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- A hitchhiker’s guide to the human HSP70 family
- Is HSP70 the cellular thermometer?
- Protective effects of HSP70 in inflammation
- Conserved features of eukaryotic HSP70 genes revealed by comparison with the nucleotide sequence of human HSP70
- HSP70 and aging
- Structure and expression of the three MHC-linked HSP70 genes
- Expression of human HSP70 during the synthetic phase of the cell cycle
- Molecular evolution of the HSP70 multigene family
- Can HSP70 proteins act as force-generating motors?
- Competitive Inhibition of HSP70 Gene Expression Causes Thermosensitivity
- The consequences of expressing HSP70 in Drosophila cells at normal temperatures.
- Evolution of HSP70 gene and its implications regarding relationships between archaebacteria, eubacteria, and eukaryotes
- Regulation of the human HSP70 promoter by p53
- HSP70: nuclear concentration during environmental stress and cytoplasmic storage during recovery
- Structure and expression of the human gene encoding major heat shock protein HSP70
- Human HSP70 promoter contains at least two distinct regulatory domains
- Heat shock is lethal to fibroblasts microinjected with antibodies against HSP70
- Cloning and Subcellular Localization of Human Mitochondrial HSP70 (∗)
- DNA sequence requirements for generating paused polymerase at the start of HSP70.
- Interaction of the immunosuppressant deoxyspergualin with a member of the HSP70 family of heat shock proteins
- Mitochondrial HSP70/MIM44 complex facilitates protein import
- HSP70 expression in human skeletal muscle after exercise
- Identification of a novel member of mouse HSP70 family. Its association with cellular mortal phenotype.
- Identification of a regulatory motif in HSP70 that affects ATPase activity, substrate binding and interaction with HDJ‐1.
- The structure and expression of maize genes encoding the major heat shock protein, HSP70
- HSP70 accelerates the recovery of nucleolar morphology after heat shock.
- Over‐expression of HSP70 confers tumorigenicity to mouse fibrosarcoma cells
- Polymorphic analysis of the three MHC-linked HSP70 genes
- Complex interactions among members of an essential subfamily of HSP70 genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- The human heat shock protein HSP70 interacts with HSF, the transcription factor that regulates heat shock gene expression.
- Requirement for HSP70 in the mitochondrial matrix for translocation and folding of precursor proteins
- Heat shock protein HSP70 in patients with axillary lymph node-negative breast cancer: prognostic implications
- Structure and regulation of the SSA4 HSP70 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
- Tissue-specific HSP70 response in animals undergoing heat stress
- Interaction of HSP70 with unfolded proteins: effects of temperature and nucleotides on the kinetics of binding.
- HSP70 induction during exercise and heat stress in rats: role of internal temperature
- Regulation of HSP70 synthesis by messenger RNA degradation.
- Common and divergent peptide binding specificities of HSP70 molecular chaperones.
- Effect of engineering HSP70 copy number on HSP70 expression and tolerance of ecologically relevant heat shock in larvae and pupae of Drosophila melanogaster.
- Yeast HSP70 RNA levels vary in response to the physiological status of the cell
- Transcription of the human HSP70 gene is induced by serum stimulation
- DnaJ-like proteins: molecular chaperones and specific regulators of HSP70
- Major heat shock protein HSP70 protects tumor cells from tumor necrosis factor cytotoxicity.
- HSP70 and other possible heat shock or oxidative stress proteins are induced in skeletal muscle, heart, and liver during exercise
- Targeted gene disruption of HSP70-2 results in failed meiosis, germ cell apoptosis, and male infertility
- HSP70 heat shock gene regulation during ischemia.
- Regulation of HSP70 function by a eukaryotic DnaJ homolog.
- Human major histocompatibility complex contains genes for the major heat shock protein HSP70
- Changes in HSP70 alter thermotolerance and heat-shock regulation in Drosophila.
- An HSP70-like protein in the ER: identity with the 78 kd glucose-regulated protein and immunoglobulin heavy chain binding protein
- Comparison of tumor-specific immunogenicities of stress-induced proteins gp96, hsp90, and HSP70.
- A conserved HPD sequence of the J-domain is necessary for YDJ1 stimulation of HSP70 ATPase activity at a site distinct from substrate binding
- Coordinate changes in heat shock element-binding activity and HSP70 gene transcription rates in human cells
- Immediate early gene and HSP70 expression in hyperosmotic stress in MDCK cells
- Transcriptional regulation of SSA3, an HSP70 gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Induction of HSP70 and polyubiquitin expression associated with plant virus replication
- Characterization and sequence of a mouse HSP70 gene and its expression in mouse cell lines
- Muscle-specific expression of Drosophila HSP70 in response to aging and oxidative stress
- Isolation and characterization of SSE1 and SSE2, new members of the yeast HSP70 multigene family
- The DNA-binding activity of the human heat shock transcription factor is regulated in vivo by HSP70
- … of the HSP70 gene from Halobacterium marismortui: relatedness of archaebacterial HSP70 to its eubacterial homologs and a model for the evolution of the HSP70 …
- Different peptide binding specificities of HSP70 family members
- The role of HSP70 in conferring unidirectionality on protein translocation into mitochondria
- Inducible isoform of HSP70 is constitutively expressed in a muscle fiber type specific pattern
- Cell cycle-dependent association of HSP70 with specific cellular proteins.
- Partner proteins determine multiple functions of HSP70
- Heat shock protein HSP70 overexpression confers resistance against nitric oxide
- Role of HSP70 in cytokine production
- Identification of heat shock protein HSP70 homologues in chloroplasts
- Protein folding in the cell: the role of molecular chaperones HSP70 and Hsp60
- ATP-induced protein HSP70 complex dissociation requires K+ but not ATP hydrolysis
- The human heat-shock protein family. Expression of a novel heat-inducible HSP70 (HSP70B′) and isolation of its cDNA and genomic DNA
- Ischemic tolerance due to the induction of HSP70 in a rat ischemic recirculation model
- Adjuvant-free HSP70 fusion protein system elicits humoral and cellular immune responses to HIV-1 p24.
- RNA polymerase II interacts with the promoter region of the noninduced HSP70 gene in Drosophila melanogaster cells
- Heat shock gene regulation by nascent polypeptides and denatured proteins: HSP70 as a potential autoregulatory factor
- An ATPase domain common to prokaryotic cell cycle proteins, sugar kinases, actin, and HSP70 heat shock proteins.
- The ATP hydrolysis-dependent reaction cycle of the Escherichia coli HSP70 system DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE
- Immune response to p53 is dependent upon p53/HSP70 complexes in breast cancers.
- Genetic aspects of the HSP70 multigene family in vertebrates
- Cooperative action of HSP70, Hsp90, and DnaJ proteins in protein renaturation
- Cloning of a HSP70-related gene expressed in mouse spermatids
- HSP70-protein complexes. Complex stability and conformation of bound substrate protein.
- Organization, nucleotide sequence, and transcription of the chicken HSP70 gene.
- Mitochondrial protein import: biochemical and genetic evidence for interaction of matrix HSP70 and the inner membrane protein MIM44.
- HSP70-2 is part of the synaptonemal complex in mouse and hamster spermatocytes
- A peptide binding protein having a role in antigen presentation is a member of the HSP70 heat shock family.
- Genetic evidence for a functional relationship between Hsp104 and HSP70
- Posttranscriptional regulation of HSP70 expression in human cells: effects of heat shock, inhibition of protein synthesis, and adenovirus infection on translation and …
- BiP (GRP78), an essential HSP70 resident protein in the endoplasmic reticulum
- AnHSP70 antisense gene affects the expression of HSP70/HSC70, the regulation of HSF, and the acquisition of thermotolerance in transgenicArabidopsis thaliana
- New heat shock puffs and β= galactosidase activity resulting from transformation of Drosophila with an HSP70-lacZ hybrid gene
- Evidence for protein damage at environmental temperatures: seasonal changes in levels of ubiquitin conjugates and HSP70 in the intertidal mussel Mytilus trossulus
- Nitric oxide is involved in heat-induced HSP70 accumulation
- Cooperation of the molecular chaperone Ydj1 with specific HSP70 homologs to suppress protein aggregation
- The common variant of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator is recognized by HSP70 and degraded in a pre-Golgi nonlysosomal compartment
- Induction of heat shock HSP70 mRNA and HSP70 kDa protein in neurons in the ‘penumbra’following focal cerebral ischemia in the rat
- The HSP70 multigene family of Caenorhabditis elegans.
- Mitochondrial GrpE is present in a complex with HSP70 and preproteins in transit across membranes
- Heat-inducible human factor that binds to a human HSP70 promoter
- Nitric oxide donor induces HSP70 accumulation in the heart and in cultured cells
- Proof that HSP70 is required for assembly of the glucocorticoid receptor into a heterocomplex with hsp90.
- SSC1, an essential member of the yeast HSP70 multigene family, encodes a mitochondrial protein
- Heat shock protein HSP70 protects cells from thermal stress even after deletion of its ATP-binding domain
- Increased levels of HSP70 transcripts induced when cells are exposed to low frequency electromagnetic fields
- Induction of HSP70 in cultured rat neonatal cardiomyocytes by hypoxia and metabolic stress.
- The E. coli dnaK gene product, the HSP70 homolog, can reactivate heat-inactivated RNA polymerase in an ATP hydrolysis-dependent manner
- Functional interaction of cytosolic HSP70 and a DnaJ-related protein, Ydj1p, in protein translocation in vivo
- A novel HSP70 of the yeast ER lumen is required for the efficient translocation of a number of protein precursors.
- Eukaryotic homologues of Escherichia coli dnaJ: a diverse protein family that functions with HSP70 stress proteins.
- The Caenorhabditis elegans HSP70 gene family: a molecular genetic characterization
- Definition of multiple, functionally distinct TATA elements, one of which is a target in the HSP70 promoter for E1A regulation
- Cloning of rat grp75, an HSP70‐family member, and its expression in normal and ischemic brain
- Interactions of p60, a mediator of progesterone receptor assembly, with heat shock proteins hsp90 and HSP70.
- Syntenic conservation of HSP70 genes in cattle and humans
- The human cytosolic molecular chaperones hsp90, HSP70 (hsc70) and hdj‐1 have distinct roles in recognition of a non‐native protein and protein refolding.
- Concomitant decline in heat-induced hyperthermia and HSP70 mRNA expression in aged rats
- Re-induction of HSP70 synthesis: an assay for thermotolerance
- Mutations in cognate genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSP70 result in reduced growth rates at low temperatures
- Thermolability of mouse oocytes is due to the lack of expression and/or inducibility of HSP70
- HSP70 is essential to the neuroprotective effect of heat-shock
- Evidence for presence in the cell wall of Candida albicans of a protein related to the HSP70 family
- Differential regulation of HSP70 subfamilies by the eukaryotic DnaJ homologue YDJ1
- The preferential translation of Drosophila HSP70 mRNA requires sequences in the untranslated leader
- Heat shock proteins: the HSP70 family
- Differential requirement for the mitochondrial HSP70‐Tim44 complex in unfolding and translocation of preproteins.
- Hsc66, an HSP70 homolog in Escherichia coli, is induced by cold shock but not by heat shock
- Expression and localization of Drosophila melanogaster HSP70 cognate proteins
- A novel HSP70-like protein (P70) is present in mouse spermatogenic cells
- Members of the HSP70 family of proteins in the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Chromosomal Localization of Five Murine HSP70 Gene Family Members: HSP70. 1, HSP70-2, HSP70-3, Hsc70t, and Grp78
- Interaction between heat shock factor and HSP70 is insufficient to suppress induction of DNA-binding activity in vivo
- The effect of age on the synthesis of two heat shock proteins in the HSP70 family
- Cloning and expression of a gene encoding hsc73, the major HSP70‐like protein in unstressed rat cells.
- HSP70 in parasites: as an inducible protective protein and as an antigen
- Nuclear and nucleolar targeting sequences of c-erb-A, c-myb, N-myc, p53, HSP70, and HIV tat proteins
- RNA polymerase II pauses at the 5’end of the transcriptionally induced Drosophila HSP70 gene
- The MIM complex mediates preprotein translocationacross the mitochondrial inner membrane and couples it to the mt-HSP70/ATP driving system
- Identification of a major subfamily of large HSP70-like proteins through the cloning of the mammalian 110-kDa heat shock protein
- Molecular cloning of mtp70, a mitochondrial member of the HSP70 family
- A mitochondrial homolog of bacterial GrpE interacts with mitochondrial HSP70 and is essential for viability.
- Heat shock-induced translational control of HSP70 and globin synthesis in chicken reticulocytes
- Accumulation of HSP70 in juvenile and adult rainbow trout gill exposed to metal‐contaminated water and/or diet
- Mutational analysis of the HSP70-interacting protein Hip
- HSP70 accumulation in tissues of heat-stressed rats is blunted with advancing age
- Interaction of homologues of HSP70 and Cpn60 with ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase upon its import into chloroplasts
- E1a transactivation of the human HSP70 promoter is mediated through the basal transcriptional complex
- Human heat shock factors 1 and 2 are differentially activated and can synergistically induce HSP70 gene transcription
- Vaccinia virus infection induces a stress response that leads to association of HSP70 with viral proteins
- Heat shock-induced interactions of heat shock transcription factor and the human HSP70 promoter examined by in vivo footprinting
- Isolation of a novel inducible rat heat-shock protein (HSP70) gene and its expression during ischaemia/hypoxia and heat shock
- HSP70 in myocardial ischaemia
- Drug resistance against gemcitabine and topotecan mediated by constitutive HSP70 overexpression in vitro: implication of quercetin as sensitiser in chemotherapy
- Repression of HSP70 heat shock gene transcription by the suppressor of hairy-wing protein of Drosophila melanogaster
- Mutational analysis of the human HSP70 protein: distinct domains for nucleolar localization and adenosine triphosphate binding.
- Heat shock regulatory elements function as an inducible enhancer in the Xenopus HSP70 gene and when linked to a heterologous promoter
- Differential effects of exercise and heat stress on liver HSP70 accumulation with aging
- Analysis of the specificity and mechanism of transcriptional activation of the human HSP70 gene during infection by DNA viruses
- Multiple basal elements of a human HSP70 promoter function differently in human and rodent cell lines
- A gene encoding a DnaK/HSP70 homolog in Escherichia coli
- A hypothetical model for the peptide binding domain of HSP70 based on the peptide binding domain of HLA.
- Characterization of the HSP70 Multigene Family of Caenorhabditis elegans
- Overexpression of major heat shock protein HSP70 inhibits tumor necrosis factor-induced activation of phospholipase A2.
- Continuous contractile activity induces fiber type specific expression of HSP70 in skeletal muscle
- Localization of the gene encoding human BiP/GRP78, the endoplasmic reticulum cognate of the HSP70 family, to chromosome 9q34
- Induction of stress protein HSP70 in nerve cells after status epilepticus in the rat
- Transcriptional regulation of an HSP70 heat shock gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Mitochondrial GrpE modulates the function of matrix HSP70 in translocation and maturation of preproteins
- The Drosophila HSP70 message is rapidly degraded at normal temperatures and stabilized by heat shock
- Identification and sequence analysis of a new member of the mouse HSP70 gene family and characterization of its unique cellular and developmental pattern of …
- Dynamic interaction between Isp45 and mitochondrial HSP70 in the protein import system of the yeast mitochondrial inner membrane
- The nucleotide exchange factor MGE exerts a key function in the ATP‐dependent cycle of mt‐HSP70‐Tim44 interaction driving mitochondrial protein import.
- Increased HSF activation in muscles with a high constitutive HSP70 expression
- Cell cycle control of the human HSP70 gene: implications for the role of a cellular E1A-like function
- Sea urchin egg receptor for sperm: sequence similarity of binding domain and HSP70
- Human humoral immunity to HSP70 during Trypanosoma cruzi infection.
- Regulation of a yeast HSP70 gene by a cAMP responsive transcriptional control element.
- SSI1 encodes a novel HSP70 of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae endoplasmic reticulum
- Heat-shock proteins Hsp104 and HSP70 reactivate mRNA splicing after heat inactivation
- Molecular cloning of human p48, a transient component of progesterone receptor complexes and an HSP70-binding protein.
- Hsp78, a Clp homologue within mitochondria, can substitute for chaperone functions of mt‐HSP70.
- Preferential deadenylation of HSP70 mRNA plays a key role in regulating HSP70 expression in Drosophila melanogaster
- Induction of 70-kDa heat shock protein and HSP70 mRNA following transient focal cerebral ischemia in the rat
- Expression of a heat-inducible gene of the HSP70 family in human myelomonocytic cells: regulation by bacterial products and cytokines
- Regulation of HSP70 gene expression during the life cycle of the parasitic helminth Schistosoma mansoni
- Hormone-free mouse glucocorticoid receptors overexpressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells are localized to the nucleus and are associated with both HSP70 …
- The inhibition of petunia HSP70 mRNA processing during CdCl2 stress
- A major immunogen in Schistosoma mansoni infections is homologous to the heat-shock protein HSP70.
- Regulation of heat‐shock genes: a DNA sequence upstream of Drosophila HSP70 genes is essential for their induction in monkey cells.
- Induction of cellular HSP70 expression by human cytomegalovirus
- Genetic and environmental regulation of HSP70 expression
- Quantitation of HSP70 in tissues using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
- Human heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) protects murine cells from injury during metabolic stress.
- Cytoplasmic HSP70 homologues of pea: differential expression in vegetative and embryonic organs
- A head-to-tail tandem organization of HSP70 genes in Trypanosoma cruzi
- Maximal stress-induced transcription from the human HSP70 promoter requires interactions with the basal promoter elements independent of rotational alignment
- Cloning of Giardia lamblia heat shock protein HSP70 homologs: implications regarding origin of eukaryotic cells and of endoplasmic reticulum.
- Stable high level expression of a transfected human HSP70 gene protects a heart-derived muscle cell line against thermal stress
- Isolation and characterization of a soybean HSP70 gene
- The RNA polymerase II molecule at the 5′ end of the uninduced HSP70 gene of D. melanogaster is transcriptionally engaged
- Characterization of the protein-protein interactions determining the heat shock protein (hsp90. HSP70. hsp56) heterocomplex
- Cis-acting elements involved in the regulated expression of a human HSP70 gene
- Regulation of HSP70 expression in Trypanosoma cruzi by temperature and growth phase
- Species-and tissue-specific synthesis patterns for heat-shock proteins HSP70 and HSP90 in several marine teleost fishes
- The mitochondrial ClpB homolog Hsp78 cooperates with matrix HSP70 in maintenance of mitochondrial function
- The major histocompatibility complex region marked by HSP70-1 and HSP70-2 variants is associated with clozapine-induced agranulocytosis in two different …
- The 72K IE1 and 80K IE2 proteins of human cytomegalovirus independently trans-activate the c-fos, c-myc and HSP70 promoters via basal promoter elements
- Differences in adaptive stabilization of structures in response to stress and hypoxia relate with the accumulation of HSP70 isoforms
- A novel, soluble form of phytoene desaturase from Narcissus pseudonarcissus chromoplasts is HSP70‐complexed and competent for flavinylation, membrane …
- Characterization of an HSP70 Cognate Gene Family in Arabidopsis
- The dissociation of ATP from HSP70 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is stimulated by both Ydj1p and peptide substrates
- Differential Expression and Regulation of HSP70 and hsp90 by Phorbol Esters and Heat Shock∗
- Chromosomal location of human genes encoding major heat-shock protein HSP70
- Factor substitution in a human HSP70 gene promoter: TATA-dependent and TATA-independent interactions
- Precursor proteins in transit through mitochondrial contact sites interact with HSP70 in the matrix
- Heat shock proteins hsp90 and HSP70 protect neuronal cells from thermal stress but not from programmed cell death
- Atherosclerosis alters the localization of HSP70 in human and macaque aortas
- HSP70 overexpression mediates the escape of a doxorubicin-induced G2 cell cycle arrest
- Co-segregation of tumor immunogenicity with expression of inducible but not constitutive HSP70 in rat colon carcinomas.
- Response of heat shock element within the human HSP70 promoter to mutated p53 genes.
- Cloning and Analysis of a Cryptosporidium parvum Gene Encoding a Protein with Homology to Cytoplasmic Form HSP70
- Two transcriptional activators, CCAAT-box-binding transcription factor and heat shock transcription factor, interact with a human HSP70 gene promoter
- Induction of HSP70 gene expression by modulation of Ca+2 ion and cellular p53 protein by curcumin in colorectal carcinoma cells
- Effect of betaine on HSP70 expression and cell survival during adaptation to osmotic stress
- A mechanism of glycine and alanine cytoprotective action: stimulation of stress-induced HSP70 mRNA
- Induction of HSP70 mRNA after transient ischemia in gerbil brain
- Heat shock protein HSP70 cognate gene expression in vegetative and reproductive organs of Lycopersicon esculentum
- cDNA cloning and expression of stress‐inducible rat HSP70 normal and injured rat brain
- Organization of the Drosophila melanogaster HSP70 heat shock regulation unit
- In vivo hyperthermia induces expression of HSP70 mRNA in brain regions controlling the neuroendocrine response to stress
- Conserved sequences and transcription of the HSP70 gene family in Trypanosoma brucei
- Regulation of chemical stress-induced HSP70 gene expression in murine L929 cells
- Antibody responses to the chlamydial heat shock proteins hsp60 and HSP70 are H-2 linked
- Sequence and genomic organization of the HSP70 genes of Leishmania amazonensis
- The potential role of HSP70 as an indicator of response to radiation and hyperthermia treatments for recurrent breast cancer
- The delta psi‐and HSP70/MIM44‐dependent reaction cycle driving early steps of protein import into mitochondria.
- Uncoating of coated vesicles by yeast HSP70 proteins.
- Cloning and expression of a heat‐inducible HSP70 gene in two species of Hydra which differ in their stress response
- Morphometric Analysis of the Growth of PHSP70-ipt Transgenic Tobacco Plants
- Heat shock protein HSP70 accelerates the recovery of heat-shocked mammalian cells through its modulation of heat shock transcription factor HSF1
- Haloperidol prevents ketamine-and phencyclidine-induced HSP70 protein expression but not microglial activation
- Binding sites for HSP70 molecular chaperones in natural proteins
- Oxidized LDL induce HSP70 expression in human smooth muscle cells
- Molecular cloning of a novel human HSP70 from a B cell line and its assignment to chromosome 5.
- HSP27 and HSP70 increase the survival of WEHI-S cells exposed to hyperthermia
- HSP70 heat shock protein induction following global ischemia in the rat
- Constitutive HSP70: oligomerization and its dependence on ATP binding
- Expression of heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP90 in endometrial carcinomas: correlation with clinicopathology, sex steroid receptor status, and p53 protein …
- Expression of heat shock genes (HSP70) in the rabbit spinal cord: Localization of constitutive and hyperthermia‐inducible mRNA species
- HSP70 mRNA translation in chicken reticulocytes is regulated at the level of elongation.
- The heat-shock phenomenon in cultured cells of rainbow trout HSP70 mRNA synthesis and turnover
- Evaluation of genetic divergence among Borrelia burgdorferi isolates by use of OspA, fla, HSP60, and HSP70 gene probes
- Induction of c-fos, junB, c-jun, and HSP70 mRNA in cortex, thalamus, basal ganglia, and hippocampus following middle cerebral artery occlusion
- HSP70 mRNA induction is reduced in neurons of aged rat hippocampus after thermal stress
- Differential expression of HSP70 stress proteins in human endothelial cells exposed to heat shock and hydrogen peroxide
- Stress response of senescent T lymphocytes reduced HSP70 is independent of the proliferative block
- A member of the HSP70 family is localized in mitochondria and resembles Escherichia coli DnaK
- Haloperidol prevents induction of the HSP70 heat shock gene in neurons injured by phencyclidine (PCP), MK801, and ketamine
- Expression of HSP70 gene in lymphocytes from normotensive and hypertensive humans
- Expression of HSP70-related gene in developing and degenerating rat testis
- Heat shock and light activation of aChlamydomonas HSP70 gene are mediated by independent regulatory pathways
- Positive and negative regulation of basal expression of a yeast HSP70 gene
- Developmental-stage-specific expression of the HSP70 gene family during differentiation of the mammalian male germ line
- A cloned human CCAAT-box-binding factor stimulates transcription from the human HSP70 promoter
- HSP70 heat shock protein cognate is expressed and stored in developing tomato pollen
- Newly imported Rieske iron-sulfur protein associates with both Cpn60 and HSP70 in the chloroplast stroma.
- Regulation of HSP70 mRNA levels during oocyte maturation and zygotic gene activation in the mouse
- Progressive maturation of chromatin structure regulates HSP70. 1 gene expression in the preimplantation mouse embryo
- Transient Acquired Thermotolerance in Drosophila, Correlated with Rapid Degradation of HSP70 During Recovery
- Identification of cytosolic peroxisome proliferator binding protein as a member of the heat shock protein HSP70 family.
- Expression of human HSP70 in rat fibroblasts enhances cell survival and facilitates recovery from translational and transcriptional inhibition following heat shock
- Chromosomal localization of HSP70 genes in cattle
- Mutation in a heat‐regulated HSP70 gene of Ustilago maydis.
- Deficient induction of human HSP70 heat shock gene transcription in Y79 retinoblastoma cells despite activation of heat shock factor 1
- Extensive regions of homology in front of the two HSP70 heat shock variant genes in Drosophila melanogaster
- Expression of heat shock genes (HSP70) in the mammalian brain: Distinguishing constitutively expressed and hyperthermia‐inducible mRNA species
- HSP70 in mitochondrial biogenesis: from chaperoning nascent polypeptide chains to facilitation of protein degradation
- Effect of vitamin E deprivation and exercise training on induction of HSP70
- Identification of two HSP70-related Xenopus oocyte proteins that are capable of recycling across the nuclear envelope.
- Phencyclidine induction of the HSP70 stress gene in injured pyramidal neurons is mediated via multiple receptors and voltage gated calcium channels
- Expression of the Drosophila white gene under the control of the HSP70 heat shock promoter
- The Mitochondrial Protein Import Machinery: ROLE OF ATP IN DISSOCIATION OF THE HSP70• Mim44 COMPLEX
- Conservation of the central MHC genome: PFGE mapping and RFLP analysis of complement, HSP70, and TNF genes in the goat
- Endotoxin induces cardiac HSP70 and resistance to endotoxemic myocardial depression in rats
- The presence of a nucleomorph HSP70 gene is a common feature of Cryptophyta and Chlorarachniophyta
- Isolation and characterization of extragenic suppressors of mutations in the SSA HSP70 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
- ATPase activity associated with the uncoating of clathrin baskets by HSP70.
- Subcellular localization and chaperone activities of Borrelia burgdorferi Hsp60 and HSP70
- Cell cycle variation of HSP70 levels in HeLa cells at 37 C and after a heat shock
- Selective inhibition of virus protein synthesis by prostaglandin A1: a translational block associated with HSP70 synthesis
- Induction of HSP70 in rat brain following subarachnoid hemorrhage produced by endovascular perforation
- Polymorphic analysis of the human MHC‐linked heat shock protein 70 (HSP70‐2) and HSP70‐Hom genes in insulin‐dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)
- Post-transcriptional control of HSP70 mRNA in Trypanosoma brucei
- Modulation of thermal induction of HSP70 expression by Ku autoantigen or its individual subunits
- Characteristics of an HSP70 homolog localized in higher plant chloroplasts that is similar to DnaK, the HSP70 of prokaryotes
- Isolation of HSP70-binding proteins from bovine muscle
- Regulation of HSP70 synthesis induced by cupric sulfate and zinc sulfate in thermotolerant HeLa cells
- Progesterone enhances target gene transcription by receptor free of heat shock proteins hsp90, hsp56, and HSP70
- A heat shock transcription factor with reduced activity suppresses a yeast HSP70 mutant
- Recombinant Leishmania Hsp90 and HSP70 are recognized by sera from visceral leishmaniasis patients but not Chagas’ disease patients
- HSP70 genes are linked to the Xenopus major histocompatibility complex
- Transcription factor Sp1 binds to and activates a human HSP70 gene promoter
- Combinatory effects of temperature stress and nonionic organic pollutants on stress protein (HSP70) gene expression in the freshwater sponge Ephydatia fluviatilis
- Conserved ATPase and luciferase refolding activities between bacteria and yeast HSP70 chaperones and modulators
- Astrocyte survival and HSP70 heat shock protein induction following heat shock and acidosis
- Maturation of polycistronic pre-mRNA in Trypanosoma brucei: analysis of trans splicing and poly (A) addition at nascent RNA transcripts from the HSP70 locus
- Antibodies and reactive T cells against the malaria heat-shock protein Pf72/HSP70-1 and derived peptides in individuals continuously exposed to Plasmodium …
- Hemin-induced transcriptional activation of the HSP70 gene during erythroid maturation in K562 cells is due to a heat shock factor-mediated stress response
- Autoantibodies to the constitutive 73-kD member of the HSP70 family of heat shock proteins in systemic lupus erythematosus.
- Mice chronically exposed to low dose ionizing radiation possess splenocytes with elevated levels of HSP70 mRNA, HSC70 and HSP72 and with an increased …
- HSP70 mRNA expression in heat-stressed chickens
- Transcription and post-transcriptional regulation of avian HSP70 gene expression.
- Mapping of the linear antigenic determinants of the Leishmania infantum HSP70 recognized by leishmaniasis sera
- Mitochondrial import of subunit Va of cytochrome c oxidase characterized with yeast mutants: independence from receptors, but requirement for matrix HSP70 …
- Adenovirus capsid proteins interact with HSP70 proteins after penetration in human or rodent cells
- Coexpression of c-fos and HSP70 mRNAs in gerbil brain after ischemia: induction threshold, distribution and time course evaluated by in situ hybridization
- Heat shock of Escherichia coli increases binding of dnaK (the HSP70 homolog) to polypeptides by promoting its phosphorylation
- Heat shock proteins hsp60 and HSP70: their roles in folding, assembly and membrane translocation of proteins.
- Stromal factor plays an essential role in protein integration into thylakoids that cannot be replaced by unfolding or by heat shock protein HSP70
- Association of HSP70 with the adenovirus type 5 fiber protein in infected HEp-2 cells
- HSP70: a carrier molecule with built-in adjuvanticity
- Characterisation of PHSP1, a cDNA encoding a mitochondrial HSP70 fromPisum sativum
- Differential regulation of HSC70, HSP70, HSP90α, and HSP90β mRNA expression by mitogen activation and heat shock in human lymphocytes
- Immunohistochemical localization of heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP90 in the human endometrium: correlation with sex steroid receptors and Ki-67 antigen …
- Role of cytosolic Ca2+ and protein kinases in the induction of the HSP70 gene
- Liposomal Delivery of Purified Heat Shock Protein HSP70 Into Rat Pancreatic Islets as Protection Against Interleukin 1β–Induced Impaired β-Cell Function
- Suppression of heat-induced HSP70 expression by the 70-kDa subunit of the human Ku autoantigen
- TATA-box dependent trans-activation of the human HSP70 promoter by Myb proteins.
- Control of HSP70 RNA levels in human lymphocytes.
- Molecular chaperones in pancreatic tissue: the presence of cpn10, cpn60 and HSP70 in distinct compartments along the secretory pathway of the acinar cells
- Cooperative binding of heat shock transcription factor to the HSP70 promoter in vivo and in vitro.
- Genetic polymorphisms of the TNFB and HSP70 genes located in the human major histocompatibility complex in sarcoidosis
- Involvement of a chloroplast HSP70 heat shock protein in the integration of a protein (light-harvesting complex protein precursor) into the thylakoid membrane.
- Structure of a gene encoding heat-shock protein HSP70 from the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Insulin-induced expression of human heat-shock protein gene HSP70
- N-Ethylmaleimide inactivates a nucleotide-free HSP70 molecular chaperone
- An RNA polymerase II promoter in the HSP70 locus of Trypanosoma brucei
- Sequential folding of UmuC by the HSP70 and Hsp60 chaperone complexes of Escherichia coli.
- Molecular characterization and outer membrane association of a Chlamydia trachomatis protein related to the HSP70 family of proteins.
- No Independent Association Between HSP70 Gene Polymorphism and IDDM
- Temporal and spatial distribution of heat shock mRNA and protein (HSP70) in the rabbit cerebellum in response to hyperthermia
- Acceleration of HSP70 and HSC70 heat shock gene expression following transient ischemia in the preconditioned gerbil hippocampus
- During canine viscero-cutaneous leishmaniasis the anti-HSP70 antibodies are specifically elicited by the parasite protein
- Biochemical analysis of heat-resistant mouse tumor cell strains: a new member of the HSP70 family
- HSP70 family molecular chaperones and mutant insulin receptor: differential binding specificities of BiP and HSP70/Hsc70 determines accumulation or degradation of …
- p53-HSP70 complexes in oral dysplasia and cancer: potential prognostic implications
- Exogenous heat shock protein HSP70 activates potassium channels in U937 cells
- Analyses of promoter-proximal pausing by RNA polymerase II on the HSP70 heat shock gene promoter in a Drosophila nuclear extract
- Exogenous HSP70 becomes cell associated, but not internalized, by stressed arterial smooth muscle cells
- Conformations of the nucleotide and polypeptide binding domains of a cytosolic HSP70 molecular chaperone are coupled
- Mutations in a gene encoding a new HSP70 suppress rapid DNA inversion and bgl activation, but not proU derepression, in hns-1 mutant Escherichia coli
- Isolation and characterization of a cDNA clone encoding the major HSP70 of the pea chloroplastic stroma
- The growth transformation of human B cells involves superinduction of HSP70 and hsp90
- Induction of HSP70 by prostaglandins
- Interaction between HSP70 and hsp40, eukaryotic homologues of DnaK and DnaJ, in human cells expressing mutant-type p53
- Restriction fragment length polymorphism of HSP70 gene, localized in the RT1 complex, is associated with hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
- Comparative analysis of the three major histocompatibility complex-linked heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) genes of the rat
- Mapping of a visceral leishmaniasis-specific immunodominant B-cell epitope of Leishmania donovani HSP70
- Induction of HSP70 gene expression by the antiproliferative prostaglandin PGA2: a growth-dependent response mediated by activation of heat shock transcription …
- Mouse heat shock transcription factors 1 and 2 prefer a trimeric binding site but interact differently with the HSP70 heat shock element
- Localization of a mouse heat shock HSP70 gene within the H-2 complex
- Transforming growth factor‐β1 rapidly induces HSP70 and Hsp90 molecular chaperones in cultured chicken embryo cells
- Monovalent cation selectivity for ATP-dependent association of the glucocorticoid receptor with HSP70 and hsp90.
- Three high-lysine mutations control the level of ATP-binding HSP70-like proteins in the maize endosperm.
- The E1A 13S product of adenovirus 5 activates transcription of the cellular human HSP70 gene
- Construction of a heat‐inducible gene for plants. Demonstration of heat‐inducible activity of the Drosophila HSP70 promoter in plants
- … of homeotic protein function can determine developmental identity: evidence from low‐level expression of the Drosophila homeotic gene proboscipedia under HSP70 …
- Molecular cloning of two new heat shock genes related to the HSP70 genes in Staphylococcus aureus
- Interleukin-1β induces the expression of HSP70, heme oxygenase and Mn-SOD in FACS-purified rat islet β-cells, but not in α-cells
- Three HSP70 genes are located in the C4-H-2D region: possible candidates for the Orch-1 locus
- Identification of a 60-kilodalton stress-related protein, p60, which interacts with hsp90 and HSP70
- Binding of polyomavirus large T antigen to the human HSP70 promoter is not required for trans activation
- The heat shock consensus sequence is not sufficient for HSP70 gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster
- HSP70‐related 65 kDa protein of beet yellows closterovirus is a microtubule‐binding protein
- Human endothelial cells exposed to oxidized LDL express HSP70 only when proliferating
- Disease association of antibodies to human and mycobacterial HSP70 and hsp60 stress proteins
- In vitro assembly of multiprotein complexes containing alpha, beta, and gamma tubulin, heat shock protein HSP70, and elongation factor 1 alpha
- Prolonged Expression of HSP70 mRNA following Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing CuZn-Superoxide Dismutase
- Cloning and sequencing of an HSP70 gene of Schistosoma mansoni
- Sequence and Structure Determinants of Drosophila HSP70 mRNA Translation: 5′-UTR Secondary Structure Specifically Inhibits Heat Shock Protein mRNA …
- Nuclear colocalization of cellular and viral myc proteins with HSP70 in myc-overexpressing cells
- Heat-inducible rice hsp82 and HSP70 are not always co-regulated
- Expression of a testis-specific HSP70 gene-related RNA in defined stages of rat seminiferous epithelium.
- Heat shock (HSP70) and resistance proteins in non-small cell lung carcinomas
- Differential expression of heat‐shock proteins and spontaneous synthesis of HSP70 during the life cycle of Blastocladiella emersonii
- Erythroid lineage-specific expression and inducibility of the major heat shock protein HSP70 during avian embryogenesis.
- Structure and expression of an inducible HSP70-encoding gene from Mus musculus
- The HSP70 gene CCAAT-binding factor mediates transcriptional activation by the adenovirus E1a protein
- Isolation of four HSP70 genes in the pig and localization on chromosomes 7 and 14
- A human gene family with sequence homology to Drosophila melanogaster HSP70 heat shock genes.
- DNA fragmentation and HSP70 protein induction in hippocampus and cortex occurs in separate neurons following permanent middle cerebral artery occlusions
- The HSP70 gene family of Neurospora crassa: cloning, sequence analysis, expression, and genetic mapping of the major stress-inducible member
- The mitochondrial protein import motor: dissociation of mitochondrial HSP70 from its membrane anchor requires ATP binding rather than ATP hydrolysis
- HSP70‐related proteins in bovine skeletal muscle
- Quantitative evidence that both Hsc70 and HSP70 contribute to thermal adaptation in hybrids of the livebearing fishes Poeciliopsis
- Analysis of heat shock element recognition by saturation mutagenesis of the human HSP70. 1 gene promoter.
- Modulation of cell growth and mutation induction by introduction of the expression vector of human HSP70 gene
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSP70 heat shock elements are functionally distinct
- A CCAAT box confers cell-type-specific regulation on the Xenopus HSP70 gene in oocytes
- c-myc protein complex binds to two sites in human HSP70 promoter region
- Differential expression of HSP70 proteins in response to heat and cadmium in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Expression of HSP70 mRNA in the embryonic chicken lens: association with differentiation
- HSP70 binds specifically to a peptide derived from the highly conserved domain (I) region of p53
- Scaffold attachment regions stimulate HSP70. 1 expression in mouse preimplantation embryos but not in differentiated tissues
- MSl3, a multicopy suppressor of mutants hyperactivated in the RAS-CAMP pathway, encodes a novel HSP70 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Putative 65 kDa protein of beet yellows closterovirus is a homologue of HSP70 heat shock proteins
- Comparison of flow cytometry and western blotting to measure HSP70
- Localization of c-fos, c-jun, and HSP70 mRNA expression in brain after neonatal hypoxia-ischemia
- Yge1p, a eukaryotic Grp-E homolog, is localized in the mitochondrial matrix and interacts with mitochondrial HSP70
- DNQX inhibits phencyclidine (PCP) and ketamine induction of the HSP70 heat shock gene in the rat cingulate and retrosplenial cortex
- Isolation and nucleotide sequence analysis of the rat testis-specific major heat-shock protein (HSP70)-related gene
- Is HSP70 involved in nitric oxide-induced protection of the heart?
