast
- A high protein Calorie restriction diet alters the gut microbiome in obesity
- Calorie restriction governs intestinal epithelial regeneration through cell-autonomous regulation of mTORC1 in reserve stem cells
- Calorie restriction does not elicit a robust extension of replicative lifespan in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Calorie restriction and not glucagon‐like peptide‐1 explains the acute improvement in glucose control after gastric bypass in Type 2 diabetes
- Exercise training and Calorie restriction influence the metabolic parameters in ovariectomized female rats
- Maintaining good hearing: Calorie restriction, Sirt3, and glutathione
- Consequences of Calorie restriction and Calorie excess for the physiological parameters of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells
- Deep sequencing identifies circulating mouse miRNAs that are functionally implicated in manifestations of aging and responsive to Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction effects on circadian rhythms in gene expression are sex dependent
- Influence of a ketogenic diet, fish-oil, and Calorie restriction on plasma metabolites and lipids in C57BL/6J mice
- Calorie restriction attenuates cerebral ischemic injury via increasing SIRT1 synthesis in the rat
- Six weeks of Calorie restriction improves body composition and lipid profile in obese and overweight former athletes
- Effects of alternate-day fasting or daily Calorie restriction on body composition, fat distribution, and circulating adipokines: secondary analysis of a randomized …
- Calorie restriction and Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass have opposing effects on circulating FGF 21 in morbidly obese subjects
- Anti-inflammatory action of β-hydroxybutyrate via modulation of PGC-1α and FoxO1, mimicking Calorie restriction
- Intermittent fasting, a possible priming tool for host defense against SARS-CoV-2 infection: Crosstalk among Calorie restriction, autophagy and immune response
- Starving cancer from the outside and inside: separate and combined effects of Calorie restriction and autophagy inhibition on Ras-driven tumors
- A comparison among the tissue-specific effects of aging and Calorie restriction on TFAM amount and TFAM-binding activity to mtDNA in rat
- Intermittent Calorie restriction—a more effective approach to weight loss?
- Inactivation of yeast Isw2 chromatin remodeling enzyme mimics longevity effect of Calorie restriction via induction of genotoxic stress response
- Calorie restriction delays the progression of lesions to pancreatic cancer in the LSL-KrasG12D; Pdx-1/Cre mouse model of pancreatic cancer
- Calorie restriction prevents age-related changes in the intestinal microbiota
- Calorie restriction-induced weight loss and exercise have differential effects on skeletal muscle mitochondria despite similar effects on insulin sensitivity
- The effects of graded levels of Calorie restriction: IV. Non-linear change in behavioural phenotype of mice in response to short-term Calorie restriction
- Lifelong Calorie restriction affects indicators of colonic health in aging C57Bl/6J mice
- Metformin prevents aggressive ovarian cancer growth driven by high-energy diet: similarity with Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and matched weight loss from exercise: independent and additive effects on glucoregulation and the incretin system in overweight women and men
- Activation of kappa opioid receptor regulates the hypothermic response to Calorie restriction and limits body weight loss
- Protein and Calorie restriction contribute additively to protection from renal ischemia reperfusion injury partly via leptin reduction in male mice
- Effects of mild Calorie restriction on lipid metabolism and inflammation in liver and adipose tissue
- A Calorie–restriction diet supplemented with fish oil and high-protein powder is associated with reduced severity of metabolic syndrome in obese women
- Aging and Calorie restriction oppositely affect mitochondrial biogenesis through TFAM binding at both origins of mitochondrial DNA replication in rat liver
- Intersection of Calorie restriction and magnesium in the suppression of genome-destabilizing RNA–DNA hybrids
- 5′ tRNA halves are present as abundant complexes in serum, concentrated in blood cells, and modulated by aging and Calorie restriction
- Weight loss-dependent and-independent effects of moderate Calorie restriction on endothelial cell markers in obesity
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, but not Calorie restriction, reduces plasma branched-chain amino acids in obese women independent of weight loss or the …
- Change in self-efficacy, eating behaviors and food cravings during two years of Calorie restriction in humans without obesity
- The effects of graded levels of Calorie restriction: VIII. Impact of short term Calorie and protein restriction on basal metabolic rate in the C57BL/6 mouse
- Calorie restriction decreases murine and human pancreatic tumor cell growth, nuclear factor-κB activation, and inflammation-related gene expression in an …
- The AMPK-SIRT signaling network regulates glucose tolerance under Calorie restriction conditions
- Calorie restriction and NAD+/sirtuin counteract the hallmarks of aging
- The effects of graded Calorie restriction XVII: Multitissue metabolomics reveals synthesis of carnitine and NAD, and tRNA charging as key pathways
- Calorie restriction combined with resveratrol induces autophagy and protects 26-month-old rat hearts from doxorubicin-induced toxicity
- Long-term Calorie restriction decreases metabolic cost of movement and prevents decrease of physical activity during aging in rhesus monkeys
- The effects of intermittent Calorie restriction on metabolic health: Rationale and study design of the HELENA Trial
- Calorie restriction reprograms diurnal rhythms in protein translation to regulate metabolism
- Shedding light on the effects of Calorie restriction and its mimetics on skin biology
- The effects of graded levels of Calorie restriction: VI. Impact of short-term graded Calorie restriction on transcriptomic responses of the hypothalamic hunger …
- High-intensity interval training and Calorie restriction promote remodeling of glucose and lipid metabolism in diet-induced obesity
- Maternal Calorie restriction modulates placental mitochondrial biogenesis and bioenergetic efficiency: putative involvement in fetoplacental growth defects in rats
- Systemic GDF11 stimulates the secretion of adiponectin and induces a Calorie restriction‐like phenotype in aged mice
- Calorie restriction attenuates lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced microglial activation in discrete regions of the hypothalamus and the subfornical organ
- System model network for adipose tissue signatures related to weight changes in response to Calorie restriction and subsequent weight maintenance
- Calorie restriction Hysteretically Primes Aging Saccharomyces cerevisiae toward More Effective Oxidative Metabolism
- Calorie restriction Improves Cognitive Decline via Up-Regulation of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Tropomyosin-Related Kinase B in Hippocampus of Obesity …
- Serum from humans on long-term Calorie restriction enhances stress resistance in cell culture
- Beneficial effects of short-term Calorie restriction against cisplatin-induced acute renal injury in aged rats
- Effects of intermittent fasting or Calorie restriction on markers of lipid metabolism in human skeletal muscle
- Calorie restriction induces reversible lymphopenia and lymphoid organ atrophy due to cell redistribution
- Differential responses of white adipose tissue and brown adipose tissue to Calorie restriction during aging
- Calorie restriction in overweight males ameliorates obesity-related metabolic alterations and cellular adaptations through anti-aging effects, possibly including AMPK …
- Aging and Calorie restriction regulate the expression of miR-125a-5p and its target genes Stat3, Casp2 and Stard13
- Calorie restriction (CR) and CR mimetics for the prevention and treatment of age-related eye disorders
- Effects of alternate day Calorie restriction and exercise on cardio-metabolic risk factors in overweight and obese adults: an exploratory randomized controlled …
- Effects of Calorie restriction and IGF-1 receptor blockade on the progression of 22Rv1 prostate cancer xenografts
- Severe Calorie restriction reduces cardiometabolic risk factors and protects rat hearts from ischemia/reperfusion injury
- Combination of intermittent Calorie restriction and eicosapentaenoic acid for inhibition of mammary tumors
- MR‐detected changes in liver fat, abdominal fat, and vertebral bone marrow fat after a four‐week Calorie restriction in obese women
- Effects of 2‐year Calorie restriction on circulating levels of IGF‐1, IGF‐binding proteins and cortisol in nonobese men and women: a randomized clinical trial
- Effect of Calorie restriction and Exercise on Type 2 Diabetes
- Calorie restriction improves physical performance and modulates the antioxidant and inflammatory responses to acute exercise
- The effects of graded levels of Calorie restriction: XI. Evaluation of the main hypotheses underpinning the life extension effects of CR using the hepatic …
- Brain regions involved in ingestive behavior and related psychological constructs in people undergoing Calorie restriction
- Short‑term Calorie restriction activates SIRT1‑4 and‑7 in cardiomyocytes in vivo and in vitro
- Oral leptin supplementation throughout lactation in rats prevents later metabolic alterations caused by gestational Calorie restriction
- Angiotensin II blockade: how its molecular targets may signal to mitochondria and slow aging. Coincidences with Calorie restriction and mTOR inhibition
- A review of effects of Calorie restriction and fasting with potential relevance to depression
- Treatment of NAFLD with intermittent Calorie restriction or low-carb high-fat diet–a randomised controlled trial
- Short-term Calorie restriction feminizes the mRNA profiles of drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters in livers of mice
- Suppressed sympathetic outflow to skeletal muscle, muscle thermogenesis, and activity energy expenditure with Calorie restriction
- The influence of different Calorie restriction protocols on serum pro-inflammatory cytokines, adipokines and IGF-I levels in female C57BL6 mice: short term and long …
- Glucose intolerance and lipid metabolic adaptations in response to intrauterine and postnatal Calorie restriction in male adult rats
- Effects of long‐term intermittent versus chronic Calorie restriction on oxidative stress in a mouse cancer model
- Effect of Calorie restriction on energy expenditure in overweight and obese adult women
- Calorie restriction prevents metabolic aging caused by abnormal SIRT1 function in adipose tissues
- HMB attenuates muscle loss during sustained energy deficit induced by Calorie restriction and endurance exercise
- Decreased systemic IGF‐1 in response to Calorie restriction modulates murine tumor cell growth, nuclear factor‐κB activation, and inflammation‐related gene …
- The Potential of Calorie restriction and Calorie restriction Mimetics in Delaying Aging: Focus on Experimental Models
- Calorie restriction and synbiotics effect on quality of life and edema reduction in breast cancer-related lymphedema, a clinical trial
- Short-term Calorie restriction and 17α-estradiol administration elicit divergent effects on proteostatic processes and protein content in metabolically active tissues
- Changes in body weight, adherence, and appetite during 2 years of Calorie restriction: the CALERIE 2 randomized clinical trial
- Simulating long-term human weight-loss dynamics in response to Calorie restriction
- Diabetes medications as potential Calorie restriction mimetics—a focus on the alpha-glucosidase inhibitor acarbose
- Improvements in hippocampal-dependent memory and microglial infiltration with Calorie restriction and gastric bypass surgery, but not with vertical sleeve …
- Calorie restriction enhances adult mouse lung stem cells function and reverses several ageing‐induced changes
- An adipocentric perspective of resveratrol as a Calorie restriction mimetic
- Assessing successful completion of Calorie restriction studies for the prevention and treatment of cancer
- Targeting hepatocyte carbohydrate transport to mimic fasting and Calorie restriction
- The effects of graded levels of Calorie restriction: XVI. Metabolomic changes in the cerebellum indicate activation of hypothalamocerebellar connections driven by …
- Calorie restriction in combination with prebiotic supplementation in obese women with depression: Effects on metabolic and clinical response
- Calorie restriction inhibits ovarian follicle development and follicle loss through activating SIRT1 signaling in mice
- Calorie restriction dose-dependently abates lipopolysaccharide-induced fever, sickness behavior, and circulating interleukin-6 while increasing corticosterone
- Calorie restriction in adulthood reduces hepatic disorders induced by transient postnatal overfeeding in mice
- Calorie restriction mimicking effects of roflumilast prevents diabetic nephropathy
- The essential role of FoxO6 phosphorylation in aging and Calorie restriction
- Upregulation of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6b1 (Cox6b1) and formation of mitochondrial supercomplexes: implication of Cox6b1 in the effect of Calorie restriction
- Prolonged Calorie restriction downregulates skeletal muscle mTORC1 signaling independent of dietary protein intake and associated microRNA expression
- Combined effects of resistance training and Calorie restriction on mitochondrial fusion and fission proteins in rat skeletal muscle
- Intermittent Calorie restriction enhances epithelial-mesenchymal transition through the alteration of energy metabolism in a mouse tumor model
- Effect of Calorie restriction or protein intake on circulating levels of insulin like growth factor I in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Protein and Calorie restriction may improve outcomes in living kidney donors and kidney transplant recipients
- Effect of intermittent versus continuous Calorie restriction on body weight and cardiometabolic risk markers in subjects with overweight or obesity and mild-to …
- Cancer prevention by adult‐onset Calorie restriction after infant exposure to ionizing radiation in B6C3F1 male mice
- Proteome Adaptation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to Severe Calorie restriction in Retentostat Cultures
- Effects of Calorie restriction with n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on metabolic syndrome severity in obese subjects: A randomize-controlled trial
- Beneficial impact of exercise on bone mass in individuals under Calorie restriction: a systematic review and Meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials
- Effects of Calorie restriction on the lifespan and healthspan of POLG mitochondrial mutator mice
- Growth hormone abolishes beneficial effects of Calorie restriction in long-lived Ames dwarf mice
- Food with Calorie restriction reduces the development of atherosclerosis in apoE-deficient mice
- Calorie restriction-mediated replicative lifespan extension in yeast is non-cell autonomous
- Alterations of ultrastructural and fission/fusion markers in hepatocyte mitochondria from mice following Calorie restriction with different dietary fats
- Short-term Calorie restriction improves glucose homeostasis in old rats: involvement of AMPK