- Isolation and characterization of human HSP70 expressed in Escherichia coli
- Increased serum levels of IgA antibodies to HSP70 protein in patients with diabetes mellitus: their relationship with vascular complications
- Interleukin-1β depletes insulin messenger ribonucleic acid and increases the heat shock protein HSP70 in mouse pancreatic islets without impairing the glucose …
- A deletion of the 3’end of the Drosophila melanogaster HSP70 gene increases stability of mutant mRNA during recovery from heat shock
- HSP86 and HSP84 exhibit cellular specificity of expression and co‐precipitate with an HSP70 family member in the murine testis
- Individuals from Different Populations Identify Multiple and Diverse T‐Cell Determinants on Mycobacterial HSP70
- Induction of HSP70 is associated with vincristine resistance in heat-shocked 9L rat brain tumour cells
- Mitochondrial HSP60 (P1 protein) and a HSP70-like protein (mortalin) are major targets for modification during S-(1, 1, 2, 2-tetrafluoroethyl)-L-cysteine-induced …
- Multiple p53 protein isoforms and formation of oligomeric complexes with heat shock proteins HSP70 and Hsp90 in the human mammary tumor, T47D, cell line.
- Synthesis of trypanosome HSP70 mRNA is resistant to disruption of trans-splicing by heat shock
- Induction of HSP70 proteins in mussels by ingestion of tributyltin
- Activity of the HSP70 chaperone complex–DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE–in initiating phage lambda DNA replication by sequestering and releasing lambda P protein
- Constitutive expression of a somatic heat-inducible HSP70 gene during amphibian oogenesis
- Cer1p, a novel HSP70-related protein required for posttranslational endoplasmic reticulum translocation in yeast
- Transcript levels and translational control of HSP70 synthesis in Xenopus oocytes.
- A HSP70-related gene is constitutively highly expressed in testis of rat and mouse
- Mammalian stress proteins HSP70 and HSP28 coinduced by nicotine and either ethanol or heat
- Mouse and human chromosomal assignments of mortalin, a novel member of the murine HSP70 family of proteins
- Butyrate induced apoptosis in lymphoid cells preceded by transient over-expression of HSP70 mRNA
- Effect of staurosporine on the transcription of HSP70 heat shock gene in HT-29 cells
- Effects of low culture temperature on the induction of HSP70 mRNA and the accumulation of HSP70 and hsp105 in mouse FM3A cells
- A unique intron-containing HSP70 gene induced by heat shock and during sporulation in the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii
- Cloning, nucleotide sequence and expression of rat heat inducible HSP70 gene
- The plastid genome of Cryptomonas phi encodes an HSP70-like protein, a histone-like protein, and an acyl carrier protein
- HSP70 is localized to the centrosome of dividing HeLa cells
- Strong genetic association between HLA-DR3 and a polymorphic variation in the regulatory region of the HSP70-1 gene
- Identification of an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA encoding a HSP70‐related protein belonging to the HSP110/SSE1 subfamily
- Transcription factor TFIID recognizes DNA sequences downstream of the TATA element in the HSP70 heat shock gene
- Expression of c-fos and HSP70 mRNA after traumatic brain injury in transgenic mice overexpressing CuZn-superoxide dismutase
- Characterization and Cellular Distribution of Heat-Shock Proteins HSP70 and HSP60 inTrypanosoma cruzi
- HSP70 proteins, similar to Escherichia coli DnaK, in chloroplasts and mitochondria of Euglena gracilis
- HSP70 gene expression in mouse lung cells upon chronic γ-irradiation
- Relationship between the induction of proteins in the HSP70 family and thermosensitivity in two species of Oryzias (Pisces)
- The sorting signal of cytochrome b2 promotes early divergence from the general mitochondrial import pathway and restricts the unfoldase activity of matrix HSP70.
- Role of chromatin and Xenopus laevis heat shock transcription factor in regulation of transcription from the X. laevis HSP70 promoter in vivo
- Subarachnoid Injections of Lysed Blood Induce the HSP70 Stress Gene and Produce DNA Fragmentation in Focal Areas of the Rat Brain
- Analysis of the cytosolic HSP70 gene family inZea mays
- Identification of an HSP70-related protein associated with the centrosome from dinoflagellates to human cells
- The HSP70 heat‐shock gene family of the mosquito Anopheles albimanus
- Identification of a protein altered in mutants resistant to microtubule inhibitors as a member of the major heat shock protein (HSP70) family
- An essential member of the HSP70 gene family of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is homologous to immunoglobulin heavy chain binding protein.
- Induction of glucose regulated protein (grp78) and inducible heat shock protein (HSP70) mRNAs in rat brain after kainic acid seizures and focal ischemia
- Humoral immune response to the chlamydial heat shock proteins hsp60 and HSP70 in Chlamydia -associated chronic salpingitis with tubal occlusion
- Induction of the human growth hormone gene placed under human HSP70 promoter control in mouse cells: a quantitative indicator of metal toxicity
- Analysis of topoisomerase I and II cleavage sites on the Drosophila actin and HSP70 heat shock genes
- Mapping of antigenic determinants of the T. cruzi HSP70 in chagasic and healthy individuals
- Stable transformation of mosquito cell lines using a HSP70:: neo fusion gene
- A hypersensitive site in HSP70 chromatin requires adjacent not internal DNA sequence
- Single copy Babesia microti HSP70
- Borrelia burgdorferi HSP70 homolog: characterization of an immunoreactive stress protein
- Decreased expression of the stress protein HSP70 is an early event in murine erythroleukemic cell differentiation
- The preconditioned hippocampus accelerates HSP70 heat shock gene expression following transient ischemia in the gerbil
- Chemical modifications of a recombinant bovine stress-inducible 70 kDa heat-shock protein (HSP70) mimics HSP70 isoforms from tissues
- Stable expression of a human HSP70 gene in a rat myogenic cell line confers protection against endotoxin
- Methylation-associated transcriptional silencing of the major histocompatibility complex-linked HSP70 genes in mouse cell lines
- A new dominant selectable marker for genetic transformation; HSP70-opd
- Schwann cells are able to present exogenous mycobacterial HSP70 to antigen-specific T lymphocytes
- Mouse and Drosophila genes encoding the major heat shock protein (HSP70) are highly conserved
- Immunization with the malaria heat shock like protein HSP70-1 enhances transmission to the mosquito
- Expression of Heat Shock Genes (HSP70) in the Mammalian Nervous System
- Structural Features of the Precursor to Mitochondrial Aspartate Aminotransferase Responsible for Binding to HSP70 (∗)
- Mapping of HSP70‐binding sites on protein antigens
- Roles for HSP70 in protein translocation across membranes of organelles
- Memantine induces heat shock protein HSP70 in the posterior cingulate cortex, retrosplenial cortex and dentate gyrus of rat brain
- Heat-shock disruption of trans-splicing in trypanosomes: effect on HSP70, Hsp85 and tubulin mRNA synthesis
- Cotranslocation and colocalization of hsp40 (DnaJ) with HSP70 (DnaK) in mammalian cells
- Induction of HSP70 mRNA and HSP70 protein in the hippocampus of the developing gerbil following transient forebrain ischemia
- Cytoplasmic-nuclear translocation of the HSP70 protein during environmental stress in Trypanosoma cruzi
- A susceptibility gene for alveolar lung tumors in the mouse maps between HSP70. 3 and G7 within the H2 complex
- Inhibitory effects of HSP70 chaperones on nascent polypeptides
- Time course and regional expression of C‐FOS and HSP70 in hippocampus and piriform cortex following soman‐induced seizures
- Inducible transcription and puffing in Drosophila melanogaster transformed with HSP70-phage lambda hybrid heat shock genes
- Selective postmortem degradation of inducible heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) mRNAs in rat brain
- Cyclophilin 20 is involved in mitochondrial protein folding in cooperation with molecular chaperones HSP70 and Hsp60
- The effect of ethanol on HSP70 in cultured rat glial cells and in brain areas of rat pups exposed to ethanol in utero
- The hsc70 gene which is slightly induced by heat is the main virus inducible member of the HSP70 gene family
- Activation by heat shock of HSP70 gene transcription in sea urchin embryos
- Structure and expression of a gene encoding heat-shock protein HSP70 from the Oomycete fungus Bremia lactucae
- C-terminal trimerization, but not N-terminal trimerization, of the reovirus cell attachment protein is a posttranslational and HSP70/ATP-dependent process
- Human major HSP70 protein complements the localization and functional defects of cytoplasmic mutant SV40 T antigen in Swiss 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells.
- Complement C4 and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) genotypes and type I diabetes mellitus
- Human cytomegalovirus immediate-early 2 (IE2) protein can transactivate the human HSP70 promoter by alleviation of Dr1-mediated repression
- Cloning of the HSP70 (dnaK) genes from Rhizobium meliloti and Pseudomonas cepacia: phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial origin based on a highly conserved …
- Trigeminal ganglion neurons are protected by the heat shock proteins HSP70 and hsp90 from thermal stress but not from programmed cell death following nerve …
- HLA‐linked heat‐shock protein 70 (HSP70–2) gene polymorphism and celiac disease
- Complete nucleotide sequence of the HSP70 gene of T. cruzi.
- Relative abundance of bovine HSP70 mRNA and protein
- Epitope tagging of the human endoplasmic reticulum HSP70 protein, BiP, to facilitate analysis of BiP-substrate interactions
- Heat shock HSP70 protein is chloroplast-encoded in the chromophytic alga Pavlova lutherii
- UV cross-linking identifies four polypeptides that require the TATA box to bind to the Drosophila HSP70 promoter
- Effects of expressing human HSP70 and its deletion derivatives on heat killing and on RNA and protein synthesis
- Interleukin-1β increases the biosynthesis of the heat shock protein HSP70 and selectively decreases the biosynthesis of five proteins in rat pancreatic islets
- TATA-dependent and TATA-independent function of the basal and heat shock elements of a human HSP70 promoter
- Key of induced tolerance to ischaemia in gerbil hippocampal CA1 is not at transcriptional level of HSP70 gene: In situ hybridization of HSP70 mRNA
- Study of heat shock protein HSP90α, HSP70, HSP27 mRNA expression in human acute leukemia cells
- E1a transactivation of human HSP70 gene promoter substitution mutants is independent of the composition of upstream and TATA elements
- Cloning of HSP70 (dnaK) gene from Clostridium perfringens using a general polymerase chain reaction based approach
- Different HSP70 expression and cell survival during adaptive responses of 3T3 and transformed 3T3 cells to osmotic stress
- The non-induction of HSP70 in heat shocked Malpighian tubules of Drosophila larvae is not due to constitutive presence of HSP70 or hsc70
- Modification of two distinct COOH-terminal domains is required for murine p53 activation by bacterial HSP70
- Reversible nucleolar translocation of Epstein—Barr virus-encoded EBNA-5 and HSP70 proteins after exposure to heat shock or cell density congestion
- A Drosophila HSP70 gene contains long, antiparallel, coupled open reading frames (LAC ORFs) conserved in homologous loci
- The heat shock factor and mitochondrial HSP70 are necessary for survival of heat shock in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Heat shock response in the liver: Expression and regulation of the HSP70 gene family and early response genes after in vivo hyperthermia
- Characterization of an HSP70 gene from the human filarial parasite, Brugia malayi (Nematoda)
- The 170 kDa glucose regulated stress protein is a large HSP70-HSP110-like protein of the endoplasmic reticulum
- Nuclear colocalization of c-myc protein and HSP70 in cells transfected with human wild-type and mutant c-myc genes
- Susceptibility of AML cells to in vitro apoptosis correlates with heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) expression
- Regulation of two different HSP70 transcript populations in steroid hormone‐induced fungal development
- The occurrence of HSP70 in the outer membrane of plant mitochondria
- Gametic association of HSP70‐1 promoter region alleles and their inclusion in extended HLA haplotypes
- Regional difference of HSP70 and HSC70 heat shock mRNA inductions in rat hippocampus after transient global ischemia
- Regulation of chicken HSP70 and Hsp90 family gene expression by transforming growth factor‐β1
- Development of thermotolerance in HSP70 induction-defective mutant of NRK cells
- HSP70RY: further characterization of a novel member of the HSP70 protein family
- Evidence for segmental gene conversion between a cognate HSP70 gene and the temperature-sensitively transcribed HSP70 genes of Trypanosoma brucei
- Distribution of constitutive-and hyperthermia-inducible heat shock mRNA species (HSP70) in the Purkinje layer of the rabbit cerebellum
- Inhibition of HSP70 expression by calcium ionophore A23187 in human cells: an effect independent of the acquisition of DNA-binding activity by the heat …
- Characterization of a new member of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus HSP70 gene family and its expression
- HSP70-1 promoter region alleles and susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis.
- Small subclass of rat olfactory neurons with specific bulbar projections is reactive with monoclonal antibodies to the HSP70 heat shock protein
- Time course of induction of a heat shock gene (HSP70) in the rabbit cerebellum after LSD in vivo: involvement of drug-induced hyperthermia
- Basal expression of stress-inducible HSP70 mRNA detected in hippocampal and cortical neurons of normal rabbit brain
- Regulation of HSP70 and HSP28 gene expression: absence of compensatory interactions
- Different thresholds of HSP70 and HSC70 heat shock mRNA induction in post-ischemic gerbil brain
- A rat testis-specific HSP70 gene-related transcript is coded by a novel gene from the HSP70 multigene family.
- Ability of various members of the HSP70 family of chaperones to promote assembly of the glucocorticoid receptor into a functional heterocomplex with hsp90
- HSP70 translocates into a cytoplasmic aggregate during lymphocyte activation
- The major heat-shock protein (HSP70) gene family: related sequences in mouse, Drosophila, and yeast
- Analysis of 70 KD heat shock protein (HSP70) expression in the lesional skin of lupus erythematosus (LE) and LE related diseases
- Differences in preferential synthesis and redistribution of HSP70 and HSP28 families by heat or sodium arsenite in Chinese hamster ovary cells
- HSP70 synthesis in Schwann cells in response to heat shock and infection with Mycobacterium leprae
- Abnormal HSP70 gene expression: its potential key role in metabolic defects in hypertension.
- An HSP70 homolog is encoded on the plastid genome of the red alga, Porphyra umbilicalis
- Differential relocalization of each member of HSP70 and Hsp28 families during chronic heating
- Expression of c-fos, c-jun and HSP70 mRNA in rat brain following high acceleration stress.
- HSP70-2 9.0 kb variant is in linkage disequilibrium with the HLA-B and DRB1 alleles associated with clozapine-induced agranulocytosis.
- Thermotolerance and heat shock proteins: possible involvement of Ku autoantigen in regulating HSP70 expression
- Heat shock stress is deleterious to CNS cultured neurons microinjected with anti-HSP70 antibodies
- Dominant role of the second heat shock element in expression of the HSP70–1 gene in rat liver after whole body hyperthermia
- cAMP increasing agents prevent the stimulation of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene expression by cadmium chloride in human myeloid cell lines
- Polymorphism of HSP70 gene is not associated with type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus in Japanese
- Sequence of a sea urchin HSP70 gene and its 5′ flanking region
- Evidence that the 90-kDa heat shock protein (HSP90) exists in cytosol in heteromeric complexes containing HSP70 and three other proteins with Mr of 63,000 …
- Herpes simplex virus‐induced expression of 70 kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) requires early protein synthesis but not viral DNA replication
- DNA sequence analysis reveals extensive homologies of regions preceding HSP70 and αβ heat shock genes in Drosophila melanogaster
- Role of HSP70 synthesis in the fate of the insulin‐receptor complex after heat shock in cultured fetal hepatocytes
- Secretory granules in the cytoplasm of a wall-less mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii contain processed light-harvesting complex apoproteins and HSP70
- Conserved function in Nicotiana tabacum of a single Drosophila HSP70 promoter heat shock element when fused to a minimal T-DNA promoter
- Monoclonal antibody recognition and function of a DnaK (HSP70) epitope found in gram-negative bacteria
- Sense and antisense transcripts of the developmentally regulated murine HSP70. 2 gene are expressed in distinct and only partially overlapping areas in the adult …
- Localization of constitutive and hyperthermia‐inducible heat shock mRNAs (hsc70 and HSP70) in the rabbit cerebellum and brainstem by non‐radioactive in situ …
- Wounding regulates polysomal incorporation of HSP70 and tch1 transcripts during signal storage and retrieval
- Evolutionary implications of a complex pattern of DNA sequence homology extending far upstream of the HSP70 genes at loci 87A7 and 87C1 in Drosophila …
- Accelerated recovery of postischemic stunned myocardium after induced expression of myocardial heat-shock protein (HSP70)
- An avian αB-crystallin: Non-lens expression and sequence similarities with both small (HSP27) and large (HSP70) heat shock proteins
- Human stress protein HSP70: overexpression in E. coli, purification and characterization
- Intracellular localization of heat shock mRNAs (hsc70 and HSP70) to neural cell bodies and processes in the control and hyperthermic rabbit brain
- Distinct transcripts are recognized by sense and antisense riboprobes for a member of the murine HSP70 gene family, HSP70. 2, in various reproductive tissues
- Expression of the stress-70 protein family (HSP70) due to heavy metal contamination in the slug, Deroceras reticulatum: an approach to monitor sublethal stress …
- Expression of HSP70 induced in CHO cells by 45.0 C hyperthermia is cell cycle associated and DNA synthesis dependent
- Dissociation of HSP70 and HSC70 heat shock mRNA inductions as an early biochemical marker of ischemic neuronal death
- HSP70 mRNA accumulates in LLC-PK1 pig kidney cells treated with calcitonin but not with 8-bromo-cyclic AMP.
- The role of HSP70 and IP3-DAG mechanism in the adaptive stabilization of structures and heart protection
- Cloning and characterization of cDNAs for 70-kDa heat-shock proteins (HSP70) from two fish species of the genus Oryzias
- Binding of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) to tubulin
- Genomic footprinting of the HSP70 and histone H3 promoters in Drosophila embryos reveals novel protein-DNA interactions
- Calbindin D28K‐containing neurons, and not HSP70‐expressing neurons, are more resistant to HIV‐1 envelope (gp120) toxicity in cortical cell cultures
- Differential expression of heat shock protein (HSP70) mRNAs in rat cells
- Effect of age and busulphan treatment on the HSP70 gene‐related transcript level in rat testes
- Increased accumulation of HSP70 messenger RNA due to enhanced activation of heat-shock transcription factor in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- The kinetics of HIV‐1 long terminal repeat transcriptional activation resemble those of HSP70 promoter in heat‐shock treated HeLa cells
- Heat shock-induced accumulation of 70-kDa stress protein (HSP70) can protect ATP-depleted tumor cells from necrosis
- Heat stressing stimulates nuclear protein kinase C raising diacylglycerol levels. Nuclear protein kinase C activation precedes HSP70 mRNA expression.
- Elevated levels of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) in the mononuclear cells of patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
- Differential expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and heat shock cognate protein 70 (HSC70) in human epidermis
- Effects of sigma ligands on the ability of rimcazole to inhibit PCP HSP70 induction
- Heat stress reduces glutamate toxicity in cultured neurons without HSP70 expression
- Heat shock response of Babesia divergens and identification of the HSP70 as an immunodominant early antigen during ox, gerbil and human babesiosis
- Effects of continuous heating at mild temperatures on the translocation of HSP70 and protein synthesis in NRK cells
- Transcriptional regulation of a yeast HSP70 gene by heat shock factor and an upstream repression site-binding factor.
- Isolation of a gene encoding a mitochondrial HSP70 protein from Schizosaccharomyces pombe
- Expression of constitutive and inducible HSP70 and HSP47 is enhanced in cells persistently spread on OPN1 or collagen
- Molecular karyotype and chromosomal localization of genes encoding two major surface glycoproteins, gp63 and gp46/M2, HSP70, and β-tubulin in cloned strains of …
- Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and complement C4 genotypes in patients with hyperthyroid Graves’ disease.
- Cis‐acting sequences and trans‐acting factors required for constitutive expression of a microinjected HSP70 gene after the midblastula transition of Xenopus laevis …
- Heat-shock-induced protein synthesis is responsible for the switch-off of HSP70 transcription in Tetrahymena
- In situ quantification of HSP70 and alpha-beta transcripts at 87A and 87C loci in relation tohsr-omega gene activity in polytene cells ofDrosophila melanogaster
- The characterization and use of different antibodies against the HSP70 major heat shock protein family for the development of an immunoassay
- The ERE-like sequence from the promoter region of the testis specific HSP70-related gene is not estrogen responsive.
- c-fos and HSP70 gene expression in rat brains in high gravitation-induced cerebral ischemia
- Effects of exogenous heat shock protein (HSP70) on neuronal calcium flux
- In situ mapping of the HSP70 locus in seven species of the willistoni group of Drosophila
- Transcriptional Regulation of Human HSP70 Genes: Relationship Between Cell Growth, Differentiation, Virus Infection, and the Stress Response
- Activity of the promoter of the HSP70 gene of the parasitic helminth Schistosoma mansoni in the mammalian CHO cell-line
- Induction of HSP70 and neuronal damage following transient cerebral ischemia in rats
- Cloning and nucleotide sequence of a HSP70 gene from Streptomyces griseus
- Co-operative binding of hsp60 may promote transfer HSP70 and correct folding of imported proteins in mitochondria
- Modulation of HSP70 and HSP27 gene expression by the differentiation inducer sodium butyrate in U-937 human promonocytic leukemia cells
- A heat shock protein gene in Giardia lamblia unrelated to HSP70.
- Transcription, export and turnover of HSP70 and αβ two Drosophila heat shock genes sharing a 400 nucleotide 5′ upstream region
- Functional analysis of a conserved amino‐terminal region of HSP70 by site‐directed mutagenesis
- Regulation of HSP70 induction in thermotolerant HeLa cells
- Thermal response of yeast cells overexpressing HSP70 genes
- The 8.5-kb PstI allele of the stress protein gene, HSP70-2: an independent risk factor for systemic lupus erythematosus in African Americans?
- Regulation of HSP70 by PTH: a model of gene regulation not mediated by changes in cAMP levels
- RNA/protein interactions in the 5′-untranslated leader of HSP70 mRNA in Drosophila lysates. Lack of evidence for specific protein binding.
- Regulation of HSP70 in excitatory neurons: Possible implications for neuronal functioning
- Identification and characterization of cytosolic Hansenula polymorpha proteins belonging to the HSP70 protein family
- Changes in heat shock protein synthesis and HSP70 gene transcription during erythropoiesis of Xenopus laevis
- A developmentally regulated early-embryogenesis protein in pea (Pisum sativum L.) is related to the heat-shock protein (HSP70) gene family
- Application of modified differential display technique for cloning and sequencing of the 3′ region from three putative members of wheat HSP70 gene family
- Employment of a turbidimetric assay system to study the biochemical role of HSP70 in heat-induced protein aggregation
- HSP70 production and inhibition of cell proliferation in Molt-4 T-cells after cell-to-cell transmission of HTLV-I: effect of PGA1
- m7GpppG Cap Dependence for Efficient Translation of Drosophila 70‐kDa Heat‐Shock‐Protein (HSP70) mRNA
- The heat shock response in hydra: immunological relationship of hsp60, the major heat shock protein of Hydra vulgaris, to the ubiquitous HSP70 family
- Timing and induction of HSP70 production in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Transcription of amphibian lampbrush chromosomes is disturbed by microinjection of HSP70 monoclonal antibodies
- Antisense oligonucleotides against HSP70-1 and 70-3 increase mouse embryonic sensitivity to arsenite-induced dysmorphogenesis in vitro
- Production and cleavage of Drosophila HSP70 transcripts extending beyond the polyadenylation site
- Reduction of HSP70 and HSC70 heat shock mRNA induction by pentobarbital after transient global ischemia in gerbil brain
- In vitro assembly of multiprotein complexes containing a, fJ, and y tubulin, heat shock protein HSP70, and elongation factor lei
- In vitro Inhibition of Nascent Polypeptide Formation by HSP70 Proteins
- Transcription of the human HSP70 gene: cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors involved in basal, adenovirus E1A, and stress-induced expression
- Sequence repeat-induced disruption of the major heat-inducible HSP70 gene of Neurospora crassa
- The Onchocerca volvulus mRNAs for a HSP70, a collagen-like protein and a ribosomal protein possess a 5’spliced leader sequence.
- Characterization of an HSP70 related clone encoding a 33 kDa protein with homology to a protein which associates with polysomes
- Nucleotide sequence of a cDNA encoding a heat-shock protein (HSP70) from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.).
- The two genes encoding yeast ribosomal protein S8 reside on different chromosomes, and are closely linked to the HSP70 stress protein genes SSA3 and SSA4.
- Specific antibodies against the stress-inducible 72-kDa protein, a member of the heat-shock protein HSP70, in healthy human subjects.
- Effects of electroconvulsive shock on the levels of HSP70 and hsc73 mRNA in the rat brain
- Selective insolubility of active HSP70 gene chromatin
- Heat shock proteins in Trypanosoma cruzi: identification and localization of HSP70 and HSP60 proteins and structure of HSP60 genes (brief report).
- Isolation of mutations that act in trans to alter expression from a yeast HSP70 promoter
- The findings indicate that HSP70 expression is closely related to ischemic brain injury, and that HSP70 expression is not related to either breakdown of the blood …
- Inhibition mechanism of HSP70 induction in murine FM3A cells maintained at low culture temperature
- Expression of c-fos, c-myc and HSP70 genes at early stages of the regenerating of rat liver
- Structural similarities between chaperone molecules of the HSP60 and HSP70 families deduced from hydrophobic cluster analysis
- Isolation of major heat shock protein (HSP70) gene-related sequences from rat genome
- The gene encoding PBP74/CSA/motalin-1, a novel mouse HSP70, maps to mouse chromosome 18
- Induced expression of a Drosophila HSP70 promoter-fusion transgene is reduced after repeated heat shocks
- Restriction fragment length polymorphisms at the heat shock protein HSP70 gene (s) in pigs
- … receptor isoforms in human breast tumors, and detection by radioligand and monoclonal antibodies. Association with hsp90 and HSP70 heat shock proteins.
- Effect of 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H-7) on HSP70 and HSP28 gene expression and thermotolerance development in human colon carcinoma …
- Reduction of HSP70 and HSC70 mRNA inductions by bifemelane hydrochloride after transient ischemia in gerbil brain
- Transforming Growth Factor-ß Regulates Basal Expression of the HSP70 Gene Family in Cultured Chicken Embryo Cells
- Inhibition of adenovirus replication by the E1A antisense transcript initiated from HSP70 and VA-1 promoters.
- The influence of the rye genome on the accumulation of HSP18 and HSP70 transcripts in a wheat genetic background
- Elevated levels of the 70 kD heat shock protein in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus are not dependent on enhanced transcription of the HSP70 gene
- The heat shock protein HSP70 binds in vivo to subregions 2-48BC and 3-58D of the polytene chromosomes ofDrosophila hydei
- Determinants for the DNase I-hypersensitive chromatin structure 5′ to a human HSP70 gene
- P1 and cosmid clones define the organization of 280 kb of the mouse H-2 complex containing the Cps-1 and HSP70 loci
- … Endoplasmic Reticulum Resident Ca2+-binding Protein with a Carboxy-terminal NDELS equence Showed Partial Homology with 70-kDa Heat Shock Protein (HSP70)
- DNA Sequences of bovine HSP70–1 and HSP70–2 genes
- Regulation of heat-shock protein (HSP70) gene expression by hGH and IL2 in rat Nb2 lymphoma cells
- Dual modes of transcriptional and translational initiation of SSP1 the gene for a mitochondrial HSP70, responding to heat-shock in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
- Effect of radiation and hyperthermia on prostate tumor cells with induced thermal tolerance and the correlation with HSP70 accumulation
- H-ras transfection of the rat kidney cell line NRK-52E results in increased induction of c-fos, c-jun and HSP70 following sulofenur treatment
- Effects of replacing the promoter of the immediate early gene with the promoter of Drosophila heat-shock gene HSP70 on the growth and virulence of pseudorabies …
- A pentanucleotide tandem duplication polymorphism in the 3′ untranslated region of the HLA-linked heat-shock protein 70-2 (HSP70-2) gene
- Heat shock induces synthesis of plastid-associated HSP70 in etiolated and greening pumpkin seedlings.
- Protective effect of bifemelane hydrochloride on ischemic hippocampal CA1 neuronal damage in the gerbil: Relation to induction of HSP70
- Constitutive expression and molecular characterization of a cDNA clone encoding a partial HSP70 gene in cell suspension cultures of Lupinus polyphyllus
- Differential mRNA stability: A regulatory strategy for HSP70 synthesis
- … identification of a 50 kDa Mr FK506-binding immunophilin as a component of the non-DNA binding, hsp90 and HSP70 containing, heterooligomeric form of the chick …
- Stable expression of human HSP70 gene in rodent cells confers thermal resistance
- Immunological evidence for the association between simian virus 40 115-kDa super T antigen and HSP70 proteins in rat, monkey, and human cells
- Tea and mint extracts modulate the HSP70 expression in preeclamptic placental explant
- Restriction fragment length polymorphism of the major histocompatibility complex-linked heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) genes of the rat.
- Induction of HSP70 mRNA in the brain and liver of rats after scalding
- Translocation of preproteins across the mitochondrial inner membrane: TIMs and HSP70
- Occurrence of HSP70 fragments in several developmental stages of Arabidopsis thaliana
- Relation of HSP70 gene and spontaneously hypertension in rats
- Influence of induction of HSP70 on the cytotoxicity of oxazaphosphorine compounds and cisplatin
- Antiproliferative activity of cyclopentenone prostaglandins in early HTLV-1 infection is independent of IL-2 and is associated with HSP70 induction.
- Nucleolar accumulation of HSP70 by heat shock in HeLa and rat 3Y1-B cells
- Differential effect of 1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine (H-7) on αB-crystallin and HSP70 gene expression in murine cell lines
- Hypoxia stimulates the expression of HSP70 in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells
- Effects of HSP70 on hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury after heat preconditioning in rats
- Characterization of novel HSP70 in mammalian cells
- Studies in expression of human exogenous insulin gene under control of regulatory region of HSP70 dr. melanogaster gene in human fibroblasts
- Analysis of topoisomerase II-mediated DNA cleavage in the 5′-region of the Drosophila HSP70 gene. Identification of a novel half-site DNA substrate for topoisomerase …
- Induction of an HSP70-like protein during organ culture of rat embryonic heart.
- Detection of sequences homologous to the highly-conserved HSP70 gene of eukaryotes in thermophilic eubacteria and archaebacteria
- In Vitro and in Vivo Differentiation of L. Mexicana-HSP70 Gene Expression
- Expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and EBV latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) in Reed-Sternberg cells of Hodgkin’s disease.
- Effect of Avermectins on Expression of HSP70 mRNA in Rats Hepatic Tissue
- HSP70 Family of Proteins of the Yeast S. cerevisiae
- … the activity of a 5, 6-dichloro-1-β-d-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole-insensitive puff and the synthesis of major heat-shock polypeptide, HSP70, in Chironomus thummi
- mRNA levels of molecular chaperones HSP27, HSP60 and HSP70 in cisplatin resistant squamous cell carcinomas
- Expressions of HSP70 and HSP90? in human bladder transitional cell carcinoma and the clinical significance
- Cloning and characterization of HSP70 cDNA during embryonic development of zebrafish (Danio Rerio).
- HSP70-protein complexes: Their characterization by size-exclusion HPLC
- Use of a peptide library to characterize differential peptide binding specificities of bacterial and mammalian HSP70
- Reduced protein denaturation in thermotolerant cells by elevated levels of HSP70
- Thermotolerance in Drosophila embryos: The role of HSP70 and the basis for a specific phenocopy.
- The role of molecular chaperones HSP70 and Hsp60 in protein folding
- An in vitro mapping of the contacts between the Drosophila transcription factor IID and the HSP70 promoter
- Autoantibodies against 70-kDa heat shock proteins (HSP70) in allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipients.
- The effect of ts-mutation on expression of genes induced by heat shock in Drosophila melanogaster. III. Synthesis of proteins cognate to HSP70
- … from liver RNA of heat shocked rats and DNA sequence analysis of the clone containing the 3′-end untranslated region (3’UTR) of the heat inducible gene HSP70. 2.
- End-filling of an oligonucleotide duplex containing an MDBP site in the human HSP70 promoter inhibits protein· DNA complex formation
- Structure and expression of a rice HSP70 gene
- Molecular genetics of bovine 70 kilodalton heat shock protein (HSP70) genes
- The Role of HSP70 in Conferring Unidirectionality
- Characterization of HSP70: Expression and stability in selected organisms
- Rapid analysis of rice HSP70 gene by PCR
- The Induction of HSP70 mRNA under Heat Stress
- Acute Pathophysiological Changes and HSP70 Expression in Heat Exposed Rats
- Role of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in photoreceptor cell survival in the aged rat
- Isolation and structural analysis of rat heat-inducible HSP70 gene.
- Multiple regulatory pathways of human HSP70 gene transcription
- Characteristics of PHSP1, a cDNA encoding a mitochondrial HSP70 from Pisum sativum
- The HSP70 multigene family: Cloning, expression, and evolution.
- Characterization of human HSP70 and a study of its role in adenovirus-infected cells.
- Investigations on the relationship between protein denaturation, HSP70 levels and heat resistance
- Is HSP70 Involved in Nitric Oxide-Induced Protection of the Heart?
- HSP70 homologues of pea chloroplasts.
- Posttranscriptional regulation of HSP70 expression in erythroid and nonerythroid cells
- Biochemistry and cell biology of the major human heat-shock protein, HSP70
- Immunohistochemical study of Fos and HSP70 proteins on the acute myocardial ischemia/reperfusion in rats
- Effects of haloperidol on the expression of HSP70 induced by ketamine in the rat hippocampus
- Influence of Heat Shock Treatment upon the Expression of Membrane HSP70 and Its mRNA of H22 Cell
- USAF Cellular Mechanism of Turnover of the Stressed Induced Protein HSP70
- Role of the HSP70 Homologue from Chloroplasts in the Assembly of the Photosynthetic Apparatus
- Mapping of distinct substrate binding and oligomerization domains within HSP70
- Expression of HSP70 mRNA Induced by Chlorpyrifos in Rat Hepatic Tissue
- The proteolytic activity of HSP70 from human and Drosophila melanogaster
- Effect of HSP70 gene transfection to rat peripheral blood cytokines in the early phase of sepsis
- Preparation, purification and biological function of fusion protein of ovalbumin and HSP70-1ike protein 1
- Expressions of hsc/HSP70 cDNAs in bacteria and comparison with tissue-isolated proteins
- Multiple Regulatory Pathways of the Chicken Major Heat Shock Protein, HSP70
- Proteasome inhibitor improves expressions of CHIP and HSP70 in ischemia reperfusion rats
- Characterization pf the HSP70 multigene subfamilies from Caenorhabditis elegans
- Effect of protein kinase C on the expression of myocardial HSP70 mRNA during myocardic ischemic preconditioning in rabbits
- Purification and characterization of HSP70 proteins from Torpedo electric organ
- The functional analysis of heat shock proteins HSP90 and HSP70 in animal retinas
- Identification and characterization of the heat shock response and an inducible HSP70 gene in bovine skeletal muscle
- Nucleocytoplasmic transport of HSP70-related proteins in Xenopus oocytes.
- Oxidative Stress and HSP70 Expression Upon Cerebral Isehemia-Reperfusion in Mongolian Gerbil
- Cloning and characterization of an HSP70 genomic sequence in the steroid responsive fungus Achlya ambisexualis.
- Induction specific anti-tumoral immunity against pancreatic cancer by dendritic cells modified by HSP70 peptide complex from pancreatic cancer cells
- The molecular architecture of the Drosophila melanogaster HSP70 promoter
- Quantitation of HSP70 levels in Pimephales promelas using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method
- Analysis Of The Dnase I-Hypersensitive Chromatin Structure 5’To A Human HSP70 Gene
- Intervention Effect of Puerarin on Expressions of HSP70 and Fas Proteinum in Rats with Acute Cerebral Ischemia Injury
- The Prevention and Therapeutic Effects of HSP70-Antigen Peptide Complexes on B16 Tumor Pulmonary Metastasis in Mice
- Endocrine mediation of the regulation of the major heat shock gene HSP70 in rat Fao hepatoma cells.
- c-fos, c-jun, c-myc and HSP70 gene expression in acute renal failure induced by HgCl₂
- Cloning and sequencing of the gene encoding the major heat shock protein (HSP70) of the mulberry silkworm.
- Keratinocyte (HaCat Cell) differentiation mediated HSP70 expression is controlled by alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone.
- A unique CD4+ CD8+ intestnal intraepitherial lymphocytes specific for dnak (escherichia cou HSP70) may be selected by intestinal microflora of rat
- Heat shock response in Chinese hamster (DHFR/sup-/) cells transfected with mouse DHFR and drosophila HSP70 genes
- Induction of HSP70 Genes in the Mammalian Nervous System by Hyperthermia, Tissue Injury and Other Traumatic Events
- Induction of c-fos and HSP70 Genes in Sulofenur-treated Normal and H-ras-transfected Rat Kidney Epithelial Cells
- Expression of a short-lived HSP70 mRNA is induced by deflagellation and heat shock in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
- Involvement of HSP70 in protein translocation across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum in yeast
- Rapid communication: temporal and spatial distribution of heat shock mRNA and protein (HSP70) in the rabbit cerebellum in response to hyperthermia
- Expression of HSP70 during oogenesis and early development of the amphibian pleurodeles waltl after a hyperthermic treatment.
- A eukaryotic GrpE related protein, Mge1p, modulates the function of mitochondrial HSP70 in translocation of mitochondrial preproteins
- An analysis of the HSP70 complex of Escherichia coli: The functional interaction of the DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE shock proteins.
- The role of HSP70 molecular chaperones in posttranslational translocation of presecretory proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum
- Effect of mild hypothermia on the expression of the inducible HSP70 in canine brain tissue after globai cerebral ischemia reperfusion
- Effects of Exogenous Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) on Neuronal Calcium Flux Peter JS Smith (Marine Biological Laboratory), Katherine Hammar, and Michael Tytell
- Use of Retroviral Vectors to Express HSP70 and BCL-2 in Primary Astrocytes for Protection from Injury In Vitro
- Effect of acute heat stress and diet on HSP70 mRNA level and on heat shock protein expression in broilers liver during growth stages
- Molecular Chaperones HSP70 and HSP60 in Protein Folding and Membrane Translocation
- Analysis of promoter proximal pausing of RNA polymerase II on the Drosophila HSP70 promoter in a cell-free system
- Control of pseudorabies virus replication by replacing the immediate early gene promoter with the heat-shock promoter HSP70
- Steady-State Calcium Efflux from Aplysia Neurons: Perturbation by H202 and Protection by Stress Protein, HSP70
- The role of heat shock proteins (HSP70 and Hsp27) in protection against ischemic injury in the myocardium and cerebral cortex.
- Redox and Heat Shock Protein HSP70 Affect the Binding of Erythropoietin RNA Binding Protein to Erythropoietin mRNA
- Regulation of the promoters in SV40 chromosomes and construction of a substituted SV40 containing aDrosophila HSP70 promoter
- 70 kDa Heat Shock Protein Expression as a Marker of Cellular Damage in Transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacz)
- … chaperones Hsp90, Hsc70, HSP70, Cyp-40, Hdj-1, andp23 in interactions with a non-native protein and identification of a regulatory motif within HSP70
- Co-operative binding of hsp60 may promote transfer HSP70 and cotrec: folding of imported proteins in mitochondria (FEES 10389) T. Endo
- … sequencing reports. The two genes encoding yeast ribosomal protein S8 reside on different chromosomes, and are closely linked to the HSP70 stress protein genes …
- Ontogeny of thermotolerance in bovine embryos: HSP70 synthesis and resistance to heat shock of oocytes and preimplantation embryos
- A Study of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) in the Parasite Schistosoma mansoni
- Interaction of HSP70 chaperones with substrates
- HSP70 chaperone machines
- Role of heat shock protein HSP70-2 in spermatogenesis
- In vitro studies show that HSP70 can be released by glia and that exogenous HSP70 can enhance neuronal stress tolerance
- Role of the human heat shock protein HSP70 in protection against stress-induced apoptosis
- BAG-1 modulates the chaperone activity of HSP70/Hsc70
- The chaperone function of HSP70 is required for protection against stress-induced apoptosis
- A mathematical model of the HSP70 regulation in the cell
- Inhibition of HSP70 ATPase activity and protein renaturation by a novel HSP70-binding protein
- The HSP70 and Hsp60 chaperone machines
- Role of the J-domain in the cooperation of Hsp40 with HSP70
- Magnetic field stress induces expression of HSP70
- HSP70 exerts its anti-apoptotic function downstream of caspase-3-like proteases
- Functional specificity among HSP70 molecular chaperones
- Deleterious consequences of HSP70 overexpression in Drosphilla melanogaster larvae
- Mechanism of regulation of HSP70 chaperones by DnaJ cochaperones
- Bradyzoite Development in Toxoplasma gondii and the HSP70 Stress Response
- Comprehensive expression profile analysis of the Arabidopsis HSP70 gene family
- HSP70 peptide-bearing and peptide-negative preparations act as chaperokines
- Bag1 functions in vivo as a negative regulator of HSP70 chaperone activity
- HSP70 chaperone systems: diversity of cellular functions and mechanism of action.