- Stage-specific microRNAs and their role in the anticancer effects of Calorie restriction in a rat model of ER-positive luminal breast cancer
- The effects of graded levels of Calorie restriction: IX. Global metabolomic screen reveals modulation of carnitines, sphingolipids and bile acids in the liver of C57 BL/6 …
- Calorie restriction improves aging-induced impairment of cognitive function in relation to deregulation of corticosterone status and brain regional GABA system
- Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) as an endocrine marker of aging in Calorie restriction studies
- Effects of mild Calorie restriction on anxiety and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis responses to stress in the male rat
- rBTI extends Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan by mimicking Calorie restriction
- Roles of adiponectin and leptin signaling-related microRNAs in the preventive effects of Calorie restriction in mammary tumor development
- Maternal Calorie restriction causing uteroplacental insufficiency differentially affects mammalian placental glucose and leucine transport molecular mechanisms
- Ghrelin O-acyl transferase in zebrafish is an evolutionarily conserved peptide upregulated during Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction prevents diet‐induced insulin resistance independently of PGC‐1‐driven mitochondrial biogenesis in white adipose tissue
- Difference of glucose variability between low carbohydrate diet (LCD) and Calorie restriction (CR)
- The health pros and cons of continuous versus intermittent Calorie restriction: more questions than answers
- Loss of Nat4 and its associated histone H4 N‐terminal acetylation mediates Calorie restriction‐induced longevity
- Moderate Calorie restriction attenuates age‑associated alterations and improves cardiac function by increasing SIRT1 and SIRT3 expression
- Maternal perinatal Calorie restriction temporally regulates the hepatic autophagy and redox status in male rat
- Depot-specific regulation of NAD+/SIRTs metabolism identified in adipose tissue of mice in response to high-fat diet feeding or Calorie restriction
- Glycine supplementation during Calorie restriction accelerates fat loss and protects against further muscle loss in obese mice
- Weight loss efficacy of alternate day fasting versus daily Calorie restriction in subjects with subclinical hypothyroidism: a secondary analysis
- The impact of aging, Calorie restriction and dietary fat on autophagy markers and mitochondrial ultrastructure and dynamics in mouse skeletal muscle
- Dissociation of striatal dopamine and tyrosine hydroxylase expression from aging-related motor decline: evidence from Calorie restriction intervention
- The use of Calorie restriction mimetics to study aging
- Comparisons of Calorie restriction and structured exercise on reductions in visceral and abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue: a systematic review
- Acute but not chronic Calorie restriction defends against stress-related anxiety and despair in a GHS-R1a-dependent manner
- Of Mice and Men: Impacts of Calorie restriction on Metabolomics of the Cerebellum
- The consequences of a high-Calorie diet background before Calorie restriction on skeletal muscles in a mouse model
- Association between subcutaneous adipose tissue inflammation, insulin resistance, and Calorie restriction in obese females
- Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor regulates hypothermia during Calorie restriction
- Ghrelin receptor in agouti‐related peptide neurones regulates metabolic adaptation to Calorie restriction
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass versus Calorie restriction: support for surgery per se as the direct contributor to altered responses of insulin and incretins to a mixed meal
- Calorie restriction protects against apoptosis, mitochondrial oxidative stress and increased calcium signaling through inhibition of TRPV1 channel in the hippocampus …
- Sex-dependent differences in liver and gut metabolomic profiles with acarbose and Calorie restriction in C57BL/6 mice
- Calorie restriction prevents the development of insulin resistance and impaired lipid metabolism in gestational diabetes offspring
- Weight loss by Calorie restriction versus bariatric surgery differentially regulates the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis in male rats
- Effects of chronic and intermittent Calorie restriction on adropin levels in breast cancer
- Combined exercise and Calorie restriction therapies restore contractile and mitochondrial functions in skeletal muscle of obese–insulin resistant rats
- Exercise with Calorie restriction improves cardiac function via attenuating mitochondrial dysfunction in ovariectomized prediabetic rats
- Randomised clinical trial: Calorie restriction regimen with tomato juice supplementation ameliorates oxidative stress and preserves a proper immune …
- Identification of putative Calorie restriction mimetics using mammalian gene expression profiles
- Impacts of Calorie restriction and Intermittent Fasting on Health and Diseases: Current Trends
- Calorie restriction increases telomerase activity, enhances autophagy, and improves diastolic dysfunction in diabetic rat hearts
- Update on human Calorie restriction research
- Moderate Calorie restriction during gestation programs offspring for lower BAT thermogenic capacity driven by thyroid and sympathetic signaling
- Effect of astaxanthin, vitamin E, and vitamin C in combination with Calorie restriction on sperm quality and quantity in male rats
- Effects of using high-intensity interval training and Calorie restriction in different orders on metabolic syndrome: A randomized controlled trial
- Moderate Calorie restriction to achieve normal weight reverses β-cell dysfunction in diet-induced obese mice: involvement of autophagy
- Single‐oocyte transcriptome analysis reveals aging‐associated effects influenced by life stage and Calorie restriction
- Positive effects of meal frequency and Calorie restriction on antioxidant systems in rats
- The effect of Calorie restriction on insulin signaling in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue of Ames dwarf mice
- Calorie restriction with regular chow, but not a high-fat diet, delays onset of spontaneous osteoarthritis in the Hartley guinea pig model
- Linking peroxiredoxin and vacuolar-ATPase functions in Calorie restriction-mediated life span extension
- The effects of graded levels of Calorie restriction: VII. Topological rearrangement of hypothalamic aging networks
- Effects of aging, antiaging Calorie restriction and in vivo stimulation of autophagy on the urinary excretion of 8OHdG in male Sprague–Dawley rats
- Neuropeptide Y resists excess loss of fat by lipolysis in Calorie‐restricted mice: A trait potential for the life‐extending effect of Calorie restriction
- MMP2-A2M interaction increases ECM accumulation in aged rat kidney and its modulation by Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction and resveratrol supplementation prevent age-related DNA and RNA oxidative damage in a non-human primate
- Characterization and Mechanisms of Action of Avocado Extract Enriched in Mannoheptulose as a Candidate Calorie restriction Mimetic
- … CD163 is associated with CD163 mRNA expression in adipose tissue and with insulin sensitivity in steady-state condition but not in response to Calorie restriction
- Opposite effects of a high-fat diet and Calorie restriction on ciliary neurotrophic factor signaling in the mouse hypothalamus
- Blood cell transcriptomic-based early biomarkers of adverse programming effects of gestational Calorie restriction and their reversibility by leptin …
- Does Calorie restriction in Primates Increase lifespan? Revisiting Studies on Macaques (Macaca mulatta) and Mouse Lemurs (Microcebus murinus)