- HSP70 stimulates cytokine production through a CD14-dependant pathway, demonstrating its dual role as a chaperone and cytokine
- Multistep mechanism of substrate binding determines chaperone activity of HSP70
- … into regulation and function of the major stress-induced HSP70 molecular chaperone in vivo: analysis of mice with targeted gene disruption of the HSP70. 1 or HSP70. 3 …
- HSP70 prevents activation of stress kinases: a novel pathway of cellular thermotolerance
- HSP70 interactions with the p53 tumour suppressor protein
- Hop modulates HSP70/Hsp90 interactions in protein folding
- An evolutionarily conserved family of HSP70/Hsc70 molecular chaperone regulators
- Structure of TPR domain–peptide complexes: critical elements in the assembly of the HSP70–Hsp90 multichaperone machine
- Enhancement of DNA vaccine potency by linkage of antigen gene to an HSP70 gene
- Genomic analysis of the HSP70 superfamily in Arabidopsis thaliana
- HSP70 plasma membrane expression on primary tumor biopsy material and bone marrow of leukemic patients
- Human skeletal muscle HSP70 response to physical training depends on exercise intensity
- Role of HSP70 in regulation of stress-kinase JNK: implications in apoptosis and aging
- Mitochondrial HSP70 Ssc1: role in protein folding
- Activation and regulation of Hsp32 and HSP70
- HSP70 expression and function during embryogenesis
- Human skeletal muscle HSP70 response to training in highly trained rowers
- HSP70 proteins in protein translocation
- An intralysosomal HSP70 is required for a selective pathway of lysosomal protein degradation
- Bag1–HSP70 mediates a physiological stress signalling pathway that regulates Raf-1/ERK and cell growth
- A magnetic field‐responsive domain in the human HSP70 promoter
- Suppression of polyglutamine-mediated neurodegeneration in Drosophila by the molecular chaperone HSP70
- Structure of a Bag/Hsc70 complex: convergent functional evolution of HSP70 nucleotide exchange factors
- Tuning of chaperone activity of HSP70 proteins by modulation of nucleotide exchange
- Definition of extracellular localized epitopes of HSP70 involved in an NK immune response
- J proteins catalytically activate HSP70 molecules to trap a wide range of peptide sequences
- Induction of HSP70 promotes ΔF508 CFTR trafficking
- Targeted HSP70.1 Disruption Increases Infarction Volume After Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Mice
- HSP70 and larval thermotolerance in Drosophila melanogaster: how much is enough and when is more too much?
- Glutamine protects intestinal epithelial cells: role of inducible HSP70
- The role of heat shock protein (HSP70) in dendritic cell maturation: HSP70 induces the maturation of immature dendritic cells but reduces DC differentiation from …
- Over-expression of inducible HSP70 chaperone suppresses neuropathology and improves motor function in SCA1 mice
- Stable association of hsp90 and p23, but Not HSP70, with active human telomerase
- HSP70-2 is required for CDC2 kinase activity in meiosis I of mouse spermatocytes
- Induction of apoptosis by abrogation of HSP70 expression in human oral cancer cells
- Evaluation for HSP70 as a biomarker of effect of pollutants on the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris
- Hsp104, HSP70, and Hsp40: a novel chaperone system that rescues previously aggregated proteins
- Modulation of in vivo HSP70 chaperone activity by Hip and Bag-1
- Interaction of the HSP70 molecular chaperone, DnaK, with its cochaperone DnaJ
- HSP70 expression in Enteromorpha intestinalis (Chlorophyta) exposed to environmental stressors
- Induced thermotolerance and associated expression of the heat‐shock protein HSP70 in adult Drosophila melanogaster
- Accumulation of HSP70 mRNA under environmental stresses in diapausing and nondiapausing adults of Drosophila triauraria
- Cytoprotection by electromagnetic field‐induced HSP70: A model for clinical application
- Cloning and expression analysis of an inducible HSP70 gene from tilapia fish
- Heat shock proteins (HSP70) as biomarkers in ecotoxicological studies
- Prognostic significance of heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP90 in endometrial carcinomas.
- HSP70-2 is required for desynapsis of synaptonemal complexes during meiotic prophase in juvenile and adult mouse spermatocytes
- CD91 is a common receptor for heat shock proteins gp96, hsp90, HSP70, and calreticulin
- Protein translocation: how HSP70 pulls it off
- Molecular chaperone function of mammalian HSP70 and Hsp40-a review
- Tissue-specific variation in HSP70 expression and thermal damage in Drosophila melanogaster larvae.
- Cooperative and competitive protein interactions at the HSP70 promoter
- Human HSP70 molecular chaperone binds two calcium ions within the ATPase domain
- Apoprotein B degradation is promoted by the molecular chaperones hsp90 and HSP70
- Plant HSP70 molecular chaperones: protein structure, gene family, expression and function
- HSP70 homolog functions in cell-to-cell movement of a plant virus
- A Role for Cytosolic HSP70 in Yeast [PSI+] Prion Propagation and [PSI+] as a Cellular Stress
- Decreased expression of the heat shock protein HSP70-2 is associated with the pathogenesis of male infertility
- Protein folding activity of HSP70 is modified differentially by the hsp40 co-chaperones Sis1 and Ydj1
- Mammalian SWI-SNF Complexes Contribute to Activation of the HSP70 Gene
- Transgenic mice expressing the human inducible HSP70 have hippocampal neurons resistant to ischemic injury
- Discontinuous Occurrence of the HSP70(dnaK) Gene among Archaea and Sequence Features of HSP70 Suggest a Novel Outlook on Phylogenies Inferred from This …
- A HSP70-2 mutation recognized by CTL on a human renal cell carcinoma
- BAG-1, a negative regulator of HSP70 chaperone activity, uncouples nucleotide hydrolysis from substrate release
- HSP70 accumulation in chondrocytic cells exposed to high continuous hydrostatic pressure coincides with mRNA stabilization rather than transcriptional activation
- Sequential action of two HSP70 complexes during protein import into mitochondria
- Overexpression of the heat shock protein HSP70 family and p53 protein and prognosis for patients with gastric cancer
- Genetic variation in thermal tolerance among natural populations of Drosophila buzzatii: down regulation of HSP70 expression and variation in heat stress resistance …
- Expression and location of HSP70/Hsc-binding anti-apoptotic protein BAG-1 and its variants in normal tissues and tumor cell lines
- Cell type–specific variations in the induction of HSP70 in human leukocytes by feverlike whole body hyperthermia
- Mammalian HSP70 and Hsp110 proteins bind to RNA motifs involved in mRNA stability
- The effects of heat shock and acclimation temperature on HSP70 and hsp30 mRNA expression in rainbow trout: in vivo and in vitro comparisons
- Bag-1M accelerates nucleotide release for human Hsc70 and HSP70 and can act concentration-dependent as positive and negative cofactor
- Detection of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and anti-HSP70 antibodies in the serum of normal individuals
- Genetic variation in the tumor necrosis factor‐α promoter region and in the stress protein HSP70‐2: Susceptibility and prognostic implications in breast carcinoma
- A family of ubiquitin-like proteins binds the ATPase domain of HSP70-like Stch
- Evidence for loss of mitochondria in Microsporidia from a mitochondrial-type HSP70 in Nosema locustae
- Mge1 functions as a nucleotide release factor for Ssc1, a mitochondrial HSP70 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- HSP70 and hsp40 chaperones can inhibit self-assembly of polyglutamine proteins into amyloid-like fibrils
- FANCC interacts with HSP70 to protect hematopoietic cells from IFN‐γ/TNF‐α‐mediated cytotoxicity
- Expression of the Heat‐Shock Protein HSP70 in Drosophila Buzzatii Lines Selected for Thermal Resistance
- Polypeptide flux through bacterial HSP70: DnaK cooperates with trigger factor in chaperoning nascent chains
- Activation of the HSP70 promoter by environmental inorganic and organic chemicals: relationships with cytotoxicity and lipophilicity
- A single bout of eccentric exercise increases HSP27 and HSC/HSP70 in human skeletal muscle
- Morphological analysis of germ cell apoptosis during postnatal testis development in normal and HSP70‐2 knockout mice
- The protein import motor of mitochondria: unfolding and trapping of preproteins are distinct and separable functions of matrix HSP70
- Regulation of Transcription Factor Pdr1p Function by an HSP70 Protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- The ATPase domain of HSP70 possesses a unique binding specificity for 3′-sulfogalactolipids
- Cell-to-cell movement and assembly of a plant closterovirus: roles for the capsid proteins and HSP70 homolog
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit the expression of cytokines and induce HSP70 in human monocytes
- A comparison of HSP70 expression and thermotolerance in adults and larvae of three Drosophila species
- Major stress protein HSP70 interacts with NF-kB regulatory complex in human T-lymphoma cells
- Closterovirus encoded HSP70 homolog and p61 in addition to both coat proteins function in efficient virion assembly
- HSP70 and Hsp40 chaperone activities in the cytoplasm and the nucleus of mammalian cells
- Benign focal ischemic preconditioning induces neuronal HSP70 and prolonged astrogliosis with expression of Hsp27
- Antagonistic interactions between yeast chaperones Hsp104 and HSP70 in prion curing
- A mitochondrial HSP70 orthologue in Vairimorpha necatrix: molecular evidence that microsporidia once contained mitochondria
- HSP70 Duplication in the Drosophila melanogaster Species Group: How and When Did Two Become Five?
- Evidence for a Protein Mutator in Yeast: Role of the HSP70-Related Chaperone Ssb in Formation, Stability, and Toxicity of the [PSI] Prion
- A 14-mer HSP70 peptide stimulates natural killer (NK) cell activity
- Tobacco smoke induces both apoptosis and necrosis in mammalian cells: differential effects of HSP70
- hsp47 and HSP70 gene expression is differentially regulated in a stress‐ and tissue‐specific manner in zebrafish embryos
- Developmental upregulation of inducible HSP70 transcripts, but not the cognate form, during pupal diapause in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga crassipalpis
- Larval crowding in Drosophila melanogaster induces HSP70 expression, and leads to increased adult longevity and adult thermal stress resistance
- Mitochondrial Hsp78, a member of the Clp/Hsp100 family in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cooperates with HSP70 in protein refolding
- The Tim core complex defines the number of mitochondrial translocation contact sites and can hold arrested preproteins in the absence of matrix HSP70–Tim44
- Responsiveness of early embryos to environmental insults: potential protective roles of HSP70 and glutathione
- Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) stimulates proliferation and cytolytic activity of natural killer cells
- Reversible inhibition of HSP70 chaperone function by Scythe and Reaper
- Selective depletion of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) activates a tumor-specific death program that is independent of caspases and bypasses Bcl-2
- HSP70 induction in the brain following ethanol administration in the rat: regulation by glutathione redox state
- Translation by ribosome shunting on adenovirus and HSP70 mRNAs facilitated by complementarity to 18S rRNA
- The lack of a stress response in Hydra oligactis is due to reduced HSP70 mRNA stability
- Isolation of MHC class I-restricted tumor antigen peptide and its precursors associated with heat shock proteins HSP70, hsp90, and gp96
- Role of the DnaK and HscA homologs of HSP70 chaperones in protein folding in E. coli
- The conserved carboxyl terminus and zinc finger-like domain of the co-chaperone Ydj1 assist HSP70 in protein folding
- Phylogenetic analysis of the HSP70 sequences reveals the monophyly of Metazoa and specific phylogenetic relationships between animals and fungi.
- The inducible HSP70 as a marker of tumor immunogenicity
- Binding of the maize cytosolic HSP70 to calmodulin, and identification of calmodulin-binding site in HSP70
- Characterization and regulation of the major histocompatibility complex–encoded proteins HSP70-Hom and HSP70-1/2
- Structural features required for the interaction of the HSP70 molecular chaperone DnaK with its cochaperone DnaJ
- Expression of inducible HSP70 enhances the proliferation of MCF-7 breast cancer cells and protects against the cytotoxic effects of hyperthermia
- Localization of the heat‐shock protein HSP70 to the synapse following hyperthermic stress in the brain
- Differential expression of two HSP70 transcripts in response to cold shock, thermoperiod, and adult diapause in the Colorado potato beetle
- Polyglutamine length-dependent interaction of Hsp40 and HSP70 family chaperones with truncated N-terminal huntingtin: their role in suppression of aggregation and …
- Tissue‐specific differences in heat shock protein hsc70 and HSP70 in the control and hyperthermic rabbit
- HSP70 molecular chaperone facilitates endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator in yeast
- Interaction of the targeting sequence of chloroplast precursors with HSP70 molecular chaperones
- Selective depletion of inducible HSP70 enhances immunogenicity of rat colon cancer cells
- Structure of a new crystal form of human HSP70 ATPase domain
- Role of priming stresses and HSP70 in protection from ischemia-reperfusion injury in cardiac and skeletal muscle
- Critical analysis of eukaryotic phylogeny: a case study based on the HSP70 family
- A DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER Strain From Sub-Equatorial Africa Has Exceptional Thermotolerance But Decreased HSP70 Expression
- Expression of HSP70 in healing wounds of diabetic and nondiabetic mice
- HSP70 binding sites in the tumor suppressor protein p53
- The HSP70-associating protein Hap46 binds to DNA and stimulates transcription
- Activation of the ATPase activity of heat-shock proteins Hsc70/HSP70 by cysteine-string protein
- Expression of heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP27 in primary non-small cell lung carcinomas. An immunohistochemical study.
- Thermodynamics and kinetics of HSP70 association with A+ U-rich mRNA-destabilizing sequences
- Chlorpyrifos-induced HSP70 expression and effect on reproductive performance in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacZ) Bg 9
- HSP70 and a 54 kDa protein (Osp54) are induced in salmon (Salmo salar) in response to hyperosmotic stress
- Evolution of thermotolerance and variation in the heat shock protein, HSP70
- Identification of a HSP70 recognition domain within the rubisco small subunit transit peptide
- Natural and Genetic Engineering of the Heat-Shock Protein HSP70 in Drosophila melanogaster: Consequences for Thermotolerance
- Thermotolerant cells show an attenuated expression of HSP70 after heat shock
- HSP70 protects murine astrocytes from glucose deprivation injury
- Loss of the mitochondrial HSP70 functions causes aggregation of mitochondria in yeast cells
- Stepwise assembly of a glucocorticoid receptor· hsp90 heterocomplex resolves two sequential ATP-dependent events involving first HSP70 and then hsp90 in …
- Mt-HSP70 homolog, Ssc2p, required for maturation of yeast frataxin and mitochondrial iron homeostasis
- Analysis of HSP70 gene polymorphism in allergic asthma
- Analysis of post-transcriptional regulation operating on transcription products of the tandemly linked Leishmania infantum HSP70 genes
- Myc‐mediated transactivation of HSP70 expression following exposure to magnetic fields
- Association of plasma antibodies against the inducible HSP70 with hypertension and harsh working conditions
- Chaperones HSP70 and Hsp40 suppress aggregate formation and apoptosis in cultured neuronal cells expressing truncated androgen receptor protein with …
- Selection favours low HSP70 levels in chronically metal-stressed soil arthropods.
- HSP70 regulates the interaction between the peroxisome targeting signal type 1 (PTS1)-receptor Pex5p and PTS1
- Locomotor activity as a function of age and life span in Drosophila melanogaster overexpressing HSP70
- Competition for space among sessile marine invertebrates: changes in HSP70 expression in two Pacific cnidarians
- Suppression of ceramide-mediated apoptosis by HSP70.
- The yeast HSP70 homologue Ssa is required for translation and interacts with Sis1 and Pab1 on translating ribosomes
- Chloroplast signalling in the light induction of nuclear HSP70 genes requires the accumulation of chlorophyll precursors and their accessibility to cytoplasm/nucleus
- Aggregation of HSP70 and hsc70 in vivo is distinct and
temperature‐dependent and their chaperone function is
directly related to non‐aggregated forms
- Saturation, competition, and specificity in interaction of heat shock proteins (hsp) gp96, hsp90, and HSP70 with CD11b+ cells
- Proteasome inhibitors MG132 and lactacystin hyperphosphorylate HSF1 and induce HSP70 and hsp27 expression
- Noradrenaline and α-adrenergic signaling induce the HSP70 gene promoter in mollusc immune cells
- Tissue-specific variations in the induction of HSP70 and Hsp64 by heat shock in insects
- Genomic Structure of the Spermatid-Specific HSP70 Homolog Gene Located in the Class III Region of the Major Histocompatibility Complex of Mouse and Man
- Xenopus NF-Y pre-sets chromatin to potentiate p300 and acetylation-responsive transcription from the Xenopus HSP70 promoter in vivo
- Activation of Fas inhibits heat‐induced activation of HSF1 and up‐regulation of HSP70
- Identification of an interaction between SOX9 and HSP70
- Sequence requirements for upregulated expression of Drosophila HSP70 transgenes during aging☆
- Intragenic suppressors of HSP70 mutants: interplay between the ATPase-and peptide-binding domains
- Proteins interacting with the molecular chaperone HSP70/hsc70: physical associations and effects on refolding activity
- Protein translocation: is HSP70 pulling my chain?
- HSP70 expression in the CNS in response to exercise and heat stress in rats
- Retinal uptake of intravitreally injected Hsc/HSP70 and its effect on susceptibility to light damage
- Induction of HSP70 by the herbicide oxyfluorfen (Goal) in the Egyptian Nile fish, Oreochromis niloticus
- HSP70‐2 heat‐shock protein of mouse spermatogenic cells
- Human HSP70 and Hsp40 chaperone proteins facilitate human papillomavirus-11 E1 protein binding to the origin and stimulate cell-free DNA replication
- The mitochondrial HSP70-dependent import system actively unfolds preproteins and shortens the lag phase of translocation
- Folding of the glucocorticoid receptor by the reconstituted hsp90-based chaperone machinery: the initial hsp90· p60· HSP70-dependent step is sufficient for …
- Inhibition of cellular proliferation by the Wilms tumor suppressor WT1 requires association with the inducible chaperone HSP70
- Induction of PBP74/mortalin/Grp75, a member of the HSP70 family, by low doses of ionizing radiation: a possible role in induced radioresistance
- Influenza virus inhibits cleavage of the HSP70 pre-mRNAs at the polyadenylation site
- Constitutive expression of heat shock proteins Hsp90, Hsc70, HSP70 and Hsp60 in neural and non-neural tissues of the rat during postnatal development
- Contrasting effects of NO and peroxynitrites on HSP70 expression and apoptosis in human monocytes
- Natural hyperthermia and expression of the heat shock protein HSP70 affect developmental abnormalities in Drosophila melanogaster
- Immunostimulatory properties of the Leishmania infantum heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP83
- Differential effects of the HSP70-binding protein BAG-1 on glucocorticoid receptor folding by the hsp90-based chaperone machinery
- The hepatic stress protein (HSP70) response to interacting abiotic parameters in fish exposed to various levels of pollution
- Reduced enzyme activity following HSP70 overexpression in Drosophila melanogaster
- Subcellular localization of the HSP70-homolog encoded by beet yellows closterovirus
- HSP70 sequences indicate that choanoflagellates are closely related to animals
- p38 kinase activity is essential for osmotic induction of mRNAs for HSP70 and transporter for organic solute betaine in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells
- Increase in basal level of HSP70, consisting chiefly of constitutively expressed HSP70 (Hsc70) in aged rat brain
- DNA Immunization with Trypanosoma cruzi HSP70 Fused to the KMP11 Protein Elicits a Cytotoxic and Humoral Immune Response against the Antigen and Leads to …
- Characterization of D10S and K71E mutants of human cytosolic HSP70
- Protection against endotoxemia by HSP70 in rodent cardiomyocytes
- HSP70 gene polymorphisms in ankylosing spondylitis
- A novel variant of the MHC‐linked HSP70, HSP70‐hom, is associated with rheumatoid arthritis
- Isoproterenol potentiates exercise-induction of HSP70 in cardiac and skeletal muscle
- Differential HSP70 plasma‐membrane expression on primary human tumors and metastases in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency
- Stoichiometry, abundance, and functional significance of the hsp90/HSP70-based multiprotein chaperone machinery in reticulocyte lysate
- Differential expression of an HSP70 gene during transition from the mycelial to the infective yeast form of the human pathogenic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis
- Field validation of HSP70 stress proteins as biomarkers in Asian clam (Potamocorbula amurensis): is downregulation an indicator of stress?
- Changes in thermotolerance and HSP70 expression with domestication in Drosophila melanogaster
- Ecm10, a novel HSP70 homolog in the mitochondrial matrix of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Starvation promotes nuclear accumulation of the HSP70 Ssa4p in yeast cells
- Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching reveals that LPS rapidly transfers from CD14 to HSP70 and hsp90 on the cell membrane
- Possible involvement of p38 MAP kinase in HSP70 expression induced by hypoxia in rat primary astrocytes
- Toxoplasma gondii HSP70 as a danger signal in Toxoplasma gondii-infected mice
- Heat shock protein (HSP70) expression in septic patients
- DnaJ dramatically stimulates ATP hydrolysis by DnaK: insight into targeting of HSP70 proteins to polypeptide substrates
- Inhibition of HSP70–1 and HSP70–3 expression disrupts preimplantation embryogenesis and heightens embryo sensitivity to arsenic
- Evidence for the existence of distinct mammalian cytosolic, microsomal, and two mitochondrial GrpE-like proteins, the co-chaperones of specific HSP70 …
- Photosystem II Damage and Repair Cycle in the Green Alga Dunaliella salina: Involvement of a Chloroplast-Localized HSP70
- Heat or cold chronic stress affects organ weights and HSP70 levels in chicken embryos
- Folding in vivo of a newly translated yeast cytosolic enzyme is mediated by the SSA class of cytosolic yeast HSP70 proteins
- Phylogenetic Relationships ofCryptosporidium Parasites Based on the 70-Kilodalton Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) Gene
- HSP70 and antifibrillogenic peptides promote degradation and inhibit intracellular aggregation of amyloidogenic light chains
- A chloroplast-targeted heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) contributes to the photoprotection and repair of photosystem II during and after photoinhibition
- Molecular architecture of the HSP70 promoter after deletion of the TATA box or the upstream regulation region
- Role of mitochondrial GrpE and phosphate in the ATPase cycle of matrix HSP70
- Differential cellular distribution and dynamics of HSP70, cyclooxygenase-2, and c-Fos in the rat brain after transient focal ischemia or kainic acid
- Differential induction of HSP70-encoding genes in human hematopoietic cells
- Interaction between HSP70 homolog and filamentous virions of the Beet yellows virus
- Analysis of Core Promoter Sequences Located Downstream from the TATA Element in the HSP70 Promoter from Drosophila melanogaster
- Catapult mechanism renders the chaperone action of HSP70 unidirectional
- Characterization of an Acidic-pH-Inducible Stress Protein (HSP70), a Putative Sulfatide Binding Adhesin, fromHelicobacter pylori
- Potentiation of heat stress-induced HSP70 expression in vivo by aspirin
- Phylogenetic conservation of the molecular and immunological properties of the chaperones gp96 and HSP70
- Stress proteins HSP60 and HSP70 in three species of amphipods exposed to cadmium, diazinon, dieldrin and fluoranthene
- New insights into the phylogeny of eukaryotes based on ciliate HSP70 sequences.
- Confocal microscopic localization of constitutive and heat shock–induced proteins HSP70 and HSP27 in the rat heart
- Phylogenetic analysis of mycoplasmas based on HSP70 sequences: cloning of the dnaK (HSP70) gene region of Mycoplasma capricolum
- Isolation of processed, H‐2Kb ‐binding ovalbumin‐derived peptides associated with the stress proteins HSP70 and GP96
- Anti-HSP70 Autoantibody Formation by B-1 Cells inToxoplasma gondii-Infected Mice
- Inactivation of tumor suppressor p53 by mot-2, a HSP70 family member
- Metabolic oxidative stress-induced HSP70 gene expression is mediated through SAPK pathway: role of Bcl-2 and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase
- Copper and zinc uptake and HSP70 expression in HepG2 cells
- Cloning and some novel characteristics of mitochondrial HSP70 from Chinese hamster cells
- Cell cycle-dependent switch of up-and down-regulation of human HSP70 gene expression by interaction between c-Myc and CBF/NF-Y
- Expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, nerve growth factor, and heat shock protein HSP70 following fluid percussion brain injury in rats
- A Chaperone in the HSP70 Family Controls Production of Extracellular Fibrils in Myxococcus xanthus
- Survival of human epidermal keratinocytes after short-duration high temperature: synthesis of HSP70 and IL-8
- Inducible HSP70 mediates delayed cardioprotection via U-50488H pretreatment in rat ventricular myocytes
- Transient regulation of c-fos, αB-crystallin, and HSP70 in muscle during recovery from contractile activity
- Functional promoter variants of highly conserved inducible HSP70 genes significantly affect stress response
- HSP70-DnaJ chaperone pairs prevent nitric oxide-mediated apoptosis in RAW 264.7 macrophages
- Effects of schisandrin B pretreatment on tumor necrosis factor-α induced apoptosis and HSP70 expression in mouse liver
- HSP70 from Trypanosoma cruzi is endowed with specific cell proliferation potential leading to apoptosis
- Overexpression of HSP70 prevents ultraviolet B-induced apoptosis of a human melanoma cell line
- … contain a specific sulfogalactolipid binding site. Differential aglycone influence on sulfogalactosyl ceramide binding by recombinant prokaryotic and eukaryotic HSP70 …
- Cell specific expression of HSP70 in neurons and glia of the rat hippocampus after hyperthermia and kainic acid-induced seizure activity
- Induction of DNA strand breaks and expression of HSP70 and GRP78 homolog by cadmium in the marine sponge Suberites domuncula
- The switch of the microspore developmental program in Capsicum involves HSP70 expression and leads to the production of haploid plants
- Ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rat astrocytes: role of HSP70
- Effect of β-naphthoflavone and dimethylbenz [a] anthracene on apoptosis and HSP70 expression in juvenile channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) ovary
- Characterization of the Immunostimulatory Properties of Leishmania infantum HSP70 by Fusion to theEscherichia coli Maltose-Binding Protein in Normal andnu/nu …
- Exposure to Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Does Not Alter HSP70 Expression or HSF-HSE Binding in HL60 Cells
- Modulation of stress protein (hsp27 and HSP70) expression in CD4+ lymphocytic cells following acute infection with human immunodeficiency virus type-1
- Transcriptional activation by the human HSP70-associating protein Hap50
- An element within the 5′ untranslated region of human HSP70 mRNA which acts as a general enhancer of mRNA translation
- Effect of Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), Its Isomers, and Metabolites on HSP70 Expression in TransgenicDrosophila melanogaster
- HSP70–RAP46 interaction in downregulation of DNA binding by glucocorticoid receptor
- Selective toxicity of MKT-077 to cancer cells is mediated by its binding to the HSP70 family protein mot-2 and reactivation of p53 function
- Mitochondrial import driving forces: enhanced trapping by matrix HSP70 stimulates translocation and reduces the membrane potential dependence of loosely folded …
- Negative regulation of the Apaf-1 apoptosome by HSP70
- The HSP70 homologue Lhs1p is involved in a novel function of the yeast endoplasmic reticulum, refolding and stabilization of heat-denatured protein aggregates
- Changing fitness consequences of HSP70 copy number in transgenic Drosophila larvae undergoing natural thermal stress
- Anti-oxidants prevent focal rat brain injury as assessed by induction of heat shock proteins (HSP70, HO-1/HSP32, HSP47) following subarachnoid injections of lysed …
- Effect of HSP70 induced by warm ischemia to the liver on liver function after partial hepatectomy.
- … activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases confers cadmium-induced HSP70 expression in 9L rat …
- Differential basal synthesis of HSP70/Hsc70 contributes to interindividual variation in HSP70/Hsc70 inducibility
- Minimal ischaemic neuronal damage and HSP70 expression in MF1 strain mice following bilateral common carotid artery occlusion
- The mitochondrial HSP70 chaperone system: effect of adenine nucleotides, peptide substrate, and mGrpE on the oligomeric state of mHSP70
- Analysis of sequence-specific binding of RNA to HSP70 and its various homologs indicates the involvement of N-and C-terminal interactions
- Analysis of HSP70 mRNA levels in HepG2 cells exposed to various metals differing in toxicity
- Genetic variation in the stress protein HSP70-2 gene is highly associated with obesity
- Co-expression of human chaperone HSP70 and Hsdj or Hsp40 co-factor increases solubility of overexpressed target proteins in insect cells
- The effects of hypoxia-ischemia on expression of c-Fos, c-Jun and HSP70 in the young rat hippocampus
- Polymorphism of heat-shock protein gene HSP70-2 in Crohn disease: possible genetic marker for two forms of Crohn disease
- Stress-induced, tissue-specific enrichment of HSP70 mRNA accumulation in Xenopus laevis embryos
- A developmentally regulated GAGA box-binding factor and Sp1 are required for transcription of the HSP70. 1 gene at the onset of mouse zygotic genome activation
- Heat-shock response in a molluscan cell line: characterization of the response and cloning of an inducible HSP70 cDNA
- Adoptive transfer of human natural killer cells in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency inhibits growth of HSP70‐expressing tumors
- Distribution of HSP70, protein kinase C, and spectrin is altered in lymphocytes during a fever‐like hyperthermia exposure
- Constitutive HSP70 attenuates hydrogen peroxide-induced membrane lipid peroxidation
- Hop as an adaptor in the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and hsp90 chaperone machinery
- Variation in the expression of HSP70, the major heat-shock protein, and thermotolerance in larval and adult selection lines of Drosophila melanogaster
- Engineering Candidate Genes in Studies of Adaptation: The Heat‐Shock Protein HSP70 in Drosophila melanogaster
- Expression of transduced HSP70 gene protects chondrocytes from stress.
- Human keratinocytes respond to osmotic stress by p38 map kinase regulated induction of HSP70 and HSP27
- The ubiquitin-related BAG-1 provides a link between the molecular chaperones Hsc70/HSP70 and the proteasome
- Effect of different environmental variables on the synthesis of HSP70 in Raphidocelis subcapitata
- A nuclear export signal prevents Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSP70 Ssb1p from stimulating nuclear localization signal-directed nuclear transport
- Reduced induction of HSP70 in PC12 cells during neuronal differentiation
- Induction of the HSP70 gene promoter by various anticancer drugs
- Alterations in the chaperone activity of HSP70 in aging organisms
- BiP, HSP70, NDK and PDI in wheat endosperm. I. Accumulation of mRNA and protein during grain development
- HSP70 interacting protein Hip does not affect glucocorticoid receptor folding by the hsp90-based chaperone machinery except to oppose the effect of BAG-1
- Serum p53 antibodies in patients with oral lesions: correlation with p53/HSP70 complexes
- Beet yellows closterovirus HSP70-like protein mediates the cell-to-cell movement of a potexvirus transport-deficient mutant and a hordeivirus-based chimeric virus.
- The neuroprotective potential of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)
- Salicylic acid influences HSP70/Hsc70 expression in Lycopersicon esculentum: dose-and time-dependent induction or potentiation
- Resistance to stress as a function of age in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster overexpressing HSP70
- The indicative value of the HSP70 stress response as a marker for metal effects in Oniscus asellus (Isopoda) field populations: variability between populations from …
- Responses of heat shock proteins hsp27, αB‐crystallin, and HSP70 in rat brain after kainic acid‐induced seizure activity
- Mitochondrial protein import motor: the ATPase domain of matrix HSP70 is crucial for binding to Tim44, while the peptide binding domain and the carboxy-terminal …
- Analysis of the antigenic properties of the L. infantum HSP70: design of synthetic peptides for specific serodiagnosis of human leishmaniasis
- … of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) activation in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue. Differential regulation of HSP70 expression and hsf1 …
- Intrinsic ADP-ATP exchange activity is a novel function of the molecular chaperone, HSP70
- The HSP70-Ydj1 molecular chaperone represses the activity of the heme activator protein Hap1 in the absence of heme
- Heterogeneous patterns of constitutive and heat shock induced expression of HLA-linked HSP70-1 and HSP70-2 heat shock genes in human melanoma cell lines.
- HSP70 and ER expression in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer
- Alternative activation of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases in curcumin and arsenite-induced HSP70 gene expression in human colorectal carcinoma cells
- … by the heat shock protein (hsp) 90-based chaperone machinery: The role of p23 is to stabilize receptor· hsp90 heterocomplexes formed by hsp90· p60· HSP70
- A physiologically relevant hyperthermia selectively activates constitutive HSP70 in H9c2 cardiac myoblasts and confers oxidative protection
- Expression of p53 and HSP70 in relation to apoptosis during Meckel’s cartilage development in the mouse
- A giant protein that stimulates guanine nucleotide exchange on ARF1 and Rab proteins forms a cytosolic ternary complex with clathrin and HSP70
- Role of Toxoplasma gondii HSP70 and Toxoplasma gondii HSP30/bag1 in antibody formation and prophylactic immunity in mice experimentally infected with …
- Natural autoantibodies against heat‐shock proteins HSP70 and gp96: implications for immunotherapy using heat‐shock proteins
- … protein (hsp) 70 sequence prevents adjuvant arthritis upon nasal administration and induces IL-10-producing T cells that cross-react with the mammalian self-HSP70 …
- Constitutive expression of heat shock proteins hsp25 and HSP70 in the rat oviduct during neonatal development, the oestrous cycle and early pregnancy.
- HSP70 and HSP90 homologs are associated with tubulin in hetero-oligomeric complexes, cilia and the cortex of Tetrahymena
- Developmental Activation of an Episomic HSP70 Gene Promoter in Two-Cell Mouse Embryos by Transcription Factor Sp1
- HSP70 is not required for high affinity binding of purified calf uterine estrogen receptor to estrogen response element DNA in vitro
- Identification of a 71-Kilodalton Surface-Associated HSP70 Homologue in Coxiella burnetii
- The immunization of A2/Kb transgenic mice with the KMP11-HSP70 fusion protein induces CTL response against human cells expressing the T. cruzi KMP11 antigen …
- Effect of vibrational stress and spaceflight on regulation of heat shock proteins HSP70 and hsp27 in human lymphocytes (Jurkat)
- Hyperactive forms of the Pdr1p transcription factor fail to respond to positive regulation by the HSP70 protein Pdr13p
- Intracellular distribution of HSP70 during long duration moderate hyperthermia
- Divergent kinetics of HSP70 induction in Oniscus asellus (Isopoda) in response to four environmentally relevant organic chemicals (B [a] P, PCB52, γ-HCH, PCP) …
- HSP70 protects macrophages infected with Salmonella choleraesuis against TNF-α-induced cell death
- Loss of HSP70-Hsp40 chaperone activity causes abnormal nuclear distribution and aberrant microtubule formation in M-phase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- The HSP70 homolog gene, Hsc70t, is expressed under translational control during mouse spermiogenesis
- Co-induction of HSP70 and heme oxygenase-1 in macrophages and glia after spinal cord contusion in the rat
- Elevated levels of circulating heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in peripheral and renal vascular disease
- Short-range linkage relationships, genomic organisation and sequence comparisons of a cluster of five HSP70 genes in Fugu rubripes
- Heat shock proteins hsp27 and HSP70: lack of correlation with response to tamoxifen and clinical course of disease in estrogen receptor-positive metastatic breast …
- Phylogenetic Analysis of the Third HSP70 Homolog in Escherichia coli; a Novel Member of the Hsc66 Subfamily and Its Possible Co-chaperone
- Two distinct mechanisms operate in the reactivation of heat-denatured proteins by the mitochondrial HSP70/Mdj1p/Yge1p chaperone system
- Acore ATPase’, HSP70-like structure is conserved in human, rat, and C. elegans STCH proteins
- Synthesis of stress protein 70 (HSP70) in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) red blood cells
- Nucleosomes are not necessary for promoter-proximal pausing in vitro on the Drosophila HSP70 promoter
- Molecular typing of Trichomonas vaginalis isolates by HSP70 restriction fragment length polymorphism.
- CAIR-1/BAG-3 forms an EGF-regulated ternary complex with phospholipase C-γ and HSP70/Hsc70
- Mitochondrial protein and HSP70 signaling after ischemia in hypothermic-adapted hearts augmented with glucose
- Evidence for the involvement of mouse heat shock factor 1 in the atypical expression of the HSP70. 1 heat shock gene during mouse zygotic genome activation
- Spatial profiles of HSP70 proteins in Asian clam (Potamocorbula amurensis) in northern San Francisco Bay may be linked to natural rather than anthropogenic …
- Promoter-Proximal Pausing on the HSP70Promoter in Drosophila melanogaster Depends on the Upstream Regulator
- A mitochondrial-type HSP70 gene of Entamoeba histolytica.
- The HSP70 protein is involved in the acquisition of gamete self-sterility in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis
- BiP, HSP70, NDK and PDI in wheat endosperm. II. Effects of high temperature on protein and mRNA accumulation
- Induction of DNA damage and expression of heat shock protein HSP70 by polychlorinated biphenyls in the marine sponge Suberites domuncula Olivi
- Splenic cytotoxic cells recognize surface HSP70 on culture-adapted EL-4 mouse lymphoma cells
- Expression analysis of mortalin, a unique member of the HSP70 family of proteins, in rat tissues
- N-Ethylmaleimide-modified HSP70 inhibits protein folding
- Differential expression of c-fos, HSP70 and Hsp27 after photothrombotic injury in the rat brain
- Developmental regulation of the plant mitochondrial matrix located HSP70 chaperone and its role in protein import
- Structure and mechanism of HSP70 proteins
- HSP70 expression in granulocytes and lymphocytes ofpatients with polytrauma: comparison with plasma glutamine
- Evidence for Iterative Ratcheting of Receptor-Bound HSP70 between Its ATP and ADP Conformations during Assembly of Glucocorticoid Receptor⊙ hsp90 …
- Electrically stimulated induction of HSP70 gene expression in mouse astroglia and fibroblast cells
- Specific intranucleolar distribution of HSP70 during heat shock in polytene cells
- HSP70 induction may explain the long-lasting resistance to heat of Drosophila melanogaster having lived in hypergravity
- The presence of a dnaK (HSP70) multigene family in members of the orders Planctomycetales and Verrucomicrobiales
- Constitutive HSP70 is essential to mitosis during early cleavage of Paracentrotus lividus embryos: the blockage of constitutive HSP70 impairs mitosis
- Interaction between tolerance and 70 kDa stress protein (HSP70) induction in collembolan populations exposed to long-term metal pollution
- Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) protects postimplantation murine embryos from the embryolethal effects of hyperthermia
- Heat shock protein (HSP70) in brown trout epidermis after sudden temperature rise
- The hsp Operons Are Repressed by the hrc37 of the HSP70 Operon in Staphylococcus aureus
- A member of the HSP70 gene familyfrom the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata
- Luciferase activity and synthesis of HSP70 and Hsp90 are insensitive to 50Hz electromagnetic fields
- Expression of immediate early genes, HSP70, and COX-2 mRNAs in rat stomach following ethanol ingestion
- High‐molecular‐mass complexes formed in vivo contain smHSPs and HSP70 and display chaperone‐like activity
- Glutamine synthetase activity and HSP70 levels in cultured rat astrocytes: effect of 1-octadecyl-2-methyl-rac-glycero-3-phosphocholine
- Developmental control of heat shock and chaperone gene expression HSP70 genes and heat shock factors during preimplantation phase of mouse development
- Orthologs in Arabidopsis thaliana of the HSP70 interacting protein Hip
- HSP70 induction by cyclosporine A in cultured rat hepatocytes: effect of vitamin E succinate
- Structurally and functionally distinct mouse HSP70 family members Mot-1 and Mot-2 proteins are encoded by two alleles
- Immunological detection and subcellular localization of HSP70 and Hsp60 homologs in Trichomonas vaginalis
- Virulence-dependent induction of HSP70/Hsc70 in tomato by Ralstonia solanacearum
- Cerebral activation and distribution of inducible hsp110 and HSP70 mRNAs following focal ischemia in rat
- Primary chondrocytes resist hydrostatic pressure-induced stress while primary synovial cells and fibroblasts show modified HSP70 response
- Phylogenetic analysis with newly characterized Babesia bovis HSP70 and hsp90 provides strong support for paraphyly within the piroplasms.
- Marked differences between avian and mammalian testicular cells in the heat shock induction and polyadenylation of HSP70 and ubiquitin transcripts
- Molecular characterisation of a HSP70 gene from the filarial parasite Setaria digitata
- Heat‐induced expression of MHC‐linked HSP70 genes in lymphocytes varies at the single‐cell level
- Interference between proteins Hap46 and Hop/p60, which bind to different domains of the molecular chaperone HSP70/hsc70
- Mild hypothermia decreases the incidence of transient ADC reduction detected with diffusion MRI and expression of c-fos and HSP70 mRNA during acute focal …
- The level and phosphorylation of HSP70 in the rat liver cytosol after adrenalectomy and hyperthermia
- Strong expression of heat shock proteins in growth plate cartilage, an immunohistochemical study of HSP28, HSP70 and HSP110
- Heat shock transcription factors and the HSP70 induction response in brain and kidney of the hyperthermic rat during postnatal development
- Heat-Inducible Surface Stress Protein (HSP70) Mediates Sulfatide Recognition of the Respiratory Pathogen Haemophilus influenzae
- Constitutive and heat‐shock induced expression of HSP70 mRNA during chicken testicular development and regression
- Protein synthesis is required for stabilization of HSP70 mRNA upon exposure to both hydrostatic pressurization and elevated temperature
- The beet yellows closterovirus p65 homologue of HSP70 chaperones has ATPase activity associated with its conserved N-terminal domain but does not interact with …
- The HSP70 locus of Drosophila auraria (montium subgroup) is single and contains copies in a conserved arrangement
- Characterization of human proximal tubular cells after hypoxic preconditioning: constitutive and hypoxia-induced expression of heat shock proteins HSP70 (A, B, and …
- The role of HSP70 in protection and repair of luciferase activity in vivo; experimental data and mathematical modelling
- Bcl-xLOverexpression Restricts Heat-Induced Apoptosis and Influences HSP70, bcl-2, and Bax Protein Levels in FL5. 12 Cells
- Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption, HSP70 Expression and Apoptosis Due to 3-Nitropropionie Acid, a Mitochondrial Toxin
- HSP70 and heat shock factor 1 cooperate to repress Ras-induced transcriptional activation of the c-fos gene
- Green fluorescent protein as a marker for monitoring activity of stress-inducible HSP70 rat gene promoter
- Effects of PCBs sorbed to algal paste and sediments on the stress protein response (HSP70 family) in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica
- Interaction of mitochondrial presequences with DnaK and mitochondrial HSP70
- Pixel-based image analysis of HSP70, GADD45 and MAP2 mRNA expression after focal cerebral ischemia: hemodynamic and histological correlates
- HSP70 expression is increased during the day in a diurnal animal, the golden-mantled ground squirrelSpermophilus lateralis
- Echinococcus granulosus: in vitro effects of ivermectin and praziquantel on hsp60 and HSP70 levels
- Heat stress affects the glucocorticoid receptor interaction with heat shock protein HSP70 in the rat liver
- Concentration-dependent differential effects of N-acetyl-L-cysteine on the expression of HSP70 and metallothionein genes induced by cadmium in human amniotic …
- Heat shock protein (Hsp) 40 mutants inhibit HSP70 in mammalian cells
- Mutual exclusion of apoptosis and HSP70 in human vein intimal hyperplasia in vitro
- Efficient in vitro and in vivo gene regulation of a retrovirally delivered pro-apoptotic factor under the control of the Drosophila HSP70 promoter
- Completion of Meiosis Is Not Always Required for Acrosome Formation in HSP70-2 Null Mice
- Preferential activation of HSF-binding activity and HSP70 gene expression in Xenopus heart after mild hyperthermia
- Artificial human skin: cytokine, prostaglandin, HSP70 and histological responses to heat exposure
- Human T cell leukemia virus type 1 Tax associates with a molecular chaperone complex containing hTid-1 and HSP70
- Linkage analysis of HSP70 genes and historecognition locus in Botryllus schlosseri
- Characteristics of the strong antibody response to mycobacterial HSP70: a primary, T cell-dependent IgG response with no evidence of natural priming or γδ T cell …
- Expression of HSP70-2 in unilateral cryptorchid testis of rhesus monkey during germ cell apoptosis
- Sensitive genotyping of Cryptosporidium parvum by PCR-RFLP analysis of the 70-kilodalton heat shock protein (HSP70) gene
- Immunohistochemical study of leukocyte infiltration and expression of HSP70 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
- B-Myb and cyclin D1 mediate heat shock element dependent activation of the human HSP70 promoter
- HSP60, HSP70 and HSP90 from Trichinella spiralis as targets of humoral immune response in rats
- Selective stimulation of Hsp27 and αB-crystallin but not HSP70 expression by p38 MAP kinase activation
- The HSP70 Gene Family in Pneumocystis carinii: Molecular and Phylogenetic Characterization of Cytoplasmic Members
- N-terminal hydrophobic sorting signals of preproteins confer mitochondrial HSP70 independence for import into mitochondria
- Effects of batroxobin on spatial learning and memory disorder of rats with temporal ischemia and the expression of HSP32 and HSP70.
- HSP70 and Hsc70 are preferentially expressed in differentiated epithelial cells in normal human endometrium and ectocervix
- Identification of a putative regulatory element in the 3′-untranslated region that controls expression of HSP70 in Leishmania infantum
- Synergistic cytotoxic effect of quercetin and heat treatment in a lymphoid cell line (OZ) with low HSP70 expression
- Modulation of HSP70 and HSP90 expression by sodium salicylate and aspirin in fish cell line CHSE-214
- Specific binding of Drosophila nuclear protein PEP (protein on ecdysone puffs) to HSP70 DNA and RNA
- Cloning of HSP70 genes from the marine sponges Sycon raphanus (Calcarea) and Rhabdocalyptus dawsoni (Hexactinellida). An approach to solve the phylogeny of …
- Molecular Cloning of a Candida albicans Gene (SSB1) Coding for a Protein Related to the HSP70 Family
- Co-purification of mitochondrial HSP70 and mature protein disulfide isomerase with a functional rat kidney high-Mr cysteine S-conjugate β-lyase
- Validation of HSP70 stress gene expression as a marker of metal effects in Deroceras reticulatum (pulmonata): Correlation with demographic parameters
- Relevance of Cryptosporidium parvum HSP70 mRNA Amplification as a Tool to Discriminate Between Viable and Dead Oocysts
- Heat shock proteins HSP70‐1 and HSP70‐3 Are necessary and sufficient to prevent arsenite‐induced dysmorphology in mouse embryos
- Yeast Pdr13p and Zuo1p molecular chaperones are new functional HSP70 and Hsp40 partners
- Lack of association between the polymorphism at the heat-shock protein (HSP70-2) gene and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in the Mexican mestizo population
- Gene expressions of ubiquitin and HSP70 following focal ischaemia in rat brain
- Fluoxetine prevents PCP-and MK801-induced HSP70 expression in injured limbic cortical neurons of rats
- Expression of the testis‐specific HSP70‐related gene (hst70 gene) in somatic non‐testicular rat tissues revealed by RT‐PCR and transgenic mice analysis
- Suppression of an HSP70 Mutant Phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae through Loss of Function of the Chromatin Component Sin1p/Spt2p
- Regulation of hsp90 and HSP70 Genes during Antheridiol-Induced Hyphal Branching in the OomyceteAchlya ambisexualis
- Conformational Changes of an HSP70 Molecular Chaperone Induced by Nucleotides, Polypeptides, and N-Ethylmaleimide
- Interaction between the nucleotide exchange factor Mge1 and the mitochondrial HSP70 Ssc1
- Regional distribution of HSP70 in the CNS of young and old food-restricted rats following hyperthermia
- Endotoxin inhibits heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with severe sepsis
- The biochemical properties of the ATPase activity of a 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) are governed by the C-terminal domains
- Expression of c-fos and HSP70 mRNA in neonatal rat cerebrocortical slices during NMDA-induced necrosis and apoptosis
- Characterisation of a pea HSP70 gene which is both developmentally and stress-regulated
- Comparison of anti‐heat shock protein 70 (Anti‐HSP70) and anti‐68‐kDa inner ear protein in the sera of patients with Meniere’s disease
- Expression of HSP70 is impaired at the transcriptional level in stressed murine neuroblastoma cells.
- Differential expression of glucose-regulated (grp78) and heat-shock-inducible (HSP70) genes during asexual development of Neurospora crassa
- Induction of gene expression of the chaperones 14-3-3 and HSP70 by PCB 118 (2, 3′, 4, 4′, 5-pentachlorobiphenyl) in the marine sponge Geodia cydonium: novel …
- Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) as a major target of the antibody response in patients with pulmonary cryptococcosis
- Expression of DnaJ homologs and HSP70 in the Japanese Willow (Salix gilgiana Seemen)
- Polymorphism in the regulatory sequence of the human HSP70-1 gene does not affect heat shock factor binding or heat shock protein synthesis
- Modulation of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene expression by sodium butyrate in U-937 promonocytic cells: relationships with differentiation and apoptosis
- The membrane‐bound DnaJ protein located at the cytosolic site of glyoxysomes specifically binds the cytosolic isoform 1 of HSP70 but not other HSP70 species
- Association of the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor with Hsp90 and HSP70 upon whole body hyperthermic stress
- Differential degradation of the three fibrinogen chains by proteasomes: involvement of Sec61p and cytosolic HSP70
- Expression of the spermatid-specific HSP70 antigen is conserved in mammals including marsupials
- … /DnaJ/GrpE and ClpB proteins on the removal of heat-aggregated proteins from Escherichia coliΔclpB mutant cells – new insight into the role of HSP70 in a functional …
- Polymorphism in heat-shock protein 70-1 (HSP70-1) gene promoter region and susceptibility to tuberculoid leprosy and pulmonary tuberculosis in Asian Indians
- Reduced Levels of HSP70 Result in a Therapeutic Effect of l5-Deoxyspergualin on Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease in (DA× LEW) Fl Rats
- Attenuation of the induced differentiation of HL-60 leukemia cells by mitochondrial chaperone HSP70.
- Characterisation of a monoclonal antibody recognising specifically the HSP70 from Leishmania
- Evidence of an interaction between Mos and HSP70: a role of the Mos residue serine 3 in mediating HSP70 association
- Refolding intermediates of acid-unfolded mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase bind to HSP70
- Expression of HSP70-2 gene during germ cell apoptosis in rat unilateral cryptorchid testes
- Heat shock factor 1 mediates hemin-induced HSP70 gene transcription in K562 erythroleukemia cells
- The different expression of proteins recognized by monoclonal anti‐heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) antibody in human colonic diseases
- Expression of heat shock proteins in salivary gland tumors. Immunohistochemical study of HSP27, HSP70, HSP90, and HSP110: apropos of 50 cases
- Genetic dissection of the HSP70 chaperone system of yeast
- cDNA cloning of heat-inducible HSP70, a 70.6 kDa heat shock protein, in Japanese flounder Paralichtys olivaceus
- HSP70 levels in physiologically stressed Baltic Sea mussels
- Messenger ribonucleic acid expression of heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP90 in human endometrium and myometrium during the menstrual cycle
- Transient Increase in Chloride Cell Number and Heat Shock Protein Expression (HSP70) in Brown Trout (Salmo trutta fario) Exposed to Sudden Temperature …
- The Unique Chaperone Operon of Thermotoga maritima: Cloning and Initial Characterization of a Functional HSP70 and Small Heat Shock Protein
- Two snoRNAs are encoded in the first intron of the rice HSP70 gene
- Erythroid carbonic anhydrase and HSP70 expression in chick embryonic development: role of cAMP and hypoxia
- Isolation and characterization of isoforms of HspBP1, inhibitors of HSP70
- Role of HSP70 subfamily, Ssa, in protein folding in yeast cells, seen in luciferase-transformed ssa mutants
- Regional myocardial heat-shock protein (HSP70) concentrations under different blood flow conditions
- Changes in HSP70 and P53 expression are related to the pattern of electromechanical alterations in rat cardiomyocytes during simulated ischemia
- Protein glycosylation in a heat-resistant rat fibroblast cell model expressing human HSP70
- Remodeling of regulatory nucleoprotein complexes on the Xenopus HSP70 promoter during meiotic maturation of the Xenopus oocyte
- Increased expression of HSP70 and co-localization with nuclear protein in cells infected with the Hantaan virus
- Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in gastric adaptation to aspirin in Helicobacter pylori infection
- Hepatic concentration of heat shock protein 70 kD (HSP70) in broilers subjected to different thermal treatments
- Selective expression of HSP70-1 gene in the adrenal cortex but not in the medulla of thermally stressed rats
- Mammalian Cytosolic DnaJ Homologues Affect the HSP70 Chaperone− Substrate Reaction Cycle, but Do Not Interact Directly with Nascent or Newly Synthesized …
- Coupling chemical energy by the HSP70/tim44 complex to drive protein translocation into mitochondria
- HSP70-mediated acceleration of translational recovery after stress is independent of ribosomal RNA synthesis
- The study on the expression of membrane HSP70 protein in H22 cell and its immunoprotective mechanism against carcinoma.
- Induced expression and localization to nuclear-inclusion bodies of HSP70 in varicella-zoster virus-infected human diploid fibroblasts
- Heat shock proteins, HSP25 and HSP70, and apoptosis in developing endocardial cushion of the mouse heart
- HSP70 and c-Fos expression of brain stem hypoglossal nucleus in drowning
- Induction of molecular chaperones HSP70 and HSP90 in rat liver cytosol by a highly toxic coplanar PCB
- Characterisation of several HSP70 interacting proteins from mammalian organelles
- Transient MRI-detected water apparent diffusion coefficient reduction correlates with c-fos mRNA but not HSP70 mRNA induction during focal cerebral ischemia in rats
- Regionally different effects of scopolamine on NMDA antagonist-induced heat shock protein HSP70
- Plant-derived amino acids increase hippocampal BDNF, NGF, c-fos and HSP70 mRNAs
- Partial homology of stress glycoprotein GP62 with HSP70
- Changes in cell morphology and actin organization during heat shock in Dictyostelium discoideum: does HSP70 play a role in acquired thermotolerance?
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae KAR2 (BiP) Gene Expression Is Induced by Loss of Cytosolic HSP70/Ssalp through a Heat Shock Element-Mediated Pathway
- Cloning of the Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Gene of Ehrlichia sennetsu and Differential Expression of HSP70 and HSP60 mRNA after Temperature Upshift
- HSP70 and ribosomal protein L2: novel 5S rRNA binding proteins in Escherichia coli
- Overexpression of bcl-2, bcl-XL or HSP70 in murine cortical astrocytes reduces injury of co-cultured neurons
- Oxysterols from oxidized LDL are cytotoxic but fail to induce HSP70 expression in endothelial cells
- Helium‐neon laser irradiation is not a stressful treatment: A study on heat‐shock protein (HSP70) level
- Biomarkers of heavy metal effects in two species of caddisfly larvae from Clark Fork River, Montana: stress proteins (HSP70) and lysosomal membrane integrity
- HSP70 is involved in the control of chromosomal transcription in the amphibian oocyte
- A study of HSP70 and NF in brain contusion timing
- HSP70, hsp32, and grp78 are increased in thermally injured skin with and without antithrombin (human) concentrate infusion
- Induction of HSP70 in the fungus Rhizopus nigricans
- Mitochondrial HSP70 cannot replace BiP in driving protein translocation into the yeast endoplasmic reticulum
- A novel HSP70 gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe that confers K-252a resistance
- MSJ-1, a mouse testis-specific DnaJ protein, is highly expressed in haploid male germ cells and interacts with the testis-specific heat shock protein HSP70-2
- Synergistic effects of heat and ET-18-OCH3 on membrane expression of HSP70 and lysis of leukemic K562 cells
- Expression and changes of HSP70 in the rat forebrain subjected to gamma knife (100Gy) irradiation targeted on the caudate putamen and survived for different times
- Geranylgeranylacetone protects human monocytes from mitochondrial membrane depolarization independently of HSP70 expression
- Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a cDNA for an Inducible 70 kDa Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) of the American Oyster (Crassostrea virginica)
- Purification of HSP70 and its immunoprotective effect against mouse hepatoma
- Induction and accumulation of HSP70 leads to formation of its complexes with other cell proteins
- Expression of antisense HSP70 is a major determining factor in heat-induced cell death of P-19 carcinoma cells
- c-fos antisense oligonucleotide prevents delayed induction of HSP70 mRNA after soman-induced seizures
- Experimental immunization with anti‐rheumatic bacterial extract OM‐89 induces T cell responses to heat shock protein (hsp) 60 and HSP70; modulation of peripheral …
- The effect of oxygen on retinal degeneration in wild-type and HSP70. 1 knockout neonatal retinal degeneration mice.
- The genes coding for the HSP70 (dnaK) molecular chaperone machine occur in the moderate thermophilic archaeon Methanosarcina thermophila TM-1
- … hyperammonemic conditions: an immunocytochemical study of glutamine synthetase (GS), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and 70 kDa heat-shock protein (HSP70 …
- Immunogenicity of recombinant Babesia microti HSP70 homologue in mice
- Expression and localization of HSP70 and Hsp27 in human breast tumors
- Induction of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) by zinc bis (DL-hydrogen aspartate) reduces ischemic small-bowel tissue damage in rats
- Evidence for HSP70-like protein in the RBC membrane of the hereditarily anemic Belgrade laboratory (b/b) rat
- Induced HSP70 is in small, cytoplasmic complexes in a cell culture model of renal ischemia: a comparative study with heat shock
- HSP70 Genes and Historecognition in Botryllus schlosseri: Implications for MHC Evolution
- Identification of mycobacterial HSP70 reactive human T cell clones discriminating between M. tuberculosis and M. leprae
- HSP70 stress proteins, nitric oxide, and resistance of August and Wistar rats to myocardial infarction
- HSP60, HSP70 in the pathogenesis of Kawasaki disease: implication and action
- Differential expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in human monocytes rendered apoptotic by IL‐4 or serum deprivation
- Expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) at the interface of polymer–implants in vivo
- Effect of HSP70-peptide complexes generated in vivo on modulation EAE
- Cloning, expression, purification and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of yeast Hsp40 Sis1 complexed with HSP70 Ssa1 C-terminal lid domain
- Transcription of theLeishmania major HSP70-IGene Locus Does Not Proceed through the Noncoding Region
- Development and further characterization of a small subclass of rat olfactory receptor neurons that shows immunoreactivity for the HSP70 heat shock protein
- Heat-shock protein (HSP70-2) allelic frequencies in three distinct Mexican populations
- Effect of HSP70 antisense RNA on normal sorghum pollen formation
- Expression of HSP70 gene in rat brain after exposures to repeated+ Gz.
- No variation in HSP70 mRNA level during cardiac surgery in pediatric patients evaluated by semiquantitative RT-PCR
- Endotoxin inhibits heat induced HSP70 in rats
- An unique CD4+ CD8+ intestinal intraepithelial lymphocyte specific for DnaK (Escherichia coli HSP70) may be selected by intestinal microflora of rats
- HSP70 is selectively over‐expressed in the blast cells of the germinal centres and paracortex in reactive lymph nodes
- The significance of the expression of the HSP70 and HSP90 in the intestinal mucosa in scalded rats during early postburn stage
- Mammalian HSP70 and Hsp40: characteristic induction by environmental stresses and tissue specific expression
- Study on HSP70, 90 mRNA gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells with steroid-resistant asthmatics
- Cellular and antibody responses to the Plasmodium falciparum heat shock protein Pf72/HSP70 during and after acute malaria in individuals from an endemic area of …
- Study on amino acid composition of HSP70 and the level of plasma free amino acids of workers with long-term exposure to harmful factors
- Cancer genesis: stem tumour cells as an MHC-null/HSP70–very high ‘primordial self’escaping both MHC-restricted and MHC-non-restricted immunesurveillance
- Immunological significance of HSP70 in tumor rejection
- Using HSP70 promoter to regulate target gene expression in tumor
- An additional exon of stress-inducible heat shock protein 70 gene (HSP70-1)
- Intracellular distribution of stress glycoproteins in a heat-resistant cell model expressing human HSP70
- Characterization of Arabidopsis heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene family and microarray analysis of gene expression in response to temperature extremes
- Effects of neuroprotective dose of fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate on hypoxia-induced expression of c-fos and HSP70 mRNA in neonatal rat cerebrocortical slices
- Increase in thermosensitivity of cervical cancer and ovarian cancer cells by HSP70 antisense oligodeoxynucleotides
- Marked alteration of c-fos and c-jun but not HSP70 messenger RNA expression in rat brain after cold-induced trauma: An in situ hybridization study
- The role of HSP70 and Ca (2+)-pump from the myocardial sarcoplasmic reticulum in cardioprotective effects during adaptation to physical load in rats
- Expression of heat shock protein (HSP70) in normal endometrium and endometrial carcinomas
- Effect of dl-3-N-butylphthalide on the expression of HSP70 mRNA and c-fos in transient cerebral ischemic and reperfused rat brain
- Comparative study on the immunogenicity between HSP70 DNA vaccine and Hsp65 DNA vaccine in humanMycobacterium tuberculosis
- Ischemia, Infarction and HSP70
- Batroxobin against anoxic damage of rat hippocampal neurons in culture: morphological changes and HSP70 expression.
- Sites of expression of DnaJ homologs and HSP70 in male and female flowers of the Japanese willow Salix gilgiana Seemen
- Induction of apoptosis in ovarian carcinoma cells by HSP70 antisense oligodeoxynucleotides
- Study on the role of the chimeric HSP70/CD80 DNA vaccine for treating infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- The expression of HSP70 and BCL-2 genes in hippocampus of the rats exposed to cerebral ischemia and reperfusion
- Unresponsiveness of Euplotes focardii HSP70 genes to thermal stress
- Effects of hypoxic-preconditioning on anoxic-tolerance and HSP70 expression in cultured rat hippocampal neurons
- Immunocytochemistry of heat shock proteins HSP70 in pig liver after a parasitic invasion.
- Antitumor effect of DC vaccine modified by HSP70-H22 tumor peptide complex in vitro and in vivo
- HSP70 expression of middle ear mucosa in acute suppurative otitis media
- β-Galactosidase as a marker of HSP70 promoter induction in Dunning R3327 prostate carcinoma cells
- Effect of the absence of heat shock protein 70.1 (HSP70. 1) on retinal photoreceptors in normal and rd mice.
- Influence of elemene or heat shock treatment upon the expression of membrane HSP70 and HSPs genes in HepG_2 cells
- Heat stress-induced HSP70 expression in heart and vessels of simulated weightless rats
- Use of synthetic peptides in mapping the binding sites for HSP70 in a mitochondrial protein
- The Thermotolerance Changes of HSP70 Overe xpression K562 Cell
- Effect of heat stress or lipopolysaccharide (E. coli) injection on HSP70 levels in the liver and brain of adrenalectomized rats
- Analysis of the 5′-flanking regions of the MHC-linked HSP70-2 and HSP70-3 genes of the rat
- The functional analysis of Lhs1p, a member of a novel HSP70 related family of proteins
- The role of stress proteins HSP70 and the adrenergic system in different resistance to myocardial infarction of August and Wistar genetic rat strains
- Development of a Transient Assay for Investigating the Activation of Pea HSP70 Gene Promoter by Potyviral Cistrons
- Polymorphism of the gene of heat shock protein HSP70 in lines of rats with normal and hypertensive status
- Optical imaging of HSP70 gene expression following thermal laser injury
- HSP70 in immunotherapy: a potential vector in cancer and viral vaccines
- Adaptogen ADAPT modulates stress-induced HSP70 synthesis and improves organism’s resistance to heat shock
- Expression of hyperthermia-induced HSP70 in liver after heating in rats
- HSP70 expression in hypothalamus of rats exposed to infrasound
- Glutamine protects intestinal epithelial cells: role of inducible HSP70
- The effects of trace elements on survival rate and HSP70 synthesis of heat-exposed Drosophila melanogaster
- HSP70 protein is membrane bound in red blood cells of human hereditary haemolytic anaemias
- Protein glycosylation in rat fibroblast cells expressing deletion variants of the human HSP70 gene
- Biological Implications of the Different HSP70 Binding Properties of Mitochondrial and Cytosolic Aspartate Aminotransferase.
- Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum mill.) transformants carrying, ipt gene fused to heat-shock (HSP70) promoter
- Botryllus schlosseri historecognition locus and HSP70 genes: linkage analysis and comparison with vertebrate MHC
- Involvement of an oxidative action in HSP70 promoter induction by three selected environmental pollutants: protective effect of N-acetylcysteine
- Tetrahymena elongation factor-1α binds to HSP70 family proteins
- Sequences flanking rat HSP70. 1 gene contain motifs specific for matrix attached regions and form complexes with nuclear matrix protein in vitro
- The localization of HSP70 and hsp90 in light-and dark-adapted octopus photoreceptors
- Abdominal sepsis induces expression of heat shock protein 70s (HSP70) and heat shock response prevents septic gut mucosal injury of the rats
- Isolation of an inhibitor of HSP70 activity
- Sequencing and allelic analyses of heat shock protein 70 gene (HSP70) in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
- Lack of the HSP70-2 chaperone is associated with meiotic defects and cytoplasmic retention in human sperm: relationship between chromosomal aneuploidy and …
- Study on determination of HSP70 and anti-HSP70 in sera of workers with western blot
- Effect of Dioxins on Molecular Chaperones HSP70 and HSP90 in Rat Leydig Cells (PROCEEDINGS OF 24TH SYMPOSIUM ON TOXICOLOGY AND …
- Heat shock protein (HSP70) response in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, exposed to various contaminants (PAHs, PCBs and cadmium)
- Preparation of monoclonal antibody to HSP70
- The HSP70 molecular chaperone system
- A study of HSP70 and NF in brain contusion timing
- Effect of HSP70-peptide complexes generated in vivo
- Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) does not prevent the inhibition of cell growth in DU-145 cells treated with TGF-beta1.
- Expression of HSP70 in human colon carcinoma cells
- Measurement of Expression of the HSP70 Protein Family
- Influence of arsenic bisulfide on the expression of HSP70 in K_ (562)/ADM cell
- Study on the preparation of recombinant human HSP70 and its presenting-antigen function
- Using HSP70 as carrier of antigenic peptides
- HSP70 is a negative regulator of G protein signalling
- HSP70 Chaperone Functions in Stresed Cells
- The investigation of distribution and expression of HSP70 under high temperature or virus infection
- Expresión y localización de HSP70 y hsp27 en pacientes con cáncer de mama
- The roles of HSP70 proteins in antigen processing and presentation
- Internalization mediated by HSP70 receptors expressed on the surface of dendritic cells
- Bag1 as a novel HSP70 co-chaperone that negatively regulates HSP70 and coordinates cell stress with cell growth
- Expression of HSP70 in Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Effects of Pinacidil preconditioning on HSP70 and cPLA2 expression in hemorrh agic shock rats
- HSP70 Chaperones in Spermatogenesis
- Detection of HSP70 expression on the membrane of human Hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines
- HSP70 and Ischemia Tolerance in the Compromised Heart
- Interaktion von cytosolischen HSP70-Isoformen mit dem glyoxysomalen DnaJ-Protein
- Regulation and function of the HSP70 chaperone machine in mammalian cells
- Molecular cloning of three different Achlya ambisexualis HSP70 cDNAs, and changes in the accumulation of HSP70 transcript populations during hyphal branching
- Study of HSP70 gene upstream regulation element on expression efficiency of GST gene in M. smegmatis
- Effects of arsenic on developing nervous system and HSP70 mRNA expression during rat neuruiation period
- Polymorphism of the heat-shock protein gene HSP70-2 in ulcerative colitis
- The expression of HSP70 during experimental tooth movement in rats
- The effect of ketamine on the expression of HSP70 induced by endotoxin in liver of rat
- Effect of HSP70 Binding Peptides on Protein Synthesis
- Intragenic suppressors of HSP70 mutants: Interplay between domains
- Induction of specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes using hepatoma antigenic peptide mixed with HSP70 in vitro
- Polymorphism of the Gene for Heat Shock Protein HSP70 in Rat Strains with Normal and Hypertensive Statuses
- Endotoxin Inhibits Heat-Induced HSP70 Synthesis in Rats• 220
- Characteristics and distribution of snoRNA gene cluster in the first intron of HSP70 gene in plant
- Immunocytochemical detection of HSP70 in cell culture of pig granulosa
- Nesdonal induces HSP70 and affects glucocorticoid receptor in the rat liver
- Content of HSP70 in rats with hereditary stress-induced arterial hypertension
- The effect of the occlusion of the left bronchial artery on the production of HSP70 cat lung
- The role of Cer1p, a novel HSP70 related protein in the endoplasmic reticulum of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Mge1 is a nucleotide release factor for Ssc1, a mitochondrial HSP70 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Phosphorylation of an envelope-associated HSP70 homolog in amyloplasts isolated from cultured cells of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.).
- Batroxobin Against Anoxic Damage of Rat Hippocampal Neurons in Culture: Morphological Changes and HSP70 Expression
- Confocal Microscopic Analysis of the Expression of hsp60 and HSP70 by Vascular Cells Subjected to Different Forms of Stress
- ATPase activity of cytosolic chaperone HSP70 from maize endosperm cell
- Analysis of HSP70 and small heat shock protein accumulation during Xenopus laevis development.
- Localization and distribution of HSP70 mRNA and Hantann virus in autopsy tissue of the patients with EHF and in virus-infected cells
- Expression of HSP70, c-fos following focal cerebral ischemic reperfusion in rats and neuroprotective effect of Cudrania tricuspidata
- Effects of hirudo extract liquor on the expression of HSP70 and TGF?-1 in experimental intracerebral perihematoma tissues
- Human HSP70 efficiently load monocytes with antigenic peptides and allow specific recognition by anti-tumor T cells.
- Enhancement of HSP70 gene expression by redox factor-1 is mediated through CCAAT elements
- Sequence analysis of PCR amplified HSP70 genes from infectious waterborne Cryptosporidium parvum
- Effect of Steroid Hormones on the Expression of c-Fos, CREB, ATF, and HSP70 in Rat Uterus
- Hop, an HSP70 and Hsp90 organizing protein, in progesterone receptor assembly
- Construction et caracterisation de souches de Streptococcus pneumoniae deficientes au niveau de l’expression des proteines de l’operon HSP70 (French text).
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae KAR2 (BiP) gene expression is induced by loss of cytosolic HSP70/Ssa 1 p through a heat shock element-mediated pathway.
- Genetic and molecular characterization of a variegating HSP70-lacZ fusion gene in the euchromatic 31B region of Drosophila melanogaster
- Inducible heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) Involves in radioadaptive response
- Characterization of Hip, an HSP70-interacting protein and a transient component of progesterone receptor complexes
- HSP70 and its co-chaperones: Key regulators of the intracellular fate of CFTR
- Identification of anoxia-induced expression of HSP70 in Chrysemys picta belli hepatocytes
- … S, Krajewska M, Kitada S, Zapata JM, Kochel K, Knee D, Scudiero D, Tudor G, Miller GJ, Miyashita T, Yamada M, Reed JCExpression and location of HSP70 …
- INAUGURAL ARTICLE by a Recently Elected Academy Member: Intragenic suppressors of HSP70 mutants: Interplay between the ATPase-and peptide …
- Investigations of the roles of HSP70 and Hsp40 molecular chaperone proteins in protein folding
- Thermal adaptation activates HSP70 synthesis, inhibits overproduction of nitric oxide, and protects the body from acute hypotension during heat shock
- A proposed model for iterative ratcheting of receptor-bound HSP70 between its Atp and adp conformations during assembly of the glucocorticoid receptor hsp90 …
- Heat phock protein HSP70 overexpression protects cells from heat shock stress in mouse neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells.
- Heat shock transcription factors and the HSP70 induction response in neural and non-neural tissues of the hyperthermic rat during postnatal development
- Shock Genes (Hsp47, HSP70, Hsp90oz And Hsp90/6) During Normal Development And Under Stress-Conditions In
- P55 Roles of Toxoplasma gondii HSP70 and T. gondii HSP30/bag1 in protective immunity of T. gondii-infected mice
- A cytosolic molecular chaperone, HSP70, plays a role during the ER-associated translocation and degradation of a secretory protein, apoprotein B100
- Expression, regulation and possible function of heat shock genes (Hsp47, HSP70, Hsp90α and Hsp90β) during normal development and under stress-conditions in …
- Expression, Regulation And Possible Function Of Heat Shock Genes (Hsp47, HSP70, Hsp90a And Hsp90P) During Normal Development And Under Stress …
- Heat Shock Protein (HSP70)-Peptide Complex Induces Immunity In EG. 7 Tumors: Potential Application As A Cervical Cancer Vaccine.: ABSTRACT 66
- Chaperone-mediated protein folding in mitochondria: Directionality of HSP70 and Hsp60 action
- Viral structural proteins are associated specifically with a set of Heat shock proteins including HSP70, GRP94 and HSP27 in the brain tissues of suckling mice …
- Stress proteins hsp60 and HSP70 in three species of amphipods exposed to cadmium, diazinon, dieldrin and fluoranthene
- Structure and mechanism of cooperation by Escherichia coli hsp40 DnaJ and HSP70 DnaK
- The unique chaperone operon of Thermotoga maritima encodes a functional HSP70 and small heat shock protein
- The dual binding sites of a DnaJ-protein characterized by eight TPR domains form a link between the plasma membrane and HSP70/Hsp90 complexes
- Characterization of chloroplast transit peptides and the major stromal HSP70, CSS1: Implications for an ATP-dependent chloroplast protein import molecular …
- Molecular chaperone function in the eukaryotic cytosol: The Ssa proteins, a class of HSP70, mediate the folding of a newly translated cytosolic protein in …
- Constitutive expression of heat shock proteins hsp90, hsc70, HSP70 and hsp60 in the rat during postnatal development
- Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) genes of the filarial nematode setaria digitata
- Conditional Barley Mutant Chlorina-104 Lacks A HSP70 Homologue of the Chloroplast Protein Import Complex Under Restrictive Growth Conditions
- The molecular chaperone (HSP70) and its potential roles during dormancy and germination of Dictyostelium discoideum spores; correlation with action tyrosine …
- Mutation in the 5′ UTR region of the HSP70-1 gene appears to influence the response to extracorporeal photochemotherapy
- … serine/threonine protein kinase, PKR, is regulated by the influenza virus activated protein, P58 (IPK), and the molecular chaperones, Hsp40 and HSP70
- Biological characteristics of human cystic cancer cell line T_ (24) with higher HSP70 expression
- Decreased secretion and intracellular accumulation of apo B-100 in HepG2 cells following HSP70 induction
- Molecular Characterization of the Coding Region and 5’UTR of HSP70 Gene in Indian Riverine Buffalo Breeds
- Dose and time dependent modulation of heat-shock-protein 70-2 mRNA (HSP70-2 mRNA) expression induced by endotoxin in human whole blood cultures
- Effect of memantine on shock heat protein 70 (HSP70) expression in neonatal rat models with hypoxic-ischemia
- Heat-shock-protein 70-2 (HSP70-2) genotypes are not associated with variable HSP70-2 mRNA expression
- Etiological Expression of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) in Human Endothelial Cells With Hemodynamic Shear Stress
- Expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) within brain of the rat exposed to infrasound of 8 Hz
- … 71 of the DR4 beta-chain leads to significant differences in antigen processing and presentation of a human autoantigen chaperoned by a member of the HSP70 …
- Transfection of Heat-Shock Protein 70 Enhances Myocardial Tolerance to Ischemia: Evidence for a Role of HSP70 in Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
- P77 B-1 cell activation by Toxoplasma Gondii HSP70
- HSP70 chaperones: cellular functions and molecular mechanism
- Many mechanisms for HSP70 protection from cerebral ischemia
- Mechanisms for regulation of HSP70 function by Hsp40
- HSP70 release from peripheral blood mononuclear cells
- Regulation of HSP70 function by HspBP1: structural analysis reveals an alternate mechanism for HSP70 nucleotide exchange
- Comparison of two ELISAs for the determination of HSP70 in serum
- Exercise-induced elevation of HSP70 is intensity dependent
- Heat shock response: HSP70 in environmental monitoring
- HSP70 as endogenous stimulus of the Toll/interleukin-1 receptor signal pathway
- Genomic instability and enhanced radiosensitivity in HSP70. 1-and HSP70. 3-deficient mice
- Coordinated activation of HSP70 chaperones
- HSP70 reduces α-synuclein aggregation and toxicity
- Expression profiling in multistage hepatocarcinogenesis: identification of HSP70 as a molecular marker of early hepatocellular carcinoma
- HSP70 and Hsp90—a relay team for protein folding
- NELF and DSIF cause promoter proximal pausing on the HSP70 promoter in Drosophila
- Novel signal transduction pathway utilized by extracellular HSP70: role of toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and TLR4
- Two HSP70 family members expressed in atherosclerotic lesions
- HSP70 protects against TNF-induced lethal inflammatory shock
- Recruitment of HSP70 chaperones: a crucial part of viral survival strategies
- Not all J domains are created equal: implications for the specificity of Hsp40–HSP70 interactions
- HSP70 is present in human saliva.
- An HSP70 family chaperone, mortalin/mtHSP70/PBP74/Grp75: what, when, and where?