- Effects of Calorie restriction on Health Span and Insulin Resistance: Classic Calorie restriction Diet vs. Ketosis-Inducing Diet
- The effects of short-term Calorie restriction on mutations in the spleen cells of infant-irradiated mice
- Mechanistic perspectives of Calorie restriction on vascular homeostasis
- Glycolytic inhibition: an effective strategy for developing Calorie restriction mimetics
- Effect of 2 years of Calorie restriction on liver biomarkers: results from the CALERIE phase 2 randomized controlled trial
- Initiation of Calorie restriction in middle-aged male rats attenuates aging-related motoric decline and bradykinesia without increased striatal dopamine
- Calorie restriction conferred improvement effect on long-term rehabilitation of ischemic stroke via gut microbiota
- Calorie restriction-induced changes in the secretome of human adipocytes, comparison with resveratrol-induced secretome effects
- Cardioprotective effects of severe Calorie restriction from birth in adult ovariectomized rats
- FoxO1 signaling plays a pivotal role in the cardiac telomere biology responses to Calorie restriction
- Artemisinin mimics Calorie restriction to trigger mitochondrial biogenesis and compromise telomere shortening in mice
- Leptin intake in suckling rats restores altered T3 levels and markers of adipose tissue sympathetic drive and function caused by gestational Calorie restriction
- … Calorie restriction: XIV. global metabolomics screen reveals brown adipose tissue changes in amino acids, catecholamines, and antioxidants after short-term restriction …
- Calorie restriction effect of heat-processed onion extract (ONI) using in vitro and in vivo animal models
- Metabolic programming effects initiated in the suckling period predisposing for adult-onset obesity cannot be reversed by Calorie restriction
- Reduced signaling of PI3K-Akt and RAS-MAPK pathways is the key target for weight-loss-induced cancer prevention by dietary Calorie restriction and/or physical …
- The alternate-day fasting diet is a more effective approach than a Calorie restriction diet on weight loss and hs-CRP levels
- Long-term Calorie restriction in humans is not associated with indices of delayed immunologic aging: a descriptive study
- Calorie restriction changes muscle satellite cell proliferation in a manner independent of metabolic modulation
- Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) thwarts the beneficial effects of Calorie restriction and Metformin
- The influence of dietary lipid composition on skeletal muscle mitochondria from mice following eight months of Calorie restriction
- Rationale and protocol for a randomized controlled trial comparing daily Calorie restriction versus intermittent fasting to improve glycaemia in individuals at increased …
- Ketone body 3‐hydroxybutyrate mimics Calorie restriction via the Nrf2 activator, fumarate, in the retina
- Differential sympathetic outflow to adipose depots is required for visceral fat loss in response to Calorie restriction
- Preoperative Short‐Term Calorie restriction for Prevention of Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized, Controlled, Open‐Label, Pilot Trial
- Calorie restriction attenuates astrogliosis but not amyloid plaque load in aged rhesus macaques: a preliminary quantitative imaging study
- Calorie restriction increases lipopolysaccharide-induced neuropeptide Y immunolabeling and reduces microglial cell area in the arcuate hypothalamic nucleus
- Paternal Calorie restriction prior to conception alters anxiety-like behavior of the adult rat progeny
- Calorie restriction and intermittent fasting: impact on glycemic control in people with diabetes
- Calorie restriction aggravated cortical and trabecular bone architecture in ovariectomy-induced estrogen-deficient rats
- Unlike Calorie restriction, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery does not increase hypothalamic AgRP and NPY in mice on a high-fat diet
- Effects of 2-day Calorie restriction on cardiovascular autonomic response, mood, and cognitive and motor functions in obese young adult women
- The ATP Level in the mPFC Mediates the Antidepressant Effect of Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction attenuates monocrotaline-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension in rats
- Intermittent Calorie restriction largely counteracts the adverse health effects of a moderate‐fat diet in aging C57BL/6J mice
- A screening strategy for the discovery of drugs that reduce C/EBPβ-LIP translation with potential Calorie restriction mimetic properties
- The protective effect of intermittent Calorie restriction on mammary tumorigenesis is not compromised by consumption of a high fat diet during refeeding
- Different Calorie restriction treatments have similar anti-seizure efficacy
- Combination of exercise and Calorie restriction exerts greater efficacy on Cardioprotection than monotherapy in obese-insulin resistant rats through the improvement …
- Calorie restriction leads to greater Akt2 activity and glucose uptake by insulin-stimulated skeletal muscle from old rats
- Calorie restriction and SIRT1 Overexpression Induce Different Gene Expression Profiles in White Adipose Tissue in Association with Metabolic Improvement
- The effect of combined aerobic exercise and Calorie restriction on mood, cognition, and motor behavior in overweight and obese women
- Calorie restriction promotes cardiolipin biosynthesis and distribution between mitochondrial membranes
- Carnitine acetyltransferase (Crat) in hunger‐sensing AgRP neurons permits adaptation to Calorie restriction
- Propranolol attenuates Calorie restriction-and high Calorie diet-induced bone marrow adiposity
- The effect of Calorie restriction on acute ethanol-induced oxidative and nitrosative liver injury in rats
- The influence of dietary lipid composition on liver mitochondria from mice following 1 month of Calorie restriction
- Context-dependent roles for SIRT2 and SIRT3 in tumor development upon Calorie restriction or high fat diet
- Calorie restriction in humans: impact on human health
- Leptin Supplementation During Lactation Restores Key Liver Metabolite Levels Malprogrammed by Gestational Calorie restriction
- The effects of graded levels of Calorie restriction: XIII. Global metabolomics screen reveals graded changes in circulating Amino Acids, Vitamins, and Bile Acids in the …
- Switching from high-fat diet to foods containing resveratrol as a Calorie restriction mimetic changes the architecture of arcuate nucleus to produce more newborn …
- Gonadal hormones influence core body temperature during Calorie restriction
- Effect of Calorie restriction on spontaneous physical activity and body mass in mice divergently selected for basal metabolic rate (BMR)
- Impact of moderate Calorie restriction on testicular morphology and endocrine function in adult rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)
- Identification of the dichotomous role of age-related LCK in Calorie restriction revealed by integrative analysis of cDNA microarray and interactome
- Longitudinal analysis of Calorie restriction on rat taste bud morphology and expression of sweet taste modulators
- Adherence and Dietary Composition during Intermittent vs. Continuous Calorie restriction: Follow-Up Data from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Adults with …
- Mechanisms for independent and combined effects of Calorie restriction and acute exercise on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by skeletal muscle of old rats
- The effects of graded levels of Calorie restriction XV: Phase space attractors reveal distinct behavioral phenotypes
- The Age-Sensitive Efficacy of Calorie restriction on Mitochondrial Biogenesis and mtDNA Damage in Rat Liver
- Calorie–restriction and longevity. End of a dream, at least for primates?