- CHIP and HSP70 regulate tau ubiquitination, degradation and aggregation
- Characterization of multiple members of the HSP70 family in platyfish culture cells: molecular evolution of stress protein HSP70 in vertebrates
- Hop: more than an HSP70/Hsp90 adaptor protein
- CD40, an extracellular receptor for binding and uptake of HSP70–peptide complexes
- Differential, stage‐dependent expression of HSP70, Hsp110 and Bcl‐2 in colorectal cancer
- HSP27 and HSP70: potentially oncogenic apoptosis inhibitors
- Exosome-dependent trafficking of HSP70: a novel secretory pathway for cellular stress proteins
- HSP70 promotes TNF-mediated apoptosis by binding IKKγ and impairing NF-κB survival signaling
- Molecular chaperones Hsp90 and HSP70 deliver preproteins to the mitochondrial import receptor Tom70
- HSP70 inhibits heat-induced apoptosis upstream of mitochondria by preventing Bax translocation
- Independent regulation of HSP70 and Hsp90 chaperones by HSP70/Hsp90-organizing protein Sti1 (Hop1)
- Regulation of Signaling Protein Function and Trafficking by the hsp90/HSP70-Based Chaperone Machinery
- Differential HSP70 gene expression in the Mediterranean mussel exposed to various stressors
- Response to natural and laboratory selection at the Drosophila HSP70 genes
- Perils of paralogy: using HSP70 genes for inferring organismal phylogenies
- Downstream caspases are novel targets for the antiapoptotic activity of the molecular chaperone HSP70
- The assembly and intermolecular properties of the HSP70-Hop-hsp90 molecular chaperone complex
- HSP70-2 is required for tumor cell growth and survival
- The role of heat shock proteins HSP70 and Hsp27 in cellular protection of the central nervous system
- ΔNp63α up-regulates the HSP70 gene in human cancer
- Expressions of HSP70 and HSP27 in hepatocellular carcinoma
- Patterns of variation in levels of HSP70 in natural rocky shore populations from microscales to mesoscales
- Geldanamycin induces HSP70 and prevents α-synuclein aggregation and toxicity in vitro
- Chronic electromagnetic field exposure decreases HSP70 levels and lowers cytoprotection
- Extracellular HSP70 binding to surface receptors present on antigen presenting cells and endothelial/epithelial cells
- TonEBP/NFAT5 stimulates transcription of HSP70 in response to hypertonicity
- Phenotypic Plasticity of HSP70 and HSP70 Gene Expression in the Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas): Implications for Thermal Limits and Induction of Thermal …
- Regulated cycling of mitochondrial HSP70 at the protein import channel
- Small molecule modulators of endogenous and co-chaperone-stimulated HSP70 ATPase activity
- Heat shock proteins gp96 and HSP70 activate the release of nitric oxide by APCs
- HSP70 overexpression sequesters AIF and reduces neonatal hypoxic/ischemic brain injury
- Extracellular HSP70 levels in children with septic shock
- The turn motif is a phosphorylation switch that regulates the binding of HSP70 to protein kinase C
- Interaction of plant mitochondrial and chloroplast signal peptides with the HSP70 molecular chaperone
- Ligand discrimination by TPR domains: Relevance and selectivity of EEVD-recognition in HSP70· Hop· Hsp90 complexes
- HSP70 family member, mot-2/mtHSP70/GRP75, binds to the cytoplasmic sequestration domain of the p53 protein
- HSP70 dynamics in vivo: effect of heat shock and protein aggregation
- Successive and synergistic action of the HSP70 and Hsp100 chaperones in protein disaggregation
- Mechanism of substrate recognition by HSP70 chaperones
- Cofactor Tpr2 combines two TPR domains and a J domain to regulate the HSP70/Hsp90 chaperone system
- Expression of the molecular chaperone HSP70 in detergent-resistant microdomains correlates with its membrane delivery and release
- Eradication of glioblastoma, and breast and colon carcinoma xenografts by HSP70 depletion
- The chaperoning properties of mouse grp170, a member of the third family of HSP70 related proteins
- HSP70 promotes antigen-presenting cell function and converts T-cell tolerance to autoimmunity in vivo
- Overexpression of HSP70 in mouse skeletal muscle protects against muscle damage and age‐related muscle dysfunction
- The HSP70 Ssz1 modulates the function of the ribosome-associated J-protein Zuo1
- Nucleotide exchange factor for the yeast HSP70 molecular chaperone Ssa1p
- Hsc70 and HSP70 interact with phosphatidylserine on the surface of PC12 cells resulting in a decrease of viability
- Noradrenergic depletion increases inflammatory responses in brain: effects on IκB and HSP70 expression
- Different skeletal muscle HSP70 responses to high-intensity strength training and low-intensity endurance training
- Exercise‐induced HSP27, HSP70 and MAPK responses in human skeletal muscle
- Overexpression of HSP70 is induced by ionizing radiation in C3H 10T1/2 cells and protects from DNA damage
- Lipid interaction differentiates the constitutive and stress-induced heat shock proteins Hsc70 and HSP70
- Targeted disruption of HSP70. 1 sensitizes to osmotic stress
- The function of the yeast molecular chaperone Sse1 is mechanistically distinct from the closely related HSP70 family
- Molecular cloning and expression of two HSP70 genes in the prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii
- Genomic deletions of the Drosophila melanogaster HSP70 genes
- Predisposition to abacavir hypersensitivity conferred by HLA-B* 5701 and a haplotypic HSP70-Hom variant
- Hsp110 cooperates with different cytosolic HSP70 systems in a pathway for de novo folding
- Propagation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae [PSI+] Prion Is Impaired by Factors That Regulate HSP70 Substrate Binding
- Antagonistic Interactions between Yeast [PSI+] and [URE3] Prions and Curing of [URE3] by HSP70 Protein Chaperone Ssa1p but Not by Ssa2p
- Constitutive roles for inducible genes: evidence for the alteration in expression of the inducible HSP70 gene in Antarctic notothenioid fishes
- Radioresistance is associated to increased HSP70 content in human glioblastoma cell lines
- Food-deprivation induces HSP70 and HSP90 protein expression in larval gilthead sea bream and rainbow trout
- Heat-and cold-inducible regulation of HSP70 expression in zebrafish ZF4 cells
- HSP70-DnaJ chaperone pair prevents nitric oxide-and CHOP-induced apoptosis by inhibiting translocation of Bax to mitochondria
- Role of the cytosolic chaperones HSP70 and Hsp90 in maturation of the cardiac potassium channel HERG
- Functional domains of HSP70 stimulate generation of cytokines and chemokines, maturation of dendritic cells and adjuvanticity
- Overexpression of the cochaperone CHIP enhances HSP70-dependent folding activity in mammalian cells
- Administration of HSP70 in vivo inhibits motor and sensory neuron degeneration
- Polymorphism of the stress protein HSP70-2 gene is associated with the susceptibility to the nasopharyngeal carcinoma
- Geranylgeranylacetone ameliorates ischemic acute renal failure via induction of HSP70
- Antistress effects of bacosides of Bacopa monnieri: modulation of HSP70 expression, superoxide dismutase and cytochrome P450 activity in rat brain
- HSP70 and Hsp40 attenuate formation of spherical and annular polyglutamine oligomers by partitioning monomer
- The co-chaperone carboxyl terminus of HSP70-interacting protein (CHIP) mediates α-synuclein degradation decisions between proteasomal and lysosomal …
- Effects of HSP70.1 Gene Knockout on the Mitochondrial Apoptotic Pathway After Focal Cerebral Ischemia
- Multiple domains of the co-chaperone Hop are important for HSP70 binding
- Hspa4 (HSP70) is involved in the radioadaptive response: results from mouse splenocytes
- Elevation of the HSP70 chaperone does not effect toxicity in mouse models of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- The heat-inducible zebrafish HSP70 gene is expressed during normal lens development under non-stress conditions
- Induction of protective immunity by DNA vaccination with Toxoplasma gondii HSP70, HSP30 and SAG1 genes
- The solution structure of the bacterial HSP70 chaperone protein domain DnaK (393–507) in complex with the peptide NRLLLTG
- Enhanced efficacy of tumor cell vaccines transfected with secretable HSP70
- Formation of nuclear stress granules involves HSF2 and coincides with the nucleolar localization of HSP70
- Natural temperature variation affects larval survival, development and HSP70 expression in a leaf beetle
- Constitutive expression of a stress-inducible heat shock protein gene, HSP70, in phylogenetically distant Antarctic fish
- Zebrafish HSP70 is required for embryonic lens formation
- The effects of stress on the association between HSP70 and the glucocorticoid receptor in rainbow trout
- The interaction between HSP70 and TNF-α expression: a novel mechanism for protection of the myocardium against post-injury depression
- The in vivo function of the ribosome-associated HSP70, Ssz1, does not require its putative peptide-binding domain
- Thermal stress–induced HSP70 mediates protection against intrapancreatic trypsinogen activation and acute pancreatitis in rats
- Nuclear translocation of the HSP70/Hsp90 organizing protein mSTI1 is regulated by cell cycle kinases
- Heat shock proteins HSP27, HSP60, HSP70, and HSP90: expression in bladder carcinoma
- Maintenance of structure and function of mitochondrial HSP70 chaperones requires the chaperone Hep1
- The yeast Hsp110 Sse1 functionally interacts with the HSP70 chaperones Ssa and Ssb
- Mathematical modeling of the eukaryotic heat-shock response: dynamics of the HSP70 promoter
- HSP70. 1 and-70.3 are required for late-phase protection induced by ischemic preconditioning of mouse hearts
- Attenuated HSP70 response in skeletal muscle of aged rats following contractile activity
- Ssq1, a mitochondrial HSP70 involved in iron-sulfur (Fe/S) center biogenesis: similarities to and differences from its bacterial counterpart
- HspBP1, an HSP70 cochaperone, has two structural domains and is capable of altering the conformation of the HSP70 ATPase domain
- Neuroprotective effects of HSP70 overexpression after cerebral ischaemia—an MRI study
- The HSP70 and TRiC/CCT chaperone systems cooperate in vivo to assemble the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor complex
- Interaction of BAG1 and HSP70 mediates neuroprotectivity and increases chaperone activity
- The unfolding story of the Escherichia coli HSP70 DnaK: is DnaK a holdase or an unfoldase?
- Polymorphism of the TNF-α, HSP70-2, and CD14 genes increases susceptibility to severe acute pancreatitis
- HSP70 and genomic stability
- Serum HSP70 as an early predictor of fatal outcome after severe traumatic brain injury in males
- Cloning and characterization of the HSP70 multigene family from silver sea bream: modulated gene expression between warm and cold temperature acclimation
- Polymorphism analysis of the HSP70 stress gene in Broiler chickens (Gallus gallus) of different breeds
- An androgen receptor NH2-terminal conserved motif interacts with the COOH terminus of the HSP70-interacting protein (CHIP)
- HSP70 gene transfer by adeno-associated virus inhibits MPTP-induced nigrostriatal degeneration in the mouse model of Parkinson disease
- HSP70 peptide binding mutants separate antigen delivery from dendritic cell stimulation
- Role for HSP70 Chaperone in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Prion Seed Replication
- Interaction between Long-Distance Transport Factor and HSP70-Related Movement Protein of Beet Yellows Virus
- Neuronal cells show regulatory differences in the HSP70 gene response
- Sequence elements within an HSP70 promoter counteract transcriptional transgene silencing in Chlamydomonas
- Distinctive properties of the 5′-untranslated region of human HSP70 mRNA
- The repeated bout effect and heat shock proteins: intramuscular HSP27 and HSP70 expression following two bouts of eccentric exercise in humans
- Treatment with extracellular HSP70/HSC70 protein can reduce polyglutamine toxicity and aggregation
- Cytosolic HSP90 and HSP70 are essential components of INF1‐mediated hypersensitive response and non‐host resistance to Pseudomonas cichorii in Nicotiana …
- Bioaccumulation of chlorpyrifos through an experimental food chain: study of protein HSP70 as biomarker of sublethal stress in fish
- HSP70 deficiency results in activation of c-Jun N-terminal Kinase, extracellular signal-regulated kinase, and caspase-3 in hyperosmolarity-induced apoptosis
- HSP70-controlled GFP expression in transiently transformed schistosomes
- Estrogen attenuates postexercise HSP70 expression in skeletal muscle
- Effect of formaldehyde inhalation on HSP70 in seminiferous tubules of rat testes: an immunohistochemical study
- Regulation and localization of HSP70 and HSP25 in the kidney of rats undergoing long-term administration of angiotensin II
- HSP70 Chaperones as Modulators of Prion Life Cycle: Novel Effects of Ssa and Ssb on the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Prion [PSI+]
- HSP70 and Hsp90 change their expression and subcellular localization after microspore embryogenesis induction in Brassica napus L.
- The effect of heat and cold exposure on HSP70 expression and development of deformities during embryogenesis of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
- Association of HSP70-2 and hsp-hom gene polymorphisms with risk of acute high-altitude illness in a Chinese population
- Concerted and nonconcerted evolution of the HSP70 gene superfamily in two sibling species of nematodes
- Association of HSP70 and genotoxic damage in lymphocytes of workers exposed to coke-oven emission
- Inbreeding affects HSP70 expression in two species of Drosophila even at benign temperatures
- Hsc62, Hsc56, and GrpE, the third HSP70 chaperone system of Escherichia coli
- Valproic acid-mediated HSP70 induction and anti-apoptotic neuroprotection in SH-SY5Y cells
- The J-domain of Hsp40 couples ATP hydrolysis to substrate capture in HSP70
- Stressful preconditioning and HSP70 overexpression attenuate proteotoxicity of cellular ATP depletion
- Cyclosporine A regulate oxidative stress‐induced apoptosis in cardiomyocytes: mechanisms via ROS generation, iNOS and HSP70
- T cells and autoantibodies to human HSP70 in type 1 diabetes in children
- HSP70 expression in thermally stressed Ostrea edulis, a commercially important oyster in Europe
- Sequence-specific interaction between mitochondrial Fe-S scaffold protein Isu and HSP70 Ssq1 is essential for their in vivo function
- Stress gene (HSP70) sequences and quantitative expression in Milnesium tardigradum (Tardigrada) during active and cryptobiotic stages
- Schisandrin B protects myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury partly by inducing Hsp25 and HSP70 expression in rats
- Increased expression of the HSP70 cochaperone HspBP1 in tumors
- Effects of inbreeding and rate of inbreeding in Drosophila melanogaster– HSP70 expression and fitness
- Thermal history-dependent expression of the HSP70 gene in purple sea urchins: biogeographic patterns and the effect of temperature acclimation
- Antibodies to HSP70 and HSP90 in serum in non-small cell lung cancer patients
- Differential acquisition of antigenic peptides by HSP70 and Hsc70 under oxidative conditions
- … deacetylase complexes show enhanced catalytic activity in the presence of ATP and co-immunoprecipitate with the ATP-dependent chaperone protein HSP70
- Redox regulation in neurodegeneration and longevity: role of the heme oxygenase and HSP70 systems in brain stress tolerance
- Active solubilization and refolding of stable protein aggregates by cooperative unfolding action of individual HSP70 chaperones
- Involvement of HSP70 in resveratrol-induced apoptosis of human prostate cancer.
- HSP70 protects mitotic cells against heat-induced centrosome damage and division abnormalities
- HSP70, an immunological actor playing with the intracellular self under oxidative stress
- HSP70 as a stress marker of sea urchin coelomocytes in short term cultures.
- HSP27 but not HSP70 has a potent protective effect against α‐synuclein‐induced cell death in mammalian neuronal cells
- Effect of moderate and severe heat stress on avian embryonic HSP70 gene expression.
- Evolution and arrangement of the HSP70 gene cluster in two closely related species of the virilis group of Drosophila
- Influence of organic selenium on HSP70 response of heat-stressed and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli-challenged broiler chickens (Gallus gallus)
- Decreased heat‐shock resistance and down‐regulation of HSP70 expression with increasing age in adult Drosophila melanogaster
- Proteomics shows HSP70 does not bind peptide sequences indiscriminately in vivo
- Hazardous effect of organophosphate compound, dichlorvos in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacZ): induction of HSP70, anti-oxidant enzymes and …
- Interaction between the shuttling mRNA export factor Gle1 and the nucleoporin hCG1: a conserved mechanism in the export of HSP70 mRNA
- Impaired repair ability of HSP70. 1 KO mouse after UVB irradiation
- Low preoperative HSP70 atrial myocardial levels correlate significantly with high incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery
- Rapid concerted evolution via gene conversion at the Drosophila HSP70 genes
- Hsp25 and HSP70 in rodent tumors treated with doxorubicin and lovastatin
- Regional distribution of heme oxygenase, HSP70, and glutathione in brain: relevance for endogenous oxidant/antioxidant balance and stress tolerance
- Expression of heat shock proteins (HSP27, HSP60, HSP70, HSP90, GRP78, GRP94) in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinomas and dysplastic …
- Evaluation of toxic potential of captan: Induction of HSP70 and tissue damage in transgenic drosophila melanogaster (HSP70‐lacZ) Bg9
- Expression of heat‐shock proteins hsp27, HSP70 and hsp90 in malignant epithelial tumour of the ovaries: Correlation with clinicopathologic factors and survival
- Heat-shock protein (HSP70) response in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, exposed to PAHs sorbed to suspended artificial clay particles and to suspended …
- Targeting HSP70 induced thermotolerance for design of thermal sensitizers
- Hypoxic conditions induce HSP70 production in blood, brain and head kidney of juvenile Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.)
- HSP70 prevents nitric oxide–induced apoptosis in articular chondrocytes
- Regulation of the human apoptotic DNase/RNase endonuclease G: involvement of HSP70 and ATP
- HBx protein of hepatitis B virus (HBV) can form complex with mitochondrial HSP60 and HSP70
- Gene expression of heat-shock proteins (Hsp23, HSP70 and Hsp90) during and after larval diapause in the blow fly Lucilia sericata
- Possible role of Malassezia furfur in psoriasis: modulation of TGF‐β1, integrin, and HSP70 expression in human keratinocytes and in the skin of psoriasis‐affected …
- Cloning and characterization of a member of the HSP70 gene family from Locusta migratoria, a highly thermotolerant insect
- Hsp27 and HSP70 administered in combination have a potent protective effect against FALS-associated SOD1-mutant-induced cell death in mammalian neuronal …
- Cell surface-bound heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) mediates perforin-independent apoptosis by specific binding and uptake of granzyme B
- The translational efficiencies of the two Leishmania infantum HSP70 mRNAs, differing in their 3′-untranslated regions, are affected by shifts in the …
- HSP70 binds to the fast-twitch skeletal muscle sarco (endo) plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA1a) and prevents thermal inactivation
- Ectopic expression of HSP70 confers resistance and silencing its expression sensitizes human colon cancer cells to curcumin-induced apoptosis
- Protective effect of TAT‐delivered α‐synuclein: relevance of the C‐terminal domain and involvement of HSP70
- Mitochondrial-type HSP70 genes of the amitochondriate protists, Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolytica and two microsporidians
- [URE3] prion propagation is abolished by a mutation of the primary cytosolic HSP70 of budding yeast
- Actin cytoskeleton is involved in targeting of a viral HSP70 homolog to the cell periphery
- In vivo bipartite interaction between the Hsp40 Sis1 and HSP70 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Roles of cytosolic HSP70 and Hsp40 molecular chaperones in post-translational translocation of presecretory proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum
- A bichaperone (HSP70-Hsp78) system restores mitochondrial DNA synthesis following thermal inactivation of Mip1p polymerase
- Intracellular delivery of HSP70 using HIV-1 Tat protein transduction domain
- Induction of HSP70 in transgenic Drosophila: biomarker of exposure against phthalimide group of chemicals
- Ectoine from halophilic microorganisms induces the expression of HSP70 and HSP70B′ in human keratinocytes modulating the proinflammatory response
- Folate supplementation reduces serum HSP70 levels in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSP70 Mutations Affect [PSI+] Prion Propagation and Cell Growth Differently and Implicate Hsp40 and Tetratricopeptide Repeat Cochaperones in Impairment …
- PEX5 binds the PTS1 independently of HSP70 and the peroxin PEX12
- Differential expression of two stress-inducible HSP70 genes by various stressors
- Induction of HSP70 expression and recruitment of HSC70 and HSP70 in the nucleus reduce aggregation of a polyalanine expansion mutant of PABPN1 in HeLa cells
- Characterization of the HSP70 response in lymphoblasts from aged and centenarian subjects and differential effects of in vitro zinc supplementation
- Relationship between expression of HSP70 and metallothionein and oxidative stress during mercury chloride induced acute liver injury in rats
- Green fluorescent protein selectively induces HSP70-mediated up-regulation of COX-2 expression in endothelial cells
- … RNA-dependent protein kinase (pkr) is essential for thermotolerance, accumulation of HSP70, and stabilization of ARE-containing HSP70 mRNA during stress
- HSP70 and Hsp40 improve neurite outgrowth and suppress intracytoplasmic aggregate formation in cultured neuronal cells expressing mutant SOD1
- Short-term exposures to chronically toxic copper concentrations induce HSP70 proteins in midge larvae (Chironomus tentans)
- The heat shock protein HSP70 enhances antigen‐specific proliferation of human CD4+ memory T cells
- A single amino acid substitution differentiates HSP70-dependent effects on α-synuclein degradation and toxicity
- Toxoplasma gondii–derived heat shock protein HSP70 functions as a B cell mitogen
- Naturally Occurring Transposable Elements Disrupt HSP70 Promoter Function in Drosophila melanogaster
- General features of gastric carcinomas and comparison of HSP70 and NK cell immunoreactivity with prognostic factors
- The hsp90 cochaperone p23 is the limiting component of the multiprotein hsp90/HSP70-based chaperone system in vivo where it acts to stabilize the client …
- Ontogeny of thyroid hormones, cortisol, HSP70 and hsp90 during silver sea bream larval development
- Inducible HSP70 as target of anticancer immunotherapy: Identification of HLA‐A* 0201‐restricted epitopes
- Gene conversion and GC-content evolution in mammalian HSP70
- Chaperon and adjuvant activity of HSP70: different natural killer requirement for cross-priming of chaperoned and bystander antigens
- HSF1 modulation of HSP70 mRNA polyadenylation via interaction with symplekin
- The type I Hsp40 zinc finger-like region is required for HSP70 to capture non-native polypeptides from Ydj1
- Occupancy of the Drosophila HSP70 promoter by a subset of basal transcription factors diminishes upon transcriptional activation
- The heat shock protein HSP70 and heat shock cognate protein HSC70 contribute to antimony tolerance in the protozoan parasite Leishmania
- HSP70-like Protein 1 fusion protein enhances induction of carcinoembryonic antigen–specific CD8+ CTL response by dendritic cell vaccine
- Cryptosporidium parvum Mitochondrial-Type HSP70 Targets Homologous and Heterologous Mitochondria
- Heat shock protein HSP70 expression and DNA damage in Baikalian sponges exposed to model pollutants and wastewater from Baikalsk Pulp and Paper Plant
- Antibodies against the human heat shock protein HSP70 in patients with severe coronary artery disease
- Interaction of the molecular chaperone HSP70 with human NAD (P) H: quinone oxidoreductase 1
- Stress proteins (HSP70, hsp60) induced in isopods and nematodes by field exposure to metals in a gradient near Avonmouth, UK
- NMR investigations of allosteric processes in a two-domain Thermus thermophilus HSP70 molecular chaperone
- HSP70 and HSP90 expression in leucocytes after exercise in moderately trained humans
- Correlation of HSP70 expression and cell viability following thermal stimulation of bovine aortic endothelial cells
- 3 ‘Sulfogalactolipid Binding Specifically Inhibits HSP70 ATPase Activity in Vitro
- Induction of heat shock proteins (HSP70) in the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) following exposure to platinum group metals (platinum, palladium and rhodium) …
- Rapid, transient, and dose-dependent expression of HSP70 messenger RNA in the rat brain after morphine treatment
- Glucocorticoid-mediated attenuation of the HSP70 response in trout hepatocytes involves the proteasome
- Hsp105 but not HSP70 family proteins suppress the aggregation of heat-denatured protein in the presence of ADP
- Effect of oxidative stress on the spermatogenic process and HSP70 expressions in mice testes
- S-element insertions are associated with the evolution of the HSP70 genes in Drosophila melanogaster
- Polymorphism of the heat-shock protein gene HSP70-2, but not polymorphisms of the IL-10 and CD14 genes, is associated with the outcome of Crohn’s disease
- The anti-apoptotic function of HSP70 in the interferon-inducible double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase-mediated death signaling pathway requires …
- Structure-Function Analysis of HscC, theEscherichia coli Member of a Novel Subfamily of Specialized HSP70 Chaperones
- Microwave exposure induces HSP70 and confers protection against hypoxia in chick embryos
- Salicylic acid‐mediated potentiation of HSP70 induction correlates with reduced apoptosis in tobacco protoplasts
- HSP70-2 (HSPA1B) is associated with noncognitive symptoms in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease
- Enhancement of presynaptic performance in transgenic Drosophila overexpressing heat shock protein HSP70
- Depletion of Kupffer cell function by gadolinium chloride attenuates thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity: expression of metallothionein and HSP70
- Dual function of membrane-bound heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), Bag-4, and Hsp40: protection against radiation-induced effects and target structure for …
- Translocation of cytoplasmic HSP70 onto the surface of EL‐4 cells during apoptosis
- Nitric oxide‐mediated inhibition of follicular apoptosis is associated with HSP70 Induction and Bax suppression
- Brain HSP70 mRNA expression is linked with plasma cortisol levels in goldfish (Carassius auratus) exposed to a potential predator
- Tissue- and development-specific induction and turnover of HSP70 transcripts from loci 87A and 87C after heat shock and during recovery in Drosophila melanogaster
- Small heat shock protein p26 associates with nuclear lamins and HSP70 in nuclei and nuclear matrix fractions from stressed cells
- TNFα mediates susceptibility to heat-induced apoptosis by protein phosphatase-mediated inhibition of the HSF1/HSP70 stress response
- Mild heat stress at a young age inDrosophila melanogaster leads to increased HSP70 synthesis after stress exposure later in life
- Accumulation of HSP70 in Deschampsia antarctica Desv. leaves under thermal stress
- The HSP70 chaperone DnaK is a secondary amide peptide bond cis-trans isomerase
- The heat shock proteins, HSP70 and Hsp83, of Leishmania infantum are mitogens for mouse B cells
- Distinct stimulus-specific histone modifications at HSP70 chromatin targeted by the transcription factor heat shock factor-1
- The HSP70 peptide-binding domain determines the interaction of the ATPase domain with Tim44 in mitochondria
- Genotyping Cryptosporidium parvum with an HSP70 Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Microarray
- Evaluation of an in vitro HSP70 induction test for toxicity assessment of complex mixtures: comparison with chemical analyses and ecotoxicity tests
- Modulation of chaperone activities of HSP70 and HSP70-2 by a mammalian DnaJ/Hsp40 homolog, DjA4
- Production and immune response of recombinant Hsp60 and HSP70 from the salmon pathogen Piscirickettsia salmonis
- A Heterologous DNA Priming-Mycobacterium bovis BCG Boosting Immunization Strategy Using Mycobacterial HSP70, Hsp65, and Apa Antigens Improves Protection …
- Endotoxin contamination in recombinant human heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) preparation is responsible for the induction of tumor necrosis factor α release …
- Membrane HSP70: the molecule triggering γδ T cells in the early stage of tumorigenesis
- Activation of pleiotropic drug resistance by the J‐protein and HSP70‐related proteins, Zuo1 and Ssz1
- … of effluent from the chrome plating industry: 70 kDa heat shock protein expression as a marker of cellular damage in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacZ …
- Histone acetylation is involved in HSP70 gene transcription regulation in Drosophila melanogaster
- Co-translational folding of caspase-activated DNase with HSP70, Hsp40, and inhibitor of caspase-activated DNase
- Cellular redistribution of inducible HSP70 protein in the human and rabbit heart in response to the stress of chronic hypoxia: role of protein kinases
- The effect of exercise in cool, control and hot environments on cardioprotective HSP70 induction
- Regulation by heavy metals and temperature of the human BAG‐3 gene, a modulator of HSP70 activity
- Control of cell fate by HSP70: more than an evanescent meeting
- HSP70 mutant proteins modulate additional apoptotic pathways and improve cell survival
- Heat shock protein induction in the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium malcolmsonii: acclimation-influenced variations in the induction temperatures for HSP70
- Early Transcriptional Activation of the HSP70.1 Gene by Osmotic Stress in One-Cell Embryos of the Mouse
- Tissue-specific HSP70 levels and reproductive physiological responses in fishes inhabiting a metal-contaminated creek
- Peptides complexed with the protein HSP70 generate efficient human cytolytic T-lymphocyte responses
- HSP70 instability and induction by a pesticide in Folsomia candida
- Hsc/HSP70 interacting protein (hip) associates with CXCR2 and regulates the receptor signaling and trafficking
- Relation between pathologic damages and HSP70 changes in acute heat stressed broilers
- Identification of cerebral neurons and glial cell types inducing heat shock protein HSP70 following heat stress in the rat
- Basal and inducible levels of HSP70 in patients with acute heat illness induced during training
- Redox control of HSP70-Co-chaperone interaction revealed by expression of a thioredoxin-like Arabidopsis protein
- HSP70 binding modulates detachment of Na-K-ATPase following energy deprivation in renal epithelial cells
- Myogenic and nonmyogenic cells differentially express proteinases, Hsc/HSP70, and BAG-1 during skeletal muscle regeneration
- Parkin and HSP70 sacked by BAG5
- HSP90, HSP70, and GAPDH directly interact with the cytoplasmic domain of macrophage scavenger receptors
- Identification of a novel member of yeast mitochondrial HSP70-associated motor and chaperone proteins that facilitates protein translocation across the inner …
- Lead-induced HSP70 and hsp60 pattern transformation and leg malformation during postembryonic development in the oribatid mite, Archegozetes longisetosus Aoki
- Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) membrane expression on head-and-neck cancer biopsy—a target for natural killer (NK) cells
- Heterologous gene expression using self-assembled supra-molecules with high affinity for HSP70 chaperone
- Patterns of heat shock protein (HSP70) expression and Kupffer cell activity following thermal ablation of liver and colorectal liver metastases
- Deletion of one of the duplicated HSP70 genes causes hereditary myopathy of diaphragmatic muscles in Holstein‐Friesian cattle
- Rapid Communication: Glucocorticoid-induced glucose release is abolished in trout hepatocytes with elevated HSP70 content
- Immobilized Enzyme-Linked DNA-Hybridization Assay with Electrochemical Detection for Cryptosporidium parvum HSP70 mRNA
- Greater tolerance of renal medullary cells for a slow increase in osmolality is associated with enhanced expression of HSP70 and other osmoprotective genes
- Expression of heat shock protein (HSP70) in oral lichen planus and non‐dysplastic oral leucoplakia
- A novel mode of chaperone action: heme activation of Hap1 by enhanced association of Hsp90 with the repressed HSP70-Hap1 complex
- Differential heat shock gene HSP70-1 response to toxicants revealed by in vivo study of lungs in transgenic mice
- Interferon-γ acts proapoptotic on hepatic stellate cells (HSC) and abrogates the antiapoptotic effect of interferon-α by an HSP70-dependant pathway
- Mytilus trossulus HSP70 as a biomarker for arsenic exposure in the marine environment: Laboratory and real-world results
- Visualization and mechanism of assembly of a glucocorticoid receptor· HSP70 complex that is primed for subsequent Hsp90-dependent opening of the steroid …
- Thermotolerance and HSP70 profiles in adult and embryonic California native oysters, Ostreola conchaphila (Carpenter, 1857)
- Hsp27, HSP70, and metallothionein in MDCK and LLC-PK1 renal epithelial cells: effects of prolonged exposure to cadmium
- Does the chaperone heat shock protein HSP70 play a role in the control of developmental processes?
- Is HSP70 upregulation crucial for cellular proliferative response in simulated microgravity?
- Toxicity of cypermethrin: HSP70 as a biomarker of response in transgenic Drosophila
- Expression of HSP70 in kidney cells exposed to ochratoxin A
- S100A1 is a novel molecular chaperone and a member of the HSP70/Hsp90 multichaperone complex
- Stress protein (HSP70 family) expression in intertidal benthic organisms: the example of Anthopleura elegantissima (Cnidaria: Anthozoa)
- Enhancement of DNA vaccine potency by linkage of Plasmodium falciparum malarial antigen gene fused with a fragment of HSP70 gene
- Redefining the role of the endogenous XAP2 and C-terminal HSP70-interacting protein on the endogenous Ah receptors expressed in mouse and rat cell lines
- HSP70 in bovine lenses during temperature stress
- Phylogenetic relationships of organellar Hsp90 homologs reveal fundamental differences to organellar HSP70 and Hsp60 evolution
- Evidence for disruption of Na+‐K+‐ATPase and HSP70 during vibriosis of sea bream, Sparus (=Rhabdosargus) sarba Forsskål
- Analysis of the Brugia malayi HSP70 promoter using a homologous transient transfection system
- Prediction of novel Bag-1 homologs based on structure/function analysis identifies Snl1p as an HSP70 co-chaperone in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Geldanamycin treatment inhibits hemorrhage-induced increases in KLF6 and iNOS expression in unresuscitated mouse organs: role of inducible HSP70
- Spatial analysis of cell death and HSP70 induction in brain, thymus, and bone marrow of the hyperthermic rat
- Compensation for a defective interaction of the HSP70 ssq1 with the mitochondrial Fe-S cluster scaffold isu
- Inhibition of tumor growth in mice with severe combined immunodeficiency is mediated by heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)-peptide–activated, CD94 positive …
- … of Prime-Boost Vaccination of Neonatal Calves with Mycobacterium bovis BCG and a DNA Vaccine Encoding Mycobacterial Proteins Hsp65, HSP70, and Apa Is Not …
- The 70-kDa heat shock protein response in two intertidal sculpins, Oligocottus maculosus and O. snyderi: relationship of HSP70 and thermal tolerance
- Tissue-specific expression of inducible and constitutive HSP70 isoforms in the western painted turtle
- HSP70-hom gene polymorphism in allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplant recipients correlates with the development of acute graft-versus-host disease
- HSP70 expression in skeletal muscle of patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease
- Cooperative interaction of Hsp40 and TPR1 with HSP70 reverses HSP70-HspBp1 complex formation.
- HSP70 and Hsp40 Chaperones Do Not Modulate Retinal Phenotype in SCA7 Mice*♦
- Congo red, doxycycline, and HSP70 overexpression reduce aggregate formation and cell death in cell models of oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy
- HSP70 and GRP78 induced by endothelin-1 pretreatment enhance tolerance to hypoxia in cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes.
- Expression of HSP70 and CYP1A protein in ovary and liver of juvenile rainbow trout exposed to β-naphthoflavone
- Mitochondrial HSP70, HSP40, and HSP60 bind to the 3′ untranslated region of the murine hepatitis virus genome
- Lack of hypergravity-associated longevity extension in Drosophila melanogaster flies overexpressing HSP70
- HSP70 is not a sensitive indicator of thermal limitation in Gadus morhua
- Molecular identification and expression of heat shock cognate 70 (hsc70) and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) genes in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas
- Expression of HSP70/HSC70 in swine blastocysts: effects of oxidative and thermal stress
- Transfection of NS0 myeloma fusion partner cells with HSP70 gene results in higher hybridoma yield by improving cellular resistance to apoptosis
- Heat Shock–Mediated Thermoprotection of Larval Locomotion Compromised by Ubiquitous Overexpression of HSP70 in Drosophila melanogaster
- Nucleotide binding states of HSP70 and hsp90 during sequential steps in the process of glucocorticoid receptor· hsp90 heterocomplex assembly
- Comparative toxic potential of market formulation of two organophosphate pesticides in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacZ)
- Identification and characterisation of a regulatory region in the Toxoplasma gondii HSP70 genomic locus
- Thermal preconditioning protected cerebellar granule neurons of rats by modulating HSP70 expression.
- Association of DJ-1 with chaperones and enhanced association and colocalization with mitochondrial HSP70 by oxidative stress
- Arsenic trioxide induces HSP70 expression via reactive oxygen species and JNK pathway in MDA231 cells
- NMR study of nucleotide-induced changes in the nucleotide binding domain of Thermus thermophilus HSP70 chaperone DnaK: implications for the allosteric …
- Expression of exercise-induced HSP70 in long-distance runner’s leukocytes
- HSP70 constitutive expression in rat central nervous system from postnatal development to maturity
- Increased expression of inducible HSP70 in apoptotic cells is correlated with their efficacy for antitumor vaccine therapy
- Brain and hepatic HSP70 protein levels in heat-acclimated broiler chickens during heat stress
- Temperature-dependent enhancement of cell proliferation and mRNA expression for type I collagen and HSP70 in primary cultured goldfish cells
- Growth Hormone Increases hsc70/HSP70 Expression and Protects against Apoptosis in Whole Blood Preparations from Silver Sea Bream
- 1267 HSP70-2 polymorphism as a risk factor for carotid plaque rupture and cerebral ischaemia in old type 2 diabetes-atherosclerotic patients
- Interspecific-and acclimation-induced variation in levels of heat-shock proteins 70 (HSP70) and 90 (hsp90) and heat-shock transcription factor-1 (HSF1) in congeneric …
- Neurite outgrowth is impaired on HSP70-positive astrocytes through a mechanism that requires NF-κB activation
- Decreased expression of Hsp27 and HSP70 in transformed lymphoblastoid cells from patients with spinocerebellar ataxia type 7
- Toxicity of argemone oil: Effect on HSP70expression and tissue damage in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacZ) Bg 9
- The role of anti‐HSP70 autoantibody‐forming VH1–JH1 B‐1 cells in Toxoplasma gondii‐infected mice
- Identification and induction of HSP70 gene by heat shock and cadmium exposure in carp
- Laboratory simulation of a mining accident: acute toxicity, hsc/HSP70 response, and recovery from stress in Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea, Amphipoda) exposed to a …
- Effect of heat shock, pretreatment and HSP70 copy number on wing development in Drosophila melanogaster
- Effects of broad band electromagnetic fields on HSP70 expression and ischemia-reperfusion in rat hearts
- Echinacea intake induces an immune response through altered expression of leucocyte HSP70, increased white cell counts and improved erythrocyte antioxidant …
- … (Hdj)-1/heat-shock protein (Hsp) 40 co-chaperone is required for the in vivo stabilization of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator by HSP70
- NADP-malic enzyme and HSP70: co-purification of both proteins and modification of NADP-malic enzyme properties by association with HSP70
- Functional similarities and differences of an archaeal HSP70 (DnaK) stress protein compared with its homologue from the bacterium Escherichia coli
- Construction of a bacterial artificial chromosome library, determination of genome size, and characterization of an HSP70 gene family in Phytophthora nicotianae
- Heat-Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) as a Biochemical Stress Indicator: an Experimental Field Test in Two Congeneric Intertidal Gastropods (Genus: Tegula)
- Polymorphism of the promoter region of HSP70 gene and its relationship with the expression of HSP70mRNA, HSF1mRNA, Bcl-2mrna and Bax-AMrna in lymphocytes …
- Heat shock proteins HSP27 and HSP70 in unilateral obstructed kidneys
- Induction of adaptive response by low-dose radiation in RIF cells transfected with Hspb1 (Hsp25) or inducible Hspa (HSP70)
- An ELISA serum assay for autoantibodies to HSP70 in immune-mediated hearing loss
- A yeast homologue of HSP70, Ssa1p, regulates turnover of the MFA2 transcript through its AU-rich 3′ untranslated region
- Exercise raises serum heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) levels
- Arsenic Toxicity and HSP70 Expression in Xenopus laevis Embryos
- Precursors with altered affinity for HSP70 in their transit peptides are efficiently imported into chloroplasts
- … and dnaK: correlation of nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift perturbations in the J-domain of Hsp40/DnaJ with binding affinity for the ATPase domain of HSP70 …
- Effects of antineoplastic agents on cytoplasmic and membrane-bound heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) levels
- Neuronal DnaJ proteins HSJ1a and HSJ1b: a role in linking the HSP70 chaperone machine to the ubiquitin–proteasome system?
- Regulation of glucocorticoid receptor ligand-binding activity by the hsp90/HSP70-based chaperone machinery
- Stabilization of HSP70 mRNA on prolonged cell exposure to hypertonicity
- Daily stress protein (HSP70) cycle in chitons (Acanthopleura granulata Gmelin, 1791) which inhabit the rocky intertidal shoreline in a tropical ecosystem
- Evaluation of anti-HSP70 antibody screening in sudden deafness
- Heat-shock protein HSP70-2 genotypes in patients with Crohn’s disease: a more severe clinical course with intestinal complications in presence of the PstI …
- A study of the myocardial protective effect of rapid cooling based on intracellular Ca, intracellular pH, and HSP70
- Effects of relative emergence time on heat stress resistance traits, longevity and HSP70 expression level in Drosophila melanogaster
- Continuous enhanced expression of Hsc70 but not HSP70 in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissue
- Changes in the reproductive system of male mice immunized with a GnRH-analogue conjugated to mycobacterial HSP70
- Heat shock-induced susceptibility of green coffee leaves and berries to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and its association to PR and HSP70 gene expression
- The allele (A)-110 in the promoter region of the HSP70-1 gene is unfavorable to longevity in women
- Recombinant expression and purification of Ssa1p (HSP70) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae using Pichia pastoris
- Incubation and rearing temperature effects on HSP70 levels and heat stress response in broilers
- Phosphorylation enhances mitochondrial targeting of GSTA4-4 through increased affinity for binding to cytoplasmic HSP70
- Regulated nuclear accumulation of the yeast HSP70 Ssa4p in ethanol‐stressed cells is mediated by the N‐terminal domain, requires the nuclear carrier Nmd5p and …
- Location of promoter elements necessary and sufficient to direct testis-specific expression of the Hst70/HSP70. 2 gene
- Experimental cauda equina compression induces HSP70 synthesis in dog
- Association between low self-rated health and heterozygosity for− 110A> C polymorphism in the promoter region of HSP70-1 in aged Danish twins
- Isolation and sequencing of the Candida albicans MSI3, a putative novel member of the HSP70 family
- Inhibition of HSP70 and a collagen‐specific molecular chaperone (HSP47) expression in rat osteoblasts by microgravity
- Active immunization of mice with an Aβ-HSP70 vaccine
- Dendritic cells pulsed with HSP70-peptide complexes derived from human hepatocellular carcinoma induce specific anti-tumor immune responses
- Chromatin potentiation of the HSP70 promoter is linked to GAGA-factor recruitment
- Transcriptional stimulation by the DNA binding protein Hap46/BAG‐1M involves HSP70/hsc70 molecular chaperones
- NF-κB and HSP70 are involved in the phospholipase Cγ1 signaling pathway in colorectal cancer cells
- A 3′-UTR variant of the inducible porcine HSP70. 2 gene affects mRNA stability
- Expression of class I MHC molecule, HSP70 and TAP in human hepatocellular carcinoma
- Identification of the subgenomic mRNAs that encode 6-kDa movement protein and HSP70 homolog of beet yellows virus
- Geldanamycin activates HSP70 response and attenuates okadaic acid-induced cytotoxicity in human retinal pigment epithelial cells
- Suppression of cadmium-induced JNK/p38 activation and HSP70 family gene expression by LL-Z1640-2 in NIH3T3 cells
- CD95-mediated alteration in HSP70 levels is dependent on protein stabilization
- Different induction of metallothioneins and HSP70 and presence of the membrane transporter ZnT-1 in HepG2 cells exposed to copper and zinc
- The solution structure of the SODD BAG domain reveals additional electrostatic interactions in the HSP70 complexes of SODD subfamily BAG domains
- Heat shock proteins hsp32 and HSP70 as biomarkers of an early response?-In vitro induction of heat shock proteins after exposure of cell culture to carcinogenic …
- Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) after laser thermotherapy of an adenocarcinoma transplanted into rat liver.
- Effects of exposure to a 1950 MHz radio frequency field on expression of HSP70 and Hsp27 in human glioma cells
- HSP70 interacts with ribosomal subunits of thermotolerant cells
- Switching off HSP70 and i-NOS to study their role in normal and H2O2-stressed human fibroblasts
- Down regulation of HSP70 expression level prolongs the duration of heat‐induced male sterility in Drosophila buzzatii
- Is hypothermia a stress condition in HepG2 cells?: Expression and localization of HSP70 in human hepatoma cell line
- HSP70 in the inferior colliculus of Fischer-344 rats: effects of age and acoustic stress
- CYP1a1, HSP70, P53, and c-fos expression in human liver carcinoma cells (HepG2) exposed to pentachlorophenol.
- Effect of long-term heat exposure on peripheral concentrations of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and hormones in laying hens with different genotypes
- Transactivation of HSP70‐1/2 in geldanamycin‐treated human non‐small cell lung cancer H460 cells: Involvement of intracellular calcium and protein kinase C
- The conserved helix C region in the superfamily of interferon-γ/interleukin-10-related cytokines corresponds to a high-affinity binding site for the HSP70 …
- Physical location of a HSP70 gene homologue on the centromere of chromosome 1B of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
- Possible role of HSP70 in autoantigens shuttling to dermo-epidermal junction in systemic lupus erythematosus
- gp120 neurotoxicity fails to induce heat shock defenses, while the over expression of HSP70 protects against gp120
- Exposure to 2.45 GHz electromagnetic fields induces HSP70 at a high SAR of more than 20 W/kg but not at 5W/kg in human glioma MO54 cells
- The putative helical lid of the HSP70 peptide-binding domain is required for efficient preprotein translocation into mitochondria
- Direct interactions between molecular chaperones heat-shock protein (Hsp) 70 and Hsp40: yeast HSP70 Ssa1 binds the extreme C-terminal region of yeast Hsp40 …
- Structure of gene flanking regions and functional analysis of sequences upstream of the rat HSP70. 1 stress gene
- Chronic COX-2 inhibition reduces medullary HSP70 expression and induces papillary apoptosis in dehydrated rats
- Effects of short‐ and long‐term thermal stress in perch (Perca fluviatilis) determined through fluctuating asymmetry and HSP70 expression
- Expression of MyoD, myogenin, myostatin and HSP70 transcripts in chicken embryos submitted to mild cold or heat
- 50 Hz magnetic fields activate mussel immunocyte p38 MAP kinase and induce HSP70 and 90
- Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin increases HSP70 mRNA stabilisation but fails to activate HSF1 in cells exposed to hydrostatic pressure
- A new twist for an HSP70 chaperone
- Analysis and characterization of the transcriptional unit of a new Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) HSP70 gene
- Fecundity and life span in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster overexpressing HSP70
- Regulation of heat shock proteins, HSP70 and Hsp64, in heat-shocked Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster larvae
- Forced expression of heat-shock protein 70 increases the secretion of HSP70 and provides protection against tumour growth
- Distinct but overlapping functions of HSP70, Hsp90, and an HSP70 nucleotide exchange factor during protein biogenesis in yeast
- Lymph node metastasis could be predicted by evaluation of macrophage infiltration and HSP70 expression in superficial carcinoma of the esophagus
- Constitutive expression of inducible HSP70 is linked to natural shifts in skeletal muscle phenotype
- Evolvability of HSP70 Expression under Artificial Selection for Inducible Thermotolerance in Independent Populations of Drosophila melanogaster
- Biological activities of HAP46/BAG‐1: The HAP46/BAG‐1 protein: regulator of HSP70 chaperones, DNA‐binding protein and stimulator of transcription
- Induction of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) by proteasome inhibitor MG 132 protects articular chondrocytes from cellular death in vitro and in vivo
- Expression of HSP70 and Hdj1 chaperone proteins in human tumor cells
- Regulation of glucocorticoid receptor steroid binding and trafficking by the hsp90/HSP70-based chaperone machinery: implications for clinical intervention
- Impairment of redox state and dopamine level induced by α-synuclein aggregation and the prevention effect of HSP70
- Enhanced expression of human cytochrome P450 1A2 by co-expression with human molecular chaperone HSP70
- Increased expression of HSP70 for resistance to deuterium oxide in a yeast mutant cell line
- HSP70 overexpression increases resistance of V79 cells to cytotoxicity of airborne pollutants, but does not protect the mitotic spindle against damage caused by …
- Role of HSP70 (DnaK–DnaJ–GrpE) and Hsp100 (ClpA and ClpB) chaperones in refolding and increased thermal stability of bacterial luciferases in Escherichia coli …
- A quantitative assay method of Toxoplasma gondii HSP70 mRNA by quantitative competitive-reverse transcriptase-PCR
- Expression analysis of HSP70 in various tissues of Chlamys farreri under thermal stress
- Genetic modification of cold-preserved renal grafts using HSP70 or bcl-2 HVJ-liposome method
- … /re-oxygenation-induced, redox-dependent activation of STAT1 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 1) confers resistance to apoptotic cell death via HSP70 …
- Mercury stimulates rat liver glucocorticoid receptor association with Hsp90 and HSP70
- Heat shock protein HSP70 increases the resistance of cortical cells to glutamate excitotoxicity
- Possible association of non-binding of HSP70 to HLA-DRB1 peptide sequences and protection from rheumatoid arthritis
- Two-step purification of mitochondrial HSP70, Ssc1p, using Mge1 (His) 6 immobilized on Ni-agarose
- Interaction between p53 and HSP70 in human hepatocellular carcinoma tissues
- Localization of HSP70, Cdc2, and cyclin B in sea urchin oocytes in non-stressed conditions
- Swivels and stators in the Hsp40-HSP70 chaperone machine
- Induction of HSP70 in lymphocytes by whole body far-infrared hyperthermia
- Organization and nucleotide sequence of the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis heat shock cognate 70 (hsc70) and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) genes
- Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) subtype expression in neuroendocrine tissue and identification of a neuroendocrine tumour-specific HSP70 truncation.
- Conformational properties of bacterial DnaK and yeast mitochondrial HSP70: Role of the divergent C‐terminal α‐helical subdomain
- Effect of neonatal chronic stress on expression of HSP70 and oestrogen receptor in the rat oviduct during development and the oestrous cycle
- The yeast Sls1p and Fes1p proteins define a new family of HSP70 nucleotide exchange factors
- Effects of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) on arsenite‐induced genotoxicity
- Partial sequence of HSP70 homologue gene shows diversity between West African and East African isolates of Sweetpotato chlorotic stunt virus.
- The physical gene HSP70 map on polytene chromosomes of Anopheles darlingi from the Brazilian Amazon
- Deletion of the HSP70 chaperone gene SSB causes hypersensitivity to guanidine toxicity and curing of the [PSI+] prion by increasing guanidine uptake in yeast
- Possibile ruolo di HSP70 nel trasporto di autoantigeni alla giunzione dermo-epidermica nel lupus eritematoso sistemico. possible role of HSP70 in autoantigen …
- HSP70 attenuates hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced activation of poly (ADP-ribose) synthetase in the nucleus of adult rat cardiomyocytes
- Influence of evoked HSP70 expression on hearing function of the cochlea in guinea pigs.
- Solvent Interaction of a HSP70 Chaperone Substrate-Binding Domain Investigated with Water− NOE NMR Experiments
- Ageing induces apoptosis and increases HSP70 Stress Protein in the epididymis of Octodon degus
- Detection of anti-HSP70 immunoglobulin G antibodies indicates better outcome in coronary artery bypass grafting patients suffering from severe preoperative angina
- Resistance to ascites syndrome, homoeothermic competence and levels of HSP70 in the heart and lung of broilers
- The balance between HSP70 and its cochaperones Hdj1 and Bag1 determines its substrate-binding activity
- Identification and characterization of a HSP70 (DnaK) chaperone system from Meiothermus ruber
- Regulation of signal transduction by intracellular and extracellular HSP70
- Nitric oxide and HSP70 proteins during normal pregnancy, gestosis, and preclinical gestosis
- Variation in stress protein levels (HSP70 and hsp90) in relation to oocyte development in Gammarus fossarum (Koch 1835)
- Persistent Borna disease virus infection confers instability of HSP70 mRNA in glial cells during heat stress
- Cytotoxicity and expression of c-fos, HSP70, and GADD45/153 proteins in human liver carcinoma (HepG2) cells exposed to dinitrotoluenes
- HSP70 chaperone and the prospects of its application in anticancer therapy
- Cadmium-induced synthesis of HSP70 and a role of glutathione in Euglena gracilis
- In the rostral ventrolateral medulla, the 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70), but not HSP90, confers neuroprotection against fatal endotoxemia via augmentation of …
- Inhibition of HSP70 gene expression by modified antisense and its effects on embryonic sensitivity to heat shock
- Expression of HSP70–2 in rhesus monkey testis during germ cell apoptosis induced by testosterone undecanoate
- Time-course of mu-calpain activation, c-Fos, c-Jun, HSP70 and HSP27 expression in hypoxic-ischemic neonatal rat brain
- Cell-cycle-dependent nuclear translocation of HSP70 in amphibian embryonic cells.
- Toll-like receptor-dependent activation of antigen-presenting cells by Hsp60, gp96 and HSP70
- The anti-apoptotic property of NS-398 at high dose can be mediated in part through NF-κB activation, HSP70 induction and a decrease in caspase-3 activity in human …
- Stress protein HSP70 response of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) to induced hypoxia and recovery
- Augmentation of thermotolerance in primary skin fibroblasts from a transgenic pig overexpressing the porcine HSP70. 2
- Expression of Hsp90, HSP70 and Hsp60 in Trichinella species exposed to oxidative shock
- Altered epithelial density and expansion of bulbar projections of a discrete HSP70 immunoreactive subpopulation of rat olfactory receptor neurons in reconstituting …
- Acute liver CCl4 intoxication causes low HSP70 gene expression and a delayed transition through the cell cycle in aged rats
- Heat-induced degradation of overexpressed glucocorticoid receptor: separate protective roles of hsp90 and HSP70
- A novel immunocytochemistry technique to measure HSP70 induction in L929 cells exposed to cadmium chloride
- Evidence that HSP70 gene expression may be useful for assessing the cytocompatibility of dental biomaterials
- Expression of HSP70 in acute lung injury induced by lipopolysaccharide
- Ki67, HSP70 and TUNEL for the specification of testing of silicone breast implants in vivo
- The use of HSP70 for prevention of consequences of unavoidable stress in rats
- Analysis of the variation in the HSP70-1 and hsp90α mRNA expression in human myocardial tissue that has undergone surgical stress
- Conditional knockdown of proteasomes results in cell-cycle arrest and enhanced expression of molecular chaperones HSP70 and Hsp40 in chicken DT40 …
- CyP40, but not HSP70, in rabbit reticulocyte lysate causes the aryl hydrocarbon receptor–DNA complex formation
- Expression of HSP70 in response to heat-shock and its cDNA cloning from Mediterranean blue mussel
- The role of HSP70 chaperone in the reaction of human leukemic cells to anticancer drugs
- HSP70 and thermal pretreatment mitigate developmental damage caused by mitotic poisons in Drosophila
- Accumulation of HSP70/Hsc70 molecular chaperone regulator BAG-1 on COPI-coated structures in gastric epithelial cells
- Photo-acoustic stimulation increases the amount of 70 kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) in human whole saliva. A pilot study
- Calmodulin regulates activity of HSF through HSP70
- Effects of the histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACI) LAQ824 on histone acetylation, HSP70 and c-Raf in peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with advanced …
- Switches, Catapults, and Chaperones: Steady-State Kinetic Analysis of HSP70− Substrate Interactions
- Co-detection of P21, P53 and HSP70 and their possible role in diagnosis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)-related lung cancer
- Expression of HSP70 in peripheral lymphocytes of the patients with allergic rhinitis
- Targeted gene disruption of the heat shock protein 72 gene (HSP70. 1) in the donor tissue is associated with a prolonged rejection-free survival in the murine skin …
- Effect of differentiation inducer and heat stress on the expression of JWA protein and HSP70 of K562 cells
- Effect of rebamipide on cell death induced by combined treatment of mild heat shock and quercetin in RGM-1 cells: a role for HSP70 induction
- Association of HSP70 with endonucleases allows the expression of otherwise silent mutations
- Expression of HSP70 induced by ketamine in the hippocampus of rat at different ages
- The role of hsp60 and HSP70 kDa heat shock protein families in different types of diabetes mellitus
- Association of a single nucleotide polymorphism in the 5′-flanking region of porcine HSP70. 2 with backfat thickness in Duroc breed
- Characterization of HscC (Hsc62), homologue of HSP70 in Escherichia coli: over‐expression of HscC modulates the activity of house keeping sigma factor σ70
- Caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK potentiates heat shock-induced apoptosis and HSP70 synthesis in macrophages
- Influence of HSP70 on combined method of hyperthermia and immunologic effector cells to treat cancer
- Pressure sensitivity of HSP70 promoter in transformed 3T3-L1 cells
- cDNA of canine heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)
- A rapid and reliable flow cytometric method for determining HSP70 levels in tobacco protoplasts
- HSP70 induced by hyperosmotic stress partially protects LLC-PK1 cells against nephrotoxic drugs
- Development of double-antibodies-sandwich-ELISA method for detecting HSP70 in plasma and its primary application
- Correlation between the avidity maturation of anti‐HSP70 IgG autoantibody and recombination activating gene expressions in peripheral lymphoid tissues of …
- Effect of puerarin on the expression of HSP70 in the rats with cerebral injury induced by acute local ischemia
- HSP70 Is a New Major Regulator of Erythropoiesis by Preventing Caspase-3-Mediated Cleavage of GATA-1.
- Roles of nuclear localization signal (NLS) in inhibitory effect of HSP70 on nucleolar segregation induced by oxidative stress
- Dynamics of chaperone complex Hdj1-HSP70-Bag1 as a response of erythroleukemia K562 cells to heat stress
- The Expression of the HSP70 Gene in Moneuplotes crassus is Controlled by a Two‐Step Process at the Transcript Level
- Soluble PD-1 can augment anti-tumor immunity induced by HSP70-peptide complex in tumor-bearing mice
- Does HSP70 play a protective role in tibial dyschondroplasia
- HSP70 family proteins seem to facilitate allo-and xenotransplantation in the rat brain.
- Overexpression of heat shock factor 1 masks the heavy metal response of the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene promoter
- Expression of paternal and maternal mitochondrial HSP70 family, hsc74, in preimplantation mouse embryos.
- Effect of the absence of heat shock protein 70.1 (HSP70. 1) on retinal photic injury.
- Characterization of the HSP70 protein homolog (HSP70h) of citrus tristeza closterovirus.
- Heat shock-induced HSP70 expression in murine astrocytes does not require poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase activity
- Analysis of the interactions of HSP70 ER lumenal chaperones
- HSP70 gene expression in Sipunculids: A new biomarker for monitoring marine deposits
- STA-4783, a novel HSP70 inducer, enhances the anti-cancer activity of paclitaxel without increasing toxicity in preclinical studies
- HSP70 Gene Expression after Mild Transient Global Cerebral Ischemia in Rats
- The role of heat shock protein 70 in the pancreatic trypsinogen activation: studies in HSP70. 1 knock-out mice
- HSP70-H22 tumor antigen peptide complex activated dendritic cell in the induction of antitumor immunity
- Using HSP70 expression as an in vivo biomarker of cellular toxicity in early life stages of zebrafish following exposure to cadmium and arsenic
- Effects of Naoluo Xintong Recipe on expression of HSP70 and bFGF in focal ischemia-reperfusion rats
- Inducement of antitumor-immunity by DC activated by HSP70-H22 tumor antigen peptide
- Proteomic identification of an HSP70.1 protein induced in Arabidopsis cells following hyperosmotic stress treatments : NRF / Royal Society programme
- Expression of HSP70 in early pregnant mouse uteri and effect of estrogen on its synthesis
- Interferential effects of vitamin E and vitamin C on HSP70 expression of endothelial cells induced by benzo (a) pyrene
- Effects of Maternal Hyperthermia on the Development of C57/BL6 Strain HSP70 Knock-out Mice Fetuses
- Molecular characterization of a ribosome-associated HSP70-homologous gene from Rhizopus nigricans
- The effect of heat stimulation and mechanical stress (massage) of salivary glands on the secretory parameters of salivary HSP70. A pilot study
- Differential expression of hsp60 and HSP70 associated with cytotoxicity under microgravity conditions
- … , survival, growth, condition and HSP70 expression in different geographic stocks;(2) Heat tolerance and effects of sublethal heat shock on survival and HSP70 …
- Transplantation of bone marrow cells up-regulated the expressions of HSP32 and HSP70 in the acute ischemic myocardium
- Effects of Maternal Hyperthermia on the Palatal Mesenchyme Development of HSP70 Knock-out Mice Fetuses
- Application of the stress protein (HSP70) as the biomarker in studying zinc and copper, and the joint toxicity to fish live
- Relationship between HSP70 Gene Polymorphisms and IVF Embryo Development in Pigs
- Does HSP70 Induced by Amphetamine Prevent Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rat?
- HSP70 inhibits smac release from the mitochondria and protects against H2O2-induced apoptosis in C2C12 myogenic cells
- Membrane-Bound HSP70 an Activating Ligand for NK Cells
- HSP70 does not mediate the hyperthermia-associated hyporesponsiveness to angiotensin in isolated rat portal veins
- Effects of sevoflurane-induced and anoxia-induced preconditioning on HSP70 expression in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes
- Gender specific regulation of HSP70: mechanisms and consequences
- Expression of HSP70 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells induced by Hantavirus
- Expression of platelet CD62p gene and leucocyte HSP70 gene in patients with blood stasis syndrome MA
- Cytoskeleton and mitosis in the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii: immunolocalization of P72, an HSP70-related protein
- Study on the expression of HSP70 and HSP90beta in nasopharyngeal carcinoma and the clinical significance
- Effect of flunarizine on HSP70 gene expression for following transient ischemia
- Effect of Puerariae Radix on HSP70 Expression in Ischemic Damaged Rats
- Heat shock proteins hsp32 and HSP70 as biomarkers of an early response?: In vitro induction of heat shock proteins after exposure of cell culture to carcinogenic …
- Bioluminescence imaging as a marker for cellular HSP70 response to thermal laser injury
- Influence of KATP channel inhibitor on the changes of HSP70 expression in sevoflurane-induced neonatal rat cardiomyocytes
- Material-dependent levels of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) in human plasma following contact of blood with artificial surfaces
- A study on the expression of HSP70 and iNOS after human brain contusion
- Carriage of HLA-B* 5701 and a haplotypic HSP70-Hom variant is associated with a class I MHC-restricted hypersensitivity response to abacavir
- Phase 1/2 study of STA-4783, a novel heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) inducer, in combination with paclitaxel in patients with soft tissue sarcomas (STS)
- Progressive strenuous exercise induces the expression of HSP70 in rat skeletal muscles and myocardium
- The influence of dexamethasone on HSP70 level and association with glucocorticoid receptor in the liver of unstressed and heat-stressed rats
- Abrogation of HSP70 induction: A strategy to enhance the antileukemia effects of hsp90 inhibitor 17-allylamino-demethoxy geldanamycin (17-AAG)
- Detection of serum heat shock protein 70 level in patients with hepatitis C infection and its role in cytotoxicity of CTLs induced by HSP70-HCV peptide complex
- Expression of HSP70 and P53 in malignant tumor tissues and its relationship to heat syndrome of TCM
- Expression of HSP70 in rat liver pretreated by ethanol and its influences on ischemia-reperfusion injury
- Relationship of HSP70 to temperature-dependency of influenza viral infection
- In vitro detection of neuronal stress induced by mercury compounds in cerebellar granule cells from HSP70/hGH transgenic mice
- Roles of the HSP70-subunit in a eukaryotic multi-site-specific endonuclease, Endo. SceI: autophosphorylation and heat stability
- TGF-beta and HSP70 expression in human skin fibroblasts after ultraviolet B irradiation
- Phylogenetic analysis of peritrichs inferred from cytosolic HSP70 gene partial sequences
- Experimental study of protective effect of HSP70 gene transfection on severely burnt rats in vivo
- Biochemical properties of HSP70 chaperone system from Meiothermus ruber
- HSP70 Induces IL-6 in Stromal Cells and Stat-3 Activation in Myeloma Cells.
- A study on expression of HSP70 mRNA in the early stage of diffuse brain injury in rats
- Is HSP70 another target for Ph+ leukemias?
- Induction of HSP70 during hepatocyte hypoxic preconditioning
- Effects of copper (Cu2+) and Cu-EDTA complex on the induction of HSP70 in the fish brain
- Male infertility and heat shock protein 70–2 (HSP70–2) expression
- Interaction of HspBP1 with HSP70
- Effects of Venlafaxine and Dexamethasone treatment on HSP70 expression in rat C6 glioma cells
- Purification of the Eucaryotic Heat-Shock Proteins HSP70 and gp96
- The Effect of Heat Shock Protein 70.1 gene (HSP70. 1) on Retinal Ganglion Cell Damage after Partial Lesion of the Optic Nerve in Mice
- The effect of HSP70–peptides on B7–1/B7–H1 ratio and the anti–tumor efficiency
- Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nao-Yi-An Granule on the Expression of HSP70 and NH-kB and Apoptosis in Ischemia Cortex of Rat Brain after Experimental …
- The role of stress inducible protein chaperones (HSP70) in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) hepatocellular functions
- Expression of heat shock proteins HSP27, HSP70 and HSP90 in spontaneous ovarian cancer of Microtus fortis
- Expression of HSP70 and P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in human hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells induced by heat shock and inhibiting effect of quercetin on them
- A structure and function investigation of the Escherichia coli HSP70 DnaK using fluorescence resonance energy transfer
- Polymorphism of the Promoter Region of HSP70 Gene and Its Relationship with the Expression of HSP70mRNA, HSF1mRNA, Bcl-2mrna and Bax-AMrna in …
- Abacavir stimulates HSP70 redistribution in Antigen-presenting cells of patients with hypersensitivity: Association with Type-I alcohol dehydrogenase activity
- Variation in HSP70 levels and thermotolerance among terrestrial salamanders of the Plethodon glutinosus complex
- Understanding the allosteric mechanism of the Escherichia coli HSP70 molecular chaperone, DnaK
- HSP70 and HSC70 gene expression in Chironomus Tentans (Diptera, Chironomidae) larvae exposed to various environmental pollutants: potential biomarker for …
- STA-4783 in combination with paclitaxel induces heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in a phase I trial
- An in vitro study of the effect of 2.45-GHz electromagnetic fields on expression of HSP70 in CHO-K1cells
- Time-course of μ-calpain activation, c-Fos, c-Jun, HSP70 and HSP27 expression in neonatal hypoxic–ischemic rat brain
- HSP70, this time at the door with a gift
- Structural studies of the human HSP70 system
- A mathematical model of the HSP70 regulation in the cell
- Cloning and expression of HSP70 gene
- Study on HSP70 expression in different organs of the mouse
- Network cross-reactivity: DNA vaccination with HSP70 or HSP90 modulates immunity to HSP60 and inhibits adjuvant arthritis
- Interaction of BAG1 and HSP70 Mediates
- Membrane expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) on head and neck cancer
- Expression of HSP70 on peripheral blood mononuclear cells in various media
- Observatin of The Expression of HSP70 mRNA in MCAO Model Rats
- Depletion of Heat Shock Protein-70 (HSP70) Causes Apoptosis in Pancreatic Cancer Cells
- Role of HSP70 in the early stage of myocardial ischemia
- Studies on biochemistry and application of HSP70 family proteins
- Expression of heat shock protein-70, estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor in ovarian carcinomas and the correlation between HSP70 and sex steroid receptor
- HSP70 is involved in the radioadaptive response: results from mouse splenocytes
- Regulatory differences of the HSP70 gene response in mammalian cells (Nisäkässolujen stressigeenin (HSP70) säätelypoikkeavuudet)
- Up-Regulates the HSP70 Gene in Human Cancer α Np63∆
- Effects of HSP70 over expression on sensitivity of K562 cell to chemotherapy drugs
- Analysis of the variation in the HSP70-1 and hsp90a mRNA expression in human myocardial
- Compavison of JEV E-HSP70 and E-Bindingdomain Fusion Protein on Immune Responses in Mice
- Isolation and Characterisation of HSP70 Genes in Bactrocera oleae
- The Inducible form of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) is Expressed in the Rat Cerebellar Synapses in Normal Condition
- Regulatory evolution of HSP70 in Drosophila melanogaster.
- Bystander adjuvant activity of secreted HSP70
- HSP70 and HSF proteins in differentiation and apoptosis of spermatocytes
- Study of expression of HSP70, p53 and Bcl-2 in cervical cancer and their correlation
- Effects of HSP70 on NMDA-induced seizure in rats
- Upergulating effect of tumor-derived HSP70 to some Th1 type cytokines
- Influence of JEV E-HSP70 (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) fusion protein on immune response in BALB/c mice
- Construction and identification of antisense HSP70 eukaryotic expression vector
- HSP70 protects against experimental stroke through the inhibition of postischemic inflammatory reaction
- The molecular basis of HSP70-sulfogalactolipid binding: Structure/function of protein and glycolipid components.
- Characterization of the HSP70 response in lymphoblasts from aged and centenarian subjects and differential effec…
- Expression and significance of HSP70 and PCNA during the development of forestomach carcinoma in NIH mice
- Effect of glutamine on HSP70 expression and immune in patients with acute cerebral infarction
- Expression and Localization of HSP70 in Cold Stressed Human Hepatoma (HepG2) Cells
- Characterisation of Tpr2, a Novel Regulator of the HSP70/Hsp90 Multichaperone Complex
- Involvement of p27CIP/KIP in HSP25 or HSP70 Mediated Adaptive Response by Low Dose Radiation
- Crystal structure of the core domain of human HspBP1, a novel nucleotide exchange factor for HSP70
- In vivo characterization of the adjuvant effect of Mycobacterium tuberculosis HSP70
- Multiple Domains of the Co-chaperone Hop are Important for HSP70 Binding
- Role of protein kinase C in the change of HSP70 gene expression induced by benzo (a) pyrene
- Nicotine stimulated HSP70 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells is associated with TNF-? expression
- Correlation of HSP70 Expression and Cell Viability Following Thermal Stimulation of Aortic Endothelial Cells
- HSP70 membrane expression on head and neck cancer biopsy material
- Difference of HSP70 expressions in lymphocytes of soldiers from south and north China incubated at low and high temperature
- Study of the localization and co-expression of HSP70 and P53 in HEL cells treated by benzo (a) pyrene
- HSP70 Binding Modulates Detachment of NaK ATPase Following
- Study on the expression of HSP70 and the changes of LDH isozymes of mouse kidney in heat shock response
- Protective effect of HSP70 on injuried myocardial cells induced by H_ (2) O_ (2)
- Construction and expression of secreted chimericAFP-HSP70 plasmid in eukaryotic cells
- Bystander secretion of HSP70 provides adjuvant effect throughout DC-NK interaction
- … peptides containing a high affinity HSP70 binding sequence, cleavable linker and MHC class I epitope enhance CD8+ T cell specific immunity in the presence of HSP70
- A study on the inducement of apoptosis and expression of HSP70 in human multidrug-resistant leukemic cell line K562/MDR by microwave
- Cloning, characterization and differential expression of HSP70-encoding gene from penicillium marneffei
- Effects of Different Stressful Factors on HeLa Cell roliferation, Apoptosis and HSP70 Expression
- Expression of HSP70 and Matrix metalloproteinase in in vivo and in vitro ischemic injury
- Polymorphism in heat shock protein (HSP70) gene in the crossbred dairy cows and the native
- El envejecimiento induce apoptosis y aumento de la proteina HSP70 en el epididimo de Octodon degus
- Knock-out and characterization of HSP70 in Drosophila melanogaster
- Influence of elemene or heat shock treatment upon the expression of membrane HSP70 and HSPs gene in HepG_ (2) cells
- The encapsulation of recombinant adenovirus containing HSP70 cDNA and its oral transfection effects in the rats
- Expression of heat shock protein HSP70-2 gene in rat cryptorchid testis
- HSP70 Over Expression Protects Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium (HRPE) Against Oxidant Induced Cell Death
- NELF, DSIF, and the mechanism of promoter proximal pausing on the HSP70 promoter in Drosophila
- HSP70/J-protein chaperone machines: expression analysis in granulocytes
- Localization of gene encoding heat shock protein, HSP70, to chromosome of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis
- Transient expression of fusion protein with a chimeric HBsAg-HSP70 construct in HepG2 cells
- Correlations between morpho-functional parameters and seminal plasma interleukin 10 (IL-10) and gamete heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) concentration in boar …
- Structural organization of thehsp90/HSP70-based chaperone machinery and its interaction with the glucocorticoid receptor ligand binding domain.
- HSP70 Overexpression Reduces Astrocyte Activation with Ischemia In Vivo and Reduces Release of Inflammatory Mediators In Vitro
- Differential heat shock gene HSP70-1 response to toxicants revealed by in vivo study of lungs in
- Inducement of specific anti-hepatoma immunity of DC activated by HSP70-H22 peptide complexes and sCD40L
- HSP70 Gene Transfer Treats Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease
- High Level Expression of HSP70 Gene in Tissues of Gastric, Esophageal and Cervical Carcinoma and Its Relationship to Carcinogenesis
- Construction and identification of the chimeric HSP70/CD80 eukaryotic expression plasmid
- Effects of Ketamine-Midazolam on TNF-α, cAMP, HSP70 of Rats with Septic Shock
- Antitumor effect of DC vaccine modified by HSP70-H22 tumor peptide complex in vitro and in vivo
- Teratogenicity of the prescription of reinforcing kidney, replenishing qi and activating blood and effect on HSP70 expression in rats
- Cloning and expression of Xenopus laevis chaperones Hsp30C and HSP70 in Escherichia coli
- Effect of promoting blood flow therapy on HSP70 and ptk2 in gastric mucosa of precancerous lesion of CAG in rats
- PKC-dependent activation of P44/42 MAPKs and HSP70 in signal transduction pathways during hepatocyte ischemic preconditioning
- The Possible Roles of HSP70 and Alpha Crystallin in Bovine Lenses During Temperature Stress
- Analysis of HSP70-peptide complexes in human white matter relevance to pathogenesis in multiple sclerosis
- The cloning and characterization of SNam11, a modulator of HSP70 andparkin which promotes dopaminergic neurodegeneration.
- Construction and expression of chimeric AFP-HSP70 plasmid in COS-7 cells
- The effect of hyperthermia on the induction of cell death and HSP70 in neural and non-neural tissues of the rat
- Expression of HSP70 isoforms in Lemna minor exposed to cadmum and salinity
- Ectopic expression of HSP70 confers resistance and silencing its expression sensitizes human colon cancer cells…
- Expression of membrane HSP70 on elemene combo-TCV and its immunoprophylactic effect on active immunization
- The correlation between HSP70 and morphological findings in brain of Morris hepatoma bearing rats
- Molecular characterization of Egyptian trichomonas vaginalis clinical isolates by HSP70 restriction fragment length polymorphism
- Differential Expression Of GRP78 And HSP70 In Primary Brainstem And Cortical Astrocytes Exposed To 1, 3-Dintrobenzene
- Cytosolic HSP70/Hsc70 Protein Expression in Lymphocytes Exposed to Low Gamma-Ray Dose
- Leukemia Specific Complement Dependent Cytotoxicity Contributes to Anti-Leukemia Immunity Induced by Leukemia Cell-Derived HSP70 Immunization in Mice.
- Polymorphisms in the tumor necrosis factor alpha and heat shock protein HSP70-2 genes and preterm premature rupture of the membranes in multifetal gestations
- Interferon-gamma acts proapoptotic on Hepatic Stellate Cells (HSC) and abrogates the antiapoptotic Effect of Interferon-alpha by an HSP70 dependant Pathway
- The expression of c-fos and HSP70 by the Capsaicin injection in the spinal cord (dorsal horn)
- Peptide and polypeptide substrate recognition by the HSP70 molecular chaperones HscA and DnaK
- Combined Use of Dendritic Cells Enhances Specific Anti-Leukemia Effect of Leukemia Cell-Derived-HSP70 in a Mouse Model with Minimal Residual …
- Spatial Analysis of Cell Death and HSP70 Induction in Brain, Thymus, Bone Marrow and Testis of the Hyperthermic Rat
- Persistent Borna disease virus infection confers instability of HSP70 mRNA in glial cells during heat stress
- Measurement of HSP90 and HSP70 in CD34-Positive Cells: Lower Levels in Myelodysplastic Syndrome Than in Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Correlation with …
- Effects of heat shock preconditioning on expressions of HSP60, HSP70 and iNOS in gastric mucosa of burned rats
- Interactions of molecular chaperones HSP40 and HSP70 with human transcription factor TBP
- Expression of HSP70 following heat stress during pupal development in the blueberry maggot Rhagoletis mendax (Diptera: Tephritidae)
- Nucelotide binding states of HSP70 and hsp90 during assembly of heterocomplexes between the glucocorticoid receptor and hsp90
- Mitochondrial protein import and folding: The role of a mitochondrial HSP70, Ssc1, in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- The conserved Helix C region in the superfamily of interferon-a/interleukin-10-related cytokines corresponds to a high-affinity binding site for the HSP70 chaperone …
- Three High-Lysine Mutations Control the Leve1 of ATP-Binding HSP70-like Proteins in the Maize Endosperm
- Orchardgrass HSP70 stabilizes heat-denatured protein and associates with chaperone complex
- In vitro Study on Role of HSP70 Expression in DNA Damage of Human Embryonic Lung Cells Exposed to Benzo [a] pyrene
- Functional characterization of the cytosolic molecular chaperones of the HSP70 and the Hsp40 classes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Structural organization of the hsp90/HSP70-based chaperone machinery and its interaction with the glucocorticoid receptor ligand binding domain
- Depletion of Kupffer cell function by gadolinium chloride attenuates thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity. Expression of metallothionein and HSP70.
- Comparison of the structures of the DnaK (HSP70) heat shock proteins of archaeon M. mazei and bacterium E. coli
- Mechanistic link between HSP70 overexpression upregulation of STAT5 and Bcl-xL and resistance to cytarabine, etoposide or Apo-2L/TRAIL-induced apoptosis in Bcr …
- Heat shock protein (HSP70) response in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, exposed to various contaminants (PAHs, PCBs and cadmium).
- Myocardial protection induced by delayed ischaemic preconditioning in the in vivo mouse heart is PKC-epsilon dependent but HSP70 independent
- A Nanoparticle-forming Folding Enhancer with High-affinity Binding Site for the HSP70 Chaperone Dnak
- Effects of thermal history on the function and expression of the HSP70 gene family in teleost fishes of the families Nototheniidae, Zoarcidae, and Gobiidae
- Functional analyses of heat shock factor, GAGA factor and nucleosome remodeling factor in regulation of Drosophila HSP70
- 658. Different Regulation of Atrial and Ventricular HSP70 mRNA Expression during Warm Blood Cardioplegic Arrest in Rats
- The Cotranslational Maturation of the Type I Membrane Glycoprotein Tyrosinase: The HSP70 System Hands off to the Lectin-based Chaperone System
- The Homologous Region 3 from Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedrovirus Enhancing the Transcriptional Activity of Drosophila HSP70 Promoter
- P3-228 Chip and HSP70 regulate tau ubiquitination, degradation and aggregation
- Effects of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Induction after Lipopolysaccharide Exposure on the IL-6 Production and the Cell Viability after Subsequent …
- 1062. Potential Utility of Heat Shock Protein 70 Promoter (HSP70-P) as a Stress Responsive Promoter in Gene Delivery: HSP70-P Regulated Expression of …
- 1145. Identification of the Cis-Elements Involving in the Tumor Specific Over-Expression of the Human HSP70 Gene and Their Application for Tumor Specific Targeting …
- The expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in the cells of rat liver and cardiac muscle in different heat exposure stages
- Protective Effect of Heat Shock Protein (hsp) 70.1 and HSP70. 3 on Retinal Photic Injury After Systemic Hyperthermia
- CELL BIOLOGY-IMMUNOLOGY-PATHOLOGY Chronic COX-2 inhibition reduces medullary HSP70 expression and induces papillary apoptosis in dehydrated rats.
- The Effects of Ultrasound Irradiation on the Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Expression in Rat Knee Articular Cartilage after Immobilization
- … rupture of membranes (PPROM) in multifetal pregnancies and its potentiation by interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) and 70kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) gene …
- The anti-apoptotic property of NS-398 at high dose can be mediated in part through NF-KB activation, HSP70 induction and a decrease in caspase-3 activity in human …
- Gene expression profiles in arsenic-treated MCF-7 breast cancer cells expressing different levels of HSP70
- 12. Activation of Protein Kinases and Cellular Redistribution of Inducible HSP70 Protein in Chronically Hypoxic Infant Human and Rabbit Hearts: Role in …
- Adhesion of 8226 Myeloma Cell Lines Induces over Expression of HSP70 and its Inhibition Reverses CAM-DR and Acquired Drug Resistance in Multiple Myeloma.