- Hyperinsulinemia/diabetes, hearing, and aging in the University of Wisconsin Calorie restriction monkeys
- Respiratory metabolism and Calorie restriction relieve persistent endoplasmic reticulum stress induced by calcium shortage in yeast
- Beyond weight loss: current perspectives on the impact of Calorie restriction on healthspan and lifespan
- Role of Calorie restriction in alleviation of age-related morphological and biochemical changes in sciatic nerve
- Amylin/leptin synergy is absent in extreme obesity and not restored by Calorie restriction‐induced weight loss in rats
- Effect of long term consumption of high Calorie diet and Calorie restriction on human health
- The effects of graded levels of Calorie restriction: X. Transcriptomic responses of epididymal adipose tissue
- Calorie restriction upregulated sirtuin 1 by attenuating its ubiquitin degradation in cancer cells
- Effect of exercise and Calorie restriction on tissue Acylcarnitines, tissue Desaturase indices, and fat accumulation in diet-induced obese rats
- Does Calorie restriction Modulate Inflammaging via FoxO Transcription Factors?
- Glycolytic Inhibitor 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose at Chronic Low Dose Mimics Calorie restriction in Rats Through Mitohormetic Induction of Reactive Oxygen Species
- Insulin signaling and glucose uptake in the soleus muscle of 30-month-old rats after Calorie restriction with or without acute exercise
- Role of pyroptosis in normal cardiac response to Calorie restriction and starvation
- Non-coding RNA molecules connect Calorie restriction and lifespan
- Differential weight loss with intermittent fasting or daily Calorie restriction in low‐and high‐fitness phenotypes
- Effects of protein and Calorie restriction on the metabolism and toxicity profile of irinotecan in cancer patients
- Modulation of sphingolipid metabolism with Calorie restriction enhances insulin action in skeletal muscle
- Calorie restriction-induced increase in skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity is not prevented by overexpression of the p55α subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase
- The effects of Calorie restriction and exercise on age-related alterations in corpus cavernosum
- Transcriptomics and metabonomics identify essential metabolic signatures in Calorie restriction (CR) regulation across multiple mouse strains
- Oxidative Stress, Antioxidants, Hormesis and Calorie restriction: The Current Perspective in the Biology of Aging
- Regulation of glucose homeostasis by Calorie restriction and periodic fasting
- Decreased luteinizing hormone pulse frequency is associated with elevated 24-hour ghrelin after Calorie restriction and exercise in premenopausal women
- Calorie restriction does not restore brain mitochondrial function in P301L tau mice, but it does decrease mitochondrial F0F1-ATPase activity
- Heterogeneous effects of Calorie restriction on in vivo glucose uptake and insulin signaling of individual rat skeletal muscles
- Effects of postweaning Calorie restriction on accelerated growth and adiponectin in nutritionally programmed microswine offspring
- Impaired glucose metabolism and altered gut microbiome despite Calorie restriction of ob/ob mice
- SGLT2 Inhibitors as Calorie restriction Mimetics: Insights on Longevity Pathways and Age-Related Diseases
- Upregulation of flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 mimics Calorie restriction to retard liver aging by inducing autophagy
- Utilizing Calorie restriction to evaluate the role of sirtuins in healthspan and lifespan of mice
- Calorie restriction and rapamycin administration induce stem cell self-renewal and consequent development and production in the mammary gland
- The Yeast Forkhead HCM1 Controls Life Span Independent of Calorie restriction
- Artemisinin mimics Calorie restriction to extend yeast lifespan via a dual-phase mode: a conclusion drawn from global transcriptome profiling
- Protective effects of Calorie restriction on insulin resistance and islet function in STZ-induced type 2 diabetes rats
- Stable isotope labeling reveals novel insights into ubiquitin-mediated protein aggregation with age, Calorie restriction, and rapamycin treatment
- Eight weeks of intermittent fasting versus Calorie restriction does not alter eating behaviors, mood, sleep quality, quality of life and cognitive performance in women …
- Effect of dietary modification by Calorie restriction on cholesterol levels in lipoprotein (a) and other lipoprotein classes
- Calorie restriction influences key metabolic enzyme activities and markers of oxidative damage in distinct mouse liver mitochondrial sub-populations
- Oxidative stress and urinary system damage in fructose-induced rat model of metabolic syndrome: Effect of Calorie restriction and exercise
- … Assessment of Long-term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy (CALERIE)-2 study: a 2-y randomized controlled trial of Calorie restriction in nonobese humans
- The effects of spinach-derived thylakoid supplementation in combination with Calorie restriction on anthropometric parameters and metabolic profiles in obese …
- Interleukin-8 and interleukin-10, brain volume and microstructure, and the influence of Calorie restriction in old rhesus macaques
- Intermittent Fasting and Muscle Lipid Metabolism: Commentary on: Liu et al “Effects of intermittent fasting or Calorie restriction on markers of lipid metabolism in human …
- Calorie restriction â an approach towards obesity management
- Calorie restriction activates new adult born olfactory‐bulb neurones in a ghrelin‐dependent manner but acyl‐ghrelin does not enhance subventricular zone …
- Effect of bariatric surgery combined with medical therapy versus intensive medical therapy or Calorie restriction and weight loss on glycemic control in Zucker diabetic …
- Dietary GABA and its combination with vigabatrin mimic Calorie restriction and induce antiobesity-like effects in lean mice
- Calorie restriction in overweight seniors: response of older adults to a dieting study: the CROSSROADS randomized controlled clinical trial