- Neuronal Differentiation of RPE Cells, but Not Y-79 or PC-12 Cells, Is Induced by Fenretinide and Results in a Time-Dependent Increase in HSP70 Expression
- Successful cross-presentation of NY-ESO-1 CTL epitope on dendritic cell by using fusion protein with human HSP70
- 1018: Expressional Regulation of HSP70 by Arisostatins a in Caki Cells
- Varicocele× heat stress: Expression of the heat shock protein 70–2 (HSP70–2) in the sperm cells
- Effects of naloxone on IL-1?-induced fever and the content of cAMP and HSP70 in hypothalamus in rats
- Overexpression of inducible 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) in mouse attenuates skeletal muscle damage induced by cryolesion
- Effect of cholesterol and 7 β-hydroxycholesterol on glutathione status and expression of HSP70 in cultured murine peritoneal macrophages
- Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) of domestic animal and domestic fowl
- … of activating effects on macrophages of heat shock protein 70 from hca-elemene combo-tumor cell vaccine (HSP70_ (HTCV)) and HSP70 from bacillus calmette …
- 095
HSP70 is Proinflammatory in vivo. Implications for Chronic Wound Healing.
- New tricks for an old dog: the evolving world of HSP70
- Mechanisms for HSP70 secretion: crossing membranes without a leader
- All in the family: atypical HSP70 chaperones are conserved modulators of HSP70 activity
- Structural basis of J cochaperone binding and regulation of HSP70
- HSP70: a chaperokine
- Insights into HSP70 chaperone activity from a crystal structure of the yeast Hsp110 Sse1
- Structural basis for the cooperation of HSP70 and Hsp110 chaperones in protein folding
- Hsp110 is a nucleotide-activated exchange factor for HSP70
- CHIP-mediated stress recovery by sequential ubiquitination of substrates and HSP70
- HSP70 genes in the human genome: Conservation and differentiation patterns predict a wide array of overlapping and specialized functions
- Class VIII myosins are required for plasmodesmatal localization of a closterovirus HSP70 homolog
- Patient survival by HSP70 membrane phenotype: association with different routes of metastasis
- The HSP70 chaperone machines of Escherichia coli: a paradigm for the repartition of chaperone functions
- The diverse roles of J-proteins, the obligate HSP70 co-chaperone
- The mechanism of HSP70 chaperones:(entropic) pulling the models together
- HSP70 translocates into the plasma membrane after stress and is released into the extracellular environment in a membrane-associated form that activates …
- Substrate transfer from the chaperone HSP70 to Hsp90
- HSP70 chaperone machine remodels protein aggregates at the initial step of HSP70-Hsp100-dependent disaggregation
- Tumor-specific HSP70 plasma membrane localization is enabled by the glycosphingolipid Gb3
- HSP70 molecular chaperones: emerging roles in human disease and identification of small molecule modulators
- HSP70 chaperone as a survival factor in cell pathology
- HSP70 regulates erythropoiesis by preventing caspase-3-mediated cleavage of GATA-1
- Rapid, transcription-independent loss of nucleosomes over a large chromatin domain at HSP70 loci
- The structural and functional diversity of HSP70 proteins from Plasmodium falciparum
- Changes in markers of muscle damage, inflammation and HSP70 after an Ironman Triathlon race
- The diversity of the DnaJ/Hsp40 family, the crucial partners for HSP70 chaperones
- Keep the traffic moving: mechanism of the HSP70 motor
- Allosteric regulation of HSP70 chaperones by a proline switch
- Role of HSP70 in cellular thermotolerance
- Impact of seasonal variation on HSP70 expression quantitated in stressed fish hepatocytes
- Induction of HSP70 by desiccation, ionising radiation and heat-shock in the eutardigrade Richtersius coronifer
- HSP70 overexpression inhibits NF‐κB and Foxo3a transcriptional activities and prevents skeletal muscle atrophy
- Chaperone network in the yeast cytosol: Hsp110 is revealed as an HSP70 nucleotide exchange factor
- Effect of lifelong overexpression of HSP70 in skeletal muscle on age‐related oxidative stress and adaptation after nondamaging contractile activity
- Distinct HSP70 domains mediate apoptosis-inducing factor release and nuclear accumulation
- Diagnostic value of HSP70, glypican 3, and glutamine synthetase in hepatocellular nodules in cirrhosis
- Cloning and expression analysis of a HSP70 gene from Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai)
- Allosteric regulation of HSP70 chaperones involves a conserved interdomain linker
- Antarctic marine molluscs do have an HSP70 heat shock response
- HSP70 chaperone ligands control domain association via an allosteric mechanism mediated by the interdomain linker
- Parkin mediates the degradation‐independent ubiquitination of HSP70
- Characterization of HSP70 binding and nucleotide exchange by the yeast Hsp110 chaperone Sse1
- Association of HSP70 polymorphisms with risk of noise-induced hearing loss in Chinese automobile workers
- Apoptosis versus cell differentiation: role of heat shock proteins HSP90, HSP70 and HSP27
- Multiple HSP70 isoforms in the eukaryotic cytosol: mere redundancy or functional specificity?
- The HSP70 heat shock response in the Antarctic fish Harpagifer antarcticus
- Loss of HSP70 in Drosophila is pleiotropic, with effects on thermotolerance, recovery from heat shock and neurodegeneration
- HSP70 chaperones accelerate protein translocation and the unfolding of stable protein aggregates by entropic pulling
- Maximal eccentric exercise induces a rapid accumulation of small heat shock proteins on myofibrils and a delayed HSP70 response in humans
- Acute effects of diclofenac and DMSO to Daphnia magna: immobilisation and HSP70-induction
- Dendritic cell stimulation by mycobacterial HSP70 is mediated through CCR5
- Insights into the structural dynamics of the Hsp110–HSP70 interaction reveal the mechanism for nucleotide exchange activity
- Mutant Huntingtin reduces HSP70 expression through the sequestration of NF‐Y transcription factor
- The release of HSP70 from A431 carcinoma cells is mediated by secretory-like granules
- Differential effects of Hsc70 and HSP70 on the intracellular trafficking and functional expression of epithelial sodium channels
- Short-duration-focused ultrasound stimulation of HSP70 expression in vivo
- Blueberry supplemented diet reverses age-related decline in hippocampal HSP70 neuroprotection
- Interactions between HSP70 and the hydrophobic core of α-synuclein inhibit fibril assembly
- HSP70 inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced NF-κB activation by interacting with TRAF6 and inhibiting its ubiquitination
- Overexpression of Mitochondrial HSP70/Hsp75 Protects Astrocytes against Ischemic Injury in vitro
- Antibody-mediated HSP70 protein therapy
- Hsp104, HSP70 and Hsp40 interplay regulates formation, growth and elimination of Sup35 prions
- Lens epithelium-derived growth factor is an HSP70-2 regulated guardian of lysosomal stability in human cancer
- HSP70 may protect cardiomyocytes from stress-induced injury by inhibiting Fas-mediated apoptosis
- Effects of HSP70. 1/3 gene knockout on acute respiratory distress syndrome and the inflammatory response following sepsis
- Lack of an HSP70 heat shock response in two Antarctic marine invertebrates
- Definition of the minimal fragments of Sti1 required for dimerization, interaction with HSP70 and Hsp90 and in vivo functions
- Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70): membrane location, export and immunological relevance
- Modeling HSP70-mediated protein folding
- The inhibition of LPS-induced production of inflammatory cytokines by HSP70 involves inactivation of the NF-κB pathway but not the MAPK pathways
- Post-meiotic shifts in HSPA2/HSP70. 2 chaperone activity during mouse spermatogenesis
- Effect of pepsin on laryngeal stress protein (Sep70, Sep53, and HSP70) response: role in laryngopharyngeal reflux disease
- Analysis of HSP70 in Litopenaeus Vannamei and Detection of SNPs
- Effects of thermal and osmotic stress on growth, osmoregulation and HSP70 in sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus Selenka)
- Exercise-mediated regulation of HSP70 expression following aerobic exercise training
- The induction mechanism of the molecular chaperone HSP70 in the gastric mucosa by Geranylgeranylacetone (HSP-inducer)
- Modulation of heat shock factors accompanies salicylic acid-mediated potentiation of HSP70 in tomato seedlings
- The heat shock protein HSP70 promotes mouse NK cell activity against tumors that express inducible NKG2D ligands
- Proteomics analysis of the tombusvirus replicase: HSP70 molecular chaperone is associated with the replicase and enhances viral RNA replication
- The muscle-specific microRNAs miR-1 and miR-133 produce opposing effects on apoptosis by targeting HSP60, HSP70 and caspase-9 in cardiomyocytes
- HSP70 associates with Rictor and is required for mTORC2 formation and activity
- Field and laboratory investigations of the thermal influence on tissue-specific HSP70 levels in common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
- Very brief focal ischemia simulating transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) can injure brain and induce HSP70 protein
- Structure-function study of a Plasmodium falciparum HSP70 using three dimensional modelling and in vitro analyses
- Amide hydrogen exchange reveals conformational changes in HSP70 chaperones important for allosteric regulation
- HSP70 protects against UVB induced apoptosis by preventing release of cathepsins and cytochrome c in human melanocytes
- The structure of CCT–Hsc70 NBD suggests a mechanism for HSP70 delivery of substrates to the chaperonin
- High HSP70-membrane expression on leukemic cells from patients with acute myeloid leukemia is associated with a worse prognosis
- Proteomic profiling of hepatocellular carcinoma in Chinese cohort reveals heat‐shock proteins (Hsp27, HSP70, GRP78) up‐regulation and their associated prognostic …
- Induction of HSP70-mediated Th17 autoimmunity can be exploited as immunotherapy for metastatic prostate cancer
- Bleaching and stress in coral reef ecosystems: HSP70 expression by the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta
- Low plasma levels of HSP70 in patients with carotid atherosclerosis are associated with increased levels of proteolytic markers of neutrophil activation
- Structural basis of nucleotide exchange and client binding by the HSP70 cochaperone Bag2
- Genetics of human longevity with emphasis on the relevance of HSP70 as candidate genes
- The endocrine disruptor bisphenol A increases the expression of HSP70 and ecdysone receptor genes in the aquatic larvae of Chironomus riparius
- Crystal structure of yeast Sis1 peptide-binding fragment and HSP70 Ssa1 C-terminal complex
- Inducible and constitutive heat shock gene expression responds to modification of HSP70 copy number in Drosophila melanogaster but does not compensate …
- Insulin induces myocardial protection and HSP70 localization to plasma membranes in rat hearts
- The cytoplasmic HSP70 chaperone machinery subjects misfolded and endoplasmic reticulum import-incompetent proteins to degradation via the ubiquitin …
- Influence of HSP70 and HLA-E on the killing of leukemic blasts by cytokine/HSP70 peptide-activated human natural killer (NK) cells
- Comparative expression analysis of members of the HSP70 family in the chytridiomycete Blastocladiella emersonii
- Interaction between the CCR5 chemokine receptors and microbial HSP70
- Inhibition of HSP70-2 expression by RNA interference induces apoptosis of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells
- Reduced heat shock response in human mononuclear cells during aging and its association with polymorphisms in HSP70 genes
- First HSP70 from two hydrothermal vent shrimps, Mirocaris fortunata and Rimicaris exoculata: characterization and sequence analysis
- Modulation of polyglutamine inclusion formation by the HSP70 chaperone machine
- Dynamics and mechanism of HSP70 translocation induced by photodynamic therapy treatment
- The Carboxyl-Terminal Domain of Inducible HSP70 Protects from Ischemic Injury in vivo and in vitro
- Free radical release and HSP70 expression in two human immune-relevant cell lines after exposure to 1800 MHz radiofrequency radiation
- ROS release and HSP70 expression after exposure to 1,800 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in primary human monocytes and lymphocytes
- Muscle fiber type-specific response of HSP70 expression in human quadriceps following acute isometric exercise
- Overexpression of a Trichoderma HSP70 gene increases fungal resistance to heat and other abiotic stresses
- HSP70 enhances macrophage phagocytosis by interaction with lipid raft-associated TLR-7 and upregulating p38 MAPK and PI3K pathways
- Increased levels of inducible HSP70 in cells exposed to electromagnetic fields
- Dengue virus entry into liver (HepG2) cells is independent of hsp90 and HSP70
- Metabolic modulation in Labeo rohita fingerlings during starvation: HSP70 expression and oxygen consumption
- Direct comparison of a stable isolated HSP70 substrate-binding domain in the empty and substrate-bound states
- Swapping nucleotides, tuning HSP70
- Tat‐HSP70 protects dopaminergic neurons in midbrain cultures and in the substantia nigra in models of Parkinson’s disease
- Innate immunity meets with cellular stress at the IKK complex: regulation of the IKK complex by HSP70 and HSP90
- HSP70 inhibition reverses cell adhesion mediated and acquired drug resistance in multiple myeloma
- Effects of UV-B radiation on development and HSP70 expression in sea urchin cleavage embryos
- Defining the requirements for Hsp40 and HSP70 in the Hsp90 chaperone pathway
- Specific expression of antimicrobial peptide and HSP70 genes in response to heat-shock and several bacterial challenges in mussels
- HSP70 inhibits aminoglycoside-induced hair cell death and is necessary for the protective effect of heat shock
- PHAPI, CAS, and HSP70 promote apoptosome formation by preventing Apaf-1 aggregation and enhancing nucleotide exchange on Apaf-1
- HSP70 induction by ING proteins sensitizes cells to tumor necrosis factor alpha receptor-mediated apoptosis
- Using lymphocyte and plasma HSP70 as biomarkers for assessing coke oven exposure among steel workers
- Identification of cDNAs encoding HSP70 and HSP90 in the abalone Haliotis tuberculata: transcriptional induction in response to thermal stress in hemocyte primary …
- Impact of heavy metals and organochlorines on HSP70 and hsc70 gene expression in black sea bream fibroblasts
- Myocardial function improved by electromagnetic field induction of stress protein HSP70
- Functionally redundant isoforms of a yeast HSP70 chaperone subfamily have different antiprion effects
- Heat induced release of HSP70 from prostate carcinoma cells involves both active secretion and passive release from necrotic cells
- HSP70 kinetics study by continuous observation of HSP–GFP fusion protein expression on a perfusion heating stage
- HSP70 vaccine in combination with gene therapy with plasmid DNA encoding sPD‐1 overcomes immune resistance and suppresses the progression of pulmonary …
- HSP70 gene expression in Mytilus galloprovincialis hemocytes is triggered by moderate heat shock and Vibrio anguillarum, but not by V. splendidus or Micrococcus …
- Chaperoning function of stress protein grp170, a member of the HSP70 superfamily, is responsible for its immunoadjuvant activity
- Bat3 deficiency accelerates the degradation of HSP70-2/HspA2 during spermatogenesis
- Potential immunological functions of salivary HSP70 in mucosal and periodontal defense mechanisms
- Domain: domain interactions within Hop, the HSP70/Hsp90 organizing protein, are required for protein stability and structure
- Induction of HSP70, alterations in oxidative stress markers and apoptosis against dichlorvos exposure in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster: modulation by reactive …
- Interaction between HSP70 and the SR Ca2+ pump: a potential mechanism for cytoprotection in heart and skeletal muscle
- HSP70 suppresses apoptosis in sympathetic neurones by preventing the activation of c‐Jun
- HSP70 response to 5-fluorouracil treatment in human colon cancer cell lines
- HSP70 Induction and HSP70 Gene polymorphisms as Indicators of acclimatization under hyperthermic conditions
- Structure and Interactions of the Helical and U-Box Domains of CHIP, the C Terminus of HSP70 Interacting Protein,
- HSP70 is associated with endothelial activation in placental vascular diseases.
- Major role of HSP70 as a paracrine inducer of cytokine production in human oxidized LDL treated macrophages
- Acetylsalicylic acid–induced release of HSP70 from mast cells results in cell activation through TLR pathway
- Genomic organization and expression of the HSP70 locus in New and Old World Leishmania species
- Toxic potential of municipal solid waste leachates in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster (HSP70-lacZ): HSP70 as a marker of cellular damage
- Cytoprotective role of nitric oxide associated with HSP70 expression in neonatal obstructive nephropathy
- Cloning and characterization of the HSP70 gene, and its expression in response to diapauses and thermal stress in the onion maggot, Delia antiqua
- Targeting HSP70 to motoneurons protects locomotor activity from hyperthermia in Drosophila
- Effects of 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic fields on Hsp27, HSP70, Hsp90 expression in porcine aortic endothelial cells (PAEC)
- Post-transcriptional regulation of HSP70 expression following oxidative stress in SH-SY5Y cells: the potential involvement of the RNA-binding protein HuR
- Autoantibodies against HSP70 family proteins were detected in the cerebrospinal fluid from patients with multiple sclerosis
- HSP70 is a new target of Sgt1—an interaction modulated by S100A6
- Glutamine protects articular chondrocytes from heat stress and NO-induced apoptosis with HSP70 expression
- FK228 inhibits Hsp90 chaperone function in K562 cells via hyperacetylation of HSP70
- Pharmacological induction of HSP70 protects apoptosis-prone cells from doxorubicin: comparison with caspase-inhibitor-and cycle-arrest-mediated …
- Enhanced Cold and Desiccation Tolerance in Diapausing Adults of Culex pipiens, and a Role for HSP70 in Response to Cold Shock but Not as a Component of the …
- Hsp110 and Grp170, members of the HSP70 superfamily, bind to scavenger receptor‐A and scavenger receptor expressed by endothelial cells‐I
- The enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) Map effector is imported into the mitochondrial matrix by the TOM/HSP70 system and alters organelle morphology
- Differing patterns of HSP70 gene expression in invasive and native kelp species: evidence for acclimation-induced variation
- Molecular phylogenetic analysis in Hammondia-like organisms based on partial HSP70 coding sequences
- HSP70 expression and free radical release after exposure to non-thermal radio-frequency electromagnetic fields and ultrafine particles in human Mono Mac 6 cells
- In vitro effect of focused ultrasound or thermal stress on HSP70 expression and cell viability in three tumor cell lines
- Developmental expression of Hsp90, HSP70 and HSF during morphogenesis in the vetigastropod Haliotis asinina
- Sperm sorting procedure induces a redistribution of HSP70 but not Hsp60 and Hsp90 in boar spermatozoa
- Functional coevolutionary networks of the HSP70–Hop–Hsp90 system revealed through computational analyses
- Chaperone activation of the hepadnaviral reverse transcriptase for template RNA binding is established by the HSP70 and stimulated by the Hsp90 system
- HSF1-TPR interaction facilitates export of stress-induced HSP70 mRNA
- The HSP70 chaperone Ssq1p is dispensable for iron-sulfur cluster formation on the scaffold protein Isu1p
- Degradation of HSP70 and other mRNAs in Drosophila via the 5′–3′ pathway and its regulation by heat shock
- Unusual cellular disposition of the mitochondrial molecular chaperones Hsp60, HSP70 and Hsp10
- The HSP70 member, Ssa1, acts as a DNA‐binding transcriptional co‐activator of laccase in Cryptococcus neoformans
- Calcium signaling in dendritic cells by human or mycobacterial HSP70 is caused by contamination and is not required for HSP70-mediated enhancement of …
- From proliferative to neurological role of an HSP70 stress chaperone, mortalin
- Curcumin treatment enhances islet recovery by induction of heat shock response proteins, HSP70 and heme oxygenase-1, during cryopreservation
- Anticancer drugs up-regulate HspBP1 and thereby antagonize the prosurvival function of HSP70 in tumor cells
- Human esophageal microvascular endothelial cells respond to acidic pH stress by PI3K/AKT and p38 MAPK-regulated induction of HSP70 and Hsp27
- Heterologous expression of FMDV immunodominant epitopes and HSP70 in P. pastoris and the subsequent immune response in mice
- Quantitative RT-PCR analysis and immunohistochemical localization of HSP70 in sea bass Dicentrarchus labraxexposed to transport stress
- Effect of chronic hypoxia on proliferation, apoptosis, and HSP70 expression in mouse bronchiolar epithelial cells.
- A heat shock protein gene (HSP70. 1) is critically involved in the generation of the immune response to myelin antigen
- Functional similarity between the chloroplast translocon component, Tic40, and the human co-chaperone, HSP70-interacting protein (Hip)
- Serious carbamazepine-induced hypersensitivity reactions associated with the HSP70 gene cluster
- Genetic evaluation of the HSP70 protein in the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
- Characterisation and expression of an HSP70 gene from Parastrongyloides trichosuri
- Effective cotranslational folding of firefly luciferase without chaperones of the HSP70 family
- Cytoplasmic HSP70 promotes ubiquitination for endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation of a misfolded mutant of the yeast plasma membrane ATPase …
- … and-9 cleavage is associated with increased c-FLIP and increased binding of Apaf-1 and HSP70 after neonatal hypoxic/ischemic injury in mice overexpressing HSP70
- Primate Chaperones Hsc70 (Constitutive) and HSP70 (Induced) Differ Functionally in Supporting Growth and Prion Propagation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Coelomocyte numbers and expression of HSP70 in wounded sea stars during hypoxia
- Structural basis of functional cooperation of Tim15/Zim17 with yeast mitochondrial HSP70
- Heat shock protein (HSP70) RNA expression differs among rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) clonal lines
- HSP70‐hom gene single nucleotide (+2763 G/A and +2437 C/T) polymorphisms in sarcoidosis
- Invariant Leu preceding turn motif phosphorylation site controls the interaction of protein kinase C with HSP70
- Importance of the HSP70 ATPase domain in yeast prion propagation
- Heat shock proteins (HSP70) and water content in the estivating Mediterranean Grunt Snail (Cantareus apertus)
- Effects of the disruption of the HSP70-II gene on the growth, morphology, and virulence of Leishmania infantum promastigotes
- Step-size analyses of the mitochondrial HSP70 import motor reveal the Brownian ratchet in operation
- Further study on the role of HSP70 on Ca2+ homeostasis in rat ventricular myocytes subjected to simulated ischemia
- Turning up the heat: the effects of thermal acclimation on the kinetics of HSP70 gene expression in the eurythermal goby, Gillichthys mirabilis
- A truncated C-terminal fragment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis HSP70 gene enhanced potency of HBV DNA vaccine
- Identification of new subgroup of HSP70 in Bythograeidae (hydrothermal crabs) and Xanthidae
- Exercise is the primary factor associated with HSP70 induction in muscle of treadmill running rats
- Lack of glucose and HSP70 responses in haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus (L.) subjected to handling and heat shock
- Heat-Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Expression in Four Limpets of the Genus Lottia: Interspecific Variation in Constitutive and Inducible Synthesis Correlates With in situ …
- Modulation of HSP70 GlcNAc-directed lectin activity by glucose availability and utilization
- Toothpicks, Serendipity and the Emergence of the Escherichia coli DnaK (HSP70) and GroEL (Hsp60) Chaperone Machines
- Gcn5- and Elp3-induced histone H3 acetylation regulates HSP70 gene transcription in yeast
- A DNA vaccine against chimeric AFP enhanced by HSP70 suppresses growth of hepatocellular carcinoma
- The role of the DIF motif of the DnaJ (Hsp40) co-chaperone in the regulation of the DnaK (HSP70) chaperone cycle
- Fluoro-edenite fibers induce expression of HSP70 and inflammatory response
- Acute liver toxicity by carbon tetrachloride in HSP70 knock out mice
- Effects of heat stimulation via microwave applicator on cartilage matrix gene and HSP70 expression in the rabbit knee joint
- Combinational approach of intrabody with enhanced HSP70 expression addresses multiple pathologies in a fly model of Huntington’s disease
- Tissue and allelic-specific expression of HSP70 gene in chickens: basal and heat-stress-induced mRNA level quantified with real-time reverse transcriptase …
- HSP70 in tumors: Friend or foe?
- A dominant vimentin mutant upregulates HSP70 and the activity of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, and causes posterior cataracts in transgenic mice
- Residues of Tim44 involved in both association with the translocon of the inner mitochondrial membrane and regulation of mitochondrial HSP70 tethering
- Remarkable Site Specificity of Local Transposition Into the HSP70 Promoter of Drosophila melanogaster
- Dehydration of yeast: changes in the intracellular content of HSP70 family proteins
- Is preeclampsia associated with higher frequency of HSP70 gene polymorphisms?
- HSP70 and constitutively active HSF1 mediate protection against CDCrel-1-mediated toxicity
- Functional characterization of the atypical HSP70 subunit of yeast ribosome-associated complex
- Prolonged treadmill training increases HSP70 in skeletal muscle but does not affect age-related functional deficits
- Zinc supplementation boosts the stress response in the elderly: HSP70 status is linked to zinc availability in peripheral lymphocytes
- Negative transcriptional regulation of multidrug resistance gene expression by an HSP70 protein
- HSP70-GlcNAc-binding activity is released by stress, proteasome inhibition, and protein misfolding
- Design of a fluorescence polarization assay platform for the study of human HSP70
- Effects of cadmium on MAPK signalling pathways and HSP70 expression in a human trophoblast cell line
- Lindane alters the levels of HSP70 and clusterin in adult rat testis
- Vaccination with a DNA vaccine based on human PSCA and HSP70 adjuvant enhances the antigen‐specific CD8+ T‐cell response and inhibits the PSCA+ tumors …
- HSP70 functions as a negative regulator of West Nile virus capsid protein through direct interaction
- Alteration of familial ALS-linked mutant SOD1 solubility with disease progression: its modulation by the proteasome and HSP70
- Accumulation of Hsc70 and HSP70 in glial cytoplasmic inclusions in patients with multiple system atrophy
- Fusion proteins of HSP70 with tumor-associated antigen acting as a potent tumor vaccine and the C-terminal peptide-binding domain of HSP70 being essential …
- Response of the myocardium to exercise: sex-specific regulation of HSP70.
- Docosahexaenoic acid in combination with celecoxib modulates HSP70 and p53 proteins in prostate cancer cells
- Cellular distribution of HSP70 expression in rat skeletal muscles. Effects of moderate exercise training and chronic hypoxia
- HSP70 negatively controls rotavirus protein bioavailability in caco-2 cells infected by the rotavirus RF strain
- Association of MBP peptides with HSP70 in normal appearing human white matter
- Nuclear translocation of the phosphoprotein Hop (HSP70/Hsp90 organizing protein) occurs under heat shock, and its proposed nuclear localization signal is …
- Experimental induction of salt-sensitive hypertension is associated with lymphocyte proliferative response to HSP70: New strategies to prevent cardiovascular …
- Thermal adaptation of the yeast mitochondrial HSP70 system is regulated by the reversible unfolding of its nucleotide exchange factor
- Stimulation of cell surface CCR5 and CD40 molecules by their ligands or by HSP70 up-regulates APOBEC3G expression in CD4+ T cells and dendritic cells
- Dissection of Swa2p/auxilin domain requirements for cochaperoning HSP70 clathrin-uncoating activity in vivo
- Interactions of S100A2 and S100A6 with the tetratricopeptide repeat proteins, Hsp90/HSP70-organizing protein and kinesin light chain
- Geldanamycin protects rat brain through overexpression of HSP70 and reducing brain edema after cerebral focal ischemia
- Metallothionein and HSP70 expression in HepG2 cells after prolonged cadmium exposure
- MAPK pathway mediates EGR-1-HSP70-dependent cigarette smoke-induced chemokine production
- The time-profile of the PBMC HSP70 response to in vitro heat shock appears temperature-dependent
- Age effect on HSP70: decreased resistance to ischemic and oxidative stress in HDF
- Identification of several cytoplasmic HSP70 genes from the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and their long-term evolution in Mollusca and Metazoa
- Specific activation of the human HSP70 promoter by copper sulfate in mosaic transgenic zebrafish
- Cloning and characterization of the executioner caspases 3, 6, 7 and HSP70 in hyperthermic Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) embryos
- The disaggregation activity of the mitochondrial ClpB homolog Hsp78 maintains HSP70 function during heat stress
- Cortisol can be pro-or anti-apoptotic in sea bream cells: Potential role of HSP70 induction for cytoprotection
- Heat shock proteins (HSP70 and HSP27) as markers of epithelial dysplasia in oral leukoplakia
- RNA interference-mediated silencing of the HSP70 gene inhibits human gastric cancer cell growth and induces apoptosis in vitro and in vivo
- The genetic immunization with paraflagellar rod protein-2 fused to the HSP70 confers protection against late Trypanosoma cruzi infection
- Reduced stress tolerance of glutamine-deprived human monocytic cells is associated with selective down-regulation of HSP70 by decreased mRNA stability
- Over‐expression of HSP70 in BHK‐21 cells engineered to produce recombinant factor VIII promotes resistance to apoptosis and enhances secretion
- Inhibition of the mitotic kinesin Eg5 up-regulates HSP70 through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway in multiple myeloma cells
- Cloning, characterization and differential expression of an HSP70 gene from the pathogenic dimorphic fungus, Penicillium marneffei Full Length Research Article
- Effect of HSP70 chaperone on the folding and misfolding of polypeptides modeling an elongating protein chain
- Cytotoxic T lymphocytes carrying a pattern recognition protein Tag7 can detect evasive, HLA-negative but HSP70-exposing tumor cells, thereby ensuring FasL/Fas …
- Slower skeletal muscle phenotypes are critical for constitutive expression of HSP70 in overloaded rat plantaris muscle
- HSP70/nitric oxide relationship in apoptotic modulation during obstructive nephropathy
- An HSP70 peptide initiates NK cell killing of leukemic blasts after stem cell transplantation
- Alternative processing of Arabidopsis HSP70 precursors during protein import into chloroplasts
- Heat shock protein (HSP70) induced by a mild heat shock slightly moderates plasma osmolarity increases upon salinity transfer in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss …
- Levels of HSP70 in HIV+ patients in different viroimmunological states
- The human escort protein Hep binds to the ATPase domain of mitochondrial HSP70 and regulates ATP hydrolysis
- Thermal conditioning of fifth‐instar Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) affects HSP70 accumulation and insect mortality
- Expression of the cochaperone HspBP1 is not coordinately regulated with HSP70 expression
- Fusion expression of major antigenic segment of JEV E protein-HSP70 and the identification of domain acting as adjuvant in HSP70
- The therapeutic implications of clinically applied modifiers of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) expression by tumor cells
- HSP70 expression in human trophoblast cells exposed to different 1.8 Ghz mobile phone signals
- Correlation of HSP70-1 and HSP70-2 gene expression with the degree of graft-versus-host reaction in a rat skin explant model
- Drug‐induced Myc‐mediated apoptosis of cancer cells is inhibited by stress protein HSP70
- Expression of Exogenous Genes Under the Control of Endogenous HSP70 and CAB Promoters in the Closterium peracerosum–strigosum–littorale complex
- The molecular chaperone HSP70 interacts with the cytosolic II-III loop of the Cav2. 3 E-type voltagegated Ca2+ channel
- PERK-dependent regulation of HSP70 expression and the regulation of autophagy
- Adverse effect of tannery waste leachates in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster: role of ROS in modulation of HSP70, oxidative stress and apoptosis
- Evaluation of HSP70 expression and DNA damage in cells of a human trophoblast cell line exposed to 1.8 GHz amplitude-modulated radiofrequency fields
- Expression of HSP70 and JNK-related proteins in human liver cancer: Potential effects on clinical outcome
- Exercise training reverses downregulation of HSP70 and antioxidant enzymes in porcine skeletal muscle after chronic coronary artery occlusion
- Parkin regulates Eg5 expression by HSP70 ubiquitination-dependent inactivation of c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase
- A role for the chaperone HSP70 in the regulation of border cell migration in the Drosophila ovary
- Morphohistological change and expression of HSP70, osteopontin and osteocalcin mRNAs in rat dental pulp cells with orthodontic tooth movement
- Three new satellite sequences and a mobile element found inside HSP70 introns of the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis)
- Flo11p-independent control of “mat” formation by HSP70 molecular chaperones and nucleotide exchange factors in yeast
- Castration inhibits exercise-induced accumulation of HSP70 in male rodent hearts
- CpG-B oligodeoxynucleotide promotes cell survival via up-regulation of HSP70 to increase Bcl-xL and to decrease apoptosis-inducing factor translocation
- The carrier Msn5p/Kap142p promotes nuclear export of the HSP70 Ssa4p and relocates in response to stress
- Therapeutic vaccination with dendritic cells pulsed with tumor-derived HSP70 and a COX-2 inhibitor induces protective immunity against B16 melanoma
- The role of HSP70 and Hsp90 in TGF-beta-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in rat lens epithelial explants
- Combination of Two Regulatory Elements in the Tetrahymena thermophila HSP70-1 Gene Controls Heat Shock Activation
- Evaluation of the activities of the medfly and Drosophila HSP70 promoters in vivo in germ‐line transformed medflies
- Association of Met439Thr substitution in heat shock protein 70 gene with postoperative atrial fibrillation and serum HSP70 protein levels
- Prion-impairing mutations in HSP70 chaperone Ssa1: effects on ATPase and chaperone activities
- DJ-1 modulates α-synuclein aggregation state in a cellular model of oxidative stress: relevance for Parkinson’s disease and involvement of HSP70
- Correlation of heat shock protein (HSP70) expression with cell proliferation (MIB1), estrogen receptors (ER) and clinicopathological variables in invasive ductal breast …
- Protective effect of a RSV subunit vaccine candidate G1F/M2 was enhanced by a HSP70-Like protein in mice
- Geranylgeranylacetone, an inducer of the 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70), elicits unfolded protein response and coordinates cellular fate independently of HSP70
- TAT-Hsp40 inhibits oxidative stress-mediated cytotoxicity via the inhibition of HSP70 ubiquitination
- Differential expression of HSP70 and ultrastructure of heart and liver tissues of rats treated with adriamycin: protective role of L-carnitine
- HSP70 is part of the synaptonemal complex in Eimeria tenella
- Influence of PKC-α overexpression on HSP70 and cardioprotection
- Cadmium-induced stimulation of stress-protein HSP70 in lichen photobiont Trebouxia erici
- Effects of histone deacetylase inhibitors on transcriptional regulation of the HSP70 gene in Drosophila
- Hsp27, HSP70 and mismatch repair proteins hMLH1 and hMSH2 expression in peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy subjects and cancer patients
- p27Cip/Kip is involved in hsp25 or inducible HSP70 mediated adaptive response by low dose radiation
- Prolonged morphine application modulates Bax and HSP70 levels in primary rat neurons
- Immunohistochemical detection of the inducible heat shock protein HSP70: a methodological study
- The expression of HSP70 and HSP90α in children with Wilms tumor
- Heat shock proteins HSP70 and GP96: structural insights
- The role of tonicity responsive enhancer sites in the transcriptional regulation of human HSP70-2 in response to hypertonic stress
- Polyglutamine expansion in Drosophila: thermal stress and HSP70 as selective agents
- Identification of VCP/p97, carboxyl terminus of HSP70-interacting protein (CHIP), and amphiphysin II interaction partners using membrane-based human …
- Ydj1 but not Sis1 stabilizes HSP70 protein under prolonged stress in vitro
- HSP70 reduces chronic hypoxia-induced neural suppression via regulating expression of syntaxin
- Chromosomal protein HMGN1 enhances the heat shock-induced remodeling of HSP70 chromatin
- Genes and longevity: a genetic-demographic approach reveals sex-and age-specific gene effects not shown by the case–control approach (APOE and HSP70. 1 loci)
- Chemical modulators of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) by sequential, microwave-accelerated reactions on solid phase
- Chronic antioxidant enzyme mimetic treatment differentially modulates hyperthermia-induced liver HSP70 expression with aging
- Ischemic preconditioning induces chaperone HSP70 expression and inhibits protein aggregation in the CA1 neurons of rats
- Serum levels of free heat shock protein 70 and anti-HSP70 are elevated in Behcet’s disease
- Hsp90/HSP70 Chaperone Machine Regulation of the Saccharomyces MAL-Activator As Determined in Vivo Using Noninducible and Constitutive Mutant Alleles
- Characterization of a heat-shock-inducible HSP70 gene of the green alga Volvox carteri
- Heat shock protein expression pattern (HSP70) in the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus
- Up-regulation of HSP70 by the fibronectin-derived peptide PHSRN in human corneal epithelial cells
- Mechanical strain stress suppresses expression of HSP70 and wound restoration in gastric mucosal cells
- Additive viability-loss following HSP70/hsc70 double interference and Hsp90 inhibition in two breast cancer cell lines
- PS2 and HSP70 expression in rectal adenocarcinomas: an immunohistochemical investigation of 45 cases
- An HSP70 fusion protein vaccine potentiates the immune response against Japanese encephalitis virus
- EAE tolerance induction with HSP70-peptide complexes depends on H60 and NKG2D activity
- Seasonal variation in heat shock proteins HSP70 and Hsp90 expression in an exposed and a shaded habitat of Iris pumila
- Release of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and the effects of extracellular HSP70 on matric metalloproteinase-9 expression in human monocytic U937 cells
- Acute acidification or amiloride treatment suppresses the ability of HSP70 to inhibit heat-induced apoptosis
- Human serum contains detectable levels of the HSP70 cochaperone HspBP1 and antibodies bound to HspBP1
- Thymulin, a thymic peptide, prevents the overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and heat shock protein HSP70 in inflammation-bearing mice
- Effect of glucocorticoid depletion on heat-induced HSP70, IL-1β and TNF-α gene expression
- Synthetic pyrethroid cypermethrin induced cellular damage in reproductive tissues of Drosophila melanogaster: HSP70 as a marker of cellular damage
- Evolution of a protein-folding machine: genomic and evolutionary analyses reveal three lineages of the archaeal HSP70 (dnaK) gene
- Expression of heat shock proteins HSP10, HSP27, HSP60, HSP70, and HSP90 in urothelial carcinoma of urinary bladder
- HSP27 and HSP70 interact with CD10 in C4‐2 prostate cancer cells
- Crystal structure of the C-terminal three-helix bundle subdomain of C. elegans HSP70
- Geldanamycin prevents hemorrhage-induced ATP loss by overexpressing inducible HSP70 and activating pyruvate dehydrogenase
- … , alters development of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)(Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) by modulating levels of chitin, soluble protein content, and HSP70 and p34cdc2 in …
- Expression of HSP70 and Hsp27 in lens epithelial cells in contused eye of rat modulated by thermotolerance or quercetin
- In-vivo optical imaging of HSP70 expression to assess collateral tissue damage associated with infrared laser ablation of skin
- Development of fluorescence polarization assays for the molecular chaperone HSP70 family members: Hsp72 and DnaK
- Evidence for a role of HSP70 in the neuroprotection induced by heat shock pre‐treatment against 3, 4‐methylenedioxymethamphetamine toxicity in rat brain
- HSP70 expression protects against hippocampal neurodegeneration induced by endogenous glutamate in vivo
- Heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP27 in the cerebral spinal fluid of patients undergoing thoracic aneurysm repair correlate with the probability of postoperative …
- Developmental and hyperthermia-induced expression of the heat shock proteins HSP60 and HSP70 in tissues of the housefly Musca domestica: an in vitro …
- HSP70 in the atrial neuroendocrine units of the snail, Achatina fulica
- Cerebral neurons and glial cell types inducing heat shock protein HSP70 following heat stress in the rat
- Nucleotide exchange factors for HSP70 molecular chaperones
- HSP70 and EndoG modulate cell death by heat in human skin keratinocytes in vitro
- Both heat shock and water deprivation trigger HSP70 expression in the olfactory lobe of the crab Chasmagnathus granulatus
- Induction of HSP70 is dispensable for anti-inflammatory action of heat shock or NSAIDs in mast cells
- Identification and in silico analysis of the Citrus HSP70 molecular chaperone gene family
- HSP70-inducible hNIS-IRES-eGFP reporter imaging: response to heat shock
- Inhibitory effect of HSP70 on angiotensin II-induced vascular smooth muscle cell hypertrophy
- Leishmania major heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) is not protective in murine models of cutaneous leishmaniasis and stimulates strong humoral responses in …
- Identification of HLA-A24-restricted epitopes with high affinities to HSP70 using peptide arrays
- Diazoxide, as a postconditioning and delayed preconditioning trigger, increases HSP25 and HSP70 in the central nervous system following combined cerebral stroke …
- Quantitative evaluation of chaperone activity and neuroprotection by different preparations of a cell-penetrating HSP70
- Effect of baicalin on HSP70 expression of hippocampal neurons in focal brain ischemia-reperfusion injury rats
- Short-term hyperthermic treatment of Penaeus monodon increases expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and reduces replication of gill associated virus (GAV)
- HSP70 gene fused with Hantavirus S segment DNA significantly enhances the DNA vaccine potency against hantaviral nucleocapsid protein in vivo
- HDJC9, a novel human type C DnaJ/HSP40 member interacts with and cochaperones HSP70 through the J domain
- Heat shock protein (HSP70) expression and thermal tolerance in sublethally heat-shocked eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica infected with the parasite Perkinsus …
- Interaction between HSP70 and bis (monoacylglycero) phosphate stabilizes lysosomes and promotes cell survival
- Distinct binding sites for the ATPase and substrate-binding domain of human HSP70 on the cell surface of antigen presenting cells
- Expression of the heat shock protein HSP70 in chloride target cells of mayfly larvae from motorway retention pond: A biomarker of osmotic shock
- HSP70/Hsc70 regulates the effect phosphorylation has on stabilizing ataxin‐1
- Heat shock factor 1 is required for constitutive HSP70 expression and normal lens development in embryonic zebrafish
- Inhibition of Salmonella-induced IL-8 synthesis and expression of HSP70 in enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells after exposure to non-starter lactobacilli
- The effect of continuous aerobic exercise on the rate of HSP70 in mice with breast cancer tumor
- Association of HSP70-hom genetic variant with prostate cancer risk
- Endoplasmic Reticulum Retention Signal-Dependent Glycylation of the HSP70/Grp170-Related Pgp1p in Tetrahymena
- Expression of HSP90, HSP70 mRNA and change of plasma cortisol and glucose during water temperature rising in freshwater adapted black porgy, Acanthopagrus …
- Na+/K+-ATPase stabilization by HSP70 in the outer stripe of the outer medulla in rats during recovery from a low-protein diet
- Different duration of crowding and noise exposure effects on exploratory behavior, cellular immunity and HSP70 expression in rats
- HSP70 induces Th1 polarization through tumor-associated macrophages in a T-cell lymphoma.
- HSP70 expression in the hippocampal CA3 subfield in different chronic stress models
- Role of heat shock proteins HSP70 and HSP32 in the protective effect of adaptation of cultured HT22 hippocampal cells to oxidative stress
- hELP3 Subunit of the Elongator Complex Regulates the Transcription of HSP70 Gene in Human Cells
- HSP70-hom gene polymorphism as a prognostic marker of graft-versus-host disease
- HSP70 localizes differently from chaperone Hsc70 in mouse mesoangioblasts under physiological growth conditions
- Quiescent gemmules of the freshwater sponge, Spongilla lacustris (Linnaeus, 1759), contain remarkably high levels of HSP70 stress protein and HSP70 stress gene …
- Involvement of− 308 TNF-α and 1267 HSP70-2 polymorphisms and zinc status in the susceptibility of coronary artery disease (CAD) in old patients
- Loss of exocrine pancreatic stimulation during parenteral feeding suppresses digestive enzyme expression and induces HSP70 expression
- Induction of multiple CD8+ T cell responses against the inducible HSP70 employing an HSP70 oligoepitope peptide
- HSP70 response in pigs is affected by their Halothane genotypes after heat stress
- Differential modulation of neurite growth by the S-and the L-forms of bag1, a co-chaperone of HSP70
- Effects of HSP70. 1/3 gene knockout on NF-κB-mediated and cytokine-induced reduction in alveolar ion and fluid transport
- Crohn’s disease and polymorphism of heat shock protein gene HSP70-2 in the Tunisian population
- Promoter of the heat shock testis-specific HSP70. 2/Hst70 gene is active in nervous system during embryonic development of mice
- Heat shock protein of HSP70 family revealed in some contemporary freshwater Amoebae and in Acanthamoeba sp. from cysts isolated from permafrost samples
- Use of primers based on the heat shock protein genes HSP70, hsp40, and hsp10, for the detection of bovine mastitis pathogens Streptococcus agalactiae …
- Differential regulation of HSP70 expression by the JNK kinases SEK1 and MKK7 in mouse embryonic stem cells treated with cadmium
- Distinct mitochondrial HSP70 homologues conserved in various Leishmania species suggest novel biological functions
- Role of the HSP70 cochaperone BAG1 in glucocorticoid receptor function and stress-related diseases
- Localization of metallothionein, heat shock protein (HSP70), and superoxide dismutase expression in Hemidiaptomus roubaui (Copepoda, Crustacea) exposed to …
- HSP70 induction and oxidative stress protection mediated by a subtoxic dose of NMDA in the retinoic acid-differentiated C6 glioma cell line
- Key residues involved in HSP70 regulatory activity and affect of co-chaperones on mechanism of action
- Circulating leukocyte heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and oxidative stress markers in rats after a bout of exhaustive exercise
- Mycobacterial HSP70 as an adjuvant in the design of an idiotype vaccine against a murine lymphoma
- Nucleotide sequence variations in the HSP70 gene of Olive leaf yellowing-associated virus
- Large mammalian HSP70 family proteins, hsp110 and grp170, and their roles in biology and cancer therapy
- Inhibition of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection of Human CD4+ T Cells by Microbial HSP70 and the Peptide Epitope 407-426
- HSP70-and p53-reponses after heat treatment and/or X-irradiation mediate the susceptibility of hematopoietic cells to undergo apoptosis
- Binding of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate to the HSP70 ATPase domain may promote apoptosis in colorectal cancer
- Efficacy of dl-α-lipoic acid on methanol induced free radical changes, protein oxidative damages and HSP70 expression in folate deficient rat nervous tissue
- Strain differences and the role for HSP47 and HSP70 in adjuvant arthritis in rats
- Extracellular HSP70 blocks CD40L‐induced apoptosis and tubular formation in endothelial cells
- Protective effects of co-immunization with SjCTPI-HSP70 and interleukin-12 DNA vaccines against Schistosoma japonicum challenge infection in water buffalo
- Modified HPV16 E7/HSP70 DNA vaccine with high safety and enhanced cellular immunity represses murine lung metastatic tumors with downregulated expression of …
- A mitosome purification protocol based on percoll density gradients and its use in validating the mitosomal nature of Entamoeba histolytica mitochondrial HSP70
- Expression of heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) in the respiratory tract and lungs of fire victims
- PKA-mediated ERK1/2 inactivation and HSP70 gene expression following exercise
- Changed distribution pattern of the constitutive rather than the inducible HSP70 chaperone in neuromelanin‐containing neurones of the Parkinsonian midbrain
- Protective effects of focal ischemic preconditioning and HSP70 expression on middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats
- Expression of HSP70 Grp94 and IgG in human lung carcinoma
- Diazoxide increases liver and kidney HSP25 and HSP70 after shock and stroke
- Expression of stress proteins of HSP70 family in response to cold in Myrmica ants from various geographic populations
- Low dose benzo (a) pyrene up-regulated the transcription of HSP70 and HSP90 in Eisenia fetida
- Expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma–immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis.
- Haemato-biochemical responses and induction of HSP70 to dietary phosphorus in Catla catla (Hamilton) fingerlings
- Rapamycin conditionally inhibits Hsp90 but not HSP70 mRNA translation in Drosophila: implications for the mechanisms of Hsp mRNA translation
- Molecular chaperone HSP70 protects neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells from hypoxic stress
- A 14-mer peptide from HSP70 protein is the critical epitope which enhances NK activity against tumor cells in vivo
- Transcriptional responses of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes, HSP70 and Na+/K+‐ATPase in the liver of rabbitfish (Siganus oramin) intracoelomically injected with …
- Annexin II binds to SHP2 and this interaction is regulated by HSP70 levels
- HSP70 and HSP70 mRNA localization in heat-stressed tissues of broilers
- Cyclosporin A has a protective effect with induced upregulation of HSP70 and nNOS on severe spinal cord ischemic injury in rabbits
- Interrelationship between Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) and LymphocyteProliferation in Thermal Exposed Buffalo Heifers
- Interaction of rat renal glucocorticoid receptor with Hsp90 and HSP70 upon stress provoked by mercury
- Intratumor injection of oncolytic adenovirus expressing HSP70 prolonged survival in melanoma B16 bearing mice by enhanced immune response
- Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica: Cloning and characterisation of 70 kDa heat-shock proteins reveals variation in HSP70 gene expression between parasite …
- Population origin, development and temperature of development affect the amounts of HSP70, HSP90 and the putative hypoxia-inducible factor in the tadpoles of the …
- Gene expression of HSP70 of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae), in response to heat shock and insecticides
- Construction and identification of HSP70 antisense RNA expression vector for genetic engineering male sterility in plant
- The heat shock response and HSP70 gene expression in male germ cells
- HSP70 inhibits burn serum-induced apoptosis of cardiomyocytes via mitochondrial and membrane death receptor pathways
- Binding specificity of an α-helical protein sequence to a full-length HSP70 chaperone and its minimal substrate-binding domain
- Expression and purification of goose HSP70 and compound formation with virus polypeptide
- Dynamic analysis of the expression of HSP70 during experimental tooth movement in rats
- Drug evaluation: STA-4783–enhancing taxane efficacy by induction of HSP70.
- A synthetic dengue virus antigen elicits enhanced antibody titers when linked to, but not mixed with, Mycobacterium tuberculosis HSP70 domain II
- Protective effects of overexpression TCR Vbeta5. 2-HSP70 and TCR Vbeta8. 2-HSP70 against collagen-induced arthritis in rats
- Regulation of HSP70 function: hsp40 co-chaperones and nucleotide exchange factors
- Local induction of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) by proteasome inhibition confers chondroprotection during surgically induced osteoarthritis in the rat knee
- Differing patterns of HSP70 gene expression in invasive and native kelp species: evidence for acclimation-induced variation
- Heat shock protein of the HSP70 family in the euryhaline cilate Paramecium nephridiatum and its role in adaptation to salinity changes
- Search for Novel Stress-responsive Protein Components Using a Yeast Mutant Lacking Two Cytosolic HSP70 Genes, SSA1 and SSA2.
- HSP70 accumulation and ultrastructural features of lung and liver induced by ethanol treatment with and without L-carnitine protection in rats
- Effects of mitogenic hormones on HSP70 expression in a silver sea bream fibroblast cell line and a primary macrophage preparation
- Aging effects on the habitual expression of HSP70 mRNA in the hippocampus of rats
- DNA double strand breaks and HSP70 expression in proton irradiated living cells
- Polymorphisms of the MCP-1 and HSP70-2 genes in Korean patients with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis
- Geranylgeranylacetone, an inducer of HSP70, elicits unfolded protein response and coordinates cellular fate independently of HSP70
- The GC-box is critical for high level expression of the testis-specific HSP70. 2/Hst70 gene.
- Unilateral optic nerve transection up-regulate HSP70 protein expression in lateral geniculate nucleus of rats
- Differential diagnosis of oocysts of Hammondia-like organisms of dogs and cats by PCR-RFLP analysis of 70-kilodalton heat shock protein (HSP70) gene
- Japanese encephalitis protein vaccine candidates expressing neutralizing epitope and MT HSP70 induce virus-specific memory B cells and long-lasting antibodies in …
- Perinatal expression of HSP70 and VEGF in neonatal rat lung vessels exposed to nicotine during gestation
- Functional stabilization of Kv1. 5 protein by HSP70 in mammalian cell lines
- Effect of electroacupuncture on free radical content and HSP70 expression in the brain tissue in rats with cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury
- Effects of 2, 2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate (DDVP) on HSP70 gene expression in rainbow trout
- Fusion expression of O type foot-and-mouth diseases virus VP1 gene and HSP70 gene and induction of immune responses in mice
- HSP70 Modulates the Enhanced Production of Reactive Intermediate Metabolites and a Proinflammatory Cytokine TNF-α Expression in a T Cell Lymphoma
- HSP70 family members, danger signals and autoimmunity
- Identification of the divergent calmodulin binding motif in yeast Ssb1/Hsp75 protein and in other HSP70 family members
- Increased expression of HSP70 by colon cancer cells is not always associated with access to the dendritic cell cross-presentation pathway
- HSP70 binds to SHP2 and has effects on the SHP2-related EGFR/GAB1 signaling pathway
- The effects of treated effluents on the intensity of papillomatosis and HSP70 expression in roach
- HSP70 and hsp27 as pharmacological targets in apoptosis modulation for cancer therapy
- Hop: An HSP70/Hsp90 co-chaperone that functions within and beyond HSP70/Hsp90 protein folding pathways
- Heat shock proteins HSP70 and Hsp90 in pea seedlings under clinorotation of different duration
- Lamina-associated polypeptide 2α forms complexes with heat shock proteins HSP70 and Hsc70 in vivo
- Effect of early enriched parenteral alanyl-glutamine on heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) expression in critical patients
- Expression and significance of TGF-beta1 and HSP70 in human laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
- Synthesis of heat shock proteins (HSP70) in blood leukocytes as a criterion of the resistance to stress injury
- Comparison of immune assays for the detection of anti-HSP70 antibodies in patients with idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss
- Expresión de HSP70 en células MDCK inducida por compuestos de secreción del nematodo T. spiralis
- ATPase domain of HSP70 exhibits intrinsic ATP-ADP exchange activity
- The HSP70 chaperone system maintains high concentrations of active proteins and suppresses ATP consumption during heat shock
- Inducible HSP70 levels in thoracic wound fluid indicate myocardial damage after open heart surgery
- The human HSP70/HSP40 chaperone family: a study on its capacity to combat proteotoxic stress
- Modulation of RAG/DNA complex by HSP70 in V (D) J recombination
- Neuroprotective effect of dipeptide AVP (4-5)-NH2 is associated with nerve growth factor and heat shock protein HSP70
- Differential increase in AMPK and HSP70 mRNA expression with temperature in the rock crab, Cancer irroratus
- Influence of HSP70 on function and energy metabolism of mitochondria in intestinal epithelial cells after hypoxia/reoxygenation
- Effects of active and passive hyperthermia on heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)
- Alterations in a soluble protein pattern and a quantity of stress proteins HSP90 and HSP70 in pea seedlings in response to clinorotation
- Importance of the C-terminal domain of Harc for binding to HSP70 and Hop as well as its response to heat shock
- HSP70-based anticancer vaccines: chaperoning the immune response
- The role of extracellular chaperone HSP70 in creating antitumor immunity in rat rhabdomyosarcoma RA-2 model
- The human HSP70/HSP40 chaperone family
- HSP70 response to electrical stimulation in C2C12 cells
- 50 Hz magnetic fields of constant or fluctuating intensity: Effects on immunocyte HSP70 in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis
- Structural basis of the interspecies interaction between the chaperone DnaK (HSP70) and the co-chaperone GrpE of archaea and bacteria.
- Heat shock protein of HSP70 in Paramecium nephridiatum and its role in adaptation to environmental salinity changes
- 15-Deoxy-Δ12, 14-prostaglandin J2-induced down-regulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in association with HSP70 induction
- Histidine 89 is an essential residue for HSP70 in the phosphate transfer reaction
- Soluble liver antigen/liver and pancreas, an antigen in autoimmune hepatitis patients: Influence on selenocysteine synthesis and its complex with HSP70
- A multipronged approach to the mechanism of allostery in HSP70 chaperones
- Effects of heat shock on gene expression of two members of HSP70 in Xiphophorus helleri
- Immune response to HSP70-HBcAg (18-27) complex in HBV transgenic mice
- The HSP70 cochaperones BAG-1M and HspBP1 as possible cause for glucocorticoid resistance
- Immunohistochemical Study on Early Odontogenesis in HSP70 Knock-out Mice Fetuses Exposed by Maternal Hyperthermia
- Role of heat-shock proteins of HSP70 family in changes of narcotic activity of hyperbaric nitrogen during increasing hypoxic stimulus
- In Vitro Antimyeloma Effects of Inhibitors of the Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Molecular Chaperone.
- Ulinastatin’s early effects on kidney’s expression of HSP70 and IL-6 after mechanical injury of kidney
- Effects of psychological stress on the HSP70 expression and apoptosis of the peripheral blood lymphocytes in rats
- Expression, function and regulation of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene during normal zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryogenesis
- Synthesis of HSP70 in blood leukocytes as a marker of stress resistance during adaptation
- Evaluation of antibody responses elicited by immunization of mice with a pneumococcal antigen genetically fused to murine HSP70 and murine interleukin-4
- PCR-RFLP/HSP70 for identification and tipification of leishmania from the tropical region
- Significance of Immunohistochemical Studies of Heat Shock Proteins of the HSP70 Family in the Investigation of Postresuscitative Brain Changes
- In vitro anti-tumor effect of CTL induced by HSP70-Id complex-modified dendritic cells
- Variability in the diurnal stress protein (HSP70) cycle in tropical chitons (Acanthopleura granulata) from the intertidal zone: the influence of temperature and …
- El estrés impuesto por los rayos gamma, peróxido de hidrógeno y calor es amortiguado por cambios en la expresión y localización de la HSP70 en células HeLa
- HSP70 inhibits apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells by attenuating intracellular calcium
- The heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)/PI3-K/Akt/HIF/biologic pathway as a putative determinant of hypothermic preconditioning in neuroprotection
- Role of general transcription factors and the TFTC complex in transcription activation in vivo as revealed with a model of the HSP70 gene
- Protein Disassembly by Hsp40-HSP70
- N Inhibitory Effect of HSP70 on Angiotensin II‐Induced Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Hypertrophy
- Heat Shock Proteins HSP70 and Hsp27 and Neural Cellular Protection
- Expression of HSP70 mRNA and MDR1 mRNA in K562 cells induced by heat shock and ADM
- Cloning and expression analysis of a HSP70 gene from Saussurea medusa Full Length Research Paper
- Involvement of p27cip/kip in hsp25 or inducible HSP70 mediated adaptive response by low dose radiation
- Immune adjuvant effect of TB. HSP70 to its accompanying cytotoxic T lymphocytes epitope elicits HBV specific immune response
- Structural basis of the allosteric trigger of the HSP70 chaperone proteins.
- Is HSP70 involved in acclimation to cadmium in the Chinese crab, Eriocheir sinensis?
- Adenovirus-mediated antisense HSP70 cDNA transfection inhibits the growth of laryngeal carcinoma Hep-2 cells
- HSP70 peptide acting as a danger signal for Natural Killer (NK) cells
- Immunotherapy with a chimeric AFP and HSP70 gene DNA vaccine targeting on a murine hepatocellular carcinoma
- Role of shock protein 70 (HSP70), ubiquitin and gill-associated virus in loss of production on prawn farms
- Effects of Gradual Hypoxia Stress and Forced Swimming on HSP70 Expression in the CA3 Subfield of Hippocampus and Behavior of Different Aged Mice
- HSP70 stabilizes the lysosomes by transporting MUC1 to the lysosomes
- Dendritic cell stimulation by mycobacterial HSP70 is mediated through CCR5
- HSP70 Translocates into the Plasma
- Molecular Stress Responses to Short Cycle Hypoxia in the Intact Heart: Evidence for Grp94 and HSP70 Oxygen Sensitivity
- Chronic heat stress upregulates molecular chaperone HSP70 and antioxidant MnSOD: role OF ROS, p38MAPK and Akt
- Gene expression regulation of cytokines by heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) and HSP70 during endotoxemia
- HSP70 protects against peroxynitrite-induced inactivation of SERCA2a by preventing protein oxidation and aggregation
- Crystallization and X-ray data analysis of the 10 kDa C-terminal lid subdomain from Caenorhabditis elegans HSP70
- Expresión diferencial de HSP70 y ultraestructura de tejido cardíaco y hepático de rata tratado con adriamicina: papel protectivo de la L-carnitina
- Expression of HSP70 in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing HSP70 after Progressive Exercise Training
- Expression of HSP70 in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing HSP70 after Progressive Exercise Training
- Separation of HSP70–peptide compound and the expression of HSP70 in esophagus cancer tissue
- Separation of HSP70-peptide compound and the expression of HSP70 in esophagus cancer tissue
- Triptolide inhibits Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) expression by inhibiting dna binding of Heat Shock Factor-1
- Expression of HSP70 in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing HSP70 after Progressive Exercise Training
- Preparation of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and idiotypic determinant single-chain antibody (Id-ScFv) in a patient with B-cell chronic lymphatic leukemia (B-CLL) and …
- Expression of (exogenous and endogenous) HSP70 in Transgenic Mice Overecpressing HSP70 after progressive Exercise training
- Cytoprotective role of nitric oxide associated with HSP70
- Gene cloning and expression of broiler chicken HSP70 in E. coli and preparation of HSP70 monoclonal antibody
- The taxane-enhancer STA-4783 induces HSP70 expression and apoptosis via an oxidative stress mechanism
- Molecular Characterization of a 70 kDa Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) Gene in Entamoeba dispar
- Immunocontraceptive effect of DNA vaccines of Lagurus lagurus zona pellucida 3 fusioned with C-terminal of HSP70
- Overexpressed Drosophila DNA methyltransferase 2 isoform C interacts with HSP70 in vivo
- Prokaryotic Expression and Purification of HSP70-NP and Its Immunity
- Silencing of Metastasis-associated Gene 1 (Mta1) Stimulates HSP70 Cellular Release and Neurite extension in Neuroblastoma Cells
- The Effects of Hyperthermia on FGF-8 and BMP-4 Expression during Early Odontogenesis in HSP70 Knock-out Mice Fetuses
- The Heat Shock Protein HSP70 Promotes
- Mouse pancreatic cancer cells from KrasG12D/p53-/-transgenic mice overexpress Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), and its inhibition by triptolide decreases cell …
- Patient Survival by HSP70 Membrane Phenotype
- HSP70 and MDMA neurotoxicity
- Expression of exercise induced HSP70 in runner leukocytes
- Expression of HSP70 Immunoreactivity in EPO Treated Rat Kidney
- Expression of exercise induced HSP70 in runner leukocytes
- Transient overexpression of alpha-Synuclein in OLN-93 oligodendroglial cells is not cytotoxic and not affected by HSP70
- A possible role of heat shock protein (HSP70)
- Anti-HSP70/HSC70 StressMarq Catalog
- Serum HSP70 Level as a Biomarker of Exceptional Longevity
- HSP70 is differentially expressed in cattle and sheep leukocytes
- Construction and expression of HSV-2gD-HSP70 fusion protein gene
- Exercise induces HSP70 in endothelial cells of the coronary vasculature
- Family of HSP70 Molecular Chaperones and Their Regulators
- Effects of+ Gz Exposures on Expression of HSP70 Protein in Rat Hippocampus
- HSP70 level in the leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris intoxicated with cadmium.
- Effect of heat and BPDE on the expression of Hsp27 and HSP70 in A549 cell line
- Mycobacterial HSP70 Is Efficient at Generating Antigen Specific Human CTL Responses
- Characterization of the HSP70 co-chaperone HspBP1 in brain tumors
- Investigation of HSP70 functions in Physcomitrella patens chloroplasts
- Effect of a 100mT Static Magnetic Field on HSP70 mRNA in HL-60 Cells
- Cloning and Expression of HSP70 and 90 mRNA from Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus
- Investigations on the anticancer effects that are produced by HIFU induced HSP70 expression
- The HSP70 Release Regulates the Immune Response of Tumor Cells in PDT Treatment
- Relationship between expressions of HSP70 and HPV16E7 protein in human laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
- Construction and identification of a prokaryotic expression plasmid encoding HPV16E7-HSP70 fusion gene
- Thermal tolerance and expression of HSP70 in larvae of Diamesa spp.
- HSP70-NP Recombinant Protein Enhances HTNV NP Specific Cellular Immune Response in vivo
- Effect of Medified Xiaochaihu Decoction on NF-kB and HSP70 of BRL Cell Induced by Cisplatin
- Regular paper The GC-box is critical for high level expression of the testis-specific HSP70. 2/Hst70 gene
- The Assessment of Anti HSP70 Antibodies in Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia.
- Chemical stress-induced HSP70 protects against L-arginine-induced pancreatitis in rats
- The Role of HSP70 and Its Co-Chaperones in Protein Misfolding, Aggregation and Disease
- HSP70 in serum and mononuclear cells during heat acclimation in humans
- Effect of Haloperidol and Risperidone Treatment on HSP70 Expression by MK-801 in Rat Glioma Cells
- Tau association with HSP70 chaperones
- HSP70 and Mucin: Novel Protein Targets of N, N’-Dinitrosopiperazine Inducing Nasopharyngeal Tumorigen
- Effect of age and oxidative stress on HSP70 expression in the honey bee, Apis mellifera
- Effect of bFGF on expression of HSP70 mRNA in cerebral tissue during cerebral ischemia in rats
- Long-lasting in vivo cytolytic response of NK cells against HSP70-positive tumors
- Differential Effects of HSP70 Inhibition within the Tumor and Microenvironment in Multiple Myeloma.
- Research progress on the DNA vaccine of HSP70 fused with tumor antigen gene
- HSP70-containing exosomes-potent stimulators of the innate immune system (50.19)
- The Effects of Acupuncture on Myocardial Cellular HSP70 mRNA in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
- Expression and postmortem stability of HSP70 in hippocampus of hemorrhagic shock rat
- Anti HSP70 Antibodies in Untreated Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
- A Study on the Mandibular Development of HSP70 KO Mice Exposed to Hyperthermia During Pregnancy
- A study on the expression of HSP70 in endothelial cells pretreated with ethanol and fluid shear stress
- The effect of HSP70 over-expression on global changes in protein phosphorylation in heat-stressed cells
- Identification with 2D-western blotting, extraction and antibody preparation of HSP70
- Antitumor effects of dendritic cell vaccine pulsed with HTA–HSP70–BCG in vivo
- Serum Levels of HSP70, a chaperon for Protecting against cellular injury, Are Evaluated in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis: Association with Fibrosis and Vascular …
- The effect of the rate of rise in core temperature on serum HSP70 during exercise in the heat
- Differential effects of Hsc70 and HSP70 on ENaC expression in epithelial cells
- Network of HSP70: J‐protein molecular chaperone machineries
- Cellular localization of HSF1 and HSP70 in skeletal muscle following acute exercise
- Validation of a dual reporter system for in vivo heat-mediated HSP70 expression in prostate tumors
- Inducible HSP70 Protects Radiation-Induced Salivary Gland Damage
- Construction of replication-deficient recombinant adenoviral vector carrying HBsAg and HSP70 chimeric gene and its expression in vitro
- Structural and biochemical studies of the Caenorhabditis elegans HSP70/Hsp90 chaperone system
- HSP70 and Hsp90 expression in citrus and pepper plants
- High Levels of Circulating HSP70 Levels in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and Correlation with Resistance to Therapy with Imatinib.
- Anticancer therapeutic effect of SEA-linked and membrane-bound HSP70-expressed intestine-carcinoma vaccine
- Differential Effects of Hsc70 and HSP70 on Murine ENaC Expression in Epithelial Cells
- Effect of antibody-blocked HSP70 on the expression of BDNF in injured astrocytes
- Entropic pulling: how HSP70 chaperones translocate proteins through membrane pores
- Genetic organization of the Meiothermus rubber HSP70/ClpB chaperone system
- Assessing viral vectors as gene therapy agents and the study of neuroprotective effects of HSP70
- The involvement of PKD1/PKCm in hypertonicity‐induced HSP70 gene expression via TonEBP/NFAT5 regulation
- Development and validation of a highly sensitive ELISA method for the quantitation of HSP70-a tumor biomarker associated with Hsp90 inhibitor therapy
- Decreased Expression of Inducible HSP70 Under in vivo Systemic Glutathione Depletion in the Mouse Retina
- Lysosomal exocytosis: a mechanism for hyperthermia-induced HSP70 release from prostate cancer cells
- Effects of the disruption of the HSP70-II gene on the growth, morphology, and virulence of Leishmania infantum promastigotes
- Mechanism of allosteric signaling in HSP70 nucleotide binding domains
- Expression of HSP70 in mdck cells induced of compound of secretion to T. Spiralis nematode
- Expression of stress proteins of family HSP70 in response to cold in Myrmica ants from different geographic populations
- P0118-Pharmacogenetic of DTNBP1 and HSP70 variations in the bipolar acute treatment with mood stabilizers
- Association between HSP70 genotypes and oocytes development on in vitro maturation/fertilization in pig
- Dynamic changes of HSP70 mRNA expression in liver tissue of rats with traumatic shock and the treatment effects of glycine
- The single cell analysis of HSP70 expression on tumor cell surface induced by PDT in living cells
- Effect of Fuzheng Hunao Capsule on Protein Expression of TNF-? and HSP70 of Myocardial Tissues in Rats with Intracerebral Hemorrhage
- Leukemia Specific Humoral Immune Responses in Immunotherapy with Leukemia Cell-Derived HSP70 in Mice.
- PKA regulates HERG synthesis and interaction with HSP70
- HSP70 variations in the acute treatment with mood stabilizers in patients with bipolar disorder: results of a preliminary work
- Effect of ischemic preconditioning on pneumocyte apoptosis and the expression of HSP70 during pulmonary ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats
- Chaperokine function of recombinant HSP70-Her2 fusion protein produced in insect cells using a baculovirus expression system
- The effect of stocking density on HSP70 and HSP90 in Broiler chickens
- Prokaryotic expression and purification of fusion protein HSP70-EGFP and its application in the study of dendritic cells internalization antigen
- Triptolide decreases pancreatic cancer growth and metastases by inhibiting HSP70 expression: A potential therapeutic candidate
- Nucleotide sequence variations in the HSP70 gene of Olive leaf yellowing-associated virus [Olea europaea L.]
- Cardiomyocyte protection by HSP70 and Hsc70 from oxidative stress-induced apoptosis
- Never Let Them See You Sweat: Extraordinary Thermotolerance and HSP70 Induction Temperatures in the Honey Bee Apis mellifera
- Biomonitoring environmental stresses in female endometrial carcinoma versus hyperplasia using HSP70 and HER-2/neu proteins.
- Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the transpositions of P element—based genetic construction into the region of Drosophila melanogaster HSP70 genes
- Effects of Elevated HSP70 on Apoptotic Events in Hydrogen Peroxide Treated Tobacco Cells
- HSP70-specific immune responses are anti-inflammatory and inhibit proteoglycan-induced arthritis
- Expression of the testis-specific HSP70-related gene during mouse embryogenesis
- HSP70 inhibits apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells by two Mechanisms: stabilizing lysosomes and attenuating cytosolic Ca2+.
- Crosstalk of HSP70 molecular chaperone, lysosomes and proteasomes in macroautophagy‐mediated proteolysis in human retinal pigment epithelial cells
- Cell-based and biochemical screens for small-molecule inhibitors of dynein and of HSP70
- QS308. HSP70 Inhibition Sensitizes to TRAIL Induced Apoptotic Cell Death in Pancreatic Cancer Cells
- Nuclear translocation of the phosphoprotein Hop (HSP70/Hsp90 organizing
- Protective Effects of Co-Immunization with SjCTPI-HSP70 andInterleukin-12 DNA Vaccines against Schistosoma japonicumChallenge Infection in Water Buffalo
- Effects of Embedding Medicine in Acupoints and Electro-acupuncture on Expression of HSP70 in Hippocampus of Rat with Focal Cerebral Ischemia Reperfusion
- Study on the Immune Efficiency for General Vaccine Against Avian Influenza Virus Using Human Mycobacterium Tuberculosis HSP70 as the Carrier for Peptide …
- HPV16E7-HSP70 hybrid DNA vaccine induces E7-specific cytotoxic T cells and antitumor immunity
- Regulation of the Sacchromyces cerevisiae MAL-activator by the Hsp90/HSP70 molecular chaperone machine
- Supplemental Data Allosteric Regulation of HSP70 Chaperones by a Proline Switch
- The cytoplasmic HSP70 chaperone machinery subjects misfolded and ER import incompetent proteins to degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system.
- Improved lymphocyte response to H2O2 after regular intake of Sage tea (Salvia officinalis) involves induction of HSP70
- HSP70 inhibits apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells by two independent mechanisms: Attenuating cytosolic Ca2+ and stabilizing lysosomes
- Gender and exercise regulate HSP25, HSP70 and HSC70 expression following six bouts of downhill running in murine skeletal muscle
- Purification and biophysical characterization of a recombinant human co-chaperone from the HSP70-HSP90 system
- Effects of Laser Acupuncture on HSP70 Expression and Arthritic Histopathology in C57 Black Mice with Osteoarthritis
- Molecular Characterization of the HSP70/Hsp90 Organizing Protein (Hop): Phosphorylation, Subcellular Localization and Interaction with Hsp90
- Regulated nuclear import of the HSP70 Ssa4p upon ethanol stress in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Expression of Evil (Starvin), a Drosophila melanogaster homologue of human BAG-family proteins, in mammalian carcinoma cells suppresses human HSP70 …
- Sage drinking improves plasma lipid profile, erythrocyte antioxidant defences and increases lymphocyte HSP70
- Targeting HSP70 in Multiple Myeloma Induces Synergistic Cytotoxicity with Inhibitors of the Proteasome and of Hsp90
- Salivary Gland Radioprotection by Heat Acclimation Mediated Cross-tolerance: Is Increasing HSP70 Alone Enough?
- Crosstalk between HSP70 molecular chaperone, lysosomes and proteasomes in autophagy‐mediated proteolysis in human retinal pigment epithelial cells
- … in patients with adrenal adenomas may be associated with BclI polymorphism in the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene and expression of tumor-specific HSP70 …
- Altered responses of Dengue virus infected cells to TNF-α and induction of GRP78 and HSP70-in vitro studies.
- HSP70 expression on bursa of Fabricius of embryos submitted to intermittent and mild heat or cold stress and immune response post-hatching in broiler chickens …
- Down-Modulation of Shp1 and HSP70 Provides a Survival Advantage to the Ph+ Cells of CML Patients Additive to That Related to the Oncogenic BCR/ABL Protein …
- Endogenously Induced Micro-RNAs by Ischemic Preconditioning Trigger Cardioprotection Through Upregulation of eNOS and HSP70
- Antitumor effect of preparation for colon cancer cells with hyperthermia and/or HSP70 inducer, geranylgeranylacetone in pulmonary metastasis models of colon cancer …
- Experimental Study on Moxibustion at Zusanli (ST 36) and Liangmen (ST 21) Inducing Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Expression to Resist Oxidative Injury of Gastric …
- Molecular mechanism of glutamine induction of HSP70 involves activation of the O-linked-N-acetylglucosamine pathway in murine embryonic fibroblast cells
- Designing and testing the efficacy of recombinant idiotype-mycobacterial HSP70 fusion protein as a vaccine model against B-cell lymphomas
- Dominant negative mutation of cysteine string protein (CSP) J-domain inhibits HSP70 cochaperone function and defines a role for these molecules in acinar cell Ca2+ …
- Impaired trafficking and maturation of hERG K+ channel protein by Hypoxia. Role of Hsp90 and HSP70 chaperones
- Expression of heat shock proteins (hsp9o, HSP70 and hsp27) in brain cells of BALB/c mice infected with mouse pox virus.
- Trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) decreases stress‐induced alteration of HSP70 production and organic acid transport by the choroid plexus (CP) of the dogfish shark …
- Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) induces cytotoxicity of T-helper cells
- Inhibition of the mitotic kinesin Eg5 induces mitotic arrest and apoptosis, and upregulates HSP70 through the PI3K/Akt pathway in multiple myeloma cells
- Protein Remodeling by ClpB AAA+ ATPase Independent of the DnaK/HSP70 Chaperone System
- CHIP (Carboxyl terminus of HSP70-Interacting Protein) Promotes Basal and Geldanamycin-Induced Degradation of Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase-α1 Subunit.
- The HSP70 cochaperone cysteine string protein (CSP) interacts with acinar cell membrane fusion machinery and regulates exocytosis
- Ensure Stability of Defrosted Viral-Based Efficient Immunity and Restore CD8+/IFN-γ+ T Cells Elicit Antitumor Effect via Gun PC DNA3-E7/HSP70 Vaccine
- 3P-272 Interaction of HtpG (Hsp90) with the DnaK (HSP70) chaperone system in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 (The 46th Annual Meeting of the …
- … , Historical and Critical Commentaries on Genetics: Toothpicks, Serendipity and the Emergence of the Escherichia coli DnaK (HSP70) and GroEL (Hsp60) …
- The role of human heat shock protein HSP70, HSP60 and mycobacterium bovis HSP65 in pathogenesis of graft versus host disease and rheumatoid/juvenile …
- Reloading‐induced alterations in IGF‐1 and HSP70 signaling in the rat soleus following prolonged hindlimb unloading
- Effects of TGF-? 1 on proliferation, apoptosis and HSP70 expression of mammary epithelial cells of dairy cow
- 6.2. HSP70 expression in the Copper butterfly Lycaena tityrus depends on altitude and temperature
- [Molecular characterization of a 70 kDa heat shock protein [HSP70] gene in dermatophyte pathogen T. verrucosum]
- The Assessment of Toxicity on organic Sludge Using Acetylcholinesterase, Cytochrome P450, and HSP70 Extracted from Earthworm (Eisenia fetida)
- Kapitel 1: Acute effects of diclofenac and DMSO to Daphnia magna: immobilisation and HSP70 induction
- Molecular characterization of a 70 kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) gene in dermatophyte pathogen T. verrucosum
- … , Flávia Ribeiro, Cesar Teixeira, Thiago Detanico, Carla Bonan, Heather Zwicke, Cristina Bonorino: Mycobacterium tuberculosis HSP70 impairs maturation of dendritic …
- 989. Induction of Antitumor Immunity by Cell-Penetrating Peptide-Coupled HSP70 Gene Transfer to Tumor Cells
- Transcription profiles of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) in Pardosa astrigera (Araneae: Lycosidae) in Response to Cadmium and Temperature
- SREC-1 expression in dendritic cells requires TLR signaling and mediates the immune functions of HSP70
- P-086: Translational inhibition of epithelial HSP70 by pro-inflammatory cytokines through 3′ UTR and microRNAs in intestinal inflammation
- The Significance of Expression of MMP-2 and HSP70 in Salivary Tumors
- Triptolide induces apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells via inhibition of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)
- BCL2 Induces Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling-3 (SOCS3) Expression in Murine B Cells Via Pathways Involving an HSP70/90 Complex and Activation of p44/42 …
- Triptolide inhibits tumor growth and local-regional spread in vivo via increased apoptosis and decreased heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)
- Mechanisms of the HSP70 chaperone system
- The HSP70 chaperone machinery: J proteins as drivers of functional specificity
- Pharmacological targeting of the HSP70 chaperone
- Plasma levels of HSP70 and anti-HSP70 antibody predict risk of acute coronary syndrome
- The atheroprotective properties of HSP70: a role for HSP70-endothelial interactions?
- Crystal structures of the ATPase domains of four human HSP70 isoforms: HSPA1L/HSP70-hom, HSPA2/HSP70-2, HSPA6/HSP70B’, and HSPA5/BiP/GRP78
- Increased serum HSP70 levels are associated with the duration of diabetes
- Stress protein HSP70 in fish
- Chemical manipulation of HSP70 ATPase activity regulates tau stability
- The conformational dynamics of the mitochondrial HSP70 chaperone
- Molecular cloning and expression of two HSP70 genes in the Wuchang bream (Megalobrama amblycephala Yih)
- Facilitating Akt clearance via manipulation of HSP70 activity and levels
- HSP70 stabilizes lysosomes and reverts Niemann–Pick disease-associated lysosomal pathology
- Targeting HSP70: the second potentially druggable heat shock protein and molecular chaperone?
- The kinetic parameters and energy cost of the HSP70 chaperone as a polypeptide unfoldase
- HSP70 structure, function, regulation and influence on yeast prions
- Death by chaperone: HSP90, HSP70 or both?
- A role for HSP70 in protecting against indomethacin-induced gastric lesions
- Identification of residues on HSP70 and Hsp90 ubiquitinated by the cochaperone CHIP
- LPS-induced cytokine levels are repressed by elevated expression of HSP70 in rats: possible role of NF-κB
- HSP70 molecular chaperones and Parkinson’s disease
- The application of markers (HSP70 GPC3 and GS) in liver biopsies is useful for detection of hepatocellular carcinoma
- HSP70 heat shock proteins and environmental stress in Antarctic marine organisms: a mini-review