- Calorie restriction Down-Regulates Expression of the Iron Regulatory Hormone Hepcidin in Normal and d-Galactose–Induced Aging Mouse Brain
- Montmorency tart cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) acts as a Calorie restriction mimetic that increases intestinal fat and lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Long-term Calorie restriction has minimal impact on brain metabolite and fatty acid profiles in aged rats on a Western-style diet
- Intergenerational and parent of origin effects of maternal Calorie restriction on Igf2 expression in the adult rat hippocampus
- A pilot study to assess the effect of a fibre and mineral formulation on satiety and satiation when taken as part of a Calorie restriction diet in overweight and …
- The unexpected role of mTORC1 in intestinal stem cells during Calorie restriction
- Short-term Calorie restriction and refeeding differently affect lipogenic enzymes in major white adipose tissue depots of young and old rats
- Short-Term Calorie restriction Maintains Plasma Insulin Concentrations along with a Reduction in Hepatic Insulin-Degrading Enzyme Levels in db/db Mice
- Anti‐aging effects of intermittent fasting: a potential alternative to Calorie restriction?
- Amyloidosis increase is not attenuated by long-term Calorie restriction or related to neuron density in the prefrontal cortex of extremely aged rhesus macaques
- Quantitative proteomic analysis of changes related to age and Calorie restriction in rat liver tissue
- The experimental evidences of steamed and freeze-dried mature silkworm powder as the Calorie restriction mimetics
- Calorie restriction promotes remyelination in a Cuprizone-Induced demyelination mouse model of multiple sclerosis
- Persistence of weight loss and acquired behaviors 2 y after stopping a 2-y Calorie restriction intervention
- Nutritional indications for cancer prevention—Calorie restriction
- Effect of age and Calorie restriction on corpus callosal integrity in rhesus macaques: a fiber tractography study
- Association of endothelial proliferation with the magnitude of weight loss during Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction delays cardiac senescence and improves cardiac function in obese diabetic rats
- Effects of Calorie restriction and fiber type on glucose uptake and abundance of electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation proteins in single fibers from …
- … , body composition, and hepatic fibrosis in obese patients with NAFLD—Combined effects of oleoylethanolamide supplementation and Calorie restriction: A triple‐blind …
- Lipoprotein subclass profile after progressive energy deficits induced by Calorie restriction or exercise
- Calorie restriction Suppresses the Progression of Radiation-Induced Intestinal Tumours in C3B6F1 ApcMin/+ Mice
- Calorie restriction in an obesogenic environment: reality or fiction?
- Calorie restriction for healthy ageing
- … male wistar rats normalizes the decreased density of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers in the stomach caused by mild gestational Calorie restriction
- Differences in sirtuin regulation in response to Calorie restriction in Cryptococcus neoformans
- Refeeding abolishes beneficial effects of severe Calorie restriction from birth on adipose tissue and glucose homeostasis of adult rats
- Calorie restriction during gestation affects ovarian reserve in offspring in the mouse
- Ghrelin is the metabolic link connecting Calorie restriction to neuroprotection
- The effect of Calorie restriction on the presence of apoptotic ovarian cells in normal wild type mice and low-plasma-IGF-1 Laron dwarf mice
- Calorie restriction modulates reproductive development and energy balance in pre-pubertal male rats
- Calorie restriction increases P-glycoprotein and decreases intestinal absorption of digoxin in mice
- The effect of royal jelly and tocotrienol-rich fraction along with Calorie restriction on hypothalamic endoplasmic reticulum stress and adipose tissue …
- Anti-diabetic activity of fused PPARγ-SIRT1 ligands with limited body-weight gain by mimicking Calorie restriction and decreasing SGK1 expression
- Genomic lesions and colorectal carcinogenesis: the effects of protein-Calorie restriction and inulin supplementation on deficiency statuses
- 317-LB: optimal weight loss effect of short-term low carbohydrate diet with Calorie restriction on overweight/obese subjects in South China—a multicenter randomized …
- The role of Sirt1 in bile acid regulation during Calorie restriction in mice
- Anti-aging traditional Chinese medicine: potential mechanisms involving AMPK pathway and Calorie restriction based on” medicine-food homology” theory
- The Lag of the Proliferative Aging Clock Underlies the lifespan-Extending Effect of Calorie restriction.
- 143-LB: Calorie restriction in combination with GABA ameliorates type 2 diabetes
- Six-month Calorie restriction in overweight individuals elicits transcriptomic response in subcutaneous adipose tissue that is distinct from effects of energy deficit
- … -4 tissue distribution at different life stages in male and female Sprague–Dawley rats fed different VK levels since weaning or subjected to a 40% Calorie restriction …
- Effect of L-carnitine Supplementation on Nutritional Status and Physical Performance Under Calorie restriction
- Hyperadrenocorticism of Calorie restriction contributes to its anti‐inflammatory action in mice
- Discovering compounds mimicking Calorie restriction using mammalian gene expression profiles
- Effect of a combination of Calorie–restriction therapy and Lingguizhugan decoction on levels of fasting blood lipid and inflammatory cytokines in a high-fat diet induced …
- Effects of prolonged Calorie restriction on inflammation and immune function: a randomized controlled trial in non‐obese humans (40.4)
- Transcriptome Characterization of Repressed Embryonic Myogenesis Due to Maternal Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction for human aging: is there a potential benefit for cancer?
- Calorie for Calorie, dietary fat restriction results in more body fat loss than carbohydrate restriction in people with obesity
- The involvement of serum exosomal miR-500-3p and miR-770-3p in aging: modulation by Calorie restriction
- Aging and cardiovascular disease: lessons from Calorie restriction
- Short-term Calorie and protein restriction provide partial protection from chemotoxicity but do not delay glioma progression
- Insights From a Short-Term Protein–Calorie restriction Exploratory Trial in Elective Carotid Endarterectomy Patients
- Effects of Calorie restriction plus fish oil supplementation on abnormal metabolic characteristics and the iron status of middle-aged obese women
- Metabolic response of short term Calorie restriction and supplementation with Hoodia gordonii
- Calorie restriction attenuates hypertrophy-induced redox imbalance and mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channel repression
- Moderate Calorie restriction ameliorates reproduction via attenuating oxidative stress-induced apoptosis through SIRT1 signaling in obese mice
- Calorie restriction in the elderly people
- Effects of linggui zhugan decoction combined Calorie restriction on the insulin resistance of model rats and mechanisms research
- Effects of self-reported Calorie restriction on correlations between SIRT1 polymorphisms and body mass index and long-term weight change
- … not required for the reductions in circulating insulin-like growth factor-1 or global cell proliferation rates in response to moderate Calorie restriction in adult mice
- The data on the aerobic training with or without Calorie restriction and muscular levels of Irisin and muscular FNDC5 concentration in obese male Wistar rats
- Gut microbiota: Influence of Aloe vera gel and Calorie restriction
- … adaptations in liver and skeletal muscle to pro-longevity nutritional and genetic interventions: the crosstalk between Calorie restriction and CYB5R3 overexpression in …
- Differential expression of hypothalamic, metabolic and inflammatory genes in response to short-term Calorie restriction in juvenile obese-and lean-prone JCR …
- … fasting in the prevention and improving clinical outcomes of COVID-19?: intersection between inflammation, mTOR pathway, autophagy and Calorie restriction
- … of timing of food intake and fat/carbohydrate ratio on insulin sensitivity and preconditioning against renal ischemia reperfusion injury by Calorie restriction
- Supplementation with a putative Calorie restriction mimetic micronutrient blend increases glutathione concentrations and improves neuroenergetics in brain of …
- Calorie restriction mimetics: progress and potential
- Extreme Calorie restriction in yeast retentostats induces uniform non-quiescent growth arrest
- Dietary buckwheat enhances sirtuin1 without Calorie restriction
- Effects of short-term Calorie restriction on circulating DPP-4/sCD26 concentrations and body composition in patients with type 2 diabetes
- The Effect of Meal Replacement on Weight Loss According to Calorie–restriction Type and Proportion of Energy Intake: A Systematic Review and Meta …
- Exploring the effect of diet composition in Calorie restriction interventions
- Effects of aging and life-long moderate Calorie restriction on IL-15 signaling in the rat white adipose tissue
- Calorie restriction and corticosterone elevation during lactation can each modulate adult male fear and anxiety-like behaviour
- A Novel Micronutrient Blend Mimics Calorie restriction Transcriptomics in Multiple Tissues of Mice and Increases lifespan and Mobility in C. elegans
- Calorie restriction inhibits relapse behaviour and preference for alcohol within a two-bottle free choice paradigm in the alcohol preferring (iP) rat
- Nonobese subjects of Bacteroides and Prevotella enterotypes responded differentially to Calorie restriction intervention
- A comparative approach to metabolic aspects of aging: Conserved mechanisms and effects of Calorie restriction and environment
- Dietary Calorie restriction from Adulthood Through Old Age in Rats: Improved DNA Polymerase β and DNA Gap Repair Activity in Cortical Neurons
- mRNA expression of ageing-associated genes in Calorie reduction is subject to donor variability and can be induced by Calorie restriction mimetics
- Distinct and additive effects of Calorie restriction and rapamycin in aging skeletal muscle
- Omega-3 fatty acids partially revert the metabolic gene expression profile induced by long-term Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction reverses age‐related alteration of cavernous neurovascular structure in the rat
- Rare Sugars d-psicose and d-allose as Calorie restriction mimetic-anti-metabolic syndrome effects and anti-aging effects
- Calorie restriction, longevity and cognitive function
- CALERIE II: the effect of 25% Calorie restriction over two years on cognitive function (629.7)
- Effects of acute exercise combined with Calorie restriction initiated late-in-life on insulin signaling, lipids, and glucose uptake in skeletal muscle from old rats
- Impact of Calorie restriction on glycemic control in overweight patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Comparative effects of Calorie restriction on health span and in-sulin resistance: classic Calorie restriction diet vs ketosis-induc-ing diet
- … clock by time-restricted feeding with progressive increasing Calorie intake. Resemblances and differences regarding a sustained hypocaloric restriction
- Effects of moderate sleep restriction during 8-week Calorie restriction on lipoprotein particles and glucose metabolism
- Healthy behaviors potentially due to Calorie restriction
- Calorie or carbohydrate restriction? The ketogenic diet as another option for supportive cancer treatment
- Adolescent Obesity and Eating Disorders: Can Calorie restriction have a Positive Impact
- Calorie restriction, endothelial function and blood pressure homeostasis
- History of the study of Calorie restriction in nonhuman primates conducted by the national institute on aging: the first decade
- Efficient Restoration of Beta Cell Dedifferentiation by Calorie restriction With High Fat/Low Carbohydrate Diet in Obese Diabetes Model and the Possible Role of GLP …
- Organic acids and Calorie restriction
- Calorie restriction in combination with GABA: improved glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes mouse model
- Age, Calorie restriction, and age of Calorie restriction onset reduce maturation of natural killer cells in C57Bl/6 mice
- Calorie restriction and Epilepsy
- Mode of action of water soluble β-glucan from oat (Avena sativa) on Calorie restriction effect in-vitro and in-vivo animal models
- Birth weight predicted baseline muscular efficiency, but not response of energy expenditure to Calorie restriction: An empirical test of the predictive adaptive response …
- Calorie restriction Maintains Mitochondrial Function and Redox Balance Avoiding Lipidomic Reprogramming during Isoproterenol-Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy
- SAT-095 the impact of CPAP on intensive Calorie restriction weight loss
- Evaluating Insulin/Glucose Ratio Using Breakfast of Calorie restriction Meal for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Understanding the effects of a Calorie restriction mimetic on renal cancer progression and CD8 T cell immunity
- Effect and Safety of Calorie restriction and Complex Herbal Medicine Short-term Treatment (‘Oil-rescue’Program) for Weight Reduction of Obesity or Overweight …
- Alternateday fasting versus daily Calorie restriction for weight loss and cardio‐protection (120.6)
- Author correction: a randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness and adherence of modified alternate-day Calorie restriction in improving activity of non-alcoholic …
- Calorie restriction and Moderate-Intensity Continuous Exercise Decrease Free Fatty Acid Levels and Visceral Fat Weight on High Calorie Diet Female Mice.
- Role of Calorie restriction on pathophysiological changes in tongue fat and its relation to increased risk factors of obstructive sleep apnea in WNIN/Ob obese rats
- Calorie restriction does not influence oocyte quality in oocytes from POLG mitochondrial mutator mice
- Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent Age-Related Hearing Loss: Calorie restriction
- The effect of training mode during Calorie restriction on plasma adipokines and fasting insulin in obese men
- Akkermansia Muciniphila and Gut Microbiota Richness are Associated with Improved Metabolic Status after Calorie restriction
- Does SIRT-1 mediate Calorie restriction and prolong life?–A mini review
- Effects of mild Calorie restriction on reproductive parameters of pubertal and sexually mature male Wistar rats
- Editorial on Sramkova et al.,“Apolipoprotein M: a novel adipokine decreasing with obesity and upregulated by Calorie restriction”
- The Potentials of Calorie restriction on lifespan and Health–A Literature Review
- Effects of intermittent Calorie restriction on weight, fat mass, lean mass, visceral adipose tissue: Results from a pilot controlled-feeding study in multiple sclerosis …
- Gut microbiome couples gut and brain during Calorie restriction in treating obesity
- White adipose tissue inflammation is not attenuated by short-term Calorie restriction in obese humans
- Intermittent fasting: a health panacea or just Calorie restriction?
- Short term Calorie restriction: effects on endocrine markers of nutritional status
- Model Systems for the Study of Integrative Physiology: The Rebirth of Translational Biology: Effects of postweaning Calorie restriction on accelerated growth …
- Sex dimorphic effects in Calorie restriction and CR mimetics on longevity
- A novel micronutrient blend mimics Calorie restriction transcriptomics in multiple tissues of mice and increases lifespan and mobility in C. elegans.
- Thematic Review Series: Calorie restriction and Ketogenic Diets: Ketone body therapy: from the ketogenic diet to the oral administration of ketone ester
- Severe Calorie restriction Induces Gut Microbiota-Dependent Intestinal Stem Cell Dysfunction
- Calorie restriction and the Aging Muscle: A Multispecies Approach
- Calorie restriction Facilitates Aging‐Related Muscle Loss in the Aged Mice
- Mechanisms of action of compounds that mimic beneficial effects of Calorie restriction such as lifespan extension: Is taurine a promising candidate?
- TOWARDS LONGER LIVES: THE ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF LIFE extension BY Calorie restriction AND Calorie restriction MIMETICS
- Anti-aging effects of nutritional modification: The state of the science on Calorie restriction
- Artemisinin mimics Calorie restriction to initiate antioxidative responses and compromise telomere shortening
- Calorie restriction breaks an epigenetic barrier to longevity
- Confetti illuminates the cryptic way Calorie restriction protects from cancer
- Effects of mild Calorie restriction on hepatic lipid metabolism and inflammation in mice (1034.14)
- The effect of aging and Calorie restriction on mitochondrial morphology and dynamic in oxidative and glycolytic skeletal muscles
- A randomized pilot study comparing zero‐Calorie alternate‐day fasting to daily caloric restriction in adults with obesity
- Calorie restriction intervention induces enterotype-associated BMI loss in nonobese individuals
- Calorie restriction-mediated restoration of hypothalamic signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) phosphorylation is not effective for lowering …
- Controlled study on short term Calorie restriction as possible nutritional approach to sustain and survive during emergency situations
- The effect of short-term Calorie restriction on exercise performance and efficiency in cyclists
- Three cases of euglycaemic diabetic ketoacidosis related to the use of sodium-glucoseco-transporter-2 inhibitors and Calorie restriction
- The Effect of Two-month Concurrent Training with and without Calorie restriction on Sirtuin-1 Activity and Content in the Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of …
- Calorie restriction Mimetics From Functional Foods: Impact on Promoting a Healthy Life Span
- Is intermittent fasting more effective than daily Calorie restriction for weight loss in otherwise healthy overweight adults?
- Moderate Calorie restriction improves cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy individuals
- Effect of 8 Weeks of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) With and Without Calorie restriction on Gene Expression of Caspase-3 and Caspase-9 Proteins in …
- Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure May Aid Weight Loss in Patients with Obesity on a Calorie restriction Diet
- Hints for Therapeutic Interventions Through Exploring the Effects of Calorie restriction on NAFLD by Mechanistic Approach
- Diet Composition, Adherence to Calorie restriction, and Cardiometabolic Disease Risk Modification
- Effect of Probiotic Supplementation Along With Calorie restriction on Metabolic Endotoxemia, and Mega Inflammation in Coronary Artery Disease Patients: A …
- Targeted downregulation of estradiol binding Na+/H+ exchanger nhx-2, mimics Calorie restriction, extends reproductive longevity and ameliorates effects associated …
- Interaction of long term Calorie restriction and aerobic training programs on serum and tissue concentrations of adiponectin in male obese rats
- Changes Induced by Physical Activity, Weight Loss and Calorie restriction in Body Composition, Lipoproteins and Functional Capacity in Obese Congolese …
- Investigating Mechanisms through which Calorie restriction and Pharmacological Mimetics Attenuates Breast Cancer Growth
- Acute Calorie restriction modifies cognition and anxiety-like behavior in mice by regulating IL-1β priming and activation within the brain
- Alternate Day Fasting Versus Calorie restriction for Weight Loss and Cardio-Protection
- Progress of Calorie restriction therapy
- Mechanistic targets of weight loss-induced cancer prevention by dietary Calorie restriction and physical activity
- Overexpression of the adiponectin gene mimics the metabolic and stress resistance effects of Calorie restriction, but not the anti-tumor effect
- Circadian Mechanisms of